HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1908-04-10, Page 1at
gly beoom-
D-n� a here is
116 in-
-prmse(l by
the several
fold attrac-
Li efflective—
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lecial INIAftfus I w Raw Si1w, re mapla syrup t# sevftsx pta on lCand&y.—Af V" WC was sole=dzed A V'Urwm. Eagleson, wb" Liza Nancy, becam.0 a Mr. J. Pollock, a proot.- near Gor)*t- Varna. ii6b&r of people are 4W thtsvm1k W j� those are iw, 5014 nzm and G. F,3id tO &A" r—.Da-ddson to Shoal JrF
id Mr. D. Spaxks, _0ax"i,
Wderabio� amomyt of 'dAM4.--
F around here by tbO StO91-0 Ight last'. We ara sor"I"I I ost Me aw striaek by ugbmtmr�-+�-
17- :ndon
ieen& bullft-4. 004--- .
tit 7 �7 7i AF& A EAF TH FIR -IT) 4i a Yeam in Advance., 11 COMO XNAR, AY &PRIL 10' ^1908A R, a an 19 -Dr� stra4g, of C-oderichl, decided In erod! in the -vicinity but it was some- 0 . 131W favor ol, tbe ffirmatie. 1E%9 must- ho;uMa. before the man -was oap-ture,a. �,Yan isei T. Pan:;'- cal Tart f the programme *r the ev- 'T -Y -bin fo=d ba was lylvx hba be m -aft several bullet vvo=ds. 8D wm nouaing in"s nailey-rj. ;Wife. J. E. ening was given by Was G--rtr six Tdwp Futo d In the past twel-Ve years we bAve Davis; ss Irothan and Mx-. Hemer-F.- ta to the bospital bit, It Is �p* I th UW of, A supplied the iin -A-A accident ccurred to the mov- ted he will recover. aev. Ti fox great Mum M& vks is and,'- 20-- deal king along baween t1w you can 0 119 Inal MOUAIS Indnello.1 Into 0. cham a. ing 1)lcture 'inachinet at DrealnlfiU4 -W,.
-sud 1mothy-G.- Ulddleton, ber'of weddin andif nq hile vial T -hare Was track a4d the through siding on ..Tyudall, W* F14her. ch. el sure yo.
with us u are ieatr% St. Marys, the other evend
c14ss inevery ade getting a ring� t- burned, caus- the -.real ect. a lot 'of excitemmi; In the av& -Sta�ley B. MWVert of Croft-Riv4r, was A ri.ug Should be correct in color, j�;ce. A flie alartn wao turned In and, was! stmck by a est bound exress ture film was tracic at Locust 0111
d a�ad a pie C-0 U an OC --ion an bat au& thrown, under a fr8ight ad cao style, width we, the brigade pwmptly respoded s Also X<ft#nr -iw@-Po� I Popula*1031-. be du= 'tely theIr servicets were -not vblch was moving ta with a, bi above all, should olt, and CAMaty, 01ark. 14ne U& g &I nft-k morning. tllp TOW= X _�ffe-et ()n te P, tj bik C04ngJ 66mPleted the mann of akin id- the needed. k1114d- on Su. en Of- the - (C the opillaion *I HU70U finish haVe a'&reat P -The -aftemw., the Pwr of wasihe �ftly earinK qi�alitlos. bi& is required; by the Edu rmg a. dr�� River, and a stu&nt of t1ke ha�Ii A cast FAratford were iwas. city of '1: Department. -The Pap%atlo� oft aud pq the general Aid rooms. U44 school at Markharn. n), ts while one hi's tjaA, witblal. the next few rot grand to& &-a shdwA, b -y 1,%st year's returns from whiqh is rolled 4�id RamWered into It, was the� *ce"Im f the
closing up -ilr4le health au0j&Itles a. �'Tbg an- at Winldi- to Tesign- his 0havo ip',utles, was 64,872. shape bas better 'temper. dbd hard- of. tbt, ,,Soup -Kitcben,$) and the r2- -peg� �Uan., have selzed 830 coses, ea,%- Nam ament was rabeied * wl, our rings b� ne We Sell y- wight
