HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-01-01, Page 51. imam -4a lWlrv.:'00 l'isaiiMeiee Meis, . to Rate • e 14411tre. OM* leileinee ' '.-• - esetetorts yet, etelee . , -tert Vic en Banda Ueck lm ped- yacatJii at hbe lame bere- ta wto -et ot- this .-tMise Myrtle spendlniie ye at ..her homeeekr. .angt Peannoro and chllAren et elettietorp., 'were the triage. At their reepeettve pevette Ise week -My. Or etadl went a -°feat daps et he home &attest:the vaeation.-Mre. Nfeni sealer meat! Christ/nee wtth her bre- $berf Mr. Merles Harris, In. IVA'''. amteMra John 'EUtt vieitied the. hitters -slater. Mrs. Seines Ander- sen, on Ittunday arettlePasa- mere, ot Toronto, wet a few dens with her parentthis week. -Mr. am% a Exeter, meat Chrbitmas Day with hie parents. -The marriage of .Mtee MaggIe Turnbull to Mr. Beery BIxiW c DBEhwood, took, via,ce eitt rifedilletedaY, December 23rd, at the home at the bride's mother, Mrle•Wm. trernbulle-Mr. _Came -has been pros- trated by a severe attack a 'Amines. -Mr. Fred. Harriefandlimily ars via - Meg friends In .thee parts, atteran absence et- several yeare.--aera 'ere ete stiller, of Bervie, Is visiting relatives 1e -Great Interest is being taker In this vicinity in the Crossley -and Efun-,' -ter revival. meetings In Exeter, and ‘many ot our people attend them. you 111111W, yonr. mAie. ethsz casing, Socks oog tee. Fecial Keep Foot - a spent her holidaM snit W. Stewart* of 'titi friends In towri Mr. A. Me -t• peg, is at present arents ma th nt present days v th her par- . and Mr. S. Pople- with friends in Exeter .past Mreek— Dr. Annie Macdonald Institute* IA pmitent visiting her par: - Tyndall led the sing- resbyterian thurch it :did not have Ws ehotrt He will have it ready. lay. -/dr. and 14--s. George lair family with' them at • th thei first time they. other for a great many had a family group Iken by gr. AlcArter. immeminnumemo r;mstancs : and Mrs. Kellam, at deiting the latteree moth- on.—Miss Diekeacc ha4 re- Lroit and Mrs. H. i„rristno, spent Christmas nere.-1,11ss L. Love spent her borne aiea Leadburg. re. Cover, o Seaforth sta at Mr. 3VM. Thom* last wk.—)r. strong entertained a, tents on Friday evening Mrs. William Britt* as with trimds in War- p. -The anniversary ser.t re on glindaY Jest were The people here wer-4 ogassa to - welcome their • Rev. Mr. Moon, and well pleased to have thn .‘ again listening to Rer.. Seaforth. The con.; ,y evening last also 'mew ieeessfullsr. The tree wilt :.-oncert proceeds areaunbt Akilovtring which: the Brandon Daily gun • date refers to • grain PH. Lewes, son-in-law Cbok,- of this place Tho� ! Roseland:8 teat known !been mairtrg some re- 4-- in growing exception - 1. Mr. Lowes' _wheat. of. .a spimdid yield, grad, d. Mention of the fact the time.: Now it Ut the at grown hy Mr- • he shipped to Duluth. • L This gentleman la eer farmers of thjdia- ia congratnla- i-round first grade crop. r IooIs $1.26 11.25 ce [Ce $1.50 Dyke -Price $1.50 *. *1.25 ats,Bibiee Prlyer and de. rem shopping EMS L reellent values in Furs ;•ecl The values have goods: med with 6 tails, reed with 6 tails, ..2 aly designed, full 84 $11.z eads, silk cord erns - reed with 6 tails, 2 te,, Men's Moth Over - ifs Jackets. aimed hats, $4.75 for 63.49, eta ; Anything Iw our cost. I) I NE It oo.) A3111)4 1 SALE REGISTER, On Thursday, January 7th, st1 lessee e. m. at Melonnell's Stook Yards, Dublin, Horses, Catle oanit Pig& John IL Roach, proprietor, Thomas Brow, auctioneer. MARKETS. e Sammie Jan. 1, 1909. Fall -$ 92 to $0 02 -Oats, per bushel...............,..... 0 37 to 0 37 - Peen per bushel e. ........ 0 82 to 0 82 Barley, per . . . 0 60 to 0 50 Onus, per ten.. .. . . . . 00 to 22 00 Shorts, per ton ............. . . . 