HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-01-29, Page 2e.
tepded. t
That Naas
and e.W midencle
ne needs something. .
to, a e and maintain
ngth for the rs.daily
. round of duties.
There is' nbtbing better -
than an Ale or "Porter, the
purity and merit of which
has been attested by
dhernistsx physicians and
experts at *e great exhile-t
does away with all the dir'ty
work of keeping stoves clean.
leinnixing—nohara rubbing.
"Black Istnight " is always
ready to use—shines quick
as a wink—and puts on a.
bright, black polish' that
ellehts &eery woman n heart.
Equally good forStove,
Pipes, Grates anti Ironw,ork:
If you can't get 443teek.Krilght”
In your neighborhood, send mune
of dculer and 10c forfull sizedeau.
sAstaToN. ons. IOA
You Cann possibly have
a better Cocoa than
A delioielle drink and a sustaining
foOd. Fragrant, nutritious arid
eConomical. This exCellent Cocoa
maintains the system in risbust
health, and enables it to resist
winter's extreme cold,
So d by Grocers and Storekeepers
In 1.Ib. and i.Ib Tins.
WINTER. -_...SES-410N.
Opens Jan. 4th in all
rdepartments of the
Central Business
Yonge and Gerrard Streets, Toronto,
Our Catalogue explains our su-
periority in Equipment, Sta,ff,
Method and Results. You are
invited to write for it if inter-
estedin the kind ofschocdwork
which brings besteuccess.
W. H. SliAW, Principal.
A simple and effective remedy for
They combine the germicidal value of °rewire
with the fiocthing ropertise of slippery elm and Mo.
Vice. Your druggist or from 10c ill tamp.
Laismics, Slum oe., Taulted, Agents, Montreal, 401
Incorporated by Act of
Member of Canadian Bank-
ers Association
.A:gesa'. era banking business transact-
ed. Sale notes cashed or collect-
ed. Drafts and money orders is-
sued. Interest allowed on deposits
in the Savings Bank Department
at highest current rates.
Dashwood and Brucefield
IL T. DUNLOP, Manager.
Ss sucli uitW
that nad1a tictld not got to Texas
y ene Convene- .t.e. It*kd tnoil when flew can be
At.--114,...,„ ..datekt . 'at am, tea* Mr. le.wreefie.
y . Id wage. Onnneldelene med. _kr leamenee"queatities, esti-
tor. the Do vo,iatxd. _ vety at s„408,000,000, tolnel by the. wee,
. _
- eenmerst expert, is found capable of
O giy .to the fa that Siberie if3 Supplying..1111-:- the asphalt used, the
_coming rival of ail other- net -loins, consurantiOn- _hitherth -being only 200,-
k- -notelet bridge
eonstruction, Macleod, Ai-
berta, ban been atoned tor the time
being, owing to the extreme_ eold. The
therraorneter tas. Wen down to 47 be-
low -zee* Ana although the Weather
much milder tow, the mercury con-
ttnued below the Zero. mark tor, the
past week. There is about a foot a
i-ootyLoo9.:-too,aitogether snow and eleigbing god for the
of gate& In --particular, ern the, I
: - - The 'L large* gas well in the world is linst time in yeaes. Range cattle are
truggie 1°-r- la'the -(1..airi toundenot far from .the Pelican Rapids, eald to be suffering from want of
ado. „"The Brassiest, or Siberian. ex -1 On t'bje -Athabeecedltteer, near, the as- toed and waterel the istrea-nai and
t butter 15 _neW ;Desiree eeconsi. -Phatt -deposits. Someone, set the. ass .sprlinga being frozen over. The sual-
- fire and it fie 1
gr.owIng rapidly.c.This trerniees to be -a A huntted ruilaor that their gocvr6s have aegis:. frozen. The
e most sepiops*: competititim some troni_ this al,,n equally Plentiful: supply railways are teelin.g the effects of
is fottpd. - the comtinueol.-cold sna,p._ the fiat's,
ries *ill nave- 'to Tneet. The On the Miekenzie River idown to awe/Ices .bothnaesenger end freight, be -
:oon • mes up 66 to 80 feet I: y degetablea will e„hort this
the Danish in. volume, and -it is ain the air with a. rear that can be. ageing, many farmea's complaining
bmldIng. of the Trans-Siberianrape i the neetie, game grows two feet in tag snore or 'less demoralized.
