HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-01-15, Page 5atiter of th,, whiter me. Are you pre -- warm " reception 2 )0twear 2 Are your h and warm enough I. If not you should rAthig in warm. foot- ery conceivable style made, and all selling possible. We have -ershces at al.10 to $1.S3 a ir ; Women. Telt 81100ft My' elicata oea for men. IUDs Green TeoPla of Wilt retorgartlted Abair Weaver! SeetletY for Able vat the- ifelowbig ofa Meat,iWater M4Calltya ..TOMP:6 -FOrreaki ream- er, Jesede Cochrane; or- , Ra cumitt A hearty* invi.T, rtmded to CI who caw Thunaday nizt meetings. MoXinsay, of l'appm, is ,e -w• days friends near McAuley- the funeral Momas 'Anita left, his reek Twat'it *kr interment in the mmetery. Diarine etle war he- ha a peen: a reek oall and for the previous redie with M. ,,Wair„ the Parr rim as his m1.4 Smith was highly esta3m-?. malty and leaves a wife Idrea to mourn hie low. during ing, interlined with rnb- Goat, rnbber irteriining at, Week Astrachan fur we can -buy, extra well w of the best made for fled with twilled ,Italiana t, lined witb. Italian and Coat, a splendid wearer, atof with' large Astrac San • ; with. beautiful black 'organ Lanab collar, lined mat liniega, extra -well t We can buyt now $60. n and rabber lining,$251 RDINER TABU). urc atock a kf FURNITURE rill be a, sur - t, position to any dealers ad we will. nd Co [dehyde, which not only in the discharge of the and mix it up. yourself. eft up your animals and perate from it—and for Impounds. ts on your cattle, and ttitutes that are Mil - 11 cep ica ve," W C S 1 hi h t. Cures Eczema, Salt rho have used it, that ad for- a short time to h a remedy, a box for endaji'gSpavin Cure" "Save the Horse," ara ARM RtO 4 vt JANUARY a San REGISTER oe waeraatay, Jarnacry 20th, M ± ?Mock -pan, at -an Lonarabtml Ormany„ oreemere fixtatres, ette. 4-dbm B11011114 President, jas. auctioneer. o Tweday, January 110,441 o'clock p. m.„ an Lot 21, Guessasion Usborne, one mile met of k and Xavier:cats. An. ; T. Oafteren, auctioneer. jgtjds,y, January 16411, 1209, at 1. o'clock 27 High Oriole Dairy Ocresat MoMannis Able. opposite the woollen rains, Seaforth. M. .jllllians and 1 J. Shannon, PrOprittors; T. , Auctioneer- - MARKETS. EisaltORTn, , Jan. 14, 1909. pan .. . . .......... -II 92 to SO 92 pet bliallel.,1444444.4.44.44 II146.444 0 37 to 0 87 pens, per bushel . . .444.4 0 82 to 0 82 •• 0 AO to 0.50 per 22 00 to 22 00 23 00 to 28 00 e pertor...44**E6 06414 22 00 to 28 00 pertao • a . r .. • r • 2 76 to 800 No. 1, 923 to 0 23 - Elmer, tub - ---02110 023 kg*, per 0 28 to 0 24 per falia66-666,6• 44- 6.4. 4444 1116.1,11.• 44 600 tat 8 00 EIdMperLOO 7 50 to 750 Sheer . — .... . . 0 75 to 100 Potawee per .. .. 0 60 to 0 ,60 - sat (retail) per barrel.... - 46 64 1 25 to I 35 Wood pe.r cord(long). ..... .... 6 00 .to 700 weed per cord (shorti........ 2 76 to 8 76 Lists Stook Marcetm. .T.,40030, Jan. cattle .are quoted at 12 1-2 to 18 1-2c er .Ib; refrigerator beef, 9 to 9 1-2c of • Liverpool, Jan, -t-Stabs steers 'tram 12'to 18o; CanedievA, 11 to 1,8c ; ranchers; 10 to 11 14e; - Cows and Werra, tato 111-2o; bulls, 19c. Trade olow. Glasgow, Jara-11.—The trade:, wee- Ially for tOp quality --made 13 1-2a; oec- ,aandary, 121-3 to 18e; bulla, prime. , j03 -4c et secant- lary and Warier, 9 1-2 lec per pound. _ • Reit Toronto, Jan. 12. Business leas decidedly brisk -today, and bet- ter prlees prevailed in conSequenCe of tie :moderate quantity of stock ofa leetag and improved weather condi.- Ikea Prices advanoed 20 to 25c over, last week's quotalons before the olcse. Etporters—There vraft a igocd Verniand tor the choicest offering or this week's shipment at prices ranging teem $4.60 to $5.50. Export bulls, $3. 