HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1908-02-07, Page 4D
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016 Wa iiseftcumre� vMeftrw
f0K tbe. 00berve 0 U
Pam- vt- 01t, rawe-IMUM th"
Immen W
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*&bk the
X~- cb� t
the �-`J or.04�
�iilll�ny I - A, a
MOM of
0. Willtir 4 member ot
Charges In --suolt J* way,
am making, thettv-dan- -be- Aq d ree
to-�-:*., them.- ia:, �Wp�-. wfl..111�
South HUM ft-"relli to
TW = - 5, fir
des -to, I
5 thbise 6 At, Y -t= Vv-�rlll -ove-11
AuoUorrW;-:Y. S. Barr 5 to the SELtIsfaction-of the tr buna�
Buflinrea ft We --.T. ff. Welsh 5 lected, _we will- bear the c que. k
BeedOorn-D. Vrquhart 8 bat it ymi da not 'prove � t hem. h
�yilya must eaT , tho. -,consequences . 1� 1-h-
�-95U.W, al' ab'-- able Bat,
Is '-dTeasai
i3tead.. Of m6ptthg' theze� fa; r., 40
I on
9 the Ion t U41,
SHOPRIV, r4RMAX1* Foe 7.. 190811 if rel g�mio
be 0�ilo
se ou, take hdldr of.- and,
14t grat, gratt.
rus"s critidlem. sho
MOOD 11V110 � depend M the Tororitcl This is hot fair warfare. It is
SWI and BnVixo for their I knowledge fair to tho country, 44,, �ft til.not, f
to tJie, Go4ernment, who say they,
ecajommlng -.ClBniftn� Y�fablic Affairs. canducting.! the affairs�,ofAhli cou
tr -ftem are� aby such, ziwi - ha�viv queer 110MOStly i�d, to, the best,od, their
ldeas� of 'the mem. or In - which our pub- bility, and'; It ls.iiot even Wr t1D t
re4ik *d file of the. MaservM Ive pi r
lie attaIrs are condacted� - AlUough as It jlve� ther
a false, Imiiessi
the =vings vif thi I" and a, few their f0l1o*--1-jnen. It -is a speo
t-19 n4t_CarjjedLjiU_ in
Ckher extremely partl%an and 'aArrin- warfal* tha '. ma In
other'.country in 'the world. It
tipled pupas like Iti; nw, mot spev-4 Laurier Governmerit atre dislhonest,
jally affect 'the people -of -this COM- If they- ate, suppimted lit . Parlia
tm they must hafe.au injurlous: In, and in -the. oduntry by"04 Grafters is,
fluence ubroad. Thom who read these.. -people,should know IL The Lit
party **t such a .%bVe'rar m
Topm amd ftft-0 4M therrX for - their in -
In Vils country, Rat * theL IAbi �ral # M
ftma#on� sAd VXe DOt'PeMmaUT .-,,Kc- before coiLdowntng the Chavdiment'd
qualnt�ed. with the facts, can not stre the'truth and the- while, irLit
6oMe to imy other voricluslon than 'that They do * nof AeSiTe' tO W* M , t 10
oh' ex4parto, 6videlrtee. 'So fat as
mare than half of the members. of the are ahle to judge, the trarLsactlow
Dominion ParliaTneat - are thieves and 'the Government. as -&-IgeM�-al tba
robbem a�id thait them.g-elves and their havo been'honestly iAk4nd ably.
triends are growlng* rich out of. zteal ducted, and In".&manner c4al atel
red&nd. t6 the liest I�n of
bW from the ikublic treasury, and that' country. Thus far -nothing' the kv
this sitt, of thing 15 not only, winked trj%ryhA$�.beenproven. Ina W,.Q rd
at but condozed VY mm* Maw half of tho� Opposition ohould Ptit or"
the poemle, of Cana I da. Now, I tipill By thermesent Ste U4
Voly MakbV'fMb- thei&ws b
!,Wre-orrin this v - ouutxy, even the . most. they are, bringing disgrao-a, a�nd ild
straight lac�-,d i Conservative, will 'admit cule on their', country. 'It should
that MI ig not,the case. The sarria atopped.,
m-y,be' said of a cerialn number of
members of Parliament. The followin The DomWojt Par", Melmt.
