The Huron Expositor, 1908-08-07, Page 3:J�
�27 77 �- 7, �7: 77-
�M� P!
ar for
�wkerij*ft Dr. who 'e'abo Po set forth
CIO'* no. 9
=AL or- ml; - Q., 9 30h 9 4
JU Awl, 2mv -3011 expeevINX
nathm 0efor-th
$A=--g%w W -M *a_ town- -
.�Kle are llwastt, Whd-ha.' toarAvaiuTbrontaina. day or .two
a MprcM-,M b sivw from nq, aceompimied
u.- Ronan, 10hi h -v
jiiii� rnovIrg their atock::
her fl, re youngest chU& She'yvill
es *heri they re4uire
. ... ... Wary -oldest daughter of Mr. Peter have, Otained ag
I op X- T Ad
I'v2srhizu - UbTa-vieb., ot the M111 road� Tt
.4 adv ed educational- attention. Mr.
Gofox th will remain in Chin
Via AMU"$ � of '114k
dleC on Mailday Iftoming i Dwo
"Mnu - � -1 -
9. 81 101 -ver- M OTO tra
years Their eldest son is at Preisent,
after' a vrotracted Illness,' aged 211
AMTk "Ong re
cov.-ring frou an acute atta4kof
bd len
further U�r. Itobert r. i3ell, of the firzn -91 rheuE iMic fever at his uncle's honie in
t* A. IT, ST' years. 19 0
!,m to -450W. For k0u
V. mu"Ol V1
J f, Raffia
Picto Ont.
Pow 'lbcrt16 PattersoA, wrid Bell, Rensall, mmufac
AM, A turers of,- sashes, doms
dtc., hais Pror' the Anglican M.S.C.0'.0 vt
nondvillof the property of the sold oat his Uiterest W 110. Patterson, T. 13. R. Westgate, bavibg te st
e 0.
ear's f arl
-d;, a two -dory brick d [oul bee
A. CL VanEgwon aAd intends woving to ibis f gh,will leave Qu6 ee
mornink last,.
acorner lot, store front, 9r rooms, callar, ai Ur. Jelin On' Mt 7th for Englaod on hisw"ay
0A *4idiv I ad e' -S U 'I IS
in collar, koo4 hard water at the door,
"a Y43RX2 East Africa. i He has �e
Latfirest ps4d -tftfti,60� UbKay, of. Me tenth- concession. og G Ge an een
with * unmber of fruit, trees , also: a I � . i
in the field flve-,years. z
0bea-P. IF* partioulan sp- Tuckeksmtth was drivilug to Kippen,
AA fl Rev, HeberRawilton ! Mrs.
"as our 4 t: ra,
ses ran awgy. vf.P-
tiler ilWer-took Mr. 16,114 SlInclan'1% whO
iltoA., has a -New I 1ru.0swik Mrs, McDonald, was 'driving in the s' e Zew�ri n5a an, -on An 18 End
or M- S. HAYS, Barr:L4er� -Sft- ton and Miss You I arrived
home from -Naorja,
it., Wash on,and Miss Margaretof The a:A.1 alff jumped tnto 'monblus� furloug , Mr.
i , M For 0
FOR SAL& - For Ww 0 Roxboro, Lips, I I 's, ip Janjil for sOVeU
*Wl opf- eight acres of land on. which b x �rkort beenwinister' b bou*- P4 ome in
dA- been reb;&,,� and heated by sleg and, getting ta:ngied 'up Ah Itha His h is
affla Kind *bob, ulpset, it as W611 as .;them -
r Usborne.
owe and out acre fineed off with j�oultky' selves. Sinclair was s-olneWhat V, Ao Of BQFvPF4W 4*1TA11MO
O:Er, NJRS.� M
-is %moat desirable pro -a re. WATT12- RS.. R.&Tj3 —TI
rorter A
xpertyfor cDowALiD, S hiJurA - t . 'I'd. r
'wife of M Rev. 15r. Sutherland, g6ueral See
th-of -
tary 0 i For%n Missions,
$oafolth. Appw on th prenUseaL or '*obe f Methodist
!A% 0 b Zerlt onald, i6f the Thames Seaforth, Jan. 28, 1881. received noVifleation of tl�e arrival at
th P. 0. JOHN 310NUZ". UWU ton rl� L
Change� The RUddenneE s Ug'of aD county coun- -of Rv.;A.C.Borden,
a c ith terrible At the meeti
Vanequver,,B 0.
