HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-01-08, Page 5MOW .01 _ 0 LE- WORE* l_ther of the L6. Are you warm " reeeption twear ? Are your and *km enough . if not yon should g in warra foot oneeivable style • and all selling po Bible. We have rshoes at $)1.10 to a, &5a ; Women s Felt Shoes ,» shoa formen, I * beautiful 004 Set. bang a Itight ?Wet le/slue of tter service* ana junior depa.rtment dare qive years-. Miss atm., , tied, and goes to To- ter her studies bi the be very much missed •hole eorornonzti as well ool where 4:"..te has done 11111111.111•111111•1111111111111111NI, rand Rand r. and MrsMeClinchey es went Ohriatma with a,..rients, Mr. and. lkirs. C. Mrs. B IfePherson, re the guests et the te Mr. James Mallard.- -hem spent her Christmas IL er parents In Port. Old hira, Jerry Brophy *set Mrand leirs Fred ay -Mr.. le Carriere is tines holidays with aed M. William oa Mr. and Mrs. Wm. enday.-Mr. -W1II1= Mot- - the doctor's care at the -Mr. E Carriere 'Christmas- holidays with, gr. R. Istia. or Stratford. sister.. Mrs. J. Revelle. Revelle is speeding ti Ways with bte parents. §xenuar. et Bad Axe, the guest of hie brather, reenner.-Mts. j. *Young, speeding a couple oe .don With her sister, re - • home on Monday. -Mr. rge Wilson, ut -$ew os.1 at Mr. And Mrs. D. gunday.--gra. Murdock t of Mrs. Elate on. Mon-. eph Gri called on his t R. Wilson. on Sunday. - Baker was the guest et Joseph Gill, on. Sune -pleased to see Mr. P. L again. rommilsgporgamanowifigt Zurich. O'Brien, F. Wite H. Hoffman have seen trusteeof our villege J. 3. Merner's horse, won third money in the the ice races th Toronto charlea Hey, of Bad vitted-friends in this reek. -Mrs Schnitzler, ot tta, visited her brother, 5troeder, at :week. She ntreai visiting her eon. Hohner. of Stanleywon r offered by he largest nurchaser of 6 Christmas. Day. - Mr. of Chica.go, vid.ted last father-in-law, Mr. a Sauble leine.-At the lastsweek. Mr. C. Fuss , trustee for another or Jeffrey, of North Da- kog his parents en the Mr. Arthur Truemner, ed with Gordon, Slacker pronto. spent Christmas .ts. 1,1r. and Mrs. Henry [the Goshen Line. -Mrs. Ift home front the west hew mother, Mrs. Livi- kr Books $1.25 1.25 Dyke -Price um e $1.25 Bibles,, Preyer and de. ir Xmast shopping A.RD'S lock a FURNITURE II be a sur - position to ay dealers we will id Co. ;It Osoniao, IMo1ru, Jan. 7, 41 4,1,4 92. •sitAclot. 0W40 03 •-• so "Arle t•-ar 0Sto 4:118 40 titi 60 V 4. .. . . 28 00 tit 2800 GradeFlour, per ton. ..... 28. 00 to 28 00 100 ...„. s 75 -to 800 0 28 to 0 24 ZU1) 020to 022 dozirn 028 to 044 -ton. '4ra.0111". 00 to 8 00 0 76 to 1 00- Potsooes per 0 80 to ow Sat retell) per barrel...;1 26 to 1 -85 Wood per cord(long}.. 6 00 to 7,00 sear cord (short),....... 2 75 to 175 Dairy lifarkets Toronto, Jae. 5th. -Butter-Crears4 • ry choke; 28 to 29c; dairy orbits, soice,* 25 to 27e ; ste4M. Vesta anid. large rtAts. 22 to 24e; inferior, 21 to c„ Eu -The supply is rather .ishort, whlcn hesoliest -prices strong. legal prices in, case iota. are: Strict- ly 'newelaid, 35 to 40c; Osieetie 20 le .82c-; latOrage, 25 to 20e; pickled and, oulatry eggs, 23. to 26e. Cheeep_ 1-Tande is very quiet at unehanged ices Large, 1$ 1-4 to 18 1-26 Luse 18 1-e to 13 3-4e in job lots. Montreal, Jan i 5. -=-Cheese s* The market is quiet and une.ha:n.ged, with westerns quoted_ at 121-4 to 12 1-2e; And easterns at 11 3-4 to 120. 'Butter ,-.Tee market let steady, with fresh - .receipts quoted at 25 1-2c, and -Sep- --teeter make at 26 1-2c. Eggs --There Was no change in the condition olthe market, *which 1.ernaillB firm under good demand from both local and .outee buyese. New -laid at 85c, Se- lected stock at 27 1-2 to 28c, and No. 1 stock at 24 1-2 to 250 per dozen. a °Unlit Toronto, Jan. 5.