_extract ftom an. editorial article in Parli&.1rent hiJd a rest from tt
scandal m&gerIng which angagedItt
the Mail and Empire I# a, fair sample
el. the insane rayings, which this journ- House for. seyeral'da:ys. the
of the* week, the. )notion for a a
al plaml J)efa-- its, readers air I . -f
daily: comrnitt6e to :Mvestigate the so�
1,1 The - lat timber deals is still, vo n-, the way
A�st revelaticbs a� ottoma
Mal tor decissive action by* FArliament will likely be further Alseassed, bi
in defeiici -of the pso�ae- Should Par- fopelt is finally dlsposed�od'. �Ih tb
liarnelito because Of subserviency to, the mean. thn . e -the leilslaton -Im MIget
ruUng min. or bemwe of tac. Vatt
Pation,of ceftain members in kusinegs of 11iterest and Impo -tia(%
0 other OW jf�cts
Ing operation6l, %4, act,, then the.' the- country. Arriong
*Presentative-�of the Crown m& well �cussed waotthat Of Old''Age Penal=
bla 'Prerogative And put an This subjeet, L worthy - of the-bes
and to the dis-homesty un&r which
6onsideration of PaTjiam6nt. 'The 01
this (VuntrY Is SuVering. There must
be in tifti oilkit I &derenoa against Jpct Is td make -the -r.' geni rS
Litton ystem
Wk U), give so that it wIU.ajp;p1y'tc
all. and th
w that defence, the bigh &IkthOrity to 210t be
benefit given wtu
VhM IS cohdded the bmw of the
the few and. the ald can be
State wddd -be Juatillied. I an do
Mftstaw of- a wetective nature." as a right and Will not tie ou
Now what is there to -j*ttry the. vub�- sa chwity. Tbe� Finance,; t4r, ski
"nounced that to graht, bo� all a jec
Hcatielft� eir ISQ& etuff * the above.
of, Canada, who are 74 ar
'Ahy imiling tbepartinn reports, of age an annuity of
Ters(aft 11 - - - threa� dollars
47 tim AW CC the speechols in Pakila, week will require a PEI
n. annual . expi nd
trent and the- even =me partium ft- iture of forty -million, dollars )er L YHR
ftibes aff #s, varioug special How t,6. make. UP this -anwuw Witt, Mi
too hes.*j',, a btat6fi on th,
Wn&nt% =tgbt ;er1a4ps be, kd to sup, flniLaces ot the -count" Is -the prob ft
'Pow that then ie romp by ParA;rmn t. L .. a Is
_V aomethlng� to bo solved
WM9- But If thO URn Were- to glybd coryirn'ttee WIU, no doubt, be apTm
fair and Impartial repwts ot -the, de- ed session, to,. enquire. inbo.
whole matter and Procure as muchlin
bates. to �&-y A15aft mt �th& ce.ticisirag -
terraktion an Vossible and '3 -qpDrt 8
of its ewmp(mdenta
Fs� its. readas wod-j the next lsesstW.
.%UnjeM#=7 estimates
0�m -see that the r-ef Is, mot the, :easi mates.. ve'' bm
submitted to Parliament -for
foundatic-Mi for Its Insane gr Ln,
aneals. -The
$218W009, to. Assist the ers' o
Glbbp &ho** the attitude, of the 3WI the Northwest Provinces, to urch um
clearly when. It good seed for next 96easoes seeffl
it Is characteristic cc t -Le ,UAft,6 the low. to� becaftw 9, lean Qjjj
U*uess that it gives five WIUUM6 to farms ct those securing- them aAd b
Ants with, intai
the 4ttWk an the, Admints-tration ut be- rePald in In8talm;
Vlftte= _tjMl)jr andtff
and gives %est at 6- per cent..
lines. to. W i� TUr-rlWs reply. A nX#AGA Maft by M6. -M Mm er
W -that, cam be malutalnedl b SM for the extensl� ot tka Intm *1
thO HUMMMon of. the other a i's Ontal R&UwayA with the, view It its ul.
