HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1908-11-06, Page 84441,4
pedlars, when we can give you
a heavier, more up4to-date, more
serviceable and more durable range
ha every respect for at Ieast 30
#er cent. leas money. We mean
array you'd that -we say. We are
here to stay, and you are simply
throwing money away and going
emir own Intermits it' you'
aurchase one of these Inferior
naves before steles' whet we
Uwe to offer. We have a large
*sok or. cooking anB Lead -4g
make a speclaltn of Furnace
Aseve a -our orders with us for the
mad we will give them careful at-
tention. Ask the users a our coal
ti Archibald
Ty). Stovi„g and Coal
turxessOr tO W. N. Watson
eiworn4 MAIN ST.,. SE/WORTH.
Acteaaral Flee Life sad Asoddenis Lour -
Naos avatar Real &tate and Lew
and Mambo -
Sewing -Machine' end Craw-
Slostatarnood- White Sewing
Alia *vadat meek° neediest attack(
sad sentries far al-
breheisa yen oast rest neauted al pieta
wish% mime dealing and. aetedeation
Apo*, - sad daisy hi Within
.11111/004* Nos* Mat afohni.. ortb.
Iheamine our lines of
Buck, !tome an Calf Driving
tames- the best values on
themarket. Also our stock •
of staron Blankets is com-
Do , Goat- and Imitation
. The best made at
lowest prices. Truuke, suit
eases and wallow- epecial val-
ues and lazgest assortment,
Noted heap Harness Store
Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seafoeth
specialty, also _a 11
kinds' of windmills.
Oran tat et .
Staple Bros. Barber Shop,
2117144 Seaford).
been net aside •by the -government as a
giving; Inervices *ill :be 110/4
theetiorning, and in the teenier,.
UMW- Aid Of tile Methodist -ch eh -
will _bold their' aneual atliankegl .g
Amor Graduate of Toronto Conservatory of Music.
iliadenee : Mrs. Allan McLain, Goderich Street, -
The Groat School
Our past record and our preeent grade of work
atamprinaaathe great practical training• school of
Western Ont.rio. We have threedepartmente,_
Our graduates are in demand as business college
teachexs, as well as office assistant& Individual in -
*Auction. Enter now. Large catalogue free Write
der it.
IliereaSe Tour Salary— iroper
preparation does it. Attend -
Amid the tbne to-oommence la right now. One hun-.
Axed and one students from other business oolleges
,have patronized this college within one year. What,
does this prove ? We give the best. Nothing else
would satiety us—nothing eIee should satiety you.
Alt graduates readily secure employment. Write
der catalogue.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Corner Yonge and Alexander Streets'
Your safest plan is to purchase
your watch front expert -watch-
makers, who- look upon se time-
piece as scanethIng mare than a
mere article a. merehandise.
Corm 1.41 and let u,e talk the
watch euestien•over with you.
We feet pa -Stave that we ean
give you some Valuable informa-
Gears Wateh is worth leoking
at Tbe anice—TEN DOLLARS.
Jeweller a; Cliatielan
The:11011pr List. -The Miming' a
ltst of those Who took honors at • he
October examtnatione at the Colleg ate
Institute: Fonn I-3. Warwick, 11.
R. Gottschalk, N. McGregor, J. it -
Giants, 3. aainnieley, V. McDo d.
Fonn II/B—H. Fear, M. Wale, A.1 or -
Johnston, A.„ Johnaton, or-
ate A. Ardhibald, Dicksen.
leave recently been ticketed hal
Stewart Bros., a la: R. a4ents: red
McGe.vin and Oughton, of Sego .th.
to Coldwater, Onta; Meg. H. Cadh
Melaillop to . (Vancouver, B, C.; re
and Bar,s. 3. Canipbell and daugh r,
Tuckersmith, to Kilowara, B.0.; Mrs.
Wm. Murdoch, -Brumfield, to Reiney
River, Ontario; Mr..W. IL Cele, a
Sea.forth, to Pogamasing, Ont.; Mr. E.
A. Storey, Seaforth, to Inkerrawre Ont
Society has been tormed connec-
tion with the class °a Normalites at
the .Stratford Normal Scheel, and. we
notice with pleasure that one ea our
Huron •beye, Mr. Foste.r Fowler, hes
been eiected to the premier office.
