The Huron Expositor, 1908-04-17, Page 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 tI7, 100 go 0. -0 MIMI 0 -k IA IL If r RTRI FRI D A y IL 17v 19' 0 4 which camel td can�daf in 180. sod Ouch in,-er rit. eztedl in nej��paper 'r otaillon's 11 t the plates 13peeches cau dmL The VU" STMOW.''. AM.rtbe Was taken oft A0. Ready r�dliercb wedding br4kfast, at He Was UAft
fo love Wd -ad Mo. A=at*M`g left -on. the- laut ja or -bal. not years, and aso a wtiter of Tit wlien ta emit, matm, he lost 11113 tote WhD&
he centributed, the 1 7
_Utw� md eed grain -the 3-- -OUS- altmoon train 6 Voaks, for 20 yeari Ifural To -*I a thre gro=_ �L 1"L was picked, up wil -to )Flifladelpblal dantle Cl Ing Xticles to ths' Irboatary -Time$. as beld Pura th, 116� n feX 1*8 feet on. Sonia las 10m -g tU
d TMr 4t and ovo A
I a -St. ratber,! _a were Washin- d other M He w ay broken t New York, as td Jimet, eldwt ft latter of csymde eatening; wbleh- mAy have! haid' b isl 7 74e, and And, Wo a, Mgj Soria �rLd one —After an absence, of tbi*P montlis the" k0ing eriAbltors at riIAidsay was 0100bg Mr. Valtbr -'Thom pson -and- daughters loanw 1SL. ter lyl hom, rout WUAI e e ver th& catueell the, Tmonto —The cmgregatlou of Westminster trr of eeds for
-CON f I MISS of Mitchell, ratilrned Fag a 'winali one. was thought Two month- 641nirch, U-6unt Varest, have -ox to xten4ed
t in wou ai call Qeo�,ge YeiT died at ble '*ejk.
eprizes :attact' eiffiud% wid h.the return a conddel to Rev. Cooper, of Bort ip was he Presbytery of Whitby. dence, Write I fij*oe -stook ;Mea SW in Tex4s# with Ferry, in t in Pieeringl*u Af -aae in The little daught,-r of jfi�. J. De- 80th Year. ed 'was n q. uWi Or and Mr,. William Th. n We el- some I fte eu�ase I adiet? t0L ft h tL -their"al _ , " P-_ 100 miles have in sto -Ad Most xespeated, --st- ogether- About -7,0 -P arer -Y re M saft Alt IT rais, of WestbouTne, Man, was the quires mmetbing If wheels. -were to*end and the trip throi4ghout NUoned by sucking 'phosphorous from dents of thO towno He was biarn -the to'be l- all QpMtll X2()najffhAU- Ur. Kerr Ad#. enjoyable one. lat the war; 9 Cle#elitrid nd Hassey - Arris ches. thdal, sbqw of'otock s MI ss, theri Vaig a �$. 10,4111ster;l- ' sister of Mrs. hand, in, good order— __,_Tntherto U0 rats bay(, exLnted, in -years in the banicIng bw1ne Wrly. large Attendaw 5 of second wHunt idf -IAA-6wel, who has been- 4 -1so e Berlin' western, Canada, but of !Ae an in- ohly� a few mo)lth$ UG retired froft ope *ftp, hoese -Sib from $12 to $15. A ofrica, for wheel, 22 inch fraines coaster omissiotiary In eria, est A v4slonof lvdents bare occUmd- In the the management 0% the 'West-rn bar Gedri and n. tbere. Deceased wW4) -a, W-mber 1 y-ean, di d tly -in Faxis f, brake, black enamel, last year"s iclulty of Smersoa lad Qr t Went e IL
TW a Ribeks, of -Wa��esa, XW- re W. Is France- er were killedl nder an old Doric Lodge, A. P. and A- 9.!t toba Ith the bulls Xws, was on of ple Lod it on "he ftnier race the other united with the society U y way -borne furloagb,, *efi taken, III b=u at er of St. An- -Mr. Kerr was P. ft-temb UL I aso ri -c -or Ira -Faris.. 'She was the - '11#hor We also handle Dunlop tires. da W &af fbrd'vllle,' seed. IhEUH . t af te M I.A(Me � V�-oman' in Afklea.�-" —On Saturday rnoon last, .Xis dres chureh, a lifelong -1AWrA1'aU4 fr his upright! deallng an e -Gdvertimoht, julged .�.F. Mingay, whd has b Kate Stewart, of PusIttich township, Ontarlo��, eeii divkL d genial. nim tia's lit ed -gralm The -following .8 W j 1, Impertntendent 4f the laterna- 97 was held in 'h,4h esteem by all.- t the prize w1rifierb : j . I while housecleanin -noeked a load- ner. d I tional t6resn, ence school and a, ed gun trom the wall where it was —A fetal ar-eldent occurrva- a -t rii-llsl John Bulger, s on Heg -resident' bf tratford has been moved hanging. The gun e:�ploded and the er, 4ft the Galt t & Dri ,glit 'Class—Aged stall -chi- gina, -He will take. charge 61 It Is Electric Rallway the other evenint. Ion,, A to- 1R6 heavy charge entei'eq bier tout. 