The Huron Expositor, 1908-11-27, Page 4lity pf 0101c, although all Jmd UdD pugall,-- on- the old b jmd twh,­ 'the �t 10014-�d6 f4* A 81EAF0ft1rH%%:L9A01NQ SHOR iffe, 40t4 -:, ­ 'thi- 'an, libl"z- 1:6Ah vt 'the ot 0 J kiaMon,, Exe In! rt- STORE brib afr-Th --' - -1 'Ok--plitte ort -t pre t h -a t Id, ' --, lie Wa;� 4, dixt A they her a J0 00-11m, - - _Woa� UP10010 un, sad the -9 in the Vogt. is W lit, aUr �W -what lit 6 they bive..� T Ils-Was day.' pr�wde service -at e Uigelv 4t- 'Porn 0, -a tohftd_ funeral, Sa Im xt' -what b4p vivid A` iin thO -limit ry 13 V gar a�jd *A turday, waaa OIL- it what/win f"pen iko M- -er a -,ft era wou dueted by Rev., W� -Ulali% rfttor D be :to, beld in the Kerr rope'�rWL t :r.;MjJ .I 'Who -1the -c-4 main -91 wtre Interred J4 the faintly plot, 24th D.ecem.ber� is left pleted NA of tin a buy, ee.- -raw sarealtically T of �rfvitt Momoial hurch. The re- JWiW doA Mebowell UV -U had *k Got Y-01 want. abbeir S' re the 8ftw an - h Ana�r - th- I h-!�Put en, Sir ;.Wiltild *111 tu com The !nd Al ha. mopt torli; oft, tile Intlue I nce That" All th before Mackenzie e knlVea Of b6x.,Jbev�, be trum Florida 1 u do, especially n you can bu King, leqv could oot,' Of comrse yo , y 4ham at the TIM'swater, will. ex- W& -to. eV#& one vota�- Vul'plts "W"th Rev. Mr-' Powell Not".'�]Arg' JW. ]T. QM ho has same price ordittery rubbers ate -sold at. ened ,�Ill w14W Its Ill-gotten gain," , Well Oe,- them- but -h. at the IWO We donhIllandle any- Mom avi ocealonal o Aext ftida;y�—Thurrla.pt noxt week- been. visiting her parents, - Mr. and thing but the best brands, the kmid 'wo'know '11 bring cuttom -A woman '*ho7-brlbes� 3 IS- the date- of Wup$els t �a I�alld Teawn foi objecting tiD mdathlyhoroe, Mr.g. Uuls Luther, of Hutchinson, her era -back for other footwear. You can depend upou the Rub. doubt, a ciev ei youn V. - mas �4r Coati* d,� U:hq. 1he caudidate *who-Irlbes.,his alectore _;d h 1%rrifd brother at Brewster "d sister at .;noved into 4rz Horas -to* boad, eturzed -( you get here, because we sell noue but those =ado of pure -*t It (Piece perfom very- WntlY' the taome- Wk- to it. las� week,' if ter QMd A peppo-TmfiTt J* an_ �d efft to her lLom -. in liars ahap deto. �Thelr' Detroit Uvt week.—Mr. T. Stvftrdwn rubber. We hikve thm in all aty'left' to fib of -shoes. . . . . . . . -a on t 1-�adbur-1 10 r In I times t utio as t Pilo ft Ao mif6h a -Vrlbe -an theaedium and difficul -d pent umme es frl" Scan theFe ptice uma-ally empolowed -at elections, - �W,o f4gned, to bini. Butt-the'Relrm news- daughter, Mtw- Mary -rawatued there.' And - the - Ulmsop Laura and Cora, are and -Nh- -Alf, DaVker:and -his mother attende& visiting relatives in Exeter.—Miss M. men ata4d -apart from the burly-buri 'Papers as WS M, as the - correspondento ,witertaied last Tuesda 61 . lite. That Is to their" advwntaO. -bt - thee*. !pa the. fulne'r.al, of a relative -at Zurich 11ord - wnd Miss F, Well spent i$unday fowl dinner, the och000 pea would' be doing L - the Jaot Sluniday.—Robert Prx)161s has re- 6vening-A W. J. Wlls6res�;Th Wom� men,s* Rubbers -00c, 95c, K, 01.1 --bts wifie, �Ir� and 31rr,. ell-4noaaged #ovea --ile -A in every young - ma4 a Teal pervice -it, they, turn tp 0 a p W �Ufd, lba ­ 'r L a1r W VP L e4. to Own and r6sumed -hi form- en"s IsoloniTy Aoclefy J tr urteea, Messrs. Thc amiae -of the -word estful and sln-�: him seveeely one or a Mrs. c-ze, full Of anibltdaW�l y�et -bireathing 00111. Thin chronIdUa'g his ' ever in, D-. E-Aran'41 Wilson's laat week.—Ficking tmd .101M MeclavIn and A Z"' - WS IS One of the tr, t Ladies' Rubbers -65c; 70c, '75-c, 80c a pa onterXt, Wol �gand JDUt L men, into voll-, actit'n Wid'wo'rd-and trying.. to shop. Re L 'a --A, first'alaso mechwnic.— t9 the order ofl,the day.—Mr, James Ir tiCall 11M ivho -c=not be bougAt an4 a hero, ot blim miqr too much -in Two.Chtfiamen were in ­town ' on -Von- Brophy went -to HIlLboro -on 3,�onday. 1&U report, having had who will �vt bribe others. the build- —Miss Mabel Poster spnt Suliday thor ohn 'i5c a pair of t day of thts, week and leamd We and `-Y ildlox6us.to- be helathy. ev; Boys' Rubbers—Dsu ug north of the.S*,ndard Bxnk, from, entnj� with or friend, Ms Esther tow presented him wit thl ff xy w1ll. istart MO?herwa.—Ur. H.'English, who ha 4one mornL - s week. tile BoUn B.. Gerry, In whieff the a They expect to open xi in MIchIgWn, for isoMe Urne, to the -Uy or Blyth. Garls" Rubbers -155c and $06 a pair e one of lu, 'Cut. 0 _tieg. laumdry. p in beo W. Logan' passed away about two weok. laundries vWtIng fr a -in thisr -.0c4nity.—Mrs. number of yea,4 urage!f laMt Wednesday -at te ' a bad' attack -tin- a 1plage this size no person should Robert Dligltsh Is visiting her sister, re W1n&V= meat in the shape ot bouties h as, of tyip6ld i;i�r- - no- was the third be weii with a drty collar.—Miso Ida Krk A. ftithers.—Mrs. George Luth- Child M's Rubbers-40&and 45c a pau Case IM tha, L A -&,%-,,n ald T) 35es:th ot a -rV5�eful Citli y the Dominion Gover fami�YL but, the- other -two. Ziniax eJdL1*at daug4ter f. Mr. C. er and baby visited at Mil. H. Wick- Logan was ,of ment tro the , Iran and steel . ma:nufac-% -got -better.- Mrs. =e wrrow was the sW� A Zilla 'formerly of Brussels, was erts on Monday afternoop'—Mr. H. turerm. bright and'.cheerful, d1sposItIon and united In' Marrikgo at Toronto,' on Purdy was -called to Port Huron 2r Ar last of 'th T4epe,,bouiftleg, -were pald for -1 Oil 40 of winilali' it - was esteemed'ad .respected by every Th rda of last k to 9-r, Wm: PrIda,7,.to see his father, who was da:n-. best tr 4 the purpm.* otten Ose left to,: moun' her low In Clinton. On 1 covrAging these Par- body.,. Th .Wall Vay 'of that mse zill- mofi-hy Ul.—The new English chct1cular Industrieg tn'-Canada, a 4 wery 4re her husbana and baby eataTfty, Mr. Aud I �� L - - — I - , -, besides hek., kills maMy' old irlemds here wil! wish wM be opened an Decem�er. Gth. Ser- additlax to- other -idater. The funeral- i adv;antageg brothers and. one her much joy.�­Wasley H. tephewn. vige at -11 i. m. and 7. p. im. SOM o ClIntn to to- the e -With x4lativea there. form of �- favoiab J&Wday, le..Iarlti dutial. took plate to -t6 tr4ljoai cieme t ry on and , Miss Mae Smith,,both oil the to-wa- and an .1 and wais one of' the largest jahip,of -Grey, wore. uniteo In marriage Tue Ith. The xpositor never waa an* Is- not pa4joed.through the ke"p Even thts that. ' ever town, at the manse here on Wedesdc�y - o Uke Irone-Mbie is abou now in faVor f They.Wear �t the only, ex- 5A6AF40Rrff .Lof -1h giAn or the: Ahere belog.over One hundred rigis fol -w laot, week by- ­Rev. A. 0. WlshWrt. pres�lon vi�hfckdescribeslhe superior wearing qusffit� Xopm tor results and he The. relatives or Make Shoes. We have your Bite X "ai" - mu cuiptumanim of PounUeff. k1GWO Lis - the , The O&C. .0aaed, ". I 16LAwkiw0roach or Canadian kip, law hoes or tame to Wingham from ever, those *,authoilty considered thin. have the zy*pathy of W—roxetor. long boots. Prices $8.60 to #4 In ]see shoes, $4.76 to Sole Agent fM ge -'in - aforth f or the 247-mpreza an d I I Q ue en. QUAlity friends their sad be -longboots. Robert Willis, opposite Faipboi- ae L �tne of th# their mah�y -amd wam iso= aft% necessary for the encoura&g. of a Briets.-Mv. Thoo. Sage has r�tUrn- 05.50 In tot'. buxkuW the. Uurler�Qorvernmeat is ravamdmt.-Mr. Robert',Uughes, who tor Offiee, headquartors for heavy gum, rubbers. women# md 81;kter md Walk -over hoes for mi4n. Ama­le Cluff who repartne tor thi trak seselaii of the ybuTig JnduAiMT -:Whose development held a Mile -of big W -6.0m. TreAerne, -U%nitoba, where he e. win P J�UjTe� by t . . I - bous6hold .effects .Apefit several mns2137-1 t Contract- in wltg this week. f MW paTnqAnent the, puWr, are ad7 -meant muth to Cia,aft. I Ja possible recevltly, . left' with him with - his daugh" Clearing isale 61 milline ladles' A hompson. 'T1g& that there Srelikel-V to' 'a ter f or H bar, Mra, T -Mrs. French, of limkl. Uow, 1101c atbeb logle wpA -pound., but ricent dmonton, where he tin- wid mantles, and a Turaberry; �sapending a week with U linen 'fifty istar orators ot'America.11 chos,. ter Mr.% Kerr, aloo,'Of Wingrialm.-00 iMalistle and Miss 10si d tbf present rules of 6�11 living with of drw goods neW on at, J. Win- '. friends. In the viUb.ge.._Kios Je:nnle eu to manufacturers are rejel -=U to anum events.seem to Indicate that Oeseln" -his son's farally.- cing Une -0onc wras goo ,cwtractor U bate, , JM fteL TlouAa lot Commolli. The eds, ert Company have 213 electrity the greit Mtselonar�, flax jet a, View -to eXpofting public, dustries have outgrown tlie stage IndiAtil atewart, of Selmore, vWted hir tous- 7-2 Congrew at Q&%go. NotbIng less the fact that the fine weather of RaU this wee givnin Mi -Lk -of ID Milly, JUr.rla, thia We, When they are dependent upon pump- dwei k._ Parm Furchaaed.-Mr. (Wm. Aber- Ahan a vorb&tUn re;*rt would do Jus- vWat week br o enabled thera to draw *Ioek, the Bap ent concert every niiht, ind a- kr block, ]Sf- 1 ".bumtnow and plwienthig- uAless p"- �L, ljoward Bolt,_ Of _Tu Mr- hart, 'of bimondville, has 'purchased tice W rzft�r McXeWis humorous ro- JIT all -the flax that "was Weed oa 44 rsiberry, the Cum the town la 1, the Br of debates." In'Oth6r ir-Ing md. fid"Selling We* Mediiines and 6 mlngfam on the Ith ,conms- ply,*' -ftursing fwm,.- the Goven-. electric entatallned a, nUmber of their younir wbich was fAtlovmd' ty sons, In the fleld.-Court Ivy reen amd m=,y other balWo woTdq� the GoveirnWnt proposes. to after working here, slon of Tuck6amlth, at present occu- speeches and 8 oreAestral. selevtIons. No. 143 Canadian Order of Forasterp, X00d echanic, and a c the_pa� -The sW tot the Idt d�ed in robbimf nmt -treuWry, wh Ue the last vestige for A cou -or, friondo last Thursday evening. F the ple �Ot Months, left t .�Ider m-111 closed 'on 80tUrdA bAdftff PW by Mr. McGee. -.The farin con- ]@ver 'y Of, -am excuse, for the c=tlnuIngJ Of the his home in L Shelbume - on Monftl.,-m ybcdy wam happy. attended divine ervice In the Met& fie0i type- Upright aud eamstry, a- -good - stout gag. -The out- tains 106'acres and was purchasedfor cry inaft 6�7 iiia OppoOttion-over the bountim has been wb one Mr. A. McCrelkht is at heA a Igood eason.-%be Toad machine od* church on Sun-U'y raorning, U* 'he enjoel present vloiting, $4,600, lthough the buildings arenot 4n.Xoors at work on- Mill street thin week. aud were veryabily addrAwed by Rer. M- commuzit;y, - I daZk-1=fXM bWdueft eXPQsed­ last gas- of thm industries.- his ter ftrula.-Mr' 'L Jo wom very good It . W good value. gt this has, jitarted to, learnL Dr. Miedd - forluerly of Heaj *ft =a& fjie. gag of perators ner- op , atter% of Fordwich, Who -of Forest, the operating' at Price. Mr.. Aberhart 4who -has been The cotmen.