HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-01-15, Page 6THE HURON EXPORITOlt •JANUARY 159 1909 The clearing sale is still going on a A. Gt Ault's All kinds of China, Crockery and 018,42 -mare right down to cost. Also li kinds of Groceries cheaper than ever. I. am still sellmg 20 pounds of .R.path gr-anulated sugar for $i; 12 bars of Judd soap for'.e." . ; 8 bars of Cheerful soap for 2'-; ; 6 bars Naptha soap for 25c; 6 bars Richards' pure soap for 25c • 6 bars Bee Hive soap for Z.c ; 6 bars of Comfort soap for 250; 3 two -pound bars of White Star soap for Ze ; 2 three -pound 'bars of N. P. soR for 30e, reg. price 25c a bar; a fresn lot of that good maple syrup at 25c a Quart - 5 lbs. of new Figs for 25c; 5 lbs. ofPrunesfor 25c • 3 lbs. of Sultana, Raisins for 25c - 3 lbs of best Cleaned Currants for 2ie - 3 lbs. extra • large fresh Raisins for 2..Eve ; 10 lbs. a Sulphur for 25c, 10 lbs. of Epsom Salts for 25c, 10 lbs. Glober Salts for 25c; 6 boxes of Sardines for 250; 2 cans of good Salmon for 25e ; best cider '10c a quart; Pure Extracted Honey 12e a lb.; honey in comb 15e a Tt, section, besides a lot of other? things too numerous to mention. is is a cash said. Fresh Butter an Eggs taken at cash prices. All kinds of Syrup and. Molasses and Fish and Coal Oil in stock. A cordial invitation is extended to all to call and get some of the great bargains that are now to be had. Gr, Ault, Seaforth Grand Trunk Railway • System. Railway Time Table. Trains leve Seaforbli as follows 10.4$h. m. F-7-1 1.10 a. nu 0.187p. m. •. eel 11.12 p. m. 7.52 a. nu For Clinton, Golerich, Wingham; Kincardine. For Clinton anclAioderich For (Hinton, Wingham and Khmer dine. e For Clinton and. Goderich. For Stratford, Guelph, Toront Orillia, North Bay and Points wes Belleville and Peterboro and east. For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, treat and points east. For Stratford, Guelph. and Toronto LondOrn EllarOa and Bruosa Stearn - Loudon, depart- Coattadia..... • •. se Heosall... .0.11r • • ••• ••• KIPPene. -..... • t. 011isson... .... 4, mpg gam gm, • Ilk go• OM Landesboro - OM' OW Milr 1315411 ONO OR OW.• sleigrave- - animal Soma- Pasee. n ter 5,43 A.m. 6.64 1.64 7.08 3.5-6 7.16 4.04 7.50 ' 4.28 8.12 4.82 8,23 4.47 8.82 8.52 a.: xetet .• 8.48 5.0e 9.05 5.15 London, (arrive)... as ig &BO gas 10.00 A M. 6.00 Fsssenges, 8 89 m. 5.00 p R 40 9.58 3008 tate 10.30 10.50 1118 1127 11.40 11.60 4.48 6.54 805 6.11 6.19 6.85 0.52 7.00 7.11 7.86 IV:Ingham, depare. Wage: 00 gm Belgrik-Ve meg gag gag mg Blytla... .•.. -e• Clinton - - IMP • ig-11 3raeafte1lig-S.0 mop mig.a.01.06 Kfopen- ••*.terg..sa sag OM *0 genBALL. ma- AM 11=1, Iggt (Matra -IS. • .6 Ile 09 .9 Obi., SE. Listowel"and • Kincardine Goma NORTH. Pass. Pa. as. 7.42 pon. 12.05 pm 8.42 A Ethel- _ ........ 7:441 11.00 10.42 Bee:meals., _•_ .. _ 8.61 1.44 11,55 9.03 1.56 11.10 9.15 2.08 61 GANG Souls. • Pass. Pass. Pass. WInghara.- - -„ 6.43 a.m. 11,00 2.40 p.t. 6.62 11.10 a.ni 2.49 7.06 11.26 8.02 7.15 11.87 8.18 Palmerston— --, 8.00 12.80 4.tat Biaevale... am gig •NOR aViagliam.. gee got Blaevale_....... Br week. The FARMERSBANK OF CANADA HEAD OFIe10E, TORONTO Incorporated by Act of Parliament Members of Canadian Bank- ers Association ••••00.1110 A -general banking business transact- ed. Sale notes cashed or collect- • ed. Drafts and money orders is- sued. Interest allowed on deposits in the Sa,vings Bank Department at highest current rates. Dashwood and Brucefield Branches R. T. DITNLOP, Manager. Money to Loan At lowest rates of -interest on town or arm mortgages. Apply to J. L. Killoran, Seaforth 129-24 Find that 75 per cent.of the bread used ir the city of Toronto i s made from 'en- ded flour. D t Win CB EST BLENDED FLOUR TRY IT Seaforth Milling Co. 1 Established 1879 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresolene is a oo.a. to Mtlinatics noc.$ it not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy into the stomach? It cures because the air rendered strongly anti. septic is carried over the diseased surface with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat- ment. It is usvaluable to mothers with small children. Those of a consumptive tendency find immediate relief feo•m coughs or in- flamed conditions of the throat Sold by druggists. Setid postal for booldet. LIZEMING, MILES Co., Limited, Agents, „ Mont- real, Canada. 