'bald- 14 , �,`Cadrnore, Seafor th 3-yeaz �o d; -probable that- the w4ole frozit of her 0anducor MAIC01MI Be 'Jeweller,. Seaforth. thp schooPs wWK' in 13isktchewan. snd Motrman Theodo* nd Mrs. X1 Vill Agay wid' family will foot mill have 61, a to a In car Pit 'Josp I Sla e -;,sweepoa for be Ivery much -missed in Stratford. Mj%rrlage Licefteen 16sued. —Mrs. wl-Iff -ogle, f julka, noticed a nitan lying on the j t -W. j. Ij Patris, died on F last, the track �about AHAVT S b 14 -t orsef John. little Ior oeven PQ+-P1.q i - - I a. mile fr* Sniff -eat � ralgli about s x In the side �of Age aA� T SE 10V -1 age—A xo�sp ks. Logie d, ANT -STYLE IWA stopped
�,.Ca I ged stallion M. 13, 7 Y1 b a narkow estape the t*wri. The car was br Hamilton city UT o+ Bruce. Ield. frcan _%Tlous injury lait the Bank h�;d been 11HI Rom I months was found h eman was In ah R e., eil torer In 'Stratford the her i s and AffD YOURY iuGiir. 61 .'d�_Aged Istallion,'JosephRey- ot beneath tan arch'Of. evergre. to -as Sts:te. PAb was taken on to h�r death was qulte� unexpected. She conse nold Job Xchltosh, R q1ce day- In, att' ual. 'marri In - o WaSUCI 'Clinton n empting o escape one rig "Us and highly esteem- Your cloihos I was -very poptdar the nespeler station. The[ unfortun- ey s2 three houz s �1 If field- T. iffurddch,' Henzall ear- - he- was knocked 1down -a-ad -run over by was 'performed by Rev. Mt. Martin of aM011jr a large circle of f ri6nds. ate man, who 41ed about Exeter, -Miss !Agnes Blair, sister Of as lyl Ught buggy. Fortun'ateb( he as -y her hus -% It a in cleffies that showa he you don!t Jong 89rVL* Ce but. Of' dIds X Troyer, Hills a Wo a b Arclite MI— a- gt reeni Mxg. IA�jlle Is s band laters 'r-tifted fference betweeU the Prince ancl-the the kfift you. buy. -you VMW efleld;- Hackney brIghtened -than hurt, receiving y,, who had Zecently moved, i -P 'tbe 'bride, aqted as bridesmaid whila rl�% wha� 11 On) more amd- two sma11 chil. Carve Th Unton; aw t 15e§ 1. Amy assisted the 'groom. The Wh get here, Shipleys, C only a sbakitig up -and a prained their Capt. Haxbottle, 6 absconditg Galt with h1sl wife from D yt 11, el e young couple have -taken up for light horse, Vin. thumb. S'cretary of the Tarbitto Club, was ar- he had beely LeMpfoyf-'df in the tile Vaxd 5. �h the res at From the lowest t( et Goshen line, Stepliz. Interior i t. t, Bpi@.aUc1-ffPaU. suit i's a the hikla —The Ideath occurred, on Mbriday, ame hon I ted on. &mday 14,avaA, Cuba. —The Department of the- A smar aged eight has just is�,.0 I the sixth e -d- e, 00,,�Tll �tb, at his home In MItchell, of —Ellgetie Southcomb Shice it -was reported sorne wooks ago OttawA ea p4ced suit,,the.fabrk is ilways, ',of -a. Sbc Y, horns�-Xged. bull, E. 14. .1 71 -se, Mr. 'Aqgust Herber who retired from and a; daughter of Thomw tb4t the captain had been seen At tion of ther homestead map -of Manitob 6, i JaB. 'MCI reliablecloth cunt, atoeh, Tuckeran Ith - bt London, who has � begn d� 'Alberta, ecti d faryning Isorne few Years ago and soutlic -an =r
'James Mcqueen, Bueefueld I - moved 1,' ombe, New Orleans.,playing the races' and Saskatchewan to U1telAel. He was In his 69th year UVII19 with her grandmother, tu Cliu- generally enjoying, himsels the polic" -to Januwy Ist last. Amolig the new An the stabig new features sire -tail 'Lat goes iAto Ye i6, Hay;*Jas. MT4 on, I a- tive -Then th6 olrin.g to - - t, ton, died them the otheIr days aftor authorities of ToronO have -been busy features are the Precise 10catt kere, as well as the more conserv'a' I d a wife, tbree Whs aw er IW- Xootelth,t tick- two Idays illness, from sPilial- menlift9-4- obtainable, :of ll Umb
Sea t ai
for itis h; Alex. Sinclair, Kippep. luit d .4gh r Mceased ww one -of the y one is, exact] -he 4ight Our I -Alex., tracking him. autz t ord 'Bull its and also the lbeaUon of the 5%- thoro bly done. -Angitm, G. S. ere of that nelghb6rhoiA and. Ates —Win. Dewar, er superintend- 4.
