HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1908-05-08, Page 3Pays etettiai. atter' ROLM so Ma ergs Juno 20 Ordin richt 8 12 noon.) Igth ladegIMIKOMENOMI le ae TO GO for Goderieh es -22nd, -treel ETROIT h or ft 8.3h 0.0 STAR L 1. ISOLATED T extx, las Tethiesialwre melee Beiaftenthl hithropr Gemmel xe Bennett** er Thos. Brinier. B tora Harlot -hes B. le awl Eteos OK, Reeye, efrouncIllor Offen gels 4 times I a, nuMber OT Otir readers; At the gar 1„ of her deoarliters Mrs. Armht Dina= MATTERS. th .ep et or, EIO1?po et the 'louses, but: in ward, near ,Se . sview of the local option,. this was band died 8ouie f.-ew neat made compulsory. The application since which time kars. H t lived _tor an additional shop lieouse wan aot of, the time IA Exeter andi art a -accompanied by- a. petition, and could feirtho During nearly the ; hole not be considered. Thoes• renewed axle: = life she hahl enjoyed 'ea oepti. S Shop license, W. Saults ; 'tavern II- good health. and her ek, poise, Frei Davis, E. Swartz, Babb rrioverher0 gaire tor' the a oeara eat?, Johnston, Craig and King. Cole horns tewnship-W. Glazier, Dunlop ; 'Miller, Carlow. Ashfield townehip.-, 'Mountain and Mulleugh, Dungannon; 41, H. Pugh; tevern lieenie, A. L. and OW, MoAd,a,y end Tuesd ,`Stle„ me, James Weis, J. Reinhardt, R. about the house 0.6r u‘' aGraham. The commissioners met in Taesda,y night saying th 1Wingham on Thursday, and granted 11- little tired. Abed foe.; teense to Mr. lee. Ra.ttenterry for hie morning ;Ws. Armstron new hotel at Clinton, and mewed the ened by her. huary breath' liftrist in Wingham to J. E. Swarte,, mediately after reaching :Alex. Orr, L. W. Hanson, a E. Lep- expired. The deetor pr ,inarci and Algie. immediate cause of d -eat tro-able. Mrs. Aunt -wan otne rigs lead sof Sarah Huish, reliet of .the Ede ward Hort, in her hOthi year. I De - and ages slate mar - r, litre ago hen jr -so Ede ater, lived moist of her early life in 13 Herm ealeertaese-The Wear' (hinting to Canada, over fifty License oceerelesseetees met at she remained eerne time in Dail lieenes for 1914-09. The Gods.- h'uaband. Immeeately a 'Or -the he based -were of :the 'Opinion. !they lived tiiattil two Ye* slearable ramey ahead ba theY Wait US lila- with t)1, guetts Aneki re She, lock ,01 .nfeecoatiurt,.11,10yot. :go she be- hirie side, city had0 been _mead the lend . and t sad - two ugh-. Arms things piny years of age, inetnt eame ill of :cholera mortit slight harelytth stroke oh anaanneaa sigma ar hat week says: liege tie know, "adored a general sympathy is felt . -on the construction of . the ;West den. dea,th. Two sons and :Shore ESectric Railway haws -en God- -Roberts, formerly &visional engineee .con :the• Guelph 0114 Goderieh railway Of Exeter., and Mrs. Thb at Goderich, -has been 'appointed engin- f mal4 cif Willgw CitY' N. eer ot the Ontario West Shore Rail- ' -way. Preliminary- surveys, Thins and ° .contraes .let. and Mi. Roberts With a 1 SaturdaY, April 25th, fon gang of enicineers is note laying •but ' of reading and considerin .the work, bet -went Girderieh and Am- ! gineer's report on the B ,=. -barley and between Amberley and son inunicipeladra,in, loot siiiincardiee for the contradoes, - who 'lug been read in o . ere expected on the. grata& shortly. 1 and the extension a tha *Within a few weeks eairstraction will having been fully eomplr - ihe in fan blest, It is expected that , said eeperta together wiSh a: end eport na wit acco :-.It will take a year or more t,o cora-. trig speciticatioas, a,ssessm , ts a ;pieta the' roael bah -chat here and Kia- timates were adopted, and hesne -- ocardine and have it in full runningi steps taken to . h ave the aaidt erder. .In spite of. the many hind- censtracted in .accordanee ! the xanfts and 'difficulties: which have s The council will meet a:in been -eneount.ereci in the prometion of ahis .leads, the completion of the firet, •sectien, from here to Icincaralne; is 'now:, well aneured, Later it is the in- tention, we understand, to branch out -_ "tel Stratford and London, as well. as to -extend north and south to Owan. 