HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1908-02-21, Page 31 11-3obn Murphy e54, Vincent 28; Phyllis Dietrich 9e, pater Flannery 146. Part --Willie -Huh. Lawrence& 'Dietrich, Unites Flannery. -N. Deeereux. 'reacher.. ecia Csucblieeoese beereeness, and poker throe* emits are (Wahl/ _teneveil gots, ten cants perlbeF. All 4raggiits, be -Olden 0. the* the liaey HURON EXPOSITOR! op for the east -18 There died at hie home, on the 4th cOneeeeion leecleilloe, on the 8th hide James Davidon, ag4d 55 years. The; 1:-.1re was a native of- Seotland, but came •tie this •omnory 38 yeare ago 'With this --tparentS, and settled !oo, the farm in - „was deservedly resp cted by hit who LOUIS 1 SI T ri Cent .; %heir charm—there are always MOONEY'S PERFECTION CREAM SODAS to coax back Do YOU know how mink . ai vay lay, Time -Table alb a follows "unto,, Gedach ,rdine. 'helm end Goderiele ,Wieghem sad iso anion and Gado -doh., 1,1-• and P and potato - salt , Guelph and Te zed Stn and Brom 320a.u. 40 S. rel 1008 141:m 1O >. 43 3.34 ate sae 10.:G nee 11 18 i1:s3 L4 `4 L� �2 T. CQ a0Leg 1L ` 8.64 4.44 7.08 Lee T.18 &en ceee 8;L , S.Q. 4.4? 83e 4.St Reit 5.06e 9.06 Lee. 10 00 A. if. 6.11, and Kincardinee Pam. Paw. itEJp.m 9.50 ser. L34 1G4 ' l#1 1.44 10.5 L1 ?MO .18sas 11.E Pam. Pew 6 ME, a. It.01 1.40 p~ 0.52 11-111 sem x.49 %OS 11..2 3: '1:lll 1e.37 8.13 maa 4.9O .I SALES. 'AR." STOOK AND -- B u a h_ been instruct- . to sell by public auction, a. Stanley, of Wedrkeedje7f. eat:40k p.m.,t �the following yeat-olel nye will nest - with seven owes: Cattle - It calf at extt, 1 thorobrectlr yg thorn be in celf,1 far c — COW', s steer.. Sheep ; Nine Ie,1 shearlangram ; all msnts-One Deering €1 cot ke, efasee .Pring tooth oulti- ow, double furrow drill plow, er, pulped set of sordes 1006e n -horse power with rods, jack reek, pair bobsleighs,. stone . some other small articles. ngsf hay rope and ear, at&t' .lee to numerous to mention.. under, over that on approved joint notes.; he dollar off for cash on '1CatolIEN, Proprietor' ; T.,... 20coa Sktle OF' noel STOCK.. 'tura, on Lot 3, Cones-- ortlF oHillogregn, on Tues-' mencing at 1 o'clock sharp, Horsey -1 gelding rising 1 general marere 12 years GM supposied .to arn' g, I asgrieultural mare purpose horse rising seven,1 - Mug Charming. Cattle --Z reb,1 cone due' in April, X. ,.... s rising three, e steers rising wo, G calves, also about 1C& Iy ready foe market 8 pigs: 1 brood sow in pig. Im- hinder,, 3Iaesey Harris hay t iron harrows, leoxon dig`, ° y, cutter, 'umber wagon, W and N teeth,. 2 walking is walking plow, ganef plow ¢ outlier, 2 hay racks, roller, wood rack, pair bobsleighs,. I. scales,wheeI barrow,„ rad brooder, Empire cream car, slings and hay fork, t ese, eollars, basses and a: `tune --Good box store,. bo' furniture- Every. proprietor is going Fest.. = unde3-, cash over th,t will be given on approve . it. off for cash on credit- 034- Proprietor ; E. Bbs- • 2496x2, °I tell you., MA-Nagt„, you ought to ttse St Gefirges Powder if only for the reason that it js whole - mere and -hes emcee e elene knowledge that you are Nor elebte moan, ammonia and acid- in lour food --should comet for a great deal." Wraefor free c.oty ef our yew Cook -Book., Caams.leal Co. of Canada • - Montreal. 28 ; tee ballot ectee- e, In :fever of grease irregul, dee law and ple.W Mein in the 621tql:11 t4:::iye , e- III 1..45 b- C. .. 'PI: :II& ::I :en't_5141:118rjej:e.:1314: ,ithilee'll.' i M 1.w:: Jacketee ape ICA tObje out and Idettreyed est 'n balletie and er .i an -10qie adted. -. It is stilted that son, Vas abse froen hie' having the bet aw in" charge. is contridicted _bee Dr. Mow,' man- of. -the 'c ramittee, 4n n affi *it. 