The Huron Expositor, 1908-03-13, Page 1istommosottataistiottexamidataahatioittro vO*TY-COND YEAR OLE ITEMBIIIR 3,000 ea"-"het- oring and dymade Clothing THE. C.LOTRING IIPANY latioassin.NAMMIftslanguessumoillemaamoThilemilEMIAMs6;IMMIMPSK92.. gommummagemmommoolomm....#1......E•m•WEIMONNIWNOMMOMMVIMRIMMOM110 SEA.FORTH, FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1908e Furs and Furnish- ings • The nigh Court. spring SeiSSiat ot the High ,Coter with* for trial. by Joel, opened* G eh en Tuesdey of last week,be Vet the Hoe0rab1e Mr. Justice Mabee, Th docketwas a long one, contain - tog six defended jury cases, and: fiv f dedeeen-jury cages. IM case tried was Willians Beattie, ain action for aeductionf part -lee td the aetion live in God*, Unmanly and the ease, iatedtth af noon on Wednesday, when the tar gave a verdict. for Plaintiff and the Judge, recorded a verdiet f.or $80 SU Mits. . F her vs. Pipet et el was are act,' te-over damages foe injuries ‘olaim ere ei hive been ceased on the line o the Guelph aarl Goderi. Rallway wn e the track was being built. B t of seemsel a wiedict of $50 wit out oosts, was recorded by tia Net t. ThIlltireedeelitent & Surra ty COmpany was -an action by t of. Joseph S Taman to rectos'* $1 under a poltey held by deceased at the lime of deatia. By consent of 1 for both parties His lioreship ted that a, verdict for $950, with u costs be entered- weiof ftaforth vs. Dick, an ac for breach of contract, the. de - dant, who had been granted a, loaa of $10,000 on certain •terms, itwaSi c ed, not, na.ving ru1Lh1ei there, Co nsel states that the action is este ti-' so fa.r as plaintiff's solicitor can eet to such settlement. Adjourn- ed till nay sitting of the court to ad - mi of full, eettlemeet between the SCITT.A-TiM 4111111111106114MPSECIDBIMMISMISYR 0 ..16.¢.50moir....110inagarstip. OF THE 111Exu SOUna- of the crows cawing is the unmistakab of the approach of fine Spring weather. These which at this particular season are really pleasant, bee what they signify, bringing messages of an agreeabl conveying to na the glad news that we are to be r frjm the burdens of an unusually hard. winter. One principal burdens to get rid of is that of your heev coats, enabling you to decorate yourself In 4 new ignal oisee, as& of sort, °abed f the caps Spri ANPi lissn vs. the Pittsburg and Ohio g and Engine 0o., an action to ,er goods seized) by the sheriff of on euit of defendant 'company'. .claimed by the eiaintiff company etave been illegally seirsd.; the seized; being the property of and the premisee of the Cloderich Iln- . The case closed on Wedtresk evening after argument, when tne reserved' Ids decision. cott vs. Bunston, an undefended On' for false- arrest, was fried bY and was soon cone1ia.d04, the Jury Ing a verdict ot $100 for plaintiff. e, vs. Canadian.'ediall Orders et al. journedi to next eittinge of the ecut f this- county. r rowD, ve. Sobillenberger. Adjourne to! the ,sittings at Strattord. issett es. Pigott et al. Adjouraed tot be next sittings of the court for county. ' hson vs. Pittsburg and Ohio Mim- eoet al.—An Interpleader issu .1 plaintiff, James Wilson, is a ki dator" of the Goderich Engine a.rd B c de Co., an .clairos as tract ain articles seizsde by the Sher f of the county of 1-1nrOrl, under ex - ins against the Revere Mier fa 'lag Co.—Judgment was giv the plaintiff se to the holt machin chboa,rd and jointerin question t ss , and tor the defendants the est of the good. The ,Ind w i made the interpieader ex -der, to I i i se: of the ccent of the issue. lied Vs. Yeo.—Wen. Yete, of the to of Turnberry, someltime ago his estate, consisting of 3$)O a.. of land in 'rurnberry, and Canal .;.:ir ble personal property among Se .