The Huron Expositor, 1908-05-15, Page 3ten
..1 utlerile
4 robe,
with • a
.. white Mace.
, -
ng _ net of white car -
and in tled with _Satin
The only , attendants - be-
bridnia sider„ Wage -Later.
Who anted as maid ,of benore
white Organdie with epInk
carried a boteeet , of pink
and eerne: Atter en/Writhe'
he -bridal 'earty -partook of a
Weddingelliener, *lace- was
era In the 'dhangerdont, it
eepeated with white aiiil :pink
, The ereeents reeerved we're
rows and edstly. Mr. and
dt left the following "morning
new, home in Linwoo t where
t has a pceition ao 'detra-
in father s mill; recen IY Oxe-
n that elace.
Znriehihin eeineed -
trnenters being b
aneed eel to thee)
fear fullee* disomeion.
to hot oe meeting at -
time hi' jime fer fuller
opicS ter ieterest to th
9118 20b
Oen; Jurie‘Zana
earslea Agent
Goderlele 8 a.
eiron 12 noon.)
.1.7/CE1 19th
InGoderich Gp,
Fdotball.-At aMeeting-td
rn Football .Association held las
week, the tea= entailed In the
Mediate seriea were elacOd In grnepe.
Melee of interest to readers In this
pat are as knew's: North Perth Dis-
erict-Melvertme prassele, EtIE-4, At-
:•;:wcod end Listowee. E. A. Rea, Strate
-ord, ponvener, Enron ,Dietrlet-St
VeItinaben, Goiter -lee. F. Sills; Sea-
Iorte, chairman.
-1 Returning Officers. -Mie. Thomase D.
Clohnston, of Clinton, has seri
pointed returning officer • for Mitre
Huron` in the coining election.In
Sonth Huron Mr. Win. Consitt,
eownseire will act. In North Huron,
ad.r. W. McQuillan, of St. ffelens,
been appointed. In Berth,
feed Seenp, (if St 'Marye, ev211 be ent
timing Offieer in the south riding, ale
reheeiff Megestod, in the north.
s ;Meat EurAin Teachers. -The eonven-
lien of the Ea$t Huron Teachers Ase
natIntion will be heed In the Seaforth
X1)11..egiate Institute on gay 21 and 22.
lrhe committee In change of the pro -
has made arraegemente for
*ally interesting convention.
6-3-ssions will be held on Thurs-
tee evening session being mnrei
e to:1.ln of an entertainment. Ont
Pridan. two seesione will be held. It
inined flora will be a large attend-
nue- of tea Oaeliere of the inepeetore
itra wages In • the Lieenee Districte.--
ehangee the, Hurt.% ridings are
iexpeeted to be followed by obanges 1.
the, Wards cd license comniissioners
ler the different ridings. Of the
rent beard for Weet.I1uron Messrs.
Leektart Miff &IFS In North
Euron eafd Mr. Churchill in Sotttli
Kum while the inspectinc *de.
;Asquith, is in Centre Huron. Wm.
:Clegg, the fnepector her What was
;East Mien Is now a resident of North
freuron. In South Hunan. I however,
ver, the preeent Inspector anici" emu-
zolateiteriers are alt rssidents of the
*110W.,_ Tiding.' It undeentood that the
'boneetleries of the Fa-1'1115TV Institute
-•01stricts. will not be interfered witia
'-ithbereette chang in the electoral die-
ryttroit &al a.
ktd, Canada -
riennne.•nen eineleaminn
TAR- I-,
arloek ;
Yee, Hol
Le and Geo.
Ate -
Y Lew P-artnerahip Dlieseived, - The
'-rtedefich Signal of last meek says ;
an important change in the legal fro.-
.-Ueieity has taken place thin week in
th dissolution of the firm of Cani-
erqn WItioran. Mr. 'Cameron will
toritinna In the -present office and Mr:
leillorgn in a few day wifl open
tiew office and will carry on 'practice
hinenelf. Mr. Killonen has
Wed_ an -office in Seatorte. Since
eix$rning to Gadenielt he hate es,-
)tablished a reputation at- a carefiu
nd clever lawyer, and he will detente
lees command a good practice-. '
1` License Matte...ran-The last repcirt
The Liquor License Act shows the fol-
owieg fines collected trona Huron
county West Huron, 1905-6, $477;
0.90a-7; $100, Soneh Iltiron, 1905-6, $264;
19064, $145, Bast Huron, 1905-6, $10;
4906-7, nothing. The salary and ex -
lenses of inepector, eitenerees of coin-
anIsSimiers and office rant have lea:ge-
dy increased under -the Whitney Gov-
eernment. In 1904-5 under the Rees ad-
ministration the exesres- amounted
te West Huron, $884.; in 1906-7 under
Whitney, $1,173 ; Strath Huron 1904-5,
4664; 1906-7, -$882; East Huron, 1904-5,
$625e 1906-7, $865. The Rant Heron'
license holders ,netst be a very law-
abiding set of men.