23 VO to 28 00 Low Grade Flour, per to .............28 00 to 28 00 !tette, per tea . .. 2 75 to 8 00 Batter, No. I, loose.............. 0 23 to 0 28 ilucter, tub......... . 0 20 to 0 22 Iggs, per.dozen .. • ' 0 22 to 0 24 flay per ton. - .... 6 00 to 800 Bides pert GO 7 60 to 7 50 Sheen tf .. . 0 75 to 1 00 Potaiene per ........ 0 60 to 0 60 Stile (retell) per 1 26 to I 36 Wood per cord(long). 6 00 to 7 00 Wood per cord (shorn- 2 75 to 8 76 Lisa Stook Markets. • London, Dec. 2e-Cian- adieu cattle are steady at :from 12e to lie per lb.; refrigerator beef is 10 to Ile per lb. Liverpool, Deo. 28 -States Steers from 12 to 14e ; Canadians, 11 to 180; ranchers 10 to Bee ; cows .and heifers, 10 to 11ee ; 10e. Trade slow but firm. Glasgow, Dee. 28 -Trade sharp, especially for top .4:many of steers. Bulls shown in large numbers. Top for steers, lSc ; seconders!, 12e to 130 ; bulls, top, 10c; secondary and inferior, 91 to 100 per lb.; prime cattle wanted. Montreal, Dee. e9 -Trade was exceedingly dull .and many of the butchers went to the east -end Ab- .attoir, where there were larger supplies of good cattle. Prime beeves sold at 4/e to 6e per lb., but they were not extra; pretty good animals sold at Se to near 410 ; common stock at 2/ to Bee. Calves sold at 4 to 50 per lb. Sheep sold at 24 to :3o; lambs at 5 to 5ect per lb. Goad lots of fat hogs sold at Oda ele per lb Buffalo. December 2901, -Cattle active' and 16e to 26celiigher ; prime steers, tato to $7 ; shipping, 45.50 nto $6.50 ; butchers, $5 to $6.25; heifers, 34-26 to 65-80; cows, 48.30 to $5 e bulls, $3 to $4.50; Teals -Active and 60e higher, ri to 39.75; e few, $10. Hogs -Active and 2c.. to 25e higher; mge, 35c to 50e higher: heavy, 66.80 to $6.35 ; mixed,$6.25 Lo 86.80 ; yorleers, 35.75 to 36.25; pigs, $4.60 to ' 46.1e; roughs, $6.50 to $5.75 ; stags, $1.25 to $5 : dairies,. $5.90 to $6.15. Sheep and Lambs -Active and strong, to 250 higher; lambs $5 to $8; a few at 38.10; yearlings, $6 to $6.35 ; wethers, 84.50 to -1f4.85 ; ewes, 44.25 to 34.50; sheep, mixed, $2 to ee.06-; Canada bombs, $7.60 to $7.75. West Toronto, Deo. 29 -Export cattle, choice, $5 to 85.35; medium,. $4.25 to$4.90 ; cows and balls, .5.60 to $4.25 ; butehereattle, picked, $4.65 to 35; good, 61.40 to $4.76 ; medium, 33.76 to $4.25 ; cam - mon, e3 to 33.60; cows, etiolate $3:75 to $4.49 ; medium. $8 to 343.60; common, $2.26 to 133; bulls, 32 to 33; heavy feeders, $3.40 to $8.75 ; choice, $3 to 33.60; ligbt, nen) 82.90; canners, $1.25- to 31.75; milkers, choice, $45 to 355; common and Medium, 425 to 840; springers, $30 to 350: calves, $3 to $6.76 ; sheep, export ewes, $8.26 to $3.60 ; bucks and culla, $2 to $2.7.6 ; Iambs, $5.25 to $6 ; hogs, 45.75 to $6. Dairy Markets Toronto, Dec. 20 -Butter -The mmket was quiet to -day, with the feeling generally easier. We quote: pound prints, 26 to 27o; tubs, 22 to 2.4e ; inferior, 20 to 210; creamery rolls, 28 to 200 ; solids 27e. Ego -Case lots of cold storage, 25 to 26e per dozen; zelections. 28 to 303; new laid, 85 to 40e. Cheese - The market is quiet, with prices unchanged. Large oheese, 181c per lb.; twins, 13/0. Montreal, Deo 29-Oheeee-The local market was firm, with westerns quoted ab 121- to 12c; materna, Ile to 12c. Butter • e market is steady, with fresh creamery quoted at fond September make at Me in a wholesale way. Eggs -New laid at 85e, selectei stook at 27o and No. 1 stook at 24e per -dozen. Grain, Etc. Toronto Deo 29- Wheat -• Mouitoba wheat is steady nt$1.08 for No. 1 Northern, at $1.05 for No. 2 Northern and, 31.03 for No. 3 Northern, Georgian Bay ports. No. 1 Northern to quoted ab$L18,North Bay freights, and No. 2 Northern at $1.10. Ontario wheat -No. 2 white b quoted• at Oite to 940 outside; No. 2 red Whiter at 95e outside and No 2 mimed at e3e to 940 outside. etate-Ontairio No. 2 white is 'quoted at 38 to 38ee outside, and at 41 to 41ee on track, Termite ; No. 2 western Canada oats is quot- at 43e lake ports, and No. 1 feed, 41e, lake ports. Barley -The market continues dull, No. 3 barley is quoted at 54e outside, and No. 3 extra at 52e. Bran -The market is quiet, with prime steady. Oars are quoted sit $19 in bulk outside. 