HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-01-15, Page 3Im. 'qwr�--w maw, IWP@1�701W WWqW 1W NW Aw be out agalb. -
MWWO. Alex. Pav]Asm� ond Ha!rry
w -10 the Town lett for, Man --a -T u y.
School Report.—The
A C, Ion 11 roaa
t -1 - OA No 6� 111b- inmg W -n OrMr. -lUthaid McKe, -your Money Back.
_3 W- T"Wrt Of Whool - Bed Satisraction or
a Up. of MoKillop, bad the miworwna to got
bwopm oranen—A. is.: uoism, # ion.. The namm-ate artw4ged in *r, day.
agirlow bel one of bba legs broken the oti
imft, of merit: V—Et Dalrymplej He waa banging on a sleigh load of
rd Hoakhng. ft. IVBh1A , Me- It to get oft
wood =d in attempting
Kellar and-Annia �UhrWle equaol, Stan— his -jout Slipped and he fell, the xU111-
ThoMla4 ley Dov4 MainAe. ScoU. Jr. W—Maf It- mers rasaing over hle- lqg�
4 II&V OL WrOUSS Verdis ot fh Graham, Boy Dow.' Or., M—A,&Leo Wxm- Snell, cdt of the pioneer real -
Hugh Dalrymple. Jr. UI— dftW of Hull�tt, died
on Thursday last
-or COMM _'D
a%es 1 6 McKellar,
regular AGE FARMER H -Ag NARROV Stanley Hocking, ROY Hocking. II— in his 61st year. Mr. Snell had been
tT �i 11
]DISTRICT XJLTTERS. StftllagGraham and Aepste.lDow equQ, a TaWdent of Hullett for over 80 years.
wit DEATH.
thboarditoom Fr"k. Cralm.tQW.U, James McK811AVL, BI-- JameP Martin, a respected residentGf
One yp�. New' . Books. mer Scott. -Part II—JenoW Graham, Tuckermith, died at hts'honne on; the
.. ;The '161lawbg new
added 'to the
*Wt 'for younger pl�,)fls� One of the most ancient families of U04100 -Tulloch, UslUds McKellw�,, G- OftOnd Co 0 to o I ed y of
books ft-veTeefttly -be new n ji W n eaft ID :KID
-the British nobility has for its m-atto.
While . I lastweek. 91r..MsLrUn. had been In III
Spero P., Cr Scott, Annie 13axter, Aileen Hooking
0 Dum Spiro SeedoTth 'public.. library Mald m;tArrna
Part I—Donald WKtanon, RWIrWA. health forwine time. He was 47 years
-1weathe I hope"); and surelv this by- Charnbers; - Trall- of -th-b 'Lopepome 4-
U "LM � I p� "'pft
".y VI& ) Kuuy�
. . . . . Wght well be taken as the battle e
C —Fiank -L. Eberh&rt, Tewher.
ry Pimpernel,' Orczy; The Way -
every sufferer from Lung disease-
Ishra, Scott; w reab
In this -fair Canadi of ours. farem Guttin-v Princess I) t The P yterlan church onthe
2- The many lives have be6nx allow I ed PAvers and Maxine, WMIanison; my Hensall. I Tham Road, Vaborne, was fornalty
hi" - Ink into -the grave by "fault L08t,,Self. MaTchnnon!t; .Web of Time, Another Ploneeg Gone. — Another offenisd- on Sa day last. Rev. Dr. Cav-
to s.
