HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-01-22, Page 2r., 1.7 everyt 'ne- else .in the use did s sharev of iewor.aSweliaS powd under - the . Chionie headaches poisoned blodd, The'bloed is pol- ed by tissue -West% undigeited, food d other impurities remaining too g in fhe systera. Thee peleene sire not piemptlat elithineated beeaueo of sIck liver; howtils,%eletrt of lild*aeter , If the bowe1s. do not movetregularly if there is Paha In ,the,_back_eite*ing armytrouble—!g 'thee akin, f:4 sallow diefignred with Slittipledeatit sioW , what is cawing the hisdachen. 1-tru1t-a-tivesr :awe he,adaehes ber derma they cure* th c use Of iteade':* Raft L'Ilratt-s_--tives" act :directly en the *hire° great ilimineting. hawed, kidneys and elan. "Fruit -e- ves" keep the system free of nelsons. t-a-tives" come in two sizesee 25etand'50e. If your -dealer does net have :them write to •Fehalt-aetiveSt Lhnited, Ottawa. very few 'would complain of the houwork. "Black Knight does away with. the ev er 1 as ti ng rubbing and polishing. ' It - Aims quickly' and produces a result that safisfies the inc-st particular. Always ready for use fdr Stoves, Grates and o Ironwork. It's the hest polish the biggest can for the money'. Send dent&z Z4Me and - for full size ean if you ca -01 set "Black Knight" in your town. • Many housewives it cheaper to '.61.1y a hake. That is becaus'e their baking isn't successful every' tim\e. Their failure s run did cost up. Get WINTER SOS ()yens Jan. -4th in an - departments of the Central Business College ig d Gerrard Streets, Torouto thrr atalogue our suo periorityin Eouipment, Staff. Method awl Pee:suit& You are in.vited to weitefOr it if inter- estedm the kind of schoolwork whioh brings best success. w. H. SHAW, Principal. The FARMERS BANK OF CANA A 1 HEAD OFFICE, TO NTO • Incorporated by 'Act of Parliament Me bers of Canadian Bank- ers Association, - A general banking business transact- ed. Sale notes cashed or collect- ed. Drafts and money orders is- sued. Interest ellowed on deposits in the Savings Bank Department at highest current rates. • Dashwood and Brimfield • Branches R. T. DUNLOP, Manager. , Money to Loan At lowest rates of interest on town or arm mortgages. Apply to J. kiiiteran, Seaforth ram Find that 75 per cent.of the bread used in the city of Toronto s made from blen- ded Hour. WAVE 43 CR EST RI -ENDED FLOUR TRY IT forth Milling Co. Phe MeXillop Mutual Fire Insurance Coropany. FA AND ISOLATED TOWN PROP( ERTY. ONLY INSURED. Officer:al.—It. B. MeLam, president, Kippen p.o.; Thos. Fraser, vice-Tres- idftt, Brucefield no.; Thou. E. Haye, secretary -treasurer, Seaterth p.o. DIrmtore.--Wm. Chesney, Seaforth; Sohn G. Grieve, Winthrop; George Dale, Seaforth; John Bennewele, Dub- lin; Jartleg Evans, Beechwood ° Sohn Nett, Harlock; MOS Fraser, 'Bruce-, ; J. R McLean, Kippen; James Conr.olly, Clinton. Agent.—Robt. Smith, ,Harlocke Bd. Binchley, Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmontiville; J. W. Yeo, Holmearitie ; B. 13. ;Yarmouth', Brodhagen ; George 3furg,te aid. G. Stephenson, auditions. oyal llouseno Flour and follow directions. The result, viql.1 be :light, -whole- some bre*. of 1)4 Yu More for Roy but those few. 1.1y. certainty anci purity. Yenip - grocer can supply you. Ogilyie 'flour Mills co., Ltd. 155 ry eirery; eyv -cents ousehO THIVA Me HERE You Can't Work Like This And *I Suffer. Yon ..eed Net Ever i littje houSehold task becomes. a,. burdo when you suffer with kidney trouble. In- stead of being the bright, hippy soulnatureintended You to be you are becoming a nervous wreck; This need not be. A. few :doses of . DR. ROOT'S KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS will demonstrate this. They are the world's ,specific for kidney and liver trouble, Sold by all tirtiggists and store dealers in ,tin` boxes at They are within the reach of all. Sent on receipt of price post- paid from DR. ROOT CO. 9 Spadina Ave., Toronto. Six boxes for $1.25. Send to- day far free sample. Nobody can know eVarY- thing. To become expert means