The Huron Expositor, 1908-07-17, Page 3pgO 19 16 111 1 MEMO - 7 1 11 1 J111 ok @9 MIT d 6 5 ­ Wpm . . . . . . . ----- W given Its quietus 'the M -how tha. 14 ex4mina.: this. 31au Other Ala I Moment, at 416K' U I* W the -effneat, nex st. the d er with- bril 9 A - and G T. Wer4D VrSr �jr UMS Ond Ing to build r att" dgrIetiltu", to the Ion ids� 0 soon as the pz;6ket Cov1d: t�be� kast.111maglial Ive bb vvoeked out, in wbich small aW nd ould ha7e to z faft! it - -tf W sit I - theirlutem -------- ..gu4-riddi In the ma ot chbxges. eb" �Ampu­ e TVs is. -Xegar4ec onwice nfy Bawc, on or U1% AV live -stock Industry. go ft -me 'IL -' - ments affeeffing- the if S -T do of the mast Im., U.XE (j -R8 oTtant a -n N All IN Olden Daw. EMIA n 0 :]B Y- AN The. v r ik w b4lk Interesting skqtcha at the aiaodut goWho4 Water'st d r Y od ftU44,the Bro U' :ade JUIL d1170 of Seaforth and victrAty, VT 4 Redr-]ffe&jth 6 ot -be. an re MrA taken from the filps ot Tha j3x- 0160to. thi old- r od -so D, Bel of Un-gd044 eaiforth, Nov., 26, 1980. t NO t Da otai 0, E. Cbrlstile h d **htA"ftof1sVd, on. *bf& It 4: a7s 10wed of his, biiuqe� it* been -rebuilts, sud- bftW 11y �hw da ti�r,- 'Wim R*tli ote Lr livery tock and busIters i to Mbssrs. vowswftand implement house- sloo, aul. W9. TbroUkhout Can-ada e %f Robt. and Win. I4&ldlaw,, lr 0 thoiWAn r#turnq to Vxeter. 0- 0 growing. 10 ad wo and takes ePOUItf W,&TTIR Cer man- nim -M the - deaay Of posses AW4 lihe;­ nebt ile Ifield UfA bein Wansion. or _ _M , sion of the Houie I'a that TR 14,Uler'.Bro Ia a ob, the ur de� A, 0. JO New: Yuirlolij -ji, mau & 4-W4 ied, fi-y' -rallpri qetles qmn t cheej y last was the col4est fty we dull I 'e Sunda grow cle foui: sizes, ysap e -RALM—For,sale,. Lot Si _ Coucesdoa� h had for two years. .,,Th lien To. D '18, 24 a 061r. ateps� Ian en snow 12i g.0 There- arer': ret. B P.71i a. ve.1y. and cold weatber coming s6tearly " of k1l, *1 'I Aeg oug 6 b6ing ro 8 ok the farmers 'to 14a. Ve M hod add- soft watbrja th r -to glive-goad satisfoo and brightness.,z Thek e %j% North :,Dakota, lorne; U�l a good'fraina libuse with kitchen A , Who r 1 7 -are .'t ty Incheg mg rabled 'hurse hav T tb Mai 1 9 ul Metth -y baviie -grow", Mon W., r Un Is bftu�'dwx sto b ade f9r qtloim tealllletso of their. root "IT IV thw nom alrio El Ale x. a the, baft-1. ower out handill visiting her T . . the Signs 6 0 'it negle ted, ground. conau ftlwxl" 06- a �b" Dd 'One dollar -and t*e1vo c -Uta *robard eta the 4m-'anitt BubhanaA. XL In. 4 six; tdot -cement arch b aZan7t TJSJ'�t A01th, hj r sist khd,�.grav01 road one a=nd a h miles u6ine iapip aro!�t. It your -Wlfe; [or was 1t Insituated one' ID ftbm 4, p er treely paid or fall wheat on the War- noi MU, Thor rpson altoln, as th ld au or ilst�r . c Vake. --rok - L �-ICUT Of -ket 1here and $1.1�5 we, hGEORGE* her listo s John I&-, head - or ad oat. Ste wart, -of- i BlytbL VYWAUMess dreis in Tor.mt 0, vidurng for whea; tr Pit at t a as Ing for t _1217X4 S0thV*4_We "are 11h �th Thp;'-exca-iii aches r backaelies; If h4 U 1W W R,6bert Chart6js 11 -pleased- see. 4 k11 and Item'er Are unc rtafn -Ubert omps our lie are** aid filling linz the P, Th son- n arm -at Ubenewr. Fomyth, oni n *44en her -is Old "cul Va t'. W cock�� plio- baZ. r i� the X-111 Tda#, payibg�. 'our jiln after U A-4- lot ofto low spirltedy e f i�at week of of reat Sale has Oa it Weft is. -Wn $0. 9.