-A1though the de - :nand is nothing like It was barfore ..-Christmare prices for practically all classes o poultry are high. Chicken* - *choice. e • o 18c to 14o, do common, 10 to lles, fowl, 7e to 8e; turkeys, tifie to 18e, ducks, 10 to 12c e 'geese, 10c to 11c. Seeds. Toronto, Jan. 5,-Ptricies at country _pointo: Alsike-Extra fancy latie, $7 - 60; No. 1, $0.75 to $7; No. 2, $6. to $6.25; No 3, $5.75 te $6 per bushel "ittnatizr-ariceis are from aLso to $2.- 10 per bualiel, according to .quelity. lied; Clover -$4.50 to $5.25. •per - bushel. raneY lots a little Weiler. Potatoes • Toronto, Jan, 5.--Pr1eW are steady at 60e per bag tor Ontarlos in car lots on track here. Grain, Eto. • Toronto,' Ja.n.5.-Oater1o wheat -No. 2 white, 931-1 to 94c; No. 2 red, 94c to 95o,, Nb 1 mixed, 931-2 to 94, Mane Robe wheat -Spot No. 1 northern, $1,- 03; to $1.091-2 ; No. 2, northern, $1.06 to $1.06 1-2. All Tail No. 1 northern, $1.12 to $113; No. 2 northern $1.10 to $1.101-2 delivered at Ontario points. Alsley-No. 24 53 1-2C to 55e, No. 3 extra., 520 to 53c; No. 3, 49c to 50c. Oate-Ontario No. 2 widte, 38c to 39c outside; No. 2.rn1xed, 37o to 37 1-2c out- side. Manitoba No. 2 western Canada 480 on track, Like porta Mu1ed - I a% '$19.50 to $20.50 per ton in bags Ou1:str14; Shots, $22 to $28 in bags, Hay. -No. 1 tbnothly, $10 to 050, inferior; $8 to $10. Straw- - ?Ante * from $7 to $7.50 according to *quality. Horse Market. -f West Toronto, Jan. 5. -The demand 'was good. and of the fifty homes of- fered' nearly all were sold. Heavy draught horses brought $165 to .general purpeze and e wagon homes $180 to $175 farm chunks, $1.- 25 to $1.60-, drivels $100 to $150 and nIervieeably sound work' horses $20 to $50. Live Stock Marimba. isar. 4.-Canadian)s, 61-2d; rancher 6 8-4d. London, Jan. 4. -Canadian cettle are weak aft 12 to 12c per potuid; refrig- erator beef is 9 to 10e per lb_ Motottreal, Jan. 5.."--Pr1ees for. beeves to-dae were .20e per /00 ins. lower, while hogs were Strong at an advance in some came of 25e. per 100 lbs. ,Choice beeves $4.20 to $4.50; good, $3.30- to $3.70-; fair $2.55 to $2.70 ; common, $2' to $2.15; canners, $1 to • Sheep, $3.75 and larn ba $5.75, amder a brisk demand and for good quality. Hogs were higher, a few -wiling as thigh as $7 with sows Prince' jug f,rore $5.75 to $0. iVerest . Toronto, Jan. 5. -There were about a dozen loads a ,exportersivthich brought $5 to $5..30 per cwt. Mots bullet $4 • to $4.5e. Butehers' :prioes• tor pickled lets a choice were $4.60 to $4.75; good loads, $4 to $4.40; me- dium, $3.70 to $4; best 'cows, $3.60 to $4; medium caws $3.25 to $350, COM Mon; Cower, $2.75 to $3; canners $1.60 to $2. Sheep, $8.50 to $4; lambs, $5.- 176 to $6.40; ealvele, $5, to $6. The bot market is a little firmerSelects are quoted at $6 at country . points and $6.26 delivered, ted and watered. ' Buffalo, Jan. 5. -Cattle,- active and as to 150 higher; prirnee eteers, $6.75 to $7.15 ; adsphig- $5.50 MI $6..50 ; Nita- -terse $5.25 to $6.25 ; halters, $4. 25 to $5.75; cow& $orto tolV6-; buil& $t to $4.15. Yeas, active and 25c .higner at $7 to $9.75. Hogs, active are, 52 Le .6.0c higher, heavy and mixed, $6.20 to $6.25, a few $6.30 ;" Yorkers. $5.90 to -$6.25; pigs $4.50 to $4.90 ; roughs, $4.- 40 to $5.75; %Sass, $4.50 to $5; dairies $5,90 to $6:20. Sheep and 'lambs, ac- tive; ewes eteady ; others lOct o 20c .higher; iambi% $5 to $7.60.; yearlings $6 to $6.35; wethers, $4.75 to $6; ewes .$4.25 to $4-.50; sheep, mixed, $2 to $4. - Toronto, Jan. 6.