HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1908-07-03, Page 2Jll
TP04 i!! NO -_T"
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A --.f -v I i
rt: a k-;,, i IL
1L L
ftrlor Parlor Tables
Irbin, t
Xusiii� Cabineis Couches At fli,,
Sideboard Rall Racks A
Or le
1 belnw
1 Kitchen Cabinets 4"
-p �eiii,:
g Room Tablea Dining. Chairs -
Dalu4l well -made and at reasonable es. knit
Red Ri SUItes Bedd -Couches *V 'o
t 6 ta
Sp -rings Wassand Iron Bedr,
9. si t
r ]�dolv
Newest stylies and all at popular-prlces�
W- e also calit
Y a Complete stock of CARPETS, RUGS, &"ee
arei selected
designs and colokings.
&at of date' goods do not sat --i UP to date people.
t le'r
a V 0 Vi
uur Undertaking vepart.ment, �Op",i
b cqm�lete In every detail. Wehave -the beit'iuhaer tired hearEe* in th(
Uviuntp Night or Ei�ndsy calls at residence, Goderich Street �Vast, oppOSifA IS 1_0i
St, Jlamee Church. CP Y I
e iwa.
-eator' SE'
W. J. ""Er ha
I t! e. thea
other riding would ba O#_Mecll for thiii U e Ion
t1 a I
Whi(Aer Of Agriculture, but, with .50 use
large a f011OWIng it the. ed per
HoWe, and so
=AFFORTH, FRIDAYii -Ju1Y -.S-- 1908-. many WPIrwfts, for the- vacant 1port- is -erS! 4
tollo, U la hardly likely that Mr. r4E
7 1
iieY: WIR im-SIst M Xi--'Montelthls' -1 rd
egUlajf�e th$ AUto
remalulne.--Sba, names. --most promin-
fte r6peated avoldep6- wWrh WIA17 co4mected with the offied al"ID . ii _S
=curred an the, hig"limys"_ through el
H, Carn Slid
-ogle, of East Vict6rla and" tic
drivers m-cetint alfemoplies bave nd IS �e
1wi I PlnlvY G. i9acidfarmid, of
cauzed a atentwus asaltaii I ev eryw
lowardstlie of:kha� b*hw&'Y,9 Of, lit ble p
Ae provinea w i : s "I . e - Te1AQ_ Ecutoi Notes'and C 0-mments jai *48,
Iva of this Idnid. In miny *rarts of tile 4we-, extend traumal , "CoIngratulat-ioni nctbus
1, to i 1 81 eakei
Provinc6 rc-queats been maide: to i &meS Mite-hel.13, editor of the fair 1�nt 1 0
regulata the hco W . mo 1,105 1 Goderich Star, an tho occ,%,31on of ble see thel
MarrIage to - luba Alexa!ndra
may be allowed 02 highwao. -Ih 'Ada=, d,
daUghter of David Adamal of Coli t181i il
'rir col -i that *Omm
1bW Wa;Y It Is itropol borne- towheMp. Tha Interestingeive-at
and children* may *V4 Ito their differ- t9ok Nace an Apdnesday of iast_ weak, d
se ous,
"s certain (ham
en' market towra durin
is �rh
Without the nerve rag, beinr rover 'Cleveland, PreIi-sident �of �tbe
I - - a . ' , . e
,a Ch for theL el- United Staters from L 18.85. to 1889 and meni
VWtAUuP(1K!_1Y on s1w
lite, h0 -113P _j Ith L t pan7lng- agi from 103 to 1897, (Iled at ble sel Dot h!
at 'he
I ut to &teh. bome at Ftr�c On,- New ' JW--ey, �on
dmiger of b g e. ter
abase, v .&A s a very well Wednesd&Y of last week. Clevelmid bil�WM`4'
eir but the q estica is, will. Was for years .-a. foremost tigure , in
ublic affaj�j3.. � He, was a ad lilt
American p q.
Abe difficulty he overc4me'and will I I t 0
�rornuen advocate of lower tariff. WIA
Veqrkla whQ bpwc�* to P�' on the bi%h-
Se h a
Wy4 other -,tba:n th-, I special hours
IL ID the Can dian House of OU J ifq�
re.1 any. eafer. It zeems to us that commons. tin 'and
the difficulty 13 not t. be avereo,
by a XMtrictling ot-the !�ourz when, the XrOm Canadian Life and Re.5ources de verei
.3 ail�wed the lib -all
owtomobile Is to, b 'Priv- res ctij
Ilega of wIng the hlgh�7a�,S. There is - The Canadian lJoia e, of Common tl
.1 's Aw _I(
I'tralasacts the greater s 'of its busi- hoi r
Vion-Lethin- more re I part
d, and . the
consider t ness at -night, not Decause it prefers' ej
1prin"o-IT-al thiug�ls_ - tha. ably I dLarkness to' lightl but because th&
0 c,
more diser-tida must -e sbown on' committeessit during the fore -noon. hel
the parf of tha drivera .,�f a-atQmobAes# 'Th leaves. 'the 14ft5rnooi
-and -the sus)
Oust �aow the crai- Is new and the� night to the'Rouse Which -meets at the h3gi
4 -me 01 of every
arl. .3 P.M., sitting as a r�fe'un til midnight, Thf i
automobfie� zTems to biq to, ,get from but often into the early Morning. &n� ofti
eta 'nobi-it to, another. lint' the leaat From the flagstaff on the -tower a " T
Mo. in
alble time, regardless of the safety or -luster � of- electric lights t,*inkles at
glass. vi
comfort of other a�*oTle who ght whenAhe Hoi is -sitting and the li�at h
aTC Te- ni
quilred -to tx;s7a the roa Unler ex- I sometimes it -Tales in the li&'ht of has WE
t�Uhg circumstances priv!s, It Is breaking day before it is Ct Out. the Tea,
turne Q,
not probable that tha to ;;;, Ile will At `3 th peaker, wearing a
a co�ince
-general uIse, blae Wn ancl cocked hat Rkid
-ao that there, seems 111t illrdirpect of those of a, judge , and preceded b the' Th 01
the horem of the rural I onstitue'nele-c% Sergeant-ati-ArT, with swbra a'T side the e
sitt T,
at- lea -3t, bccomitng sti ficlently ac- and mace 6n ulder leaves 'his a- Ja
qualated Afth thEin toi them ac- Partments, 'and miarZilig solemnly ceteN,4 g:
tiiptomed to them th�Ltt th�y Will p04 down the corridev, enters th a J.an
_ 0 Dh%njb_
_,da_ng'e± --to t1W Oaapa�its Of, or Aud t ter iont
e- -Same
r1g. jJuat ob loaraT, si aatomobpeo - molm3-tit '-dlectric Wis thtouggh-6ut the uIld"tAk..
are allowed to, e AhO Toaft of bu�ildini announce --the bei'Gaing of Meiiibe
tlLe day a sitting. - As soon as th g and P-nqy
the proi- at a1xy old �speed there e rizi
will be aceldfttil!. The remedy rests lug ceases the Spealker re V'su ally t
-a�e of h- h Lads prayer hilarious
In either probibi t e and -all the "Other members stand,
8 noj L mitte'd to fille I in
Jfth,ways to thes, d tle.-nds or 'in e a ors
ey- spe 3 bt t t' are -ad
placing euch restrictionE on them as galfeRes until the - conclusion of that the
*111 make th--va dlrectry reaponsiblethese- devotional, exercises, for the. the gra-Y.
for ady damage that r�ay be dohe. -House bf Commons does not Wish to whenlf&V
Thera are at the -prese Umd' laws 'he seen of men when Iit prays. tim, �,-s a
ring the prayers, m6mbers do not bo whc
that requira the. automd Mat to atop
as:01 t the dfriver arrivi
iii requested andd aa: -44; enter the chamber, those ng too At 'U'les
with th�ir hor: late for the openingwait in the lobb B i adi
of vehlel-5 Past. Ses but
Y . Rere, each day aL group of Ministerj�'f_ ts a,
tbese lai are diSre d every,day, lalh
Wits And Opi)nists jostle each oth- VOI(es in
and mai timea a di What wa
want I's a little com a-tnse an the er, exchanging. greetings and on the
Vart of -the peo-ple ww can afford 'times cracking jokes. A few minutes grei 6te L r hi
thts means of C"nve VIL-A! I later the brief truce is dissolved and in t:. iel'del
onveyan and some-
emen within the
these saientl
-thing to Inistil, into �r minds the
tact that otheit ha chamber engliged in wordy war.