• :.. ettildrerlio 'giving .200 aeree to 1ls William, $600 to another sae, and acres td his our daughters. II e getters claim that the father w u Joey influenced by their brother •es M, and tkii#, as their father '•lhadk $ e•rt in the aellum, the settlement i , I O. not 'stand. Action partly tried, . , tei; be concluded at Stratford next li tat : :day, sat 9 * ni., Wore %kJ Ji* h gi . dd vs. Mills, et al.—Theplaintiii, IONIA is a niece of the late Wil- liam Hill, of Dungannon, and the defendeeets fere the executors .of Hilt whe died at Dungannon last weak. or three, months before 'his death. illam Hill, who was suffering from cen, asked Mrs. itedie 'be board and him during his last illness, that he would pay her well. less. - ald so, and- a. few days before dee.th, Hill gave Mrs. Medd a ue for the balance, $1,066.13, he thenin the Sterlieg Bank, Dun - non. The children of a ileceassed of. Hill, in Manitoba, resisted meet of. this cheque. Judgment in 4:1r, of Mrs. Mead on $1,066.13 inter - on same. from Dee. 18th, 1907, and ts of action. yan vs. Maldne et al.—The parties In the tOwnship of MeKillop. Soma a ago Timothy Ryan, of MeKillop, vesed to hie son, James V. Ryan, a Ere, reserving his right to cut flee- whee he wished on this farm. cently James V. Ryan made anas- merit, for the, benefit of his credl- soand the farm was sole by the as- , and this action is brought to ver the value of this right to cut wood .during the plaintiff's life- . Action dismissed with costs.' Spring This Friday- and Saturday ly Come In this connection permit u4 to say that we invite you to ot)Ir dere, here we are in a position to introdu e you to _ one of the finest and large t. assort - manta of new Spring togg ry ever shown in the Town of Beafort , and at very moderate and, therefore, eonveni: ent prices. Spring Coats Spring Suits for men Spring Suits for boys Spring Hats (Soft and Stiff) Spring Shirt Spring Bulling (Tailor made -to your 'measure) In all the above departMents ae are in the full vigor of Sprini bloom,and if you want to see the choicest and best, you'll not miss looking at our stock. 411490111014011, IlEcT.LEAN MOS., Wells era, 101 a Year tn lido= •dawn thec etreat at the usual recklees vane an4 iai umping out of the way he escape. he put himself in the way ol a horse and buggy by which li w struck and rendsred insensible. He h td be carried horeeebut has since e 00)1y recayered. • The many friends of Mr. C. Troy etoreekeeper and postmaster of Hills Peeen wile regret to learn of his nes, but will _hope, to soon hear f lee -complete recovery. addr, James Madigan, for some years a_ resident of Wingham, died at his hewn in that town, on Wednesday, 'IWO. 4th, after an illness of sorne months. Deceased was 46 years of aie and came from Port Credit. He leav4s a widow and family. —St. Paul's cherch, Clinton, Sunday school, recently gave the Operetta, "Bed, Riding Hood," to a large audi- -ence. libel parts were well taken a4d all ezijoyed the music. The procee, senountee to $45. - —Dr. Shaw, of Clinton, entertain about sixty ,of his male friends evening recently. Among those pre eet being Registrar Coats, ,of Gode , Idle Posteiaster Kay and D. M. Fergii- son, 'of Stratford, and Jolln War*, 41 Toronto. A very enjoyable time was tillen—Mx". Frank Bawden, an employee of the. Clinton organ factory, while op- erating a rip eater the other day- Al- lowed the second fingir of his left hand to come into contact therewith and sustained a Beaty cut which will lay Wm, off work for a few days.c —Jermyn Bros,, of the Bluavaie road. near -Wengharn recently sold months old heavydraught wit to Mr. Jobn. `Menzleys, of East Wastanceh fer . , $110. *The colt was sired, by leaeca, the prOperty of M. J. N2. King, Blue- va—lE)AA fter an Illness of eeveral weeks Mr. -Themes J. Blacker, of Clinton' died on Saturday, February 29tee in seventleth' year. Ha was born in`Yer shire; Bn.gland, but had lived in the town .or neighborhood of Clinton. for 40 years. He was an hotteet, unassuto- ingenan and much respected. His wife ! end four children