HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1909-01-01, Page 3. I
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I -. oMOPZRTY FOR SALF.—The farm and town.
. JL belongint to the McGinnis
X X -L "I'll
property pro
I - perty,
- - 1.
- .11,111, ,
I wk baving been disposed of by auction the same
p - _ ,
be 1)y hr
:$an now purchased private sale. further
. -
I , tar . q- -
I . u i 11
pwticulars $6pp4 to R. S. - HAYS, Barrister, Sea.
, _
rr -
orth. . "M
" .
111imn coo
- . —
. SALE OR RRNT.--40omfortable cottage on
Flames efor4b,
street, 8 almost new, convenient
. to Main Street. Also for Wei, new frame house on
71- 1 I I "
.. — I
I -
.Side street, near the Collegiate - In.-Ititute, heated - by
ib.mace and goad stable and half acre of land. suit-
I -
able for retired farmer. Apply to GRO. T. TURN.
- , I
I . =14 Seaforth. - I 21Sk-tf
I I-
. i
R , . -
v - 11 , ' .
- I
4 - money on improved. quarter sections of W
, -
14cm each M, from 8;y. to IW/. -per annum. Only,fint
I- I
, A. 0 4& F r r -
_— _ . .
taken. Ample security given. Torrens
. YUJ6, is -
Mrte, From
- -
k lnrq Mit
,tein perfect. . SM: up can be lent .
. _
qw 1
an,larmoworthfrom$1,000 to $2r For further
I -
particulars write to me. J.. A. Ad XSQNj 134rri&.
I . I L
ver..etc.. Ponokaj Albeit,66 i9wtt.
- . 1L.
I - - . m I
. I
I -
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tel, I es
- " .. I . '.
- . - PERTY FOR SALM — For sale 9,utoxboxot
7 ' *
-Mq=op, eight acres of land, -
: v
. '-
r ch Is a
good briok homej justbeen rebuilt, Tud
- ted by
. . . r . -
- . .
. . - -
; , & I& ! I
, aturnace ; good stable and ement ho . also
- 10 I
a6pd hen house and one acre fenced off w,li try
; 4 i
I neVJW., This is a most deidrable property for - a re-
W . -
; --- 1
Miikor I -
1h9dftrmer,orfor1rWtorpoWtrybAML Itisonly
. .
I t - ". .1
-. - I—* I I .
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...* wRoattimsWorth. A *
- J01r, on the or I
"FU : All!!
ild Sworth F. oil
2 -
I I .
"--- - ... -
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I . -
I 10"M FOR SALE.—Forsale, Lot 8, ObnoessiGn
. I
I '.:r r
. .. 4,. In the Township Tuckersmith,
- -
-X of containing
, - -
. Wzcr w of choice laud. On it there is
1 * .
a comfort-
.*We. brl& home nd woodshed ; a large barn, 9ft632,
- with, s&ae, stibling utderue aw
V . .
I -
.ath ; other out
builcongL Ibis-wibbinha -11 a mile of a schooli, and
,%Fvvn a r -1 . . . . .
I I -
within ibrie miles of the town of Seaforth. it *
is '
'well fenced and under drained and in a high state of
. I
,cultivation. Also a good orchard and plenty of good I
:4 1 R .
watar. For further particulars apply on the preifi-
. Al.
- 4sea or addrm EIMMY CHEANHY* Eginoadville
P. a.
-- 2116-tf -
- . !
7 . L
. .
I 1
I 'L
MRX FOR SAIX—Vcr sale, Lot M,' Concession
- - .
JL:, 4 containin 128 acres. This farm
. I I
. lifw& fenced and thoroug-N underdrained. This
ns - . I I
- 4ff aifirat-clasalarra in every particular. It has been
i A
- in grasa for the past nine. or ton years and' is con-
I I .
-sequently in. condition to raise the best of crops. It
, a nu
b situated on the Huron Road ile and a half,
- I t
. West of Seaforth, Will besold on reasonable terms -
I - i
I -
I .
,vid possession can be given at once. Apply, to
# WDREW A&CHIBALD. at Chesney & Arehibald!s,
11 i
ziforth, or to JOHN AROHIBAL15. Seaforth.
. 1 C-71
1 - . 2128-tf
ffie jucke to hema, I W
—I,ob 26, Conee 8, Usborne, con-
re 6 I Their are on the
Wnimy 100 acres M0 e b
- . - %XXWAA4A9 X. --J%W4p MM. %-1LAV,U9 %X VT OMAWM, .U.1um lu=act Dwmaeuov, on,e-hau ,M&w -4
' Mr— -
". I . .
L ,
mot X Turner, 1. Cricht' M Rolgarimn, B. ounce; Compound Xa;jpin, one ouuca; W I
. ' . 4 1
1 " f
I ,
Riley. CMm,I—T. Gibson-, 10 CrIch, D. compouAd Syrup SarmpwrIlla, t4m '--'— ""^ " 1 I
0 f * ::: -
jh I ---- - -
t 4ttrott *xvjositor Rlley.-3. Graht Tgaeher - amcm - . DMIL MV"O *
—*— I -
- Repeat It:-111%,1161ils Cure will &I- Mix bY nhaking, well bw a bo#lo and
taWs teaa*,onful after eacA meal, I - - -
DISTRICT XATTZRS. , ways cure my coughs amd colds." and at bedtime, - I
. —. -- I -Tie states that the ing"dients can - -wN W I
Tuirnberry. Drysdale. . be obtatned from any good pres6rip- - .
