The Huron Expositor, 1908-10-23, Page 4A v �w T- 7 �IF - 7 77. V J 7 n I=- fieh T. Me. tim Uberal i Xth- RA A rib, Of TO! 40ke Ui IN FAIraltir"Ve LE Akow4k SHOLV last 0110ved ;W OCT02 Wit, of r0ugh ur bUl �Onto, then 4BL rlW T F QuArrIO 18'atpr4086:dt Oh the alk list. Ot UV Of H� H Hod toft Off-- Wintham, f gen% G: -ad Mrij J& "o MO. �A, X, o tt, whila'm ma&ean Was I '- M - moa� rn 'd en a"t %:w �vdth. eW wid ronil the' lafter'A brothtr the. W1 - r err, to Dr. Hamilton,, of 10. OU was in t ulm Or�` the S000latIdA -1 he 4e; -i -Rev. -i..G j, K *44diftsof MWROSS, of se 7 The. - F"twear Jbe:Mec­Vn9, thr ghout e� Bolgravib, I Sea - 14r It 17,: -Oderly d the- audience wws rl t w Y t6rth 144 �!D,,hu-r6ola ne at, �Ter­ awrest at a-tive o20 t,2 23 214 atten there beint- aY. ng at Clandeboe odd sary servI608 of the Oteebyterl4n, - 29 30-, 31 to be held on Sundwy, Wo- 2a IMperat 25, 29,12.7 29 Uk to �dj Zest to ch The climate - of thiNI country makAs ive for a U1611d atternoon.' ftmber ist. 00 the. following Monday M aiWhether the w a ...... Wo - on sud Aild to 4ear shoes, irchlbald barrN �er of -Mra. meg L. Pooter,a:nd little. mite 0 ther s fine evening it is ae intention to -hold a or present' Vulflig 48, -L a-ura ic oney is tight bv pintiful shoes a - 'Another Yarn VMt the past week t - Mr. tes meeting, at ich It is expected ra a neca$91ty A" ro.� a . . . . . . . in Clinton. jog. ter,'.s,-Mr. L.. B. atbers Cam 11Y. you!ll buy them where Your money Will '90 the fart�' Ughter of- Mr. 'And home fr pm the w. be a large tu The 1at.Ast.T,-Cy story for there � will th Mr ast on, Saturday.-, and Mrs. p. McCaughey bet �UrPOMG dis to the effect that VAnat *e of , and taniftyi This -store, by soon of its, e: v Ur. Miss re buy wet 4rik After �wwh Nlmagham, died s1A I on 0 g, Ifitili *44, MISS I I ing advantags,i.q in in 11th, attar -a hort' Nlckert'w best t IV the =of ai qj" which tht bmse &left in �ROst and Lur i of eTe In Parkhill, Of Sunday with rel- pomible value foz your moa positi has, (Yn U'Unda: . Y- atives here.-�-Mr, James Gutt is at py� -Rberf Ploof of this is foua 0000ft--stswut Bro&--a hAve lbeen El Godeic ;OU On a. PraWnt lbustly engaged ar TO At a. Qlauae�4� Just returned 'h om New 1p state, In bu C and U buying ClabAing Co -1 large- fi W� Padded by . pittin shipping Potatoes and as tfie . - teady trade the ye und. tIOther Advantge you haVe i, m-bor Of name*. of are a your shoes here is, P, ka-T&SOU.-S pereop, -h thAt our assortment of VIes and variety make& where he Purchased same inlr.e 0 it rays ­m OiZ" very VloAtiful crop -be -bas o trouble ot not 0-Intitled to vote. -Over this the� *Aid 'barras of ipples. Ndbw�A 'brilliant Auience attend is larger than usually lound' in- the average -aboe, Ator 111 getting I a lot -of them. -Mr. J. A. Footweaf,-Walter q. wMla-4 COnserVative press bas b W niece' Mr. -ed thbr NeIn tyrp rally beld -bdre lW91t e. Stilt another een making 'Uht of - Hous" Icaadidate for, X-OrtR, of inglia &dvant8ge- lies in the f"t that we hand y i tvn�, of- Auburn, died -recently, the Friday dvening.1 -The m, was In town you back our =)Dno' ccsidierable Poise- And the Ontario Ap- on Ttiesda In cann -satiefled with your Purchase, if die- Goderlb.,fiaplul, :of tumor in the ftut Derth Was at his, beat and easI17 ebtivn 11e is th ectio,41 with; the el­ Rubberi-Richatason & Vanni" uTZ10Y 4-eneral ls"despatchlng.� tivwnt threat. defended the Laurler, adminiotration. e returning officer for With these advantages, and the fact that Our shoes are alviays reliab�e . a -ad five -canotables to see Huran.-Mbe I iunf DISPIXY---John Jftjpc�-I, that no.pers wint, - t aughter of Mr. idation Ing A 'we not count on a;nd His i9peech was &,cruisbino� re wwrers are b dependable quality, za a Inegro concert company here you *as. Notice to Or Bryftne--5 "Ag, Wh(j live at nie�dafb' One -Of - our Isatisfiecl -edito -jmtltb�d tD vote Ishall -be mG�x us charges of car- t customers this Fall ra W. perni-itted. ti ndx Frld -died re�ently after af rupti6h, nd giatt. Mr. McIntyre wa -he face of it, It- mako nem Vt 'three weeks from. acute indl- 9-'bly &'Wisted "by. Mr -ott, ealtor tY for-Ule-Dunem UoWlnra-r, do isma on - t Cranbroo & a 1pretty cam P41".9n '%to. 7 It ohdul'd geatimi, 4"awe tot -1 ot the Utchell Recorder, Both apeak- (JAjY, 1k4ftJagt Centralia. Clearing', We�R� A. Edwardd-4 xmt 'be overlowKed however, th at th 6 -Mr. D. eluff "man -ager of 'the erg ware ch6ered- to.,the echo. Mfuh-y Death of a. PIOnVer.-A. ell -known ). , express -egre An May Mitttr­Robr, b8enl-rievised by a *Mpte t ClInto q'rgaa tactory, has gone t, 01f r t were teArd be- Pioneer of this ineighbor hood passed a-. oil auge thg ever popular U. Y. McLean waY .Sunday, Oct 11th, th, -J. A. 'Robert" Court of judgw,: and'for Mr. Foy t -1 the old�`CbuntrY busiess trl�. ober was unayod# Aberbart,.