HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1908-12-04, Page 5•
be mere ppee..
coey holm -SIip.
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41c, on traek„,like
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tierbettaloo.....`..a......... 0 a0 to 050
kW" es 4.••• *k{-3.4,.... 22 OD to 22 GO
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lmr Goode oe to 2800
Vloor, per 100_ . . .• 2 75 to 800
Satter, Nra 1. 021 to 088
Rnetera tub.. 0 30 to, 0 n•
•••Sr./111.F. .21 to 0 22
.2;.*Wit* a 00 to 800
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•a. . . 0 75 to 100
Potaaase per bag.. . 0 75 to 075
rota* per 125 to 1 85'
Wo po* 000 to 700
per cot -4, Z75 tin 875
Ligfe Stook Marstets.
1.....onden, Nov. 30.-Canad1an cattle
axe unchanged at 1114 to 12c peg lbe;
refrigerator ef ts 9 to 10e per lb,
Liverpool, Nov. 30 -tat teiteers.
trore 11 to; 12 1-2e; Cargirlia'Ago X.0 1.72
to 11 140; ranchers, 9 8-4 to 10 3-4c.
,-osim end belle:Pe 934 to 10 3-40; t•kullge
884 to 83-4e, Trade (slow.
•Glasgow, Nov. 80. -Trade sharp, es -
/or toe quality, 13 to 13 1-26
,per 11, ; ;secondary and middling, 11to
ei 1-2e ; bu11s ierhrie, 1 to 01-4e
beerier, 9' to 91-2c per lb. • _
Montrad, Dec, -1..--:Good cattle were
.not pleatiftil, and brought- higher
„prices, but 00/11MOU stasek are OUP, dull
Lot male and bring low figures, One
buyer -bought five picked tsteers at 6c
_per poinid ; other sales of prime beeves
---wetre made at 41-4C to over 43-40 per
.pound; pretty - good animals sold at 3
to over 4e; commou Stock, le 3-4c to
3-4e per pound. Grass-fed calves sold
frem 8 to 4e per polled ; sheep sold
at about 3 14e, and the Was at a-
bout 5e per pound; wood lots of fat
hogs aold at about 6 1-2e per pound.
Wed Torooto„ Dec. 1.-Scareely any
,export cattle , were offered Itoeday.
'Teade was pretty well at a standstill.
'The vwtrieted regulations about ship -
.ping -are again* the trade at pres.
int. An active Waimea was transe
aeted iva butchers' ca:ttle. The beet
Job s mold at • $4.25 to $4.50, with a
little higher price for extra, good
t-oileat. Medium butchers' cattle were
_ worth $3.'15 to • $4.10; cowe, $3,25 to
e.60; Common cows. $2.50 to $2.75;
*Omen% $L50 per cwt. Feeding steers
and good short -keep f feeders = were
steady to trrn at $3.60 to $3.80 'per
ewt. Sheep arid lambs were firm.
Prices were: Lambs, $4.50 ,to $455;
port ewera $8.40 to $3.65, end bucks,
$2 to $2.50 iper vwt. Veal calveis were
--sold at 8 to 6i -2e per lb., accordhig
to quality. Hog% which went down
45c, are quoted by Ginnie Limited, at
$5.85 f.o.b., end $6.10 per cwt., fed
.and watere& for ieeiects.
Tomato, Dec. 2.-Exporter9.-There
were mope on sale and none wanted.
Butcheref-There Were no ,prime qual-
ity butehere' cattle on sale. Loads
,of 'good raed at $4.25 to $4.65; med-
1.am, $3.80 to 14.10; common, $3 to
$8.75; <coy* of fair to 'good quality,
$3 to 44; cOrnmon COWS, $ 2.501 to $2.80;
$1.85 to 43.85; canners, $1.25 to
$2.25. Feeders a.nd Stockers -AI -elm.