survive. —Mies Alma Dewey, daughter of Mr. L. M. Dewey, of GoVerich, has passed a most successful examination lit Phar- macy, at St. Luke's Hospital, in New York, where she is training for ! a nurse. Idles Danceyot the maximuni number of -marks . o tainable, 100 ier cent., and beaded th claps. i --Chester Farrdw, formerly ticket a- gent and operator at the G. T. R. station, at Godericle who was ero- moted a couple of. weeks ago to a similar position at Guelph, has re- ceived another promotion, mid is n w at the Union Station in Toronto. is In. charge of the ticket exchange of- fice, being hi tbe joint employ of ARIMM=MIS -w"0111 a lig - g, followed by . a fowi all did ample iustieed the choir and. orchee- best wishes to thelr- as de, it visiting week. new__ IFtterhill. A. Stott haa return -f' at Ifapiegrove, after uple of weeks.—Mr. tertalned a ,number on Monday evm- ' me was reported. _ ,ited Leaneury friends 'af. J. Reid, of Cara -- Cd for her western erter pending two .-s and relatives brae. he storm there:, was: Peters church ein . Guild held their - k Welneeday at KM- Rk.thWeil, WhO was 1LiL, has returned to he< S. Marys t of the largost and -hIsrch edifices in e plat; on Wednes- h. the marriage of I, son of Mr. G.. F ana Miss Plot-- er of Mr. Turner,. R8. J, Pisbero arieh priest of ceremony, and and Mrs. F.. witnesses. Tht, ,tvas held at the F... F. Kampmann, of' Later a the groomy the happy young' Ir future home ent A. form near Blakha • 4.ty good wishes of hlatives and frihn dee MECHANIC KuNd LIMO The Best Overalls and Jackets in merica The Mechanic King has every other make of these garments beaten niiles. If you try one pair, yctell have no other ever after- ward& PANTS—With bib or without bib JACKETS—With collar and cuff They Wearilike- a Pig's Nose. 1•SACT, 4110101•1106.111111111011.....11•11rnilIMMINIIMM.M."NOMY 11Butter and Eggs same as cash. iovvorbotAwAAAAN~AAAA" rhe GREIG CLOTHING CO* East Side Main Street, one door South of the Dorctini,on Bank, SE.A.FORTEL. Huron Notes. 1 —A new school house is to be bu1lt school seetion No. '1, East Wawni- 11. A 21-2 weeks' old lamb belonging John R. Bell, 8t11line, Moeris, ighed 21 pounds. . —M.Y., John Fowler, of the Bluevale , near thlirtnghatra„ has leasedi his f ne ha Mr. Arch. Paterson.—M. S. T. Suggitt, who has leeu resideatt of Wingham for ania has gone to Vancouver, B C., at:cept a good position. —lir. Joan J. Austin, of Mini ton, di an eld .Ashfield boy, has been ape •„Wd assistant post Why laspector or the London district. —The pupils of Willis ch-urch Sunday chola, Clinton, were treated to a t tetei ride and supper the other ei, lon- g. The sleigh ride was from half ast four to half past five. --hatt•Harry Hunt, of Clinton, fell on the slippery sidewalk one evening t last week and eustained a fracture of the eg which will lay him up tor some ALARM 01001(84 chance of recovery for Lent. The cou- ple have cealy bietnmarried fence New years W A. Baker, a keel hockey player and friend of Lent's allowed one of the arteries ;of his eirm to be :We have a cheap alarm at 75c, I cut, while 20 outtoes ef blood were very good. clock at $1,00, a transferred tiarouon a sirellee cut in an 'little better one, with a secbbels artery on Untie arm. Tnis operation nand, at $1.25. Then we leave the luminous dial . ones at $1.50—saves lighting triatches at night. Then those repeaters, which call you again if you fail to respond at first, are guaranteed to get you out of bed—$2.25 for the best, but we have a cheaper line at $1.50. Also some with gold decorated dials and musical bells. John Bulger, tie — Seaforth Marriage Lies sea finuee Canada. —.During the east six Menthe the foreign population of Winnipeg trans- mitted $181,000 to Europe. —Norman Brock, a farmer living near Strathroy, lost $90, worth of grain the other evening. Sneak thieves broke into biz granery and sto14. it. —00 July 81ist