1, - I timately beoominc a traxislooidnentxi
Tat -her w
Md. waS-. , lengthily, d1scasset. Thh
Tbat Is: the emenoo, 4 tbA wk4eL
prorbaltion wss recelvid with 0M.
ths' &etwd slt-�� olftrable favoi Wd, no ddubt At an
Uation. Tbe� OdpTe4tlan members in early day ineaquret wiff be* Uke
n bft
-at. f
Barustme w reasom beet kaawn Ahe extension -of this jimd 4 jeast 6D
3orne bf the leading laim- --- as
themselveg deClIne, to take i&eueW4
to :permit it the bettipr to j.:artIci
tb&`G0,vernmMt M any iMPOttaOt qu-m- - On Tuesday the - debate on the
Von of pollm but devote, Mejr whole `mInIon land policy was
again M
to, prove L to t princil;al feature of the e -
energies. to, trying ed. The
b,te was the- speech of Hen k
ZY that the GoVemmept. isdividtv..
Oliver, the Minister of- tfie interl
'847 4nd .-: collecti'yely, 8re' dishonest, whme department was - being'assail
and taak the nwjority *f the lAberal - Mr. Oliver showed that the pol ey ch 1-
-members in Parliament are tGrafbem�,- longed had until December lae
the new- regulations were Introdumd
and public tjj�nder,-rs. 8�ftj they are be_ , 0
been foll - wed for a per"lod of 25 ye' s
Sg helped in this ignoble work by the by the last Conservative Governm;nf
baser, element'of the preae on their own as�well as by the pr"sent Adt itnistra-
iside-. For this purpose WY take cer.. tfo6 and that it was 'not Da
tain transactlow .-of the Government
it the principle of securing the highest
t`etl Part 'Orithft facts connected wlth 'Prices for- the -standing timber, but yft
them and my-Itist,'
ewmgh to give the -the desirability of dm*jopjng, t
he I u ii-
sPeeW transactIOn a disholnest 00lor- ber Industry throughout the 3ount y,
g and lea:TQ It there- -NMreas had encouraging the establishment,of saw
they told the wholO facts in cOnnectiOn mills and lumbering plants*. so as to
with the, tmnsaetim . It would anear
-possible, an abundant su r.,
secure, If
'Myt -only thoroughly 1091tima 0 and ply of lumber f or,'the' settli&r at tie
honest, but largely in the intererts of lowest poskble rates. The, differen
the country-� These were the tactics' between the two AdministTation's w s
that were ffurs4ed by thi6L imTorted, or- � Ahat while the prInor. to
toll",ed w
ators an the Con9drvative side in the right in both cases, the miethods a -
recent South Huron election and in a fted byL Co L
OP the riservative 3over -
'more accentuated form It is the same ment were different from tho 3e pur-
in ParlUment. The immediabe tran4 sued by the Meral Go*i5riim(,ntL ar �d
which has so- areased the fel
gn- the latter had secured the I est
ed indignation -of the Moil as Illustrat-
suits for the country. Illustrative 1� A
cd- by the above extract, L- one that this he showed that In 1881. under tAe
took place befon 19�3, five years ago. Conservative Government* th(
tot ej,
At Timber limits weree sold at piloes which lumber cut was 13,000,000 feet,
c f wht(h
the --0b1:os't'oa say wer-- too low. COM- 12,000,000 was Gold; In 1896 the ft
pared with similar limits sold by th� ures were 34,000,400 and 32,000,)0q, r)
Conservative Goveriment'
spectively,and this' had increa;
i -'A they were - Well sold. The' Hall could. der the Uberal Government u itil f, ir.
show this, did it warit tol� got at the the -nine monthEi ending Marcii
1, 1907,
truth. The Conservatives further say the cut was 141,400,000 feet' End, tl e
soinie limit.- then sold for & few thou-$- sales 128,000,000, while the riumbiar it
and dollars would' now bring hun- mills Increased froin 55 In 189)' to 89 .
