HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-01-29, Page 1a A
— -------- —
X—f 2,
xez_ 13RDra. Pub.
-ALY4 N U AA Y ow 9, jkav=08.
7 *1
t - ent member The wagon -was zrried ou the front
The usUce: Caa&6 boy# work amretary of Toron- t dam she "s a ta"t
J94918 CAVIISIrs ]Revort. talry akid Quebe- - Ur. Taylor- sta A 1A n%FY' REMARKED, ot Aubur Preisbyterian church. A of -engine for early 1-90. yardeL
r oms and three daugh- When the train stopped, Nir. Spoon -
9 -on
Iving th "-�Ultwof. is Inv U wtA was wedged between
f am fou
Y -Al 0. A. Urq. J. R. tly
teris survive her rnanager of er% body %ound-
-the id. the box of the wagon and the frd&t
wnd Mr. the House 'of RefugeiClhit
tftff VIr 'tWet t,
apar Yilliann, in- Au- wheel a the 'right ;side, He had
e _t4bj.0 _I?
'T C Are
e6ret4r of-`botmaty work.,
oh1bald-OU eW, LM-dono ProvInCial on the hoin Wtead: V
antly kill d, but the body
Fred, in CllAtan Mm ]�.en- been in,- e
Recretazy of �ounty work.
'Bro All jn� I- lik to- deal here bee-
x1red I tome In and br*ken. lira. Spooner and the boy
lum, !Wnty Intereoted Blth Mr,- roulton., Cleveland, I wa4 inat mangIed. One wrm wa$
Mho wbich7covera two MV -90 and IV% W�61tei King, Clinton.
iM th,61-.VelftTe of young med and boys g
Un I we'M h�und ze ng
yen- go out without f
Cordially tie -The Pmebyterlam congregations f ar the crossing alo
in*lbed coa
y A vs it 1: should bav ve and Calvin church met to tile idde the traelk. The wornan was ]IV-
------ -- head
oomthiAg! -as dead, his 410W. P&Stow, Skiftday Whol tendahts &-nd rpresidents, ot , Belgrave �church on Tuesday afternoon fng, but the boy w
-Yo"x. peo-
hof laot week, -Rev. A.' C. Wisbart, being badly crufted.
�ftced ujin 'the y, whjeh ba�q -out
plew church societies -are . especially -wo want customers to feel free
B.A,, or Bruapels, gresiding, imd ex- -P,6110N�fhg the advice -given recent-
Tequeoted to atten& All delegates and to, jojDk aT
gan., In ound a, any tinr, and while
laot ab -c last
I' -the pastor, R�ev. W. B. Csvvell,
tended a call -his
'local -nm RTC nvifed t6 banquet, we
to Rev. J. A. Frguson, ly by
B.A.* rne Church, Bra-AtfovL
1440 'b looked willing o show our
nTdnth, The report "A
lft& - Lindsay Presbytery. at Colbor treet
DC tAW will 'be �entertafted While, in
Year Gur ou a jngL ISL in- to wim c&4der
'1 -hi 'time aseh h go Ole III able -interest and anxious to' malve f my s The mlaTy offered Is $925 -with four that WIM ist-4uld ialeep with their 9 et At by- both.- 611tical parttm, andL it IS 001do -
Win in.- w4lyOi collectim wll� be ype caln,,, we never pre -as our goods to
We m"&u--gursXe gap foi fl taken -at the evenUig session -In the weeYd holidays and a free- msME
tha beat pba- A do" -open, MT. L. Bare% azilt-�
op6ration. a pTobable it will be one of, the
urell, to ddray'expenqw. t manager of the Bell�Tele-khonfi Q0.1
,IS trade. epin o -at e pres- - meeting of the Haltland Pres- I a
DROP IN NY TIME. bytery to d6al with the all will be 1 met with smr-what serious eonno-ge-
pose of swe out & the-.Lho held on ces Teeently and the details have Just
All who mq*dt to attend phould no -
0 :(31, -melville church 13russele,
of eve -r, nat, toy. -L., C. Fleming, Clinton, not tat-
arablis: f very
Ruat iu
grment Y ure—we
(Ulnjptar ftaq.,�ratoa. Thursday afternoon, February 4th. come to light. Mr. Barnes followed
umerous. er tlbwA- -F�abruary 3rd, istatig whether
sort for m ea and: b oy a I alld jk0keto -ana &rS. f6t N C -wtoll VntertaInMftt ove- ulght or -,P. p. palin, lat-- ot and the, advice to the letter during the-
noth- tbey
gma ee d
wich would In -old
wome]2 �,jj*a beo p a w k ago, and anowe
my Way. r fledt, iqo� ia�e P"t- or 46t formerly of Daohwood and Win the, zephyrs of, the ooth o blow In
-"hn- Bulg&,
J6 has -rdwarjq business In'
urchased ba
overnment. So Disaster at Sea. we the bet -
upon him while be was deep unde
ae -W" I Jeweller,, orth the opell of Morpheus. In the morn -
on T11� White Sta_r. Seaf
oUr PLOLrb t' do. 6 Line steamer Repub-
becAuse W& di 3010sed b0fore th,& 'Cora
It's good businiass
0 —tar Canada. Ing he ;awoke to find his nose very
DaN to carm lie, whtph loft No* YcyTkF.r ay a-
better thaw- to 094rry 1400k anoffier seaSon. Ifi -H. J. Chamberlain ha�s been Vp- bai�ly troze-a. The member awelled to-
_a`y IMP%eb the r last for Meditbrranealn orts, with vice-p-cepident, and general a very abnormal -and had to ' be
I 111.849M the An& tfid case turned
end -of bur selling, tim� is. i aptw Of Ute" -HOA� X"WrIs hAm Y,M.C.A., with the t4y1lowing f- VOin Man-
Aher season.-- Tb:e Ee -22ttIVOt Olag5i paSgen r oard,
Fj on b
Johager-of the Grand Trunk Faciftel 12�.Aoed by,a doctor. T1je
g land', or - Prm tatllie,, or of 'Hon. Clif. was run Into in.. a dense tog off Nan-
fie&K is xe dangerous nie,
h the'sprmg of the wearin th e:mcaths or more 6rd...Slfto�if'or 110a. . X1. Bkodear, all tuvket Light, VA*., k, the Lloyd Unklater; vice-pesidents. Miss T. Way, as ouccessm to 1r. Frank Morse,. out to ba a very and
ho Tedred a. week -ago. r. BRrnes has been confined to his
t *.horn, war -,f -e Kelly -And ra. J. A. - Uwtou M
Ak 011 mar e cnceiaed ji he trana Italiano, Line steahm r. larlda. The
apid to no, espectot of age bed for the T.Ast week.