next all opportunity filing veteran land grant claim with the Provincial Government will eermenently ewe. To the pre4ent time approximately 13,000 claims have it was hoped might save Lent's life. —At the Infants' Honie, London, en Saturday tooreing one of the girls w.as attending the furnace, when her apron caught fire, and it a very short time she was surrounded by flames. An- other girl near by seized a lull of tvater and threw it twee the. blame; The flames were extguished with some difficulty and a physician sent for. The young woman's hands were` bad- ly burned, her hair VIEW practically burned off and her elothing nearly ail destr°YeA Ili delivery Watt preven'W at Guelph the other day by the alertnees of a on of Warden MeNeb, who over- iiesrd sternal . given by one of the risoners. Six men ender the leader - Ship of Jehn Cox, awaiting removal to tae central prison) wive found to lave Mitchell. - dug a hole 'under the wall with iron —Mr. D. L Meand, of Intend', leritakenw•astroabouns thet toceltaket ,aosp:aira.eeterThwilewn:llicus_veess geveevlai,motosthisintee peringeotaeokiurtrge.tbitteer - kept Tom and Patrick Murphy, oovered'. ' tiers, up 13. slim tree in Silv-er goun- tains.7nestly,::::::uri one night re_ trap- Baez': war, -at Trinity church, in that atovAvaMt'er: siaMcdItteand, niho enlisted- as wnt to South Africa. ss ender tire for eentiy. !me thermometer was below ttftiTnuteninty3War-tywhilli! 13daegysl but escaped without oft the leafte of the 'peek 044 the men I had inson—Tialsethco:d2;d ieoneetirssioEndrt trot ezezs.anTwd thoestzne -ots ;,elzetaiwithio.hot sOcalVele- haa p burry so un the tree that one -01, aulte a t 'NI misfortune the toroth° wlitvesparstpalerebind friciatthehes. mornilantongre thseafeevowereae wmil oseawiasn Dwdorpkihigngreotivit: . they collected a bounty of 035. shaft with mitts en and his nand was In some way he caught hold of the the men ehot nine of them, for which —At an eaely hoar Saturday morn- --At Winnipeg on Saturday afternoon pulled arouall, jerking his right thumb ing the bents and stables of D. Fletn- last a off and breaking his wriet. ; by fire. Two hor,ses vree burned to 1 ed in the provincial Jail; and for a desperate encounter occtoeee —One of Intenell's aged residents death. atoi, ncrthing of the building or time it looko as if a general inaely - Pdiered:sm011°T1 arandaeI' tIbefD711)19eavcessed:easWeedf haek,adn°Lif:b7nth1: ink at Port Colborme were dastroyed between a number of prisoners tonfin- e'ttats. I.114):Are 9aa:fe4.G1116"dh• tilt:evil. a rialeasel. °ecgeallde''' tthereminliria-s°ntione"ofbe the atilhAlelrlrid-vfCelereneelislirile'llneg%.time, and' owing to painfelly screened nut she. will eur- ignurisacoom'148Vhiseeav.enTtedhe thriisatittromoeeeueer. months, her deat was! not unexpeoe, the cage and the officeiis as a result. was solemnized bag into the etove. It burst into flame eyebeonts wee* burned off, aed lier arm red tetweeli the prisotora oonfintsd in ed. Besides her usband, several of a and She was envelope -A,. Eker hair and Beer :Genteel, now a farmer. near Del- ed to eoforoa it of one 15rlsoher retuning to carry ont at m0011117 Psru'ellioSyWv%dusve. Wednesday February 26th, vi—ve4 11. Dewet, nephew of.the famous ten erder and the. turnkey endeavo* al:aine, afenitobai, was marrie,d in Win- . cumnieltail ntseethedayR. mama Zein Beexhidgesintorman, gaOstaallsorn!airtilee(V,Iewnhome.Fartate'117n.secs''londatilmligl.u2g1114-rta4erc, ntpeo lest week to Miss efau'd Tesker, —William 'Beece and wife the first childree, vino Were COMing Out from toiniedes Mof,bemla'trirnwason.yunitrWd 1:11AthlexaanlerLY who ;came from South Africa to meet was handed his poise and permit to go whit. settlers east of Churchill River, Bagwell ee join eine In tee retest 21V117autiefr:F.11"31F7 nWrallsedeutsk°11".-01f4kt4n.'Str14Palatbef7. by Beas Zas.