At a meeting the Normalites held
oft Friday evening last (the society
was formed with the following _offi-
tremens, alias Spearine executive corn-.
Miss: Gainey, Miss VanEvery, Miss
Morley, Mr. T. Urquhart;
Killed Be The Traih.-A. terrible. a
bout 'three miles troM the Allege f
Mrs. Robert Scott and 'hee two so n
were killed. airs. Scott aodsthe boiet
. were dileing to Myth, when therevere
caught at the 'crossing by an engine,
running -light to Goderich. Mrs. 'Sett
and one boy were blatantly allied, a d
the other boy. liv.ed -only a few min-
utes after being picked up. The horse
escaped. The boys Were aged twelye
rend fourteen yeare. .At - the time Of
going to press we have been unahle
to obtain more definite partictilars f
daughter wilt isperel the Thanksgivizig
old Meley boy, now e• ?evident iaf
Detroit, Off receipt of the,. resnies of
the eecent elections in Canada, tele-
graphed as follows( : "South - Huron,
has done the eight thing„ so has Ca
atia. Congratulations." --Ree, F. •
Larkin was. in- Toronto over Sund r
last: In his absence the pulpit w s
occupied flay Rev. -Mr. Buggin, vr o,
preeehed two excellent eermonsee
and Mrs. Melvin Scott, of Listowel, aTg
'here on a visit to Mr. Scott's par-
_wa.s eonnected with the piano co
destroyed by fire recently.—Mr. . in d
Mrs. Carl Soebner returned on Fri y
rdght lest from their wedding tour.
The -choir of the. Pre,sbyterian Chur h
supplied the music at the tea meet'
at Klippen Presbyterian church
Monday evening last —Hallowe'en pas
ed over very quietly. Apart from a
few innocent pranks played by t
younger generation, nothing . of a
importance bappened.--Mies L.. W11
.9011, at Detroit, is :vialting her state ,
was tn Toronto t.his week to hea,r tae
Sheffield thoir.-Mr. and Mrs, Ron-
buon, of Toronto, are visiting friends
in town and vieinity.-Mr. B1Sh. Nee -
lin, Who has been employed in Stewatt
Bros. for SOine time. leaves on Moe -
day for Winnipeg, Where he has se -
fast horses in toseir Intend having a
matinee- on the turf club grOunde n
the afternoon of Thanksgiving Di.y.
good programme has been arraug
and there will be some good radii ,
Which ;should attract a good atter' -
ance.-The many frieeds of Mr. Har y
was inJured a :alert tiine ago while
rdaying rugby in Whinipeg, will be
'pleased to knovr that he has suffie-
tently recovered to not only attend to
business but to be in the game again.
—Some of the daily papers have men-
tioned Mr. _William Sloaing • 'name in
connection • avith the Lieutenant -Gov-
ernorship et British -Columbia. Me.
Sloan, who ifs en did SeatfOrth .boa,
*has been Identified with 'politics in
larittsh Columbia tor seine yeareees:
'his old friends here would be d
,lighted to eee this honor conferred o
aim. He weuld he a leplandid Man ter
the Position, and Wei hOPe to have thle
pleasure of congratulating Min on his
-appointment —As lin evidence of a
mention the tact that a number f
the devotee% of bowling have, up to
a week ago, enjoyed nightly,: games on
the green', and if the weather keeps
as it *has been during the week eve
expect .to pee the green the scene Of
rEnveral interesting games en Thanks-
giving Day. -Mr. Irvineis letter• re -
'meeting the proposed new post office
in ,McKillop warll appear next week.
`The Huron Presbytery meets- in Eg-
mondville 1Preabyterien church op.
Tuesday !next, November -10th, at 10.80
n.m. The annual meeting .of the Hur-
on Presbyterial lairoinen's Foreign Mlal-
;glaziery Society .will alga be held 1(n
end of waieh there Will -be ferenoon,
latter being open - to the public.-eir
O. F. Soenner will receive at the re
ideate of -her father, Mr. John Bea
tie, on Wednesday afternoon an
evening, November altie-Mr.. Kettle
Fear, who has beet* very 111 at the
ahme of his father here, Is irnprov-
ing.-Mr. Geo. Weir moved this wee
with his family to tae farm he
cently purehased froze Mr. Jame
alateeson, on the London road, emit
is in Northern Ontario on his annual.