—EXcOrtergi — A very few export keers were an sale, .and these sold at $6 to $525; export bulls sold at from $3.50 to $4.20, and 'tang a extraquality brought $4.50-. Batches -Prime picked -lots sold at $4.80 to $4.90; and we heard of a Couple of choice heifers for which $5 WA- bid early in the day, being sold for keel. later ore Loads of good, $ 4.40 to $4.60; medium, $3.90 to $4.30; com- mon, $3.50 to $3.80; cowls $2.50 to $3.60.; canners, $1.50 to $2. Milkers ,and Springers -The supply of milkers and -springers was quite equal to the demand, with prices easy at $30 to $52 each. No Montreal dealers being on the market, caused trade to be dull. Veal Calves Receipts light ; erkes firmer, at $3 to $6,75 per cwt. Sheep and Lambs -Receipts a Sheep and lambs Were neatly 1300. Prices were firm. 'Sheep, $3.25 to $8.40 for ewee, and $2 25 to $2.75 for rims; lambs, $5.26 to $6.16 per cwt. llogs-Mr. Harris reported selects at $6.25, and lights at $6 1;er cwt. Establi's General Banking Bushiess trane- acted. - Drafts bought -and sold on all parte of the world, ' r, • - Special attention given to farmers, dr°vers'Usible par ete s Advances made to respo -ties on their own notes , Interest paid or coin tithed ;four times a year at the highest current rates..- We Sash Sale Notes, no matter on ithat Bank drawn. . 117 Branches and Agencies through- . out Canada. BANKERS_ -Great Britain—Rorti Rank of Scotland; Canada. Merchants Bank. of Canada; New York, Mer - heats Bank of Canada. FRANK IltIcOONITY14, Manager DUBLIN BRANCH. Birth' . FAUTAINER—In Seaforth, on January ist, to Mr. and Mna,Frank.Faulkner a son.. KENNEDY—In Tnekeitemith, on December 31st, to Mr. and Mrs..Bolartfl Kennedy, a daughter. SN\Er.j. 0.18nnUeribeatneoen,.0e Dee 23 to Mr, and Mrs.. JA.OQUES—At Sunshine, on December 26th to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jacques, a daughter. HAMILTON—In Clinton, on December 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hamilton, a datigliter. _RIVERS -1n &sieve, on December 20th, to Rev. and Mrs. G. VI Mors, a song DODDS--In Brussels on December 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. tales adds, a son. oisnismoinew meimowie A itarriag04 MOORE—FINOII—At the residence of the 'bride's parenth, on December 80th, by Rev. W. E. Kerr, .Mr. Rout. More to Rena, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. James Finch all of 0.inton. LEE—CLARKE--At the home of the bride's cousin, Mr. E. Butt, Base Line on December 80th, by Rev. W. E. Kerr, Mr. SauhiellttisseLLee, Londe& boro, to Miss Mabel Clarke, of -Clinton. • RATHWELL—AOKER8VILLERn' -At the residence of the bride's parents on December 29th, by Re R. Martin of Stratford. Mamie, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Henry Ackersviller of Ellice township, to Benjamin Bothwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rathwell of Goderich township. ROWOLIFFE--CORNISH—At Woodham, on Deo 23rd, Elizabeth, Coned! to Wm. Rosoliffe. ROBBINS—MARSHALL—At the residence of the bride's father, on December 80tR h, by Rev. 0. . Gunne, Iteetio of $t. Paul's Church, Clinton, Jetnes E. Robbins, 0! Chicago, to Miss Florence Jean Marshall, daughter of Edward Marshall, of Goderich township; DelfithEr PARKER --In Goderiolt, on December 24th, Hannah Bird Parker, widow of the late Richard Parker, aged 93. years and 7 months. MOORE—In Toronto, on December 28rd, Eleanor, wife of Thomas atoore,formerly of,Wingbam aged 67 years. ROBERTSON—In Clinton, on Decent:or With, Eliza. beet Irving, relict of the late Do id Bobertson, . aged 70 years. NICHOL--nn Wingbam, on December 26th, Dorothy 61., relict of the late James Nichol,aged 76 years. SWAN—In Moose Jaw, Sask, on January 1st, Jane Dialer, relict of the late Andrew Swan, aged 73 years and 9 months. , FERGUSON--In Brussels, on January eth, Peter Ferguson, aged 82 years. • SKENE — In Brussels, on January 2nd, John G. Skene, aged 67 years. FARQUHARSON—XI, Grey, on January 4th, John Brown Farquharson,. aged 24 years, 11 months and 28 days. sminsasew. BROADFOOT, BOX '86 00. The Leading Undertaken'. Charges Moderate. S. T. HOLMES, Funeral Director and Embalmer. Night and Sunday calls promptly attended to. Residence on Goderuth street, opposite Methodist Church. Flowers furnished on short notice. 