- aved at Girnii, Manitoba, the otherthe „ a his Joyfuhion in anticipation of tbr_1111_,„..ng ,eiLcrien ' °thli3r eat' hinal - . to at. John to meet his wife and three day 04 ter 1,100 miles by flOg train. ,rie won meeting eje ore mese ia. telegram helm weewe emu wfli open. water on *the Nelson river. da_yslaitaen,atttricheald.ntd:leblea7c,TIonosinmgitt:D;urbioyie ' led.. The poor fellow was prostrated look- ty be home Is a:Hudson Bay courier and is 23 was banoe to Ione announcing that as he lives. of Roblin, 1112tVetivivime;h:lela': dledlat selad 3n1:1 17ata' bur- t;ltebillelfamtt to bobr1g. bis lit- thefronbutsitedebi a WhO with a. long kiiite in his R. train the ether night d eatened to take his life. It —Mi. cialci Mrs. Alexander Edgar, Ile had a small knife conemied in. his month. Thieves have visited Maid- . was , only by running into a house Essex counte has eiuffered from a Ch V.. at and a P. R. • while being conveyed to- Portage . series of petty robberies ens past that he escaped bodily injury. It is Howick townehip, recently calebra • ;clotWng and cut his throat, dYing stone, EntliVen, Essex and other Places. samthctle,glielten..,111.w* noti." °Ilh'43e341:balolmtherint Is sg the the 50th anniversary of their , shortly afterwards. Fostoftices mid general stores b.a.ve - PeePtn_ _Le. '111. 444" h GOO VW Same pent among whom were the elders of riagei when about 70 guests were e —Nicholas Enderlee, a farmer near Wen favorites with 'the robbers, At "on 5 thegow. privringb.yterian church. -Gerrie, and ily resited Mr., Edgar with a gold their Wilies. The members of the fem.- , ' shoeting himself in the mouth. It Is ?hrs. Ham. Daykei end chterofenned eel/Loa/me Logan aa HibdireebetrotrsAgrelcultil! . supposed the Cattle of the deed was ' broentrig -over his debts, although.. he hwerherewhilt:e tigel7ernnal :atoreciredoftheEimmsesman- ba-lwIdick‘ elTd1"$2641:dra`h°'a ve'r"PGralti eliallrfflingtie4 The latest 1 Place visited is Ston.y Point tiara" Society was held in ,Mitchell last Nati, Alberta, e,ominitted suicide by. Fiseex teievos entered tea borne of .i.,,. —iiaLea headed cane and hire. Edgar with a I had:, grain enough. on hand to pay theM all. Enderlee was a bachelor, eel, , Dee/meals was entered, and $200 esteemed residents ,of the kb line, _ hers. Barber, wife of ex-Ald. W. halt a wag to take away the plunder. was adopted. It was decided to hold —Robert Laidlaw, one Of the highly a, highly respected citizen. worth of s taken.. The burglars Morris- township, . died suddenly last IF. week. Deceased was stricken with par- *30-eher, of Guoldie, died ye** slide Provincial detectives and county offn Aan:ese(-419:61431rill- 11:ospe.h):: eel TanliesddaDY': ALPI:lilercl: eed show, 'this- year. decay of heart disease the other night. oars are cornPletely baffled alt the naanY .4.eigiC/7- 'vPsT° aP c'°11eat°r° fGr rilyeie while driving home from his . ! She,and her husband had been ou.t vise jobs 'pulled ;off. the how and it . was agreed to he was tound and taken to iliS 'UV! 11 stroi, ,Barber complained ot teeung ja libbnome.hciwallottehhir. gctaidieoul_lie?idi.beedi diloineill 4owr eery, imatindieu,4 isiesftru7:,downaod vonxpiredthe: in hot: tweeiriviblee.d fesifaneasataitsehiurdizonitsbeanatphasaetptontinenton7uareetahri Dhaeoutraeve, locay" anJuddgese4odons. MesardweieWapalpatkoint.: sons and fell out of e cu er when a the ea a committee te select judges, and miles Walt of Welland ‘ when, al -lenge the priz? e hitt lictelks` Deceased` was hi his 8°iii Yfsar —Ant early opephig of navigation is and had been a resident of the eth ne, exeected by the shipping people of . slid ibnantokt, eterwaatedisr..taTnheligohf n3600mfeaeest: i.„3..