The Huron Expositor, 1908-04-17, Page 6. . . . . . . . . . T. IL APR I 'p br4d t1i W 0A All h ielM Jr- VAM IM imew MTATE.Poit -SAL9 - tow -aJD" to* tr-A r- Y e�,r- nRorEB-&�y Vor. Ma-Tha :Tknm� =Vto": be thc, Ewht he Le e j- To bo bAkybig been dispo W-ine iea 4014 a k Al to Vw- Itol omee and: Fq A -sure'Winner., AXIOU011', *reirtt, ale. Fol further now bipumhwid r) joined t env r ow suar- Rea- *01int"Y art-kWalm %W_X to R� BAY, Bound io catch TJaL Thar, lh6wc* hewo-� bot - %ougli he stern and rwatv"Ps �ffm Be- HIS --- AM& he, The TM pedad tift f V WI 46 A iuAt1m_ gaze, 64 to ene §ound - - - - - - - - V0, SAM -k -Or WO, the fe4deuce ot,4., - : Arawing pn, h It luld hA4 sought It btrOng!, D;ali red sbact swiletle t a Mitle. fenty rat V* Adeaki I supply an h) of orebard and gardel -'I%k wMW mall Waffftr I'h'nL be bM you. -if 0 write� the Medic l 0 ii'00191 -a the hra� gm he Ma& a jwd Am6 11011ft T h d 6 und -7 Your "it half, r alto In the Iroil 91OV40 Mu -6ght clothes upon the ii Mtk4dfArmer. W1 I be sold 'direct to excollint property for gang b1oliod',stalned. still and up. Agly or, ith lighted The &�U� lVere, - 0 al As the e4kte nittot be wo, -Al, 'aoIdW_:entert1-,_w b9W7ML W t Utar! tf cried with" the P-,�Miw or to W. Q hed bad bis chak' a%v bwwoww WM MMM, few 2930 ii 19 D. S. Perti I -0. IV the Most you said that on I-01 aV *as 1 it waiting Ito longt_�, *000 Lid utdo and **Wl d shift You Out A. L LONDON, try arid N ed no power. 00 PIMOXY and, JA -M t1m t -i, pe.- imunw. -only fireb lronO,-, Men 1i vkt ims ushered or' TAW f thos ri Riyeu,, Torrens 'Up klent om. Elah be a- r-M0,16110i bY In b* a �Wiktry. Uni te d hi�$Wl e6r' the peat "d =ps of the IOU fm= wicil hiom, $1,001 tAy 22fiO6. For further glowed Wt the W-14 JAMONt Bari thill 11 atpry. who the d6or. lack wlndo�v PoW PJ0er road, the ub Ir. A- 11 � - - Is., - A, , .- . tind and *bb"red fte fted ba v- -MR aAM the X orth Ent cell Lot Dibi net at am of tbe'hs--Il simm 4ontaudugloal of land, "GAO*. -don 6, om abd abpvie the *01W lit' othe vehicle, as tKii- vtot of RenMU O'd the Zurich'Reol cia wbioh there the, nutijiEw &I"& OM er. wle Wondet change gwA fnlmtV�%% with stone a T Alar .underai h andfmwe stable, ; a. good W4 bon an aeft of or. thi heavy cba* A= Monam know rour Waki. lickad and fruit trees- - a pod 91tuAtift kr a retit' Im. Ill Noth X" bad theV any festaM fn cw� St. Raphaels, Out indf N The-fewlesm"M di er or a lal uma; wM bet 46.1d reason. For f -1 suff ered from awl thaf Was a]L' is so-,stralf9e as the'§nd�­ lgoww, to 10940 vM the de&�- reff-lau of cleft M_ oraddresla JOHN tree waS :q ei nerl ceO=tlon; )f the -horrid Jingle w h lum im" 3001A Chronic 6n4patioa of the boels;and 6�m TOM thad seen A DOW of b1i habItall Adf- bid id mocked everY, movq- up -country. � To crown A I could get no medicine- to cure me4 I Wriply, with Ito, Ug -For mitt, RAS body f0if whole ja r 50 AORE PAM FOR VIM I tt e, of his ewtom-07 -met of: ht, our y athed in tried doetoxs and eVWy known pump: tbo biltUt7, CloneeadOu 9 Tuckergmlth- cclu t- witliout Ito vim they �eached it- So, 0 bWWW ItlinueleaiabuttwonOM; so 110W. He was MY jg s Ae li quite )os' tive, or laxative,- medicine kii(YwA but,& in- the -6a -at home in7 Emit �currlele. dMMWved res seededdown. :There ia�aigclol barn and .11awbot e chu bere hwleed, VA son-, d into The tam k VMR w-atered and in better. Sometimes, it I dMi not in -00 d cracked big good frame how isIMM.