ve -al right to the fo air the art
!4 rioads as well as--themse,&'eS.L If a feW
4 - I �� Coming- fr
examplfz are made'- ose who ha OUlhis private room, -off. the
vp- the corridor. leadin ir#o6.
little r:19ard for, the comfort of 9 to the library,; 'the b6lls
the Prime Minister often enters the
otheri, It
_��t be lc before. the amber d
ch 010 al
drIver3 of automol during rb. ti edings
->Il:s ge-neral u ine proce
which follow pravers. 'Thirty-four
recognize that they arO u -sing 'the L 0
EEMfffl L years -have passed since he first took a
moad--s only under _And they m er i
-wilt be ul for th seat there. The fleeting years, filled
gra in e cliti
rzmall 1'rIv with the toils ai anxie � -
fleg; S elve them a accordingly. ties. iDf public
The rz:-iult of t life, and th- put C.1,131
e past twelve, weighted
his XV111 be -a corres- wfth the responsibilities me t hai61
po%ding de-crea.3t gn tho� of office,have
-number of
tj' gr8iii deeper the lines of his face, in s por
aceldents. Arid should le, time co istet T11
mo thinned the flowing looks, and frosted
!that the horsecs in the Vral districts Cal 11 b
have Veorne accustomed to these veh- thei with grey, 'but his figure is as..
lele# then ilt will erect and graceful as ever, an . d his le sde
be suft clent tifne to s e on :prii
-let tha reiftrlof 'beco t ImOst as firm and elastic,
';K 0]?Ponel call 01
Me more lax, � 11 '_ J 3,tv Mr. R -L.' Borden, is
It Is up to the farmere -themselves to _a M oth r'or
Vut in, a Istreatwus obj-ption, a -ad ore bustliDg man,and as he strides the 33�(
down the long corridor leading from all
-Woner this is do" - anQ1 the - more his -private room in the western end voting b
rArenudas the objection,
the Sooner of the building, he looks the very- " per mediately
wilt they bo rid of th14 menace to sortificati on that
their sa:fety oa the higliways which . on of health and en,rgyj and Th6d the
bave b�en erected and rn,�lntalmed w-1th of courage and self-reliance too, - The
eneral election that c d Sir Wil- posed tol
'ther mon�y.. arne nalva
frid into power also brou '- Mr. Bor- the
den to the House of CO=8. The Clerk
It LZ probable that the dereat of Hon. twelve years during which he has -sat list, and
te-Ith In Sou there -five ag a privateme pea,
NeIii ko'n, th Perth -9411 mber and S
seven as log der of th6: Opposition—, ayes so m
M-Ult in his retirement �ft-om Politics, have also left -their marks. upon Sir . Tiie de4
[At one time It WW thougbt that an. WiljriXs . opponent, , although his Sp� I er,
to n--mirengthens enfeebled
nursing -mothers by increasLng- their flesh-- and
neirve force.
It provides baby -with the necessary fat"
and mineral. fopid for he'ilthy gr6wth.
il a st
Y2 th�
r ibers
o,! the `(
. obtA'.."
08U na oi
nt vy mew
er of
a -all intents and
to fiLstAnding�ule,., '11ritain an� aetSr 4 4,1111 erff b. ing,�pr�coen
oon t
aost"days,134D ition
Is aa -Premie e X. of 'th- a Fr. o nt dQ' o of anv
it �by -1 - I r P 6 n Of GreA
r of
YIN rm-ce
��eied, foli by I iA Afift', 11A the 10tWof at t fu unprovild
t �e- a noient re Y ot rether 111ninter; , , 1 1 i
el _S%nLg part -,h s hn nekt,
vy own dioniatic G -DAnxper
� "t he of the glislipedrag6,
IS torlookin
tra e it's djecient, "ek. to Saxo,
9 time -to and tly co�itected !With
M0 _-pipe- qas pre--aWme
vtppeA'T� t04 be a 0100:of -Aruridel-bastre, the D 'ke's ' 9't61
u W st;
way. mr!
bw�he,wilil subse"ently usi ex b om i; -dates from the tinie of 1or -11. to esc
t JEW- -1
d disorder .&nd ip whomen tioned it it � hi's _J L— �' "�ilistrafion), but heat, are 0
T1 k,67eleventlii diike Bpent �$3, 000i'_ escapd�
all Oii6 6 a�e- es and- a mur-
and V�M;�.t does� �Sun
the present duk, tb.e ofteont
co3ne id. Igo a-8 as speit at le4st SS,",Ooo Mo.
th&y �b - I
ta Gas,,D-ampei mean ter
t C eavig the 'Ihb Sout Ade a�nd grand entrance�, ,CL,y U VY Un
th y al"W to the Nell'a4tbe old �iep,'am 6i S Ah
t sit 0 Wr desks w arollitecture, buthehiefen on to th& or ads U13 coyere as 'com. a hl�, q
nilicent deep Norman doo slogges ut Some t1t
It eeie'OSL (notes t h om tiligir - laces, ever) , ;; WL g"Ct- 0 of thp, 446
VU VU wrrespoijdent�
ow isl- t �ey Mut first V lat Wit h E 0 101* and c'ontinn" with a trec- i i i ee�- r 2z r. 1 -it
!hats. Jh e whonj � t�he ry the ohild tha,+ Wiliat does histo Was house. Was a
be m0#1ent -does not in - theethe,dayshoOldbeth, -bei -.4%anshine" hoLeholderr'? e light-ning rh il t r d: a to this tagb of the da's ..t( d ilown
L be'
that has beez!i'born i.
ey ALreriVally in a 116 tl k ti le- dt ke� �OiU i fq!�w�i c=
ie hi 0 m7 of th-;- =G�s. .-The �t I
sit ori castle, The titles LI
=y the. lis6lv'es- in: v4rious Witho
-w-hich he will suedeed-are shwe d to kIiidItnq,. Nvood a _43
Ing t 6 newspaper ID'Illie nUMr 0C severa:
.1 st ei thalnt4ose held by +
for H
!me Un� k was V]
of No
rs, cO e tin 134 =Can S�s to
othep peei He VT )f speeZho-es' olk -Barl of Ar wbegeAbouts o z, and.
unde],� of Sul, fly, No the
6, �'-the pr6c6edlng day, ana
fic lk' Balt Oil Fitzalan. -,Cluu _,41d W at oes !no"Pas Davie!:, sumn tb accounto! ifet ratling: IC was a ek
es, f they� iitln the uper w
it theans, th If S4 t!! rahall. and"eridi.
�W'11- also )e I
.y afws W
'i the Ministerial from the t Ma" ..s check -draft indef 6itely closed to Edet!10
Ok'11 L I iiae � of' 11 of England, an 01 1. Re ort Tha the, House is a t er w* mney--draft c;W WRh:
ge RJ)hief Butlek, parts of heat-ener to one part of gasassing up Chi lative C- ta ndi ng f the 0i
ngw ine end of - which c jifer
iipredecessor in th, day's d Imaim!'School Seel 1011 No. 9, My 7, Ot -;red ul , n hi
,Ler-9 caar _aUl w-feit7 be opi mved for Another
th cei tu th of standing on a ffitee�ith cei 1 with te Ma4mifli-
dais -'surmonted by a Olplument of$100-a year uitab.
rved gothic are Mainta in its oigni,
Of 01 and t� tv. C ger1c
eXtending. along, rh e 'Pr,� ser t hoic ier O all these d'
the gallery, of the repre- nme , ;anc 194
til leg is �robably one of the C
19 of the dAily press. B Toreaw ei E. !Joyff
elow. M)stuna'S11:1011 ialenlin�the British rk,',J. A. N 5t'� W. I'!
ker',t dins [is 7" lolig- table, at I's est W0121=4 A&
Of " hich afts t4� Clerk of t Bren rrmai 4 Uan r e. alay, Q 1-1
Part la --O. d hi,, i assiist4nt, In black rows V id ..Part 11-1v EJ
wo �by i Testing -CA arri8ter. Below N914 E"Y ents, Se� --tb.
tableare�tV�OLsxhall nes '.for. on 16 V ter' t ro Of fnonthly� AIRCEIBA a LA Aia.
offical repoi wh I t t. in a riso �datloi d by hef
,Is take d6wn.dnsb6rth&fid stf ff of the dairy and col:1 a, J. Bak-fr.-
;grag*, *-ber
Iird -uttered Spe I I for mavxt 48.