-That 0
-way - lnvestiga;w� -But . wile the rotary. Mrs. Jas. McKie; Treasurek.
Republic was so sabled that her ma- W40 dhOVILL in
late 'UTo. 'Dr. Redmond; Directors, -Mrs.- A.
Wlsfero'-bave beow ex-dnerated on &trday ev- double drowing accident ba;14
later Gourau to sowto chinery wam stopped &nd,'her lights put
Rmis amd Miss M. E. Flj�her. rp. Anna -Waldron. aged r-ened at -Hamilton on Saturday, n4iort-
out. The Republic was equipped with t enin g. whe)f H
bave failed to correct abua%of wl&h was telegraphy butfit and the
a -wlivIe, theIr lives under r-articularl.
ween Dry-zdale and - KI_rpea for Smit, aged 18. loot _y sad
-VIS td4d Wdt b�ut`haye,beft ry. tar -aT ed' b ' mail bet
-Tjie --ecdttact for carrying he 1 70, became the'bride of Mr. W�l)Aaxn ly befoie uioan. 1-a which UVO boyia
was iswer -
v -en -s -one giving up his life
and Oom of the ther of tie, the , suing tOrm of tfour yeai has -Mr. Duncan McLaren, Jr..'of cireurnstances,
4 iXP1`s610zrtj13`e' Crom-
several 'steamers, who, Aid to
DerArtmient wo, w6re -e"agej I been tendered to Charlea Laporte. b1r. aZty, delivered In Mitchell leat week, In an effart. to save his filend. Th&
tho�§R L 14 jfttma.' Afteo the collision -
ejj� who has jea am, a tat sow, eight- bos wexe John Taylor,- aged twelve
half rice �wn o gra, come 11i for "e, J. Hbward,, rrid Lthe maij- to Thomas Prldh'
[he PlAdat *hich wa- less Anjured
Maiiy 9.t nearly a s me even bacA -and forth ov'er this oixte -for eal months old, which welghed 430 and Jamw aged mine. They,
thaa the ROublI6 came along oM69d
0ftling W#
b twenty-two YeaTs, to uow retiring, ow- PoUndP, and, for W-Vc)i lie re-celved $6 with several other lads -were 1�11%yftir
-a pirice el U.IndividuaLl. �4
a',mumb�r ot ',the pazzzc�ige
'4 brewery, her. the -
mgard io, he in -ildtj, of -4:` *d *to the were Ing or advwnced age. pet, cWt. - about a dwk Imad a, gully in the -
t di aI
tjXe, M j -Mi. aAd Mrs. Wjn. Yeo, of the Bay- 11. Cr Hammond, os of the rea r 0
&V:� Wag
_OfL patmeot ne, GodC
Vite bl% tp, lier con- Tlejd IL irleh township.
tie Teporto simply' the. best kown f inancial men lit ToToto, right boy wanted to get sorAe ob.,
"to, take all,' the Rebublfit% Pas- brated the I Ir golden wedding .,on an- died on Tu%day night. Mr. Hammon-' eet that was I;Ia In the n -Addle on
'to, u d r:iceh he Balt1c,'als6 of
dencei -leavItAg t estion. of'. vrose-, sengem an
-'dealf, With the �;WVjte "ary 1jth.L Mr: and Mrs. Lee. Taylor tried to dis-,
yeo, - are had beimL ill jdae last, June t n- t e t
wi 11 ca h to ben.
cutloa. or diomia" �to In
S 'tar IA %.came"to the e-,.
from L the r1made him :trom- this, but he �Vouid-
1ater �by- the 'Nomt6i. Thoe0k who iWif- all the passengers two - batU 1"tIeo 6f DeTonshlrL�, b)-itwee cer ot the throat.
-ME IcUird . 9 r.e4 Injuid' Ut G come in, i the Oster( crit married In, Ribbert town3ilhip, near -OAe GX the most *remarkable cX- not teed the warning. When he got
etS 'L Were transferred at, Mitchell.' AfteT their inarria,94, they 1100kO in the,blotoz '-of the wet blew-- near t1he cvntre the lee gave War
Men's Fur, Coats on'Saturd to er. VA
s --and oves p1radfAcally-alk'app to" 44 .-pevi-4' m Ight d were-
-nearly over the Calgary district recetl, and bezeeb him and he fell In, Taylm.