'The ;mai re- woe; diem wi • wa woras Arse 011 Graham Thome. pla Th teeth. t, Chee deput return box ao bere notable the' ay th for ch ey and with th lade the ommitte but thi the chai Sto134 a MOineht eqd consider.. Do 'your gineseSfitYou accurately and give you perfect eye rest? if not, COME TO -LONDON and have your eyes thoreughly examined hy our specialists. We hive every modern ecientific instrument for testing the errots of the eye. Our success in eye teatiug the -result of years of study anti practice, and you will beaeit our frets coneultatieei . 'THE TA1T-BROWN OPT1CkL CO. 237 Demean Street - Loading Oat. Open Daily iti.30 -to 2,00, &Mini% TAIMIdaYs, *Thursday and Saturday, Locitota00. Tank and Pump Business far Sale For sale, the Tank and Pump business in geaforth 'belonging te fhe undersigned, together with the tools and machinery, whieh are all of the best and in. first-clase repair. Tine is one of the best stands atid most complete plants in Western- Ontario. Large territory. A good chance for a live man. Good reasons for selleng. Apply to A. likeid leu township, ne 'lee of Tuckers born bull. etici-. and le eete of the bred ay Mr. via.s -a big will have the animal that WeneSne 1, of: ht !Igoe -di op, in fac milli . The ip ice lee s• uc ss 'with: this fl ening fire' b recoil of the The building Me's:ad the impossible to partially cove six Jo' clock riday e ke ;Mt th ironing was adly da aged chin ry by w ter. It etlern' tedthrrielco ineagrae d b, insure ce. Schoel Repo report of ace for the moue being • given 'punctuality, ha,viout, ful prepared the lee of or owe tiOn No. 10, Ha may e 00 mar guise' attendanc and ca s Wal wen ,15 gram 1 keore 14 kson 13 100, Rex -Di ick 53. ecl: Jena Jea 88, Agri 166, Jamee im 16 Earl _Me Alex. liciusee 751, ge Alva Ingrani 148e eorge..3a John Rider ,1 8, R bbie 2ja %lege° Meiee 129, lice Dick Dick 72, Shel on C emao .66, 59, John -Lai 55,' Arthur Scheol Re JailtlarY Dada Senior Fault Seolor Seem -Lee. MeMur, asman. ,Se ihg_ matches len Fisher ; Well; `juriliee Mariee-W. H. Stanl Sbepbenetta, N. e follow ng is 't port 'of ee y. The names Jorof I. Third, da. Rat or se Fis hip op, ay thirce Ida Rat ce ye: cher. . geode ,MOBLeaele. Ju ers the Mon nole Petite.; Jo ton, T School t. 6' toile 403, -closer- ggie Hobklik Wren, Waite 0 leo. -Jr. Moines' Sine e, Ifredioe, 0 Ruseell Mau r. 8rd•cl the, eleliek, ova yek loss end it lite elicie ' Fr class Weeda -Venner. Sr. 'lass Resel Maga, Wilbert HaI Ruby leyekm 2nd clase-W Arnold Weeft Miller. First net -lila Goe,e r. Sehool 114 report of Se Killop and „, January. Th merit, and ' ed . by evork Sr. IV, maxi 429, Thos. -Grath 365, A. Flanagan Leo Holland el9, John Krausk *DP 2 Nicholas Kr usko 226, I.ney Fl nage agan 264, -P ter 350. -Clara ausk 257, Louis Reill -Joseph Mal nee - Vitt arete gate lift et et ne um 500e - mile %melon l'' '338, Teazle -0 oda; M 2. Jer 1V Edna Oh 18e, tA 2095-1 11 264, pf 20 IS 252,- Teo mile lista Malone. Sr. I -De lei Lizzie, Melon , Leona 1#9 Meloney, 'Ma ,cella Horatio, loney, Gert tide Planage Maloney, Ag es : P -The eoll wing 'January of p 5, MOK11100, 13113 'nation% to, James Mierp 218, Mary Class' III -A tor' the riding is- moo mated and blethee. 'Ask our farm and smne of them' pet =on a. :long facIA ,Seatortht March 1870. land soy them is no enoney in Ontario At the reelden.ce et the brides' rice eeleeet- Yoe-we en the 26th ult., by Roe. These men are about teetY Years' be- hind the times. They; have never heard. ..Danity, Mi. Andrew Reid, son a r. Nan Reid, tro Annie Murray, sec- eheut such "new' tangled' things ' as blended flours. Teey use ” West - 4 deughter ot- the late etngus Mor- Ae 'vomit, eheehe tth xrgge.k. tiBok ic farmer knows all abeet western flour. He knowe to' his sorrow, that M. Denby, Mr. 