307 • REAL EF_TA.TE FOR S.ALE seIROPBRTY FOR BALE. -The farm and town 1. property belonging to the McGinnis property, not havIng been disposed of by auction, the . same ean now be purchased by private sale. For further partioulars apple to R. S. HAYS, Barrister, Sea- arth. 204841 VOR SALE OR RENT.--Comforte,ble cottage Qfl 1 James Areet, Seaforthoalmost new, convenient to Main Street. Also for sale, new frame house on side street, near the Collegiate Institute, heated by furnace and good stable and half acre of land, suit- able for retired farmer. Apply to GEO. T. TURN - BULL, Seaforth. 21834f DROFITABLE ,INVESTMEMTS. - I can lend I. money on 'improved quarter sections of 16C ores each at from 8%, to 10% per annum. Only first mortgages taken. Ample security given. Torrens ritle System is perfeot. From $300; up can be lent en farms worth from $1,000 to 82,000. For further earticulars write to me. J. A. JACKSON, Barris. ser, etc., Ponoka, Alberta. • 1950-11. P°• FOR SALE. - For saki' at Roxboro, MoKillop, eight acres of land, on which is a event briok house, just been rebuilt,, and heated by furnace; good stable and Implement heuse ; also pod hen house and one acre fenced off with poultry netting. This is a most desirable property for a re- elred farmer, or for fruit or poultry farm. It is only gianiles from Seaforth. Apply on the premie or address" Seaforth P. 0. JOHN Mc . 20804I VaRid FOR SALE.-Forsale, Lot 8, Concession 4, in the Township ef Tuckeramith, containing 100 acres of choice land. On it there is a comfort- able brick houee nd woodshed ; a large barn, 90x52, with stone stabling underneath; also other out buildings. It is within half a mile of a school, and withm three miles of the town of Seaforth. It is well fenced and under drained and in a high state of cultivation. Also a good orchard and plenty 01 good water. 'For further particulars apply on the prem- ises, or address HENRY CHESNEY, Egmondville P. 0. • 211641 IMAM FOR SALE -For sale, Lot 31, Concession 1, MoKillop, containing 123 acres. This farm, Is well fenced and thorougnly underdrained. This is a finst-olass tannin every particular. It has been in grass for the past nine or ten years and is con- sequently in condition to raise the best of crops. It is !situated on the Huron Road, a mile and a half vest of Seaforth, Will be sold on reasonable terms nil possession can be given at once. Apply to NDREW ARCHIBALD, at Chesney & Archibald's, aforth, or to JOHN AROHIBALD, Seaforth. 2128-tf • L-1011 SALE -Lot 35, Concession 3, Usborne, men - 1.' mining 100 acres more or less. Their are on the premises a fine Stone dwelling with kitchen and wood ailed, house heated wfth a furnace, also hard and wit water. There are two fine bank barns a frame builLing on the grounds, also a hen bouse, and two` never failing wells. There is about 2 acres of orchard and 10 acres of hardwood bush and 35 acres under cultivation, and the remainder in grass: There is a never failing spring creek. The place is situated 24 miles from Hensallb, one of the best markets in the • county. Apply on the premises or to J. 0. WOOD, Hensel!, P. 0, LIARS' FOR SALE OR RENT. -Being Lou 28 1.' Concession 2, H. R. S.'Tuckersraith, contain- ing 100 acres. There are onthe aremisei two good barns, one on foundation, large briok house with rame kitchen. The land is all first class and is well enced and underdrained, 15 18 all cleared out about three acres of gond hardwood bush and there are 7 acres of fall wheat and two acres of good orchard. church and school within half a mile. If not sold Will be rented for a term of years. Terms reason- able as the proprietor is going west. ' For further particulars apply on the premises, or address Clinton P. 0. WM. TOWNSEND. • 2180x8-tt ton ACRE FARM FOR SALE.- e undersign • ed offers for sale that moist dsirable prop- erty Known as Lot 0, Concession 1 Townehip of Blanshard, Perth County. There are, on the pretn- ises n goonforick house 32 x 24, with kitchen attaoh- ed, 16 x 26, both in good repair; a large bank barn, 60 x 70, with good stone stabling underneath;'one firsteclaes °swat silo, 12 x 87, and other useful buildings. The farm is well watered, both in front and in the rear and is adapted both for grain and stookraising and is in a high state of cultivation, which is well known from the fact that the proprie- tor bas resided thereon for nearly fifty yeaia, being ene of the most successful farmers in the township, tis cex4lly located, being near ooth (shun% and chord, aM, within easy mann of a good market. For .arther particulars address JOHN SUTHERLAND, irkton P. 0. 