'to $8.40. Butehers Actlire deroand, particularly for -medium elms sheers =and :heifers arid butcher cows. Bat, $4.49 to $&8'; medium, $3.80 to $4,25. Cows, $8 to $8.80. Sheep, and Lambe - Milner and, higher. Lambs, $520 to $6.35 t sheep, ewes,. $3,50 to $.41; bucks, $S to $8.50. Hogs—Steads ,at IS to 15c ; Aighest, ss,so faa.b ; coun- try po1!ltra.:$6.15. ' Montreal, Jan. 11.--:Tr,ade was fair, - with slightly higher priegs paid for ,Igood cattle. Prime beevea sold at 48-4 to 5 1-4e per lb. • pretty good animals, 8-4 to 4- 1-2c, and toe common stock ,at 18-4 to 3 1-2e per lb. Calves wild .at grom 31-2 to 5 174c per lb. Sheep A -Bald at about 4e per lb., .And the lambs, at about 5 8-4c per 'M. Good. lots of fat hors sold at trorri 67-8 to 1-8e per -pound. Buffalo, Jan. 12.—Cattle—Active and -25c lower.; prime steers, $6,59 to $6.75 ; sidaping„ $5.59 to $6.40; butchers, $5 to $6; heifers, $4 to $5.75; cows, $3.50 to $5.; bubo, *$3 to $4.56. Veals—Ac- live and steady at $7 to $9.75. Hors— Fairly active and 25e loweit; *heavy, $6.15 to $6-.25; $6.10 to $&20; , yOrkerts, $5.75 to $616 ; 'pigs, $5.50, to $5,75; rouglA $5.25- to , $56O; stage, $4 to $4.75; dairies, $5.15 to $6.10. 'Sheep and L'ambs—Active; sheep are steady; lambs, 25 to 30c lower-; lambs, $5 to $7.70; a few, $7.75; yearling% $6.50 to $7; wethers, $5.25 to- $5.75; ewes, $5 to $5.25; Sheep, mixed, $2.50 'to $5.25, Tor.coato, Jan. 13.--Bus1nese was brisk -and active, with 'prices f irm and rile-, log to -day. Exporters. — Exporters were in sharp demand, the few good loads of cattle selling at good prices, "from $5.80 to $5.50 for the best.• But-, chers.—There was active demand for aII claaaes of butcher cattle, especial- ly for medium class steers and belt - .ers. Common butchers and canners. -vece steady: Sheep and Lamb—Mar. -kart firm and higher. Sheep, -export ewes, $3.50 to $4; bucks, $3 to $3.50; lambs, $5.50 to $6.35. Veal calvessold at $2 to $7. Hors—Market steady' and prices advancing, Viz., $6.15, f. o. b., $6.40, fed and watered, - Dairy Markets Toronto, Jan. 12.—Butter—The rea,r- ket is fairly activ-e„ with prices un- changerl. Inferior qualities are very Blentiful and easy. Pound prints, 25 to 27c; tubs and large rens, 22 to 24c; 20. to 21c. CreamerY rolls, 28 1-2 to 80c, and solids, 27 to 280. Egge-Case lots of cold Storage, 26 to 27c per dozen.; selections, 30 to 22c, and new laid are _quoted at 40 to 45c •per dozen.- Cheese -The marIcet IS quiet, with prices /steady. -Large cheese, 13 1-4 to 13 1-2c per lb., and twins, 13_ 3-4c. Montreal, Jan. 12.—Cheese — The The market is firm ureter a !good en- quiry; fheeet western, 12-1-4 to 12 1-2e; easterns, 11 3-4 'to 12 1-4c. Butter— The market is Steady under, a good de' mend; finest creamery, 26 1-2 to 27c; frail). receipts, 25 1-2 to 260. ,Eggs - There is no actual 'change in the condition of the market to note, fpriees being firmly maintained under a good demand; new laid eggs, 35 to 49c; selected stock, 271-2 to 28e,;, No. 1 stook, 2.41-2 to25c. Grain, Eta, Toronto, Jan. 12.—Ontario Wheat— `No. 2Wh1te is quoted at 94 1-2 to `95c outtdde; No. 2 red winter at 95 to 95 1-2c outside, and -No. 2 mixed .at 941-2 to 95e outside. Oats—On- tart° No. 2 while quoted at 39 to 40e eoutaide, and at 42 to 42 1-2c on track, Toronto; No. 2 Western Canada oats quoted at 44 1-2c, lake ports, and. No. 0. feed, 42c, lake north,. Barley -The market Is quiet and steady; No. 2 bar - 'ley quoted at 56c outside; No. 3 extra , at 54c and No. 8 al 52c. Bran - The -market is quiet, with prices firm. -Care are quoted at $16.50 in bulk out - :mide. Shorts are quoted at $21 to $22 In bulk outside. Hay—No. 1 timothi Is quoted at $10 to $10.50 per ton on track here, and No. 2 at $7 to :`,•: *Straw — The market: is quiet, with prices quotal at $7 to $7.50 on track. Seeds. Toronto, San.