-The council knet a *Vuty reeve, ozd had made t6 Quite r,ecenUy It �ras -noted, In sev- the C.P.A. d,pot.-M ohn Ste bas Just recovered from an- attaldk 04 sall. Th� service was larply attenjiq .ft6 tovM in the -count-v lvoms.'aad Provision lo' to be eral of tho daily vape3hq, some wart, typhotd fever, was'In t6e village on living' primtei for ;everdl yearg, -In- Novmbe, 16th, A petition from Rev. 'ed both by Fora4ter*and over ten 7ears he had�-1 the, mckuths. of the diaturbero. PrW that a: -of . Bayffeld, visited fr1pnds in *town a tends going back to farming a -as 14-r. McNabb aiid 225 others, whiclY was Jf0v& _ Seoti& SW CDM gain lvlzrtov Howe has re. the wrvlee was Muth joyedi VaMber of the public Is :rtW: daWS last Veek,'-W. McCrac�en, t f. -Grask, Bask- heals Town tired of leisure. Mr. Me- filed with the clerk 01V October $1-st, Tfie above to from the Toronto Mail PaMY, one, at theO who had bee& nurs- Of 00441ch,'Nias her- urjled� row ellow .-Mils W. U. HaulwilrX, AOTW, was, last!. week -,sell- in TO.$ vhere blit experience, St, hort ed by 1 Junent. GibmA of Thatnestord,.-waa the -guest, Gee -hatsijeawA the farm,* of Url. Fer. was presented to the 'councli aoklnc and Emplm It '&wlosea . ve:y had been tPt A�Vft*t mop to the I guson alongside the one he vacates. that a lb* -law be relito recently attendtng the Int a is, and Ot I mulunittaA to a 'vote god erost In the Vve successful In, seejurfng a, lar -Mium J. Russell Jast weiek.-MIr.A. -cultural exhibit -a taTibie - sitata -of am&& indeed. 1, t ge c0ft-� Met- -,With good Isucce Rasm anding several days D4 of the electom, under the rovislons ochool vmre tract for­0beel rang -to he delivered SOrnerS er h p newly. Died At The Sm. -Man old friends of the local optim clauses of the 11- wai a faithful =mber 110 ftUbt, be, a Vary' �JqerloUs, 111dia, useen ba* disposed of the prop- thereMr. would-, and that In -conV6UtIo has his barb erty on Khrfafta'atiiet. which he re- in this townWp. will Tegret to learn JQWpb L Bllig retuMed m-*tterl tot - gag Is Mr. Poster,. . Dr. Englad alla L n W! '1, Patnted and. papered, w -hi Or week --from gamitoba where he Ve.nAt rhurch. He waki also A. other - countries, It. is it up v lghtens celftly' purchaoW frova Mrs., McLeod, to of tle'death at Sault Ste J&rie, ov- q0r. Uceow act. Moved b 'MM'pbeil OeVeral WMko 'With his ery much.�--Thb fire en I ff was -November 12th, IDT Da ld and me?4mded by Sha'that am paid �e- Telatives Cider' of t BoycaUcl other ot air indeed gratif YIng L that one Of Ourf Can- out for , taro, an: v Abe MA imil . ! 'Practice. last Friday test Mr. -W. R - Jex.-About sixty couples an - the required f riend-9 -Mr MJltoa McTwggart who 19 ijund ot bigham Moral adian Industries Is thus' ble to com- 4t after .$ were; "presiairt at the at-home given In Mbore, wa of the late Peter Moore., of titiOn h213 more th e h&rdwaxe bw#neas in &skatthf Wlm .9 the, break ­:that. hap 1&�Iiation is survl- their etam; I - As for, to umber ot isipatures the same. be en- In th Pate successfully " int,- the. Open hall la�A Niednesday even.. this township. The deceased,' who was A. ew2o is ihere spending few weakgj dark -lantern bmdnew exposed last gas- with the ms'rket' Wat,the fire on Tha",agivi the to*n tertailned a�nd the clerk be Instructed dow and three daughters WL It IS * good work,in aisant, time. only, A2 years of age, was taXe down large m�anu-fa'cturers ot the No g o In:g, , and, all report a ple *1th his pa"aU sad frimde -Mm X4 alion10 Me afford to, let thAt, page. . -world, but . the fact tha thq have it -MT. and Mr(s.'z C. Fl -19dwards are - via ty0hold ever and died 'after a4 to prepare -a - b -law as reaulred by can with -The people haye -oken, and the � -ver- -reached this 'condition should y be needd, but It Wish every- 1-tinir the form-er'is parents -in o Illness of tWo weeks. lie JIs ivrvived the liquor license Act CaTrIed. O& BOVIron, of Exeter, �isli;j reltdVen 189 - rd here lamt week. -Oar marehaint-9 buf- dY that 4t vvill'-be 9. loge. mation ot C�Japben and Keenteheon, an tic a *Aw i fare Lee&ed. tim's be- by his Wife, who to a daughter. f the little baby diet ft that the so-called "'dark -lantern , 1ent Iguarintee that they hav lagain. -Mr. A. cKbnzie' Wleh�Kr- W. Patt4noon has purchas, omplaIAJug that the present ff rm0led- the fitage whft the gbc)Wd 1 bag ed from: Mr. Thomais Berqpblll the late Benjamn Blair, formerly of Kip- the T-eevO'=d clerk were inAtructed sta:7 at the bome Of Ur started-,& harneaq shop In the!: -not favorable for budnaw. .......... gxpos eWl. -&-myth- that there be ble to -get jaong 7.ftout bimildi ur were - 2 d two. children. To the young to wU the Johnston 94io, Xcl)onald weather Is � .1 n, where, Mr. J. C-&rtef Lu*d to. L&CO'of land' �knovvn " 'the flat My drainae debentures to the beat Vos- PartIcularly so for the sale -of wlffl�4 were noi expopurps and: that the - X . . - The Young Ladles' K. M. W Society, widow and.ohildreo as Well as, to ter gooft-Willie McArthur recentJ7 vr of Mrs. Will Corbett, - have his shop. -Mr.. J hai fidble G. Moser adva4tage. Oil motlon of Toy- bargem b4d'only been made -to de- For 'years now, th6se companles have, been.awiy W,4reat deal, of �Iaje, pall- _6T6 mAkj1hg aerangementa'for a con- other relatives will be 'bxtejmd-ed th "turned fr= the -Wfi4, where he ehisincerest sympathy of all In this - 'or and McCutchecyn, By-l&w 'No.- 48 been eniched t the 6xpapw of the "g ceilt tq be given s6on.. Aft. "d Mrs. ad been, Vendh* -a ftw inantbmL-Out coh�gs.v atent - uhL di ter,. aiad -he - Is Wj,( whi country, and now that Ahey vh, 'go SmIth of Bluevala, were guests' at hour of deep affliction. wam provIolonally adoplid. A number nt Oyer ale mat -on. the od success. -as he de- $ Of &,CCOAM;,to were passed for- payment, dral1a contractor 'Ur, R. Lamo Hut,,ta discuss the��pro osition ch SProsvIlle Notes. -Hr" d-, L&A., ' .1 t - -parsonage on Sund beeh bbidered Wrea,tly Waiting tor tUe shown themselves to be independent :serves. It he ay.-:-Maatr P, inent. - Robert. McXuri tjie Mail introducen may be- Of interest 'D� further gaiernmexif atd: 1-4hould be verx'-­handy article. for. Ptterson Is. able to be'out again- at Bride, of' Hmlton, isp ent . several da yo and the cauncil adjourned- io, meet on De(*nlber With all housep­.�hat,-use. edal;l.­�-As'swn as here with his aunt-, Mrs. S. -Wallace Saturday, November 28th, at i o!c1ock but w1tA the aTrJvai of. tho tile md alue tof the people. ne preposi- given to them. -The giviug."- at ,boun. te�r his recent and Mrs, rxvsbkg. tbepni the weather set cold -enough Mr. . and other trlends.-'Mr. Fred p g' P. m.-M)m. Clark, Clerk. Md oMer relatives in one --of. the worst form :of , - Mfe; endt vWteLd friends In- Miid�. rI s ty.—Mim W don 19 no� to, gag 's the imember, Car ter &, puttin a laige laid J. t. W of - 4. My* -gov-' -f but -tot '1�dmplity 'p the proteetive tem, and the Ino Johave for -6 may lot, wftk. ond Herb. Horner, of. Toronto, pben of Rran B4'! pen air pkatin spent . few days here, the guests of rink, -and' T1, M, a�IUMntary Ma7 ftjjM�t would make � 9, wtw' and pop- ther Hippen. e r. y cut c�f pumu needless rerl Up -a ular no !a 1s, no doubt It will be Mr. ond Mrs. Will Sproat. -Mr. Harry' m were they, to Uk6 advantage well 'J*tronlzed.-Mr. !Wl. Uttrace- Change of Business at IffensaIL—The result ary -Clearing Owe of ea and Morolitinue j Was who Imireter millinery, ladlaf' Archie Brydg,-�s w1d a amd om&ne discusdon Within- rfeagop- of�the c Tyndall has finished 'threshing . for -crane-maji on the construction r a reasonable prices in lftrness�,.Robes, Bells, 191 81 year ld. colt to Mr. J�W repairs, eto. J. Donsildson bw pure goods MOW 0ja at way, shortening If - -o - f the C.P. Hedden,, son f Mr. T. 'Teawa-ter, for the -bouintles.' Pqrther then. thin, Xotes.-Mervyn thIs Yea d wound up witU the -usual gad --hildreal mantles, and a-11 lines the - aftat I able bouaidg, In, tlilla N of dress R. through, here, -im at y edlel-=ess business of Mr. Hoxwsnd has e- them c6mpanles are:able to compete ent'viatting friends -41i town pres William Hedden, of Cry9tal Pity, Mane. per.-Mrsb 'I*fttU Thoker aosslons,�, leseW, ar the se -Mrs. and d rythingth be IminerA Hehaall, ato ex -P81 13 In the open- molket the. � '9OvefJ1PWJ1t` Richmond' 11taba, and formerly of Exeter undeva aughber, Myrtld�, have moved 1 -ed with A OOmPlete 8600)r Of eve week in Toronto ftne-ag pf,Ladon, Is visitingrela In a 11rd-olass harness shop. When in need of gpodo t operation at Brandon, Inhis liushe will bepleased to Wilt Oil yoa. Per, In, io;;n this home f rom 6nd All withOu any ImairmMt '014 ahould see that. material provided for tives " Wen't an the town, near the public school, where 3&11 Vd4i#,act- The ast offift en biv way week. -R6 'John she Is comfortably oettled—Mr., R. feet satisfaction and right prim guaranteed tment bas Issued advertlas-4 the pi�bW bumiess. It. Is now 06m, railway -c "truction, and (ither work hois ,gery depar IAldla*, -Chicago, was here thel ast 01-tal recently for appendicitis.,- -The. -*� Parry S6utd. In Canada 14 sold, 6y these com 8�nlj' 'S Gillis- Cdwpiuny have their saw LaIdlaw Of Sacramento, California, baa time. J. Donaldson. coming Tor tinders lot Amd- Jkta- 'Mocwum practice- for.. memWA9� JDn both IP k� -v1siting relatives. -Fraser -l& U� and I - inea�s and OlearIng sale of millinery, ladlee the at pricer% -.-not- based on a protected mill now ner alrAved here, where he and Mina., Laid- aTYInj -of, the " vaafis bo4 lAllilson, ime attimdIng th the House. tof talk much Img Ut ri 'is trick -yard has closed 416 Dry;sdde,. omparative gan aZd tile.. stave op- law amd famIlY Will visit fjl�nds -for atnd childreWm mantles, and all tween. Moen and marl -et b �,at p a c eration, The machinery is (being PlaC- their brother., F er thaim uecemay,. It Is -quft proper pric'eff (to utside- Interesta, Own � foT' the - Iseamon' af ter a very'L ed ift Lsqme time. -Mr. Jake Sproatlis laid off Of dre�w oofto now on ,at J. Wais- H11la Grei�n god Blakd postaffices. Ifte od Year.. They- tuvied out a lot of 4tion.-A large.'dra%rn work *Wton eouinty.-Vhe -.W that every representative anould be .puch ag In the case mentIoned above. and have bee L centre - piece, -which Miss innie Wynn ork with -a .IsDrq band at,present, land mlller'isi, Uensall. 2137-2 service is �tv be daily tht mme -as, ftow� ans- y Society 4ofthe BdJ n successful In L for able amd willing to give' reasons -for. , ust nW. Ckna& s engaged In beavy worked ',a. lady In tWahington, 115'enJoying well earned rest.� Briets.-As We. mentioned In last The ra,sent c0ntr-RU le:kplreg Dn be diMpostng Of - most - of it,�Whlle (the od%t eircult shipped 12at faith'that I!