hahfto�ayle lines. ug ers h; Fqlled Thomas Heeneys a i
Penman ccountomt. of acres of coal lit In R,Itt'sh- (W-
pcg- n, 1ndi)ptrlo_us man a4d -a, good Whele 6P Paris, KcXtll swea0takes, E. w of suits 01- nelglibor�- In oUtics he was a con- the, G. and G. branch of the C-, F. late candidate of the Liberal party- In unibla, by ibe Dominion gov-. hot iron A stl acquired ve od(I North Brant for the 14gislature, died ernment near I But, beat of 0, tRis -style ai4 i 1 servatl in religion an Eiscopal- Rv, 10ft GdderIC11 last week fb� "ttte to 7ernia, and wh1oh, ara -GRAM 'Winnipeg, where he will be engaged flore long buough 0 6 Bw our Jam. or Monday raorfflng, follow- Just e� 'Ile ahapeliness is ta d into each g4r- a Within, the w tern border of re Immanent � nd --.d moulde iarto Spr g whhat, J. X, ise; V Whell, who, In the cd1rif"Y's offices for a couple a g a b 'er 'hornestw d Charles Hingsts of Mi ief Illness. J ie was 65 years map. The total 111101b Of Walkar., of �months en and the candidacy entrl� 1,907 IS 29,215 =ent—it Will h&VeL that tylish ap ghape dat Wi, R, Smillie , t lack and' t1i move further we,3t F age Mal is I'n the employ of Ur. Jobn 0. retired s in t OW4 Wise; six -r wed bZleys. 3mce until. it is worn out s, , X. � I 10 L HVT4D1i .,road, W&t, ar that towns for a season ea -of lafid, given away for e;.twd-rowed barley,' X K�. ne —While wming #at lof 1115 midence a xAA month ago on accouikt- of' Ing an ar 1WUe, Wj F 'K is came tiear losing his life -the 4 ckness. this prpMA- of 4,614,40 acres in ta
R. smiMe.; fleld 009 I iv day.. He wak -attacked by a belfor izr 'Gorrie, on Uonda:Y last, W. samuel the lat . . - I _. I I
_,e year. X. fV i Ise he misfortime to fall anO ed, COW44r_ .W�- Tallar; field bearm.. X. Glorge bwo4 of 1ovatalo, a �A�,J —A y#lmg j U En liad t which -'eaught him on ne of ber y e _I the late 8�r Oliver Uo"t� was found In- an iMcOns la
w 47
X. rN e'4 timothy iseed, J. a t horns; tearing a long g4ish and, soy- bXreak hie arm neaf t1i shoulder. 13fr. -wm. oha:pm NaY is an agefX gentle an; red clover, Wm. MEM, abd ho doubt C�ao. p ' Y.,� an. Moadxy�, -tion Ji.1 Watford e ed I ltoc4ester, X�'. mEm, early ipotatoes,_ Jas, ering some of the. arterlee on the In- his U-Jstrtun6 will be a very -young man er -maiden name w4s Brue, o. fam- cal aid Vas -S;�;mbned, but the- malm :es Val general me's side bf the --thigh. -The great Oeal of blood and became One befte'It is healed. - early died abmt n-1104 lat;r, "%4thout #" e. L re - - - I ft" . - il prminent in Kl#gstozi In u—W. john . TAc Goderich ishirt and tro43- d(Yetor he Is- now -progressing nicely. stj he ery weak under the care -of a One son, Josel _ng ConScio �mpson and Miss _Jb FXRber )JOWat, gairil Usneqs. When found 4e The man who,buysi his Spring i It Grace E mcdougalls, of n Tbronto. 1 was t1ad in hVIS Th*ir L"t IWO Uy married At the( at Uq t —W. -ftarles, Baird, l Uothertwell, towm�514p, wen quie j—The other eve, gets both yte and :servioe h Mode 4 ni Rrs.'Lockhea;d, ers. VW4 botUes '190 I:z6u were malase, Centreville 4 Ingston, lett her in, -hi� room, and t is generally Mati y b3embers attended th6ir in Bayfleld� an Tus�dakTl APT11 'no r died �suddenlyl on April 6th. eceased ext a 011 had, Imot been in . v ry fg�nod )walth b, e to� go to a net 1�)1198 tO lleved� that Oftser �Vxnlnit suit prices,�D as se",U i i 6f the Outarto"U Isla Ith, by Rev, Jobri McNeil, ancl left b suleld of,, SatU e day for the , Lloydrainster tUstrUft, last, The three ".bab_-It� good'#at�on can be s1n,* la'st fall, but had been going w. 6 end the evening. was 'going up although Aq bag wM - not- come baok.i mat ere W. Tbqnp%m homer . . a try friam n- bout. Ilk. 'BaW, who was in ht�,M4 Bask., 'wb e . steps of tb b tall Ile came toff,,4.1118 Co�= A. Dunlop, North n- steaded a 'Years W. And had been':en o Up T -kPaTo- over a yeak a9% $1 0,.-$ year, was a native of Lanark coalaty, b itk, striick be -a on: the