2909-51 tilARMS FOR SAT.P. -Lut 15, Concession 2; Lot L 15, Concession 3; S. f Lot 14, Concession 1, Lot 15, Concession 1, Huron Road Survey, avinehip of Tuckeramith, County of Huron,contain- ng 300 acres, situated within two miles of the they- .ag town of Seaforth, one of the best markets in Wes - ern Ontario. This farm was awarded the geld nodal in the farm competition of 1883. The farms nave been all pastured for the past ten years and would now be in excelLmt shape for general farming. Soitgeod clay loam -two-storey brick dwelling house and kitchen with brick woodshed -hot air furnace -- 'nerd and soft water in kitchen -fine grounds with shrubbery, evergreens and cedar hedges --orchard with spruce vrindbreak on west and north -good barns with stone stabling -30 acres of hardwood bush, ample and beech -•well watered with spring creek and river. Will sell altogether or would divide pro- perty. No better property in the County of Huron. 1.311N T. DICKSON, Seaforth. 202641 JOHN BEATTIE Late Division Court Olerk, has a numbee of prop erties for sale or to rent, among which is a good comfortable house on Jarvis Street, Seaforth, large enough to accommodate a good sized family ; 2 lots. Will oe sold on reasonable terms and possession giv- en as sooa as sold. Also rooms to let and a store to sell on reasonable terms. Insurance affect. d, debts collected and loans made on satiable- ery security at reasonable rates. Call 7, and see, tad be convinced. late Division Ckmirt Office, Sea- aeth 2018.5! FOR SALE QHORTHORN BULLS FOR SALE. --Tae under - a3 &tiled offers for sale on Lob 27, Concession 8, Efiblest, 2 bulls 16 months old sired by Prince of BenfiTI, mp.) They will he sold reasonable on timeor cash to suit buyer. Telephone connection in reel- denco. DAVID Staffs P. 0. " 11154f a.1HORTHORN CATTLE -Seven Brat -class young oulls, 2 from imported cows, for sale at moder ate prices and on easy terms; good young cows and helfers.also for sale. All interested are cordially in- vited to inspect the herd. Farm adjoins town, long clia'ance telephone to farm. Write for catalogoe. H. SMITH, Exeter. 19934f • f EIOESTER SHEEP AND SHORTHORN OATTLE LA FOR SALE. -The undersigned has for sale sev- rai Leicester Sheep and Durham Cattle Iboth sexes. Address Egmondville P. 0, or apply st fermi, &fill Road, Tuokestrith. ROBERT CHAR VERS & tiONS. 1372-41 SHORTHORNS FOR SALE.- Bobh male and fe- male, all ages. about thirty to select from. e These are all of good breeding and mos • of the cows are choice milkers. (bunt Sylvanus 56900, is and has been at the head of nay herd for tnree years, and has proved himself 50 1)8 u. getter of stook of choice quality, and is claimed hygood judges to be one ot the best in the disbrict. He is. got by the best of imported stook on both sides; is dark red in color , and low set. Any pirties having pure bred cows to breed are invited to inspeet this bull. Terms, -85 kisured. Prices of pure bred stook rurefrom 950 to 925e, according to age and. individual's.. Visitors nelcome. JOHN ELDER, Efeneall P.O.anci Station. 2115-tf A Woman's Sympathy .Are you discouraged? Is your doctor's bill a heavy nnancial Red? Is your pain a heavy physical burden? I know what these mean to eelicate women -I have been discouraged, too; but learned how to cure myself: I want to relieve -your bur- dens. Why not end the pain and stop the doctor's bill? I can do this for you and will if you will assist me. All you need do is to write for a free box of the remedy which has been placed iri my- hands to be given away. Perhaps this one box will cure you -ft has done so for others. If so, I shall be happy and you will be cured for 2c (the cost of a postage stamp). Your letters held confi- dentially. Write to -day for lily free treat- ment. MRS. R. 33 GIURRAH, Windsor, Out, The Man r% Hour 0.7antinue,d from P&g,s Seven.), uratanry or nise• "Tell us about it judge," interposed Gibbs, seeking to avert any further clash between uncle and niece. "I went to him," began Newman, "bearing