The Huron Expositor, 1909-01-29, Page 8--1 u L p.- 27 7� U - AN T Ili$ tir uybt-- writtIft A'sortmelat -of V land lobe at an ex t t6 to pec I *w6I gn W.W OW W� I - -city. TW 4140�tnff t1w- %&MANY, I -6rji, 77 -non on - - - VXMI ike viw-ti of, thi ih Gift. ftAQnWVI­- AU4 SAU0, rs"now Tra"Iterol-The bm*lsta W 'Pro W. ik" lb be--tbe -boo 'emear Autt ft that bh* ille M -T -XII.- 4 -iftt t get coMmodioug brIck, bouAe thla- "fiftil Ufa- a ebtbr, "Ibir week Oy V. -son be reseted -own ptloeI Vi Orr, e-, v MI -A A. Wl Stoble W0* -:,B time. -4,T& AND ibis" 10a w -retei-yed i. fresh. #.upply en nc of fla- tt a P6 ' sect wder -,h t t of,,_ e lie 6. 41,d] LL *6 guitiantee. N Batts T 1"4d= to tiolleve xj� idhin Met, t abrbak er Uu ville -WIN,, own be an eirp �Ad "Elbo% ft' 'Oirehoz - d 206 'Id to Ing- tn calto" a t it. * ;_ -Ar 4100, stove., Abilenei, teln- ls�lai ineettage here are 8144yes untl the V re -W, Tag 'ba -the 1 Th"e -nwgea are up;to date M d crowd 11910, .9 -if'- DrIoes ar,d-, good goods. ttended an good Is being mee a- for tho-­A- �Iqum ..we ar sure -of success,- 4#he. Naid SVnday evening they will we. are showin w 4y And bkve exchisive. fe ature's thit or� A 3. Wr buyero. Viete '01I hand� Will Ad it, e� well a on , a ra' taireadv W -heat, to -191 th'e'va* �a�nd­ vd dod al' hi�-ie a lane stock of Clow. -Rev. Mr. Smafl,- of BlTtb� took -cancy- on the: totincit boaIT4 w- an eld 40rW01t bouglht-­mui. A- -n the Presby- 10,ov. es, and many. styles ta choose t charge, of 'the meeting I very."newest -a KftdaYe� -K 10it# but -did -not oer . wefe- tin �sselii 011 'an Tuesday bvenIng.- # man* -v of the We lave stoves, at prices to MM ri Ott *Ian chueb 9� mem -to orbiate James Hill sit -from her arantee every at*d1nk the weddin "of Uro HAR DOUGOWT -.kro, had a vi - suit all poQketa ana- glu -Inte tat' Four b t ABER T h-in'o made :Ln Prints & `Caf- gea Pink— SEAWRTH of Tokoriato, this week. sfdve we amd out. - E ge- ld iftoy� 41 ritford,. a;hd f6r rly of' T-4� -Bor, jqlft GrIeveii T. Age4t'f0V'Up;to-date Trusses, 41id 11(�'p j4!tW . Two:dt iliJ�-Iialve ReataRX- Wh4n-law - of R. Ginghams for spring., 1909 we are, offerm 71endid value -in- medleir, Chisehurat 'an -an opera No -Compound oo d. Grieve; a4d tion, yringes, vels qualif underwelit Halt gs4n%ble R ma And Sho-1 Ied- Messrs. -BO 0 tt - Ot gol.03 SDld.-FKrrners Who have the k -KoUday I the Stratto :hospitil. 1114fri-ends W �q 01, the voftg will take TIace o rd + 'I Lanterns, etc. --UT '�w b6 �ad W-pod0`,PhqsVbodine, good plemm abd Judgment to -second MT. next, at tile "Umal, pjaces. a, Ili pleas6d, to khow, bowqy-� T. X'Ber"'is efforts to -Improve the -is dblng yery.f4vombly --Leave your. orders with us foithe daTd -of Canadian.* harses will be J -Celebrate& SusquIahaiiva Coal_ It- CDMIng''to Strattord.-Rev. vnoerjhe� o matances; .. 4The many orector ot. St. grloAda- bt, .'miss - X 16 ft d 11ar- -foUT 'years Was eem1ftgaged with the Vv4l I*w4pded for their trpuble -&!a the ng e gives, Satisfaction was. Of following W LU , " Um- PuT yi. Tegret .. o .4 of her engin6ert - d pa�rtme4t of tte Grand ThamaO churdli. SW.24rth, for, a Im Instance will, i4h Mr. Drover bag disposed of -a two year old Lif bar f Ayewris, �ut who'hhas beft, Oeath,.: *hidh occurred -on,- Thursday, Tr -nk jhZIfIc. at this sotat, both an filly i4mith We xecomM6�id both Crums' t� Mr, Nott, of Tucker, for -01 LIN -Chatham JoT foirv,,yeam - lias eez if -Ar A jnoTolng.' Wn lik -feA(10-alt and assistftt� engineer, $275. :This colt Is off that L famou's -;oiftked "ctqr of St. 'Paurd dhureb. :6 poor'health-I& opme time.' -Ther -funeral reftoW to aftopt Ltho "sitianoi 44 oon",. and Graftns finished Prints one orw,. Gartley took the. stratforg. St. Tiur - thur0­ Iri a - M411- t46 'Place on Situr&yo,at traCtOI anglueer for Tames L Stewart timt PrI226 at 9%frtIf ond Zuich to cuistomers — both lines are L ve vely inew me, with a 014 to - AP- Clinton cemetery. -Mr. '4 Cb�mpAlny"Who U4' the contract 'or fAITAUI930 firstXid. silver ir�edsl a :Iwrg* t #%rdwarw Stoyes and Costl. and 11ourishi ',cangrega�t Fores, Mr., Harry Town,, ',the cQA*ructIaU?of the large- G'�T.F. eb-ar J-1 fully. guar, eed' ing It ant -it , 'Hod 1# JUL aforth Wift ad LMr. Drover- been, ablez to a ckson, vI Is well aging MWAY jrienC ck jgaforth� wh6'ha-ji. beew egwgedln Mr. JA Me dd the woTd Imported ue could eaily be -yleased Ito, le&To Of -this,.