Poatmasters Meet. -A meeting of the
ntostmanters of South Hum" was held
in the town hall, Exeter, on Tuesday
eff lase week. Mr. D. B.- McKinnon,
president of the Heron retetmanters
.elasociation was in the chair andnefr.
Sittherlanel, qf Hansen, acted as
neeretary. Then& Vwas a plod attend -
ince and a, gratifying- interest ehown
In, The work of the asidclation.
ft Farrow, of Brussels, delivered an
Interesting arldrass tracing the bis-
)tery of the organization amongst poet -
Masters, from its first inseption 111
Raeltoba up to the present time. Mr.
Sett, of Clinton, ,deaat with soma
eff the benefits of organization . not
May to the postmasters but to the
bead and sub -heads of the -pontenfice
iatteartment. A profh: itabdiscussion int
'IL -reduced by Mr. Cleorga Sutherland, of
;Mansell, was had as to the care to ibc
eaxerciaed in the handling of reglateatel
matter and the instruction the pelplic
required withrtspect to it. Mr. Faust
-.Set S
legeor of 'stepe
an -
subject was
al •assoajation
was dee ded
inghame s
postma.s rs.
CY' ut
-.A. Geed Roe.--.ThDt -niers Alva
cats of Apel 30t1a, con atria an ' x-
calent photograph .of Cly*s I
stallion, Lord Lowtitere reperted uid
owned .by Me. P. JeBerr- , of 1. -Ian 1 .
In this eonneatton the A *mate says:
• Lord Lowtherit.(1.2650) /reported d
OW-oed by Me. P. 3. Eery, of Ren411,
One, *represents a grand ,gend horse
of the best type of the breed:
Ldwther 'Ds a bcautif bf43,wri tin
color; foaled May 'get,' 1900 i lila .sJro
is Lord Lothian (699) by Told Gialisint,
by thatfetedeDarnley (222) - -Lorel IMh-
iane- etotk -won both ' I Walsall ci-
elety and .1loyal Agricul ural Soe ty
high- -class breeding, Mined ,te
Prizes entli clia-mpiobship. Tee. dam of
Lord Lowther, Kale learn en, by Da n-
ey Again, the. Scottish ehernelde lee
this year as a. two! year - ld, who , as
by a -grandson of Dana y (222) on
many prizes In Scotland With such
superior individual male . Up, , rd
Lowther should prove a valheble nc-
quisition. tii the draft h .e stock .of
Canada. And; with this erne ant his
stable mate, Imp. King Tholnasedhy
the Prince of Witlee. tlar Pr14ce
-Thomas, Me: Berry le tine ninionly .411
prepated to suit bis-/-atr nq
The tint* tea grown in the •world
is the atantiaed of quality raced- in pie -
paring "Sala& ' Tea. T,old etayein
-pealed packets'.
• Schoc4, Report.n-The -fell wing, is tha
• result of the promotion - examination
held at eichoel section N. 9, isIcXp•
lop, the pupils corning order - f
Merit: Sr. IV Class -14, ggle Leib,
Nelson Davidson, Sam. Da dem, Daviid
Hackwell, Leonard Lei g, Agn s
Clarke, Geo. Knechtel, -ley . Ifa.ce-
well. To, Jr. • IV -Lisle DoughertY,
Lorne- Dennis, Jennie K cchtel, S
Tenve. To Jr. Illelrareeei, liniree,Al'ex,_
Dennis, Villa ,Clarke, Nell e' Roe. P41-'
edt-i-lazel , Hack•well. TO s re 11. --ell e
Knechtel, Edward - Doug erty, Lav -
ranee Ournmings'-Lorne Ret,a, Jckzeth
Belton, Fernie Love. F ledt-A. .n.
Ferbee,' Albert Clarke. To Jr. II -W.1-
fret/ De/min-Dan. Love. Cecil Get
land, Teacher.
Schnol Repoet.--The foil wing is the
Aprilmonthly report -for eschnel edd-
tion No 14,,Staailey. Th, naraesaa
in order of merit : Fitt -Rena?.