-SWor one Was no load 4" atutive: . bo vood goddition it 4 6 mile _th and had All I0 ng wi D a0peared to wu8,,jthj sole sound s from strguld 'gtrrjad. tiou Ay , talm medicine, I would go four M�e innoc� A �e The Prbew Willi d i Wt rW lea� �wl, For, further par and i nom& Sol M 9 er Ahem In All j,l pra-infseslor addrM AGG&NO :4 i�e -at th e firsif half 4ays"Withput It was as *ough 2066-tt pped grom elthe I IF" W"k "T -ere$ only ondyme P. O� any a#A-ion ltvi Wbe fro e and liha keen nd starlit ei *17ft3D soften that ftv= b tift almd. During all this: tim ior We -MOR SAM - F Roxboro fq ]MOW -0 Is a from lndigesflot��clonstwtly. so" to vtk-me Tom Erim-Assa wollani on.whiob. is a suffere licil eig eIjust been rebuilt, ai heal About a year ago a friend advised me *'he* rve,� seen cq before. it 1WMM"s of Peam "A, brick h h4jmd u can, An old n4n came le m j64bte and implemen&. house It Ai unr to try 11"Pruit-a-tives' as theV yeld M le, man.". have my mat. t6 The had- out to - MY Atwg. Thisig-wmostdieWable, 4"Whattim?" I. I 'bal 'A Nivab the w4uds. Intree, ,wd. hen ced of with r- , . _ On Property for 2 ltprui"4hee YOU do. am thicker- '1y Mic stove ibis I began taking I -Woed of nazier aud, ade blids-11 tik, or "that s�ved my Ad, stood In the Mkaow it& a wide wa anii A an the 0'remiges or, �ijd front the Outset I be t4 fed, Wemn and very would lu xken v -ft .9 very him wbere be Min& Such gratitude as it veranda, gan W9 Wfth P011MU-M -2080 d _k4 011 JM better,- and jAside of, a month the, hapless �eom n q 41 that lawhter at another. bans arli voice - a -he. f&jlt in b# degraded heart was not tal and everlas#ng Off- IL FAVt�j FOR SAM- A TheitindersI& to theb, Oe first he, Vemoll he hsd,gglve� mor Mis contrariety was unline. LM almost gpne and. -the Constipation art Re'saw 1194a- yet 8 it' to need --��resslon Tiolmys 3r. W20k ted himsew jo, off ssle thatmost desirabl ferse, ftt Phe-Ancident was neiter re- ;oWy lie a good nagist te, 1.00 pe;�ecily 74Y n's halid ferrl tp �W Z Lot 6 )n i Townwp ;f- felieved. In two m0itba I VW 10i bilpi iii reca ver, vague# dull- sense at pres- knoIllim a L CGi - _. be took a In, and Tow -1,he prel SOOIX I-Or,,-,,Ot throngh neglecting th benc b ;M, rrd� 01. 0%&&-Vm hd *ad ally ittle, tar -as brick home 31X UKV b ., - - y t6cr. Ion a eil again, no� paws, no onstir a, j6ed i itree understoo B=k d 1th kitchen ai the' soll Plon WW6 'his de -4; but an old- -e w1io brr 9W*goo W thlat aqwIvva, both -that /UD a biff I I id offaid Sj h9en Alt Mext that iweAt, aged, Cal-- he" that t�e th�it of I Is hom in good r"jr; a lugs bank baru and Lily lost away., lous I guri-AA underst0d. ail. layed himself In 00 $in about the poetry lie rith-900i �Mb uncUmei one It TowlOd Ti 2 Fallow �pearance. would,prol to be al90 tbftt Of A nerw jeter a light S n fS Not ihat the Other 11-ghts wdre all ly v7m On the top f his booki�W�, 0i -8110i 12 x and other nseWl to'Maltland; lwf-,Md ef abo It tibe ra he Iad vrO, - watored, both 1 front, W*-17ou- want. V 1th7 ineII for Glow The where ljote -for T ARr A MCD --the gd) M haw aid is adgcted b I ith, for W41n and dso�nely -aiad I RY :jtjj And in- the� XMr "Yout hX, Uft the'pwd be] dad Ylive, The man bad foib,16.3 in- state of oultiva ion, 14 O 3aintree? th r wol Tom was wel Ill hed s; Ivor es was i i colored, stood the row of taint, sndis- nIt I - - �i rs!