HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1908-09-18, Page 8Itot _PTE MBER Buchanan, of n_ 14 ids here or. avisited -watt last—'Mrs; La�ton, of ClIntm and eebwopil to CWgary St Brut, d rot , w. rattord, Tiefted at
urn., 'n, eps eggs re oa =d ur i. Mrs. sh Prod Popees: on Staday.—fAtro. Jae. INSTRICT 'X&TV9"dL Of nimj� Cit
br-64- Jags. mnt.. CrIch opqat Sunday here. iWe hVM an ent gy'llow lbw of y ift, - )"dy 1 to' W0106tey� Saok�; —Rev. Dr. Cook, formerl . of Clinton, -4mmleged Ware to offbi If 1 5o tin sufficient for -19 dozen- John Habklk �Seafojrth, to Cart- will preach b,, Turner's church an Froin. U1e1NVeOL_Xir. I; G-� an tormorly th, n a re urn Irtim I' it, -Rint a' -, t Ameo� eggs. ! Sunday aftern vn next. W 'of Selifor but n tob -ARK teheodn, MCK toon and SlutAlus, Sask.. writiftS. from OP, -to Sao dW besufi� place on ald,,S muceffeld AtAN tmfmton -,and Mrs. John Swanleft td1v eh"� UntaJa ttron and dur. -0 eaforth, to Pur 64 and. haal -hyn
laasameiy Mted September 7thl%r -siysi "W- ryr.. 1amea I bags �t ape - in arer bavinc- beauftit batight, Motes. here Jgot now and,good tt4g- ursday n a. trip to Wisconida Tathis L on T 1, amany 4104, 41 WM stand RM heak r Xed In _-Saolk oon The W*6ns at educed to wan's -brother, who, re- lks R.--BRADY., tfrlends here- VAMt fibMlqth2X9 Wee for Wbif� Uset frost, so that we wIll bave both- a, ' s h -of� MY an&. Mrs.. Alex idge there. eir many an11th Sao 'to �(:)lea I I about will them a pleasant vio- IMY a &T Vie"s Of a - 'good satuple o6n, and for , many nces 9pod th. ars ceidde eaforith, a$ return. district we re almdot f r wheat bere. Some, districts. -r6spb6ted .1 _nt4 61 S' FoAial n67 stock., abbers it and .'a sate north, ot here, howover, hav 11 regriet, to I wnipt th6 devth of nd as dir 'only daughter, Luella'i This oc- guar teed iffinthrop. badly, fxozen. a! crop failure 11ast year urred -.bn the first & 'September, at- Our stock of Drugs i fresh We would oonbdd r U4 Veolat faor if P-11 1907 ac- FINCING. the Ialluie e alble. Robtwflrm alw- thig year will 'be prett-104 ie, a, short, IllnesO of typhoid ever ('0unts were settlec as soon as -pose a -rid u -t�-dat6. opposite Expositor 'Mee. the settlers there. al d pueumonta.. . IShe as �% 1riot and we bAT16, 'a a to= or p '�w nooliae girl of leleen ye afid her 33o, ocial. --The ladie of Cavan i iolding a. Fair -NIght COn-cert.—IA Cardies dc ath � ip a se'verle, bereavement to her Churcja, Winthrop, intend t Obme the bsement of he 18, WIN b a; thej�,,.-,are left with . but box social In t 25th. A hall, fair night, ent that pr �ne b0y. , The Phoenix RHART M-UGGIST church Prida- . evening, SeD given an inkertaInIn ABE are Ernest, m ikes the fo ng reference to -the a&UVATH good program W being prep d. Every- to be. an excellent one, 40= Up-to-da,te Trusses, body. should attend, as a gooft time 1 ' 08 d evex�t "TUE -King Edward school. Agentfor aL ShIldricli, - baritone, needs no 0 for ail Is a mnts.. Ile h" bean board befoi6 I bell tolled and t ie flag was � ratoe'd at Syringes, Sh6op's' Remedies, Farmers Wd .-ThriShera - a Seafbrth audience and those a hilf-mast ester lay afternoon at the Cook6".0otton! Root bompound hearing . him. *ill* hour of Luell1a Smiths burial service. st*ffa. had the Privilege of Ile morth of bro
