HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-01-29, Page 729, Seentetrerereiterearfteare- s 4.--srped when I had taken y two hoxee that aerteed to experiame S. 1 kept ma tlsethsat- nt, however, and taking five boxes was cured, and -when I appeared en the street rey Mends said, "The dead has come to life." And thia seemed - literally true because centairly wasat death'sdooiaBlit now 1 can work almost as well as ever I could, an go camping and berry -picking with the girls. I will be glad if you will publish this stinionial, if it will 4er the interests of itt1FtiYC$." They Id ;be in every house - y truly, ASIES FEN WIWI.- e, Ont., people are ratans action -on the `s. the doctors said she Ise failed. Try them or sent postpaid on meeereeeesecreeeeeetereeres, Ut *ttetWettee tire e it la. ,Like to levk it oye' While 're waiting?' - "tittle enoneh good it seems to ha's' 'done!" returned Wainwright atth three bead e bent over the docament. He's still fighting us, tooth and nett" "Yea," agreed Horrigan grimly, "hut 'a a eatisfaetIon to know it isn't only es be's fighting. He's cuttitig his own throat toe." • 9 , Bronchitis Iphtherla, is a bomt to Asthmatic i . f,ten.t. more effective treertae. n al cure disesee of the brtbing Linens I tLe the remeal, info the stomach . - —firm:ft because the air rendered mrongly anti-, seeee sse carried over the diseased aurface withl tes4FIThre3te, givinoprolonged arid coostant treat - wet, It is invaluable to motherlimb small- - --tees COTISUMPiliVe 'dud immediate from coeghs or ire condittons of the by drugeista Scwd Postal ibel'eelci Lamont% Miens Ce., • heti, Agents, 3iont- 307 _ RE will be sur- a position to nany dealers and we will ind Co. t -t tft- sat ieeesee 141F-4 es* Paste okte alloy(' Mutual Fire awe CgrDpany. essiessesse • ;ISOLATED TOWN PROP e ONLY INSUAED. MM.* •111•06,•••lf: aL B. McLean, preelden Thos. Fraser, vioe-pre* tield pay. - Thos. E. Ham asurer, geatorth -Wm. Chesney, Sentorth; levet Winthrop; George ; John Benneweirea Dub' .Evans, Beechwocklq John ek; Them •_ Fraser, Bruce :McLean, Tappan ; James triton. oht. Smith, Harlock ; .!aforth ; Jamea Cumnshegr ;3 W. TOO, Uth, Brodhagen ; °sorts Gee Stephenson, auclitona Meeang etine- ef the Huron Weather Inger- pane- will be held ia the Town Tuesday, February 2tad, 1909, at. • receive the directors' and andee ,financial stateroent, the election 4tt rid mere other business as may be ne he compenye . A. O. SerILLIE, President. E. ZELLER, Secretary. 4- 75 2 cen s ilte bread used in the city 1 of -Toronto rI s nsa,..e from b1en-1 ded flour. BEAL EE.TATE FOR SALE OPERTY FOR SALE.—The farm and town eroperty belonging to the McGinnis property, eft hiving been disposed. of by anotimi, the same now eepurebased prIvsto sate. For further eartioulars apple to R. S. HATA Berrhiter, Sea- ' 20484f OR RENT.—Corafortsible cottage on jamas street; Seaforth, almost new, convenunie, Mahi Street. Also- for sale, new triune house on tde street, near the Collegiate Instituteebeated by -finustie and good atabie and half aore of land. Mk. We for retired farmer. Apiffe to OW. T. TURN - BULL, Seaforth. 213341 TABLE INVESTMEMT& on -lend money on improved quarter seotions of 16e each at from to leet per annum. Only firet ee taken. Apple security given. Torrene tem is perfeco From 030; ule can be lea worth from $1,000 to $2,000. For further *dote= write to nae. .T. A. JAORSON, Barris - eta, Anoka., Alberta. • 1262-U. OPMTY FO ALE. — For Bale ft Roxboro. MoKillop, etacres of land, ou which is a briok house, j been rebuilt, end laeat,isd by aerenaaee ; good stable and implemenk house; also geed hen house and one acre fenced Off with poultry wetting. This te meet desirable property .or a re- ifeed-finener, or for fruit or poultry lam. It is only miles from Seaforth. Apply on the remises or dta Seitforth 0, JOHN 21 20604? ARM FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 'Concession 4, In the Townehip of Tuckersreirh, containing • Mame of choice land. On it there -is a comfort - Able brick house nd woodsbed ; a