KnoWde0; R. J.'s Mother, Deland, See- plonear hap passed into the great be. M, Of Knox College, Toronto, preach-
kepedially In'cases of Lung
M d Viol!% Richmond; Rree 'Lances6 Yand In the peroon oT Kro. Elam ed In the morning; Rev. H. Gracy, of
-apparent from the constant tes- Br=a; Little Journey to England and. I Butt. She wam born in the year 182V Gxnanoque, a formdr pastQr, . in the 7
ony of those Vito after having
in Devo. nova Pnd. Rev. A. D. McDonald',
WAJe4 George,, Little Journey 'to nghtre., England, and died In i after
Such verdict,. by the &Otland and TreasJnd
In the evening. On Mon -
of PSYCHINE have been restored 0egrge ; Little I Heomll on New YeaTs Day, aged 83 of Seafort`, a successful -tea, meeting
a and 11 months. In th.e forties fty even�_. v
r. department has beeil JOUM-eY to Germany, George - Littlel year'
X to complete health and �ilgor, and who
Indg. eJourney to Hawall, George! Camp 0he. with -her parents Immigrated to was held
the best Place to SLt%Lb Itave proved that the doetor� MXM on, DeWrt and
Lava, Ho�naday; Canada and for a time settled down'
ihose 7 i0l, Iment was erroneous, by llving'tO a . Readewe Hand Book, Brewer; Boys! In, the town0bip of Dielington, near Seaforth, �Feb, 10, 1882,
arinLy�L Wh good and robust old age. , King Arthur.. Lanier; Boyo Percy, '�Bqwmwaville. where ohe- was married At the meeting of the Seaforth town
alld we _Quauties. Such a eAse Is -that of Mr. John 1 -7
-Ruskview, Co. Duffe n, La -n*; Helen Grant Senior, Douglas;- to Elam Butt, Who - .-predeceased her council on Friday evening laot, Mr.
a full range -of t -ba Madford, - Of - ri UYrtle Baldw1n, Munn; Corning Ear- four years Ago , Some time af ter their '--Samuel Stark was appointed . assessor
jOnt, who some years ago ha;d reached ve0t, B&Z11 I A; Treasure Valley, Keith; mavriage they moved -onito a bush farm' at a �oUry of $70; Mr, E. Lusby, town
Ran oloths. )SUCh a 1OW State* of health that his res Ujob&ae,
Lyncb% :Daughter, Herrick; P16tu JAI 1-2 niaes ebat of Eke ter constable, colled.tor and street tnspec-
Out a home f
snedical attendant assured him that- E. A 0. Kn v, Bacair; Thle,Gtte* of where they hewed
&U- Lungs wer6'so seilously affected Queftay-, TaTkington Or tar, at a oalaryof $800 and Mr. John
.,l:eared a TaMUY.Of Hargan, mai-W.'clerk at. a salary of
thenw4elves and
that it was absolutely useless: for him
0 .1 .1 1. eight chIldr.en f $300.
0 four sons and our i
'to takeL any more medici and In, RePeat It:—'1ShIIoh% Cure ughterp. Witng late I Mr. John, Lyons, contractor and
ne *1
win &I- da out to the
Act thamothing more could be donw
wava,cure my -coisba &nd colds.- Gawge Fjoitr t y -purdhased
he a 200 , builder, left on Tuesday for Brapdon,
for' him. It was at th point that
-acre farm a mile aiacl abalf north of,- Manifob6.: He has ;engaged Mr. RIC
L 1 1
Kil ch
Mr. Radford 9tafted to use. PSYCHINE, S,�4pheu Open on. the London Toad...
ic --- , -, I . When the! ard Wright wad Mr. Jowph Dorra&63
short timehis hea th began
SU'a very The. Vote.— family acattered and old a;p crept on to gXy Vdth him.
The 101lowIn6g 0)�qwz the
A6 Improve, the, Lung trouble- d1sap- totaLl votes cast %ot theY sold the larin and retired to Hen- Successful annivers
the, mevera
ary services con-
ous Ive4red, and he was soon. able t6 go:. out CtPAI ciandtdatw at th6 ' rleceat� alecaq Mll L to opmd tbdr ded,111ning. years. ducted by Rev. -Dr. larnea. of Ham,11-
to, work on the -farm- again.