to specialize. We aro spe- doll:stain producing the best flower and vegetable seeds. In 62 years we have become experts. Sow J'erry'S Seeds and reap the results of our cafe. For solo everywhem. Read our 1009 • catalogue and profit by our experience. Sent free on recimt. Addrms FERRY CO., WINDSOR, ONTe You c not poesibly have a better Cocoa than 1 E'ORTH,)PiMY: . The LLJI 4ifito.:77:77ntt%it:.1*-5':P4t(27"141:11,7w43';:pt.writ:74::11:- e-64::itjatitulolillawitnle141116 Iberia 'eel the., Toradto 'o inct 7 WhoehoPl' Olvd.460d64r.r4ehitzi: "ti.f.A:473°11inu • Veered, with !Mite vraeetried• by the, lolice magietryte ree oently.-,and -sentenced to thiet-ye days .1 , the tlegellatel• werean net eanedoendent -upon bine foe pup - t he woad leave been, more tee -t • elr. dealt vitithe After. he -eves earttenced ;hes wife appeared at the lioe jete.tien With the 'vain %petition that he be let off. T, poor. egteu who had frequeety .felt- hhit tieshheit g =that -stung/her to„,”„legal , satinet her be tat Ina. `.• fee -Kent . _ once moro. under the influeheaeof tete _ ror. lee a neemesah. cleeperetirea gehe fled to the' ;police epeet_ for rettterea but: -after reflection the Vrieffees eke b-ad- et,e6 complaitift. Couldeeregeeefneat bE //10T9 complete than thattto this woman let 'eedecediSO/-=:_tIseratte tw6 ovils-e-Whether to. endure', tietheeernelle tee, 'whenefeie her hueliand ty ,oat 'to have -hlin pet to jail— s/re eleCteeter the *treater. - rInte, her 'eviden.ce She -said that mane_ was, tiontigetted, to punish hoer- _It that ie so, and it sha nor „Dein intimidated lweuee ehe 19,14. infornettion ° a - 'gain* hinge the authorities shoal go out of their way' to bring her Pere secutor to justice. (Women must :be .preteeted, tor we have , not trained thine to proteet theniselvee. !When! the Amebae(' .haet ,serged his thirty days he will be net unilltelly to ..enteet upe atn- the enicreseen. et -MO freedom by once Mora -dliscipling- his -wife with th.i.e-fleilaewhip. He will be emboldepe -to Idet that by l her frightened efforts to tet -14in out -of the captiVity.,.--into 1wh.ielt Ache lead. him sent= -He- will tee): cealdent that ietie will not again have reiotnee,-to law; sYThile he is in Jail ehe wiwlyrobably have to Sitter ,more etelrese_fremewent and 'peteiblyii• 'from mai-ay on her husband's account. Hew, onieh Amber and -more .effectiver would. the perniehment. of this man have been thad t it hetentisicl:on with strip*. Ate tar :Whig. lathed,' until .he Should howl mercy- the .f 'wretch cou:d be Wee ly, ratline* to higi. wife end 'permitted to earn her, living. 'There la nothing) like the 'cat --nine tale to take the the vieloteenese Out an e.huseri of "Inen-Anotl\er..caee was reported frone a. townie. -Noah Ontario a:few dayet Pe*: where -••a =a had eounded his wite"witb a stick wall elle was mails of: bruiesei from to foot. and then left her for deed. Fortunately the.. wretch hes 'hear arreeted, and it Lsr ter he. h,eird that fitting euniShe eeent awaffet And etill another ca.lous. brute. in human .torin, for whom hanging would. TOIL the the az,td toomarnuuychticlaamego7arbt!tnttehill hoqf ,ie, ned, by mexperienoed elgoke frog and in eoxpe cases cutting away the bans altogether. The hoofs he sal& often get too much. rasping after 'ollashne. allowhig the moisture at the hoot to escape in. dry weather and al- lovilog too much .to penetrate In .wet . farm without Shope, as fax possi, was asked nawnj ques- tions 14 , -..those .in thee:e=endlence and hia eFplies- showed hito tthoroughly convereant With his eubjeet . . _ -Th t . Mele.WO. *he' ,took for . his sehjtea.t the moral,e` plaseleal -and' rear tligiotee aelpeet Of' fares lite He offer- . 