a request from -from" ---- The judge paused. It was not whot. ly easy to present matters to this hon- est eyed young girl in such a way as to bring her in his way of thinking. But Wainwright felt no difficulty. His shrewd brain caught at a means of turning the affair to account. "Yoti see, Dallas," the financier broke In, with a warning glance to Newman, "I begged the judge to intercede for me with Bennett, to ask him to bury the hatchet and let us be friends again for the sake of old times. I thought • Judge Newman's age and his high of- fice would compel •a certain respect even with a ran sf Bennett's charac- ter. But I was wrong, and I am sorry, judge, for the unjust hunlillationg I eaused„you." ."I don't understand.," said Dallas, - looking in bewilderment from one to the other. "judge, my uncle sent you to make overtures of peace? And Mr. ,Bennett refused to"- • "He not only refused, but called Mr. Wainwright a highwayman and"- aBut why?" demanded Dallas. "He pretended to misunderstand what • [said about the conditions." "Oh, it was a conditional offer, then? I thought"- • "Certainly there were conditions," eut in Wahawright, again. coming to the emissary'rescue. "I asked that • he take a position of neutrality In re- gard to this Bprough bill. Simply nen- - tral, mind you: Not to change his atti- tude in its favor, or" - "That was a splendidly fair offer," cried Gibbs enthusiastically. "So it seemed. to me," agreed New- ' man, -"but Bennett would not listen when I tried* td Voint out his proper line of duty. He called me a go-be- tween and"- . "Even after you told him we were granting practically' all the concessions he had asked in the bill?" queried G ib bs. . "Yes," said Newman. "He must havo some motiv-e behind it all. 1 can't"- , "Nonsense!" exclaimed Dallas. "What ulterior motive' could he have?" "That is more than I know positive- ly," returned the judge mysteriously. .• "But I do," declared Wainwright, pointing at Dallas. "There are the rea- sons!" "I?" exclaimed Dallas, incredulous. "Ex p I a in, please." - "Willingly," replied her • uncle, "If you'll give me a fair hearing. Bennett is in lov-e with • k'you. Ile knows • G lb bs also wish- es to marry yon. He knows, too, that Gibbs' for- tune depends on • the success of . the Boreugh franchise. If the bill is beaten, Gibbs will be practically ruin; ed arid thus in no position to marry. We've known all along of this reason of Bennett's for fighting our bill, -but Gibbs for- bade me to tell you. He was afraid you plight think he" - "I don't believe one word of it!" cried Dallas, her big eyes ablaze. "Alwyn Bennett could not stoop to such a thing." "No?". said Wainwright "Then you probably will refuse to believe what I am about to tell you now. I consider- ed Borough stock a safe investment, and 1 nut all your money and .Perry's "How dare you, sir f" said the judge. LfltBennett know idiii of the knowledge he is trying to kill the franchise even on the certainty of beggaring you and Perry along with Gibbs. If only he can ruin Gibbs he cares nothing about making you and Perry paupers too. That is the sort of man you are defending againstyour own uncle. I have just learned be- sides that he has secretly, through his, brokers, sold large blocks of Borough • stock :short • Thus his veto that ruins us will make him a very rich -man." - "It isn't true!" affirmed Dallas in dogged certainty. "Mr. Gibbs, do you confirm this story of my uncle's?" "Please leave me out of this, Miss Wainwright," answered Gibbs gently. "I prefer to say nothing to -prejudice you. When I fight I fight fair." • "Even at the cost of all your money," amended Wainwright "Gibbs, this is • carrying your sense of honor to an ab- surd point And Bennett will" - "Pardon 'me," broke in Alnleyea, enter- ing the foyer -and going up to DaLlas. "I'm a little late for our dance. I was detained by" - "Alwyn!" exclaimed Dallas in relief. "I'm so glad you came here just when you did. Now we can clear this up in a word." "Clear what up?" queried Bennett glancing about in suspicion atthe three silent men. "You know Mr. Gibbs is favored in the Borough Street railway affair," be- gan Dallas. "He told you so_ at your off66e that day we were there. Well" - "Yes, but don't let's discuss business tonight," replied Bennett. "This is our dance, and", - "Wait. please. You