HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1908-03-06, Page 1--* _ P,4 ‚nin YeSilicOND =YEAR OZ t NinasEn 2,009 _ SEA FO Writ FRI DA Y MA 19 tin id Saturda March de 4044.-44-4-nnniednee Lh ne son'svf ear. 4titatiorvAttatattimitt. and rnis Inge ANAltatild _SCiint F Tpro -am- SCHOOL. .„. • . .aly : ay Atelooini 1.0 The. Preabyteriann nin :was an old man when I flint met mi tet such a man' as to attrecCate tetiti n ap tiro sight .and to lettee en - tibial g inipressione In hie younger Ilene he mast _nave been a :giant In sin tie. ' The istreat, bony, louse:War 'tram wee topped, bye& -head Nvhitelal ree- iitind • 40.13gof some of the old seadViku;, Ings. 14ie Detains. denoted. _rugged etren le, and- tbe -yellowish golden hair, theetehoefteti. no signsof the nine ogee ago, bent in memos -ener his temp eS. Ile had a rich .Lowland ac- cent and One was :not long in cone - Sty .with him, until *het felt that Mae heesd, Toon cent in no ordinary mould. ! iFhti stet, od his life was soon learn- ' e. was a native 0r Lanarkshire* nd, and was -boen and reared in a -kith In memerniee of the etreg- glee uZ Convenanters, where he had im- bibed an almost ifieece hatred' lot seine thing' that savored: of -either political 'noes coerciee, in early :life lie inionize .enionhis own menaces i t-11 ilt* any, speciel ediecationed ed - event gee. He -worked as 'En farm ser - earn nianes where !aeons Were scarce, and t etne:ipep: that00ne'ttitld-ee trictwiasscror,hanatohtd arin : ead -iiptil it Was a -scary wreck. In t es e days ot hard. toil and .einiple habit he teattied. the lessens of thrift, .. ,-.., .1. Orkit for 200. a day, but 1 ane sanit _lea,'" he -used to say, :-. and =on the wbath- Day I maid Wear as old a c t as .my master.' Married, in con nd, his wife- died in .eazeyelifee nevi g n (daughter,- who inherlted all her ether 8 ! characteristics of _stele ng efity. He came to Canada for; Its rgen; .0eporttinitieg and, 'atter . _ pen lug- :BOW time in Scarboro, tura- b • face to Western: Ontario,* where by d nt of [need_ tali he recia,imed a, itarm from the forest, and in the coexse y re ainassed a ennenetenete. -.His abi of thriftclung to him through - keit 110 and' he did not allow -himself y_ f the luxuries or, indeed, many t t e- things which more effeminate me have come, to regard, as,. the -ities Of lite. But . this is not to 0 --wee tiggatelly in •desposition. as generous - to everyone bat him.; There: were seines in the mish- it, Where he had helped over head , and 113 VAS never 'known to anyone who i was in hi's , debt.' ethIne had --happened that aline; im (now the church of his, tath- the ;neighboring town, se that li I neat met him he had Tract-t- o:11y no co election With the local cone eg 'don. A young inheister came to the. hurch and almost -from nit first w m friendship sprang -up between irn and ,the. tugged: Lowlan4et-,Under, Is are, the. congregation -grew and oon ,there came tbedement:1.1er a new and more Modern church. ,There were thos • who hesitated. -. The Old_ church was quite =geed enough. A had serv- ede t eir fathers ane was quite gond eno h for there. and Witheintall ex- pense reeuld:' be made to serve their( pure rose toryears. A congregationa;imeete ing as held to discuss the question of mg teeing the -old or building a- new elm h. To the =surprise of -many the old entleman was present and; as, the disc esien went on, he rose to - his feet ;and leaning upon his -staff, =emit, •"Ye 11 maybe think strange to eee me ere Lntei I a e r ull ,the and like [new 11 11 [a,'Ii ilitti ling !wit Isix. len- . 'oh am sk.e ter ! 