HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-01-08, Page 1ARY
ine.eiefee aleineite
ss eek
NO irrawifiRD
most wort
ants and odci
'aft saert ee, vo-
le all
ts Skirts
mv stigate
old eggs at sii time*
less under e
f at eit. Joseph. -Mr. and
sad family spent Christ*
le -There are two. ozone
e reevaithip and eigat foe
orship ia Hibbert. -
ot Seaforth, Who has
the ochooi here for t
years, haa returned homee
be taken by Mies CamPe
cleillop.-Water bereenee
ce with some a dis
here. -We are 134.•
eta arottad &pita setae
'eationit-At. the meth:attar-I
el in thie township on Mime
,,owtor nominations, Imo.
'r Reeve -Benjamin Clierche
nated by Patrick Quigleet -
by Wra. Towson
was nominated by Joliet
a aeconded hy David Moline
,following were nominate*.
Or John Harr by Serail
a E. Crawford; John Care
Tyndall and j. Shaanseang
re by Wm. Stewart and It.:
ani_ea Leiper by jcitin 1.i_lt.
Sohn McGregor ; Seeaust
Thomas Archer' and Wes**
ent Tamblya by John 3'iing4
-obert Ferris. i
f Dublin, left his tioroei
f t a alk, Barley*
Mitchell, the other deese
made off at fell
tcr came ta edetact
-gh, which freed the horst*
mass and it continued its
o -wards the station. The
badly daimageA•, but o
Jury was done.
ow's the Ti
of all Time
- TO 13-U1'
ErVielgot too many Furs and
too many Overcoat,s and
too much heavy Under.
wear, and they are going tie be soid
if Ova pieces will sell them. We
.have made -outs so deep that we will
clinch any overcoat or fur thotight
any man may have in his mind in
short order. Plenty of cold weather
ahead, and What you buy newel/rill
be good for years to dome i .Better
.-kter now than to wish you had. Ale
grades of Furs all styles. of Over -
Coats are ordered out, so come and
`maks YourSelection Not 'a "job
let" of coats, but all our etsck of
high grade, elegantly tailored coats,
Berea your -opportunity, sir. Wail
$60 lir-lined jackets
(Black and Bine Coiers,:Sable Collar &Bever)
.65 Fur -lined Jackets
• (Black and Blue (Yorer, Sable Collar)
50 Fur -lined Jackets
(Lock Squirrel Lining, Sable Collar)
85 Fur -lined tjaakets
(Mink Collar and Bever)
60 Fur Jackets
50 "
4 t
$45 00
Men'sAlt Fur coats •25%
$40 Sable Sets (stole and. muff)
25 "
45 Fox
• 35 "
Odd lot of Furs for
'Wemen's Cloth Jackets for
" -do
Mink Marmot Stole for
" Stoles for
Persian Lamb Muffs for
$25 00
1-7 50'
half price
halt price
$15 Men's Overcoats at
12, "
6 Boys'
t I
Overcoat at
Municipal Elections. ,
. The following is the resuit of the I the iirgan .factoeye Rev . Mr Kerr
performed the ceremony in the pre -
Municipal deceit/net -4n, text elephant 'mance -of a few guestie bridesmaid and
I th
municipaliticorded elzewhere: . . the cerernone dinner was -served and
' ri s is distrct not re- geoornsmaer being dispensed with. After
I ,Giey.-The colleen was elected by the ev4n1ing "Pent in annbeernell/e'
1 oacrezmiaemr.ation.Depualaty toliteloewves_::30Bleoluive_6707,t, .....wizt Thomas Moore, a forrper rest -
*nit a Wingtam, diedat her . home
Councillorsi-Joim Brown, John Cett, in Toronto Junction.
57 on_ December 28rd.
. te Deeeaeed waa yeats of age and had
Jaime hieFadzoitn.
F,ast- Wavvanoteas.-lbeeve - Parks. h
been in failing health or mime time.
Mo. A. L. Strome, vale hats limn
Celusneill°Ps - Gilles*, Cummings, mainaoar ot the Normiaadie hotel, in
Scott, McGee. .' ' Clinton, °for the /met year, has gone
Wdinghalm-Ka"r - Thomas Greg' back to 'Doren, and Mr. S. e. Oecyper,
-or, elecee-Dr. Irwin. Councillors--
G. Spotton, J. W. McKibben, H. B. who owns the hotel, is in charge.
VainNoeman. _ - • • Clinton, died ill London recently, De-
-Mes. ,W. R. Everett. tormerly of
Elliott, Dr. ,Rearriond, W. Acute, .11
Beave-Joha Avery.. Councillore - Je ceased was 68 years of age and besides
Mitchell. --:- Mayor ---John Skinner. trp aimi
husbanodnaisseopurn. vi ved be five dau gh -
Devi, Allen Cameron, James Hill, -Ii.