knew his fortune Was largely tied up in Borough stock, but here Is something you didn't know. My uncle says my money and Perry's Is all invested in that stock and that if you defeat the bill we will be 'depend - At on Mr. Wainwright's charity. • If • that is true, you didn't know it, did you ?" , • • Her voice was almost tremulous in its eager, confident appeal, but' Bennett forced himself to answer: - "Yes; it is true,' and I knew it" The eager glow died from her eyes, - leaving a look of dawning horror. • "On omosing the. bill? Yes. I am action -you still insist on" - and I shall be made paupers by your "And, knowing this -knowing era. egg • More prod that Lydia E. Pink- ham'sVegetahle Compound cures female ills. Mrs. John Scott 489 Grand Trunk St., Montreal, writes Mrs. Pinkhana: was very ranch term • down in health from a female trouble, was thin, nervous, and very week., and suffered from bearing down pains. •Indeed I did not care whether I lisied or died, I felt so badly sometimes. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound completely cured me of all my troubles. I gained in flesh, and am, free froni backache, female troubles sick headaches, and nervousness. ".Ie heartily recommend Lydia E. Pink-hara's Vegetable Compound for all women's ailments, knowing what it has done for me." • FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, ha S been the standard • remedy for female ills, and bas positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear- ing -do wn feeling, flatulency, hid iges don, dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don't ytu try.it ? Mrs. Pinkharn invites -all sick women to write her for advice. She bas guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. •Burry, our at IS my duty: - "Dutyl" sneered Wainwright -"Your 'duty' was done when you vetoed the bill. That act made your 'position clear and. showed the public how you regarded the measure, so why go on fighting it after" - "1 -won't discuss this With you, Mr. Wainwright," interrupted Bennett, "We slreat understand one another, you and 1." "My uncle says," pursued Dallas, "that you made your broker 'secretly sell Borough stock short, knowing the - deal would enrich you. Won't you even deny this?" "You realize what all this foolish stabbortmess must mean to me -to all of us," continued Dallas, "and you sun persist in your opposition?" "I must," said Bennett. "I can't turn back. Oh, Dallas," he added, dropping his voice till none but she could hear, "can't you trust me -only till Friday? come to you on Saturday morning and tell you the whole rniserabie story. I only ask you to wait until then. Please" - "I see no need of waiting fqr an ex- planation," retorted Dallas aloud. "I understand everything." "But you don't understand!" insisted Alwyn. "I" - "I understand only too well," repeat- ed Dallas. Checking his reply and ig- noring the anguished appeal in his eyes, she turned to Gibbs. "I have kept you waiting long for your answer,' Mr. Gibbs," she said, speaking in a. level, firm, eraotionless - voice. 9 am prepared to give it to you now -publicly. You have often asked me ff I would be your wife. My reply is, 'Yes." "Dallas!" gasped Bennett in horrified surprise. CHAPTER XIL LWYN BENNECT sat in his own study at home in the big Ben- nett house that remahaed as almost the last landmark of that solid middle nineteenth century wealth and faallion which had once dominated a neighborhood now given over to office buildings and apartment houses The hour was late. An hour and more had passed since the young msty- or and his mother had returned from the administration ball. The 11011846 was silent and even the nsuallyt busy, streets outside were wrapped in the hush that never falls until after mid., night and is dispersed by the gray dawn. Late as it was Alwyn had triads 'no move to discard his evening elothea4 Alone he sat, big head resting between; Charles Wainwright. his crossed arms on tile desk before. • Motionless, inert, hopeless, he had re- mained there ever since his arrival from the ba.11. But if hiS body was moyeless,. his brain was 4:whir1. Try as he would he could sal. 4.410 light in the tangle of events int4.i-Which his own sense of right had Ofiaged him. He saw the future stret be- fore him dreary and barr • .1,k rainy g sae