% I" 'him Md week'a Issue, the ladles of Carmel first of -Ap-rA -next. Tenders must be `ot dr toods isid a box this Mid OGOUY rallwa work for the fur- bell was awarded fiTst prIze' at the Dayton, ther- de.velopment -,bf our latent re ringer -was -ringing the bell on C ai ter Gener*1 Wa;y Ivipramat the. views Ott. h1a con- 'Sunday -morning' Qh�v, f aft. This- Is. quite g, olubman jPrqsbytertan church are spiwlng neith- addressed toi the. Postm 9 Deamongs 3aome, Ibm the hanimer ' icame mourQes, wad any cut In the V.rices of 1,6 tor the work of one of our 'Exeter X6 =�-Lafilt VXlda-Y the Rev*- Albert *W '�nDney nor 'Palm to make �thel-r -aud.must be In befom January PtItuembt an the f loor of Parliament. ose$ so In .'the evening'the bell did, tha, thme materials would be of ladle% - the'Toun'g, Men!s Mc concert on St. An_ 1,909. prinod - ltenAer* may -to fro -n4 it Is, e ot - ring, whIc disappointed a num young Keonj R.T.L�, delegite-at-large imd , - jorms A qually proper. ample n fowl upper a�md . � of vantne. to the !country at large. And h Christian "Association has engaged Mr. " prear%�r drawls evening, November 30tif, SM- obtained P -t or Kippen o M- lbeautIful d m Dr. opportw&y be aitoided every - rnem-. ber of "the church goets.�Mr. -McArter extram%linary 11 to tii4d first -BHad-- River.. I&St moliday this la owing to the country, for the Ces, L and, In -addItign to a line vocal teg 'or f rom. the Ispector at Landou. ber for tha exercise of, this, right. But hais addd -a dark room; to his hoto Juseph Sonlor4a hall for theIr work. Catholic Missionary Cbngress,.retarned ve�T generously divided A' §tUdilb, which'is a, grftt convenience. n ain. XIss -e may- be -ambers Who abuse thfa prfvUege r ver m4terial mpmeUry it.a*leanVe Regular mefttfi" of thd association tri3n ChicA and Instrumeotal PrOgramm%- Notes. -Mrs. �Dr. isnalile, of PaIJM4 that' has been given the Irm.and steel.;-�--The Will be held'each Monday-, but the hatt - Messrs. Con- Har the well known locutionist. Will IM, IMM, Who was- here attending . at , the municipal ielectionl right should bd Tg&gged. It Is an a ouse C hrbilan - Undavor of - the - Pres- 04a T)Osdxy afteroon t� ow t ot the privilme for a. member to oc- inditstries from the public- treasury. In. -btertan will'be open each: evening for'mem-- rad a:nd P gIve a number t *oel6etlonu.-Mr. EC. funeral 1DI her mother, 'Kra. Montettil, church-. hdre entertained the rederick left he 1, 130'rbed there are new 4si re for Chl- 'the fleld, upd, -.o*ing to cug�- the� timm of Parliament kapeaklar this'way the countiy would -but be WaItcal Society on Tuesday 'evening In 'berm. -Mr. Daniel Somders sustaineC- a cagxy, in, 6rder Ao be. pr4isent at the J. D. Cooke� ibATrister, was in GWer- and also 'visiting Tdativs anil Irleaft and -reading :for from two t6 -49. the base -MJ Aes Of their -niece Was getting back Its own. 'The c painful injury one day rp Ich thi-week.-Dr. Daniel Bell, of returned 'home the fore part ot tba Oml cobntly. He wedding fei-atiVIL by extra exantUti ,-Kenzie, hree of God- -13 vidt his paT­ Shatter, of -the villaW, le pw at Mr.L hours a. time, ntor the purp nesid0n, of Palidnien iW, w,%s making'same *alterations in Mr. Nora McBrIde, Ing sad bridges, th o3e Would' be An -'OP- erich, bra,gueat WeElroy's Bruxer, well and favorabiy re ple men Bell, or.- beginning tG ha ot Influepoing the views Of big fellow portune time for legislation, rutting a Vrevient. iW. D. 8=4ero'- bArn, When. he fell, membered in St. CDJumban and BeeeLp. onto Mr, and Mrs. Ja last Week attended the funeral Of her, i IRTe -V* a, (very few out the giving ol. "bou*44& and In , trying. ta.mave himselt he wootod. 'The Urmera l,thls section have made Aster, Mrs. XrOft. aephen,-Ur- truck. the �palm of his hand on �tfte A Healthy Pla I er Inc al of Ca gar j9 pe -ft Mr. the 9, VI t h Ustm to him nor yet for the pur- lu­ r-- -eel-The demise of excellent use of the fine weather f Gib tS I r y h. skor.nolr i getting 4A to "EWE poos of Influencing, the- -prong of -a -fork.-Mr. and'Mrs. C. 14. Ebstingil Is -the first death that has wee their =Otheru, 31rS. JOhn! On people in the Clearing sale of d Bilioriarrx6tes an'd ladles' 11orney recently celebrated the 80th occurre In the parish 4f St. Colum- tall 'ploughing fIiohed.-X=. W, H. dair, of the Kippen road. Mr. Sintlair country,bemizs6 it In very rarely that and childrentei mantles, and in -Tlielle wa Tecenoy, i sach pftches, -,are reported at much AndTew CW=egle the gria Amer-', gob all lines anniversary of their marriage, when ban in eighteen mvnths. 1We used -to Thompm. of Winn1peg, In spending S Is look g V41 and s&ya that things HOM510 Lake. sask. the a length In the newspapers; but shnpl of dress do 'now an at J. Weis- a� idumber ot -relatives. and friends- as- have from. eight to fifteen ever couple of monthm with her friends Mr.- ate boomig armmd Calgary m ac -I - y stell, iavgn�te, skys -that the 'uffilwa Rehsau. - and MrM Robert Carnela' and intends 'Zount. of the -good cflQA,§ ftis SaasM r y ye#r. A%jg t Mr. and MM for the gratification of hearing hJM at the' e, they are be- Abut ovftg-to, t e auimiclous The doctors are to blam of Chi- coming *er skillful.- "Old a aWl Industry In the tUbIted States IS_ John GaJJMVn, -be pelf speak amd havink his wairds- re- 10f -the am Bell 'aleryvarft living in Toronto. On -The sick of our vl4age, Mm, Jimm eleftg- - ge" seems Jda7 L'a MCCIL I �V,ftln K of Cot n. and _ 3ft'J. W & pp the 'T der W, crded in Hainsard, the otticiAl now in a po-Ation to-do Without pro- '14th conceis�On, xecently -underwent -an caso, wan -b��- receh.tl�- an a visit to to be about the Only dise last wftk Mr. and YM AM 4K record ase they ca"Ot rixt aperatloh. at -Dr: 9 hospital In relatives. Mr:' Bell Is a. -member 'of with that trul who have been under medical)%ttentlooi -PP &-e. Ki C. tis y of de]34-tea, or fortfle -equally traworA tedhon, Apparently— from recept GunW, c0p6 With. -All PersOnsdstring to die K)rs. Beruzrd Thomson wngbo were bor-h = Clikton aiid, his many friends will be - d hJus not hospitality, that is inbred and for some Oays, are -now, we are Vleas- thy object ot blocking the, business of the Ca:nqolan steel Indu the" Chicago 'police, �force ah of old zge mhould *come and take up. tow.m4wo, NorthumWLW trles Plew" tO . learn . that he is Irnprov typical of many of the Flarliankent. Ay-menfloer who caar np� Kafbean here ft -nearly thirty years." lie their a,bode in. St. Columbvn. T e isona vnd, ied to say, on, the mend, -XT. Gilbert have arrived. at the same L h�;ppy, stage h Or. r10 an, Were marrk aupty Wraself and tharo lcely.��Urs. . 1ouis is - alai dd borne boy. -Mr.. J. R. WrIber hat no toiva ots for sale, but d4ughbRO Ot 18cotland entertalined Dick, ur -terpriAng and, ener. y exbiii*t, ughl. itheir � ,existence. Dalshw�ood, and sister- jof -Mr. Sohn McDMQd and he Misses Horney.have he knows r6yally som� seventy f their- tock 'buyer made- axotber shl ozy oT&nary oubieft In an hour at the tight where you 1kn get them, niltider. "Aftoi Delchert, of :thW" vlllioge�, died - On returned from, AWL extended trip to' Death at'a . PlZmeer. relatt and friends the occasion. -be- thim We0k. Ift. Dick Is alwav on, tbe longest, must have soi�ethtftg Tadical- -The death of "Al g of their rercT for 26 years,,the -D, wammin And in t 1 ly w rang with . his. condensin The ToTowto.?4-ew.aawy,�; ;'-Updr the last.,weqk. Krs.'Kraft Was the weist.-Mr. -.k. E. Aodgert has ing th handmme 90 -he co=%. of a :year leavow Mr. William, Hastings sr.� took place, Tnachln� V try nd he-ishouid b W 'therp are manufacture of laot Friday ievening:at' two stor, 0, lot f money with the karmey e made repair It ` 1tne AdmWstration In this neighborhood and sold his atent for the eb AS her m any. friend- the -residence of -eV rick dwlling just . com- ;I#i;K at S�mfirldge lor 0 instead of ibelmg permitted to waste fortunately no occurrqnm� eu s mourn.her e�art- his 'exten�Am,' steel silo curb for con- his pan -in-law, Miles McMillan, - lot pleted. The mmence to a credit to thi's vicinity. -Our chopping mill uTkq years- the valuable time of Parliament and ure.-Mr. 9 Ronnie Is er6ctlng aband- r�ete d -loo to the, London Concrete Ma- 22, commantan' 6. township of. Rtbbart. its o*mrs as -well -ai to the contract- der the able management ot H, thom Tevealed the Marine Inquiry Rome frame'dwellIng on the 4 -aged In the hoW U14nei J doing *&'good Md all who had a part In its Safethe i boor the 'Public. Of course there ma';y chine Qopmany. MT. 'Hudgert - also, Born Iit Umerl6k, Ireland in fs2s, Mr. Ula M four years sto t h e v&e i when at Quebec." But the ews doesn't; add opposbte -the Evangelibal Ichuirth. Wide a ,yea-rPis onract with 'the Co t COM'PletIGA and th3y Were L 'all of bei m.m9lans longen fAme that, we- m Hea ings, following big star of de�s- Tfost and took u f 01- Messrs. , W. ad' W. G. Hess, were L bered an guento an thin occaslom With the front of his store repainted. M. p land I -have Mentioned mity be requl, red to that -the Witney Admlz4stratlon- painy th reprAsant -hem as travelling. Uft, - croased the Atlantic in 1847, and I . . I . Im-ke dWxIeL Tripp �thoxoughly exhaut a sub3act. - "d lwed a -Lieral Government where at the. 'ptnery on a joho�Ytlng expedl;. M&Jesm0!A. Puic-U"d a home In Toron to, where tedbles fairly goaning with the weight Hor belleves in 'haTUig' leverythig, In or age, and his wife '16. there are. 4wm memW.% who on'oed tion-lat week.-Dr-Wiloon as called ' AnotherPloneer 'At Rest. -It Is our he remained for "three year. Clty of moist tmpting viands firat elava order,�--The Me open 'weathir to gtv- a- thingis were all:rlght whUe the c- to Ch' mine 4bildran of Vne m4rX. J � ! leago laist. weak' 16vdn' ellent oppo islons should uo ne r1mit g L to the mad duty. to chronicle* this week the lite, however, bad no fWaciation for ramale oth vocal"aind "Instr mentki. Ing our. villageilms an exc - r- currences revealed at uebec were the serious' Illness u tUnItY to lj� their odda iwd ends vt occa;4[cma and uch men ar'-e rare. Both und- subpequent death -des.th, at hh%.home irg this village of this sturdy Y—oug f armer from Llm- and games und dancing it Is need- result of I 4 Llber�al Government 6f- him brother, who was also a doctor, one of the mof,widely and favorably prick. ln'1850 b6 pre-empted all epioyed themse'ves SALE REGIST could be mvided for. If � each member -con- lot Ila less to sky that I work done before wia:ter sets in,-Vhe Inuing -In It ftemis. that, the - - (unfortunate rn.a4� the , ftbbath School ot $- of t office officials 'who 'had known pioneer forner In this part Of M bbert to their earvg ontent funta t. Andrewl Xovexn�er Wk wera Illn-fted to a certain, number Where be hag'ever since been is tburth na been trained by a -Conservative Ad- contracted a 'form � of - klaaders while, the country, in, the perison Of - Mr. held ta b h teem by 'non-Catholics for hours pec eiislon and he be permit K As wee sme Ifouts &nd that 41t. was the Al* making great. 