way has oPentd UP an enormous terrii diater. He had seen isprete on the —The baed,evere ;stoke and dwelling
ory which Is apparently better suiteAthabasca. four ,feet in diameter. He df idenry Weems, of Rosebank, near
ed or live „stock than other kinds of belied that Americans would be allow- Inalni, Manitoba, was destroyed by
farming. -Owing to the -e—xiSterice of ed to -buy the timber on conditkin that fire the other moriang. Tory little
umerous navigable waterways cros. they came over and manufactured it .Wasel •Saved. The building was occupied
sing the,railway at right _Angles, and here.as a baadware shop,tinsmith shop and
-cting as feeders from north and W,Ialte People thought the Peace Avvelling. Ifrs. Steeves had gone to
south, a huge territory is (*Witted up. River far off, they were going down the echool with the children, leaving
in one resPeet Sioerian competition to South America to develope that dee at*Iteme. It Is supposed the 'One
Is not as serious as it might be, for country. There -were 65,000.,000 acres
the quality of the great bulk of the. of first class agricultural land. Wheat
product is seCond grade. The people on a rearanset Fort Vermillion averaged
are extremely !poor, and live in prim- 56 bushels to the acre, and squash,
itive surroundings. On the ether hand pamortng, eucumbeire and other plants
the conditione permit Siberia to pro t ripened to the open air without We
duce butter at a rate which. would be ticulty. The only difficulty was in
ruinous to the Canadian farmers, -with keeping down weeds. He expected the
their WO Seale of living. Our. safety west would eventually ship four, five
lieS111 bringing to our dairy opera- and idX million bushels of wheat.
tions the advantages which more aa- t. A' world -record was roads In one field
vanced civilization gives us. Our et Wheat which was sown and harvest -
chief hope for an inereateed outletat ° in etglety-six days. Seeding- Is
present prices teem to lieth. the en- generally dote from Apirl 22 -till-tar
couragement of larger consumptien in -1, andharvest is never later than
Canada, In which dieeetion are great- August 20, being generally ccenpleted
er poibffltLs thee are 'generally sets- hi July. SAOW everagea 2 feet- deep,
The English Pensioner.4ave
On New year Day the English Pere,
sten Act cants into force and more
feet 4 inehea -belts the, record, but
Mr. Lawrence bees -seen matry winters
when there wannot enough Anew for
When Fort Churchill is Opened,
.*heat can be ehipped to Liverpool
than half a Million old bilks collected more. cheaply than trona =',.Witonipeg to -
the few shilling's eaCir which- "Free Prince Rupert lies directly west of
Trade and a Liberal Government," as the peace River dietrict, and the Ai -
the leader deacribee ,the' agencies . tot beide _Government has arranged to
be thanked, had p,rovicled for theme To
ot talti7laeYublIntraytUltf:theop
for the
be eligible for a neasion the -applicatt It was cold in: winter but ver .,
mind be more than seventy years -old, -greeable and. p1eant In Su- '-rienY ear.
and a laritisit subject. - The scale of 'From May, 1 till August 1 OSvpaper
print could be reed at midnight out
rneinnive oteshimeis veass 4towlieeowks cwhere the ven.i
of doors the dene are go long.
Mr. Laerrencp's uncle, II. IL Law -
mane, tried at experiment in planting
three 'poundal of very email potatoes,
and the crop resulting was 638 lbs.
Mr. Lawrence'e coussie cenatentlo
raises 1,000 'bushels of. 'potatoes to the
acre, of -the best kiln& and the ;potato
gasnieras mearne do not exceed X21
'n'er . annum. '
Four Shillings a week where the pen-,
nees mein's exceed 021, but de
not exceed £23 128 6d.
Three- shilinge a week - where tlie
'Pensioner's means exceed £23 12s 6d, bug has not yet :arrived,
but do not exieed £26 6s. Mr. Lawrence. eakt e1 compliment to
Two ehilings a week where the pen- the Northwest Mounted_Police. "No
lelorier's Means exceed £26 5s, but man eseapes there on a, technicality,"
One ° tehil°11tinex:8eda wle28k 1rhe6rt the Pea-
he declared, in speaking_ of •the mega
skletrates, who did their best to have
means exceed £28 17s 6d, the law observed.
but de not exceed Z81 10e.
