HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1908-09-18, Page 4777 7�
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T 4 i
. . . . . .... .
'k- ur- p 8 Notith Hurok,
a -An -uQ3A m- been laid up *ft a�tt�,4. 'S LRAOING A"O
no- the utmost barnmy" I 91 NVOA4 wbke ember 'for EAFORTH
'Chief Liberal
a A816 have -r.r t acdi Mt., 1114m, 4-flAkAdne 44 uo and othem—Ulo; Beside Uftuhavt, the Hd-IA�
� : --;a isy, is -able -to wt k A'
Itk prelal ed To. SEP IDE th west. T. �H. a. � Wvert, MY Whip,
extia 'Brit 'blj V -and, rwow oldest daughter -of W Donald
--h' n rkd6(j-_- trip to' cooper
ber; tebderect.the y-hant UOM �Qljj- bj&. of this village, left:,here: last
�nous In ap TX v6 hart,
i busy turning out -pie- ba rein re A'
no other a- anie being. - men-. UM lmonial."�-The, iome,ol and to; talk a �coaplec ot ChIgAges among week for Caroll;2a, where she has.
as the. sednelor -6 pro 04 Ang the .0 OA the ef of expresolou ta -a large colle
T4o-. - - - I %
Samuel nI.A04C - of� a a good position teaid�-
.00— ALt .1 1 2- 1 1�4 . I kuir "bitkift0es men One them hit*- been Lre� as
3*. McLean In a brief ad -
I - Sout W
9 to Il 12, ; -4 - drew acciaPted -nomination, thank-
VyOu event oa.-Ulas Shille 'Taman, of D(
for 9
is I ry 6' 17 18 oil wedne �A�olt, .1sa 'Urquhart 'haq previously � been,
Ing the c6 newed AT
10 ventlon thin re, weiak,! b�.occabicln :bol rriage who -has.- been` visiting here for' the teaching in Wndon,-W- a, WM. Me- 20 211 22 23 2 26
expression Pt confliltnee In him And o the r secon "daugh Emma" past six weeks, retursted. to her 4owa Dougall returned . recently from: Tot -
r Ar 0
'peo� onto, where she bad been spending 'a""
ken, 6fl, onj Tuepday.-Mr. B. Mason to -at
27 18' 29 36 o for the. splendid work -donia at tb� Mir. iWilliam H. Alt IL
on -list-. kireat niany couple of weeks with her sister arid-.
-he - Was pdrforni�l ori the Wk.: A�
..... ...... a., T ceremony
his t election. the Re a - from here - n r to lulintoti on ft J. D. Stewart, spe
A tutt� gif Ce Intend go, I lends. -MA lit
chlet Liberal- I r the 23rd to Sir W fif rid- Laurier.' part ot IAst week and this wl�h
NXW ADVMMOMOM. Mir. W. IL -Calliif� the: c In, the presence -of abou sq.. Whip In the� House- -of Commons)- deliv� he bride was, attired in a John Denholm shipped. a ear of friends in Londono --ow- as G. ThOPPOO
I$* betwaam the- -01 tw-t after d inspiring ad- -cream' dress,,, and wag as -j apples to -the West this week, partly wAs In Toronto recently spen(Ung I&
achered an excellent -'an Sto k Completa.
Fal I
a te by � hei' -sister ba E lanch% In � bArrels; and * In '.boje and rs., couple of weeks with' her sister -Tfie
dsAenotew the pw of the 1 da wbtch the ea
diess, In Vhi6h he a plain party will arflv,-
ho ret a dress of aim child, of, Glej*oro, Mimi- N*�hodlst -church - shoir supplied -the
Uar goods. R, West and
Liondi in -and %I V�
-and convinbing mapAer *�h many of his tram 4tion e room -was, suported by are at present � visiting [Mis. musical tiait of t *t tAle It
Ift-4.16 - - lie programme at an
basiness with a new and omplete stock of -
1 ot -Ur..Ben. 's'�:parents, 311r. and- Mrs, -T'Wat- eniertainment at Sunshine on Xbnday for Fall Aitken, of 9 orota.� V leave the
t #'
�the public issues," showing what the West We are now ready
-thi Conclusion ot. the ceremmy al wose in a F. A. Sqlle liable BooO, Shoes and Rubbers. Baying for cash, and k the ere Bvpeau ng
5 "urler Goverment. h4d7 done- for the 1, son, Mi -.j fbrmej� emp is eVening ry re- re
sootasmdShoes--Wal r4G. "t db -wn to a beautiful repas;, aft�r. -off44e INYth.,Standard, and aCpreent turned last weik'frorn TOronto,whee what and where, to 4uyt has enibled us to place before our etistom3rs
--of. the cor
advancement uAlri, and of*
JeweiTy 8de-johil couple -were driyen Is editor of the Glenboro en spending �A fevi *eeke -best vilues in Fall footwear we h3ve ever shi n. We have shoes
SUM for We -j. T-% aPpy I the )w at aug
Totete LW --J. A. Vrdefoq-6 i to'"get that' the- greatest fair In: the with,her sister, J. Case.-�-Ur� -T.
fectuallir exploding some of the so- to Luan, where they took' th three- r will give th
called scandalo which t o'cloci for every member of the family, good shoes th
XoAgw Sale-UoDonaldl IN) he 'opposition �traln for their future lomb in Iff -to held'hi Blyth on Sept..- MVrdock had the misfortune - to- -lose room I
llorontb, amid the best *Isheol! t d"iO at �rhlch on the, 'last last week, - trougli, sickness, a service, 04 assortment of styles, a vakety of mates, arid. a rauge of
tPA , good
Apr*mWanW-Town and: I ulg In. Of a t"'
b oat-. :'4 �f frWnds. bride day there w,]1t.:be,-horse races and a JIverY horse. He has, ho ev been price that cannot1itl, to please - e raost carefl i nd econornimt buyer. IDeWdedprb9tatnj
be ecelved w er, th
Resolutions e.XpTes4ive -of confidence god Save the Rxn,� Notift to C redltora-X. & U8�85 any handsome and useful 'pi" nt good bandi the eveninga, goo There's no shoe want we. cannot properly look af ANV. resen, a, am d� fortunate an the whole h terwhether ft be DR. T. W.