deer 'hunting expedition. -Mie Aietana
der Dever, an aged gentle:nate who
has beeh renidthg on John itreet for
seine time, died ari Tuesday morning,
a&d 86 years. The remains were 'ta-
ken. to Teeswater for Intennent-OW--
ing to eomething ;going wrong with
ones of tile engiriee at the electric
light etetion on Teeeday night, the
regae aa"ti
# ie p :i81 anke-
w1Ile be rendes by
ebyterain church. on
Mita choir .will be as
rt ia
Monday, No embe'r Oth the Ladies' Aid of the
Methodist 0 ur will provide their annual Thanks -
clock. e inner man bas been regaled a pub-
lic entertainrde t will be given in the auditorium.
Music by the' e dent choir of the church assisted by
Air. Tule, Mr. a dildra. Walter Pickard, Mies: Bled,
F. IL Larkin E, Shaw. Rev, Dr. Dougal, of ,
Goderieh, will tr ve blo popular travel tallt•on Ven -
tee, the queen o the Adriatic." Tickets, 26 cents.
A welcome to . 2184-1
For Sale.—Te pigs 2 months old, 1 Jerse heifer
1 year old, 1 reg red Jersey bull 8 years o d large
in size and dark in &dor, or would exehange for Jer.
Hey tiow or bull rom another dieriet. L. G. Van
and if those n them will try and pay them
moil we will no sendbifis for the smaller ones. J.
V for s,sle. a number of brood sows and a
worth boar Cattle ---10 steers from 900 to 1260
ends weight. Two good drivers 4 years old. .All
I be priced nable. Apply to James Sproat,
mutts y—Owing to heavy payments to be
t this mon I would be glee y obliged to all
Roomed ouse to Rent on : Street—liard
d soft wate good cellar. Apply to A. eardno,
II 'forth. 2484-2
otioe--All accounts owing the la e Brm of Beattie
, Gramm mit be settled .ember 1st, at
3 Tunin —Mc 0. ye. Scott, ate aead piano
t er for the M Piano Co., List° el, whose fac-
to was recent destroyed by fire. is prepared to
Wanted1-111 hest cash piles paid or Hides, Skins,
rium. Wm aDougal 218414
d Blades, also
John Bulger,
terman's Ideal Fountain Pen.
ouse Keeper Wanted. --Wanted house keeper in
a 11 family. ; Apply to James Sao t, Box 882 Of- to
-.Brown. Inniss street, Seaforth. 2184-1•
t fore arm or pieceof soot' whioh,gueir under the
zrels of a double barreled shot gun. Finder 'will
warded on leaving the same at The 'Expositor
'A Good Home for Sale. -- The property on East
Goderioh Street, &Worth, known as the Wilson
mestead, Silver „Creek, is for sale. The property
leo sista of a conitimdious brick residence and 12
of land, on which is a splendid fruit orchard.
is is one of the most beautifully situated residen-
ta ;properties Seaforth, and will be sold cheap to
nd -up the estate. Apply to Alex,. Wilson, Sea-
ement for Sale. We are sole agents for Durham
N tional Portland Cement, it is superior to all other
'kes for strength and quality, and for •-guick set -
• g in cold weather. Call for price, it will ple.aae
i g of the Auxiliary of the iWornen'e
sayterlah Churca was held on Mon-
d y. The ladies served- tee tei the
as - ibere end friends at ,slx o'clock,
w d afterwards the business meeting
w s held. Reports were read from the
A xilleny and Mission Bands, showing
taese societies to be in a flourishing
cendithm. Ali the officals were re-
el ted. The 'amount rained ey the
A xiliary for flagstone is $249.09. The
$ 6.71 and the Sunshine .Mlasion Band
di ion to this the kuilliary and Banda
t clothing, 'scrap books and dress-
aolle to the western mission fields.