�P jwi froi thii fact that the pirol night! tb md In the' rI way as x�- W-1 known to sc*nc k-ld he, "and all your ene- and his prand eye clD nbe !% werl known _are t1he only remedy Tbom AV fornearly IM7-Yeala- M1119' I did It resia� the and elothed, at the best store d at) hjjg� As aceedjurmemin tKa care Consti fi. Th I . : - y i a9glared of ordIna his Inexpl4cab, W qm�W , ey4 n1bW with it Rest that it M00 M I - . ry 0 dr tyo of; 'healthy in #W� twwnsildp. And, that day the dif- both -tchurch emd do thi.9 -by making the liver they foUoWIYM her0, tWOU blit" M& ness to Ton i. This ontinized nd in- l mderneath. ',Ie made *19 of &,good market. For and ictivel-thus more bile, to thet- he kopt turning to to deal CM PW_MW �* thm and yet there was a i some- ITHERL"D - 1i , , , i It 4� - creased, --nu triumph,% twft Euri lwk his, shoulder smd thts at enocXh of his g iitr fbi hito the bowel& t ftar on YM Ming OSi �ktloUa, Val 152 tbww ba". &eJx bk nglorlous, ego mal abMes, but he. *ould ftrk. VW ablead at S.-Fo sAm-Lli dt-a-tive_- or shoetl biterralls as the d2y wore on. No; Mere'& k brighttr tuftwe tisticall Lu his kludeAt ats. TOW bgted 'brea& of a feW stanya wb** box 1L Hol Table& 'are sold bir dealom at pe a us?".� said 'I Umet, and &.Nmp re 8*Uedii csiS. j Lot hated himself for seeing it bu there It y ru + F BOY-' Yj -6 for .50 -or. i4d lie'simt oh _d as false as tbe- $2 am 1juron Road 811ri eum Tow clep#eA tbe.4. ii An am YOW b*NL the n1ore , hm Of 0W.W1 ofprice., dbedgOttwWo- was. It be ame .08'Tom hIm3elf grew wore regeneri tMe out-. and he fiew into jee,,tw situai withih two miles Of the thill mppw* ym arr�" Wd 6wr Tom "Not yet�f 'Why, wb*t.do you 61 cor, ba reel and so made fewer demands upon the tbj= very like ragel w ote, of the bed markets in Wel�, hen he atsbt� littLe ev�m yet. TaW farm was �warded gold News Notes. mWiWinthefarmeompetitiol 1ES& The IMM thees coolderatlou. th n the th smd xaw them. E16 Ill =a* 0 e for the =A ton yearsand 'jwwve,"'6vJd Tom. Amd "Ve been &it pvl MY -On snXiowe I XMI" e2w of the 'many lit- exceiientsoapaill -Ifr. rHerbert H. As4Wth has bell 1 Out;" binx the Wq!P11 now be in I Do wisdom 'not to press ot raer-.1 -jg4 que of S%ked b, Ki erftry His 90�i day IMM -two -store brick dw ng -ward, to form, *St-fli be is the ktind6st" v= Twnft Mule G6-yemment- Y In VmWf P-hd all he did! -.11M il"M brick woodsted-hot air fu _Vm *m th flor any o&eir-polut He fixid and soft Mator in Idtchen-fine =& I refte� oin the top'of tat g wituh jmrw� l , ll against Erlch.�., .............. and�cedar h ehard -A B3#161-_ mumb ebumsedmi 'i SM11 balre, an - i Poickeye. s - - - "Heaven 1-nows he has done enough. be. WA&W He had heam­ mel- the same PAght rwt CAY MWONA& Polinds, was caug j men 86111yari. _;.7tR �Ighlng 4, Wuk: W -break on west and norrth-good cau acres oilloi the oth6r, d-& for me!- 4,,Ued Tom, quite 1, by i MW17 ft M the Principal Awthim ot ILft OWL au -dine superin - Piticier for lbomas and *howl kim bb th cm ft -we Wi t a -1 raust try to see nothlug k4le. aud beech h, began, to think there rpm&;? t W otV in the Cou" ib or would divide pri cGaw. x 111 se1l albWether help seeing-sball Wd bad at iii st Wit ft� Ve river, W' cmductor ot th T 4- j.,V, but nevE _o betDerprq ty of Rural _11r0f. TTOah Zeller, might be-" -truth In fl� after all. IR 2026-tf I avoiding Ak tMIXL A it, ww a Ottlie room carb-- make any. dIffereAce, to wbfle ton mbich see -m -ed to vamil a'Ar W__ 167, Me# imam be im sure. They' one.