ill holldayA, Luella and W66M Phosphodine. Tr� our wt We. have a. grade- be glad of the Op jun y \bearin bad been a Notes.—Wsol Park wbo has been por It of vlioh wM give eattWwUon, aud at 4 him again. �Xr. Eddle Pigott$ 1621 -Tri- st Udent at Ole Edward, first in in T, -wl 'HaffilltoWe store,- uet around the cc
clerking raj� S'� "TA tog Macdoilild' foom . and this year on few bolldays.—SO M. for Fall bw
Adam FXL,*. ronto,' stands in the foremost has gone ready jand Is *6 I IV 11"� Tu. B. Shehad been book on hursday last, between Hen- Carmichael, -who has 4pent two ot our cam&an comamano ove'r V
known., . Miss Maud Busehland appear a' A bright. PVpI1 a rid - an agreeable class d erson!g corner a, d Seaforth. The weeks here wIth her parents, has re- running here for t& first t1me but -she eomcs- ',V ate �And much sorrow was exprese6d f inder. WoUld do. a favor. if thpy Nvoul(E turnea to 1hjnjIton._M1sB Cooper, of Hats i
urf, so lablater return the same to a0r. "MoInt -,'h." Sentort1l, who with the reputation' of being one[ �t ' Fer 6r sudilen, death. ML has been visiting her ana. _toyS
the first Violinist in Western �a� id the PUP116, 1 oif grades V and tV1 held: and Wilson are hailng the Iront sister N-Wro. F 4nk Hambly, has re- mien a Ontario bsney Aranivald; ake a strong . con1bination d- '16 t a wmth of fragrant flowers; their stort mow�ly paInted. — The tur home. Quite a num- ned to her These m. couldet go
I not be a Wher VVA68 - t1l gift 6f MlOs Macdon- C lobe of. Monday had an -excellent 1. or- be;r from here are attending the Lon- those who hear,thein w1l appointed. - This - vill .be a r6it. ro a] d and IMOs-PICasy Kennedy;. pretty 'I t �-alt of . Dr. Har,61d Clarkson, of To- don fair.—MIr Edward Drake, who Tour eyes amd W1.
-got rdiss it. Iwere af�o received from many r)nto, Vnd a for r Se4forth 'boy. visiting riends In Port Albert, wa I - wa g I tends, in the �Ityi'l I 1r. Clarkson 0 one air who has retu oln it,ea Of V11-1018 a ed h e.—The concer in oal Stoves -*nd:, C tA chu-ch on Monday eV- 'The Plower Show. The Sea won second . prb e in the ScoLch t�he i&q111e=s Horticultural Soclefy� belcl their E.- Drug Apprentice vinted at'bnca. Apply to Alex. d jubles contest I] L bowling at Toron- ening last, a decided success.— 2hU School Imm its, C1 for 1 nual flower show on Saturday I L to, for handsome trophy abnated by U'r, George lard, of St. Mary$, was a2m. We would consider �t -a special favor If all 1907 ao. 'Mrs. Tuffin, This . !ear he,L-1soclety � mae ail Globe;-�-The &Y weather. still con- th " 'ku 't of his sister, impport upon ntwit oni-Y. quite c unts weresettled-ag soon as possible. Robt.Wfllis e es Innovation,. and one� that prove 9, 'o posite,ExjwsIfor 0 ge. t niiies; In fact 1; to over a; . month one day last week. at our ry . an 0 d It' It does success. This year they ave t Wanted,— gdbd general s'errant wanted 1311ce w -h�ve rain. prizes and charged no. admission fe I sins" 'am' 1Y, Apply at Expositot� Office. rot soo;l come the s9tuation -will be XrAondeabormo. our 4p U i * 2124-1 t s 3rious. In t)he i Ot OPI 1q0tes. TT"i To NIJ T NORT' OW The bhow 1' was held In the vac� oeangme the du has .1 -]DAY A 0 d ' I teacher i t le country .'roa4a In reall y fierce. — —Mr. George Snell, who store, next R. WIlliW shoe store,' tin I W. Glenn a pbell the ecognize music �01 Huron Co ty, is I ore on Wednesday and Thur4 been glacksmUll herd for many years, to see ou.