9 y Helma , -of The other -day, when Mks. ChaTlep Swift 2" a. 4rew i aged 31; John :A. ith his wife came to t1eyed as a, Tesmin vdth
arid . along lot Goderic township, 'Was I ment and lay uncms Medical Od Rdtherwell over half a celitury ago. di ay. Glen -'32, And rell 'A. c� Wddleton, v &s, at orice, summon but death en- V,%B abkt _�tY 'years axy, aged A On December 80th, 1904, their gdid#n Ithe yew 0.
West Kent aged driving- through. Clinton* the- horse got 77'� 1;hr9a —Ribbard A i
diming "Uhn e n 1 The decassed 10 youn q eat -bri;rersm�ntativeS .of the F iv6ddlng annivers Wghtened and ran awa;7, throwing Grahami Litter it a" ww zelebratd. was 60 Yers of age- son f Mr. tich .nt.
_,e $1
'Will �Jot seekL re-election 1ai the- Mi%. %nqmetdn mt. fte fell o !Meoe, M p ter et [deg- Uebad been hn. older Of' -U16therwell —Win. Clark, If. -A�, honer graduate candidate Mr..: Dunlog- Is retiring, . and head, Ireceivin,g some sevare bruVp,, - f afternoon, eburch for. many 'Years, -and, waa for o I IT&vnto -UnIvers# of deatl� 0 9 are. Y. a resident rl Mewrb. MeMillan -and McC161 both a long time- superinteident '4Df the whic)l trendeved her insensible. will larkton, S"k, committed zuIcIde the school in ZuTin, two Ms,north Of ble tandidar, the Hoti6 gup —The Zuich Herald sa7s it zp 3 d U 01, ;rob ters f or of _d9, -He is the father of day by shooting him -elf. He Eirrivale. At ec- : a W llaw' -the e rldlr�gs_ Colmoms In Ar' respeefty _her Ake !near;Y ATO thousand dDllazs to 'a � I f PrO. BaWl' of Xan1toba CD!Iege, and, t vas, 60 yeas of and a b1g asn4A -,�grds, a %�ft of W. Th two veteran me&beks of the � Lag7, prof. Bgrd? of - Illi 0 Uiliv 1, culvers and, bridgeslu cwner. The lonely lite he led Is isafd ged fourteou, was I rumIn Ix is emity. 1put, the raAdmq ff a'-ong e are also good shape w4 they 'islat retiring. Mr. John —mr. Tred, Kerr, a fdryner tMarys Ly township In aa t e the, aus e. Ile i left a nota say- beam in the schdol vorch hand 04i rs, the before 'vas ar Smit Peel, aged, 77 yea I the big storm of a 0041:10 latroftAd i
t boy, who his been studying for the Were I ig that he was t1ro of life and, N han Grab gr Ped bin rer tative In tha' flqdj�pe, 11' -not ministry at Knox - College, Tonto, Of w0ek's ago- z tone to blame for his act. His body t U be car4ed aloing, but ROL he walst Crediton. on, whi has IdA - colupleted. his college ras found b7 the Y�ounted police. VAWds last Wa 6 Cloth l. seek lecti, le Om. 13� Mr. 'Albert Morlock, of 1p � and fell upon am- Works loug y 19ast Nurthumberland,� 0 is and- In general prditclency taken the, had his arm severely cut On -X-01147- B140ba rasjx4 from the bd�`% —Dr. :od-win Goodman died in g the three _sc�re amnd ten,- not frave As he* wa breaking a 'piece of casl4ps Iling sqh6larghip. Ile will likely, Ctharines on lrhurz,47. 1Te 1was barn ears wad r aoAh, and he died in fiftee., with a hammer a piece flow Off. clXt- -ated -at rninutes. cause W�_-- exte i contepthis coq tiM- to ed %,a agaii o Germany to pursue a further i Grimsby in 1833,; and ede The Su- f
and lait turc :er- at p -d blO�od TeMel. OoUrse. 6f study. W. Wood, oi T bL on_ tin a gash In i arm. Dr. MO -L le old. irarnInar 9 dUteS Df� CUe was called in and, ome Tt iM Ill leave 'the Prime 'who filled the pastaral' _Uir doxi, it WALS Is tie Trhiver-sitty of Tvoew, where he p4we of Iron lion hitney, the oldest r0mber church, St. SE&rys, during thel time befime the Knox jwaa prim Mau and fionor-man six dressed. oved,and- the wduri:l the 10th Of U 16 J50kise. DesPitO the fact that M�r. , vacmicy In' the chur-4 sod-, by the:'reln'C .