nail mr struggled forward through increasing -difficulties toward one bright goal-Dalles' love. And now that love was snatched from his grasp, "through no fault of hie own, and bestowed on a man unworthy to kiss the hem of her garment At each step in the long climb Alwyn bad asked himself, "Would she ap- prove?" And now through trying to be worthy that approval he had for- ever lost It, for Dallas, he knew, had not only rejected him and engaged her- self to Gibbs. but had done so with the belief that Bennett was a heartless, un- scrupulous intriguer, undeserving of a good wotuan's regard. A rap at the door aroused Bennett from his bitter thoughts. He lifted Ws - head wearily and gaveword to enter. - A drowsy servant cause in with a card. "He says it's important business, sir," said the footman. "And he wishes to see you at ouce, if possible." "Show him up," answered Bennett, dropping his voice so as not to disturb his mother, who slept on the same , floor. "I will see him here." , A minute later Horrigards bulky form blocked the threshold. • "Queer time of night for a call,," he observed casually, as he entered unin- vited, closed the door behind him and took a chair, • "but my buginess wouldn't Await." "Then state it as briefly as you can," directed Bennett, making no move to rise or welcome his unbidden guest "It is very late, and I am tired." "I've come to see you about our Bor- ough bill." "So I supposed." "You won't call off your fight against us?" "That question is hardly worth an- swering. No." "I thought not Well, Mr. Alwyn Bennett, I've got you! I've got you! Do you understand me?" 'Perfectly. Is that all?" "No, it ain't all," mimicked the bos0.1 "And I'm ID earnest I've got you where 1 want you." "That doesn't interest me. If you've nothing else to say" - "But I have," chuckled Horrigan. 'When it came to a showdown be- tween us two I put a staff of men to looking up your record." "You found nothing you could use. Is that"-. "..No; it isn't even the beginning. Then I remembered about your fa- ther." "About my father?" It grated on Bennett that his dead father's honored name should be spo- ken by this low politician, but before he could protest more forcibly Horri- gan went on: "What d'yon think if I said your fa- ther was a grafter -one of the worst of his time?" "I'd say you lied," answered Bennett calmly, "and I'd drive the foul lie down your throat with my fist You'll 'have to think of some better scheme than that." "Do you think I'd be idiot enough to ' come here svith -the story if I didn't hnavceonftuenapt ll proof of it?" asked Horrigan i And, despite himself, Alwyn saw the man was speaking what he believed to be the truth. He paused in his impul- sive forward move, reseatecl himself and asked coldly: "What so called 'proofs' have you been fooled by your heelers 1n.to think - "Don't believe me, hey? Well, you will fast enough before I'm done, Un- less you're afraid of what I've got to say." "I'm not afraid of anything you can say. The highest tribute to my fa- ther's memory is the fact that a cur like you cannot defile it. Go on. .1,11 listen to you." "Very good," said Horrigan, quite • unmoved. "I'll make it as short as I. can. I remembered your father got rich pretty quick. He was a member of the organization, and his firm got the jobs of Wilding the aqueduct and the new library. That gave me my clew. I looked up the specifications for both jobs, and I turned them over to the old engineering firm of Morris & Cherrington. You know the firm, 'per- haps: If you don't, you can look -them up. They don't belong to the organiza- tion; they're the best experts in their line, and they can't be juggled with." 9 know them. Go on." "I paid them a fancy sum to go over those specifications and then examine the library and the aqueduct and see if they were up to the mark or if the city 'd been cheated by the Bennett Contracting canpany. I had a strong idea.I was right, but I wouldn't speak till I had the proof. When I got home after the ball tonight! found the Mor- ris & Cherrington report waiting for me. I brought a copy of it along with "Well," asked Bennett indifferently. "what then?" "Here's the copy of the report -Look It over for yourself. The crookedest job ever pulled. off in this city! Third rate material, when the material called for in the specifications