1),t*oll00.Oseapd.1710,-.5:77dt, .WO:lu:tliclg°8tplekinst th.' Ntrfhateinieli rif ox Pitarirelar, above sew teth.er Claris - MI.cr, o leright,gave aIb on "R-otation of are leaneable talk-; oyes *bat he „is talking- am ti 'but as ilia principal theme was Lor _the' rotation „of *crepe as applied to land Used in a .dairee district, and - this section not being of that clam, the_larinerts present, while =appreciate foe his talk, and - getting some good: entormetione 1110ist likely will,bontintiaaleng. the 'earne lines as' they: have ber doing in the rotation of their .crop. At &Ages Heil, ,Mrs; Ashley, • of tS-eendesboecte addreesed- the. WOlee menet' -leseitute n"The eeeponsibilite 'nf the mother to the- daughter and . eke; &vise:" team- Tyvetim' eegeedivlimog. tnadtherelowlernat 'holetroeuse, -tend- em'greatly aprac1atedby the large ,andioncer Oa de the !speakers the :gee -Ware was ter/ash-ad by local talent, Manes Schee and* Afirtin, Wiehkrharnmer, IL B. Sanders and Mr. prom, who acquitted thereselvea in much a manner that won., for them •much : prate, Mt. T. B. Carling was chairman 'for ,the evening, and,, 0.0 :usual,tilled the position with much *exPeetance. ege.- the whip before I'Leei1i*it11,6 100,01*-: aralaaaan NOSY CHEERED BABIES pa,••.....10 Spa, • Nothing in the -world Is leech a dome fort and a joy so a Iralthy,-hearty: rosy caked, -ham' baby. -Bableoandt Young ehildoen can bv.ite,pt,' .in peen feet. heelth. by -giving them an= oce ...easioInal deem a. -Boys Own 1'a14et, which will keep the stomach Li -and, towels in 'perfect order e And, w,Isita islekeess comes there is no otherenierie" Wile will cure the minor Ills of child.. heed as speedily and safely as Baby's Own TableW .Guarainteedt.; to con - • no opiate or, poisonoue drege,Mee , Eastern . Harbor,,- N. .-S., efeYS: "I have used Ba=bretOwn Tab - lett for the va-rlous llin'frotn which little ones suffer, and find tham a mar- vellous Medicine. Thanks to the Tab- let al my baby mow always 'enjoys the beet of health." Sold by all, medlotne dales or by inail at 25c .a boxfrom 1- The Pr, NYAliteirula' Mediethie Brock.. • Ontario. of the west,- ter he had bean, a real -f dent at It for thirty -Ave, yearA tweo-, ty-tife of -which he spent -in the MootSi Mountain country. —Harry D. Bedford, a ePertonlain and , writer on natural htstory .au4 outdoor' iallbjectfily ERT1OUROPE from NeW York that he .will leave during this* month and explore the Arctic reglone alonelie will go first to Edmonton,where he inteuds to eon-, thine hie jeueney an snowehoes and by Means ot eked with only e dog ae a tomeanion. In this Way behopes- to travel 5,000 nallbel and take three years. in doing it. re the death of Mos. JP4P,M Thur - ridge, whith occurred at the tanally residence in Winnipeg, theeolts has lost one its oldest realden.ts, foe, 3 years la a lengthy period of -existence in the life of E city ot—Whinieteg'S age., Mtee* Burridge was horn at Hamilton, Ontario, sixty -night ago, and vamp to Winniphg with her ;husband ill 1879. Besides her hus- band ehe leaves a family* of one eon and four dauehters. --A coal famLne 1 ateaing Calgere in the tate.. This le.a. question which , is being ;discussed with acute Interest by thaw who have hard coal tree to keep up and who find that the coal _ they have „placed, orders for' has not hem delivered. When the coal does arrive, there will be an extra . fifty cents tackni on to the hill because the ,local coal dealers *have .raised the erica without aesigning any 're:aeon. Iland coal ot the varieties or sizea laetewn iStOVA .egg and broken, have Ions, up from $7,08 per ton to 48. —John Atkinson, a liorneSteader, et Moo .% Jaw, Seek., was ties other ate lane= tem/pitted to jail for -trial'at the Moose Jaw oupreme court on ;fah - nary 26 on a charge of grain stealing. The eccueed was a resident in Mani- toba for many yeare, and Is believed to he a 33areardo boy. Mislay come plainbg of Wheat stealing have eeaehe al the mounted police from the far - Mere in the Moose Jaw district, and, It is believed systematic', thieving hail been carried on. Atkinson has been a refractory erteener since his arreet, - having broken the handcuffs and a .straightjacket. 