. Solid Flahliel' SCHOOL Rnpoi&T.—The followlUg IS tion' ,pharmacy at ,small cojet, and, b.e- .
I of - Turnberry lally--the munielpallty the report of U. S. S. No, 1, Hay' and tng lof vegetabi extraction, are barm- '.
11 . . a. in -godcj financial. . Q -. -
I otaMdlng, If we can , Judge from the Stanlej, f6r the month of December., lepp.to take, I N -
.1 . treamiter's statement recently lssue& The names are in order- of mei it : Tmg plamut ndxttwe) if tak% Tog- -- --
"' Fifth, Norn6an Johnston. Senior 4th u" 0 NiLl
The.year. begwn: whth a balance of - P MAY Zor a few daylls, is said to over-
1$759-81. T,he.recelpta during theyear owson" come - - I
Milton. Johnston, Lorinda, D almost any'Ca43e Of RhetlnlatiSM.
11 Henry Dowson. Junior 4th, Eawl -
. (up to' December 15th) were $9,382.38, . The 'Pakx and swelling, It alffy, dWn R 11E
making, a total. of -$10,141.69 to tLecount Sphilbe, Mamie Johnston.. Third, An- LQaes with ,each dose, uuM permanent ; I . .
. for. The expenditur6. to December 15, nebell McDonald, Irene P611odk, Pearl rwalts are obtalned and VAthout jn I . .
totalled $3,414.93, Uavloff a balance on .8chilbe, Gordon Johnston, Noah Hart- JUAW thO Stmach.' .While there are I L
hand 'At that date of $5,126.76. The m'. Second (a), Arnold Schilbe. magy w-call,ed Rheumatism remedies, - - - .
Second (b). Verna, Jacobe, Bessie Sni- pateat medicines, etc.; *
amets fiTe-cash, $6,726.76. The taxes . some of which . I - I
der. Minni.- Johnston. Part second, do,,give r6liat few really give wr .. A"vPWWftL -
$8,231.29; other thlnge%. $130, making Ali;e Due - , Priscilla Ducharme. neht r,qsults, a-nd the ,above vAU, - 100Y -
a total'of $10,088.05. - The'llaMiltleo in- part firs 1, no .
- 6"MIllace Haugh. *lton dau`bt, .be greatlyi appreciated b7 many
cludO CountY Tate, -$2,620AO; schoolzi Johnston, Soverpign.Ducharme, Louis suffee,ers liere at this timc I , ,
$4.858.78; drain- debenture,% $612,15; H&rtloaw JamesJohnston . - . I ni ma
sala'riez'and - outstandirrg' alecounts.. ', 0 . - . Inquiry at. -the drug otoreg of this JANU 0 1
1$.83OF; total liabilities, $8,921..83- The . 0 ndghborhood elicits the information - I I
* -Reput ft:-"Shiloh's Ctire will al- that these drugs are- hai mless and
l . rVinara are that Reeve Koogrove. In ndt ways oure my cox;gho and .,colds." caii be liGught aej arately, or., tiae drug- I I
Aikely to have any 6pposition, should . - I I
h6 offei - bknm.lf . again as - Reeve and . - I 91sW here will mix the prescription-
th10'work of the council seems to bave Stanley. - for our readeris if asked tq. . 9"Roft"M .1
beety fairly satisfactory ,to,.the rate-- SCHOOL RRp6nT-The following is - I
payers.. . . I . the December monthly report for S. I . News Notes. 11 .1
I- --- — S. No. 14. Stanley. The names of the I -
. . Stafft. I . . -SavenfY townships south of Moose SwA-0 * ,
-. three highest in each class appe in. I
I "M Jaw, Shak., were thrown open for -
SthoOl RePort- -The; followbig is t -be .order of merit: Senior fifth,. George entry last week, - and I - I
on, Murray M., . F1sh9r, Rena , dver 200 land . . .
. .percentage taken 16Y the , pupils of MeBeath. Junior fifth, John Kehl, seekers, many from the United States, I . a I . -.;
School Section No.- 4, Hibbertj at the were Im, Room jaw wajtlng to make .
- ChrJotm.as exanitnations, held on De- flerbert.Sones. Senior fourth,Arnold - . I
r. IV-Maggle -Chr.rie Nation, the Americam Wow .
oer,dbrar,14th and 16th:'S Petrie, Ida MoBeath, Saiah Rathwell
R. . 1, . and Hannah Dinsdale.- Juniorfourth,
yan B.-IoTta Fall 78. Jr. IV- All.
* Abhla Da. , an Fisher, Herbert Kehl, Walter smasher, says that whea she goes - to . - I
. L
, 1, ,13-ella Smali- 74. Sr. McBeath. .Senior third. James Col- London. England, fdle will bBgln heL, JV -1 I .
