HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1908-04-10, Page 8U mne e w m
-P t:
1, thaft old, as g-the� hie thi d
ol brijo. W
odv q rd -beirerai�x, the Su"
1)113TRTOT I-Xilgill 1B Ind It at
At- �tha- spot D re-
'!5ra;-Y,61lers.-T1x0 _1611�wlng were Uok-
11roubli� there.,
00 n eted, to distant points. this i week -by 'and 0YMSbip 'a 400,,,Good are e4gag
0 :M k
and log ;5M to tha farm
0 - -
ill'building a ILJ 0
H yoiq exe 1*"h#Y purdTh
-amp n good �iti p flor' t 1. ao "Adl frxn
t o".04, Fox,�_ in cto
new h- bafft - Vr, It east, to Wet Rawbide to 99 P, reitt. 1 e of traftic on
of FlInt, MAlabigan,
*thL-r buildmg, or roof lamas j U
ing an eld one, we CAU cjty�:,M -
*�A.�To la d waok' Aidting tWIr
W64 to Taw" h 0 0- 1* n
qM cb.; giyevou the best -to -Py-bus, 8-raffa, Sas-ka-toD .,Wh Theylike to. �at
L.Clark.- 14 sjunt, Ifi-A. M mes: )?rodtor. They wre
Mng !or the purposei-
to Says,
� I M Owr Wa-Y to mormtol.
und-394i Parish, Obfftlburst, veg! pr6a ronize. a n. up -to -
see V gina; 3&.,n Kitamm And- Odo. rueting
mb :`A: UO, Od 014th
date' stc 0 and deal worbg
Leo% Chlseiburet,-to Itegina -04tam d of-, tho- of Huron'
tvith i ez who
lag SAFE LOOK staffa, tot the *eet- s� last %Ib. 4E
_ Fla
sale hold,
bii A 06,0 succeso a -.q bot *dink on. the
It e
wks -yoled to I 9-chW whilaMr. nesg, by James 1-owntly. �rovgd I 'V&A- -a T=n
G -M --A
T�, A.: �WdA Acto We li, live
Ladies' annual Meetingof- Awy: AftbOr just re and cattle fore ded, -t church t%p h Ck ppy a madhes by Mesqws Wwo broughl
ceied 9, fresh
the Ladies'Alddf th,3; Xethodis t' Wood rices, tbi6t total sale a
was held! In the schOdi robm of'thel T 1, _A. Jabk s m, IL took ol Fornialde-., to .$2,500. owbur to the un-i-
bestxrade-2of cor- -�ob M=day' afternon, when �Dr derso &. C. . CaTter, thev -the att6ndancehow-
r u g t e d g-,al:vanized hyde, Mal r k e W%
-be Were Wera el-r-te a id M=Y dtbers
Wloydng off- . A-. ood-.
a tor 110it, i-7is Co's V, -A was pot -The follomring is t Da th6 t AL
an 01) 1 the ]Jul
iron. For a, cheap and to
tile va—SuIrg Pr�ldent, best
a list of " tbb W, the,
111aztry; Ist -dee preWdent, Mrs, Jae. Pon, Old, Boys' As -
at the same tim'O tjr.,Od sket. 0 prices: cari-m- 'W*anace, gelding ris-
$219; -10hn wof,- thbre lisno U9 Beattie; 20 ice president,, W- z.� 'A� so t irk W -M elect -ad pross,vagons nd $2 Orainger, f
betterhan Ing " fo
J. &-tiiht; zeleretary, M�0.- a. Wb.; t nal Wood.,
F. -A carts, we will save- k Reynoll�s,
rising thre $185, F"M.
After WvIs! binal a % you rao y. Moth g n MeGavin
till VISITI three� $180; Jdh
Bruntjrora.,,-,&sp, ha'I t treasurft, ,Mrs. J. Burrow,. ppointed to se- 0 h +
'go 60' '192; Thon t)
te business tea was -se"zed �Znd' 9 -13 S
lar rnmltteia� N r, Scotch our,
'Ad )XVr9nIt`�,- Snuff. r. Oil of Adams, idl g rIlsing thr03,
sh-Ort time plealsailtly 4pent by the cure Hat of -all,
We sell thm put on citir) Th4ft members. IT, Is a 6trOng Coll- Cedar, to pr"Otect
George 1U den, gelding rising 3,
the rooff conap�ete or by V. ony old Antlonit4m and
In your fu 0,& hea, $139 S Campbell, geldIng rising JL1
-e, f
_vy the squar rom our The Last of -the. Saa�=.-Tho.skatr they,johould be, abl, pki rr- 0 Strong +.11fn - Ubs
clothin th
abbl to
Aboreat,honest prices. reel ZPA41 Robert Dodds, fIllY rls- Ing rink was open to, skaters for ,the( ition. )a h a -that Or f01'M- - And t, but not
Ustimates, chebrfu y last time - this iftson �ca Fri -day night Ili t 'Ir Azwclatl'i the Xt MOVO- least, a r stbek�' of Ing three, -j$R 25- CParles WaLlacet ffl- ly ris Int g 0, $126; John Dsattle,
given. last andf-do SaturdAy morni49-the ciml. '0 u A medicine& o jiv - hom A L
a will drugs A filly rlstng'three, $150;, XM. Rlnn,:
em wound[- up thrAr -seaspn.* As a
wheit Z.can- to 'yWllng coltj $M60.
right is the 110
`ntest, two 'rink's cbmen; -b'y i.royai come and a Mcst� 108 time- date ir Seaf6rth.
d A 'Ch' a 'd iath� Ptesident, M..Jameg Dick, play- t r i 00 M Goderich.