� 12Md VVIS IL ;L mum In 1wxedIbly 'easant &0W g at G-uo1pb,'stqVPed, IMA " win a trossin -SM uninsimlly comforta-, IM bu XWW =d U* R. *1100e but VP 09# the bed 'bkuta to mmtm And -y ot Wassied 0vVI t ahnast 0­ye;�Unff the bay, n t 1M of =Other, and the ell ble wheii Tom bad a ve Mgam wzat6d to get to work bow Clil of the GYDWAI, Yet _36 which is a good for b eyes- btLthe other would As VM A. Wbito feimt how I the garden, anr-bere Lete Diddoa Col Clerk, b" a, number of prop M emeaqwn with - -Dinji7erili �ready. Dw.lt TAhlothel W -U It, and -at MW via to rent, ai eyes w0d, and t*Itching flu- aftm an Ymnomf rh1his col houl on alvis ip, Seatol eery, and a ember of y*mg man� by'kee-ping. r -fy- al til =A hssr cc, S& u ys. 0t4M - - .table- Stre large in Man &r _Ue was to anal seem modal a, good Mzed familY 12 lots; ttawa since 1878 AW gem over suld km lkwc-ett and en. r&* md t axid to eajoT Uls life. vuo 17 wra tie soidon-veasol term&and-powealon. giv- iat- wook, "si I'lli bitterly exclalml pampled bjM t0 =7--. ghoul as she went, "ons tm-eft� In the 4 en-saacion -si sold. her d, y Au;omoml let.and a, store at n his 680 Imuft-ace, affect- 11i Vf some, Months, Mewt On. Iflept?, TbW t4,sli on reasonable term& -ky or TOM' re hK e? comkb or DaintreWta boat, ek -debts, ecReated aid loans allade on sat 'IM t ma. WbT M Ton Lk. 1 heard them coming my security at reW=bl6 rates. (tail! 4nd see, -_T&:Aqqtp Obmstead. died -in gt� -talul Ps required WOOM be" been almost happy If he sew all. wkht: ion heard th'em coming with and 1v convinced; late Divleou court office, jP IM? all so dMicult to believe, so impos- 20184 Wang, -- lrecent,7�? ftlom only cowd e iven his kind comptm- Ow-ge the aIns. Ok t4ke me backl Tb�ey idble tot understand. But 1�ew, Iderm SM W t I r, St OL me at tbp stair an atte�aj;t to, fast he guilty man, they Ont -jiloft the be2 whole. admiration which a the m ory tha �me t ce to ca im-ty. I dw kttec tbak for gran f*r order to- demonStkiite- bils have ade bad not yet- pla ted. And his ivhea I wasn't I deserve VW You cannot possibly -hava as the W4, - 20d � ths NV5 Us 011, but lj;tutr 'he:, ad contro me WV_4& owever, begXanin to * real- jMbMfjr In Ahat. was tot real a a battirr Co,,Oa than inind- is mt9htIl6XAmn- matter. ph erm thing upw. #ad the $Wd W*X Aborw lm ft-lathi had f alli ftvm tk aruekwt grief tG Dim be eauld hav weii1t at it sUadts fast,jested, 31 476- And a day of ferror be spent put druggist,, of hdo the kta6est h2Md.8 (X% ew th. wben, and at te ethees kindness i toketh- tp- rw &aA sars"N q)imembe arged with sellin In the- carr ei,:_Jopk�ng wkward hour returning 't� the -v encol M but Owe waz still not a telai, In his .as, has been.ch 11 r, I i ut when that alzo. passed arter bo temd Man� Ing wfth�& gleam He often wondered wla� Pbal heart., there contrary to the :Kew stj '117 6crithing ba ppened be.be- ft� APW eye au!deak�_ face quite bulonsli arty hei In hisbody. N74at he Wild macy 'Aot_ A nvxftber eflyoung me lit 9MADW t i ftdnk why- -r-M AW cted w1th the colow it am 4an 0 at 11 that either Butter was with frdm. London, af fU that I' A f* X lierder, deemed his. atitude *ejned] sol, Ingr L -s one tr up and times to A dley u drink - a sutainigg. 