large barn, 90x52; with steue stabling. underneath ; also other out buildings. It kr within half a mile of a school, and - within three miles of the town of Seaforth. It is well fenced and under drained and in a. high state of •eultleation. Also a geed orehard and plenty of good --wester. Forfarther particulars apply on the peril- - hex or sedreae =AIRY OefF0MY, Vernoirdville 211641 TJtARM FOR SALE—For sale,Trat 31, tConeession MoKillop, containing 123 -acres. This horn kwell fenced and thorciugnly underdrained. This is a firseciasefarm in every particular. It has been in graft for the past nine or ten years and is con - resent* in condition to raisethe hest of crops. It re situated on the Huron Road, a mile and what! eest of Setiforth, birsold reissonsible terms ▪ tr-e-1. Won can be given at once. Apple to • DRPW ARCHIBALD at Chesney & .ArchiWaXte, aforth, or to JOHN ARCH ALD, Seaforth. - 21284? rtoR siL-K-Iot 85, Concession Usborne, • cou. taining100 acres mom or less. Their are on the PrentiSei 4 fine stone dwelling with kitchenand wood aired, house heated with a furnace, also- -hard and wit -water. There are two fine bank barns a Inane " batting on the grounds, also a hen house, and two never failing *ells. There isabout 2 acres of orchard. anc110 acres of bardwooct bush and 85 acres under - estiration and the remaindeir in grass. There is a never failing spring °reek: The place is situated 21e. miles from Heiman, ape of the best markets in,the toady. Apply on the premises or to J. 0. WOOD, Rennie, P. 0, • UMW FOR SALE Olt RENT.—Being 'Lob 2if L Concession 2 H. It. Tuckermulth contain - I .1 -• ing100r.ores. There are on the eternises two good barna- one on foundation, large lei& house with ame kitchen. The land is all first class And is well e needand underdrained. It is all cleared out about three acres ef gond hardwood bush and there are 7 acres of fall wbeat and two acres of good orcluside chinch and school within hail a mile. If not sold will be rented for a term of years, Terms reason able as the oroprietor is going west. For further rtictilara apply on theprermses, or address Clinton . WM. TOWNSEND. 21803841 F R SALE.—The undersign 00 Aed offeFreforMsag that molt deeirable prop- erty Known as Lot 6, Concession 1 Township of Inenstiere, eertit County. There are, on the prem- ises a geed brick house 32 x 24, with kitchen attach- ed, 16 x 25, both in good repair, a large bank barn, 00 x efe with good stone stabling underneath; one fireteciass cement alio, 12 x 87, and other useful bur/dings. The farra is well watered, both in front .and in the rear and is adapted both for vein and eitoekraishig and is in a high state of cultivation, which is veil known frcira the fact that tie proprie - ter bag resided thereon for nearly fifty years, being roe of the most successful farmeny in the townehip. ttlacentrally located, being near ooth church and •Sebool, and within easy reaett of a good miarket. For tarther particulars address JOHN SUTHERLAND, irkton O. 290341 tietRetst FOR SALE. --Lot 15, Concession 2; Lot it. le, Concession 3 ; S. e- Lot 14, Concession 1, Se Lot 15, Concession 1, Huron Road Survey, ownship of Tuckersmith, County of Huron, contain- -1)AV acres, situated within two miles of the thriv- .r gown of Seaforth, one of the best markets in Wee. .ern Ontario. This farm was awarded the gold medal in the terra competition of 1883. The farms have been all pastured for the past ten years and -would now be in treellent shapefor general farming. Sail cloy Ioarn—two-storey brick dwelling house and letchen with brick woodahed—hot air furnace— hard and soft water in kitchen—fine grounds with shrubbery, evergreens and cedar hedges—orchard with spruce windbreak on west and north—good WW1 with stone stabling -80 -acres of hardwood bush, aaple and beech—well watered with spring Greek river. Will sell altogether or would divide pro- perty. No better property in the (Jaunty of Huron. -ma- T. .DICKSON, Seaforth. 