dreds of thousands. This MY be the in 1907. -This
enormous,.,Rdva;nce w
-OwB, instances, b tit the circ -am- proof 0 the success 9f the prose t
ca- lu c f
f;i staric�s enould be considereJ. Tirw- Goverrkment's method of
-getting lumb�r,
ber litnits which were then practlW, 17- Cut So as to Meet the demand of t
Vald-PAess may now be er,, valuable. -Pe0j:le In the we�t. it had been
�4 T
tims change an
Condit d nge Yery chred, too, by the alienation 01"
rapidl-y in that new 9ou-x#y. if ouck thing less than 8,10t -Square yrilles
land$ as are - lilentloried ..were being gaj� t the allenat Of 30,000 zqua
lon zqua
sdd t* -day for pAce..� tie's flTe miles.
.�i by . theIrL
-predec"sort a nd
PICIC41 ot day L to-
YeaM W there mlght7,be tuws th l'o--an 7
sonleffilrik bein -wrong. -Itt iff W, 'the lurn'ber for -the tb- - -w"rn �j
M� 0cTterximent sa7z le that ese lands -I! Referring to the acc(isatio pric
n t t th
"Aga; a ow .4
ew e v 1&Uce, that. Tue vary
'bout 4 ST E.
vdr---0Wd--)6kft ihit- a COT ww
MA kir
the, -a 14 al f -law L
'and dluilln a I
k d
g6d;'by soc
ie bo- t t to --the:
't ebb. em
jjW PUY ootiwl
amwmt- to
_n F:ebr.,,ry Sale, Of Winter Foo�wear
ry it t 0, W aft
WIN' R t ih*w a",
4116�1'ven U11 rahos the' war re were
Olem - at the Is
rai har Afto - k
thWt omp of $4,
4L tell
06*60" d
I" M 4 ta
On i6lipc, to 4 In
un r whoose 00% - , -,A, � -L', -4 k
resom Why Vft shou,
,bA d ot, It.
f Winter
our e of
Moil. was.whe - w tne, IWIV0 A few
Depart M
O;i 41PI 1-06Ww add
n - Armouri
t lit. j
do' ' " i i"
bon Afting am W&VA WA
wbo.1tis' b*
here fr4o
7; 04 save any,
lniuranc&� Ow Ail;e� yqu UW tua goW Secondly, Y
NO it the y�ta be in 15 pot m
le Ott 11tiv, 9W
14"'�U'04 t6--lik 41ke,ft A nt. to so Per 0ent. on r parchue. Thirdly ou get tagger,
ye;, y
W.U0 - Y, 0 Motion - I lfiv�n 16 -ft and better splecition herb!thfiaj �lsewhere.
-thom1*4, bjOk*L k!eft
A f
't.we need pnng
-Via "UNA
. ft* K"INKMa wh� we m, hiving thils sale
11 ""V06 -b IM 4 Th U the firat V1 ths'ZOOM for, IS purchases. condly.
U014 Orth!
nQ winter goods are 05mied Gvir if prices Win move �th' Thiraly-
T. Odd r ts - I h ding tlwa:
WW Urgton CUn- L
istake f "00M, "in -A& �.heulth we". 1,810 99 -Aaff 1,! sleasi4r. counted than
1, " h 'delit
rh )i8hootit4 Ye".
�*fLA _deer
,f, W
'tbnf megts', $9 86 goods.
I ut� L bi -f . 6 The dwing etao -taking cash i
LM L 1"' Or� W,
- -, r I for f ?
unish IN Meo*r 6t Impi6vedt Now, then'--lees'gst together for our Mutuia benefit. Eleres a liat!of the Iffues
17 An casea.wh,00�- oxe %5 $X�Me L to jai; are coA i In barilk, #14199,65, und
--peraft, sno w i
14 to in - hqAd Off �e, $281.497' Intarest 4 a are cloaring out'.- Felt Bodts, Shoes and Slipp6m; Gu�i Rubb
lith I U 081119
non eo� -*"044, for .$50. 0 u -A lected asse %ts, , and Overlshoes aul Leggings. 'Ife �are a f -3w
8 co Knitted Sodko, Moemm's, re
tl;red p4yrp.�yits, Ium
a result the'rempaugt'h-Old In- prices
th d.