--beAcitte:r Jauctniisiealher el 43Ter tw° irisnthe beloved wife: of R. • 1 line for over " 3rear8 g°1111g---- ths'a- bleAree" rather 6Ingu1Ar exPsrid uhreesmetbemianetsy bleteuteevbfeorestia tstheaurtidpeaeragot _naehineneal Sw;ayBoleattNirle,,ednotels1147,ehiln.minterdlllnteaddroerdua#4 tys. when he tdok up the 200 acres on fr°6 nsquesing t°"shiP' Fralf4""7411- enc e during the whiter has been the 8:94: itic,. fact that the lee bridge . has never 26tb. Deceased 'Underwent an °Per- GoderIch township; died on February cadeOt and most eeteemed citizens deed on Sunday last, in the person of dfarY, notthillskepoilYnetopabse. atala(M. tobililehthewseallltopedifil° Geiwasiby her frenDesi- lieved her of her intenee sufferings. eatemiloofnhand hwhieclie leaves iiiived up to hi:v(7 :no. LaidisiVis wife died 12 Years ago and for the ice. at Lake St. 'Peter, the river funned, at Cape Rouge and, that, but beat, se% that the Opening of 'wise- rettionar deon4.th;hecancanalaile at —Mrs. Cantelon, relict of the late --Another of St. Catharines diatricttt is not solid enough to hold the im- would prove, sucoeseful, but -elle bre four daughters. is erritirely open, and sate for naviga- Adam Cantelon, a former treasurer of came igraduallY wore, 'until death re- ticle. ses through a very spongy SOU that death was due te a general declines evidiew of the late John Howe. De- ttorilic:1140.eetee"9t. the cave in run from 20 Dtiortngem2436-511:414,wilsilEbrerni14ine r10-81"hnethrk calf:rielnw;nsthlyeite:1!n-se anomie weight of earth thrown out. The 29th. She was in her 84th year, and Bern in Enniskillen, Irelane, dilemma ago, whole they carried. on farming for cee-le-(P had been ailing for the 'Past —Trage foleowed a rollicking haze he Canada, In 1883, her roaide,n name yes, and 21°) bee'rl . "maned t° bed 1216 etsetk at the M.amitoba -Agricul- home time. Goderich township for over 70 years, her! 80th year, and for 52 years had , —A most pleasing and interesting ter three or tour months. She was in tura souege satiu.day last, when h being Hanley. She was a. resident a having also U.ved: in Clinton for about . res„........idild in the *village of Port Dal- killed himself through what is alleged event took place. on Friday, Febrile S. McIntoste a popular young student al Year, but she went back toithe homer - deedee• arey 28th, at MX eclock p. in., at to be humiliation over being suepende 11 lrialle eckens Lane" the bOalatifill home a mother, a good neighbor, and "in tba the ; Hudson pay Company in tried for a Week. With a. dozen other hira and Mrs. 'Robert Pringle, Base Una, 131anshard, when their daughter, Annie steadi not long ago. She was a true i --Thomas Anderson, chief traler of stualeets he raided the rooins of the cm OehrearY 12s, while en route out to agO, clipped the moustaches of some B1:1.n. beieettmell1 the -Dbre'srit (gee Mri 83°anl°111'23313.25 !pioneer daye her hospitalities were ill -n- zie ; district, died at Fort Chipswayan tower class' nen one night a few dere bounded. For many years she was a eat, husband; predeceased her about thirteen 41 years hi the employ of thel company. ne am. P.2,y- 24 few other harmless invited guests. The 8100411'S eft to asses, ix -Lein active servioe, after being A 1 .,,-...A Mernber Cif the Methodist church. Her of a -pleasing event on Wiednesday ;eve stdrit ee len was opreciated, and f'kttra the bride was a 'handsome set of sable eines. Allowsaioa was made for the ago. She leaves a family of four sone , faculty merely -sentenced the boys to oftaMivrastottkathe, tboridethliertialwerd a eb-rlera.cre-set He was widely known among the older andi three daughters. Hudson. Brie men. His jurisdiction ex- tended from Fort Smith to Fort Mac- a /were ststpension pn weeneheeht scent brooch, -and to the groomsman a —The home of Mr. .a.nd lire Jairres eherson away in the Arctic circle.. )4elapse, bemuse of els. frankness in swalltika, tie pin. The popularity of. Ballahtyne, of Farquhar, was the scene .One of the oldest clergymen of anaeoting .01,01,a than ha3 blame, was acclamee by thshae stu°dent thelle, bride was in evidence by the ler& the matte