Do -11n� iNew York. settled In Grey township, but
ouo AdminieOxation. r
uty 061ste, jandd sately-L
BroWn Wombat Coato the OnOwt,&U'was vei�y heav�'. blieking knowing tue condition of -the Ice;
$150. Finej)r�-Ss Gloves lined $150 -be held a- Ain '%ttempt w90 -made to bring the for�y yftra ago i*ttled -In, Goderlqji
ys, must e L
at U5 OG -ith' good -ow trMfic cYa th V&Y. In Calgary the went out to T—eMue- tim, but hie hero"
$2 Dress - Gloves, coilutable for. failure to remedy -the, Republic to port, but .)ahe t mohlp.
ning 1 25- coofitlMp flhown _joL omnk Sun- at lompefalture was three below at L6 p.m. 10m, cost him his llf,,- as 'he awak
calf Coats at 22 50' -A pretty wedding took place
bave Lexisted at day W ght.
90C ]HaUf &X =fj St� dji[M 6 vas- 32,degrees w1thoat Tftching the other lad.
VZBlack Galloway Coats at 1900. $1.50 Gloves for six o�c n Wied-nesday evening of and an, 'hour . latber it.
and his Six persons Were killed. In b� co - 149t I . 'Huk-. abom -,,k otorm of raln and sleet, which
75a week'at the'�home -of MY.
Australian Coon Cowts at 2200 $1.25 Gloves for evidence, was in MajXy came -declared,' iWon. of theso'tho'�assen
a:b 10-00 $1 Gloves f4Dr ctq and gers. killed ler, Goderich towiuship, wb- e a I a -Mr. and M. -A John Flager, of tle began througho-at the Ottawa Valley
to be tuniskaw Tj contradictory.' wereL Mrs.' Eugeiier Lynch, of Boatoij daughter,' kies Aqwle Agnes;'bec V of E4611evflle, That their V-month�s- Saturday ktk�rnouh and lasted. durIn r
-Coats at
V5 Coon 5000 Fur -lined Buckskin lj� Framer,'. U'DromkWoner of and W. J. Bfwney, a'bahker of lang- the bride of- Mr. ffi�rry SweeC TtW-. 61d ba, y in. a ipeculla mafie
4000 Gloves for b worked 'havoc With the tp-le-
-$a Coon Coats at - 2 01MA in -fOP m' r , Mrs. k r. On Sdh- the night,
Likhts, the ost. severe don, N. D. The, IJuTed a e
-Mocha Gloves for 1 76- rect'L BT. Id L -Y was Terformid by Rev. day tlle-mother was holding- her baby phone and telegraph - wircia throag-a-*
-fte lot of mees second hand $3 fur -fined censure. It 'being -'show1h tha In'. & ceremam Mr.
Fur Coats tit 85 and $10 1irp1hy, wige.of :the -financlal,Ajent !past Aher
In 'her lap wea e qame a vlvld out the dictrict, and the iepair.4taff-A
oT of the Methodist
to'-thle Minister's -::Aer. of the Udloa Ountral . Life Insur4n'ce
SUP dhurc)i� la0i of lighbaing and heavy thlander. ot tb ompanleis were busy all day
r�g OLVOS VuTebasig Dues Cbmpank- of Grand Forks, X.. D.,L, _ 4 in the ipremice A
o rki G1 and about forty gkiepts. �The child aereamed and fell back in- Suda putting up miles of w1res
frOm Uewra. Hervda and Brooks, a' Eugente L3rach, of -The bodies
OIOV.e$ Wool 'nation of -Alt odx o'clock, on -Wediiesday� even- to Its mother's arms;' goin into con- brought- down by the welglit df the
Ove'.rcoats $1.55 Horseldde gave ni), 0%tistactory of, thbee, killed IM the -jeollision WOnt -he teWhoae -auia
lined wqddl�ng
-15c Oumerous�sulclous circumstances. A 0MA wlththe boat. Ing'of last week, a 13Tetty vulaidne -of tright, and dying, the doe- aReet., la'Ottawa t
was so�emnlzed at the aome Of Air. tor vald, of fright. eleettle lighting servite was greatiy
415.Rlack Dress Coats at $750 75c R"vy Mitts for PleaT, c4ft wap beld to have been.made The, Canadian !paaedngers- on boa:rd alj4: Mrs. Hear
Coats at 350 y Dawoon, Babylon Lie,. -Two flehermen, named Reuben- interfred with, the street UVts �all
5 00 50c Atitts for, 25c out agab*.t Commazdar paln,'Agent the Republic *ere: Toronto -J W, �Stanjey, 'When their -70ungeat. ind�ay and Frank Mrameley I w -re beb.,v out of conunWaa OL-Aay m%jit.