The deceased - was a womwn of
tiOn: FQ;r'Reeve---�Willeirt -458, Kellor.? VOrsstild ton were held in Egmaadville Presby -
On August 24th Of L this
year'� Mr. Man 41RI zrwJ6ritj. fi6r Willert, - s-9,- giftf and-' 97t coaversational.,powere4r n church an Sunday last. Onthe
Radford writes- "It It had not been V6r Cb�mcjnoj pitaii y
_WUertZ 548. LOVR Her hog a
0 was proverbial. nafie Monday evening
F RTE_ a successful tea, meet- IS THE
for Your PSYCHINE, I would have Yearley 4% pinkbeiner � 881, evor Wag turned away bungry. fr ing was 'held. The proceeds arnognt-
Sanders Om
1be0n in MY grave 'Years ago. . I have 372, the li"t thrm being elected. her Iloor. The funeral took place on ed to $140 which only 19avex.Kn In'
Mad nor need of' way tnor- —aalm— hltq— 'M f—
A.� L 160 K a, —1A imot-ednes pro -
I is : $170 on the cjturldh
slnce% as I haVeL enjoyed perfeei. health. Stanley. Yvan very largely attended, Rovdie. J. pe.rty. -
I � am now 82r yftrs of age, and feel The Vote._The folloWjn�K 18L 'Hart and W.. H Butt conducted - the Mrs. * m. "HabkWK, late of, McKI1-
ther Vot'&
#mvices-at I tjle house and the Lgravr. lop, dled a the home of her daughti6r
iquilte Smart. I recommend P,9YCHINE t
fto all suVerers from Lung disease as 'Cant 4or the oeverEll municipal candl- All 'her cht1dron but., John In Mani- Mrs.-james Cummkags, In Tuckeramith
doito 1a.. Ithe T ft-ent electlw�:
ar SUREOURE!, toba were at her funeral, -the sons and on Friday lait. Mrs. llgbklrk was a
h "4ft fl
Such evidence as thi3 abo-te, cannot For Rome— g native of Scotland. -Her rat husband,
maw -in-law aeft as 'pall bearters.
grenuine, convinc.- GIOAh
be- gainsaid. r It IS 0 85 94 62 36-276 She leaves five '9=9 and f6dr. daugh- Alexander Niellands, died In Scotlknd
IM and conclusive; but why not get KeDiarmid 48 58 30 9 .55 t - h1te ood Sias
_198 tars, Jam o W w k. ; 40S."
in 1847. ShoTtly af ter We death she
-a sample bottl
e and prove its merits of Afoo�Wjaw, r sa'Sk. ; Mrs. J0_hJRJ
For 00114efliara_ 13. emleTated with her f amr-y to this
-H. P
ifor yourself? Dihadale, of St&nl-y - X=. J. etty country a -Ad eatr-ed tn�McKlliop.' Some
n. ill 13 29 26 '30-117 ot Hay; KIW. A Tayler, of Fillmore, years attL-r,eomtng to this c6antry she
PSYCHINE Is an infallible remedy
for aR disorders. of Throat Lungs- and 75 69 45 18 50-257� ShLc*., and M�ttha at home. Residear wag married' to Wm. Habklrk, who
St0maCh.L 'Sold by all &ggists 10hwtoW 43 $5,105 L53 20-262 the 00trowing family three brothers dled two years ago. She was 76 years
XeKtnley, r 48 9S 68 54- SM OM sister survive,
dealers at 60c. and $1. Prepared only John'. of Tuck- Of age.
L4 -t, jus-1-1ce, an --A L. 43 31
by Dr. 'T. A. Slocum, - Limited, of TO- 75 38 5S -24a ormnith, -William of Usborne, Humph, celebrated -pastor
Rev. Dr. W11A, the
L and -an unpre- TeY, of �WhltewoocL SAsk , and Mrs., ot Toronto, lectured in Cardno's hall
i pillbljia affaks. Repeat It. "ShilOW9 CuDs will al- Maria, Blatchford, of Bryw*Wton, Lon- an Thursday evenLng last, to a l%r&
ways Cure My CoUgher-aad colds," 'dan towwhip.
The amb.iversary services In connec-
nib Blake ER in the history of Seaforth has good honest'clotitinly of ;- the qUrajif
V m.. irno tion with the. Canada Methodist church EVE
T he i n
�A School. ROpOrt. — The fOUOWW9 is Siestor rth, were. held on -Sunday last, St
L r1w . -4. the report of School Section ation.—The..,gfollo' Is a been oBared to the people at such redaced
- No. 7 wing a.. W. ftw'Rev. Dr. Sutherland. of Toronlo, aud -variety of our ock)
'the month the idaries�i read 1to Mr
J. St.&Jrana on
forr_ of December -', Copy 'D' New Yeara eve, and dur- Preached mapning and evening. 01, The crowds who have visited our store have-foand not onlv th-01bar-
Brewoy Con LTD Rr. IV—K. Aabkirk. 'T. �,Wren� E. 15161 ing a successful tea meet -
zmar ing. the " course of the evening made Monday event m4ny ins
Brien, C. BrintU44, A. -Westlake,, T.- I Mrs* gains they expected, but in tancea found prices . so low thet thejy
Stevens the recipient of a well. Ing w -aa 11101d -
e quality, -were it not that they have
T 0 0 rut, (0) i N T 0 smalev w. o'Arien. Jr. IV A. Park- I Alled purse In. recognition' of her The kinburn botal, which has been
would almost be tempted to doubt th
any "interest-. _,er. . or. - 1111-13. aBrIaTtvall, . P, Ry6k- services as argunist in the church and kept for a nufnber of years by Mr.