8norte-422.50 in bulk outside. Hay -No I ehnothy, $10.50 to 3e1 a ton on track bere, age Ner. 2 at. $7 to le 'Straw - The market is quiet, with prices quitted at $7 to 47.50 on neon. • Potatoes Toronto, Dec. 29 -Receipts of Ontarios were fair, with prises steady at 60 to 62o per bag. Delawares, 75 to 800 per bag- on track. - • Poultry Toronto, Deo 29 -The Market to -day was dull and 'weaker. Chickens, dressed, 10 to Ile per lb.; fowl, 8 to9a ducks, 10 to 110; geese, 100 per lb.; tun. kayo 15c to 16e per lb. • Seeds. Toronto, Dec. 29 -Trade is quienerith prices firm. •Dealers pay the following priciee at country points : Vele, extra fancy, 37.26 to $7440 per beshel 45.75 to 37: No. 2, $6 to 36.25; No. 3, $5.75 to $6. -Clover-Red, steady. at $4.50 to $6,26 per bushel. "demothy-Firmer at $1.50 tote per bushel, Western Bank of Canada. •+++++++++++++4 Zstablished by Act of Par- liament. taffewal‘ aimaaana Cieneral Banking Business trans- .aeted. - Drafts bought and sold on all parts of the world. Special attention given to farmers, drovers, etc. Advances made toresponsiblepar ties on their own notes. Interest paid. or compounded four times a year at the highest current rates. • We cash Sale Notes,no matter on what Bank drawn. •117 Branches and Agencies through- out Canada. • BANKERS--Gteat Britain -Royal Rank of Scotland; Canada. Merohants Bank of Canada; New York, Ater- hants Bank of Canada. "RANK DicCONNELUManager • DU BLI N BRANOH. Anennt, snom : 3111141841111 . . . WIr1AR1).--DALVet•:117 Sete neiteello on De' • Otneber -*Me- ittefibt resdsnce ol the hddies ! Plefelletin Mee .lestbakits1 Fe Whyard; of Dungan. Wait daughter of eet` Met SA Mr*: Joist Delay; Of • fiestfeeth... • - -filelelefe_HARD-IIIIROARD-Atehe Colborne street 'MOW, Brantfonl, her -AO; hp. Otewell, Mr. eCtifteentee „ellMicestad, of Brantford; Pieties Ooke della nrgwI, Of Illguiondelleat - 11ORNIteelt Mile anueFerniondeille,' on eleetteenbet Ord, by -Rev. Neer- Mr...Christian • Cl. liellOrtne Miss. Still& &Rieke _ ORAMON-TORRANCEe-At Chinton„ on Christ- ' malime, by Reee R. J. MeGleseford of Chalmers Geelph, misted by Rev. Dr- Stewart ot • Olfliton aud'Rer. J. .A. Craneton. Of OollherwOod. - Mr. D. London CrineteM, B. A,, of the Port Art tituerfigh School, to Grace eldeit daughter of .Mr. Joint Torrance,Lieense Inspector of South Huron, - -CAIXTER--WALSII-At the Manes, Biyth, by Rev. J. L. Small, B. A. on Deemnber -23rd, Mies Babel A. Walsh, - daughter of Samuel Walsh, to Mr. Bert Colder, on of Sampeon Carter, all of Fast Wiewenoeh. • HAMPSON--MIDDLETON--In. en James' church,- - Cloderich townsipt on December 23rd, by Rev. W. H. Duni:ore. both Rebel, daughter a eir- end Mrs. John ddleton, to Edward Hampton, • „oftOttiewa. HAIIHI3LYN-WRIG1T-At the residence teethe briden'ilholte Mr. Harry Hunt, by.Peiv.,- W. Jet o/olliffe4on December 24th, Lillian Aleeeda Wright to William J. Hamblyn, all of Clinton.. BALL -HILT. ---At the residence of the bridesparente • Ounimerhille on December 16th, byltev. W. IL Dunbar, Olive May, only daughter of Min and Mrs. George Hill, to William Norman Ball of the " 'Best line. • . COTTER -GREGORY -1n Exeter, MiDeeernber28rd by Rev. W. M. Martin, Loretta, fourth daughter ' cif Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gregory to Mr. Harry O. Cotter, otToltedo, Ohio, - Deaths OARLIN-In }fibb•ed, on December 27th, Catharine