The Huron Expositor, 1908-08-14, Page 377
-T— —_-77 7�- 7
i sw
AMIN .7 -VU 1-
Zw!`- _4r
%r-- �7
g, two aind 41hler-
win lt� eaA ral cam, AX
xdtuaw 48 ah", farme" xftri�U%1110 tho Set thoir Cattle
wbw 'Ur 5
fte Del
to"M 4
w�qd SANK go.W wware Th enO Ar on tbL- tarl-v
ft t ed that he bad
_.brlft�t W. 041ft D 4t, the - StAtIchi to' Vate� a herdt ot simiaw-, -in
W nu ou ann to 41m -nor an
to F. A`
UP. 7 fbe bwleb� ea4 ja a
haip g,-47�- I Uletv 01, hfte OT IVA 44 11 but Its heaA was
she ,has - on
"ye. did I
t little c
t 0- A"
PAWN. EL 2iflan
0$�X, With- E4 US 04 Wheat a: 1)7
ww ons
of zfte# Tho bride. wa a 'the ilmelY !help ol .1A4-ghb&-s the SarA
&nd ber, Idents &cUT tbet
vy f.%t(tite,
j was sajea Old 1r.X
ly On belahb, mis�edju- GjddefrjeK they never- saw a Ich. N rain. Whi r I
_will -be much
-low to lalffla� For fa
jue, ji &, it; Creek, vfth J&T� ;1 the Tbam!e's river a isfaction or r Xon�v BaC&
6 U -6t 8: ing torre4t ex- YOU
benovdvlft%ated t f at U !e1l,**a Ta
Alke a glass
-POW -it will jroVe a0flY a& '1111, fte 1, AAW freshet4 . W
i0W 11 Salagal�: Tea.
T`27 M: 8"M nr =I-- at., Fwaboo.
11*4st ntrosh. 4 thip diiffrict much: damag Soho
ine, Ae delightf ul as
Ates- odland on which is a e was
clip 4n the sea. cam ai6d -etable ems,
febUU4- mud heated W-- - And Veg
0,W-ble- and ftplamout ai$6 the - 00-M attenQ it magyl
house j
Intetreat -.4' U a. W year caseS�
oraw-m-f-med 00- w4b poultry
1ri The. 01clerl Days. —A teri: ible stax nj of hail, - Wtud aMd,
re -4 rAble property, for % re-
arfor hmit, Or pooltry firm. - Itisonly
raln. visitid Stoughtom Sasko on ;UIX
#"M Zsgfpetb� App art, the premim or
ess, 'then I" t a9ting shetches of thee early
ulamus". 20R041 28 As �far� as tb �o'�M I
n er coa
bu im a bloch
j ering bus c;66d, the vaillyr, =96 Su#eredi was
taw r ,
ears a0go wellv
n '3" a
about 15 'y tallen- from -the filps of Th
e 40 man0upturing of.' bricks. s of Seaforth- and, vicinity,
zog ULF.-7hat verf vulutibile, far" be- d4 th dem lition, of :a falr- ovs
-.100 X o
jV2g4W9WtbQ Mdsl*gn.41, situated 3 nwies bito �thr Ex -
a", but two mile nortU g-jejeat,"
jj&jm� d-ag-lon and C ialles�lkrom llkitkdou-
Outside of; beine -a ffietaber of ithe
'h b
Ub b s. aud, bqu�;e
Schiml at comer of 10% 20 wm wits '04,yed wit
wood UM 2 -�am of 0 loard for nine yeaxs he did
A a strip �`seveiitem miles wide wal 411
He was ig
lul.. .--state. seafort% Feb. A. 188
*0 ft -g% well fe;;k, won watem . NW% -N �th TTER not sea for tgublie honcor.
rier Ter m a 6 W. to active,. mermber of the auarterly boatd At the residence ot the brides m oth- farmer, had his IiAoUse ind' b41TU entire-
amd btudee -boiard
of th4 1066L-
0. 211 2 er, . by Rev. W. Thomsoa, on. the 2nd
rRICT MA ed out completely. � oscar -
�Imt so1j; one of a best DIV
am 1Y demlishe-0. be dft 1)4�1,ngfialled out.
lat V14umbi", Beside* A vdd�w C: 00i siu S
k - - just.,� I *. - -i I
Re�;A�Tulnted.-Dr. W. -J� R NAIURm McCla;y t6 MTP Jeam This storm has been one ofitlli& xmt
Tr, -For We or reut: av� S A0 madra the - low of a. 1,
FOR SALE OR FX2 16 06mm
V. 94.1ormerl of Saaforth, hi now
!" ccn�_rwrtable and convenient brick rag- - I . I I y -t [A, all ot TacReirsmith. serlcU8 ever knomu in t1leit dtstrict.
ther, five daughters- app' In &afDrM)�-0n, the 2714 Inst., 4 the The Howar dowa,
V held
StMorth! the rty f L
of chmon'. who ter. tert years d MM was blov
ikSqua "rape a son,
the PD31taOU Pf T-*Ct
The- houm is in resideneb of WO Ander-soir, by. Rev. aud caXa OA the rg U�my tr- ck at Aow-
I&& pod goaden and allo-u good A. D� WDdnaild Jaimes 13
't the ontarto Veterinary has I -
uTieseo ard siding were Wly*n -down 'and ditch
V a -hu W is A; Most 46.