cau t mos. Ile was surgeon of Goderieb 1% iTodgalflea-At 1� t�e has not yetawb#e heir In The gnal Of last week ent. during the Fezdan Raid In g 6er death Idt the late Aev. A. Grant, took saya —An 4LpPRTeUt1T Wb his leads he is the senior Gill At a meeting of the a t the travelling scholarship at -W tagil!"Ne fS ourylved - by a w1gow, w -started 0119 r rnd suburb ni t ieedg' College, W-9treal, for general pro"i ers of the 'here Meletric get together, olothidg us merr ers, many of whom are 4 OntaTlo :West'-, 1mr sow and one daughter. In the city of MeI86 a, 46 4or baldness; Till' ficiency. �Coiurriy held at Toronto on ww. fauned-by a' —The other morning ,as Mrs. StaaileY Boston on X*n1da7s. by owy whltenos� n Of UgO',onlY canT be sturdy. is 65 years Tuesday, tendells WOrO TP-celvied for the.. bathing her naitbwest Sale into a lagratli )n Fri A.: lirie from I _�ite of Duiivllle, 'was
constyuctiton Vf , tie IDM [ the M- -,I, d ol one ear se�aratlng h! m fT %_Uables In trout -ot 9n open gas ste w1deh bliterited nearly one4b* Huron Notes, dwr -tic We know all about I y$i f6r We arnil head, of the Province, Hc�. G. cardine land It is, exl:ected that the,7` I* dress- took flre,� and she was so the suburb. Five 11111idred hma Jackson, jr., of Cl1n. cantract, will be Awarded within -the 1, W= idle- -h 'for these .. 'N( aS to allow Of the dly burned thAt she died the same houses and Public buftdingO ing t -W 1r. T to next tw46 weeks so have been clot =t� Mr. Iii4iey In 66alollity of ton, has gone son a business tric ,fternoop. Mrs. J3ates was alone In stroyed, 1,000 faMilleS . driven age Many �orAes Hon. A0 J. IMAthesor tbe� VancaLtTer, B. C. 1 c*mmencement of actual work betofe and ten th he house at the Um, her husbad th* babitatifts, yefixe. j ncl4l. Treasurer; then' 'Mr. R. —A Umitreal firm has Purchase4 the the'end Of the. month. a Fbrol iaving left for Vinetanguishene a pwple made- roA�Fa�q. Two Uves �w Dar g %vel, lRedis flax mill and busines audd —:A t high ncoon on -Wed-glesday, April een iost Aad at -a U C4. J. S. MVd- Da-shwood- s She leaves tour small chil- knqwn to have b l week -ago. Thor-a's a wholO my of good RX re, Npth- Oxford, &ft'iDtber year behind; &,e Ixtting In new machiney. goi, t Ashfield manse, the marriag- Iren, including twin buys four months hoor it Was reported Unat two other .1-. J. Fo omas br&w- L. Horton and Ura. HoTtonso took 'place na:d ia 61d mothem in. this vicinity whto� neV- mon. and HoA. Tif ot Was Ann& -Aarmstro'ug, ATrastrong, of ford e another..AwA�e Mon a the of tGdderich, reached home from thdW daughter Of �W- ohn cidenil oc curred at lAndazy, having I ot berself In a @nzy- —A sad ac er think of goin ;�her6 lse 'Year la%r bY 'L 9 �U3 rell followed again a husvean tr1h) last week. They were Lochalsii,.to 1mr.'Dan. S. wDomald, of fhe other af terno=5 when the two and her inaility her Y� to aeve -P 1arcourt an d, Ir lose Jt,or boys' clothes. Hor 9aiebaTd I d Dr. T acco�npanled by their niece, Kiss MAW Ripley, ton, of obn� S. ATUD0119-ld -X-' halt- ym old -son 9 - Bake I em- Fx0m 60 to -,S perzoTs were In M. p. P., and brother of W. R. MP--: a b out 4 0 el T. S,i elUe, Lake ofthe Witlods. 'Baker, laf IA)ndori, England.. 1floyed by the Sylve C�ompanys wag The loss 19 estimated at 'n and, kUle �y a 0. T. R, - 000. The fire WKS the wors RaTcout is 'the olftst 11 —One hight, not long ago, Mi. J. Donald, !reeve of Huro Rev. A4 Mil- - I t run over of.