1preparatloa-i 9moadville, House and Lot and I Ming sr. De6 w orn ted to usia the whole time himself or m1nimtration. perfor an operation and althodg.hL William' 1-I67rton, as b' opinion of one and all -that there their Chicstmas �entertainwent: Te. 7r. B wn, C 9J9 -well- as by m-dinbers of his own -0 jj�a'jot ar Ce f U a Wiednesclay �Xor. 20th, at orse loa-n a% much of i.t -�s he Aeslred,toL: everything knowft to medi al science' nie Brockville, in the county of1jeeds, church. 'The prpsen 6 a ch a large were no better entertainers thaki Mr. It Is 'gratifying �a notleo 'that Was done for him,' the L disease proved in. thia !yeaal 1830' and consequently, had cdogregaktIOA as attended: his - funeral X0Q&n4,P.MP6. neme othar member, this would, In( our and MT4. Thomson. It Is the Wish of -A little gIrl named Bealrice Daw- afaital.-Mr.- and Mrs. P. Rau, of the sttabi)ed. the Tlpe.- age of 78' years at. on their M&ny f riends that they may auctioneer. icelish In: a lairge mea.%- Parts from nearly all manufacturing Commer 3f6vd-wy- * to a crowning tribute I � ed at On Fx1doy, Decemer Atb, at one -6 ure tha result desired and would not clal hotel, were In IMIchigan 'the time of 'his death. - W rL quite his m,wrry 'good to lb'n ispard to enjoy their eomtoriible Wnt D`ged �f'v 'k 11 contras p).Ant to -a decided- revival of M�pgitly vtsitling r rt and while coasting an flAtu.r 0_1 tive he qualitles of hea Ottawa liot 33 ConceWon. 3. 1, RL young man he came west and ettled mind, The pastor ok , St, hqme.-The lar the � laew Tbwn ahe f the uburbrgn at 8; a and friends. ge tile for 9"RyolleL Th busliness. Factoiries ving Thankisgiving, in the o� Perth, on -lot 5, reets. 13 W ould also Gbvlata which have been' ---�Whlle* out'drd an ounty con- Columban, drin on Rlbbmon strept arrived thl chwnt4 the':r1eqUilern, MEURS and -preach- 1 5 Milk wagXM CaMe' do t_h -I and dowA or running on short tim y an, of the -ced in po- twn e hil OnWednesday, December0-A- a 19me bf the -very sens6less, vad un- are a*..F Da 4ohn Gallyn 14th caesdaft .14, township of Hlbbert,. which ed the faner4l, mar vil. 'The pall be,, week wkd will iso6 be pla knocked her a on%-Xc,JK!JJoP, C. Southv own. ,ell of Toronto, Wembd struggles which cOnMssian, -met with Jalpainful accl- at that time w -as In, Its prl;neval con- eris were 'Alex. Kennedpi Patrick Mor- one ot Undan towimbips. oldBA pro Wacaslonally gain Jn f1411 x3w&tion w1th brlgfi� de1nt, 11j3 horse.-beckme'frightened at Otion. Being L blessed. With an excep- r1v, Thmna.Co,nnolly, John. McConne take place tz Parliament, of one party U Is visiting 'her paxnts Air. and Mrs. PrOspects. for contkiulng so.,' It 'would a traction -e' 4nd best known residents died at We On Thuridwy, Dweviber M, a I trying to, wear out the etieb-r by, what ngine, an4 upset hirn f rom flonally' istron�g constitution, which'. Michael C(YYne and Thomas*Ryan. Mrs. Alex Tahomvon.—Among, Mr. Th -4, - Iseem $rm this that the wave of de O;rir lot concession '14, M 'rueg­� 18,,Bronsoir yve Stanley, A� st, might term, brute force. his buggy, with the result that four rof qualification, imippler4ented'by. ambi- Frnk oMn's, 'relatives from a d1stauce whO "day, In the- erson of Mr. Thom1mg his ribs- wre- broken. Rev. Peter- tiu;n and Tare business tact, and abil- 1A91s` five cildren, pre-decea' Rut, whatever the:remedy, a remedv PTOSsbyll,' is � past and that., we are a- ;attended hi's house warming on Fl-,, park The ROPP, -of. Day -Port, M1 sed'tim by MT. r1arkiUSOWS death la required. interests of'the coun- galn an the up grade, 4'lthQught in chigan and Rv, tty, he istoon clegTetl and so Imroved a few munths. Beoldea Ills amiable day evening lamt were his tW10 als- ue to an attack of paralyfAg. antry d6nand it and the -people de�-Ix fthancial circles. it. is hardly canisld-- Mr j Kauffm an, of Ohio. addressed'sdN�- hta farm,, as to make It oxf-e of the wife, he is -surVITed by two daughters ters Mrs. Muittan, of Monkto(n, MAIRKETS-1 era M�60hg in the Mennonite church -ftnest homes In the county. at the same iind t Mrs. Buttrey of Ethel, also Mr. But- which he sustaind several mmtha &., . Mil and' 3 �wdll reach n viz.: Mrs eS go. He wbas IS years old, wad is sur, pect' it, and .- despite the ered that trade wndition' here cently V916 W H-CM11- re time acquirlvg a competency try "his brother , David, of Toronto; their normal is which fin. Hibbert; - Mrs. P. A. O'Sulliv Vived by his wife, five a -me and thr" croakings of thi�! Mail andLother journ- aind,for* nearly a 'year. Deaths.—Aftar allin-gering Illness ex- - M - als ot that flk� the Governmenf will, Pwv.ed him well In his last days. He McKlllcrp Patrick, of California, aWi Mr. Fife of fugham, and his daugh- dAughteM. hea'.... teadlin&LVer isome years; itra. Samvel sold hls'.fatm about fifteen -years J10h of Hibbe t. QaU, ptr bu be Jacklag In their duty - It they do There ha been, and Js� still, vneth- . a19U n2 r 14aitzt,,dled im Thursday of- last'week, aind bushel nat'make an -honet- aftempt to stip- d�cha-sed a reAdence In Exeter.. ar er CUbalt -boom, and for isorne week3 from that dread dt 00ftliment Y.—On the eve -of hL9 'Ply the rernedy and that, too. during W%st the dally pa . gease, ce�ncer. Mrs. where -he coutinued to U;ve until - the departure foi Chicago, ather Me- ZVU4-per too.... the a session. pers have been full Nalst had been -mklng her home -with thne of his death. He was' an upright Ke0m wals wafted on by trustpes Nolan, Shorm. pezon Of-Cbbalt comany advertisements, and ­,her mother, 'Mx.!§. Phill Low Grude Inonr, per tm ....... ... Jp Hat�ch, f or -man,, betng atrictly honorable. in his Dalton and Patrick Plaunry', wh6 re- several years, and here she received ON'T- WAIT T he Root. of the Eyll. Cobalt bc4orn While Cobalt has� dealkgm with his itellow men. Al, qu ed h r4ewe. every at r est Im to attend a bo&rd weeting 30, 1, ...... tantion th'ough - all 4fer isuf- though he encountered and 'endured In �,ardei to adjulst. a little difficulty. til PuMer, tob ...... passed the speculative stage, , and Bribery at electionu is a fruitful It, feiling . she bor� up - with ' '.0hristla the many bardships: , indid-ent to plo- As they sntered -the hall tile )orchestra per ton, EV?Urce of much newspaper talk,' elad hais- been pm.-ved by actual experience fortitude. She, waig well and faorably Un 'the crowds of Xmas shoppers have neor life, 'he 'retained his facultis,to struck up a lively air, �rhile the Mdes yea W ita .... . .. MaWchemeEi have been advanced fo� that the mines In that. kniorwn and-her'death VVIJIL be district are regret- a emarkable degree to the last, and ladles and gentlemen present rose ell Potat ...... .. .... It% el rich in minerals, there . are at . a bad by many, but h9r 4eatli mwit .'beln:g 61 b. Jocose and lively dimpool- maMe and 'reeted their pafAor - with piqked the beot, YoU, kn tho I-tw r iminallon. 'The latest- explp;na- Ow per th hate be'en a..happ.y relea,96 from Pala* Wn, will be greatly, mtwed,by alarge cheerS end vpplause, Then. on -behalf tlon of Ita origin . and the,, possibla tlrnie many "inveot;66nt - p4ev eord(_ong) ..... .... s" being litd suff0ing. J3,esldeo heir mother, ',circle Qt rel pmwaited to the people that cannot do' brother atives and friends, upon of- the ca�,gregatfan, Mr. TD%, Me_ storvabout the early bird. 'Wm Per cord (ehort) ...... renwdY ts�rGm the pen of "Madge Mer- and sisters- she Is surVIved whom be frequently called during* his lady and P(atmanter G. Ic will ton,"' the�'clsyer editor of the WoMen's Otherwlse 'than result In disaster -to by one wn, Le6naA.' The funeral took yb� of- retirement, and In whose stepped boirwa-rd. and-�presente Holland d IlEjed t aftp service fa icle as* the7 lAvextors. The Whitney Govern- .place on &mday; and 'T� I Father e Ratur prom -homl�s his !name was almost a house- XcKeDn : with a big av any art we lorurt if P4ge In th JOU day Toronto Star, and inient' h" -very properly. puri4a bulgig you wish Toronto, Novemly-er U.—VIM the.-, 19vangplical 16hu'rch, the re - twice with bank notes. They aloo, read an- gforoatariot� in car iotsou trp. malh-9 hold.woria.. Mr. H6rtan �mm there is more tham a-, little truth aiiA, loqkPto thage invesGeiit 'PrOPOsi- were tnte�red In the Bronson. 11ne! cem- timim' with a vl6w to preve-attug Inarried, both wives having vredecaao­� addr0es, -couched In eldga!nf ignguag0, 001mmon enge In, her explwnatlon and' any etery.—)flos (Cathlwlale Gingerich, ed. him many yea;rs, the first being In which they- referred to the f6ur poultry but genuine comganlea ' under credit da hter of the i Torouto, November %--A g the remedy. She ays,. '.ug ate Jacob Gltger- -Margaret Glen, eldeK daughter of'th thoumz-d dollar ' church debt which o0a'd Dribery at Me6tions, able managemedt, being 'Placed before Ichl of the Goshen -line, died eon aa- lub week, -and prices are e�Wie was the the public. This will be a c6nelder- horne of her �isdsber, Mrs' at the I ae John Gleh, Of the t6wn.ahtp� of VO- F4thlez McK cancelled' and tbr wMewha uapromielng title ot the in.� able mf -guard. But there is a=Yther D. Gloger-' boine,�:am:d the �qecond was Mrs. Sarah\- the six thousand dollars- which he 'has .100mmon. Be to -ao ; f0w),,60 to to geese, to turl-,- q4 augural lecture of the Woms tell, B�ronnon-.11ne� on.-We6esdy ev- Stane,� ot, Ingersoll. Hat leaves' U u -'s Com, dBAer, and ane th got be enfng of last weij�. The deceased to expended an -the precAytery. church At cq= adigt Club la -it we*. e have all edled b law, and that -1.9 tile -a had rnouTh the lass. of a�- kitl and lovIn "d trounil,% They concluded'Iby com- beej� the far f Gu� r daughterr Pela-,: never b -nd fat 4, jKra.. R Jg T- DOOR N MkZe 0 JaSS &W Are of Mr r Co'balt �stookg. Many -pejrsoZW een In very robutA heaith� a _her, obert PlImening thp pamtm oil the - o1saa ORTH OF Picynas Dairy xwvkl everal - wkcs. ago she took a tuM COJe, of the toWnSaitp Of Noveiiiber --404--Mlee "3 too much :bribery'111 the who c4n`nqt fo t U ted b um,bwn by that th!ere 1 at rd I am eml) y for the worse and 1gradually ,sank, i4n, D Hay; MIrs. h0n0r conferred on St. Col Is ateady, vita Weawm quotd at of _%ttte, of V�arna rs. Hug g him, elected as one . . . . . . the ORTM9 ONTARIO SEAF 4L#ft1Xi;At nie to i .8 it X T 21 5 2t 27 .18 gig* Aw-HP.Tomm". Th* tgulm betwahn tbi parenthesis after each' the -paw 04 WhIalut tth* 1:14 Ftr Clat, Ya Two--stswart Brod-3 DIN 2 mn- Clowng uc�—1 r" Gartaents—R, 'Fur Line& Gosta—Polilest"16A Oad%&-6 Qaod Rubbers�-Walter 0- i0pnd OpLmrtunidw—O.