..lots of stockers and feederta were on
=le, but thee was little eha:Age il
• any trpm thefollowing quotations:,
sBet feeders, 960 to 1100 lbs. eath, at
3.60 to $4 per cwt.; best feedem
1-1300 to 900 ilea each, at $8.25 to $3.75 ;
-tstockers, 606 to 700 lbs. -each, - at $2.90
to $3.15; common and medium atock-
- era, 560 to 600 Ibs. each, at $L75 to
$2-.30. Milkers and Springers -Prices
-.are still good for choice'cows, but ful-
ly $8 to $10 per head lower than two
- weeks ago. Prices ranged from. $25 to
$69 each, but few brought the -latter
...p-riee. Veal Calves--Recelpts of vat
calveS were light and prices were
steady at $3 to $6.50 per cwt. Sheep
and Lanabs--Recelpts et sheep and
lamhs,were.moderate. Sheep were eas-
ier and lam -Us were higher. Export
4ewes, $3.25 to $3.gt ; rains, $2 to '$2.50;
Iambs, $4,50 to $5 per cwt. ?, Hogs-Re-
celptii were !fairly Iarge fdr so early
in the week -1664 from allisources.
Mr. Harris quotes selects at $6 and
'lights at $5.75, fed and watered - at
the market.
Horse Market.
(Wiztst .2'orainto, Dec. 1. -Trade is
'Viet thstse days at the ;Union Stock
Yards Florae Exchange, as it usually
le at this period of tile year, but
this year it -is more so than, usual.
'The demand te slow, and prices as a
rule are 25 per -centlower than they
were last year. This is partly •ac-
counted for by the tat that Compara-
tive/7 few lumber camps are going ta-
to the btaS/1, euffiCient lumber having
been cut last year to last a couple
pet years. Activity on the exchange is
expected to be rammed after the firat
of the new year. To -day's prices were
a little easier than a week ago. Out
of 75 homes offered 60 were sold. A
car of general purpose horses was
shipped to Montreal, and further ship-
meatS to the west will be- made later
in the week. To -days ruling prices
were: Heavy draughtS, $140 to $182;
„general purpose, $140 to $160`; drivers,
0.09 to $190.; 8e.rviceable workers, $40
to $80.
Dairy Markets.
TorGretO, Dec. 1. -Butter -The mar-
ket. is strong for choice grades, whieh
are scarce. Local 'wholesale quota. -
tions: Creamery, •choice, 27 to 29e ;
dairy print, choice, 25 to •26c ; dairy
store prints and large rolls, 22c to
.24c; tnferior, 20 to 21c. Eggs -There
is a 'good demand, especially for new-
laidtpxices in case lots are : 'Strict-
ly new laid, 28 to 32c; farrnaiis% 24e;
storage, 22 to 24c, Cheese -Firm at
unchanged -prices. Job lot prices are:
;Large, 1814 to 13 1-2c ; twine, 131-2
to 13-3-4c.
Montreal, Dec. 1._-Cheesee-Western,
121-4 to 121-20. Butter -25 to 27 1-2c
in round lots; creamery, 27 to 28 1-2c
• in small lots. Eggs -There is • no
important change in the condition of
the market, prices being steady, with
fair -volume or business passing. New
Jaid, 29' to 3.0c ; ,selected stock at 25
to 25 1-2c ; No. 1 atock at 22 to 23c,
and No. 2 stock at 17 1-2e per dozen.
Toronto, Det. 1. -The market for On-
tariois strong, although trade ,is a
little quiet. Car lot prices are 60e to
65e perbag on track at Toronto. •
Toronto, Dec. • 1. - The market is
stronger after a week of light re-
ceipte. Wholesale prices are : Chick-
ens, dressed, choice, 10 to 11e; Cern-
mon, 8 to 9c; fowl, 7 to ; turkeys,
12 to 13c; ducks, 9to 10c; geese, 8 1-2
to 9 1-2c.
Grain, • Eto.
Toronto, Dec. 1„ -Ontario Wheat -No.
2 white or red, outside, 93 to 94c; No.
2 mixed, 93 to 93 1-2c ; No. 2 goose
wheat 90e outAde. Manitoba Wheat
-Spot, NO. 1 northern, $1.07 1-2 to
$1.09; No. 2 northern, $1.04 1-2 to $1.05,
en track, lake ports. Oats -Ontario
No. 2 white, 39 to 40c outside ; No. 2
mixed, 87 to 38c, outside. Manitoba No.
2 western Canada, 43 to 431-2c on
track, lake ports; extra No. 1 feed,
Hay—No. 1 taideothIN
011 Wednettday, fith, oft tot 27, Ooncessioft
11, fabbert, Mara Stook and -Implements. Albert
Ryokman, Pleatietor; T. Brown Ayr:Mal:me.
OA WedneedkVu. December 1.014 on tot 24 (lora
modem 8, IL R. Se Tuckershilth, at le eeeee Farm
SVe-ele, Implements end Household Furniture. W.