&Vpotnt-j Wobdisitock. fbr so me has accepted kmQ*a In Poet W1 -Wtif ao me WhA Iliam, a pro-, have oecuTed $Coo for hev'-com. Call'y *ilk WL _11n He Will' the �osttlon*ot -butter- 'for the princt- man abd an athiete; lgraetl, enter upon W dufte-0 about the- Vist. of Fobruary. -pal clothing house In Stva�+throy. f ull charge. of. the -140 C2 rom A-6- D. , Suthlarlamd.� vVdd - the� cliam1plon- engine&rIng;-0t the construction work dOU13 The'Turf llotm.-The Mimes McKky and Laiv- Club.-The azfnual meeiftg iship . cup foT Wywridottes at the-ClIns. Althougb--only a - out t Uxanine our s 'al lines of of the Seaforth Turf lub'waz beld toli roultry slibw last wmk.- WentY,-Aft, 'Years t age, he was "nce,* ho- 'have been visiting at the &r]3 will! - Peel Back -In -the Royal Hotlon P.riday'eveTilb malii�. - Int -I eiurning - home this Superiori of Cloth 9 c6avdiliered. one 61 efficient 11orse and Valf Driving in PrI,e.L Truhk,ka IT last, When the _We car -to enaII 'I'd ftb# pofat fibiera V tiVe Waves 4 Atatiltob Flour 4ovm week. -Rev. Mir. Men'ZIM A Tepfese�nta- -1he best -values on 7m -Grand- Ifle of the AUX arrive, and the qualitj Promises the bt st we h&%,o ffiema,I Also' our stock elected f or the. coming`ye'ar: -;Plr, 'o, brad, _08rV re*_ ew ;�re, had -for -some time. Our'Plve Roses brand lee be 34-6' �aesumed h1a mblee s n y den't, G. E. Hendersm;'. V104E� D. ca,�es and poetry, -is -the best made in Canada. Idu 'this rpo-Antrig.-, School, gave, tw6 vv� trite in 110tRe of sta -on Blankets is coin T ' ties rest g ad Fastu as i Color Desirable CaMno Broe., go dI - 1�dth TOgard to French - Evafa- 'plorth, plete, Headqua'rters for Pinkey; trea 0. Parkes; gelizatim in t -some � of our good flour ind satisfy yourself hrch secre-ary, K. Broderick; directors,. W. Try HU'llett. that It is just. a little better and �herthvkn Robe gvenlock, C. H. 'Boadfobt, J.. Dick, 21 last SundNy. moVnIng and evening, a;nd F h 'ea 'Features what lVeIrgalak 6-1 Be'a'u y iniA you are now usin.g.- -W. E. Farm Retated.-Mr. Wm- Morrison was liatemed tob ,W hho­ Teated 190 acres of lite land -on UnOW at both services. -Mr. Will in Galloway Biattop, Mongolian F. Klig, . Cudm6re; auditoI Sldughter.Ue.of Wall -Paper Remnantai from 10a y very attentiveaud la hen yo Dog, G*aat aiid Imitation Hills -amid J, C. Greig. The annual nd hung free of charge. Tames Graves, tWTd cofteeWIft -to. Mi.. J. Parker ty of W -the third week -2 Crawford departed Afilh - life - on Buftlo. The best made at. race mveet will be lield ge"11111I . . I L , 2145 of Qodfticb towmishi Ron- V Patterns- f pairs of Cleo. A. $later shoes � � � jpi � for a term of arie 0 U --re of vf SuiIn JUne'I it 'IfiLel not de- Fifty, IParker will t- e day �eventng UPI MT. Crawford ad lowest pricese I have, t orL e$3*2,5 and.83 6* &pair 60sh - rdgularprices�A been a Isutf er a mwes, and vaI - special -val- cided- whether they- wJJ- an solo) op. thqe, hitimbif;,, but m6 Ily er from he rt trouble for :It0ert the farm will be three, dayw� racing. posil itor offt , ce' w Irk by ater, some time,,�and.bte death, though'not U06 and largeA assortment. M( Durability in. Wear theso A little Poultry Spice and a, low Oyster Shells dotVt expected to suddenly, VMS zo, gr A' 'UhIque Gift. -UT, liens lay. W.E.Kerslake. 24 ,Vn Morrison A. E. For cost much but 1 surPrise o, his many friends. . . . . . . S arem tor blo,%ft 'use.. There doesot qt Houghton, Michan:vnd ODn Ot 2146.1 11RODER 9MM,.tor be much difficulty -renting W. A. For�� ot MeKillqp; bag --re-, Dr. Forster, of Stratford, specialist In Asesses-of Brucefteld. Unequalled Value— Prints the e�e* ear, pose and tbroat, ivill be at the Queen% -good* farmo. Not" CfhLo&p 19jonwo Store c*ntly- made.'a ulAque to he Rote Seaforbb, ow Monday,,February let, from U Yourchanceof alifetimeto ivear a pair of the -L T11,8e V d -Hotel, eaf, Pythis- loft acrn. to 4.80p, m.. Taira (pricbs a d -0, 45 at htp of. -a tn' Sea- 2146.1 famous Geo. A. Slater shoe We will sell 5 Oppoeft Commerch orih �t Tualteranflih, on soles) #S.b V, $4. 