at Quebec. and more tha�n a -W00ftw1fP Wnddaughter.;- Miss George ter, Wss S%dje p.,
Overcoats at 400 OvgoiY was unj. drowned near Deseronto Priddyulght. Kuch damage -was also done to tr"-s
ted , in
No wrqng-�
9- 7. Boye Overcoats at 475 SCOT6 OU mln6r� officials, and her g6est, Miss Mackenzie, of Kin-
-to Mr. Edwin Arthur Fos- Thek were cropolng the lee about 11 and many aTe down all over the
t, SrBoys' OVercoata at I so es d0lnig -was -6 by the 1nVstigation cardlne;- Dr.- Jo i Cavan - and wife -
lit MaTr%ge,
375 to 'have Occurred In, edirnection ter, Of Vara4. Rev. A H. Brovmper, o�clock, going to their fL-,h shanty -The iepidents of North ToroutV on
With 91-0 8011 a aughters; formed the
6 Meies Reefera at
'75c Ties for ceremony 11h the �Fresence Qmr Forepter's Island, when th� lee Sa&day defeated b o6venty-five
-Ite gave -h 4 and 5W Men's Reefers at 45o 500 - thek S&ilei And Montreal agencies. Be- AlcAurray and w, Mrs. J- L.
qf about forty of tha f riendp and relam way, letting them both thTou. - voties th"y-law that would h9e autA
for fore takIg. ictlon with �jird to t�e Cas -mol alqd -W, �Ep TWeedle.
50c Ties 25,1-
25c'Ties'foi -by the reDort, -Ur4 ti-vea of the bride and groom7 Their cries were heard by some oth- o-r1zW the town to ask Toronto to
officila Implicated 1: Lmdon-K - and Mrs. J- Smallroan.
'-The. tol le s Suit Brodeur will look arefully. over the r. mid Mrs Leon Bour-
C lowing officers and direct- er flohermen earby, but by the t e annex It.
n S -reached; the grot *the men had '-Jacob Dlo�bel, Ty goods :mer -
I ore have been appointed In connectida they d
evidece, but it Is certain that 'heads gea'- aw�s..,Ulss Hall. - 'r, w
'with the Bayfield Cemetery Committee i gone down for the last time. chan. of '�Wlndm -as almost Instant-
Oaps Will fall. "Rev. T. A. Be Vice, T.1 -The-Cobalt ispecial expresh h I- killed abautt four o*clock Friday
tie Suit's for $11 00 Sfierbr QU04�-
r it, James Thompson;
gin, -Mr. 'D. ff;� rom -y
for '950 'JS-U9g1q%t101A0- f(>,r Improvement,
All M-eifs J. Ma -�iorning by taIrmig from the w1urlow of
Cloth--Oaps at half 'price- ks-b Sec.-Treas., A. H. Erwin; I Toronto, 'leaving North Bay at eight
rt Joho Middleton, Gabrlel-El- o'clock Monday motonlng,, wais ditched his x0am On the
-412 Suits for 750 thus, Ift torwar&ng his repo- * on the Ma:r -w0tta-VVa-MT- Nicholas Slater -and Directors, fifth1floor or tile
now, *10 Suits for -600 1.50 Caps for -i5c ine Depaitment inquiry Jugge Caspels llott, Robert Hanley, Goderich town-, nea;r Jmko, o the T� and X' 0. -King BdwaTd Rotel, Tomato. Wheth-t
I Vers ship; Johid McNaughton And Thoms:13 -three - jide e is not
Odd lots of 100 Suits, regular V.00 Caps for 'sa ys In tpart.: "Before oiieluding, The fact that all the 'immsen
Railway thirty miles f r6m North eT It, was accident 9,; ld
ce $8 to $12, for Soo 50c Caps. for be pardoned It I ake, a on'. the winked vsael were saved la'a BrowaeM Stainley James
pri ma y Cafa-pbell Day, the oecond elaw6 tvvo f Ist class certain, I ouppor of the latter
1. the few triumph or wireleas telegraphy. Had - -he Pullman. c - gping was to,
AAd SQ. on.' observations. J am aware that wh't and the pre4dent and- vice-presideint, and 't ark ove tiaeory is the act. that rie
lno�t the Rep -bli� been equipped
'9�01nN to Owy to not within the -thisappa;,ra u Viam ' with Bayfleld embankment. -The b&gga'r,-e. ca and have -appeared 16. the aesim court - tr.
B S to ac(Ve- of T4Y duty as defkwd. I tuis there Is nodoubt that the death took place on Sunday, engine Temained on the ralls. No ne defend a Imut fi, uAltuted by Alfred Vir.
op ults -Men"s Suits -tin L. -
'Prac- ad- th" would- have been added an- - Goxiej1dh township, was seriously injared.. bul eightee Rdd, -of TarWw, for the recovery ol.
aleo, aw�&a *ikt I bave -not the am boat would liavelaunk with all dn.bm-rd. the 17th Inst..'
tical knwledge to guide me ae'to.t Thonla, Bolton, form t, slight flesh $Lb0 placed with Dlebel In connection
ts, for ages from o 9 A fts, -erlyMlss- paosengers sue -Inedt to
AR Boys' Sui 'Other to 'the loig list of borrons and
-an illpeAs wounds from broken glass.
-years every
4 vears to 16 or -nor. Bliza tUtIlda, -Steep., after with negotiations the jmrchase of
tag into prv�ctice my myste7dei at sea.