he First Snowstorm. — The first
e hanitorm Of the season started Fri -
d y morning last, but from reports
t e being to snow south, of the Red
ed • -like the beginelng of the end:
t t: manly eonsidered this the start -
Of winter, but the fine weather
of the present week wee a delightail
di aPpointment to most people. While
th cold enan bad a good effect on
b sinew; most people are not at ali
a; xious for winter *yet. The Ifmow-
ta,1,1 suc'h as it was, will have a
tt u us dry weather has been a con-
ed arable drawback to farming opera -
A Pleas=ing.—The members
•C pleasant. social evening on Wed-
ar ay last to their laay and gent -te-
m n friend , their hall, which was
c fortabi filled with guests. The
pr gramme co/masted Of' progressive
eu bre and musicaleseleetions an an
ded de ight to all preeent. The
ophon selections were on a very
hrehe ve scale, and were reed-
-with clearness that meale it a
ure to the guests to listen. At
mein on of the evening% enjoy-
, prize were awarded as follows:
he., lad weaning the moat games,
utiftil card receiver, Miss Maggie
Mr' lex..Kennedy. The second
for 1 dy was awarded to Miss
d eves, and ,fer gentleman,
ibert ortane.eaThis brought the
:tress of the evening to a -close,
er# ell So ned ie einging "Auld Lang
hed. at
ter 23
13 ran you
a Mrs.
b ted
th 20th in
was united
Corry, ot-
brkkes- par
Paul, were
Dakota. --The Moon, eub-
ale North Dakota, of.
, makes the following ref -
g lady, a* daughter of Mr.
sr Jamieson, formerly of
the First Presbyterian
ul, at Amnia on .Tuesday,
t., whea Miss Margaret
in marriage to Dr. J. 3.
treater (Colorado. The
ts, Mr. and Mislejames
present OA the occaedon.
lave, one- of St pate's
st Performed She eere-
'which the party drove to
Hand Bags all new eta° a
ozen new pi es, just eeeeived,
25c each.
each, cap 17ge hers,
f White Pin , for cotighs and
ids. 25c a ho tle.
ot doriepound, for sore back
ent for Up -t -date Trusses,
Sy inges, Shoo s Remedies,
Co ks' Cotton, lioot Compound
an Woods' Phosphodine.
dinner was 'prepa,red. The mune ev-
earin g 'he parents left for 4T'ara, One
couPle took train for Denver. - Both
brine , d groom are well 'Moven and
highly esteemed lin Heaneh. The
groom liC13, brother' of Dr. W. Y. Cor-
ry, formerly of this plate. 'He grado
naked two yearsrago from Denver Melte
teal College end Iran le -Ilea up an
extenaive practice in Antanito. The
bride is one of Hannah.'s most popular
has taken Wit active part ' social
and caurch work.
A Good Bull.—McIntegn lanes. recent-
ly leold from -their fine herd of Ab-
erdeen Angue cattle, a fine ' two year
old bull, the Purchaser being Mr. John
Shea, Dublin reed, McKillop. The price
peal WAS a good orte, aut Mr. Shea
is to be congratulated on getting suali
/Presentation.—Mr. and Mrs. Sam-
uel Robinson, former reside:les of this
townehte, who have resided for a num-
ber of Years, isni the DeCew district,
have lett, -there and are going to make
their hoMe in. Woodbridge. •garlor to
leaving De0ew Mr. and Mrss Robinson
were welted orr at their. home by a
number of tbeir friends, end after a
social tape had been epent. the genial
host ef. hostess were presented with
the app is.tion. in which- they are
held. by heir did neighbors and trlends.
The of their 'many frier* in this
neighbo ood is that they may iong be
spared enjoy the pleasuree of their
new ho
Notes. Mr. C. lAttie 11104 hie power
d oyed by Wind last week but
lies a new one in its .place sagain.-
Mr. and Mee. Mika H. Galbraith, of
Bruesebe -visited Mr. and alig. P. Gal-
braith de Sunday last; -The Orange-
men afjWinthrop lodge will give an
entertainment in. the ihalt east of
affinthr.tar on Monday evening No-
vember. th.-Mtes. Celina Durand vis-
ited throe: laat week. --Mr. Sol.
Shannon hes completed (the cement
Men . Grieve, litth concession Mc -
Friday evening of hist
week, the occesion of the silver,
anniversary et their (marriage. just
the relatiees and friends: were pres-
ent, end some of these (wive • were
preeent at the event twenty-five years
ago were the bridesmaid, Mrs. Wm.
David:see, and her auzit, Mrs. John
Thomp The bride wore her wede
ding d and the groom his tie.