'George Sneithere, of it Nate , the coming et Manitoba wheat ea,forthe to MisS Kari .A. Pierce, see, that sent ' down the price of Ontario d deettater of Mr. Yew, Pierce, a my, 71 i_ \ . _ - Wheat lie knows teo, that 'it is be- cause the average farmer uses western Me.. joho M. kail3SCIM has exchanged wheat float- that the price of Ontario his Nouse end lot, *on John streeti, what has been kept so low. This' with Me. Simitel Keonedy, tor . -his- farmer ' grows the iOntario hous.e arid five 'acres on Noeth 2,iain -modern wheat, for which he receivea a. fair price. With this money he buys blend, - ell' floc r, which contains Ontario wheat alid a little Manitoea wheat to add Amity...h. Thus he epencile his -money for 'the products of hia owo farm,, 'Ilie farmer who 'item Wt Stern, pateot flour is making rich the wheat growers of -All this- aside, hOwever, theze is a, -heelthy demand foe Ontario wheat. the inapt gratifyingesueces.d. The eales lor each month, as" reported by - the over the corresponding month of ' the previoue -year. Tbis increased demand for blended :flours Mewls at increseed demand. eor Ontario wheat. Farmers weee 'keep a.breciet of! the times' know a- bout theae blended flours, are Using them, and are plariting Ontario :wheat 0 for the advancing market. 0 : It is a. great pity that every farnter , flours a success. Aed every farmer can help ih the; great werk simely by buy- - ing blended flours wheriever the flour ba.rrel is empty. The farmers them- eelves will benefit by getting more money for their wheat. Stockmen and dairymen will ehare' in the profits by .paying less for bran &lid -sborbs. As is ! e...r cost so much now i :bees:use-our locel mills do not grind ee much gtain as - they sholde and consequently kia.ve not the bran, etc., to sell. And finally, the whole provence will benefit, because 1 'higher prices for heat means more money for every streot Oibson gives Mr. Ken - day ler j Manitoba Ole, e: freeeeethig • Teesclayi er last week, the resie dence Mr, ,John Caldwell, 3rdl maces - elm, L. Si, Tackergeilth, wee near-, lee- destroyed Tot fire. _The fire .orig- inated areeunte the elileimeYe, but wee hotieed' lit time by eft-.. Ceedwell. - Mr. Wen. 'Wallace lame eked bis farm, lot 7. eGileSOSIOri eMaKillop, tie Mr. John Leckie. Brassele, foe $5e, 509. Sftfortb, March 14, 1879. Mr. Harry Town has started io Abe painting, businese on his own aecoant. Mr. John Ward has seal his hOuse- and two lets Ori which it Qtandts to Mr. Wen. MeNaoghton, for $1,200. Mr. Mc'N'augliton hal sold. his livery inlet- . eobn Brigham has dispoted of his & Sharp, to litsi partner., Mr. R. L. Mr. John Ha, pah, deputy -reeve of Tuekersmith, has rented Mrs. Ram- say s • tarm for three years, paying 01,000 for the -u r --,of the elace for that BOX 481 Seaforth, Ont. Ncleillop Directory -1008. 3. M. GOYE111.,OCK, Reeve, Mottle SeillERMANN, Brod. hegeit P. 0. JAMES COWAN, Councillor, Seafortil THOS. 'MURRAY, Councillor, Dublin ALEX-. ROSS; Councillor, M. ITUIMP G. K. mustd, TrGaiguren Beech. weed P. S. 3. sEurniort, Sanitary Inspector, Winthrop P: 0. • te School lithe l• e and Jo Becket ual, Her ell elw Man. P Sma ker, Bid yckman ng c 0. 1, mooth order determ le‘dil al 2116a ward 345, M illy 3 dwick 2 Fl ella s Bret nFaglananii-agi and, J ank Lie 6,3 port kly e eater Class es Murphy 01, Men Nigh 76, De leareele Seaforth, March 21e 1879. forth on Thursday for Michigan, where he purposes me/eking tits future home. accepted the call to. the Presbyterian. On the eveninig of the Mb inst., the Irishmen of Dublin, together with held ii. grand u,pper in honor of St. Petrick at the Comrctercial hotel. A meeting of the shareholders of the Thursdey of last week, when the fel- lowing officers were elected: Presi- treasurer, Me. J. Minoan; directors, James Scott land Thos. E. Hays, efee • McMurray, Tuekersmith .A divi- dend. of 12 per cent. wee deciaied the epaideue capital. - Seaforth, March 28, 1879. At the residence of John Bawden. Bsq., :uncle of the bride Egnionde • on the 27th insteby Rev. lehle P. Ca,rapbell, Thee. Gemmel!, of TecItersmith, te Mies Mary -Ann Cox. The resideoce, Goderich street west, Adjoining that recently purchased by Mr, Gedrge Goitiniock, has .been lease aid, by the ni naaing. comrcdttee et ed, Der a inatisefor Rev. 