TORONW01 the display ore Donal , a forme was' M thin 6rdinaill F A, y of mcb-1week. - hom sold his ihop to 11�. Armstrong-, TORONW01- pils-prepared for all examina- Thomas MQ r well arge and good. The attendance rAs ii, �ns., Terms are gra led. Lessons arranged for with k ow.;i reoldej,,it of Ofitchell.'alld known Has hig4 'grade, courses, su faci- of olepwortb who will take posses- e SA EXE
perior good during the day and In the even- Peck. 2127,2 it many In &&forth, dlea in 1 TordnIo [ September 18th and 19th -litieff aid 1%sur 13 slon this . wee c. W. . Snell is a yet pawed teaching talent. ing the place was fille�l'an tim loycles, suiArieUires, tape cement,ete., for sale.. nty-six yeafs. — 'here ho' will locate. — Work fidenta go annuallr choul r,
Himilreds of.st out the at Dalys Jewelry 8 re.'�' 2127-2 sure w
The display of- flowers and . Nell-- U1 'tted 1 � I Tan1by- and wo! sons, of from this 0611bge to. good, positions* po NewLaundryinge rth.—I have open6d out a commenced lul the 4pple evaporator d
plants wap exceellinely good and *98. Ii undry in the. s re rst door south of the old icago, Who have -been. spending the
X*t us educate y. ou --for. profitable em- Bank this week.—A I number of our young
greatly admired by all who atte Commerce I kd solicit your patronage. -..P With br. and,.Mro. John an $2 go, & We will. do it right. bf Egmondville,-� return- peolile attende, the social In Auburn ARE SPECIAL RECEI'rLJON; -IDAYIS, .1 =�ft � T rst-olass wor do e� and satisfaction guaranteed. edi he society Is to be congrat I- I ergast, ogue hve:. Ent,6r anytime. Wrk called: for and delivered to "y part of thO home ,.,h Harper, on TdOsday elrening.—VlAo- L, Taftor, ed on the succeAs of their show,.an t('*n. Give me � trial. Ohm Connors. 2127-2 mt, Saturday.—Ur. 1 of Listowel, 16 the guest of ber cous- our gr-ea�
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. their work for 'the society should' - r* bag, a inember of the Bank Vamer Yonge and Alexander Streets* oult in a largely Increased rde Thi.Seaforth Woollen. Willsvill. be'. open for ..ComInqrce er has been ansfer� I, '491qs Bell.- -Mr. Baker, of* Stevens- mbe rding'until.thO lot of Novembe ville, is .-now taklng'chaf of t be * "I ca r. 2127- f e ship. The soVety to one that shoul r to . W. tie lef t Portland-. Cemont--just arrived . a car - load of stalan work, while yon Is tak- Brand" , beat Portland, Cpment, quality ,on sao."- 2ZO Only' S
I 9 12126.2 1 Ing his bolidt ys Crisp and He th t we invite you all lov ar s .1k =. have,��the ardent supl)4t ot Th a trip' to 'an, I ;UT Geo. A. Bill , Seaforth.' of flowers. w =34.' James.. roadf who brke returnk aftdr their boneymoo It i with pardonable PH
a mile, , a stable 28, lided inside throughout, vp -bee4 vikilting friends bere or to - __1 with unusual Vil
su= So -W. 14. he -CouncIl:—!the reg'ular monthl�r Uo stalls, one box� stall, large hay. loft. Apply 6 ise r to atson their futum to ie .-Utne, rPturzed to their bome in wjsb bem me In London. We t a our opening hibit of I m1ned Hats F4 Wilson'stroet; Seaforth. 2126x2 i ear' of hajptln�so. -who ay- be- loi
meeting of fhe tcounell was held ort, , r9uson I - . 4 rginia oft .*ed�eoday. U'r. i Broad- in -aU the freshness of th-pir exq'u-isite Fall AUUTH UAIN 87�j SEAFORTH.. i coal' Oil—Best Cae4an prime *h1te olkfor 13o -C
uesday evening, -The fire and w C I .' f ot g4j�d_b' te'wboles�li lum- should niev fail
,P(rgalloix, casli. Geo. A. Bills, Seaforth. 2126.3 pol Hullett. UmmW ftei Ufa and Accident Lunt-, committee was Instruct6d to ask r b,,r- business tl�ete.-+-The ei,ankellatic be6uty, a display of stylos that aio absolutely ke;
For Sale or Rent,._* comfortable house on James win SurpA Pe —A - twIn surprise .pletis and chd