202541 JOHN BEATTIE Late Division Court Clerk, has a number of prop • hesies !meals m to rent,. among which * good eoixtfortable hour! on Jarvis Streets Sea -forth, large enough to accommodate a good sized family, ; 2 lots. Will be solli on reasonable terms and on giv- • snag mon as sold. Also rooms to le and a Ettore te sell on reasonable terms. Insurance affect- ed, debts collected and loans made on eatlefac ary seennite at reasonable rates. Call ; and see, *ed. be convinced. Late Division Court Office, Sea - eel 20184f " ?Olt SALE QHORTHORN BULLR FOR SALM —Tne under - t.3 signed offers for sale on Lot 27; Concession 8, ilibbere 2 bulls 16 months old sired by Prince of -Bluff amp.) They will be sold reasonable on time or slash to snit buyer. Telephone connection in real- denco. DAVID HILL, Strafe P. 0. • 2115-tf • tal-HORTHORN CATTLE—Seven first-elass young •t-3 mills, 2 from. 'imported cows, for sale at moder ate prices and on easy terms, good young cows and heifers also for sale. All interested are cordeelly in- vited to inspect the herd. Farmadjoins tower, long dieence telephone to farm. Waite for catalogne, EL SMITH, Exeter, • 1993,4f _EIOESTER SHIA& AND SHORTHORN CATTLE nces SALES—The undersigned has for sale save Int Thorobred Leicester Sheep and Durham Cattle both sexes. Address Egmondville P. 0., or apply at farm, Mill -Road, Tuckestnith. ROBERT man - fags e seas. 137241 QIIORTHORiee FOR, SALE.—Both male and fe- te3 male, all ages, about thirty to ;select irons. These are all of good breeding and mos • of the cows are ehoicremilkers. Count Sylvanue 56900, is and tusebeee at the heed of my heed for three yews, and has ezwed himself babe a getter of stook of choice quality, and la claimed bygood judges to be one ef tee best in the district- He is got by the best of Xmcrted stook on both sides ; is dark red in color low set. Any parties having pure bred cows to breed are invited to inspect this bull. Termsr—e5 hewed. Prices of pure bred stock run from $50 to U50, aecorcting to age and individuals. Visitors welcome. JOHN ELDER, Remelt P.O.aod. Statiou., 2115-tf Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the Usborne and Hibbert • Mated Fire Insurance eomparty will be held le the Pada all, Farquhar, on Monday, February 1st, 1909, at 1 o'clock p. rn., when the following business will conae before the Meeting Receiving the Dixec- tors' and the Auditors' reports for 1908, election of two Directors for the ensuing three years„ election of Auditors, and any other business in tbe interests I of the Company. The Directors whose terra of , office expites, bat who are eligible for re-election, are Thomas Ryan and William Brook. A good at- , terelance is requested tile W. F. BEAVER'S, &ere- ta4e-Treaeurer. sositerm de. ?. 142-4 ..11ablawslami,Gi.P.11* BLENDEp FilouR TRY IT Seaforth Milling Co. :REA.1)..AC If E. 1 What Iffeslicai-Skill -Could Not Do Was%Acoommpltahed with Burdock Blood .Bitters. li yon are treubled'with Iced:oho do not hesitate to use tail. It is no new pro - dna, of unknown value, but has an sahib; &hod reputatkau 00101D Pu• rr wow. less Nuclei Wright, Ittiniao, N.B., writes: was sick and run down, wOuld'alwa Kina- aches, a hitter 'taste in MY mouth, nolitinfE amine aet0141 my 'yaw and pains In my bask. manna able to do any house work an all and In*_not ,sleou at night. Several Soden, ~mad me but Ise* _I wan getting no help, sed on tho &dyke of a friend 1 go$ throe bottles of Bind's* Blood Bitters ant thee odboteda comploto ano. S Everatt & Sons Butchers— Dealers in all kinds -of Meats, Fresh and Cured Meats, San - sage, lBologna, Summer Sate: sage and air kinds of fresh Meats. Special Attention Paid to •the Hide Market Farmers and Syndicate Butch- • ers, it will be to your gain to get our cash prices before sell - mg to outsiders. We lead the price in eafortti • Everatt and Sons Seaforth. "I can testify to the • great merits of your Emula sion, especially in all diseases of a pulmonary nature. It has saved many lives that otherwise would have yielded to consump: tion. . we keep Scott's Emulsion in the house all the time and allthe family use it."