-ok twd rinke ch by the'vIca prest"'
John Beattie* the later Tangle.-lu ihe
nterested! ir the'es 8; shmet
asee.ahots. It Is 0
MMwam Stoves and CoaL men winning out by ni was ed
df a:iiiral telep Sery j4dg:- not often we have skating and, gurl-
ba .1 sy afte�c- Chatoollor
Ing the up,
Ing ag late - a07 -the'lourth ot-4prll. ur thh4i� haml' peal of Robt.
diam - - - - - - - -
Y well
Certainly neither thi-, skaters !nor!the attended. rbn oosts. Ile finds that
Thompson h
devotew dfhee rowIn' game, cat �Thp, Lii�esti#n w w6tty Nell discus- Hats
4a'n ING TERM t1ke ball4ts Were -tam 8. with. The
tj(n was. 1iaimed to.
Igain any lack h T
-deciilon of of 1orm a company- t) be,. as'- thO
to I lop Rural Te i Sri , ftl Iva
G a ABERHART h giving -he election, -to Dr. Mack- The new modish -cr�atioas for Easter time and. the warm�rvda
0 1 phone Co. The I Lromji ric Yak
#rom April Oth merges- in our The Charity.Ckyncert.-IFe w6uld-a- Is thus I oftf IrIned. 'I)T. Macidin inspe in gmat variety. Every sueces AND You"RE
-to th� 16nt16 6 is- �to �jna' a a .'tho�y4gh :*can- are Toady for
umm Term from JWy 6th. En- gain irect -attention coocer . E took - and If aaffl- A t for Shoop's Remedies, was lectead flv_� votes on January
't - for
or a -Othv but
ant going on 'to wab�r bttles, fountain
ter now and be ready f ood t -be hldl In CardrWa hall this Fri- undeate4- near tbo and of son isgiven emph is iri our Millinery Depatment by
-nd never have we Isplay
lon in the early day evening, the. which l c b and I& a dii i clotbes'�
situati autumnS w FebruzM A T-ecolulat, showijags of r riate Hats, ed 6 _Ztyle
proceeds of traction'of he proposed syr nges, Cooks' Cotton Root Opp
with 1 the, ebus _Ze 'a theil
catalog, free. Write: for it. j IS fro)j hompson claredt � elected' by hve now,. betwee
the vex
are- td go towards eWylng. styles morecle -handled thau the ones on vie -w
1 1"Seiatlorth, toi al- aid Woods' Phosphodine. sly
th4pur linei, a charter will
ton, be seated, anj Mhcklih givep ths, May -
poor, of the town. qt committee Rece
aOrders for Easter M B
'have the atttr In hanA have linery should be placed early as pos�llbe.
VNNTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE rran VU d f4l ftnd, vhrk be'guh'a.t lonce&,
ap be made to nrganizi�, every cwalty� by veto.
ed, fox -a owing, Wee, zori W14 *bIch the best local talent will talike 'The I . . d appohied royls- municipality of - the county where- lo- A 'ism
Tonge and Gerard tois.: -EcbQrt Scirizt�, Jas
Rolffo'-part. The ent-,zWnment itself 141 b1D cal optibin is not In. totee, _*Ith: a view -amt.