T�xm for We--Thomas,'C6fimon-5 in the 'Laurter Government, and com- t1us testifying to theesteem bi*jitch Hartle occupied lost two horses In- jaig a' enteern years, ar, shaes
shoesforaresswear, shoes for factory wear,,?ehoel-for farm we
a 2e Is held by her � many frlfi do. Ahe, pulpit 6t,th 'English church, CIiA- e:�Perience in the livery business.- Gm% Secretary-
he.policy advocated bv Ron. HOD
31arm for sale-Thowair mtoding t
wanw-Kxpodtor omoe- 4 C. 1ohnson, My. nd MrS. C. D. Simpson, of Wrox., for school wear.
Obit aary. On Sunday, Septet heir ton ' last Sabbatb,, Ur
A. G. NVUY, the leader ot the Op -
t ath took place of Eliza Oster. &Mon, taking the* pulpit - here In bter, were here during the past wee
giattlar Box !or We- -B4 Enj too C-6-4 k dropin look over our stock- ty -weddltlg t'
Well DrMnpt outfit --D. ftela r-4 position. n the Ontario of We late Archloald gert. g", 1"Id' I the evening Xr. visiting Simpson's parent!s.-Ur. When you are ready for you), now Fall shoest y
prn .1 ft tern00n., Selitei
pwe pawed 9 7earo, and: 11 mon De- John -ap On n, pro& ed
These were spoken, -to Cn�t ch� a, and Urs.' A. Weselah� of Beylin, form- but alwaya rememver yoi22,e under no obligation ito buy.
ed..,had. at -ways ienjoye4 t beat good -.sermon. �ielt Sabbath f the It by Wiws, Thomas Fraser Alexander- t R e v. MY, erly of Herigall, were In the village
of her daug,
_r ff, Henry
&f - - Z- owt wb�en
*1jerL She, Ujde -week the guests 2
Ift1th' until a out ':w:,,Ye -ago, 1enderson will P�eich a liarvest4ome this --k umnlited In thd
rwent An op W
Mkstard, Jacob Kellerman and Roiert
a Ion for sermlan 17!r"ty Churcb,�Xrs. A. Codk.-U!rs. Thonaa Simpson is in
g qc�nceroup MOrteft T- t
Garffiner-:--2:�he convehtion. was preald-- - 'Arrowth,, but owinj to her W. MkCrelght', 00k to
has started to do dr6aw LcindOt -Ailting her sister, Mrs. PuT. VIA
0Ve Y )ff., SMM, the President. al A- !Vhe wedO
ed X _11. dVan, 4 age the operation 1 �as 'not' "d mattlb'.n�iklng` at her home here, jsofa.-Very large,,qua-nUtles of grain
rtomed a4- -5 1
a sue t pe
a wi,- id as shi Is Of the wroceedings, -were, 'i sue 9 onlY to a the a
a 16 no doubt but that *a ie lawn, beaut4
he In tbd. sason and 'meet with 'ready
closect by 'cheers for Sir Wilf PAR ted
rid Ahe fined will get a good deal 01
Ags&iatlon. j- -- q 'time. -During th past � � first com Into marke for so, early
lWeAs maker there
ven months she has - lbeen -to do--�Xr. A, dma-Ad and good Ra Candidate and the-Ktqg. was Ae V. R. F- 1.
kq.. hO 4'�'room the'. end gra& CArter, -whp -Vas iVeen - confined,� to his Me has ehgaged UUM sibel-air, t=
ually but sure y o reftev r out- bed, -1a able to be, Around n'
diwaved aitid I t e
f tb#j
OX was bb jr
be& beo I Bring. WE(. of Winhim, is mjUjn&, "-for t* eSEAFOROW
bft.: bM proer Rural Mail �Dejj[`Wery Hbdgort in Andrews of- Xgu�vale, to a sent season,
tke, generAl election wine - Colwift as' P mil, SITE (I
Landrk CblintY, -Oht., and w there assistant to head (OPPO -OXXEROIAL ROTEL) for uoidai. r iarf ' 'd,
Oqtobor 20. _WMInLg *Ith her la,.e hue liner for Chambero L& CD.-'Mko.. Jan.
contest L l! Ii..
At ir Wilfrid Laurlsi's* demonsta- I �and; t6lThe township -of i'[ oborne A��re c WrRX's"r. Z*preoo Queen Q10ty" shoes fte wX bp nhar# and ehok�,and the U,-ur-. rf'Goderldfi;� In at present here, Bole agent in Seaforth for the
Uon at 'Nlag%ra. FAils -on Tueoday, It e b of, energy- an( JWn of Hariston, ....
-M i� retur
Aer Qo*-er 'ent w. ble nod by s, I era6- atteWing Wr,.A. Carter. -Mr:. Ited week *1th her the Slater aud' Wal bug,
a homeL, fo�,�.tbeM.� VIA this- k -over shoele; for men. ...... 4
Hon. Mr. Lemieux, Pbotmaster Giner- Laidlaw, of .-Chicago, who was vigit- brother, wome4l aud
bandime Maority. E., Lewls.-Idles Jean, Gibson, a,
j . . ..... I .......
marli'twent Ing., here, bas returned:1ome, hie�
at, who, -Accompan TeWleri &a-.
t ..............
led We P Panted b -r her, au Ube -Gib I
etiiea, tQ Exeter, wher-6 IXMr. gert -ter Janet, whom he.4cami to see, hav- .......
nQuiRced that the Gover et ad de' : fdr Toronto -.'*nday,. f 'Whi the 101 e- welak between Belvra�e ati 13 L
change better, per Von.. ........