—MR. C. J. BUD LONG, Box 158, Wash= ington, I. Scott!s Emulsion does ALL it does by creating flesh and .strength so rapidly that the progress of the disease is retarded and often stopped. ittli a wonderful flesit. builder and so easy to digest that the youngest child and nrnost delicate adult can take it. If you arelosing flesh from consuriiption or any other • cause take ScoTr's • „Eidtrisrcasr. It will stop the • wasting and strengthen the whole system. Be sure to get SCOTT'S ALL DRUGOISTS Lot us send you a copy of Mr. Bndlong's letter --his case is really wondeetui—and• somointoest12r1literat12r0 regarding our preparation. Just send us a card men- tioning thio paper. • , SCOTT & BOWNE 126 Wellington St., W. • Toronto Logs Wanted The undersignedis prepared to pay the highese cash price for an unlimited cjuantity of. first-class Soft Elm, Rock Elm, Basswood, Maple, Meech, Ash, Hemlock and Oak Logs, delivered at the Seaforth Seveand StSVO Atili, To be cut in even length, ex. °apt soft elm; soft elm to be out 11, le, and 10 feet. Will also buy Besswood Beading Bolts, -AO inches long, at e8.50 per cord delivered. Will also buy tem. ber by measurment or by bulk in bush. Special at- tention paid to custom sawing. Satisfaction guar anteed. el86-13 s • W. ANENT, Seaforthe : e Nan The flour tly''ALBEKT _MUM TElifilatt. Copyright, 1917, by Oe -daraeli. Broadhurst. More than the mere Ishii and hid price for it were included in 'Ima- goes reasone for his present activity!, He recognized that me prestige as boss was at stake—that in ease of failure I his _hold on the organization would' be comdderably weakened, perhaps almost so intioh shaken as to permit Phelan to I fulfill his once atitsurd threat to tear I him down from his eminence. Vor the whole orgat4za.tion Was viewing 'with breathlesstnterest the chief between Horrigan and the youthful mayor .the boss had "made." In Such circles a beaten man commandiascant respects * . * , * ., * *• * er * a The board .of aldermen were in ses- sion in the city hall. Off the ante- chamber Of the great room where they met- was a small, snugly furnished apartment, trst of a series of similar rooms that stretched away, wfth con- , -necting doors, to the - far end of the' paln , corridor. This place, *with the room adjoining, had, once been . the comptroller's office. Of late, however, that official had changed his quarters and the room /leanest the antechamber had been approptiated by Horrigan Idraself as a stet of unofficial snug- gery, where he could sit at ease and transact business at close quarters whenever the organization's seeret in- terests demanded his presence at \the city- hill. • * -: ' 1 t - Here, . his whereabouts known only to his, intimate and personal lieuten- ants,. the boss was wont to sit at ease, like some fat rubicund spider in the 'center of a, web of Intrigue, and issue hia. orders or piens Of campaign. `Sipe - -of these were carried 1)y word. of mouth through the anteroMn into the alder- -manic chamber; Others he transmit- ted by means' of a telephone that stood ready on the center table, before which his great easy chair was -always placed. Around this table as the board of al- dermen were cabout to convene on the fateful FridirrTon--he:Berough bill's ' final consideration' sat three men.— Wainwright, Gibbs and Horrigan. The former, in spite of his, habitual steady coolness, was plainly imeasy. Gibbs made no effort to deny his anxiety. His. eyes were bloodshot, his manner abstracted and his nerves evidently strung to breakitg point Horrigan - alone of the trio had abated not one Jot -of the eolossal mini and brutal power that were part and parcel of the man's inikhty character. _"When will our bill come up,. do you •Suppose?" asked Gibbs, breaking a brief silence. "In half an hour eir so probably," answered Horrigan, glancing at his watch. "I thought it was better for ns to get here ahead of time." "Half an hour," -fumed Gibbs, "and neither Ellis nor Roberts here yet! Suppose they don't get here on time?" "They will," grunted Horrigan plac- idly., "Do you