'I i tete I Par lela !hea Ime :tie. .the ;ate nery opening ro popular that ieve that a Sp Display Would th favor. There to make an elabo he new &brics th alected here for sp heilixtg, and, ew, have , set, a two special days aspeotioi- To be picked up before winter days pass away—nid which, if picked up now, Will be useful when winter comes again, and at the same time means a substantial Eav- ing of doliars to the present purchater. An overly large stock at this season in the following departments forces us to make - heavy sacrifices in prices in order to clear a number of garments reinernber a time dreg& stuffs we attractive — and tber the equal of our goods stook, beca was under the roof 'Saul Co. " a gliO-Win Comprehensive Eptivate the femrtin t -which is now he 'WroM:EN'SFUR JACKETS, '11 new in design, guaranteed qualities of fur, iinings and trimmings .of the 4very beF4. Black Curl, plain or trimmed S�aL plain or trimmed, all sizes, choice of 15 jackets at $25.00. iaIiy invite the-womz eaforth and. vicinity e to this store on th teed, and take wh 70 there is to be h beautiful dressix Istefully displayed. ide sto-ro is pun; Fur Coats-: Goon Coats, Oric;iee for Blecck,Galloway Coats 6 Black Calf Cats 4 Wallaby Coats 4 Dyed Wambat Coats J 6 Fur Collared'Coats, choice for 3 Fur Collarecii,Coats, choicejo choic 35• 00 0 60 16 60 12 60 -Or ends leaving Per the . W. H. Rein and I tied from Luelmowi • Staffit. Robert Davie, of eenee of the Misses. Oliver. - prise party at the home O Mabaffy, on Friday en n all enjayed theroefelvegt.. ri hours.-hfiss Mary Dente -- ening her sister, Urn. Katie Oliver was at h° her relatives bet Won Ilse Vera, Ilamblye who [ng her grandmother, ; returned home. -Ke Gong- people of our arty bet night. L 4 --- ale chorus of the YolU istien Association, Stratf t annual concert in .Thea e the other evening. aetieitd by talent ad th- concert was •the glee n. iieth occurred an Thur reeidence of Mr. A. J. ,ford. ef. hie son, Dunce ied 41 years. Deceased health for the past eine from Bredenburn, where he was ranehingt hang° would be of bend*- , was accompanied home it Lnd son, who survlyei ken _seriously Ill In A an failed ranitily since that Wee a member Of' 1Cri ; held the esteem- and r large circle of friends iee is eurvived by a fath os and one sister, eei Over:0:a •15 Overcoats at - 20 Overcoats at 10 Boys' Overcoats at 10 Boys' Overcoats at Suits 50 Men's Suits at 75 Men's Suits at 35 Boys' three piece,suits at 20 Boys' two piece suits at Urtderwe 75 odd pieces; ribbed wool, .at 60 odd pieces, -fleece lined, at 45c. 3 50 Sweaters 30 Men's wool sweaters at 35 Boys' wool sweaters at Butter and Eggs : same as P4fal. ifttnittae-eittftWidkeY1OWAP he GREIG CLOTHING , Ifircj toedoee I hae -na' 'been teldn' much est in the kirk for a while, but feelin _different noo. I think if goin' to dae opything you should a bonny new kirk. If ye sort Ind yin your sillier 11 a' be spent ell bee the amid kirk still. I'd o aute a bit -share If ye bend a rk. I have no verra muckle, but le $500. If I'm spared I may dae Ie./pair. But 111 dae that" The apeech probably formed the turn- nt and it was decided to go_ on the banding. The laying of the stone was a notable event. The urviving, pioneers, who had. take arf in the building of - the -Ors 11 were chosen for the honor, and g them was the su.bject of my eh to have a pun in the new en i•se. 'cenve,rsation with the young min he often spone of -his 'old native sh in Scotland. To Wm it . was e of sacred' memory. It was th quarters of the Covenantees move t. Within its boundenies the bat Druniclog had been fought, an Piteous _Loudon Hill Was not fa y. The Minister suggested the ap ilateness of ceiling the church b the memo of the old ;Parish which wa. ce 'beautiful and historic. Th sug estion toughed a tender chord i the Old man a heart. -"Aye mon," sal ,he, 'if they 11 dose that rn be go weil= pleesed. It 11 be ' like - a bit o bole ie Scotland planted- richt in Can ,ada'' The Young man promised to sub mit the matt -r to the congregation and it was arranged without any iliffi cul y, 0 ng- to feeble health, the: old gen tie an Was not able to see much of tie bue 4ing -during the course of its er ect en, but followe.d • the progress.slow lee One bright summer day the wile mi sten in making his rounds, ME bis Aged friend Attires by the road Id e and. the conversation turned new the [favorite theme. " coo are ye gettiri on wi' kir " Oh, very well; we are -going to has a beautiful church. ' they 