Beath, M. M. Fisher, G. Stephensen
, •
Sr. 1V -J., Kehl, Hi Jobe , -A. Petr1e.
Jr. IV --.Lola. Rathwell,. James:- Sr:
III -He Kehl, R. Fisher, ". eBeath
Jr. Itathwell, An a Heed,
1013eath. Sr. II -L. :Was an, A.
Murtrie, J. Heiod. jr. *-
coed. Part Ie -Grace Rose, W. Cooper,
,Johnston. The beet e ,ellees in the
monthly' spelling matche were,: 17,..
Rena McBeathe IV, Ai old 1 Petrie;
Sr. Ill -.Allan Fisher ; 3.111, Ibj
Batiewell; 1II-Laen a Wasrnan
The CrainclI.-Cauncli at on ' Xity
4th- The following Chang were me -Oe
in the list of pathmaster Otto'Mils
.ler, in plane of, W. Rada ; J. Gads -
totter in place of • J. owo.ld; A.
Love, in , place of . C. yer ; Joel
Baechler, in place lot D. eir trner. The
police trustee of 'Zurich, were gra t-
ett a eeedit Of $'500 -for eurr nt, ex -renew
until the taxes are collected. The
touncil -pans a by -1 w at neiet
meeting, authorizing .the opening lof
the roads and streets in e townellip,
required tor 'general use of the pub-
lic. After passing a -1 eceolun s,
the co -quell e,,dioured t agate n
Menday, the first of Jun:,=as a. oteirt
of revision of the eesessm et roll, and
for 'geneeal business.
The Assessment. -The sseesor has
now 'returned his roll and from .it
glean the following stati tics : Po ite
laeinn, 3,110; pen -sone froth I, to 0,
601; children from e to 21, 1,118 ; hese
inea's assessrazn.t, $33,475; intOrne
650; total assessment, $2,325,070. _
11 -
1Viatrfmontal.-A quiet tht fashi en
able Wedding took 'place in .iiicks n,
on April 29th, at six deleek . at jhe
hiene of the bride-, when eamina -11/ te
ter, formerly of Dashwrio ,, was it -
ed in marriage to Pliari- : leidt, as
Dashwood. Tee cerernon was r-
formed. by Rei. R. A: Elf 1, "pester 1, of
titel Lutheran -nhurce ' in , Taelst . k.
To! the strains at Lohengrine - Wit -
ding march, :played by xiss 'Emtna
ost of Cookin
-a tin
both._ n
.far thee
ler In
4, for e
250 -Sr,
Kate: R,
Been: 0
Pala 17
Kate BY
er late
die- 0
result o
75, Jain
John D
Chide -
e. am
byjoz flie, anthey, W
; eu'ruck by flghtr1n.gon. -daY. -inst.
'large Iptilechaff wan -neet- on -fire
bet tbe tineell-eleival et t -he neighbors
- ekved the buildings. • -
Searth, Way 7, 1
M. Robert Powell, who is emplo
Gni, Young de Sparltng s Nal
oeks, met owith ia nainfu1 aecident
other (lay. Ile was putting some
In the feenace, when a stick
11 On lam breaking his' astionider
Acceeting to' the aseftsoVe 'roll the
al a eenessment of Sea.forth.tor 1880
$469,269, arid the pOptilation, , 2,349
hefollowing oeficers bane been
ted in connection with the :Mee
Wee' Institute: President, °David
enso.n; ‘vice 'president, W N Wa.t--
secretaree Bobt. Jamieson; trees-
, D. D. Roge; committee, Rev„ A.
Donaldn,Dxs. Campbell and :YU--
And Mt4eets. I& P. liayes, ;Wm.
• Timisden, M. Y.. McLean. and
Di Wilson.
he following ehensOns. lett ,Walton
'week foe the States : Messrs. W.
A.. Dicksen; R. MeLeed, F. Smith,
an for Dakota, and Mrs. W. IT
allow an Mies Smith, for Miehigan.