Good hes and congratulations were
extended -to them by' letter and by
telephon that evening. The evening.
was spent in social chat, songs, reci-
tations, games and _music, end all
disPersed wiebing that the worthy
couple might he epared to eee their
golden wedding. BeauWul Willa in
'silverware were presented to Mr. and
Farzn atented.-Mr. David McLellan
has rented hie farm on the 8th cc:aces-
Edon to Mr. Henry Carter, of the west
PIA, ter ,a tenni of five years, at an
annual rental of $276. Mr. McLellan
bog" got :good tenant and Mr. Carter
a geod .f ern. s, Mr. McLellan: has Pur-
chased property al Mitchell and*
moved th re on Thursday of this week.
His 22113S1' friendEt in the township will
regret see him leave, but ail will
hope t the change will have a
beneficia effect on hie health, which
has not been good for some time. _
Sproa,thville Notes. -- Miss Mamie
ehen shoWer last week in honor -of
Mrs. William Charlesworth anee Miss
Victoria Stewart), who is taking up
piece of tinware becessary tor a kit-
chen, aceompanied by an original
piece of poetry. Afterwards- they sat
down to a sumptuous tea, and then
mu,sie.—Mr. Ross Sproat has been
and is still confined to bed. --Miss
Ruby -Cook, of Clinton4 is vleiting Mies
Nettie Sproat.
special meeting' of the council was
held at the call of the reeve, for the
with, Mr.1 L. McCandless,. of Sparta,
Onterke Who had just. finished the er-
ection of isIxteezt ceecrete bridges in
this township. - Engineer James A -
Bell, of at. Thomas, whO had charge
of; the vvOrk, came up on the morning
train, and *was nrieen around by . the
Cowiell to see etrelt of the bridges, af-
tee which a Meeting, was held at the
Dixon Magee, In the village 'of Brute -
field. Mr. Bell was exceedingly well
pleanoeci vrith . each and all of the
Wedge% mid said that he ,did not
tario that had so many bringeta of so
high a class ae this township, a tact
Superior Style
The superior style of
Dorothy itaodol" Shoes
will please the most eriti-
cat. They are fashioned
ints: the newest aliapea
Only the choicest leeth-
ers are used in their con-
struction. Yet they are
moderately priced. It will
give us pleasure to shOw
Robert Willis, Seaforth
Opposite Expoetor Office
,should be plea ng 'to the
j l&ei r' to tcouncil, to
Ie`, t.. 3. D. Stevaget,
Thu a 1, as well as the coat or, Mr.
M.dle: Tare total amoun paid to
Ma. Mc die#e 'for all ht . Xk was:
$8,$27, and not ;the islightes hitch
occurred between him and th ,council
at arty time during the pregress or
ter the connpiejion! at the work.- - Mr.
McOndiers has no*r lett the town
uhip, earrytngith him - the gond
wiehee of ract'y�friends, and 'leaving
bead him Otrugtures of whiig all
canned may Ai be pleased: --A. G
Tharnee Road
A Sale.—Mr. N. Ratcliffe will hold
an extensive elearing sale at River -
alder Farm an, Wednesday, *Neverober
Illie when he will sell a choice lot
ot stock, iambi ng a heaVy draught
imported Clyel, ale mare ahat wee
successful last ear in *Inning first
prize et Exeter, beating the ilemdort
prize tst0ck, else first ' and sweep...
stakes at Seaforth
Grand Bend
Noteer—Mr. James Clark is all smilaa
over the &naval of a baby boy. --Th
Mooting metch.' held by Mr. Ilarve
Bossenberry on Vfooday last Was we
attended.—Anybody *eating marriage
liceaees call on W.-3. Wilson. -gr.
Mrs. E. Brenner -called on Me. an
tans. Joseph Brenner an Sunday.—The
weather keeps very dry.—alia Prank
Allister has moved to the houSe whicn
he purchased some time ago teem Dare.
of the town line, alcKillop,
hae 'purchased the residence o
shortly to become a resident
town. Mr. Ryan hos secured
tbe choicest residential 'prone
the eounty town and while
eegret his removal frdm -thin
bis many friends here will
Expeeftr lax washing Mr. a
and beautiful lunne en the
Lake Enron.
last week for the Nest II
friends wisif her a, pleabaut
a mate return.-Ilhe infant da
Mr. and afro. MoMi
D. Ryan
T here,
of that
one of
ties IV
all will
in 'Ale
r new
ores of
t here
ip and
atter of
lah still
continues very ill.
eon, who recently wild his fine tune
on tbe London read, south ofxithis vil-
lage, to Mr. -George iWeir, as pute
able residence in; liensall, nd on
Monday last igmself and MO Pater -
.80n removed to their new ho , where
their rarely friends will lw for
them -many happy days, health
and long lite. It 'W9:14 hoped hat'Mr.