Thu i decrease from the ye-ai 1906 11 tiTement of its pgtpons from ctive( containhig six onegallon of , p- GENrni ons �6f r2gret by the, cam Am'"EN exprew ad- bompailn - for An 10k, watch -g* the figures 14k and 18k, and traveller :tffiei Wn Ur d 1,029 setrVice. for thts seasoU. nve]�y woman pl*�, and they ara on the tell, us th;%iwe �sell chea Six 1 more cases In tha same ther year, V.1th the figures for he year! per, than 1- aad hild, wb(y throngb want during I a lAu bee -a proulluMt f1Gu,*, it
-4 jewellersi Lu other town$ 1s97 �a decrease during the. decade. of: many nt rne�t, of which there is at Present rakwly. y4*K-91, W. man the barQ,-t1mes of thepassing wl �:r, No doubt tbe'exolus they call on, kept, abtebst,� OJ t1r. -6,356 is - bown. h was gthren a spzc- trace. Tbe -goods are declared by who. 'ad Visited the Aid, wed N, largely jisw ble for 14i Invitation t The 0 the 11nal per. 3iealth fficers to b-,- abs&ately UnIt oeIv3s- TbA, "bild bour was* four to five and for f*A. All baft the lab 1 of a alwpys� stood, Por wllat4 ap w fter mothm a -ad oidar girls- came -hav�ra canning company. c a, g6ntleihart a ad a '229 in 1905 it was 66,m; John Bulger, Slioul, I bD 17i fQQ6,-66,401j�ancl in 1907, 64872. The' twegn five nd, six. follow. I Un M -rious minor munt-i resigalig his ZXur6s t* the va � ealrofth eweller, Peter Levan a well k4o"Wil --lJobn Torrance until two Years am -tb�--rldg Upon PM2 cha'rge, logs " N411: be not elpalitles *1014 the coUntyr fi?-r - tb& 1 1 10itize-a -of 1pistowel, died very wadden- maiager of the, Domintin Line of A 'U 19014 and 190,6 a" given b3low i Marriage, Lloonses Issued at his ja<nne an Thitrpday' afttv- stars X-ps, and one of tW best knom va 'Oars fc" alone but A loss t' P thO Ituron. Rev for compaism,, March 26th. r. Levan had al- bustness men of Xontval, died on en, occupt th 'n, al
rt, of x1pl; ways been bealthy ma, - Uo*d&7 in bis 78rd year. By. I his out--inta the centre of thG .1 g'the eveningL.&Ad $61L,1eX- 6 swerved though bothered, at. times with dizzy death ;6t Mr. Torrance the city 10�*s id they lb frightened. pells� He had, been feellng all Tight *,Ae� of Its miost pw-mineint -and rasp.ect- "Ild I it grAmme ot- music wais Md, 1858 1883 "t"am al p] jeft,eibMenta Waftudsh a a la on Thur,Sday *Ironing he ed-jcltlzensf the shipping'Interests, of the -nd got 2706 2781 At last tel laxga rall - Ud of late, bat one In jumped" on It a i ad� a., Thio. foll. wl wn pialned of not feeling ;MrY welle -Ca-44da a progressive and cu Ing ti ke. -ladle �t 1644 1605 -, terpris Colom-10. - n foilr'DWJU�5 3 j�'d by' 0. Ste, 11jury Godorlett J. -sh'". other boy urdh I -a
i a gthcjugh 1.pe, was uite able to go bout leader and 't ethodist ,ch 2054 2494 :> e. upr'ffter� wa's 1pxesente�d, b,, 108C 91,21 his exal"ple �Ms not 'gs t�ori�n at $is usual. About live -ecloek in i and, a _G!My hi$: looittng and fell -In. the wat- the consistent and gencrous -*ho was a M Mb 5 $448 Afternoon, just as be was mterInu �-,Cbrlstqpher Kress, Vropriitor of =Zay IUY 110 and Dar 4an, $17 E4tton At the tim the the Tail he dropped dead. The late thei Kress house, at Weston �prlgs, of 8646 $676 the In W.