Boyd, le Yarco, T. S . Ford. -Mrs 'Richard Parker, one of tb.e
was oldeet residents of Goderich, died on
Clinten.-The only tonteet here
for the Reeveahle, between W I Thuroday of last week, aged 93 years
Fa ieley end le J. Gibbings, alid:.a.s* Mr: aid 7 months: The ceeceased was a
Paieley decided to withdraw , although na-Tb
of Fingiand, •
too late to glop the election, The next weesions of the High
a walk -over for Mr, GI-obi:11ga. Til) it - was Court for this county will be bawl at
council coniprisas_tuyor-H. iwutsa. Goderich- as follows--; Jury assizes oli-
Reeve-B. J. •Gibliiings. Cortnemoraili ening APril 26th, before Chief justice
. ., A. T. . A. Falconbridge; non -jury, opening June
TJachson, JrCooper., J
Ford, A. J. Holloway, W. Graham, j. 2nd, 'before Justice Britton.
Turnberry. - Iteeve-Mdf tett. Coen-. ham, received the sad newe on Christ -
Mr. Roliert Currie., sr., of Wing -
nias• Day a ahe death of his son, Jas.
•teordillefee---, KenMcxreileel, eielleeler, Railer- Currie, in B.C. The
Hibbert. - Reeve -J. DicLareer, h deceased bet been suffering from brain
120 ,majority. cepuineinoro-vilni. (..1-1-1y., tro_ubleAr some months.
vere J. Ronee,-R. Hoggais
,rth, H. Norr. Mr. and Mts. W. H.. Beall, of Hul-
led, eelebrated their 'silver wedding
. Colborne: - Reeve -II. 3. A. 'Mc.- ea Christmas evening-., About eighty
•Ews'ilee,C°1-neellicreseheekentisterw, J. Use- friends assembled at their home- on
err, J. elelifeema-eveln. eoung. this occiesiOn and a most enjoyable
Ociderich - • Mayor .7.- -tire Macklin. Hociai ume i wan spent.
Reeve -Dr. GalloW: Deputy Reeve -C. '-
The congregations of St Helens
Reed* esuseill°rsenT• Craig/64 P: T• and .East Ashfield ' Presbyterian
Dean, Chas. Humber, B.- C. Munninge, church ee have exteeeed a _call to Mr.
3: B. Jordan, R. R. Sallowe. The lo- 8., eg, mem, a recent- graduate . el
enecal'exuaOptionity thbyree4rfittredmitojorgitety. LI siciptroxancue aegezrea Teernrearkoaste.. The stipend Is
was, therefoee, clefeated ; 800 voted for ,
local option and 413 a4sinet It. The -The truotees of sehool section No.
, *Grey, recently presented Mies Liz-
-lamer bY-law NY" cardsci- Nater zie litryans with a handsome silver
elmurntsuicknerels. - teelted. .--3.0101 3°Y1116. ac- omcdtif theirted' earearyeelatoilthanet isoetf g hatiler asertovikceet•
Clalnatiorr- actunelliorP-4- j- lioadar- for their examination and entertal ,
Mae J. Ge Murdock„ . M. Mitelvell, D. mat. _ ..
AelJavireinee• -Tbe 1°Ca1 e°1141411 kee_aeerriegyr ,-Miai Victoria A. ii.- Johnston.
reailed 'gegee
et the Aeeeeleater, . m- di -tighter et Mr. John H. Johneten, of
-eittae -majority; 188, voted for Wel • Gkxterteh, was married at her father's
option 'and 127 against.
Exetee: — Reeve—T. H. McCallum. tr,Rocalbe'iWtiedilmarahaTuiffotlastsarwsnelk: Tjtioe
Councillors -W. Johns, W. ea Car-- eareeagaty was 'performed by Rev. J.
ling,' C. Luker„ W. J. Ileaman. A. Andoronn.