Paterson viould come to r (In
Brumfield, but circumstanees -shaped
themeelves differently and e ban
tone to emelt the !noble atelly of
town, and we will aawans b pleased;
to have Mr. and Mm aterson
come to visit us if we can ot bave,
them altogether.
'have -commenced for the eea on, the
fleet being held on Thursaa. of this
being delivered this week t Robert
Thompson for shipment Ito t e west.
—At the official board mhete of the
Methodist church held on Tue y ev-
ening ot this week, a wield ous in-
vitation was extended te Re E. G.
Powell to become their panto for the
fourth year: The anritattion was at-
cepted.—Brussels rate Oa: ta,x tea for
1908 is 20mille on the d same
ton, Pa., James • O'Neil, Who es been
year was presented ovithi two elegent
pipes enclosed in a case, ny a number
of We friends. The reciple t made
a ,suitable reply in which he expres-
Feed his regrets at eevering ol friend-
ships in town. His successor here is
bath (morning in the iinte este of
French evangelization. 'Next Sunday
Rev. Mr. McLauchlta, of Stra,t ord, will
occupy the pulpit. Rev. 'Mr. Wisaart
will be at Beaverton preac g wad -
gas from a coal stove At t e home
of lest week, Misses Merger t and
from suffocation. When to nd the
former was unconsclous and t e latter
partly so. It took severalIday to wear
off the effects of the gas'.
Briefe.-Miss Mina Fisher, f Indi-
ana, is the guest of leer a t, Mrs.
Warren Dignan, of Hay, thi week.
—The Hensall flour mill has 13 doe -
ed flown for almost four mon , dur-
Ing' which tirne they have quipped
their entir.e mill vrith the la est and
most up-to-date milling mach! ery ob-
tatnable, and have also jncrea their
capacity to two bundred barr s per
day. This should be a great benefit
to the wheat grower% and 11 ur eon-.
smilers of this district. They re now
running eight and day and in a
position to supply the very b t fam-
ily flour at the Lowe* cost sabey
have else tristalled a roll cru er for
crumbing oats -for home feed, which.
we understand, is now being mostly
used.-rair. and Mrs. Robert M Martin,
of this village, end Mr. and M s. John
Caldvoell, Jr., of the township f Tuck-
reavement .of infant children, and
muc'h sympathy is felt for them. -Mr.
H. H. Buech has purchased duaing the
past week a span of fine ponies.—Mr.
and Mr.e. James Logan and Mr. and
Mrs. A. Harvey, who have been iv
Manitoba for some months, eturned
thas week, and report a plea t trip
end a good time with, rola! •eg and
friends in the west:—Mr. Ro t. Jar-
rott recently Purchased Mr. iman's
neat =brick dwelling at the at end
cif our village.-sWe are ple to
state that Mr. George Petty, re who
has been so seriously 111, le prov-
ing, and we trunt may contin e to do
ISCi.—Mrs. William Elder, sr., is vis-
iting ariends in Blyth and vi !pity.—
Mr. JAfflOS Paterson, of near Bruce -
dwelling preperty, intends mo ng into
it the end of this week.—Ha lowe'en
parsed Over in eur vilbge in the usual
manner. The juveniles and * few,
others indulging in the•nsual Paetirnes
end aittle prenks, but withall had the
good sense not to do anythin
ways :beaks well for a • villa
Simpson, oa Westminster, nea
don, was in tee village this w
Ring her friend, aire. Swan.
Are in High Fashion
The request for
Jackets, Neck Furs and Fur
Sets is widespread and con
elusive of their extreme pep.
ularity. We handle the best
makers goods only, and thus
in the inexpensive kinds, as
well as in the more costly,
we've procured garments that
possess a dash of smartne
of style that women will like
at sight — and continue tep
We Specialize
Women's Furs
Our prices are the lowes
quality considered.
Fur Jackets, Fur -Lined Jackets Nock
Furs Fur Sot% Muffs, Etc
Most certainly the values we are offering are such
as Seaforth buyers will very much appreciate. In
every instance we will be perfectly frank with
you about qualities, and if there is any occasion
for dissatisfaction after purchase is made, your
money will be refunded for furs as weli for any-
thing else bought here.