'ro-Aerty. Fortfirther vwdaulw, ap to, JUA been r Part Elgin. of T ers'niiill" to Us's MW9919 Q?aW- ed two miles eas� ;of Howard.
e-&vpoluted, the fto Of
so ot �a fck-4t. of Seafq
�L 70M, no-avore. &OOdu -P. Q. 211 U his du4es to Wellgde also for .-Affter a b�ylhgjflhe
Sul At R16111towili by
which he� receives. an a"Um rear a aiMf trom, mrvous ig-rofA*n �urphy,'
ar This Ite om- 100, a fit
Lat,�i Conceniani h!3 sal A. H. Rldoutj fil, m- -the. Wth ult., W Matthew Mur -
lie g r
't to. tf lie had. beeU ray. to 'Miss' Mlliry H61116ii4i bd
-__0fth0*W oh It ttlere is comtort- 8 a-, .119aidt took, us lift,
bilm b~_aud woodshed ; i large ban, 9ftfal Men it W-, lulovh 'the with- the Bank 'of Ha�allt�iv
em" also
pod th
cout alit, 111tical viewa, v4d or or uti� av for- 17 �Y"M At a meetinir- Of the Segorth coula-
vn_ hi h& a- valt of a, behool and
the- ba%k hem, �retbang r" eventa Mr.
40hogaam4matthe towa of Sealorth. 27E 1@ the oat ab�m Dr. Wimils, P red -
avrio Goverurneut ell on, Monday
�va ointed ihk Pills Resto
-e of monize, it Is all the i le -yaaX..a& A T.Irdionged -stay in a Stark assessor at a wl-,
under drained and in a high stat nore cr
QWgiou. AL -4 a good orchard and plenty ot good tcl the rY 01, coalstalbl$k
130yernMent that it ha a Strength 4ter Medical
Alum, &nd a Eurotean trip 1"t
z�a- f urtther jartioulars apply on the prew.
r6inted Infin. rev&�' 'ved to .,ata Ud 011ector; W
y ti�e progress ary $925 E. Laab
Treatm! t
BP10f1116Vt1Rfc *6� alerlk, etc., salary $366,.
he dise.06, but slightly. T�h& cjma�oj
eaves a widow 4nd three chil:�ren. At Eeven 'O!clock an Nedoitesdax d -
Td Fruit Growera.-A�v reall. of
M MaKIL1.01- FOR SALM moming the, thermometer reg�istemc�
Hurm coun-ty Rfavin.W t7rospeuc
*Ms"a &.-Lot I& Concession Himon Road'
Hibbert. 80 deg Nes below zero.
sam-r-les Of good tbie isle 'Ich is
nx na 10D norl's oi enoica land, -Mit
contaL L
bei _-y Re. Robert Lumsden Ifas been ar.-
ng-s- foot.of vmte land on the farm It reminded of the _-Oun* exhibl' �wbich 'Wla,11C holy Suicide. - 'A m6laacholy Vo�aWt chairmin "I can #uthfully say Dr. Williams-,
of the :publtc sellwL
_k imn fte raile of SL Golumuna, where there is Ouloide o ourmd In this towaablp wr
will be made at the Rro-ducliLl I Pink Pills d1d for me what -,one rA th
th, adhoor. e -m- WflWSY abd pWu board and, 'Mr. William Ballant eqi
Ahm j T,6�rpjjt9.'_ ne%t Satur lel
Itural. Fa;f:r a d Augus Ist, wbell. Leslie E. beat doctors, in Ualifabr talle'd to do
MM Of 8"forth. ctd
a-_ Mab
-nebbp -Gibson Kabaff
hidivineu as, v0mber. T1* catinty pouacit'la s ou of Mr. -restored my lidalth."I IThis strong
awous to retire- -Tltlt i Able. About one dckft Saturday morillnig
-ado-, gain made e. ggTant of $50 to, a took his pwn life. T -h- 'young -Mav statement is made by,!M-!r.- -Wm.
jow-M the pmwiae!� _Pro� , a. _f la, quiet , di4osition a4d -,re-* a
or addrm ANFIT FO fLv&_; Vv as - d'scovered In the atom m-
ithe rprer-aratt6n snA hanWiftW1 f' - Was o Weaver, 172 AT1,71e strejat, H419tx� 1
001umbon HAYS. sea.. cu;Ied by the SIVAtreal Telegrohy Co.
"21204"' redied
dytmij of tur�h 'exhibit, �ano for s, y all. It is suppoeed tba� Mv� and A mejr1ca3x ExTress, Oo� - and . IM,�-.
10 Ur. Weaver adds -1 -A fev : r years ago
lxlzes, 1,A* addition to the trize luls, ry w m, wea)tlier must have 'affect- G, I iook em1ploy in a latge factory
WPM SALE -For sali, that s _,Drge offordss oboe store. The buud-
_plendidly sit- c& his
the Horticultural Assoolaticm.* i riAnd as -he haA Apt rpreyiouejA Ing W as firemaoA' I Im m -the work would
sWam-4desirablefarm,441 ' .1 the Town )a entirely gutted, whilo the
Showed s f8m. 0."