2098 IMPORTANT NOTICES. A U0'1.10N SALE—There will he sold by publio 4-14; auction, at the Londesboro Creamery, by Jas. A. Smith, on January 20th, at 1 o'clock, the follow- ing :—Frame stables, ice -house, ore.amery six horse -power boiler and engine, shafting, com- bined churn and butter worker, Babcock creant tester, vote, tanks, cans, males, bottles and various other,artioles. The buildings can in removed. Terms --All stuns 01 310 ami under, cash; over that amount 3 months' credit on approved joint notes JOHN BRIGHAM', Pres.; MADAMS, Sec.; Jas. A. Smith, auctioneer. . . 2148-2 A UOTION SALE OF. HOUSEHOLD 'peRNr- Aa. -TURE.—tnere will be offered for sale by publia auction on the premises, North -Main Street, Sea - forth, on Saturday, January Ieth, at 2. o'clock, the following household furniture, the property of Mrs. J. E. Best :-3 bed room suites, 1 WI rack, 1 sewing machine, 1 sideboard, 2 bed springs with mattreesgs, 2 rocking chain, 8 dozen gems, 8 lamps, a lot of linoleum and earpete, 1 coal heater, nearI3 new, 1 wash tub, 1 boiler, and other small articles. Terms —T-5 and under, dish over that amount 6 months'. credit on approved joint notes. A discount of three ;cents on the dollar off for cash. MRS. J. E. BEST, Proprietress ; M Brown, auctioneer. 2148 VOR SALE—The threshing ontlit of the Hibbert, Tuckersmith and MoKillosi Threshing Com- pany will be sold by tender. Tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned until January 814, 1900. This outfit, which is in good 'open., consists of a Stratford Docker Separator, with Ruth feeder and cutting attachment ; a Robert/Bel/ engine and a good tank. The wagon and tank are aost new and the separator and engine hone worked four sea: eons. Wili be sold cheap and on rersonable terms. Highest or any tender not ;necessarily accented. All accounts towing said Com any must be settled on or before January 15th, VI!, otherwise $ will be collected with costs' JOMPH A.TKINSON, Seb-re- tary Treasurer, St. Oolumban Po O., or Lot 27, -Oen 5, Hibbert township. ; 2148x4 A UCITION SALE Olg—FABM STOOK AND 131- PLEMENTS.—Mr. Thos. Cameron has received instructions to sell brpublic auction on Lot 21, Con-, cession s Usborne, one mile east of Exeter north; on Tuesday, January 19th, 1909, it 1 o'clock, the fol- lowing: k orses-1 agricultural brood mare 8 years old, ;n foal; 1 heavy draft mare 4 years old, in foal; 1 gelding 1 year old; 1 filly 1 year old, 1 driving colt 8 years old, well broken. Cattle and Pip.—Two re- newed cows, 8 cows to calve this month, 1 bow to calve in. February, 6' cows to calve in March. and April, 9 2 -year-old heifers, 2 yearling betters, 6 two. year-old steers, 12 pip 8 weeks old. Implements— Cutter nearly new, tanning mill, root pulper new last winter, riding plow, wheelbarrow, set double harness new,set single harness, Daisy churn, a num-. ber of sap pails and other small artiolg.s, also about 8 or 10 tons of ;Tod Mixed hay, and 100 bushels of roots: Positive y no reserve as the proprietor *go- ing west. Terme — $5 and under cash •' over that amoudt 8 months' credit will he given on furnishing. approved joint notes, or 6 per cent.. off for . cash on credit amounts. ANDREW CAMPBELL, Proprie- tor; T. Cameron, auctioneer. 21484 Annnal Meeting The annual meeting of the 13ayileld Agricultural Sooiety will be held in the Town Hall, Bayfield, on Wednesday, January 20tb1 1909, at 1 o'clock, p.m., for the , porpoee of receiving the Treasurer's and Auditorie report, the election of officers for the ensu- ing year, and the transaction of other business. A full attendance of the members is requested. 