-P. Yungbvlwf,-6 Dism6nd Rmp7!4� 3� Daly -4 U ra AstwObylux-1. V. zost—s, Mallouca—John. Arelltbald-4 - New Frulta—W. R. WW Ma IMIX-2— Roluert Wilu%--s Aoctioji 80fe-4r4a Rel0anu­4 f Miff BoSV Desiro-4ohn Bukoet-1 Change of Photos Fiar Olffla��Jaclwon llxros-4: Wfn`--rTerm—W.i-EQ1%t" - 1r-eItftotv—m= Auction Sale—lm�xre Broa-6 76 Pwvat—Alax* Winter -8 amw- ftwt, aW.-4--ohasney 4 A&whlbsad--� rhotw oSwoud-Hand Plauos�­R, IL eelt lity pf 0101c, although all Jmd UdD pugall,-- on- the old b jmd twh,­ 'the �t 10014-�d6 f4* A 81EAF0ft1rH%%:L9A01NQ SHOR iffe, 40t4 -:, ­ 'thi- 'an, libl"z- 1:6Ah vt 'the ot 0 J kiaMon,, Exe In! rt- STORE brib afr-Th --' - -1 'Ok--plitte ort -t pre t h -a t Id, ' --, lie Wa;� 4, dixt A they her a J0 00-11m, - - _Woa� UP10010 un, sad the -9 in the Vogt. is W lit, aUr �W -what lit 6 they bive..� T Ils-Was day.' pr�wde service -at e Uigelv 4t- 'Porn 0, -a tohftd_ funeral, Sa Im xt' -what b4p vivid A` iin thO -limit ry 13 V gar a�jd *A turday, waaa OIL- it what/win f"pen iko M- -er a -,ft era wou dueted by Rev., W� -Ulali% rfttor D be :to, beld in the Kerr rope'�rWL t :r.;MjJ .I 'Who -1the -c-4 main -91 wtre Interred J4 the faintly plot, 24th D.ecem.ber� is left pleted NA of tin a buy, ee.- -raw sarealtically T of �rfvitt Momoial hurch. The re- JWiW doA Mebowell UV -U had *k Got Y-01 want. abbeir S' re the 8ftw an - h Ana�r - th- I h-!�Put en, Sir ;.Wiltild *111 tu com The !nd Al ha. mopt torli; oft, tile Intlue I nce That" All th before Mackenzie e knlVea Of b6x.,Jbev�, be trum Florida 1 u do, especially n you can bu King, leqv could oot,' Of comrse yo , y 4ham at the TIM'swater, will. ex- W& -to. eV#& one vota�- Vul'plts "W"th Rev. Mr-' Powell Not".'�]Arg' JW. ]T. QM ho has same price ordittery rubbers ate -sold at. ened ,�Ill w14W Its Ill-gotten gain," , Well Oe,- them- but -h. at the IWO We donhIllandle any- Mom avi ocealonal o Aext ftida;y�—Thurrla.pt noxt week- been. visiting her parents, - Mr. and thing but the best brands, the kmid 'wo'know '11 bring cuttom -A woman '*ho7-brlbes� 3 IS- the date- of Wup$els t �a I�alld Teawn foi objecting tiD mdathlyhoroe, Mr.g. Uuls Luther, of Hutchinson, her era -back for other footwear. You can depend upou the Rub. doubt, a ciev ei youn V. - mas �4r Coati* d,� U:hq. 1he caudidate *who-Irlbes.,his alectore _;d h 1%rrifd brother at Brewster "d sister at .;noved into 4rz Horas -to* boad, eturzed -( you get here, because we sell noue but those =ado of pure -*t It (Piece perfom very- WntlY' the taome- Wk- to it. las� week,' if ter QMd A peppo-TmfiTt J* an_ �d efft to her lLom -. in liars ahap deto. �Thelr' Detroit Uvt week.—Mr. T. Stvftrdwn rubber. We hikve thm in all aty'left' to fib of -shoes. . . . . . . . -a on t 1-�adbur-1 10 r In I times t utio as t Pilo ft Ao mif6h a -Vrlbe -an theaedium and difficul -d pent umme es frl" Scan theFe ptice uma-ally empolowed -at elections, - �W,o f4gned, to bini. Butt-the'Relrm news- daughter, Mtw- Mary -rawatued there.' And - the - Ulmsop Laura and Cora, are and -Nh- -Alf, DaVker:and -his mother attende& visiting relatives in Exeter.—Miss M. men ata4d -apart from the burly-buri 'Papers as WS M, as the - correspondento ,witertaied last Tuesda 61 . lite. That Is to their" advwntaO. -bt - thee*. !pa the. fulne'r.al, of a relative -at Zurich 11ord - wnd Miss F, Well spent i$unday fowl dinner, the och000 pea would' be doing L - the Jaot Sluniday.—Robert Prx)161s has re- 6vening-A W. J. Wlls6res�;Th Wom� men,s* Rubbers -00c, 95c, K, 01.1 --bts wifie, �Ir� and 31rr,. ell-4noaaged #ovea --ile -A in every young - ma4 a Teal pervice -it, they, turn tp 0 a p W �Ufd, lba ­ 'r L a1r W VP L e4. to Own and r6sumed -hi form- en"s IsoloniTy Aoclefy J tr urteea, Messrs. Thc amiae -of the -word estful and sln-�: him seveeely one or a Mrs. c-ze, full Of anibltdaW�l y�et -bireathing 00111. Thin chronIdUa'g his ' ever in, D-. E-Aran'41 Wilson's laat week.—Ficking tmd .101M MeclavIn and A Z"' - WS IS One of the tr, t Ladies' Rubbers -65c; 70c, '75-c, 80c a pa onterXt, Wol �gand JDUt L men, into voll-, actit'n Wid'wo'rd-and trying.. to shop. Re L 'a --A, first'alaso mechwnic.— t9 the order ofl,the day.—Mr, James Ir tiCall 11M ivho -c=not be bougAt an4 a hero, ot blim miqr too much -in Two.Chtfiamen were in ­town ' on -Von- Brophy went -to HIlLboro -on 3,�onday. 1&U report, having had who will �vt bribe others. the build- —Miss Mabel Poster spnt Suliday thor ohn 'i5c a pair of t day of thts, week and leamd We and `-Y ildlox6us.to- be helathy. ev; Boys' Rubbers—Dsu ug north of the.S*,ndard Bxnk, from, entnj� with or friend, Ms Esther tow presented him wit thl ff xy w1ll. istart MO?herwa.—Ur. H.'English, who ha 4one mornL - s week. tile BoUn B.. Gerry, In whieff the a They expect to open xi in MIchIgWn, for isoMe Urne, to the -Uy or Blyth. Garls" Rubbers -155c and $06 a pair e one of lu, 'Cut. 0 _tieg. laumdry. p in beo W. Logan' passed away about two weok. laundries vWtIng fr a -in thisr -.0c4nity.—Mrs. number of yea,4 urage!f laMt Wednesday -at te ' a bad' attack -tin- a 1plage this size no person should Robert Dligltsh Is visiting her sister, re W1n&V= meat in the shape ot bouties h as, of tyip6ld i;i�r- - no- was the third be weii with a drty collar.—Miso Ida Krk A. ftithers.—Mrs. George Luth- Child M's Rubbers-40&and 45c a pau Case IM tha, L A -&,%-,,n ald T) 35es:th ot a -rV5�eful Citli y the Dominion Gover fami�YL but, the- other -two. Ziniax eJdL1*at daug4ter f. Mr. C. er and baby visited at Mil. H. Wick- Logan was ,of ment tro the , Iran and steel . ma:nufac-% -got -better.- Mrs. =e wrrow was the sW� A Zilla 'formerly of Brussels, was erts on Monday afternoop'—Mr. H. turerm. bright and'.cheerful, d1sposItIon and united In' Marrikgo at Toronto,' on Purdy was -called to Port Huron 2r Ar last of 'th T4epe,,bouiftleg, -were pald for -1 Oil 40 of winilali' it - was esteemed'ad .respected by every Th rda of last k to 9-r, Wm: PrIda,7,.to see his father, who was da:n-. best tr 4 the purpm.* otten Ose left to,: moun' her low In Clinton. On 1 covrAging these Par- body.,. Th .Wall Vay 'of that mse zill- mofi-hy Ul.—The new English chct1cular Industrieg tn'-Canada, a 4 wery 4re her husbana and baby eataTfty, Mr. Aud I �� L - - — I - , -, besides hek., kills maMy' old irlemds here wil! wish wM be opened an Decem�er. Gth. Ser- additlax to- other -idater. The funeral- i adv;antageg brothers and. one her much joy.�­Wasley H. tephewn. vige at -11 i. m. and 7. p. im. SOM o ClIntn to to- the e -With x4lativea there. form of �- favoiab J&Wday, le..Iarlti dutial. took plate to -t6 tr4ljoai cieme t ry on and , Miss Mae Smith,,both oil the to-wa- and an .1 and wais one of' the largest jahip,of -Grey, wore. uniteo In marriage Tue Ith. The xpositor never waa an* Is- not pa4joed.through the ke"p Even thts that. ' ever town, at the manse here on Wedesdc�y - o Uke Irone-Mbie is abou now in faVor f They.Wear �t the only, ex- 5A6AF40Rrff .Lof -1h giAn or the: Ahere belog.over One hundred rigis fol -w laot, week by- ­Rev. A. 0. WlshWrt. pres�lon vi�hfckdescribeslhe superior wearing qusffit� Xopm tor results and he The. relatives or Make Shoes. We have your Bite X "ai" - mu cuiptumanim of PounUeff. k1GWO Lis - the , The O&C. .0aaed, ". I 16LAwkiw0roach or Canadian kip, law hoes or tame to Wingham from ever, those *,authoilty considered thin. have the zy*pathy of W—roxetor. long boots. Prices $8.60 to #4 In ]see shoes, $4.76 to Sole Agent fM ge -'in - aforth f or the 247-mpreza an d I I Q ue en. QUAlity friends their sad be -longboots. Robert Willis, opposite Faipboi- ae L �tne of th# their mah�y -amd wam iso= aft% necessary for the encoura&g. of a Briets.-Mv. Thoo. Sage has r�tUrn- 05.50 In tot'. buxkuW the. Uurler�Qorvernmeat is ravamdmt.-Mr. Robert',Uughes, who tor Offiee, headquartors for heavy gum, rubbers. women# md 81;kter md Walk -over hoes for mi4n. Ama­le Cluff who repartne tor thi trak seselaii of the ybuTig JnduAiMT -:Whose development held a Mile -of big W -6.0m. TreAerne, -U%nitoba, where he e. win P J�UjTe� by t . . I - bous6hold .effects .Apefit several mns2137-1 t Contract- in wltg this week. f MW paTnqAnent the, puWr, are ad7 -meant muth to Cia,aft. I Ja possible recevltly, . left' with him with - his daugh" Clearing isale 61 milline ladles' A hompson. 'T1g& that there Srelikel-V to' 'a ter f or H bar, Mra, T -Mrs. French, of limkl. Uow, 1101c atbeb logle wpA -pound., but ricent dmonton, where he tin- wid mantles, and a Turaberry; �sapending a week with U linen 'fifty istar orators ot'America.11 chos,. ter Mr.% Kerr, aloo,'Of Wingrialm.-00 iMalistle and Miss 10si d tbf present rules of 6�11 living with of drw goods neW on at, J. Win- '. friends. In the viUb.ge.._Kios Je:nnle eu to manufacturers are rejel -=U to anum events.seem to Indicate that Oeseln" -his son's farally.- cing Une -0onc wras goo ,cwtractor U bate, , JM fteL TlouAa lot Commolli. The eds, ert Company have 213 electrity the greit Mtselonar�, flax jet a, View -to eXpofting public, dustries have outgrown tlie stage IndiAtil atewart, of Selmore, vWted hir tous- 7-2 Congrew at Q&%go. NotbIng less the fact that the fine weather of RaU this wee givnin Mi -Lk -of ID Milly, JUr.rla, thia We, When they are dependent upon pump- dwei k._ Parm Furchaaed.-Mr. (Wm. Aber- Ahan a vorb&tUn re;*rt would do Jus- vWat week br o enabled thera to draw *Ioek, the Bap ent concert every niiht, ind a- kr block, ]Sf- 1 ".bumtnow and plwienthig- uAless p"- �L, ljoward Bolt,_ Of _Tu Mr- hart, 'of bimondville, has 'purchased tice W rzft�r McXeWis humorous ro- JIT all -the flax that "was Weed oa 44 rsiberry, the Cum the town la 1, the Br of debates." In'Oth6r ir-Ing md. fid"Selling We* Mediiines and 6 mlngfam on the Ith ,conms- ply,*' -ftursing fwm,.- the Goven-. electric entatallned a, nUmber of their younir wbich was fAtlovmd' ty sons, In the fleld.-Court Ivy reen amd m=,y other balWo woTdq� the GoveirnWnt proposes. to after working here, slon of Tuck6amlth, at present occu- speeches and 8 oreAestral. selevtIons. No. 143 Canadian Order of Forasterp, X00d echanic, and a c the_pa� -The sW tot the Idt d�ed in robbimf nmt -treuWry, wh Ue the last vestige for A cou -or, friondo last Thursday evening. F the ple �Ot Months, left t .�Ider m-111 closed 'on 80tUrdA bAdftff PW by Mr. McGee. -.The farin con- ]@ver 'y Of, -am excuse, for the c=tlnuIngJ Of the his home in L Shelbume - on Monftl.,-m ybcdy wam happy. attended divine ervice In the Met& fie0i type- Upright aud eamstry, a- -good - stout gag. -The out- tains 106'acres and was purchasedfor cry inaft 6�7 iiia OppoOttion-over the bountim has been wb one Mr. A. McCrelkht is at heA a Igood eason.-%be Toad machine od* church on Sun-U'y raorning, U* 'he enjoel present vloiting, $4,600, lthough the buildings arenot 4n.Xoors at work on- Mill street thin week. aud were veryabily addrAwed by Rer. M- commuzit;y, - I daZk-1=fXM bWdueft eXPQsed­ last gas- of thm industries.