desirlug to'dontribute to�the t MeUn"Ia He b-
-qnVn;. w the estate of ihe late Bob- stores of Rally & Anderson and C. W. e �har4,'a*l triel 48 tOld me I would
-4411�& _960t.t. It contsini 9a'adres, all cleared ex- collection, or to make- fir jt. - 01rose a Usual on's ay mundw n0ver stand it, bix" as I -was a str`0149
It iff in a 11 PaTat, on-elther side,' wel!e consUeroly
hibit In the reguak cowileulou f all� �W%l suir-bSed to*ifiave stme to-U."Is. man weloruff is �7:ounds, I laughed
-=hditlojj;� about 26 acm-nfiftr gram Urnfaoear. During the fire atL 'ex.,
wor boo being.,able to Ba
A*jVx1-tpm_e rpaidence, and falig bum -and Communicate -with Wmlain. IA erwd"s his, hich did consid- ht 'the 14eWi f
There county clerk, who. Is I afw-�w W was fdU nd lha4glug- itn'the. Dam, WO erable dQuage to adjoinft buildingo, the work. A0nybo 1. started amd f�oun�d
-W. a good bearing orcMrd and
pit __bt
ressonable. API dnthe ot the Goderich Horticulfura Ietn'g �extkxct. The deceas& wag I& the job a h bflee4 :,Thero
addrus BER& R. A� S ticao's drug-- store bottles werKA
Sea e aLnez numbbr firemen emT
In Du ard
in, the '�bollectioa and pr4d aip.;6I age. Xh �st` syr4a were -a loyed!
*shakbm fr�born the s-lielves, while in the
affUcted farh-. storea' 'kng a;nd qWtting Che
the exhthit. Tlwaia h*, -of all ta ded ko tfio
exteV alid Men were ta
-n-ror_ We or' �%wwj4�* t:Uji 117. remabW were-14ta7ied of Kitloran. & Rya3i, Hugh 11abb
-0 b:a ron ji Job every -few days. I kept 4 the
In I �e
Qjt T t�e andt_, :]�Lobertson, on the OpiVosite
w. world for two years aad during that, ,
)acesdouU, MaKillop, con rats 'MethodA t�.cemetery Q:t.. 3fitthell' side tht,, street, windows, W -em
td=4, Lot 21. 0
eU feuded and well
1=16& nis bar% islus, &*WNW state 'of time ldbt 5110yf j1polummud Weiglit, tald Wais a
f(*qe of tho 1'
I LI -3 he bil brokew do-vm ma2i. I cduW iodt tafte
Awanom -Ift-q0tuff ymm it has beeuVW7, lightly 03iommAy -
0 Deatu- of Mus. XcDofiffa ON, o the tire crIgiiiated L%'ndb
ado&& .deal of stock kept on It. Then ioWing, whih t
took 7 dimine(A
hexams ra
'b6u&e'&udbsWk barji� &W, agood, eath of A Former Resideit.-Thaq
we iLke Je6m. ti CW I OA! oftell.
r—bi, b,at y h me without toachtim
tyatwater. 7hialwine=parti -
br Gocirge Sliaw, late of:
oijobar& 'Preft on Itch NOW Em of labt we6k, _r tbwrp, to. dIe4 jV DaX,,dts�, oui ;Uly 25t1l, em 64 s. e *It
cDouguU Apt Bv
Itiabodfamile, sch6ol, a sister i6f W. iWbn. M eni I 'would be worldmg 'oh the
bRA-and a, halt from Walton vill _ses Ple earl 7 Settlers of. this townsifili In - smitii., died ae her home ne�ar- �etroit. it -
age, Pas w tb I co�u In that
ja Me Tenon of Mk� �Ahft�tw, fte %8,' e- eldeat daughter of Robt., night shi t ]no sleep
I th mdadvlPe. -The; death- 666ured t Park, att
TDN"graytZp., oe nPrioxiis Hill. -Th w 0- ra a
day time, a0 tWis dded to my trouble.
=.=T Olt 4�= J. 1UN-MIL e., Ne the' ge 0� elghty-ovD years. W. Park 131-91% Esq., of- Tuckersullithl, aud'was'
21=2 One, of the old atud, respected r )s Ec' 24 yeaes 'of 4jvi., Finally 'I becaome a tdtal *wreck and.
came -to lKibbert -in the learly Aays, and
rork. hax&
-df tills 1odallty- dled.on- 'TUGS IEj did. well his iratt, in inn-trtwl wihhD�-v W. Jdhh . Meharay ha'g sold - 141p 1r, had tot quit the N I could
the persoon, of acre th, ly c1rag' myself about, and yet � bwl
rsmi* con inil, acres of choice the tkae'farming couiltry, It Inow" Is. Leadburl, to
become so mervoustfhat I cuuld not..
The farra is well fenced %nd underdramed, had -the mtsfodune -to br"k, q-'�.Imb �:He was a man Who 'was held hL t6er ranc W"isbul for $4,500. KrA
*oaths att stIll, aii'd wduld,'walk about the
)f waste land and no a Hlindreds of mothers 1lid new school clothes for their
re is not, X foot, _pZ a lew weeks ajj�% afid fter 1 9, hi0est iesteem:by all, ainil his deijh MeTiar �y nt6lida igoing -to Wfnitob
Awns., The farm was ready to dwp. Thel
viffll be deerly by a larse -on B of the -first necessities of Septeriber., So we
is almost �Gra There is. ri cotad. not. reooei ftorn I the; shoc C.1 slia The far!mers� In the vicinity- ct -Waj-4 house ulitil r haVe -
-brga bank barn with good aocommoUtion under- ragre . y d boy
also a small td circle o! acquaftt �orjnlnlfg a; JoWt stock com- see nie ever au
at wag b&!d *- Scotlaiid, wind c
R wa,* framehoum and woodshed dolotor cartle o a-
0 -the utamn stoc� in time fpt tho demaud.
