HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-02-05, Page 5- aiiirorraateefileasseetarreire mar, suth Inhhers, r goods rded 0 mr share of the prices: air e 50e a pair eel'5eapaer 1.25 a Date alt A RT GrE no.n Qia ity" lams r» shoes for teen. ott and saes as In the Rev.) Gaulwatt eel add ktore shadow Ttt stock o have six - ter -.At the list meetlng eleloms e.ere elected in ith the Independent Order Cat, John Aikanitead ; Ivieon; recording secret Ise financiaesecretary. Wm. Jollea and R. -Cleg 0. The Forestera no edge room in Shaffer* eas beennicely fitted me oee. !imaianisensatetonammor 'Brucadoie Brice Ressenbe_erye roerietor of the - IttLeort gentleman Tema 14011.4 me driving honefoa ed a price that goes homes are ittilY money. This home watt ul as- a prize winner at • aad was sired by the Ore of sa many valuable_ Wilder Lee. ta-Aspecial meeting as et Rrucetield -Lodge et Order of Foreatere will air hall on Friday even ibruary leth. All the e requested to be erase tese ot importance is to the coart mealy friends of gla,d to know rroving and or her meet:ate ree "oak& Whe 11.il.4 oeeration tbo othe ilting a rapid eecoveree-- to has been underthe nome time. 10 neve irk be - like hie old Lf eye Le again going 10 S gentleman that 10 et person% and has eery 'save among the reedicai - he profit meat iareely ▪ appearance -Our mere busleeser'quite good for. hough our veteran store, acott, expresses ter t running on the reeks. if an investment in a "Met WIreleaet would help 0 old ship- through. -Mr. ef Tuckeremith, attende° ale at Guelph recently. he intended purchaelog a LI, but 'meir nothing - to ce then he hes bee-lea:eke - nonget the various 'Moro -75 ede in the county, and tBed one front la R. litgr- hirteen months old and tlf a toe. He ware sired Broo. celebratedstock ri being Stanley Queen, a Higgins. This animal ounced by competent exceptionally- good one. .0 be commended for hie -The •young people wbo ntal in securing the to erect a bell In the urch have the mete- & and also hearingt owned with succees. The place and is a netege th as to tone and dist telt it can be heard. IVO ietingulehed for five or catield people were ale doing nothing by harm - id to see the rising gene Wing the one that le ikenhead, of Hensel", qua visit to .our R. R. 'Mee= ted valuator for the tern Trusts Comrany, es Jennie Hill entertairle her frientle On Monday enjeyable tie was . Mustard has several meow on the road thae hustiee and is bound o the mIII.-Mr. G. orthe old country be' reatcare He expects to nt INES dehyde, which rwt only in the discharge of the and mix it up yourself. ne up your animals and perate from it -and for mounds. te on your cattle, and titutes that are coin- ' :optic Salve," which Cures Eczema, Sett ' have used it, that or a short time to remedy, a box foi. clall's 6pavin Cure," aye the Horse," an than b- pesecesicei spent'lhe ,--but Lamo etan ghter of Mrs. James Nileon • am, --Peter Rithble,and family pap; Pas moving meet Ws spring.-Mesera. MelCay & Shaw hew teu th a, tiTxt tOtive in the &nein( bleek and eurpose moving their haidware bust - there early in the spring. - The h of the Standard Sauk- at. haa beeneeloaed and the butde teansterred- to ,the Brussels. azeb.-Inelettione have been issued the men's bible class, which meets iie W.C.T.V. T001/1" every Sunda t at - n, for. an attherite.to be held their rooms on Friday evening of week. -The funeral ot N. Bolger, *Inge, Manitoba, who died at the tome of bie brother, Jame e Bolger* comeaden nine. Meer* on „Monday, took place to 11xuase1a cemetery on 'Thurgictry �Z thia week. Deceased, who was 78- year of ap'e,:. was a former regent of Hum 'count", but bagt lived in the west ter the east twenty-.. live years. He came here about eix weeks ago, suffering from came*, and .although the best medical was consulted, he Tanned .away- aa above atated.