%6 new e In deadl hold� _Who r �t 'She. '"As therefore $2,600, he fe-tra ciXtainef 49 k cc �r i's v1b bts aisst6r, ulvert will have eigit'f t.1 baii§e... rich red blood. GlIve her o1jr expe 11104WAnd *oodshed )XW far exeeed0 etations. JIM W. Charters now has a, fine bling, , A -a t - 'Am k IFIlls "for Pilq farm of 2og ac othe I r a widda half milt off -a- wh 4 001, 94, ur pole wit Of till for the r*q -a Ct Abo,&good ombMd and plienty atgood u mo well anct warm mkjq� - S­�_r girls and W46meh en a of the recent promptio exani und -the !#r1e T .. I q actuglly make now, �red blood. TbeV toWnshir.. This farm- awarth. it is Mbbeit. hout loss y of �mi, cha0ed Mr. Tr6yerls b � ess hadsod in ahlgh of d Tea,.w.111 be ms,The fbillowin ;refXeShIng --tj& iti f Amluz 10 a yon the- prem- 9 is 016 'Coling aS 0 acress r. : A a summer, ha an-,aVVet1te' a t he was $0,000. being t '1014J 48KRY Wl X&O"ville held In 13. S. Noi: Tr the, nam Y On,PrIdAy ovenjugjast umber of h cIryt. Impart n s eid lly, bring back te,-o4arjA. and brfgh .17X 'Cider Of inerlt. jujIft. the members of Bruoefleld.imethodist hurch the C _M�, 'a es Sparks, neai- Brwetlei 1P ep -H(&to4,,- lktossle- -Biba&o6tj ohq 'GrJO^t� Mho.W ck jam- Cro a ero pleaaed, they twos 0:t perAect, legwtv, Ilealth. -as mbled at thg Midence of, well GQXd16X1 d6- aZA L X_ age, Third—Rae theV th, containing 10D t A 'ented tU &ughtft VdM 'wet se, amd ound d our. pri a L-- Tha bxm. is well Aenoed. and underdratued;- Xrbn,. NeR male ct-espondei... wiltin Purol to thir friendo. o Ne-ws gives t e�,tonowjug, urs as a token of their W to 9� to pree. h=d- 13 it not a toot of- open Sentor MbIrd—Bells ':Br,*tnpjI Narl, lieve Dr. W-111Ws' Iftic. I Us. saveO. q0me et of f If,*. j. DO* 61,expd. - They 0 it, a and we shaH, Waste land, . and no h toy ItW. yeaj;S &go I uilbred., Wei n th eeo]MCL nterestih descrAlption ibi d _]RyckM9,'n�, JH�rtlo R rn Calna( arTredlation of [her services as ran- acoornino"U611, under- yok , am, jamo I NM & I &-A: p I no 0 1. ftvm It. a �* bt, be& -aaAllexhibiflon atthe great Vero fq*m. I Lat. t our f3r8t w"k Hi� re mr. Bertha VelIck, Floss -wlejdlt-; d ts rale au n dah Exhibitl he'd was all run down wateron the - -to Junior Fo,,ur h usirtax-vtwintle-- Owing "At the residence, of the bride'i fath- ms Smale Cwtotd i %eenT -to nourish, me. My iands and I XU ma t Canadian 9) 'Sa4(*tb, j)". sheet. I could .9caircelir eat anyimm h., to at !Limdon, Hnglam� . not Senter. Fowth—Thonr e months -ago he site, of 'the:. thin and What I Cud- -tale id -ator IS to SaIL The the the Abe Ist- Inst., by Eevii Jo"Jif ye sikd lot* on 1. leapt 0t, 01 ­ L r . the- p I Atne11, 7 At. Ne lake tnuch' swollen feet lffere� aw hoir7 -VenlW,,k,. 'Teacher,, Coy, _G0 tish Mx3ftbition as a plem ames, camer=, -of w J*ret p1U#Ca ajfj_L%Wy the To -day At Is coveted Of Waste tnd..L exertion would leave e briathies IdUl r<gd, A 'ba &Ins 4(l me & all 'it 'ibd wbill Tui*=rm1tb. ATI "aort 70�., rt a o Woo Jani Colerna, all. ot Out I stattley.: and my bea be' ve The -the btdldft,:. eMed bl Blyth kM ther 24tij Ul --x g g con -PAIW-00-n SAM I -.was so weak I Dould hot W t"31 b Uer. once pryr tn!M. Dot and surmouni�. C 'A floarii At d1ff,0e Square feet' 1 . . . . . . . . . . a gitterhigi. dome, Seen from all f e Tit of the te June P of Birks, at the resid ed. 