004jmq. There i% plenty of pod water in the ancei,, vilille to the. tdn a:, 's chaliged the medtairge time and tin* ght in
*.his 00un!trY many Years ehgo, settUA-9 bereAvet rel4ives will be exteuded aie r-duy , ith the intention of. erecting ai.
flem!5IM The farm is situated between _111ens I bt df - -did 4pe na igood- Fin4
aforth, an hones drive to e;ther, and is 80 ebebse f adtxrY In that vilisge.
-a the town-shio-wIth her'brotur� thef �sinceresl, sYmpatIly of all, He
t ally. be walffted me; to go. to thethos-,
=aachoo Owing late, John, Wfel)Mzall, who war. meof ' a-,'wadfaw, w s1ster,.0f a&. xamieson, 6f the Huron, jog,�
3 stage a Wend,
to sell. tfie the ipidneers. - She I;Ived In Dgt - pital, a�rld al, tlu
health, the prop od
sa 19. detor is force -C it for, 7Jdha U -.Dougall, of the south bound-, Bullet, and sdw of 1W. �Wni, ja�nje_
-once, or after �ar
hav6po4sesslort at Hi)beT;t, a4id one daughtet anij son, zd': - -on, Thursday'of laA weeX cAme t,6 tta4y wit -b e overaligibt.WhIlet
rtioulars apply on s6rae time, but has IiLtely, inades a:r d N premises
)derich. W_1a&XW_- "er : home amol* relatives here, r he was realaing -the evening Tarer be BOY t,
Sd�Iur dztl� j: -after :wo d Illnem wit Wiam
WkW, Seaforth 11'..0.- solfts., IMbasrs. Doiiald and Malcolm 11
came ae7rdss the testimuial of a curei
2U3-x4tf taking 4plaft at the hiomei, of matboh, of the lw W -s. 'Park.- - of `Cbroxnacty, are brdthers of,
wrioug:�t by D)r�, , lllfams� Pink Pills.
the dee ased.
VWgIAM-fina thew, Uh P. 'McDougall, Jr. The f Mk Uker died at the h4ba,6, of ICOWYAX -The I
IFOI&SALK e %. -roof
He said, - "wh dDult you. ry tberaj
e p
item -at took place to the alflatd de her s(In-in-law, W. � Wmi. C41iislej,,
We that most er
-1 tiothing else. 'as bdring 'you a4d liey
of eUry on :We&agda Hensaff,,, The deceased was .92
-ty known asc Lot 6; (Ion `0 RW� pe . h was - One of th e ly. M e
tt (youn, He W
ere ar e may do you goode ent &t "'I (3are under our &6etioa fr materials select -
a 'Kit earlyl
82 x 24, wit �Sijnday ScIfobl A t We a
;cod brick house tobAu lk#ach-. � . L I - df a 9A.
4""14 � n# Weddlng.,-A qu we d'd h took settler 4 f that box at clnee- When this was
ajr ; a. large bank ba me,-t-
abe -at, high Veou ev ,'WeJcjrie' ..W�t of the ddne, I 6-ot a Ualf diweTL boxe�, � anij 'Pall Soltobl suits I ouble and sinlo
4-16 x 26,, both in good rep
ea mon S ago
aue4t, Tomw '37 and other 1;1 re T. Wore te3
*x 76, withgood stone stabling underneath, Ing of the executive cbmlili- "Ile last 'week aj, the. 9f4ejiCe 'of; IW4, werb jall gone I begahli
orfo S� W
cement allo, 12L League' and- ay I . i
to bre Ste ith Plan now bloasea tr rs, anci
When - his.'dgrq�ter, was s4torrif, Feb. 11, 981. Guelpb, and TercKU41 buildings. farm is well -watered, assalattobs of Cloderich 416 vos J Ual -1 feel like a tnew ciohtkued
the :and is
'Ethel Marks, became;'th-e bride [mi. olp, Qrozier - has tn th e T coupe W, he its
jodin rear adapted both for. grain and kto 4. to3hoose from. so SO are not
his .50 ills tok- 'a, mchulle 3f now Patterns
took ralsing and is in a high state of cultivation. �bcl' In N(Wth street church- Q �Vf W. rthur Aenjy Nellor, of. -King- en, I was aigaE;,. -as, well and as
acre i aqfii okx the -1618th conceastoxi of W11
and Br4m wMeL, 11jon from the facb that the propriet con -��I;�sday of last g to matehe I anyw4ee at any thin� like the prioe4
a -18i b , W man, X 11sas. The ceremdTly was 1P iatr;ong as, ever I ai beett Ili My �rhaavwlded thereon fotnearly fifty ye "P- :the' removal dt Rev. Wr. a) H141lett: fo Thos. gu�lnrbrey, for $L-
ime etthe most succesaW farmers in th H 90% and I I-a4ve Nor een stck a dar,
formed Y�'the Rev. .William
both Hazen from th d ces-
It is centrally located, be' oh h end
.Mies. $3 "3.-
aytnng 'ind d M!r. IV. since- I feel nt there Is' no 0 Mari e. The store wentue of
Tagbod to -det �aew officaro., W .1 re-�
w-ho-ol, and *!thin easy r.L V1 q1Z
ir 'he
nrahe h
weddhag:rnarch as the bride ent ading Pric
t ulars, address- it d X. idgms, at LoIndesboro. had, 4 nar- temedy In t e equal: to Dr. all-
ithe ra:rlor on the a*a of -her th - truction by fire on. lamz' Pink Pills bulloing up al
_s Uxted as follows Prea*_nt,
P. 0. it ,
B.-40uTrie, 1dndesboro; ',#iss 4;f ve. her fbway-* �Both the br e: brokeh down tiler s�,stem, and for
VARM'L 1rd ga Sunday morAing lati� The ceiltg �R SALE._Ib Ir
oAhd grc bm. w -A 6N tro gly
10F.W WAOL ro i�"ob 2 Lot Loudesbom secret
0onelssion. 1, - ere uuattWipd!. uld strou reco)m
15 QpneesdoR a K, L;t 14 edught. fire from a, iftoveripe Wnleh sub Yxble I o
Nile,- treasurer; Rev. W. A-*.Smt,n, of .-th t sed through med tbem-"
to aw i. cerembor�y all sat down
Mad Et j. Ut 15 Concession _t, Hur�;-iRoad ung.anmW reAresenkL'tr"L to to
ID as it, qnd it Was with
U Urn con C us on, an dimicuit ' tbe" fire was"extingulsheO. Dr.- W P s cure c
-Zownshily of �Mekersmith, CbuntY Of dng XX 27 M Y iams
Tow t
ence iss Balle, DthiVtraont.', WS. 'and Mrs. 'Nel cases as WeaiW-s baftusd th6j
Y- icres, sittiated. within tw hrivi
t e Alock ffr.