50 and 'lietween Brucefield and Clinton fmtli� It 10 in thet form' of a gavb, :- Coat LoBt-.Lost 4" Sweeping Reductions 6n all Winter Irootwesr. M75i 83, 83- 5 and$3.50 a pair cash. Robt. W16:­ usea th4 a buffalo coat. -Fincler will be- re%%4rded: on leavin made tram the blackboard 9 CleAring We be& January -sot] on Saturd opposite Expositor office. 2U6-1. ra T a" J. W. ReldIa store, D cetleld. -G. wilife opposite An, Udge 214072 oTomph L.- Yule- A.T. 00-'M school In Eagle *,here. bommoiclaViotel, Sentofth. 61d---M)r.'Wm. Berry 'hag sold f We Uve lots- of people drife miles to gat some of 2146.1 the fine 'young Sharthom bull he had Rahboner.. once tauglit. Jude Af. our good oatmeal -none like it. W. E.. Kerslake. TKI&ORM OF PIANO , -was - M founder verti0ed In The Expoattor'last week, bame �of the order, 2146.1 MeW End Kot�&-86me, ot t1fe far- ad men S Honor GJadU%teotT0=t0C0V"Mt0" of XUJ&.� and, it Wao While Obbo6l at Why Five -Roses Flour is.the best. Once you WR merP fil8re t00k adv&I Of the to Mr. 36mgh GAmbo, of Hay, for Some wonderful, -v - al u, e,.s in Pupil of Dr. A. & Vogt. Eakik, , M1cbiga^. that b6. wrote 'the Five Rows, you will buy none othcr. Sold 6y Car& - o"q! -weather .*And - did, - loome 'Plowing. This to a fine young Atimal, -twelve Residence: Mrs. Allan McLean, Goderloh 2146-1 and: 3ftii� H: .�Zro,., Seafokth.:, Carter Vnte tried months old, and well worth the money. 2117 ritual of the society. This* gay6lbas 'the fina:1 Clearano'l-e of our- - interest for the choir OUTdifter's d Mr. nerry aa�ys It oertaW.y ays tD at 4a3O Black 09V -V a peculiar bigtoric UY - evening OU-16st WwkI.,­Mtr� Ed, advertise In The ExpoI Even. at- K Pa., and t1iR. Reatoft lodge tesa Mangeable LWe9Jt1w.-We'1 IV this hurch on, Tuft6i Women's Win e Wearing pat -of -'Canada,are-not the only onea plewas, cd Black &a-llow Fdrb" �br -ter- 'he isDld the amimal he has bad ap- tralihn at -.ed to Mir. who sUffer, Irom cliangeable wiWtber. log P5 Ams Ndice jr��endebt port -a - V h1a, home bere. 'I parts - of . the Apparel. V. 13iurgrd, formerl'of Sm-- plicationa from se -vera $18 Blak Dog Cc ......... ................ . county, all of whom sa*' his ad Local BrIets,-The.0taarlo Education 'forth, but now of Calgary; avids us Grand Bend I atn'--offering Wy stoc, consisting faement In The Expositor. De fixed the date of the a copy of The Kbiving Albertan, pub ­ of White. New liome anal New -Ray- artment has Gtan Is ed s ------ 7-- inext entrance examinatlon04 TheYwill lielied Wt CalgaTyon, Jahuar� 16th, in NoibeO.-ULM t v It Mr - `Wg� mond sewing machines for sale at hich is,i*cordipd the- Patterooh'oV-pr Su4da �We� are glad Bayfield, Vve m"mcl On Nednesd&y, Jurie 3rd, rapid clianges tly reduced prices during the c0m- -1-TOOK-TAKING- being completed, we have decided that �Lt 8A5 In the maming. Candidates de. of temperature here. The AlberWa. to leaTill that 91c. William Uollard ia Charity Ball. -The Veribest Club of Ir6provig. -. -We are aI � -to see 13ayfleld will" give ar at-�home To'RedZy seaso yt had a ple it Wotl siring to write on this exa Mys: The mercur Dre-tis m�natlon merry Addison, Xbl1aTd around agaln.-Qaite -Itwas dance in the fowA thall -on the even. d be in, our own interAsts to further redU00 0�0i�tl -the dance laot Wilit. At 6 o'clock Any personrequiring a good, first- Must motif y the tnopectrs before zero; ivt 7 o'clock 3 above; at 7.15 It h"imber of.'�he 'young- ,People spent Ing of Febuary 5th. TIbp, !proceeI took IaU5WIomens Winter Garments, the-refore,wtk Over,^o se-winig machi -- FrIdat evening,"ekating on the river. i,4ass fa-mily ae, w. ould first- of -May.-Mr. A. R. SampI a- S now $8 wao 82 -above; -8 o'clock, 32 above; 9 will be given, to- tjie Sick 'ChUdrenla do, well to call and examine t7ae ma- aisitaInt -manager of the ominion- Bank,- clocli, , Sa' above; 10 o'clock ad 11 -A'wy 'r-evm WX-ntlng a Tock . welf Hospital. Toronto. Comb afnd help ,. that it will be decidedly tpiv your very best ii-n-tereAs go prices. All wichines in WiTrnipeg, and for - eome on. chines and b ftillcd should go- to Wafter Statton.' goqd cause. No invitations will be.ts- fully guarante the, ;staff of the eaforth branch, -,has oWock, 82 above-,. 12 6elock, 30 above;, learn the lo* prices that obtain here now, Especiallym''., 16 xa&t- elL been* Made manager of, - the branch at I Welock. 