'I was Under the 4V Ot "e B wait you-biere at -4 Ztan*v-, Names an iu- 'dwor times argi =8 ft k poneesdon laj James 'KcG�e wers is*-. Olt a.. doefora, did hot get et CArofte, xUghter o ar. aarnei �'Flfthi­G4 'S. Step Clark, bank barq IT 'or YIDU tf -Poth of, BI thii ath. doct said I,bad *d This i whit may term a *raiA or*ard price to— 'dootwayi- that my, 'blood h �,.d .;Pal wheat Is quaUd on tho Sea - ah the-, Pprft A. P&rle, LW. Kehl,., &r -t $1.08 - to L $1 444 stme bUnrL erael , a -a marketr at J. aterin t IdiNient, allo, .12, x 87r and., other and L_ 04 wh fac the scenic And waq. -botb in- atered Sir!ng wheat $1.12 to $1.14. ) --McBeath 4b Jr Wd 11 -way, we wi*r. 114Y fretud H. lones, 1.419, Itath*6111L obs ve In, the e a 4*6r- and it adapted for grain a ud —A mtre of, �floor, TIS-- il lualine nd thoUlt, bad bi ly -01�. e t X high Itivati, Th tbe­4ome, the a coml Leto Tyermau bas rotuftw to if a miss it,' youll, be our 0 riagret it. StNte Of an on, Ird—H. U ehl, , H. A, A tural �Wo- t1mr to live.' I waS J&Moithii, Jr. ThW­ Oatorth. after grending' the. sutpMer R6 AweI14 _Ida Is,- an vw h courame(d L ;nyselt' wh"ft )n& iQsd:thezeoa'1orAW1Y MY yeftills belfigi- . *mo4wao 4. � q od.' St. called! to se?. me, d -AA eemftff farmerain the' toiowd4 Anym 14o;od, I i, �Ho e 'Looking iXp,1Vto e dome, we lady f Hen& ebtraW lacathJdi bekg hear b6th Church aamah A. see. f Our ying tho* om Williams' Vi Pills h d Seat<ktlk, 'I) easy �!Ieoplas vir eL Dr. ;**jaols. and wl rejoh'6f a'good rft"]ket­ 'For Hmd. r. ond"Afia Flsb&. S ee. 10, 1880, of gTain the ured her fttuhte t. aaamia, I&L Jam Weir, of Hay, has soid addretd XOHW .!UTHE� tj IB3�p the n Is the -roof' Df Ahe Golden UrbAL' th�m. 7 dectided CAW part Graefe Ron. Firsi PWri -me to 'try es t Ulm In - the' his f aT u Coo; ies that our- try - tbo --axi the coum ! of a PE a B.- Jobbstoh,- W. -oo;. nj d In, m, cdnsw ng of loo It -betto,. I - et near- the Alliage a Hensall, Itm `(KM FORRA-1 Coneesdow.2 -1A -are obeaves. o' cereals. and somewhat' best sis;e eris� weeks felt & gricultural the ootor. me -day Wad N 1 y opellIng atche enp of a al -oducts and iftnark ld toV=blj:� to Mr, Robert MeArthur, of ts, regUjrjj;) A ggle' Cooper. I J. L6t 14s. Cdn(��n -1, the' monthl Men's z3f, I A J. uron 5th- X. wft 6101 $ tYctHWMne0rjt&%_ r 1, � UrjayrPlebet; Sr. 4th Elinnitkl fiuts, -The -"Golden Ho IS ani kj_ hdiw muqb better I as li okiiig.. I -Tuokwinith, &� I . q --his i�a k . t ell DA&& 1!� depi dicine b a thriv, D1nsd-a1e-,,JrL 4tb`.LLioIa R&F �4 r. ffph aodn Alt Irlshtown o1i the UxA ult., Wds 1q, Cfoni;��o H Poad -5;— $1 for' acree, Situated within two 161 Of th told him It-, Woo UQP Rev. Father Ukirrhy, *. T-bomajs Con- ffiedorth, one ofthebestmuketainWW STd E�orbort Kohl Jt� 8rd, Id 6 R&t I- H-jAchison, the Com SiQnmo Dr." Williams' PInIc Pills tb at wie re .0. This UM VML&warded-the Id gal 90 110117 -to HaStjngS, both ot v/ell; 2nd, Lawrince H. er-i 911 finest ad- Ilegping.me, ..'94id h.e.,-tol(j 1V to Canada ale I had Intheiarmcompetitlonof 18M The farms Hibbert. -years !wd ld ots ob n rst m i, -1*�Wher, IsIng ea to be, seen, In the 'I e*ntirel )3gtter 'k Ing theail. co I,- srallp"turedr for the past tert 6 uYi Mo now bein excellent, shapelor deratIS"rurf IEE lit zW-ithl the ou.- archii. tinixed to do is J� I had ta, e V i- kt the Ires 0100 6f the bride's th- Men's re&rul r:L $9 tm '6 n d . k 'a - t faic he fxYur �Ides. afe full -when n ry h Inst, by Roy. P. ft - 7 Io%m-4wo-storey brib dwelling house d C� ithe St with brick woodshed—hotrair furnae ozen bo I am grove, r. 16-rch. D. Somerville to M%,s the KJ ng ard Quee dsoftwater. —fte with len It's of . --bealth. -wals .