�thq-H6usa,Ee has ..Only the Immodia,tarz- the mbershit Qraig, of St. Augustine, loet his ine t ler offiel4td tie fellow had Boston -has known fW 'years. it L 1ot;b1eheaAer- The 2.50 �j In -the Legislature for thirty barn by fire, all the live stock but' latives were present. w-undered from homej and was mile an, ho, a $3,,00, 50, be: PlaYlng befolre a forty-five 0 W Ron. Mr. Whitney is one mare being saved. The cause of —James Wilson, liquidator of the thavaix houzw and deflpd U16 ye co cycle m the tracks. The engineer Sto.PPO-d for -more J.g Te'pTeseuted Duaid&s r 20, the fire Is unknown. Goderich Vngine and � BI loom- iie train, but not I efore - the boy had combined , fire dep4irt=tts of been liv p -the plAnt' wbieh 1$4*r%J%rG1 t6' 6f has stburbo. ye —James Stoddard, Who any, disposed of peen- knocked down d his body com- and: neighbaring age, and who a bad been idle' for some m wIll no� �seak Ing 11h Chic olne time time. Toron- letely sever6d. partle, I; conJUnction with, the re -e. the ajority Are LiPeralr,- ago bought the Oakes homestiBad, on� to 0 n orn- —Te death took place FrIda'Y. m Son E thirty per cen the little Op- Mattland concessions. Goderich. town -1 Doty' tOngine Wovks 00, are the pUr- zame.i cli -sem, and 4t is landerstOodr _ng f Rev. Cknon Baker, a retired xdtes;�_Tlils baig 6eon a, good ma,�o pas don Is. dropping akit- 'Of aIAOtal- ship, hats taken, posses-4ion of the -a that a Tulnieer f the Anglican Anurch, who W 0-resi of Clinton, eld-� pr4poslfton Will be Pr elited tIff U113 id,1 of at members, el - I son.—Ur. Joseph Leec-h� 444 Their careful sturO mAing the 9plendi ght have .�Df�'n�tely XUA Lily Miller, es had resided with i ' town oc�= T<Yr some years pas. again returned toL Bluevsle.. The I oti GoderLdh )ils sdn at Gourock, a few miles from -th ppela to 11 pr ob Riooig, 'that town, has gone t(> Beat with a view of procuring Umistance tA)� efal. Of thq lite :rames 1, cloths and. fairness' of an oanced their retirement. est idaughter, of Mr.. Jacob Miller, ell, at an early date,
WaLi 1p, 10aist Hurot, A. R tle, Wagh Guelrh. Deceased was a venerat)Ie and IV—s* Lim ;
very m oth er of a boy sh RIIIwn,,AV16- ingt�dn, where she will be marrW at! wards Inittitig. the plant In. opera,. took �Iac_ on B(onday e4tv-MUR Of F ould see our ept 'Kent, and J. A. Me ember ff the churib, being -.about 80
garrr? Will be candidates for th� Fed- the home of her uncle, to 'Mr. Jamml In the near 'f age, aud de *ath brought -e was a H. quiet wedding took place atthe eral !"Houis.e. Messrs. T. ton Watters, lof Seattle. to a close a very 8*8utm oRwr. For last weei. amptian. Ir -he funeWl 0ervAdCWW*0A0' soot1i ramt, John Smith, Peel, J. S. —A ty�ung boy, sm of Mbr. Donald home bf Mr. and Mrs. John Traquair, Im ears be was' In charge of the conda4#ed by Itev, W. J. West, V. t a, -North Oxford, M. G. Ca�neron, RcLeod', ot Clinton, had his leg -seyer.?, Usborne, bn WedneSdAY evening, when Ma7ly seront late bad mission at De and , Of in -ithe 4bsence ot 'Rev. �kj W go el 'COU.8 Us MISS a I P Opc e�- e 3 . Huron, and -Wm. Adersoul -Rag ly wprained. the other da w th r I M gg e e r, b assisted In the sery ces at St. Jamw - v, -re d 3 Irl to � climb oYi the end of ame the bride of W. Frank Bean. MhV Mery Stewart has reco 1�et,-ftoro� are reported t6 be rell 49. trying a Guelph. OnIthe servative I side, _N11r. R A- �ven his leg caught In the wheel, andl inarriage beremolnY was performed by f-hurch In recent filness.