I d August 1905 on 'Whi
Mrs! Ing taken for the
AN ADA#$ the during the eek an'& T101tor at
P -t . Place the wit eAve L' shortly f cided 83rij or frej: rur4- de- was. a cons 0 The visitors were dtorlous by tva *2
tam i6tent- m ber of and . leow dotilk nicely. The firemen Scotia -- y -110�, and, Of week the
and w 'be and-eng'inib *ejjj�Ojjt0n Xbnday;fIU. riti was a: viot home Of
liver )UjhoUt t -church and S' S. r F#M' 1, ruhs,-Tuboday: low,
Mails thr4r lethodist SC>UTH Y of N�D- L
M ton,� ved Y All who linbw her. Sh leav, Ing the tanks. -Wks.' D. -Sbmpra, who. It On 1bnAay. of
,To T`HB OF : In Ford wt -Exeter.- MArkel, ok Ur horsemen will held their ffurth makj
The VU4 Will beL t,6 "UtiliSe eALjn Tranto h _1_ Wiltoft, of Gael with- same Inee d 'the-seWn.
m urn -ber demise ffive da h t, will ha o Im YI0itIn9
has be av vs- an ep-� ve charse of n1a, wh
the Present dillveiy jiyatem,- bi J. Her
etvieen hd f Ur sona.�-Uis- b&Vld L It
Millinery buidneas this friends here, liaiireturned bomf
th chards,. oratio on -her -�baby, y4urned home
John" Bf Mrs.
dentlemenr�On a iaawai 14-terfor poletoffides. -Bray, Mrs. Tuoidi but- the operation it Pitherford 'left f6r many friends ere are p1ways
JanvL- b0latff and M. f1LII.!!-MhW Lul Pleas -
y even ng,L Uad4wich ftdusW4 Xkxhibitlolm
mer Mary Anx -to ve4 gaile ww z1vo that thdr, pr04"L r ....... ......
ohn Duncan, Rkmilton on Saturday, where she ed "her; and 120 e
WY bat xm ",hp"r of,elect-, it in exppeted that this will. cover -60 Albx4' was riot uccessfuL and she brou
gilt Attend the, X0rjMsll The directorat S&
tive to he 4
the - rural rider, rIl C01lege.z-;-V1r, Be' A=-- a -60 Again -18
In# me an your repr' P Cjant. of th -Andrew, Arebibild and liam the C"d me dead, .The Sympathy of 48
er e 10pula for'Setembe 22nd, 2W AM
tion. Fdr tY and bride 41 4fijoqe a stadetilli, ow.- gratn0 r eard
their friends i- with them In their law are -just now.
Dinionrailway guests ofthe,mi tr'B�aunt Ing toi t Weatfier, , azdd. an 24th 1908 wM j"ItatifT tbeir, claim
Whid)k I re- Instance, In gQing from f t
grief.-Mesers. LcIper and Moon� are 1,,. ,,ity he #ery. 4r3r
t CentreL to postoffleo hAve Ta6t been gger and better tbwa evtr,!' Am V. ng a Apt led the pul- yet far4nero
tum you iny EjAceft -fel ot con- -able t6 got
d heirt glat",tprize it our'-fwji'for Dou churcli L. Co -r es are. a
d, 'Mrs. Geo Rat- pit. I h,& -. their featur vxtdnd�d prift Stock XarK*b
V=kq�, As haq been Me- nected with a,. - railway, th� Jima Car- the bbst� yearlift , colts and 19 rig - n the Prmbyt6rtan in their tan whest.,,The corn ding, C(Mteat r -r i U
Sunday evening In the aboince 4 Roy" - t. is now in full owing, and the fd- toIsPee, and a r 'full prAjMj 1 "Ted and dther -,-Uon Cf !Branddh, who h, -ave �1 en' #is+ eolto stred by their horse, Royal"'Ev- VCR :. j W14 rier, Inztead ot kee*g. the Mail 14' at -the home of . I tn Vi of Irm, attrae long before .0ar.d, Thqrv.4ve. three- prizes in Perrin vilo'wis preae*ng too are �eing rapidly. filled* After this the Be
ach- are st ady
:8. and other rel W. in comp),eted the I farmero w1ll be at grand
Y4. bw 2ft'L I 6Ulk,r Wit- dOW" ett-fbi I I Ota�nd every
held oA I -distribute each farmer,s terawn and e* at 11 1-2c t
ctoila Han,, Jamestk)wn. H. Morr
asal.a a cAndidate urda ningr rAtu comes;... BegInWn'S ewelght
for '3 our a j&. ening. %$ltember fth -tkg Vound, 4rE
uffragon. mail at the 'box. In front of big fo y Son left for IWO= last Tburi&y. uniam
frm ey. toLok the. )rdwi The funral of -the Infant Mled the Pipe Boad L tiain at - F famous Lucknow at 10
Zurich A#1 laver om!Y, been pj �mittea to have that Dordol�a on the direct route. to son of -M And, Reid jot Varkis '94 Pul- .,of AIWO;
nd -v 411 take the' boat from. In full Highland costume. will give oft
and 'Mrs. Thoas Bennett, of lit of the ,Chxir* on Amday
Gorri , I 141UdW
ises-odon I ' Unk'ln Justieq pootoffice ,B,,, )ust, an V.oAtor, Rev lections wxd also Scbtclf and Trio eet
0- ener heyr 00
letter M. T1 had -a -pleasant -.Notes*.:!�--1UWo Nora Schnell has! re took placelto the, Wroxp ete last, in the a nee dt the
tim _t6r
Frdd. Wright, s6n - ot om a pleass ch- last Frlday.afternoon..-�L:M�rj Uhr, -Hart As away on. ble holl;- 'Ile -herb '
to, t1w congtituA 3; well- as to car 14 d6ei. turned'fr
r at V1161t In- 'dancing. 7bere will �be,au exhlbit -ve <
*,Y, jaiiteo Wrikht - Biturt. Mitale'Ohlerd blowing Mid w0aving and m9y,4 only W- r; Oled last of lass 1-20 ranehers,
Reld preached an ekeellent 9
myself, It. to to- aak a re- For those ash- TavIsh, 1)arls,, visited la we k days. Ur"
on side lines not on the
least rout qaY st . ble, i6et, -near. Cliffc *God, delightect thb A-utifilime ing Pictures ishowln� thie B, to bull% 0 1*1�
howal e to 111WI, ppatoffic "heir , and. e the 9 Of Your coaftdeh�e for- at, e, Private I tried. h - ith -r- Mrs. D. Plaher.-Mr. sermon.