'tell me. -Whig and or a ee that it's goin' to be a. bonni kir But what net debt are ye gain to se on LH ' nowing his Scots heti:entice deb as Pmetbing born: from the tenter re gi ,the young man hesitatingly .fetat ed eat the cost was all pretended fe $2,500. • llmphln,' said the old man musing wee thinkin it would be aboo It's a 'pretty big debt that 1 big congregation. I ve bee in a gond deal aloot it, and talkhe last night NW! iny dochter. In a way respionsible for the kir advocated the biggin 0' it an dna t like the folk to thirk- that d etart a thing andno stand by It: that's no ths. main thing...I dinne- the thecht te a debt on the le d,. It's 'no a. seemly thing t ate a kirk vet a mortgage on I ens." the Money- he my -pocket th but Ill gle3 ye a cheque ne th 'Won& ttee. that day. lite was riding *a, iiigheseirited and finely blooded mare; and in the tiftiet plums of the road hl• allowed her to extend herself in a joy hat looked tindignified an unimewk eyes. True t e .cheque was fortheoming the old man was not abl rit on the -great occaelim aa dedicated free of debt !steadily failed, and, ad asthnia, be wad enable f ths to lie down, but s Maimedble interestin the kirk a II things around him. Calling on day, the paling ininistir tomtit him a lone,bis daughter having gone on ar. errand to the 'neighboring town. iTh old man was in a very tender mood. .As they vied the Shepherd s P8aInfI t ether he,eald, with a tremor in hi voice. "len a bonnie bit psalm that. at my maither s knee. t iti b ut . it ewe ca God's beenverve wild t driesh and mercer nee fol the days o' my life, and ire wunndrfu I'll dwell In hoose tt- the Lord toreVer." - "X whiles feel that I'll no be Ian hetet but Gotin, been gutd to xo and -veva been vivre, kind, and ye'v helpit me, ower some o the hard an Itang plaees ber ye.• I% tleaiting so 'the bairn's for' the pui to leave a remembrance to you. Iv red said 'onything about It in my wi but III -speak to my dochter when sh comes back free the toon.' . " C4uid-bye, God bless you laddien. His wildness and -mercy hate followe me a the days in my life; and an * 111 dwell in the hciose o' the Lor 44Tnaviscri's the last thhe that the Yeet minister sew his friend In life. ' Th next morning the newe came to • th tewni that about midnight he had pass ed calmly and peacefully away -Wail .sitting" in his 'chalk. And the -closin wentis of the Shepherd. i" 0 gt 1.1n we ofte fn on his lips. When tile time came to settle -11i business ' affairs it Wail f01111d that h bad gentrously remembered- the churc that he loved. When - heading ove the sccuilties his daughter- said: "er3 is a paper that My father tol me to. give to the young., minister: He re/flied: "Your father rnentione -Something of the kind. the last time saw bine, but there was nothing t show that he ever spoke of it. This 1 surely very kind of you. You neigh have kept this for yourself, and n no would have been the wiser. "Keep It, she salitebrealdng into th old Scots tongue. "Keep i it, ma -Mee could I keep it et Father tell t m tae give it tae you. ,And I maim de *what father t3ilt men - .. The yearave passed. A- 111011t1Mell of gray granite --maks the spot the aedet acre where the dust of tie true rained Scot lies. The chiirc stands as A visible memorial. .An bis memory is enshrined in the hean of many wbo knew something of -tbe -Inner 'life of thieiCanadlan Scot of th old school. • Death of Hon. it. C. Killinan • Hon. A. -C. Kellenan ohairman of th board of railway commissioners • fo -Guiana, died Seeday morning at tie Russell House, Ottawa. Ten days ag Judge Kianian contracted& cold, whic confined hat to his -house foe. sever 1 days', but he recevered sufficiently t be able to b3 around on the previou Monday., Thursday a relecse cam, and pneumonia developedlie wa under the care of 1)r,. Powell, enn se bus cOmplicattons were not looked f matt!. half an hour- before his cleat when he Slid:linty collerned. Ju.dg Killen) wasacpoleted chief comm , . doter in ,February 1905. He was a pointed kjudge of ths high court f