-perfectly. jest,*W. 4 in kitolien, groulids I i , P1 ax �(l 7 50 he eSS e, both grateful tOr ;Vhat. them Grace E. 01 *.P4bb6r7,, �evemeens and cedar hedgeo--arebaid In Iioying Memorj.—Thq f Rowing a4d WaleS. morq iMapl Greak on west on - norbhi7good- stromg4A spruce wind' d Wo were shlown a ew &75 ago. a Vjith Ste -at Mes have beeh wrItt6VL,and--d,. I of.'te 18 -aJ `h moraina. re— pills, bayb dhe to *a! Dd anthe stern r0com 4 Ine magollideUt -large *-my owl, . WhIbIx to 'the m of 1sabii1la, Eft -yi w. io Ing &',Vlow dt, merid tawyn to -all wbik amnla.,Wd beech—well watered WM spring, creek emory 4- (in. had been captured by-- Klaq�pr 'J�6hu init river. TnU sell altogether or would divide pro- -fted - bn Vrjda,. 'Yaly Bra, h -bex4s, of �nd a, : Mhoosands -of m w Dri.jo nqw No beMr ropervy In the County of Ifuron, Ettead.L In t well 4nd Drii. Winift*' CHAsney, a lad bf I!. 7ears of xgv. Boys" 1 2 iece-,; Suits, r u - D f 2M-tf W. DI R. &Worth.. DWest sister, tbCtu -has us' for'UvW.cuw'k;a1 wrn�laf =d ;grandson of W-4ames Chesne,- t of t, Ili seveno,ils the 11 CJYngress of Pink T1119 �and .5 3 2 5 nd re filled, wl L C190 M, Alnim Ajtijn.g_ SpclMene qpf all Men, ndlgesU in, rheut�­ of the 4th concession of'Tackersmith. lar A our hearts q I $ For .- the cold and lifeless � bod(F big D, e foe which i C�n 15 PtISM, tnouralgla� L L ;nervous diporders" -It-tnearured five f9et two-lAchesfroMr JOHN BEATTIE the 9 tip to tip of s Has been laid withlh.� the tmb. -famlous. I'ligh. above ft, Is r�av,!ama, parpLlysis at.id the allrbOts Of �Thqjnas g, 4�pt . - . W. , -TiteDhision0burb Clerk, has a number of piop oil the walls- -are of 'hood uAd womahboA., e pills o 10= Of ohn RoMillM, nevo of T vUea for, sale, or toL a- good The falres't f ate .:first to to HUI- Wen q ney Vest Us o A - Qre�, -and �Lardj 91 this by ryfaklog nowi r rent, among, which Is L W r w 11 Ing f 4- [arge The sweet -eat f at to f 80$Durn n the tionfortablehousLeon-Tarvis Street,. aeaforth,. I : * nerve , lett, who has been 1 Iln&als M"uf actures and ult. feeds the starved nervie0% eq� Lit o accommodate a god Sized famll,l 2 lots. Th fiondest, d� tt best of 11 Ithi ( ad of th hall Is a m, argnifi-i, disease and strength is eve y gan in 'Did toun e m(ftthe In'the In- .9 MM be sold ow reasonable terms and On giv- try Tor oo. lar'3�r $L.50 arn 2 U0 lat and.. cold ai caft- Met* 'OfL mahogany sid gl Lss, on -Fold by all rnedleine deal-� E'rests of bis health is now on the, ailsold. Also rooms too, re m the body. 0 - . I affect- Cenf royed: in h%lth. twmm. hisurz1% �S L box: or retUi M- v Y much ftL Ben OM ViaSO)iAble Oe all sidesz o -whi are lmrosh.g -dis.- pirs or bY mail A'd 1rushed, is thy voice, -and sW it, M. owl AtAbe time of �golng to tress it has r1a ys . of I A -stg boxes for $2.60 from) e Dr. W11- idals mineral wealth. But we know y4u're free fro n pala; -for .'to* daa S e lleast rt s1:l M Id la*y of Canidlan r Tpanu- ilams� been snowing JsteaqII7 M - hmer So:�, t 0 11WIqlne. Bro6kvillel 'Ovt. fact uf ure d thee all'afni f"t D -storm - we- 1have had tot yie�r P And we-]�Ope with God's good act a f all , kin s, and four oights. -This to 'the severest Soop to -,meet s.. 0 or n �groqred everywbere,show . a - 25c N-ej�jj,r Notes On Sutda*y last as Rev.1 and Mks4 Sdom led In CRO Is ad vabee ndf- the' b1i t -of Me Th Our Father ffi 'his wl —HoTder P. 4 Colin. Pletcher, dIWORT"T NOTI . C13. The boon His love had gi t the tposife ftd tj IS 7*e e he is Onl, were driving to A SL Of 4DXforj �, di 4 1 1 t9ft,'.the And though on earth the bo 11 ak ove r id which a radt cr Dwid- IS khon resident U b other afternoon ge. � of AT howe'shied and fell over ft 00 -*RAM% VIA= To ARNT—T6 rent, Lob 17, the- sould af galbored-, Imlibig - %_ T- ioramid scene at ­%h -e f einbmk Men e 6,r- 5 2fm XX ConCeSsion 4, XCXMOP,_ Con tainin lob so"O'k in �ffie lalm apple and YeW, at his residents .1h, Wobdotbe-k. o*ift leadMg to the bridge. lMrs. Flet- Val 'tfittio�, an excellent grzzin. For )3X gilloh iiam H like M1 upent.- most.. Of f III th1ryiiii -ther *as allghtly hu -at ift.. OY4 X Yet LL rs cher -escared Injury. -4 1 VP1ytoXOHROW BROS., Seaforth, Par'211nooftfs, L neighborhood, and or s 11b 'Ift ti Lat rt, bi g farm. cb, I Walton. du bwn r Uric S of Kent a or- QUOTHORNBULLS FOR RALF.—The under* is In P tJ co ter. I I" Ili . 1 front of ti ,was '-County Treasurel.r. 1W.' Himm Hannab 118.07 sold IhIs f arm Nota.—Mr. Wiffia In Weal _"e plr-� glishm empt sy,� fiear, T.eadbury, 'tor $6 . 800. j -The f ., Drii Fr& M" ebi6ro ilgitting his s6n ofi of tbles b:r the Duggan coniains 100 acres. Hanali h� Men' w Hat Half rric n sa —J, West, E 'o twe ire 'be PI(S Edmoftton; are hoje 'o -'a'holve S 'on el e'r 'd L lbal StratfOzO, R tb fad& th6 ae .6f -iii6 lexhiblU idl frdt f aci *=1t aggon the other. day,, h g on a, visit h1s ather�,On o 0i ture ult botw. w, ro the tle 9 8 L 0 r hind- his, gardob 1, !Rakdian w-pples. WhI ed by Ord _:B. kii, 'fa foll from, he r"e -of a )al taken the Manitolm. fevft. PS )3jel 2y nol the wet weathe arty', abd Wtsidg tbI al head. He was remov d to -,be Seatorth, 17, 1890. -To RmM.—To rent for a term of- on,� two 0, . J."na i , I � have 'been held owi the mainse ground 'Wne'sta�ds showI1kff,e,. 0 The angiversaXi servIc" In cannec- tie htoplital, where he I Menr n Hats H�Llf Prim tionr with the o6ato4j*� ft"by ve yisai -acession 1. MOK111601 sUt - We- back lbwetug 96V at ta - Lot is, 0) 0tkj. e, pply on th') on I-Tuesdair ovezing of last w,,ek,:, Ia 166. icree�� For terms, 8� aid his zReck. -rosslbly address JAMW or ANX FOX, FR6 to be. taken. to the Pasemen; -of I h blea,'Jaw in Butter. church wM 1wid 1%=ftj lastwbft —During the sevfte, ot rtince att iucbz oVenhi a U church, lyut Aev. 'Mr. Smith of G anding t1 e -1)ab s, -there, was , P. good r'ei trance Nd. 2 Is' a thl ron- in the Weisit- Part avd On %Iloiday ItHats, re94 k 3�i6 Was Men E FOR SATZ OR RENTii—For 'Nut . ov�*ma; wbih, Illustmtes the chting land reCoUlly, thor house Of Wnliam� the prodee& amounted, 1:1 Wid. - The t0jal �'frooee&L arho=te4 10 the comfortable frame house an the Comer of f fisb! 2g ots rot the Ia. a &Ud .!tye va ey, w 9� stin ok t and $2 or Tpland Victoria Street' alently idW&t have rec�watly k.- wo, hundred !dollaj*. a -Sedorth.. The house Tft &jjojVjng, to bi en.ti oLO9-,. 