a ood, one, and, apotrt h*m tMt f4ct,
WR io Kerr 1. Y. Feat, Chaz� Little JoM i0 bav�ig tile law come -into effect seed Oats for 8, Je.-I have a quantity ot seed 0
Cuh, 1, G -�tollert.-
at the for sale A good and lean, All thia atnking oes,
W H SHAW, Prk ipal the bjtxt for which th�� entertula, con�lruotlng thd 0ame tlm,- In.all the mriety-good sample 1 2104-1
nc ment is gotte� villages, , aiid townshlps._� - J tdWnst Apply to Dr, J- �ell- as well as the =16,
p Is � such as should SmAl Th� Ffavoll
GDAMMAN & STA %BURY, l3arristers, Etc., at Hensall,
sec�ire tM most hemrty. c eration line telephones al I Nitta cer, nephew of Mr. (W. Som- S
0 -op
Tuesdays - Thurm ays and Saturdays. 2029-tt .8 emu
this, jp�opo�ed; r about 19 10 0! vely one 7
0it i. Is
and su�port of. all. -We hope to sfe,a hoj I ervfll%' who ;racontly brok# his ankle
6 talk iof extending, is n6w Mr. Markham, f Heneall, is open to receive pupils
is 41W SOM I - i� - f
full bose FrldiLy evening, and-. trmst able. to,go aboution qrutcl�as f 0 or orp . Terms* 0,00 for
the; fie[ to Const eel 1141fi- 'and. Is aguin attending the CbIleiliatle
UC ssor to W. K. Watsbn thc- co�mm
Ittea will feel inore tha re- her the farmer thrmighout Tdck-
paid for any troub'e -they have gone CV ngr Ahe _W10 areuiwayg leaM_
il - th
lustitut).-The choir f ; e Firiet 04pgr he
H MAIN ST., SEAFOFITH. ers-m I havo 'had, 15, telephone quies- j>Msbyt vlan church I bad
to, by the hexTty response to theli:ef- Mend giving 'a, --ed, fd'lea;=4 the -*dvancem-ent ot our D-ress F6brics
Life *,ad Acoldeub Inau
tl *n. �,p nder conil& ation aiiV, Indic is
social (venlngAn tho-suditorl" d14, boyz� this w6f
forts an beb&lf of tho3e in need. b6 it Is our
1 not
tlons,,aft� thA It
M": Agmt, P.W Fisialte and Lear lleger Vill bave tX
ch. w�,h neXt,M(Ynd&Yven1ngj �Aprll pr -I ard tho advan
IW( js�b In th. direction, to oement In
Ag"t- '13th, aw"stedi, by tateit fv= 'othsr' the unfil itis wol
Death of Riss Duncan.-Manyfriend n let *olrlds, -of Mr. J. il- The Dress Oda 1) urL Men is laden with a great assortment
toilol, : � 4 l I Inerca, GO
-a%" lama P
9061W In fint Y.Sad UM.Ufat
a-* will extend their sinc fr. 14� Mun
�$ I - A good literary aiid -a bei 0i years
in.Se forh' T"Yer, for
athy —the is
imulng &wlng Msablum an
d Oresm of handisome weavej; for-Sprilng eaaon�s Yojyj� t
sYmp 'Thomas W. Duii 66,Troi"t only oLl'-ft per lb., and-herrings,200 iCal p me will be given -and it c1e-r14 In J. Weismilleeo stalre, and
y L Seafortb,
-kniqw p6r.46#,�p ab:A. G. Aulft i pleas and, priblitable 'everilg IS -son of Jfr. Troryer, atness in our ed1lection. All
of ftelph, an former a wall n pwo think, r4 be auited" to exa
-Asymon'd and Wblte Saw'" goocgirl do general '11 wh
Sea. d ; irab)s stuffs and color hues are represented
.=d, highly esteamed� reoldient of Girl Wanted. -Wanted erl to a o-attnd'. A silver
ferth. For iome. time W. T!ro)r* ha's es frima are
for ; IM. the houseWork in �tnall fawil- Apply al The 14
Ma&tnw, and ;xpositor coll tj Ill b�- taken t the door.
th W e
jeath -bar y geal; ec fted to
2108-2 begn engag,"41 as, clerk In a larg* gen- au'l the populs trend.
uiw Oda om= aepmtom
daughter, Nellie Sopbla, Which occur. e -W. d Nft-s ad. Ietets I -qt OD 0 tore Ir, MagstaWan, now he, in
Abo nwing znsl� usedles, ell, attsch- 1041, anted.�A good �l to d neral hone - Taursdiy for
at th w&vk. X.,oreagw 0 jileir 'new home in Mn- With'
Tied 61r homa in GwIph.vin e fe fellow ejerjtL b"
unalbs, repairs and #undfles for all ply to RM. W. MOM
day -last. Duncan bad. bo� I PureLLLL aple;Syrup only 00 110 business, push -
a -era Intends.
khmu of sowing uwehlwa� juat b A. 0. Aules, hVe
town -for a -you:ng I usinw man, should tyl
A. StronlK, amd. Mrs, H. make. a sucltep
health for some time and ayeai Seafort4 .2108 Ing wit ft Wends In Wfth ever 26 yows 8XP8rjeMLjn'j%e abo POW be given (Jf WADI S. cv so ago, the famil spent- tirm Ws Enter ipm�0.-An e ertainment will _S of _1t. His ftiends In bodnew you *an 3i*t samued of prioso n Cailf clm;at'4 irk le urr onTnesdayevening,14th Stron of t *Te lut 14esall nd vIcInity Will -always be
1 n 6 t. j tuu��'d e r.. e Ices
th� hope, the he�Ekmo le .91 0, were
fthk squaft dealblg "d. sitiiifi"flon f the W. rk Mi S. Miss
offue 'I ti
tberel wqul(krstore her tot health.' -Un. e tisk and M! as Martin,. vo- :bndiAg the_fuiiqpal of MO labe pleased, to b *r -of his well-dohig. prices
forhmately this retsult wis not attain, 11 take art, n P
Cali ith 1 6 ent D Loqal Brie ts.-T.,he social h3ld under
JAMES WATSON) led Decsa�ed. was el, most i6stlma�lo at concert at's 66% 1,�k Islon Killop, took first vrizs,� at thal athitoll the auppleets of the Ladies' Aid of Car-
'Gors 0
0 L
h0W witfi their'!