wam agent, FAmo Estate and Leap tenders for the supply of coal for ;81. The bouerbontains 4 bedrooins. dining room, services In theMbthodist church virill� T eW. Cellar under the whole hotme, correct from every view point. Scores of hats wat�iworks. Several complaints b v :81' tin b continnedon -Silmlay next. �Services party took place at the home of Mr.; With' �e the lot. Apply to James McMichael I In.first-ches family and Manufac- been-, received from citizens George Gfoose�, Hullett, n the even- of distinct and individual s le, embodying ty 2119-tt and,. 7 Vcl�ckll�aa usuai, also a Uring Bowing 31achlins and Cream, ferehee - to sanitary work, ,and b 11 invit- Ing of Seotem er 9th, when the meta - Nent fouse� to -To � rent, a comfortable dwelling a meeting, at 4.80 po In. A the novel and effective ideas of Paris and New prop�rty comr6ittee 'was instruited ) he isen ]High streeN Seaforth, adjoining the rest. Merritt is here again a-na U bers and frieds of the Evangelical mid W14te Sewin-a - tAveatigate and deal with- the. mat e de ice of Mr. Alexandipi, Stewart. It is,cominddious '9 tting the 96af4th apple evaporator church asserr bled . to present , Miss York, patterns. The reproductions an on-ig- Aftounto to of $773.70 ty am I comfortable, and � contains all modern converil- and National and the amount ii L shiLpe for . business. As. awn as a Clara Groose with a beautiful fruit a- 'on cis, and is heated �y a furnace. Appl� o John, in —paraUrs, passed'fot payment. -.The council Lv 26x4�, a ifficient supply of . apples Is - re- set for her 8 vices as rganist dur- Rankin, Seafoith. 21 Ak* mrwirg. macWine -needlea, off, attach. dedided i� take over the Willis S c.,Ived the evaporator wll start, and -Ing the ast four yearls; and her Ce pear of -the impoted model hats for beaut y myW,* repain and anndrIes for all -factory, and the' mayor, reeve 'an I can brother, ho �s at. present a, student q. George Sparling tey want ail the apples they Local MDAS f Nowlair maeldnss� t at Ndrthwestern College, Nablerville, aud becomingnoss. You must see and be councillor UdCallum, were appoln t--*Combe� Bros. conclude their Moodie and, EU d her. daughters, lhil�p. W1* oer 20 yom 6xp6denos in tbe above committee to look after It. A by -1 - Minois, prepa-Ing for the An1nistry, selon . her6 on .Priday, September 25, jdge. blib"M Von fta rest assured of prices was DiCssed authorizing'the council Niss )Edna 'left here last week for mi with 9. purse 'of over - $14 in cash it -M olesleyl- 6sk., . Wis. Moodie ' ad & ld go to Ultdhelj for a series of ser- 'Wlk KPU* ool' deb6n Both reciplento have well merit, and patinsfaction issue $3,000 of public sell ed th Ixen here for several week i Itere,,, ng, on C tures. A request was re 6 2 th t." __7mZa;n' , looe has dis- rcognition. The evening was spent In the chief of the fire brigade for 50 hE r mother,. and resides In Wolseley, sed of his , black ana JAMES WATSONI while-!Mb�s. and Miss SDarling. go there p - driver - to 'MTr,. Drake,, playing gameO, a. rich repast near Staffa. Td A- amine. In 4which ir.-. J. G. feet of -new hose. The matter was short progr to reside If they like th(T' country asuft Avenk and dealor in ffewing liffachine sses Davidson, er- "d Bkyd2& NoAh lists Boost sestodii. with the.fire and water eominitte�-. bsex 131 ng at the J -better with ',Ws. Spar-, JOB 14 ' Formal ar d it - agrees ' ..i 9 - ar� visitl manse, o, Sup Displak of Fur
t; Helen Larkin.— Intendent, gav D a brief sketch of ealth.=,Ur. , G.-- F. Rogers, I The Shoe Fadtory.—If- -;fll7- be �'We le guests ' the work dGnc in the Sunday school, Charles--- CDIinors. has opened . a p! incipi�l of the Seat h Collegiate un come news to our people kenei r dry Ili tl'A'e store Just aou -he encouraging the young people to gfeat- institute, �has. teased the residenc*e, ot th of t er E, vity. wee sma' �hours I -a. George S W V that there Is a possibility of the Wil-, k. parltng.�Mr. and Mrs..1 old Bank of IC.omn,*pce, building, ;ctl At the Jackeft, Skirts, wafifts, Ila shoe factory again, being oV�raii�. Ora. Is' -a ate - all eft, feelin highly satlaffel with J. A. Cline and )Miss Cline, of Strat� Ady young nqa:n has evening, & having thorlughly Ur. Rewltson, of T6ronto, - was 46r h experlexice at the-- business 'and the fo!d, spent Sunday In town t�e guests 7-N ial hne of on 19on"day conferrin& with , !�h 6f .jqrs. enjoyed therns lves. Ili �Jkely. do a good, trade. Dan J. R. Broadfoot. Mr. Cline In- W t - Ruck ;rorersanlroX Drivin council and with the old 6ompanyl R McLeod, of Calgary, in old Seaforth tei ids * removIh 9 from. Stratford to The new fars and tailored 0110th garments 01oves — ther bmt values on left again. on Tuesday, 'but I �s to, e Guelph, bav ng amalgamated his fac_ b y,.