S.411��-That, very valu&ble -farm be- Ly Tuly 2Ath 'and -the nev s ca thi.5 webk#
week, saysz W. Jzo. Kain, of How M.A.,land wife, Yr J He re-
ald f larzt A.r iM';A)rt 0 - ftigWthe uuderslgved,� munated a miles OM r apan'
(f her n
-Ues from Plyth, con. Ulat b ueiaess tvqnster was 6acluded cr 4way caime hocko ick,' was elected -wairdezk Oanada perm�nently, and
turnSri to
Mfu station and 9 m er ML I frie MCDO11 --At the'rimr9on%ige, Wlton, by Rev,
acres. Schootatoornoroflot. 20 acres, in the city Saturda� - wbeii, Winp. -T' . . . . . . will e attached to theNova Scobia
W 'ArSt .8 M L ------- ...... DO -You
b, 2 orcha _61&, -a
aem, of r I -ad, b Q health 0 or nnA
9.11gh state. who has been wriductim, U W.'Baugh McCallum to Miss conf The church intends giv- re is -it chance for one
h, wph elence.
welt fenced,. well watered, in within a 6 rs o her deat
e -I only to get -a first-olass
on Wt, bdth of McK for r st au'd recupera-
U�i al a year e
---one-of the bea large,.l1Nf.Ty barn i old Oa the 26thi InA.; by Rev. A. D.
and excellent soll; -2
R Terms fZ&SY. -nAe street for the ast two oie was stricken witb paral -3,,an( M we KL,
the comer. YPI uring which he will ndt be 0
ly I ' , Dow out regaining dons he tailof.Lmade Suit' -at allmost
g" -WN, Blyth P.O. sold a at t6 �Ur- W. H.,4night.r with clOusuess, sul- McDonald; at the residence
of 11ged I o take up,work. Bofore leaving
a= She
of thia city. Uk. Knight, has t4on. c nbed to its, effcts. was,41, DR-- brAdLe's tatber, 1W. James GUltsple, of the Oi -lent he was chosen' by the znis-. 07 H IP �0
T n I readyin-ade pnoes
OR REN -For We or rent
tinua to*, c1oll Seaftath, to-,'Atisp Max stonax y cou TA
�89 FOR S M incil in Japan their
years ago, Of UcKi :rese
omforfAble.. and convenient brick efirst settli g:aSt
and will d dame to -a �Out ffi quiet month in
4)rTi i.%Square, Seaforth, the� property, of., dUct a -high class liver tuql", . I jok nt ative on the Canadian gen0-al
T. Imissicti board for'the �nstiingyear,
y I ickerifini I
-zerbep, The house isialirsbdiasi repair. Mr Kt�lght io Well '1�dr ta�vowabty 0 'On the 19th Inst., by Rev. 'A Ulways
od garden and also a good stable. The 3hip6f Usborne, where th
aMdb -hie bride"s conver. on Mon- ty, aving, [bad can- e Hartle at'the residence of t 1which meets in Van arytaflor shop. We.
-Tough, -of StaWeA !day, Ntober 5. Thi
AU in Ca=&. by a furnace. 'This Ls & moat de- kkOW11 Y,
Ivor 0. Ederable eWrioace with hoeses'should b 9a resid4 d ever since She was father, Mr. James a has IfteV4" permit quiet months
rly '!Uiar� ITAtlt niad:Of (stimablecharacter,kiH
her pol been arranged. as 0 give oppor
giv'e h I -and
-make a sccesa of the b *L
Zorth V 0 d ar to Uliss Elizabeth elr� of Hatr. lity 0 t tun -
path tic, ever ready to e Go a here in any. &Wpartmentry-
wx old. 130011op b07�. On SaturdaV last. the roof rolf. W. 0. a farewell and * depeed to
M oroer -boom things a
d eaca Pement
a when she CoUl large reinforcement for the Canadian
FOR SJUX. ='For sale, i4t s, concesdou betore� going furd &nduct4 to
"Seafo;r, t �. t,' d 4
to Strat was :an active memb . er of t Njillsm's aWcultural warer rWMS
yconWaing100 aorML There ard.. llyer� id 'gave way un&r the L weight of sow. Methtdist Mission in West China,
AeL,preralaft & good frame house with kitehen Th n ral es n chin -ch., Land her sudde i W Willson was In the build
te a vve o6m makimg a
tch hard and $at Wat� couver on
a M. Mr not J�Ay:What W'.L.% soil 11 Ao- Ing at Which will sail from Van little
_ in thf ing
Ainimer -ki. 'eq .1 M'P #4�UdS L � I surprise and wit i
stone- stabling unagmeath the'time andf had, a narrow escape from Wedn esday, 'Oetobei 7 The arty
Urge, c re riet to her fri 8b E), anCf Ing -rouctiou in, an, tanoi.
many ends
&ter !nthe barnr; alm other out buildings. seribus hiJurr. Fortunately he was 'will consist of about 30 men 0-
�e Tabte. *a, good, orchard. on -the farm wA Me whole es her'demise these, ppmerh 9, four are m SuAs. It wiR keep our
J stA1iWbg-, by 'a r�&,per when th,6 crash men. Of ad4 i
fenced s sionary !So
and underdrained-. There are 10 scres sons
g husb d, five and ft e &Zu came, t,4 large wheel ot -which i;re- sent by the Womei&s
h9,44s g ng, an
bardwood bush. It is situated one.half mile Charles Tuftin is CCYA ters nvented' his being crushed b ciety andj;the 0 t I he gener
00dedcb* M s..D. Downie,of ThOni" thers b il m#1e room for the eoming Fall stock.