III-M-11dred -MbCbrmell 70, George Ker- L cleaning campaign with the House of J *
dake 62, Rose Mortlem 60, Nellie R7a= . "ns' Wallie MeDeath, Anna, Hood. - -:" - I V
Junior third, Alex. McMurtrie and L'Id'. She adds: "I dQn!t k1nGw I 1
49, *Loretta Morris. jr. in , I'val" whether they will let me. but I'll f -
Hill 72, Eldon, -Sutherhy Laurence Wasman, equal; Nelson I The tremendous Christ -
63, A- Young Hood. Second, Jessie Collins,,Anina, try-"
57, An-bije Ryan 51. -The Roman. Catholic Church at J. 1,
I II-V'eater Mc- Fisher. Second part, Gradie Ross,W. mas trade'wliuh whioh the-
Cbhhell 80, Joseph Murphy 66, Thomao 0. Johnston, W. R. Cooper. First Coteau du Lac, ;near Montreal, was de- t , - - I . -
Murphy 66, Douls McCbnnell 62, Mlch- stroyed b I I !
I -8 10 , i
Part, Elmer Makins. Maggie Cooper. Y tire last Thursday night .. 11 good vAople of thl A * " -
ael 'Murphy 52. Pa-rt'Second=,'W,. -Sil, ,The best spellers in the monthly spel.; entailing aloss of over, $50,000. it was I . havo f7avoied this stor&..,-and .
lery 85, Maggla Young 84, Harold Kev- ling matches were-. Fifth, John ]Kehl, at first feared that the fire would I . dch th UJI 8's " A. ,
slake 84, John Ryan 57, John gurphy, Senior fourth, Arnold Petrie. Junior SPread to a large convent near by, and . for wh -we are I Uo- .
30. The fol]iowlng classes are- Wr- fourth,. All -an Pipher. Senior third, the muns and Pupils to the nuinwr of . I 3,41 --bas left . us wi-ith many
rafted in order of merit - I . .4
9r. I-MOr- AnnaHood. Junior third, Laurence OvOr 800 luadft a haoty exit. The church . I ( .
rimm SillerY,, Andrew- Coleman, R.oy Wasman, Second,- Anna Fisher. "118 burned to the'grounc but the con-- I bro -
. '
Kerslake,: Vincent Murphy. Jr. I -C. PRESENTATiow.-On. evering his vent was saved. . 11 en lines and odZ sizeg of
Morris,. Cella aioirls, Fergus -Morrim- connection with the school in Section -NOt Wishing" to distu'rb the boar4;- I I - Suits, Cverooats, Underwear,
ThOL98 m&--rk--ed * were vbiexA ait on e No. 4,- Stanley, Nip. W. J.. Tough was era at the Grand Central Hotel in I j Mitts, Gloves, &c., and as -
Or- more 'examiftia-tlono.-W.IllWn, OA- presented with a toilet set and a com- Guelph, Harry La`nadale attempted to -. I .. e - f I
. Februmn too'k..
ver, Teacher ' , . 7 . plimentary address. The present gain his room by cllmbbig an' open I I .y the Iret is st
. - ations . I . J . ri 'k * time, we are making
. .0 . were made on behalf of the scholars stairway to the flat roof o ' f astablet 7 I . s Mg
Usborne. . Of the school -by Masters Garfield adjolning alid jumping acrom to the - 1 6 a s eoial eff-ort. by wav udl b4- '
(Too ilwte for lwat w,egxlr% Johnston ancl Victor EvanS 1M toot of a store. Ile fell to tl,p ITIOL-va- T I - X5
. -A . - . . . . . .
- premises & fine stone dwelling with kitchenand wood I I J A A. I
0-14. the appeftnts - . - - t . - I Thames Road Notes,Xr H. Law. Touj5h has been'the respected and Inent, 25 f8et below, and wam so bad- I - : PrIce mdumezut-ntsi 1,0 M&13 &- -
. I ebed, house heated wftbL a furnace, also hard and
I efficient teacher ,of this school for a lY inJured that he m j 49 ",Jefl- $j_
jeSSCXg4:- 41 N rence, Of Seaforth, was the guest of I general , an up
: :P" V.-2-50 soft water. There are two fine bank barns a frame - W ., a Y 'not recoyer. - I of &I - k
- . I
. 9 builLing on the ground% also, a hen house,'and two . - Miss Flossle Francis an Sunday last. good many years, 'and both by pre- He had Just Tatur,ned from visiting his . a I . . - . on
- , never failing-WeUs. .There isabout 2 acres of orchard The Dow njon-- . . cept and example has sought not, only Aweetheart In, Dram , , I I 4 I
ing oe evidence - i . . . -M488 Rose Fasamore, who has'been, . . ptoo. - ; I Ileavy winter goods.. -,
3 - I I - ' - -Jowph I -
and 10 acres 6f hardwood bush and - 36 acras under - to iiistruct his pupils in book learning, Martin, o .
i . -cultivation, and the remainder In grass. There : -- -11r VAMOUVer fOk n8arly two year,% is I
ments be reduced I . but endeavored to instil into their fhgu7*d carmolcuou.sly in Canadian - . .
i I neverlaffingepringereek. Theplace issituate,P4J visiting 'at 'her -home here. She opeaks -
I I Bre w ery minds adesire for th noblestandbest Politics for several 'Years, leaves Vema-,4 - - lqo - suL I I -
; I
beduat of- shb, miles from Hensall, one of the best markets in the - . GO.' LTD very blighly'df that -part of the weat e' .
warity. Apply on the premises or to,J. O.W001), . -- way mak (r -i P,,E S I 6
I . - - L I ., Woods visited Miag lugs., and thus - in every e couveT for L*ndon, England, about the OGR,S, . . Bad this list over, and I
- hatea (The CDut- I Hemall,. F. 0, . -M]W I.Allle Ad th' , F.