Wm , ' About' .'half ipot three Thursday
S�MOI the Dende, Blyth-, lblk� Jo1has,.1 AubW
n 8: n 0 dr;yvj6 to Brucefleld-, v0fexp they. make the rich, r, -d blood that feoU
torn ontarim- was ;"W4dQLe' I juts*-
mbr.. Currie - were- mbrat iig ;firt. broke out In the frame
Andal irttag- VM conq a. 1prqgxtm for, their'future home
petitionot 18a. 1Xff;fa=_* :the tile starved nerves'* and toneli Pas er n 11ding oil the
have been an pastured for the, pa* te 9rgL and omraittee. for the tO �be� -bu eorner of LMatn agd,
g; The very fleaity 'Mhrke t 47�6ets,,._ known, ai� the Markey strelfgtberw eNrfty ifart g, the bddy�
Id now- be in excelkint shapefor gene 1i",
0.43 A.DL won 5rj _'S L. held fh the - fall, aind why
M4 SoU,gwddavioam�two-storey-brickdwellWe &doe c0m �3ittel -wNbes of he.0i'tizens ot Bayf iold 4 the)r cure! A tTeMO )Us shipmnt of s h rand Pfogmsil
meet lirt D Ai -t 7108 tin
'L -K So. c.c e re. hlocX Ry'effldlent work M -the part That is men new
andUcheftivith brick woodshed SumWer Set .y 4n, Agust 29t T�Ibe evtended to W iit:d idT -the f1je bra -gad 8-nious five s rheumatISM4 Igesioui AieuThlgla.,
d& hereto*k
.60 wa
en--Lilne.' undi id auto hi ve *nst been bpeuecl up 1I our010thing
hard and soft water in Idteh e Preventedt Th -b bdil Mg St. Vitus dance, TarAlys� 'and 4 -her
*mbbery, evergreens and cedar h 11idid in the-.1park at ch5 S occu-
Hullett - � f . ) all new, up - to - date patterns of good 10hest wool
8.12 Truce windbreak on west ipled I Y On. Markey - ap a store and roubles due to liad blord and part
&29, q,:bem withdrawn this,Y4er M111110 re'd nerves. 1§old by 411i 7116:1
tamawithstonastabling�-Wacresof te
df ggs as, a
a an beech -well watered wit4, :bq t1m removal of sever4 of fl- Note li�. 11i worikteds'and WOds bstantialLy Bawf d, i0legarafly t
dealers r "by nao -at fift� ceiijp V6
'llp -agetherorw A the diZiculty 'of se,lurl, I ed s teacher in, -No. store Wd W. George wingais brut
81.48 rtv Vill " It pro le&s,, an bar.' bee.,x engalk
-eT' Ehopi, while the upper floor was bO7-� Or six b0xes� r(k $150.�60m The well tewed on, m 'e t fit swe to W
-pat3r. gobetterpropertryinthe Of artis toi bel fil, tlij p eb med, b�ittons aa ]DO UrXG A X� MV r_ T1qVT,%m1 ne. 3' bchdd tor the coming year, a) id
Dj0M45$, _tf BV c I w1lI ass ame her duties a,.t -the- cloise lof occupl,-d Mr.. Aradrew Calder. al; it Dr. Williams' INW101II& Qb-7 0 k
hbtp L apb�
-Reeve 'Thom 11 P gaAery. Vlle Oxxtario.