oo� ca s e tended to if&. Marti 2896 2577 clung tol it -until his compa7don M11- Peter Levan was b-orn, p away Friday A-vening t hicimd bim a-hd i P: 19 th, 1838, il;at It' after b -Ing confined tot his bed 1=1A ebrunry 12
ADDRESS., 2251 2272' OntntaxV, *n V - - i I � -The death 100curred� V20MU7 f Wag thlIS in his YOM -year. ffe 11ved Im- the Past few we&s. Deceasad % ras the I-vitatioia of the b(ngr--- of 1ft. Archle Andft'son' '"t bf that .year be - mar.-4ed Catherine rnajiy other parts of Canada. and the- -2848 2880, Ymr In Waterloo tilf 1S67, a -ad on Juts r5 well known thrm-ghout Ontario and In ga�Ttln* fttymfl�e - --Lie 01) FWa,7 Shiait A -sicht the 1-1
If' Stoantely ago Iof Co Vin 1"re,
_8byterian e Stephen 8678. gaf ch Wawa;n4ys eased we" Mg, 11. Dee had] been Ill'bUt Kress,. wb#, V#h fiVa children sur- United States.- He wa In' hAs 81th -Some one has said, neglect to-- be,qVmA our paAtoor. Many have Tackeramith, 2008- 2121 days -vdthl- -an absces-S on th thJB vive -o El -he the , ChfiMoea Which d-ok.,will e, brain. An Operation was Performed ilved there, till 1881, when Kress in that town. He N r4s In be moved. to Ustowel, where he has In Germ Wi 2008 -209 b havV �aken Turnbem 18t4 3:4396 r & him. The deceat*-di oved t ye r and b" since 1851 condurt:;d A Easter time� and bad that perlod-. - Yel Y, 61 i bat the, patient being a wira UUA the members row re.-, 1664 1696 hg,. Uance of the: year* wW awanosh - any. ti -cohdition expfred"thD sime evenJ Walb�v D Towns W e�- died N=b"s have Come. and gone and Village$. =mvllU� aince, reMded. Whit&,, 0 Engliah- ma I -Un. -W. H. Mawhall, one, of the man, agied' 26 years, fell'off 'th-- :VC&- Wh -this be'triib, or not. you can be Olil te so sb e. cc&Sion has necessitated ther' r-- BayflelA, morning- .0t last wir-k, ether -evexl�pg, oldest residents of Strattord, died on bath bridg On Saturday g t m6 1. to oth ar U while lot - a the eauzO 14 March 2 t selecting, vour hat now. Yoar 901n 0� I .013e, s Ll 815 948 1 41 years a4c! 10 mMthst I b. The deceased' lady had St. Tho-mas, and was &stantly bW no life?a purM7 1099 1072r 1
haye( flnI. E ! - -a brIfto w of death - bdmg con-sumPtton. HP -V been a resideni of -Strafford fOr Over was ou th &P10- Unto that U1x- %Tg, haye pmed beyohd 'llaton Now's the time. 3 2435 1 an 242 maid6n. nam� -was Bell � and' hO ,-ftfty yea -m. coming to that efty -al a pmachA 4 p, aoide lat it pod, 0n 11�e fourth concession of ;a1si A Ivered ountry ftom whose, bourn 'bride in 1857. Bi0th ki London, Una- pa"Os, ra:18864, Ills- footing a -lid tell tem '41608 4416 sborne� i9sw wav married 22 years YOU I -
i raveller'ralturns'. -bebh . I - i
no land) U.1al Charlotte Baiett, the Eat. wife, and mother axe 46t PvSft� S;t 1. 2 �Ve the N �76 2906 s four cbUdM, three leaves beride a �Aall CIO Maker of tbe great metwpolle, tame M 00'toat aud his neck *as, -WIth her pambi In -e has beft In 0%nad -pie ant haver ngham on
to facuitteo to movdd dior the a q le Canada W1 US in Wvqieri MI ty, ,daughter Wf a *,ailer and vVatch- sea) M 4,.%gL- way o�eor to Oan4da. ty ago tot her now berqt husband amd
bt t` -he. vjj� b4i -b ing U Xv. 'GI 42I -A -pretty wedding was, celebrati P their rMidenbe
di be re WTiog*tar . a t time. fifties, tak 11ifttsf tocteoUtfa4' DU At the, bo�me d �J.r. aud ti, WU afterwards heT tam- '-Vz. 12ip W. Goowan, piw1d.ftt Lrs ha$' a the Toianto. Shot Ing all thespi yeara yov -6, I F.esteMey-frf 14t*h near. �m n 54872 j5 1U, _aging direct4yr: Qf ft�& '400W�&U Total lawton but soon returned gW(in. baU4", yoUr faf a' It; VAll be .Seen th their -daughter, 1MUr- Illy move(T. to a Dasbwobd, w anufte 8�rmig-Hats'ftow* the best liatters th- fmw W ftul Ws turo forwarl I -With !r. jud a&ttled at Tj 90"d In 18511 5 W -bot starteA the,zn wa I eked h (ke exe me=Kuro owle, w"'Re Th you bat- unitedi In Ing',rriagg to V o* Idence en ebwwd o 'hP hmne In Toronto oil -%lift that.-fighion Says 1we coffed. �We ddmp� ex-_ that wit BurMUttr Df Baxne-tt was marilod Vrl- .W. it. v WcolatA ibout 18 &mday eouragUm _DA