-S expedtSk.to be abigent. a co4ple -of ably AbSent� POskniaster Per0on of Sarpuel McCloy, at the ad - no DQY step in now and, liy- seauding � constable 3, 1 I-19flend was elected chairmwn and vapced age of 85 years.' For some to fteae places, with -the evident inten - rge Greenslade -6 -Mr- an�a',Mrs. Ric.haird. Rana the moeting ajosed With three ' ging MKMtha the deceased had b -ford, of ri een. In rath- wh6 bw -e -the tor the Kin a #11ger r teehle health, but previous 'to his tion of intirnidattA.g voter�s, whom thers a ..beqn'�ipendlag ay. e, said b' tn h; returned their . Laurier McIntyre S:6d McLean. A laot illness wae, always robust and e . n - Judges 00diilc� ave a perfect right 'fne ra-pt week. Mr. Rani veritable' transewAngtion ge is & grow mfiwsie ford- Is In One: has Jowed the 'Aver3t best of health. - Mr.. (OPPOSITE 11 COMMEROIAt 110TEL) of his a1dab- yory; critical istate' ot'health, taken pla16 tn� the -,SL- 0djUmbeeft cem. McCloy was a native of Irla;A4, be_ Fjole Agnt U 80forth -,William. McKenzie of' VancQuyer, etery- dui -9 -the pgigt Mmth,; - Four "ng both I'll the C001ty of Tyron for th' '9 Emprss.)) and #t ity a tion the. Toron� I In el .1 Itish. Wurntbl�, Queen Qual 00 SNAIRORTH, FMAY, Oct. IS 1908 to JWorld, Which - can- hardly be held, �vha`r*Wided In I,oe- Acres CC I IOUIPY lociste bave been out and came to Ci;nada* vvhen about. 13 1 P , t k - womeAl and the i SlAter and gg WSJ some tW4Mty-iLv6-.years ago,. with. 1dOW4"Uhl cast Into the fire. -Nearly- earla of age, e over ahoos for as lavOlrable -to the Liberals in th year 1835, first I k nsays,, . .... Is Wife im(t family;.has. beh- renewing tA�*Igi Lmps bav4e be6n,.grubbed out, settliAg 1JI tha t0WnShIP of Darlington. A Last Word. WIhatever MAY �e. . all6ged cqualat -apound the old home Valleyis have been, filled the hills S=6 Years later he removed to� ben, aga ancest th I AT t he tim this, the conduct and� 1&thods of tb and annu :i�e4ches our read-. e cout .-The farm on, the , Main beon brought I al -tOurhamcnt Of our gun Yorkton, ftak., to he court Judges under whose di ets 1the preseht'c - rectio and Can- )V, en ed tralla,, where be ad Jlved continuouai: club -was beld here cm Frid Of lwst illness 'a her- fatbr, JAInes 90tcheit. amPaign will be Prac­ electara n th cession, 'Godericb* towasbip, formerly Ys bw made otialtit and the ky for, 59 years 1 _1W for th 'being highly respected-, Week PZd waM'a umpt s ces e Algoma. - distri wned 'b y� A., was od gh lain., Ov" U stut affair. a tar" -known re9dent V"4.y. over., et, 1 c wa ym p _er W41 .1 thi� were er amd at t remain will -by one 'hundred SO A friend and citizen. Deceased was Tbra was a large Of Ihia ti.. Meled and Adjusted, the, Ac- uttton� -the Other day, the pure! aser have bb I attendance and 12th cancessin Gre ey. b& Me Polling of the vote. Thler is. the . . F eeft'gt work w1th -ploughs, the youlageot sad last bf a family of Some lexcellent igbootlzr'done. _y. -R sy gefietal,, -Mr. Robert -Sweet, at aPers, harr6wp, grub-boes, � pickg nine. ifot-ed XOT his stgrl qu Provincial attorn. g $1,901. rl.tz, Z ric , d Charles Mrz. Xert and daughtern, at 0 -010, d gravel w With- YA ck, agune. Not h0nefitY of purpose, and aws reported ln� an - at ternoon Armour, Of Woodist Ing alitls P ot u b MV* Important rt Of Al. Wore I contern - J, d . Fred Keri, 4 Spen several dw in town jai t� p0rary� may lay" ttvif ope -to f as taken a -poillon In. zOlinto AS dinng Atmosphere -of solemnity,' go'od traits, heL.had this Malry Credtoln- tie for first honors. Pe' k., "PU-ng a ballot for 4pne calAdidate Or �eonotrUetion. ' The L lWto- AS Settled n many Warm triands Vr -,Wje laTe so*ry to say that e 1nishing a bangs over a ity of Who Will lear and aperIntendent - lot tth bmym� ;; vUlAges tan make a; better Isbgrp is laid -up *Ith a with rQgr t of bit de- showigg than Zurih an. attack ot -weigh 'certflOd MUst -be bold to, be correct p',�rtnlient of the Doherty orga;n fac-� In the mitter of I ty1wid tever. She the other, -every elector hould de� theL.e 0 1 the spontaneous and &I- MIM -He. wag; a Wnxistent raember of buzinese. "d ent-,4rrl 49t L . ftlVin his Ow mind what and altholukh the proVince, of tha t. tpry, &ad' mily to, uous '11aabbo Of L Ir V;lt the Methodt-at j'hUreb. Vnd life Be. 0 had been zur-ckg *111 M DVe hii - f& are ulwa 19tizette fevr ipatients meat Hent-rynL tOrney, u-ndaubteik is ' tc, Olintan. ish Ut -of that ballot may mean, He -Merl �ept the usY Workmen bubblitig ov- Coln*rvative. In polities. Ile -lung -ya on the move pol !q6ver a -Tihiomals. =d . Mr . X, _ he, tr with ViVed by a wlftw-� One mn a:nd a thre P toral Offences and to Pro. ilton, daugte -The marriage of our- �seaom jpassef, but some mew boildlaga hm - return�d ohm,ld not be unish, 19a, is a C is of e tbis week from, Ur, and. Mrs, z Ugh Hamil Uise Clara O'Cohnorl daughter Lot' Mr... daughtE;i� I -Of� The h0lldaY with friends 1�a 31abilbt. -arr'ed a*AY by P I'ty fiPrve.the Purity of the'ele-'Otlon, hiz' 1 One are.1put up and atbers-finploved. e montw PreJudica, 'nOr yet by the COhtinuOu% right Ito use h L power& ta, of whom W111 have the Is so ]iil W� Ingh Parst Dogs= has been particularly'brIsk T-1, VCaracken am, died lk, t, week after a ef aort 00onnor, third cone a large circle of triapds.. in this, lf". Aragag the took to less Cry 19 scandal. Aa Shuld 'think the. Vffect to review 1111new.1 no im thm 26# the decision of the - Hibbeft ti Y. Mr, Job w but n r;�L ram tyPho Id fever. Deceased 'A MCClu-sky, 'fifh The tu-nera took pl 10 at'the --elght fairs WVeli be 9 prizes InatbW Out fully and fairly tbr:hh�- 6PcnsW10 Judges appears. to be ques,­ W1449 a ;w*t- estim �ble yo doncessim wo solemniz-' crn We to the Exeter et*eted and Otheriff Improyed i !ing- lady and of McKillop, etery. are 4 �ttended CtIve worker In . I the Prosbyte-'r1a e P&rleh church here on Tues- addition to brought a vq;y largp U614- ble. 