thtuk it is possible either of them has dome yet?" went on Gibbs, with a glance at the antechamber door. "Nod' ' "How do you know? Perhaps"— ' Williams would have told me. He k OWS where I'm to be found." )`You're sure Ellis and a Roberts will show up?" "Yes." - "TiOtv soon?" "In good time." "But suppose they don't?" insisted. Gibbs nervously. "What then?" "Why, if they don't, then they won't. .What do you suppose?" snapped Hor- Lagar). "What's the "matter wfth you, anyhow? Are you looking for a muse- um job as the 'huntan question mark?'" "Gibbs is naturally nervous," explain- ed Wainwright. "He's not so old at this game as you and I, Harrigan, and we must make allowances." "Nervous?" grunted the boss. "I . should say he ISI Just look at that - cigar I gave -him. He's been chewing • It as if it was a sausage. That's no way to . treat a fifty cent cigar, man! Here, fry another, and see if you can't smoke it instead of eating a free lunch off it Nothing like a good smoke to steady your 'nerves. The antechamber door opened, and Williams hurried in: - "I got Ellis!" he reported. here. and" ---with significant emPhasis---. "heil vote right!" , "Good!" assented Horrigan. "I thought he'd come to time. Now, for Roberts and the thing's done." "The gallery in there is jammed," re- ported Williams, jerking his head to- ward the aiderrnanic chamber. "I nev- er saw such a.. mob in • the place be- fore." ° "That's what comes of all this news- paper publicity," growled Herrigan. "If' It wasn't for the papers the people 'd - never make any trouble forams. But they read the news and then they get silly ideas about their 'rights,' and a lot of them come here to see they don't get, swindled. Lord! If the papers would only suspend publication for one Month, Fa guarimtee to put the whole 'state in my vest pocket. They're al- ways butting in to spoil the organiza- tion's honest profits. How are the crowd in .the galleries behaving?" "They're quiet"^ answered 'Williams uneasily. "Too quiet That's what bother i me. The& seem to be waiting for the Borough bill to"— "If they -raise any row, rush a mo- tion through to clear the galleries," or- dered l3orrigtus. "Nothing short of the. police could ' clear -away that big crowd." ' "Then we'll .havt the pollee in :to Jae ..T As Bears the The Kind You Have Ain Mgr -stare of WS wean= ay she was saved froin an operatbrn by Lydia, E. Pkarhanes Vegetable Com nix& MS: FrarLk -.. Emider. Jy, Ontario, writes to Mrs. "When. I wrote to you some time ago, I was & very sick WOMAII AllfrOring from female troubles. I had km of the feminine organs and could not stand or walk any distance. At 2,st I was confined to my, bed and the doctor said I would have to go through an -operation, but this I refused to do. ‘* A friend advised Lydia E. Pinkhoon's Vegetable Compound. After using three bottles of ittal feel like a new Woman. "1 raost heartily- reconutend Lydia E. Vegetable Compound to all women who suffer with ,female trou.bles." FACT s FG11 SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- ' ham's Vegetable . Compound, . made from roots and herbs, has been the standard, remedy for female ills, and bas positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled -with displacements, inflammation, uleera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear - mg -down feeling, -11 atulency,indiges- tion, dizziness ornervous prostration. Why don't you try it? Mrs, Pirikhaminvites all el0: women to write her for advice. She has guided tlionsonds to health, Address, Lynn, Ma:za. azirsesmniminiwirewiraniseet mar' • "But," argued -Williams, "that would mean a riot, and a lot of people would get hurt. All the newspapers tomer- roir would" -- "Never `Mind that Go ahead and do aoureto1d.. At the- first sign. of dis- apprevals ;nem the galleries have the motion passed and turn the police loose. Understand?' ' "All right," acquiesced Williams du- blously and withdrew. . • -Wainwright opened his mouth to pra- ted, but Horrigan was already busy at the telephone. "Hello!" he called. "I want 200 