- his ter ftrula.-Mr' 'L Jo wom very good It . W good value. gt this has, jitarted to, learnL Dr. Miedd - forluerly of Heaj *ft =a& fjie. gag of perators ner- op , atter% of Fordwich, Who -of Forest, the operating' at Price. Mr.. Aberhart 4who -has been The cotmen.-The council knet a *Vuty reeve, ozd had made t6 Quite r,ecenUy It �ras -noted, In sev- the C.P.A. d,pot.-M ohn Ste bas Just recovered from an- attaldk 04 sall. Th� service was larply attenjiq .ft6 tovM in the -count-v lvoms.'aad Provision lo' to be eral of tho daily vape3hq, some wart, typhotd fever, was'In t6e village on living' primtei for ;everdl yearg, -In- Novmbe, 16th, A petition from Rev. 'ed both by Fora4ter*and over ten 7ears he had�-1 the, mckuths. of the diaturbero. PrW that a: -of . Bayffeld, visited fr1pnds in *town a tends going back to farming a -as 14-r. McNabb aiid 225 others, whiclY was Jf0v& _ Seoti& SW CDM gain lvlzrtov Howe has re. the wrvlee was Muth joyedi VaMber of the public Is :rtW: daWS last Veek,'-W. McCrac�en, t f. -Grask, Bask- heals Town tired of leisure. Mr. Me- filed with the clerk 01V October $1-st, Tfie above to from the Toronto Mail PaMY, one, at theO who had bee& nurs- Of 00441ch,'Nias her- urjled� row ellow .-Mils W. U. HaulwilrX, AOTW, was, last!. week -,sell- in TO.$ vhere blit experience, St, hort ed by 1 Junent. GibmA of Thatnestord,.-waa the -guest, Gee -hatsijeawA the farm,* of Url. Fer. was presented to the 'councli aoklnc and Emplm It '&wlosea . ve:y had been tPt A�Vft*t mop to the I guson alongside the one he vacates. that a lb* -law be relito recently attendtng the Int a is, and Ot I mulunittaA to a 'vote god erost In the Vve successful In, seejurfng a, lar -Mium J. Russell Jast weiek.-MIr.A. -cultural exhibit -a taTibie - sitata -of am&& indeed. 1, t ge c0ft-� Met- -,With good Isucce Rasm anding several days D4 of the electom, under the rovislons ochool vmre tract for­0beel rang -to he delivered SOrnerS er h p newly. Died At The Sm. -Man old friends of the local optim clauses of the 11- wai a faithful =mber 110 ftUbt, be, a Vary' �JqerloUs, 111dia, useen ba* disposed of the prop- thereMr. would-, and that In -conV6UtIo has his barb erty on Khrfafta'atiiet. which he re- in this townWp. will Tegret to learn JQWpb L Bllig retuMed m-*tterl tot - gag Is Mr. Poster,. . Dr. Englad alla L n W! '1, Patnted and. papered, w -hi Or week --from gamitoba where he Ve.nAt rhurch. He waki also A. other - countries, It. is it up v lghtens celftly' purchaoW frova Mrs., McLeod, to of tle'death at Sault Ste J&rie, ov- q0r. Uceow act. Moved b 'MM'pbeil OeVeral WMko 'With his ery much.�--Thb fire en I ff was -November 12th, IDT Da ld and me?4mded by Sha'that am paid �e- Telatives Cider' of t BoycaUcl other ot air indeed gratif YIng L that one Of Ourf Can- out for , taro, an: v Abe MA imil . ! 'Practice. last Friday test Mr. -W. R - Jex.-About sixty couples an - the required f riend-9 -Mr MJltoa McTwggart who 19 ijund ot bigham Moral adian Industries Is thus' ble to com- 4t after .$ were; "presiairt at the at-home given In Mbore, wa of the late Peter Moore., of titiOn h213 more th e h&rdwaxe bw#neas in &skatthf Wlm .9 the, break ­:that. hap 1&�Iiation is survl- their etam; I - As for, to umber ot isipatures the same. be en- In th Pate successfully " int,- the. Open hall la�A Niednesday even.. this township. The deceased,' who was A. ew2o is ihere spending few weakgj dark -lantern bmdnew exposed last gas- with the ms'rket' Wat,the fire on Tha",agivi the to*n tertailned a�nd the clerk be Instructed dow and three daughters WL It IS * good work,in aisant, time. only, A2 years of age, was taXe down large m�anu-fa'cturers ot the No g o In:g, , and, all report a ple *1th his pa"aU sad frimde -Mm X4 alion10 Me afford to, let thAt, page. . -world, but . the fact tha thq have it -MT. and Mr(s.'z C. Fl -19dwards are - via ty0hold ever and died 'after a4 to prepare -a - b -law as reaulred by can with -The people haye -oken, and the � -ver- -reached this 'condition should y be needd, but It Wish every- 1-tinir the form-er'is parents -in o Illness of tWo weeks. lie JIs ivrvived the liquor license Act CaTrIed. O& BOVIron, of Exeter, �isli;j reltdVen 189 - rd here lamt week. -Oar marehaint-9 buf- dY that 4t vvill'-be 9. loge. mation ot C�Japben and Keenteheon, an tic a *Aw i fare Lee&ed. tim's be- by his Wife, who to a daughter. f the little baby diet ft that the so-called "'dark -lantern , 1ent Iguarintee that they hav lagain. -Mr. A. cKbnzie' Wleh�Kr- W. Patt4noon has purchas, omplaIAJug that the present ff rm0led- the fitage whft the gbc)Wd 1 bag ed from: Mr. Thomais Berqpblll the late Benjamn Blair, formerly of Kip- the T-eevO'=d clerk were inAtructed sta:7 at the bome Of Ur started-,& harneaq shop In the!: -not favorable for budnaw. .......... gxpos eWl. -&-myth- that there be ble to -get jaong 7.ftout bimildi ur were - 2 d two. children. To the young to wU the Johnston 94io, Xcl)onald weather Is � .1 n, where, Mr. J. C-&rtef Lu*d to. L&CO'of land' �knovvn " 'the flat My drainae debentures to the beat Vos- PartIcularly so for the sale -of wlffl�4 were noi expopurps and: that the - X . . - The Young Ladles' K. M. W Society, widow and.ohildreo as Well as, to ter gooft-Willie McArthur recentJ7 vr of Mrs. Will Corbett, - have his shop. -Mr.. J hai fidble G. Moser adva4tage. Oil motlon of Toy- bargem b4d'only been made -to de- For 'years now, th6se companles have, been.awiy W,4reat deal, of �Iaje, pall- _6T6 mAkj1hg aerangementa'for a con- other relatives will be 'bxtejmd-ed th "turned fr= the -Wfi4, where he ehisincerest sympathy of all In this - 'or and McCutchecyn, By-l&w 'No.- 48 been eniched t the 6xpapw of the "g ceilt tq be given s6on.. Aft. "d Mrs. ad been, Vendh* -a ftw inantbmL-Out coh�gs.v atent - uhL di ter,. aiad -he - Is Wj,( whi country, and now that Ahey vh, 'go SmIth of Bluevala, were guests' at hour of deep affliction. wam provIolonally adoplid. A number nt Oyer ale mat -on. the od success. -as he de- $ Of &,CCOAM;,to were passed for- payment, dral1a contractor 'Ur, R. Lamo Hut,,ta discuss the��pro osition ch SProsvIlle Notes. -Hr" d-, L&A., ' .1 t - -parsonage on Sund beeh bbidered Wrea,tly Waiting tor tUe shown themselves to be independent :serves. It he ay.-:-Maatr P, inent. - Robert. McXuri tjie Mail introducen may be- Of interest 'D� further gaiernmexif atd: 1-4hould be verx'-­handy article. for. Ptterson Is. able to be'out again- at Bride, of' Hmlton, isp ent . several da yo and the cauncil adjourned- io, meet on De(*nlber With all housep­.�hat,-use. edal;l.­�-As'swn as here with his aunt-, Mrs. S. -Wallace Saturday, November 28th, at i o!c1ock but w1tA the aTrJvai of. tho tile md alue tof the people. ne preposi- given to them. -The giviug."- at ,boun. te�r his recent and Mrs, rxvsbkg. tbepni the weather set cold -enough Mr. . and other trlends.-'Mr. Fred p g' P. m.-M)m. Clark, Clerk. Md oMer relatives in one --of. the worst form :of , - Mfe; endt vWteLd friends In- Miid�. rI s ty.—Mim W don 19 no� to, gag 's the imember, Car ter &, puttin a laige laid J. t. W of - 4. My* -gov-' -f but -tot '1�dmplity 'p the proteetive tem, and the Ino Johave for -6 may lot, wftk. ond Herb. Horner, of. Toronto, pben of Rran B4'! pen air pkatin spent . few days here, the guests of rink, -and' T1, M, a�IUMntary Ma7 ftjjM�t would make � 9, wtw' and pop- ther Hippen. e r. y cut c�f pumu needless rerl Up -a ular no !a 1s, no doubt It will be Mr. ond Mrs. Will Sproat. -Mr. Harry' m were they, to Uk6 advantage well 'J*tronlzed.-Mr. !Wl. Uttrace- Change of Business at IffensaIL—The result ary -Clearing Owe of ea and Morolitinue j Was who Imireter millinery, ladlaf' Archie Brydg,-�s w1d a amd om&ne discusdon Within- rfeagop- of�the c Tyndall has finished 'threshing . for -crane-maji on the construction r a reasonable prices in lftrness�,.Robes, Bells, 191 81 year ld. colt to Mr. J�W repairs, eto. J. Donsildson bw pure goods MOW 0ja at way, shortening If - -o - f the C.P. Hedden,, son f Mr. T. 'Teawa-ter, for the -bouintles.' Pqrther then. thin, Xotes.-Mervyn thIs Yea d wound up witU the -usual gad --hildreal mantles, and a-11 lines the - aftat I able bouaidg, In, tlilla N of dress R. through, here, -im at y edlel-=ess business of Mr. Hoxwsnd has e- them c6mpanles are:able to compete ent'viatting friends -41i town pres William Hedden, of Cry9tal Pity, Mane. per.-Mrsb 'I*fttU Thoker aosslons,�, leseW, ar the se -Mrs. and d rythingth be IminerA Hehaall, ato ex -P81 13 In the open- molket the. � '9OvefJ1PWJ1t` Richmond' 11taba, and formerly of Exeter undeva aughber, Myrtld�, have moved 1 -ed with A OOmPlete 8600)r Of eve week in Toronto ftne-ag pf,Ladon, Is visitingrela In a 11rd-olass harness shop. When in need of gpodo t operation at Brandon, Inhis liushe will bepleased to Wilt Oil yoa. Per, In, io;;n this home f rom 6nd All withOu any ImairmMt '014 ahould see that. material provided for tives " Wen't an the town, near the public school, where 3&11 Vd4i#,act- The ast offift en biv way week. -R6 'John she Is comfortably oettled—Mr., R. feet satisfaction and right prim guaranteed tment bas Issued advertlas-4 the pi�bW bumiess. It. Is now 06m, railway -c "truction, and (ither work hois ,gery depar IAldla*, -Chicago, was here thel ast 01-tal recently for appendicitis.,- -The. -*� Parry S6utd. In Canada 14 sold, 6y these com 8�nlj' 'S Gillis- Cdwpiuny have their saw LaIdlaw Of Sacramento, California, baa time. J. Donaldson. coming Tor tinders lot Amd- Jkta- 'Mocwum practice- for.. memWA9� JDn both IP k� -v1siting relatives. -Fraser -l& U� and I - inea�s and OlearIng sale of millinery, ladlee the at pricer% -.-not- based on a protected mill now ner alrAved here, where he and Mina., Laid- aTYInj -of, the " vaafis bo4 lAllilson, ime attimdIng th the House. tof talk much Img Ut ri 'is trick -yard has closed 416 Dry;sdde,. omparative gan aZd tile.. stave op- law amd famIlY Will visit fjl�nds -for atnd childreWm mantles, and all tween. Moen and marl -et b �,at p a c eration, The machinery is (being PlaC- their brother., F er thaim uecemay,. It Is -quft proper pric'eff (to utside- Interesta, Own � foT' the - Iseamon' af ter a very'L ed ift Lsqme time. -Mr. Jake Sproatlis laid off Of dre�w oofto now on ,at J. Wais- H11la Grei�n god Blakd postaffices. Ifte od Year.. They- tuvied out a lot of 4tion.-A large.'dra%rn work *Wton eouinty.-Vhe -.W that every representative anould be .puch ag In the case mentIoned above. and have bee L centre - piece, -which Miss innie Wynn ork with -a .IsDrq band at,present, land mlller'isi, Uensall. 2137-2 service is �tv be daily tht mme -as, ftow� ans- y Society 4ofthe BdJ n successful In L for able amd willing to give' reasons -for. , ust nW. Ckna& s engaged In beavy worked ',a. lady In tWahington, 115'enJoying well earned rest.