- and son'of Ur. W. 0. McLeod, of Vana. turn to town, when It Is pro4able6a t to AnAlversary 1' ser- will receive their' formal -introduction to the the: muket Also our stook wn, Is a member of the Olyi4la Anniversary. of stay -on Blankets is com- something will be done. He�411t - 'L':.*y,and business in Stratford With 1* Be teanx vices, wi he Croshe Une ros that will -go to � the old Im" a large concern'in Guelph.—Ur. Wm. *te. He.adqu-srl s a iractica man, an It b4 c4untry.' DaR is a former member of church -on Sunday, September 20th. t er' for son is pu blic at the millinery opemug. It will be an �Biine,,of Hamilton, spent Sunday with takes. hold of it shQuld make a. '13uc. - - Le �Be?�vers'and w2l give a good ac-.� Rev. T. T. Snovden, Ph.D., will preach occa -with attractionft, b6cause o.Ar Robes his mother.and staters in town. --41-r. u 81012 ripe cm (if It. We would like. very millch nt'of Charles' Ken- at 10.30 a.m. and at 7 p.m. Liberal of- 'Will Dowell, 'son of Wk. Win. Powell, , c to see this ftidustry - going again n, -n old ferings a endeavdr bas been to procure the leading style of Toronto, an old Expositor -boy, was Y, !W,KIllqp 'boy, but now re desired irr aid of the trust 415110way, Bishop, Mongolian While in. op�eratbm It gave of' lin dlis, is on a- visit to the funds of the Oburch. features for Fall -and Winter�. and our efforts employ. he, -e this week- visitbg' his uncle, Mr. neap ons er WI ID&g, Goat an& Imitation mient to -a C' i4erable numb : OJ XA.'Fleurchuetz,1. and; other friends.— ol home and frtends,�Rev. - P. H. Notes.—rs. loon Cook Io i still BufWo. _�The beat made at, hands, an,l- we cannot have ( -TArkin will', have for - his subject In very ill. Her 'many friends Wli for �ave certainly not been. futile. od man5 1,fflsa Cline,. of Stratford, assisted the lowest prices. Tmnks, suit Industries In Seaforth. We, hop( the Presbyterian church n dholr, in th,� Preabyterian church on eedy recovery.—Nro. Joh Col- cases and yalises — special val- �'thoBe iiaving- the. matter In hand.wM 6'V ening " Where to piit the empha:310 11-�ap wag the guest of her sister. �Kra. -�lso sang a �ing anj solo um and largest -assortment. be lbia to negotiate the salle sue. In eliglo.11—MIrg, J. W. Hodgins,' of C. Logan, who still -continues very 'M13B Cline, Is a -sweet �Inger aild has cesifully, and- that It will ot !be ' .. .1 I atham, is - viidn at Woo Thomp- -11I.—Those Who took In the Toronto iiiherited ln� a large degree the mu- Y long before the - shoe *faetorS -, so Wo in Tuekeromilth ---�Ubsers. Pdge & fair fr6m Varlia were Wessrs. G66rge sic al gifts. - of her father.—Ur. . and vved two, and Wm' Beatty, :'Mlio i�ae 13eat and Will agAin be going 'full blas.t. : Gutteridge have Jus recel 16s. George' Ta�lor, and young son, saw In rom e a ossop. — e ases . y s of MiLnellester, Dickenson county, Kan- R1 e ""P Name" Store Another FIA.—Two firea 'in one One for the erec on have resiimed work in their lress-- e eason s es in these is V are In this vicinity, visiting friends. Hotel.. SeaOrtk iveeli Is a pretty . strong reedrd 1or* �a new- 'tloh ho se and accessor- making sh4 after a monthsh6l. T-a;ylor Is a days. ooh� of the late'Abraa t a town like Seaforth, yet that to what Taylor; formerly of Hullett, ne.ar -at A hur, onl the -Teeswater —Thelfisses Davidson were the.guests a the ec6nd is for, -a at&- of Ulsp Clegg on WWnesday.-�--Uro. S. �b od.' pies we had last 'week. The one -on on- Co stance. He Is -native �, of Rul..( n a Embj John Fu Sta day might- was - followed "On Frldky 14 but went with his father to Kan- t ro on thi main line, east H. Johnson was the guest of 1irs. W. TO wam
night by one of a considerably more t Of �Tqodstock.—`We "'Are sorry to bear 'Ash last W-6driesday. — Rev sas ., -t y AOMM FOR serloi�s nature, About two o'clock of th6 serious Illnessl of mrs. n. noth- Davidson and Nrs.'S. S. MCA were. the, prqspered' there. It to twent-seven InCe 0 ar —MON, EffI6 Ift'm ton, who was In in Clinton on FrIda Deser t cular mention is our collec— bells and whistles, hustled people -out bright yearOL -8 his last visit 'to -Huron , o9 �? Par