2143-2 ; GEO. GREENSLADE, Secretary. • R. SNOWDEN, Preeident. Dissolution of Partner- ship. =M11111.111=16 ,a/M • Theyartnership formerly carried on by Reid & Wilson, as general hard- ware merchants. has beet, dissolved mutual consent. All accounts due and owing to the late firm are to be paid forthwith to the Liquidators, who will also Attie all claims due and owing by the late firm. All persons eedebted to the late firmwill kindly call and settle as soon as possible. R013ERT WILSON - WILLIAM 11JI,T4S Liquidators at the estate of Reid & Wilson, Dated NOV. nth.• NW • 2135-tt SEAFOI/TR A D. -OF THANK To theeletere of Hop.: Utica liudOeutle nen-I desire to tender you my- - Amore thanks for on; support fit the recent eke - tion. It is grtifyin to mu that -emir -Ave stain sIeIfied omit snot) fit meas reeve of the town, and I can aasure yait that I will do eVerntaddif ltlY Power and in the interests 'of the township to Merit the confidence you have againreported in me. Wiehing all the "'Compliments of the seMon amyour Obedient servont, - 121484 J. M. GOVENLOCK. ..bramessriemsii. To the Electors of McKillopt; Ladies and Gentlemen, -Ton have again -done me the honor ot sleeting me to seat at -the 001111011 hoard, and for your support and influence / &ere to • tender you my &Isere thenke An in the past, 1 sheR continue to serve you the beet Of my sanity, and trust by close attention tfi, the business of The towneklp to merit the confldonoe you nave again reposed 111 MC Wishing you 411 preeperit le 1N9, I am your obedient servant, 2143-1 • II. BURMAN. To the Electors of Mullett ; Indies and Gentlemenl—I desire to extend te the elontran of Mullett my sincere thanks for the support you gave me the recent municipal election. I shall contilder it my duty and privilege to' work in ;the interest bf the township, and hope through strict -14,ention to the affairs of the municipality to merit the confidence you have repooed in me. Wish ing on the compliments of the season, I am your obedlent servant,. 21484 ROBERT CLAISK. SELLING OUT COST AT END ING ON Saturday, Jan. 9th will offer for sale —at cost—my en- tire stook of Fancy Goods, eto. ' Mrs H. McCammond Whitney Block, Seafortli. 1....•••••••• • . " The Hiub " Premiunijlekie now on Call and inspect the goods. Quality and value un.equaled. Thomas S. "Hues Successor to BEATTIE BROS. PhOne 8 2188 ADIAN.:.SA K.- oF:.:„..commERCE KEAD OFFICE, TORONTO - ESTABLISHED 1861 B. E. WALKER, President ALEXANDER LAIRD, General Manager Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in tir [kited States and England SAVINGS BM4K DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1; and upyeards are received and interest allowed_at current 6rates. Accounts may be opened in the mines of two or more persons andlirithdrawals made by any one of them or by the kirvivor. SEAFORTH BRANCH. RoXimEsTED, solicitor G. E PARKES, Manager. 124 Fur Bargains during January. Thkty dollar Gents' Fur Coat, with marmot lining, interlined with !lib- ber, German otter collar, now $26.00 • . Twenty-five dollar Gents' Saskatchewan Lined Coat, rubber interlining, German otter fur collar, now, $19.00 Thirty-two dollar Gents' Black Galloway Coat, black Astrachan fur collar, now $25,00 Thirty-five dollar Gents' Black Galloway, best we can buy, extra well lined, beautiful Astrachan collar, now $28.00 Twenty-five dollar Gents' Siberian Oalf Coat, one of the best made for wear, now *2000 Thirty-seven fifty Gents' Dyed Wombat Coat, lined with twilled ;Italian now $28.00 Twenty-seven &oiler Gents' Black Galloway Coat, lived with Italian and - Mohair sleeve lir' ling, now *23. * Twenty-two dollar Gents' Black Russian. Dog