- 12.—There is a mod- erate trade and prices cootinue firm. Prices at country 'points: Alsike, fan: cy lots, $7.40 to $7.50 per .busheir; No. 1, $6.75 to $7; No. 2, $6 to $6.26 Vo- 3, $5.75 to $6. Red Clov-ef —$4.50 to $5.25- per bushel. Timothy—Mat-ket• rules from $1.50 to $2.10 :per bushel, - according to, quality. Poultry Toronto, Jan. 12.—The market con- tinues firm, with demand fairly rood. Chickens, dressed, 11 to 130 'per ib.; fowl, 8 to 9c; duck, 11 to 13C ; geese al to 1c; turkeys, 11 to 18c per lb. Potatoes Toronto, Jan. 12.-4teeeipte of On- iarloO were fair, with prices steady at Vie Per bar. Delawares, 75 to per Pag on *riWIL ••tikitibl Iroaumr-zneetrottlech., an Amara. tad, to Mr• and Mrs. 12. Mu/my; fortottif of Dublin, a dapuh- ter. • . • - JOHNSTON—In ;fords, on ,. her 8Ist,--to Mr. • and Kra, John Johnston, ten - FOWLER -In Moon, January ,to Dr. 11. and Mnkrowler, &SO% -• • TURNBULL-40 Cioderich, en. jaouary 'Ord, to Dr. andifra, Walter Turn%lii, ilimghter, DENNIS--In *Ingham* on January_1St, to /ir; and Mist GO. Dego* a daughter. _ - • Vieborne, on January rd, to -Mr. and • M. Anima erookl, a daughter. . 1IL44M—In Stsnley, on December 2704 to Mr. Ind - Mrs. Wrn. Beatkyt son. - - RADOM. ----At the Sauble Line, Hay, On December 24th. to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Padova., &daughter. BONnIRON—In Grind Parke, B. 0, on December , 25th, Wilt; and Mr,. WM., Bonthron, a daaalter.' MtBRBAY—In Laird, A4roins, on January 9th,- to Rre. re and Mr& Murray, it eon. BEAN----.1k1Tmikeremith, on Deo. 28th, im Mr., and Mrs.. Frank Bean, a son. , - Marriage!' ANDER8ON—JERV1S—At the residence of the . bride's parents, GoderichTownship. on December 80th, byRev. Mr. Snowden, Mr. Tlhomas Ander- son, of Clinton, to iillss Nettie A Jerrie. YUILL-TOILli--At the residence of the bride's brother, 41b, Concessidn Morrie,. on 1)eocember 30th. by Rev. A. O. Wishart, 13 A., Mr. Robt. Yuifl of Almont, to Miss Agnes E. Yttill, of Morris. -' - SHIPLEY -WISE -At Ontarlostreet parsonage, 0110. .ton, on January 4th, by Rev. or: Kerr, Mr. wuuan Shifey, of Hallett; to Miss Dennah Wise, of Tne rsmith. RAPSON--IINO -Atthe resklence of frthO bride's parents, on December 31st, by Rev. N.M. Leckie • Mr- Isaac Ralseen to Miss Mary Knox, all of Hallett. BOYER--000K—A4 the residence of the bride's parent& Clinton, on January 1st, by Rev. W. Jolliffe. Mr. Geo. Boyer, Toronto. to Miss Minnie Cook, daughter of Mr. IL Cook. CARNEY-DEVEREUX-At the Oathedral, Detroit, on January 11tb, by Rey. Father Dempsey, Dr. E. J. Carney, of Detroit; Michigan, to Bessie, youngest daughter of Mr. Edward Devereux,, Mum Road, ?Wallop. • Deaths _ - • /300/T -In Goderich, on January 4th, Frank Soott, aged. 53 years, it- months and 9 days. MoASII-In Varna, on January 1.0th, John MoAeh, sged 89 years and 11 months. B M Meagan, en January 1st, Ann Dayman, relictof the late Elam Batt, aged 83 years and 11 months BARTON-in Seaforth, on:January i2th, Samuel • Bartonoaged 79 years. AITCHESON-At Artonville, Michigan, on Sunday, . Janttary 10th, William Aitchetem, mil, form- erly of MoKillop, aged 61 years. MoLEAN-In Tackersrnith, on January 14th, Mre. Ann McLean, relict of the late William McLean, aged 75 years, 3 months and 11 days. IMLAY--In Ethel, on Jan.. 10th, Matilda Aim, wife of George Imlay, in her 6$n1 year, . NIOHOL-In Morris, on Jan. 10th, Alice Maria Ten- nant, wife of Edward Nichol, aged 29 years, 2 monthaand 3 dayor.• ossosssr BROADFO0i, BOX & 00. The Leading Undertakers. Charges Moderate. 