C. londsborongb, Proprietor., Then, Quadra., +uo-
On Thuraday, Deoembei 10th, at 1 (Mock, eharp
on Lot 9, Ceneceasion 6, MoKillop, Fannie Farm Stook
arid Implement& Michael Flannery, Proprietor; T.
Brown, Auctioneer.
esteril Ran
of Canada.
Established- by Act of Par.
_ Riggimaisms
aeneral Banking Business
Drafts bought and sold on all parts
of the world.
Special autention given to farmers,
drovers, etc. ,
Advances made to responsible par
ties on their own notes.
Interest paid or compounded four
times a year at the highest current
rates. .
We cash Sale Notes, no matter on
what Bank drawn.
117 Branches and Agencieta through.
out Canada. '
Rank of Scotland; Canada. Merahante
Bank of Canada; New York, Mer-
hants Bank of Canada.
trans -
BRIGHT --In Exeter, onNovember 21st., to Dr. and
Mrs. Bright, aeon.
RICE -In Fast Wawanoeh, on November 15th, to
Mr. and MY& Geo. Rice, a daughter, (still born.)
IIKSSER--In Morris, November 17th, to Mr. and
Mre. Robt. Meseer, a daughter.
SPARLING-In SeatAth, on November 26tia, to
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Spading, a daughter.
BROWN-WHITFIELD - At theresidence of the
bride's parents, on 2nd, her Rev., Bender -
eon, Mr. Angns D. Brown to Amelia L., daugh-
ter of Mr. arid Mree T. E. Whitfield, all of Grey.
vitik-DATIDSON-At the Mime of Mr. Robert
Davidson, Baylleld Road, Goderich tovrnship. on
November 25th, by Rev. James Hamilton, Mr.
' Wm Reid, to Miss Adelaide Elizabeth, daug,hter
of the late Mr. Hugh Davidson.
SIMS-COCKWILL-At the Methodist parsonage,
Crediton, November 18th, by Rev. Hicks, Miee
Nora Sims to Garnet CockwM, both: Crediton.
DAVIDSON-BRA DSHAW-At the home of the
bride on November 25tha by Rev. A. 0. Wishart,
B. A., Mr. Wm. Davidson, of Grey township, te
Miss Annie deughter of Mr. Abel Bradshaw, of
Morris township.
GEIJNAS---DENOMEY-At St. Peteresdiurch, Dryo-
dale, on November 24th, by Rev. A. Stroeder,
of Zurich, Mr. Leo Gelinae, of Stanley, to Mes'
Sarah Deneniy, of Hay.
JEeierBEY-MASSE-At St. Peter'schurch Drysdale,
on November 25th, by Rev. A. Stroader, Mr.
Rend. Jeffrey, to Sarah Mese, both of St. Joseph.
WILSON -MASSE --At St. Peter's church:. Drysdale,
on November 26th, by Rev. A. M. Stroeder, Mr.
Robert wawa or Chatham, to Miss Josephine
Masse, of St. Joserph.
MOFFAT-CALDWEU-At theManse,F.gutondville.
on November 24th, by Rev. N. Shaw, Kr. John
Lawrence Moffat, to Miss Gertrude Caldwell, all
of Tuckersmith e
HOLLAND-COITTTS--At the Manse, Egmondville
on Dec. 2nd, by Rev: N. Shaw, Mr. Moody Hot,
land, to Miss Ella Coutts, both of MoKillop.
STRASSER-MeMANN-At the Metropolitan Par-
sonage, Toronto, an November 17th, by the Rev.
Dr. Mayer, George L. Strasser, Acton' son of
Mr. W. Strasser, Seaford", to Aloysius.daugh-
ter of the late John Mariann, Seaforth.
HANNA. -In Morris, on November 20th, Simon V.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hanna, aged ltrinonths,
HORTON-In Exeter, on November 19th, William'
- Horton, aged 78 years.
MURRAY-In Goderich, on Saturday, November
- 21s1, Nelson Murray, aged 17 years, 11 months,
21 day& '
KERR-In Clinton, on November 218t, Henry Kerr,
of Wingliam, aged 63 years.
POWELL-At 702 Market St. Camden, N. J. Mary
Sheeman, wife of Dr. W. R. Powell.