Manitoba, be. Sir John Macdonald i Z885 and In 1903 was appointed: to th supreme court./ Hoe. A. C. Kalman was the son •h the late George- Killain, of Yarmout N. Se find a,grandson of the late Tho Mane formerly M. -P.. for Yarmout Ile was born September 18, 1849,, an graduated from the University. of T e rote°, capturing with . his B. A. d gree in 1872 the 'silver medal in mat emetics and moderns and the Prince -Wales prize. ' In 187t lee was called to the Ontari - - , bar, and practised ineWeindsor, Onta bo, until 1889, when he r:moved t Manitoba. hi 1884 he WES anpointe Q. 0., by he Margins of Lansdown He represe ted South Winnipeg in t Manitoba glidature from. the gene al election, jln 1883 to his elevation the bench in, 1885. ' ' In '1877 Ir. Killa,m married Mirini youngest d ughter of the lat'e B. Whyte, of Winesor. • -• Huron Notes. ..- ---McMichitel Bros., of Qu A,ppell Sask., ha-ve been in Goderich and 1 cality, buyihg horses for the West ' --Mr. George D. McTaggart, of 011 - tone has gene on a trip to Cuba, a - compa;nied, by his -brother -from T Otis gallop, ancletical t e 'word, tt tie eitholeli o be prase the church lfls-11eLelt elided with everat MOIL I leveed• it whiles fore acme back. me. Anis gc lowed Ins : East Side Main Street, OM' door South; of the Dominion Bank, I wed like tch remain made my wIll, and thin to the Iciric and 10 • the Sawbatir school, an folic in the toon. I wan I we Was g. glad mentinge that the yam int eter had to ',glee to his build -in - -The ne tot, Is rap will be op filet of M -Mary Angus. Mc ld'onclay of ness frOln --Bonsew Dashwood lastein L� interred in -Some fence leas -C. P. R. t Gefderich, and le be sent eat aiocng the Ciael,ph & Goderi Railway, to prevent drifting. -The sheriff s sale of N. M. Gantt and Josephine Cantin s property, St. Joseph,' advertised for Tuesday o last week, did net result in any tran ter, as there were no purchasers. ✓ Rattenbary House, illy nee11w completbon,anld n tor the, ptiblic about t e cDonald, daughter of . M . aid, of Dashwood, died last week, atter at short onsumption, Gabel, an old resident f icinity, died ,on Sund don, and the replants we Mount' Carmel cemetery. - ,000 fest of portable sno been constructed by t ALARM C KST. We have a cheap. alarm at 75c, a very good clock a1 $1.00, a little better one, with a seconds hand, at $1.25. Then we have t e luminous dial ones ab $1.50 saves lighting matches at nigh . Then those reite ters, which eall you again if yo1i fail to respond at first, are gu tranteed to get You out of bed -$2.25 for the hest but we ha'ie a cheaper line at $1.50. Also 4orne with gold ecorated dial and musical John Bulge Jewetierp- - - Seaforth • Marriage Licenees tied, havtng a. large family by the first union; second wife, who survives was a Mjss Cantelon, sister of tlessrs. Cantelom, of Clinton. Mr. Cook was a staunch Presbyterian, though not able to attend service regular of late yee.rs. In efolitica he Was a Liberal. He lames five gone and tpre e dautiners. Canada. Edviard Widdifield, of N:sv market, will b3 appointed in a few dear to the vacant Postmastership of New- ly walked out un °les ed and ot- ieed got away. Chances • of extant are said to be slim. The Tinton common with other banks, hevine savings de- eartments, are accestoMed to open. Saturday evenino to enable wage earn - ere promptly to bank a portion et their wages. as the result of her dews taking fire from the Baum of a grate thee M. Herbert Mason, of Toronto, was rather painfully burned ;one day last week. Teough her clothing was soon market. put out, Mrs. Mason Was seriously • -James Palmer, a ruiner 60 years of age, who livediat -Oak take, near Belleville, dropped dead in Header s grocery store, tne other atternoon. •Heart dbeease was the eanse of death. -It is understood that Radye.rd Kip- ling will speed his summer on Prince Bdwarti Island, the guest nf Dr. An- drew, *Phalli, 01 Montreal, a nativ,e a the island. -While coa,stiug on the Riverdale hill in Toronto, the -other night, Rote. Stephensou, aged 16, fell off bis