n -n othat evew article that leaves this store is quality
A,n, R. Harton
T. Rro 1Q. Sabbath se-hool. Lunch was served by George Brow4l6e, ihas beer -purchased learned frora experie
C political, social w
�tyekmsm. F. iWmstlak%z N PkTke r -
'016 ladtW #nd ijulte ah enjoyable ov- by Mr. Upshall, of Cltnton. Mr. Brown- -have sold nothing but reliable goods,
Z -F - the right of through and through, It is because we
Maudson, 13. Melick. Jr.: M-R_ - Mel" lee -goes to Alma to start again.
Pimions witho#t - led Ick.- �W. Irenner, R. Rrdadfoat and 0. was -spent. The address- MIS as that has made itpossiblerjor us to eitend our business and add now d4sparti—
%jelebrat fqllows: To Mrs. Stevens and family, A number of the mernbera of the Con-
bjects for abuse. O'Bxian equal, G. -Wren.,. N. Smale.- Sr. . 19"911ation of the Blake Presbyterian mpit . -In -ten days the oaxpentersl p,
We, -the , %intiers and- decor fors staria- wofk.
H—B. RYCkmwn, R. Ryckman, J. Swaft, I Inlembern and adherents of the church amerabled at the home of Mr. at
-ded, honest, as church to which you belong, avail our- Ve , r
W. Wl�lght. Jr - 11—F. Smale� -W. Mel- selves of this opportunity of -meeting �o_mph Foetsr an Friday e ning 'last We have a tremendous lot of selling to do in these ten days, kut it has to
WriterS in Canada "YAl h 21 t e ick, A. Westlake, W., Parker, E. Mil- aod presented Mr. and Mrs. Fcmer
with you at your home to gpend &a
be done—there is no iffs or andsabout it,,, Read over flhe I st, below an
ler.' Part 11—A. Hoggarth, R. Ryck- evening. In oocial intbreourse previous with a handoDme chair each, prior to
manv H. Miller. I—V�' Melick, G. Hall, I lyy
InTeM U Govenlock, Teacher- to the departure of certain i�aembers their departure for M1, chigan. yead it thoughuffil aUU you Will see where your dolflar will do i1he' work of
gentt A. - M1 of, your housahold. It Is with theskir �Wm. Wild has sold his 100 acre' a. sometimes three dollars.
L al) eI two, an
Canada, and the ceroA affection that we regard each farm in Tuckersmith, near Clinton, to
Tackeramith. Mr. Layton, of North Dorchester for
Readers 1- n one of you and we hppe that that tie
114 .&bbd Re;ort._Tha 4onowing io a whkh binde our. hearts together In $ 6F500,
Mr. J(yW',W1m, an old reMdent of J6 %0
A L ]EA r%port ot 1pif. jetanding of the puptfis of Chriptian' love may grow �Md be bleos-r- Regular Pri_048 1`1 o -
ed ol' God In, 1. Tuckeramith, died at his home (m the
Schdol Section, No. 10, Tucberramithfor -His service, Your will--
,,u,,Hu,ran road, on Thursday last. Mr.
the mmth ot December: Or. IV—Rom ingnem to co-operafe. In each and i gh. 8 5 M99 K
W -Q4 95
'Wine was born- near Toronto. butbad &71 0 Ae n's 11 V
ar MCLftm, IWII]Ie Slavin, WIlDa McKay, devaltmento of church work is re- TeAded In Tuckersmith for 25 yearls.