—La'st weak Be d _Waltex� the 13--var-old' soa We TviT% Baker wm called DuAll. p, 'North Renfrew, he Igbt twisted ardand. Rev. Ur. Smith, Of Hensall In the IPO- 1W, . and Mrs. Walter Roinies, of in- side of t Orland W32110 VfU0 heir 1W lter Swinbank, of Clinton,, ence 'of about 30 gue-Sts, The young I � 'to retire, as lie s 9 this —Ur. a s 1, ton misfortune to sprain his f ride gersoll, succumbed -on Sunday to angerousiX, in 0� peumorAa hi To- (I 'of residence to Tbreutb. had the' wkle,l couple weire: unattelided. -The _b lockjaw, wIth whi-vh he was se'ized on rant, Genetal uw�pltal.—Germarh me sting In get -i.. Fr, t white mull trimmed
th6 other day,.whIle assi ware 9. go, i a 14A-Iday the lad les are ong ai i0' a . oft� rucVngs a%d silk, and F-rid9-)' prevalent I.T, Mor-ris t nd
Perth Items. ting material ready for the new R.1 with, ebiff
foot Injure In the wheel pla A week
U 0 had his jjco�s in Blue -
carried a huge boquet of brIdal roses. Of have moo: a few! a. r Wt. _19,1.he'Llstowel Golf Club is to -have Josephe lDhurth. was layed by a wag<yn, hile attempting to Zet- a VaLe. Jollinstor. and
-a I ni lSqurae' ball on the evenag of . —,Ur. Wilson R. Hicks, who has been't The wedding march Cangrati j. D, .11&tionr, ride. -Although sariliuso, the wound
April 120th. Chair -leader in Centralia, 'Methodist -Ulss Vary� - Buclianan. _xff 'were in, � Torentat -on busin m-- -little Sprin c0ai ttl- waz not considered damgerow, and he
We'll show you the na-UY' 9 -and church, was recend presented with 2.4' being iover �11 artook of a sumpta for a co-aple of 4lays this week.— I M!rs. J. A. Robertson 0 worb had so far recovered � us to be out of St, -Paul has bad the front of his wedding, dinner. The gif you are lo Aing for. Large ran * t' -Dr. Lorng Robertson, of WrattO �d, left ddDrS. - SYMOOMS Ot I0ckJP-w %WV' aided witk shingl6s.—Y JeX, da ge O.. 6leot p4se and an address by the congre-i Vas en gation as a token - of their apprecipJ,, pretty wid �iseful._, The brideS going the dtber morning fbir Buffa 0 voticeable on Friday afternoon, fro.a tMI, of Wro from, and all beautiful fitters 11 h tiozi 6t. his ser�lces. away Vovni was of black y1mmat cloth. Xet,._r.# has his men route for. Awto�, from which P01. It eY which Ume he gradually -sank. Ujiwvale this we0k,-;H,, i and- Mrs They Will reside n the IMMOT-Y farm- a —The Infant sor of r. will nall for Europe. r. xtinc, its Aft Rdbln66n, son I . Veen ';M* —Rev. 061in Fletebers of Thames --SlX months In J4-11 was the sentence shipped ,on Monday.—Tlie; Bluey _31r. Win. W Field, of -Wingham, has - t. 0 Da.idd, Robinson, of Fullatom has sented with a silver cup by the To� rogd.Presbrerlan church who, wa4 handed out by Magistrate Falling 'the, cornpany is 1101W C 07 1port _' -up , a m of N. TorontO recently, has gone otber'afternom at WJUJaTn( .,to were wotmd last week and, a 6 a 6 S$7.50 $9,20 10800 ital for the routo Wo�rld. The cbild Is e taken Ill in f been An,.the -Winnipeg 1108P dividend ot, $j.60 Paid 'M _0 milt6n.� His - Many . W -ends, -will InIneteen ot t1w local Moukbdbi*z1 well having, past Wx weeks. -He is a C. P. it. hundred to receive tfds to ITa adi- lv4io -attempted to hold atothir para4e shaxe,-A leap 7ear box eocial WIU be ft 1908. to lea= that I& W brallerimu an was �aly injured In a been barn on Ilebruary 29t] be pleased