coast- er, and was struck by a coester com- ing behind., Both his legs weee brok- en. The Montreal health authorities the He wee a Presbyter -1a in religion and other day made anenztire of 88 guav- a Liberal in politics. For the past tors of_beef at the einlim. Cold Storage Year he held the position ef Canadian ivareheuse in that city: The beef, °rapture -tent agent for the Dominion which it is claimed was decayed, Is Governinent. He loaves a' widow and eii.id to have come from Ontario. Ing his usual -vis t to one of the growndhp family to m urn his demise. -Mr. John McLean of Morriston, camps and when en the lake opposite near Guelph, was chopping hi a bush to Rainy -Lake City,- hie team broke through the ice mut in a mitute the In Badenodh, when & eapling struck 'doctor and two men with him were him aeross the Jaw, knocking out foar ail floundering in the like. lost teeth and making a long, dsep gath in a (letter ,writing competition conduct-. across the chin„ which took tentstitch- one hoese and tht =teats of the ed- by -:that company. , es to cloee. With the Itber horse he the cal*, wire walk- - - lm ets foe any years beeti one of the en- gineer on the.. G. T. was and encased iien to miles, soaked with killed' burned about the eide arid arms. Pore tunately the benne ere not deep, and, though, very- painful, are not consid- ered to „be serious. Jarnee White, emit -rector, of Ottawa, died on Saturdane Iast -et Par- alysis of the brain. H'e had been ene of the leading contractons of Canada, having bean engaged on many large •works. tre was senior of the firm ot Lyons & White, which nOw has a ten- • tract for the coestrectioe ot ,60 MilES ot the National Transcontinental, from the New Brunswick botuedary north- ward tower& the Qdebed bridge. For a number rens he was president of the Ottawa B bat1011 A.e150etatian. He was 56 years o age. , -Dr. McKenzie ad a narrow escape frem drowning th other day near Rainy.liake Qty. _the dikter was peer- -Mies. Margaret R Inintaiti is the °eviler pen kinfe, a prize giv Manufectoring Camila Jamieson, of of a handsome by the Petrie y, of Hamilton, water -hitt: Matt. Brown, of Clinton. who t.„ -Leonard Coutts, Londoned several , an en- 11 -Rey. been appo fereme as national CollTention . A.. Peer, of Exeter. h nted len 'the London delegate to the Inte ouitg Peoples Mission to be held in Pittsbu early this Month. , - --While 'standing in the bakery co nersing with E. Gibson, one morni 'set 'wean, Mr. Jona Wilton F wich; fell over dean, heart if/tiara Ing catise. Mr. Wilson ntees one the pioteerseof Ilowick, retiring f m the farm tho Fordwich a few years a o. _ gineerS on. the L. Hi & R exprfess :some time ernTimrsday nighta-on the he wsee eared f°1*-- . . . . _trate' * retiring, in aceordanne wyth G. T. R,. just west of Woodstock. His -DrMorley Cerrie, MLAfor the Grilled Ttunk pension fund, which, [body was torn and mangled Into a Prince Edward on Sandee- emderwent went tuto force on the first of the !thousand pieces, and conditions look- an operation for roes -told at the Gen - year. ] . :ed as though gh _it had been rah over -era' hospital, Torentoe The operation -is a- very serieus one, leaving only the 12. Hamacher a bakery, at Dash. -by a dozen trains. wood, nad a narrow escalpe trent de. ' -The southwestern peninsula of On- tbiemest kind of a partitton from the stractien by tire one (ley recently. Th ie taint, is. -to have a French newspaper, brain. but the patient was reported . . fire %night frome a. defective claimney, °cell:ling-to an Ineerix-PratiAn sin"ance- after as resUng liyDrGeltismith pertormed the ope ation. The ablest but Wes fortimately noticed and ex- ment in the 'Provincial Gasitte. There tingulaned- before it had gained much are man French-Canadian residents in tollowed an attack of the grip, devel- headwayEssex a e went, who tor some r years 01) ng bit e diseese of :one err, tense e the -MJohn inienton has sold his farm have been anxious to secure a 'publi.