HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-01-29, Page 57, In '44 q :7 z 4 own �Ok y M­rw holu KA", 4am MAMIM fit BTBBBTS4 o -o Ahd W Lai A 'CA DIAN B NK 6016. Of 10. 494d Aft, 'kit OFAZ CY Div "-I- 1- 0 liF ju A. P* ka� RTHy ONT SEA 0 We Ott. -�Voftt -T nuary . olwmw td., W. 1 60, wo -OF gCOMMERCE 2VICE, TORONTO. KFAD Or I" --shob" �A of '-pn t SeafOrth of Ja Dowd, aid� 1 capi al $101000 000 'Atr orth jUttlefo UP t 'to*Lft. P DER _Vk 0 bushel ...... ev to' .0 n We �Vetfffiin thS plainest -AIM6- 1AIRD ift1st to the tollette,'m& eho*, you of Values, ed1% ow bushel t �9 t4,, 0 ft. 9 fr6r Reserve Fund, 6,000,00 1A tv� 0 GO --,gou, only, the'uning but a 0 how,- to -Vat to ter -uot - ....... ber - - his seation too. ...... .... ............ 22 01� to, 20 00, "22nd' t 04i ­- -1 1 )h!a,, enBi in costa,., t a to ga 1k, a G 4W OD -of 061wine. a sleevear Lud J'Sipers-7 Gum Wil Rranches thr on hili 14th r6somakififf shot) where.,yu Ao- nutV - �g 710 ......... -2a, 00 to 28 -o hout Canadaand In th Uited States and England -M, Ann' xelia jug-blAtI16IN aveMast, and �64 hooks -and ey"i 31 moeeasm*s 10 indth then after you have served wonthithere, what - M 78 ym*.afid 49-1 to 0-98 rJUPM-Ift Toronto -.A o, January do you know abod'. -dutting 7 abolaN. y no, thin very faility afforded to, farmers'an eel, ........ 0 ft -to 0 ft p M 1q" -65 AM% totmely 'of Come aud tr for 4 week and see h �V y 00 a -- # - U -NESS COUNTRY 6 00 to And as there-b-nothw pild 14 auvanoo you, ottiers for4he trailsa. on. Hundreds 50 ctfi or Their 00 7,60 to" 7 wilt, do Over 7ban n Val 10:09 $14417- 18th, Francis, 091 t, low ".ything by tryin god -?"009 kirl$ hav, been tau SWAY wil e cashed or taken for collection. . ........ 106 wall Yodand a month- ght in, thr lu Ze ki x:business. Sales notes will N to 9160- IUQBER-% Jan. 25th, 16bji odber" all imend It very-11ghly. 70.3N�Ark1 woftthsod-�2-dsy&� of full- -to be Vmtd .,when Accounts ay be opened by.mail and OLLMM-4n, Ux�pu he -,V, On JAhuary'28th, IF1014 lug one of the, ino4: -2�75 t -a d MAIL PrIc6s are out. W 60 - Wane is only 1 1% BANKING --By e, ep this cord (shorti.. jAnp XU14ollaud*�*W e t fitting _q4tem8which we teach how to use *yshra Ahd -7. mongm morii s d' osited 6r withdr, n -in as assortments a" An'ovnihg clam i�vifl a _Uo.b.e t4kugjL In this. way with'equal facility. -*11 te'wh shirt walsts alerev6 Dalry Xarkat,& 1AW we dresdnj 122 OADO X-& 0 7 -3L 4 -w.ka;�-and obildredo,dres -for two Jan. ffithe­ 0- charge Vatter­-Plentiful and e4l T cou"e'la *6,- Including th6,� id �4 %ilor SY*emlf %'WeV t"ehL at ftaftrtli from�cb ruary sth to Febru, aelepriem Local wooksa-4, 9,uo ORANCH" kefore this W%te La chbioe�, und. 27c to 1W printr,. ary 10tX. Ali wishing to tr TED9 Solicitor G. B. PARIKIPS, Mwag". Y, or forlarther-pa Nou. bato 26a 1�' Tai Tgo roft and talm - 22a to 23o 1144,8houldcall at tho 4�uen�s Hotel, on saturd*y, And gave money Tofu Mdderate.. 11ehivary ah. )USSES STUART & ELLISmZ ft"W, and am selling wholqWe At' 98alo SboraP stocks Am- steady at 260 to. 2ft per e lot& Cheese -LOW trade isquiet a Instructors in Drdsomakinj lse ------- Tob lot prieW-1 japt is slmady� 8- T-'HOMES9 FtMOMI Director and twfrns� 181e.to 144L 180 60 attended NE JACRE o SACRIFICED JIL we till# promptly WAS olng.w" mt of th4 trAde tbat' d Wddea4iq on GDderich sUeet romeft - _V19terns-, were quoted. at Kethi �H Meal A-*qw tS�­ 1 06* Church in the tu - - - - I During lanuary we y or -W Ana east"n.