maiL boes will. -be arganged i the ti of the tercentenary. celebratfoo
ere -on Mond too4 EvangllciLl chui-rch' cle a`recent Sun,!. Simpson wait k visitor in
run term, bin I ju, askt your -er t Pho d fever abn aad day by . beattofuL. -solo.-,Mr. lately - held � In Quebim me I" Tj*
t a mcknath Riodin- few days of' this weeks -Mr. Frank Brus"Is.
oijo roads, perhaps a -dozen or t*eA. el
hands, Snd- nhould YeTwe Ift to ty of them oin, i time- It wag thought U14.' gr, of 'betroft-, .'and Reghident Sand will �e la Attendance
at one pbtnt.. Tber Cafr z.. Rae, of Hespeler,, who bai recb ercd. wer, =d
rjier, - - Ur, Y Wurm,,daughter of r i rialf 'WFadde, daily. on
covi r; but a relapoes�et Mewnry,W Barrjus .10 Itr I
thun favcT,,me. no. rea out a rm, from an attack rof typhoid fe the eveninIff - -- ot Septimbet
ver, t Me,, was ealflin - U to 11 1-2c, bulls
r will be gtrj*
7011 - distribute the mail k before Ithi death; --'and W.01 united In jpirria& bh Satu day' the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. friends and locality last e large At
th In each box in t rn,'arld the e t were Is of Saul g an old 24th a -high 'clgao
e9ort wM -.134,spare(I MY part u farmers do loth Sep in town Victoria Cj)er Hquals, wben the 4
-d df in attendance �ould tember 5th, nd Arrived the We James Rae,. of Howlck.--40r, and ffrj- n -nut ib Y , h top. 11
years UbTavish have reLurned from
a hav- 'him. He was 01D 1-0 -1-2c et pound.,Onfe
adyEkucer the beit Intei, sts will come hexe for �it, 1nst6 f vleek.-Mle erewa has
ot- con- Ing to wo, two or three, or ]perhaps 'Tew days with, the J. H,
�.of Ago day zto spend iw return- programme will be JurnIshed by tbg 3
stituenta and the e of our grow- fo a young, wife . &,q -little bride's Mother.- -.The ea -to town. after - opendin ILI famous Lucknow Pipe Band and Scotek to- i =h.
Uri Jinfies to Watoffice I -W, many fri nds the west, here they. li :spe4t Months In Dr,, ave. wndoaL She has re- a
17.1 't mouin'bfa� loan. 'The funeral Of"the bilde-wiR, extend to her heir nd Irish daneere In full HighlaInd
Ing ale- ptMperouff co the- last thre
Thu's those living on th route ct e years, and are vlatt- sumed�,,her position in J. BallantY1187A cbstume, and Frank I. Bemrose, tenot:
a: and
Beford the Clone, Of e campall rri_ hag taken a P081tion L_ their 40 and to, 16e higher
Sa to L Cover as a of the- largest ever and very best w1shes.-MIr. Harold pel In r son, Uk. 3). lffcTavl�b, 6f -Cline S&tt 1e%. ek soloist at Centril I
the ca ler, which will be so" arranged r rooery. steel
nd' loakelet.-Robert Cand1l with U1i. t thin fe odist
much. territory as poo-;� LLL L . 1, L John nd ste?.dy; vrftno
hope to have, tuhme, of meeting q(m Wmiarr Da h and Daly, Jeweller, of Seaforth.-Dr. tot- Ottawa, -�vher� he will spend'eme to 4W
rrc Toronto, Prices -25c, 36c, and 50c-
sibie�- cop-sieftent with rapid dell. 5-25
*jtjX Man, ULL cle, alter
V Of YOU S41Y an :of v4ll ave:�ke alvery, so. a Arnold R. Xay� Wrr Sc.hoellig,,�wlfe And children have! . re- time with ble 10 $5,40: Inte -er
rought to `thW
an. R�ev, A. WkNab, e and John -GoWdy attended he 'turned t, their'hoMe.'ju St. Columb it
so$ I To- Detroit, After
'b 05mi SO - Iev-_, b.
discus "olde'Rne we Would consider it a special favor if a.111907 ap. Ute.'. Wishar change p p:
qu e 13�11 a
sing with You great. Public doors. 2h ther
.0to ker-A
r t will�zfex -An interesting dding ceremonX
now en- to one of the cqntral wherre 0 ExhibitIOA.--JUrs. Rushl k1d -1� fL. visit with relatties irl' this ViCin-. counts were settaW as soon as possible. Robt. Wi I - .21,; and feeder
tam pol�W �2,2i., - next Sunday mor ...j. -John .19migh. was vbseved at the istock elfiers, %.0 U
W which are ""racatly home from 1 Berlin -go' n. . She Ity.----UUs,Eva Williaths-underwent an opposite Exposibar Office.
the 'People boxes are grouped, perhaps hW or one sCDnigega
h, b undergoing tr 94prenticeship in parsonage, S
Wednesday,- cq-Lm and japringers al
encil ids,
'If for. Notes. -M180 Edna Hamilton a if W. E. Dune rber shop, off September 2nd� when Dr. $2
gaging the attentlaw Of and a eatmen, i)vv�'�- oileration week foi' app *ho, has peryed ble tratford, on
awa:r� Reglateted a 'now P
to �toji 4to to-, $58. Vea3m
thia country. lee u allment, nd Is ow the bands of 1) Joh
P66toftleeL r. Gann, 09 Be Foy, of London, spent
leftere wM be taken, last �wee,�- .Tuesday for where he has IngrAm, 43t, E111ce A*d Ulm
ye�Ut suff r a arid,
abut a -notice of this yd11 be 9 elY.-Ut. John Dketh Of asslated by the loc4l medical men., lrq. Patrick O`Coz Uar3j iotead -to,- $9� Hoge
Again soliciting , We end with -xnor.'-"'s secured a situatfqn.- A. Growar I H"hnel Logiia, we g. - C
In the was, in this vicini Y on Patient Is" doing.,1airly well.-M!r,' J M .