seriously. afcIntosh, bows and Wetly disple.y of gifts reedited. eastern Ontario, ReV. J. S. Burnett, of . ening, March 4th, when their da.ughe Cornwall, died at his horne Saturday, and nei ceee but he appeared to regard bride a Mr. W. A. htamilten, a erase. aged 82 - years and one day. He had It: tHeet.ttgeezistddr. lev.e.rnsecsoaBro, inethewill,m1 deeonsidreeaaat, ter, Miss Janet, became the heepy peroue young farmer ot near Crornk bean ill abottt tell days, sufferingfrom ever, went straight from the class- werecarty.e. pAreabouenttr aenhdunwldretrxedezeinvditedthlrestin-s tive of Dumfries, Scotland. Ms first wee, enured a view old severed 1'1..6' thers—OnPeeinseddaYaverliv7 (et o!ibla7theh fireerl°"- a Stroke of aeoplexy. He was a na- Nom to the -abandoned armee= a- 4oung couple were unattended. Tee He vtas an exebeoderater et the Synod imiiiitile ISEkritaturcletheY,Iowhweeurroothnel rbevloodoaledtritcbtak- We iliev'ediUrin'- formed by Rev. Colin Fletcher. The threat. The body was not discovered ckorgeoldest ‘ Treairesidenblets. mrof , TremSt. Mary teresting ceremony, which was pert Tordote!. latHo thiwass cratpletzmwupoodas inin.Brian89t6-. , of 'Montreal aud Ottawa. tragic end. He tame to Winnipeg e., -8taturcitirMarYs'oPeefinlear :an:cf-tyftrthes' PiOnBeeer' 14*-fltOelk. pride presents d a very handeome 1 ape atris. Deceased was in bis 60th yeiti- oes was appeoshended. Prfietor of the Napanee Beaver, is dead year ago, from EngLand, and was well of en earlier geeereedon. The late Mae Tremble was born art the minty of eearance, being gowne d in a. beatle +Wm. Templeton, editor reid pro - connected and wealthy< 1-te had been . titul dres5 of Persian lawn, hand ;ern - ads.. at a very iearly age. He lived hmedroiderewitinvaiehenadcoienwnesandlieyeeeleanad*iro-n_ but two weeks illness of gas- atiseed front' his rocen, but nothing seri- - ermanagh, Ireland:, and came toe-ta- lly- Sertion. After the ceremony an ex- end fel. 85 years had/ Published the • for ster time in Quebec at 1ontr. th with the exeeptiOn. .at a few years --The medal contest, under the sus- jug bad aghah°Thderi.inPtiahece6buil cellent wedding supper was se*ved, Beaver Ere was h°rh In NeiPaheet and, shOnt, in Montreal and New York, bad rites of the W. C. T. litidAltenell, was Beauhernole ce..al and later tame livedethere all his life. He was wide- head the other evening, in the town Ontn.rio, being ngaged In conetruction ler i known as a Journalist and MOLY hall, and ma well attended. Readings work on the Grand Trunk Itellway. In reepacbed by every Napazoo citizen. A from memory were given by six young connection with this employment he fia41111Y of five children sarAve. people, Those taking part were Misers lived at Galt andat Perls, going to death Kinleitb Paper mlls, died at the Barley, and Be live itasters Waren Camebell, tinuoesly -until hileavese-George Lambern, an employee- of Ada Dalton, Ruby Garbut and Mamie St Marys in 1S!6, where he lived cert- theGeneral and Marine Hoseital, St. Cath- Watson Hurlburt and Fred Chapman. tved sons and one daughter, his wife manes, on 'Saturday, as the remit of The Medal was awarded to 'Miss Ada basing died reeme years ago. avi accident on the Grand Trunk Ball- Dalton, by Judges Armstrong, Purtorr, Mr., prdi Mrs. Georg'e Urquhart, of way the 'previous night. It IS SUP- and Amos. A good musical programme the eleventh drncess10al of Fullerton, rOed! he was struck by an express was also given by town talent. The recently celated the fiftieth en- train due frOm Toronto about seven Chairman a the evening wag Rev. Mrniversary a tiiefr vi6th-emor iebrtta.j. -'.