IIITCHELL-At Yorkton, Sask., on November 27th,
James Mitchell, formely of Grey township, 'aged
82 year&
DOBSON-In Ethel,- on November' 27th, Lawrence
Dobson, aged 80 years.
SAVAGE -In Grey, on November 27th, Sarah Jane
Vance relict of the late John Savage, aged 69
years and 8 month's.
MeQUADE-In Toronto, on. November 30th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Martin McQuade, a son.
MaNAUGHTON-In Grey, on December 2nd, Robb.
McNaughton, aged 95 years. " •
1440ADFOQT, BOX 45 00.
The Leading Undertaken:
Charges Moderate.
S. T. HOLMES. Funeral Director and
• Embalmer..
Night and Sunday calls promptly attended
to. Residence on Goderioh street, opposite
Methodist Church.
w furnished on abort notice. 2098
• '
TEACHER, WANTED-Asaistant female teacher
for the Bayfield Public School, holding a sec-
ond class professional certificate. State experience
and salary. Duties' to commence on January 4th,
1909. All applications to be in by December 23rd,
1908. Address J. W. TIPPETT, Secretaty, Box 5,1
Bayfield. 2188-3 ,
-FISTRAY IIRIFER-Came into the premises of
' the undersigned, Lot 81, Cloncession 11, Mee
Killop, about the middle of September, a yearling
heifer, red in color. Owner can. have the same by
proving property and paying charges. •WILLIAM
STAPLES, Winthrop P.O. • 2138x8
Notice to Ored'itors
iNtotice is hereby given, pursuant to the statutes
In that behalf, that all persons having any claims
against the estate of Isabella Story, late of the town-
ship of Tuckersmith, spinster, decemed, who died
on or about the 3rd day of July, 1908, are re-
quired, on or before the 22nd day of December,
1908, to send by post, prepaid, or:deliver to .the un-
dersigned, full particulars of their claims, verified
by affidavit, and the,nature of the security (if any)
held by them. And further take notice that after
the said last mentioned date the assets of the said
deceased will be distributed among the persons en-
titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of
whicla notice shall then have been given. R. S.
HAYS, Solicitor for the Executor of the estate of
the said Isabella Story, deceased.
Seaforth, Dec. 1st, 1908. .2138-3
Mail Contract
EALED TENDERS.addressed to the Post -Piaster
General, will be received at Ottawa until noon,
on Friday, the 1st day Of January, 1909, for the con-
veyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed con-
tract for fourears, six times per week each way,
between Drysdale and Kippen, from the lot of April
next. Printed notices conerdning further informa-
tion as to conditions of . proposed contract, may be
seeti and blank forms of tender may be obtained at
the Post Office at Drysdale, Kippen and ietermedi-
ate offices, and at the office of theePost Office Inspec-
tor at London.
. G. C. ANDERSON, Superintendent.
Post Office Department, Mail Serviee Branch, Ot-
tawa, Nov. 16th, 1908. 2138-2
PlAglitta, ItAta 01P *AM STOOK-ANDU.
• PLIIMENT11.-11101nal SIMI hair realised ia-
struntlimil hem Mr. Albert Rysirmara- to sell by
.Patb110 raMtien, On Lot 27, Conoisinden 11, Ribbed, on
Wanditesclaya DectisibtrIfith, 1908, at 1 o'clock, the
'IdilaiKeerproPertfi vie mew -- 1 ham drift
getding rieing- 5 anansold, 1 Mari draft mare rising
'yearii -aid, 1 &lying mare 12 years old, 1 driving'
ware *-41 aura eV,1 gelding :_111 years eldadred by
r,EleotriesB.,1 gelding 2 veers 014 sired by Biscuit
B.,1 yottlingodt sired by Wilder Zee; Oettle-3
cows supposed to be in =8,-1 farrow oore, 8 Imitate
2.yeare old, 8 otters 2 years old, 8 heifers 1 year old,
1 stier 1 year old p 3 oolves, -oleo 1 brood sow, 20 well
bred Leicester Owes and 80 hems. Implements --One
MoVormlokbone rake. NeseerEnrrie seed drill
nearly new, Massey-liarris dim harrow nearly new,
Massey -Harris. hhider, 3-horee cultIvater, roller,
wafter, genit pie% Fleury walking plow, set of
harrows with five sections' and 8-herits whiffletreee,
lumber wagon, gravel box, Massey -Harris mower,
set ef farm track!, hay taek HI feet long, Ret of scales
capectity 2,000 lbs., top buggy, cutter, lanriing mill,
2 sets of bobsleighs, 1 sugar kettle, 2 ladders, 2 wheel
barrows, water trough, round tank, root puiper, bag
track, hay fork, set of slings, car, 80 feet of erteel
track and rope all complete, 4 screen doors, pea
harvester guards, a quantity of good hay and roots,
1 set single harness, 2 sets double harness, 6 collars.