--The disastroue fire whieh oc- cutred at Bmerson, Mine on Friday - bight last, destroyed the vlant of The 1110110.11 Journal, owned by B. Liebtype, the grocery of Good Bros., !her: 4:rfn Mrs. -A. Good: alt 1me 'The former lost his entire plant,which wee valued at,$1,800„ with an ham*, Aaee tif $500 -Good Bros.' loss -Was $2,e. OW, with an Insurance at $1,200; Mrs. Geode( loss was about $600-,. With a small insurance. The block - deatroy- ed was one of the ewe in Manieelea aed the leide of Emerson-. 111.=•1111111111111111111111MININE ---eAfter burglarizing Walter Ab,, bora JeweITY istatev int Gananoque,eare ly Banally morning, the 'Ourgiara start- exl one of the most disastroutelira that 1130 ever visited. Genaneteie. ajbe loss L9 pieced at $100,000, which includes theTurnet block and the Grand Opera Emma a Me* theatre,. both deetroyed. . --Faxon receipt ct a 'telephone MGM - sage tram the .chief of police at Lis. - towel on Saturday. Chief McCarthy, of Stratfoeil, =Tested a *young man by MO name of jambs Smith on a -charge ot obtaining goods on &lie etretencea. ;Ms father, who is a rA.sident of Strate - ford, tried to adjuat raattere with, the cantiatreent, but could not do so, -acid an officer arrived from lAstoWel to take the reliever beck. Yeaesial,ei, aged. 80.:bleson; vavtin, 25 yearn old. Hairy Ven- tilate, aged 80and efelitta, -the let-, ter* wife, were bullied to death t ear- treaturday morning in the home of rit111tp Vtuneickle, a, farmer restatng estr Lynden. et, the oecupants 04halmefed, and the -building wee emcee desteoyed. The une -fortatatee- were asleep when the fire etarbid, and. It is supposed that they we suffocated long before the flames Viac,b3d them. Just how itE Started is Bomettleg a mestere, hutitie thought At may have been dae to red-hot coals front a stoweto the carpet. Mrs. Barry Vansickle, -with her three ehuI- dren all a -whom resided at the de- croyed homestead; were a.beent .at the 'Um of the disaster, being at TrIne iithere Mee, Vansickle Was visit- Sng her laisbandet father; Wesley Van- • MARKETS. •SitArOam, Feb. 4, 1909. Hall Wheat.— GG to $1 00 Oats, per bushel. 0 87 to 0 87 testa per bushel .. 0 82 to 0 82 Barley, per bushel .. 0 50 to 0 50 •erant. per ton. 22 On to 22 00 Shortie -per ton 28 00 to 28 00 Low Oxide Flour, per ton 28 00 to 28 00 Mom, per 100 . .. 2 50 to 300 Bettere No. 1, loose. . . 0 19 to 0 21 Bemire tub 0 23. to 0 23 -Kaye per dozen-. ......-. 022 to 0 21a" Hey -per ton .. . r.. ....-.. 6 00 to 800 Bides pert 00 1b . ... 7 60 -to 7 50 0 n to 100 Potafeett per bag 0 60 to 0 60 Salt (retail) per barrel.. 1 25- to 3, 36 wood 'Per eord(lone).. -.. 6 00 to 7 00 Wood per cord (shorel......- .,.. 3•75 to 3 75 Horse Market. West, Toronto, Feb. 2 -The sale of horsee at the Union Stook Yards Horse Exchange was rather qliiet to day. There were few high-olass horses of- ered and oornparaftvely poor prices were realized Out of 75 horses offered only 50 were turned over. Following were the ruling prices : Heavy draughte Bold at from $3.60 to $185; general purpose horses at from $/40 to $160; driver at from 5 to 3140; • ,eervietably sound at from $30 to 660. . Dairy- Markets Toronto, Feb. 2nd.-But-ter-LThe receipts continue „fairly large, ' and prices are easier. We q tote :- Pound prints, 23 to 24c ; tubs and large rolls, Me to ; inferior, 200; creamery rolls, 27e to 28e, and ; eolith, 260. Eggs -The reeeipte are fair, and prices steady.. tease lots of cold storage, 26e to 26e per doz. , picked, 24e, and new laid are quoted at 350 to 380 per fehees-The market is quiet, with prices steady. Large cheese, 13.1e- per lb, and twins Ine. Montreal, Feb. 2nd. -Cheese -The local real -kat is quiet and true Finest western 12 1.2 to Ine.; east - :erns, 12ae to leeo. Butter -The local market Is weak with prices lower : Fan creamery, 26e: Winter oreareeryerse, fresh