. Chan, Dodds, of the .5th emcee -
of M Ullop, is the possessor td
cteng P width was berth, with four
, axr. a trunk Metaled'', with _ that
an e, enant, prOtrading from the
a,b: et, the snout
e '
•Si. Colinnban,
fteport.-The follo1v14 Is the
Hibbert Separate- eehool No.
e Montt of Apra: eines -Drat
.560,-i-Alelle 0 Conor 188, Tom
73, kIlldred Barre 80I, Lou
201. Olass I
Agnes °Connolly 102, Maggie
51 Ilenior-Laura Betty 163,
ace; -1.95, Dan Connolly1123,
',Wm. Detenrsey 56. Claes II
-2110e-John Coyne .144 -.Albert
160. Part II--Alecia! CoYriet
a.mes in. Order of neenit-Ineey
elm a/ref/Allan, J� Coreee 14,
ngus Kennedy, -JIldWeied cone
park Coyne. Best in Spelibig
liforris ; 111, Agnes .COnnolly,
ch, 11, Albert Coenolly. Neith-
or absent, Lucy, Burke, Al-
eier:-B. R. O'Connor,Teach-,
. ,
Reeort-The following Is the
the Enster .promotion -exarrft
held In. nehool.eection No. 3,
-; Chine 1, Honors, 60' per cent#
Melaely 79, Joseph. ItcGisith
Doyle 'Te, Loretta. Roach 71,
ton. 68, Maurice MeladY, 66, M.
5, Minnie Dalton. .61,' James 13
I., Minnie Carlin 60. Cigna .
AND inmPLEs ,
sappear Tinder:a Treatment
th: Dr. Williams'.Pink Pills
ere can nbe health nad vigor only
n tire blood, le rich _and re'd. There
thee:tends of young men' just Eitil
lang ma-nes:led_ who need tile rich,
blo4d that only Dr. Williirrise Pink
s ean Make. They have ;no energy
ont at the least exertion, and who
by the time they have, done ,their
's week a% though the day vtaa a
k long. In name canes there Is a
her ,I.gri of danger in -the 'pinnace
disfiguring eruptiOns, which break
on the fate, These are . ceieteln.
s teat bleat is out of order and
a complete hreakdoeini nuty re -
In thie emergency Dr. ;Williams'
Pills in the medicine these - young
'Should talte. These pills actually
e rich, red blond. They clear the
of simples. and! eruptions and bring
th, strength and energy. -.
re is the experience et' Adolphe
and, of •St. je-rome, Que., who is
oung *man 19 year e of age, wed
• - For mcne than a year 1 sUf-
dt from general weakness, and I_
ually 'grew so weak that I wee'
d to abandon my work as a. -aerie.
eppaite tailed nee 1' had o'ccaelone
lolent enadaelies and I began to
✓ from Indigestion. I wan failing
aridly . that Megan to fear that
urnetion was fastening itself upoe
Our family doctor treated me,
1 did jut gain neder his eare. 1
In a eery ,discolura,geel state when
lend tram Montreal- came to see
Ho stionglY Advised me to try
-Williams. Pink Piles. I did. ere and
e cif Ehrie weeks I began. to !eel
er; my- anpetite, began - to Im-
re, wad I seemed a et,elng
ew courage I ceptinued the pills
I- MO' taken ten, boxes,and I am
enjoying the beet heth I vier
My crure surciwed many of my
ds, wr began to regard me as
hie, eel I e gly acivised -oth-
cemg men who aa- weak to follow
example, and glee Dr. Williams
Pills a fair- trial.' Bed blood is
ealusee olf, p.11, Oeennon dis..,ses
anaemia, headlehes, 'neuralgia,
Misr% • sciatica, indigtioe, all
oils trtubles, general weakness,
'the ep lal alimeets that only wo-
folk know. Dr] Williams' Pink.
are' tb.e 4:16e eu.4e, because thhy
ight to tee 'spot f the tronble in
blend. 1They chan e .the bad blood
good blood, and hus bring health,
ngth and enerny. You `, tan , get
a ellln from any medicine dealer,
by mail at 500 . ter - box, or six
a for -$2,50,, from The Dr. ;Wil-
e Medicine Co., Breckvilli,, ant,
Pass. 50 per cent. --Ethel Reach 57, L. 1,1
Ste:Pieta 57, Thomas I:relined, 66, a
st-zplet 54, Elsie Bfelady 50. class,
ra, bee 59per ceht.-Anna McGrath
47, Myrt e Ileffernan 47, Loretta Hef-
fernan 1, Lizzie Rriach 37. Part II,
names.- Order of merItl-Joseph Mate
thews, y Urquhart, Gerald Doyle,
Emily Iowney. John 'Relay. Part
-Mary- reell, Con. Dalton, 'Agnes
Purcell. &elle .L, Purcell, Teacher.
he Olden Days.
g sketches or -the early
of Seefoith and vicinity,
from the filem of The Ex..