ymmg lady,' her early death wjj 26c-. child en, 10c. 2 44 xk Thursday 'evening last,
Stock .
der In sewlegIVAdfte an year old- Polled- mol church,
W&013ddbdXNs* sk"k se"Oft. Nk �regratteA by Many While the bo&rt. A. G. Ault paTs cast i for ny quutitY2(j110,ffd Pull. -I*. Chad.� Roffman, soc-. . I de its the yery. unfavorable, state of
sh bUWf and P
fre eggs. r Toffman, of- the weather and� roads, was well &j_
felt sympath of all will be extepok,j apd go Of Our assortment of "ady-to-
y W, -!W. I
Melotie patrons requirl j �ir maoldnei i, oil or repairell. tor the. bereaved, motWr andi be, jupplied by R. I I Peck, adj oining the Ex WtO Manitoba, i" Z*M
tot-- tondod and nuch enjo)red. The -ladlos,
WAISTS wear garmezits v; Par excel-,
John Fe" RIUMM198 and sister., Lvbg trouble was' t -pmtor office. MOW Seafort who.,Juw been stud��g law as In.the t Oace ib=dmt vroyls-
ftaI exam- ecause of death. 1veUvitetbep see our -netv line of wall- In eg ;iaO passed -his
Ion In the of refreshments, while
plaperi� Call hether yy I Want to b iy n is anding econd in the- list, -
in qve ; I -lence again this sea��on.
the. priogrgm me �otf the ntrig was a
'ot' 0
is fio �r6ubl? to show Is. *4ithi kweLhi'o the
O:rt Scial bers cd; ; best q0d price� the lowei we leav, i1t. to ou to vaTled ano yery 1hteresting;one,-Mrs.
.-The mAm Casli, has Moved' from ths
�40ve SO- i deoift j Pleage eaJL Jw uraves & (b., Main etteeb, an GDdfticb H. J. D. C4oke and, childr-ft *are In Come -and iselecticar,
clal in the achool roi�m of the Meth - oppositid John. street. or� iseve
the 3�pwvrth League gave a, house h - 1wcupiela make
ral -yftrs, -to, tbo -hou* I
��Tl Fir, Wftk N;ftlting relat4ves.
�U"'ISHED ro RFM.- -,A brick house. on Chu -
Tuesday ev�ning, In 'HOUSE
r t
odist chvrch on etreq, OVMed by ]Tam- -ou x mills that have -given now wbile the of style:91-
1 table for, a
In A good locality, su
-perrect niimiier seven, wa, 3 am"' family- mtt.- 3_ichir6s: Of the. 0' Pa on v
Repairing pumps a wjileh the Furnace, and coal range: � kitchen. . For lierms and- jstea� y em yment to a very
fV the of ads ever since t c
n cost M cent3 will be the subject of number ro
O"V ulars apply at �he ExposMor Oftlee Sea -
to vt In, seven cmt8 to get out, on, I 01 -if A. Y. A. meting lt�Sf. Thomis'. was pljj
cspeealty, also a I I f led I ast summer, are just flu-
labing up t its week and, very JACKETLS is m=�uni
wben ym wera In you were provide I Eowlqrs Attention.�!l �eL, annual eeting ..of the Behoaj 'next -Wpidnesday at ielht�.
kib& of windmills. Pzices are c
much ertainlyl low.
wltl� -,ev* 'Pieop of !ple, It you Seafoi lAwn Powling;Club, win e held Jn the W&Uf - i
A 1.14th.L - bout flity'laTitern VIOWS W41 credit Is due tha proprietors, Ntassrs.
Hotel. on I �isday eveii
I )nt Ed in -All aWM Welcome. - Mi& -q.
Orden ISA at . . . . L IBM
A be. aud Mr, r-
ok. ull Atte idance of a I�IeEwen & eig D.,� U
at 8 e
Stal-le- Bros. Barber Shop, thlqxre was a very fair atten*cel anti bowli fg requested. J inles gomimael, President GTaY, _BrAndon" is the gue-ist of 'Mrs. quhart, for the enterprise they havo 2104-1.,
YO n QoW
2073-tf Seaforth. a pleasant time wa� gVent by, all. Th ) A. F44WY �%_rvlet Bh(ylvvn In goting so largely Into the
a 5 Houa� to. t 0 J -Church at flax busineSs and- giving such I
storey frame hoi n Ys to arga
pastor, Rogers, Ren street! one -an Will old in'St.- Thomas'
e, w13 seven ro�1118. Appi
chairman," and gave a "ahort addresi �0.80 a. tm. andi 1.30 b.- M. -The, rD- and -ata4y employarent.-Ifis. James
H. 3.12�nebard, Royal IE tel, 6eaforth. 210L
N ORS -m" MEIR-f Iva Dodds jive e. Piano S010 MI adlts of th4p.'Vinter dwry cours2,- at Johiistoin,.of, .W11low Hall Farm, spent
Calf,for Sale. -For sali a yount gfAde calf. Apply
Isabo-1 Scott Pid r. W. -WM 9 to- Ai,Wder, James St Seafort opposite public the tarlo AgrIcultural College hv pa -rt e�f las4 Weqk and this with he
-one of
0 vocal solols, Misses dna grarline ana, SOMA 2LO4xl been am6algced. We motice'the name �arejjts J. 11ait &nd This out represen-�
it &le-Lftr I
Martha. iltse - a piana 4m. M. H. Hoxiob fo e a frame bottage-ou High of -ax. F. I:V,- Hefler, of -fteter, am
Ong her daugtcks were In London the
streetj 6ne block west of he post offict. -Apply to the
Folte a -ecit tion L while! a - c Wa Sidney Jacob& eu Deessful ones; In tbo our pretty - Lawn *aists.