tel -the- o r ay motes reql $160,692.M rkytal as-
PariwitaAlowy carrospon- Gode uh bef�lre 111a
Judge Doy e, Robert. Thompson lites, e. There(
sets, $17,3 . 9 ; liabi Boys' and- Girls' Back Moceas Sizes. regular prices $1 a
9e-; le it ot the Townto P�6ws, in hj$�' lot-� was a griat. deal of, discusat6n on the $1.25-Y f or.
mayipr .-of thEit town in' 750 a pair. t
limit '18 plus" some
IP eel -h
k 'the timber carin U Dr. A U.1 MvIft, -w 0 wag
d ea"s m4ter Of thbil ing, It wala
n- debate clos�s his 119ttor Ao d 4up 4th asses 3menta of Women's Felt J)o
�, � - I � . ngres
*Ith the 'pievl�,usly olebbeA !'by fl",, of otat ce
a Ao regular,pri for 990 a pair.
i �0- pros
ng., -rw e olicy holders flor the.. beiL-:
u -statement holder i Women's Felt Soled Boots, regui ar j ice $175, for $1.25 a pair.
Ch_ deis .s ggegtiv6, —Fetee Stewart., jet: -reeve* of Nest policy pf
boo the sltt�';Ntld
David. Xen's Felt 0
_n VeTy ac! Wedn of last week Mi.': aad'
-Wil Jazi. 291 —Wednes kd4j., of Grey, 00mmom- air. v
or ap
'al Watt act n
I f orated the -1
wi�i �ie 3rY.41teresting 41'�ent that Men's Laced Gim, Rubbers, regular ptrice $2 65, f6r $1-2'5 a pair.
We nesda-'A
Lbt 1 of, Stratheona, s of his 01ster, Mrs. P", lot
1�1 neatl�r the, I.Oreviotis very, few, b. ro th-b opportunity Of Mi- Al,
oil, ebrating ely the 50th ersary
on nember" fbr 'Argenteuil Lhad 'confessed -1 e contract�d a bad c -which T
their. lage.
JV �"'inttei days of fits - youth he 4evel, ddnto.- -1:111elumarda. He leaxes
Of, their. ars ago
a got on January 29th, the late Rev. Dr.
aboul. a berth - of tif ty- a vvl( three sqris and, f6Ur da$gh-
r "he- niatrimonfal knot at
aw a 1. -had tiirs. Cavan, tled 4
tie loth 104; but lie,
04- was ;LP money in it. �jt is reported st bfiLr:YS, tween David Addl;D,anct
rid �hat'6ne f6.,t*r whu
)r Mcinty Graze, �4atxghter � of &,hn f
followed Oid shlowet that suptl��kd green pe" at thV Zxerter Cati-
Joh L-1 I - . .