'It they haverrodL e HaTtlelb's block;. Merner &T 'rote aeeor4in 0 r a b usse d -a UinfrtU. L n d at th �Orovjnd tbodr Official - 11 - MISS 13. Q'bon 2rua- PQ9ItI0A In the Iterest C urch day Morning L last Store; bIck dWe ling, j. Preeter eels.. "d hundre v to � "WY, In this campaigm, me party 'of nor. do �C People Word U One or other of the -political- Par. -A.a:& reptdt of the chainges I 41eted as tridoomaid. Th OOM Stanley. albtleloCh's sjw Mill; - S. Rannie' ed 1swa, ham M-Mde'lt a-, campaign� L ties, a reln.ady Can be fOUnd WlthOu4. ihdl6f. - e: gr y froin the'.Ul *e beta Obftuar.-I�fe newig well +A get g made 'b tLeslated b his b of the pudden frame d Ott scandal in I, t Gbderich Pc wer r 9 -And liew Aable,, a r1le Ur SO they Ar rothe , James, &R4 Armstrong, of, the A. tandidates In East Huron am c4uidni clash between the Dom t death � 01 - Mrs. 'Jarneg conebroed., T- inton the nuptia ilpm by Rev. Albert Me- 11ne, Anle that towa-b 01fia-, W o electric, I ght rru ATCb. Hislopo Llberal, of Greyl,. in -i -discussing thfiaffairs.,Df provincial authorities. -The point AT MOre than[ a w Nek, and the rati! eaadlectloi)a we Y 'Which. occurred Dr. Cb1sh h0e Oqued ens xeyn�- SA fit that re sulng by �Va, , . 2 0-1m, Conservative, The world makes js�v - Tuesd&y b, id 4. gteat MISS Plan nipart&nt w4thering up la nps i ran� Mrs Moraing, October isth 12ke kwtfon so they j�&oujid , time, And ) I I ham. be discussed Vritelple and its breach for. the: varloue Pla6e-s of busin Mr. J. F, MOO Hollaud, came am a great-- shock to the nura- by.'a reamon4le and .0pliD. L C el a.* Downei, of Guelph, ap9ke, eroua friends thinkin --mENNEEN" relatives of the de. 9 Pe a=vt 'be JIL411fled "in 'any particular- �Hugh..MdLmn In �behalf A -Dr. Steele at -Dublin on �c sed.. &Ad of* Belzrave, had ea Mrs. A * o case without -being 'tuesdil uht Last'Julaie Mr. Down- rmstrvng was a native political TAO brY from begbwhig. to end -L h4s, extended in, e mistortune to break One of his that 0= lead ta.!notbin L a way P j but -co . on I e, near thk CC Pallock.Welde Meethrff.-A -mee-Ung; in the Nutes.-lass Aggle S�Cwers is Igpend they have b le,: at' Mr. C dblin- and *,op In a suburb of Qlas, interftts bOm One- Of " I e-�V visited Oat, as tbow oke In the 9T ngham�, While drawing torn to he -Hon.- Mr. Monte . Ith. Mr. .7 and to evis quite an nI tbrests of g0w, ScPtland, Zid emigra, d to this of M. Y. MOLUn theLiber- Ing 4 few dayA with, tier sWr,. ou.,nt tie I if WIS Were frighte ed 'a defeat was - �a foos to. the -be In the school A. HorWek.-Mr. TholnilsOn -md am,4 cirmlam, rivatelly distributed, at- againmt which M 41 candidate, will FWA Action ii sdlo, 4 his - hot Monteith ry with Aet pareats wh&n ten ouseetweeax creeds PeProrftnted to be directed. a �he steam from the engine aiid be Province; ut Dr. --Steele ieast of Beechwood, On Saturday J. T., toMPted to, rats-, strife b arig of age. 19fie was IlY, who ave been �vlsit nageable, I an. will not be the daughter 01 e�venlng, October 24 d he Jumpda off McLean Me 1MV0 4ppealed per4.W,,tIy to[ the -came unma Missed.-Laurler late Malcolm Campbell Of th, at eight orelock. Reid fo­�r the past few moAths left fm and Victor ley. Stan- Every lower "d baser. trait-s� of burn -the -load,, all' The funeral w k 1PerWn'*I0 �Cordlally invited to their home I -n- Portl last wok.-! VO� the benefit, ghtig.wi the side of his Oct6ber 26th,� 190s. It Is an Thursday tr homestead, hear i an. Z'a- NOW They Stand - h1ch too Place be pre9ent. Remember t the �chDoi Ve are plegg, Wire,, end by foot, breaking botj� bone time fofr a change. Bard 0M the Old , P od ;to atIrring up r-allgious Of COMParson, atter en' mu* be was a lair house Least of Bee W ; a row, Xr. mr hwood, t6 -mor Mr. games Swan aud - if the electjotn, On, Mond 'next,, it M -Oile- ut' ClintOn's Oldest -reside ch nged to,; hitney. ge one testifying to the es� Saturday from teIr 11�nm& Strite hope to gln Xy Mr. Wfio)lojas Robson, died on Satu -teem- and rei�;l levening. c0utrol ot the Government of the be Ut interest to r, which was felt for re recoverin know his: 74th year, He' -the*deCe&-sed by her meighbors and the relative In was treasu r Wroxitisr. ac- -Mr. Bruce Beiry returned.. i10 Notes. -Mr. Arthur StUtt has gon dueled by the Rev. Mr. McNeal, I e Countu- As ievery reading ind -think- 8ta"I'alng Ule Parties In the last fo'-`the't0-W.A"irnt11 AUout tw�elv'e e The� services wer con- the west this week. -Mr, I e these "scanal's., 'ftZlIamont. At the tl' of dtasolu-- ag the:� I Lst - f6w Of �`Carffll, who was attendin I -A Venson, knowp, 'a yearS pa*or Haftnee -A laumber of very t hb: fun - me ItY of in a terlan -church tul matinew havb beer sdeceas- RcI602"'htadg -a-cted In the to' llck-stor','WhOve he has a Position of the DAYtIeld Presby eral qt his undle, Mr. X- Rob h&va U0 real foundation UOU ihe relative held or, the in fact, -And tanding ot. the -par- Im migration 11islop Of Which denem!natin 3 w9ent for the Dominion vV111, address A- meeting In the t0W.