was used ,at all. Granite shell filled with mortar instead of solid granite; foundations barely half the depth called for; in- ferior tiles in place of fireproof ones; cheap, crumbly iron and steel instead of first quality -oh, there's fifty such substitutions and frauds! It's the raw- est, bummest job I ever heard of. If any of the organization tried it now- adays the men who did it would be wearing stripes in a week. alratt, hey Why, your father was the boss grafter of the century, the star graft getter of the bunch! He" - "Hush! For God's sake, hush!" pout- ed Alwyn. "My mother sleeps only a few rooms beyond. I"--- rra be et:attuned.). • • -Mr. and Mrs. Richard Babb were fifty years married on New, Years Day. . They will celebrate the event later, when they can. get all the family together. • CASTOR IA Per Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Mb= sign o Bears the f sea. Through .411.. of l.'gs Wont.. 1 : as they are for the Kidneys. If there is trouble in retainingTurlae-if you have to get up three or four times or oftener daring thA night -if th urine is not and scalding -Gm Pills will quickly relieve the tremble. They cure the kidneys and heal the irritated, bladder. 50c. a box; for $2.50. At P,11 dealers or sent on receipt of price. &apple free. DEPT., A tri . -NATIONAL DRUG & GHEM. CO. LIMITED if you " mention this TOROHTO 105 paper. • Wear "Progress • Brand Clothing —the brand that is sold with the unconditional guarantee of satisfaction or money back. 25 Sold and Guaranteed by STEWART BROS. A chocolate confection of rich milk choco- late and fresh shelled walnuts. Simply • exquisite. In X and pound cakes. THE COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO. Cures colds and breaks up the fever in 24 hours. if you "feel yourself taking cold", get a box at your dealer's -25c. or send direct if your dealer does not keep them. COLEMAN MEDICINE CO., TORONTO. gimmullsollUmMakratte.eanaestaaeoa • Makes Broiling Easy It is this Key much snore convenient to do your broiling by lifting Plate, than to lift the cover or use the broiler door. You have more room and get the meat directly over the coals. Notice the Low Warming Closet, a special feature of this year's "Peerless Peninsular" Ranges. Daylight Oven, Adjustable Damper, Removable Grate Bars, Thermometer in oven— are only a few of the con- veniences you should agir about. Step in at any time and go over the "reetless Peninsular" Ranges, Glad to explain ther improvements to you. 72 CHESNEY ta 4RCHIBALD0 Settfortiu IIA.D GIVEN UP ALL ROPE OF LIVING. Heart Trouble Cured by MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS Mrs. .Andrew Savoy, Grattan's, N.B., vrrites : In the year of 1904 I was taken stoic and did not think I could live any length of time. My trouble was with nay heart and people told me that nothing could be done for a case like mine.- 1 oonaulted the very best doctors; bub they could do me no good. For ;seven weeks I could hardly cross the floor. I had I:to pain, but Wall so weak nobody -in the world can believe how I felt. 1 hall given up all hopes of living and had given my little girl to my aister-in- law. One day a friend came to see me, and cell.. ing me by name, fetid, Lizde, if 1 were you I would try a dose of Milburtee Heart and Nerve Pills as they are. good for heert trouble.' My husband got me a box, but for two days I was not feeling any better, but on the fourth day my husband said, 'I believe those pWa are doing you good.' I was able to say 'Yee, I feel 1!._ good deal better this morning.' He aaid, Well, I will get; you another box right away.' I took two boxes and three doses out of the third one, and 1 was perfectly well and have not been sick sines then. will never be without them in my hence for Eled knows if It had not been for Mil - burn's Heart and Nerve PWs, I would not have bean alive now." Price 50cents per box, 3 boxes for$1.2& The T. Milburn Co., Lhuited, Toronto, Out. j' MoKiliop Diroolory-1908 .111..