. -1 . I - TORO N -TO . Tucker recently. -Mr. Thomas M -nn the best use of their lives by laying a flTat of' February. Mr. Martin ' -bas - - I A if there is anything YOU r6- I -
al, or in all prob- - I , -f41-A-A')W-F0R SAIM OR RENT -Being Lot 28 . t bad a wood -'ties on Friday of hg9t solid and unsullied foundution. cload out some of hie 1wrge real es- I . -
p 1, R.' Concession 2, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, contain. I . . . - .
I- . w: I pk
t would have been E I e mises two good . : vmek.-,%veral sleigif loads a peppie - We lhtereAta In British Columbia. He qmre it . -a- y, yon to buy
: . . --
I .
. I . j 'barm, one on foundation, large- brick house with - -iiil— from this- vicinity attend -ed the Croe,m- Repeat it:-"Shiloh's Cure .will al- LH glving up his law practice, whicil . here, and buy early.
j Ily . is ea'sil the second largest, if not the
X fietel and shop I , rame kitchen. The laud is 9. first claw and is well I ley and Truh-ter ,revival meetings in wa;yo cure my coughs and colds." y 1.
2 enced and underdrained. 11 Is allAearedbut about largest, -in, Brit1*1 0011IM131P .
be= entirely cut , - - ., Mr. Mar- . .
, ood Exeter.-MrB. V. X. MMar, of Bervie, I .
. I I nlrvee acres ofg-ond hardw bushand there are 7 , Gelebeated , - . I I '. * I -
F c .
I acresof fall wheat and twoacres of good otchard. . W 6pending -a few days with relativeE; tin will argu6' Canadian dfies before -
- I
- &we souras of eburch and school within half smile. if not sold . bt thW 'neighborhood. -Mrs. Rdbrart 1n The Olden Days. the"privy council, but is iioty-et deeld- ,
: I I . I
I s- bad to pay for .. . I will -be rented for a term of' years. Terms reason- 0 - Cam Ifad a paralytic stroke last week, I - - ed whether he wM seek admlfmloa to - . -
, able as the proprietor is going west. For further I . the English ,bar., It Is oertaJn he will , I
. I
. Ty ,pa4l alars on the premlaw, or address Clinton White - I atthehome of her[ daughter', Mrs.0eo. InterestIng , sketches of the early
0 a take a 1118)nd In old country politics in
y M.00 more., - c, WKW 213ft8-tt KwOlake- At last reports. but Uftle days of Seatorth and vicinity,
j I -
: 1 - I the radical and fr e trade, inter, --t, and I
,:.ens who tried to I I . .hopes were beld for her recovery.- taken from.,the X111,RN ot Vis Ex- may Wn be - hea;Td- on con -testing a neat 1 -- --- I i
I - - fk d-.- AUMEXTARM FOR SAM-7beunderolgn- . - L q --19 positor",
k or SA,000.00, and Lab ,a] The children ,of School Sqed'tioq .x, . .
I , I -tVV ed capra for We that most dedrable prop, VA . had h concert at th-a school on Tues- - - for the Britlish Houae of Commans. 1
7 bittered. , jA wty known as lot 6, Concession I Township ol - - day sd ternoon last. -Mr. F. idlyns is -Twelve mont bs i n jail for Samuel.
I I Blanshard, Perth County. There are, on the prem- Seaf(mth, Jan. 20, 1882. Gomp.
I for m-* .--.L .
im % good Wck house 32 x 24, with 1ritchen. attach- 19 openditng the Christmas holidays at- -rig, p - ; P - 0
zssjden. L Aft e% U
. - . . Tilne months U 1. 85 Any -ogress Brand Suit oz- 0 -vert -oat iu stopA.
L the town -would . . his honle. At St. Columbaa church, Irlobtow-A, John Mitchell, one of the vjce-pre,, -. V I
r ed, IG x 26, both in good. repair; a la,rje bank barn, A L I These inolude $112.50 13 A.0
I 60 x 70, with good stone stabling un erneath ; one . an the 11th inst., by the yery Rev. idents, and gdx months for Frank Mor- .50 and.A. -0 SU ana
( B .itS '
could be made in I
I . first,class cement silo, 12 x 37, and other useful . I Repeat It:-".Sbll0h'.9 Cure will a!- Dem' Murphy, * Mr- John McCab.a, riwa, Slecrotary, all of,the American . I -mg.
altogether' offset - buildings. Thefarmiswell watered -both in front - teacher, to Wigs Mary Malone, both o:X Federation of Labori wag the sentence overcoats in all the very latesu stylesand patbe
I -. . and In the rear and Is adapted boii for grain and . ways cure- my coughs and colds." -
I , 11 I . . I Progress Brond garments—to wear
. I stockralsing and is in a high state of cultivation, . - - . — MCK1110p. imposed by Justic Wright of the Su- made as al:
-, e I
I giat this cannot I - .
z . whictr Is well known from the fact that the proprie, .- - -Hibbert. I A number of the Ladies of the Sea- preane Court of the District of Col- amd keep theiz shape.