26 abov, and--vt 2 o'diock H6 to 01ne of the best and cheapest sued. At-home om 8 to- 10.30. 4 -md .50c Men -2 well drlllers Ha It­waja dow to 4 1ft1r rry Word of Appreclation.-At Day - Guelph. Mr. Sampson'z �many - old below; at 3 01CIC ­ 'S Ith. out blaclWrith, Is gata �6pen A I James Watson, friends - here will b - -pleased to- ear It *AO'12' belOW, -ind al"4 ecl,66k 14 In III61d, On Friday, January lRh, the e below. to'r buughese. �He, Is able o do 411 saselon-,01 St. AlndrI church Met of bi-promotion.-Divia-lon Court was -V,Urs—.Cloth Jackets— Se Main Street, Seaforth, held lie -r.6 od Tue4ay. Judge H61tgre- of,bvrw.�shoelng amd'_refairing. and was constituted. After the- usual P Bull Sold. -Mr. -Jamqs 0owav, of business . of 'the session was dis. General Insurance Agent and dualer siding. -Mr. Earl CrIc,' who bas been Fairylew Stock Farm, Seatorth., bao eon Posed of 'the sad death of Donald arate SklAs—Waists—Etc. visiting his- brothers and. sisters here, sold to Mr. John -Elder, Of -Hens&llts- AohIvft-Mry &r . vic6s. MCKengle wwa eterred-to, -and the Suits for in Sewing Machines and left on Tesday murining for 'his home The ainni- fr the � young Scotch Shorthorn bull, verpar§ services th.conin,66tion- ththd oession "heartily and In Ha-rbney, Manitoba. - The jatr�et' W1 -$12 Suits National Oream. Separators. Unanimously a,� for ScoI Gre. Mr. Elder bought bi -110 suits for, istreet. thor m.t0 IM114, G -teen, PresbyteriEd'ebureli will greed to place on . record their very its fio-6 'herd of horthrM. He be 'hold- S4!nd&y# r ' CIMPI committee 'had the Main 'head f . �w]2 Owlse f loss- In he death of their lots of 100 1 oughly acraped on Saturday last, and on en Rev. Ur Odd is& a good selectlon,botli as�re,-' Smitif, of Henm1l, win, Winter Iferm Opens on all the dirt carted away.-Mlps'Mary hao m preach in the ositeemed brother elder. BL's loaltyto -Drice 1,�s to IN gal -do bi�eedlmg ind an Individualan-, MOT1111119 Vt,eleven and in the evening the churdh, . h187 ability to 0ke �Part The lowest Prices oil -the season are at wrk now as the walw- Shuna,ham, of Ciffilton. was. tfie ue4 January .4th 91thIs Imal- Scotcli Grey Is from Imported at seven o'clock,. S peclal musia, will In tbe servtci�s a-dd meetfng� f 'the c;�i aft both sides. His da, an Im- - I,- church,'along with earest p4ety,-made of. Mi. and Mrs. D. ShanaW' .,sC lever to clear these ga-ments week. -Rev. R. W. 'DIckle, "latie. of furnished VY the 4%ol r f - St. A f Arrange now to attend the famous orted Lady Yth&n* wao bred by Geo. drew1p chureb. Kip fel- him a valued elder of fhe ongrega., Brandon, wao Judu6ted into the paptor- bell, pen. . O the Cap Redtland ; his slTe was, Gold- uprightmes caid str ate of Crescent street Presbyiterlwn Lowing WnO I Og yevri ng a -tea meeting UO- Hen, Emir, Mr. Cbwam's noted stock bull. will be served. Tea will be erved C11TIStia -Principles comma-oded the churcli, Montreal, on Sunday evenlng 'MT. Elder �paid a good.price tor --him, fronj ldx 19*. Rev. Dr. W. J. Clark, now, 41- Ito eight, o�clock, &nd- ap tj�6 regAect of all. who knew him, or - A111 Beye uit% so of Montreal,'amistd In -the ser- but the7-best wre the cbeatest, -general- ladPap of the congregatioh are noted any dealingo with- him...He was. -In -veals to U deed a 'brother befovl' a-3 . 1-hn id for butter a d egy-gs t all tiznea'i� ly. He.. won 'the fiTot' prize as senior as libeigo nma Highest market orices, pai XUAUWKV,* VJWK. vimif­we TeXret toleanr That Mr. u. bull- calf at. the Reafmth ph0w last bept of suppere ma -y be expected. 'Af- berO of session Join the Many friends Thisschoal stands to -day without a Edwin, Cremwiqll, of TuckersinlMhas. tall. We boge Mr. Elder -may'f)e welJ tor, the tea been 111 for the -past meek, --but hope an entertainment will be In extendizig ihe ainceirest sympathy to superior in the Dominion. rewarded for this -entorprise and rlsk. held, when addTeoses win be giyen by the w1dow, the aged. mothm the Oster be wiil mon be Testored to his us-, Wearly,IU (*I=- plw'T to be the bes4 but claiming -eifs ual bealth.