11 have beenei!uring th 9 Mematly brK with and d)�n m Wfth ads benefactor 4hich ken or Me Major Incredulous or Ind, ne ev A - ­ - prove that there was uot tood. Er riflovis end tbst, �cjty, omnplaints. TO :eieA vai 109 eliennies j1 another raind xiow that grantr nut and adef anj had once. b tone -Am wer6 m L one dowz�. but 'the most esper eyes, Them were qualities be could -honest- I 4(,He*d, but: go-�, that If" Ill gon"'. Awt all events be took, Dantree wtffie I -I& This exe-djent Cocoa, fG�o -etor wous sent long E4 'vernment lixispo had wildly !welcomed ly ."Wm in Daintree, but they were 'malatahats the system a robust be sev c trust I! -of gmee and t, last thanked D,2 MMbftee twk W MW quantles n whose possei 1� jgea.hk teef_h frornVol -The result Will othe r life-Abat him'the Rintree w�w Welcomb Tom. MAs k9 not j upo jost All he. I was littl otill, Ise DlutTee, for,'what be,w4s doing w1th e d YM A&W and-.cnablels it to resist eral V W" CDR extrame, cold. -it Wag Ihe had- ed himfi elf In- 61 kmw =me0di—, announced at', ehAgel that dM9 049 9a`7- slon D21ntree most prided hims0f. He vie at CleM50417 College Out Esking, he..Wa' do- agely aloug1by Us cl I 001XMI)i was a man of Iron nerve anti wnt debiW tw this I for thel blessed dyl-- C,, tba 267 -members �of the, 64homore cl�me into MY e now perceiv d was' Tbut was Aindoubted. One day In'P. *rA phdued DaIntm in a.Tofee smaskilir &114 freshmen claSSes had bemx On the thir forenoou, the spires and xqnall uear itbe Heads he handled the gift of. M!P- Ail -n to 48 JUnlows e x-' IIJA I MtAske Whitt a mal Ignant fury. once I. thrashed him In ther", 90* -fery iTAssed, In additto Windmills of'Sydney, fringed the sky. boat w1th magnificent coolness and CUM I-r-elled befillote, This i's Oaid to be thz thmat gift had I roved. -be IMInks so now Ito wbat come 12- sdll when Tow thought th most wholesale ex X w - Pulsion -In the. X4a d it an moi e. He Then they mounted a hill, and there py;� must that bie� JM"hd*M&l bl&d was the h cbor sparkftg above a the But he shaft,_ -he shWI-i xhOIrl Dr- both have #me to the sharks.. When n i MUNC be I N ow Sold by and' 9jorelceepers tory Ut the United Staes. The MME uo louger 9 he Sullivan hlibself.-In deiftSliFft a ro- they landed! ovdination In Aprff! eoofss: a- the onytet -city. isafe amild sound, he Inflict. -1b. I—% Tins. Was 'alleged insub this persons kind, well. leltrant c4nvil MMIltilim ene ilk wglj;k r 44 er -Bricbsen' ed -so many of his poems upon Tom, Wo had tiett i. drop the rpm um"a Mt pow 1% the -lid Fialutree as they iftove up no more feis tone. TAKE PeMlega)&- tb&t t -f glow whom the ii�alt breezes h�d than I die- at gVercomo idol �.rank, ilemarks mov�d him -George Bennett aald Ills wito" tD- 116 StMAW ft elt= to turnp "I suggest that . The dog *n dramdildiMn it yawd WIM drowginess that the pan'try and To oss ot i ke,gate. ronto, -are molUTIng the - i �jjjj4llll 11% 'Of he door it. MM Imuped v liest babyt Imptience, I or was he I le oinast , 4L romtrA Harold; aged, M I � I would not elrteaL tben4 the Wves �o &ean seemed preferable their w I suffice both Christian- s" Lt - of Will be cried. 