owner'j, box, so that he Will I "I'll, united in Mom* istr ommon, a
support, 1 am, irday, Issuing subpoenas t Wild, of Nokomi�` nli�ots, and ;jter, A. and Miso A-4gela Crotty are vi@- and Untes Ballxntyne -too!k In Me Lou- r1age Rev, T. P. le B. A., otficts
know. those hleav� -and Mixed, W-,
Ur Servant, OM names are , appd1led fie iting relative$ In Toronto. Was ji- don. fair this week. -Win 11 Strachan, atin
g. The. bride And brift werAN
YO This- system. is �K.alafftl ftom ld, Qk -visitors with' yqrkers, $6.75 to $11-t
a bompromise be-: ReVist Xt Y. g4ela entered . the oionto Wormil hav taken; a situ n ble %ather's attended by 'Mr. Chal
M. tWeen the united Statej systeny of d6- C igrt of eets. It. Gorri and George, Campbell rece Aid to -$6.25; roughs, $6.15 1
School 031 Tuesday�-Tfie Misses X -store. purposes to
22rd The -busine 6 mr., Wild *1d'a Witive of -0�,hada,, a dry godft -attend- 139AS Edna I-Agam ao grooMenta-a-and Z $A
Liberal Q�akmdidat67 South Huron. Ivering at every house 1,1 some disj Lynch, Katie "q, -.Mjary Doyle,, o Voi dwich-are offering iftei o s A nearly.
tri e rears, ary Kennedy entrained 4 a in Ing the Normal when he be- bildesmaids brother a�nd sister of tho 47.1S. Sheep and Lambo
ct8 and the Canadian system Of Ial pr,ies' to, be 6-,�.,'petled for � a thd where he and a Partner aie-pub are for D comes old enough, a year from now. bridegroom. sheep tteady, la :10
brlhging- o6iied -tacketi trolt during the past few days*.-JQh -.1. H. and Mrs.; Cameron were in -As Wni. Robertsoli,w 1;eparatoras o $6. go,
r The Laurier D 00patit!ation to PootOfftc" HO*Ic� fair to be 'held Ing two Weekly ie Eng- Eckert, Jr., and -his -sister,, hlhr�, Lucknow on Tuesday of this week at- entering 1&r. John
4 In c In Fardwic' papers, or
00, 'llsh. and the.'other Ili Cie 84natter's barn �W
GUntrY districts. It t�has bee, 0.1 er 3rd. Th Howick r14. we e to �$Csv
Out �readera In' h4t found that, as �reglstered letters are turned from Toronto on Frlday�-,
should b' mind t tending the marriage of the foriher's Logan last ThursU eveninj
ol th6 best'In. count5�1,, thd The ChIldretifs Day and Harvest Rome, t1W -Ial:�,ed, $110 � 0 $C26-
-Wednesday, uext the Ord inst.. !s not left, the robbery of. theme boxes show of horses al. and Urs. Josep�h Melad'returned froj a niece to entlentan. from 'Alberta.- floor gave
ys being fitst-1 exercises 'in xonneetion ith the 'way, and j alleVred the aA the da let, Is, almost UnknO�Yn. . The cost will be ened o Toronto on SaturdAy. Joe was let ox t F. 1. - G&oy, ans ot t Mfetro- chine SO", it
on� which ar -The adhool r Tues angell churcfi--� dn the Sit gr he to drop, , Into the Toot bouft, '*ads of export
frid La i xida be- -late] y choice L
large., but not Prohibitive.
Ghnadea Premier, and': Han. George diy v 1th a fair e. Tj before last were a decided success-' of Jail on Friday evening; one 6f ti e politan 1�gvnk here, was united In Luckily no one was' hurt, althougif did not meet with b aetive I
estimated -that this sjstem, tendanc ie� guards at -the prison Is a St. 061un marriage'on Wednesday of this week Mbr. H. Elliott-
P� Gfahallh, 40121ater a, Railways . and which is to be in oks well e c1mich was- oat arUstically dec- a narrow Coe the demand I rom. Great Britl
gu now, and � thoise. Th In
gurated over. the mho th e -h thel jilaak. Some "Idght -exporteine
are ta be In Chton, and, will ,,hole Dopainion, will serve nea . rly 50 ave seen the Inside sa, that orated -and at the -different ser*ices kept Joe it
ban old boy, and for at reason I to a Mionfreal lady. -E. 0. Danford, & cape from bettg cruilied.
Canals, Schwalm,. of- Mildm It Was Packed -too tl�e-�doora. On _behind. the bars for -fu4 Son'ha�e added ai line of men's boots help, of :tb r the ' machitta
e nelghbor�s
ay, M �de a itor the L-1val pool traite ead
there address the electillps. The speak- per. cent. bf the people. j(yb of I Sunday hour. Mr. Melady says It is far eas- 'and, shoes to their gents!
first (lass evening the. furnlshlngs�. was pried up -out and s
Juniors under the super- -and takeii 75 per cwt. TAe 'Pr1tt;!A
ler to escape from, jL Toronto Jail tha atock.-A'game of- baseball was play- ' new- floor. laid, after' whld)f the m" -45
Taking Into
Ing� vM take place In ;he. agrIcultur Intendence. of Miss Lydia Faust, � ac- from the labyrinths n ofUla .1 -chine -was safely- taken I.
Official announcement. ivill
or be Made USb uitted themselves most admirably, partmertal a er 10W
park-'& beautiful opo tf of a To onto de- ed 'here on Tueod y af ternoo
the Pur orrie.
th-le-week of, the appointment to the while the male, chorus. added n� ore. - Thos. Gormley,
�Afj th6 zt ces paid for
Ot a semIna
pose. in th le �he weather be -w Parr i S[Gld.-Ur. Mhomas rist, boarded the train for CIn
"Eta lw&Y Com mission of: Ron. Thomas last �% eek" sold - to Cameron little tothe oleasure of the meetings. valuef d buftl�ers-*
�the causeof missions Monda morning. einnatti an
Ing unfavorable the sp�, ',king *-ill take (Oir, Of The offering for'
aj I Peter b. Greenway, D'.kroy §cott, I<,,C.,-Of ot- the. 4th �,concesslon, the Andrew Camp- ta;;Aeton entrainb here daU
bell farm art
Pjace In the ag-ticului,,41 hall, so that amounted to $36. -The Herald of last ere
ta7a, anit Wm- Gllier containing 150 acrep. The rmal scA001. Fo
no, 1person need remain away on ac-, n foi- price paid was $10,700.� This �lis a weeks says: Tuesday was the 30th'� an- no�, easily explained, - NoZmal- ?dillinery w Ated
-reasons, op, eninas
K00te aY. It Is also expecte(t that r of the day when ,M1r. J. j. Ite I M UoderIch, Wgh
clising- Hon.'R, W. Scott, Be - ome 9 MZ for high prlc�
ebunt of the weather.� The pirticiflarly flzie�, and U Is -ro hold
cretafy of State, Is Moir' Mern or Mra' D. ton , ?