Fig orate, forks, shovels, chains, growb-ar, spade and
articles too maw...evens to mention. Terms -All sums
01 35 and under, and this hay and roots, cash; over
that -amount 12 snonthiPorWit will be given GO furn-
ishing' approved pint oaten. A discount of 4 per
cent. - allowed off for cash on credit amounts.
ALBERT RYOEMAN, Proprieter; T. Brown, Aim-
tiopeer. .
MENTS-Jautes Jones has received instructions
from Mrs. Wm. Smale, to sell by public auction, on
Lot 21, Concession 8, of Bibbed, on Tuesday, Deo.
15ch, the following valuable proaerty: Horses -1
, draft mare 7 years :Ad in foal to The General, 1 mare
9 years old eupposed to be in foal to the same horse,
1 horse 5 years old sired by Gueteer, 1 driving horse
8 years old, 1 draft filly 4 Months oldsired by Flash-
-wood's Last,1 gelding 16 months old. Oattle-2 fresh
Mich cows, 3 aows imppesedta be calf, 2 steers rising
2.years old, I heifer and 1 steer rising 1 year old, 2
spring calves, 1 heifer °elf 2 months old, 1 steer calf
4- weeks old. Pigs -1 Yorkshire sow 2 years old,
weighing about MO lbs.,
pig, 2 pigs 8 weeks old, about E0 hens. Implements
brood sows, 1. sow with
-2 Lumber 'wagons, 1 pair bobsleighs, 1 top buggy
need.. naval Nelaughliir buggy nearly new, 1 open
buggy, 3 cutters nearly new, 1 binder, 1 Deering
mower new 1 pea harvester,. 1 two furrow Perrhs
riding plow. 1 walking plowel muffler, seed
land roller, hay rake, wagon box, stook rack, pulper
set diamond harrows, stone boat, set double harness,
set single harness, fanning mill, set platform scales
(1290 lbs.), wheel barrow, about 250 It. rope, set
slhige, ropes mad pulleys, sugar kettle, grinding
stone, gravel box, grain cradle, a quantity of hay,
a quantity of Banner oats lit for seed, a quantity of
barley, about one dozen grain bags, x -cut slaw, 28 ft.
ladder, soythes, forks, shovels, crow -bar, and other
articles too numerous to mention. The grain will be
all cash. No outside stock allowed on the premises
for sale. Sale at one o'clock sharp. Terms -All
SUMS of $10 and under, cash; over that amount n
7131011MIS' credit will he given on furnishing appoved
joint notes. Five per cent. off for earth on credit
amounts. No reserve as the farm Is sold and every-
thing must be disposed of. ' MRS. Wid.SbiALE,Tto-
pritresli; JAS. JON=, Auctioneer.
TURE-Mr.T.Gunelry has received instructions. from
W. O., landsberough, to sell by public auction, on
Let 27, Concession 31 N. R. S., Tuckersmith, on
Wednesday, December 16th, at 12 o'clock, the follow-
ing property, viz ; Horses -One aged mare suppos-
ed tO be in foal to First King, 1 agricultural horse
rising 5 years old, 1 general purpose mare 8 years
old, 1 genera1 purpose gekling 3 years old, I hackneY r
gelding rising 3 yeam old, 1 draft colt rieing two
years old, by &Mauer ; 1 deving colt rising two
years old, by St. Blake. Cattle -Five good rniloh
cows, one fresh, with Calf at foot, the others are
coming in through the winter or early spring ;
ateer coining two years old, two heifers mining two
year; oki, 2 yearling calvts. Sheep -Eleven young
'oester ewes and ten spring lambs. Pige-,Ten
spring hags nearly finished, ten -young pigs 2 1-2
months old, 1 brood Yorkshire sow with me\ PoUlt-
ry-About 70 Barred Rock and Leghorn hens, 1
Bronze gobbler and a number of turkey hens. Im-
plements -Massey binder, Frost & Wood 6 -foot cut
mower, Deering cultivator nearly new, Noxon drill,
Frost & Wood disc harrow, Sharpe horse rake, Whit-
manpea harvester, seuffier, set of diamond harrw
fanning will, set of Males 600 pounds, 8 -home power
with jack, set of allege, hay fork, oar, pulleys and
160 feet of rope, grind stone, goad lumber wagon,
iron axle wagon, wagon box, gravel box, nay and
stock rack combined, set of sleighs, 2 cutters. Mt.