4t• seee.memeaseas Warm and Dry' tcr Stay Woll. Now is tbe time,When the -daetbe` gets busy, lend th,e patent medicine mainutacturetre reap- ,the harvest, un - leas great care is taken .to &Ode- walemly and keep the feet dry. - Thts la the advice of an old eminent au- thority, who says that 'Bhettinatiarn and Kidney trouble 'weather is here, and same tells What' to do in ease of an attack. - Old from any good prescription iehar- mazy one-half ounce Fluid Extract _ Dandelion, one ounce Corapound Kar - gen, three ouneet Compound Syrup • Sarnapasilia. Mix by shaking in a bottle and take a teaspoonful after nreale and at bedtime Jest try this eimple brome-made 'Mix- ture at the find sign of Rheumatism,' or if your heck aches or you feel that the kidneys are not acting Juet rlgbt This is said to be a splendid kidney regulator, and altneet certain remedy for all forms of Rheumatism, which is .caused by uric acid In the blood,which the kidneys tail to filter 011t. AIITOrie . 'cam easily prepare this at home and at ;small .cost. Druggisttg in this tOwn an( viola: ity, when shown the prescription, sta- ted that they pan, either Supply these ingredient% or, if our readers pre- fer, they will compound the mixture for them. be entirely to simple apnhmeet, I Wee copeto the outface in Saskittehe wait - It .18 reported from 'Creel.matt, in that Province.. A man named Chas= f °plea a homesteader 'noir Creeiman, who came' from the United States a few months .ago, had been in . the hal* of quarreling with his wife, and ,theee -Onerpels USES:11Y CUI,ElLnated In the poor, womaie eeerirting et, Otto/ere and brutal ,bea,thige But this brutal - 'fey, saee. the report, reached he .1bnit a feet eights ago, when the roan. threw his 'wife -out in the cold *hen the thermometer registered 42 below zero, and with nothing to 'pro- tect ,hler from thelaterne but .a . thin cotton night dregs. A neighbor, Who hgpened to be paseing,and wished to elatain.„pretection for the night,sought. ! edatinelen to the house, but waS -order- ed to leave at once Oti pain f being oto -AteIte turned to 'go he heard glee-a:1E1.'1ton' the .,directioin. of .a wagon boar ,and; -gaing, to investigate, found' ,the 'untartunatii woman ladng there ai- med frozen to death. He -picked. her Any .and managed toreach hie. own - - &end_ with lace, but she Was so . ter- ribly frozen that recovery is impose bier :She has So far -refusal to lay a char,gettigatietleer husband, and as vault he has not yet been arresite ed, but will she die Or should he attempt to leave the coentry. The tnelibliesrhoedlisShocked by the bru- tal oceerreince. ,. That such a human meneteretehould he allowed his *freee dem' foe an -hourafter hie Crime wee ,dileeovercd is tnot by any means- ered- itabre to the *legal authorities 'ef: the ,distriCt. - The wonder is that the peo- ple` tug not lynch him on the mot. eRepeat it i'—"Shiloh's Cure will al- ways ture m'Y coughs and colde." A delicious drink and a sustaining food. Fragrant, nutritious' and economical. This excellent Cocoa maintains the system in robust health, and enables it to resist. winter's extreme cold. Sold by Grocers. and Storekeepers in 1-1b. and /-lb Tins. - Logs Wanted 1•10.4.•••:•. The undersigned is prepared to pay the bighes1 , cash price for an unhmited quantity of first.olass Soft Elin, Rook Eln2, Basswood, Maple, Beech, Askt • Elemlock and Oak 'Logs, delivered at the Seaforth Saw and Stave 31111. To be out in even length, ex- cept soft elm; sett elm to be eut 11, 13, and 16 -feet. Will also buy Basswood Heading Bolts, 40 inches long, at 08.50 per cord delivered. . Will also buy tim- ber by measurment or by bulk in basil. Special at- tention paid to Custom sawing. Sallisdsotion guar antessl. 2180-13 W. AKEINT, SeafOrth. STIVE OP Orn -,Or TOLED0,.89. LUGA.8 COMM. , • Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner Of the firm of F. J., Cheney & Co., doitig business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, d that said firth pay the sum 'of ONE R11141DIRED DOLLARS for earld'every ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hali's Catarrh Cure. FRAIM J. CHENEY. Sworn tia before me and sithseribed in my pr,es• ence this eithday of December, A. D..1880. cssiu.) OfmAgoN; Notary Public, Hall's Catarrh Ckire is Mien _internally, and acts directly; on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system.1 Send for testituonials free ' 1'. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75e. ' Take, Hanks FamilyPills for constipation. MC Man I Ma analinatal Ma 1 Farmers' Institute lideetinga , The regular meetings under the auspicee of the South Huron. Farm - ere' Inistitute.was held at Brucefield and Exeter on Monday and Tuesday ot iaet week. There was a fair attend- a,nce at the Brucefield meeting and -much useful inferrna.tion was elicited from the delegates on the subjects dise euesed. • . • The Exeter irteetin gen Tuesday was, ate usual, at that plate well,attend4 ed. Mr. W. D. Sanders, 'preside:lit et the Institute, ably filled the 'Chair and, in his address gave some very ta- te:resting thoughts 'for those present. The firet speaker was ifir. -Wr" F. Kydd, of Simeon who gave an extend- ed talk taking :for his subject, " Am, I raising the most profitable horse.' Me. KYdd was disappointed at so few Mpg farmers berng present, wishing to, addeees hts remarks to them In particular. He *took up the qeestion a selecting a horse for breeding %tee Feteeel• and advised Mow in • Judging the good roints of 'a horse to see him from a distance of about 20 feet -and not in close eroadmity. 111 Ortifill to see that it is well erbportioned-. He advised the selection' of one with a- la.rgegirth. A horse with abroad forehead is the best. It is surely to be Of .a ''good dispositiom vfidle a narrow forehead and mall sunken _ Manitoba and Northwest Notes —Qiner$40,000 at the..7.aet two years' school taxi* to Saskatoon ere yet unpaid. -Phe' finst. militaet ball held he Jo -i minion, City, Manitoba, was given. by the 18th Mounted Rifles the other evening and. was a deckled success." —Gaein laClure, .of -Carman; Mainl tuba, .ha e 'gone, on •a vied., to hie old home at Pictou, Nova _Scotia. This will be Mr. McClure's first visit to _ his home in 25 years. . —A young tsehool teaeher, William Thompeen, Who has been teaching for the poet Teal' at'Bifeliinan, Seek., was recently srobbed of $250; He wee on the C.N.R. train on hie way to -Cal- gary, Alberta, 'VIE Edintenton. —Serriuel Justine, aged 73, -a ;Io - near farmer of the Portage_la Prairie dietriete died in -Portage on January 7th. Tge deceased went west in 1880 and for many years _fanned on the elaboe at Mendeneld. He is survived by hla vats and two daughteis. * —A -farmer named Wheatly, residing on the Portage 'lain, had a close, call from being frozen to death the othe.r, daY. While driving. Ile was almost ov- ercome by the intense cold, but will recover.' He however, eatained muriber crf tee.ivere frost b —Hon. J. S. Hall, Calgery'a city zo- lieitor, died.las t week, aged fifty- seven years. _ He had been 111 for some time. Death was due to _a complies, - tion of diEREIKS. He went to Calgary a -few yeateet ego and was- eppoluted, solicitor te 1906, resigning as alder- man to accept ehe position.' . —Fire broke out iri Saltcoats, Sak early the other met -nine, preeemably from an overheated stove in tire office of the Recorder:Printing Co., Which was completely destroyed. The flames se,read to a doctor's office. and a drug store adjoining,' an.4 both were burned to the ground. Thethermometer reg- letered forty below zero at the time. —William "EVatere an 'English home -t sfeader, aged 65, living near 'Water- ous, Satet., was foetid frezen to death in a *bluff where, be crawled to Hissteps' were traced from Water - mei tie his -,own door. ..Wher,a his key •and mitts .evefe • found In the . onowe =and then he had emdentiy tried to _Melee hia Way to 1,-'nergehboring Shaelt 'halt a, mile away, When' he want over- coinsby the cold. , —The Manitoba agricultural college ea -opened lest peek ...with so attend - knee .otnetrely 170; ,Ind th.e !staff earn"- plete in all- departments: The by Weee all .anxione to get- baek tp work atter the long vaeetion which-- began inoeuch a hurried manner by the exit 'Of all the able -Netted students by way a the fire escape' to avoid similar comearativelY • ilarkaass epie a qoarantine for measles* er some odietni---Fter'Itd "Craig', erumi : nant randher south of Gull Lak Sask., while out riding last week, e *injured byhis hoemt tailing with him. He WAS e'en- t.l.ed unconsciotjs. and when he - re- covered bath feet and one ,teem were. oraveted to home, which. was a Mile 'sway. Craig was taken to Gull Lake' incl plesed under a doc.tor'e PEM. It is leaned amputee tam will be neoesaery. et- -James Flaeenagan„ ',proprietor of the Flainiagan House; at Saskatoon, Sask., one of the elargest and best conducted houses in the 'VireSt. Med last week. He 'ives one 'o/ 'the ,pIconeers of . the =district,. was a peol'alteetat Conse_re ,vatIve,• and Ivies Well known' from Wfn- rale* to the attest. -He went to Seek- atcion-eix 'yeses ago almost -penniless, and at the time Of late death had aat • rehiened- a fen -tune of over $200,000. -eArehlbald. A. Campbell, Mee of the rioneers or the Carlyle district; Man- itoba, who died at the holm of his brother, John Cainebell, -WInelpeg,was born in Prince Edward Wand. Ur. Campbell might welt be termed one of. the "old timerr as well as eloneerte 121161tellEMMEMIlaueximmompal New Notes. . --Some remarkable figures w.ere made public at Washington' the oth- er day at the depart/tient of labor re.. lati•ng to Japafteme immigration and emigration. They indicate that during the twelve menthe, ending November 1st last, the total number- of Japanese admitted to the United States lerals 6,017, and the total numbe'r .who left the United States was 6,832, an credoa to the - Japanese population *of 1857 Them figures indicath to the4m- migration authorities that. the GoVern-; meat of Japan_ is living up to its a- greement with the United States re- specting the immigration of Japanese to that country. - —Mr. -John. Morgan, one ot-the most erominent farmers and stock breede ere in -Western Ontario, died SA Vic- toriaRoopital, London, atter a ling- ertng lllneas, in his seventy-second year Mr...Morgan. resided' On, the fourth line, beweere/atrathroY and Kerwood, end had One' of the - finest tarnis In- Nireetern Ontario. He was Reeve- of the towns)* of Adelaide for a eufither a yea,* and served ES waraefi tor tht comity. In keelleice he -wee staunch Conservative. Twice he ran for eeolitical honors, but on both oceasione 'met with defea.t, 1888 he contested the eldink 'of Nbeth Middlesex for the Locale Legislature, but was defeated by Scinet Waters.In 1892 he ran in West Middlesex, and was defeated by Hon. 0 W' Ross, then Minister of Education. He is survived by a Widow and seven sorts. —At the ogerting of theraential Meete ing of the Western Dairymen's Ase &Motion held Brantford last week, Mr. C.' C. .Thanes, Desuty Minister of Agriculture for Ontario, delivered a most able and haseiring addrees, le hie habit, and, • itt which. he ex- horted the:farmers to pit their hest thought and best work ,into eatt.kingt dairying the selentitic and profftable -4411uotry It ought to be, "If we could only get," he said, "farmers to drain' and lear u their, farmse then tame -good seed, Igo that the _ quantitk and quality Of traps would be bet- ter, then weed out the old pensioner eowe end -ghtf, good tows a e.hance, then hendle. the milk :properly an equip oar, factories as we ought, the fareaaeis would he wealthy men, and Ontario the most prosperous Province In the Dominion." „ ike.iy moreinge ago while' Mr. Meek, who resades'a cotaele of miles, west t of the village 'of Ayr, Waterloo celerity, aeperneanled by his son and a Ingighhor, Mr. .101111. MeVittie,were attending to live stock. Mr. Black was astontatred to find a 10g with its nose aimed ,entirely- chewed off, and while examining. It a nelee was hewed on the floor of- the barn above, where a ferocious. strange dog wee engaged In combat with Mr. Black's dog. It - being still dusk it was hard to Sefl the, In a minute or two the \deli:jun brute made a descent of the stairway and ran etraight for a num- ber of