MraL the tall al
the vri age of Blake. For further.� particu ed tx� the -Wm. Sadler isL[
smore and
on thepiernida or addre4 Omas board Besides those i i nded Ior ar, -s-ake with e ry. Sait, consequiantly
M, Goderkh int timbers. re, atiou is at vie
IL217 tekdaying with, frionds: hi -Hamlltm cCurd of Usborne ; Misses Ten*e -the
IrIng-bam, �an At the. last eetAng of IMbX11- evang3listic work,, the arty�wilf
ir ssie, a d a AlexandeV, 10 i t the very �esb work -!and 1 linings is p aJ1
d Xihft,,, 'd Mdes F otl 9
ackson aii ej. at home p counall, W. JByapg was elect- clude two medtcal miss anaries, one at
Lr FOB SAGR-For We, Lot. 8; Concession aUtchell, were th a ol : X�r. Lud �-Gal Joh dents] surgeon, a speeibst fn science
td Goder�:eb. guest -Sants sa, n, of E reeve, auteedl
Td� --intheTownshipof Tuckeramith. oontainmil g xetcO; d deputy, Suits, th a perfect f�t gdam
k Day d 'P oi Tormt Albert lforrtis ldurh* t) �e'woel bert . . . . . the nomestead; Williala,
-Mrs 9 on sunday last, as mk. John G - for educational duty� a bachelor of
Of choim land. on it them is a, comfort ii --
It Uks� Jobu Dr.akehas returl4ed hone, 6, Kippe 6nd-Hugh,of Essex. The 'more, of Atiuie�,,was leaving Bruce- phtirix acy, a superinten
brick house and woodshed-; a large barn, 90x5L2, fi I nt of build
.-atone -stabling ule l ler out - accorni;aoiled by Wisp y, after eralt 0 1 � ISU
air si r e to the Exeter cera- geld with, his Cale of the horses mg -co istructi I trnods
8%�; am ot on,.& trained nurse,� arn Here re a few rices on o
uelph. TmrontA, gX -It is within of a� schoo�. ind 14 countij rsw
at I I sTendlog , plewn eler on anawa I&
Senforth. -ft is a Wnt � week 4 it Gr md rgely a - became fradtioust aaid in tryn, to accOIT kIlt, two special nurses for the
thrwmilesofthe town at s aln� I �'ber Ion'.
f#n drained, aftd, in a high state of BelldjMkV. Wm- River tA e e
GuelPk'l e
i amd Torort& ced and und 6, '�;ed family have tb e
or manage them one of the, lines -broke. Chin' a HO ital, and a lady teacher
ktion. Also &good orchard ard plenty of good: Drneigt,� of Exetero . 4ent few a, to- h artfolt i --Mpa y 'Of * sn
a y a large circle Gilmosre junipedi- from 'the sleigh for th scho�l for . missionarle' child-
rem- WIth W. and Mr% 'P.006rt en. ther Methodistsepm* ing home ICY
A sera
nr further partioulam on the p of friend Regular $23� MCI' -ye
M, and, 33zk.3Qg... or adkew HENRY CHNry, vill and caUght one of the horses by the r
Eg=tl e Afisq Coo;er hap. returned. to seaX, ged into the dee On f ough are Rev, J.1 L. Ste
Lead. He was &ag Special
after k;Tondiiff 0 few s - ABY'S 1121REATZANGER snow and lost his tooting, and 'wa B.A., . D., educationalistwho lands in
Pice $20 W
&W A -R. X FOR SALE -For sale, Ijot 9, ConeewAon 8, F- A.' Harbly.-Imk%. We Hot ,m, riza 'ovir by- both horses' an;d 6104W
Ontar o on September 1, from Phin
kw, t4o ning 100 acres of choice th, virbot- hap , em visit A I Tn, U, iina, after an ceofaye Regular $23 b14 k che
The larta
lisrwae �Iiifenced and underdrained, Dalt a.;'tone to ly lanothet, Dr. Cox, medicia. missionam
of . Seafor He was rather &Infui bruised and abser ar C viot
9.59 fit her. father, Lgk. PURiNG NOT WEATHER to be - . talma home.L Ab�
10.cs 005 . turals not K foot of WASW laud, and no �m - rchie v20
w. IV -0 The farm is, almost cleared. Puffalo, aecomvalzu - wa, r of Europe.
oil iad br- of the who retur b Special r*eo %low
TheraTua, r. Job� dtli cm.., 1
in Europe he will
L* bimkbara with good accommodation uuder-�' A. B. 894ler 1 Ilk IALM- spetd some
6ftwe house and woodshed ; also a troaff -giting , her -fiwnd, Sims --is. Move ii e lives are lost-durine tb -has refu.;W an offer of $380 i While aking post*gradu� 6te work in AJW - - y V� i time
L" There 'is . l?lenty 'of good water n the e for his heavy draught brood rnare,, i ReLrular ; serge
:Ar. and NU -s. Pa*eeft, t. 11111Art on. &W*eather than at any other -time. aged three a�md halt years i Londo :i hospitals, which; ie wiR later
it ��r The farm is situated between Rensall
f hour!s drive ta either, and 44aut Stinay with, Mr �i. o: the ear, Diarhoea, dysentry, i contin
us an
peo ice W2 00
-nd stomach trou- Ms&r�itc;ba anci Worth West Notes It is learned.- ial Pr
a�sdh within &quarterof a mile. Owing C. iolers, I antum a Lie in this county.