a VWular first part of this week. -Mks. B. Irle-
Examine our. special hnes of
given Vy. seven, young ladt6s. U
Buck, Horse and Ualf I)TIvifig
For's4le cheap, a goo delivery w*on in good ft% J- Flnla7li, -of Arthur 'and daughter spent Irart of
-nd 4oroughl y, -to Th i Daly, Grocer the fazPa ek prOgramme was -good a dair
Gloveff-the best values onL rder. Apply onu Seaforth, y 0ass, while list we s
Price $1 P15V
tfie market. Also our stock letlovea by all, R_- Kelar, -of. -Winthrj), J;a%ed In the In I'alidon. Blackall, of
butter L specialist class. -.W.. 'UUghl'woll, f6rMegly -of the QjXeejjS hoftrel,
of stay -oh Blatikets, is com.-
3 Local. Dri W. H. Willis has Murphy has returned home afterapendr. Hensall, -ui; here -the first of the
plete.. Healilquarters for An Athletic Associ4tim.__� Me, tin
th I wintdr 'bI
ng- ing acksmithiiig in the Week 10okin ,, bale and Marty._Mls�s
of Tepreaentativ-ep of the, jain"ft t vurchksed, 'a shoc businew, -In WIL
ha 4nO. *Ili shi
sporting -clus, was held on tly take pws%slon. northei n. lumbej wou&, and. 'he,. looks Taylor re xned 'to Brucefleld this
Robw Tusk-, r m,
uch that circum- a"s If hat climate agj;e�d With him. -
evening last to emsia-er tho ad-visar' e r4Tet very week. after a pleasant isit with her
a veS Land frjnft in this
ongo, bility of forming at athlett6 "Sod 6tanw compel. , jh Willis to. . leave, Mr. Morrison, �tof -CleVland, CM0, brothers, r6 atl
Galowl Bishop, M han
tl0n. The object Is to brin th *A, dif;, 'Seifo h bean a% good and, and a former well known member of soctictn._Thi� faTmera in section
he h
Dog, Goat and Imifation fer6nt jub�, ,�auch as football, l across Aterorising cifiz We - can, the Huron.Football. Club, Is on a vle- report'this! L, 1:,ring as the beat In many
Buffalo. Thebest made at hMke Sea- for =kIng sugar and I
lowest prices. Trunk,4 suit _y all under -one nVi mn ills and. f am- It fo I Is relitives and'- friends in Mo us�lls.
Instead. of having a sepamte' d di _to .Winghum, -truot they may -forth,,i nd -McKilloP.-Mr. Fz, Case, LIONBS Hei Swan srent part dflast
cases and valises - special val- thict organization for each lc��ab. It I be m4 Yst succews in, the ' Xorthe� who h 6s been vis urn -
t assortment. siting her daughter week and, with ht mother, ret
-thwight that! -In. this Way t�a sp0A tdwa. - r.,Osca Noll Is having th In Torimto for several
ueff and Ls*es Week, has re- Ing to Goderich ttils we�k.-Theroa&
Can L e morej ejeofW
'b >Mically Wid- moW Interior of his-re;Ewur-ant remodelle.- turnd homLe.-The 1�'nntver�ary sup- owing to tb 3 emU oop"?