th6 Lsummer vacatlon. rh;Dltp
W. D.Vr.Gregor has d Istposed. of his, —4D
JOHN BEATTIE A Deserve- T1rIbute.:T:he Wi micMilUn 11, cre.s 4n. -,corn th SL' PH' es '(D14,25f 851.509
Kincar di e
"ty a
xee Pr 1�sM iue wh, ch - brick bu-ilding "i 19ain street to Me- A Msherm4in�s Paradise
late jgvido Court. Olerik, bm a number of prop- It deals� 'Witt vxe 1p year. There shoiild be,nd lac ot fee&
dgTess ma Ae by Lean DYas., who -will fix It up as a
�,ff iciency 1
for mjllan�s e- - Ontaxio -is
arrass for -sale or to rent,. among which is R 90a and the efiq�i of tI Le De- cattle aound.`Mfr� bic The Algonqu
1%, 06 MR A.- US. Df In Park or swain
ehouseou;fanis Street, Seatorth, large -coming vinter.-MIr'. Armstrong, Of the
�ood AZed fam:dLy t lots. liartment of It",11ture of the P -a- fast becoming fvoridlv fai- nglers
It to accommodate a, g has threshed his mbr. S. Dicksoh, 1pogtmaster, liao-rurI
i 2.w sold on reasonable
term and possemon a -Ad out-
illd Lit has turned dhasd L the fakm da the North Grafel
heat, Tho- Grand Trunk IL&Ailway Syk
to let and 9,
AgricultUf neap
insurance affect- y bu Road, Leadury., &djoh&g tile
'Mr. -- Watrweli:
g iv dltdr NiECHA:,1c KIN
i - vinte of SaskafAie*am: under the, those fond of the: wdodis
eamsoonaa.sold. Alsoroo ervIsidn of HoA. JU4(�
to sen on reasonable terms, iof abou, fort sheli Tb the =e.
*k debts collected. and loa-40 made on saiWao- Ister of Po e,,) farm, f F. McCullaa The farm, tem. 11ae Te31Ved a. .101tter -from a
'One eVre tbij last week Uh Jap. laol-
tl_v Y -W Call: and see, vays the followffilg -wll - merite the Sta
I ire,
I security at reasonable rats% aid nign Governmu otficial of
Sea- bute to the lat 11ajo tb e oil road, b.4 d a n r-4 cmtairw 75 acres and the Vrice. �r.
11.16 iLM 2.1re be convince& Late Mvision Court Office who'has just returned
07 te- ! �;
e Deputy' of- Connecticut
2r Was $
row esdare, tronT a:. serious accideat.. 'ne
He wa dr17ing in az rifg witji t, rd Iced In c6nnec-
orth . The analveibatry serv,* _U 01
that depai!�ment, -and' lts'iemar�s arom. a few dalo lu The conq s of
'Ithi, melaXcholy 4uterie'd -by that bew#Iful PatX� He saff:
1ie read �v
3f_ 'dthers, air-
ttoh with; the Egmondville Presbyteri
-dy. friends of ie debe.W when, the horse. islifieds a; id 61TUrCh were held 6n, Sunday laj�t, nd iMPORTANT the ma 'd' weeks ao i sm1t: fQT azid- Mbr. Kolamd was landed In the dit ,h under- ficial among our _ie�ders The Frea wer ed br Rev. Alex. trener- obtained! a, Gra�ad Ttrunk foldier ielatl-
wtth e conduL 97 to Al
a barb wire -Tbe
In terest-4
71ibbert, 2bulls Inistor i the res t that his matter receive was very- in
J signed aleoA Lot 27, Concession 8, so*n, (if 11ide Parld.% On 1b9u4d`a,7 ev-;�
-Bums Foi% SAM 94'7 1AU6
k ofrers for & Press says: "The Wpointmet of, A. inst fence, jr,, months old Bired by Prince of P. Xetchen as dquty m cokt sleeve was BarAf (Imp.) They will be sold'reaSOnable on t4ne or torn- to shreds. Foratnaely he r2cetv- enlug, a la- meeting was 1held. uring
o connection in resi- ndt, only a. wise but at pc�prulir lm" h -Ag radding, but I bad en 4ioTbiftlity
cash to suit buyer. Telephon the evenkn the df the ongre- -0v eralb.
lt would 'have been, h4rd to f reelved iLo serious Injuris, hut It s of learning witlitu a few Idays that
gatlor, 'presented Ufr. Samuel Caro -
DAVID HILL, Stal-Ta, P1. 0, ad
Atd for the qsitjoa� rrow escaTie. t
man better f nat othan -with a -very handsome eld the beautlesof Ahe Pa�rk: Were no
F,,NTFor sale or rent vvexurawn, aLnd that the fishing. 6b-
SALK OR P W. Keteten had bad years or Ion It a token of their agprepla
Ho21jeF_oa=(11%trt.%b1e f rame house on the comer of watch as
Seaforth� The house teal work - oii ai stock. and -gral�' f q; rm,. Goderich. ,Wst I have ever
talued thre was t
Ileorge and Victoria Streets, tion, c f Wis� services- in. -the chrch'and tj
Aleata;� 7 hail the 'privllege to enJOY� a] , iougli KV Kade
As in first-class repair, and conveniently situated. In Outario� aln-d h4d made for himEelf. Aesid#nft -T
ekth of A -Worthy Sunday. school.