-Miss Nan. Killorain ren, and commend thern Riev�do. Smith vnd -Hart, of Hensalt; and the child to so d ot U Ake them so. Got our mtst -A Clever Musicialm -The Toronto Sat- p4vidsun and iB�owft of -%rarma all to the. unerring care al -.d keepin' ogue. Read It from cover to cover. See for Iting In Torwito.-Capt. E. DavWn Is urday ..Night Makes the following com- ewo, of Rrucefleld, Zna Gledhier, 'of "of the Great Shepherd of the flbck.- 1 0 Nei vantage# A offem oraj roy linea Yourself what th1woollege is doing and the ad un&r the Weath�r this week, but we PlImentary reference ta'MiAs Helen R. Zurich Hade Will be f umished by Me John Me 1, Moderator. Z hope to oee him aTound agairk own.- Wllwn, daughter of Mr. John A. choir ;f St. Aindjaws chur(:',h T Aud W. J. ELLIOTT, Princ Pal- A number of fakmers in thia neighbor- �Wllson,. of -Seatofth. Ulm Helen X ��Wsted by Miss Gertrude Rart. Vorner, You and Alexander Streets. bood were plowing on Shfurday . a:nd tWilwn f T r Rippen. sa.50 b 0 � 0 Onto. h" been '4ppolut: Monday la4t. It Is not oftein: they ed..oTgwAjst 111� Victoria N0#0 --VM Wim, Cudmom, of' Ex- Presoyterlair, the oppartunity ot catching up chu-reh, West Tarm-ito, -and entered-up- wroxeter. eter, was here dur-Ing the past week, aahn FR suples. with their fall woIrk at the( eAd'of 'Jan �* 6 - DDV Drab'r -Ty, air. bei duties, at the beginning of the B171140. -MM `Wm. - Morfoot aud son, visiting 'bier sI an4 daughters. Xrs. uary.-Stewart Bros, are making ex- year -­Ubw Wilson'i *hb is,' -a Pupil of Framk. left on Monday- for their fu- Cudm&es. mairy-friendo 'here were GOODS Goi lined twielve alterations ind , Improvements Dr. Vogt and MI.M Jessie iamd rry, ba"a -Mr. Geo. IP14 to see h, r aga .-The many AGMT FOR fe tul* 'home tn Alton, Illfriolo. 'last week tl q In V . in t4eirlstores. They 'have had prism already - Abown berse1t a musicla;n of. Hower -spent several days of leads of Mr. Wm. Ivison, of jhe FROST- k. WOOD and ALIP A IrdlIDY " 11V 146.1111.23 Plagot in Enc tops UL EaCiLr allow IR HeMeler.-Mrs. Stante (d LI vIllage,. w 11 TOgret to learn that lie 'Much mamthan Ordllftary.gbilltY, said windows and In the sky 14,hts; -the" well 16 Ithe"'guest of her daughter, Mrs Is still copfined to his bed. A short 'new, congregation of Victoria church- -A tloorrs ikre blelng -,put kn 'and'th ard Jax.-Mr. 0. D, Simpgammade CHICAGO AIRMOTEL .0 1 Ili Ume 40 Mr. IVUVU, fell ON -the W, tn- ey in- have, been fortunate In securing her Vi tend extending the north otore right-.s.,vi.. A fine -new CassavaInt-afgan- a business trip to I)elmo Fri. Jurting ble b1p. He has suffered cm- yi - rq last pr, Ediltmutt. -of NWriltoba, survIve him. from. more J�bAU 6W hundred 9400*" Boy� S Rep - vdrmg p11-MpS a to the. back- to -make Toom foe dielr has receAtly. bqen Installed - In the t1Ay--M160W Ella Smith aind ' Grace oldierably from the InJury, said it BegAdes these he leaves to nwourn his diapmIsed witb, &U Tepsired to, theft*: irxew stock ot dry goods. Ile TAA`y- Ureh. that It Is S,*, ch Stewa'rt, Vt RruSsel% and 'Mrs. Harry Wc" only tn his bed that- loop �, family of 9ii. -Uaw4y ecialty, —WJi Jamea Ing Topm. -which Was DD TTZttJ1'y_ sp RbO a 11 Ing h01k1-Y St. tfie Tink a tew,nights Stewart. of Scott he geto Tellef frm the Tatv. All wil Sask., visited Miss 1 and - ROI of, Nevada; W1111am, of taoWully decorated, that a clood ob- kinds of windintills. ago, Roy Ever&tt fell sind.,broke bla The "Meather.-The, heavy ral-ho qf Millie M-eris last Wednesday. The me him Me.ns-- be rleamd to able to oe Stan'lay; Samuel, vf- Saskate'llewWri; wavver was heard to remaTk c'U-VAW�I shoulder bone. -Mr. - A' G,4 VanEg-, tM end of Iasi week took awvy our masquerade carnival botd. in 'the and out ligalln gDolf.-Owing to Gearge, a Hwy, and L1=1e, at 'home. Ing, "This xenithdis one -of mond, whobas not been NZI for some little siellehing. on Friday. night or rink 1aMt week was A decided success. versary services ta the A11.19 Green His 'Tsnv�ims re laid to T t in the The 4W. WWI* Bros. Barber Shop, years, was ta�en much' woree this ea we 1Bu per which proved to be OP, 13724 8"forth-. 