-•••••-•Imalt . M. GOVENLOCK, Reeve, ninth- rop O. a. BEUERKANN, Councillor, Mend- h•gen P. IA KM COWAN, Councillor, SoPforth P. O. vacs. MURRAY, Councillor, Dublin P. O. A LE X. ROSS Oftuncillor, Whabrogi P. G. K. I:1011%nd, 'surer, Beech- wood P. IL 1. McGINNIX IC D., EL Boa - forth P. ft. E. 1 HANIKON, !Unitary. inspector. Winthrop P. 4/. /11711D117, aerie Nhaihr0D Z. a Mcilitiop Mutual Fire Insurance Cowpany. sts-aee FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROP ERTY ONLY INSURED. Officers. -B. B. McLean., president, Kippen p.o. • Thos. Fraaer, vice-pres- Went, Brucelleld p.o.; Thos. E. Rays, secretary -treasurer, Seaforth p.o. • Directors. -Win. Cheoneyo Seaforth; John G. Grieve, Winthrop; George Dale, Seaforth; John Bs.nneweis, Dub- lin; James Evans,Beachwood'John Watt, liarlock ; Thos. Fraser, Bruce- flebi; 3. B. McLean, Kippen ; James Connolly, Clinton. • Agents.-Robt. Smlth, ILL/loci ; Ed. Hincbley, Seralortb ; James Cumming, Egmondville ;!3. .W. Yeo, R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhagen ; George Murdie and Geo. Stephenson, auditors. , IMPORTANT NOTICES. reATTLE TO FEED -The undersigned ear take in V a number of tattle for the winter to teed straw. Lot 18, Concession 4, Tuclersinith. Good stabling and plenty of water. .Apply to WNL CARNOCHAN, Eginondeolle P. 0. 2142 ti fro BLACKSMITHS -For sale, or to rent for -, 1 term of years, the blacksmithing property of theamdersigned in the Village of Hills Green- It cones of a blacksmith shop with full equipment, a oonifortable fraxne residence on stone foundlition, and half an acre of land. This is an excellent • chance for a good man to do a profitable business, as She surrounding country is as good as any in Can- ada. Apply on the premises, or address Hills Green P. 0, G. N. HILL. 2121 -ti ARM 1.0R SALE -To time an estate; 100 acre, 2 1 miles from Lake Huron, Lot 19, Concession 12, Stanley. Large two story brick house, Barns 39x56 feet and 24i40 feet with stone stables, Implement shed 28x38 feet. Tenacresoforohard2O years plant- ed, ten acres of hardwood bush, six aeres of tall wbeat, 25 acres ploughed, soil clay loam. POSSES91011 RIVED at any time. Apply to A. D. Armstrong, Administrator Seaforth Ont. 2142-tf 1101155 FOR SA1.,E.-For sale, brick house on Market street, Seatorth, al modern conveni- ences. There is also on the lot a good frame stable. IThis is a most desirable property. Will be sold on reasonable terms, or will be exchanged for farm pro- perty in Huron or in the Northwest. If not sold by April lot next, will be rented. Apply on the prate - hies or address 14.5. Coats, Seaforth. 214145 To my pub ke this omen° sitaily for the pat:MI 11) us sine enjoyedagoo we are grateful. 11 respectfully nek alt • wood or at St color' • sible. We also non and we remind ecno caries,new troika i sag= n cotton Iso great variety of mai pink &Limon 10e. re • coffee, In dry goei. fielected. In boote complete. - 14 18 con aiasswear is very M. 'Clear we are offerine 10 Bays' overcoat Priee from .F.4 tO 1.9 Men's dark gre; 40. Old price from _ to clear 92.25, Bap e A few boye' and IWa cf xnen'e heavy Siren f boys' and mens car and 2,5e- A lot, of n to V., now 2.5e. Ye in the basement not for yourselves. want any quantity ; price for good butte ary appiee and eire starved and in mark all a Merry Clettnn Year. Dem' r Stb, 101 VS! JOHN! gotior v-adua C.k)liege,. Ueatc-1 tataded to and ar'..mq.ry Dentist and residence dotm ea„...zt of forth- - Honore -Sy gra veterinaii -Cg inember of the the outario- Rwei.kz diseas foods by the d likeet,Istry and etfiee oppeeite *treat, Seaforth the hotel will Pon. Night JAMES Barrister, Sall etc. tfoney nays, Fridays open every wee *tore, Main str ' Barrister, alnd Notary rul Dominion Ran Dominion Bask toaa. Barrieter, sad Notary Publ over Nalker's ea -et, Seat* Bar ristea, S• Notary Public. 1 adian Bank of loan. Farms fol. Scott's Block, -1_ - DR. Graduate Ty R.* •,Of ice -and Seater*. el • Office and Re4 east of the Methi Phone No. 46 ty of Huron/. 1 DR. sielan and I Univeralt, Hospital. 1 rayekiana and *thee - Over cane received al BS Gederith streel rtaereh,ateev,tort) ,T. G. co', Aree Arb-ar,, Emterio acege geodes. Coroner C. Mackay, University, goi Medical College ge of Phyth Lula. Graduate oa Faculty a lege of Phyalel laarlo • pass mgo Clinical Se mie ; IlltitTer4ty gland. Bank, •t calls tctrie atreet, Surge= Cat -31 Commercial slay forenoon, April 25 and 20, August 27, ernber 5, Dece flitted. Bye ea Licensal g nf Hun and P Campbell% Seaforth, or a will recelVe tendon guava I-4eeamd of Huron and eal Urinet tgiaading the Implmnente, igtion to mall moderate. Sat no pay. AU primptI7