1166..st S. T. HOLMES, Funeral Director and ' Embalmer. ?right anti Sunday calla .promptly attended to. Residence on Godenob street, opposite Methodist Clhuralt. Flowers tarnished pn short notice. 2098 IMPORTANT NOTICES.. (*IOW FOR SARE.--Two good cows, to calve this A., month. Apply to CHARLES, ROUTLEDGE, Lot.26, con. 4, Tackersmith. 2144-1 - _ WOOD 'WANTED. -Sealed tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned up to February. 1, 1900, marked tender, for the supply of 12 cords of Minch wood, maple and beech, to be delivered at the school house in hotion No. 3, Tuokersmith. JAMES McGEE, Secretary, Bruceileld. • 2144-2' A DESIRABLE PRopERTY FOR Sar.E.--:.Con- PS stating Of 28 -sores of choice land, well under. drained, and all fenced with the latest modern fences, and in a high state of cultivation. There is on the premises a large frame house, with all the latest modern improvements; large barn, nearly new, vrith stabling; two hen how*, pig pen., and , carnage house. It is.within one and a half miles of the flourishing town of Seaforth and within half a mile of a ichooL For further particulars apply on the premises, Lot 30, 'con. 1, MoKiltop, or address Box 451, lieworth. 2144-4 !WARM FOR SALE.—Lot 29, con. 11, McKillop, containbig 100 acres, more or les& There are on the premises a large brick house, bank barn,and hay barn .with stabling ruiderneath. The land is all first class, fenced and tile drained, and has on it two good wells, two omharde, and about Ova acres of hardwood bush. There are about fifty acres fall plowed, the balance in hay and pasture. It is within -two miles of post office, store and church; and one. half mile from school. For further particulars apply. at A. A. CUTHIEL'S STORE, Winthrop P.O. 2144: 150 Aerrh-f,111lortil, 08onreessYqol4t41 12r8t1c= smith. This farm contains 150 acres of lanna, twenty acres in bush and the rest in good state of cultivation. There is on the premises a good frame house and a large bank barn with nest -class stabling under-neath; a never failing well with water forced into stable. Thisis a good farm and will be aJld cheap, as the proprietor is desirous of, giving up farming. For further particulars applyon the premises or address, ROBT. BRO WELEE, Kippen. 2144-8 LlARIIS FOR SALE.—For sale, Lots 8 and 9 on 1. the 3rd concission, Haat, and 50 acres on the 4th conceseion, 214 acres in all. This is some of the choicest land in Haat. There are good buildings, and the land is in a good state of cultivation. Fifty acres of,good bash. It is nearly all under drained. Plenty of water. Best farms for either grazing or grain growing. Convenient to school, and to both Seaforth and Olhaton. The lots will be sold together or separately, or would be rented to good tenants. Possession can be had at any time, and there is plenty of feed. Apply on the premises, or address, WM. MORRISON, Seaforth P.O. 2144-tf Meeting of the Huron County Council The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the council chmneer, in the town of Goderich, on Tueday the 26th, inst., at 3 o'clock, p. m. All accounts against the county, requiring to be settled,miust be placed with the Clerk before Ibis date. W. LANE Clerk Dated January 12th, 1909. 2144 Annnal Meeting The annual meeting of 'the Rayfield Agricultural Society will be held in the Town Hall, Reynold, on Wednesday, January. 20th, 1909, at 1 o'clock, p.m., for the purpose of receiving the Treasurer's and Auditors' report, the election of oflirs for the ensu- ing year, and the transaction of other business. A full attendance of the members is requested. 