: . I I
I - -
to'rhas resided thereon forriearly fifty yeam, bein Invalid Stout I . fMth Pre,sliyterian church went to umbia for contempt of court In violat-
.bj the policetnen I 9 .-- . . J.
z - we of the most suooe*ul farmers in the town*p. . School Report.-- The following is the the rasddence of Mr. D. D. WIleon on Ing an order enjoining them from -
. &W rea,% of a Fee . * I . ic 4ft^,MP5
It Special Pr 8 jptf,f
; ktb mntrany located, being near Doth church ind . report of Separate School No. 4, Hib- p rjday eV0Ajj*1 last ated .
. the poke force I 19d, and within , and prege
; - , Ood market. placing on the unfair Itst or, s,'Wb don,t
i ,jrthe: jaukro -addrew JOHN SUTHERLAND --tl of Dec mber : 4,9w Topa iWilson with a habilsome patronize" list the Bucks Stove and
,I optionists went - " . j r padi XXX Porter bert, for the m<xath .
. iWaton P. 0. I 2wtf . W-Maxilnum 300 -Mildred Barry 204,, silver jewel casket, as a recogmition. Range Compajiy, of SA,. LOUIS, Missourij.
I . I - -
I I Q - -
;heidd be . Aldis (yCbnhor 89. Sr. M - Maggie af-hdr oetvices as church orZaalfit All three of the defend&nta wer?) im[ $6.()o A special line of Men% $9 overcoat, velvet 01-2
. put on; - , ' I .
he. munio ex- i 10 FOR SALIL-Ut 15 Ooncession 2 ; Lot Every; , cork Cby,ne 199..Agnes Connolly 221. Jr. III The' following officers have , been el- court when,, sentence was pronounced, 06
, l r 14 Gw on 8 " S. j Ut 14, Concession 1. . Har, well hned in black an&gTey melton QM
bemuse of Laml . I . r s I Lot A 00noesdan 1, Hum Road Survey, I branded. . -1 . -Johft Pay1he 188, Maurice Malady 115, eeted for the enaulng year In connec- and notice of an appeal to the Court I I I
- - awnddpaf Tacketemith, 0aunty of Hum, contain- , I . . . Watie Roach 240, I-aum Barry 237; Al- tion with the South -HuiuW Agricultur- -of A:ppealo of the D trict of Colum- I
-ng 300 aftvs situated within two miles of the thriv. , is
- - . .rgtown of SWorth, one of tho beA markets In Wes- . I Psrt (,obnholly 228, Dan ConnoUr Ill, al society.: Preiddeat, Jamw PIckard, bla at once was filed, (lompers being
ily ,of e1glit boys . L t.ern Ontario. This farm was awarded the gold . James Melady 178. Part 11-Maximudi, -Exq#er; -lot vice, Hugh Aeve, Hills released on $5,00o bonds,6 Bfitebell $10.00 Ladies' Cloth Coats. - Oar entire stw'k of Mies
I . , am am elow8ft. One good man 96, 1.
- : Maw in the farm mmPatition of I&W. The farm WAMT=- AT OWE 06 99, 225 -Lucy Burke 129, Joe Ckyyne Greon.; -and vice, Wim. W110cmi. Henmll ; on, $4,000, and Morrison on $3,000. . .
. . . I kave been all pastured for the put ton years and In cob locaNty with rig or capable ,A'ngw Kenr'Wy 6.1, Louis Roach 1519 secretary and.treasurer, G. B. CrelSs- -
- - - ,woul*ac*be -in excelldnt shape for general farming. - --P09 sore and ,broken in spirlt,from; s, rangmg in pnoes from 11 2 to $184 I
I BE ' ' oloth 6oat 4P1
- awl 1. . wo-storey k dwe g honw ,at barau to adverlise mW John Melady 87, John MeMUlan 118. well, EgmcxndvWe; auditDM G. E. hardship endured since he started on ,. I
Wen Sotmd for .*Ad -- Introduce our guaranteed RoW Purple Stock and Part I-Fran,k I
with brick woodshed -hot air furnace . CaTne, Eddie Connolly ,jackgon, 7 B 8 inoluding blaok and blue cheviot aud meltone, ,
. -1 .,11Z and soft water in kitchen-fte PtKdtry Specifies. ex Ce 'ne"goary The prije for regularity In attendance ,gm(yndvMe, sud ,w. C. Juhe 7 to walk from SI)oka:n , .Waft.# - ..