& At �12c to -124m 33OU-er- - MO'Wm ­rdgied WAG L �tlh* store is 0111*0it 11600N 2 wish to elear out.every Jacket in our ang -Ag- a over and We market thiWiftoint up cb* ag and Weta%= T1n:"toX*&WW quoted. at. 27o to �'a-,De r ote, and to do'so W() give YOU all the. benefit, Not one we MuSt preparb for sprm ,-1209. Brand now styleX. in fitting- and "a f0sh 26& f jack6t in our stock. Bales StWh a'j we havo bad comeaj a -matter of maintained undeir a good 1psnrfor -Elec on Ga�d mi-fittiag. Eve On., New4idi.86 as DO to 40a; Meoted, 28 to le than anufactiirrs- prices. cour�e tO 6Very HV6 prog -essive, store,, They �are ry co .......... r A Sizes range from, 32 ta 40 -'bus TOM' nEMRS OF S"FolaTH, t raoasure. what makes it� posribl,& to keep stocks fresh and up a-ek only, J'&u- t ME L) 7 dollar LadiW Jaeksk. made, from eXW xV. 26tb�--Ontado, Wheat -No. 2 t request of, a number of-friendef This is not.' stook tl�at is did.6nou ah Uent rieze cloth, in bl 6 the- minute. Wila woul&–and ake a loss Wo Zmixed,, 9* iDAIM&W. to walk or, dust or'll thra unry rather than have WkAt4* Vellue, five dollars. 3 2 red, 916, W?e have, decidMto stand, for the vacamy Lem Q&-Xty sh4al for, forth Coupon -over. Oar to !!ee --Spa No. I X"thel, It will be sible for mj� - great I personAlly, a"I take of. , -1101tifig and the hii�i, Can ta$L10; No. 2 northira- $1.04 to slk� yol Rio ahow for zaan. itch _ *4,, but' ither semi-fitiing. or tendayns' sale has left aswith large -quantities of Who" -, 7 a6liar. Ladies" Jackiib i 'black, navy, dark tweeds, et -1 northern, #L16 votw and influenec - u elected, I win- and,se.e- t4eip whther -you purchase, oese, J iii, . 4 .. I , i�� anuary uot five dollars. to $1.16 NO. 2 north. -give Attention to- the affews of the. toww 8-dollw's and. odda a' to 41.12j, delivered at outari and lo Or n6t, if hok tell others. 0 point% es fbr quiek cle 2, We to 57a; No be in -tht'interestti of th6 a extm "a to 550 ematiful black clotb, extra heavy everytiiing'I coftsiderto 50 cent Ladie-4' Jackets in --a b d nds, aud now cora to Weight, January value, six, doling. ilen, since going Went- to 53o outside. Oabt--Ontario No.9 white r& Payers. You" �tr*, Malfty of the beat lines JOHN -Qumv Will never have the h= done Vmt 1* n 410outsid0; No -2i&ed, W to 40qouts1de,;' All work guaranteed., 10 dollar Ladies'Jackete, black, green and navy,. wth -straypingi semi� Of print, so port& of t-hree thou-.1ndacres western Gina" 45c on Uwk, Me self come pared for Iran, SM.60 ?o -bamoutsld& fitting, pre wonderful bargains $21 per ton in elayatDr� aver Xnu"Y Value. seveWdollars, axothy" VI; Inferfor.* to #10- 8 -.raw XUPORTANT rave4 12 dollar an —Prices oub frolu. 20 to 50 d *50c IN from $7 to $7.K- accor(ft to quality. Ladies' Jackets, black 'onlyt,wooI kersey clo*eh, with -bright d, G X&rV. ft -T1 'of (*-tlt� Har per oent. 6ral stoze. fluish, self tn'mm* gs. *uedo4eivtor-adevan�Ut 27,*C64oeWjj Ftd Beeds. SAIA-The uAdr. I -and 50c. in alue, 4 dollars k, -prospect of a pro 14 dollar iee ickets, black or coloM Pure wool k h,- self str Omy Toronto. Jan. 26t -I -Alfske--No, Hlblseirt6.1, --bulk IS Mmthq oRt An clot lip, -Ndth the wayoran, 1.� , d 't�* few hVet y y VAIde, 9 doUarsaud 50c. Wkw lots a little ;No.?" $&75tov, -by Pfln'& �c% Amff, (IMP-) - They ings, fly front, Stred ,,own 1,0&50 Red L Clover 44.E4 bold reasonable on time. or -jash;,fo suit b4ei. Toit. -,and 50a LsdiW ackets 3ftryv. Mayor B- W injure . or 15 dollar Y. a mialty a 01:r*Vft ho connection - in resld6i;�e. DAWD HU blick, navy, brown, greevt, -with, oft badd !AuLoy lots, a little bther. Al. ot trimmiDge or 861f cloth strapping's velvit Collars or plain cloth. anuary Mrd. An exambation -jLBt--V 60 to $8 per busheL Timothy - $L50 to Pli, 0. ,-vealed �6 S�W� ones. i� *M --per bushell abcordlM to qualityz. Lungs, propertr. In - dI& rFIBRESHING OUTM 'FOR SAM -,The Ifurray 15. dollars and 50c Ladies' ckets black only, he kers Wt A A cloth. a big seller. y ThreabingL Co. Will Sal �are mid to Uve oted PO by, tonder, Tevid Januaiy net AVY ey --'T MIA 10 dollars. nJan. and un' Mo. This aniit4Dr, RUire Conn ecup to FeWuai i BY Coughin '17 dollar Ladies' 'ackets, Silk outfiti Web Is in good b�.r "of aft 30H ..'PrIces —Ohickens, dressed 1% to .1.40, or cutt-- , atk%eh. ftolMle, I Ud IS (io Z� Boem. astor of 8L ---4i I IWI, 100 tolle turke^ lee to 17 o ducks, 15c. to Im 9' finished kersey cloth, black,ailk braid trimmingi Ladle od oW WWn lehurch. BerUr,, Iwa r,�"zt7,jt.,-T)ltM-hone-powerenglhe This in rat V&1118- Anuary.values 12 dollars and 50e. and tank , separator only 'knit one seation; engme to '�he watoralto d If,.youcough modera e yffingbi 1lrs6-c1Awrsrir; will tely or 20 dollar ladies'. Jackets, directolra style, kersey cloth,' bic autiffully- finished. "aa church iot Potatoes ev . rAdd.... MLIR 19 Sec.. youhave , violent coughing C weolud=nable if anuary value, 14 dollar. 