- strong has b Mrs. Arm- race track here this fall, and- Tues_ ClWbon this week seFU,.,R by Uietr r8OUtIon theYl arp. 0aly ties In the'Rose was a -follow �Gqvernment. ne 1(1 aves a widaw, End hall thts n een 'a faithful and icon- ruceticld callin on old friends, -Um., one Fmn�- Friday: eve da'Y"s ftOft'waG no oXCL-Ptlon to the ning. - Mls�q taint member - since her girlhood. In rule. Th add to the interp e; com- g Ithe politieg. party, they Ub, can. Dkethauer a Hespeler _st th 907ce amd Mrs, Cornell, of Godorlox Dqite, One of the jp to Quebec . ..... Mr. Robert v1sit6d her Mr. Mobleal's SYMpathtic and earnest MitteP secured the Hlghian4 a -Te visiting home Jas. axe �adeavoriug to a?ssiot to .11 A . shtle - u4cle, Mr' J. Brethauer, last week.- addreM -On " The Christ braa Vower, Ontario ...... ... ....... 54 M,'� ecehly underwi,.nt Rev. W. la�a.home band BOYce.-Mr. Murray Gibson wM 38 '49' 'an qperatloxi in ifi) Cllnton�,hoppjj,a. Voranto of snowe And an aVetlan isale, f his firm ,jese, eist -E - Hamard he Luckno; for -he c hav tbe Con- New Br- B.A a the great Influence a Cbrist- theTtrenftred first-class music. oix ...... ...... ave an There 8 5� It -Is expect A;n Old HOvvick boy, g la'a mother, such as the deceased was were four aces MOndaY, November 2nd.. Wy4aves Yr1DfeS# t believe- they did, Wava, Scotia ... ...... ad 'he mill soon bq bb on the Prograrb and Is qu a recovered the Prince Edward Island .. Work In Va Boyd e won as f 61 w -by did theY not, bring. .... ....... 17 1 return.-. to h le to 1111L9traied locture -on Bible Soclet wields'In the home. Mi . So. E they wer M� UP In eh ch, on T. I laws Clas' A - Manitoba S. --Mr. A� coo Of Clih ton t �e Odlisit chui of Toroatp, sa-,,ng very te8lingi t�el to as tears ler, Delgrave; ght, h did the dafe* -poist c - - tail *left for Port Huron on Tuetsolky, from ever eye." ..The I , . Mrs. J. A. 'iMeNau a CC in a:n � up gle Lyn- 'Class ad the �14�Mw Of Parliament and .. ....... ...... 7 3- W-talled lag Wnday evEning.-Mim Ma beautiful & Baeker. Prove 7 0wMSOn. Ife'Donald Thanies )Re 'bargeo at. Alberta ...... lk �store solo, He wip the , adil " ton I Notes * their. c� Liberals -a. 2 2 y uer ....... . �5 visit for two weeks. deceased's five -sung &nil ire ale; Geo. -H6nderson, Segfrth` London, -is visitin ard that- wift hold whre ishe will Pallbearers we gain -k. the late . aelns6rva, admils- British Colum�i*a been tbumnid c a.rds.�- in Abla tive, -Mr- and r.s. A. Sanderson of -How- sah, John X LaIrd C -P- SCOtk, -7. Ualbralth, J. La- nel ood at present. -Mr. Vired ...... 7 0 1 ghborb Sudeessfu Miss mount. TWO others also start -y trati'Mi Had t)i(W any -hope Ot Prov-� ....... ....... qrsar. Aervices in tell., spent veral da of ed hl this Preston, of Se ettOn With:, ArnistrqWZ leaves behl-hd to mourn the race. tlaiw D -A Currie R- J.4 e- the iguest , afarth, spent -a ewft Ys last week .dIton , Method 6cA In W'6,,odbr TbIsr madie a tutal - meniber chi irch. were held ex Sqnday- and Mc n g. -Mr. and Ben 'Williams: re- In4" fte'r c&4e th8 electOrS may rest, 'of 214 Mrs. Jas. low of a beloved mother five sons a;nd Lauchlin, M. it, *Cardlt Mr.1 f i oth- cebtly.-Mr. Ed. and Mliss Ileta, ea"Ured that thAY wduld have pro�., -aUd gave the Liberals a majority oi daz% obtober , lith 111nde, of arrtstonj spent Satur . dav seven daughters', Jameif Armstrong V' ers also Started. This will 94. ano 12th-:'011'Sun-� With fr here.�--Xr oepeded n, I this w.-ty-. -Lacking In the 1COMIng; Parliament fty' th�--,S8rvlces wire k w. C, Currie S., Gorrie; Dr. W. j. 'Armstrong Matinees for this season. enj the were 4n Ingeracoll last week, att� I " good number W11J b� Inerea1sed to, conducted, by Whave a;n auction mle of hils.1101168- Mitchell- Dr. Male i I& ithe r 19S Campbeh eaAe, ithey have content th re 221 mem, :Ret. J. �Mlllyard, d Dirt. Qh Mon�l A. V. 4rm-' Nute%­'Postma�ter ' Farrovq narriage of M goods next 'Tueaoiy afternoon, _Vqnt Mr. !A. WhltlMk,. who Spent 1 g -een- 1�vefiihg a smial entertainment -Mr. rn. D. A I em.0.6,ves bgr, four. mo members having b �rara;* J. ndrew several day C. stmig, Tuckersmith; Archibald' A. Ja es adsor here� wftll� 11kf-AnuatiOns and half truths wih g1vh' to SaSkAtchewa;% and &cLeod lis assisting In Mr' rm - 8 In London and Wh couple.,of weeks t bla home three ad- given. The. pri iceed of the se r- Ruthektardik last week.- m -the thepe of misleadEg. The policy dillorna-1 members to Alberta. .. The vic' hrdware store. Armstrong, who DunfOrd, of Oln-, turned �o Seatorth on Monday, amounted to $1501. G- Honpve, Of Woodbridge homeotead Mrs. -%',?rlbr � to the and W400rk of the Laurlei Government number of members from each Prov- d-eParture 'of Sunday at visited ovez, resides on. the old tm, W" In town last' Su`nda;Y.