et. - I X gnunds with n Jay out your work for ym ON a- week an4 . Charter Hensall; directors, Goiderich to his home JTj ottawa, Cbkjada, dW brafd trimmled, also the now cherro ' clotho, I
! - I ;dwubbe j' evergreens and eag orchard tzmaes. posmon percument. Write was awarded to 'Louis ,Roach. Louis -S, I . Jurnso . . n
. wM spruce windbreak on wed mid north --good' , townehip, G. Elliott, Stanley, Thomas D. Erwim. nearly 70 years oid, 'broke . I
men during all buns with stons stabling -410 acres olhardwood bush, W. A. JENKINS MMIrS M', 940dw- 002610 has succeeded In breaking the record. Simp"04; ffay, Robert )&eAl1Wt"r! down and cried in the Genesisee ebunty loose back, fitted or isemi-fitted coats, in all
, I . I beech well, waUnd with spring creek I . - . - .
-, -
bntrol now. :nTir"I& Will nU altogether or would divide pro-. _ I having not been a bBent one'hour 4-ur- Stephen, John Willis; Exeter, Thos. jail in, Mint, Igichigan, when the ct sizes I ,
. . _ ng the school year of, 1908.
4 several large . - I -verty. No better, my, In the 0ounty of Huron. L He is Ruvoell; U borne, L. 11unter; Tucker- ficerIS Maft UP a Purse for a railroad I
. 4610. T. D10KS(n.N,&AfVrM - WMtf seven Years old a;nd has two miles to - gaitth Robert Dickson ,and WIn. a3ll; ticket that he might ftwnd MrWmaq
i .. . . Logs Wanted - - walk to school. You will an by the Smf. ' . Speeigal.priole $110.00 I
has oecupi d - - I . . 4, -1 .orM Dr. CblwmL with him bVotlhera, who are lumber - - , I
. The undeisigned Is prepared to pay , the. highesq . report that he Is -at the head .of -his Mr. Robt. - C&rmlebad, of- tWOtOw" dftlerO in' Ottawa. Erwin . adid blo , .
,,- Reeve, Mayor, - , -14JOHN BEATTIE .. . claW also. This shows what regular- knjed a pig the othe
I . . cashpr1oef9r an unlimited quantity of 1111t.elass I r day that drep- farm th Wf ada two 7mrs ago ' dy
Bott Rim, Rock ood, Maple,, Beech, Ash, I uested to It was not ,qi4t, -fwo went to Spokane to caTo' for, a wn who - ars. I
I fAte Mvislon Court Clerk, has a number of prop "I'd 25 Per Cent Discount on Fn
4 Rim, Bamw -ity meana Parents a,re req 04 -.650. pounda
I "es for.m.'s or to reni unong which is a good Hemlock and Oak Logs, delivered at -the Seaforth -send their -children to school regular- jea-m old. .. - had be n inJured in an accident. The - . ,
3oard of Trade, , e0Mftrtkhb bona on Jarvis -Stred, Sworth, large Saw and Stave Mill. To', e cub in evenleugtb ex" ly and punctually. -B. R. O'Coinor, - -
aott elm; soft elm . -13. and 16 feeL - . - The Stanley townAiip council ha father spent aw. his money and -after
i toffi000mmodater a good mind fa-niUy - 2 lot& to be out 11, I ve
d know's Owen- I .. 11 ;= ad I 0 gFv. gutalso buy Basswood Heading 1olts,-.40 Inches Teacher- w.ppolated the following officers: An- his Wn died, he decided to walk to Every men's and ladies' far coat, far jWket, far ruff, f &
. lia an reasonable term a ;W " . '.
; I . . ft as 14, m so w1d. Also room to lei and a long, st$&50 per cord delivered. Will Min buytim- . . - hig ,former h0mg.
I *Beet,- ber by measurment or by bulk in bush. Special at- . Tuckernmith. . seqw Alex. Sparks; c"ctor, .Tomphl He had only Muff, including mink, lamb, sabb), fox, grey squhTel, all su-b-
. -u sell on reasonable terrm - Insurance Ggi ;; trewurer, Ki. Reiid.; clerk, WveV cen& wben he istarted from jwt to a istraight 26 per cent. 4imount. -
. I . ed, debts collecW'aud'loana m2ade on satisfacl- tention paid to custom sawing. Satisfaction guar . - - - ,
r ind - I I .
, r e I 0 9ev*dpy at reagonable rate& 00 :and me, anteed. Tovmship Finances. - Ths annual 'Mr. Stewart. - S.poka)ne, and ,Mkee that time be had 1.