�kjay recently, ,Ws. R. W.'- Mr,4 tion 1# not ; considend, UamgeMm- Idevold, ,of any we&dng apparel, and held In the basement f thA- Y- TCck.An the. yards at Portage la —One day of Iast wm stoped by the 'people before tbey erlau elimch m,l-Weednesday a Keftle, -of 4oderichs- was stalAing Oh' —A-V high 06111 On -Weftes The Pri 6t Ae . 'April 22nd, under the aus wedding, got up town -sentence imposed, pices, f` Ixth unnual y C. a Ichair In the pantry of her houses, week,?,O. qul�t but 'Very 'Pretty U Ash. L%e hlrtyr�s g1strate �ms a. lenient- ane, cbol-r,, when the gentlemen will to Ix- gj�wfttter ana E a g." A, 0an-vention was held, in ii e As- when Ishe slipped, and beXI off -the chAir, twok -place at the residence Of `W. US. bY the ma A t pectL suppli the bo- soclatiozi building In' - RtratfoOs - on striking the floor with such tUrce Bucliaiam �Churdh gtreet, Goderich, as Ithe statutes all him to bnpose 'his o=gest daughter, loss as 'high a(iseuttnce s five yftara, The Mabel-Thatnas "turned 'to Xftolto- Thirs47 and FxIday, April 9th and to fracture � her right bl*p bone. when W - -A 040, 1 10t i. Delegates wera 'present'l, from —,Kiss Raiinah'McCatchean, d - aughte' Olive May Buebgnan, B. A., 0he- Of,- sentence Is tof be in by the men last week.—James Masers, station XZ- West and most popular at the Canitz-al Toronto, and by ents ieft last wwk for &_ tdff -to Oniarlo aria, Quebdc., all I �arts of Ur f the late John McCutcheon, �,d th Min Weirs. of. weiliamptm, 4.4 Fr, B. Smith, of New York was the -6th line, Sforris, died r6cently after girls was mirried to ?&. Charles Henry the womeu aV the Peformatwy. 0*. rIn Ispeaker at- the convenu short -illness from heart trouble. De ArmstrftgV 1B A.) of Toronto. The —Ifi'. Charles, Undoay� for MAU. bare relieving while Mr. %last e 'WAS performed by Itev. J� yea" Tegletrar of at Toronto, died Robert Musgrove Is tak -us ow nas Ready., -a well kn n far- ceased was very favorably knowmn ceremony n nox On Sithday at the , idence, of Mi son, a course of treatment, I I CLO At 1And=,,,,B- A., pastor of K iner, %�WhO resides 11 the east idre of the heishborhood. She was born' d ia,
'O W. G. G. ff. Lindsey, in ftrkdal e b e. The bosptaL�-Vlfr. Wm. and West theUwAshir. and- bad always maide b church, by, Rev, R. R Coch- X,( di�idiittg 'line, o fatbees bad- Mlw Ruth Pat* rextiovec � 8 last k
e there. as holn Oil ig mtri, I better known rahe, U. A. of obK14tock Thb wed- latter was 'present at.his WW bout: three the� hmm ding mardli:was played by the brld? side at the time of b1s deat14 together to thdr holne it Ifew wife co Pf ,and two sons. The de- near T*Znto, TbO k- Centralia, was 1 sO Fleming, A. T. C. X-0 w1th his At Mt, W__
- s 81 day 1"t eek. scene of a very Pretty weddings Ji ftmerly ot 13v=d hnitoba, -how ol Ca"O sclaus Patton and WI But Side Main Stre6t, one door South of -the'' 'he Rissmi gentl6n-mn b; �df be ,a Unom 'i; Hianoy,
of si. Uarr mot ly U;!%� Bla �Domlnlon B=k eddent one 9 S ne[Xbbor� being the marAage of her oldest daughi ibe of mude, for the Pad- three. w*11�;,, aid dfttb tombro0k, =4 bid1t -4 Stab 11 *1 adly as asoWn esidown of -the oiber preparationo ft he V� = Xw%mt, to W. , Relft# DUOnir the mr"ce. as M-ning sang Was d"'tC( a, genm a ft as R1 GO U 000- ter, hunal bfs b 'in D067; af,'War nadliwood. I At Eft W4 Whm th6 Undens Mobm.11 : Aft* WVdIbAZU011 quent � to ad ago. Mr. I pstton moved an I& I= MeAte AM-&
ot 00 �VDIA UneAnd, aud he bi lam her$ ff XOM7 URI% of . Lindsey bam -clock the bridii! party tooX their place., tes r.' g ftwti to be the Ceremony the Oeots Vartwk