llatbf, 1%ral Varshallthen el. Woo&#*ck t YOU rformed by Rev. 1ft. all 4W t OF ftfemcq7 -was 'peo d been. Vary Pjoitrltny particular waker�ia' hats. pok *cjease �Ja "Adation.9 while Uwe moviliff tA)F &tat -
C ntact. The MeMbft i and lip. The eduple. v—dU, make.v6ouple Sfi�rtly i6fter of tbe, ,urban municipalities tshow au in� TLi -"-:bt ha'db' able io is 0=11096d. of ths'proaxletions f,*d, vVberej they have resided 'evOr o-nd Im Of t ExiroPe.- .- 46- d We" 'at two -Y e&V5 ago Mr. a the the* UgnO In sice. Abo A liewmeenage brough a- Inost rdiable maken eelleblate& ecatratted Som -vow P tILA.Ir vwed- -t by a a Hur,6n7katas. Parth Items. thusbawV V W.- R-
caused b
�T som- way� Clinton aye IllnesS4 He leaws a wid .,p OXF, Ing s; Auxiliary, of Trin-, nRatteutawy,� of -The .W�Imen so -yen thildft-n, survive, five end 7 sent a Val -shall OW*
9,14weetutid4 9f Your -recently �& gong i . I '50 njoyed Into bis new botel. I ity church, Mitchell, and two daughte". EWIP iid� two daugl-,ters. L50.1t aA Mar Em's anjoUgst I# 6W.- Mar and r4o, love 7 -lb- N-- C:i Landaborad onfleld�, Val- ite won thi- gh, of Tut* bal6 td thr es big- nAlls at the Qmai It= ersmith Int-6nds going -1&- Goderich to !uad- at $10S. Oit. Canad;6 OD -oftd Cotton Coma, located at a t of all. 401 A ce, <)I IMteliell, bar. HATS .0- 0 U ant ar- 80 -.00, aixd some Small -acknow- -Mr. T. H, Ra (3o mwall, bae closed down rot "te0m oda*a -that he -FIftY4170 01 Immilgr -,w eks ir to, atl will owm only when -IV. Chiirles,wdrth hDA ACCOPi- recelled i It*betedul" 9 we TiveA, in W14n1peg oh Sundlay last. 11'yltat'on to beWMe astQr of Was Wante�& I'Mkdoat' the water ff� let,.int'a th Cwn, Od the e yorAL to accept 'this 'Purso. It s -7. R, Boloth the lumber king, at Soled our Spriog Hat here. We fit th� face- the' B I tist church, Clintod. A�rll 20th. C lackness of trade BMA -GiVer- eel ';Z y thoe! r4er- of ll 3;p _The Ma*nag ;b t�� 81st birthday on Sincere aAd earnest - . b;e r _W. B�ftett, of Gh*erlc'h -tow, - man -age ent & Xuox elmch, Ottawa, hiPrIftetionjol goods Ape the chlel may soon -r6stbr4- -the+ead d tba Bft% Martin an thb, pocket. hi�, bvAl a wood' bea t he other, da r -.Wtcbell, hae angaged.as their organ- 40-- the ausp(M31M t busWess" strmgth. anji - that leaaer Mlaq Fr:elan4,_ of _NMIe 'Sitting In' SU arm air the So S 04 to heAlth, and alid jot 12 Al out �110 cords'spiti: and- piled. 1A and! choir llbA4 are tmplvy��d i pared heon, who has been oi BdwmYnv111e- th, me wbih have been passed ay., Ydbn 1) le, aw th-ne, with the exceptior -of 25 to, 0 t6 aTe- a -ad Work �or 40Y, of PetfttOTO, 41 Joing be, other day, crocRatin Ms
-5- bot I she. and- - y0a, ma the ster's ss Mat - Richard the. teachlg Staff of the Wingbal 1 nt w NXI Men s- 004 Signed. -on beUlf 14 the mem vho, has. bea a KqoUnk i4 b Ca jk.. public school bas . eO _PS s t in her r leikjTL the 4tablishment ofT. SFord SbO wa's 16 'Years Of ago nts of. the coo grgg I for yas,, haigone In good balth. s Y -rt 'hours for 0, month or w< In Itcher I - . Dundas mill. --Boys"- d 15. to early the other morn- to time a -Sudden b tbe�; 01 r-rs. alld Inana Iggintolh, -of 01a. to,; fk4on : wurile e Will ensage Th L 4, unexvcted dba!M Mr. T� K. Gr1ffltW4 JewtllrY atft% at anot bis fin businew, AW bimsplf. W.' -7 ob n Kenned-y, of Linday, ba' the�, top �of - *40 about: Clinton Sprig Fair. 'Son of _Ib7. H Y Jr. Ijago"Tille, W taken off the other day, while C. Irvin%; d an Sa;turday %inoming, at bft