The Peace, A.thabeects and, Idackene
Killed by Joy. • zie 'rivers drain a territory- 100,0000
The Landon Leader publiehes inter- mikelarger than that of the St. Lew-
esting little biographical sketches of 1, rence and the Great reakeet- The Kiss -
nem a the pensioners, and the Ex- I issippi &ass not compare , -with' the
press adds -.a pathetic touch by Call- I Mackenzie for !navigation.
ing attention to some 1300P old folks I Herring tome up the Mackenzie from
who, cliecl just as the evil days upon' the .Attic °teen to Great Bear Lake,
which they had fallen eeemed to be ' and fish are so- 'plentiful nailing would
over. One man, an ex -gunner of the be an advantage. The Peace !river is
open six months of the year. Horses
are lett out to winter aid -come in
fat in the spring. Cattle have to be
ted from three to five menthe.
Royal Artillery,, dropped in a poet -
office just as he was about to receive
his pension. The -excitement of draw-
ing his money caused the death, ef
another veteran 'of Spalding, who ex-
pired on returning home. A and.
wich woman dropped dead in the
post office, aed two other aged Sand-
wich people expired, on: New rears
Day. An old Kilkenny woman died
on her way to the eost office; two.
°these -legend away on NewYears
eve. tit was a pathetic sight—the
strea.m of old, wore, men and twomen,
some half blind, seine bent with age
and, 'rheumatism; hobbling along with
sticks, eome led by 'neighbors, some
moving along by thernsalVes, a few.
ateis at a 'time, shaky fund fearful,
but independent to the last."
'Liv- ing On Tea Shillings a Mimic,
The story is told of two aged
Londoners, the husband aged 72, ..with
a cataract.. on one eye, and very litn
.Ile eight In the other, and the wife a
year • 'younge.r., They have ..several
,children, but only one of theirs is able
to he Me parents, and only' to the
extent of 2s '6d a week. The old
woman earn e as every second' week
by minding a touse,while the
family ,goes visiting ter .the day; and
as extra once a month as a char-
woman... They will now have 10.4 . a
weok perr...on between them in addi-
tion to their termer little store. _
The Oldest Pensioner.
The okiest-. pension' er Is thought to.
be Mrs. Rebecca • Claroe, of Wood -
green, LondOr‘ Who .15 aid to be
104. She was married in 1830, and
had nine cbildreh. She tras many
grandchildrenand great granclehildren,
and What is hard for rainadiate
to undenstantl Is fhe 'poverty that must
surely grip the whole Clarke family
It a score of its , members cannot
provide for the old lad -y • the few
years of moathe she is likely_ Willie.
One of Birmtnglaam's pensioners is a
well known chars.ater, Sergeant John
Wilkins, :popularly called "Father
Chrietmas." He was all through 'the
Indian Mutiny. Anothet pensioner, who
explains ber longevity to the _bead
work he has done for seventy odd
yeareis a great-grandmother with 37
descendents. Another London pen -
stoner was born before ;Waterloo; and
remembers best of all the great sights
of his life, Victoria driving through
London on her way to be Crowned.
Repeat it;—"Shilob's Cure will al -
•ways, cure my coughs and colds."
Canada's Far North.
(Until quite recently, Canada' ten
north' was considered a wilderness of
Joe, but of late facts have been giv-
en which ehow 1 it to be a country of
great fertility, in which grain, veg-
etables, etc., ban be grown succeasfult
ly and In abundance. In an address
berme the Canadian Club be Toronto
recently, Mr. Fred G. Lawrence, tor
35 exerts a resident of the :Peace Riv-
er district, gave sante interesting facts
relative to that country. _ 1 —R. Wilscirt, a section foreman at
He said he hoped to dispel some of 1 Prankltn, Manitoba, wired to Milne -
the illeorions held in the most con -1 dose terse gay last week foe five g--
ceraring the dietrict Fifty- years ago l lens of ,coal oil, to be shipped to him
Ohio wan the western Wheat limit, but I at ante, se he had ruin abort A firm
now it is being extended north and ! In Minnedosa immediately despatched
west in a way that gives Canada dise the goods and ot. Wilsion :receiving
ttnct importance. them he tilled his lamps and gave
Along the beaks of ail the streams seine oil to the station Agent 1Wh1le
flowing east or weSt.frona---the bound- attending to the * leanly, . Nilson
9.17 to the Arctic Ocean, Mr. Law- Chi:night the smell that came from
peace declared, gold vies to ,be eound. the Contents was not that of coal
wo,awawrissumw =
- Every mother should be able to
treat the maser ailments of her little
ones. Prompt action may prevent sere
10110 1111DASS—lerhapS save a eland's lite.