receipts, 24 1-2c ; dairy rolls; 21e Egge-A fair trade continues to be done in eggs, and the market is moderately active, with no change in -prices to note; new raid eggs, 33e to 35c ; selected reteek, 2ee to 20e ; No 1" stock, 25e to 26e. Grain, Etc. Toronto, Feb. 2nd. -Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white, -98e to Ofie ; No 2 red, 98e to 990 ; No 2 mixed, 98e to 98ee outside. Manitoba Wheat. -, Spot No. 1 Northern, $1.11 to $1.14 ; No. 2 northern, $1.03 to All rail, No. 1 northern,$1.16e No. 2 north- - ern, %Age, delivered at Ontario points. Barley - No. 2, 56e to 57o ; No. 3 extra, 54e to 55e; No. 8, -52e to 53e outside. Oats -Ontario No. 1 white . 41c to 42e out ' side • No 2 mixed, 40e to 41c, outside ; No. 2 western Canada, 451e on track, lake ports. Milifeed-Bran, scarce, $20.50 to $21 per ton in -ba outside. Shorts - $23 to $28.50 in bags, outsi e. liey-No. 1 timothy, $10.50 to $11 ; inferior, -$9 to 110. Ssraw-Itange is from 87 to 67.50, according to .quality. Potatos - Receipts of Ontarios were lair, with prices steady at 60 tofieree per bag. - -Seeds. Torauto, Feb..- 2nd.-Aliske-No. 1, $7,25 to $750; -extra fancy learn little higher ; No. 2' 36.76 to 87; No. Ec 36,50 to 3575 per bushel. Red Clover -$4.50 to 85.25 per bushel ; fancy lots, a. little higher. Ale folfa-$7.60 40 38 per bushel. Timothy - $1.50 to /2.1.0 per bushel, according to quality. Poultry * Toronto, Feb. 2nd -The nerrket continues Arm and demand fairly good :-Chiekens, dressed, 12e to 13e; fowl, 100; &wk.& 120 to 13a; geese, 110 to 120; -turkeys, lee to 17e. Lire Stook, Markets. London, Feb- 1st. -United States eittle, 6ed to_ 6e4; eanchers, 5ed to Sid. Gbegow, Feb. lee -Trade is rather more although prices bo.ve not recovered from last week's dr Top quality, leee to 130; secondary, 12o; le prime, Hee; secondary and ulterior, 910 40 100 I . - Liverpool, Feb. lat.-States steers, 121-e to 18lo ; Canadians, 12e to 13e, cows and haters, llo to 1,20 bulls, 10e to Die. Trade very elow. Stoonal, Feb. 2rid.-The severe cold had a depres. dug effect on the market, but prices were firm with • annolvanee in the prices of fatbogs. " Prime beeves tol1at5CtO 5aci per lb, pretty good cattle at 4o• to Set,.andthe common stook at 8040 &leper lb. Calves Bold at 43e to 51e per lb, sheep sold at about 40 and - be at about 6a per lb. Good tote of fat hogs sold atkone $7.36 to $7.60 per 10011s - Buffalo, Vele 2nd.-Cattre-Aotive and strong to 25e higher ; prime steers, $.86 to *675, shipping I6.60 to $6.25 ; butcher', 84,7540 03.15 f. heifers, $1.. es to te,; eerie 33.SOta$5,251 tune, $3.25 to 3G-25 . very gocollittnia* qutllty oU both for philt and for Juoal-101/.11-7, .itlf :a -fere . _ :e4a prieepeatiging. feene Oss- were Oita:- . $6.60. to 1675 .Itelterettioliisgbetarrian7.11517.erue.°1-"areeltar,‘"64art ittille"1 ,were fngood demand itfrom $4 to 44.50. Tho der 1114 ',Alweyeerreemato be eit_erse.ttelte-bricie effetheeitheeeeetpaidat the *ftinanhattlesilk.- choir* bee:het:cattle sold - have -little oft from from tea0 ofidetnigt4.10imio ct aacd quality at ti4.25to...475. Common to niedittet brought har. tWeen-$8 *40.26. CoWtwere ingeled reqiutetr and wer*.noelsemed rom Iut week, . swasrbellesOld it sate st. Teeaereet for hop isvery Meting this week; aedeuyereare paying atunnell as 10.50 to $63;60 t. o. b. Ootattrypointer forrieeteMe. • • - Toronto, 'Vele tut -eaporters-istat Many export eteereOnseder and not meny Are Waited at preeent, 'OwinittO seirsity of speoe_e Dealers say that *tee on ooein -_eteaMers will be :soiree next week. also. Export kiteftliteldat$6 t0$6:40. bullee$4 to$4.75 and withtw were .011 at *6 arene-c:b.o illtit,t•chaerg-15. 15.20, but they ft:1;1:8:08w isztt oun., g. .4.65,10.-;ciedi..iinsa,ani-075tYtaiwcirr'_,1-14$14%errtthtreat:!