- bones of thear, end ea/using in., of 120 ,acres ea thfi fith concession of !cotton let their native tongue. i NeinDrand Ittrsi Currie went tie To- Gocierieh township, to Messrs. John. 1 -After being struck on the bead by inf !ronto a week ago and -after several .. . and Rebert Sloan, two 'enterprising a belt which slipped from a ra-phily consultations the operation was de- . . - young in -'en of Myth, for the sum of revolving pulley in the foundry ,of the cided upon .- Mrsi; maleis a dughe $9,500herhe term hat an unusually James Smart Company, Brocnville, a:n ter of WA. Cla kedirk of York , i i , eeteettie New *Fork last Week, ! large i i rchard, and it - is • the intene eineloewl named Glenn,* lost his :power township. It is t e same operation tionothe purcbasees to. pay par- of speech, besides being cet about wil Bnison, th inventor, ender- ticulart attentioner . to the raising of ' the head and face., Otherwise, Glenn is f til . :i ' ' , . . tte well s =ever,' but cannot tal-reLinds died under rout - k. - --,Mri John' Johnstonl, of New West-, -Th as Allman, a switehman in tar circumstances at liee home mar , minstee, B. C., who as one of the theTweed, last week It appears that; employ -of the Canadian Noetherd, Lindsay was s early eettlirs of Morris tewnship, died was staeding on. an engine the other ent or a deeter, on the ceased left this country in 1860, and broke, causing it to nunp the track. De: elitY et 'Port ,Arthur, when the ,fir3 i Satneday morning; b.fr%Lindea.l. was cieled that he wou eil bine lansinees In the.! West on February 12th. I in a very -critical titine but he de - was was feet several year In the 'Britten Al,kman was thrown under tbe wheels, so teat : with hie trip, an succeeded In Column*. gold diggin s, and was one -Which crushed bah his legs a tow to of the;dounders of the Prange Lodge In .[they had 'to be amputated.. The e..cci- Bridgewater to se 1, rio that pie:wince. * . ' selling the einv, but got drunk and - -A Li the Wingham R: 0, Church, .a tli ' , -Mrs. 'John mean" whose, deceased went to Tweed, an continued his spree dent may prove .fatal. '- -10:30 0) clotk, on Wednesday morning tausbatel :was division court 'clerk for without notftying doctor of int vvite's of 1a,4 weektnev. Father' Laurendsau; iWindientrItor many years, died lot Fri- illness- On bkinda Mrs e Lloddatn who '/ i unitedt in marriage William J. King, day afternoon in leer 85111 year. idhe was left alonewit. e young son, gave ; -' d of Culross, and. Mise Margaret A., land her hasband went from Toreeto to birth totwnis, a- dwawithont aid daughter of efr, Sahli McGlynn, of 'Windsor half a century ago, tradelling until the ben ran t - the nearest riteign- fbortvesh' erit7eFdriilaelefd at nleir -ottisrlilYan tileadil.6nb%- coronerewas supere ned end: he thonght Ternberry, in the bonds of matrimony, by stage, which took eight • days to 'i After the ctremony it inception was make the journ:y. held at the home .of the bride e pare -Deputy Mintier of Agriculture exits,i-larcourt sfeys Alberta, can eilliele* all the cirternstances nntling thsease . i -Goderich Was treated to' a, sense,- the ,senl grain needed in the Proeinne. Warranted an incitteet As a result tion tne other night -a. public marriage Four theusand bushels of °ate end ten Lin of twe of the Francle Green Stock thensend bushels of wbeat have al - Company took place on tbe stage of ready b gin purchased in Caloey dis- the' ogera house during the perform- trict. once. !'IThe ceremony was performed -A sinal honor has been conterrede left the other da by a presbyterian clergyman. Rev. 5. unit BrigeGen, Otter, C. B. by tne where ebe has at. A. .A.nlierson, hand a; orest scene and Imperial Government. A cable nas 3 -468 ,A.111116 Det camp ,!are, a moat ague environ- been esneleed from the 'Secretary of ' a resident' of Cal mente State fon the Colonies offering/Gen. sin Yea -est is n --Tip home of Mr. Richard Johns, Otter tlie command of the. Fittli In- time with his m of MilMville, was the cella ofa tinnily fantry JrIgade at Aldershot from the wilier, of Mitchell reunion last Saturday, the occasion be- id t of 