-St�tion Bethny Methodist' Church has ibael, Quebec 65, Ontario 86 -and family of S.' Montgomery,, Da- agent'OWeil 19 away on+ a visit td his much Improved In ppeaance and �M" h1a. hume h -,re, -An Amer- kota; Mrs. C. Lair London; Mrs. W. 'Parental Successfully attacke -Scotia 19 New Bruns xova J ob r. son Clinton, for lean vaudevi'Lle*cUrnpany wIll giv two J.Poiligek, Stanley; home In -PenUsYlvR-aia.-W. T. ventenee by that addition 0 1) reh Edward wick U., Prince about 61rtY41ve- of tha moving pitt e Mrs. (Dr..) J. MeAsh MCQuarrie und bride are f a their -record as the administr 191' 1 tre en ators of and 4 Manitoba -10, -Sask..! tertal, here on a In frout.-Miss Margaret asroore S'. . ers vt the Ladles* Aid of Otar lo evgnlngs ' Tiffients on the Tar*; Mrz, James Scot, Morris. Visit from- tfie West. - The. former ned -n 10,- Alberta 1, British Of Wednesda;y and Thursday In4e filid Bdr' L the Tieple's Altchewa- atr t 'church - ag -bled. at: -the Pa - Is a has retur to ber homel attier spdnd- affai-ris has 'stood the sern of thts wep tha, WhO rasided with brother of Mrs. W. p� Strettojohn Mr fire and haa come out 7n where . Mr. Johnson Was 0 e niece,. Muza FDwlle. reft att nd- Mooney I k -Mr.. J.J . 9-tephens a;nd Ing Itheurnmer with -umbla 7. ank Yuko -1 tath' -be f ound the-, ter, their! mlother.. All the child has returiled from Mrs, mattheW -Milkr Was unsullied. Ctn a:x1othr page -wi-11" re-cl, tent f n address accompa:n1(c, p t I of Toeswx 0 the tuneral exce wo of Exethr.- 'am th"ther buad, the Liberalig have various candidate. in th b� t iree.hitridsam a en ait Friday In the vlllage,-M�. game:ry, Dakota. Pt o4ne, ,Kris. if ynit,-, M� 1sit -in the west This week In Stratford lazjxt week attendfang th gone to the country Ontario on%titu . n I ir �e k differe'nt e I feces of China a'- 'W. C. Currie spet. The beauiful f,OW- W. H. McCracken :A T, 0a their, good ad- c es.. tf6r Sunday With rela- eris Vaid on the casket ' 1PPed twO ca 91 at funeral. Uf. her sister vhi'c:h all eh1YY(-.d- -lunch, and lco,'- tiv0_9 In Druwels,�Mr. Chas. Stuart, of were tribi Ltes Potatoes to Toonto.-XISS Jane - dajh Of Mr. ind MeOrd, they have appeal- v.er ktian. of iftectl0l, a0d eateem. Mrs. Ar ell eft on Fridgry Mttch- Tohn Millar Wbodbridge, ee for -- F -;! 'r Ed is spending m of last w Alex. I �i i6u tht.L�t ladies was in ber 75th year� 'Her f -ed 'to' the elect(Yrs aR honest businese- Notes and Comments 7he bazaar, helol by, the ith friends in this viel -a few days 9 A 1few dayp. ago, Mr R. L. Borden rch, 7 ga. ;a Clin tan, one day r,,- Wrn. and D D. W _601�. men should do. Their : administratle, Villis Ch nity.-Hessrij. band �Predeceaed her eleveti,'Yearm Y, wQ`a !9-reSt succes. The -hall Ick, held a very auccessful sale of ct affairs for the past twely,_ -year the Leader: of -the OppocAtIn issued *ntl Sander'son, of Ho tasteful ly dep rated and implements , la Lb�A O(f immenm value to the M-anitesto to bie electors in whi the; stock ind Zurich ch -he were liberg.11.7 patronized dul st Friday af - couj-ltl�-v- tUlader their guiding ban -Ed tor -Watten, of Ford - d pi 0-468 himself'.to, skte 9 e M100h, 'n the�-eve Winter Overco. ad to the statu. nifig a wich,.OccuPhd the pulpit in- the Epis., into; !his ha4ldsame neW 10a,aada ftwt 'been rals, __ggar.d the Iri- 1 afbe Hartlelb has moved' of 0- great inaiti6n. We 'have see ters.d the 1-b. Pa's, tnjG able prog -a ring men against un was ren- copal ch4re store. T T. last Sunday after'noon, he building contajM four v. T. U; 'Parr, -their past good recar St. Thomas. The pr(i- Who . is uiham. 11he.fir-st one Will be'devoted v-`1GP1UeJ1t and prograw on every aide fair =d unju9t com d by' talent, aiwisted by 11r,5, in' ht- abastree of Re In addition -to% d. by Petition, Wbetbqr 9 a of In I to ha rd- Nevir and Stylish Irn6ans ot undesirable Imimigrattlan 06ed' alfilou nted to $ no. they [ha"'Ve a, Pylicy TOr the future or Ware and staves the middl one 0&uPerlzed labor in other caun- 1� Raltz, son of Mr.' aind Mr4 i harness trunks, WI-A'ch 1�1-ugl=-, s- well f6r the further etc. the third oine �to Jol� Betz, of Blyth. furnit ' ii ure, wh e the other will be t Is rather a hard' cr "P -,k' Steoh'an. town -ship- dIel Drlets.-Th5je' Was a lar a work room. - Mr. HELr�ll vercoats, inaAe fro finishea black . 'L ondon, a: i ge attend- men's w'nter 0 v J,7:31nin , the� m progre'm ot the Country. : In short a a:� S 113's. Haspifa, L beave elth the: Tiaurler Government is -a Gave at his Colleague Mr- I n elb lined, s rri� . . 3 Cockshfitt n ance at emn with linen tliread and shrunken, at So. progrew. Brantford I 'Of after a.w. k eting Friday' e -v- h" ahe of the finest business bl10 was Instrumenta 9 lat Who fr &e 's. Illness enig to discuss whether it was: ad- In tbl part the country, &nd wo Id $7 MeW. Winter Overcoats, made froma sple -We [have then am the ane h' Inducing- 2ne6hanics to coAe to C ap�eadjnjttg. Be, was, tak�n..Ilj and a an the d - dissa ' * visable to, Submit the local OPtIdn' by., be a ead se ab piev 9, &qd -was- . re 'ovedf to 'the om Udgand to compete W1 th th e but a week credit; to did kersey cloth, This- f4b- which -have been, coyademllad by the C=Rdan mechanics that has- any city, , 'We tr st n _Ir, - the business vt the genial proprie and $7.50. 