A einnele remedie always at hand is
therefore aln abselute necessity, and
there 15. nothing else'so good as Baby's
Own. Tablets. These Tablets prompt-
ly cure' all stomach tad bowel trou-
bles, break ur, colds, cure simple tev-
ense exeel worms end make teething
easy. Goo1 for the new bori baby or
the well growe child. Guaranteed to
contain no pplate. Mon L. W. Smith,
St Giles, Que., says: "1 have used
Ra)rla Own Tablets for 'constipation
and other, Ilia of childhood, and find
them the best medicine -1 have ever
given me- little. ones." Sold by media
eine sleettere Or by mall at 26 cents a
boxfrojn The Dr. William' Medictne
Rrockville, Ont.
Manitoba and Northwest Notes
—Wm. Butterfield, eine of -the !pio-
Ileerel of the McCreary district, near
Dauphin, Man., died on January ga. at
the age of seventy-four years.,
—Relay the other night, one of the
Winnipeg street cars ran against a
big, gaunt,grey wolf, The latter
ermined wickedly at the cat and then
disappeared in the derkness.
—The . ratepayers of Saskatoon re-
cently voted on a by-law to raise
$20,000.for the purpoee of purchasing
a esite for the tair germ& and to
erect buildings thereon. The vote
was almosterneinirnous, 122 voting for
the by-law ancl only 6 agalnat it.
—A well known realdent of St. Aire
elle, near Dauphin, While engaged in
playing a triendly game of cards with'
some felends the other evening, surik
lett at home- had beee playIng about
the Stove and set; fire to the woodbox.
—J. 404. E. Brown,. of Portage la
Prairie, sold their building on Seek-
a-tcheWars, ayenue to 3. F. Welker, im-
plement dealer, for $05,000. It has a
frontage on -the avenue or 182 feet,
andeostretches back 360 deet to Duke
street, across the street is their large
barm. This building is -occupied, by
the Mews. Brown as offices and lin-
pleanent warehouses; Starlsaid theatre Ls
above the find floor. The build
known ae Brown's exchange.
—After waiting five years fr the
return of :two semi who had p aetrate
ed the: northern -Mats on a 'Preatieett
ing trip, Murdock McLeod, of Edmore,
ton, Alberti, ...received the first word
ot theln the other day, When a riewee
paper was delivered at Ills house cona.
taining the account of the finding of
the skeletons of his soths, ninety milee
UP the Negate river, in laritinh Col-
umbia. sttle daehe ed the le.sit hopes of
the father that his seas- might be
alive, and well be sem distant neat
at tire country. McLeod saki his two
men Frank and Willie, left Edmon-
ton 15 reauurry, 1694, to 'propped _for
gold, They went in by way o the
Pacific coast and nothing was -ever
heard a them after they left Fort
Sirreeaon.. Ide does not think they were
murdered by Indiags, as the boys
were 'goof friends of Indians \ and
could speak thetr language. Ile Is in.
dined to believe they were _murdered
Minerig• or prospectors for their.
outfit. -
STATE Or Ouro, Orry or 110990,1as.
.1.vcas Comar. j
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is seniov
partncrof the -firm of F. J. Cheney & Cm, doing
business in the City of Toledo, County and State
aforesaid, and that 'said firm will pay the Erum of
ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case
of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of mars
Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY.
Sworn to before roe and subscribed in my prcs-
mule this dth day of December, A. -D. 1880.
(asst.) A. W. GifiRoutrySOit;tlio,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, and acts
directky on the bicfoci and mucous surfaces of the
system. Send for testimonials free.