Stylish Dress Good fOr ome
of Taste
Women with positlie ideas ill matters of dress,
who know just what they want, will find our im-
mense stock of new wool fabrics completely satis-
fying. Women who don't know exactly what they
want, but who seek the best, will also find satis-
faction bere. The following values are noteworthy:
(All lines are guaranteed pure wool and fast dye.)
1. Our range of French Venetians,50c to *1
2. Our range of Chiffon Broadcloths, $1.25
to $1.75.
3. .Our Imported Scotch Cheviots,50c to $1.
4. Our Imported Wide Wale Serges 65e
to $1.
5. Splendid variety of Imported fancy gm
lengths in the fashionable dark olor
tones, *5 to $10 the suit length.
Highest market prices paid for butter and eggs times
Lemont, assisted by active workers, is
making good headway with his drain
contract on Richmoed street south,- .
Mrs. Teylor, ot Exeter North, was iin
the hillage this week, visiting her
son', Japes, and grand daughter, Mrs.
Frank MarrahalL—Mr. Gilbert liouee
and family left here tbis week -for
Brussels, where Mr. Homo intends en-
gaging In the barness business, , He
he recently sold to Mr. Donaldson, of
Clinton. Mr. Roum be a good traelea-
man and, together with his family,
will be missed- from our village. His
fine dweljing he sold to Mt, 'Hemp-
hill, who Wilt ehortly occupy it.—Quite
a number from here attended the an-
niversary services In St Andrew's
ehurch, Kippen, on Sunday last, and
'the tee meeting on Monday evening,
and report e large attendance, both
at the church services and at the tea
meatina.-Quite a number attended tine
Laing Bros, moving picture entertain-
ment on Thursday evening of last
week. -Mr. Hemphill has recently
proved ,the appearance of *his drug
ertore,—The dance in the opera house
on Friday evening, given by the bath -
elms of Heessal, was largely attended
and very much enjoyed. The London
Harperv zupplied the music. --Mies
Johnston is visiting her :deter In
of a Notes. -Mr. Andrew Oliver returned
loh al. from the weeA Off Saturday -last, He
--Mrs. went out on the harvrstecsi excurldon
Lon- and was well plesied with' the west,
In vis- but the likes Ontario b tter, especiada
Mr. R. Hiabert. Mr. Norman Jame% of Strat-
ford Normal Sehoca, spent Sundny with
his parents, -Mr. Cassidy has best%
re-engaged as teacaer S. a No. 2.
Mr. Cassidy bas even, good eatisfaca
Ron aed ads many f dada will be
pleamed te bear that he Is going t*
stay another iyear. —Wedding belle
will ring M Alas vicinity in the gam
/tit-art.—Miss Rhoda Barbour is visite
lug friends near Itusseldale.
The Coon-cll.-The council met in the
council rpom on pctober =-
corning to adjournment, the metebersi
present and the reeve in the ebeirg
A petition was preeented by Andreae
Knight and °theme, askirzg tor fa"
construction of a drain in the locality
cif lots 2a and 29, conoessien 111)60.6
age Act Moved by Mr. Taylor, sage
oned by Mr. Campbela, that maid Pea
tttion 'be accepted, and that Engineer
Roger be instructed to examine tbe
described area and make ibis repot
accordingly.—Careled. The Court cf
Revision on By-laws Noe. 9 and It
known as the McDonald and aohnstoel
lug to notice, but no appeals Weeet
made. On . motion of Campbell and
Tiy-iaw No. 9 was closed and the BY'''
lew es read was finally passed1
Richard Proctor presented his bond as
'lector for the current year.
on of Ttylor and. Shaw the 1-sailtr
number of accounts for roads
bridge work were mend for ,payeneat
end tile couneil adjourned. to nrcet s.4
gein on Novenaer oath.
the peoptee point 01
to !get the ppore4
of having tr) Wait,
New the time-
taithud4nWewilestY:eun 6#14aitel
glance at the price hst
lifen's $1
g, natwal
rice 06
ng Blac
sq airrel lin
Raid revers.
Very line Beaver
lining, natur
toyer colors—
gular price
e 'a Fine
0 es Fine
all new and
Men' Coon Co
Men's Black Cal
Men's Dyed Worn
Men's Wallaby Coa
Men's Fur Collared