Coat, a splendid wearer, new $17. Twenty-five dollar Gents' Black RI188iEM. Ddig Coat, with large Astrachan dog collar, now $19; Twenty-eight dollar Gents' Black Astrachan Coat, With beautiful black Glossy curl, now: -$23. Sixty dollar Gent? Fur -lined Coat; with black Persian Lamb collar, lined with German muskrati now $48. ' Seventy-five dollar Gents' Undyed Coon Coat, best linings, extra well furred, now $55, Eighty five dollar Gents' Undyed Coon Coat bed we can buy, now $60. Sixty dollar Gents' Undyed Coon Coat. Ladies' Fur Coats, reduced 20 per cent. Ladies' Far -lined Coate, reduced 20 per cent. Ladies' Fur Collar Coat, $20, reduced to $17, Ladies' Fu i Collar Coat, lined with Saskatchewan and rubber lining,$215 reduced to $19. # • , Wet •••••••4 CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. MN IN MI 16MitiffiNMNI. Grtat. Days- Clearing- Sale. y ood Clothing Carpets, Furs Beginning Wednesday, Jam et .1909 This is a genuine stook reducing sale, When.read- ing the following list we wish to call particular at- tentien to the faot that we do not quote inflated regular values. When we say an article is a cer- tain regular price, it .is a fact. We do not enumer ate anything like all the good things ready for this ten days sale--m.anv Iota too small to advertise—so be prompt. It will pay you to in ftestigate. 3 StaPIP • .1PrY .Goods 500 Yarclemat Wrapperette, worth from 10 to 12o, sok 50 ends of Print, worth 10c sale price tic. 50 ends of Grey Cotton, worth Sc, sale price 5-.1to bargain 150 ends Of White Flannelette—uow marked at for this sale 16 per tent. off. 75 yards Drab Corduroy, worth 55c, sale price 28e. 45 White Quilts, worth $1.25, sale price 85o. 3 ends of Dress Lining, trorth 160, sale price 7i -c. 10 pieces of Towelling, wortilefrom 7 to 80. sale price 5e. • 12 pieces of Towelling, worth 11; sale price 742c. POPLESTONE & GAR D NE R, Dress Goods • BINYT3E14 (SUCCESSOR'S TO MESSRS. MoKINNON & CO.) Sil• ONITARIat, td1 M WILL I A MS:1 31! i °C CO W ruil We want all kinds of Poultry, Starved and Dry Picked, o rill y which the highest price will be paid. Live Turkeys taken on Thursday, November 26th. General Merchant for the People. POULTRY WANTED 1•••=•••••••=•••••01..1* Happy New Year New Year resolutions are now in order. May we suggest— Resolved, that during the coming year you'll ,buy all your footwear at this store. We are certainly showing lines of " un- usual merit, • and far different from the ordinary sort you'll find everywhere. We, ask the opportunity of dem3nstrati Ing this fact to you which we can easily do if you will favor us with a call: We believe that Wg4 are in a position to fill the shoe wants of every nan, yoman and child in this locality. If yob will cOme here for your shoes during 1909, you'll get the best pair of shoes your feet or your money ever went into, and you'll not pay too much for them. arm' in, take look,. and -make us prove -it, - •••••••••••111014r.MI IRiphardsonit ll'Innis Christmas Fruits We have received all our Christmas Fruits. They are of choicest quality and prices reasonable. airimea A table of Dress Goods regularprices 0 50ain black and colors, your choice 'for 250. 13 pieces of Fancy Tweed Dress Goods, replier prices rora 70-0 $1, to clear for, 47e. 20 pieces of plain and fancy Dress Goods regular pricee 500 to 65o, pale price 38e. 100 remnants toil ends to clear at fess than half the re price. 