� Briets.-As We. mentioned In last The ra,sent c0ntr-RU le:kplreg Dn be diMpostng Of - most - of it,�Whlle (the od%t eircult shipped 12at faith'that I!% I" 'him Md week'a Issue, the ladles of Carmel first of -Ap-rA -next. Tenders must be `ot dr toods isid a box this Mid OGOUY rallwa work for the fur- bell was awarded fiTst prIze' at the Dayton, ther- de.velopment -,bf our latent re ringer -was -ringing the bell on C ai ter Gener*1 Wa;y Ivipramat the. views Ott. h1a con- 'Sunday -morning' Qh�v, f aft. This- Is. quite g, olubman jPrqsbytertan church are spiwlng neith- addressed toi the. Postm 9 Deamongs 3aome, Ibm the hanimer ' icame mourQes, wad any cut In the V.rices of 1,6 tor the work of one of our 'Exeter X6 =�-Lafilt VXlda-Y the Rev*- Albert *W '�nDney nor 'Palm to make �thel-r -aud.must be In befom January PtItuembt an the f loor of Parliament. ose$ so In .'the evening'the bell did, tha, thme materials would be of ladle% - the'Toun'g, Men!s Mc concert on St. An_ 1,909. prinod - ltenAer* may -to fro -n4 it Is, e ot - ring, whIc disappointed a num young Keonj R.T.L�, delegite-at-large imd , - jorms A qually proper. ample n fowl upper a�md . � of vantne. to the !country at large. And h Christian "Association has engaged Mr. " prear%�r drawls evening, November 30tif, SM- obtained P -t or Kippen o M- lbeautIful d m Dr. opportw&y be aitoided every - rnem-. ber of "the church goets.�Mr. -McArter extram%linary 11 to tii4d first -BHad-- River.. I&St moliday this la owing to the country, for the Ces, L and, In -addItign to a line vocal teg 'or f rom. the Ispector at Landou. ber for tha exercise of, this, right. But hais addd -a dark room; to his hoto Juseph Sonlor4a hall for theIr work. Catholic Missionary Cbngress,.retarned ve�T generously divided A' §tUdilb, which'is a, grftt convenience. n ain. XIss -e may- be -ambers Who abuse thfa prfvUege r ver m4terial mpmeUry it.a*leanVe Regular mefttfi" of thd association tri3n ChicA and Instrumeotal PrOgramm%- Notes. -Mrs. �Dr. isnalile, of PaIJM4 that' has been given the Irm.and steel.;-�--The Will be held'each Monday-, but the hatt - Messrs. Con- Har the well known locutionist. Will IM, IMM, Who was- here attending . at , the municipal ielectionl right should bd Tg&gged. It Is an a ouse C hrbilan - Undavor of - the - Pres- 04a T)Osdxy afteroon t� ow t ot the privilme for a. member to oc- inditstries from the public- treasury. In. -btertan will'be open each: evening for'mem-- rad a:nd P gIve a number t *oel6etlonu.-Mr. EC. funeral 1DI her mother, 'Kra. Montettil, church-. hdre entertained the rederick left he 1, 130'rbed there are new 4si re for Chl- 'the fleld, upd, -.o*ing to cug�- the� timm of Parliament kapeaklar this'way the countiy would -but be WaItcal Society on Tuesday 'evening In 'berm. -Mr. Daniel Somders sustaineC- a cagxy, in, 6rder Ao be. pr4isent at the J. D. Cooke� ibATrister, was in GWer- and also 'visiting Tdativs anil Irleaft and -reading :for from two t6 -49. the base -MJ Aes Of their -niece Was getting back Its own. 'The c painful injury one day rp Ich thi-week.-Dr. Daniel Bell, of returned 'home the fore part ot tba Oml cobntly. He wedding fei-atiVIL by extra exantUti ,-Kenzie, hree of God- -13 vidt his paT­ Shatter, of -the villaW, le pw at Mr.L hours a. time, ntor the purp nesid0n, of Palidnien iW, w,%s making'same *alterations in Mr. Nora McBrIde, Ing sad bridges, th o3e Would' be An -'OP- erich, bra,gueat WeElroy's Bruxer, well and favorabiy re ple men Bell, or.- beginning tG ha ot Influepoing the views Of big fellow portune time for legislation, rutting a Vrevient. iW. D. 8=4ero'- bArn, When. he fell, membered in St. CDJumban and BeeeLp. onto Mr, and Mrs. Ja last Week attended the funeral Of her, i IRTe -V* a, (very few out the giving ol. "bou*44& and In , trying. ta.mave himselt he wootod. 'The Urmera l,thls section have made Aster, Mrs. XrOft. aephen,-Ur- truck. the �palm of his hand on �tfte A Healthy Pla I er Inc al of Ca gar j9 pe -ft Mr. the 9, VI t h Ustm to him nor yet for the pur- lu­ r-- -eel-The demise of excellent use of the fine weather f Gib tS I r y h. skor.nolr i getting 4A to "EWE poos of Influencing, the- -prong of -a -fork.-Mr. and'Mrs. C. 14. Ebstingil Is -the first death that has wee their =Otheru, 31rS. JOhn! On people in the Clearing sale of d Bilioriarrx6tes an'd ladles' 11orney recently celebrated the 80th occurre In the parish 4f St. Colum- tall 'ploughing fIiohed.-X=. W, H. dair, of the Kippen road. Mr. Sintlair country,bemizs6 it In very rarely that and childrentei mantles, and in -Tlielle wa Tecenoy, i sach pftches, -,are reported at much AndTew CW=egle the gria Amer-', gob all lines anniversary of their marriage, when ban in eighteen mvnths. 1We used -to Thompm. of Winn1peg, In spending S Is look g V41 and s&ya that things HOM510 Lake. sask. the a length In the newspapers; but shnpl of dress do 'now an at J. Weis- a� idumber ot -relatives. and friends- as- have from. eight to fifteen ever couple of monthm with her friends Mr.- ate boomig armmd Calgary m ac -I - y stell, iavgn�te, skys -that the 'uffilwa Rehsau. - and MrM Robert Carnela' and intends 'Zount. of the -good cflQA,§ ftis SaasM r y ye#r. A%jg t Mr. and MM for the gratification of hearing hJM at the' e, they are be- Abut ovftg-to, t e auimiclous The doctors are to blam of Chi- coming *er skillful.- "Old a aWl Industry In the tUbIted States IS_ John GaJJMVn, -be pelf speak amd havink his wairds- re- 10f -the am Bell 'aleryvarft living in Toronto. On -The sick of our vl4age, Mm, Jimm eleftg- - ge" seems Jda7 L'a MCCIL I �V,ftln K of Cot n. and _ 3ft'J. W & pp the 'T der W, crded in Hainsard, the otticiAl now in a po-Ation to-do Without pro- '14th conceis�On, xecently -underwent -an caso, wan -b��- receh.tl�- an a visit to to be about the Only dise last wftk Mr. and YM AM 4K record ase they ca"Ot rixt aperatloh. at -Dr: 9 hospital In relatives. Mr:' Bell Is a. -member 'of with that trul who have been under medical)%ttentlooi -PP &-e. Ki C. tis y of de]34-tea, or fortfle -equally traworA tedhon, Apparently— from recept GunW, c0p6 With. -All PersOnsdstring to die K)rs. Beruzrd Thomson wngbo were bor-h = Clikton aiid, his many friends will be - d hJus not hospitality, that is inbred and for some Oays, are -now, we are Vleas- thy object ot blocking the, business of the Ca:nqolan steel Indu the" Chicago 'police, �force ah of old zge mhould *come and take up. tow.m4wo, NorthumWLW trles Plew" tO . learn . that he is Irnprov typical of many of the Flarliankent. Ay-menfloer who caar np� Kafbean here ft -nearly thirty years." lie their a,bode in. St. Columbvn. T e isona vnd, ied to say, on, the mend, -XT. Gilbert have arrived. at the same L h�;ppy, stage h Or. r10 an, Were marrk aupty Wraself and tharo lcely.��Urs. . 1ouis is - alai dd borne boy. -Mr.. J. R. WrIber hat no toiva ots for sale, but d4ughbRO Ot 18cotland entertalined Dick, ur -terpriAng and, ener. y exbiii*t, ughl. itheir � ,existence. Dalshw�ood, and sister- jof -Mr. Sohn McDMQd and he Misses Horney.have he knows r6yally som� seventy f their- tock 'buyer made- axotber shl ozy oT&nary oubieft In an hour at the tight where you 1kn get them, niltider. "Aftoi Delchert, of :thW" vlllioge�, died - On returned from, AWL extended trip to' Death at'a . PlZmeer. relatt and friends the occasion. -be- thim We0k. Ift. Dick Is alwav on, tbe longest, must have soi�ethtftg Tadical- -The death of "Al g of their rercT for 26 years,,the -D, wammin And in t 1 ly w rang with . his. condensin The ToTowto.?4-ew.aawy,�; ;'-Updr the last.,weqk. Krs.'Kraft Was the weist.-Mr. -.k. E. Aodgert has ing th handmme 90 -he co=%. of a :year leavow Mr. William, Hastings sr.� took place, Tnachln� V try nd he-ishouid b W 'therp are manufacture of laot Friday ievening:at' two stor, 0, lot f money with the karmey e made repair It ` 1tne AdmWstration In this neighborhood and sold his atent for the eb AS her m any. friend- the -residence of -eV rick dwlling just . com- ;I#i;K at S�mfirldge lor 0 instead of ibelmg permitted to waste fortunately no occurrqnm� eu s mourn.her e�art- his 'exten�Am,' steel silo curb for con- his pan -in-law, Miles McMillan, - lot pleted. The mmence to a credit to thi's vicinity. -Our chopping mill uTkq years- the valuable time of Parliament and ure.-Mr. 9 Ronnie Is er6ctlng aband- r�ete d -loo to the, London Concrete Ma- 22, commantan' 6. township of. Rtbbart. its o*mrs as -well -ai to the contract- der the able management ot H, thom Tevealed the Marine Inquiry Rome frame'dwellIng on the 4 -aged In the hoW U14nei J doing *&'good Md all who had a part In its Safethe i boor the 'Public. Of course there ma';y chine Qopmany. MT. 'Hudgert - also, Born Iit Umerl6k, Ireland in fs2s, Mr. Ula M four years sto t h e v&e i when at Quebec." But the ews doesn't; add opposbte -the Evangelibal Ichuirth. Wide a ,yea-rPis onract with 'the Co t COM'PletIGA and th3y Were L 'all of bei m.m9lans longen fAme that, we- m Hea ings, following big star of de�s- Tfost and took u f 01- Messrs. , W. ad' W. G. Hess, were L bered an guento an thin occaslom With the front of his store repainted. M. p land I -have Mentioned mity be requl, red to that -the Witney Admlz4stratlon- painy th reprAsant -hem as travelling. Uft, - croased the Atlantic in 1847, and I . . I . Im-ke dWxIeL Tripp �thoxoughly exhaut a sub3act. - "d lwed a -Lieral Government where at the. 'ptnery on a joho�Ytlng expedl;. M&Jesm0!A. Puic-U"d a home In Toron to, where tedbles fairly goaning with the weight Hor belleves in 'haTUig' leverythig, In or age, and his wife '16. there are. 4wm memW.% who on'oed tion-lat week.-Dr-Wiloon as called ' AnotherPloneer 'At Rest. -It Is our he remained for "three year. Clty of moist tmpting viands firat elava order,�--The Me open 'weathir to gtv- a- thingis were all:rlght whUe the c- to Ch' mine 4bildran of Vne m4rX. J � ! leago laist. weak' 16vdn' ellent oppo islons should uo ne r1mit g L to the mad duty. to chronicle* this week the lite, however, bad no fWaciation for ramale oth vocal"aind "Instr mentki. Ing our. villageilms an exc - r- currences revealed at uebec were the serious' Illness u tUnItY to lj� their odda iwd ends vt occa;4[cma and uch men ar'-e rare. Both und- subpequent death -des.th, at hh%.home irg this village of this sturdy Y—oug f armer from Llm- and games und dancing it Is need- result of I 4 Llber�al Government 6f- him brother, who was also a doctor, one of the mof,widely and favorably prick. ln'1850 b6 pre-empted all epioyed themse'ves SALE REGIST could be mvided for. If � each member -con- lot Ila less to sky that I work done before wia:ter sets in,-Vhe Inuing -In It ftemis. that, the - - (unfortunate rn.a4� the , ftbbath School ot $- of t office officials 'who 'had known pioneer forner In this part Of M bbert to their earvg ontent funta t. Andrewl Xovexn�er Wk wera Illn-fted to a certain, number Where be hag'ever since been is tburth na been trained by a -Conservative Ad- contracted a 'form � of - klaaders while, the country, in, the perison Of - Mr. held ta b h teem by 'non-Catholics for hours pec eiislon and he be permit K As wee sme Ifouts &nd that 41t. was the Al* making great. 