-haalth the prorietor is forced to sell. The that ii the provino Of
�may 6pos
b �e come Without warning, and whe a S001ii China, four issions, ;the
U- session at onw, or after bar- Regular 024 twleeds
a medici e -is not at hand ba!zidsome residences are be -
9.43 A.M. For further particulars apply on th --Port. Albert. to give �1�any 0anad Methodists t e Methodist
Liu kN1, $eaforth P. 0. Tompt th Ing erected ta the new tow. of FOX -
YO eans, that the child has pas.. i-
ia�adcrew DAVID WLELL DE*T-Fr oi? JAxEs P if e shoit delay too fre- Epise al, the M. S. ay. ists, and:thd
2118-x4tf waTren,� W4,lnitoba-, this summer.
7.99 emIn ftecial Pl?ioes tP21,100
7.16 fleeting nature of earthly existe 3.ce Engli Friends have uni. -.d for
beyon aid. During the hot ea- -J. Lee, _four miles south of Oak -
7.50 Mae that most dedrabW prop- *Was. n'exem. I' ed i eir e ational AS e a 9- 2 2 twl eeds
00 AGM FARK FOR SAM -The undersign- ifi on er I mo ths Baby's Own Tablets ville,Station, Sask., bas sold his 240 t-
"% sion"Iaivaued.V" on Sun ien n some s t 40 r six VP-
- ea of rerstor f o a., W Regul
&32 ty. There are, on the prom acriDs for El gfiz- h acres has been se ed out,, de
&23 wu'os, Lot 6, Concession 11 should bo kept iA every home wh $7,200', being $30 'an acre.,,
kao Perth-Oou�' � , Township o - James Y6nng,, aft P1 ierearel sm khobors about E
a.gqAa brick house 32 x 24, with k1t0hen attach: 0 a or
e of.
- giving 't." this has been� eciared for cexit&al -19001
all children. An occa- -The Dou �Spbci i
9.48 ful illness, joined the' il '111 and the wals of Chin: Tn. portion of al r ce
nal dp§ on, Sask., are still t
the Tablets will previent Yorkt
-0.06 X 20, both in good, repair , 0 V
, a, laTe bank barn, Mr. Young had bee
I -N -- ui
10.0a A &W 70, with stone stabling un erneath ; one Indigestion for a number of ars D4t s;omach �nd bowel troubles, or if tb,e afithorittes a good deal of �roublcff b Mingo of universal WO k. The i re- Regular '20 weidds
.oem 7� and other useful t?ouble comes nawares, the prompt . -The sebool board of Lan
.ent silo, 12 x X _g school main der has been divide about equ-
The, farm is welf watered, both -in front he bore his affliction with I ttle r- 'anftoba, are ere
in arearand. is adapfied both for grain and. murmj�,,,The end c rie very sudd district es named,
Kincardbie four r ed brick schoolhouse this
mtmng and is M' a high state of cultivation, as Mr. do ifflig thr gh s Mrs.- J. Renard P 10
u 3e -of s medicine will bring the eting 'a a�X between the four sodeti
S 'ecial Pr' e -8 00
ung was able to be about on Ti ew giving to each eleven or twelve &Oes.
-usual. seas This h regarded as a most im nt
11deh 1sweU known from the fact that the propriet the previous day a:s e was in ew gow, Quyebec, says: Od porba
virbasnided thereon for nearly fifty yeaas, beipg o 1: my chi dren had a severe atta*ck,of -we lbon Buc�ley, 11vihg seven
-.05 - and t�4tegc movement with refer -
12 &49- %.
rAe of the most successful farmers in -the tovq�isbip. fiis sixty-first year. He. wM born in
1100 10.4 1, dA ef which Baby's Own Table ts rftiIes'north of 13-ra:ndon, commence.EA
ji-is mt!rQy:lq�ated, being iie%r both, chur6h and ence to the future of Chr Anliz-
this locality nd always i eside in ' hr stian ei 1.44 a oa4 and within env reach of aood market. -Por In politics P onaptly cured. I iriow of. no medi- cuttting w fifty acre fk1d of barley ationin WestChina. Inliallprobabil-
-0 0 ur midst. Le was, a�
*jh rticulars�address JOHN SUTH LAND 0 . I a ne so 9 owl
0. rg is Q dr- ity Pu Iding operations will begin next
-.or od for stomach and b r ,-I oh July 21st.