'Sours& and Sarnia, reepectiyelY. It is understeiod also, that the develcip- -anent -of power on the 'Maitland river, -which is allied- with the electric, rail- -way nreject, is te be proceeded with New Books..- The folleeelng new "books have recently bsen received, et. the Seaforth Patine Library:- Life of _Nelson, by 1$italsan Main of the White "Guard, :Parker ; Somehow GoOd, Morgan; Alexander McBain, T% -key; sT. P. !Dunbar, Itedsone Wheels of An- .4rehy, Pemberton ; Choice Readings, rnann; Shepherd of the Hills, Wright; -ittargaret. Haggard ; Laid. up in La.v- _ender, Weyman; The Shuttle, Burnett ; Rosalind at Red Gate, Nichol -son; Then Smoggier, Tybout ; His Own People; Tarkington; the Reaping, Taylor ; -Legends every - child Shoeld know, :Myths every- child :should know, Es - ears every Child should know, Fairy Tales every child ehould know, litabie; Emerald and Ermine ; Through Portu- .gal, Flume; Barbary Sheep, Ilk -kens; Ronald Carnacmay, Gillman 'Roder= :Vance Black Bag, Vance ; Mask of -GoId, Love The Mas.ter Key. Swan ; Marcia, Schuyler, LutS; Witigler :Vic - ter; -When wings, go forth to battle, , Mask and Mitt, ;Making the Nine, Dudley; D,teaeure of the° Rule; Barr; .Five Little, Pappars in BTOWT1 House, Five Little Poppers and their friends, Five Little Pepp?:rs in Midway, Five Little Peppers grown ; Five Little 'Peppers, Prange Pep -per ; Stories Pol- , Pepper Told, Sidney ; Princess Vise tint% 'Williamson ; Little Citizens, Death et Mrs. Hant.-The followe trig, which we take froM the Exeter Advocate of last week, rsfers to this. mother , of Mr. Edward Hurtt, of Me- ICillop, 'a ladY who is well known to llth of May,. at one o cheek ps let the- gravel contracts4nd a accept na,yments of ass sreent the ahem frorn -parties wishing - cash. -J. JORDAN, Clerk. Death of. a Pioneer. - one of the pioneer resid township, passed away 4 near Belgrava _oa Sunda About three months age, foot -became. eeriouely i blood :poisoming ea in, the . amputation_ OS the s meantime, the ooison hp.,d throegh the system tha pearecl. to be hanging op. The last month he reran- erahle strength, the wo ly alid he _ was able to with every prospect o ter, until about. ten day his death, when he too and gradually- sank av was bern in -the cOunty Ireland, 75 years _ ago; his parents ,and- family Canada '57 yea,rs ego, eetit Gwillimsbury about the , The femily then moved i township of- Morris, wli now is; when the whol a wilderness, taking up of land of which deeea- e 'part, cleared it up, contiou.ously on it mit Mr. MeCrae was marriec to Miss Margaret Corbet the late Christopher Cor deceased him 23 years will be more miseeid. than Mr. MeCrae. Ther a day that he was 14 village. He was ot ki • ate 'o his Apri itated ecess One e his 11 t on rpose en- Wit- lease- PhrlY- ssary rains the so to pay this Oraehl and tating the mach lane 3. eist of teal, iprevi us. to Peri nagh, d with migr ted to. ng i West I year 1852. West o the mini Was larg block d sat ed On d a. lived his ' death. 43 ye r ago ,1dang ter of w pre - this ocality waa seldom eeee in, the d jovial ire of nearly with irri. In le Ch ch of he was Dh.• giaisdine's boune. He intends the bateterieg butaineee the/ y. Pveryont, will de, wen ee able VI be around again. -- Heater and hie Slater ware the ait pre nt.-Misses Rose endiAliee ed en, their aunt, Mrs. Fred Page Good 'Friday.-slir. and Isrrs. J. Brem visited' Shipke one day lest Week. lilies 14111e has " hem visiting 'her p nig ever EaSters-Flereaft Gill ng her' aunt, 'HrEi. Arthur Bak- er, Ilesterh-Mr. and Arm Mc - :Cline of" Hills Green, were the gee lare$ Mrs; C. Zapf on Sun- -dal. 'chard 'Hamilton has got over the Pe.h-Mrs. Beasenberry has retur horneitrism Ghat, Where lei* IgaLit ha returned! tem Poet Nur- Ott h a new boat.-Mh Ross has gene Q Sask.