Annie Eyre. Jr. IV—Sadie KoCloy, P. cagnized by all of ua, aud we. more
InvEddd St out Sr.. UI—Eve�yn McKa' and mom appreciate your-aervices the He wao 5 8 years of xr.
yo 12.50 ""13.50'and '14 Progress 'Brand Suits 8 98
epreeia�U'yr . a 5 q15 0
-AR fogeths)f for Gladya Mremeer, Joseph Fishft, Eric longer You are with up, and W
McKay. Jr. Xa—qunee MeLmn. -JU 10 it worthy of mentlairthe unwearied, 64 &
,an -given for 01roc. X_ NEW "STRENATH Overcoat's 8 99
XXX Porter Silavin, John Ttemeer, Leonard iWil.. attention you pay to the musical ie 08
Ram% Ea4 Kinaman. USheldan Ey- ercleA whie)i duty You have irertormed FoRr and $9
re, Ckarence, Sheppard, Roy McDonald. witIf acceivitance for some time now. 5 00
Awent five,Underwear, all sim
k Every Part II—Gion WIA�.&n,'Mary Hoggartli, You took charge of the work 'boa
Grace McLean-, Alogela, McMillan, Vera none other was avillable without ask- On 990
brandet TrcajiAr, X�wbQa - MCMU10A. 131DT-t I— .1ag aqy Temuneration, -i�hlch all -adr% Can Be Had Through ths. Rich,
re , Annie SlavIn., Wargar Seventrfive cent.fleece lined Underwear, all sizes' 596
Lbidwy- By et mit You Tightfully' "qrve,_ and It' Iked Blood Made by Dr.
on gal, McMillan, KargatOt , SlInclalir. - tThel would be -unfMw and unjust Of us -to INUIliams' Pink
%v'&zrr - �-ditto- fo 39c
ary and expensm One good Masi wetekly opelling tests Tftulted in, a vie- ask you to can-tinueyour; services with- Pills. cent' r
in each loc� with rig O=P= tory for the north durkag this month. Out 00me slight reward. We, there-
DSr FIREE ENO lisandling horses to adv U to a oepr.t this
0,k and —A. McGregor, Teacher. f oXe, asek of yo, c purse., Fifty cent working Mitts fbr
can have a pac ge of UrA Wyal Purple St and in doing OD* NO. r would ,"Ind yotr, There comes a time In, the life Of
ka � -PMdtry SpeWflcs. No experience necessary almost every girl when, sickness a;t-
�marveUoua Rumian Gimt 'me by out vow wwk f*r y9u. n5 a week anO you may buy good tea without lyging Urp. Steven�, not to look upon Its Twentymfivt, cen-t- Wool Sox, worsted 'And cashmere, for 20c
W 11 .1. ite 1% tea erpert; ,Salada," - tacks her. The attain. upon .her blood
frft wft ow 3, ()ntaeo Tea . �s a de- contents as a full p&ym-ont for your supply to too great, and thfare comes
19", C
'Stu. own. oervioes to date, but as a slight W-
eiv licious bland of r th, finest teas gT' headaches i and backaches, lose of
For -.cent Boys' Leatker 111itts for 25c
Otuce is nearlyma. hage Orly solid worth could have sustain- ken. of' our heartfelt appreciation. Wia ty
appettba; I attac)w - of dizziness and
sincerely hope that the peace , and -leather calf s it
Stands hot weather D(yrrance, M, cKillop ed its mitution, all them rwrs heart palp�ftation, and a' lw;fty cent en's kiu M " ts 3 a e
general ten- X I M
and has a fich, harmony which bindog us together In
u dency to a decline. The only thing
nmy chooft a at -can promptly and ape
1;ortlon of His vineyard may continue, d stockings for 20c
er, YOU BRINEDER 010f Hills Green the promotion of His caus5 In this th 241ly cutp TNtenty-five cent boys'. ribhed
NMite Sugar 'es troubles Is Dr,. -Williams' Pink
Shii 6 for
icn*nf �Large English Berkshires. School ROPOrt—The f6llOwidg is the and that you and your eatianable fam- 'th
Feath4rr AAw rimult of the Christmas - examiZation Ily may -receive the richest blemiage. Pilia. This Is the only -medicine that One twenty-five men's Dress