P- 900 313'. Yes—yes. Is that the captahir he went on a momett later. "Then send him to the phone. Tell !him me, Iforrigan— Eleflo, captain!" after an- other pause. "Yes, it's Horrigan. At city hall. In. the aldermanic chamber there's a mob, and we're likely to need ithe police tq quiet 'em. Yes. No; not 'diet' them, you fool: • 'Quiet' them! Yes. Send us a squad at double quick, ant let the sergeant report to Willlaullit Let the boys bring their night sticks, and tell sem they're to take no back talk and not to be afraid to slug if it comes to that, and I guess it will. Pick out the right sort to send. Yes. Of course I'll back ;up anything they do. Sure. Rush 'ern. Goodby." , "But"— began Wainwright as Hor- rigan hung up the receiver. The boss cut -him ahort "I'll let that gallery crowd see it ain't safe to interfere With my work." "But," proteoted Wahawright "sure- ly it will not be necessary to"— "To break heads? It probably will. Why nett?" 'Td rather ese diplomatic tactics."_ "Diplomacy's a game I never took the trouble to learn." "I3ut •those people you're about to antagonize'control votes" -- "Yes. The people may control the -votes, but we count them. See the dif- ference?" "Bur doesn't the law permit the pub- lic to aftend these meetings?" "Only so long as they behave them- selves,. If a few, of 'em get clubbed they won't be so ready next time to butt In where they aren't wanted. They"— The tinkle of the telephone bell cut shert the boss' public spirited remarks. Horrigan unslung the receiver. "Hello!" he hailed. "Who's-- Oh, Roberts, eh?" "Is it Roberts?" cried Gibbs excit- edly, "No," snarled aortae -elm Di ponderous sarcasm. "It's the eear of Russia tele- phoning to borrow a nickel. I called him 'Roberts' just to flatter him. Go on, Robertell What's that? Yes, this Is Mr. Ilorrigan. Want to see me, do you? What for? No, there isn't," he went on ,angrily after a moment's lis- tening. "You and I settled all that Come and do your share of the— Yes, I tell you it's up to you to make good." Another pause., during which Gibbs and Wainwright glanced at each other in suspense. -Then the boss eolith:weds In a louder voice, over the wire: "Well, come to my room in the city hall, then, ifyou've got to see me. But there'etio need for it. Its all settled) anti there's nothing more to be said. Pli be here. 'Don't keep me waiting. What's tha t? No! 1 won't come. to you You'll come to me, and you'll come on the double quick! Jump now! If you don't— No, that's all. Hurry upl" "Wouldn't it be wiser," suggested. Gibbs. "to harbor the nsa.n by .going to him, as be suggests? Then"— "No, it wouldn't!" retorted-Horrigan as he kept the telephone. "If rd gone oh the principle of 'humoring' folks, I'd still be working at eighteen per sell- ing ,ferry tickets. Take my tip, friendt Never go to a man. Make him come you. That's business. And it glvee you. a 90 per cent better :chance with - him. Now, then," pulling a paper front his pocket, "I-toldyou about the re,. iiart 1 holdMorris & oherringion 41.1i 0.4L11111LoC, XL - 8014140 - The Kind You Have Aiwa Prat= CEfAPT R XIV, rd-d—dEfE first committee room that lay to the right of Elorrigan's office—.in the same relation to it as the antechatnber to the left --was usually given over to dry offi- cial business, and its musty walls must almost have experienced a disdnet shock about this time as Dallas Wain- wright entered from the corridor bey nind. • She was accompanied by Perry and by Phelan, who, passing through the corridor toward the aldermanie chamber, had collided with the brother and sister at the eonintittee room door. "Here's a _good sight for sore eyes, Miss 'Wainwright," the alderman was Baying with his best air, "But is it fair to ask what brings such a hunch of Sunshine into an old plitical shell like this? I'd as soon -think of seeing •Horrigan at mass as to find You here." "I want to attend the aldermen's meeting," eiZlaimed Dallas. "I have a special reason. So I made Perry bring me. But at the door they told us the gallery was so crowded that we