'A. D. afeDon- the- Presbyterian church, the manse %- the' ch.erch property being two small., The ole Presbyterian church, in Eg- mondle, hal been' torn down. Thus Mr. David Hill -has 'sold his fifty Acre term, On the lith coneessiotn. laullett three Miles_ from Kinburre to Oneetiendey Wilt a large gathering cif' triends and neighbors easel:Wed at the Nene Thole -.Greenvraot, _ex-M.P., ae Oen eta, and „Presented him With a puree emealning $235 ante a. ecimelle 'men address on the eve of his de.: partur for the -Northivest. Seaforth, April 4, 1879. lan, Meeeillop, en the let inst., by Rev: 11. Barr, Meoitobt. Jones, blacksmith, Clinton,' to Miss Ellen Gillespie,, of Hullettt Mr. john Eddes has disposed of his barbering business to leek. James Cone Xtobt. Logan -Was entettairted at a ceiteplimentary. sapper at Sbarei s. -lace 1110 leaving foe Manitoba.° • Seaterth, April 11, 4879. At St. Jaines ' Square. Presbyterian -church, Tororite, on the 8th- imist. by ,of Egmandvillee to Mary lettere only daughter a Joseph C. leockinsi, Esq., On the e7th ule., at the residenee of ley, Mr. Thos.. Ashford; to bliss ydungest daughter of Mr. Jas. DaveSf, all of 'Tuckersmithe The services in cenneceion With the induction of Rev: A. D. lieDimald into the pastorate of Seaforth. Presbyterian church were hold on Monday la.st. In the evening 'ea re-unien was held in the church, when a good: programme( was 'proeided end pleasant time was • On Vriclay evening last _a Corn'plimealt4 Conner, who, bas accepted!, tie posi- tion oe 'druggist with the f m of Dickson Bleasdell, the 'ev of bis he old, - n 'the -1 Denby est settlers of Stanley, died residence, On 'the Sable line, end inst. At tile elem. Of the service ley, in the end iost., Rev. wee presented with a ptirse contain- -We, regret 10 learn. that . ;Wro. Grieve, councillor, of igoKilloP, is' it - gain prOstrated_ with an attack of ine An esteemed kesidene MeKillop, the: person: a' James Ale -Wider, dieoe -at MO home.- on the 4th' ceneessietee oh .-Fieday last. Deceased', W310 Waseti years a age, had been. in failing health tor solne time. He wee a sa- News Noest -A local option contest took elace at Hartney, Man., in a vete of 127 the by-law. 112' years, 'died in He came from Virgi one of the first set -It is stated in -John McKay, past Street Church thee Principal of the ne lege, which will Op beeo turned back a Or stopped in time United States Imm being unfit to ente ae Buffalo, and th girl who wanted Pittsburg. She ba warned at the seat not be allowed -to returned to the h -Daniel McLeod, *shooting gallery a in. Port Jathur, wa by a bullet front the hence% ot Ern the_ other night.Th The maa wee ta. an accislene. to, recently ceibra nivel-eery of the children, fourbeen _grandchildren an melte forty gu.ests were preeent interesting feature wale the christen% Unsworth, who M couple fifty years fivee- and Baby Rai Mk. and Mrs. Gra t During the eoe ening the guests, brough Mr. George Grant, presented t e old folks with a ourse of gold., and. he whole event was thoroeghly enjoyed by all. NEAL Two MISERIES. recently, resulting J or and, .14 against' a. III 1843, and was' lers in the district. ontreal that PRY. ✓ of the Crescent' , has