Wortla 4)� Fipring cattle rn�chiuery. vine, Of St, whohas been r4ath- *1,500 re ddenoe In that town. His d?ath was- -Ipafn, at Clinton. m 7%A&Z lay of Tings, pinst etc -s 0 aematical iiiaster in St UBS at zhock to his OraAgevilla� late 'Week, was In every -respect cession, Hullett, b tha co*- Quebec, bas bben appointed p)rindl:al Horringtah, f the 18th'" anstead Co -at
om-- e is�Uceesa' DeSpio-a cold-, toravy, tr as giveft a to' HUI of Sherbrooke Academy, In the Same` ftuty Te -'-Te of sud- a7 A' the citizens.. Mr. Kennedy A!OnL sict fot his new brick 'how with thel,businem In- horne At fivZ o?clock Mon- been connect denly- at Ids & di�-jg".blei day th,rOl WO lal*8 th. province. terosts f the town tor fifty, %fternolun, Ded-ased wf crowl 4 d Ittheli, gives- day ay. of stock and, a big _T1110 11)(p acre farm owned by B.. ao -Aasessdr Sklimer of U an u4 t of - that porladi -tast, and 4 ng mw 'Two GhOkVeUment An' his recent 65 YeaTs Old, 4 VMS 'Was treamwer *Y- t -he towAshlp of i We'll show you thei natty little. Sprin Coal to'Wn N. F. GwTy, Brussels, ElOt .34, conceb- the folloW 0 f adward D gh., editor of the 'At I aS5Q3smvr1t of the law a were enga GIrey, has been sold to Jam� -report: ThO tot for'r Large range to Wiwi you are IoDking G R`6ed, sloin 14, for mgn yovs liDutterl-11 PMt. d� orgetown, C.,BlAir for the sum -o�- $2,60' town 16 $764,346, - or $330 less than the 110ara of Nducatto a %t 0. mber of. -of Sor- of -Vomnto, grain.. -While 15aynes, e ul fitter,s I a Judge last year. i I ftom- and all. b autif 3a nes ek. Hogan, -*hD bas -'bean left. by: the coujitY ie, toNm. 1*. Kennedy Is survive d by- -PatT1 -W J, 17, L.2 . The dan, was Stan, 3 gZ ni3ar the -a -in! adilitidn to judging the gra n. UT. eaths 15, dogs- 97. �Tesident of AebT1616 fo--55 years, di-bu twd dughteri, and -five 60M, ting 2 OU a boa in cently bsen de- quil gavert-an Intet" . He lejiv�g population BOWO Ith er -A -b 810.0 darinc attmpt wa� maide V i rD r buryln,- of St!atf troyed- -b �tf ord� fire; it tell over, 6. Q, -.r$7. 5 0 109 ise building which had Te
06, so Alex. $110TSTIsh, a w0ow and one son and- even dau94- -being ndW 1,802i or 94 more than h the. 24fts. HO f to sef f tha Imp%U1 Bank ft the 6 Cap- was dug 11 bene4t *I udge ou hea�vyhm,50s, a v Ila go off St. D& T14s, Abmt h1no aftee. - ifdefto$ -sufte qfv of Londesboro, wife of -Mrs. W. I -r. C&MPbello Of out with several �Ibs, broken and xon Cilep, t. �onl St. Catliarines" about t*0 10� llock ng is a list ot the - V i D bruismd, b recover. CA The f -0116W$ th late Thomas Crh�p, one of Lie, died� on )$ardft 30th. 13 aesd" mc"Ang, -by s&�crBll 22 7e -ATS of W, past f�wl -perdlies min OU ce, sful prizel winners . resideots of that district, died bad been. ailing for thl eWi frospital" in M In who. died, ho were, however, par- motiths, frolyX d�abotWi, bilt was 6418 - as a eted I v�aik as the r-vdt VL a Stroke er 0eir plans. An -entr0=8 w7a"s a u4til & few daya- betorte Lonon� had em sufftxing for ov reaa?s I I;giWr alysis. Ao be araw- id a nd the -safe bidwn op -n with itro.. n9i Asle ThJY �M. -yea-,-a fx0m tle effects of gall -
aid, W her death. MnQg _ as a . . 1
-of 'the ver Ch Zreat' tw0 elycerine. Tba Juside compartment of A magnificent Rissortment he*est oplori &; as.'UcG;regor,'Fr0d Davla. -Jaines Drowji� from Ashfi apple s, as she was: am si,: R. :3f. bad be.eA an, Inmate of th-3 0000 Aock to her -MWnY friend; -tie afe, wbich containsd the TOU P vea eaTA, died 0 'n 8, f jvorlte amcqig, all. Bekde!� a, bus J. Jacob elghtr His V,4,s blown InwarLz Instead ot 6ut and-