0 r yerry one morth, who &ed at DetroA. a :Cev� ' g DR OV14 i whe�, a. lo*, an itonation, a. pg name and si kname, I :Wink It would leasel did not run sw�y. Daux- It 4vess1 hk- 'trm now w�nt wifta sail t�dW and ipinides af ter they ha iii foo 01� informed -htm.that he had beeniasi--cul 'be* erabh.. for the preseni. What be A p -To4 now; it anl� bmtr. L*ft The Bennetts aft on 1 �om consented wi berimt map- AMeirican Soil. say th pit- wbistled to dog, Wk sboad. day last wei�k andi the `babl x> ristlIng all over, andAjwt speak of If* If you plelai0--iiii I'S py it agaW s�td Tom fect. eadlne* and indifference b I ii an4 he w6r I was taken alek when they 8 "Oh, very well,"' AFdd a . -few � bours On the jol - and died -want assign serv- 1, too- behini him for the last.time as tall -with IM1PNMse emew, an Proli. l YT) P'ar la, 'Its I Ju ind that V 1) atree, disreg�xdlug mucbl Es. to Lnilety to pkaw In "only that Point was'! Ili the jr.qm1gi office... I)eah waE ant," rePeffted S11 y Wh.;tt was thib only thing c !m bo&" the decl-sion d the preschee of on 6 ablo t which he was not as In- W,y, but enim that rwm,rt Uft rL Aliyou?n b due to e-onvujstow, C.ent.of the read dead., as It' until Dandm OR& ewdalmed, Toga in Aa a Nor w it ther4'qulte lai 11onel 0 sl diffe t as 1. ie t .4 _.�por some time, children in voilm "Ab, but. er dar_�', enj I -et of f urth , oppol They dtoye'down Brickfield hill over In his ruge 'that the IWVMe 4ttpcked aft eyini the pro r�Lomas have been used in the cit "I V1Mt pot where Nat.gnlllvan ha ap by -P, man on the street, who lasbei to be youx fridud-I-to the sz d turu�-_ taU and r � awny. Afid lji� you? More than I CEM eVVr,Xe*"W 4W It "d xg2ft at believe; everything - eva,*yri - look - them with a whiP. The other night take yl�u a'" ' fter i this ghastl�j place bled. off his tiorse and'Wt the Aotoi clu:ght Imf- 0 1 ait- o n 0 1 S y yet I refuse to speak Of It to ym $Room" about eight Velol &n 11 -Year -01% sponke th ier y memory of 1 It ant ous Inn where he had ]i It flourish- same tMng happened, the' 0 ZVOWMW AU& lVd, g#l, 'Alice McKall who.. was ent -of kV men! You see of your, min& The goTerruor il A still the doleful felon the dog sLil give M the Mvnk" it- made frorw bl an -errand by her mother, VAS atticket it -tien leave mm; yoia me what the��l mule 4C 310� II have his *6 win filled W Or, strWng more stv-. WaWng hIj tall and aft near her home by a man who Aw iiiii"i [ come with n1, 'Erlch"UV Will am=6- thew- Oh, air, f0mire: Mao low- ded flopr. Must, 41d ber M the legs vAth a fang.. wht Cato , n W, crisp weather than six- the dizmer trowing cold SM screams YOR lence vith m% and way* be pat neighbors heaing the eblWs come -1, WM Y" em"r onths slue In the heavy beak but It and Irm *-�ng the I - full X AW the'rxiad; -You' ild," said Toth. "I struck to Ulm's heart no morei W Yet! Give me tlml� 224 exNbltlon with Ow tnt- re epical3ed. the quay tl bre was a erol and a ttting Wn I& thank ),ou as I cannot, .w�- "You shall nott,,11 John Martin Shaw, of, Elora, one of cried tlel at *,frie& shipload of convicts disembark- made his h �ath gm eW sick to "m 00 nut dt "You were the"iploneer newspapier men of thae tmj�p_ The mxjw'14�ked persol alp. Ing 'but To a- felt ito pity for thern ail, m 4 nei en WAVL guet a geiatioA- 'of the pTiovince, now, vssed ai �-i his ilkligna., We'll apeakor Ali thic tto TMOM at Mis hil there, on Tuesday after4 heavensm he �lrted out! -fl-ow and, sat know my moi wexe My- P Aec"n-iii M t up h -St- -the I v *7 0, my hem in- laziness of a road gang, whose WjjeX he 41'Prefer the ir gane tion was am wed, It was bY the WuDg- W fauning the 'A"Pr" -1th. The deceased, b was* 171 -years of age, . was C491 IWO VWW -not AW -- f I;E was a mere verseerg IrWe smd Me oic I Fift flalk Lat, C R E rat I:! uelph, but went to Elorai fri ISMP o re smoking and chatting 1859. ITe had lived them for most 04 i M Tm,jmd raortIlea0lon werelin the wfth' the c6avIcts, while the latter gether wj own? At eveaft, I til� the spectiallA, hurt Tow mom -Mm -a", the Antervel yea-'rs, 0MUcting th,.