09- -Xly Saturday moraing we were vis- Thwe wao a - large turn out of * spec- chureb, on * Sunday next there;. will - be family T.1ot in Bayfleld cemetery on max of 'the many pleamat and 89"IR U. week, ' and e Is -well adYwiced . In IW by a regular thunderistorm, fo)lqw- tatI as w,611 as skaters and those In no 0mvice In -St. Andrew's . church. Sunday afler6inI wtdtiter they were ble testuTes of this oceasI reflilct4 t(otun On Mbnda-y evening a tea nweeting followed by a laro concourse of sym- 1eld- gTftt credit the hootess 04 y*ars, it Is feared he. mey not re.., tn� Which fttuTday - and SqI vifere ie eat 9 The prizes -for the * b -on of Od cover. TUe mavy 'friends -of -Mr. hke' ispring days. This week basbeon - co'01tumes v06re awarded, t6ilows: WM -be 1hold wbft ato doubt, a I le �Path g t to e - One lot IA . - .# _ Ar izin �rlendis. The -pall bea,rers her numerous assiotan . Aft r VI&M-1 Drawers II01 James LauTle, of Egmandville, will be coole;, but fine, a(nd although we have I.;94y'ft Miss Bella Smith -. gent's, Mer- Ournber from bere v. eo 411 attend.-Hany were 0. Spe`rk% T. JoUnstdn. --sr,, U. I Ing 'the exhibit of beii-utiful,and . RtA mTry to learn- that the suffered a' 110 - siel gaft g I.- tUn, How4; - I I v lefte Line'- glrls�, Mteses. -Winnitred' tn* c ty we -have- excelledt *bee the A In wom iery sorry,jo, j.. Droft7e, A. Iftrray, j. A. XVI 'IY premiats to the bride, thd-temakftft,� 1paralytic is�troke a few days ago.�­ - Ing. learn of 'the death of Mr. J. C. StoI 500 Reece lAnoi WO 'have noit heard of' any �Prev- MI and Jennie, Allan; boyW, .8�er son and G. S. Howard. While walkling along Mr. J. W.. B�eat- 1,649 yeam just like It, but we ' are ris 91baw- abd 'Robert McKercher; main, of HqnsalJ.:, Mr. Stoneman Was of Us evening waa spent In, music U& various social amusemeets. 'The guesUl iTRATFORD, ONTARIO. tivo lam oh Sunday warning,. Mr. codbant wit1f what we, are -having, al- comic, X. ­154rrls. Wrtoh, Howe and t d Ifyi all 6 Well known Wed highly. es eem -hen di rV3115 school stands in: the forefront Ed. Everatt elAw two snakes lying be- 'though. :people - are w0h VV40 knew blin.and the jaincerest, sym- Hibbert. I t opI to theIr respectift predicting we will Kim, Clara Rutherf4d a very -BOVS -m- as the largest and beat � Great. Clearing Sale of Winter Footwear. Com. raLt homeo, after w1shims W. "and Ift* �i a.1 side the drain. at the side Of the PKY up, for thtiv fift-spell by partic- claiely coftbmted couple ra Othy of many friends here will be IraVg bo Western 10 ce.-Ur and mencing Saturday, Jan. 39th. Onewhole monthof NoTris a long, happy end lane. He thought at first 'they were Ul&,rJr, bad Webtbgr� prosPerous o"n' ebr ry nd M . J. lack 'r tur rorn v - Tkie ve three departmenixe to F Ua V �8 E. B 0 ned f a is- extended to bereaved relatives. M C fore part of the week w W. G. Willis, oppoalte Commercial hotel, wedded Iff e. Lwge dead,* bixt fou3id on idVestigation that Marelf. - last year we had fine weath- it -With relativen In Howlck.- r. as very sPrI-ng 2146.1 sizw for 001KNUIRCUL, SHORTHAND, TELEGRARRY -they'weIre only-mumb with. the cold,' till ttW'23rd Of 'Jvduary, *1 up th Redo - Is 7attanding the meeting a the like, and a" a consequence meary of �A january .Wleddin -One - e the SumU simer. for. 9 91rid`he Out ah exid to their cxriber. 'Just, enough anow for alelghing. On county coundl In. Goderich this week. the faTmers were lausy rplowing, hil m st onjo a le meta ne o, a a St. Columban. A LL departments are in charge o y b lfu tin thtltl It'h9mot of ten Miakes are seen"In - mid- thb. 23rd it atarted- Ito steim, and dur- -III Gem ere W Y &a beev you PrIv- 1 y experienced. instructors, and ge Town, �f TDroh-to, wap some of ouT'repidents w . se e io - h r corre5pohdonVe our zhance of A lifetime to wear pair of thir - tbo'coursesare thorough and prac- '1 50 Pa - ­ Us famous Gea. A. Slater shoes. We will sell re good winter. amd SOMe of the weathek wise in g � the whole of -the f IyOt week of 14 the village � last week. -Mips Janie Ing-tlle,UIMY atr On Weir vera:ndaba; aege and pleasure to attend w1%8 (prices stamped on soles) $8,50. $J, $4.60 and 45 tical. Our graduates seau dalrlv It 19 & 01",W4W Of a -fmlld February the fralris were -blocked, ai�nd Howe fell doI some atops I -I Hu"aTo while -the bm�aewlveg had all the win- ebrgted on tWednieodwy last, -the 20th positions. is are- entering 42.7-643,4M26 and $150 a pair cash. RDbt. IV" for our free oata- dowis ajen getting a bit of ftesh spilng tlie tiful hom6 opposite.Ex sit6r office. Week. Write ter. -A f riend Vas sent uti a covy of we were withlOut a mail for Oome daYs. &� 06mlialay'a'store last week, which Inmt.,- at " Eft1lidde."f - beau #0 Zr at once. - te'valm, -0- c(�,Vled bor Ito be laid up tor several alr.