Veborne-Reeve-John Moir. The
councillors .were. eleclt.ed4 by &edema,. L -Mr." Nelson, who- bought the . Mc-
eod farm on the Huron Road, Gode-
tion. • ' . rich Iniemhip., a couple of years ago,
Hensall.-Reeve-Owen Geiger. Count has sold,. the same.to, Mr. Flick, form -
gram, .Tatnes Stewart. I et- Oolbortne, tor $6,409. This le
majority Of One. ,Conneillora-aTere0-
'Hullett.-Reeve, Iamee Hill, by a $400 More than he 'patd for it and
shnotowecieuttint tige price of good land. is
Leiper,, Robt. Clark, Jams Barr, J. -me. marriage a Miss Elizabeth
Stephen. -e Reeve--Ileney Willert. Middleton and Mr. Edward- Hammon,
Bra HaniP's14 Mount Forest, was sol
. Ateelerson.e Court- B. A., Ottawa, eldest son of Mr. Rich -
Deputy Rceve-Win cyllealorerie-y,,ne Love, Fred weerth, Wm. °
ed on Wednesday,. 'December 24,
. The County Council. at high neon, at St. James' Church.
Goderich township. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Wm. Dumb* -,
.-Ttte funeral took place ,
day from the residence
Golerich.-Reeve, Dr. Gallow; dep- Vanstone, in Goderidh, of -.a.
uty, ChasReed
Clineon.--Reeve, B. J. Gibbing's. death occurred on the previoc,
. . , tee, Mrs Samuel Steven
Seaeort.h.-Reeve, James Watsconday in - London.- Mrs Stevenue
-Wingharn.-:-Reeve, Dr. Irwinvivedeeby her httaband and tvee
Brumeels.--Reeve„ 11. Leckie. ' drat, who are in the *feat.
Emebereeltedve, T. H. McCallum. -A very quiet but pretty we,.
Heneall.-Reeva, Owen Geigerwas solemnited on Christmas 'Dal at
Blyth. -Reeve, Dr. Milne. high noon. at , the home of Mi. and
Wroxeter. -Reeve. C. Reis. '
MrsGeorge Ruby, of New Hamburg,
Baytield.--ReeVe, Dr. Smith. formerly of Dashwood, when their-
Aehtiold.-Reeve, Thomas - Stotbera; daughter, °Etta May, was united In
deputy reeve. Wm. Hunter. . marriage to Mr. James Cockerton, of
Colborne. -Reeve, H. J. A. McEwan. Plattsville, by the Rev. W. Yaeger,
Goderich Towniship.-Reeve, Satnuel pastor of the Evangelical Association.
Sturdy. -. . ,_ . -At the Winter Fair at Guelph re -
,Grey. -Reeve, Wm. Framer, ; deputy cently, Oliver Turnbull, 15th emcee.
eeve, John GrantR. . ar:on, Grey, captured seven prizes on
Hay.-eeve, PLamont
his Leicester sheep exhibit. He had
e. . ,
Howickee-Reeve. T. G.• Shearer ;dep- sold off his flock closer thin usuai d-
uty reeve; Y. HainStoolc.ter the fall faire, so' was hardly in
HullettReeve, . -Beeve, HETaylor. Hillas good form as usual at Guelph; this
Morris - N
year, yet considering the keen coma
e. . .
McKillop. -Reeve, J. M. Govenlockpetition and- close going points in
Staniey.--Reeve, Wm. Glennjudging he did very well.
Stephen. -Reeve, H. iWillert ; • deputy --A' quiet wedding took place at high
reeve, .Wiln. Anderson. • eoon, Tinueday last; December 81st,
Tuckeasmith..--..Reeve, Robt. McKayat the home of Dir. Harry Hunt, Cline
Tureberry.-Reeve, D. 'H. Moffetteon,when hie niece, Lillian Almada
lasborne.-Reeve, John Moir. _ Wright, WOA united in marriage to
East Wawanosh.-Reeve, W.J. Parke. Mr. :William J. Hernblen. The core-
Weet Yrawanosh.Reeve, S. Meddmony was 'performed by Rev. W. 3.
Jolliet°. After a trip to eastern Points
they Will .treelde in Clinton.
. _ -A load of Aberdeen .Angus cattle
were ahlipped from.ClInton last week to
London, England, by Mr. G. Coughlin.
„The cattle were purchased from Mr.
'John -Rumford, of ataton, and accord-
ing.. to - the estimate of good Judges
were match the .beet load • of cattle
ever eibipped from Clinton. nay av-
eraged a little over 1,450 pounds each,
and to show the even. quality we will
mentionm50i3:0t6teoe; avoe,0410gh;t6,8:0o60t. four pall,
-Mrs. David Robinson, one of the
early settlers of Clinton, died on Sun-
day, December 27th, aged 76' years.