2143.2 GEO. GREENSLADE, Secretary. R. SNOWDEN, President., NOTICE A Veda' meeting of the ratepayers of School Sec- tion No. 8, Tuekersrnith, will be held in the school house en Saturday, -January 23rd, at 1 o'clock. A full* attendance is requestA, as important 'business 18 10 come before the meeting. Among other things to be considered being the advisability of erecting a new school. The trustees woulcilike to have a free expression of opinion on this matter. , 2144-2 JAMES WALKER, Ohairtian. JAMES McGEE, Secretary. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Huron Weather Insur- ance Mutual Company will be held in the Town ,Hall, Zurich, on Tuesday, February 2nd, 1909, at rio'clock, p.m., to receive the directors' and audi- torsreports, the financial statement, the election of three threatens, and.suott other business as may be in the interests of the company. 2144-8 A. G. SMILLIE, President. ZETX/ER, Secretary.. Dissolution of Partner- ship.. The partnership formerly carried on by Reid & Wilson, as general hard- ware merchants. has . beer, dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due and owing to the late firm are to be' paid forthwith to the Liquidators, who will also settle all claims due and owing by the late firm. All persons endebted to the late firm will kindly call and settle ite soon as -possible. ROBERT WILSON WILLIAM HILLS , Liquidatore of .the estate of - 1 teid: & Dated Nov. 10th. 1008. • 21354f - , -:A161E HURON EXPOSITOR th Century Fano, qate The most practical farm gate in use. See it and write for particulars. tior farm and towttship rights apply. to J. K. Wheatly, tiarlock 2144-tf Mr. Oldfield AT Roberto' Drug Store A demonstration of unusual interest to all lovers of Kodak work, will take place at Rob- ert's Drug Store on January 21st From 2 to 5 o'clock Mr. OIdfield will show you- how to develop Kodak Film without a dark room, and furnish a fund, of useful points and valuable information per- taining to Kodak work. - • Everybody is cordially invited to bring a negative and have a VeIox Print made free with the NEW VELOX LIQUID DEVELOPER. " J. A. Roberts, C4th The .Hub " Premium. Salo- . now on All goods new and of the best Quality - SPECIALS THIS WEEK. -280 T.- 20 lbs. *granulated sugar for $1. - lbs. new figs for 25c.-2 tins of salmon for 26c.--10 lbs. of -sulphur for 25c.%-10 lbs. Epsom salts for 25c.-3 lb& saltpetre for 25c.-7 lbs of rolled oats for 25c.-6 cakes of soap for 25c. • A piece- of china given away with all cash purchases of 1 and over. Best prices paid for butter and eggs. Thomas S. Blues ° Successor to BEATTIE BROS. Phone 8 2138 This is to certify that 1 have used FEARS' Condition Powders and they have given me every satisfac- tion. • They certainly are a good article, GEO, W. WHEATLEY Constance. I own and feed II horses and ham tried all the foods on the market, and not one of them equals Fears' Condition Powders for purifying the blood and making hems sleek and fat. EDGERTON ROE Walton. sa6664:66.6,663 3 lbs. for 50c 7 lbs. for $1.00 • Made by L V. FEAR, C4th E DRUGGIST. Cross Cut Saws and Chopping Axes . We have a first - class line of -the above goods. In cross -out saws R. H. Smith, St. Catharines, "Gold Coin," " Huron Blade" and the old re- liable "Sandy's Choke," None better value, and for cutting qualities can- not be beaten. Dundas chopping axes, a full line with or without handles. Call -and -examine — we will be pleased. to show them. G. A. SILLS, Hardware -Stoves -Tinware SEAFORTH HE CANADIAN BANK -OF-:COMMERCE - ' HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1861- 5 Pickard s waNBR MAIN 'AND 71ARI-BT SEAFORTH, ONT ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager R. E. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 T Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England COUNTRY BUSINESS Every facility afforded to farrners and I others for the transaction of their banking business. iSales notes will be cashed or taken for collection. BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may be opened by mail and monies deposited or withdrawn in this' way with equal facility, 122 •SEAFORTH BRANCH. F. lEOLMESTED, Solicitor G. E. PARRTS, Manager. ll Cook. Sons and Company Coupon • This coupon is good for 25c in purchasing one sack of our "Snow Drift" best family Flour, made by ourznew procAss of milling, provided it is presented on or before January 23rd. - The selling price cif our flour is $2.75 per bag, bag in- cluded, This is to say on the above mentioned date we will give you a sack of our best family flour for $2.50 and this coupon. • Since we equipped our entire rail' last fall with the latest machinery, we have been running night and day and are pleased to say that our flour has been meeting with excellent resuits and we are now satisfied it does ad stand second to any Bread Flour,on the market. Flour and feed will. always be de- livered in our own town. Presented by ,6614644.44 4444 14143 He Gook, Sons it Co, Henault, Onta WILLIAMS General Merchant for the People. 111=114=4 POULTRY WANTED a We want all kinds of Poultry, Starved and Dry Picked, for which the highest price will be paid. Live Turkeys taken on Thursday, November ,26th. 6644. 011MMINW Christmas Fruits We have received all our Christmas Fruits. They are o choicest quality and prices reasonable.: WIDI.J:LA.MS, Successor to B. B. Gunn - COBN.ER STORE.— SEAFORTH ' GRAND TRUNK R"-wAY SYSTEM Toronto and Return $3.40 from Seaforth With 25 cents added for ad- mission to the Ontario Horse Breeders Exhibition, good going Jan. 12 and 13, return limit Jan. 16, 1909. California, Mexico and Florida Round trip tourist tickets now on Pale to all prinCipal winter resorts. For hill information as to rates, routes, etc., apply to SOMERVILLB, l'ovm Agent A. F. PHILLIPS, -Depot Asset APOLOGY ORISOMMINOMMO I desire to state to the public that I withdraw any statement that 1 may have made at any time to the effect that Mr. Wm. Lawson, of Mullett, had stolen fowl belonging to me. Mr. Lawson did not ste.I any fowl, and I desire to apologize to him for anything that I may have said that would reflect on his char- acter for honesty, and at his request and with a wish to contradict any such" statements have caused this apology to be publiShed in the Huron Expositor._ - Dated at Seaforth this lath day of December, A.D. 1908. 2143-2 GEOReE T. DALE. A Happy New Year New Year resolutions are now in order. May Ave suggest - Resolved, that during the corning year you'll buy all your footwear at this store. We are certainly showing lines of un- usual merit, and far different • from the ordinary sort you'll find everywhere. We ask the opportunity of demonstrat- ing this fact to you, which we con easily do if you will favor us witha call. We believe that we sre in a position to fill the shoe wants of every man, woman and child in this locality. If you will come here for your shoes dung 1909, you'll get the beat parr of shoes your feet or yew , InOnfly ever went into, and you'll pot pay too much for them. Come in, take a look, and make, us prove it, Richardson& hrinnis SEAFORTH, ocs cD Num' tne- Cp ts•+, CD A 1:1,1 CD at - telt Lee OD tt rocs4 cp 022 n so • ext - C.42 '75 CD la tmi Dot ce 0 ' or CD 47, 411 CD t, int n 0-1 • c' • c/a L 0 'e:14 con S IA cr) 01,1 w ot:3 :LI SUVIOMIS SVNISIIIHD 6 ofed The Robert Bell Engine and Thresher 0o., Limited. DIVIDEND NO. 6 414444.21:64660401•1110 Notice hereby given, that a