kado carriage single baggy, cart,Frost & Wood
plow, gangilow, spray pump with barrel and
hose comple e, Spray Motor Oo., Lendoo, potato
digger, root pulper, 2 sets single harnese, 1 set of
double team harneth, land roller, hay knife, 12 grain
bags,. 1 water trouab, 2 sugar kettles, extension lad-
dereertep ladder, Household Furniture -New Ham-
ilton Incubator and Brooder complete,. 2 kitchen
wood stoves, 3 bedsteads, one single, 1 Mid's crib, 1
• large bureau, 15 yards of rag -carpet, 1 stand, large
book case and a, number of books, round centre
table, 6 kitchen chairs, 1 kitchen cupboard, *1
kitchen zinc, flour bin, Sharpie's' cream separator,
Leader chore, butter worker, box for shipping
butter, a lot of stove pipes, oak cider barrel, 2 long
benches. 1 apple dryer, gasoline stove and a quan-
tity of dishes and glassware. Bee Supplies - 25
Standard Langstroth hives with drawn comb,painted
a,nd all complete, one bee smoker, one Solar wax
extractor, and many other articles too numerous
to mention. If not previously sold,' the farm will
also be offered, subject to a reserve bid. Terms
-made known on day of sale. The stock and chattels
will be soldwithoutreserve as the proprietor is giv.
ing up farming. Terms -All sums of 210 and under,
ism& ; over that -amount 10 months' credit .will be
given on furnishing approved joint notes. A dis-
count of 6 cents on the dollar off for cash. W. O.
LANDSBOROUGH, Proprietor ; T. GUNDRY, auc-
B. E. WALICER, President
ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager
Es.r.:Busim 1807
I Paid-up Capital $10,000,000
I Reserve Fund, 5,000,000
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
URY BUSINE&S others for the transaction of their
Every facility afforded ito farmers and
banking business. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collection.
Accounts may beopened by mail, and
BANKING BY M • AIL monies deposited or withdrawn in
this way with equal facility. • 115
F. ITOLMESTED, Solicitor •G. E. PARIKES, Manager.
General Merchant for the People.
We want kinds of Poultry, Starved and Dry1 Picked, for
which the highest price will be paid.
Live Turkeys taken on Thursday, November 26th.
Christmas Fruits
We have received all our Christmas Fruits. They are
choiceet quality and prices reasonable.
Successor to B. B. Gunn
We hereby give notice to the people of Sea o h, and this
part of the country, that on
November 28
We start a great coat sale, and intend to sell every coal; in
this store. This sale, which starts at 8 o'clock, will be
the most terrific avalanche of Coat Bargains ever offered in
this part of Ontario. It will be a premier bargain event that
will surpass any sale ever held before in this county. We-
EfEAFORTII hereby notify you that if the say -kg of dollars means iy-
As& IMPLEMENTS. -Mr. Michael Flannerrhas in-
structed Tholoae Brown to sell by ptiblio auction on
Lot 9, Concession 6, MeKillop, one mile from Beech-
wood, op. Thursday, December 10th, at 12 o'clock,
sharp, the following: The Farms -That choice 150
acre lama being Lot 9, Ooncession 6, MoKillop, on
which is erected a large bank barn, 62x64 feet with
stone !stabling beneath, also dwelling house and
other. outbuildings. The farm is well fenced and in
good Condition, being all seeded to grass. There are
three never failing wells on the plae.e. The property
is situated one mile from the village of Beechwood
and is convenient to sohool, store and blacksmith
shop. There will also be sold at the same time that
choice 100 acre farm, being Lot 3, Huron Road,.