staunch Liberal You MECHANIC
ti bles. Sold by medicine, dealer -The hay cro lin, Wbitmouth, imING
raw. P%W MbP4 I
vived-by his'bereft pirther. lild f logr sprIn
th 6 by mail, at 25 cents, a box, from was tnLpve)re before so a6angificent. The
FORSALM-D2,15, gonceasion9s; Lot I it BAPTIST WILL MA FiRST,
ILM 1'" children, William izab 4e, don 3; S. I Lot!14, Concession 1, illiams -Medicine CO., Broal -n- thnothy4 fatid clover w1th the 0. n the Cana -
and Tommy, all- at home. he'-fui, . r
11.26 102 V le, 0 in croij:s are The party for India fr
alsike are very finl�. Grai
al which took place on TL esd to
110was 01Tu"okersmi un of Huron, contain -
11=i than I �aptist, Missionary Society this UN ON
19"Sa #Aft atuated fthin , o miles of the. thriv- 'as largel � �t good . also. ru
Dur-annon cemetry, wa,
-town of Seafoxth, one of the best -P, A inWes- tended, showing the esteem in wbibh 'In The-.01cLen DaY8. -Wq-Thos.-Williams, of Balcarres, year will consist.of t1ree mar y
rn on� o. Tbis fann waa awarded the gold eouplc -9 and three single I ies. The
nncompetuioaof ISM The farm the deceased was held, MW. C.: M. ask., and one, of the 1:ioneers of that
eW in tna! w, are bo oked to so il from L ndoTy ou or
district for 25 years, d�ed ut Indian,
been all pastmed Jor tlxe I)FA ten years and Rutherford, of Dungannon conducted
& wSons
I aterestlu g sketches' of the car] y Head last 'week, 'after sufferhig sev- about November f.s. 11E OVERALLS
moifldgow be iu exceikint for genera! farm the obsequies.
-gdilgwdelavloam-tiAro�atoreybriok.dweWmg�house days of Seaforth and vicinity, eral months -. from . ewne011., of India," of the P. and 0. Line,
Varna. bbery� eve -JPSIt04 to be kfiown as the Wheat City 11fad-
d Idtch L -flue grounds with taken from the filps of The Ex lod- of the OrazgeoTder,
-W kitchen with brick woodshed-hotair farnaoe-' are due at Bombay on November 25th.
Theyeave Canada to ds the end of
M. i�ru rgreen's and Cedar hedges rd
NOTES. -The farmers in- Octob! z.
windbreak -on wwu and north --good Nd. 2035, has . been instituted in Bram:-
in hustl just �6w
-barw with stone stabling� �Sacmof hardwoodbwib, Ity are makinF th gs hustl don, - by the worth7 county masteri T. At t ie present ime on] y a couple of
Lds Seatortb, J 1881. the pa,.�ty are marri at Rev. R.E.
wpIe and beech -well watered with spring cnek, in the harvesting o eir or ps,w4jich Al ed ; b
d river. W'M sellaltogether or would divide pro A. Percival, of,the district of Brandod. -b, Meats, S_n_ - .. - - a-, - . all report as being a excel nt yi6ld. in, Cli!4011, an the 8rd Inst., by Rev,. _ - ad Benso i, B.A., of Chathm soon to
WNo betrer property in the County of- Huron. Stew A terrifte storm of thunder e Miss Aneta Wat rs, B. A., of
HIR T. DicASON, seaforth. -=6 -ti -Rev. Mr. Davidson is at Pre4ent 61 on art, MT. James McEwing, �ig lighthing, acopYpanled by torreh-6 of e8POu,'
hi -at Mable eksi�lth, t9 fiss Loub S. AtkbL- H&M, ton. The couple. were gradu-
;ummer San- SL holidays I tt�k visited Manor, Bask., an the 24th UMON thie -be''St
Z� Johnstone, of Marton, is a b pres nt 6 Yn, second daughter -d A- ult. The� storm followed ron. ates cf McMaster in the same'year. ads of visiting at her uncloYs home, Mr. s , of Aullett� !the[ Rev. G. L. Timpany, Of A�ylmerisalso
1:revious days' beat andbail was fear-
MeNaughton.-Miss Edna, Beatty -Is By Rd . T.. G. Thdmson,,of r 3,- soon to marry Miss Vy�ight, al�oof
4. No hall; bowever, has been rey-ort-
Late Dhisloii Court Clerk, has a number of pr.% at preseat holidaying -At I ayfiel f �eld, t. the AsIdence 9f Itho brd s ed, though some damage was one by Ayliner, and sister of lRev, Huson AMERICAW
t3ties for sale or to, rent, among which is a - of Ae
large The annual garden' party brother-in-law, an the 12th Itst., IMr. the lighQ!A IM Wrigl Lt, pastor of Roy�e � euue Bap-
0-mfortable house on.Tarvis street, seaforth, tr Iceiffer's house, 2
iq nugli to accommodate a good sized family; 2 lots. church of - England will -be -held on P�ter 0. !Cameron, to Wis's �Doinella: tiet ob arch, Torolitoi 1av Paid to -the r miles east, was struck and burne(t
Friday evening, August he ill se. sold on reasonable terms and possession giv- Q th. s, all! of Gtanle��j These, with Rev. Jolln Craigand
ar-kat -A esj;atch from Yorkton, SasW, V()
n &3 sold. Also rooma to let and a store wife, (if Toronto, will co anwaGo Free Press News Boys ban , of n;. At the reside -nee of the brIc e cou- 00%
lb� a . all on reasonable. terms. Insurance affect- qated July 21st, says: A wonderful!
om .-s
ted and loans buide on satisfac- taged. ... is *ill be e., 0n. thD 12th ffist., by .11ev. th ples, Mr. Craig has beeh a mission-.