'Party, ISOMe Of the leading- m e.n In ada 4r the manufac- Pita], Whezo he was law to the elecior here at the Jan or Tic is a good weaer, stylish in raake and remarkbli VV4e11 Iinedj at �$7 turiers might er ed ori. HL3 be able too keep do On --A number of Own'tEdeAdg as Unworthy �of the Confi UarY elections A. Carr vias. in *will be in proparti WEI do�dllon �Vjvs too prificki the chair, on the Pi our !sparts were at Grand Bend 4den6e VC the People, appealing Mr. he faill atfOrm with Borden apparently w9n for el� w ges rvJve t him , Were Fall aud WiUtOr Overcoats, Black or Oxford, Gre eetl,�n. tot ts e t i sq. th ministers of the town week Y)n 'a duck and, rabbit shoo g 0841�50'mena num I I els, horizontal pocketq, I or to 'be Pi0tected from the doings of his -convention of 'del6gateq er of speeches 'Were do: expedition, -Mr. Seth Brown, of I t. '2 f - ' .1 any progressive Af te� a StYlisb, velvet cllars, close ap Stated 'Palicy but through a, campaign ttrIends. froal coat 40 ength jo the, 11.vered 10T inches, at AS. 50 &na $9. af slander. b a -Y! Schouls fift Stephen and d AgAinst w, town 'line, On the Oth--r halid we therE wai f arma- to Mr HaY, disposed of hav'a' in: PcYWar a -Government whl' DwUslfts was held in the EVE�h., Xytiari'made that alcom- �J, 0 Men's Fa ch Mt1nday 120t, Nomination Day: in gelle 1. chiii mltbE e f foul-, Bieber, Of Palmyra.-- 8 11 and Winter Overeoats, ix black or gn eb mn� f riends of Mr. Pr r 'Ver Chu -ad Demu cloth one of those ultra fAshioned, goods which ate so =11ch b&5 dotie much, a Goveirnmet Ch, CIT04on, on the 9ti one from each & Of ac- Ca"nada, Isa* but twO ereCtions:,by ac-. 140t. It was 661& should canvats the town, t -d tb, a)n� orga:n. -who Season. tiOn 'and a- Governmeii-t - xvith a form 0 085 -whO 4 -net with uch -a erious accide t this wom tar toltUT8 Welfare of the 6ountry ter - r, MInLa- Z4 -law a;nd Who reci Pollay clariu.", '116n., Mr- Brodu 1: tim Of -all the schoolo In theSE "re in favor of - the by 11#1Y, by the falline of a se Remarkable value far SM.— Maio*a affo e and M 'Were against It, It was decided to vote wIll a herefore J. F1. Aoltzman an file m that he has; beE n. It should, -not be diffiCult t and Pish rie, egiet to le ChildreWs Overeoats, $2.75 to U. for the el etos $ 110 wAS OtI I` by ballott �J Boys, Overcoats, $ e to decide between thes' 'the tGUstituencY of uvill ThKxnaF which' car- sh��Jng no sig of permanicrit in t- 3 to $5. e e, Que., 8nd Triev hick, ; ried bY'70 to, 60, but we ' provpple iseeret,- - Intefesting ad. do not think nt "but all will hop Youths' Overcoats� $3.50, to $7. ry. V'ative free re -'-,s rb , gly y Jackson,. tllne, best .-and that a for U. e tw(x and that they will decide to re- W- . McLean, the Conser' we MI th6re W111, be anything tur-a tO Poer this gDod - 11 he will, -yet take 9,0ver`nman.t lailce aiad public owersh d[L T, to. Provi C a.. ip that t general opinion in turn Of Sir Wilfrid I-aurler by aubtaaffal : - I Sund2Y -School town &B:lt is: th"e far the bett6r.�Mr. and for South Y exponent Sece ry b r .-Th seema to be a great eek. M '- Haberer ent to attend th ed at $7, $8, $9 and sl.,.O. e s reel vaY, aind specially pric majarity 1s, *";r6 a -re sure, beyond ques- ark, got I;n:,Without &,can-- A W. wII2tcy-n&,. OX jea�tfx, y -law would be de- Jacob Raberier were In Detroit Met's Tweed Suits tiar" It 1-5, bowever, the dutY of e er�y test. Mr, XeLea�n has tak Y- th � Iota Cle gy. r wint are ih v Practical- -R V.. H, Rd r Al an Who f, mny mo. Picture isih' bee 1"Per. er tweed cloths, dzirk in color% patteru r Uberal to. -see that this . ja do or the 9 -Sh"OW � t -t in the OWS on e's' convention in P &III Pa 1pes, -or Ar a -h es as there tliere.ii.-Mr . ib� tbread. n and- silk Cam ly Inti, pa�r �Pr-092n.t Campaign, pa6t, . aIJ "has been pa- go a pr 8nt, one n Wlker, sesi tterns, splendid linings, welf interlinad; Be Plislied, noit only by- Voting' themx3elVe and ipeople tcn� 0 1 the here lat was of Dash E ng and pumping but 'bY geein87 that oo votes are Wander- what' this silence WigghELm Baptist church, woot] bae unpol- has -1 welved� another an Ift-ndaY - -evening, They MA�l VT., 4 led. With Ouch a leader ad such a and Is retur by�acelamatlon May u-nanir i. m;s, call 'to -be- bot C(Yrne aator of 'the-- -1 ctorla. Avenue - h had a fa,r udience aInd the pie.! Blind-, I I Ich, of thl: C-Uge heY hELVa other aeat from Chu tures we every reagoon for en- bring' Ifoith. In every rd I at arn CASH FOR JBUTTE%�4" re ver slasm, and good there was 11'r, vnd an y who give him ND EGGS. V and has accept- T an bust iu- for CGRselentious work Ca -Pe DretOn to- the Yukon. there will ed -th., call, ancother advertised for last Th tO akala Place the reins of power in bea catest. Thar past -0 M r. Ilej, will - clase l -s ursday Orcler may - depend on getting the veryl e I I�urtng C&NIfet Gf -business rne,4 deterred ill a later date than Oct Mr Alle m hefe attended the -n 'Sch, 's re91- -narninatlo wartzentruber a re-spated resident ober den6e 1, at Brussels or 26th. it chur6b 'I E the 'lands Of Sir Wilfrid and his un- t0getf e areas 221 seats al- te- in 'Y but It did u work done. A W-frigh am Mt'Appear.