„,"ilf 201:baddrelnti:slihrtg114; eel *et beeted Feeder and Stocker—The stockers an eeet weighed 1200 lbs., --1 when 3s erasi• I weaaaar, 'wee tea; Plealf6 Iterte teedeye, tfair o 1000 each,at -$3:80tVes tie;''bej'etetilLia. Yee to 9001m' exil, at es.4ato 13:80 ; nieditme.- stockers, -1300 to 900 - lb*. each, at *3 to *3.50. There isenquirytor ithOrt kris* but the -demind for eepoetere has 'put this - oisat_' out of reach of the ordinary buyer& 'Milkers and eltr"ingetat;ieThere was a lair deliveiyea-ndlkers; and springers, for whichhigh preriewere paid, when quality is. taken into consideration.- Prime _rouged lroin$00 to $30, but the latter priest watt iieldenr pad, as there wertieWebovre good enough JO bringlt. The 'bulk of the best on Weisel& at from $15 to $55 each. Veal Calves -The reetepte ofvealwere target than for eorne tinie. P"ticett for " the best of theia were firm, ranging from $5.50- to *6.75; eittinnori to miedJelne ettlees etdd at 43-0 15.• sheep incrlanibsee ?.eoreeptitere.rlecrearung as the Weston advaneetty be- ing light to -day, which caused prices to be finnan Expert ewes, Me to $4.25; earn., $3r25 to *3.75; 'belabor $5.60 0'16;35 per cwt. Hogs Seleete, fed . and watered, 'OM ; *ilea% teat. ears at eountry -pointy, 10.65; aoeta, IG:Per eeLl teeateiteela entateemeateet - 'Births SULLIVAN-In I/101011v, on Febrgary 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Jantes_Sallivan, a daughter: JEX-In wroxatir, an January 24th, toMr. and Mrs. Wm. Sex, a son. , -_ ..Verjp lee* JACKSON -In ainton,on January 28th, to Mr. and Mrs T Jackson, jr, a daughter. ' FR&SER-In Stenley, on January 23rde40 Mr. and Mrs. Thee. Fraser, a daughter. - ADDISON-In Londesboro, on January ink to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Addison, a daughter. JOHNSTON-InLcrndesboro,en January 21s4, to Mr and Mr John Johnston, a son. OARBETT-In Mullett, on January tisk to Mr, and Mrs. George Cerbett, a, son. . • -- yilarriages MORROW-SPROAT-At the manse, Egmondville on February 3rd, by Rev. N. ,Etbalir, B. A., Mr' Wilffrid Z. Morrow, or Seafortb, to Mies Mae: rant May Sproat, daughter et Mr. Janes Sproat of Tuckersmith. Deaths SUTHERLAND---InSaaforth, on January 31st, Mary Magdalen afoKity, relict of the late Charles Buffierland,aged88years, lOrnontbsand 15 dept. mAltubr-la Efferenfiville, on January 80th, Mary AIM Rose, beloved wife of Henry Martin, aged 80 years. - HAER---On the London Road, onJanuary 10th, John - Harr, formerly of Godenoh, aged eleyearti. JACKSON -In Kincardine; on January 25th, Joseph Jackson, _eldest son of Mr. /sane Jackson; of Clinton, aged 51 years. - BIDDLECKeMBE-In Olinton, on January 25th, Maria -Porter, relict of the late Joseph Biddleoombe, • aged 62 years. • • erceowee-At 268 Jarvis stteet, Toronto, on *Tan- nery 25th, Ann McLaren, relict of the -late James McGowan, of Blyth, in her 76th year. STEAUGILieN-en Benmillen on January 28th, Priscilla _Mabel, daughter of Wm. Staughan, aged 21 years, 8 months. BLACKI3ROU0H-aln Battle Creek, Mich., 411' Jen. urtry 15th, Sohn Elackbrough, of East Wawanosh aged n years. STONEMAN-In Hensall, an January 24th, 3..0. Stoneman, need 52 years. MoLEAN-In Safford, on January 27th, James Mc Lean, aged 5eyeave, and 7 months. - SANDERSON-In Wroxeter, on January 31s4, Sohn Sanderson, in his 78th year. - 1301432R -In Marne township, on February let, Nion Bolger, of Ningo, Man., aged.73 years. BROAWOOT, BOX & 00. The Leading Undertakers. Charges Moderate. .11.••=Mf•••••••••• • S. T. HOLMES, Funeral Director and • Einbalrner. • - Night and Sunday calls promptly'attended to.. Residence on Goderieh street, opposite •• Methodist Church. • Flowere furniehed on short notice. 