been chosen' Presbyterian Col-, Suspension -Bridge; At Queenstown by gration officer as the States. Frrist, to get new legs lebest is a young ce go to frien* in manse -but ewes: on. that she would! oss• the border. She proerietor d amusement room. struck in the groin 32 -calibre rifle in, st Wilson, an ercte, eatery eppositee 'wound ie serlottV eet, to St. JoesephiS Una Is el;plained m. Grant, of Torsta- ed the fiftieth ane -marriage. Pi/IG it of the occasion; by the Rev. Joseph Tried the venerable go. ot Bout, aze le children Of Mrs, msoa Indlgeetion Can Cured By The Ironic _Trott/nen of De, Welliame Pink Ills - There le only -one way tei cure in- digestion, and th t is to give your systern so much ich red blood that"' the eteenach will h ve strength enough,. to do its natural work in Eit bealeht, doee the. stemach with tablets, syr- sist ie. cligesting f. , ,, but these thing ble grows woree di worse, ,•until the poor dyseeptic is graduallyjstarving -. In It case ,of in s-tioin a half dowel boxes ef De. NV ma Pink ' Pills are worth- all the nil tures aed so-calleei These pills cure indigeetion. becitose they strengthen a d tone the stomache thus enabling it a do the work nae Mr. Paul Cherie eau, St. jereme, tortures frOm indigestion. After e -meal the misery as intense, so the, I finally ate mos; sparingly. I trie they did . me no good. :Ify general bealth began te - rim down. and 11 suffered from hea aches and dizzines the, lighted mese I would be afflict my mother induc me to try Dr. Wile Items' Pink Pills. Under the Luse q this medecine the rouble began to die - 'months I had co plat* recovered my health, and can , ow ealeY a heart' meal as well as etoy ono? t blOod that Dr. , illiams- Pink Pies 'sciatica, St Pitied ,ance and the Malt - aches and other adescelbable Ills ef ghileiecril and were odd. Sold by med- icine dealers Or by' mail at 10 cents 'a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Willian0- cine 01, Brockvilief, -veFrybotly knows that the last, days of Februail i aiwa flat. us with our Fur Coats at the very lowest mark. ])i) you tealize the chapce tha-t is yours this year to bay a Far Coat of the very highest qUality st a price that witi never be offer- ed in -this Aion again. We are not giving auk humorously long -Winded excuse for this sale. We simply need the money. The prices. below teli the s ry 1 cc mum Bocharan sable colia ,,IVIen's Coon Coats, regila Dyed Wombat " Black Calf A.ustralian on. Dog ,)oats Alaska 65 34 30 I 91 OD. our coats, because we only carry one grade We only Onto one price that is the best. 37 50 37 45 00 22 0- 21 Od 22 00 13 50 n e eh kind and eo's Suits at $5, Our stock:of Suits is too high for this season, as we have already begun to receive our new Spring stock, and. a.3 we have bought a tremendous stock for this Spring, we have to make We have ptlaced. on sale, for the balance of this month, a large number ot men's odd suits, aU last Fall's stcick, regular $7, $8 and $9 suits. Special Prices in Men s odd Pants*, A speoial line of Men's Tweed Pants, made of good strona Canadian iweed, well made, substantially sewn, an e-celient $1.00 to $1e50 8E8 NOW 1181111811=11111, wart Bro 11811111.111111M 1181 NM I I I 1111i, Store- .