- '
607 be eatiiinoed. I&W Division Cdu Office, Sea- 2186-13 . . W. AMENt, Seaforth. tinanclal statement for 1908 showtj the The foll9w14 ff are the U0w Officerm Alept Indoors.but seven nishts, walk- . I
he Dunkin Act, 5 Qrth 2018 -rd . - - ing, all, the N!g?'r excp
I I .m . I I - ftionces,of thin township to fie In 9X"A of the'Hay Agrkultural Society: Pre ,pt 19eventy Iles Ant"% -
id under Local ' : -- . sident, Hugh Love, or. ; vice, Henry HO had twentY'centa when he miT4 vvc Men's Underwear
. - . I I - condttlon. The assets ol the township ' peac
", . . . confidoting of Hayrock; weretary. said treasurer.. D. there and found i9belter at the Ull.
at Locat Optior"A . NOR SAL CEWLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS ampunt to $22,806.25, directom John Hunter, R. -
I . A dmpla WA effective rMedy for . funds on mortgage. abd cash on hand, S. Paust;' -Tn cOnbeetbDn with the shipment of I
.1 - . ve Th6rold amd St. Catharines I -g
Ved businfts or ORN BUIAA FOR SAIX-The under- SORE * THROATS .AND COUGHS ,while the ,liabilities are $.17,glor.22, of McAllister, Alex. Mc)Mwaa. J. Roedor, all r from Regulax ,75c fleece -lined ,Jnderwear, -ocd heavy
1. I . . - . 6 I
I 1111y, r . . hich nearly $15.000 to permanent Robert Broderick, Michael Kercher. J. an interei3ting c9_9e has developed in weight., with soft warm fleece, aff siz". .
,da. "%-M ed offere for a&] value of Cresolend 'W
"Ir , . eon TAt 27, Concession 8 Th 9wai&W
. Eal I . I . 2bulls16 months old sired by -Prince 4 With% 00411bine the iry elm and 11co- bridge debentures. . The exponditure Famwn, J-. a Gdger and Robt. Car- NlaOra Falls, Ontario. The :big solld - '
is as a who -le, I p.) They will be sold reasonable on time or rice. 'hye ra :1 under various heads i as follows: Sal- liple; auditom F. Herus and tbomas silver 1V90ts at the Thorold stmiter A-&
sultbuyer. Telephone connection in real- 9! . are taken, by wagon to S -t. 0_ tjTarjneq, - " I
I - denco. DAVID HILU Staffs, P. 0. t115 -1d 1. .. I lar '$836, stationtTy. a,n.4 'printin,& Thomas Johnston- Kale Price A -111a
wed i0car tra&- I I 11M .r A - iff. A*# vbo 149V V.1F
- I
. I . I -n eWted off- ;where they are placed w1th the ex-- I .
: . . I - I I I ''I The tollowing have bee . I
. a L ' - - ticem off th Stanley Azricultural So-, pr ew company for shipment -to New
May. *- I 011ORTHORN 0AT7IX,-&Ten first-class young - M- P, I . . .
Q1 culls, 2 from imported cows, for sale at moder Ill I -A &- - J. J,. i
I I ciety: President, John Tough; vim, 11 York. When, a recent shipment haA .ft@ ,
y these thfiags ., 2 .
. late ptim and on easy terms; good young cows and peorgee Caostle; secretary aind treas- * been. reduced to Ingot form, and was -
, 46c Men's W.. orkliig MIDUS I
. 9 h&& N also for sale. Ali interested axe cordiall In --- A&-in urer, James Armstrong; directors, .W.- beiing carted to St. Cath In tw I . 94-
. -......... - -
if therej>y he I *v ,3c, I , I . . wk eA o, . I 11
e t I
' .".0 inspect the herd. FWr!;r,ld 9 , I Townsend, A. M. ChM0811, jag. COW- i ingots dropped from th omp'ar-y's . -
, ,goins town
:mistake made , ,di*ace telephone to iarm for catalogne, - ,. DOWT GO T0, 11MON"M ie, Thomaa Naftel,.Joseph WIld, Ed. wagoly &long the Touts, and - 0 "L72
H. BJCMH, Exeter,, 19Wtf .. , . though -0-4 wirth
I i . .- --- 11 . , I I - .a, Heavy, ofl tan ffacing, wind and Weber va o 11
E . Robipp,n, R. Planhal , aui]lltars, R. Dar- ane was recovered, the other was I
; -
I I L FM SALF-The undersigned has for sale sev- . C011ME UMU. TOUTZ REW TM F E ker and, George Parke . picked up by a colored boy who was he&", wool or fiar lining, an ex@ellent wo xlilg Mitt,
DY eraLThoiabred Leicester Sheep and Durham Cattle I I . At a meeting of the McKillop coun- working On the transmission 11na near- ,- : I
. t fbothoexm AddressEgmondvillsl? O.,orapply I qMwmm ,Vfw%, ' 141 1 . o n I v 455 (3 . I
. , AOR%L ell on Monday last Mr. Willla= v- by The silver bar waz worth about .F -
f Owen Sound. : . AV I& AV 'IL
. I e. hzW Hui Road, Tuckeurith. ROBERT CHAR 3 ff SF lk ans was elected deputy reeve. $ 00, and the police were put on the I
- =8 I SONS. 1 187241 . - - . I
. - . baIr 0-4-%
. a I - . . - - - scent Immediately. The missing -9 ' 25- Sox ' X
: a 4 1, -Both male and fe- . . Seaforf1ji, San. 27, 8 I was discoveredlar a Jutk dealer's es- '"10 s rerg-V U 10-L* . riki
I V- 0- m e- r ,- . 0 -
I bu 1'82. 1 ' 5'
. 1-0co.1 I X 6,J ingle, all agea, about thirty to select from - I , At the reiaddence of the bride's tablLshment at the Falls. The boy -
S 12i Theq are all, of good breeding and mos i of the cows . It 14,i6asn"Ir E=P awa I .