She came to Clinton with her late hus-
band over 60 year ago, when over -
lend travel was the only way a get-
ting along, there being- at the time
no railway eomaninictution in this part.
Her.husbeed predecetused her by about
13 years During the past eight years
her health has been precarious, though
onlY ecuteae So during the laet few
Weeks. She is survived ht one daugh-
ter,. and two sons. -..
-The following officers have been
elected in connection with tne Wing -
ham hockey club: Hon. Preeldent, Dr.
Chisholme M.P.; Hon. vice-president,
A. H. Musgrove. M.P.P.; president, C.
dt. Venstone; first vice-president, Dr.
J. P. Kennedy, second vice-president,
Dr. A., J. Irwin; third vice-president,
George Spotton; manager, E. Moore:
secretary, Alvie Fleming; treasurer, J.
q. Workman; managaing -committee;
Rev, C. E. Jealtine, Ivan ...Johnston, E.
Elliott, J. We ilealrehboze The players
have elected Alels Fleming as captain
of the team. eee t
-Aefierce runaway occurred -In Low-
er Winghem on Christmas Day. A
team from Beattie§ livery- was being
driven through -the town, and on tam-
ing the comer too swiftly tbe sleigh
upset, spilling the occupants over the
.road. They crawled out as beat they
could, and the team ran over the tem
bridge, up Agnew's hill, and around
by Miami% and then down by the
agricultural °grounds, end filially
pulled up, when they sameeed through
the ice into the rive,: oppokhte*tee salt
block. Help was ohtatned, ithd with
All Heavy Underwear 25% off
Make your selections earls; while the picking is the best
Better now than later.
la" Highest Price for Butter and Eggs.
Ifite GREIG cutorriiING
East Side Main Street, one door South of the
Dominion- Bank, \
cillore--A. Brandt, A. Scruton, A. In- may
, The following will compoge the
County Council for 1909:
ender an arrangement, the Warden
WAD .gpes one year to a. Liberal, the
next year to R. Coneervative. Lest year
Jim position wee held by a Conee.r-
vattvie, go that thief year a Liberal
wiU hold tile office. -Although several
names were mentionedaMOng the
membens at the December semis& of
tble council, the -one most often heard
was that ot Mr. P. Lemont, the genial
eeeve of Hay townehip. Mr. Lamont is
;lbw One of the oldeet members of the
county couneil, and as the Warden-
shipfhaei never been 'held by the re--
presepletive of Hay townahip, It
wouldbe a fttting tribute to the
townahlp and to Mr. Lamont's abille
° des were he' selected to 'preside over
the destinies of the county counell for
1909. We donot know that a better
oelection could be made, and '_wt hope
to have the pleasere of extending con.-
gratulations to Warden leunonte
Huron Vote*.
-Mr. -W. Potter and family; for 80
reeidenits of Colborne, are mov-
ing to Goderieh.
-The Poor box at St. Peter's- church,
Dryalele, was broken into recently and
the trieney stolen. - .
-Dr. Chisholm's 'election -expenses In
the tecent, contest in East Huron a-
mounted to $244.37, and those of Mr.
A.I Hielop to $228.42. •
-P. B. Hoyt, of Chicago,' and son-
in-law of bri Etenjamin Allen, of Ged-
erich, Was killed reeeatly in an auto -
moble accident. .
-Edwin Silty, eadeat eon of here. G.
Me Silty. of Cledon, died' on °helot-
neea 'Day, • agaieenneteen seam **The
deceased Was a victim of diabetes. -
-Miss Fibroma Armstrong was pre-
sented ,with a gold In and napkin
holder by the pupils of school section
No. 6, Grey.
-Bere. James Nichol, an old resi-
dent of Wingham, died on -Saturday,
December 26th, in her 77th year The-
deceaeed was one of the pioneer resi-
dents of Turaberry. • •
-.A- quiet wedding took place stthe
home of Mr. J. Finch, Clinton, on
Wednesday afternoon a last Week,
when his eldest daughter, Rena, was
married to Robert Moore, an employee
Unique Presents
A jeweirreltore is the
place to get them. This
is the store to &Mae to.
We've been ready for
two weeks. For twice
two weeks we've been
welcoming aeiditions to
what we have to offer
The newer the better, the daintier the
better have been our leading thoughts.
We feelicertain you will think we
_feel certain you will think we have a
The assortment to choose from. Still
wine as early as you can as there is
generally a rush later. You can have
anything laid by now till you want it.