-Mr- and Mrs. D. left ore Menday to speid w a Aylmer, before going- to their ew horne in Reghia, Sask. Miss seri will accompany them to the Weitl tea nature, making it the a every person to converse Coneervative. Ile leaves loss" four da,ughters. Lin Ti the Mernery :,Wilitam who Aled McKilIon,. on, -Fee April 17th, 1908. on that manly form ; As htning fells tin stalivart oak, ome wild summer stornif We appalled in that sad hour, • gazed upon the face 'Of m thus' torn with ruthless power in his acoustomed place. God omfort those who mourn for him, ir brother early gone; Ai 'di him whose,aged, eyes are dim weeping for a son. ... kind and genial emile; That well -loved voice no more le heard, more is seen that smile. Th ispensation must be kind, t owes from God above; Lo speak to each bewildered mind) d teaoh it Thou art -love. Mak plain the leseon Thou would*st teach, this Thy chastening rod ; .P pare to meet thy God. T solemn hour must come to all, y we be Inset for Heaven, If ur souls sheuld coine the call, th little warning given. Exh Hig adm nen ist Mr. year 50 Ha yea Grand Ben Notese-One of the Gr gave an exhibition wit horse on the Main Isteeat Monday. -Mr.- and Mrs. were the guests of Mia _Pollock on Su.nday.-Mr. lard visited at Vim. MO laet week, and went t Thedford. Every one 'iS we MI) going to hieve nd Bs d boys' his eacing f Isar hill bin pies. Wilson nd s. Pei - lard's Moues- stra Is here ugh awards -wend -ring oad or Cost of Is found to be one cent hour for each burner on Debaoit Gasoline 0 These stoves are perfectly relialale at all times, and wilt bur alcohol, the coming fuel. Their chief' feature is the r situ plieity—one veve, one lighting, one set of burners fo*efer stove, and any (3be can clean it without -the aid of a me anie And remember this, we have had experience with ,Sit zolin stoves for 25 years, and can- rightly pronounce the Dar it th. best gaeoliee, stove made. GEORGE A. ,SILLSI Sea HARDWARE, STG-VES, AND TIN W.1 yea ale wh the don day siess tied ago • sie and On t ula 0 te age the den by ten s A FRIEND. -Tfie Olden .Days. ake Dr. Williams' Pink Pills When -the Firat Symptoine Are Noticed' 'and Save Yourself Mach Suffering, . Are _Srets troubled with pallor, los'e spirits, WaveS of heat passing ever e body, shortness of breath after the heart beat, 'poor digestioni it 'hands of feet, or a feeling of eight and fullness I Do not make he mistake of thinklng that thew lcilseaees In themsetves, and be tistiecli with °relief tor the time This Is :the why that the nerves ive .warning that they are brealting . Meats that the " blood has ecome ouzel atnil thin, and cannot carry nough /IOW/talent to the nerves to eep them atealthy and able to do their k. There is drily one way to prevent = final breakdown of _the nervee, d the mere. serits4 diseases . which oilow. The blood mast be made Iola red. andt. pure, and Dr. Williams' ink P _is ia the only medicine that SI& this promptly and effectively. very Peso of this medicine- helps to ke new bleed and strengthen the eak or worn-out nerves. -Mrs. David J. Tapley, Fredeeletea, artial 'paralysis a the face. She dually, and at the outset I did pay Much attention to it, Then -general breakdewn of the nerves, hieh was foildwed by -partial par - lysis of the face. 011a Bid) being as under a -doctoea care: for a couple months,. and shi.e treatment after nether was tried- witheat benefit. By his 'time I wah cOnfined to my room, nd. the dotter teld 1110 he pould not ils. The improVernen.t wake slow, but he building up Of a run dawn /ter- ms eyetem naturally is slow, Slew - y 'but surely this Medicine did its eat, and atter a time I was ahle to ga,in come down stairs. Frem that the linProvemhnt was -much more id and IlOW I em as well as ever as In my life. My friends Wok °un- illiarnsi Pink Pills did, Pah me what he best medical treatment failed to o -they brought me back good health. It is, the blood nerve ra- tering. 'power in Dr. 