debts colleo ley n the
swurity at reasonable rates. call : and sec. a rare treat to I ear this baddand b, lhlk.. John Murr&n ot Tutk( sample of wbeAt and baar ary in India for 30 years and has been 14ANUfACT E1Y
ion court dince, sea- -will 4 y la e Is- !Miss Charlotte Ann Lea!thf i- straw s old exhibition ere. The h.,
be convinced. Iate Dhds home ;)n an -extended furlong
befdre doubtless draw- a v n i fh, to
2018-rf at grain Is from the farm of- crowd. - Remember the d 1, �A, molt tbe same townshi. The sin le ladies are Miss J6saie Me
We lead the-
rfiat.x�, six miles west of town� and 4-s
L. Aberhart, of Brucefield, i i at' pi es- At R-1* Plain, North, eart Territoi
headed out and, in the milk stf�ffef.
aforth Findlay, if A., Winnip%. I; Miss Carrie
X. 11,nd 31st ult, at the rt-sidence )t Zmmerman, Victoria, -Ida
IMPORTANT NOTICES. ent the guest of 'her parents, M i JU .. mad
Th4 Wheat is 48 inches hfigh agd the,
Mrs. Cooi. Mrs. John -'ffard and t ie bride's father, by Ae. 1W. 'N J. Ryerse, Simcoe. Ont.1 Mis-s Zim-
rent, Lob 17, i t -esent ;he mprMALn is a trained �urse- while
M som childi of Woodstock, is at p gor, A�r-* Petir Robertsoh, gdn A
RAZING PARK TO from, one kernel4 TP, barley is fift
mas �RQb
Goncesslow,t, McKillop, Containing 100 -acres. guest of X-rh. Austie.� Air. R. Snider ertson, Esq., of Kippm, Misses Ryerse and Findl4y Ze both
4 a excellent graz two,inches bigh and the twelve, stalks t
ing larat. For
Diy to mohltow BRO Par' has started threshing this week. Nellie� second grown f kom, one kerinell T.hb(
Seaforth Ddddo,. e of RogervMe, Undi �r the auspices of China L
-rx ion ATtil
f(wrper was sow 20 and te in othe vords, Oro yoa w . s
At the land Mission, four missionaries 'will
.0 OWN BUUs Pon SALE. -The under- Colborne. annual meeting of the Tuc- latter on -!Mfa,)r 20.
eon Lot 27,.'+Ooncession 8, set sai. for Central India !in SeptbMb- 0
signed off ers for sal - DFATi� OF A'Po"i&p.. -There Aied, ersmith It, I ultural. Society, held n. -Ge6rge A. WbXee, B. A., has been
I bbert,2`bulls16 months old aired by Pri�ic� of
9!hutsda of last week, the follOWQLd er. T] iey are Robert Le sing, of, St.
t: e ech K ng, vera,
krm. MortaA91G.- I (hnp.) They will be sold reasonable on Urne or. at Dunlop, Colborne township, I wr.roluted supertinterideim ot schools 1,011, Mo,; Mr I , �Lnic i
O. -A t, oa I
to) o ILL, St%ft P� ere elected: PresIden 1). is nuon, who 'has fiora-n, seaforth.. 2115-tf residence of her son, Robert, on J ily for the city of Strathcana, Alberta I
�Iogan; ce-greg t ;;; spent everal years in Austrlia; Miss A
16th, Agnes -AfcMillan, - reliet of bho "lent, Rob Mr. McKee has lived i Calgary f the very �best heavy bla%ik twilled Kentioky Jau
directors, Geo. -.Walker, - John, Helen Pickie, Wiarton, Out., and made;
t the s as O�estem travellfx for Miss C harlotte Varcoe, Qiipden, Ont. double stitehed 'ith pure linen dou%e tm'' � ed thread,, with
U TO RENT. -To rent for &.term of one, two late Amdr�ev� Quaid a r tour, Year
or five years, Lot Is, Concession 1, 0 , op-,, age of 96 years; ' Mrs. uaid, .0 nd Jas. Lxndsboirough, the. Doherty Piano & OrgaWi OD., f at
bf RUT UC= -. Wi
taining 100 acres. For terms, apply on thoi 6& Grandma Quaid," As she " f *I- i9ilin llgcMillwn, Robt. McMicael wd
hordas� Clinton, Ontario. lie was previbously two side buttons'to avoid d4st co oting side g-�apsj shoul-
:k t
1kemisea or address JAKES or ANN FOX, St. Go Walit, 1fullett, AOL Govenlo
known, was born in B I ast, in the pedagogical professl�n In On- News No*
Later � DoMbIn Dl� and Thordas Dickson. lkcKillop; Al X der stras of el0tic braices, making do6ping a -ad beudi�ag
-as tario, having a splendd. record as
lan August 2nd, 181% wheVe she � v
Ouw rm= rlXOUSE FOR SALE OR RFNT.-For sale or rent so married and shortly SeatGrth--; auditors, D. Jobn- m ortf�ble an
al of classics and history in In a es it was too late, d �a.�y.t They,wearlie 'pig'snose.
and e mo er was cauried unco oin
the oomlfortb6blo fmrae house on the corner of the Atlantic with her husband to son and John'. UblatyTe; qperet�-k.r.