Ir -is a -By -Ing of a cable- reel, his business. in the tor
Uarin, bow9ver, f about a yew
sibif a sultinthe house fo clear viewis. No- come Her huaband 'the beak
100 suitinp. in fte tweed� and fancy from my obooiyatlons. bad been alter A. Brake, ot LeamLatan, was discover Reld -alleged that -he Wished
DOS- at Half Price Tej#dont bf 1U i1ton, Which
worsteds, regular price $20 to,, V2, in - t#0 f1j; t the e Huron Notes., thoe-home until Mr. b
a �e ble rem- jaol-to;ri '-took M.' -almos. InstaAfty, killed ue&T Beachville to t
4�-Tw - from he 4WI. - becauz0
U the sale price $15. eay for ithe amelioratio of' the ccm- -11ugh Mtiseod, one of the veter&�fi w'han 0he waotakon. to Goderlcjitown- a alarga
tedo Monday atternoon. - Drilling ol:erations and switating lar.
itings.-fine wors in 001161's ditidna have sought Qherman -of Bayfield, died on jgn-N ship. Rev- fat -her, George ftep, and fo:r Em were In, ;rogewi wbon the Part of the businew. He swore that
to portray lies
Ren's Leather Cmits ue and fanqy,': re
black, bl _gular in the awakoning of- the --pu4 c c - U911 1fith. a&A 81 'Years. threq brothiro'and two sisters dur- teel, 'to which the heavy cab�e - iyo ft awaxe of them coqdltlo�
price $234o, 0, sale -f the Tublic gon -rally j Tyndall attached, atiddienly broke. �,ple -Ild a vUdt t
CoTduray lined and reversiblf 100 of Mrovabra. to your, science. "I e could and A. P.,Cavr 'have vive. ce� of It G, the store with,
Measure be 'brought to -view with abhorrehee. PU'rchaad'-tbe grocery-�*�ess of T. �-A fire occurr& In FArqdhar on being, 'hurled with great force. One ff. gerlm 41.6 Whom he Pur -
-ten , different- -clothe to select and UM of trust -m- tfie jart Bbacorn, , In: Clinton -i NW16 aiurnipg of 190t Week, 'in the f Ue pleces-struok Brake *it the ef
Ity to bla I y !powd --- -
$6.50 to $8, for $475 from-rewflAr $6.50 to $8 p�ev por, :df thMe 'adintalsterling the -pu'blic -Gewgo R Dane, ef� Gorrie, bao cottage occuped - by Hka. Barbara and 'his dmth followed In a 'tew mtn- . -Tule a , f Udmund Dick, of Nera-
Reavy Duck Jackets, lanket maneyo.9 Aod,,06peilty, the ejxd of ouch -Purcha*4 - a -business In Torqnto ap4 Gardiner. The fire had -gained 'auch ut�m The vIctim ot the accident was lam,' Lidsa, wao Etruck ZDY.
sale pice SU4.
liniA $250 ks-Z&�, imported worsteds at abUOM rried, Ugh
Qrf ed"'iff thet g�azt has, gone' iler -to realde. ligh Wa.
e h%dwa before it wmAtecovered that twnty-mix yeaT4 of age and ma Sundar morning, and
Drab Dorry Jacket, corduroy $3 -per pair. y
thare- ould: be ift Aght, -GeUrge ]WM.'at one time aes- nothI09 could be -done to gave, tha -The congregation of- First Baptist- buzzed to -the ground� The dar"Se ls
lined $2 75
U Gardine
aecaft&y`��C"ahlo'ajnd eff1clota of - ident, (9 the� -HuTm Road, ullgins � or conWata ire. church, Woodstock. have xetded a estimated to he . $1,400. and time wos
GpdericJ1.1 b r
ficials dhoul(J-1d.-adequmtely -.Temirner- towambi, dfed� receAUy -in Toroao, jiu got out'uninjuved, but the contento of call to Rev. Warren, H. McLeod, ot, no Insuranep. The owner,thougbt
uilding Inmred,.but ho
a the I r. - -
.9 W". Ur' Gi*gory, t cqxftrol of him 69th iLa the building were all destroyed; aloo Chicago, to become thbir pastor. b 094la had
Heavy - SOX. about Ole Million dollav per vnn u m, -TAIR folloW149 tow-n1shilk- 041M.6- All rerOiDMI' efftets. defctive --J&hnny, Leitch, the sty, year -old r o.
received of $2,200 .,pet an- hae, been -appoin-ed in L Waw%., chimney was te cause of the fire. A wa of Mrs, T, J. - Leitch, wldo'w � of Reuben DsAaf,% nort-h of Argl% vows
Five'hundred #ards of good strong
'Utoz druggW, wa�j struck- the same eyealug Aj� burned-
11londikq Sox for 25c cloth, nice patterns and colors,�. num ; Mr. -Hat ftc, In the control of nO3h - A., lerk,�-*nd p.,An- small Insuranm was on the building a former Ham 44
35e Heavy Wool.Sox for 20c about $30 000 iper &nnum- 'a s0axy dm6m. treasurer. c- and contents. drown�d Ila. the -canar at Brantford on -At 9. ixaday ulght the agitati—xv.