2098 . . Dissolution of Pa.rther- • ship. • The partnership formerly carried on by Reid & Wilaon, as general hard- ware merchants has been dissolved by nautual. consent., All accounts due and owing to the lite firm are to be paid forthwith to the Liquidators, who will also settle all claims due and owing by the late firm. All persons- endebted to' the late Tura will kindly call and settle as soon as possible. • ROBERT WILSON ,WILLIAM HILLS Liquidators of the estate of Reid & Wilson. Dated Nov. 10thee1908. 21354f 'Notice to. Oreditors In the matter of the W. H. Willie Shoe Company, Limited. Under the provunone of the Ontario Com. peeks' Act, at a general meeting of the shareholders of the W. H. Willis Shoe Company, Limited, held on the 18th day of January, 1900, a resolution vies pm - sed recruiting the company to be wound up and ap- pointing William T. Box and George lefoL; Chesney, of Seaforth, Ontario, as Liquidators thereof ; and pursuant thereto notice is hereby given that the creditors of the said Compapy, and all others having maims against the said company are, on or before, the 20th day of Febro.at 1909, to send by- post to the undersigned, their ristian and surnames, ad- dresses and description& the full pareleelars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the na- ture of the security, if any, lied by them, or in de- fault thereof they will be excluded from all Otero in the &mete of the said Company: J. L. KILLORAN, Solicitor for Liquidators, Seaforth, Ont. _ Dated Feb. 1st, 1909. • 12e7.3 1LWAY GRAND TRUNtcRssi-Ersi Winter Resorts Round trip tourist tick- ets now on sale to i1,11' principal winterresor.ts,, including California,Mei- leo, Florida, etc. The New and •Attractive Route to Manitoba, 8asiatche- wan and Alberta, is via Chicago and St. Paul,' Minneapolis or Duluth. Baggage" checked in bond—no examination. For full informatien as torates, routes etc:i appty to W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent A. F. PM:WM Dtpot Assat. gk- Amato*, ale.uallerd.,-1880motr.ote :am= jot. APPetretreket 24, -enteioe-Raid,. -Wall. ismuol.-.-BruOultai4;-- -214'44 ,'AM FOR sebeetoii the Leyden Read; -1 -and - a: -a euerter miletlrom Henson and -Etippenr he- ugLet 26 and- S. -E. Lot 27 ConoesolonerEsee .64:41nytain; Ihttned%*004117-bbeeh-12-4,- ;7.07,...-'*fsupabell-01"Afetolan611*$'7,,;,..lu, _ turo. erehaide. Leer* principally Northern - twonevietuiline Nellie with -windmill peewit. leat&eliotriti,=•27X18 ; two Witte one -Wee° and one . 27e72, with -shed eorineeting them 27x40, 111 under One roof. A teed fat -lane OS reasontele terms. Apply:tor GEORGE PETTleor., Rae 01, Meneall,Onte • - : • -2147.- • WARM lron•SALE.-Vor.Nn _,O . west half of west' - hid( pf Lot 28, anaelateolf Of mist half of Lot 29, and the southerly -ten waiesa of the %via eau ot .the east -half a Lot 29, onIn Poseession 8, flt-0oinprising about .00 .acres. The hind is .cleered.- On the premisee iota smailfrattehouie and -lance-young &Chard and frame herewith/it-one foun dation. Oiturenleat to schooland church and about 6 toilet from the_town of Seatorth.- Tenni reasonable'. For furtherrparelulars appiy-oreleit 29, Cionceesion 2, MoKillop, or addreasGEO. -HENDERSON,. Seatath P. O. " • 2146xe • A UOTION-SALE.--file:Wm.etonteith has inetneets- eleifi. ed Theo Canieron to sell -he publineuetioe on Xiot 9, N. T. R., elehoirie, on 'westuia4ay, litibrumy 10th, 1909, at 12 o'clock, the following Morn8-- 1 draft mare 4 years -old, imported, in foal; 1 draft_ mare 8 yeses old, in footle' 1. draft mare it years old; - 1 draft filly tieing 2 years old; 1 -draft albr rising 1 'yearcita from imported -stock,: 1 draft filly rising 1 year old; 1 roadetek rising efyeeneoldeby Jap; 1 delving Inane a Cattle -One th-orobred"-Shorthern hill lienonthe-ohl, 1 thorobred Shotthoen tioW with "calf at: ewe, 8 cows With (*Wee at fOok.9 cows to •selve be February, Marehund Aprie.9 steers .rieing8 _ Asteereliiing 2yearoki,1 heifer rising- 2 years out, 3 seeers rising' year old, 8, heifers rising 1 -year Oki. Piga-9 store hogs and lesewen litterin March. Poultry --- 10et thoroughbred -.