1ay next. It is quite expected ---Mn. Henry - Ing the celebration. of Mr. Johns 84th ' that he will accept. , • months visit th h birthday. The day w $ very pleasant- -1 -In a fit 6gdespondency brought on Watt, In Mitchell, ly apest, with a num*r whol called to ' by financial troubles and, 111 health, extenq congratulation and te wish Alexa.nd -Ross, a wal known tailor i the a edegentleman ood health for of Win peg, eommitted suleitle. the severel years to coin . Although hay- other af ernoon in his store, by shoot- ing' pessed the four Isoore and four Ing' himself through the mouth. Ile milestbne, Mr. Johns njoys very good had, been in ties city 11 years and took healthfor one of his lysars, and is as "Fart in tile Northwest rebelliert with 'active! and energetic a one many years the 90tti Regiment [say.. / ay etas been errested. • 1 Perthtm , Ies / -easel Milne S tzere -of AtWood. for !Saske.telienian d a schon. • er., wile has been !oriels), for the pest penning a short ter, !Mrs. B. Det- - . , att, . after a two. mother, Mrs. Wm. hen r tinned to his lunch in the Wee , Where_ he and his brother own a large! hehd of eattle. ee-Mri J. A. Keit, Whei for 22. years has been station. ag.?nt I at St,‘ Marys - Junction, bee retired. Mr. Kier We:te- ed the employ- of the ind Great West- ern, at Niagar.a. Falls. 'n46'67.. - Mr. :Wm. Tliorepsi3n, who lives near St Marys, on the 1 th -conceteeloue e ' Thomas, Hamilton, were disturbed on Bast nionsion towetatip !and who was Sundey morning by an alarm --of tire, a -resident of St eferye for a time, but everybody -got out safely., Tbe sorno six or eight Years age, &elitist I fire was in theSunda.y school intim, ad- week ,after a lingeringt illnesa. joining he church and was caused by -Mee G. Clive, ele -Ti R. agent at the furnace:. The flames worked their Mlivertott, who had-intendedleaving to a few -days ,to accept! a Staniar agerty- at Brampton, nes; reetneedslered the mat- ter and has decided to reinain in Mile verton. -Rev. Stephen Boxid has deennOa an invitation tie remain! another yeah es paeter of Atwood Methodist ehttreht baying tome to the eondnisiore that he will retire at the Ana of the( present conference year enter !Se years ot active Work. - -One day recently Oscar, seemed son of Mr. Edward. Robinson, of . Ece lli township, met with a paint& - acci- dent. By some mheans s glove eseght an tne enevi.aft of the ,emill, anal WS arm being draven in w s broken. Ills thumb was so batil torn that it had to be amputated. , -A very quiet ,init pretty wedding was solemnized best 'week in Stratf•ord when Miss :Gladys 1411sabeth Branston, .was united in mearlege to MT. Charles BP Pearce; eldest son of Mr. and Mrs George B. Pearce, of that eity. The ' Rev. Wi Ti Cleft recti* of St. James' ehurch, tied ehe nuntlat knot. - ' -The death eneareg 1-ast week er Mary Nichol, wife 'of . . Hugh Nichol, -Stratford, from pneumonia, after a very short -illness. Mrs. Nichol was 58- years of age and was a 'dangliter a the late john McDerneid, ef, Mirth Easthope. She is survited by her bis - hand and four cbildren' -Mr. and Mrs. jam4s Porteous, - or ‘Stratford, celebrated the 15t11 faMiE11'..- V Sary of -their marriage the ot_hernight. A most enjoyable time was spent, a large family parte being -gathered bon gether. A puree ot gold WAS present- ed- to M. and Mrs. Poeteours by their sons, daughters .and grandchildren In :comm4nitoretien (if the event -Mr Allan Gilliee business manager of the Stratford •Daily Herald, has re-- signed, to take. charge of the Watch- man -Warder, of Lindsay, his old tome town. Mr. GliAles came to the Her- ald frem lAndeay six years ago, as et thonoline operator, and - his piennotion has been rapid,. The Watchman -Ware der ie the paper resultieg from the cone nelid.ation ot the' late !dieting -a Lytle s paper with that •)cg Col. Sam gushes. • his innior. -The ,services at the church oI St. -The annual meetin of the Lonties- boro Threplaing Syntl cate was hid receritty. The zepor presented was gre.tifiiing to the bo ty-seven share- holders, a dividend of nine dollars per share [being declared. This is a big rate it•f interest on vestment, and it sho machihe well manage outlayi last. season 1 but. it! will be scimewh as ode' three iron ins be rditittired. The co agement are H. H. and et. Carter. The J. C. ;Adams, ot Lond -.The death of Willi of thej th 'concession shinntast week, was -a Ile eves a man tient w some Months ego he neart itroubie. 