wat weather,
Ica cream
s=easlully conducted. At dia meet-,; having p4rior. 'per and'concert in connection with the. 'uTe in -ndi
BRODERIOXIS a v k baa co tion, making
ing' pri TueAay night the evn6ans all Into IOU somewhat quiet. -The seven cent
us Of all t wood Method st 'Sunday ischo�g will be* held trade
slopintion was in -favor of- 9rut Athletbi' floor IWO,, and 0--berwiso Irp.�rlove-*4 - on GoK d Frid Not" Cheap Hamess 11tore ay. For ome time the social held, Ander the aue;Ues of the
-Maglie in
club, and a. committee was 9... ted When' completed vvill Tery rhaterlal- children have been
busy, Trepar for E
such an ly Imiawel, the' i ppear&UO&L of 'his the eW -Nk. John Robb has cliqlfch� (yjj Jrod
-Dpposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth. to drgft by-lawasultabI6 -fori P. e=a, iy ebnlng Iasi, was
organizatin, While antother I commit,- -s t< T. W. Just evived,,wdr4 of tb# death of hia well lipatroul#edand a very pleasantlev-
Fred Rbbb Park River, N., e
teea was ap*r-ointed to lookAnto �th4, aid & 86n's stoO has bean serlously bo#her
ning was is;�ent. The social was
SpringTe�rm Aprl matter- Qf suitable grA fkg� a week 01 moire, but Is now D., Oil April 5th, sbmeWbat 61' a novelty bsre. it
0 was
Oppms Mitteeas ai-o to report at it eting imprOing.-Ws. i hu McKinley and seven csnts,for admIs'slon, then seven
be hel n9xt week, whown it Is prob -daughter, Mgs M,.' linley, baY6 gone ThO. IT967S "1301S -ss" Beaten. -Last cents to get out, and very lseventh lav 6000s'' too Their car ul, atif
I their ages -and acbleverne�n
able sLe, definite orgaizat Lon ste to on a. v it. -We regTet to week i re made, mentlaw of the Kays on() got In ji and to every
at ed Gales, of. G4- boys eventh 10ths and fairn-6
AVOW Mother
ts. one, goinit . t the,same T.TIvileve was
�rI6. �tr6et, is co i f1iied to thoo house This w wk a carreispondent has p-ut us accorded. � T iera wer4 zgven Sons Of-sootland.-X'largely aften- '0,�h ATnoitto of tha In Posftssfon xg so,-ne facts falatiVe to beri On the, T rogramm and seven kinds
B Ik
13TRATFOIL ONT,&Rjo. eA meeting was held on Tuesea 'af -Commery has be -an trauster- OtbBr ld esidents of t s s ctl refresm, ip, etc. -We m"e- jpi�as-
y night
Di e on 0
�b the. Sons -of Sclotlad, in tt a Forsr.!st- red to the Lando 1 branch... main ,the 00.1ftry tba:t entir'sly puts tho -ed td 4ee� B& Samuel SmIllie, who has en Of we 'enture to say that has be.m 11YJnK lime ft tbe[ vA 11Y.6
ThorouFhmess is the key-uote of this -�e Hall. I bistrict � Grand ct lef John. Stmet ha's n6w b cleaned off and Hays Record, -out of, business, and to his, room. for a num- 1-5 no other vl1age of this- sizwe has! jnoy
been cafffine�
V get idown to the pmves - Ia- Ver of eeak th
n, of S. Marys, -was, p t is . a p leasura -that - �vhila their
%8titUtiQla. Ou� school stands for sto' s many mfl-H iers or as flue 'a lw- Years, e& to ChAmich,wherO-
-he has prchwswAi s, h(Mae, In -
ting n nique tbpreL aj* others who can go streq-,3
ghest and beat in business, addresa6d- the mm .0 �hev pro clea-4 �avement aw, n. Qc0sric Ifmdr c. Ing. As *ar[o -Y - 10 said "' t
Wzek, look bs the� tendp maldng his ftturei t�*ne. 11, V, 0
oducatiou We have three depart, gross' made the last few yea. -a, whicl North.09aln streal't which were ma- them otie. bfter. Our 9;ln Ing much
corr"ponaient Tj �ntly s;lce of life tie goold peopt
iml:rOvc Fred Howald- r�ce 10, Of I ton- axe 00kTy to Iwo Ur. Mo-
wents, erehtl, -Shorthand an' has beeli, very - great. The Ca L zed, last., -ja to go thra�
T iittor o.� r, halvel dh,3d tup says Ym ave
a.- w"
-n-ual qpdr� was cuss a ni ly ire a pleasura to drive miles 04t of Seatorth to find' a. qu%r- Hills Gregn, who, *a, aTe irleased to -having such a cWco.-Ifts. X&MUS Jdazena, but Mi the)r MM,
Telegra�hlc. O.ULr gradutes always. the an Mr. M am highly
Comm sold' hls� 4welling 11, of sall and -Adul ly favoto 1, In
SIX displa on.- based tette� 0 her who- le
811cceed. If interested get our free and thesse, by th-;. en�tni n -I �* brat.
Frank I Lng as J)Wc an
place, th,& learn, Intend a-;ent Sabbath ast in Blyth with her f141
b-ccoming 'Of %
1, 9=
a resident y bnjoy, tb�dr uew home,
0. 1r. E Dadtwt the stylish, record 4�uoteq, laot weeik -In he (yur
village I- the ghter,! Was M tle Bengo igh. mAking haq beft - the ft% er oif t�Ae day!'
ed, Promise to ba a dil-stinct Wm. Sin- grauddau i
ELLIOTr & XCLACHLA N A 'filaw ca-nidatea, scured I Y Gran' and �eed7 mare, Elattte I. - Frank shade. Th'83e brOthers ar-8, John, U 0 e
clalk, Wh b y dur- -Large s1ftments of onlonshavZ-
s been crulte 1p�ywl belen 4n this -n-elghborhood, *r some timev F
rgan zer-- ML-ake. Money of her.- ThomaE, dwaT
0 1 Craig, Who! -Was a 40 prm*- Will. -A large . . . . . .