-heneeeVrtne tiott-Ms, Orpitingtores, Raabe and Leghorn, 1 pair of geese, 8 ducks and 3 turkeys. Implements -el new 6 -foot out Maosey-Harris binder, 1 new Feed, & WO* mower, 1 new Frost it Wood Combined., drill, I new Frost &Wood eultivetor; 1 new Massey -Marry disc; 1 roller, 1 hay rake, 1 nearly new Perrin ridieg view, ' 2 -walking plows nearly new, 2 sets -of iron harrows, one set new ; 1 Clinton fanning Mittel cutting box, 1 set of sealer; 1 turnipsoiver,"1 new wheelbarrow,_1 De/weal cream ;separator nearly new, 1 Belittler, 1 in- cubator and orooder, 1 Bain wagon complete, 1 set of trucks, 1 set -of brass 'mounted harneuir 1 set of -Meek mounted harness, 1.set ale& harness, 1 'pair of sleighs, 1 buggy, 1 top buggy nearly new, 1 Cutter nearlynew, car and slings and 160 feat of rope, 1 new .eviter trough, 1 gravel box,. 2 iron Irettles,a- quantity - of timothy hay, a quantity of turnips and mangolds,. - 1 grind etone, else shovels; fokke_ , saw and. numerous other article& Terms --$5 -aid under cash; over that amount 12 turmoils' credit will be given on furn- ishlng notes. Positively no reserve., as the proprietor- has -sold his. farm. - Wita310/4-- TEI111, Proprietor; T. Cameron; auctioneer.. 4e 2146.2. tfILD Tic!' 1909. This is the season to build. Prices* on all wooden building material- are lower than they will be again in years, and on aecount of the email Stock of lumber at the mills, priees are bound to advance. 13UILD NOW • We carry a large and well assort- ed stock of No. 1 Hemlock, Pine and • -Spruce Lumbdr., • Shingles x x x xxxx x x, x x x British Columbia Cedar Shingle x x - • White cedar Our xxxx b:mch Red Cedar Shingle, manufactured specially to our own order, makes the best roof (excepting slate) of any material offer- ed in the market. Call and examine them. •31.•••••••••• N. CUTE & SONS Planing Mill andLumber Yard SEAFORTH ONT. 2146.2 . 430 cp •0 0 P-1 0 0 2-1 t".$4 CD • IVIone3r to Loan At lowest rates of interest on town or arm mortgages. . Apply -to J. L. Killoran, 8eaforth 129-24 MEAD OPII, TORO.bel'el ESTAHLIS, WAX EI, Present • • Paidalik eapital ie$ .0,00%000 411i,EXANDER LATItb„ General Manager Reserve Fund; - 6,000,000 ranches throughout Canada; and in the United States and England SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT'. tlepobits of $1 and upwards are recaved and interest allowed at current rates. Accounts may beopened in the names of two or - more .persons and withdrawals made by any one of thein or by the *survivor. Fe RoLMEBTED,:.Serieiter SEAFORTH _BRAG! BC.Hrimas- manager. . 124 -Bargains - Commenc:eg,,Thurkday, February 4th1 until Wednesday, February Ilth. we : • -= el will sell you these five bargains; Aga dt„--migials erraPIPINP-.4.,*4411 MEN'S SHOES -Bargain 1-4 Men's •Shoes, leather- lined, box calf' upper, -solid leather sole, rubber' heel, Mackay Welk till February lith, for. • $3.25. 50c Tweed Dress Goods for 38e—Bargain 2-50e Brown Tweed- Dregs. Goods, • 40 inches wide, extra fine weave, splendid -wearer, till February lIthi for 38c. FURS, STOLES, THROWS AND RUFFS -Bargain. 3-$5 Black Oppossum Ruff for $3.75.4 $1.75 Black Coney -Ruff for $J.25• $6 Stone Marten- • Ruff for *7.50: $3.50 'Isabella Ruff for *2.50; $3,50 Black 01300811/11 Ruff for *2.25; $4 Coney Throw for *3; $5 Brown Sable Ruff for $4; $2 Astrachan Muff for $1.50 ; $1.50 Biel* Coley Muff for $1: $5 Isabella Stole $4; $7.50 do. $5 : 0.50 do. *6; $8 Nutria Stole *6; $7,50 Ameri- • can Sable Stole *5; $13 do. *0; $13 Isabella Stole SO; $15 do. $10; $17 do. *12; $10 Stone Marten Stole $8. - MEN'S FUR COATS AT MANITFACTURE*8: PRIOES-13argain, 4—$75 Coon Coats 355; $00 Coon Coats *45; $22 Dog Coats 317;, $25 Calf Coate $19; $30 Calf Coats *24; $37.50 Wombat Coats *27.50; $30 Fur Lined Coats $45; $90 Marmot Lined Coat *24; $25 Saskatchewan