Tuckersmith. On this farrh is erected a large brink
house with all modern conveniences, a large frame
barn and other outbildinge The land is In a first
class state of cultivation, and the farm is considered
one of the best grain and grass farms in the town-
ship. This fano is within two miles of the flourish-
ing town of Seaforth. Horses -One team of draft
mares, 6 and 7 years old ; 1 team of draft horses 4
and 5 years told; 1 gelding rising 2, sired by Bursar;
• 1 draft filly 6 months old,sired by Bursar; 1 driving
horse 7 years old, quiet and gentle. Cattle -Five
cows to calve ab,out time of sale, 10 steers rising 8
years old, 10 heifers rising 3 years old, I5'steers and
heifers rising 2 years old, 5 spring calves. Sheep -
Ten well bred ewes. -Pigs--One brood sow about to
litter, 16 store pigs 5 months old averaging 150 lba.
Implements Massey -Harris binder 6 foot cut,. near-
ly new; Frost & Wood 7 foot binder, new, 2_Deering
6 foot mowers, 2 Deering hay rakes, 16 and 12 feet:
2 luniber wagons, 2 hay racks.„ Kemp manure spread-
er, capacity 50 bushels; hay loader, 2 fanning mills,
cultivator, disc harrow, 2 sets diamond harrows, hay
fork. rope and pulleys, land roller. Coleman make; 2
scufflers; 3 single plows, 2 two furrow plows. 1 cut-
ter nearly newel Canada Carriage top buggy nearly
new, 1 democrat, 2 seta double harness' set single
harness, seb plow harness, root pulper, 2grain drills
one elmost new, 1 gravel box also forks, °Nand,
Imes; neckyokes, etc. The whole must be sold with-
oub reserve as the proprietor is giving up farming on
account of ill health. Terms of Sale on Land -One-
tenth of the purchase money -to be paid in cash.
Part may remain on mortgage With interest at
per cent. per annum, or the full amount may be
paid in cash. Further particulars made known on
application to the proprietor or to the auctioneer.
Terme of sale on Chattels -All SUMS of $5 and under
cash, over that amount 10 inoriths' credit will be
given on approved joint notes. A discount of 5
cents on the dotter allowed for cash on credit a-
mounts. Lunch will be served at 11.30 and the sale
commences at 12 o'clock. . MICHAEL FLANNERY.
Proprietor ; T. Brown, Auctioneer.
Notice to• Creditors
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the statute in
that behalf, that all persons having claims against
the estate of Wm. Aitcheson, late of the Village of
Harpurhey, in the Township of Tuckersmith, in the
county of Huron, deceased, who died on or about
the 7411 day of November, 1908, are required on or
'before the 26th day of December, 1908, to send by
post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, 'hill
particulars of th:eir claims, duly verified by affidavit,
and the nature of security, .11 • any, held by them.
Further take notice that after the said kat mention-
ed date the assets of the said deceased will be dis-
tributed sunong the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only. to the claims of which notice shall then
have been elven. Claims to be addressed to either
of the undersigned Exectitors, Wm. Wilson, 0011-
sta-ilea ; J. D. Aitcheson, Stouffville. R. S. HAYS,
Solicitor for the estate of the said deceased.
Seaforth, Nov. 30th, 1908. 2138-8
- I hear of certain parties reporting that I have
sold out nay business—This no doubt with a 'view of
doing me at injury. 1 beg to inform the public
that this is not so, and I have no such intention.
2138x4 H. A. JONES.
TEAOHER WANTED -Teacher wanted for &shoo
Section No. 8, in the Township of Stephen
•Huron County- Duties to commence first of the
year. 'Applications addressed to AricY. RAVELLE,
21 3
Grand Bend.
i thing to you that you be on hand early and avail yourself
lof tl-tie great money saving opportunity. A great ten days
Comfort' sale such as was never given in the town of Seaforth, and
that may never be given here again. You all know our repu-
tation ; youknow the character of coats we have been seliiin; g
Ifor year; the best makers in the country and all this
se on's goods, at practically year own priee. We intend.
i to clear out our whole coat stock and give you a bargain
' feast, right in the middle of the season, which we know you
I will appreciate. It will be a ten days sale that you will long
I remember. Our word has always been as good as our bond,
i and when we say to you now—when we make a statement
I like the aboveover our own signature—you, the publio, may
well believe that this ten days sale, which starts Saturday,
Nov. 28th, at 8 o'clock, will be a most stupendous sacrifice
sale—in fact one of the kind which seldom occurs in a com-
munity. We believe the sacrifices all marked in plain figures
will amaze the public.