-M]2�9 Pearl Moorf, of London, Is of Mr. Sind MM John Knudson. 'ofthe ifotes.-On Tuesday of last wea"k 06" Sweatm 10 2� The Ob -server, pi�bllsbed at Es Fff"OTT galsk., 011- January 12tE, trom which Changes tin License I3oa-rds,-Owing dwyo. visiting her old frlen&3 In. the village. 12M conceasidn. -We irefer to the mar- marriage of Miss- Ka -de Krauskopff. 10 $1.00 sweate we take the following: "Jimmy Fla'n;- to, tha ire-Prr&1n,'gm0nt8 of th� electoral NAM Moom Is a former. residgat, of rlage--of lawir eldest daughter, Ifliss Mr. Jamw Maloney was solemnized 49- 175e Sweaters Ift gat,.6f %okatopn, the well.k1iow'n db0letis a year ago, b ' the --WhItney Constance, A y KiPPEV, and her friends. are pleased Kyrtie, to Mr. -W�illlam Norris, a Trog- the Me M U 1;arlsh church here, by the PW- botel-keeper, died on- Sunds y ,rilght last. GOernment, alnumber of dAangfa have Plobes.-krs., Esplin wad 'her broth- to' have her . bere agafir. pmxnjo young taxtrier, wad, second tort Rev. Albeet UcKeon. Miss Agaft A-11 Knit, Qq* i Expert EYw His C-lid-ritles will keep-ble -memory been made In ttie license boards and er, Maine 'Dunlop, left- for Kifilatino, a.W g azd Mr. John. Walsh grow. He Vera Ao Saskatoon from 11v the territories of � the Reense in- Saak., youlngeot acin bf councillor Rug; or- KTauska on� Tuesday last. The former Drysdale. Us, - all -of this township. � At the ap- the legal* witness es. After the lcere,�- ''A i? Planagainlo 06mer's, Hurion CountY."' ftectori4, make them �confo.rm, with in -Obitu -the few re- Pointed hour 8.30 p. rd., to the mul ipony at the church, the , a, py . 0 Is return 9 'to her homeo' while the arY.-Another of h T, P Service Mr. John 'Usirv.Yn, of Toroqto, and We new IrldInga. In South Huron they laiter ittends -locating"there. - Mrs. maiming. 'rjonmra of our county has stirring strains of a beautiful wec6 elpals azd their friends drove to d*-' wii-11I of 'Mrs.' Hicks,,, of Seaforth, remain- a's - before-Johin Torrani6e, In- SnAll Is mot making the, progress to- J;aowd awXy, In -rr' - g mareb, �played -by Miss HaI, of home at the brideo parpate6 Mr. vur the Person of din, fad �We have had over -twelve years died In T&rorfto o -n gaturday lasit.' Mr. spect6r, and Mjemr D&u 1- glas, CaWa- wardiS recovery that her friends ?had JAIMN Pollock, at the r1re old age of Kipmn cousin of -the bride, the bridal Kra. Andrew Krauskopf, wliere tbe- practical experience tn the oel- VarVI had beeh lir 1poor bealtif for ln.g� and Delbridges, commissioners, 'the hoped for. ­Mrs. J -fast was aerved. About os. Coombs, of Blyth, eighty -live �yeara and five months. The PS fY marighalled themselves under ain vedding break a Am In E[enrY Coombo, of Deloralne, entific treatment of defe#s of wm-ve time. He to surviyed by hW wife diffftenc`e being -that af rth d a d MT d&ftised was boM in Derry Couiyty, evergreen arch, , artistically -decorated, sumset the 2youth a:nd beauty ot 00 - Vision. aind Me M'n, and toL-them *111 be ex- PaTt of Goderldh township Is not now M -jamitoba, visited friends here ongun- Itebind, and at- tile ige otr :e from ' which .'wale suspended the paxle- an h formed a processi of dutx y of all. .under In - (kntre dAY laOt-WhIle W.- Wm. Lelper was Igrated to thia coun tbo . . . . . . ------- It Is: at all possible to prWribe XTS. Hleks veo,io try, anj h7maneal* bell. The mwtrlmonlalt -Pbal- beris and carry�411s, and -escorted roe Toronto to atbabd Huron, Mr. A. Asquith, who- bas begn driving alo -he road, on TueWay, with his 1pvronts, and pet w glamws which will' be beneficial the funer 'tended the- sincerest sympath their J;1riametion ng t t1 d ainx wppftwd Im. the following order, bride amd gr*o�n to their -new ho al, which was held i�n Mbn- Inapector in old -West, Ifuron, will. be last, a valuake biorm dropped dead: Er Cahada, for a 1;e1ord of ten year -9, FIM� camO t1fe groolt, escorted -' by frr Hibbert, where all remained tol tea& we can do it and do it patlst"= dAY.