lined Coafs $19; $28, Siberian Coats $22J $35 Galloway Coate $25. -Fifteen cent Crum's Prints- lite---13argain- 5-200 pieces of Crum's; Ashton's Potter's, Swauby's,English Prints, the best goods made, only 120. See our high. grade Cambrics for Spring -stripes and. plain linens -15e, 200 and - .25c per yard. _ - 0••••••••••t CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. POPLESTONE & GAR D 1 NT4 R, TO MES81113. itelkINI(ON & 00.) BLYTH, ONTARIO. LIAM .1 Up -to -Date 'General Merchant. Full • lines ,of fresh Groceries. All kinds of fresh Fish' Green Vegetables and Fruit. Dry Goods - Our new Prints and Li/ions are now in.. Call and see them M.. .WILI..a..A.MS, Successor to late B. B. unn- - CORNER STORE - SEAFORTH Injure Your Lunge By coughing If you cough moderately or if you have violent • cougying spells during the day or night, you need White Pine Compound with Tar • It wilt relieve you. It will cure all ordinary coughs,colds, hoarseness, sore throat and bronchial troubles. 25c a bottle J. A. Roberts, -C4th aupphmentary Meetings East Huron Farmers' Institute For the discussion of Agricultural and kindred sub- • jects, will be held as 10113WS gthbb Township Hall, Monday, Feb- - ruary, 8th, Afternoon-eThde. McMillan, Sectforth-Beef cattle. L. E.-Annis, Searboro-Seed Selection and destruc- tion of Weeds. • Mae Rife, Hespeler - Address. Rvening-Thos. Molifillart-Address. L. E. Annie - Dairy Weeny. Mies Rife -Home Treatment of Cen8urer:410n. -Walton, A. O. U. W. Hall, Tuesday; •February 9th. ,Afternoon-W,H. MeOraeken--Growing Mangoldea L. E. Anis-einil cultivation and rotation of Crops. Mies Rife -Address. Evening -L. E. Anals-Seed selection and destruction of weeds. W. if. Me, Craoken-Addrese. Miss Rite-- Both -sides of the rolling stone. Harlock, School House, Wednesday, • February 10th. Afternoon -IL E. Annie -Soil oultbiation and ro- tation of crops. W. 11. Fraser Bluevale-Feedin cattle for beef. Miss Rife -Address. Evening - IL larasee-Address, L. Er Annfe-Seed selection and destruction of weeder,. Mita Rife -Both sides of the rolling stone: - Winthrop, Calder's Hall, Thursday, February Ilth. Afteracein-W. H. Fraser -Soil cultivation and ro- tation of crops. L.. E. Annie -Dairy Industry. Mrs Rile -Address. •Evening -W. H. Fraser-Addreaa L. Fe Annis - Seed selection and destruction of • weed& Miss Rifea-School and its attitude to the home. St. Coiumban School: -Friday, Febru- ary 12th. Attentoon-Thos. MeMillan-Beef cattle. L. E. Aunts -Soil cultivation. Wes `Shuttleworth -Ad. dress. Evening -le E. Alias -Head selection and deetrection of weed& Thos. McMillan -Address, Miss Shuttleworth -Evening at the Homestead•. " Afternoon meetings COMMente at LSO and eveeitie meetings at 7.30 teolook. & musleal programme will be giyen at the evening meeting& Everybody wet. oome. Verne and take part in the cliaouarions. THOS. MeMILLAN, President. 2146- 1'. A. MeABreirtUre, Seeretary. Hanging Wall' Paper 5o Per Roll This is not a stook that is old enough to walk -or dust worn through, but is 1909 goods only, and the, latest. Oall and see them whether you purchase or not, if not; tell others. MOS111111111111111169ESINNE All work guaranteed. Harold Graves. Buy No welerwei ....44.4444.40.4444.44444,444tte A store that gives the best service all the year around, naturally gives best _values when clearing days come. It' e the time of all times to shoe up the entire famiiy. We now propose to close out all our -winter footwear of every description and get in order for spring stock. We appeal to your good judg- ment and to your purse. We never carry shoes from one season to the next; its bad business to do so and it's poor policy. We close out, each season's stock even though we do it at a loss. This is a shoe opportunity that comes but twice a year and lasts but a short time. We have still a large stock of Felt Boots, Felt Shoes and Slippers, Moccasins, Heavy Rubbers and Socks, Lined ShoesrOardigans and Overshoes to choose from. All the styles are good—no old stock to work off., 41110.11M.191•2•0•11•1M0 Richardson& Irinnis SEAFORTH, J. Dorrance, McKillop, BREEDER OF Large English Berkshire& wUkeqservI0onLot-28;0ei0p5, Me. the imported boar, Cherreere of tise grand champion ter agleam. Terns $1, peyable at ths r• Vice, witlethe privilege of retaining if newsman'. 