Downey, redet ot the late Patrick Carlin, aged • 99 years. • MARTIN -In Blyth, on December 20th, JeTaii Scott, Mb:leaf the late John Martin, aged 84 years, 11 months and 9 days. BRUCE -In Mullett, on December 22nd, Margaret Ourinitegbam, beloved wife of Robert Bruce, aged years, 8 months and 14 daos. McISAAC-At Dashwood, on December 18th, Eithida daughter of Mrand Rio P Moboo aged 9 years Norris, en Deem -Jitter 25th, William Meld% aged 78 years, 3 months and 2 days. BROADFQ0T, BOX & GO. • The *Leading thidertitkers. Charges Moderate.. S. T. HOLMES, Funeral Director and . Embalmer. Night and Sunday MRS proniptly attended to Residenlei on Goderich street, opposite Flowers furnished :Etil.lahort notice. 2098 newssunmnininemeMse VARM hOR SALE. -To close an estate; 100 prep 2 J. miles from Lake Huron,Lot 19, Concession 12, Stanley. Large two story brick house, Barns .86x66 feet and 24x40 feet with stone stables, Implement shed 26x86 feet. Ten acres of orchard 20 years plant- ed, ten acres of hardwood bush, six acres of fall wheat, 25 acres ploughed, soil clay loam. Postiesaion „ghee at any tulle. Apply to A. D. Armstrong, Administrator, Seaforth Ont. 2142.tf Annual.. Meeting The Annual Meeting of the 'Osborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Public Hall, Farquhar, on Monday, February let, 1909, at 1 o'clock le axe, when the following business will come before the meeting : Receiving the Direc- tors' and the Auditors' reperte for 1908, election of two Directors for the ensuing three years„ election of Auditors, and any other business in the interests of the Company. The Directors whose term oft office expires, bid who are eligible for re-election, are Thomas Ryan and Williain Brock. A geoM, at- tendance is requested. 13. W. F. BEAVERS, Secre- tary -Treasurer. 2142-4 South Huron Farmers''In- stitute. Regular meetings of the above soeiete will be held as follews Beueefield, Dixon's Hall, Monday, Jan- uary llth ; Exeter, Town Hall, Tuesday, janwiret 12th, at I and 7.80 o'clock, when the following epeakors will speak on the following subjects :-W. leydd, of Simcoe, in the afternoon, "Ain I raising the Most Profitable Horse"; evening, "Dropped Stitches." W. O. Shearer, of leright, in the after- noon? "Rotation of Crops and Selection of Seed"; evening, 4'1%o:ottani Agriculture." W. D.Sanders, of Fa:eter, at Brumfield, on a selected subject, and R. B. McLean, of Kippee, at Exeter, on a selected subject. Evening meetings B'eeldes the above mentioned addressee, s. eoacert of music will also be given at the evening meetings; in Exeter at Opera Mese. • W. D. SANDERS, President, Exeter. 2142-2 B. S. PHILLIPS, Sec. -Trees, nxeter. Election Cards. To The Eli:eters of MeKillop Ladies and Gentlemen -I take ' this means of in- forming you that I am again in the field as a candi- date for councillor. During my term of office I have endeavored to do nay best in the interests of the township. and if elected again will continue to work in the interests of the township. You/ Vote and, that it your friends is solicited. Wishing" you the compliments of the season, I am, your obedient tier? vent, HENRY BYERMANN. To the Electors of McKillop : Ladies and Gentlemen -At the request of a large number of ratepal era of the rounioWity to become a candidate for the•Iteeveship for 1909, I beg tootate that I have been noneinataa and having accepted the nomination for Reeve I have to Bey that, if elect- ed, I will do my best to /*retard the interests of the township in every particular with judgment and dis- cretion, and to the best intereets of the ratepayers, that the taxes shall be kept down as much as can be done with due interest to public service. My motto will be economy and lower taxation. Thenking you for peat