# •
Is found to be one cent an
hour for each burner on a
Detroit Gasoline. Slot,
These stoves are perfectly Tellable at all time, and will burn
alcohol, the coming fuel. Their chief feature is their sim-
plicity—one valve, one lighting, one set of ,burners fbr every
stove, and any one can clean it without the aid of a mechanic.
And remember this, -we have- had experience with eitspline
stoves for 25 years, and can rightly pronounce die Detroit the
best easoliue stove made.
GEORGE A. SILL' S, Setlort
On b.
of b
On the
the belie
Me. Red
J. 114.-CAs
It wets f'
ens Of
-Purse, a
dress, e
of his e-..
Snturd 'deli
but by
by one
eet bean
al inche
tends gi
•Move t
'1 r m
day for;
-will see,
Mr. J.
Leat'n, E
for Calif
death Of
lett, wit
I Mr. P
leas sold!
can buy
M. R
has p
tee 6th
Ing to .1
On• M
I .
class c
met at
.0os* •••1.•
Seatorth, :April 16; 1880;
13tleinet, at the residence
des.fathr, by Rev. P. ;Muse at
Jantes Campbell, to Miss
French,' both of MeXil- se
th inst., ix tha residence oi m
• father; by -Rev, M., Denby, ba
• .nicleenzie, to Mins Mar- w
Ash, third daughter ef Mr. ei
; all ot Stanley. - m
eneheltor office had a narrow
om destruction DY fire on an
.evening last. The tire was be
y placing a' hot shovel a-
ome wiper in a back shed. ot
ately discovered and ex- ui
before it had; made - inuch
leaving Seaforth the teaeb.-
e Prtsbyterian Sabbath school
Me: Henry Watson with a ee
ornpanied by a flattering ad- m
messier° of their .apereciation
rvlcos 1. the Sunday school. te
y morniug last the weather el-
tfully warna and sprung like,
I "e1.1
on there wan a chaege tend nte
clock a terrific 6110W storm
▪ nowto thedepth of sever- m
fell. Pi
dney Jacabs, tinemeth, in. -
Ing up business here and will th
Belleville next week. In.
tthewt Dorsey left on Tuns- s
adville, Colorado, weenie he th
11Is .cf1,4%ratitun,*!ion of Jams MMe-
q., lintende leaving Kippen itts
nia on eveortda y vex .
ill regret to learn of the
leis. Geneve Watt, of Hut-
h 'Wok place on the 9th
d 3B year,s. en
ter McGregor, of Brucefield,
his heavy draught stallion, 'i
ire Chain P 10n, t dT1 Amerd
i- e
✓ fot $2,500: •
bert ,Elgie, of Teekersmith, Ye
ad; the 100 acre farm on
oncentsion ofeStanley, belong- n
e Tureer estate foe $4,100. •-'14-
elay evening last the Bible
ducted by Rev. P. Musgrove, a°
he manse in Ate -Killen, and
lam with a, nice study chair.
Seaforth, Aprih 23, 1880. acir
town, an the 13th inst., by fri
n Murphy, Mr. Iviichael Cline, be
ke all o! McKIllop
:. et
town, on the 13th 1.1.0t in
n Murphy,- Me. Jeremiah Pla-
Dublin, td 'Miss Johatima, re
of elle' John Amen, of Mc- Bin
Rev. D
to Miss
John B1
Rev. D.
herty, •o
In .iviit
P. De T.
Blyth, t
The 11
eued th
ter, Rob
Ryan an
Kyle at
The oi
over 24
/yin/ J.
ure for
an oyste
hell on the 7th inet., by Rev.
en, Mr. Frank Metcalf, • of se
18,11,ss Mary M. Chewan, of
telse !cdinrnissioners 3-etee Is -
!:knowing -lie ineee for. Sea -
lex. Davidson, R. L. .$harp,
glee J. W. Carroll, Thos. Fes -
t Caxmichael and Thomas
Shops, Thornas ICIEld, T. D.
James tii-equeele. For Tuckers. Knox, John Daley, W,I;(1.
-Daniel Steng.
Presbyterian church at llam-
as been pulled down. It is
ears 6inc3 it was erected.
"number of the friends nf
•McLeare prior to his depart -
are Francisco, tendered him
sapper at the Vanden hotel
• Rev. C
ed past
met wit
day. Ile
lost las
both ar
Mr. Gr
A ixerkil
la aldo1,
$o wan
took part
Seaforth, Apr. 3, e880.