'Aboye a�Hatfe and. 11 four ye;�r old dau, rbter Wag $ &L had 9. APly to 40 lid tbO west by W. Il: cro ?dhnsjCft ja:io.fro Mw Ia also a frame stabro (in the 10L. scenes V191ters stam cW to adm* tw look at ler neZ,.W eat Hm-c 9,11; agontz- bits. H. acksoh... dau q killed while lytgr Ctf m destruction by ba b a '�e povitralte -of the 1.81ftiri ma1tborls' toot. fh-6 eaily Ift t 'tej �The 40.7 moraing, The fire alp AT itQ uw,uyer, 13.,. Jobb A. UAcdtiald t t- Inj - I E ammer Uld _u K�d;y I on ftom Ifter wo*elp ex Men Qn. was fiLd Lau rjer n AeCjd!Mt* gee irr- fgtRI �LNH04THopiw GATZLVr-4Wen flat -alto reng. r 6��bbd bofoo�c -AnnIe. C&M oii Much, Xbell, Ww Allc-e�� t1f, cowo;.forsale sit ifioderiv the dther.. mbe most :striking �Xbllt �Weodbrf4p flip 014 WM odd e'. V tb, to Harding, lelo �andon easy terms ; good young com and t Villiami ffmi Irlor to leaving WhIton for w alm for wJeii All interested a� this hdiiii-corresp"aff in . . . . . . get fam 01tyer, -Burton, Vai �ghin to i P f7R Atoin for on fttulldalyo ft -STeat miner -al A[spla) joaoing bayVs little t th had. Farm 01olus UP 0 the at the ghipii: WblIj! # -%X ebage 'at Olt Sj)rinp,,R.ev. i 14A Stowart died at his bome.in �Hlb t othor 6viC Is that d, e Vo ­t e'd , t o dairy year 'old sop Was -,0 V raggon. bft W*�telep one to farm. Write ft very ovt th Y-ftre. De- "nH, rrbduw. 'An a 13 , t _iStilt iffohttts h LS _Va- ligis: -ttzrted - suddimaly, o vrbifl ff with tb ngrega a ethodist o6 gregia ciessed was a.' nafAve �Pe�rthshln, gregia sl g! -nod life-size. tableium—owe 're,;re- the hired msn.� :A's ble fell the ULM FOR FJAM For ale, two thorabred Were Thoet the reciplento of-: ha ld'� Currie, who. 'have - beeni ht M advanced &V vt 97 tQ ANUaft In 1854. 6urai !at Walt# ftot%ora- bulls. one is 13 and the aha'Z 'J'a"Ves Cartlei I rierced the Johild"s bre fttiting 'Ab I blit QaM oy- j.S­.t'ho* Me I , !-1 '1 _h the * me g of se#1Y -after. some kesents. lm*.-. Qli*le s hibntrei, th� other iaew,�Mngliii AxonfteM -_ oneF roan Wcolor, the other red. 7hey Men I gented wIt1f a handsomely RajjW the 'tk1mm. g000 high -bred stock an are� or -62104 " 1 -*A-. 1.4 theft Kind FA dWy - vMrd aod F'renob lrarot,- hiJar PNeter ANPI Mt,26 i0onoes- Currie with a by SC Y Olt y are ibly the b _ene)5 are Dixo*` ajed. eleveent as 0 IL &.Tackem th. JMMM CAM 'Ie by the Incumbent, Itiv. F. Ayarn. a-nd Iraze fin angIng'1- wlth-�hb m4# s clothes n0ural.* he crowds go= In eyed PH L st:ylh den' e �tjje ly -)the %*eap- son on e'r� of Tiandon. In vro wbjchL the afternakni, Rev: .7. HUI, of Sea- DIU-6yale. I bY 13ev, Dean lkofu for -is won it yearep wftider, v1fen thley idtic 9tading- ga or t, -he .-Qhxtrh.—T6 il�!VaaT I (3t tj ladiat' Butter Th was x ira way, Lud. T the battle 'V�e - - . jj;6jjreL'!Pj'�' 0)r gives neern #be Methodist church on'. vi A 'Ves hint-, tho JW, who bad tb6 tckth, officiated, and the -evfttne 'Vant; to, establish good Agent at SWerth sad vi. ana-, -d terwTitory. Pay weekly. Hand 'h "a, Rev. 'P. Ryan agalh cmducted Ser'- -clultyii, Exclusive Aid at AarrJ6 fo- t vale circuit, for the Yearend ttwe" was ilich bigham- 'th on 'The'L lot th'vlw Mhe ledifice cost $2,000. - ome outf It free. -We keep In close toxich. wi li h . tftbl�avr e but- the ben di i, e ir amiskAnoe. For artiCutm bb4rd g6nislt of: The pastor; 1 c I mid U.' Me. Huili. Rdm hah sold. ble farm oh BoYS" n SM, ts., ter the fbij�i COUMsjor of Stagi to Co.,Toronto. 2n7-13 over tho hall we, hear In bt 11s tu W Mhue I . I I Caftwillan but- . Iau . , . �gh= nad ]Oscar- machera-,-T. Je,%*tt, R. ftaw I all � ace It Is j.