er startled -clerking f am Clin- of "the poor -ell grades were h
'to be congriLfulated on 1qu�ring rnban,
fine, place
aP".-M1tqphy,: K. C,. of ott,%w dh ;make; . Cows were soild roM
will retire 'and wIll be succeeded by Steinbach. UT. Merner is now living 11chell and Sebringville- are required
utshed visitors will.rea Clinton from Ur Ch Ur. Camp �11 in- In,the same 'house where 'M , Seaforth St. Colu D . ublir . r,
t-liesG-athiii,,thelrprlvatiI car at.11 k.m. , he Put I -tendas going west n' the sipkii g. He hie I a- e from the classes and slow � f or
to travel Frida
e U111, be sed here. animals. Selcettd, butzhersej
ck a proc will 1 'first night's sleep thirty yeArs StrWord station
a good bong mll
At oile eclo y and Satu d
Sir WilfrO Laurier opqndd-�,hjs oa- Thar a much mla ago, and has been, with the to the new Normal
-80 per Cwt. farmed arid will be heade by the via- es Road' o0s. The Aux: exception building. Was it not -at 4 blunder to sel.
tarlo, tour S mble Of 11 few short intervals, a r6sident Septs 25th a* nd 26th wbre -quoted $4. to $C60 P]
Itors and 'other leadi�'ig 4t Ni gara FdIls on Tues- Is, - surve yed, and Is lect a site so. far- away from a' rall�
an9 itened ancl: 0 be� since that date, Sep. 8thV 1878 Jon- Itnedium, s 3.2
day, when the Premier was. greeted- 9:ral waYf. HAd this- blunder nyth
The wession, will bi ed fron thel'. ing t6 ..... U25 tor $4.6 and commo i;,com- osed of athan can safely be PoUnt�j L as do with the def eat Of the lion, P b)un one
nited py dary between 0§bdrqe. Anl. Hlb-� the old' timera, 1 , per evi t, eeders 4ind
the peoplei and Will be', _ _ crowd of over 15,000 pearple. ,The
Aipcompa b,,rt, at Mr. arc und t6i though from present X16nteith -Smoke from the Michigan
demonstra, een a rances rounil his corner he in- demand. F�eede�,
,several H1gh11and,p,1PeFs and several- . I tIO11 'was a M691 compP,13te Mr.. �e Qa ;he - m: le and! forest fires floated through the church and gritffyin Or to do things for a while yet. leel] trig �a;t $3 5-0 to $4.50 per 4
success in every - p;Lr- a quarter n . th of e Thames i Road, Wedding Belle. -An Interefiting a' win0ows here last Sunday-. 'Af ter
b4xxds t music L -fid w�ll be iiiarshall- I :will greatl nd Fall alad Winter,
ed by Officers of the �'33rd -regiment. ticular, and showed In a' . mall -de-1 Y. IMP ove it, *af much p eas ng event took pla6 �at the- home z�g worshipper sadly ato *er ;3�1 at $3 to $3.50
0 a course � I I � church one sneezi Exim t ewes were abeadly. gre the hold Sir Wiltrid.has on the of Its -' i In' that- Part is� v�e: -y flat, remarked that the -smoke irt the sacred r
It will be formed at _.L. I p. John I of W. land Mr�a. Jacob SaraXas, Blind edIticeL AT SACRIFIOE YkIOES..
t�e ra"Nray Sta- MclnnI Is spendlik' a line, recalled the good ve" 10 lower. Fwea sold it _0
ti Province. Sir - Wilfri
people of vVeek with friends. I old times 'L
a L Stratfor 1. Per cwt., ."tle larfibis -were
his -1 addre*a ni was chief of the a big qU-antity our heavy dark Dress G
tloi� j4d proceed, to t 16'i. park. Speak- i recently. The occasion was the when John ]Davis
marria A their Youngest daughter, we"have plaCea
was a masterplece.
T. - Cann and 3 time! St. Columban fire brigade. Jer $ oCalves Nvero
Ing will commeno Ott two o'clock. He dealt with the nurse spent so Ad6line, -to Mr. Vanlenti oods twee&
VVIth .1w. ne Neeb, ot and heavy- clothe at a geat.teduction. To buy now is to -Save ney. Every select
Issues of the "day-aAd the work c- and, Mrs. Joseph P (if emiah SUipleton visited in. Stratford an M0 hogej
Were the regular tral6a will not ac- i Hampstead. T�e cere 4;
�M�ary L ony was per
complished for Ca�nada by his, Gover. who formerly- Tee d In Tuesday. - Mhe dekth of poatmaste' bargain to you. 4 'and owt., fed and I
comodate the formed. r Plece a
by Rev !M�r Maa
pgople, appial trains. *111 -cjur��, 991 pa6tor of land's �pet crane, one day last lights and W
nVent it, a most comprehensive man, Usbor-lie. Ths brotheir-In-law R.: the Uute the presence Ht
e provided an ner, end- at the same 1mrhite, of Blanshard . has 'b d to ra in week, cas," One dollar ladie black cloth, 44 v NO, : $0.76 per ewt.; thin.1
rdl hhallf-ff a tickets W1111 time aftswered. tj - a Shadu,ff of gloom over th a;)rds, for $3� $1 brown frieze [0th, 47_&
his farm xxid, is rien
of only the Imniedia f Yards, for $3 ; 75o'black, navy, light ;r dark gre were nat w&nted.