no=& Yewr ekvkw *be: I will keep for service on Lot 26, Ooneeedouk Me- 'Tleb, 'red blood,
held In Who& Section No. 4 Hay. The actually -make-5 new,
Im theimported bw Charmers Duke -i-i-iv-n -our. Patherlht Heaven can bestow up- and a
plentiful supply of TIcU b1pdd
of tg names are In order of merit: V7�Rob_ oil Hilo worthy Creatures. W� trust Seventy-fiTe eent men's working shirts for 63a
naer soedca., 1---. n Mud champton bck, F lei is the one thing needed to,maintaln
EBEI'llow. Termq $1, Pa We at the Czaa of ser. In McAllistez. Sr IV�Maudl'8 MCAIlls- also that your useful life may- long
La� Oft vie% with tte privRege of mmsmg If nweauy. Jr. the- health of growing girls and WO Twenty-five cent Rubber Collars for
ter, bonvrO, �A�ie -Wilson, 'honors be spared, to assist us as you have mea of maturrl) years. The 'truth of 20re,
-10&u J"IES DORPLA-MCM, Sedorth P. 0. POTter- done and are dolng� and that you will
IV—Hazel lle&noind. Maggie
tWd. B�artle Redmond, Robert Grien, realfie that there is a more just re- this statemleint Is -piroved In the Casa Twenty-five cent Ties, all styles, for
Gordda Love. Sr. III—Myrtle Taylor; ward than we mortals. offer awaiting Of M100 Esther, E.� Sproule, Trueman-
Annot possibly have Ella Johnston, DrAcWWaIhar,.r- all -thom who prove taltbful in, the Ville, N.S., who says: "At the age
Eldon 14jrott,' Ferqy, Graw. Jr. of sixtmm, years. I left my I country 41
etter docoa than GESOLENE AIMSEPTIC TABLETS honor'% Fifty cent Ties, all styles, for
"plc =d effwUye mmedy for Hr— furtherance of Me cause even unto home to attond high whool. The
Edlwx, McAllister, James ForrWt, P. c Let then not your heart II -0
SME THRoAT. C6nitt, Harry Dietz, A111-8 KUe ng houTo of -five cent Overalls for .5 C
S AND, COUG"s pfer, Ad- weaTY i1n,',well dolng, for in due season close. confinement and lo Seventy
;zzoomblue the gemgddai value of omplene d,.je V r� , study neaTly broke Me down., 'Ky -wr
e awtWng rmperdea of SUPPeu elm "d Hoo- een. Jr. H—Lucy Redmond, S. you shall Tewp it you faInt not. Sign- blood supply ss4rned. to be deficient, A inety ebut t_)veralls for 69C
?to% Your 01? ft*m us, 10C in fftamp& KU010er, VlettA GreeM Cecil Jdhh9t(yR, ed Ift behalf of the cangTegation, J. and I �greor pale and depremed. I
Ma n. Porterfield. A. Manem, William Douglas.
I UUMV Limited, Agnbi, MOUUO%L 4o, Gracle Iove, rioL Sr lit,
was altogether ini a miserable condl- LAIL
46 d i e S. 0 -loth Goats for 1087 98
an W
-in 12 $15 an 16 UP.-&
a sustaflair, ;0 1 §
tloh� and it awmed Impossible for me 9-1 r10
'agrant, n
Utri'dous fwd In The Olden Days. to continue my studes unless I tound
L Thisexcellent cocoa a ispeedy cure. I tried seieral tonics _$10 and 81 1112 ditto -for 0
preacribred by 'the doctor, but they Ark
system in robust Intereating , isketches of the early ip# 7 $89 $9 and tRh-110V 1-FAradiresS9 Qy]k7`JrLt)Js lfbor 5 UXJ
d ellables it to reslist D YOU OUR /000", days of Seatorth and vicinity, proved useless, My mother urg-ed me
- 'S re NT TO HAN taken from the files, of The Ex- to try Dr. Williams! Pink Pills. and Auv - Cap in ' e store, reg. $1 an ".25, 59e
�r ext,* we coldc ti I ftnally conmnted to do so. I bad a Cloth tb t Ci 4il lor
INTERESnNG positor. hardly fln1uhed. the second box before
Regular '2.0 King and Filwell Hats, all s;zes lull 95
a change for the better took 'place.