Toronto taking -in the millinery open- Mond -Ville, WCAN AIRM00 T of ba and'the reflection in and imbro. John �easq, Gnu Coi tnty and the old -home. Mr. in ro, has securqd a positlar the sky Indicated a fire of no small , . isid on aturdi lion of s y sh dress stuffs. A personal inspee rlor g -still quite -a young Y. and 'has gone Varna English church people have Ved to be the:stables -iiian, ��as retired from th more active to take any ti: mmer -in Be�Kaygeon dimension. It pro tion onl can do ja-itice -to the m different -PUMP'S a in conneiflon with the Orip hotel; at duties, of life, havlriF rented his fELrm W=g s Jennie Hamil- f Inished up their new shed, which will Rep "al &ISO & 11 the tatt , and su6h headway hA It Is sp:ending a week In, Toronto takr gratly add to the �wmfort of' the weaves and color effects that obtain here. _ty� an R FU
speci to his son. JAIr. and Mrs. Taylor are made before -being ialseovered that- In, in the exhibition and visiting her horsea.-44% ThomaelwCox and son, IUCD)Mpanted by 'r. and Mrs. H. J. Everything is in readineo for your coming kinds Of' VindInflIS. when the first' peole arrived on the friends.—Ws,* 11arry Gelb and6ugh- Charles, -were the guests of Uts. W. Brenizer.. : Mrs. Breizer scene the bufldirkg was a mass of is a Slater tez bave returned a Igo -4 on to -d d-to-morrovir. 01dUS laft at .- ... i - t town after a six ga autogy. fly of Taylor On their way here they it stapla Bros. Barber-, we eks' holiday trip visiting 4 Ahop, flames The firemen'were PLromptly f riends In - sited at Kansas City, Detroit, Buf - Osawa, Tdronto and Newm'arket.—Xt, Trailel fr�m J6784 Siaforth. on hand, and It was only by the h�rd- Perth Items. falo, Niagara Falls and Toronto.�' ant Xrs Mairvin, of Toronto, ate the eSt and mo t . skilful work that they Wr �' rid Mrs-— Arthur E. Forbqs, lot —The house and lot -in St. 1 rys, y0ell not, se*
gu �ts of,.:1'Ri-. and W. 0. were 'able to save. the hotel. For - Reid.— tu belonging to the Crone estate, has .1-loighton, 'Michigan, some days Anentu ne Best nately there,was no wind and this M� . James Weir and Mrs. A. 3 [ail: week and this at the parental-, Archi- been purchaOed by Arch. Crow, for fickets than aided the firemen In their work. Sv- ba',d,.sr., have moved lrfto -thi6ir hand- N k hor ie of W. . and Mrs. Arthur. Forb(:rs ' - $1,210, _e nave Zere �U
, : s?lPe nevi residences on 'East Goderich eral times, the hotel caught, but *as Ro —Peter Struthers, second son & 11r. noticed In time' and pX'tInguished. boro, 'NcKillop. Mr. Forbes is now.. )street. !,As d1s Robert Struthers, of Poole, di Bd at ;in triet manager of the� Ulch1gan State It was the hotel was *considerably da' is C'. tj I ' - i IqWgan, on Septemte m Telephone Company, and on nual- Grand Bend, Pontl6c, -M t a:ged by smoke and water ana� In iy climbing tipwards.' — Urs. (Dr.) -Fred Page Deceased was 47 years of age. PTRATPORDQ- ONTARIO.. places by the fire itself.�-Desldbs the otes.—Ur. and Mrs. Knechtel, of. Winnipeg, ho Is visit- ha: —The little two year olil % Of iareeognizedas theIargeot, beat and most a hors' Ve returned f rom . Detrolit, after successful practical training school in West- barn, e And rig belonging to a ingtriendstn. this county, epent a.few . vi Iting her sister, ;Mrs. H. 'Mr. and Mrs. Davil of . rom"_ 113 Ilig amil bee.
ern Ontario. Three departanentg--com. man -named Cook, of Clinton, and two -days. . last week' with 1,her S W. arty, died on the 6 . t � . I iykher-in- i Tharnas-Uiss Edith Geak is at To- meroial, Shorthand, Telegraphic. Our gra- pigs and two bliggles bel6hgiAg! to Knechtel, bf Y. ; ronto visiting her slater.—Mr. Wm. lingering Illness. at the E-9
duateg secure ;ood posidons, and forge _.-Win. Colquhoun, the el I I known find it interestin to 'W Carriochan, and �on6, buggy belong- W1ro. Kn-e,3htells te reside near ;'M��Jin took In the excursion to De- any
the front. Write for our free catalogue, YOUL paren sourtes
wil. Ing to 'Ur. David Donvwi, .*,were de- Ry GO g'. You may enter at D sels,—Dr. Burrows is having a trait.—M:-Richard Hamilton and fa horseman of 'Mitchell, has Just re- any time. stroyed. I -low the fire started Is- ;r - pUtr to m_ new verandah 'ji!s house. ily turned the old country with 85 accoTnpanied by ',Mhrs. the -average 'or