W. Volliek has be2n
of the Seaforth Methodist
drew Smith, Of Egmeedville,
'a 'painful accident the other
was st.andieg on a ladder
f a double window ween ,he
balance and fell, breaking
at the wrist.
ani William:1ml has greeeup
ry and bakery busincee and
ins to Dakota. "
'I and literary entertainment
the 'poor was given in Cod -
roe Wedneedity evehing, when
realized: „Among those who
were the -Istles Walsh, John- .
Mimed for some hours --from his
ts, Mi. John Watkins, a black-
th Ncil-th Mixture was found
in _bed by a neighbor the other
He wan aged aboat zeventy
Mrs. Jas. Illven; ari aged Indy, of
ersoll, *elle walking homeward!, her
s full of_ firewood', was etruck by
eight train and rolled over tee ern-
kment. She escaped uninjured.
A' tearaway -With pcnieibly fatal
sequences, took -place at Owen
nil- last Wednesday.- Thos. Hughes
his wife, of Norte Sydenham, 'were
Ing to town ewhen their horse took
. • at an tunmnaageable team and
ed, running Into a delivery wag -
standing in frott of a grocery
e, the sbaft' of tee wagen
dangerceas injuries in the side of
. Hughes. The injured woman .was
dyed to Dr. gillebros office., where
emergency. operation was deemed
seary. The, are slight hOgeS
recovery. Mr. Hughes was not
onely injured.
o like it ? Then why
e • contented with it ? Have
be? Oh, no ! Just put on
yer's Hair Vigor and have
ng, thick hair; soft,- even
Ir. But first of all, stop
our- hair from coming out.
ave what you have. Ayer's
air Vigor will not disappoint
�u. It feeds the hair -bulbs;
akes- weak hair strong.
The bait kind of a testimonial-
" Sold for over sixty years."
sfaction or your Money Ba
Suppose that a -clothiu,
you that hisielothes are the best
Suppose he tells you they are the itheape t
HOW .DO .Y011 KNOW ?
Yoa ha1ve got to buy the wito y n
doa er t
esty and integritil of the maker.
tn eau' you put the ,most faith?
having no reputation, or the maker with a ieputa
.ress Brnd
Tile one du afford to sell 'any kind of, lothes-7-they have no reptation
gresa Brand an afford to 'sell nOthing buthe, hest clothing they
th y have 11, -op Wiwi to .protebt, _
The Prore s Brand Clotliftlgl',.po have pentAyears„ .and thousand-
rePutation, now ignited:to be the ba&'i4 'Canada., They wotild 1oe that
0A year if they Iowered- the quality. WO LD IT PAY? -
And,finall we would reinind you that .every Progress Brand Siait
antee.that.i. it does not give absolute satisfaption you- may return
d for same 3i'vi I be refunded to Y)ti.. ThiS. guarantee ; 'comes not: only fro.:
'maker, and ij wouldnotbe given unless We had FAITH.
Latest pattOrns, neviest deSigns, best materials, most perfect fit,. and
stOek to ohoose frora.
dstWhat a Man
reputation hi
sold under -a
d the money
us, but from
in Spring gents' Furnishings, he is sure o find
here. There's no hit or miss About it. We spread
before our p4rons a contimions stream c'sf freiideas
that are
'shit in Style, Quality
00 Shirts, Hats, Collars, Cuffs, iie�,
fron others and different in sricc,
wi3 never as fancy figures.
* h
The seas0 pou may requirti) some heavy Un4proloth.
ing or °tiler Winter Clothing. We have just what
you want, and at prices that will make you feel as
happy and.. comfortable as the clothes will. Call and
he 014 Reliable Fermi
an4 Undertaking Co.
Are showing
Furniture in
on sale at
in the Warerootas one of the Ica est stocks of
he County. We have many lines1 of Furniture
ices that meats a very large savingito the buyer.
Otir stock of Baby qarriages and Go Oarts is very extenkive, and are
great sellers.
Call and inspect our stock before buying.
N Y: A
Conlmon Cold
laATTia IF NGLECT11111116
r a:010.
Ge of it at ee takin
Pine yrup
,-Oto oanebs Icl. W gratabi
soothing actEen, and -i the re.o.t.g,
istent cough, (Atm ent in
oases, it gi V tO
ASth OnBronolut
remedy, re tiering b
atnral, enaUng the
frohing a1o1p, and ofton
moment cure,
We -do no claim
ramption in
taken in t
that gage, Aim] w
to tbe poor enffere.r Anne tatie
Be care ,favel to ow *10"
you got the genuine *
Pine Byrn Pnt
three pine4-„Le.
tiled o
*ever mot lc'