20 per cent, off all Heavy Wool Shawls. I Furs Furs! iL WILLI.A.MS, I Successor to B. B. Gunn CORNER STORE SEAFORTH Injure Your • Lunge By coughing If you cough moderately or • if you have violent coughing • spells during the day or night, • you need White Pine Compound with Tar It will relieve you. It will , cure all ordinary coughs,colds, hoarseness, sore throat and • bronchial troubles 25o a bottle J. A. Roberts, C4th GRANO TRUNicRs's`rEt; Toronto and Return $3.40 from Seaforth With 25 cents added for ad • - mission to the Ontario Horse Breeders Exhibition, good going Jen. 12 and 13, return limit Jan. 16, 1909. California, Mexico and Florida Round trip tourist tickets now on rale to all principal winter .resorts. • .• — For full information as to rates, routes, eta, apply to SOKIWYnal" Tor Ageat. A‘- P PHILLIWI Depot it 'Cross Cut Saws and • Chopping Axes We have a first - class line of the above goods. In cross -cut saws R. H. Smith, St. Catharines, "Gold Coin," "Huron Blade" and the old re- liable "Sandy's Choke." None better value, and for cutting qualities Can be beaten. Dundas chopping axes, a full line with or without handles. Call and examine — we will be pleased to show them. G. A. SILLS, Hardware- Stoves --rmware SEAFORTH ...•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Nr,..••••••••• The Robert Bell Engine and Thresher Co., Limited. DIVIDEND NO. 6. Notice is hereby given, that & divi- dend at the rate of 7 per cent, per an - MUM on the paid up capital stock of this Company, has been declared for the current year endingOctober Met, 1908, and that the saint-. will be pay- able on...and after February lst, 1909 13y Order of the Board, ROBERT frELL, 2141-5 Managing Director Note the following clearing prices: Ladies' Astrachan, Electric Seal and Greenland Seal Coats in a sizes from32 to 38, regular pries trove $26 to $35, sale price $15. Near Seal Coats, with Columbia Sable Collar, sizes 31 and 36 only, regular price $36.75, to clear at $27. • ‘' Near Seal Coats- Mock Fisher Collar, ties 35 only, regular price $44, sale prise $33. - ear Seal Coats, Alaska Sable Collar, sire' 40 only, regular price $66 1, sale priee 438. All other fur coats at 25 per eent. discount. Ladies' Fur -Lined Coatsregular pricea from *35 to $75, clean. Men'sfrFonlur4a2n6dtFou415-L8i5111 Coats -60 in all to clear—in all kirk& ef fur coats, prices from. $18 to $80, „leering at from $13- - $60. Carpet Department 100 pairs of Lace Curtains, regular p at $1,25. A lot a Cocoa Door Maths, regular price $1.25, te clear at 750. 8 pieces of Brussels Carpet, regular price 41 25, for,BSc a yard. 6 pieces of Matting, regular price 30e, for 19e. 12 British Velvet and Axminster &Frees, sizes clear at one-third off regular price, $1.30 to 42 to clear 3x3i and 3x4, to Ladles* Ready-to-wear Goods 25 Ladies' Skirts, regular prices from. $2,50 to 44.50, to eiear at $1.98. 20 Girls' Skirts, worth from 42.50 to fit to clear. at $1.98. , 30 Ladies' and Misses' Colored Coats, regular prices from $9.5@ to $15, to clear at $4.75. 60 Ladies' 0oats to clear at $1.95 each. Dried Apples Wanted Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs MI PI -CURD & SON . I PO RTlinFi Opposite twin !Building, Comer Man. and Market Stietete, Sesttorts Seaforth• Agricultural Society ANIMAL MEETING The annual meeting of the members of the Sea - forth Agricultural Society will be held in the Co. Maoist Hotel, &aforth, i Tuesdey, Sax MO, at 2 °Week, for tho porpa of rem repot*eiecthng offloemad directors, and the bonier:4Am of - ether buffinem 2102 .7. LD W4 D. APOLOGY ./1•11111.11 to state to the politic that I withdraw azy statemene that! otuy have made at any time to the &Teat -that Mr. WM. 1,4Wrgr1, of Hallett, bad stolen fowl belonging to me. Kr. Lamson did not ste4 shy tow!, and idesire to apologize to him for =yarn.", that I maY hare MO that woul1 rofieot on hie olw- sotor for honesty, and at kis request and'With 4 Itlek to contsidie' t say smolt statements hare mooed ate getter to be pubil 111 ed in the Moore Plk:p.x4tor., Dated re &attars this iete est et Dimmer, A.D., 00n, 2E484 moan rtAl-ve