1054f "' JAMESelOOKRAITOE, SeefOrth reel. 4144•4440•414.41410444,4444.40.4440 .444tIallet,44..4-404011•644,41444.4selt nom Greatest Sale in the history of this store is 1 over and we must prepare for spring, -1903. Sales -such as we have had come as a matter of coursto every live progressive store. They are wha1.n2akes it possible to keep stocks fresh and up to the minute. We would -.'.and do—take -a loss rather than have good's hanging over, Our great ten days' sale has left us with large quantities of odds and ends, and now comes for quick clearance. Many of the best lines will never have the publicity of print, so come prepared for wonderful bargains --prices cut from 20 to 50 per cent. Ladies Goods Flannelette' Wrapper, reg. prides from $1. to $2, clearing at 98a Ribbons, 5 iBeheli wide, assorted colors, clearing at lSc a yd. A line of Flannelette gowns on sale at 4,50 each. 25 per cent. off all Flannelette Underwear. 25 per centoff ail Embroideries. Ladies' Colored Underskirts clearing at one third off reg prlce. Great Whitewear Sale now going on. Ladies' Tweed and eloth skirts, reg. prices from $2,50 clearing at p.58. Ladies' and Misses' 'Colored Ooats, prices from $9 to $15, to clear at $4.75 each. . All Bliteic and Plain OollOred Coats at one-third off reg, prim. All Ohildren's Coats -to clear at 25 per cent off. A table of Lsdies' Coats—your choice for $1.95. - 'Illeisammtese. VgliamegliloV...Vocamerinfiert ogojto,O. Furs The time has come for nsto clear away our fars The fact that very few people can be expected to distinguish between the good and the common place in furs is one of the strongest reasons for buying where values have been proven and you know what you buy. We are clearing our krs at from 25 to 50 per cent. off. But the discounts alone do not represent the real values, as one gar- ment to some people may be cheaper at 25 per centa than another would be at 50 per cent. off, and because of these conditions actu.al comparison. is of the greatest value to the customer iii making a selection. 10 Men's Cailadian Coon. Coats at $20 s coat les than reg.prioe 6 Men's Australian Coon Costs at 810 a coat len than reg.price 6 Men's Wombat Coats at $10 a coat lege than reg. price 12 Men's Dog Coats at $6 a coat less than reg. price 4 Men's Calf Coate at $9 a coat less than reg. price Ladies' Fur Coats in Astrachan, Electric .Sea1and Greeniand Seal, reg prices from $25 to $36, clearing at $15 each Near Seal Coate, reg. price $36.75, to clear- at 827 Near Seal Coats, reg. price $56, to clear at $38 All other fur coats at 25 per cent. off. Ladies' fur lined coats, reg. prices from $35 to RN clearing at from $26 to $58.50 25 per cent, off all mall furs. Men's Overcoats at from 25 to 50 per cent. off reg. pr1ces Any Overcoat in the store at 25 per cent. off. Many lines at half price. ANNOrtKOrpt.t- *OfgasliVa*AtlaiNgitWpOMpattlget Staple Dry Goods A few ends of Wrapperette and print worth 10 to inc, on sale at 6 1-2c, • A few pieces of Towelling worth, from 7 to 8; clearing at 5c: 15 Table Covers worth $1, for 63. 20 Table Oovers worth $1.35, for 95c. 12 Pairs White Bed Blankets worth $3.35, for $2.69 a pair. Big Bargains in Flannelette Blankat Dried Apples Wan ale9MIE.111111111050•0911111111 tt,t.fttT4MIPTteisikiviifsisimant1011,111111.10111101011.4 Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs Omer :KJ& -sad eta, Seeforth