per yard 26c _of
25c Sox, ribbed, for 17c ari h- -The annual rMeting of the Stanle Saturday, attemoon. The little fellOW tank at the Imperial Oil R-eftery in
-Mr. ftr&Dn*'IU the -Reg- H -son, a former Goderlo
d from his grandmother's feet- Sarnia exploded with a tereal zt,�
t $700,000 .,Or azinuh was marrId recently in ot. -District Ptoyal Scarlet Cha�pter Tabyal wandeere
control, of aboA
-Aen0e aind Met With UnkhoWn
31la 90 the entire twwn. Feter -Me-
It Is an tawa to .9 Fl�rence Roblllwrd, ol Orange Lodge Was held In -the Drab
M n S Ja6k- or-tAftum; -
Wt) e Clo -he Tent med �ftt tho- Olrigor. an empl4ym waa- worida
Stol -ea0y miAter for ti2ose Iox,:atflumt ir- that cltt., hall In, Raytield.on Thursday evening tons, with whom L 9be
-012* Un nluTe� The
0; 1 1 1 4
Boya ekingS, 11 ids� W .011nion �coitncii, hao ngag�d last. When the following officeavreft thin lee -coverin the canat He went -low the tauk, but was
uma1tan" t, 'hold, tip- ftheli� a 9
26e horror. They have inot been I a po- an eRgineer o prepare plwnp. and. elected for the ensathg -year .-, W. Q., through, and fArenwn were unable to mcplag= was followed by tire, but tba
ys' Stockings- for t
35c j3a 35C ets.and Furs. idtlon;',to, 'bet tempted. mt-wificitt Peoposed
-9d" wr: . their in, C., b.. d. . Galbratth, Bayfleld; B. reco-yer the body� comrsay's own fire department amd the
50c B4e Stockings for 'Th
Ird-The abolition ot.. the #;ttion- waterworks 0yetem und to s)ij;dr1Atend �C. Robert XcMurray, 114field; -After a week "a Illness the aeath:oc- town department got it uhder ccn-
Fifty C16th Jacket#, -all new, this
age qyatem ft.. the. bepartilsint of xtx- the- W�Tk.� Chaplain, Rev. -W. Mude.; ft-ytleld.t purxed 9=day, atternoon, shortly after rpf. The debrIn wa in ev--
_ x
les, oclorware". black. b ne� Virsia ; TM4- one t Welo k, a UJA . Gra i the Hoot cry direction, an;I the
son!s Ine- and - Fleftftles 10'a � long. ditop, in' -Dr. Jamos Udu V.S. a inw" &I ribe, George Beatty, c ce
broi2- and fancy, - regular price the rght
-Men s Underwearr 'sty direction- z -It tit - liap6rUint; tive Of Goderl 'townpMp., died id hie urer, . Ge6rge Stwoling, Heixma; Her� Rev. Arthur Sweatman, D.D., D.C.L., ed -the wildest kind of excafternent,
IfOW.ever, that,'Wh&.,'-te zpurebiAlng Of hoftw- In North 13attleford, Sask, a. 'Ald-at-Arms, Robert MeMnley, Gush- 'Lord Archbishop of Toronto, Primate -ThTw diufr-htereet Mr. AU.Slaek,
sale -price $500
$2 50 Ribbed, all wool, guar- - 0upplice, etc., 4hould. -be ContTolled b- short' time ago., He,- went en; W. L*cturer. John P6110ek, Bay- of All Qulmda and Metropolitsm., in is T reasgrer do the BeU Tele
unshrink&W. per $1 50, -$65 Furlined Coats� goodcover am ftwell, 75th Year. P4eumonla was he phone GDM
-r. Dwltre,: a -to bbut thir 8M -0
-6gga at ail anteed fleld;'-�nd Lecturer, W1111 ' R& eauer. r - y loot thelT -1,1708 4
ty' yewra ago. A -a re which
000 an abJe man like., U
and lining, for 4 Varn ou
ough- -and oystematl� luspection -of the -TAe 'rrivUte telephone joystem ex- a.; lot Cbnduct6r Win. F4wk, of death. 'p, Sweatin" wa a broke t In their Taome, in Montre?d
lined Coatk- good c6v-
One lot of odd Shirts and .$W Far Z-00 agencies aliould pe-riodicall be - made, tending 'to 'Pointe ln�'theL oGMhon; 2nd Canductor, -Charles Fos- Uve of England, and was a graduate eaTly Monday meml-ng. ' Pour otiler
Drawers for 50C �er and lining, for In order that the - inecesVIty of *L the re� flowiCkP, Grey, and Vllac6 this been er, Varna; Inward Herald,, Robt. Me- of Cambridge UniverAty. Ile was or,� daughtmo ot !rz. Slw-k ju.rcVed fr
$40 Fur lined'-C60s. good cov-
75c Fleece Lined for, 45C -rey dows and we:.,-
quiremen to -demanded, hould be 1�n� connedted� *with the lines of the Beit Clichey�, Gqahen; Outward Herald, R- datned In 1960, and came � to Canada the 'owmd at* win
50a Fleece Lined for -310 erAnd HnMgj for -27 Ob 'amid, al9o, a iew., to 'Telephone -Oompany-A� Gord. Shortly, after UA&Aght r
00 quired 13alley. Bayfleld. �n 1865, as beadmastei of Lo�ndan Col- a
$30- Far coflared Coat for.- tplin late editat of
00 ascertainng If the supplies.reach -The de
their -W. J. ShiL ath occiirred on Thursday, lestate 1hatitute. In IS72 he became Mack was wakeaed by- =qko
- h reh, Brantford,and was filling 42 Ac Follwo& mtor, of Grace c UV 'the bouse, and slie'a-