,rtepe-nt ' i -A * I I I father, by the Rev., Thomas Cobb, m did not realize the value ot Ug flnd,, - a , - ,- . ff." lvw4 A -S ,0- -
a W. 'R AreAb0fee milkers. Count Sylvanus 560.00, Is and --
. -
I W, b6gibmn at the head of mv herd for tnr-.e years, and I ym s6uld got ad. t6 h&nwus * the 28 -rd inst., Mr. Tames &ewart, of a;nd sold the onver for old IrGn re I V% - zft.c
I . zrz Tor. - ,
a . .1 . W -ft. 66 . - - *R-
`ettL-r. I h CATA -about it Gol%& boum -* Vamm, to Ifflas Elizi 1&rY Burg"s, of ceiving-.$140, or two cents a poun , 2 c men"s rea ;joc i5c I
n:,Mved him If to be a getter of st*ak of choice . - , Q
r . Im a - .
43 by, -aimed bygood judges to be one of -- i-_ an a AWIML -- Tuckeromft. for the'lump.
nies it, ` i 'Off-, and Is cl L . yow, - I - z
: j 4e 4gd in the chstrict. He ig got by the beat of i - . . . . -- At the re ddence of I - the bride's
ton is I- 'I llnn&fted stock n both aides ; is dark red. in color 1 P&0461ap" "W ZZ . - . 71,
. . I
. I ana low set. Any pydea having pure bred cows to - . . - f ather, on the 28th Ult., L b,y Rev.. J
al . . ?Mr. amw STATZ OF CITY op T LRDO, I
- =
a of GA I
T11 -hose I bm%l are invited to inspect this bull). Terms, ---85 I . 'William B. Murdock to - Off'o' Coum. 98. BUTTEER &I'M RETIGS ZA ASS .0 SH.
I I ingu'red. Prices of pure brad stock run from W to t - . I Ptichard, Mr. . LUCAS - I D %,. --
I A X Kim. Kate Doble. I Frark J. Cheney makes oath that be is senior e . =
trLad-h. i I '" aknording to, aff - d i di ' uah . 0 0 - ' 1,14 .
I , , - elAg'. XOHN 1 4 , ivid -- Visitors - . t. the ting of the county coun- partnar of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing -- - .-- I
a - z IV Hensall P.O.and Station. - I I - A mee - -Mmw , ,I
. , .- in - business in theCityof Toledo, County and State t. - -
For.&%. I - I 2115-tt - - 'I" efl, Mr. F. W Johnaton, reeve ot % -
a . aforesaid, and that said flrm wifl pay the sum of - I j
. I 7=06 Goderich, was elected Wkrden. - .
11 ONE 111rdDRXI) DOLLARS for ewh and every c"e f
L mp . i The Seaforth fire brigade held their of j
,,,reat . Crj,"h tha'. cannot be cumd by the use of Hall'o
I I IMPORTANT NOT10,98. . I 4 wnhual dinner at the CbmmercW hotel Cst, Cum MANK J. =,ENEY. z
i I - . - - = I I -
I . on Tuesday evening last. Sworntobeforeme and subscribed in my pres-
- a s BLACKSWITHS-For sale, or to rent for , -... I go- . - . W. . William Orleve, of McKillop'. has ence this i5th day of December, A. D. 1W. Ste 1."W a Bros I -
E . 1 7 term of years, the b1pwkstnithi - - - A .- -- - *I - .
i ,,n.Lpr (REAL) A. V. GLEASON;
GMrl , f ... ..
the undersigned in the Village of , it - I - . purcbh9ed the property of the late Notary Public. I I I - .1
i Cousit" of a blackmith shop with fall equig u?nt, ... - ., - George Sparlin1g, on North Mainstreet, Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally, and actal - . I -
. I . I a comfortable frame residence on otonefoun stion . I . 10 paying for it $80. Mr. Grieve In- direcUy on the blood and mucous ffurfaces of the I
. J . .1. and half an acre of land. This b an excelleni .1 . - . -
1!hauea for & good maw to do % profitable business, 88 .- - . 11 . taids comilalg7 to Seaforth! to live. system. Send for testimonials free. - . - I
-M . I tte suirrounding country is as good as any in Oan. Mr. Mdward Ryaiy hae w1d his fifty F. J. CHENEY & 00., Toledo, 0. See , rothe-
wmmwm . "I - aii& An on the premisee6 or address Hills Green acre' farm o ,t the .14th wnceagb i of I gold by druggista,476c. . , I , -
i *1. 0. 61T H11j, - I 2IN-tf MCXjUqp ,to Mr. .T,., HeM=,0jf, a -neajr Take IMIS Family Pius for constipation. .1 - I .. I
i I .
! ; I . I I - . I I
I -
. - I . . . .N l I -
: . . rrq - I . , 1 I .
r - I I . . ,! - I . i I
i . .- - -
I -- - I
6 I . - ,
r . . ` ;-" Im . I #
. . I
- I I - I I I I k
: I . .
7 11 .- I .. I I I