'Williams' Pink that enable , them tie cure such ter effects of la grippe., indigestion, euralgia, St. Vitus 'dance, partial par - gels and the secret ailments of girl - obit and wernanhood. Sold by altmed- eix boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. illiarns' Medicine Co., • Brockville, ting sketches of the arty en from the files oS The . Ex- Seaforth, March 26, 1;80. picture; 'exhibited b _Mr. Cresewella at the Ottawa Art b tion.ohaa% been diesel' by Her d. contract for the erection 'e the ridge- at Roxboro, has bea - let Thos. Ra6 has leased his,. arm, h 14th concession of Avid Crawford, for a ter ot B. S. Phillips has reale, his, farm 'en the 2nd space:Asir n of O MT. Peter MeTaggarts PO ' five' 11 r. has Col e ors I ac for ot er k Hi ac esi Seaforth, Apra 2, 1 80. Thursday of laet week, a -nine op, got his thigh bone breken playing ball at achool. Margaret MeKende, ireliet of e Thomas McKenzie, of the Lon - ad, Tuckerandth, died on 'Fri- st, aged 65 years, vafter an ill - the 26th ult., ah the residence n McEwen, a Hay townsh p, to , youngest danghter of John Jo• be Dorsey end Mr. Wm. reafterair. Dorsee will be waterworks by-la,w was c nday last by 60 to 3. Thi ade neeessarY owing to an in the last by-law. Monday night last bargl the reside -ace of Mr. As ut were frightened away 'grit anything but an over Friday afternoon last the of Mr. James J,ohnetans on the e chimney. Most of the con - were isaved. John Landsborough, son of Mr. turned from the: Agrichltural e, where he graduetied with hon - all branches. Charles Murchie haS sold 'his 50 farm , en the 17th ceneesSion of near' Welkin, to Mt. McAllister, 2,200. th by er 1 on t ed t vi ed si th of It: of a ed t in u te fa m to tel • 1, Ca de so 1 re • id ences riedt vote irreg- fore at. reel - 'Satisfaction o your Seaforth, Apr. 9, -1880. Ile corning home from Dublin the day Mr. Michael Heffernan, of rsmith, met, with an aceident arae upset him in the ditch, dis- Robert Winter has purchased 3 on North Main street frein 3Yfr. Sperling for $250. eft thc first of the present year ongregation of the.Seaforth Pres - an church started a scheme to e for the liquidation of the dsbt e church property,. which' amount- ahoust $6,000; On Sunday last the announced that it had all been ed for. lie Mr. James Ihtner, Bay-. was returning from Goderietithe night, ne was set upon by three ns aad robbed. ° ming son of Mr. A. Cavanagh, of e concession of McKillop, had one fingere takee off in the raring straw cutter one day recantly. John Reid, jr., hes beeri appoint- • 'Erratt, of the Bay -field Road, y, died on Saturday last, from es received- by falling -while at- hig to get into a buggy: James Johnston, Jr., has sold his on the 6th coacession of Stanley', r. John Torrance, fer $3,300. The eentales 99 acres. W. R. Hodgins, of the Royal • 'Drysd-ale, 13 removing to Han- nown as the H-ensall House. Saturday last. Mrs. Robt. Me- ey, of the -Mill Road', Tahlrer- • died at the age of 76 years. The sed haebsen in feeble health for monthe. Mr. McCartney died a. - nine months ago.- She Wa."3 a nee of Seethed,. bat came toi Tuck - • - Moira Notes. :-Lorne Thomaa, aged aboat fifteen ears; son of Refit; Thomas, of Car- eton Place, was growne4 in the river n Friday morning last. It seems that e and some other lade ware playing boot the river, .and went out in a Oat, from aihich he' fell into the e was sOon c4rrited out of sight. His ody - was found at the foot of the i -Mr. Harry Chalmers, a young man, in years of age, who a year ago( last Christmas was meried etyrtle, the youngest daughter of Mr. 'Thomas Male; ef Listowel, died on Tuesday, April 14th, at the hospital in Perglis, He was Opereted two weeks pee vi- ous, for apperidleitis, and 'though he 'made an excellent recovieey from the !direct results of the operation, other complications set in, which resulted fa.,tally. The decea,sed was born at Elmwood, Ont, where his parente sea- side, and 'where ha grew up. He went to Listowel an an pperator for the i -Grand Trunk, and was; married therel Chrlstmas, 1906. He was oromotedS firet to be station agent- at Milvertonsl and afterwards it Fergus. Not long! ago, however, he left the employ of the railway and Itooh a position 'With, -Messrs. James Wilsotn & Co., Fergus. The remains were taken to Listowel. 