,feats, sa-a- There Is also afraraeotable on the lot, Apply to k -the, Oat.�%iljdl Ag d- I have fished the trout WdUrs :of
a gdbd reowd 4
No. Thomas simpso'nj o8 Nile Street, Stratfor�L ne took i3lace oh, Wednesday of Mh�,. , Alex. Kerr has purchaed the
ph, foil' printe Edward -Island, through the ADF
Mo-tt cultural College 4 Gual ormag last wei Coates, �e_ far m of " 11 In _0 words, ar yoll
ahmaer Sam- which he was Ass4t ve .�c of Wwrgaret Jane %11r. Floods Utlil concesslaV Cauapla�a Laurehtian sectlm,4 and In
*t U Stock omed Ife of Allan WDiaad,' WKIllop, for $0,0004 The farm con,-
"MORTHORN 0ATTLr-Seven c6iofado a;id Wyoming in the United wearing thO famous iffechanio
ti acre
that cEoadlty had travelled all. otr -bP- States(i fiku
fts"19m young Commissioner for the Doinhiloif, In e&r. at Goderich lanine, Tnnis. he 9j.
of 0 on] bedcows,forsale at moder- is Js, 2 from imporl
----------- ate; prices and on easy terms ; good young cows and tumeral QvIces were cuinduded by V. tmbr� Johra Rollins, of the 14& con'. King over"611% mad -Te of the belfem also for sale. All interested
are cordiall In ve three
tidns du e _tj-e 2.7th of 3
Cfaap� and studied U totk cona assisted by Rev. V� cesst,61i, eMllap,, had cows T_ arATO at Algonquiai Park frotv winled
I - Toronto oa un e, and 'on -vited to inspect the herd. Farm adJoins town, TO very Province, and W. S16A dart;' of Flultol�, 1W who Is Mi led by the falling In 'ct he Lroof,_ very best h6a;vy black
did,-&nce telephone to farm. Write for catalog -le,
-ff. BUM, Exeter. . of yea. In- GodErldh '6,a' a visit. 'Mfrs. McDon- & the 6,uil ivg In which t ey the 28th I left ibe hoOl for Smoke I, r editor th, tbe estj ars and Rxgged lake�, arriv4ng, at Smoke
ald wa! bova 0QDS
IDULLS FOIL SALE. robred au NMfbj 39 ye Lake late Sunda)�, evielft !Yune 28ib. pure Ruen
rket L?orsale, two tho' dot ctica! wc&k as it t . stitched vn h dou-
tQ i been r��T�rie;:l 17 yeaprs. Be- The barn agQ stables of 'W. Geo-
afid b
X�w Shorth6iu bulle, one is la and the other 15 stock Judge at f a;irs a, -le tire -usband se leati es- Campbell, on ��e bondaTy line be- I started for Crdwa Lake �tbe 0 t -m-oatha old; one roan in color, the othei red Tfiay alt T sides. hi iz sorrowillig h ble twisted' thread,
mstitutes so morning, and fished In �bit lake �i MA' URED Ur - both from good high -bred stock and axw them. thae. he was -i'u' ai` ltne son, Allan Lejoh4d, and thi e0 tweeu Ub�=oip: and
_e Grey, were com had ;gooq lucjr, �atchjng square tall- side buttmis to airoid dusb -
D'Ur galu. to �eeds tbXe,6 brbIleIS as f)l- rhtel� r db`stroVed. by f Ime ane day re- tro�iq, This %ke is out-sido, of thel
lelvea splendid animaili. A ply on Lot 26, Concea- posibian of 'lot knowIn the
r before -1011- 1 S., Tucken2th. HERBERT CRIClh- (>I: the Province of Sask ooietwa -but
to Ibws L. Smith, at -BaY C eteed, collect
We lead the 2103-tt also of' Im4wing - Q1 that wtcs" ity. lu cdlntly� togetber with all th they As I. etabf for my bead- mg �ide gaps, shottIde
Vildbiga i:-; Mrs. W.m. Glazier, at �D cootal for the stocid.
uar rk, Jube 30th,
torth you -represent Irractica(I -in the line of sprealdi d- 4 ters - at the �A Straps of' . d1lastir, brwes,
9 ld 9 1
F-HaR the battle is won it . , p;. Jdb�a Caluploin, Wjf Chictt&
A. OWNTS along agricultural -lines +11 all my return-trtp I 'ished IU.Ragged anj
a reliable concern with a reputation. We ucktion I I g
lsap C Yates, at Winm1pog; ohh'and 1 Ing
vant to establish go the other Provices.;_ HaviTog chc Ae�a Note s. 'Smoke -Laes for salmon trout, UsIn ad Agent at Seaforth and v
weekly, em 60 Jseph xate' att lKanitoba a
n Exclusive territory. ray Hand- 8
d a -8a.
capa)�le a lieutena.7d, IMIr. Morn it of a deep water trol� and brown: mlrufthidw Oomfortabl el an
keep in close touclit with our
eorae outfit free. We Thomm . Waltso, of Uuckri0w, ts a -L!Ldy� Violet Elliott, daughter
Tkwd 'Wto, biow visitmg at Govern- for balU.;' Betweeh four ana five 19 --
-Agents, giving every assistance. For . particulars wisely wave him a free hod told, -ail half. br)ther. lik
write PeGam Nuqery Co., Toron to. -17 ible An 3rk" Ottawa, ave a uniqua c1404 T cau01t wo
21 -13 the assLstagce 'Poss salmon trout, one They wear e! a pig a nose.1
M -K i9latrtnomi;,L-A�qui6t wddtng *as ment House,
I �f them N'Pi ed'c4kbt&ft pounds and
best methads of, advaticirx g- gh
out he last deni;odsteaftto a few ftys a)go of her K
0l�ratad WIftfesda morning'of
jj9RE AND �POST OFWCFZ POR L tIf3 tntasured -two icbes- fix lfkgtlr-�
XX SALN OR RENT .-For sale or rent, the sore rioulture in Saskatdhewam Tle, re I week St. 8, church, w1jen abilit t6i tae a useful place ot
and post office proper&y at T11116 Green, the property gretted death of 'Mr. Keteh�en W IdUs Rinalle TA Marchh".1t. CUTTY, C-ld-- Aarn(' hile visithrw a- dalry farm at As my stay w ofily three days In
blow to the Deartmeiit,; but no doibt. eat dau Of MI Os Desebene' e, the Pqi�, I nbap to knoi, -inowe about
at the late Charles Troyer. The property consists
n acre, on whi6h there is a _wald F.., Ca s with a Government Hollis d shall tr3( o -90 w
of three quarters of & place, am Stavma BI
store and dwelling house combined, he wM in time be replaced by 4Ln t dn., was d in xge td FrWnU C.