F. .T. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by dfuggists,
Take Hall's Family Pills for ordination.
in The Olden Days.
intereating Sketches of the early
days of Seaforth and vicinity,
taken from the flies of Tile flx.
Seaforth, March 3, 1882.
On the 22nd ult., at the :residence of
the bride's father, by Rev. M.- Danby,
Mr, John. Pollock, to Catherine, third
'daughter off Me. Chao. Shaw, ail of
At the reeddence of the bride's- teth-
er, Tirckereanith, on the 27th ult., by
Rev. Mr. Stewart, Mr. Fred Robb, of
Ketoington., Dakota, formerly of Tuck-
erelmith, to Jesaie, daughter a James
Broad,foot, 'Esq.
An old resident of Stanley, in the
pereen of Male John McQueen, died on
Vebrutirs 20th, atter OA !anew of
eighteen -months. Deceased was /7
reads of age. In 1837, she, wither
husband, settled In Stanley, Wirer°
they :remained until. 1873. When tlaey
moved to Clinton. •
At a !meeting Of the chareholdetes of
the aforth cheese factory on Tues-
day last, the following officer s and
directors were appointed; Treasurer,
T. *E. Hase directors, Bobt. Oovene
lock, W. idelturray, M. 3. 'Shannon,
Rodewick Grey;ealesmen, T. E. Ba`ys ;
aucliter, Robt. Turnbull; eecretaer
and treasurer, J. Duncan.
Mr. Davidson hes leased tbe Com-
znercial hobs' to I*. Wm. Hawiesaaw,
of Exeter, for a period of five years.
Messrs. Broakifoot & Box are snipe
ping large quantities of furniture 11,
.Mr 0. a Willson has 'purchased the
stock arid business of HT. W. S. Babe
ertson and has eeened a seed andfeed
store adloining Ids agricultural lin-
.plement emporium.
At a Meeting of the town counell on
Manday evening it was decided to
teducie hotel licenses le Seeforth from
$150 fto $125 and shop licenses from
006( !tic( OM • •
- Mows. Thomas a Ryan * and L.
dearly fell back and expired. The Murphy have purcha.eed the See.forth
came of death Is supposed to be syn- flax nell, peeing $2,500 for It
cope._ Mace. Fitesimmons has sold her
—Markle Dsson, a Sheep Teacher, 50 Isere farm, om the and contespion,
„who lived north of °meaty, jabertab Hullett, to Mr. ,E1. Shanahan, for $3,000.
tor the past twenty years, died the Me: Robt, MeMiehael has purchased
other night an the h-oepital, trorn blood the 100- acre farm of M'r.s. Chas. Car -
Pawn. He' had his feet frost bitten lberett, wforilich$5,4640tims his "n
and neglected to have them attended
te. He was taken to the hospital, but
too late to prevent death. Seaforth, March 10, 1882.
Lavirle, of Morris, Manitoba, On the st.h lust, at the Methodist
and Mrs Lawrie, recently celebrated Parsonage, Walton, by Rev. W.Baugh,
the silver antniversary of 'their wed- Mr. John Love, of Tuckeremith. ; to
ding. Mr. Lawrie came to Morris in lase Esther Ann Lehman, of Grey.
the. seventies, and Was married at Em- , The Beaver lacroese club has been_
arson to Mies Minnie Hoerer. They re -organized for the tosneng Year with
have lived :Same' that time- Mortisthe_ following officers -: Honorary
There . was a. lame -gathering of friends Pteeldent, W. O. Reid; crpreek., -
and relatives at the silver wedding_ Blackwell; diceeprefin D: A. treDenald;
The presente were eilver cotes, which captain,. 3. Dietrick; field captain, 3'.
will be ueed to 'purchase a piece of %Atli; • secretary, 3- • 3. Duncan:
silverware onwhidh the names of the
guests will, be .Inscribed.
A7' .4A • A ,ses,sts:se
committee, 11 L Howard 0 /copper,
D. Smith, E. Brownell and W. Dawson.
11n. John P. Gibeet has leased his
dalry and diegosed of his milk bind,
noes to Mr. W. Bissell, of the Ott
tawa district. Mr.. Gibson intends go-
ing west..