'T are Flannelette Wraj�ers, *g. price[- from $1 t�a clearing -at 98e ,V spells during th6 d4y O'n"ght, Ladies' Fur-lintd eisto $65. la net $48, rra,,bh f that 'plate &onto. Jan. 26tb.—Prieea of Ontart steady 2146 -if.. track bere. Ni you need nuory yal .1 to, 90 tO Littie Yoric. -4t6ft to W per bagL in car lotaL on VARK ]�OR SALE Op. -p- Ribbons, b inches wide, assorted eolom clearing at 1,60 a yd -. swam are n ENT.—Lot 27, Conces. at manufacturer's prices, or less. �vllie !a t4e, largest o5onabasia tocompete wit,& Ontari�- All Mens and Ladies' Far Goats -4 X Sion 8, Townebip, of MeKincp,�ccntaifting 100 A line of Flauuelette-96was onale at 45c exch. - Potstoe& 11 uanfma ot thil-A d%i acres of choice bud, all under cultivation, well White Pfae co OUnd We don't want to carry one article ov,6r. Come early. Come quiejr1y.- re is R t. off all *ith TAr'' Mp 25 per annelette Vnderwbr. !�nced, well watered and.ande rdraine& The f o - cent. off all F1 Horse Market. -it a large. Imme house and woodshed, bank barn. 25 EMbroide, e det but pretty wieddlag I Went Toronto, Jan, 24th,—The horse. ex vdtb�stonestabllug also other -out buildings. Th per cen. 8, cbs�nge at ore A, St. 1>atrick--a dh-ure1j, iEra good archaW. lit I,, only one mile. from conpt ladies' Colored Undrakirts clearing at one-third off reg, Drice. r, y, It relieve you. it W, ill --theunion. Stock Yards last week did good businem g CASH FOR ]BUTTER AND EGGS. rueefty moralngx anu- ,--,jtburcarIo&dff�weye shipped to the norftyist,, and school And one -mite and a balt.lrom Seaforth. Great Whitewear. Sale now going on. expectations. .� Fri rv, reasonable terms Ild gD4-;w1on Can bougscolds .-stauly. Heavy draughts sold at from $160 Ladiea I!weed tind kirt a IffAs Uzzle, daughter rtrade pawed all ces wore be sold on ve cure all ordinary to $1 be ey t - e. .2LPp1y to hoaxseness,. sore. throat % a -one miss 9 00vw- and cloebt a ss e& Prices rom $2,50 -to -$I- Byan McDonnell, ba- horses and farm chunckfir, at fro% LO 1c, &forth P.O. 2146x4 bronhial troubles. clearing 4M. ip460; ood expreesers at from $140 ro $180 at 81.5a. POPLESTONE. k-GARIDINE-RI �d & ars at fronx $100 to 8150; 'serviceab sound at WARN FOR SALE�F6r sale, 'West half of -west. Ladies! -and Moose Coloed Co aze, V -Wes $9 to $15 -e SUCCESSORS TO MESSRS. MoKINNON to A: halt of lot 28; and �emt half of -east halt of Lot 25c, a b6ttl 'A Mr. James MdKeowln. 2 00.1 t WD and.the southerly ten acres of the est hall Of clear at $4.75 each, was r.erformed by th* e cut balf of W4% jilt in Concession 8, McKillop Live Stock Marmets. and comprising about 60 acres. Th A111118ak and Plala Qolore4 Cdats aj one-third aff reg. price. �Iather Emery. e land is all BLYTH; -ONTA61RIOx lea for acres of fan OhRdr6n�s Goats to clear at 26 per cent. off. twk place on Thurs-4 London Jan 25tb,-Lorkdon cab cattle are cleared and about 20 All 3 louglitag don guily, A� 13a 'to 1310 per lb., dressed weight- re- gn the promises is a frame barn wit stone founds, A. Roberts, Gkh A tabl of Ladieei our choice for $1,96. ftentor bed is quoted at 101c to 101c per lb. tion. Convenient t6 school and churbh and -about 6 at, her hamo Ia- MMt- gow, Jan. 25tb.