ReAVIO 11.1dgetown wad the Lon4on. (3cyllegla:0
rg and Vietorm Streets Seaforth. The house GordGn IkAdam, Ireasurpr, scions into the neigh�or's house.
2M. , I . ol make a home in the new world,, 66m- I Institutc(i Mr. McKee was also ap-
in first-cLass repair. and conveniently situated. in -T home of Conductor Robert
ingover67years a o, and settle
ere is also a frame stable on the lot Apply to poirAcd to -the Winalpeg Coll-eglate In-
ro. Thomas Simpson, 68 Nile Stree�, Stratford. NeivBrunswick, wtere they resided 01i day last 'the Sutday sch Howard of Smith Falls, Ont. was do-
efitute staff, but declined, to take- the
2110-tf for ars, and then moved ul; to class of W. Richard Hicks, of 'R Fk E 25 ye StxatheowL liositio4. stroye I by fire at 8.30. o'clock Friday
mondvillE, assembled at his re-siden morni, ig, and two little c�ildren, Dor-
Colborne township, Eluron county, so A-ccording to the report oT the
�*rfop.=ORX OATMR--WVen first -claw Young
Q oulls, 2 from imported cows, for sale at, moder- that she was for over 40 years a rb'si- DA0 1Fr6A'nted hi with. ag, addre B othy a ed 5 years and Uecil aged 4
AFORTH medical su1;erinte:ndent of W�nnii�egf
'lent of Huron; Her husbad,v�'ho z nd' a ha ndsorne autograph album. T th. 110:�rard
Oto, prices and on easy terms ; 9bod Young -cows and c general ho�spTtdl for the mont-111 ot June, years, urned to dea' Mrs. Straw Hats
!by-law wa-S Famd br 4effera also for sale. All interested are cordially in- also was a native of Irel-4nd, pr(jd6- I D11owing young ladies presented t aind e little two -year -61d baby had
1; ited to inspect the herd. Farm adjoins town, long. go. there were 32 deaths durin the mout one next door to an - 4 neighbor's
Seaforth, on the Ift eased her about thirty ears 4 gift: IMUses Aggie, Jenhet and Lir e 'of which elm were 'due to tubercolosis,
r4blaince telephone to farm. Write for catalogue. C
!ng for the -16806 Of' Gemmell, Annie Da:nby, Xatte Hal i- touse for a few minutes visit, and
IN8-tf Mned in the 3ossesdiou
1SMTH, Exeter, Mrs. Quaid rem, three to typhoid fever, anti four to ac wo
for the la,, � and 1Vas ay and- TenE6 Fleurcshuet4, left th 2� t children in. bed upstairs N , WWJRAL
"of cement, oft red of all her faculties to the cidents. The umer of a3atients admit- The house Was
0, and that� such by- uLLs FOR SAM. — For We, two thorob ill'only-a very short time. 3he h 'd, a The abbath school class of !S r. over �he 'kitchen.
n recently met at his re i-
ontW ar9d with 2,363
[stry Ojldie of God& Shorthorn bulls, one is :L3, and the other 15 keen memory and w9s a ie to bell ted duriug*the six months extcbng Jun neartheo, elt. track, ad the see -
on the, ISM cu ;old; one ro&u in color, the other red. They
�to.Q a both from pod high -bred "k and are them- maDy interestin tales ofth ,,.old d S., nceeunal presened bAm with an i I during the same erlod last -year. The tion rien noticed the fir Onr entlire sto[ek of MeWs
Conces- MD. ress mid an album, wddi INks. D theahrm.- When Mrs, :Howard be
. W, =usb be =ad ves plendid animals. Apply on Lot 25, Her cheerful disposition and. y unc *n ritimber of death�; during that time was
n 4 R, S., Tuckersuaith mr- it�19 a tal 13reserve dish. Tile i I- 't f
first f1r9BMT MM ganlo)k-ing about she w" horrified and- 0hUdren Ine Straw
or h 2103-tt ' Sterling quaJities of characti x end4 154, as coMpatred with 202 lae
therealter. -to all, and she will be remem- ress w s read by MhAter Robt. M r- to fi nc that her home was in flames,
ed her The number- of cases of 3nfectious dL- g orderg.