�Qulte'a n m' 'best has a WIjigham, the' Monday, but the Can- Of this Vicity, -xer, but f1vo; electlon,,g ;wl I be Dee the first Of ber fro Mobn ESTONE & tXA--R- -was SuPPOsed : that- there pro servatIvea, as' r1ecent- S-P ed and the hme ongri ration and rhe months. R8 TO MESSRS. 2diK1NX01q & 004.) c als weak, but the The &teased was held in the highest would b -halt a dozen Quebec Libe mbers a, th (SU009F usual, turned oiit very lY, 'after an Illness (yf th South IKUrOn Momin4tin. the namerou friends proaptets are that -,nex.-C Monday the este BrA Y -TIM. elected by acclamtion, but.1&3t-min- he.hwi inade In the twri will'be isqr- em! In the neighborhood, and the 1t`atiCPM9 for SOutfii Huron. ute candiateg Were put u Wert' held'at J-Jencjall ork 1Nr011 P. gom of ry�. o,,bjeai� of -hi Liberals will. be Strong In old East wine'arlbst gYmpathy of all will be ex- ON ,day lcLst thfTn M, aY refuse to 90 -to the polls, -'eThe 9 lleaving Wingham Walnuts the home of Xr, s as tendedito the bereaved relativ -at it look -5 like two accla- a.'hd- "IN. es. He Is and attracted a very lar, '.but al3o but at prege is. John Or Huro!n and the Ccliservative a very Wations cKnI r ig, Aug at the Present time thiAgs look very sury by a widow, a daughter of arderly era. Yi an unprecedentedly was cl�-,' Wedn' ustne, bright fo the I Liberal Candidate,. Mr. M r. Jivat d. Tha formal esday evOning, Sc mminat, Small -nurniber- �Pt. 30, ob Meyers, ar.,,and t The of A. I-11olqp, to Wri WO daugh- Ian% we're received at the ap- Brodeur ib . return at Mr, -the 'scoe lemiing eekm te M. P. after *his ter,8- The remains were laid to, rest �y acclaM&UGM LS slunificant, When �hejr. e1dezb­dau otly� maxne a;.611 to] ave era 'hcuM by the returnhig officer,- During the e ghter, I Put East Huron back La thei you'.. a H atire last sessiofn 'Sara, Mennonite- edmetery, o1a the Mr. Ale and a;nd T Kbm where it beloz X�I-Yie-r bfuitard,"fr ' 12 to- I throughout the campaign - Mr.- Pam- 'd, of N. Cumming, G�OvRher ;,line, a large num Of- eloc 0.f r Orn ails, dep Brodeur )vere itinitod'hi matrim" W'estfl-eld, Wh hais been 6 n nelghbo' ber - ta 'k ourze, ar -1 y b y Re v. A, the Sick list for.tbe I"s Wnd friefift attending ,tras.only of and tniei t have' been a tar- E - vr e, past C)UPle of � weeks Is Improving pay a 3, of Aubur: 'tie bri-de was Vast tribut That you wDuld hke rY "-zeandal,, stories. His the nlcely:,-Miss itnet D;dds to the �d Of Mllry beautif ul a -lid who was deceazE�!.-Mr. D. 8teinbach, a form- cosy before wiz)t a ry farmal nature, an teg -f or To, only the returs-i now w1t11 tO make Clean and out wn election gives vlua seftuusly ill, Is quite Were placed in nornination, an -ernihatic deniiii. t-0 -the . . 1)re-,3enta, test ying -to the lot bettpr,. ai)d eT VVII �-aown r er setsin, witbout manystorles es teem her- bmther, Af . j a e-91dent of qur Village, M-- 1, h hn Ung couple a, ames Dodds, who was bere recently caljl,�, Old Y� vvfflch the re teregtg, and I In, the Libaral In- Of inCorin-ptence Mid even worse. held, - ticea'b'le the 91f t9 be has been here a -r the past week 're- Robt. on exPense--�-then take its njeasure all, fli C- 'Sherritt onle, m �'te tu I . W- Williams, Who ola us We in the Ing a 11andis rned to Toronto On Manday.-Mr. started ivi. aae affering the Clock from Stewar h R� th the %vBrelgn Bank here, radast bar.. th w 0 bag been visiting his' and W�,i afterwards retained by ain c interests, The YOung'-Men's Christan As- �he chbir ot th*6. R%t -Church. brother'In the 9 0 -in Wall Paper ever seen in iseaforth At the ceqcluslan of t UDC'atlan Of GOderich was re-organi- Dvnny1)took. of whibh 1h LIcknow for the: Past f ew his formality, ed n; Z- e bride had Uolson�lDank, has'been. transfer an adjci�rn :n Monday eveting of I for sa. e -ye' i v�teks, -has retdrned t red to m(Mt w9m made to, the Asit wedk ars been,or a:nlst.. o, town. -Mr. W, any frinds 0r if you need de and CcTnM0d-10u9 vhds In connection ended the funeral o' hi.9 here a large in Dr, HaYden's dental -plarlrs. Tha. Campbell att the L�46n, banch. - His rn WinOW c.Sha 9 have -a board of directorsl f the ensuing year sister -at Da sorry- to see him go, but will whore Green' Methodist ch last week A, eolngra 1001i at what we offer. olngra �fLte him On Ills Promotion..:- BaLnton he Dr-'-HaYde, A. M. Rceberts'OnA N g IV -way moved f Mtsd M 1r: garet Demmuth has raturno-d I to his neW 11-ouse last SP(9kers' PlatfOrm haA b-eri raf6d D1Vr Jams Carv. Mrs. ohn R.- Wil- vo�ek. - A W. Na few m here attended the b6 lkulg, after. A visit with rela- tiOn bad b-eR Provldf?d. 13Y the anll- - W. Juhnson Y .01nee raCes a Bruiisels oln Tuesda� tiveEi hf accornoda- Belcher snln were ln'D,ashw6od ort atuMa Rdbirt rp_ -Vveek.