-ure Mw9altd!Rter . . . Hjggl._ J.rL Duyxr4th, a Varaa fo r nS, ee W -RAL STORZ- AND POST 0MOR FOR ers—T. . a this exhibitich' f -the --�A 'despatch from- a alt for $64001. Th�; s*GSALE OR RHNTemn-Forl ode orent, the 9ton ifarrr lats ;Diie bundred' acres, inall R. ftaw, F. A. Ke.,Sh W1 butter there Is afte side rof his skys-,�The ba"Ad of On )n- aelph, �And: post office property �t HIM Green, thb pFopert P. QarnISS"L butter .;a, the ]ate Ob&d 1% dats a , ea Troyer. R. Jobwrton, Mrs I talcer;' JbAmd ted to, the' butter dt. com- Unite .. their rymch indrthwi prok, Con '-of, -%—T.­H1gg1ns, J. tke6, �H- Mkiaice, the)re, by e way'.,. OYLS' Cotto _q"rtArS of an -aore on rhicMere IS a Steward Is an withIn the limita of . M9 a. ey B n - Stooki ]K!X_ -1tore and dwellinghou f t t #ef co;�ined, also Imp stable. Sohnston, J, Robb, H. -M. 136' admirabl" bust of the Hon. SyftO.-�, ifi-ot.. giving "y troub] a w Miestock consists of Dry 0oodas Groceries, Hard- 'R. Jrabli are ffouglas R. Ra Ttmuro,: the 'four 1W. j. 1164eb, John to ce re, n. (Aocdrd, e -In ViAter. d see be nply mb Ted year old son of: W AL. Easitmure, or- o pair Thiffprolierbyla. situated S Fisher iUone, an m to and Toronta-, oneit the Wat farming sections in tht by urga<mtr011 Ma the firm ClIf Vastmure -& LI Stlewavd). Represpentative Ma, ghtbourne, Ral"ll'-G, "Afathra, able , re1Iglo&j;S 0, Was d is three and xhaltmiles west of:Kippen Station, Bosm Mat lers, In an rx"e Will Lbe almd.st starved Willie Toriont ro;vned at'.the,Island, six. rallea from 1�eniAll, Ave. miles L from Zurich and Ivi The fouith the other day. The child fell off the R. great 1;auorama is be g_refet --Ix miles from LakeRaron. Itisa, first-ol stretch of :,Ittty t father's 'priva te � whai!f. - Bo r a w S allor good maws pxw- Trustees! Rrrtl�entatives. J, Perdue', 8-1cove, which 0rowds 6f all, na- unoe tied count beten S.S at delight lin loing spell ot hot id opening for a n. Ad- . I tions In are dtandtng six miles f '0= TO=, HN Green P.O. J- Jobnean. IS C,, A R.- The s C-00 r XX .210?.tf A. 3hav4 Up. T s4cme Is a great �Cana:dla-n here aT�A tbJ6 mallu'llue 4&Magied er1ntendeTxtS-;m-,-F.. A. Ke ed. The 'houee was biidly ulminated about'4six o1clock 25c..and 35c, for 20C ?n eajUi Pre,, Ident river, am he 'foreground Is Teal -V�n hQtel . keW Q11011THORNS, YGR SALE.— Both male and te, J`oWitt Piw�rtb, L waiter- d logs of t1hiber. It 10, ta —Ele ra j�d TuWay evenhig in on of -Lbe most Higgins. Bluevale raised $3115.21 terrific istorras tbat- have - vlatted that &J mile, all ages,, aboub- thirby to select from. astaurant ke0pers of Purt Art.bur re go , re wa era s pq!et In g . as 'at. borne. Truly thl� -district r y all of dod b edi - -ad mos; of the Cows a aver-darr� with lively beav- T, s Hlf P. ri cc- ic milkentii Count Sylvanus 5M, is and ch tact O I Us 1 14 s X These arc' salary, d $42:11 - for funds ot tl; summ&led to the C 0 art In Y��o- The rstotm the h am 0ho urdh; Sbalnezer., $211 for solary Ln. - morning, charged th - vf% Ila- city. only last -ed, about an :baur. but citber L4JO Im been at the hdad of m,,v herd for tnree years,and fo� Palaeb is crowned ith wonders—ft--st, $16-20 Xor furilds 1 Jobnitans' $190 elljlng- during.tba time basthess': was corn- tidne of the Lord's D&Y act In s pywed himself to. be of stock of choice and -$21.69 for funds-� The -the Gold aii � rmln, Hor.1per, next the d tho a, ds' of q"14, and is claimed bygood judges tAy. be one of SalarY t4acco �iand 61girs on Sunday. . A -ll Pletely isusyended, 4M w n WS 11 *a beat in the district. e is got by the best of ralSed $174-40, for m196 ins ofL.AninjalS, tbon the� real- dollars" worth 'of damage 'was -done. edt ]Plea owd o go Child