John Bulger,
SWellerl - — - SeafOrth
Marriage Lieeoira Issued.
ropes and levers the horses were got-
ten out, looking rather different from
wbat they did when they, led the
livery barn.
-A very 'pleasing event took place
at the bome et Mr. E. Bete Base
line,Mullett, on Yeedneslay. Decern-
bee e0, when Mies Mabel Clarke lie --
came the bride of Mr. Samuel Ruseel
Lea, Of Londesboro. They were at
beaded by Mies Carrie Butt and Mr.
Grant Archer. The eeremony was per-
formed by Rev. W. E. Kerr, te the
presence of the immediate friends of
the 'contracting parties. The napPY
couple left at once for London -where
Mr. Lea holds a position in .the bee --
gage department of the G. Tt
-The residence Mr. Edward Mar
Ethan. Bayfield road, • Goderich town-
ie was the scene a a pretty wed -
g on December 30, when his daugh-
ter Florence, wee united in mar.riage,
to Mr. Jame t4 E. Bobbling, of Chicago
The groom is an offtee man of the
New York Central Railway *Itte duties,
in Chicago.. Immediately atter the mare
riage the happy ample took the after-
noon train for, the •Western States
where they intend to. make a brief vis-
it before taking un houeekeeping in
Chicago. They go first to visit the
groom's father, who has a • lucrative
medical practice in that city. The•knot
was tiled by the Rev, C. R. Gunne,
of St. Paul's church, Clinton.
-.A pioneer of the township of Asie-
d pawed to his reward laat week*
th tams1 taking place the .itt* day
of the old year. Mr. Jamee Drennan
was a native of Dumfries, Scotland*
and came to thhe country in 1852, set-
tling in the township a bedifield,
which had been his -home ever since,
He was married a shorttime after
comingteo this country, his partner in
111'0 Joys and sorrows being also a'
nativeeeefetlee--old country, H1ei is
areevived by two brothers, George, in
Ashibeld,' and John, in Fargo, North -
Dakota ; by has wife, and by a fame
ily of four laws and four daughtere.
He. was 82 years of age.
Sanderson, of Gerrie, was
badbYj shaken up on Tuesday of last
weekwhile coasting at Fordwicle In
company With Wine friends. It seems
there were about eight on an irepro-
vised pair of ,bobsleighs, and illwent
wel.1 till theye.came near the bridge,
when the forward sleigh refeeed to
work and some of them were tossed
over ineo the bed a the river near
the bridge. Those Injured were: Ver-
non McLeod, who received a wound on
the heed; Willie Adams, Whose tongue
was badly lacerated; "Charlie Harris,
end Stanley Sanderson, whose face
wee badly bruised and one of his legs
and his arms sprained, besides bleed-
ing 'froel One ear.
--JA very pretty wedding took Placa
On Wednesday of last week at Ever-
-green Farm, the home of Mr.. and
Mrs Ralph Stephenson, of the •Parr
Ltme, Stanley, when- their eldeet
daughter, Minerva, was united in mar-
riage to Webster -4X. Turner, of the
same line. The belle was given away
by her father and was attended -by
her'llittle mister, Elva, as flower girl.
The wedding march was played by Miss
Margaret Drytedale, Hensall. The
officiating -clergymen were Rev. .A. H.
Brown, of Varna, and Rev. D. Urciuh-
hart, of Klippen. About sixty guests
were present. Mr. and Mrs. Turner
Start Bee together with the beet
wishes ot a very large circle of
lieLE.1114 13 OSe Publishers
$1 a. Yeas in iaciyienoe.
Mock, Aylmer, Lueknove, Hepworth;
Point- Edward, Forest, Blandford
towdship, Oso, Morrisburg, Goderich*
Trenton, Ingersoll, irlilsonburg, Cale-
donia, Camboro, Glencoe, Alnwick
township, Elzin and. prinestherpe, Ken-
-Pater L
-abadie, a resident of TU-
bury townehip, aged 40 years, wee
drowned in Baptist creek, north of the
Greed Trunk railway bridge Sunday
morning.- He was skating and broke
though the thin ice. His body was
recovered lin about an hour after the
accident. DeceesWlea-ves a widow and
even children.
A. I. Hilmer, a draughtsman in
the City Engineer's department at Ot-
tawa, committee suicide on Saturday
a.fternocie by shooting himaelf with a
revolver Jaear the grounds of the Ot-
tawa. Golf Club. He had not been at
his office for several days, but no
reasan is given for his ending his
He was about 40 yeses of ege end
leaves a wite and two children.