-�-,ev. j, '�--M'rs- Henry Otta, Who has Q- larV and Londan on' Saturday. -1iss Maria R- Man, of been mD,�Ing her borj-,e w19 asse-m bled tit,% re Re,!,rteon vice-presIde Dr uburn, 0 With he-; a,,p- I -I a y . . -1Mr. wid Wrs. Pointed to d811 Nias elected Pres' dent, A. X. in lish 'we repr,��)--ntative cra�,vd. 11r. So nsb. 1-,,aglesan Cc-UP161 the lulpit- of th c of nry Xalbtlejsch, t -v,,e -ic litth"hor gret say, is n. a by-t�rlan ch4rch hore last Sab- t t W' h n s of the P e daughe r' Mrs. He Tl"na- of Stanley Y treasurer. The W was aP- chairmari, io!r tjle S ster thairm&n. rel 01113 Committee, X'Pal- ath rn�Traing, p achIng a r th-;e sick list..Mrs. Belcher, -ot r-, �nd -Mrs.-Robt Mealinchey nisslonary Otto is In - her 90th 'year, and up to FIRST DOOR NORTH OP PIU"RD�S -of -'HutdhIng his prlPlt at kubur.-' the educatiornal com- a erm10n.: Rev. J. Small - took charge the 131'09-3,ftt �has always been quite �ez. cm The meeting alftl Ur onp. of her- A VA VIVP Ar VIP 0% ILI ftm a' r% -0 Aft BEIR 2 -it .......... or busb per bui,-Nd per Wit ....... rtqu.. -dozea ........ P­ qM pelt . .. . ........ 00 its. ....... *haw 0n rUa ...... ....... per a 1.- ........ ........ .. Horse V3arket. Wi.eet 'Morolao, Oct. 20.-T;b -of bOrSes at the T -7i 11 run Exthange to -day 4-bgm found a Teay sale. -T so heavy draught's and no: a, P jj�at 4ass. Gener Ur peg: Oqs 1w es old at $140 to� nouple Of Choice quality SIM Siome term -hunks br;c SI -60 -Some Y�oung and A imlid:-at $S5 to $150. sz -prand wor k horses eold -rrlav horses were Tjrontn, Oct. 2-0-ontarta 4 -qv. 2 Whitt or red, out-gde,� V� -rnIx -40c Nb- 2 4ed, 80 to S9 1b Whea --SPot, xb� :L Te. to 151to -64 14c-, No. 3, 53 to -Oji tarle ITe. 2 whlte� - 37 1 "de NO -2 36 1 jotcWlde, Jdanitoba, No,' -2 Wes 4 -2c v -k -lake - 2 1 n tram -acarace and quiet; quqgcd _#16.60 per tan. In bags ou ;Ai 'at A 6 r '-s o(m itra-ek here,! In 46F. Wt. A't L$ 7. Stra`w-MJ-Jft3 rat SO# to $7.50 wr ton in -tar- Dairy xarkttat Mwoato Oct. 20r *et a little eas4er. -0-al keep fairly btavy. ilo�l Ode PTIcW are - Creamery, 2 ddry Prints, elmic% 24- to jpAtts a;-rA tubs,- 22 to, 2sc sw -all &wn and local pr, C V�IW' I -S 1-4 to' -$-2c' light. Y zew *00 eaunU7 eggs are 2:2 1 VU� tZ 31='treal, Oct 20.-Oheelaa 12 :L,�4 t)or.12_S-Sc. ButL. zmad lots; 26 1-2 to 2-te im Inarket WA� Am1w I- -strictly new-�19,jd ihA Vat 2ge-1 ftlected �St 260; IV&. 1-2e per t XAvas Stock lwafflwftt� eakt.le aT* steady -2 tj W.and;,, refr1orator bW, -per Be ip.pz POUU1-4 .14yerpWl. 40et, -M---s-tates a �j 'o 12 canadlw cowe *Irls, 10 1_4 to L Ij I -A - bull M-ra le ldww, but flrm. Msgowl loct.� --Trade i 'gh 'Price =at- mater".y; Mop -quality j%tftrs, .12 '1-2 to und top' _M md Ufferfar at jft�' 3311US tool :1*r, 4*und. t0etQber .20. Tr- w1th price§ 6f .11 a4X M&e as on lard ft-jz 30 bee vmbs im a & to id t 4 1-2, 4. La but they �Were- not ext, tY Imod aalmals sold -at. s a4 and 4he comraoin -stock -at 2,1 IVOWA �wfth, the tarulfts sm 1b. There weee a m1i -'WOA lCattle on the marui Id' at from� S to .4 1-2c - Per Or -led r4lvas sold at 2 1-,2 and Wood vni,,j at t-0 pe� fteop- w1d, at 3 1-2 and tb,, 1� to. aexx so per -pound G hogs iseld. Sit -6 1-2 to t -4. Uve a-nd 1-0 to 15c lower.; prIM5 �AF t R5 r to, $6, a few $-6.60 4 S to �wa.; butchers!,, le$U dielterg,.$2.1jo to Aji. tov 4.16; bulls to 4. a feeders, $3,:25 to ;$J�3� rs, !$Vni to $3; fresh - CC, -Pringers, choice staad y, $3 1., Ywer at $22 to j�nd .26C higher, at 816175 to flew PIP ns 20c to .35C lower ; bealv to -15.-65 ; mix�ed, 1 $5�25 to 1 11035 to $5.60 p 091 4 ; , Igo, $,t 'he, $C25 to *4.71.5 tags,; $4,; Jdalries And . grasserall :$I Sheepr - und Lambs IM111h99 26c, lambs 35c lov�vi -yearlitago and I to, $4.50;ewos, * . 4 -zv s,,A,zD 1,01.50 io $4-25; Cana -WerA worosito oct� 2o.-Ttle of tat -cattle w6t[ a -at as J9eD-EVa1lI7 -T-60ived Mr-ade we,% alow,,and the maik, with mveral loads Id V ler, M t a little* 0 -ower �n- with.the quality of tho'� Exporters-Dealprjq al-A� flnl�ihed -expokt *Ou Ld be worth $5, but thftv X t-04 higglier than $4.1 ZnaXket Export bulls,. dthough one -of tholce qu'24 w ! at".1 -per e. t.� Birtcher-'s erls .-are W4orth as mucli, these days. Cholke 1 -of beifers and at&--rie NStr U-15; the bast load L Of fut beffers were'fval& at $4 -of f8ttr te- goodl at J$4 to $4-i -lum. -1 .0 4; common, -,Qi IRV% t r1a and Stockerz-Several 10 *'�hOrt­keeP feedere, '1200 to I- bolught -at $4 to $CIP cl`a�;cs Were not represente 0. 'aAd Rvrlagers—over tifty - m1l) 11SPrIA lgel!s le T good to choice aold all the, way from $45 to I ;,b�ut 'only. one wat reportC4 A-att'or Price ead two of tb-rkv 4 qxmilty sold at $37�60 I- *tucb- Veal C9.1.yel.-There YJ1e Jelloice .UeW Milk VP _al -rllar t, many of those aue.Aei toa- heavy ealvw that wellz A% each, but thay at Prices ranging Ira. cwt.,, the bulk vint Per owt. Sheep and easy. Ewes, $3.25 tto !$2-60 to $S,761� lambs per cwt. H-ogs-Gunro, quothd 55elects at $05, fed a i at market and $6, n ry polmts. "'u- rOntc� -Oct. e qu ut Ww3 About ton q par %f 'Offered on this ftn� W`ebs past, Trade bulk of fat cattle - X 9 49; - very . f elff ef ber-13-There w*re nom - but to , choice export.?a Ugb ags $5, but tball i Ing no! of tha't art -to $1 2er twt. I