P114 min- v itsslio ner are
emL These cowqi
Malce up- llansikrd. A littler milk, 4.2 teis�
aged 70f 1h. wn t e is a desk t at Garinenfg lust %V 0
ii h -of the Speaker... 12, M itn i t., 97 cowrx aver -i Too .b. Mil Iss Vry
Sergeiat- t, rp�s, the 1b. fat.
chi -exed4tivE D1xviale 9-6 VIgt, 19.9
qer, the Ifa3 sard
11 40'
dian-, f the pQace and
air giel Ib mil t wbia.-tad ndeigon-, n 4.9 eg, 19.2 lb
F)lyin' about fat. rctureO horie
4� for eve",
t e e.;
a�re. th W-1 t, arif silent ;Ae or ins best, i lboidng fal.-I* wexl�_ i I
all' wearin' b VlCrUat 710f,30 yet,
_Zapfe has _Sone b !to Vie I qk EWn. td h&ad. 1rows th( "average
vhit 'yields".
ver 3!,-'C a ehipannis'
e collars anT ielia. When very mucl I la the shae. A seven-
the)� sebX thenigelves!ozi the at In Whether ru, �Lre tall or shorfL—stotit, or' c t twIe' la
a7nd and fw�,i
'dius, and at sitings !carried t nerkiji,, Ort., that calv4d �.Vghsl ead
Year orld cow In th atsWlation
hie nigl# it is no� unustial to gave in .25th March tq4
,W �eats of ,. H:, AobhftaoVV DIsWet IWpe th13 10 -da, of Nprll no less tbin— around or bi and
curled'iip there. fast! asleep, th4n �g uple of we 84,s, bfore �4
1910 1b. milk, estknV 8.3, 9 UP a : "o.
il (it the parlialnentaiy ba 63
t- lb. od butt�x f,%t, 1:1 VnI tor J�r tiz-h 0olumbf a.;, Mr. :41;
0 em,
air iind th 7 OrO cow arg do7ii—yon can get pst e�
I td be bomt th Suit that -3 were, thie Z*Sts ot d, ted a i -gaud ei
m114A in place J%W.,
r ed ,the "Jorder of the'of tIn-e- 1hare Js- lmmena�e s 11W ,T-audfat d- Janies avl,-
MI,,t s Emma
0. a settieg% down � to -the of [at o Look to the itsyou tyle and, your physip6 i i lezt F -Ida
ur id mat, su
I ne a of the -sitting.1 if it, in
dividualp t the verage The epandt iv. hisr bolid With �h
be es�'d&y the�r busi- wo k of ,tl OW e�ting associati(wo -ter, 'Edith Gc of GraW
Je p ceeded w Progres�! Brand Clothing.
lth;if ago - I's iel pin (WIPMer:4 'to We rer i
v fai , , r!
9 . detect poor
lay the Prime MinWer Will
I s also )iOvIng- uGef al
Cov 13; It Tvlali her at
n theibrider � paber the. mat In of, L ]
-Ise qrj 19 bittOr treatment totr cows, so lot
ishesl - �en -up, It njay be that more milk m fewer an1maI4 !-and Harvey, Of DArW1t,,!
Id, rl Ing,of anim Ortant' Look:toi the label that Nk--. I Wd PaV_ 101 Sunday. -W;
can b) obtalted. I I lere are now ov- of for
Qr 10 Canada., ic hailey Gibs learnvl�
Wm. 39
guarantees satis' L Will not be' disPooed
a to -Ome, or i t , r4ay be an
debate conimiDnee&.1 in'ny d 0h hig �r, TohT4 �q
faction. fore. Perhap 0
s, the leaders
I S w- k.
ed to L epae.� les, -for Hore err.
bring-the.il drawn i
_�Afln jits 1 0
to an end at at- sit- -Teal Is mor2 zus, ptiblip, to
vnd by t7n-an
o t e On the. ques- Sol 40�
Maot farmers, 'b,, nw� a ONO evin but
gh keepir
eeclies 'have nev,, r be e
to be number of. horaes,
ot Iziow he �P� almid
members wi
to sIMPle remedies r 'the slight all. !aIr �*'sold In bull, form. T
Ilead P"k-ts qf jt�
'the tta in all nlp ba�'lthe horrj Is eir to. 0latulence
their views mer JE% JL
e issixe before'the house; or -colle Vilth cswel 19 15 quikly re-
-las king kees on ho r af fer liVed by a drEinch ealt, andi water,, upon "Salada.'?
ix,( M
�s a brief e-' fIilch ill onir in a
H� use riiing until eight' 4 1 6wed by
un" of I
b4i, who ex, I e. Thi
W11110rce the gas -out.
floor henhe sitting wascp4alkd Id Post 1 Off lee chani 1V D
nnen The ;mem atli wlh soon -an
contin4es.liks' eech when itb e p be� reheved. ion t o' o �Jnto_-b'i wh- has ff d th:� pG,4 V
A!Qecclftd dose Ir bout twenty mi
al 'V $ter li.�re for gevor`31
.er 8 t= the i h r ut63 1, Is if ot sufficiently
Imi And' to t
3: Of - th& �'Pigb t [ we4 avk� relitc- ved. 7creditl
on Mort, of Real Esta 'r -the, Jrdy- liglt of! ealy; GCI� Wiltb gag te at Cur1rent Rates of the. prerle and. i
.4ing, but 'with
lbw.q t IMugh he �,,talned cr: bown �, needs a is Vartine nt�, has r�afgped, and
lows'of -thecham er arlp: Of the' trong d�* 1,61. Scott has I b, en cor, 11
b when teas :)onfuls of
reip,oy - two baking P-1
end so� Business y U nn
s delivere The .a, two teaspoi All Siridi 0 dent
onfuls of ground gin- -change will take p' about 1,
bhe division is lift"n'd and
I rg f tur
ives ti or W, tv ro" talespoonvils 0 rentine,
Vf Jul T'. and the ro�zl atfic!
Itw'> teas POOnfuls Of audanium, In- a
Warm oge, Librraa 1 erins of Repayment frora Its 110esent -trio 'bells that s of tlifee OUn' 3 of
unim ce
I the pqstwaster
eirs ;o ther ening bf the ]3abadDeB alo'�,% a. 1 tle ginger molst- J1Sa41
,'thrf a O'clo 6n the pre. enf d with w tha t hL4 �ap r
LP WiXture IL--
ater, wri two
y. by �1
teril oon are set ringig 10111 shaped 4:arce eted Quickly 1 1*111 bE
thrust with Loans Compt, 1 11c, Ail 1 that he 3` fill th
fot I ve minute,&- their han Well tor he
as Aft �ptably to s�
Of throat. This
u es ifi, every" Part of the.' d 66t,aickien 9, he - oil *des� I It 1 bonp, rne4
ee lIkei
0 1 brain mashte i � oly b penses
June. I
into the tifg_ IT the case of a borse
tro* chainber Purging
�e badi r, ve three tea-poonfuls. of- laud-
im are r idly, filled. on
ch Zoon -of la-zt we-ek It t1he a�ma(mb�s -are somewhat all�",' n milk.. n 9 L case of
Full information adly given In,,
is -pur Iful Qf Vout ml d iss a rJ
wait ad tl te filve raiii-Ites pi a oats-wIll lelpv"
ks that iemind one,. arfuge b7 HL 1piLrit survilves e c ol h L
ven in omes' blo)d, o take; down utm
L t Pounds of shoi.wing itself -Arms J_'!jJ
man, LZ O�, ion salt, W_
-able OCRs ariffes ome-
6f Epswn salts,, halt - a
eV Um .7. ftMer Vie, br,
ng struckup fow 4 (of ffulpbur, a i(ater of a rouhd
an d ery. -he ar, n of h7r f4t er, en
An f ing joins ful-the cho Of saltbetre. 'a. table 4,poontai :1-11
rus. feed
ne Wxs- b-;411zt1fu11y a
is, the stirring thre
strains'o.f t me.B 'a week. For sore shoul- Vnite KIM trimm-4 with cli
fus sulphur ane lail wItW a few Z h*
9, otlir times Minister-. er,$ 'us
marrIed a bouquiEt dif
bleid. their drqps7'of carbolic oil,
Wbite, liniment
P, a-' Savi London, Ont.