W. James Hartley, school teadher in
No. 4 School, MeKillop„ died on Thurs-
day lat. A few weeks ago Mr. Hart-
ley: underwent an coeration for Ile
removal of a tumor. He was 31. years
of age. :A. few yeeris ago he was
married to the-10Ungest daughter a
hi, With a handsome--
allver watch.
Among those who left Hensall, On
Weineeday last or Dakota, wereane.
"Wilaon, Wm. Sturgeon, Peter. Itozert
and Thomae Munn, Oliver Petty, John
-W. Johnston.and Wm 0'13rien.
Mr. Same Lennerl. has purchased Mr
Geo.. Leas 75 acre tarnron the Huron
toad, Mettriate, paying for it $4,615.
- Mr. J B. Manta died at the family.
home mead Kippen on February 27th,
aged 28 •yeaes and 10 months. The de -
deceased woat to California some two
yeaago; and while •there he con-
tracted laver, and ,as soon as he was
able came home to his brother, gr.11,
13. McLean. The °Immo illd him
good tor a time, but he teak a re-
lapSe, which ended in Iits death.
Does No Harm, ./3-ut Much GOo
Mix _the f-ollowleg byighaking well
I in a bottle, and take in teaspoonful.
doses After meals and at bedtime.
Flukl extract Dandeliou, one-half
Cillilter; Compound Kaegoreone • mince;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
ounceA. local druggist is the au-
thoritn that these simple, harmless In-
gredients cen be obtained at nominal
cost ft= our -home Idruggist. •
The mixture is said to cleanse and
strengthen the clogged and inactive
Kidneys, overcomkg Backaehe, Blad-
der woakeees and 'Urinary trouble of
all kinds, If taken eefore the, stage of
Bright's disease.
Those who have tried this sat pos-
itively overcomes pain in the back,
ele.ara the urine -of sediment and regu-
lates Irritation, especially at r4lit,
curing even the woret forms of (blad-
der weaknese.
Every man or Woman here who feele
that the kkineye are not strong or act-
ing in st healthy manner should mix
this prescription at home and give lit
a trial, as It is paid to do Wonders
for many persons. r
P possille, if
¥ou mut pay attention tn
t Or _rier the uflqunCeS. Undigesrea
ti , waste products substances, must be
removed from the body at least once each day, or there
be trouble. A sluggish liver is responsible for an
ense amount of suffering and serious disease. Ask
your doctor about Ayer's Pinslie knows why they act
directly on the liven Trust him. TC.A-7-'-m -rc-c;.,Lowe----T1W-4. wi.
Perth Items
—Mi m Annie McLaren, daughter- of
Mt. Thomas McLaren, of Mitchell, died
15 Winnipeg on January 8th, after a
Short illness from appendicitis. The
TeMedVs! Were taken to Mitchell for in- .•
—The in.evir Methodist church
tom village was °panel. for service on
Sunday, the, 10th inst. `On Monday
evening a, fowl ;supper was served.
The prmewls of the servlees Amounted
to the hundred dolia,ro.
Bum Hickey, for nianY
years a raelde.o.t Of Logan thwnship,
died at the home of her daughter,
imLondon, Ohio, on January 8th and.
the remains were taken to iatche'llfor
burial. The deceased was born. in
IreJand hi 1815.
—Mr. Henry Vietor h:as sold. his ho -
bet property at Bornholm to Minters.
Chari en and John Dangest, the nur-
chaee niece being $8,000. They get
poem:Won early in May. Mr. Vietor
has been running this hostlery ter 38
James Willa, a Jilitc'hell Meth-
odiet SUndaY School teacher, met
with quite a surprise when the claw
df • young ladies, which he has taught
for eevetal years, met at hie home and -
presented him with an address and a
beautiful gold tie pin.
—We 'WM. Johnson, of St. Maryta
says that when he was clerk of the
tewneedp of 131anebard _ha 1860 there
were 13 taveresalicensed in the: town-
ehip. In 1872 there were 11, and toe
day there le snot one, a:though loc,a1
Option Was never 'submitted, to the ea.
ectore. 1
Couldn't Walk for Two hionthn.
fWorker,, Owes His RestoratiOn to
Ma. . Daniel Goddard, of Bay street,
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., rays: "While
employed superintending the unloading
Ot a coal vowel at ashen's Coal Dock,
a thftvy coal bucket in descending into
the veasel to be re -filled suddentyov-
erturned, grazIng my left leg and
scraping the teeth off toothe bone,
1 'was empelled, to discontinue work,
and go home for treatment, where
1 weecenthsed for about two months.