couldn't"— "Never you mind the gallery,dmiss,"- Interrupted Phelan. "It isn't meant for the likes of you anyway. You just sit here a few minutes„ an' PR catch an •attendant somewhere an' make him hustle up a couple of good chairs for you on the main door, where you can pipe everything just like you were in your own op'ra box *Amin' oft a swad of high C's." "Thank you so much, alderman," re- plied Dallas. "I hope we're not put- ting you to too much trouble." "No trouble at all. An' even if it was rd come a -tannin' to meet it, rm the original trouble. eater. Besides, the best in the house is none too good for the lady who was so int'rested mz tailing;s. So long! I'll.be right back,'! "What a queer chap he far mused Perry, as Phelan hastened away on his niission. "If I' could take a eha weeks' course In slang and hot air from that man rd be able.to sew but, tons on the whole English langnaga,4 "I don't think you need very tataeli tuition," observed Dallas. "But it want kind -of Mr. -Phelan to look after us. 1. like him be"— "Because he's standing by Bennet& so pluckily in this fight?" . "Mt Bennett is nothing to me." "No?" asked Perry in innocent • amaze. "Then. I wasted a lot of good:, cigarette money cabling to you about his campaigu when you were across the big wash last summer. • Nor a •man who was 'nothing' to you you sure took large swads of intelligent in- terest Look here, little girl," he went on, less flippantly, "what's the matter? Has anything"— "Nol" she broke in, with a miserable effort at courage. "Nothing's the mat- ter. I'm perfectly happy. Why shouldn't I be? An engaged girl is always"— "An engaged girl!" he shouted ill high glee. "You don't mean to say you and Alwyn"— "Of course not. I am engaged to Mr. Gibbs." "Good Lord!" gasped the lad in hon- est dismay. "If that's meant for a joke, it's the punkest ever! Did'— "It isn't a joke, Perry, and It's very rude of you -to talk so. 1 am engated to Mr. Gibbs, and"— • "But—how—wheu did the afrocity come off, and"— • "I became engaged 'to him the night of the administration ball. 1 didn't want to tell you -yet, because I knew you dont like him. "You're happy?" "Certainly 1 ami" she retorted de- fiantly. "So happy that I"— "That you are having a fight to keep from crying this blessed minute!" he finished.. '"Sa.y, Dallas, it breaks me alt up to have you so miserable. I think a whole 'lot of you. Uore'n of any one else but Cynthia. And I want to help you out of this measly mixup. Won't yon?"— "There is nothing any one can do," -she murmured sadly. "I have chosen say course and I"— "Cheese itr whispered Perry In km ried admonition. "Here comas Ben- nett, and. Phelan's with. him." The young mayor came in, talkilitte the alderman as he came. "This room's disengaged," he WAS 'saying. "I'll write it here and give it to—oh, I beg your pardon," he *broke off, recogaizing Dallas and Perry. 9 didn't know"— "I've got two good seats for you," announced Phelan. "Right where you can _see an' hear the. whole shootine match. An' I guess before the meetlres over it's liable to get as interestire as a double "Uncle Tom" show in a tent. show you the way as soon as you're read'. There's no r ash. Things • ain't begun to sizzle up yet" Bennett had crossed to where Dallas stood Irresolute and, under cover ,of Phelan's talk with Perry, said to her, with a certain unconscious stiffness: "I fear I was too taken aback Isa your announcement the other evening to remember to congratulate you, but please believe me when I say 1 wish you every happiness in the new life you have chosen." 'Thank you very much," faltered There- was an awkwtuti pause; then she said: • "You came in here ta write- some- thing. I'm afraid we are detaining you. You must be , busy with your fight against the Borough bill. You are quite determined to continue it to (CONTIdITYED ON PAGE SIM) •CASTOR IA For •Infauts and Children. The Mad You Ilaye Always Bought Bears the H. Wheatly, Hark& ISignature of 1 uw Money Bach Thm is no risk in buying GIN PTT They are sold, on a positive guarantee that tbeywill CUM allKeyandBladder Troubles, FaheuntanIsm and Sciaea, Pain in the Back, eto If tter taidaag 6 boxes, you can honestly say that Gin Pills have not cured t take the empty boxes to your dealer p.114 he will refund the That shows how mrtain we are that Gin, Pills wifl oe yr,..41. 