e qual 0
t; sweet music bf "Down made cf c arts, white of eggs, Loan a ngS 'zind fliowers wlizu i1eNOWS Wt
mWrY, ihe guest
twat Lee 'Riveri
There is turps niad v1negar,s1ak-cn Up! and eft
IRging than to')stand a day Is. q4te s 4 126TtY I I nun. bar, sat 4own to i
Imor Y in the si or. Is a the,
ting. al�;
;ny You cat bu-. , and very good
for IuVu4 repast. Th
e Nothmic so fitie as
:o entei the-"cRamber are 1-25orcs too. Yr proud � fle�h,
riklE With Ipo�vdel,ed bluestune. For
Vhi the retu bildLa goln dres-_,
of those ul)jn or e
one i1n forty dr tiltb. wor
have olleoted. : 1 009. good. con::Rtk !`baf ot vbIffon. 11t
belt po�v . e , m w1ith ciarbolic, M e Buds
g an indip, tion that r Ing is e, been C co S.
a rompw e gierrtiaii i
aseringing, -the d6oris are P illmrowd iat tb�we'Aadt 4_0 t
sulp iat(! f Iron, an", t
vote -is f4ien. The ]!he McKAlop Kutual the a
Tie izzlest. *ay to physic a,
ts I I Le. question,:, calling. 6tf horse They i xe an excelle�it confection. jerS or they -St xted 0% tIrt
Whe i a on or other, vise, Is to Ins4rance Cowpany. 7or Of L the same to- rise, put on -4urne
Y� ;. tm( no ae_-
t g1ater, who. was. not Ith rcin on er iside of the ding J thl
bride 14
er bit''Enje, passed thjr�yu-gb Joviler Oac-m Were W. Butz iber I I
,when the question W- as ov-r a pole FARM AND ISOLATED f 'Wkngham, trj anq. t Vote. If it is a gove Dr.);w--head up high ToW
In the r table roof
ri I -_ In -We first to rise and and po r Into corne 0 of ;mouth ralow- Cowan 8 Cre am 1 PROPERTY ONLY ISIYURED.,
vote i� If, ie refultses- -tcy -swallowj corl-
will bethe Irrime Min-
th lk M*
e in edic:t e he -V wn. c
Assistant Clerk fine Via -ndstrlls foi, m wl
standing, han� aid tb''
4 al oter's nZe, and, the will go do ki.._fhocolate, et P. 0. The gr&M" Vl"4�W
his tale, ks off k4d F�: 0. 1 ThooM
ed ist, each m(Me as it is, tal)
fent, Brueeiti
after an�
he 11-st -of Scottish, fam�rs v�ho. member risin SO4�everywhere in.Canada. are, ,(>Mi'ng 'to Canada In August on a
fbingy his hat 'Abowing,
seVp i weeks tour t i respob.se 'to the
ibersin one'rcVv of seat9 InAl Btk n
of the Qaiadfa7l
ore th6s& in t ie row im- ment ts an Influent Tux COWAN C0.V 1in, ted, T0FLONTO fhftfty_� seafortl Ran A,
I ome, including I G. Grieviel, Winth
a JMtil' all L ii rop
)ehind,,and so o' Sir: linclalr,. coug� i of the Scottish G"'i
Ae have. been recorded. IN&AU; 74)lkn Eanne*e44
is(ecr�tar T.
ppal�er - calls or zhbse op- y tbe collaDse. %ithe, 1TAmea Zvi -.Re"hwzo4l t
tat: risi 1 Watt. Harlook; Tho& L'� Ar4W t
6 motion a, . and the .200 -foot Oniii. have a 'failing ogf
t, tR4 & New York allway Bridg,
T "IMOADFOOf ftld-,- J6bn- 134' meriesin
)is completed, . wal 1, Canal will Ox Vuls t 1'.q
'an t d for- sev-ii.
Dun ote . from Iiis *D=0117, dllifttioU. Your hair. I ht leav
Liaki g a d eriil we( Ica and a losa i as been eutaile
gni ed bow to whic d AGRXT8. Th�,n what? 7 twul
i,r a anounc, i t lie result— h al ultimate.7 rr-ach $50,000. Robt', 8mitb. R-arlook; -The bri, Ige, Is a mas; in Scraggly, uneven, 4
ly, I ays so I ftany�. of twisted lrot, ley, Seafnith Jamer, Re
W" 'fet. ff!
Keep Yo aiiiii hrar at b�
P. 0. R. G. armcpej], BrodhMW0
i in f14 15 Y 175 feii Wid f urniture. PA'Sten -it flighel our
AYouni ed by the bMk Of th5 Canal-haf��, j o
the M
I "T onster un, Saf'e o F 4D Y
-171 1 tOD of ltxg demollshm-d -ii A liqua, , Ily 0, khd e and' 25 f
tobal 00M2, Vardle a -ad Geo.
HC use at onc Journs de-U."Pi: T:, aern at traffic on th'
e You can essiiv d� it wth A
m. of enthu., iastle appla�use rallway will be Interrupted fD%' a 1wig
ctor ious pal ty., L" Then, the 11*4od. ReMes Ibis several local it- Never befo& Vitor. is some
3ur out frob L t1 �p phamber, dulArles' that were -using. waterp6w.. wa's f xere such a variety 0 choose: frio= Buy from NOTIOE
th man A. sxlmkv�-Ie heW �k
cloii dowrj, All, this A. e reatest variety.! 'W.'e have y fr 10.0 another er ara was ptore that gives you b the largest variety
Uken my brother J, Xen edy.
-erness to Te. chtheir lock- 9a lic-W 11 a break IT Pf furniture in the coun-1 Having il Po-+
th, the bank ot the hing ever offered to Y, and our prices for,�- uylers will ealiNe aay- ner in the butcher businea:jl�j bWU a heir med.
bats, 'an qvercoats ead a I � 7 uesday nuwn I rig. -When first 1111P to June lst,'and all acoomte not settl
twa; t PeOP113 Of Seafov;�h.Snd surroundin - country. 41, tollic) 8, -hair fo6a
9theiv I n 9 1&A w-01 be hinded in for ooUedion. 'Khm'
,ss and ii4ticed b the iockMan bfo:jock 18,
DM elbrillian lighted tibelleal WaIg About ;wd o Buy where you V6*e'of "O.-th an4 surmlulding Wu T bext
-ir tnree feet can got quality and quantity. i
Itheirp4ronsge lor the puL ten yems..we 'Eli tibid
iev go, Out in the grey In idiam,.,ter,. rAxne 50 feet West of the �merib a contluuqmca of the same by strict.
ly n orwilag, &n.� after the railway bridge. Th6 Camal baink Iv. ov- to businm and a squiaxe ftaL
rer Is s
e noi ivciet botto mi tblis htl'the. or one hundred feet t the Colin Ketinedy.
Dint, aboutL40 feet -at BE
Ta We JOINES FOR $ALL'' 0 A Ei and tbe! W aInd faced -;AtW hepLvy �Gtiq
,*11 " ne
g V1 44�wy rk
_#Y BI
can be heard, far WRI cab Go iul -an Immense 1CL49 to, the abip- .2
er . I L *.
e! ling SO oets the of th !Fort Of
er go -oat, Cana- i,,o W
'0, W 9 to the ex t ra expowe 1:
76V We S OW.- chm 11vary bus um in 136XS0;JW
Z_ Us 4- 3-- A �A horjw
��Ny' woi�,
A t= all- will be Incurred In ImnsmitUng
-8. T. HOL'NM
AW -X. -V A. —=L
Wbe wM epher -with or wlthwt the lbourSw�.
btWacia done. Pmprldor goh-w
7 :7-'
7— 1
TP04 i!! NO -_T"
-Y sh
A --.f -v I i
rt: a k-;,, i IL
1L L
ftrlor Parlor Tables
Irbin, t
Xusiii� Cabineis Couches At fli,,
Sideboard Rall Racks A
Or le
1 belnw
1 Kitchen Cabinets 4"
-p �eiii,:
g Room Tablea Dining. Chairs -
Dalu4l well -made and at reasonable es. knit
Red Ri SUItes Bedd -Couches *V 'o
t 6 ta
Sp -rings Wassand Iron Bedr,
9. si t
r ]�dolv
Newest stylies and all at popular-prlces�
W- e also calit
Y a Complete stock of CARPETS, RUGS, &"ee
arei selected
designs and colokings.