ealatee, snagping at their heads. Me. Black .fcrend a eitehfork, and with a well Aimed tstroke drove the TrOffga at the fork into the infuriatal brute, holdier him captive while Mee Moe Viftle seemed a sledge hammer and despatched him. MT. 3. Peskin. V.S., of Paris, was at once wir-ed for, end upen bis arrival the bead was sever- ed from- the dead dog and sent to Ottawa, tor examination. Mr. Paekin remtounded it a rather had loolartg case. The dog is supnoeed to have been affected by rabies. • JANUARY , Suly 'Some Alcohol estions Is alcohol a tonic? No! Does it make the blood pure? 1401_ Does it strengthen the nerves? No! Is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. a tonic? Yes! Does it make the blood pure? Yes!' Does it strengthen the nerves? Yes! Is it the only Sarsaparilla entirely free from alcohol? Yes! Ask your doctor about this non-alcoholic m -etlicine. If he approves your confidence will be complete. J. r Co., Lowe as.. a $ trailgirisiuu men i • visit due to constipation 1 Yet the cu e is so easx—Ayer.'s Pills. Ask yourdoctor, meal 1-Jeavyneadedi Downhearted/ AU • e Progress Brand Suits and Overcoats Clothes that appeal judgment- Nialues that appeal to pocketbook. your Sold and. Guaranteed b STEWART BRCS. ive Daily Paper Will Put Lon q In Your Pocket. With The Toronto Daily Star's accurate daily market reports you could sell your grain and live, stock at top- notch prices. Half a cent extra on just 300 bushe.s1 of wheat or oats would pay a year's subscrip- tion. 25c. abh-tindred weight on a dozen hogs would cover three years' subscriptions. Don't you,depending on weekly reports, or daily reports that are old when you get them—naiss top i)rices by at least that much several times a year? Toronto Daily Sfar • Publishes Market Reports 12 to is Hours Earlier Than the Morning Papers Every afternoon's issue of The Star contains that very day's quotations on the grain and live stock markets of Toronto, Montreal, Buffalo,. Chicago, and other important cities. These are the same quotations that the next morning's' dailies -publish -12 to 18 hours later. $1.50 A YEAR, CLUBBING OFFER This Paper and The Toronto Daily Star together for One Tear, $2.20, Guar- anteed Fountain Pen given for. .50e. added to above subscription paces. _SEEDS FREE A package of seed of the D. & H. Colossal White Sugar Beet will be given you free if you write for our handitorne neve 1909 Catalogue. This beet grows to an immense size, is easily har- vested, and yields- 1,500 to 2,000 bushels to the acre in ordinary soil. Makes cows yield more milk. Fattens hoes quicker. If preferred we will send you package of our Russian Giant Let- tuce or Ostriteh Feather Aster seed instead of the sugar beet seed. Write to -day and name your choice, also mention name of this paper. Darch '84 Hunter Seed Co., Ltd., London, Ont. • deal Pe sular e advantages of a Steel Rarkge wfth iiktrabiliW of a Cast -front Range "ideal peninsula , is the' ideal ranee - a small Idtelten. It gives the conveniences of the beat steal ranges with the added, advambge of being fest-iron and thw-dc.-Z4 more durable. The "Ideal" Inune ether wood or oetel and the grate bars `May be changed in haf a minute. Step in and let us ewer you the DrtV Oven Door—Low Warming Closet—Adjustabia Damperf,--Daylight Oven and other improvir- meas. Always glad to .xplain the seproimete of thr.se fine taxgcs. 70 CHXSNEY et ARCHIBALD, Seafo,. a?. 0 - ont . Gloom Lib vau home - Evocable fiat tore lite ha to Mr. -Imre of ere t into the el was char een pronot bops . But t IPSYCHINEe • Itwaswl that the te _ flrieud urged trial, and es effect -remedy. Mr *.nd persuad B-efore the: taken," ,he E *ter lungs _mama 4-0 lteegrutehPe Thom ALM Th T MEN introdtee our e'oultre We lay Out txPenfts• W. A. JEN eriCent Nort..X..31.11..1.X6 A si soRETt They 4.-liTibilatt with the tootbi rice. Your MTh or "ChoaoIte Pudding" — for 'Homemade Pudge"--for Ice C -ream tc.,—use riowan's Perfection Coco. Delicious in flavor, nutritious, economical Tsat Cowart Co. Ltrerrere, TORO -0, ott