-OverfloWing with are boun Promptly atte residence -of 8 BRO eel& of styliah furniture for housekeepers—almost seems un remonable to expect to Hell eo much. And y t, if merit in furniture, workmanship a.s.d prices will apieal you, and -wa that it' did, you'll certainly inspect our splen id new ststi g elsewhere. ded to night or day. Night and Sunday calls answer*ed at the T. Holmes, Goderich street, opposite the Methodist church, DFOOT BOX 80 C OR SALR. WTI MOTEli NEG - IS TOP =SUM -01:11,L CALVES FOR SALE: -For Vale three good _Ls shorthorn b 11 calves ranging from 10 to 16 color and from the very best and most loshiona le main& Two are from. im- ristrtgi " Trumpe r4 and the other from imported en Emir." Apply on Lot 21, Concession 4, Tuekersmith, or forthle 0. A. and J. BROAD - FOOT. 2338.tf 'Eles ROPEELTY SALE. For sale at Roxboro, I efeeefilop, ht acres of land, on which is er goad brink house, ust been rebuile, and heated by eleeneee good • ble and implement house ; also good hen house a d one aere fenced off with paultry netting., This is most de.sirable preperey for a re- tired farmer, or to fruit or poultry Sa.rm. isonly Si miles !rove Seal rtb. Appely en the premises or address Seriforth . O. j0 20804 months. All red 1 from. Prices Scotch bred impo red in:color, and r cows $6 end atation. for sale, bout two dozen to selee- mine. Herd now headed by (6640. He ie got by the best stook on both sides, glossy:I ell set on short legs. Terms :- insured ; others on Application JOHNe ELDER, Hensel! P. 0. 50 ACRE F Rel FOR SALE -For sale, BaS half Lot 7, Coneeseion 9, Teickeremith, eon- elining 60 acres. It is all cleared but two acres ; 30 seres seeded do There is a good benk barn and good fairish The firm is well wnteredmand.vin toad condition. t is 6 miles from Seatorth and one lh the preurises, or address ROLAND or ll vile from a Bch I, For further peeticalarreAap -von sAree-erifter, acres of land in Moltillop, being the north half of Lot 18, an the 12th comma - "don. Itis well watered bec a living spring, making le well suited for penture. 'Will be sold on easy terras. Apply to THOMAS 81111780N, Let 18, Oen- oession:.10, Heffellop, or to Box 231, Stratford, Ont. 1114,1.8 FO BALM -The under young b fit for service. The alvove stook will Id nable for cash or thne to suit the buyer. komp. DAViD HILL, Staffa P. O. Tpi TILLS FOR SALE AND FOR SERVICE. - .1.8 Sas. Cowan wall keep for service at Fairview Fenn his Shorthorn bull, Golden Emir. -Service fee for registered cowl!, 37.00 ;grades, 0.00, with priv- ilege of returning if neceesary. Golden Emir's sire was Golden Drop Victor, bred by Mr. Duthie, Serie. land. Hie dam, Emma 35th, was bred by the late ter bred fleoteh bull. As an individual anbrial he is amengst the good ones. After a heavy ifeason he was a -winner at the Toronto Inteniational, both in 1906 and 1907, grand champion at Londpu in 1906 Bub the proof of a valuable anima Is his ttech. Z do not think that am sayeng too neuele in =saying this Is where he. *owls to best advatttage. Ills calves took let prize both for boll and heifer m their axes at Seaforth show !web fell. We will be plowed to • show ids etook and then yon can judge for yourself. Ease three young baster ea% tor service, And good eelf tia regards breeding and as an trteuvietusi animal. irre abm ins Karr beeuty. He is fit to head and to herd. These WSJ will be sold reasonably, either for cash or bankeble on time to snit the purchaser. JAMBS 100W . %08-tt 1!!VV-00-d'i9 way n Syrup sod an& in the esektem, t ght, present in eases, it" giveei prompt and raze Anthmal and Bronchitis it -natural)! enabling the sufferer to fresbing eleeei„ and often leading manent We ,o not' -laim that it lel oure 0;10. *gumption e eideatieed. stare, bob taken iet tire it will . that stege, "WM give the 'to the' poor sufferer from mniadyi 330 careful n porch/A*0o set 9u get the nine Dr. Wood's three pme the trade !nark. Mr. "Wm. O. Jenkins, Spring Alta., lwri "I had very bad et of Dr. W I's Norway Flue 13 only required One to ours, met never met with any other mecileine Trice 25 eta, at all desist& reember 5th, Bye, ear:and be et tbe Oottmettial y forenoon February 27 lard ana nth, May 28th, July "pat, October and. 29th, her Srd and glet. Maws