$00.Fur Ae)w4 for destlnatlon--� cording o Abe- 'G�-rrl7e Vidette, hao taoxi a January Uth, at Elizabeth
$50 Par JAckets:for 35 OD u
. as atierWards to, at _WVodstor
evidence, a saving ;bout -$100,000 3 'k. TVUOW her fiu8jand. wbo, rm out,=
Boys' F e.ece -Fur Jackets for TeT In Pernbralpe. Before eaving Gbr�. wife of Mr. John Bowdeii o he rd rft
Jaekets lo 00 xxm would -be effectd -in he- bfAr-- IPIe-tbe-Young met, Preftnted-him -he age iDf 76L En 1878 be was made administrator of tie atreot lookair for a -il a rin
odd 14 4 Vur r 20L 00 With o�ieemion. Stephen, at t re ja
and Ffilherle- wat�h. fob. pea -m asnd. 9.1 i�viiths. The . dec6awil the. dioeme of Hur*a In IS79 he was box, but'could not - Iftnd one. He - waa
Ine Depirtinnt alone
Large siz6s fo by a
1-15 Collarettes and Caperines
30c of diffemn e -The Wcond annual convention- - of had betn ill'tor about two years; the elected Bishop of' Torwito, w --d in lollowed by W -o Wife, after tailing t
Small sizes for t -sizes ana 0hapesym,- th ehKnge., AT theio,,not other de -
4 tjnmt, 4dm thel
your choice for -; Int6tered- by the.Govern- the Huron County brwnbao of the� of the trouble 1907 kleetea Primate of Zi ca-mde. t4w chfldri� to� make. escape,
'he ever re- -The final repog of th, B Aindi
With collar mmit which could be ealt with In Y.M.C.N. - will be hWd In! !W10SUam. d'a pheum(wla, from which a oard of Not I n_g the call box MT. and
12 ftoles mll Dng�neqjs apointed tQ ascertaln.th6 X to -tije nday and TUeWa�y, FAbT overed. For some weeks -her condl- b 'To. So. Teturned,, m
oppqs- the same maimer I -Would It flot. be ua;ry 841 c
-f sable, coney and
Boys' Sweaters., o tion, lmd'been serious and It was con- le4albility aqd --probable cost ot
sum, your choibe for to ppolnt a� board of, sa y, And --ot
the hovOe bpttiugtwith flaines. Fvo
,5 00 feavAblib
�en, -assisted by In-- - -The customs collections tin sidored that the end was approaching, Gse&glaa Ba Ship Canal hao been pre- the ebildma j
thm',pompeterit r
$1.25 Sweaters for w ip Pairs of Fur 04untlets,'regu Clinton amd zewcaped,' ut
..250 flAelPtOrP conversant with rultog, mar- n mb r
jarprite$5,for . - - for - the nine months endi j Dece e ShV WM a womWr. of jilgh radtal chaxn omed to - Parliament. It Is stated tMt' three daughteM aged atne, tWelve
-Sable, Tamb,
Slat last - wme' $16,704,74, xn Increase actAr, generally � beloved -e;sftera� a, 22 fobt- waterway,- for the argeat� amd otzbeen, lost their lives. Two
81o00 Sweaters for - We Allsets of Fox, k6t,prices, to act as purchasing agents alInd of
75o Sweaters for AC-iink 'T Bpoi riod* 1 6d by all who, knew her, while to the take boats, iW feet by 60 feet by 20 the - girls who escaped were burned
50c Sweaters for we Maxjm6t�,- Oppcissums for- all the epartments? -he office ov& the rre. ndjnlg pe -n the
week. -Mr. P. VIhMemir 3ay year of $8,021.64, husbiend and dae 90, - illiamb who t - draft -can be established for one wad were also jaJured by tbAr jum,
All Knit Caps going at 25c and odd pieces at off of the Auddtor-qeAeral is a very vat- Previous -the kindest hundared milliota dollaro In ten years, -A 0hocking drowrAng fatality ok
tew gz�sollne i4able and necessary one, but to leave . -A Hullett - correopotdent mys-- surviv, she was one - of to
to do grinding for! the matt I ev with 'him alone to oniff _to MeSsrs. W. Hbggart sold., A. ck�j of -wives and itife most- fikulgent f 'and that thennual mainteance ofthe place meaT TriRAton lapA- ThurmUv e
-Ill be approximately $900,000, ening; at n e eclock. Gilb
Tue�ys and look-te stable after the horae has Clough- cut an elm tre on the farm mothers. The late Mrs. Bowden was same Ni in ert Brook,3
our. een, stolen ' few cwyo a- born at * Petrochitow. Devonshire, 1;�dudlnu the operation of omrageres- and DavM Frederick
Our Sw ing Sale Is y ok -Jamle'p- Squthcomb e v-nd Mrs. Broo7"
'Johns ham been dftaw�bg eep J@nglazd,
Lu week for his mew abd c er Az� N to, Which turned out 11 cords ame o C�mada With ervolra for the better diatributiva of Andb r, rs. Sts di, g, w re Y.- C. A. Conventio . n Wood, r their
ihtenO building thAl op and 4 logo, ach 12 feetldng,- her -husband Itlairty-oix years ago, the flood waters of the Ottawa river. Trenton shopping and left a
poftun! Tot settling near. Exeter, then re- The distmee from Moafreal-