L W=01?, Clork yaU rho -ew onald t d the resentpition ma& by less thau thii-ty feet awa. At once Hats have movin
�A C -&NTS !—Half the battle is won if you represent hered with affection b seases atill remaims remarkably. low.
reliable concern with a reputation. -%v�e, her, as well as by an UTIUSUally 10 e 0�aster - flUarn Sco-tt. During the month of June eleven cases she. thought of her babes, and in � ag- Evory one must go, It Will
-*ant to establish good Agent ab seatorth and vi- cle of relatives and de! cendabts. The - following offIcers have bep�n ny called on .1he men to save them,
chilty. Relusive territory. Pay weekly. Hand- Gir of typhoid fever wer-& admitted to the 0 ut ned such headway, r, yoa to buy your next.
some o e k& by oqe s ster, Mrs elected h). dnaection wilth the Souh b tbe, fire had gai
Wit, '- free. IV ptclose toucb, ith our She is survived d leaveL ho4ital, a7id 21 cases were adm1ttc4 -near t4e�� p
'Agents, -kig-. every n all a d e ot t
, could ri ge
Carr, of New Brunsw an I's h.%t now, as they aria
ce. For particulars L3k Hurmi Agricultural Society: d year
Toronto. 21177-13
during the presett Mont.h.,
Wirite Pelham Nursery Co family of -eight �c lobe of *1 1 -
hildren — lobe . ames Plckard,; Ist vJce-j!eside*t, —A despatch fro;n GlaOstone, Uzn�,
irs. in new, u -to-date shape
ames. Port All �ert -I jove, sr. 2nd vice, W , ;Wllso6�; t i�
-RE AND POST OFFU)n pop Dunlop ;� -J With the Xissionaries. dated luly 24, says : Fifty years all
-TERAL STO V-rooman, of Goderich ; Mi,,z 9 M�t, Elliott, fluest. straw.
Gderich towhsM i in the little town of Galt, Ontfti% e very
kx sLE oi RF,,NT. —For Bale or rent, the 4tore Of
Rol ert
Jennie Hunter and Jaees Ford we're
4nd post office property at 11ills Green, the property livin?; with her brother rs:1 Mos Stanley; John Will a Many mis;sionaries are now C�n the M
Of the late CharlesTroyer. Tne property consists William Careyj Port All�Ert; 'VIM -1 ste-Phen-i Russell, Rxbter; jo�inca I In the holy bonds of m4trl- hat the store HALO'
Of three quarters of an more, oa which there is a move, or preparing to soon be on the
Otore and dwelling housba combiw�d, also large stable. �! mong. I To -day the aged couple 7 are-. Move, either coming oil furlough from
4 rhe stock consists of Dp, Goods, Groceries, Hard- or gly to loreign Re Ids from Cana- well a A ll�artbr� and, it waJ W ceilie-
are,ete. This propeity is situated in the centre d�L da, a e the fiftieth amAbversar y that
moo. despite the gkeat exodus pro- brat
K Real Onedar., bf one of the beat farming sections in the, prov' vided by he various denominational ir J mmediate faimily and, relatlyes
alfmileswest of Kippen station the
t Is three and a h to eximess tbeir-good wiahps
White Gedar a, five miles from Zudch and' societies, urgt appeals axe still com- decide(
miles from HensaJ
tfix miles from Lake Huron, it ia E6 first -alms Prop- In son twilgible way On Wednesday
��nd is.a splendid opening toru good man. Ad. 0, Consum- ptim 1.5.1 ve, adly-1 an 2it used to be. i1n. to head offices from the
Ceitain redli(- omnalete recovery and in tile corirse of the tafterno0m, i W -.,a
2107-tf I Thor
and i A request. for 14 men workers resldmce o . eb, Mlver Stream,
it long, An&- , -0- 1 -Ingt orei july s, tne relatives gar=,ed ivL tbL-
1_US CHAS. TRGYFa, Hills Green P-0. sea s of evangelical activity.
received at the Presbyterian F
male and fe- from Te aTA Mrs. Ford wen rreaemxed with, a
ng- ssoffices yesterday
;urse of
male, an agm -about thirtY to Select fr"7 c, -B oi vinsT L CoI& Wk. Fo4-d, filthough
wi)l result frora khre, Presbytery at Ronan, China. The7
These are all of good breeding and moo'. of the COWS
6iechoicemilkers. Count sYlvanus fiom, is and ak f6r 8 men and 6 ladies of educae- quite Mlled ift a few, P.P-
;bw be.ea at the head of my herd for tnree years. and liom reS4 -resh a tional, medlidal and evangelical quali �P(VTI words. A bptqgra#W: Of
proved himself1obe ligetter of stook Of choice ' . -.1 whl,� 110
ty, and La oldmed b judge4to be one of fleations. the was taken, eato ho
Rev. Wm. Gamad, who has termin- doubt� be, au �ntereidiW'eouveW�.vt
bist in the e to got by the bat of
q yea h
-his on IT
Im rted stock on both aides - Is dark red In color ated furl in Ontavio, the asiolL 'A daiic6 ivi tke eveOW
aes K�Ang irm bred cows t6
=01TW seL - Any pa&l Molp=a, was 's.t W
I fZ juVtot this All. Terms, -45 L L D R U C A N hift T y , night for
breed are invita A IGI f tor lima "or 40
iyn4 00ok ran from 050 to FOrbuis* whbi-6 he "will continue his friendi r"*
d. Prie" at rem
A for wer -40 -40U'ea. At' Wi e he vrow
8 -ons. te, *UMIR AX
�W.F& aceordow to 16 iwd Initivausul, vi&Dors IL -AL �A- EMU TAXW 'AS CASH*
Hensin P.O.and Station.
W"me. JOHN ffEaT -W -W -W10 d 19. wave i valPLY74
wilf.joia Rov. Mr. Hwdy an