-lp hey o'clock. He was hard. of hearing and McIntosh. w%.ea monied mil his way evening ree evening on home, three' es antle„, when numbr a eof they lived e Lanark, where had eassed the station earlier m the —A pleasant eve* took place one 1853, in the of 1864, when westerly along the track. The body neighbors and friends gathered se the they weet to hip of Finials- sion Elatthope„ I 1The6f, miarmins81°olif wills found in the station yard in a home of Mrs. John Rutherford, eonees- ton, aned d setton 10± Mangled condition. s, North and preeent- al, where they nowv ,emasom Leith, of St : Therms, a wee_ - ed her with an addrees and a gold that time was'. In Its primeval state, igan Central brakeman and a forma ade's and chain, as a token of the es- and had to be cleared of JU fort tenll lecsone lacrosse and hockey play.- hoord end respect in which she Is growth in order that a. home be made er bas been lying at the point of held. The event was a oernplete Bur- for themselvea aed family. In diat dab in the hospital as a molt of prise to Mrs. Rutherford, 'but was none eyuie of tyne this was accoMpilehed. having inhaled gas fumes from a coal the 1e .paioyed. The presentation Was and now it is one of „tlw finest farew heater ba his home. T,Wrt and his wife made by lifte. Gibeen, and Mr. Charles 18 the tevresliip. 1A11 the ceelftert exi, ' address. id.r. Arch. Cre- cept one sone:in ,laanitor.e, were plexe lay in the house inhaling coal gee" three Pry days, when neighbmsbecame alarmed rat. eheirpreeenuman oftion, theevaerdfnegy; mwtent 'atdeusbille.thOmota timgaeth%-wasinSe,ponwtb, enkts tool torced the door.. Km. Lent his. partially recovered and will be "aul. %TT and 4,w1aljapetaiveas476.-a azod, rr 6 ii. U. r Ab 7a i ut r tt h e i rwerejme-r0vvery k 1 Ile r it i I 47 r a -d x 1, . 11W 1,11 e. 46.3" Or so, but there is no ing given by a Mrs. Rutherford ba re0±daci oaj the farm in North • and this presentee is an 1dsncd of the esteem in Which she 18] held. Along With her dangliter, MrsC*ozier, and- sten -Imes, Mr liatherfor has gone to make here home in Edm ton. pert* Teetneite H.' D oe bas bean ot Member" towns Mr, dward Kennedy was I reaign laviring to health. —.The Mitchell lax t»ill had a 'tiers raw escape from being thesLeoyed. by fire the other -de The dust elevator delight the freans a, spark front the smoke stack, but was fortunately no- ticed in time. —Mr. Herbert F,oller, son of Kr.B. Fuller, of =one I, Wile quietly mar- ried last week, t ist Annie *Mills, both of SLeatford• and a deoePtioll was tendered them th sme evening at the home of Mr. Wm. Stoneman, in of r-. at. —Mr. J. W. Irwin, of Clinton, has cold his grocery business td lifek -W. der, toe Toronto. ;ber. Irwin has in, badness in Clinton for nine- teent,,e oars, ;lint dose not intenl leo* Lng the bervki. ClintOn News Record of1 last weak says: jfr. J. 0. Stevenson, forme erly of elintone but mew of Alarnedse Califoneia, -mot with' an aCeident re- eently which laid WI up for a few 04E! tputt**00 *IP rAn and the balance of the evening epent pleasant amusement. The preeents WSW many and beautiful. The hppy couple will reside on the groom's tine tarrmat Cromarty. —A quiet wedding took place a St. Peter's R. C. church, in Goderic , on Tuesday, Meech 3rd, the contratting parties being Wes Lillian Iss.bale eld- est daughter of P. A. Peterson, Esq., chief engine.er cif the C. P. R., of !God - *rich, and Donald Alexander Hinge - ton, M. IY., son of the late Sir 1W11- liam Hingstote of likentreal. Rev. Father McRae was the 0±flc1atlng riest • Mise Beatrice, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, end Mr, L. DelC. Stephens, of Mohtrasa, was greoms- man. The bride, who was 'giverl a- way by her father. WM attiredl In a blue tailor made emit, with which she wore mink furs arid a green hat. At the conclusion et the marriage service the wedding party adharrned to the residence of the bride's parents,wilere a recherche wedding breakfast was OPT114 au A Dr, and Kra Hingsten left by the afternoon train for New York frdm Whneett the honeymoon trip will 'extend. Mei bride received many ixahdsame 'presents from Gp4er1cb,Idop- 41*aa4i et3ler eitieo• - • t-