-The Trade and Commerce Depart-
ment at Ottawa, has appointed Mr.
H. R. Folioed° to be Canadian Trade
Cominingo:ner in South Africa, with
headquartere at Durbaa. Mr. Pousette
is a in.ative of Sarnia, but for -S02115
years past has been in businees in
Durban. His appointment mak ee the
second Canadian Trade Commbseloner
in South Africa, the other being Mr.
Chesley of Cape Town.
-Oe Tbureday, December 24th, a
very pleaoant event took place at the
horne of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lenin -ions,
Huron Read east, near Mitchell, when
their youngeet daughter, Loieee, was
united. in the holy bonda of weitleak
to Mr. -James G. Kane, a Stratford.
The knot_ wee tied by Reva a Fur-
Inten,straratio: ber Rev. J. W. Melettos,. h,
M.A. Mr. and Mrs. Kane will reOele
-An .explogion an acetylene gas
tank wrecked St. Stephen's English
church at efirkeburg, near P.embrolee
oa Simday evening. The clergyman,
Rev. Dr, Orr, was bunted on the bands
and face and %Mud Mickley was se-
emly burned and had ide back hurt.
The expixdon occuered about 6.30,
half an hour before the evening for-_
vice. The front of the churah roof
lected two years age.
--gr. Robert McGuigen, of Nestle
klaothelA has received word from
Vancouver of the death -of his broth -
ism., De. W. h. Mcileigan, of. that city.
Dr. leceiutgan, .who WILES 5e years of
age, was a former North' Mathes
boy, being a eme a the late Mr. and
ltdre. 'Michael McGuigan: Having at-
tended the Stratford Collegiate Insti-
tute, the deceased tang* school in
North Easthope .for two years, He at-
teewarels attended- the Gat Cdieglate
and than took a masa in McGill Cole,
lege, Montreal, from which .be grad-
uated with boners in 1819. ••
-Emitting electric flashes at every
paint of contact, one oe the ,big pow-
er cables which hang below- the upper
eteel arch bridge which connects the
Ca-na.diatt Power Company and the, Nia-
gara Fiala Power Company at Niagara
beret en Saturday Afternoon with a
report like thunder. There • was a
flaeli that etertled everybody within
'sight, and the bridge officials could
not figure out the ea.uee until= they
discovered tbe broken. cable dangling
undeaneetb.' There are eight of these
cables and each carries a big load of
electric' power. The accident was pro-
bably caueed by -defective insulation.
-The school house in Dauphleellan,-
Itoba, which -contained four 'rooms of
public school and four et 'collegiate,
wan burned. down MonciaX- • morning.
lrvist4X;theextreme ete etartedfrom
e ctoillth
eIuir badereligand
was 'ha/Spend. but the citizens lent
atid. The chtielsen, ,five eundred in
eluiebee, had been eeplendridly drilled,
and carried through the fire drill ex-
erciee with such 'precision that all of,
the rooms ware emptied in a. few men -
Welt ndeed, not till they get out-
side did most of them 'realize there was
a lire All efforts to extinguish the
flames eroesl. fatal. The kess is. $12,-
000, with in insurance $8,000.
-At the elections oh Monday the
people ot-the city of London carried
the Sunday cats by-law by a small
-Following a family. row, Walter
Blyth. a C. P. R. section hand, kil-
led his wife with a poker. Blythe ale
texwards gave himselt up to the au-
thorities. -
-Tome Longboat,. fhb Canadian In-
dian, won again limn Dorando,:the I-
talian, in a race in Buffalo on Satur-
day night. The distance- was 25 -miles
and at the 19t1I meet)* Italian bad
to give up, having been completelY
played -met • ,
-At the municipal 'elections in To,
roato on New Year's day, Mayor Oliver
was elected, for a second term by a
large maJority. The by-law to reduce
the hotel licenses in the city by 40
was carried by a majority of between
eight and inne hundred.
-At the elections mi ffenday last
local option by-laws were carried In
18 nliediellalities. sustained in 19,
and lost in 28. It was corded In the
following: Tweed, BowmanvilleeiWeb-
lington, Havelock, Boone towmthip,
Wyoming, Iroquois, Seneca townithip,
Sydney township, Thurelow township,
Young, Aehtleld, AthenS, Caradoc, Es-
cott. Tflhler Mit.kileton townethip„ Qr-
Ulia It was euntaheed, in
the following: Owen Sound, Mark-
ham. township, Stouffyille, Southanoe.
Wu, Itickerhig„ Amabel, (4ainsboro.