going Sto er
b� issued -for all, tral a. fully and complet'e'ly -the many. sland- rf"n (is- The Si. COlumban--school. -All day the Y Panama, 58 inches widia, pi
aous -statements bel M a ys to live. He. 4a a sufferel bride, ;vhG was gowned in cream Bilk yard 50c 35c black rid" E -woront, Sept.
ng made by the r from lifeless te twilled Qimb pet yard
Usea 'to 'bouqu nement of feather 25c ; 75c Englishblack V.-6ne-
The demonstration. pro Opposition press &aa Opposition -speak- as M Mrs. Den. Wi alid carried 6: white .,car-, - maintian, very heamy, 51 inches wide, p ard 75a ; !navy broatjc�joth lot I -at tattle W - fairly 9(0
eclipse any 01milar demonstration ev- .-'Kr. a7id naons[t P611 qd suspended from a picket fence, rer not than W&B
sj)ent e holiday , th, Mir was Mtendei 'iMi109 E finish, W inches wide, per yard 7.5c black cheviot,.. extra fine ectA Trade 1
Sir Wilfrid 1�ad with him Ron. a -Mrs. ma Neeb, who Wore vVhlt'
WI School bogs sobbed and -mystery tot' twit Kea;
er eld In this coanty-4n(Cita like may e organdie. weight, 58 inches -prices r exporl
wide, great,:�value $I - $1 navy I
M�,. Lemieux Postmas-ter General and, V. X Millar,. of eivie, i1r. Millar, The, gro lowed grief when the postmaster spoke a id white pep.per nd a
butvierg, b-lte good
The Illustrious and be, I vvays. iver C held about steady.
ce, and vicuna, 56 ifiches. wUe, perard
In his address ilon. 1M�r, Le. -Irg dagm,worrying nelihAor'st sheep Cal" dermist In Stratford 65b daik grey Ivicuni
loved leader, of the tl�era]V Party has gratulations, the party adjourned -10 or London. Teach� 58 inches wide,
proposed was d homes e free fu'r-
a very warm place In'! the 'heart and, at mall deliv and la;mb mptuous I mid brown Panama, 52 inches 41 EX1.3
erY Policy of the Go MY worriec W, 1-8 yards, ort 1
vern- James "I don't know air.- "Tomas, er ytrd 45c. ; $1 navy
ai A ki led' one, om. Was sup 'James, what is a taxi-dermlstl,i wide, 5 yardsfor $3.75-.
not again occur durinig the present i Yt
P Jlited- by, Ulr. W. p�ttern West of England,,57 inches
generation. Han. G. P; G'raham, 'Minister OT' Rait- while here, had the I luck' of '6,aptur-:. Wa After the about sending the crane to a taid-
miux outlined the One sheep kille er-' �espun, weave, .58 1�che In f hiping -Pattle
-the. dining room where a sit for V7 b
affections of every Cnadian,. no 'mat- -Th8 Wedding dinper,was served. viot,
dark and li t brown tw.`11; 58 inches wide, 5 W4 re, tring to buy their
n -what is a 'taxiderinist Thomas
1 ment, the details of whlbh will -be :TUme v odist annh ersary Yar
Road le
ter what his cre-ed, nation h $75. Mrs. Neeb Will ireside on the gro6milo dsfo $ IGNer P�Iees. Several drove.
service offering ebeviot, 00 iache e, 81 yards, f 1$0,
ality Or e-v'�'n found in afiother� column. or
"Don't kndw fdr "Edardil "Do
his politica may- be; igat'narne. is fa- farm, -near Ha n
mpotead. The cog to take'PrIces offered and
-Yarda and 1h&uda C�An spent ie 'hot- know Tea&r -Daniel what Is.
Millar in every 'home In Canada and ulations and beat wI
tday v4th their sister, JUrs. shes oM, ny _j 'Were going to .6 them to I
as he. ta now not' -a young man, al-- Exeter John friends will be extended to life ` dermist t.1 Da7ilel-Vease, air CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. Pissrhore, of Stratford.-Seve: -at yOi- 9 X aa t in
a a Id6rMist I
though vigorous and Oloquedt as In NQtes.-Successful a ebuole. ax collec
Lon- at b en $5 and
man Wh6 skins birds.", Daniel
loads light exportler.
-hear this giftd r
�1 I I .. :, 'fPleasa, air, pa Says the tax.'cDllec-!
an, Sunday. Rev. Mr. Perkins, of Park- j4R
PortunitY many- m &Y -have to see and Trivitt memorial chur On a �recent ed' to he w a eturil-I
Canadi We a e ch ' eat', N9,11 'to 4;6); bul, Is acrid at
nniversary ser- Us nelghborhogd attended the TachO—No, no, a taxidermist I lead at from! $4.10 to $-p.
his youth, this may be the last op�- viegs were --held in connection with do. f adr.,hff. W.: All1so ha
i UN in verybody."
nitoba Vlour just to h�nd: All kinds
(Laughter.) -RS TO UE83
sate in predicting, therefore, -that the hill, officiated, tor sk a e
1 of good clean grain wanted, and the higbeist'prices - r- -
the dIfferent services amounted to . i, - & Co.)
attendance will be large- and that it.' TAe free will offering Bi -F Ra. MtYjX:1q0W �.ra—ftlme'plckm
paid at the HensAll Oatmeal Alills. D. urquhtkrv. there were -few -on i8
2126-3 Rippen 4a to st,80;-. da
will be composed of men and women -$325.-The canning factory has staet-' 131AYAT!H�. ML los or
y interesting gi me. of,
of Wit shades. of politics. ed the packing of - tomatoes. The. a t
I cron bE;sebki:l -W a played here on 'I Uonday Highesb mar)cet price in cash for good, sound peel- Bargpih Sale still going on at D, ftippen�.