favors, and trusting for your support at the polls on January 4th, and wishing you the compliments of the season, respectfully yours O. O. LTITLE. eimpow•••••=•••••••=1•114121 To the Electors of hfoKillop • Ladles and Gentlemen -As it will be impossible for me to see you all porsonally before election day. I take tins opportunity of soliciting your votes sue in- fluence. Durieg the pant year I have endeavored, in my capacity as Reeve of IleKillop, to conduct the affairs of the township to the beet of my ability. In again &eking your suffragan, I promise to continue to conduce the businese ef the township with econ- omy and efficiency. Wishing you the compliments of the season, I am, yours respectfully, •JOHN M. GOVENIACK. dross Cut Saws and Chopping Axes • We 'have, a first - class line of the above goods. In cross -out saws R. H. Smith, St. Catharines, "Gold Coin," "Huron Blade" and the old re- liable "Sandy's Choice." None better value, and for cutting qiialitiea can- not be beaten. Pandas chopping axes, a full line with or witbout htndles. * Call and exalnrne -- we will be pleased. to 'show • them. G. A.. SILLS„ Hardware -Stdives • SEAFORTIE beit. Thresher Co., DIVIDIND NO 8 .141"ige beiel* gi*eils that. it divi- cleild at the rate of 1 per trent. Per ant num on the vim up capital Stock of thie Company, has been declared for the earrent year ending October Illst, -1008, and that thesamewill be ma -- able on and after February lett 1909. By Order of the Board, ROBERT. Bler,rt • - 214145 ltfanaghig Director Dissolution of Partner. ship The partnership formerly carried on by Reid & Wilson, as general hard- ware merchantshas beer dissolved by mutual consent, All accounts due and owing tie the late firm are to be paid forthwith to the Liquidators, who will also Settle all claims due and owing by the late firM. All persons ndebted to the late firm will kindly all and settle as soon as possible. ROBERT WILSON WILLIAM HILLS Liquidators of the estate of • Reid & Dated Nov. 10th. 1908. 2135-tf Holiday•Goods. Our display • ofe holiday Toot wear 15 a grand one—this is the verdict ot Ivery one. We've everything for everybody—shoes for the , street, shoes for dress, the swellest of the swell or con- servative -styles. All sorts of cold weather shoes. Slippers of every deseription--Romeos, Juli- ets, dress and home slippers for every member of the family, from grandpa down to baby. We have certainly the handsonreat Felt Slippers that Ere made, and we are showing may styles you will not Oe able to find elsewhere. Our slipper show is so large that we dare not attempt_ a desmip- tion of the styles or the different • prices. R•ithardson& Innis •• SEAFORTH.• 'Nw r4 CD cin cp 4 - 1-t cio 0:1 (1, e C12 00. ;nd 1.4.1 • t"44 P 0-1 Tplz tg-`12.1. t1,7 • et- It2 C111 CD CD SA Pt. rrl E Vat n etz er) op - O , 11 • clo) nA--)Lia4 0 to I:4 AA ti 'atz ci) 41; °I1 cre 0. tit 1.4 IS Ind CD ,r1Q 0 11 CD iml nee ietz 'ioa STIVIDadS SVBEISIIIHD 0.• GOOD NEWS flaffe61102!/ The clearing sale is still going on at A. G. Ault's All,kinds of China, Crockery and Glassware right down to cost. Also all kinds of Groceries cheaper than ever. I am still eelling 20 pounds of Redpathgranulated sugar for $1 12 bars of Judd soap for 25c; 8 bars of Cheerful soap for 25c; 6 bars Naptha soap for 25c; 6 bars Richards' pure soap for 25e ;, 6 bars Bee Hive soap for 25c; 0 bars of Comfort soap for 25c r 3 two -pound bars of White filter soap for 25c; 2 three -pound bars of N. P. soap for 30c, reg. price 25e a bar; a fresh lot of that good maple syrup at 25e a quart; 5 lbs. of new Figs for 25c; 5 lbs. of Prunes for 25e_ ; 3 lbs.