-United States cattle, sold to miles from the town of Seafortb. Terms reasonable, Veigh At 1* sinking the*off4l ; eurrenl� ISo bi'us, Off For further particulars apply on Lot 29, (Imicessioly lure, there Seaforth d bY heart fat 2,XaKillop, or ad r6ss MRS. GEO. IONDMSON J wi P. 0. A tual.. -Re It' a�ng whattever. Deceaga- In Ireland In 1842 and bogswerea. shade.easier- Prime- beeves sold at 5 to 510 Pat lb.1etty good cattle, 4oto"4je and the AUCTION SALES. U about 40 yeai-4 ago_ U -1 L D iprlaaof cattle ranging 4boutlast weeles ratebut ftn&I to * per 1b. Sheep sold at about 4c per Obt tifned by good reliable people is the groujid floor common utoo , 2jo to, W. per lb. Calves sold at i VCTIOW SAM& OF STOCKA-IM HOUSBiffoL-D we daUght"i and D., jlambs at about Cc do. Good lots of fat hoza on which is -built the popularity of -aboutIle forhopthat comelongdistan AEF!FPM9- - Mr. Thos. Brown has been in X )a tructed to sell b public auction at 0ooles Hotel* F 3�0g% from short distances sold at a trifle over 7c per 8 1 C Varn I trom, Stratford, dated 1h a n Fridwy, February 5th, at I o'clock, the E) a9m FeVs-Condition Pdwidersi— Live and following property, vW. Stook -One road horse'ris- says: PIGWLng on San..( 1hdralo, Jan. 26tb-Cattle­Wrly*= 5.50 to Ing five yeap'bld, I rbad mare in foal, a colt rising zteody;,prime steers, �6 to $6.50; shipping C The great Money maker f6r the farmer. The ti e has COMe for us to clear away our- fdrs. an almwt un one year, I beifer in calf rising 2 y�ars old, part Jer-, .Paral' *M; butchers, n.75'to $5.85; heifers, e4 to $5.50; �arxniing' annaJo of P, -rt -a I dGZen bens, 2 coveVed. bugjie, one nearly -new covm,,$3.50to,%-,-ballui,�'4to$O. Veala-Activeand- Ile that stma; at 67 to $10. Hogs --Active and 10c . to 15c I evaer, I milk wagon, I wheelbarrow, forks, sb,,'els This is the season to build. The fact very fe People csiu,be expeotea to V. W- Ballaatyne. - he Woer, heavy and mixed, $6.65 to $6.75, Yorkers, hoes, takes and a number -of other artielesztQo uuna- Prices BAYFIELD. Nov. 30,14 1908. W - cupboards 2 extension tables, I Fall Leaf table, 3 lower 'than theTwill be again in ri -day turning the . - I o to -the good and the -c f -kyrshlre cattle, �ad wi�iL sa.65 5.50 to roughs $5.50 to erous to mention. . Household -Effects-Two glass on all wo, Gd6n building material are TO 1. V, Fe 6j Druggiut, Seaforth distinguish between d, 36.7% stap, Wpt� $4.75; dairies, V6.25 7ta .46.60. kitchen iZles 3 small tzbles,�2 lounges, I parlor sui lace- in furs is one of the stronest -s f ler of other farmers lm� and lambsactive; sheep 25e, Iambs and te, and on account of the small P eason or 6 bedsDeads, mattressis and springo, I ozen dinninj� DEAR Sin --Last Fall, I had a team of horses that I had worked very parlings. 40c higher; lambs, $5 to $7.75; year ngs, weee engaged 11ke-w%e. m ebairs, 6 cans -bottomed chair�, 6 perforated of lumbe'r at the MTS� prices hard and I wished,to prepare I tried all the usual reme� W25 to Q6.75; wethers, % to $5.50; ewes, a5D to 65.. `001 buying where values have been proven and you �n practleally o, froet- Abeep, mbeed $9-50 to,$5. chairs, 2 Home Comfort ranges, I box stove, I bat are bound to advance. them for market. West Toronto, Jan. 26th.-RKporters-Theri�-was ny success mend of mine about you buy.. We are clearing our fars at arryiers who, were un- rack, I hanging lamf,, 6 hand laiRps, a number of dies without a until one day 1. was telling -a f 'know what Agood demand for'export steers and mori would uffwo-ro I horse hide robe, 1 all -wool wo from 26 to 50 per ce�k their fall rjowing ture I b it, and' he advise WO to get a dollars - Ith Of Fearle Condition Powder's and Off. But -have sold. Dealers compladn that there are few of I caahregister, I secretary, 6 barroom NOWN the discounts a harilde-cs, tbi cattle offering that are finished., Steerd sold chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, a =it a-UILD of the -S4l, y of dishes,%- feed them'according to direction's and tLe would guarahtee I would be pleas�d Mat a 9-5 the Mild from $5.10to,45,60 butonly oneload attherlatter #tyoffruitin ealers, 2 All alone do not represent 6'real valttes.jas one gar�- -9 bulls sold fr(,m U to $4�75, aud one ' oir must he sold as the proprietor Is giving up house We.carry a large and well ass - with. the xs'su. I did o, and to say hat I Waa delighted. 