&at of date' goods do not sat --i UP to date people.
t le'r
a V 0 Vi
uur Undertaking vepart.ment, �Op",i
b cqm�lete In every detail. Wehave -the beit'iuhaer tired hearEe* in th(
Uviuntp Night or Ei�ndsy calls at residence, Goderich Street �Vast, oppOSifA IS 1_0i
St, Jlamee Church. CP Y I
e iwa.
-eator' SE'
W. J. ""Er ha
I t! e. thea
other riding would ba O#_Mecll for thiii U e Ion
t1 a I
Whi(Aer Of Agriculture, but, with .50 use
large a f011OWIng it the. ed per
HoWe, and so
=AFFORTH, FRIDAYii -Ju1Y -.S-- 1908-. many WPIrwfts, for the- vacant 1port- is -erS! 4
tollo, U la hardly likely that Mr. r4E
7 1
iieY: WIR im-SIst M Xi--'Montelthls' -1 rd
egUlajf�e th$ AUto
remalulne.--Sba, names. --most promin-
fte r6peated avoldep6- wWrh WIA17 co4mected with the offied al"ID . ii _S
=curred an the, hig"limys"_ through el
H, Carn Slid
-ogle, of East Vict6rla and" tic
drivers m-cetint alfemoplies bave nd IS �e
1wi I PlnlvY G. i9acidfarmid, of
cauzed a atentwus asaltaii I ev eryw
lowardstlie of:kha� b*hw&'Y,9 Of, lit ble p
Ae provinea w i : s "I . e - Te1AQ_ Ecutoi Notes'and C 0-mments jai *48,
Iva of this Idnid. In miny *rarts of tile 4we-, extend traumal , "CoIngratulat-ioni nctbus
1, to i 1 81 eakei
Provinc6 rc-queats been maide: to i &meS Mite-hel.13, editor of the fair 1�nt 1 0
regulata the hco W . mo 1,105 1 Goderich Star, an tho occ,%,31on of ble see thel
MarrIage to - luba Alexa!ndra
may be allowed 02 highwao. -Ih 'Ada=, d,
daUghter of David Adamal of Coli t181i il
'rir col -i that *Omm
1bW Wa;Y It Is itropol borne- towheMp. Tha Interestingeive-at
and children* may *V4 Ito their differ- t9ok Nace an Apdnesday of iast_ weak, d
se ous,
"s certain (ham
en' market towra durin
is �rh
Without the nerve rag, beinr rover 'Cleveland, PreIi-sident �of �tbe
I - - a . ' , . e
,a Ch for theL el- United Staters from L 18.85. to 1889 and meni
VWtAUuP(1K!_1Y on s1w
lite, h0 -113P _j Ith L t pan7lng- agi from 103 to 1897, (Iled at ble sel Dot h!
at 'he
I ut to &teh. bome at Ftr�c On,- New ' JW--ey, �on
dmiger of b g e. ter
abase, v .&A s a very well Wednesd&Y of last week. Clevelmid bil�WM`4'
eir but the q estica is, will. Was for years .-a. foremost tigure , in
ublic affaj�j3.. � He, was a ad lilt
American p q.
Abe difficulty he overc4me'and will I I t 0
�rornuen advocate of lower tariff. WIA
Veqrkla whQ bpwc�* to P�' on the bi%h-
Se h a
Wy4 other -,tba:n th-, I special hours
IL ID the Can dian House of OU J ifq�
re.1 any. eafer. It zeems to us that commons. tin 'and
the difficulty 13 not t. be avereo,
by a XMtrictling ot-the !�ourz when, the XrOm Canadian Life and Re.5ources de verei
.3 ail�wed the lib -all
owtomobile Is to, b 'Priv- res ctij
Ilega of wIng the hlgh�7a�,S. There is - The Canadian lJoia e, of Common tl
.1 's Aw _I(
I'tralasacts the greater s 'of its busi- hoi r
Vion-Lethin- more re I part
d, and . the
consider t ness at -night, not Decause it prefers' ej
1prin"o-IT-al thiug�ls_ - tha. ably I dLarkness to' lightl but because th&
0 c,
more diser-tida must -e sbown on' committeessit during the fore -noon. hel
the parf of tha drivera .,�f a-atQmobAes# 'Th leaves. 'the 14ft5rnooi
-and -the sus)
Oust �aow the crai- Is new and the� night to the'Rouse Which -meets at the h3gi
4 -me 01 of every
arl. .3 P.M., sitting as a r�fe'un til midnight, Thf i
automobfie� zTems to biq to, ,get from but often into the early Morning. &n� ofti
eta 'nobi-it to, another. lint' the leaat From the flagstaff on the -tower a " T
Mo. in
alble time, regardless of the safety or -luster � of- electric lights t,*inkles at
glass. vi
comfort of other a�*oTle who ght whenAhe Hoi is -sitting and the li�at h
aTC Te- ni
quilred -to tx;s7a the roa Unler ex- I sometimes it -Tales in the li&'ht of has WE
t�Uhg circumstances priv!s, It Is breaking day before it is Ct Out. the Tea,
turne Q,
not probable that tha to ;;;, Ile will At `3 th peaker, wearing a
a co�ince
-general uIse, blae Wn ancl cocked hat Rkid
-ao that there, seems 111t illrdirpect of those of a, judge , and preceded b the' Th 01
the horem of the rural I onstitue'nele-c% Sergeant-ati-ArT, with swbra a'T side the e
sitt T,
at- lea -3t, bccomitng sti ficlently ac- and mace 6n ulder leaves 'his a- Ja
qualated Afth thEin toi them ac- Partments, 'and miarZilig solemnly ceteN,4 g:
tiiptomed to them th�Ltt th�y Will p04 down the corridev, enters th a J.an
_ 0 Dh%njb_
_,da_ng'e± --to t1W Oaapa�its Of, or Aud t ter iont
e- -Same
r1g. jJuat ob loaraT, si aatomobpeo - molm3-tit '-dlectric Wis thtouggh-6ut the uIld"tAk..
are allowed to, e AhO Toaft of bu�ildini announce --the bei'Gaing of Meiiibe
tlLe day a sitting. - As soon as th g and P-nqy
the proi- at a1xy old �speed there e rizi
will be aceldfttil!. The remedy rests lug ceases the Spealker re V'su ally t
-a�e of h- h Lads prayer hilarious
In either probibi t e and -all the "Other members stand,
8 noj L mitte'd to fille I in
Jfth,ways to thes, d tle.-nds or 'in e a ors
ey- spe 3 bt t t' are -ad
placing euch restrictionE on them as galfeRes until the - conclusion of that the
*111 make th--va dlrectry reaponsiblethese- devotional, exercises, for the. the gra-Y.
for ady damage that r�ay be dohe. -House bf Commons does not Wish to whenlf&V
Thera are at the -prese Umd' laws 'he seen of men when Iit prays. tim, �,-s a
ring the prayers, m6mbers do not bo whc
that requira the. automd Mat to atop
as:01 t the dfriver arrivi
iii requested andd aa: -44; enter the chamber, those ng too At 'U'les
with th�ir hor: late for the openingwait in the lobb B i adi
of vehlel-5 Past. Ses but
Y . Rere, each day aL group of Ministerj�'f_ ts a,
tbese lai are diSre d every,day, lalh
Wits And Opi)nists jostle each oth- VOI(es in
and mai timea a di What wa
want I's a little com a-tnse an the er, exchanging. greetings and on the
Vart of -the peo-ple ww can afford 'times cracking jokes. A few minutes grei 6te L r hi
thts means of C"nve VIL-A! I later the brief truce is dissolved and in t:. iel'del
onveyan and some-
emen within the
these saientl
-thing to Inistil, into �r minds the
tact that otheit ha chamber engliged in wordy war.