rMLLIOTT VICLACHLAN $3 horses. This fif - mystery, as everythi;ig was all ri�ht _�blr ,. Morrison and Mrs. 'McDonald, 4nd f Ilighstead wasUr. ColquhouW s fif - p]
aml Y, left last w eek. Rif their Most ami
at eleven o'clock, anil sh6rltly' tefore PrIniftals, of spent last week -with n6l r -home at -Sanderson, tieth trip. EA10 the f Ize broke out Consta B. C. We ble Gillespie- W. We. McDanald's ilaughter, Mrs. Rern, wh h, them every ouccess.__�Mr. —T." congregation of tile TI�Ai wood was -pas I.Ar. John' Kerr,. the Presbyterian *church recently eel brat� in attended Taront6 exhibItionlast of T6ionto.TzXr, D. Farquharson Is M,*.e I watchman at the Bell Engine Works, ed ihe fiftieth anniversary of the or ma�king exteilsive improvements to 'his , we' k W Look - He e was also in that neiglYbofhood just a e are glad to see b&r. John Jack dence on '.James'street.—The many Baird around gain.-_:M_�r,.' ganization of the congregation. Dur ets es - eldest daughter, Miss Jessie Bell, was laee. The deceased, Ellen Shani1w
"I a bf',Nr�. or 11
few minutes before the fire was d1s- S. Dewey frie Wm. Sellery 0111 egret lio gone 'to F 4 eat to wo�k.-Ur. Wm. ing that time only four ministers have united In marriage to MY. Whitford was bor at Chinguasay, Feel Cmwil �Irs Lynch. The loss to -Mr. Carno- e , carpenter work on r, Ade de, near S a of why, 1849 &A wo covered. The property belongs to to Indis- Oliver has t� held the charge, Wevds. Renwick, Hen- Petch, of tri throy. t yL, on the 28th Reck. and- arn that 'he Is . serioasly aere's somethill poo. Mr. Sell6ry i's suf�ering from. De*e*y,A new house 'M1 derson, 'McLeod and 1deVicir. The ceremony performed by Rev. Oct. 10, 9 Robt, Pol- married to IMr. John Briebt chan, the -lessee of the hotel, Will can er of � 'th T. J. TomDson. 1872, and has since lived an she will like I alid ab§o, be considerpble, and he wl I be e mou'tt John Ran- lock - has' -1 -rented his blaaksmith ,op ---�M�rs. Mowa.t, rellet f - ihe late lrur For kin, secretary of ':the public adhool to. W W111laim-Ulowat, 6f Stratford, died at has town 'line west till her death on tW F Mblaecd, of Stratford, Ur boa wkets- ine of her son, In Brhiar�, Ill- be -led' -to Put to considerable'Inconventence, and
she may d,. has presented the school with.a-, Joseph Dlejardine- for 8, year the ha, —A. C. the -the greater owing . I I;;ette ret�rned home from To- been elected preAdent of, the Ontario 5th hist. Their family consisted 64 loss Is to the large. and handsomely" framed por- i ronto fair bn %fohday.—Mr. and Mrs.?Inols, on September 6th, aged elk,ht- -n, Ferry, T., living at borne like the danor. fact t Ulller I one so A -hat 1W. C%rnodhan has only been W Assoclatlon. I trait. of t seven years. .,one, daughter, Annie, deceased. be Queen, and Ur. Alex. Win- John W. -Holt', went -to Parkhill on —A very prtt event took place -at; y settled In the house a fe the. companion portrait of. King Tu-psday. w months- ter -40na. Grenzebach, wife of Rev. J.
Ivan the home of Mrs', Geo. Gordon, tova � —The, barn of Charles Lu Edward-. These are H. Grenz,ebach, pastor.of the IE now hanging In north of At It wiU be a ON
Travellers. — The following were the receytion- hall of the school and Tuckersmith. geheal church, Listowel, died on Sep-- line east, Wallalbe, on Tuesday, Sep- wood, was dest IF 0 wily titketed' 'to and from distant points ard much and deservedly admied pot tember 8th, at i.2.80,, the occasloq be- fire on Vonday evening of tember 3rd, following an operation for MAV fine a,
Bargain Sale -still Poing onatl).Hayls, en. Ing the marriage of her only y Pali this week by W. Somerville,, Gra only by the upils btit by all who Oeo Come and get some of the good things. YJ gaJ1 stones, fro4n which she had suf-_ daug- together with a quantit' bay 212UP2 full of exquisite Trunk agent: James Love, Tucker -4 them.—M*.'WIekw1re�, of the Exeter We -would consider it a special favor if all Igo no- feredi for some time. ter, Georgena, to Ur.. Herbert Jack- grain. The barn was a new smith, teacher- to Wasbago; tho "hillose Times was In town' ' 'Mianday.