'kno pin was Inuri,d and co1mbination obades, 4 -in -hand and Can ti f,or ele ebld of lea;VaS aU4 his JoWer C� anall-I 2 y eats -I. J. Blake. 11m6s g 7 wedg0d' ndsa a tie -for Easter, -even if your suit ig not ite newS �DE6,flo 29th in his ninetieth ye4r. band, slift, ti that the UlAel" Stallion, Fred live - I - P92ents gann�n m(*iths. IhID4SM1 3. vt� and over, A The b Z friends of the -*ctor Jobn known. t�- not move 'it. 3 cemetoryldr interment. -The metfibets -.and ire� JU the C&& compErt*1ent. WZ 0. Dale B=Utf4hr while walking . a- 1,1&. J.. Ch 9-10 disposed of the flarinony Sunday School, recentlY pr"- a but- n 25c 9' d 50c . 01dent Of andl ,un4e_rl 300 Blaki�; estaut- h p* lonc the G. T. toused several Off tbo Cregto�n, to Wr ]3,lVt r R. tracks Rob�'rt Paiwell wlth a h �a' and, over, T. McMffla�n,J, F05- Royal hotel, itiuck by abitards and W. Hamilto�i 04 'the. rs poss.assion. 01r., some oakoZ�i�;d book case &44 writ- skirts Of The city I was a geldini rishag 2 7 ears, Charles Clark, whof has taken bank ataff, who resides close ew- d Mts. Chestnut have gone to er an it; heavy, draught t n, Tbornas wd J061- Ing desk. The pres-entation tO-Ok place Pas'sOng - train al L'd t b-Xem -Yed to I ak, hurried tor the spot d aaw� t th�,. home f Rev. A- R. xellam, He diedt b-IfOn- bO could be . mo un- im Milan, J. Foster; family Of clts boMe. * i , Pj�. r a d time was spent. the fiUspItal. wbat was going on, but,. being 'D 5yn6ld. -CousIderable -damage was done in wbere a much dnJoye -ter. I MinaTd an aged farmar armod, raised aa alann. In the meau. LCMI PurpoSe._W&m, J�00 Rey-' DashWood alld Vicinity on the Povell, -,has' bun tha superintend- AW4� . Irp- pletott was time the burglaTs -explarded a "Zon& :Jakel 11 fear- dg e o(ol' for some at -west I j.. jr. - Fear J. H. HUI. night before last, by a hall StOTM. A ent of the Suli Y b fully sca c ae -%dthoat result bL,yond aw#ken- n4 assfstlAg his son, ndows were blmkn end tirne. Ing a large numbeer of pftrsons. 1 See- -j'1cUltUj!al�BXdDd, MAret 71ftrS number oX wl - - , $n tUe sap"Ibwh to mak-6-map10 Worst -on :T, edn.asd?.y _Vpnlog, March 25, 36=1 ovA. linnis, J. 1-1. Feai, A. In- otber daiiiage'dona. It was the Mrs. R. A. Steph- -syru, *Id. *as reinoving a Ing the crowd gatbering the buig ; lats sweepstakes, hall storm.ever- seen there. the ho-nia -of �ir. and 0, The Man, 9pened Bra with their rev&vIers,1 U-bisno Bank cup, Of m, wo nson, St. garye, was the scene of a pam of boiling sYrup. from the fire, i ge Itallister, Wingba ithout anyonei -and 1ding, 8 ypaTs and oar, ---:MT. C. 41iy stb�pped into an- tunately wl -hitting Sleas t occasio1a being when o- accideat -9�air, K. CaTter, J. Decker; g.'eldi- as for yara beQn mail'elerk on the t then hastily beat a -retreat. - Thoed *I of their daUgbter - -Mis other. big pan of i fi�t B4. Ills too, over. -' T bepn placeKI n a the marriage �be citizens who were a nd Mair, London train, has rmed r-otum- years a iT James D. Nftv. The and leg were tft-ribly scal4ed. the I fir3, Dale; agrleult'lraf t� in, -priteo neW xUn, rineardbrie to Durham Lad oss M., to Mr� but the men had y was p orm, by Rev. . L, "While. MY. sn4, Mrs. W. T. Rawat nate4 by Thosk, uur - %viii likely rerove to Kineard1he. cere�non erf away, .1 . i
ei U Y-aor lCaledon, . were &*ELy att-4nding the ve- rig a short distance and & B�rDck, J. �'arrow, 0. -After being for morP than thireO Janes r, they 1ef t Nell ads gooa their escape. Tht haolim I-lorton P weading ot a 21eighbo, pleSs invalid, Ws. Absolam -One dAy re4ently XT. W. 13- J'anes, s ar the Mltchel� brick yaTcle, was fel- Karkerthe hirad %mMn, in chirge of the t. pars bel ies t magars Falar;