� rk Mrong tow . s "d In the ftsked moved ndthr.haad nor foot, and the #*CCtug he lmd witnegged in the h -M no creffit for 14 and Y�M 000-- C_ FLOURold Mserver, wid later the Rkprass_ giad si*irthyite. sellattlea-yaw, Lid at their posts. me zgaiu, 40 Yqu hear7 only thjxtt� feep- gang. Tt WAS not Ile tretired from "U" work four"yel a gang," e 3eated The wum] t the major there," said f9r men me if you do. 'You "I'li-Prefer the ir� W-01 numbed, wMe s P fte WM ago. M was twice married, and 14,; IT i Re spollce eamestly, i T01�4, but We votee"Was Weaker- he "He'd have thpt peck of fiw aulwads r emained W survivei a wididw, -one Mr.. withmt a trae- n -wlth -the, next A aboul ears If the stood X?4 q - 10 - of a1r4ctxtSa;h Or AWK, t1i it hillnedf n&, sonei Me ow wgn n -vi g whoni­b�_,, of, Guelph, and wol Campbell Shaw, breath was' etzl ng I SaTagely at he 100i at It'Much longl6rt" tism. 14or did TbM a obw daughters. honor- and t adnihv, and bAQW �tbe i' Wou that I ie. 11 w foible as he _e kPW , tall 100V d In the b &Dot d'i' 11;ere tree 14rned and regarded him and tje tdpflfion were The McKillop Mutual Fire Insuratice Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TGVVjq PROPERTYLONf-Y- 1,SNURED. t v a apd Wbo -W ts n4ffitrree t, Como e_ their birth dark, inscrutable face and took A b0tter po'n ering t4ml, A. lot'he benefactor kir 1�oth DAIDI& The beatj did no Spod- 9 "GO4 blew you!" he wwspe�� oil :XW the- or what. Ti hu 1 11f, 7 gov Mn DR= turned am M -A Vft said. Thi -re he was, ant � tbei* 7 1 sueh a faft ithat Tom took "It Me, 410a is wo good to you, you know I medl to. "CAR. 1-a it ei I a I& &W juc�" - he eant.tootlel.-. Nopowerodeafth My blen-trit when 1 had 2 1" 310W I& aMs. beard A dtr� mmosIA" Shift Ulm ou It iluwwul Well, you 0* U61AW 4400 - of th In the VWm, WMn hW to such nightly ordeals. Toni wkefi bb lk yj xtten -W,,e (tuarantee 10 said the - r inior. 4NO P*Wffl be Wt into livery and to work at once. than I taought. Do 7kya kDow W to cure your. cough peari the paper kizift w= or cold; w. h=d. A I pistol was amm ad=& He Insisted upon it and j gained his YOU 8 -ft dolu-C.? Yov�rer gtvft- no J I'll'i of a 1111 4 if red coats, *h1&- point thircuo the aecAdental toueb: of heart buck UttLe by j_jtjW I abst'* _WbeWa I he dogr b* edee . - 7 1 � - you mnt opam" 0 'iWl or I" buis" —just *Rerl Oa�d Tom,, showtag Whs. gratefW yetr remov, i. t �ftt man F, d AW01-+ 44- "InU3,12, Awrill- im+,,� He went to tbe.Amom- gi MMINS0111C UYWAI. A JIM -V:gv Then, your blood must be in 16f &-gang were at kqqm. -Shilows hha. ra, No aft gamil t his #aIghi statement with spee-imiJew of the z -here 9a$1W st I b:f� rwiner W. R. A161ille", p-maimlint, xip �Lked in an I sat down th a bomb P' Oil Th�Dmas very bad condition You Cure w0l C_ w1ach - Tom to be -'M OtL stoi With ure your cough was every barnju er* ant a , He noddl!d'to one. or o -dt%- 2-1 Brumfield P. 0.; Thomus A to siche -i ya�u bad *As 409- bm Distafrbe Wl a magUtri a tw. toears, W�- t at Imigm, be w"Wit Rajr-a, seex-VuLary4treuarell SAalia itily know what to take, ki6dred sjjtrits� half cold i and do it quicker certa. P=ffly, "From a p3ppy," imild McklAe W* duly included In the'or. 90rie, and Diatutree -Asso IMMW umeh as,to say: "kn rjgK lads. than. 