Prinelpalai d and Robert Davereux, Ing the Mas 'n(Yw Improving made from 4ueng -the 'past 'few and a lot 87=P -Md' S48.
W83k, 1-3
ftended the liv,6 ages ft".86, '83, 72," nioely.-Our al shippers have been WBORB.—Mv.
i -rft az- numbe� A-om tOW4
e initiated, and who�se rq*clive
Oulham, W110; 'Was malde�.. The run, bw bea expaptlow-_..
'Quisitlon Wa'. made, 1a LV' Xairn -s . k, -tair at Clin in on Thuraday of '4
_by toe nd 68 Yeaals, making. a grand total of sending Out rge-shipments of hogs visiting J. Forkips, or lth�e -ally good this Mason.
08 W
-IV4D and durtng the. -V �t ea _M�r. w,. Me- Commez!cl returned to Ba;nt
Tjxey ar
owen0lening Camp in -sezuring the servio s f Mr. last wieak.-R 'NJ r. G"d, mlasionary W-6711 sh
act al ba
John Hewitt, as official pt-er.. A f -W to took :he iservice; in the Men and, We t)Mat Will C(Yjj_ Loan
Mosa, has ed, Into W
s, Thomas
On SUndayL ni YOTIL
teiian churc b 'for many years to come. Tho le-ki Clinton.
sellectims on tha bag, -pipes
orh_ sneat -he �west end Ic
Wea,k- Eyes Welling, at t Death 0%- An Old Joba
and Mr. 4. P. Cardno ced the Ing lasit, 'and: gave A' Interesting &A elost rarely misses a f our vill from, an.
n n age. Mrs. Dick ba;,s febarn- NOtes.--Miss Zilla, Eng1lih splabit Mon- xc%rvii ohEXL thi� oldest ra-didentw
ighland Fling,, aO, was eaitily -,graphlb alemmt. f I he work there. At 47, mor or witer; that 'he doesL turnqd to the homestead farm, to k,(Vp fty aftemdod with
cheered. - The are at th�L nightL SerVJ63' ReV.3fr.M.a_,jen n ot MISS. 080ker Mr.- Of th county died In � tile hwlta
OML Work t
In clwtoa 'on S%t
Sons of &ofland ca h hat would, keap an house, f or bei Son George, Who is MOW- pherson.-W. Jarhes Bj%Aft calie4 a 11ast.
getting very strong lo6all' chool Ordin miu Well employed. -In a&- Ile M.
, a �d Prom- a gradAte 6f the Presbyterian s ar,
a W
Eyes that e weak shot working the farm. -Mr. and Mis. R. �fTje�dds at the Bend,. -Mn. Same YearO of age. Mr.
lk4i� AUX nbles, Queb ar e Dalr have; uring the
Ift. to becomestIll stronger, a7s the at t ditloh o this O -S S. DOvere`ux hav
dr the, cftge
b6 assisted-raade strong. ymjAe, J1 Past tk1illo pent a few One ot the olde t
st buidneM =on b - hs-
ro�embers are dotng all in ina, ot Pa,
th4 1r, power altion on the work a isister. in, Chicago, Ryan, who week, mo ad, Dnt.0 a farm -near Kippen. %Mr. -Alex. I. riotsons &_ - V
to keep 'Auld c6dand?s mimo _n. UBUI*
Is 77 '5 easil of Age. Thl =as to M
Glasses will do this, if they k. the, Fanc] Canadiak Ht s swells thd B
gr --�f &-af*rtb, Is having -StOW&TdSO)a re�umed. -a
e. addresp was. a mq;:-i_ntek-estInuX grand t at of tile, poace. Ho is 4urvfitdi by
yL accura zncl al of 385 yea".