1 $4 to to i3
0; ea:nnera, We may - say- in conclusion th4t the promises to be a good one.-�ffr, 1. 13- al tek-A- c on between 1 iDg apples at the Rensall Zlapomtor.-George Come mna geb some of the good tbinp.. 212-1-x2 Wingham
I-* arrangements are In the;'hands ot an Caing his been ma andl oynt. f
a. -king xtensive H.Yth'. The,,garne -was 'Cdled at fouk and Stringers
Not McKenzie and daugh-'
0 le
a 4-A �L efficient &nd acti-0e com,rdfee and that Lmprovlernents G'Aack. but o
f the Wing- -Large numbers are leaving -f
a his residence. A 11. accou nt,, o ter, of ors at for mIT., mrs and sprtnge
ripth.-Ing will he �eft undone that may woman the.� to'who had eseaped.frdm the ham be am Impaeting 1i couple. o men, 1 here. daily to attend* the exhibltioti at home Of iier son, Aft. Alex. McKlanife i 55 each. Veal Calves
baber sold �t $3 jo $6
tend' tiY add was captured the' who bad to come to W. U. Hoggarth Is teach- of the! village, during the past -week"! I
to, the success of thd oc- asylum at 1�o�on School-
ingharn )n the London.---�`M!r p nin.g., per c
be. accomoda- a
casion, while there wfll� Othef day by -Co Ing In
n table W. J. :BIs- G.'P.R., they *ere n' t ready t) p the Exeter school, relieving for -U�r, Samuel ;rhom A3111 Larnts-The market for:
tfon for all -who attend, no pson and r. Thos.i
M1 -ter sett, who took 'her. s �far as Lae tte garne' until 5.30 p.m., and after i the piesent -one of the -teachers who Dick va
an� rho have been urider the weath-1 sr, and expW ahee I
how large the crowd may be. Crossing
nd handed her over to the playink- ten Innings - the � game iad to, is ill-�`Mlso Youill, trained nurse, in er are no able t9 go around a ied at tll.p o1joying
ad at-; asylum authorities. -Dr. Cwan, of be callad -on'aci-codritlof -darkne s, the home from Kingp6rdin, where.,zhe has te' See th6 at variety of and- boantifal G� 4; rams, $3
nd t�, work . as usual. - We are, .9re new,
London, -a former of Exeter, awre'lleing .6 to: 6, a n d w1l n ve to been for some'time nursing' pe3 - c
SOUTA HUAOX COINYENTION �w Patients, pleased to see o4r old frIends in, har- S erg Xerjel. 4. wt.; In mbB. $00 to I
cribbl E '80 Bookpi &6-,? ilast to hand.
t city the : other be pla" ed ' over T..ag4dn likely next 'Hart and. daughters returned ness a -They are made -cit: --aunns gdin. _good Hogs umitta"
day. He was struek. by a 'street car *eek. tipire Johnstone, of this vee;k from Whitby, wherd' they
qar- 201 t
M. T. McIDAN AGAIN THE stuff, -and as both. are good Grits this- Spedal value mi Leather! 8 bbd,and watered, ati
&A1d.kuocked from his 1g.7-1111ro. Wm. lh�, vraa s fair a a haye i had been, for some weeks visiting rel- may have something to do with It. cholo Bags and *6," and $6,65 T.ob� c
a'any w
4 tr�
CA"IDATE. I Hawkshaw and daughter� 141sa, JeaA.' had here this year' The gam to ativea ioid friends: -Was Etta Divis -A mat many from this neighbor- FootbaUs -for school purpo$es.
hayp'retarned from a Pleasant trip to *have 'been played here on Thbi rada returned to Toronto on Tuesday I at hood are attending the.,London � fair y
-!the convention of South Huron tWmest.�Xr. George� Eacrett of Discount 'Sale of Baby C
betwee)i Goderich and.Dly�h Isl,to be �o renew her titudie.-Mlso Bartlett this week_ Our railways gather.in a arnage Expresa P000n. Saturday
as' constituted for Dominion i Gladstone, Uknitoba, and son 3f the played next 'Monday,: when. it � ex- has re-ehgaged ith �Mi. J. W. lot of the surplus cash just n
fttfle very� a
s late George Eacrett of Exeter --was n sac Wagons and Hammooks� to -clear baauce of
held at Ilehaall on Tues- 0 ul
purpoa�aa, w peted there *Ill be a large �row.d,. wel as mtlltner.-The� rament of We. McConnell, of Detroit',- is visit -
I - married ecently at h;antford t ' MUS jj' M . d in r de: Aine in Prices; o
day last� The bject ot. the corLven- 0, a Qoderich, Wineha �zd Blkt]�'have. the Lord's Supper *111,be observe Ing at the -parental borte of M�r. Sohn stock. Tound- aa -d W
Mary R.- Lister, of. that ity. Mr. - and p. obaribb.no -to be.:Ievian at tl�e end Carmel Churc.at the morning service Whiteman, of the vulage.�-�Ies a ago. A numb
tio f a candidate ; MYs. Eacrett will.. take up 1heir real- of the season.-Quitel a number arb nd the preparatory service this, Fri-' Brown, of Blth, was the �guest of Pat Ue bm-gi4 hekee for expo
tion was the sele6 a o
to contest the constituency at the dence, In. Gladstone, Where they *ill taking day, afternoon will be conducted'by Was Carrie McKenzie, of the village, smalt steers i
in the London fair this week.?
9 wel
relh rom 1000 to
.arge Nelson �toblnson spent Sunday In Seab�rth.-:- The. Reform -convention held herelon 13 at!pr f
approai�hlng election; to the. ElornInjo of" a 12q, A; the Rev.' Mr.'Urquhart, of Kippe�- during the week.. Urs. job
be followed, by the best *i0hes
number of friends. -Mr epsis. T. B.' MeArter and
_r1lament. There wag aL, good at- Mending a week at the home of i joes rann g from 1-40
Prior, who has been visiting his par- -1 ft. F. Carr, of" Toronto, spent A -few -Tuesday last was well attended, FIRST DOOR NoRTH op Pi Pei-
tendance of delegates, every muntel enle her4, has.retitrned to Winnipe 1 the Adt wek -With hii fath- Interesting. addreiies, were 6livere her1father, Y, Robert Taylor,�.of St.; d. ! he beeves on th,
d by Jowlyb."Mrs. John Workman Is via-' tor local Wnsumption
Valfty In the riding Re, was acdom�ianl� by his dater
SOW at 1 4 We to 4 9-
being r -Xr, R. Wanless, -whd"jign the candidate, W- M. Y. McLean, the ItIng her daughter, Viis. Reid, of SEAFORTH TAR10'-
0 N*
At A0 to