500 a box , 6 for 42.60. F.-ent on receipt of price if your deeler can't -supply_ yoreeZ •--SamPlefeeft tames •a • ....extere-nset noon a no -ne =WM, Pereeterfy if you &Mr 1 e'..e 114 141,WIL FilitiU 04 VII • nit roe& by mention this Pee- TORONTO ree Re0• 7.1e.yaree Gat• a , The best Canadian, wheat, the )dean.est. and most modern mills, the most skilled flour -makers and the most thorough purifying process known to- milling, all combine to give Royal Household Flour those baking qualities which make it the choice of discriminating house- wives everywhere. Cheaper Hours cost you more in the end. Give Royal Household a fair and you will never go back to other .brands. If your grocer hasn't it, he will get it for you if you insist. Ogilvie Flour Mills raoriTREAL thingyou ever tr/ed for Co de. La Gi Coughs, Neuralgia and Headache. Cures colds in '24 hours. No after -effects ---2c. At all dealers: oe front GOLEMAN fttEDICINg_ CO., TORONTO. Tailored Clothing • For years our tailoring department has beu known, fat and near, as the best place to satisfactory tailored gaiments — those which combine style with fit and. wearing qualities • We always have in stook a full range of th6 • best Imported and Canadian cloths. Try Us for your next Suit. BRIGHT• BR CIRNISBARS, &WORM The Robert Bell Engine and Thresher Co., Linde& • DIVIDEND NO. 6. • Notice is hereby given, that a divi- dend at the rate Of 7 per cent. per an - 111111I on the paid up capital stock of this Company, has been declared for the current year ending October SIst, 1008, and that the Bone will be pa - able on and after February Ist, 1009. By Order of the Board, ROBERT BELL, 2141-5 Managing Director anesommomsommosi 20th Century Farp, Gate The most practical farm gate in use, See it and write for particulars. For farm and • township rights apply to 214441 An Open Letter To my customers and the public generally. acsinamommo I take this opportunity to 'thank you most ocr. dfelly for the patronage and good will se mutually extended to us since my last letter a year ago. We haste enjoyed a good and prosperous Tear for whit3h- we are grateful. However, moue r is wanted, fInd I respectfully sok all those indebted either ee Beech. wood or at St Columbian to settle up as -own AS pos- sible. We also want room for new goods arriving and we remind youof oar choice fresh stock of gees eeriese new fruite, new teas, 20 uncle Risipitthee isb. sugar in cotton bags Se, new pee , mire -spices, a greet variety of nuts and confectionery and orange*, pink sainion 10o, red salmon, 150, isoand 20e, oholee coffee. In dry goods our stock will be found well selected. In boots, shoes and rubbers our stook le complete. It is conceded our dock of dishes and AtssWear is very tasty and good value. In order to clear we are offering some groat yalues in clothing. 16 Bays' orereoats in navy bine sizes 24 to Set Prete from $4 co $5. Now your choice to clear, $1.75. 19 Men's dark grey and nauy overeoete, sizest 86 be 40. Oid price from $4./5 to $0.e5, your Choice now to inear t2.25. Boys' shirts, good value, bee now 250- A few boys' and men's odd suite for halfprice. A lot of men's heavy firernaney brutes only 10e. A lot ar boys' and menet cape formerly 254) and e0c, now 10o mid 25c. A let of raerts felt bats good as ever 41.50 to 11, now 25c. You will find a great many bargains in the basement not mentioned here. Caine and see for yourselves. No trouble to show goods. We want any quentity and will pay the bigheet marka pries for goon butter, freeh eggs. good Id, bright dryepples end dreewel poulery of all earda wen reamed and iu marketable eondit:on. Wisbbig Yea all a Merry Cheistmas and a happy and prosperoele Year. laesetectiully youre, O. K. HOLLAND, 1 December b 1008. Beechweoe,., Oetamot i _