1preparatloa-i 9moadville, House and Lot and I Ming sr. De6 w orn ted to usia the whole time himself or m1nimtration. perfor an operation and althodg.hL William' 1-I67rton, as b' opinion of one and all -that there their Chicstmas �entertainwent: Te. 7r. B wn, C 9J9 -well- as by m-dinbers of his own -0 jj�a'jot ar Ce f U a Wiednesclay �Xor. 20th, at orse loa-n a% much of i.t -�s he Aeslred,toL: everything knowft to medi al science' nie Brockville, in the county of1jeeds, church. 'The prpsen 6 a ch a large were no better entertainers thaki Mr. It Is 'gratifying �a notleo 'that Was done for him,' the L disease proved in. thia !yeaal 1830' and consequently, had cdogregaktIOA as attended: his - funeral X0Q&n4,P.MP6. neme othar member, this would, In( our and MT4. Thomson. It Is the Wish of -A little gIrl named Bealrice Daw- afaital.-Mr.- and Mrs. P. Rau, of the sttabi)ed. the Tlpe.- age of 78' years at. on their M&ny f riends that they may auctioneer. icelish In: a lairge mea.%- Parts from nearly all manufacturing Commer 3f6vd-wy- * to a crowning tribute I � ed at On Fx1doy, Decemer Atb, at one -6 ure tha result desired and would not clal hotel, were In IMIchigan 'the time of 'his death. - W rL quite his m,wrry 'good to lb'n ispard to enjoy their eomtoriible Wnt D`ged �f'v 'k 11 contras p).Ant to -a decided- revival of M�pgitly vtsitling r rt and while coasting an flAtu.r 0_1 tive he qualitles of hea Ottawa liot 33 ConceWon. 3. 1, RL young man he came west and ettled mind, The pastor ok , St, hqme.-The lar the � laew Tbwn ahe f the uburbrgn at 8; a and friends. ge tile for 9"RyolleL Th busliness. Factoiries ving Thankisgiving, in the o� Perth, on -lot 5, reets. 13 W ould also Gbvlata which have been' ---�Whlle* out'drd an ounty con- Columban, drin on Rlbbmon strept arrived thl chwnt4 the':r1eqUilern, MEURS and -preach- 1 5 Milk wagXM CaMe' do t_h -I and dowA or running on short tim y an, of the -ced in po- twn e hil OnWednesday, December0-A- a 19me bf the -very sens6less, vad un- are a*..F Da 4ohn Gallyn 14th caesdaft .14, township of Hlbbert,. which ed the faner4l, mar vil. 'The pall be,, week wkd will iso6 be pla knocked her a on%-Xc,JK!JJoP, C. Southv own. ,ell of Toronto, Wembd struggles which cOnMssian, -met with Jalpainful accl- at that time w -as In, Its prl;neval con- eris were 'Alex. Kennedpi Patrick Mor- one ot Undan towimbips. oldBA pro Wacaslonally gain Jn f1411 x3w&tion w1th brlgfi� de1nt, 11j3 horse.-beckme'frightened at Otion. Being L blessed. With an excep- r1v, Thmna.Co,nnolly, John. McConne take place tz Parliament, of one party U Is visiting 'her paxnts Air. and Mrs. PrOspects. for contkiulng so.,' It 'would a traction -e' 4nd best known residents died at We On Thuridwy, Dweviber M, a I trying to, wear out the etieb-r by, what ngine, an4 upset hirn f rom flonally' istron�g constitution, which'. Michael C(YYne and Thomas*Ryan. Mrs. Alex Tahomvon.—Among, Mr. Th -4, - Iseem $rm this that the wave of de O;rir lot concession '14, M 'rueg­� 18,,Bronsoir yve Stanley, A� st, might term, brute force. his buggy, with the result that four rof qualification, imippler4ented'by. ambi- Frnk oMn's, 'relatives from a d1stauce whO "day, In the- erson of Mr. Thom1mg his ribs- wre- broken. Rev. Peter- tiu;n and Tare business tact, and abil- 1A91s` five cildren, pre-decea' Rut, whatever the:remedy, a remedv PTOSsbyll,' is � past and that., we are a- ;attended hi's house warming on Fl-,, park The ROPP, -of. Day -Port, M1 sed'tim by MT. r1arkiUSOWS death la required. interests of'the coun- galn an the up grade, 4'lthQught in chigan and Rv, tty, he istoon clegTetl and so Imroved a few munths. Beoldea Ills amiable day evening lamt were his tW10 als- ue to an attack of paralyfAg. antry d6nand it and the -people de�-Ix fthancial circles. it. is hardly canisld-- Mr j Kauffm an, of Ohio. addressed'sdN�- hta farm,, as to make It oxf-e of the wife, he is -surVITed by two daughters ters Mrs. Muittan, of Monkto(n, MAIRKETS-1 era M�60hg in the Mennonite church -ftnest homes In the county. at the same iind t Mrs. Buttrey of Ethel, also Mr. But- which he sustaind several mmtha &., . Mil and' 3 �wdll reach n viz.: Mrs eS go. He wbas IS years old, wad is sur, pect' it, and .- despite the ered that trade wndition' here cently V916 W H-CM11- re time acquirlvg a competency try "his brother , David, of Toronto; their normal is which fin. Hibbert; - Mrs. P. A. O'Sulliv Vived by his wife, five a -me and thr" croakings of thi�! Mail andLother journ- aind,for* nearly a 'year. Deaths.—Aftar allin-gering Illness ex- - M - als ot that flk� the Governmenf will, Pwv.ed him well In his last days. He McKlllcrp Patrick, of California, aWi Mr. Fife of fugham, and his daugh- dAughteM. hea'.... teadlin&LVer isome years; itra. Samvel sold hls'.fatm about fifteen -years J10h of Hibbe t. QaU, ptr bu be Jacklag In their duty - It they do There ha been, and Js� still, vneth- . a19U n2 r 14aitzt,,dled im Thursday of- last'week, aind bushel nat'make an -honet- aftempt to stip- d�cha-sed a reAdence In Exeter.. ar er CUbalt -boom, and for isorne week3 from that dread dt 00ftliment Y.—On the eve -of hL9 'Ply the rernedy and that, too. during W%st the dally pa . gease, ce�ncer. Mrs. where -he coutinued to U;ve until - the departure foi Chicago, ather Me- ZVU4-per too.... the a session. pers have been full Nalst had been -mklng her home -with thne of his death. He was' an upright Ke0m wals wafted on by trustpes Nolan, Shorm. pezon Of-Cbbalt comany advertisements, and ­,her mother, 'Mx.!§. Phill Low Grude Inonr, per tm ....... ... Jp Hat�ch, f or -man,, betng atrictly honorable. in his Dalton and Patrick Plaunry', wh6 re- several years, and here she received ON'T- WAIT T he Root. of the Eyll. Cobalt bc4orn While Cobalt has� dealkgm with his itellow men. Al, qu ed h r4ewe. every at r est Im to attend a bo&rd weeting 30, 1, ...... tantion th'ough - all 4fer isuf- though he encountered and 'endured In �,ardei to adjulst. a little difficulty. til PuMer, tob ...... passed the speculative stage, , and Bribery at electionu is a fruitful It, feiling . she bor� up - with ' '.0hristla the many bardships: , indid-ent to plo- As they sntered -the hall tile )orchestra per ton, EV?Urce of much newspaper talk,' elad hais- been pm.-ved by actual experience fortitude. She, waig well and faorably Un 'the crowds of Xmas shoppers have neor life, 'he 'retained his facultis,to struck up a lively air, �rhile the Mdes yea W ita .... . .. MaWchemeEi have been advanced fo� that the mines In that. kniorwn and-her'death VVIJIL be district are regret- a emarkable degree to the last, and ladles and gentlemen present rose ell Potat ...... .. .... It% el rich in minerals, there . are at . a bad by many, but h9r 4eatli mwit .'beln:g 61 b. Jocose and lively dimpool- maMe and 'reeted their pafAor - with piqked the beot, YoU, kn tho I-tw r iminallon. 'The latest- explp;na- Ow per th hate be'en a..happ.y relea,96 from Pala* Wn, will be greatly, mtwed,by alarge cheerS end vpplause, Then. on -behalf tlon of Ita origin . and the,, possibla tlrnie many "inveot;66nt - p4ev eord(_ong) ..... .... s" being litd suff0ing. J3,esldeo heir mother, ',circle Qt rel pmwaited to the people that cannot do' brother atives and friends, upon of- the ca�,gregatfan, Mr. TD%, Me_ storvabout the early bird. 'Wm Per cord (ehort) ...... renwdY ts�rGm the pen of "Madge Mer- and sisters- she Is surVIved whom be frequently called during* his lady and P(atmanter G. Ic will ton,"' the�'clsyer editor of the WoMen's Otherwlse 'than result In disaster -to by one wn, Le6naA.' The funeral took yb� of- retirement, and In whose stepped boirwa-rd. and-�presente Holland d IlEjed t aftp service fa icle as* the7 lAvextors. The Whitney Govern- .place on &mday; and 'T� I Father e Ratur prom -homl�s his !name was almost a house- XcKeDn : with a big av any art we lorurt if P4ge In th JOU day Toronto Star, and inient' h" -very properly. puri4a bulgig you wish Toronto, Novemly-er U.—VIM the.-, 19vangplical 16hu'rch, the re - twice with bank notes. They aloo, read an- gforoatariot� in car iotsou trp. malh-9 hold.woria.. Mr. H6rtan �mm there is more tham a-, little truth aiiA, loqkPto thage invesGeiit 'PrOPOsi- were tnte�red In the Bronson. 11ne! cem- timim' with a vl6w to preve-attug Inarried, both wives having vredecaao­� addr0es, -couched In eldga!nf ignguag0, 001mmon enge In, her explwnatlon and' any etery.—)flos (Cathlwlale Gingerich, ed. him many yea;rs, the first being In which they- referred to the f6ur poultry but genuine comganlea ' under credit da hter of the i Torouto, November %--A g the remedy. She ays,. '.ug ate Jacob Gltger- -Margaret Glen, eldeK daughter of'th thoumz-d dollar ' church debt which o0a'd Dribery at Me6tions, able managemedt, being 'Placed before Ichl of the Goshen -line, died eon aa- lub week, -and prices are e�Wie was the the public. This will be a c6nelder- horne of her �isdsber, Mrs' at the I ae John Gleh, Of the t6wn.ahtp� of VO- F4thlez McK cancelled' and tbr wMewha uapromielng title ot the in.� able mf -guard. But there is a=Yther D. Gloger-' boine,�:am:d the �qecond was Mrs. Sarah\- the six thousand dollars- which he 'has .100mmon. Be to -ao ; f0w),,60 to to geese, to turl-,- q4 augural lecture of the Woms tell, B�ronnon-.11ne� on.-We6esdy ev- Stane,� ot, Ingersoll. Hat leaves' U u -'s Com, dBAer, and ane th got be enfng of last weij�. The deceased to expended an -the precAytery. church At cq= adigt Club la -it we*. e have all edled b law, and that -1.9 tile -a had rnouTh the lass. of a�- kitl and lovIn "d trounil,% They concluded'Iby com- beej� the far f Gu� r daughterr Pela-,: never b -nd fat 4, jKra.. R Jg T- DOOR N MkZe 0 JaSS &W Are of Mr r Co'balt �stookg. Many -pejrsoZW een In very robutA heaith� a _her, obert PlImening thp pamtm oil the - o1saa ORTH OF Picynas Dairy xwvkl everal - wkcs. ago she took a tuM COJe, of the toWnSaitp Of Noveiiiber --404--Mlee "3 too much :bribery'111 the who c4n`nqt fo t U ted b um,bwn by that th!ere 1 at rd I am eml) y for the worse and 1gradually ,sank, i4n, D Hay; MIrs. h0n0r conferred on St. Col Is ateady, vita Weawm quotd at of _%ttte, of V�arna rs. Hug g him, elected as one . . . . . . the ORTM9 ONTARIO SEAF 4L#ft1Xi;At nie to i