Hepworth, Tara, Whitechurch, Beams-
ville, Vaughan Eicbmood gm, Gdilikf,
by, North Oeford, Euhpenda. Hope,
Feel ',township, :Thornbury. It oleo
lest in the following: 'Hagerman
toweehip, Madoc, Whitby town, Wood-
Notea-judging by the large num-
bens who came out to, cast their votes
on 'Monday last, not many neglected
that important duty -.4 number of
-young iteeele were entertained Men -
day evening last at the home of Mrs.
I). Mame in honor at Mre and tire.
McLean, 'who lett for thoirhome in
gtuffelo on Tuesday taste -Me. Frank
Cook, of Cdlingwood, spent a fewdays
under the parental root last week. -
Mr. "Papilneau, of St. Thom.* visited
friends here recently -.4 number from
here attended the Rapson -Knox wed-
ding -We extend congratulations to
Councillor it. Clarke, of our village.
-Mr. Joseph Cooper, of Cleveland, is
paying hie mother a visit at -present.
-MIA T. Brown is indisposed this
Obituary.-Cene a. the oldeet and best
knewn merchants in our town, ill the
pawn. of John G. . Skene passed to
-his reward ott Saturday morning laet,
after a comparatively short illness.
Deceased had been in failing health
for the east few months, but heel only
been confined to -his bed for lees than
a week, &prey and heart failure being
tee cause of death; Mr. Skene ma an
.6nthue1astic member the school
board, and at the time of his Kka.th
was Secretary -treasurer. No school,
was held on Monday out of respect to
the deceaeed He was 67' years of age
and a lite long Liberia. The :funeral
on Monday aftnoon was very large-
ly atteodece
-Early on Wednesday =riling of
thie week the spirit ot Peter Fergu-
son took its flight, Deceased, .who had
made ide home for quite a.number of
years with his brother-in-law, Alex.
Stewart was 82 years of age, and. up
to about two weeks ago was able to
bt3 about, eetheagli tailhig fee the past
couple of years. Davey and Mate
disease via* the cause of death. Me,
1ergus:4n was a faithful Presbyterian
and a Strong Liberal. '
Briefs. -Peter McDonald returned to
WO home hare, after having spent the
summer In the weist.-Henry Mooney,
of Weyburn; Seek., is visiting with old
friends in Brussels and locality. -Alf.
anxl t.fre. Cook, of Ann Arbor, Mich -
are epending a few days at the
home a the fermer's parents in town.
y to report that John
Caber is not as well as his many
friends would like. -3. W. Heapy and
wife, of 14tchfield, Nebraska, are vis-
itors at the home of the lateer's fath-
er, John 11111. -John Melee:in, of To-
ronto, was renewing old aceizaintances
in Brussels during the past week. -
Mee Mary and Jessie MeLauchlintot
Toronto. spent New Ye,ars at their
home here -W. W. Harris and A
Nicholson left on Tuesday of this
week for Fergus, where they purpose
undergoing operations in the hospital
there. We hope for a apeedy recov-
ery in each ease. -John. 13. Farquhar -
sen, of the 12th ecinoesslion, Grey,
passed away at the home of his grand-
mother, Mra. William Shine, on Mon-
day last, elle r a lingering ilinese
from consumption. He was iri
25th year et his age. The funeral took
place to Brunsels cemetery on. Wed-
nesday afternoon. -The regular meet -
Inge of the East Huron. Farmera' In-
stitute will be held in the town hall
here on Wednesday of next week. Tee
speakers will be Dr. Real, of George-
town; W. H. Framr„ of Bluevale, and
Mies Campbell, of Brampton.
Briees.--Mr. and. lera. Simpsoa
returned on Monday from a Agit
with friends in Honsall.-Mr. John
Beeetbi, Wt Toronto, vieltW„ at
1115 b.ome here over the holiday.e-The
beaehers. of the Presbyterien SendaY
school entertained their echolars to a
sleigh ride. last Wednesday afters...ma.
-Mrs George learr.W. LS the sleet e*
her brother, Mr. Andrew Stewart. thi.
B. Fe Carr wee To-
ronto over the holieley.-Me.George
E.smer, Brantforde is visiting hie
brother, Mr. John. Earner. -Me. R. B.
Harris, a a F. organizer. , left for
Zurich, on. Monday.„ -Mr., and Mos.
John Hartley bave :returned to Clin-
ton, atter spending the Christmas, Yeet
%eon with the latteee perente,
and Mrs. W. Weir, ot Howlek. - Mr.