ty and Lndne of thlemleag'than a foot In to Fr�Mdh homeR In- Prince Edward County in
The aMual'cou�ffty work convention 'hey- remain- River, Cteorglan Bay, In 440 mile�, double rig. They had preceedd so"
dja4letei at the small -end. niovIng to Brlgbt, where t on
L -Mr. F. Mcilveen died -recently- at ed abwt-tea yeaTo, then returning to w ch d qu the ru t
of the Young Menlo Christla Asso- lil woul re ire const c Ion dWW" on'the bay when in the oxe4-
27 locks and 18 w0u daijioi' 28 miles new they
ciatjd&, of1ruron count, Wilf be. hield hie hme In Clinton. Dece good had out- Stephen, wheTe they have -sluce: resided. or drove Into an opening where
qrs W. -,n Murdock "turll"`- In, Wdngham oh, Monday- and TuodsT, fimvd,tram iparalysis for s6me. years. -Ift. Muteb, TaUdt of the 'late 4 canal excavation and 66'mllea �6f the lee had been cut. Frederick, who
st wel�k, after
Babruary ftlund Otb� MooidOyla 4W He wao iL tutive of Goderich tomm- Rober Wtcb, Of the 9rd Wnce*on, channel -dredging. w2A,,s Pran of fifty-eight, quickly
er an
idoim will topgIn im: thle* afternoon at sh here -until h alth� crood09 ftak, while !Brooks, a vigorous young
Ral -- ne River. and #:jjr Highest Price for Butt. iff, aW�ded t Is he' East Wswanoalf, pumed. away oh fhe -Another, terrible level
- Thor *o: leave the farm- and I
nam, Of in fellow
ret-- two W010cy. and Will be j*W in the compelled him. It �ot. Deceased, who hadrewhed catastrophe, occirred at Kingston on ok twenty-theee, was migaged
11o, to Varvived her 18th year, enjoyed, good -bealth Tuesday evening, whereby W -1n. Spoon- In Vne Tweue of his, wife, and her
on. HIM40 Y. Wf-. (1 A.- voom, Ota, Moinclay ev�. -he ttled In Clin
bY h10 wWand two isonx ,e
Varna, exchanged -to T-jim agIvI -she FT an"sim Were a 16#4-e - At ter - tting them saety on
�t 6.80 a ba4iquet will be,,Slm UP ik mg Dvy, w -*m killed and his wife
Mr. Sawers mi
1-vd after Prederiek and
-practically Wuried. Mr- Spoomr wapetdrnlng to The tee he d;
P0 in-' W; Allidrewl PTesbyteilan church. -At eon, on Anuojr, 18tif,' the took to lher -bed, aed has
W. KaL-4er vhA-ted tbo- 'here will boe az ever -there ever -94M -burnt$ with his vWfe d"Id nrA- up again. The
bo women,
t We m- at K.T. and XW, 0. W-. PLOW, remained e. ITer maldi- tdo home in Glen ;c0
sr, Mrs. Roycei of- GWft.104 6t ;Wngham, w h
'he F ae the. acme of a quiet' co kiame vnA Aft Crulkshank. wid -and ion, and had reached the.junction. wit making --zen iclothe, "gr* (the. auditorium of t jarde std bark ftv�
t- Margaret phe! was born, in Peterhead, ScotlaA, whm, the ftburban tain was running tbem, mmle their way toward Tmitw,
'hurciX. ov ues*y- bere will be WCOIg, 7 hen their niece,
It Was wih d The GREING c,
t-celved the lead nvvm
' v -ln� Lmbells, - only dAughter of Mr� Alex. -at which VlacO Mho -was married, te in. He istopped his team and waited and their cries Aroused the citizens,
two sexislow, e -the fovenoon and
P. 0=rbell, at Ithe aftelnoon,.In the X. )g.,C. Law�gford, . wNa tmited W the -bonds of h* late htjobwnd In December, 1849. UU It 'pasped, and then- �eontlnued on, many of whom Wan .0 oue in t ut on tne,,. 1, e
had bee, suffering fMA9"4j---- e doo
Ei Ast Sid Main, Street, On %.,Soth. O.t the Ron* of t1jow �vvhb- -�Mll b instrimoffy to *Mr. William. 3facfter-, fte carne to this colintry. WRA Mr, havlas to driTe diagonally over id% to do winat they could toward the - ;re-
ek with tylhold- JeVA7.- e
tbm to take pWrt In the .196111 Rev.
Ver., cobvention , G. P. bun -tan, f -White- -3tnte _in 4866, )[iving for fiflown -yearo tracks. Ile Ulled to noUce the West- covery off the bodtes, They jound ttmt,
time bis mother S%O Dominion Bank,, reb, officlating. W. mra. m q2Le Plekering-Whitby boundary, bound train as It rushed Into the the hQ10 lzto-�Whlch the hom JuLd
pathy u exteWed-, UP Ont, chu avid
&bdrmaln of tha-Provilmolit committee mac Oter wMeb they moved -to the Urm �YmTd. la an Inetant It cranbed Into stumbled vran quite lose to tbe ,%th
ved frlenda.-Mw ;A da, the ftd coticen3lon of Fast -Wkwa-4 the wApn. The homo -had Crossed am= the bay amd was unmar.ked44
ot Otatarto azid QdeW; Url. C. been N
oh vh10 ete tas Teddod ever the tzUkA 804 rueW on uMnjured. u4-nAmUd.
.11081 oeeretwry, for OA- the N imoo HO
are renewinr dd
Gi y1einit . 1& tod
antertvAnd a duwW
DOR Me evening,