4oes not gure ch ort express ment to sorne I op e m r,0.151t. ew s-ya. -i4 85 per e -Ai will keeping. Terms -85 and under, eash; over. that, ed Aoek of No. 1 Reraloc; Pine -and my feeling' balf as well as' the gingle of the $400 1 got for my t4am... it's ay be oheaperat 25 p6'r ;4u wt. Butchers, be rO-en by L3r. one of 'the oldestaud -ftlesquoted below, the bulk of the butcheri? cattle amount 8 montW credit will be given on furnishing tile Went over 84 per ewt., not many being sold under -0 P Spruce Lumber. %vected residents In aP 4 joint notea. 6 *per cent off for cash on satisfaotiou like this that counts most. cent. off than another would be at 5 er 'cent. off, llgrbv%lilount43. WILSON 'COOK; :Proprietor. T. Won, died on Wed =f! Cholep picked lots, soldat $4 85 to 95 and because of these 4D 4 rew �Vere quoted for a little more njone. loads Brown, Auctioneer, Yours-trul ondibions actual oomparisail y olSth, In her 84t yeak, of good, $4.50 to $4.75; medium, 44 to $4.40; common Shingles WN. RATHWELL. i's of the greatestvalue to the cu-stomer in makmg 19 of about five weeka. $&5G to $3.80, and W.90; cows, 83 to "60, and in AS- borix ta Ila;iAxk, Daj� demand; canners, SL76 to 49-60. Milkers and A UMON SAIX.-Mr.Win.Montelth has Instruct- X X X They get the, blood right, and 3 lbs. for 500 Ions Springers -About half a, dozen milkersand spring6rs -LX. ed Thos Cameron to sell li_v public auction on yiit sixty yeare ag came at, $30 to j55 each, and one at 460, Sheep and Lot 9, N. T. R,, Usborne, on Wednesd4y, Veb=�: X�X Xi X 10 It - � Diake homs 'sleek and fat. 7 lbs. for $1.00 tta to the township of -.;FAmbs--A light deliveZ of sheep and lambs sold at 190, at 12 6'clook� the following : 0 X X X X X steady prices . Eives Id at $9�50 to $4�per cwt fb -a A years old,- imported,. in foal ; -1 draft -a later -she a few Year Ums, $2.50 to $3 ; lambs, $5.50 to $6 per qwt. Hogs mare 8 yeara old, In foal 1 draft mare 8. years old .01he late David. Mar- draft filly r1sing 2 years old ; 1 draft - filly, rising- I Prepared by 1-0 Xen�g Canadian Coon Coats at $20 a out leag than regprioa -Gunns, Idwited, quoted cielects at $6.65, fed� and Cedar Shingl Is V Drukffist e h* British Colun: bis e FeCaL S dfort ear old, from. ImporLed stock ; I draft 11 'watered, at the market, and$0.40 to drovers, f. o. b., ry illy rising 1 and Mrs. XL sw Cp 6 Mees Australian Coon Coate at $10 acoat 'Less than�xegpxici3 township Ot Hibbert. va vars� at country point*. year old -7 1 roadster rising 2 years old, by Ja ; 1 X X '%Vitbdr&wD-Tbe following item will be of interest driving mare. � .!Oattlet4fte thorobred Shortgorn 6 MWe Wombat Coate at $10 a coat We than rag. price t to -F-ty-Uarton, and- aff� to cattle dealers! Thea-Alon- brought by David Kc. bull 14 months old, I tho'r-obred Shorthorn cqw with there of several yea=j, Donald against A. W. Maybee to cover the. balance C41f V�t loot, 8 cows V%jtb calves at foot, 9 cows to VMte' Uedar. 12 Mens -Dog Costs at $6 a cost less thau reg. prips eadve Monkto-a. where be -*Ldmed Vy. McDonald to be due from Maybee to hiff- 4 Men's Calf Coats -at $9'a coat less than reg. price Ir jF6bruad- aarch and April, 2 steers rislng2 The Hub Buy Now Ladieie Fur Coate in. Astrachan, Rlectri6 Beal and Gre la;ld 411 respect of their partuership, camelon 3Xond&yfor Years d, 6steers.rising2yeara old, lbeiferrisin 2 Ourxx x x x bunch Red Cedar -elf ,�are now setUed on -the, Val before Cheit Justice �Mulock. Uponcasebein�­ yearsoid, 3steergriginglyearold,3 helfers ri4g S�ingle, manufactured, speciallk to arold.- Piga-9 store hogs and I sow to litter in' -�Ued d Seal,,. reg f rom $2 &ybee withdrew, in open court, aU charges I ye ourwn order, makes the best roof prlc-qs 5 tO $35, 40 - At V5 each March. Poultry - 100 thoroughbred heiiu,- W. n- arIng t made b), him against McDonald, thus prem-unilale dottes, Orphing-ton's, Rocks and Legborns, I pair of .