Font -hem. of Heiman: is the guest of
hie daughter, Mts. C. Simpson. -Mr.
and Mee. S. Campbell have moved to
the zoo= le, the Hemphill block.-ef.
end Mre. R. B. Harris entertained_ a
load oil young people from Wingbam
on New Yeriia might a -At the mune.;
eipal electimo on Monday the follow-
ing were elected: Reeve, a Rale;
ceencillors A. H. Moffatt, A. McLean,
W. sRutherford and John Douglas. --
Mas, Elliott and daughter, et Wing -
ham, vielbed friends here lett week. -
Mr. and Mrs t J. R.- Wendt apent NeW
Yeats Day eviAh relatives In madnigy.
-Mr. A. Davis and femily balm twee
ed to the north of Goalie.
.The Electione-The following is the
result of the :voting on Monday last:
For Reeve -
Bawd% McCalluin
No. 1 he.. 48 68
No. 2 , • 40 56
NCI. e5 43
No. 4 71
- 229 • 232
MajerIty for eicCallann 3
For Councillors -
Johne, .356, -Carling 220, Hearnan 283,
Luker 289, Sanders 214. The Vest
feur are elected. For School Trustees
e-Martein gee, Wood 278, Carling 221,
Rowe 205,'Etiseett 197. The fleet three
are elected.
Briefs -The Exeter testaef factory
are now making -contracts with far-
mers for the growlog and' suegerhee
of corn, peas tomatoes alma other veg-
etables for the coining season. - Mr.
William Bissett ,has taken ler. Vein.
Andensong of Stepeen, into partner-
ship with him In hist implement buii-
lineeet-Mr. Donald McInnis ate his.
New Years !dinner with Weeds in Sea -
forth. -Mr. R. Roe carrietVan injur-
ed arm for seine dass, on account :ot
having fallen from .a platform, strik-
ing his ar,m.-One evening last weeks.
pleasant surprise greeted Mr. Richard
Gould on his arrival home from work.
A inainber bis relatives had gath-
ered at hie hornet and on his arrival
they presetated lelne with a handsome
/mey chatr, the occasion being the 10-th
anallvetsery of -his birth. Mr. :Gould
thanked them kindly for the token of
regard and expressed hirnealf eis very
pleased that he still enjoyed aucb good
health that the*hair was not as yet
greatly eeeded. A pleasant evening
was then spent by ale:- Mime Laura
Jacirell bale 'returned to her school. at
Boebeidee, having been engaged for
tees year at aa increased salary. -The
buzineas done at the Eixeter poet
/ice during the past year was eon--
eiderably larger than in any former
Year: Thie is a very gime indication
of the increaced growth and preaper-
ity of the town. -Mr. :resets Day, ell?.
of Exeter's best milk dealers, treated
his customers to free milk on Christ-
mas Daya generous act which will,
no doubt', be fully appreciatede-Dr.
and Mrs. R. L. Ferrin, of Pontiac,
Mangan, spent the holidays here, the-
-guests of ler. and Mrsa a sliert,
Mr . .Jame s White, wbo bas been in
Harniota, Manitoba, for some timeellas
returned, and will remain; in this vi-
cinity for the eurnmeri-Mise Dill-
ies has been engaged tor teach eclioal
• Ba,yeieldi eties,Ida Armataimg at
Sharon and 'Mine Maggie Coward at
Sodom. -The Cropeley and Hunter re-
vival misettaigs closed last 'Week, the
reviyeliste having gone to Toronto fax
New Yeats!. Their next field of op-
-orations will be b, Laming, efich-
igen. Oencerning their meetings Imre
the Advocate isle: In point eti attend -
since during last week, the audiences
were 'larger tban ever,' although that
Is difficult to -Imagine, as throughout
de whole of their meetings thethereh
has been filled.to the dome. This week,
howevee, many were enable to gain
admieeioni On Sunday about two hun-
dred converte united with the ehurches
'.-b.e Dance" was tne tap -
at the rimg minand evening elegvicem
The afternoon talk was greatly an-
predatedle fax Monday night and 'Mr, Hunter
handled the eubJect without siOVBB,
and during the dishission ot the sub-
ject by both evangelirits they were lie-
eaned to with the eleforg of attention.
The farewellservice an Tuesday eT-
enlint WAN & MGM breaket. Some-
thing over five hundred people have
sone forward to the altar during the
our weeks, seed much good has -been
complMed among the charch nem -
bens and them who formerly were ttet.
Ardeseing Christians.