- of Sultana Raisins for 25c; 3 lbs. of best Cleaned Currants for 25c • 3 lbs. extra large fresh Raisins for 25c; 10 lbs. of Sulphur for 25e; 10 lbs. of Epsom Salts for 250; 10 lbs. Giober Salts for 25c; 6 boxes of Sardines for 25c; 2 cans of good Salmon for • best eider -100 *a quart; Pure Extracted Honey 12c a ib.; honey in comb 15c a section; besides a lot of other things too numerous to mention. . This is a . cash sale. • Fresh Butter and Nggi taken at cash prices. All kinds Of Syrup and Molasses and Fish and 00ai Oil in stock. A cordial iativitation extended to all to call and get some of the great bargains that are now to* be baAL G. Ault,. Seaforth -ztgAD OiPZCE,i-otio#o • ESTABLISKED 18e7 EXANDFiR 1.11pR.11),,Oenaral Manager . 1 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 1 AL B. E. WALKER, President Reserve Fund, - 6,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England COUNTRY BUSINESS Every facility afforded to farmers and others for the transaction of their banking business. • Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collection. BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may be. opened by mail and monies deposited or withdrawn in this way with equal fa..Cility. 122 SEAFORTH BRANCH. ,F. HOLMESTED; Solicitor G. E. PARKES, Manager, WILLIAMS. General Merchant for the People. POULTRY WANTED - We want al kinds of Poultry, Starved and Dry Picked, for which the highest price will be paid. Live Turkeys taken on Thursday, November 26th. Christmas Fruits We have received all our Christmas Fruits. They are o choicerst quality and prices reasonable. Successor to B. B. Gunn. CORNER STORE - - SEAFORTH Holiday Furniture tetiee For the lioliday Season we placed in stock a Particularly Fine Assortment of FURNITURE of all kinds. It Is now at your disposal, at prices that will be a Bur- priee. Our roode of buying places us in a position to • sell you good furniture as cheaply as many dealers can the poorer class of goods. ,EnqUire and we will convince you. •••••••••••4 Broadfoot, Box and Co., S.T. HOLINIE'S, Manager. Tailored Clothing For years our tailoring department has been known, far and near, as the best place to get satisfactory tailored garments — those which combine style with fit and wearing qualities. We always have in stook a full range 0 the best Imported and Canadian cloths. Try Us for your next Suit. atTaxasixesmitionammineasermasends BRIGHT BROS., 6111111111111111IMININNIN UgiltrIASILER 2, SEAFOR TR Not for • -New Year's. Gifts THERE are some people you wish to remember at New 1. • Years time. We don't think that there is any other place in the town you can get a better choice of sensible gifts: Brushes in Rosewood and Ebony backs, Comb and Brush Seto in Cases, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, Kod s and Supplies, Confectionery in fancy boxes, and a host of other articles that you will require to see to appreciate. We wish all our customers a very Happy and Prosperous New Year J. A. Roberts Druggist South Huron Agricultural Society Annual , eting The annual ineeting the members of the South Huron Agricultural Society will be held at Bonen- berry's Hotel, BrueefieM, on Saturday,January 16th, 1909, at 1 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of dealing with the annual reports, electing directors and the transaction of other business. A 'sleeting of the Officers and Directors will be held at the same phuse on the same day at 10 o'clock a in. THOMAS FRASER, Peeeident. 21424 M. Y. MeLEAN, Secretary. Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the MoKillop Mutual Fire Insnranee Comcir will be held in the Town Heel, Seaforthiri oon , January 15th, 1909, at 1 teckek p. Businets-- a receive the Directors and Audi- tors reporb, eleo the lenanolel Statement, the dee- tiou of the Dim -tors and other buisness for the good end welfare of the 00inpeny. The retiringDireete .ors are J. B. Meloan, Thos. Praaer, and ,William Chesney, who are elfgable for reelection. • e J. B. McLEAN, Bresedevii " 2142-1. " T. E. HAYS, Beeretary. - ; • • • p„Trhic TO Fo£D—The ind glersigned in take in naniunberof cattle teethe Winfenee6leed straw. Lot lkoonoessioa - Tuckeinsaith. stablist end,plerityof water, Apply to AM QARNOOHAN, Egruondvillo P. O. ' 2142 te GRAN Flowers, Fruit and Sunshine. Now is the time to visit California, Mexico Flor- ida and the sunny ilouth. Round trip tourist tick- ets on sale to all princi- pal winter resorts. New Year's • Consult Grand Trrmk Agents for low rate per- taining to above. For full information as to rates, routes, etc., apply to LW. 801135RVILLB, Mown Age& A4 in MUM% DePot Wett 1 1 a 4.5 RNBR MAIN AND MARKRT STRBBTS, SEAFORTH, ONT Great 10 Days, Clearing Sale Dry Goods Clothing Carpets Furs, Etc, Begirning Wednesday, Jan eth, 1909 This is a genuine stock reducing sale. When read- ing the following list we wish to call particular at- tention to the fact that we do not quote inflated regular values., When we say an article is a cer- tain regular price, it is a fact. We do not enumer- ate anything like all the good things ready for this ten days sale—many lots too small to advertise—so be prompt. It will pay you to in iestigate. Staple Dry Goods 500 yenta of Wrapperette, worth from 10 to 121c, 50 ends of Print, worth 10c, sale price qe. 50 ends of Grey Cotton, worth 8c, sale price 150 ends of White Plannelette—now marked at bargain for this sale 15 per Cent, off. 75 yards Drab Corduroy, worth 55c, sale price 28c. 45 White Quilts, worth $1.25, sale price 85e. 3 ends of Dress Lining, worth 16e, sale price 7ic. 10 pieces of Towelling, worth from. 7 to 8csale price Se 12 pieces of Towelling, vrort11110, sale price 7ic. e price 640. Dress Goods A table of Dress Goods'regular prices from. 35 o 50c, in hip and colors, your choice for 25c. 13 pieces of Fancy Tweed Dress Goods, regular pricee from 75c to $1, to clear for 47c. • 20 pieces of plain and fancy Dress Goods, rsgEklar prices from 50c to 65c, sale price 38c. 100 remnants arid ends to clear at less than half the regular price.. 20 per cent. erT all Heavy Wbol Shawls. Furs! Furs 1, Note the following clearing prices: Ladies' Aatraohan, Electric Seal and Greenland Seal Ooats, sizes from. 32 to 38, regular prices trom $25 to $35, sale $15. Near Seal Coats, with Columbia Sable Oollar, sizes 34 and regular price $36.75, to clear at $27. Near Seal Coats- Mock Fisher Ooll'ar, eize 38 only, regular p sale prise $33. Near Seal Coats, Alaska Sable Collar, size 40 only, regular price sale price $38, All other fur coats at 25 per cant. discount. Ladies' Fur -Lined Gloats, regular prioes from.$35 to $75, clearing at front $26 to $58.50. Men's Fur and Faz-Lined Coate -60 in all to clear --in all kinds of fur coats, prices from $18 to $80, elearing at front $13 to -$60. Carpet Department AISMIEOMMOIEINEIgilg Ift1,212a$C0.1X0 100 pairs of Lace Cur.taine, regular prices from 1.60 to 422 to clese at $1.25. A lot of Cocoa Door Matte, regular price $1.25, to clear at 75c. 8 pieces of Brussels Carpet, regular price $1.251 for 85c a yard. 6 pieces of Matting, regular pries 300, for 190. 12 Britieh Velvet and Axminster Squares, saes 3x3i clear et one-third off regular price Ladies' Ready-to-wear Goods 25 Ladies' Skirts, regular prices from $2.50 4.50, to clear at $1.98. 20 Girk' Skirts, worth from $2.50 to $4, to clear at $1,9 . 30 Ladies' and Misses' Colored Coats, regular prices from $9.50 to $15, to clear at $4.75. ' 60 Ladies' Coats to clear at $1.95 each. Dried Apples Wanted likhest Prices for Butte d Eggs WILPICKULD & SON TZ-%., Opposite Towallingding4 Gorner_Main awl Market Stank, Seem*