ren 8 Sailor st" Imported stock on both sides; ; is dark red'in color Istiq or ard seelie, Od lfe a4a low, set. Any parties having are bred cows to --dies" Aid8,_$1.87; Trustee bolar,, all oti isuspehile swlt-h a, warajing a The yfflage of Cardln�,l naTrowly -$1,544.21f scotes, ift ifyos(t faseltatlug lot be escaped 'n the othe breed are invited toinspeet this tall, Tefma'—$5 In all, s w,�uld: destructio, ar day from the .6f Canada's beaver, wbic that mdre serlous PivnaltlE r thb ;SI 1138"Md. PrIcesof purebred stock run from $50 to wtro. Orov�rt agagilsq �p 'fire df Incendiary origin, D. Vv� Loilm imij:osed if cases the Chief ZUf virds never sa bef W. Ir &nd individuals. Visitors -e th utebrs Was 25(yaccording to age Knight, a (b It.168 wekowe. JOHN. M)Ell, Hensall P.Oand Station. e:future. JOS Of a geirer. Wben1he went Whis, slaughter Lot ?1115-tf Nd —'Kr _,,T* Ragan is zi,.3covei In g Lord Gre-y'§ Tribute. .—Fire' which ca -used a 7W .4.29 One hundred' �Iowa 'abouct e walli quarter of a m d t Co' hou (Y n Is Cattl - dhot to death, from tail attack of rne.umola Inion, ol ney -se he f u d b 8.1M Mon'. baby son-azie ot rr ri give a, real dela, 09 Canailln, ne -,other docv. dogtralyed Aim -driving, back o his meat mar- (Yjjn Nichol, and Island the aild cta d ftelir ' friends in all t arts; while on the - ip ars IT, hotels, aiW for a threat- A 'he dimoyred It In flames. The p r6v 'In g as raVdi Y as I large in I -he --,;.Rev fire spread raT-IdIY, aud coiisurnd t could 006*r-er, the-- ne, gold letters ava stat6ments em - &jd& the'destructiqh" of, llulaa. Pa:ek ros At Lowest Rates on Farm Mortgages* %.ox -he , arket buildling, 'three stores, the Da- m1nister of 'the! Blythi -�*;ult, 'rreae'4-� ent mem dbckA Cmada. Onw theq( Dreamia!nd =4, t 9We'pl adbae. Thp Apply to J. L. Killoran, Seaforth, ek- which tracts a grhat ddal. atten. fir loh Hotel, and -several barns wa,d ed his first sermoln in 'Morris 6 was brotaghft -under control ' An out - at j it Var tWo holLI it iousa e MeXulgilt, att -ter- building.,4. Wh emptvd so*'s on Sunday -aftA-MG'a.—I ihn tIM 119 ubder the "Tortra T;ii�ty nd a, -SI k. Grey C. Iverno . r 'General . at;iid. elude �sots wached of 'Alameda, -Sl ezial, aiid It jipidly, evour the 'to tturin, hi an alarm hw , totrad the R SALE �uestq. alarm box broken and the key was also With till, 1"All I bo" seet 'frame saw any 'sc"ty attjre� le*�r -fr4* t I h0ftl X#klii ciffe Coll- in Ldwis Thomas, "rs- R ber 'sister, Of from th�, Atlantic rm�74, Grey, v1sitied -with Mr, P- to iio Pa missing. By Vfie 11me' the f Irmm at - 11the flames bad attalned, such eg Me Civil Engineer, Aitalilteat etc- LateDominto De Catchean, sixth line's recentlJ.—Roleit, ! Is- land 6f Ird-te yos. irived n fo HaafiWay that It was,with4reA dift- and flowed brk9. U;6111ting -Enkinear Tvarig, sixth lin will" it!aQ&, Qie bom- Igbt e- U -'zdavemen't has. -beeh oA.'toot In -Runloipsi or COUJAY Work e,. be Je 5# IbIlAl 4,�. It �*oj�ld lettit ryierel) Is= es e 110� lbey were dhe-ked'."'t pt long to" culif wee. yeom a age next ni 00ft , Frie -1 1 a k6 wblul f e tboe Tb � build or Waterworks SYsten,Wh%rvm Bridges aloig 4e tbe.yarled exhlbM �of tbe tabl-sh a 'mitit! to t4itl burned Woj:q Modtly wooden t3trhe- rz�ted Poolm 2M smayt old, gentl an ana a I 4al stig yard, b4�k" lugs H eM iiat -you &1ght - iect om Canadia:h! t Meal J)ers' As�4� fair . But, e* ed by the SbI amrle 4 w ex) 7 Amill"boli i