;!$Uit- b1i : - - 7, of Wingham, assed aWaly on -of. the artnes were notified but no stalli.04---�T. SblPlei- rAurned the ArAiDe -rnib of her 8 the farm of Mr. Fred -house, jmd.' wben theY Wds 1viarch 30th, at the ho ling a -next day Paxker !was missing with a clue' -of them was found. W. J. HaTdy Death was due ti a Hea when be narroiWl IK;- look 11 F artdr, f lew -ow suit of �;j, belonging to MT. -A aing attemrt was rapde UC$— k lled.. * The tree Any boy fitted up f�'om ur brand Zhn- stalll0r� Under 15 1-2 stroke of paralysis. c&ped bein sy night to r4b the local brund", Of -it Reeney, who has -been An ef- ba -ap nd -fell across Rawu- Thomwa -1i ss ek from the tua ames b i& J. W. Smith, J. 'Aliller body, pin1ohAng him R1cb&rdso)i, f e Sterling Bank at Thornhill. 'Kr. led ficient. workei 1h St. George's,chmIch, fo the g-,ound. -Chlef Of fl or the boy,,, iR be tick Feyndlds. . - . HeDry, the�m r- is In W as TIOW SL le f hamer &P Kim by resented one ever 9 Had it'not beft.for IfOsSrs- David Me- the stf owa, died early Koh o death. "Jorsa in karneas-D- Dft- Godrleb, was, e, Rosie be would day morning, -Z4 H0spl r%idt ot P, blo n the heid re- With a bwadsome clock by Claeborty amd' Gwri. a ilngee.,, light with the biwelarz. last wie-ek. g 111ne I'ved In his W. Buchanan. 4auk. , Treae tal, Torontu� afteir sJ. 6ffron, congr�-gatlon. s have been cru -411d td C ad$to- HarjjpsS-�--J. -W the n heirs of the boWfVer, o- Mern in, brin the, boy. Let -us 'r RDr.4p in cloe by and tl�ey ran to W Richardson, ws me ot the bist Owing to his Come .9 m4hton, J. Reynolda. Ijeeney Is leaving "4�rfcb. Q men were X I E,,111(ttr J. -MeN Gorrie I Lake Ontsfle, and money was take�, About .11.20 1r. M -Chas. 7 als. hig Mcue and Soon released b1m. knovr mar ne'rs
9how'You anYhow., 'age Tim W erf Qun-� -W. 11. Ardell, of 7 whd bad rettreed In Mi room SO- 'he el -d he was In the- e P10Y 'of the Niagara th misfott=e to have his Urm bEdly -An extraovRnary' fatality 4o9c-urr- kk, wis awakined d ry Bros,. a Naylgati*U Company &r t*enty yrs.. bove the b,%T
Roadste;r Tftm�-J. othier � aY, Mqld 9-7 � af tern �on at billipabimg,' �D.epk!ar,� �CKobd.&A: cat'below thig elbow, the noie dowtstairs. He went of the band. TIllag6 a few- files from iftiatford. A -Cq*T1ii reddent below 1111� by ah xe slipping dat without d j of Mi. Isaac -Wade, wboas nexv 11-M. ]AN girl Ila -Idells Hidt 'was 4M., a -Of Gtxlph, and stoTring to get his Horse4Jamep X&IT thinking It wa� bis assistant, �Ie
$3860, 1A, $60 from the village Stote, cat- Still T9PIC10 COMmitted sulrde, is Bros. -3fisa Marg�ret Radcliffe, of her wa-Y I lillatt, GulildTy in her dath a small wzioden at Blair ST lagft�� by taking 0. WrIght, retu�nln ftm a Wawa, dp& *1th' het. )Dro- ryllfg found- both back 4om- broken 1 open- udab, who TW14 r rATTI;H attachment. In a dqe-e of s He was 63 years ther 0a the ola horawteaa in, tube,, with a , -ubber W,6011_ -n *,W&K- nd being aware that S=etVn$ wav, 16nd -svrallowed- the toy, Of age- 11kibner d got al �re returned to his roova qol�ds-�-gPWI, 2 ymr$ to,!�ns-&p, ied' last wtek. Wss [I'- Some Way -SU Mill at "Tong In her s eMP10"d L 4 eb, Which lodged , x, and be er =4 Wa cuffe was 16 member bfia iZv�iver. Vnen he came Zovrg- t- iore ved We wag ex- 'Blair. A fit of despond4RACY brought -P(Usd Angus - ]Bull, -T Aburn, and wivi very highl rePP a'Ad8t,%Uc1 i are 'in tra.gineos tairs a 'Undt gn-0vftV on 04 in the* cotamurAty. him,'t-d �ommit�tbe rah act- by A �dls %r,4UtMMt e
2 !years and' light of tho freat 4"& an am *all- 'at, 'Cot -Tb( 9) 0 *4444-44 .0 0 6 Win. Ha7leWd0d, Of debate the dther at, . .