1 -le w bed ep Monday "nor have tpassed 'away d from [heart failure. of. Gdclericli township, on tile old homestead one Years of ag, an ried ;about twenty leavee, besides his w dow, who is a daughter of Francis Hillock, a fam- ily al seven cleildregei 'Mrsnticholson, of Gd erich township; Mr. Vim. Mee Caug an, formerly of Goderich, now of Toro to; 'Mrs. Sullivan, ot Manitoba, a -rel' Thomas and Retry Tichborne, of Giodeeich, are Sisters and *brothers of the deceased. . 'of the oldest residents ed Godeench township), iu the person of Mr. Wan. Cook, diedi last week. De- ceased. who was n4ar1r 87 years of age, bad (lat finished a meat, sitting at tbe 'able, when he toldM his arms, leanen back, and ex ired without a struggle-. Deceasedr-s born i.n Gies - gem. ; and came witihis father, the line Robert Coble to I1 le infantry when about 14 Years ef ag tiinglon the Huron. e Pebble House;' oc Main! etands. Mr. sident of the towns years. That be ;wa throOgh all the bar life itrid liee tot e than the allotted t showthat he had a tion. ,i About 1867 he cenelen 18; wiere he reside ever since. H 15 he original in- way up to the attic -antler the piaster, what a good and the firemen had- to tear - quite a can do, The bit of the piaster off. The damage is wages was $800, about 0,000. - t less this year, -The First Presbyterian church in ead of four will London, was crowded to tee doors on mitese of man- Sunday evening last when the new 11, Ca Lowett, pastor, ?ay. 3. G. Inkster, B. A., icretary is Mr. preache his first sermon to the con- bre°. gregatioln. It was an eloquent wed m D. Ticlaborne, forceful deliverance, and, the ocean - 2 Goderich town- sion wee a nota.ble one, as the begin - veil sudden on zing of the fourth pastorate of the s never sick, but church In the 75 years of its existence. :came subject to -Hon. Bdveard Blake, who, since s found dead ius. his retUrn frOm Great Britain anent Ing, and Must six months ago, has been living etilth ring the night his daughter, Mrs. Wrong, bus Toronto, e was a native has been enjoying improved health of and was living lateThe veteran statesman MaY be .He was sixty- seen taking leis drive every' after - had been .mar- noon when the , weather pertnite. He e years: Be is able to do a good deal Of raading and still shots • a. strong. interest in Canadian andpaperial affairs. -Harvey Spidford, living on an is- land in 'Lane Ontario called the Bluff, about tive miles from Brightoh, was found d ead onthe beach about thr* miles from his- home. Spafford had been td Brighton and lett In the ev- ening in an intoxicated condition,. He must have lost *his way and wandered around ehe sand banks, finally walk- ing 'off the top Of ate and roiling to the bottom, 'where he was found froz- en stiff. -Saturday night about eight' o clock While the Logan avenue branch of the Union .13ank, W-in.rdpeg, was open. for business, three armed men entered the bank and commanded Teller :W. P. Sussex and Manager A. B. Rae to LJ their hands: Takeu by sur- e latter could not reach -their elvers, but they ittnnediately behind the counter. The des - promptly fired and Teller his lather set - ad, vehere the pied by M. G. k hae been a re- in for about 78 abie to pass ships of pioneer nsiderabln more ore atA %Ono rugged constitu- settled on m- ime continued 'to was twice mar, throw prise t -own rE droppe pers. Sussex received a ball tliroagh the fleshy [part of his arm. The &slier- adtee, disconcerted by the dropping out Of eight and range, and reale...int that In a f w moinents the bankers would likely be earned, and fearful that the sbots already attractedattentioe, sward - I - • ,- 1