divi- dend at the rate of 7 per cent. per an- num on the paid u capital stock of this Companyl has n declared for the current year ending October 3Ist, Iv t and that tbe same will be pay - a' le on and after February 1st, 1909. By Order of the Board, . ROBERT BELL, 214.1-5 Manegbag Director , he last reat Cl will be days of our earing Sale better than the first. Judging by the crowds attending this event a sale of this kind mustjiave been expect- ed by the public. Certainly no finer re- sponse could be made to our announte- ment than bas been made during the last few days. If you have not attended,there is yet time and better values as the, week - wears on. If you have attended, come again, there are ehanges and new prices all over the store each day. By the time this sale ends, hundreds of doilar will have been saved to the people on the cost of garments and needed goods. Next week we will have many surpris- ing values for you. After a sale of this kind there will be broken lots, remnants, etc., that it will pay you to investigate. t - Staple Dry Goods 500 yards of Wrapperette, worth from 10 to 12io, sate price 640. 50 ends of Print, worth 10e sale price 61-0. 50 ends of Grey Cotton, worth 8e, sale price 5p. 150 ends of White Flannelette -now marked at bargain for this sale 15 per cent. off. 75 yards Drab Corduroy, worth 55c, sale price 280. 45 White Quilts, worth $1.25, sale price 85e. 3 ends of Dress Lining, worth 16es sale peke 71e. 10 pieees of Towelling, worth from 7 to 8esale price 50. 12 pieces of Towelling, worth 11c, sale price 7ite Dress Goods emstrasitamilidiele- teeLoes— A table of Dress Goods, regular prices from 35 to 500, in black and colors, your choice for 25o. 13 pieces of Fancy Tweed Dress Goode, regular prices from 75o tt, - $1, to clear for 47c. 20 pieces of plain and fancy Dress Good; regular nriow 'from, ,500 to 65o, eale prioe 380. 100 remnants mil ends to clear -at less than half the regular priee. 20 per mut. off all Heavy Wool Shawis, .M4 Furs! Furs! Note the following clearing p Ladies' Astrachan, Electric Seal and Green/sad Seal Goatee in all sizeti traria 32 to 381 regular pricee trom 125 to 00, sale pries $15. Near Seal Coate, with Columbia Sable Collar, sizes 34 awl 36 only, regular pries $36.76, to clear at $27. Near Seal Coatee Mock Fisher War, eizo 38 oaiy, regredgf-' price 1;44 Bale prise $33. Near Sea Goats, Alaska Sable Collar, size 40 only, reeler price $ sale price $38. All other fur coata at 25 per cent, discount. Ladies' Fur -Lined Coats„ regular prices from, *35 40 $75, detain from $26 40158.50. Men'e Fur and Fur -Lined Goatee -60 in *II to dear -in all Vends fur coate, prices from $18 to $80, clearing at frose $13 to $60. Carpet Departm6nt 100 pairs of Lace Curtains, regular prices from $1.60 to $2, to iear at $1.25. A lot of C000a Door Matte, regular price $1.25, to dear at 75c. .8 pieces of Brussels Carpet, regular price $1.251 for 80c a yard. 6 pieces of Matting, regular price 30o, for 19o. 12 British Velvet and Axmineter Steam; sizes 3x3i and 3x4 to clear at ene.third off regular price. Alt Ladies' Roady-toowear Goods 25 Ladies' Skirts, regular prices from $2.50 to $4.50, to clear at $1.98. • 20 Girls' Skirts, worth from $2.50 to $4, to clear at $1-98. 30 Ladies' and Mims' Colored Coats, regular prlees from $0.50 to $15, to clear at $4.75. 60 Ladies' Coats to clear at $1.954each. 41•141114111.44611•4141.4. Dried Apples Wanted IN11111.610MWSIIIIIM6166MINIIIIPIPPIN Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs 4£6ffle‘141440•407g040AhrtrarlairriVer4MM WILPICKARD & SIN MEG": !APO BMW Oppoott. Towlt:Thalding, Oarrtee.,MAirt and Kuhl $triletit %stork - • tt " 46f. ;1. _-‘viitit' • -t•