ve -al right to the fo air the art
!4 rioads as well as--themse,&'eS.L If a feW
4 - I �� Coming- fr
examplfz are made'- ose who ha OUlhis private room, -off. the
vp- the corridor. leadin ir#o6.
little r:19ard for, the comfort of 9 to the library,; 'the b6lls
the Prime Minister often enters the
otheri, It
_��t be lc before. the amber d
ch 010 al
drIver3 of automol during rb. ti edings
->Il:s ge-neral u ine proce
which follow pravers. 'Thirty-four
recognize that they arO u -sing 'the L 0
EEMfffl L years -have passed since he first took a
moad--s only under _And they m er i
-wilt be ul for th seat there. The fleeting years, filled
gra in e cliti
rzmall 1'rIv with the toils ai anxie � -
fleg; S elve them a accordingly. ties. iDf public
The rz:-iult of t life, and th- put C.1,131
e past twelve, weighted
his XV111 be -a corres- wfth the responsibilities me t hai61
po%ding de-crea.3t gn tho� of office,have
-number of
tj' gr8iii deeper the lines of his face, in s por
aceldents. Arid should le, time co istet T11
mo thinned the flowing looks, and frosted
!that the horsecs in the Vral districts Cal 11 b
have Veorne accustomed to these veh- thei with grey, 'but his figure is as..
lele# then ilt will erect and graceful as ever, an . d his le sde
be suft clent tifne to s e on :prii
-let tha reiftrlof 'beco t ImOst as firm and elastic,
';K 0]?Ponel call 01
Me more lax, � 11 '_ J 3,tv Mr. R -L.' Borden, is
It Is up to the farmere -themselves to _a M oth r'or
Vut in, a Istreatwus obj-ption, a -ad ore bustliDg man,and as he strides the 33�(
down the long corridor leading from all
-Woner this is do" - anQ1 the - more his -private room in the western end voting b
rArenudas the objection,
the Sooner of the building, he looks the very- " per mediately
wilt they bo rid of th14 menace to sortificati on that
their sa:fety oa the higliways which . on of health and en,rgyj and Th6d the
bave b�en erected and rn,�lntalmed w-1th of courage and self-reliance too, - The
eneral election that c d Sir Wil- posed tol
'ther mon�y.. arne nalva
frid into power also brou '- Mr. Bor- the
den to the House of CO=8. The Clerk
It LZ probable that the dereat of Hon. twelve years during which he has -sat list, and
te-Ith In Sou there -five ag a privateme pea,
NeIii ko'n, th Perth -9411 mber and S
seven as log der of th6: Opposition—, ayes so m
M-Ult in his retirement �ft-om Politics, have also left -their marks. upon Sir . Tiie de4
[At one time It WW thougbt that an. WiljriXs . opponent, , although his Sp� I er,
to n--mirengthens enfeebled
nursing -mothers by increasLng- their flesh-- and
neirve force.
It provides baby -with the necessary fat"
and mineral. fopid for he'ilthy gr6wth.
il a st
Y2 th�
r ibers
o,! the `(
. obtA'.."
08U na oi
nt vy mew
er of
a -all intents and
to fiLstAnding�ule,., '11ritain an� aetSr 4 4,1111 erff b. ing,�pr�coen
oon t
aost"days,134D ition
Is aa -Premie e X. of 'th- a Fr. o nt dQ' o of anv
it �by -1 - I r P 6 n Of GreA
r of
YIN rm-ce
��eied, foli by I iA Afift', 11A the 10tWof at t fu unprovild
t �e- a noient re Y ot rether 111ninter; , , 1 1 i
el _S%nLg part -,h s hn nekt,
vy own dioniatic G -DAnxper
� "t he of the glislipedrag6,
IS torlookin
tra e it's djecient, "ek. to Saxo,
9 time -to and tly co�itected !With
M0 _-pipe- qas pre--aWme
vtppeA'T� t04 be a 0100:of -Aruridel-bastre, the D 'ke's ' 9't61
u W st;
way. mr!
bw�he,wilil subse"ently usi ex b om i; -dates from the tinie of 1or -11. to esc
t JEW- -1
d disorder .&nd ip whomen tioned it it � hi's _J L— �' "�ilistrafion), but heat, are 0
T1 k,67eleventlii diike Bpent �$3, 000i'_ escapd�
all Oii6 6 a�e- es and- a mur-
and V�M;�.t does� �Sun
the present duk, tb.e ofteont
co3ne id. Igo a-8 as speit at le4st SS,",Ooo Mo.
th&y �b - I
ta Gas,,D-ampei mean ter
t C eavig the 'Ihb Sout Ade a�nd grand entrance�, ,CL,y U VY Un
th y al"W to the Nell'a4tbe old �iep,'am 6i S Ah
t sit 0 Wr desks w arollitecture, buthehiefen on to th& or ads U13 coyere as 'com. a hl�, q
nilicent deep Norman doo slogges ut Some t1t
It eeie'OSL (notes t h om tiligir - laces, ever) , ;; WL g"Ct- 0 of thp, 446
VU VU wrrespoijdent�
ow isl- t �ey Mut first V lat Wit h E 0 101* and c'ontinn" with a trec- i i i ee�- r 2z r. 1 -it
!hats. Jh e whonj � t�he ry the ohild tha,+ Wiliat does histo Was house. Was a
be m0#1ent -does not in - theethe,dayshoOldbeth, -bei -.4%anshine" hoLeholderr'? e light-ning rh il t r d: a to this tagb of the da's ..t( d ilown
L be'
that has beez!i'born i.
ey ALreriVally in a 116 tl k ti le- dt ke� �OiU i fq!�w�i c=
ie hi 0 m7 of th-;- =G�s. .-The �t I
sit ori castle, The titles LI
=y the. lis6lv'es- in: v4rious Witho
-w-hich he will suedeed-are shwe d to kIiidItnq,. Nvood a _43
Ing t 6 newspaper ID'Illie nUMr 0C severa:
.1 st ei thalnt4ose held by +
for H
!me Un� k was V]
of No
rs, cO e tin 134 =Can S�s to
othep peei He VT )f speeZho-es' olk -Barl of Ar wbegeAbouts o z, and.
unde],� of Sul, fly, No the
6, �'-the pr6c6edlng day, ana
fic lk' Balt Oil Fitzalan. -,Cluu _,41d W at oes !no"Pas Davie!:, sumn tb accounto! ifet ratling: IC was a ek
es, f they� iitln the uper w
it theans, th If S4 t!! rahall. and"eridi.
�W'11- also )e I
.y afws W
'i the Ministerial from the t Ma" ..s check -draft indef 6itely closed to Edet!10
Ok'11 L I iiae � of' 11 of England, an 01 1. Re ort Tha the, House is a t er w* mney--draft c;W WRh:
ge RJ)hief Butlek, parts of heat-ener to one part of gasassing up Chi lative C- ta ndi ng f the 0i
ngw ine end of - which c jifer
iipredecessor in th, day's d Imaim!'School Seel 1011 No. 9, My 7, Ot -;red ul , n hi
,Ler-9 caar _aUl w-feit7 be opi mved for Another
th cei tu th of standing on a ffitee�ith cei 1 with te Ma4mifli-
dais -'surmonted by a Olplument of$100-a year uitab.
rved gothic are Mainta in its oigni,
Of 01 and t� tv. C ger1c
eXtending. along, rh e 'Pr,� ser t hoic ier O all these d'
the gallery, of the repre- nme , ;anc 194
til leg is �robably one of the C
19 of the dAily press. B Toreaw ei E. !Joyff
elow. M)stuna'S11:1011 ialenlin�the British rk,',J. A. N 5t'� W. I'!
ker',t dins [is 7" lolig- table, at I's est W0121=4 A&
Of " hich afts t4� Clerk of t Bren rrmai 4 Uan r e. alay, Q 1-1
Part la --O. d hi,, i assiist4nt, In black rows V id ..Part 11-1v EJ
wo �by i Testing -CA arri8ter. Below N914 E"Y ents, Se� --tb.
tableare�tV�OLsxhall nes '.for. on 16 V ter' t ro Of fnonthly� AIRCEIBA a LA Aia.
offical repoi wh I t t. in a riso �datloi d by hef
,Is take d6wn.dnsb6rth&fid stf ff of the dairy and col:1 a, J. Bak-fr.-
;grag*, *-ber
Iird -uttered Spe I I for mavxt 48.