(excepting slate) of any mawrial offer- A sto' Xear goal Coats, reg. price $36,7 loating XcDonmld frout all such charges made re, thit gives, the beat 5S o, clear at.r&7 in him by. Xaybee. 'The case wao, then referred g rkeya. Implements -1 new ed in the Mark ese foc� 8 ducks and 3 tu et. CJI an exa ne AM AF21L now on service till the, year around, Naar Seal Coate., reir. piiee $66, to clear at $38 J. A. eron, to take the accounts between the cut Massey -Harris biiider,' 1 new Frost & Wood them. Mower, I new Frost &Wood cowbined drill, 1 new All other fur.costs at 25, naturally gives best valicLes per cent. off. choi load Frost & Wood cultivato4 1 now Massay-Harry I roller, I bay rake, I nearly new Perrin riding pl s,new an Toronto, Jan. 27-Bxporters.-On� ce disc, Ladies' fur lined costs, -reg. prices from $35 to $7- ol e,,r steers was sold at 45.65 per cwt., and the All good d of the best when cleaiag days, come., Of el8aring at ooe offered saTd from $5 to 85.60. 2 walking plows nearly new, 2 sets of iron harro,�;%, from $26 to $58-.50 one set new; I Clinton fanning nMI - SONS, th bulls ranged- all the.way from $8.75 to, $4.75. Exxr,! I cutting- boki Ne CLUFF Qnality It's the time of all times to 1 set of scales, I turnip sower, I new wbeelbarto�vj 1. 25 per cent. off all amsR furs. sm-Prices for butchers' cattle Were about steady ailing shoo up the entire family. de. �Whieh not oul at Mondays quotations,. Prime picked lots. sold at DeLaal areani separator"nearly new, I scufflor, I In- Mill and Lumber Yard. SpEC'"S THIS WEEK, -28c T-- We now n the discharge of the -propose to close, out Men's Overcoats at from 25 to 59 per cent. off reg. p4ces :14.65 to $5 ; load3 ol butchers, �3.85 to $4.45 ; can.. cubAtor and arooder, 1 Bain wagon complete' - I �eb 20 lbs. granulated - sugar, tdr $1.- Fee4ersand of trucks� I set of brass'mouloted. -harness, set of -SEAFORTH ONT. 5 lbs. new figs for 25c,-2 tins of -all 66i winter footwoar'*f Any�Overboat in the store at 25 per cent. off. lines at -and mix it up you;rseM tOckerw-Best feeders, 900 to 1000 As. each, at $3.80 black mounted harness, I set single harness, 1 pl�'Ilr to $4.25 best stokers, 700 to 90a lbs- each, at $&41) of sleighs; l'buggaltop bu,,Icfy nearly neW, ; outter 2146-2 salmon for 25c.-10 tbs. of sulphur every -description and get in half price. to OS,80 medium stockers,600 to 800 lbs. each nearly how, car an slingsan 160 feet of rope, Inew. for 25c.-10 lbs. psom saits'for order for- spring iatock, We 'a .1' 1 r aii and at 1 am 5 Ir U -alid for �Wto$3.50. Theifelssonxe enquiry forshort-kee 1ps, water trough, I gravel box, 2 iron kettles,& quantity 25c.-8 lbs. saltpefr6' for. 256.:. -rt out ity of turniom and umugolds, mpornds. but the demand for exporters has put this of timothy bay, a quIand appeal to, your good judg- of reach of the ordinary buyers. Veal, Calves I grind stone, also shovels, forks, saw and numerous lbs of r6lled Oats for 25c. -O caps S on -.-Our. cattle, and About 76 veal calvea. gold at 83 to $6.50 per cwt. other artAcles. - Terms - $5 nd under cash ; over 4ppli*ntary Meetings of soap -for 250. mdut and to your purse. We .titute-; that are com- -Sheep dnd rAmbs-Receipts light, but prim were that amount 12 monobs! credit win b on turn- A pieceof china gmen' aWity with. All neVer'earry shoes from one 19bing approved joint notes. P6sith=y7n1,'o reserve mot apy higher ; ewes sold ab $3.50 to " per owt Eas't Hu'ron Farmers' citsh purchases,of $1 and, over-., season to the )qext ; iVs tad aticeptie galve,." which AL X X n to83.50; lambs, 85.60 tcrS6 p�r owt Hoe as the prop4etor has oold his' farm. V 0 Best prices paidfor bubter and eggs. d so and ies 2�o, h&ve yged it, that Pool �d. tor 6, Short tims, 'to For the discussion of Agricultural and kindred sub- -tock �t. Ourea Rczema, Saft --K60to$0.65for selects fed and.watered atthe TE ITH, Proprietor T. Cameron, -auctioneer. Institute 'business t 0 Uarket, and- $6.40 f. o. b. at country pointa. 