010t mend it, is g reasons that The who tho-ught thearted and and gives it , -The, funeral Orr John McNab, who1 was nerhape the oldest living pioneers Oh. the *est, took I :plaCe- at Isopia,r Point! last week. Deceased: was bore la thei year 1800 and would have been 1081 years- sold' -next August had he Iiiredr He died at Scotoh Bay. Mrs MeNata died a few. 'year, ago. Two sons - one daughter survive and a largei number . of deseepda.nts,-- including his, granebildren and great grandehilclren.1 The -place of Mr.1 MeNab's birth is noti definitelY knewn, but het wa.s born in', western Canada and his great age Wou,1(1 indicate that he could undoubtS edly lay claim to be the oldese native that sturdy Scotch stock which 'ha done -so much towarde laying the fun -4, dationa of the einpire in this,. ceuntryra The late MT. MeNebb retained a, clear intellect until chine recently. We Trust Doctors If you are] suffering from impure blood, thin bloo.d, de- bility, nervousness, exhaus- tion, you should begin at once with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it, too. Ask him about it Unless there is daily action of the bowels, poisonous products gre absorbed, causing head- ache, biltiousness, nausea, dysopsia, and thus preventing the Sarsaparilla from doing itS hest work. Ayer's Pills are liver DU,. Act gantly, 'ha fr.* ye -r- Co., Lowell, Mos. manoketuxers of titers"t"um „ CURRY PECTORAL. the formulae of all our medicines. 1 mg that -has inothing but accident of trad nerally sorry clo,ing to buy. cident of trade, we mean the .time-huoited, re calculated to justify the wild sale schemes usnaPy See old familiar lstory of the simple-m.)44e esay manufactured -twice as 'much clothing as , he iitur'ed, ave it away at half price to a " lucky " merchant, a 4 hie c way to the unsuspecting public, &a., until some day 414u Will Hove that clothing made by saints is being sold at the cost of the btattO h ro ress ran ' , . Requires no accident of trade to recommend it,' because a good' ad clO ne to reco threadbar ary to sell anufactur then. got ope e asked to to- C pthin sacrificed. The ,still small voice- of ,quality Is* heaz-d- above the 1 adverbsini. There is no " accident .of -trade '? with Progress sr dacylo stock to sacrific'e, as it keeps the tremendous factory going night orders. No returns on account of poor fit or poor work, becau e all Pro are foroperly Made, properly ghaped and made to keep their shap We cannot sell you a $15 suit for $10 ---if we could, it would riot be you will be surprised what a beautiful suit we can sell you fol jus 4-ven 111=\1-1" -1)0 • stewart Bros., Se BUTTER Al0 EGGS TAAEN The season-pou may require dorae heavy Undercloth.: ing o other Winter Clothing. We have jUst what you ant, and at prices:, that will make yo4 feel as I happ and comfortable 'as the clotlaes will. Call and see. BRIGhrT BRO3, DENISBERS, T11, Old Reliable- Furnit aitid UndeOging Are sh wing in the WareroomS one of the largest steaks of Furnitu e in the County. We Irave Many lines of Furniture on sale at prices that means 4,Year large saving to the buyer. Our stook of B by Carriages and Go COarts is very el:teasive, and great sellers. icau and inspeer our stock before lartylag. BROADFOOT, BOX & CO. S. T. 110L Manag are er needs tot laingolo sur o fill the regt- th. oinl Is actie Cold o asked. ou know ons Lean on know t eta Chroni ing Oaten. t) "White go you hear the t there is nothing laded °old? et at a, negleehei cold we, iBasirdoehi,eold'ansttestPunldeadhr petty renwonoeldoireada, orway Syrup cough and &Ad hose very pine nrques aad he° Bouongthi:g4 and th'3 )11' With- thin are Wild ant nreper:ties of other h shC:Itinirds:4,115f1)arAse"neoth' i.,„Cureylpie,w,tIon Imola • give instant id. s e recommended it to one of say bo and she waa more that ri-1*-shd neer. and Wood's way pm C3 a T-00crirws.l.y, Pine Syrup and if