The line of Cutters we are showing is complete. They are
built for comfort, and an inspection of them will convince.
For neatness and finish there are no better cutters made.
Prices are right.
W. J. Allin, Seaforth
Furniture Values
We are showing lines in Dining Room and Bedroom Fur-
niture which will prove to be startlers. They are simply ele.
gant. The goods are the products of the best fectories, and all
the newest creations of the cabinet makers' art are to be found
at this store
Let us give you an estimate before you purchase
When it comes to Special Footwear
for special purposes, this store
stands out prominently in the
Our Felt Footwear will demonstrate
this fact.
Our aim has been to make this' the
store for all that is choicest in
this line, and the increased. pa-
tronage each season brings, tells
the best story of the success at-
tending our efforts.
We have the Felt Shoes that Men and
Women like - Styles that can
not be found in other stores.
These shoes are made from the best
of Felt, on uplto-date lasts, and
made for comfort as well as dor-
. ability—at modetate prices.
Come here with every shoe notion
you have, and you will not go
away unsatisfied.
Sole Agents for the Derby, Hagar and
Victoria Shoes.
Richardson& frInnis
For Hard Times is
now here.
Now is the time to secure some of the
cheap goods. Bargains in all kinds
of goods, as A. G. Ault is now
having a
15 Days ,
Clearing Sale
Of all kinds of China„ Crockery and
Glassware, also all kinds of Gro-
ceries. 1 will mention a few of
the many cheap articles which are
to be had at this sale : 20 pounds
Redpath granulated sugar for $1;
10 lbs. sulphur,. 250 ; 10 lbs. salts,
25c; 12 bars Judds' soap, 25c; 2 1-2
lb. bar of Castile ,Shelbrand soap,
250; 5 lbs. Dates, 26c; 5113s. Rais-
ins,25c ; 5 lbs. Prunes, 250; 5 lbs.
,new Figs, 26c ; 3 lbs.,best new cur-
rants, 25c; 2 1-2 lbs. Seeded Rais-
ins 25c; 2 lbs. Sultana Raisins,
25e; 6 boxes of Sardines, 25s; Al-
• lan's Sweet Cider,'Maple Syrup,25c
a quart. This is a cash sale at
these prices. Fresh butter and
eggs taken as cash. A cordial in-
vitation is extended to all to call
and get some of the great bargains
that are now to be had.
A. G. Ault, Seaforth
-M11111111111MINOW 40iiimemmoilid106
The following list will give- you
some idea Of the reductions
11 Ladies' Coats, in Colors, regular price $18 00 for $e oa
19 6 CC 15 75 for 7 371-
23 cc it 44 13 00 for 850
15 “ II g 4 11 00 fOr 550
18 ..._ gg gg • gg 91:� -for 450
9 ce cg (I 7 00 for 850
11•11.9111MMININIIM1111.01M atues
Ladies' Coats, black & dark colors, worth $18 00 for $12 00
" 15 75 for 10 50
11 00 for 683
9 00 for 600
f t 7 00 for 4 66
25 Ken's Tweed Overcoats, regular price $15 00 fcr $8 00
15 Men's Tweed Overcoats, regular price 12 00. for 6 50
Men's Grey Cheviot Overcoats, reg. price 9 00 for 5 00
Men's Black Beaver Overcoats, reg. price 10 00 for 5 50
20 Men's Freize and Tweed Overcoats, clearing $3.75 each.
50 Ladies' Fur -Lined Coats clearing at nnheard of prices.
Dried Apples Wanted
Highest Trade Prices for Butter,
Eggs and Wool.
T'P 0 RI%
- Opermite Town:Building, Corner Nein and Market Streets, Senforai.
When the Skin gets
When the skin gets rough
or hard, when the hands
get chapped, or the lips
eraeked,a few applications
will quickly heal the skin
and. leave it soft, smooth
and silky. Nothing better
Twenty-five cents per bottle
41 LW •AV •
Ontario Provincial Fair
$195 to Guelph and
return, from Seaforth
Good going Dec. 5th to
Dec. 11th; return limit
Dec. 14th, 1908.
To Manitoba, Saskatch-
ewan and Alberta the at-
tractive route is via Chi-
cago and St. Paul, Min-
neapolis or Duluth.
For information as to rates, routes&
etc., apply to
N. SOMERVILLE, Town "gear, gyAk
ita PAgeTeMir Retie4 mtlitscsw