2146-2 -policy. 'We close out SALE REGISTER each season's a even, Staple �D NG SALE OF PARM,-PARK STOCK AND S.'Blues. a remedy, a box for jeom, will be heldas foll3ft Thom though we do it at a loss. On Friday, February 5tb, at I o'cloek m at %-.j IMPLEMENTS. -Thos. Cameron has* received --This is A shoo opportunity d. Ethil, Township Hall, Monday, Feb- U00k's Hotel, Varna, Stock and Househop, ts instructions from Mr. Joshua Johns; to sell by public ruary, 8th, Successor to Wilson C -00k, proprietor; T. Brown, auctioneer. palotion on Lot south half 11, Concession 7, Township. year 12�% Swe the Horsei" a -ad of Usborne, * on Frtfty,.Febi-jary 12th, IM, at 12 Afterhoon=Thos. Saiforth-Beef cattle. BEkTTIE BROS. that comes but twice a A few ends of Wrapperettite and print worth, 0 oVoek noon, the following - orses--I brood- mare L B. Annis, Scarbor"elel(arielection a -ad destrue- 7 years old, arricultural ; Imare rising 8 years old t6i of Weeds, Miss Rife, Hespeler - Address. Phone 8 andisetsbut a short time, at 6 with foal, agi4cultnral ; 2 goodwork, mares, I driv� - Evening -Thos. Melfillan-Address. 11 E. Anuiri- -Towelling worth frora 7 to Be, 61en-ring'at 5q, VAWSTGNLTB�-In Turnberry, on January Ifith, to Mr. ing mare 6 years I old, I fffly. risingS years . old,. Dairy Industry. Miss Rife -Home Treatment . of We have still a large ptook A few pieces of Ld Mra.1%. Vanstone, a daught Otural ; 1, filly rising 2 vears - old', agricdlturw ; I consumption. of Felt �Boot% Felt Shoes- 10- Table 0oversorth $1, for 63c. WOR er. fAN-In Wingham, on January,14th, to Mr. filly rising I year old,-agn-cultural ; -1 -drivin and J. G. Workmtm, a son. 9 colt- Walton, . O� U.- W. Hall, Tuesda�, and Slippers, Moccasins, Lis 80RUTON-In Clinton, on January 18th, to 31r. and Cattle -One thorolfred Durham bull rising 2 years 20 Table 0overs worth $1, 3 6, for 950. I thorobrud'Durbam cow, due to. calve ; R. cows; old, February Oth. Heavy Rubbers and Socket Mrs. Edward Serutou,, a son. 12 Pairs White Bed Blankets Worth.8&35, for $2.69 a pir. with calf at footy15 cowye due to calve in March &ad Afternoon-W�U.'UcCrvLcken--Oi6wing-M'angokls.- Uri Lined Sho stUardigans and UIXAGF—In Gorriet, on January 20th, to Air. and Tordnt 1 a t April, 4 heifers*riaing 2 years old-, 2 steers two rears 1, E. An,19--Soll cultivation and rotation of Crops. e Mrs. W- F. Dulmage, a son. old, 6 eaves. 'Hogre-Two brood, sows with liftera. Mee. Rite I Ad Overshoes to choose from. 'QUERRIN-In Gorrie, on. January 16th, to Mr. and Also dnuinber of choice you ' drew. - Eirening-14 -B. Anaio-4er4, dbn Mrs. 0. Querrin a daughter. ollets. Implements selection and destruction of weeft. W. M 1[6� W,40 from Seaforth 2 .-One wazv All the ityle are jood-no on, Q inch tire. an -box ; I set bobsteighs ]WORWEIT-In aoderich, on January 15th, to Mr and Oraeken�Address. Miss Rife - Both sides of the R - furrow roiling stone' old stock to work off. X A rs J. J. MeRwen x daughter. 1 top buggy nearly new, 1 ovttter, I large 2 04 Baraam*s in'Olannelette Blanke" I plow, I Bm%ll ?,furraw plow, -2 walking plows, I di%o With - 25 cents added for ad- PERRIF—In Grey, on January 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. harrow, I seed driU, barrows, roller, binder,- mower Hailock, *School House, Wednesday, As. Pe mission to th�e Ontgrio Horse rrie, a don. nearly ne%v, steel rake, fanning mill, 2 root pulpers, February 10th. PATERSG�N-fn Seato rth, on January 27th, to Mr. 2 -of heavy double harness, I eet single Breeders BhiVi . . . . . . . and Mrs. IV. G. Paters-oli,a daughter. Afternoon=L. B. Anftui-�-Soil cultivation and ro- tion, good Richardson MInnis 13ELANEY-lu Malifflop, on January 17, to. Mr. and mounted harness nemly neW, Cream separ. tation of crops. W. H. Ymser, Bluevale-Feedin goin 'Jan. 12 and 13, return ater, hay rack., wh6elbarrow, ffthe boat, grind stone, 9-1 RM anies Delaney a daughter. saw� n bags, neckYokeo, whiffietrees, sh cattle for beef. Miffs Rde--Addrew., Eveding-7 limit Jan. 16,1909. BEAFORT14, -fix McKillop, on Jan. 20th, to Mr. and ov"18, H. Fraser-Addrem L.