In 'Sm iter. widow &V4 <%e d
are perfeetl The M -1888v, the interior Df bt$ 'block h�re occa- weeka visit Vth 'Wendjs
-Silver Oreek BrIke. During the instructi-V6. T I annuml tpieotjng Deveret are mong ur most enter- pie -McDohoU' newly _Tbo �W.ow
meel I at Probablipafal Run&Wj7,_jfrs. C. -C."t
Y SL gasses are cor. -v farmers, nd 3;ajuted a-dti jap*�-d._X�r.'jj;�irt B�on. Wo� A. M. 1W 14th, at Middleton, jr., ife of a -prolminent'
of! a couple of weaks.L ago the of th� S%f orth awn Bowll4g Club PrIsing eO Dal I nd, pr6grwsj
er -Creek, Lon;, tae -a-d-r �vill�-'b� held, in -th Commeretall jr-otel. MA wis of, their many friends is that thrn ha -S re- from- -Wrox-ter, tW4 0cjmk. -�!he subjects to, bee dis- Oc&rlch to-wnsblp�,
__ 1-i 'Vft Sil"T; . V,,, job
bridge 0- cml�s .AprJl
ect'; in ev y detail. urned furmer, wazi 13eal-
on- road, Jst east of town, a$ w -ash- on TU"day ev the 11
I next,, for -the 'y m ' ls`U .. be BPW4 for Many where he had bee ass-Nting his sm-la- cussed aTe 'sfrousel. CjeanbW ,I
-y, and- thasa;me time P. o(intald- sp of orgaul - t its now up to some rtmalwaly accident at culatoned
eld awa Md hurt In a
They are ground accurate. purpo, orgaul g for the codilng YeArA
son law, I*. C. ate -pleared,
erable portion of the roadwKY . On season, � A Ml I i ndan ce; of - all inr tq bbeat his record,.bat we think there .ng . 04. -Wednesday. She, oam to, t6Nm'W ly - fit perfectly - and lire. d. to r6j:01rt th Mr. -Wm. ter -Next .'Friday as been So erIOUSly Ill, IS OW'Con-
either sido of the brid-ge m a 46 esQ is 4es will Will be to aftempt it. White, who ta)ce paxt. :Zvj*ybody viefconle. .,lsit her moth and on l?aving 00-
etrengthen weak eyes. er,
practically timfittfor tramel7l I "id. da -y. -Il hduS6 the horse started
naril be Gkm L Fri
ie foRowing were &0 .i
stream ticketed,. to A this week by Constance 0ould* get hold of the rains, stid W
th waterlyaade, a &�Wajt ttiuir' UP A PQ*ftp 010 (IJ001 thrOUgh the Y Q rnMe- omarty
Our Rimless, Gold Filled miller, m is bu:
jar& M ac t for a czfi-Vas awp- The h0XM I d-aSj'Led d0V#A
M oa., ci Ndtes.-Owing to oo "aty childXft
Stazon are -the newest. t the ction ot Br R. agents Good, �WW-barr Ing alone In the rig., she w,%s 13eW
jar a -A41
Price -$3. a In the rivered, 'Tis made a-rj4� -�tot, R)bInGKm, of Var*&, hav lid soj&c
Work on. t1w wm of %611. l -the strwt at a, terrific ji�T., and icaoft
This Is a. county td C 4A iiia ublie scboo4.--:W. R. -The B�shojj Huro4 will adthintster4
It vety dangft-ow. 01101e,t Xask., Sparks" of Aterel . Is a small at- 9 a thing new and gooll. The 6AS
bridge which perhaps acomited for 'i -et with P. tme, Tbe -bussr.
Make, 10 askatolim -Mr. W. A. Cechy Clarke, ercharit, Is'stocking his store thp aostolie Campbell. In f1wo IU-YI3 in owita
road In. *t confirmtion at Ut a4 3dled 0 O*ds was turned. uWde dawn �ud
the Ume occupied 'in ettig d�jtkon to hAlli a late, ass W1t4 dAwed, sp
ed) &Ad Jft%, Mddj�t�� troWn 07
e tv
91 g0ods and b "ared for ate St. ftiv�Alls ch �Oxt W &Y V- 33�y Vr ec!o4. on the first day -�hely er
how- front iarga ,
shape, for safe travel, in sPrIng trudO.:�-TUe WPle -of Iftbir 4ril M, at 7.30. A bad
his is t we Is buying the ex0ell
ever, the -111tchell Bridge Com? ftmt i3atated!, an � 'ho I nterlot fit" 0obst _Vldnft - =.a � PICO 'IS being. ' W ta the ce,-nft- any has d &n,$ L
Cla" 0*&. ftt' all ft=n vam U -3e, fe* t
To. X.
'placed fol& sW1 -stretchers o -ver the kip for train 'ift ereall I arjor r 49- tattift -a tdophone Mcgwen. bag bo�n hom trorh JoondQA ru ,wrWtion 46; ifite � tbay . vA wes taken � to tiae hoipitai,. where it
i oweller okf M6 M*th �Idb of. tbi6 old wa's foltd, she was badl,� out on 00
�!Wallwln, of, LmO it w" t1* kutat flu"
*04 �
f4w:' me In thaf fm the Tsf Week or so. -Our millin.
OJU 4d'dge qWm. lAnidsay had ary elmnings, last wek werd well pat.
WOFoTH. brifte, W1, strftg R D' jQjt� faco� ftd he441 Is Still In 21 Ot&W
J)"DY0 RWOK r,
t o, ere _,We WOU14 U11�6
bas be, abed, ihich �At answer T *OkMtX,'� tOmPiVN11ce- fttloh o W mil ffttfte cow hir she Is the Mdih4
'Issuer of Marri 4 ,
I?tb afT 'llinery flrn�s are ver Might.
age cenaft, all pllr��,v until such, tini 1, 9 a ipler- hld, In cunftfi 'Oki I MOMAY Purchased*, it havlhg wd
i7bich r0nized aInd tJie displa7a 4 our
y highly srok- Wa,"