When able to get out again 1 got
cold ha the wound, inflarmnation Start-
ed; the wound opened again, and for
month'l map !unable to move
about. 1 tried all manner of things(
irs get eane and get the wound to heal
up, but nothits. seemed -.able to do it.
Not only did everythinget tried eeem
ibeeless so far as healing went, but
1 cOuld get no ease trom the aching
and burning pains, At tirnws 1 was
inet about cragy witie- the intense
throbbing palm and night after aright
got no 'sleep whatever,. ,
"Not until my wite began applying
Zam-Bruk did 1 find eelief. When alit
tiled te tbie inJured member this balm
,aldeldr soothed the pain, and as we
eorithwea Aiming It each day brought
an improvemeest. The throbbing pane
were noon battened, the inflammation
and sourness 'relieved, tend the wound
thetougibly deemed of all !poisonous
and unhealthy matter. Healing then
begten, said in a wonderfully sahdrt
time—coneadering the -seriousness ot
the wound—Velm-Buk effected a Com-
plete and lasting cure. 1nave sines
had net trouble with the limb at all,
arid It is as Round and strong as
tore the, injury."
Zam-Buk is a Sure cure for cuts,
laceeatione, buena, eczema, ring -worm,
cold stores, chapped hands, poisoned
ttounds., festering sores, bad leg, eecr
altelan hijuries and diseases It is ale
tee a cure for piles. Druggists and
'gores everywhere sell at 500 a box,
. or pod free from Zam-Buk Co, Toren -
to, on 'receipt at price. Yoe. are warn-
ed againiet balrinful imitatheep some-
times represented 'as -"just as good -
and elteapene
—A couple of mikl canes of small
pox haveedeveloped 18 Pottereburg, a-
bout a nine eat of London. One of
the eases is pee -old patient at thein -
eat& _asylum, and tb.e cottage 'where
he was confined has been placed un -
1 der quarantine iby Dr. Bell, provincial
I health officer. he ether case is that
et Gorticire T5148 15
• one, but the tact that one of the
women of the boutehold was seen on
the eteeet while the house WAS LS
quarantine has, caused much
leo& anioing the 'residents. Rev.
Morley, valatoref thie Methodist ehurch
ot that place, wont te bia borne in
Nciewicle for Ohrietnees., and while
tame was taken 111 vzitif atteek
at serail pox,
"Imitation is the sitt er
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mitation of
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Seedi a this handsome 0.trtcb
Feather Aster siren ‘way free
If you are interested 15 gardening we want to
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logue we will include, feee of charge, a package of se
of our superb Ostrich Feather Aster, which has teeth
ery, now white blossoms frequently five inches acroge.
If preferred you may choose a package of our Russ
Giata Lettuce or Colossal. White Sugar Beet seed.
Write to -day and name your choice, also mention
name efthis paper,
Derck & Hunter Seed Co., limited,
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'Peerless Peninsulare
Are Cast -Iron Ranges ant Like Steel Ranges
"Peerlese Peninsular" Ranges have the
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They are also the only sanges made with
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"Peerless Peninsular". Ranges are splendid
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Let us show you their many features of
superiority. 71
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ly cured
g assur
, is DJ
to bring :
what MT
n her ca
on At
is ter
d not hare
it not been
now in nee
testimony be
you are feeli
own, try. PST('
prised at the
roughly bulall
partsnew life
The greatest
rresrgans perfor
reach, digestil
ions. The on13-
the tl
ewill tare chron
kind decline. See
res. Sec. and
*ample to Dr. T.
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Science, Busint
Literary and SS
so,Prtblic Sch.o4
girls. Cheerful
like. For Oak
"The Resists
franc -0 our nu
Poultry Sr.ceWc.
Ivo lay out your
4ggenses. Posith-fn
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the gra
w. Terms SI
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'Are you Is
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dens. V1qr not
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In DIY hands
this one box wi
Lor others. 1f
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A deliciously dain y chocolate confection
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Like afl of Cowan's specialties, of
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The Cowan Co. Limited* TOV027110.