—N-rS. I Counts were Settled as soon as possible, Robt.willis —A quiet but pretty wedding son, a prosperous young farmer of: having been erected last fall. Wed" ,"W. fhe,, w I t -h a Kidd to New York: Mr. a Mrs. JaSE Fran�k L. Willis leftogn Thursday for opposite *Ex0ositor office. place at St. Josiph's church,-Str d, Glenallan, the -Rbv-. Xr. Hardie ogle!- —A pretty September nd West - End Notes.—Uessrs' Ira, and On,_ Wednesday_ of last week; On smaIl clear white- Broadfoot to 'Sayre, Penn.;'!Mr. and. Tbitag,6 la Prairie, -Manit6ba. lating. solemnized on Wednesday of M* John Swan, Drucfteld, to- Spo . f �.Join her attezided - the Ex- hillis Kate C. Bann , third dau r —R. Annie, of the Huron Road, near , at the residence of, Ur. and Ifts. Diamond on either side. on 10 Wisconsin, and return;, J. W. a good position tere.—N�,O. IT. Mc- hibition at Toronto last week. — Ur. of '.W. M. Bannon, became 11he h py Mtehell, had's narrow eocape while Wdrd, Strtord, when their A Beattie, Seaforth, When her eye softens and to. Kansa's CA t y,,X�l e Cammond has op6ned--a fancy oods RIchl6 and bride,'ot- Owan Soun,were bilde of 'Mr. Alfred F. McCaffre of driving Into that town the other day, daughter, !Ulm Id, was inarried he visiting at Eli Crich's this week.—Mr. Stratford. The ceremony was. 1 per- He met a tractlon nginei' when the Mr. Herbert Ntelld, son of M mourl, amd return: iW. and Mrs. Thoo. store In the 'store just -north of t r. Ae. smiles Thank YOU) Patton to Grand - Rapids and return; Dominion Bank.-2h*s. D. J. McCllum Rojer Pepper and son John attenied formed by Very -Rev. Dean ldkGe(!. horn beta&e, frightened' and Jum Welld. The. marriage was _p e d. U WiH think ttLe ring is too ". U.- ]Broderick to Chicago and is On - a visit to fri6nds in Brantford, the Exhibition and visited friends In —The �3arrlage took place at Knox The jolt tore the keach the by the Rev. G� 17. Saltoi6. y() return. tPrepald tickets from Glas- Toronto and othe placts __2M�O. Toronto last weplk,—Among these who church Stratford,- on. Wednesday of front axle buggy and let the —The home of Mim Win. of k INIC � Ohbkv at $15 ifsole. - - wh 8 I box down road. Ur4 A yart 6,yi to, Sestorth *Issued to Wm- Hart, Finkbelner, o ba been vlsltlng went to T-,Gnd0n:%air this wee were last week, of Woo -Carlotta on tke alule was! St. VArys, was the emne of a of SproaVo brick -yard,, for his w oo.7 tot nate enb Ife trIends In Aurora for the past couple Ur, lmd Joseph Crich and daughter of %fi�. and Mro.. Th row tu u - to be -able to hold -pretty wedding on Wedueaft SW and faihily. Ur. Rart has -rented Mr. of weeks, returned, home on Saturday Wk-� and Mrs. Eli CrIch, �Xr: amid Mrs. to �'W. York Borland, son of Mr. the animal till er 2nd, wbe-a her 4aughter" Orow But "rived. tomb m John 13 -0—r+ - D A. LY, 8, '11]&Geoch's farm The Misses- Bin- last.—!r. H, A. borra PreO Papper, Frank Walters, an 11ar- Borland, of the BorhLnd Carriage Co. ',-towit-41ne -west d was united n mirrlaii to nee, son 9f Mr. __4008 El a Johno spent Rev. Vtobert hrtln, B. D.; w unwel -JbWP'h bdrrance, o WkKfflop, left_�on rY Wleb9d6le. Rosery, f Lethbridge. AlberbL
nington,, who have* -been all&
viiiiing, At as the. -W cb, -ban I -aU suminer. ban Jawauer a optialm Mr. N. Peck's, EgmondvIlle,'4urInt the Tuesday . morning 10 J!its atud- Sunday fit her home here. Ure. officlAting clergyman_ tracW nvere atta -of la —Hilton (Ireen Of resume She c n ok Torontof sm RF verpool, England. They les 'it the �Ontarf,(w._,A� coi- Plewes to visiting her daughte., On Tuesday atternoon of -last woek grippe In 'Alda . suMmer, to Ll W -SAWNO BLOOK gricultural 19,11 from the of - 4, -,Rt. Marysoraj&;i raw on TH leave an Wednesday by the Allan the IW186,' 1111 * n2ver "covered, , Day, mildng the 23 1-4 nflim fn lege, Guel1)h._-_jW. WM. -acintooh, ron �'Road.--40. Taylor- ac- a -very pretty houo wedding took toots of lwuw of X&wlage =eq. Line. Seaforth -ind Hafloek mall carrier, -olnihnied by his wife and sh -her ff on Satur- hour, twenty-tbre6 minutes and Uln"' j�;r, of plj�ce at the residence of M!r. End Wro. but wbicli ue Kansas, are- visiting at A.' Elco�Vs at Wm. Beffl, ot Stratford, when �elr day, Sith hist., t her home in Mvral- teen soonds. —The, following were tIcketed to had the mWort to lose a pooket A