-The Tegular' meeting - of Drl- torector ft OYntre Huron, and the without any a;p-pay-ant calise.-L-Mr. J, atba wbich time be moved to Stanley hiff Vrother )Urf y, who o0ported lilm and sing and dance till bToad dayftht, toTu tannia Khwae lodge -will be held'on commiestmers fot 'this r1ding are -ReillY ie�Tniiklnjg. good -Tecovery after tow!rAwr, whe�re be cleared a home for tbrougb the ordeal; inext came the on Wednesda -'On Wedneoday em- �17 Y. 'Monday eivening fiext.-Miss, Scott, of Aitam'HaTo, Seatorth,' J. E. 11bover, his acciclmt a week or so W. - A Vm*lf (nit of tbe- unbrI lf �Yvu find tb�kt 'your visiod Is -not as fore two pretty. i#W mal4s, 'In- thel­� Ing a memage iLmw V=oI Brit- Belgrave, and Mtge Mcdowain, of Blytif, Clintob, and W�rn. Patterson. in %6rtftl -numbI6r- h fter� are attending the A's 'Years ranged be sold out and mov- dainty caotumm Of white isUk, Elva- lah Cblumbla, brought thei sad 'news good ao 7ou would like It, why rom not call In and let �-us examIne' 2111le at 'present the ..94eist8 dt '-HuTon, ;W. Clegg, of - Wliigham-, Is 'in evRR9*U0U0 - kes at Lobdesbaro thTs - ed to t aery i . lie Sauble Ljme, -11ay township, Bolto;a -and Ir6his -Webtlalvei aedag In that Thomas O�Rourke, ot MOW -11109-I your eyes. ShoTtreed.-Ifr. W. J. M-offatt waA.In. 14rector and Robt. Musgrave, Thomas WeeR. cftdudtod by Dr. Sutherlgada!nd wb;eft 'he orent the rest of his days. Me cwpwlty 6f zldg bftrer and flow- znd -a Urother. of 1-fra. Jobn 30. Roche, Tolrazito -thle week attending the Grand E.�Durnlb 911 NattUew Lockhart, com7- Rer. ager.tou� . ebb tbje ipseor, Rev, Here blo wife; 'predeceased him some ar girl, regpoutively, T.ben, came the of Mbber% wao dead. The news canne Ov yriew tor spedadles are* v6ry Chapter of the Riyal Arch I -MeawnisiL I m1sWoners Mr. Currie- Muc)i good Is rePorled be- thrm �yeara. ire was a man Who, was second brid 'Nfies Iteminef, of so a � great surprise =d bis parentS, I The county council to In session Im-1 Ing 'done. -Dr.: Slown, of Tor raoderate. Onto, haA �hclld In the very highest esteem, by Exeter, Atdd gracefully took- ber pa- bi!okhh" - amd slet4ra bave the SYB* GodeAch this week. Mr.' Peter . La- I 4dVancing.-The many -triends oU returned after paying his sister, Kra. all: v&o bad the, �Prlvfffge of his ac- 9tI0% and 1819, but Aot least, WpI ;athy of ever-ybody.-Mr n. cbmle,oae Mont, the genial 'reeve ot Ray tqwn- Mr. , E. R. 3aclawn, brother of tjie, Snell, lk v1sit.-Mr. losep"K quaintahm. He wao a, PresbyterlanIn ed the berolne- of - the ow-&-ldonv the at the woe obliging aind -poptflar. Aw. tihip, Wk am elected Wi-rdft% We eon- -Meilsrs. J`Wckson Dr�m.,. of Seatortif,. !has lrciturned� to 'ho h, ome b rellglan, aAid, While able,' vrm ever beautiful bride elftt, Ututeoviiely azd t1onmastem on the died At F. DALY congratulate Waxden Tamont,--'He will kiso Clevelavd,,-'Wie are Wrry to learn tfitt 1a VIdto Wk.. wtoO iewln- 'wee and ma �ot M.m. IL wl. Jac n� taltbful In: the diftbarge of all.Chris- r1obly attirega Me bome bi DubUn lam X. EIVMV preAdtag RgmandvilK, will be pleased to learn MI Ti, Ads .1s leweller Optidan 'make a 6"able amd efflelftt Inotmaktr�.tivereI tJm�act1VIt1e0- Forl0wardwof thirty -lug dh lWe . arin of ber slater, Mw (me ft 9t. Cblunlbw bsa --a good V-V-Vd officer. -Mr. and Mrs. Frwnk'Schueler of lils, advanibpamt tn histpr6f0aston. VO filer xds,hpA � boped f6r, alAd -is yeam� he wwajr� �-Jder- of Bhke church Mtlf, by, - whom o6e. w,,w sttenda All 4 to )my of Win All ssiacei6ely deplor& egr�i QARDNO BLOCIK SKAYORTH have Teturned borne after spending th6 The:� Timen-Journal, of - Port 'Wiftm, 2i received ­ by Which -deeply murho blo low. f, vqrr. ft-Wford vw In zeadineois, %7e mar his dea+ er �r ceremi th and off holidn" with 'Mrs. Sei�uekr'w father malo"'thID following Teference to Mr, I a ftlenid Irm Mo. --George Marsdon, dators, Um. Wllsoh =4 Mr's 1 �g . - A MP a ably DI Ift" bwer of Marriage 14ce '10, .11wiy JS1W T r. wl. drnn;ad bi Rev, -4. to. jo Ithis' and OWer in DlytV, vntl with Telativeo Uckjwn: R. -R. Jack m Uleyo and one broth- McKay, ot -or dev Airwt vr)fo Tor of, Up It st Oro M.II 00p.WraQi*�; UOU'r -�e Ml0 Well a- plI J A