- & Anniq--Seed. 'selection Ay frks,,= ity of ha,. oes,etc., etc. Also a quanti r, ma Mrs. ohn. aurror, a daughter. olds; and s6me potatoes fit foi seed. - Terms -- L Z and destrudtion of weed& Miss Rite -Both sides of . . . . . . $5 and under cash;-oirer that ambut tj the rolling istone. calffom* K credit will be. given on furnishing approved Winthrop, Calder's Hall, Thursday, on of Partner' Wamted m" Illmd 71014d -DissoJuti* Dried Apple's marriages -joint nowe. �Six per cmt. off forest% on,credit Round trip, tourist tickets Vl*WW--GGULD--At Bostn, in the Dorchester mounts. X, reserve as'thopr6prletorio givi February -11th. ship. Centre Methodist 0hurch,by Rev. Afr, Mock- faming. The V4rm-The farm consI#a-of,t'K - fternoon-W. H. ftmr--&.0 oultivatton and m ]low L On Palb to all. principal ridge,onjanua 20tb,iffni.A. Brown, eldestson, half lot -11, concession 7 ntalnin 5 , 0 acre%.oft Joe. TED ry tation of crops.' L & Annis--Dalry Indudry. X The partne - rsbip formerly earrie4 on Of X Brown, Hullett, to Miss Edith V. Gould, which theye is a comfortAle brick 1wellig, large ife-Addrss. Evening­-.7.W.o 11-Tras�Addrem by Reid & Wfls6)ri,' as,. general bard - daughter of Mr. T Gould, Townsend Ave., De. up-to-d&tebqnkbarft;pAfrtlot10, boftecssion-7,�oon­ L. E. Annift-- on of Ws" mevehant& has been dissolved wt, Mich taining V2 1-2 acres,'on which t1lbre is a good -veneer weeds. Miss Rife --:B011001 and �ite attitude to the For ffiu,information as Dry Picked. for 18BISTEj?­64GHT-On -January 229tb, at t home.' to rates, routes, by mutual consent. AR accounta due he resi, houw; small tam, and stable, well,watered and good -to* e's father, Goderich, by -orchard -, west halt'o apply i to lotll, Cloneession 8, contain-. -and owing . the latis firm we to be H! -Bufter krices for fmd paid. Rev--Ja& A, Anderson, B. Aj Robert H%rvey So Acres, A in theTownabipbfUsborne., On olubiViap School. Friday, Febrxi- 'd foxffiwith -to the- U'4*d&toii4 ary 12 h A A' lubleter to lorence Harriek daughter of Cha& tht last named property there is a good well- with - and the late Mrs. Wn! ant i0ho WM also setde all , clainis. dde aud �i Dea, A&VOL 0 ng b the late M - AJI ht, windmill and 8 Acres of bush. This- property will be Afbeinoofi�­Tha. 'Regillaft-Beef. cattle. I, & 8WlMT-::iiU1,LBR-At thga rqsidence of the bride's sold -in - separate JoU, oi- 4u,one pur- -Annia-Soil cultivation. Miss- Shuitlew6rtb,.�Ad. Vvi fir p"Rops rnts, at Hrolmesille, su n= by R L- v. endebted-to-iRke late firm will-kihm , 720th, chasers, * and,z contain* -2 acres In - sMj and 1w dress; X 4Annis--Bee& w166tion ond'i Snowden, Annie -,A toft of �t�& _Mlo#. :ne r of nicely;A[tuat4d at th9Vk11age of Eliniville; 11V4 m"flee destrue ID D MBM 0 an and Be ttle is-, W on as 03, of (ZZX 31M A. Huller, 6 ch from Eketer station and one mile from -school and 31iss-shuttleworth-Even po"Me to hi bonvenlent to Wthodist�:Y'resh" terian a�d Englisit- i Afternoon meetings edhinience At ROBIMT WILWX -i&Bda ji 20th Churches. Thii-t In Is njw p At the imen ng m A" HffjLR 32 1ULAI No-- ready fa keeUngiL. mortgages. WRO n NORMMUDSON-On Wed 4ttheyesidenceol'the brwe by r crop., Tam "0140'ate m&de"kdbwnj 1W m I eryboov Vrel aq, O.RT NAY Ir A., of Oromrty, Bfrtle, dAughter of Mr. odft - - , - i# y9fad6,-cr*n,.& 'o - dators, of the 46otaka,df 0&_ otion- 6D tWunotioneerA 00004 Voim,%qdtj4kiy&rtJn` the disquo-JiM. Mrs, John Maudson and William, eon of or.; JOSHUA JOHNS,pr*lovir, R1108. VANED/M en AM THOM 311MILLAX k*jQ Appli to J.U'Ki orin, 4"farth Ors -1 - - 4 . , - i Reld a wow oppit" T0VA:4UWk& OaMw md V4*0 00" &oft* Hugh Norrie, All of Hibbert. Auctioneer. 2146-3, P. A. MOARTEMR, 2MW P", r- WW Od