Seaforth, Feb. 8, 1882. and the um of a fe W' boxes more fully
CA -the 1st Inst.,
F R E E BUO K On at the residence restored my, helatb, an! I bave since _Uoy Wool Glov", Me
ot the bride's mother, by Rev. A. D. been well and vEtron'F, I feel that I
McDonald, Mr. -Wellington Barber,,. -to 'cannat say too much In favor X
'�Wlvrs and Sljoyekeepprs. Abou- Qu,-Jify-mg Yourself for a f I _r Sixty-five cent men --s white dress sh'rts 257%J
e 11% a FA e -con
A -lid 14b Tins. L 4 Jessie, fifth daughter of the late Geo. WillianO Pink. Fil -nd I
ey, both of, Tuckersmith. - U171t;U 6U1f 66
ve� " 1 - J
Chean recommend them to other alling cent 1 -1 ` V
Successful Career- Sixty-fi menS wh'te unlaun
In &qatorth, on the 2nd Inst., at the &10.;'
resfidence of the bride's father, bythe You- cant 'get theoe, Pills from WnY One doflar men's fancv dress sh'rl- soe
To lear� the folly, of entering I 'bualnsss Rev. T'homas Clobb, Mr. Wm. McCon- m-edicine dealer or by mail at 60cehts
4 on nell, of, Tuckersmith, to Mrig. Frances a box or eix boxeo for $ 2.60 from- The
life'! without & %usiness educati
I - - Thirty-five ceral mene's heavy sox 20a
read our free Catalogue.' Anne 'Whitney, of Seaforth. Dr. William -a' Madlciae Co., Brock- by
Why dazbea6le to secure this "businoss educr-4 kt the carnival at the �vrth ville, Odtaria.
skatIng Ank -an Tuesday evening laat
tion" at Forest Qty Bua-Iness Collnt 0
reud cotalo#_Ue. "he prizes were aw'arded to the follow- —irf the taudden death 6f William 12 ARU Ailk'
i There is t 'Wzg Wylie, at his home la Ednidaton on at aftra i your own
Why the bilf m reanffle houses profer L�Iv: Rest ladies' coaturae, vu rs ct'cally
�tlY a -Y U=lt to the F. C_6 C. graduaLes--read Catadogue.
AmProvementin Tla3 F.R%'E BOOK explains In daUdl Houghton ; genW costume, Harry JanuaTy 4th., there -Pames from . the
time aud money 'hava our Comme;ZL Shorthand anA Typow--iftl -Iougj�- scene of' northern activities n
Strang; best lady skater, MlssI a M&
Courses. TpUswhyA.C.BXm*thcJ9af 'J.
oving Oawcr ana Te etable ton,; best gipjntlema�n skater, D. Kitric- who spent forty-_jtdx years of Ute Prac-
ver5o,yeam. X-orethan histructin are icwl showt valuo of 4 N tically isolated. from civilization-' In
F, A41 hammer; btqt girl skater, DIrdle Me-
- luaa=
�WGrking to =ake FerryS Sualnes 4d
F0 afgiation*a Dip6mid Mulk1n; bed buy skater, James Kit- this Veat vitds of the Athaba;nca die- BUTTER AND EIGGS. P.1-10'A7KEN AS, 0,11 -SH.
lie msel—
just Sena Teur M&WA -p to fttember last �Wylle had_
A loran. trldt. U,
SOVL' *04, A falal accident occarr3d In Sea- been for all those years In t
rEE WV 16H roach you ins. forth an Thuisday evening of last ploy of the, Hudsons. Bay'Compamy at Talk of the Colintry
RRY&CO, windsor, OnL
JU ftrest City weqk. 'Willlam Carpenter, ot Loga:n, Fort 0htPwvy&!n- He went to the
to tovm that da -y,- and wbne re- CmeAlati nort1f f rorn the - Orkney Is-
Sh"A§d C40UW
Azy Time iuThidhg home about mven o'clock In 12,1nds when sixtwn years old, In 1802,
Lawalft Oub" 'the, eviening, his buirm became -n waodue toheart fallure.
WEDS. Y u Death!
'Vmwmk J% am manigeable, shd he *as thtow,* out W W
Stewart Bros., Seato ho