'anything you der, vxd for In time the master was tar, 001M ch --vat between _jd�r*wpilx then take it—Ayers Sars.a- 1*9 his Plil "Comap, MA rm-:not the- man.� Ito del hj pals. il - I h110 fesfte� a� the prospell dbfi- en I ) r- W wq sIMM to - hose - that are true A rM ne gi PIAY- Brit It Ivealled family troubles itip, iatfti, parllla.�' If th tn4e'd o your druggist ftw uni 'Tom Armt william vhemey�, ; you doubt, At M Grieve. Wintimor-31 Gol6mgi W* tir ref rn the purcha � f, consult your doctor. We know to me, r, a ;bat if Irm I Lathing .6m JIMM 2301 all the way home he F.he a ft r t h sWrT for It afterliff,"., EonneWeix Dubfim t 'vVi3rift ftr -IM -dm Tboge -in, lf,4 d, were pric-e. bet a bottle to -day, vexed Wi M me for ot hfinself an an 4-�Mne sionlerle 91tMes Evans, B"6hVVCd -What- he will say about this I I I anti at Ma Masteew- tfi�w_ me blis lh�n it not 4 --el mw --t -ei In h s heart, but n( y Me Byrox--*ay literary 0'ecand selt" Wat", Hari ; Tho�y. grand old family medicine. not -,Only 'jingled wbeft And curk that cou'gh or cold. ktaing YM such ai aftt ft 1. however, In Imast 4ft VOINIMMI i- 1!bmllel to mzre &V=C orl; liald; John B. MoIl Kippoic gg Sam* hft t i 1 e t h-_ r e m d Y, i at! t -own butt Samebody b&d once ci him COM had lwm( put md(x Me ta- broftm to "D-11 never Urie& of self tb& be Minton. This S51he first question Tonr doctor'-woUld "M 061fic is 4W .0d orill the �qi aql-.: *�Aro yclar bowelp, regWar?" M, h.,1f)WS orber 9=.ped, bYA ae"Ir mK daily acittou of the bowels 12 abs6littely W, avA gtr"Mn Ma a kkL AGHN _di M -i 5z *"ry-breathill, tnAt,utial to recovery.- Keep your 11yer active cures colds "tr. Dix" -1, -ODMM AMnW Robt. Smli Hari W. Lanah., Als, tbw eat; of the 91V = zimi-11 yiii baivos regular by-taidng laxativo "ff the d lot the Olt &afttith S and Is no g".d to F coughs Mm to twsei of Ayeee,)Mg. died Bdue. "k a Pal 01 paper -low" - . I M UWUM Thosetra 9. W. Y", Rol M4 ftm won&, 16 IM& d premed lip n-. gw, Mardie and Cleo. Stepil.. ii, A MM 41 L:��U4449 ro of ledit, Cut* is a safe and sure e YOU lkmad b mi bu shoot 111M, id" Not that I be lev 4014M *U&UML STORIA ISE 1 e FA 40ndidolazz. of. and t jt!, And to show Ws ellef he P UAIR VIG61t. *Ad ratt 11 �ugh mean Acre CU -210 cold medicine for Ivor 14hau M d- QUAM 1R. T 1yor - dropped the terri S i6ok th Ift bmton 40 er, Whexieupon Daln- S&4 b. AX 0 the children. It* has been effecting 4 otedia& treO bealtate(� but pmalently retreated N MY181 #IV ftres -1 Lr Zr__ - I I ye=. All � I VV -,e have, r,0 secrots! We Imbilah drug- Mways V,,The Aecrel Gr=ado Society of 9 Pei the formulas oftlill our madi to Me room -ttltbovt a word.' V 5 ei. oci a 307 the-ir groi in Sleafortfh;� compris about four nd Ulm. Tbe dog wa's spared, r -hey 0-a C SOWSM0 "I'm idal W40L 310he M4 1 -1w -a I barea, for We ou- saw term& for Vux�t -culars. a AW vim" , I I ., - 1 .1 1 ?1, da mum It*. se at I 44 to C041 tMt sho ld haw- I to K EMU=, ED_i stadde" qM8= we qrdwydy r*ael UP i*M*Pk 1�een hot. sina their Mutue &�M &%d & 7:, �-4 4, a r