& years arid, over, J. IWIntio0h 're., mqa fired i ow. Smith -cam$ , quite I&r he -A Inan. named ed In r .13t a*1 2no; cow, 1 year Alied. at her hom6 theM ou Thvr-21 VY,. 'the t1cfvM hall,: In Mtehe'll m. - t the dor Just: below o'U .- X hurch Read- a 9snft'Hdn ,O� On 110nday N!aTC)i 2fth' -DeeftSedi' WW L 61 74 &To a h ax c d FggS a$r 0 ash -'s J t%n#f0td` by k6eping at U for several the Shot Waz:Vrm;t1y retu=el Pur- eaTs 1&�'Butter an in 04horns-13un, 3 'of ast seven or Ing ud for the )Mmry was -s on Of the police the'f bt Ift ,eight Y. MI. C A. ud tns the combined `k� years bad b6l,ln, a, sufferer f,ft el, de, th, wba Is a boo the Itead- � and vmdered Jdhh Barr, .7ohn cof
a 'Was v_-ry 19,Tgdy at- ATe brigade. Sm and undw, J. am =Mat BrIgh-e disease.- She Is sw Lff v1706 by I
iand md.Vr .9 agent, bad been rinking heavily and TbB fh4119:r10ft19W -tt3 And A F4 A A t tended nd pToVed quite hiterestin. -v§bvndar�d a grOwn up b6r hi was maldni hW,,y -,*tr6at In- 19 d a, dWvxbp-,qw In his ld&-- thG robb-Ts b%t year ld &nd-justMetive. The pubject Of -Two Young lowds in Usborne when the polloo arriyed to to tne oVen W mtry If. lama him. Re appeazea wfth shift On exavr?c rhe safe that no 4none -A. Smith s%1Wdd be extended to, w(x- 14N I y�,.V� a.- A. Te#1--s-.nta- igiin.jrnd, flmd several -file dd - J. men. -. - Idently -Softe old'heffer, let and Ud lk C ki afte�rnacm, of W)WM tlme� on iLh-e hw 'lei* t-ak,--,-%, %&r. lZe-m-Y *MM'm 4 . , Resolved- that tbe Tight Of ing bAOUSS IT Was found U;
ANK %JJU0T afift1h, J. 'Suell, aman P thrift N erpftlenw- last bate. was,
GRIE b6st ma e ftD�n drovr
Alng. The boys
TWk, T. troVd �%4th the rem1t That one con- -d zm Moth'i herd H. Smith rgON 40; for& �-thetxlvetrbahk 4�n hig at _as to the roam- stable,-- was illeO,: aWtheIr WcMded _No CIUS -one door'sdutb of �,& i�t beffAft- the n. Ad f#cqra" In the buyMIM r i, :e -filAttat ftym te lam. hm bm ftumd�. -XO4 East S:de Main Street2 alli leg 6111b %tne a d9t*CUV* Was s" t that. it and *100� be Is Tv"M &7a& the Ite time VOW -P .01 get on last it &6-1&d W birm twd tv - tbm0o 13r.BroVn, ba -&,,, t bWr n got a mm.g exelftC e& gxd W, vwt� i
Dminio'n �U -Tivft wa's qidta Id.0 at bfte 316RUS I Duutar,
4*d, T wh"t-J. fikft v % A (ft 1be too" the nagat! "d flood the Man amuaat 8 7 -�o4d, the Wy "tr" ebigan, AMW-,&. MM�t, tM -ItulV, tble time. Im IMnift#0 ft#W& b, A 0-th- tbr-- 1W. 47 MI ok 04to-J. 4je go* f4