A Pine'. sp also large, stable. I paity -Earl GTey Jokingly remaiked to this
iceries, Hard- of Similar a)3IlityV"k TaavA�we. her, I'Mo6der it you could- m4lk a there agan this falk DeoOrljitibm of,
e in au '�Me stock consists of Dry GooU Grc ?Otor, of 1061afteal. he
I bspeetus of rallrdads
etua.. This property is situated in the centre Lady Violet jprompUy shlowed locktIlties and. 17r,
of the best farming sections in tha province. sometime
Rev. IM. Turnbull, atad the bride 7WE. him The cowt was
s4rvIce was cohducted bythe-rector,
'it is three and a halt miles west of Kippea station,
h th6 c661- MhUY timies I it"k It is 6e to thC
by her father. She,
Deatti.-It wa a,igreal 61x miles from nen,%Z, five miles from Zurich- and S�dde Ikel, I tureg are zvatlY
six miies from I.ake Huron. u is a fint-clsoff pro . fact 'that the
a and theft� bdttW by the . V
tntl pid1k out tbrdug Sea,
iy sAR& mde trareUivg. suft,, 1ng I s
&splendid openi4gf0X&g00d man.. -A a i�otei awn, bu. ray Own
td our citizens g6nerally to le Li4 davil i�elx of IndW. 6 - ViceroY_ dv*dT I _UTT, BOGS TAKEN AS OASH.
CHAS. TROyZa, Hills Green P.Q. July Slst,. 6f the suddel. aLUX hat �to alteli, and t net *a1st;, ai4 B R 'AND"
CX P.0(11 FrIday, Vwj[enft, 1-abloll , Say that your, fold
-A inb9t d6dructive stoM
2107-tf slster� rAVA, W-110 MO- W468 -
t Widte Gedim of Adam wettlaufer, an old un 9 itlits beautil
!eesldedt of -Dlytb: tnald,.. djottdd WNte Swiss mA- over -NUtdhell, and vi-flulty oil Tuesdaiy Sr "s not deRPrib
ly res�ected oduvkUT, known I as tbp Algonqdta
ia liyaquet of Z;W� ltenwou and :evevitg- of last- week, to Ganadfan
4.3, rnale -ai ekes. about thirty. to select Ir I -
was the nsult lot a sumtrolgel, holm, PDX In a, Wgft colors as the faeW 0' 1P. R..Far�i Laborers Excursion
- am* h j* for several
ihese, sr6 all of good breeding and Igoe I Of th #L4 :13ea(., �of ChkqdM. the�, the tatn:: co flnut
-cows bd fiad been uhwell for e
e : t
urechoicamilkers. Count sylvanus 56900, is and I ITO, 80 daimalre was doine 1ra- Otell- warrsiN- Northwest
turee years, and or- the ay. 1pre of the 9h0m, was best
he I
Pt a frileno 4A
US been at theead bf nky herd. for lint, tiver ell, bat in 1dr few- SIM0 my Tetu�n I m
VeViong, a)i Uriconselous o faTpAly brewem rallaeAft tOWDi * 0,
42W.ProLvedhhnself'tobeagiztWrof stodk of choice n, luoll Owb* Tallty, and laclalmod by W. were-. a 3( guefts, but panMW the V miles to� the 8040th, U. S. O*Wrewman Edward- W.
wle� . - - i fth
judges to be 0 ver rallied Higgits of nokwicb, mhh, who Uv- NI 9W daties from Seatorth—Alaguat I' and 118th
I -ng ne Of.. from wbich'be ne' a
a b* in the district. e is got by the best Of tl�lq bqAton �lt Of,
WetWufei�-:wgia born MY advice is, U 6W f Istilng. fn the
red in color
imported stock on both sides ; is dark beeh, imt oft
parties havingIrr M to. -Pefth, eountx, r Be yea a:. Vr4w,� nother wA Offier, Me. Nelt-� -4 ofsfij tbok i p I&I-ana 6th
And tow seL Any ove Ark in e6b wmq He
ul bred,cov 01 to r *1 dr�i* -W" mrried aw
oan tbvked- to inspect this TOM91--o k1a as *8V W" -Inu tust
d" r*w orpm'bred Aack run ON to A - - I tom him
amdbqr, gradh sudereV ae- W~
bts riow bereft.. rbw- NA0M STRWART BR0S*j'A96Ut8,9 Seaforth-
��,Doorfl., OtM, 42&), rffin to %* &nd indiidwI& Vwtan MUM"
'TOU jXER, Henoll P.O.&M Statida. Ober.
'Welcome. ftey =Dvid to xl�jth 33
21" d