P114 min- v itsslio ner are
emL These cowqi
Malce up- llansikrd. A littler milk, 4.2 teis�
aged 70f 1h. wn t e is a desk t at Garinenfg lust %V 0
ii h -of the Speaker... 12, M itn i t., 97 cowrx aver -i Too .b. Mil Iss Vry
Sergeiat- t, rp�s, the 1b. fat.
chi -exed4tivE D1xviale 9-6 VIgt, 19.9
qer, the Ifa3 sard
11 40'
dian-, f the pQace and
air giel Ib mil t wbia.-tad ndeigon-, n 4.9 eg, 19.2 lb
F)lyin' about fat. rctureO horie
4� for eve",
t e e.;
a�re. th W-1 t, arif silent ;Ae or ins best, i lboidng fal.-I* wexl�_ i I
all' wearin' b VlCrUat 710f,30 yet,
_Zapfe has _Sone b !to Vie I qk EWn. td h&ad. 1rows th( "average
vhit 'yields".
ver 3!,-'C a ehipannis'
e collars anT ielia. When very mucl I la the shae. A seven-
the)� sebX thenigelves!ozi the at In Whether ru, �Lre tall or shorfL—stotit, or' c t twIe' la
a7nd and fw�,i
'dius, and at sitings !carried t nerkiji,, Ort., that calv4d �.Vghsl ead
Year orld cow In th atsWlation
hie nigl# it is no� unustial to gave in .25th March tq4
,W �eats of ,. H:, AobhftaoVV DIsWet IWpe th13 10 -da, of Nprll no less tbin— around or bi and
curled'iip there. fast! asleep, th4n �g uple of we 84,s, bfore �4
1910 1b. milk, estknV 8.3, 9 UP a : "o.
il (it the parlialnentaiy ba 63
t- lb. od butt�x f,%t, 1:1 VnI tor J�r tiz-h 0olumbf a.;, Mr. :41;
0 em,
air iind th 7 OrO cow arg do7ii—yon can get pst e�
I td be bomt th Suit that -3 were, thie Z*Sts ot d, ted a i -gaud ei
m114A in place J%W.,
r ed ,the "Jorder of the'of tIn-e- 1hare Js- lmmena�e s 11W ,T-audfat d- Janies avl,-
MI,,t s Emma
0. a settieg% down � to -the of [at o Look to the itsyou tyle and, your physip6 i i lezt F -Ida
ur id mat, su
I ne a of the -sitting.1 if it, in
dividualp t the verage The epandt iv. hisr bolid With �h
be es�'d&y the�r busi- wo k of ,tl OW e�ting associati(wo -ter, 'Edith Gc of GraW
Je p ceeded w Progres�! Brand Clothing.
lth;if ago - I's iel pin (WIPMer:4 'to We rer i
v fai , , r!
9 . detect poor
lay the Prime MinWer Will
I s also )iOvIng- uGef al
Cov 13; It Tvlali her at
n theibrider � paber the. mat In of, L ]
-Ise qrj 19 bittOr treatment totr cows, so lot
ishesl - �en -up, It njay be that more milk m fewer an1maI4 !-and Harvey, Of DArW1t,,!
Id, rl Ing,of anim Ortant' Look:toi the label that Nk--. I Wd PaV_ 101 Sunday. -W;
can b) obtalted. I I lere are now ov- of for
Qr 10 Canada., ic hailey Gibs learnvl�
Wm. 39
guarantees satis' L Will not be' disPooed
a to -Ome, or i t , r4ay be an
debate conimiDnee&.1 in'ny d 0h hig �r, TohT4 �q
faction. fore. Perhap 0
s, the leaders
I S w- k.
ed to L epae.� les, -for Hore err.
bring-the.il drawn i
_�Afln jits 1 0
to an end at at- sit- -Teal Is mor2 zus, ptiblip, to
vnd by t7n-an
o t e On the. ques- Sol 40�
Maot farmers, 'b,, nw� a ONO evin but
gh keepir
eeclies 'have nev,, r be e
to be number of. horaes,
ot Iziow he �P� almid
members wi
to sIMPle remedies r 'the slight all. !aIr �*'sold In bull, form. T
Ilead P"k-ts qf jt�
'the tta in all nlp ba�'lthe horrj Is eir to. 0latulence
their views mer JE% JL
e issixe before'the house; or -colle Vilth cswel 19 15 quikly re-
-las king kees on ho r af fer liVed by a drEinch ealt, andi water,, upon "Salada.'?
ix,( M
�s a brief e-' fIilch ill onir in a
H� use riiing until eight' 4 1 6wed by
un" of I
b4i, who ex, I e. Thi
W11110rce the gas -out.
floor henhe sitting wascp4alkd Id Post 1 Off lee chani 1V D
nnen The ;mem atli wlh soon -an
contin4es.liks' eech when itb e p be� reheved. ion t o' o �Jnto_-b'i wh- has ff d th:� pG,4 V
A!Qecclftd dose Ir bout twenty mi
al 'V $ter li.�re for gevor`31
.er 8 t= the i h r ut63 1, Is if ot sufficiently
Imi And' to t
3: Of - th& �'Pigb t [ we4 avk� relitc- ved. 7creditl
on Mort, of Real Esta 'r -the, Jrdy- liglt of! ealy; GCI� Wiltb gag te at Cur1rent Rates of the. prerle and. i
.4ing, but 'with
lbw.q t IMugh he �,,talned cr: bown �, needs a is Vartine nt�, has r�afgped, and
lows'of -thecham er arlp: Of the' trong d�* 1,61. Scott has I b, en cor, 11
b when teas :)onfuls of
reip,oy - two baking P-1
end so� Business y U nn
s delivere The .a, two teaspoi All Siridi 0 dent
onfuls of ground gin- -change will take p' about 1,
bhe division is lift"n'd and
I rg f tur
ives ti or W, tv ro" talespoonvils 0 rentine,
Vf Jul T'. and the ro�zl atfic!
Itw'> teas POOnfuls Of audanium, In- a
Warm oge, Librraa 1 erins of Repayment frora Its 110esent -trio 'bells that s of tlifee OUn' 3 of
unim ce
I the pqstwaster
eirs ;o ther ening bf the ]3abadDeB alo'�,% a. 1 tle ginger molst- J1Sa41
,'thrf a O'clo 6n the pre. enf d with w tha t hL4 �ap r
LP WiXture IL--
ater, wri two
y. by �1
teril oon are set ringig 10111 shaped 4:arce eted Quickly 1 1*111 bE
thrust with Loans Compt, 1 11c, Ail 1 that he 3` fill th
fot I ve minute,&- their han Well tor he
as Aft �ptably to s�
Of throat. This
u es ifi, every" Part of the.' d 66t,aickien 9, he - oil *des� I It 1 bonp, rne4
ee lIkei
0 1 brain mashte i � oly b penses
June. I
into the tifg_ IT the case of a borse
tro* chainber Purging
�e badi r, ve three tea-poonfuls. of- laud-
im are r idly, filled. on
ch Zoon -of la-zt we-ek It t1he a�ma(mb�s -are somewhat all�",' n milk.. n 9 L case of
Full information adly given In,,
is -pur Iful Qf Vout ml d iss a rJ
wait ad tl te filve raiii-Ites pi a oats-wIll lelpv"
ks that iemind one,. arfuge b7 HL 1piLrit survilves e c ol h L
ven in omes' blo)d, o take; down utm
L t Pounds of shoi.wing itself -Arms J_'!jJ
man, LZ O�, ion salt, W_
-able OCRs ariffes ome-
6f Epswn salts,, halt - a
eV Um .7. ftMer Vie, br,
ng struckup fow 4 (of ffulpbur, a i(ater of a rouhd
an d ery. -he ar, n of h7r f4t er, en
An f ing joins ful-the cho Of saltbetre. 'a. table 4,poontai :1-11
rus. feed
ne Wxs- b-;411zt1fu11y a
is, the stirring thre
strains'o.f t me.B 'a week. For sore shoul- Vnite KIM trimm-4 with cli
fus sulphur ane lail wItW a few Z h*
9, otlir times Minister-. er,$ 'us
marrIed a bouquiEt dif
bleid. their drqps7'of carbolic oil,
Wbite, liniment
P, a-' Savi London, Ont.
e qual 0
t; sweet music bf "Down made cf c arts, white of eggs, Loan a ngS 'zind fliowers wlizu i1eNOWS Wt
mWrY, ihe guest
twat Lee 'Riveri
There is turps niad v1negar,s1ak-cn Up! and eft
IRging than to')stand a day Is. q4te s 4 126TtY I I nun. bar, sat 4own to i
Imor Y in the si or. Is a the,
ting. al�;
;ny You cat bu-. , and very good
for IuVu4 repast. Th
e Nothmic so fitie as
:o entei the-"cRamber are 1-25orcs too. Yr proud � fle�h,
riklE With Ipo�vdel,ed bluestune. For
Vhi the retu bildLa goln dres-_,
of those ul)jn or e
one i1n forty dr tiltb. wor
have olleoted. : 1 009. good. con::Rtk !`baf ot vbIffon. 11t
belt po�v . e , m w1ith ciarbolic, M e Buds
g an indip, tion that r Ing is e, been C co S.
a rompw e gierrtiaii i
aseringing, -the d6oris are P illmrowd iat tb�we'Aadt 4_0 t
sulp iat(! f Iron, an", t
vote -is f4ien. The ]!he McKAlop Kutual the a
Tie izzlest. *ay to physic a,
ts I I Le. question,:, calling. 6tf horse They i xe an excelle�it confection. jerS or they -St xted 0% tIrt
Whe i a on or other, vise, Is to Ins4rance Cowpany. 7or Of L the same to- rise, put on -4urne
Y� ;. tm( no ae_-
t g1ater, who. was. not Ith rcin on er iside of the ding J thl
bride 14
er bit''Enje, passed thjr�yu-gb Joviler Oac-m Were W. Butz iber I I
,when the question W- as ov-r a pole FARM AND ISOLATED f 'Wkngham, trj anq. t Vote. If it is a gove Dr.);w--head up high ToW
In the r table roof
ri I -_ In -We first to rise and and po r Into corne 0 of ;mouth ralow- Cowan 8 Cre am 1 PROPERTY ONLY ISIYURED.,
vote i� If, ie refultses- -tcy -swallowj corl-
will bethe Irrime Min-
th lk M*
e in edic:t e he -V wn. c
Assistant Clerk fine Via -ndstrlls foi, m wl
standing, han� aid tb''
4 al oter's nZe, and, the will go do ki.._fhocolate, et P. 0. The gr&M" Vl"4�W
his tale, ks off k4d F�: 0. 1 ThooM
ed ist, each m(Me as it is, tal)
fent, Brueeiti
after an�
he 11-st -of Scottish, fam�rs v�ho. member risin SO4�everywhere in.Canada. are, ,(>Mi'ng 'to Canada In August on a
fbingy his hat 'Abowing,
seVp i weeks tour t i respob.se 'to the
ibersin one'rcVv of seat9 InAl Btk n
of the Qaiadfa7l
ore th6s& in t ie row im- ment ts an Influent Tux COWAN C0.V 1in, ted, T0FLONTO fhftfty_� seafortl Ran A,
I ome, including I G. Grieviel, Winth
a JMtil' all L ii rop
)ehind,,and so o' Sir: linclalr,. coug� i of the Scottish G"'i
Ae have. been recorded. IN&AU; 74)lkn Eanne*e44
is(ecr�tar T.
ppal�er - calls or zhbse op- y tbe collaDse. %ithe, 1TAmea Zvi -.Re"hwzo4l t
tat: risi 1 Watt. Harlook; Tho& L'� Ar4W t
6 motion a, . and the .200 -foot Oniii. have a 'failing ogf
t, tR4 & New York allway Bridg,
T "IMOADFOOf ftld-,- J6bn- 134' meriesin
)is completed, . wal 1, Canal will Ox Vuls t 1'.q
'an t d for- sev-ii.
Dun ote . from Iiis *D=0117, dllifttioU. Your hair. I ht leav
Liaki g a d eriil we( Ica and a losa i as been eutaile
gni ed bow to whic d AGRXT8. Th�,n what? 7 twul
i,r a anounc, i t lie result— h al ultimate.7 rr-ach $50,000. Robt', 8mitb. R-arlook; -The bri, Ige, Is a mas; in Scraggly, uneven, 4
ly, I ays so I ftany�. of twisted lrot, ley, Seafnith Jamer, Re
W" 'fet. ff!
Keep Yo aiiiii hrar at b�
P. 0. R. G. armcpej], BrodhMW0
i in f14 15 Y 175 feii Wid f urniture. PA'Sten -it flighel our
AYouni ed by the bMk Of th5 Canal-haf��, j o
the M
I "T onster un, Saf'e o F 4D Y
-171 1 tOD of ltxg demollshm-d -ii A liqua, , Ily 0, khd e and' 25 f
tobal 00M2, Vardle a -ad Geo.
HC use at onc Journs de-U."Pi: T:, aern at traffic on th'
e You can essiiv d� it wth A
m. of enthu., iastle appla�use rallway will be Interrupted fD%' a 1wig
ctor ious pal ty., L" Then, the 11*4od. ReMes Ibis several local it- Never befo& Vitor. is some
3ur out frob L t1 �p phamber, dulArles' that were -using. waterp6w.. wa's f xere such a variety 0 choose: frio= Buy from NOTIOE
th man A. sxlmkv�-Ie heW �k
cloii dowrj, All, this A. e reatest variety.! 'W.'e have y fr 10.0 another er ara was ptore that gives you b the largest variety
Uken my brother J, Xen edy.
-erness to Te. chtheir lock- 9a lic-W 11 a break IT Pf furniture in the coun-1 Having il Po-+
th, the bank ot the hing ever offered to Y, and our prices for,�- uylers will ealiNe aay- ner in the butcher businea:jl�j bWU a heir med.
bats, 'an qvercoats ead a I � 7 uesday nuwn I rig. -When first 1111P to June lst,'and all acoomte not settl
twa; t PeOP113 Of Seafov;�h.Snd surroundin - country. 41, tollic) 8, -hair fo6a
9theiv I n 9 1&A w-01 be hinded in for ooUedion. 'Khm'
,ss and ii4ticed b the iockMan bfo:jock 18,
DM elbrillian lighted tibelleal WaIg About ;wd o Buy where you V6*e'of "O.-th an4 surmlulding Wu T bext
-ir tnree feet can got quality and quantity. i
Itheirp4ronsge lor the puL ten yems..we 'Eli tibid
iev go, Out in the grey In idiam,.,ter,. rAxne 50 feet West of the �merib a contluuqmca of the same by strict.
ly n orwilag, &n.� after the railway bridge. Th6 Camal baink Iv. ov- to businm and a squiaxe ftaL
rer Is s
e noi ivciet botto mi tblis htl'the. or one hundred feet t the Colin Ketinedy.
Dint, aboutL40 feet -at BE
Ta We JOINES FOR $ALL'' 0 A Ei and tbe! W aInd faced -;AtW hepLvy �Gtiq
,*11 " ne
g V1 44�wy rk
_#Y BI
can be heard, far WRI cab Go iul -an Immense 1CL49 to, the abip- .2
er . I L *.
e! ling SO oets the of th !Fort Of
er go -oat, Cana- i,,o W
'0, W 9 to the ex t ra expowe 1:
76V We S OW.- chm 11vary bus um in 136XS0;JW
Z_ Us 4- 3-- A �A horjw
��Ny' woi�,
A t= all- will be Incurred In ImnsmitUng
-8. T. HOL'NM
AW -X. -V A. —=L
Wbe wM epher -with or wlthwt the lbourSw�.
btWacia done. Pmprldor goh-w