fr' �JA6 1 ' bad wdiek� now Qt Brussels.- Th
T ey, got pthg factory laat 1 year, realIZA over
wais , t
jii I aban very Cedar $60 -a �re there6om.' Also, that the� "qA9 wupls reelded. at st, Mlwyfs for
'71 eolnOi
:A ice 11M I., : time o4d then took up I beir mi-
Ich: A. Wj' Fraser had ' t sbare j1ders. :of the 'factory
Of 910 realized
donee at Sti4tford and recently came
Was 'not
h �toteasskh 7
atablish "di situation vestry efit; and. last year A0#0�7M- -
a.1 -hits1he ww able to over 25 cent. i protit on their ta-
n- 1908 Z, 50k T
10110iVin per to the lat of Gl.ey 'town -
g, coa-
TJV got this 'limit S : thtA, where. t ureliased M s. AAAWs
Idere(Van extra good Year for: 44 IA -
nothly�j,- -he paid one yearlis fathor's 'find,, 100 farm which to OUCCUSOR TO:
ground vest rit of this kind
4 $N D�-hi bad abandoned it— bein -manalgod by their son, Lorne. 'Mir. Sole agent in Seafortij 0
P � S - 9 Wilson, teacher -of the Union I. j Ir the 64 19*presa 10 and lis queen Quality 1, show
11, the-, 11th concession of- Hut- A,adit was .�om In Dumforlme, Scot- ter
Se liud, and %* a gradener in the dL4 women shoes'for *en,
L 1903 the same limit lot Ited. her' home at -Wingham, and the 19 Slater Is a;ad Wglk-over
t 4id Oj1tXWItlJM 19weare lAndo comhip!. to Canada
4 the a receiit , Sunday, and 4rrived at
day Mani
hil t -`it is �Marth .$000 4 w the Landesboro station Mon Mrs. Addle, ha: ve a fam;-
ty, *1 His �Wti , Ile was morn- Ily� of six
hildren. 7-j
e- & od deal anaimAil Ifig. - There being norig at the, station, startW, and can. throw no 11,ght on
-the Sinith last iLt house near wh, it was �then
h. at'this. ;_M�s -Z , daughter of the - t&ry. Hle MMdUMW_jn
She bravely walked- from there to'L Mth Mys _1 I I th
87id Mr. Wwrri. Kmtth Shl aw Mrs known as 61 The 40heckerelShedf-�,11
e� � of 3 14 ailles -aad, 006 Anez'
sch a distane;
esexped, but was so sever6l
fA T School mastees danfiter g 0
Ve T iwio L4�681&tuve. ced "a strong. wiAdan'&,snoV- storm-- in the towi 9hip �ot st;30� dlect IF' -boxne4 that It Is fear*4 abo will not some Crilsts of avo � 41
recover, Mhe,loqe I dry- read- and a M- in
over 'unbroken . kriad. the'Lotidon Impital on Su
Was s estimated
or I 1!ie, 0=s� Legisliture, W, ne, tot �fie bowl of thick, sourm!M: I w'M bj
NVorl about $g,10Q0.1 T ` WaYgrememher-thab�meajfbr
retty harrie'weddIng wits s614yri. , `E �
Kip ft due- fdrin 'on -We&osday afternoon. -Ai kryr 19th' T to Wants r4�oel d ww� na lusl;irance
nt d! �t the real ence of Chipt. 1991- 1,on 'Monday d9ug. ter w9J4 on the building or cantentu,
aid, e 14ndon the fimtand last J1 dver teg 1W. Abaft 1:1�-.
b the eutenant. Governor. �Tjjer cDon -1 very ill -In ;to Runer time I -passed a irm
to . y e. C<)Im I erich, on, Januaryj, yii�t expec UVe. tal a d I, �-Mlss Hazel R,6ckett, 17 YRSM 6f C where
16 1 the'�Ulaial displAiand the usual 28tb, 'h his se d daughter, Ul. ted, Tbbe ther has- age.' daughter 6C &7 merchant �of. -Ws�j they had commenced to AD their h;? -y -27
'In N --
W11 -desplie, the cold, - and- stormy Jes4ie arrIed t-pqMr. John 4ened to her bedoldO on We 81
hbr &--few abd kerville, has t0tilny Imt ber -,,Ight iis 'but wheii I asked for work I was'
McDa iAld, 'Of -St ford.. The intelreat- remained wl She a result of overstUdY. She -,.vas nok that they did not �, need� any- help
kther. T-be.8peech from the Throne sgemed to- I rove so th
RevL V for A—
lug and b6jp;y event i tobli place, p nicely that Mr. only o1ne dt the br4htest V urita 'of *6 neither 41d they ask . me to sta
ff to re
i s-1 -the, sessional. 'Programme is. called six d Smith retur 6d bome,'Inten King !EdWlXd _019
James A Ander4on I -tur -h the table, wa L 4�
ck. A, and her home- but had also a dinner, afthou
tit Wei not owitain i offiel I ivhe she was Wned --a
any hing of 9, st -a high stan:404 of preficiend they vrere. ju;t Sitting do
being annual able. -Sho)rtl after s6B t a de- M- ta*6rn., keepet La the Che
1- Znl nature. This the last suslon oyster s—uprer -of tho cided tumrmn the worse, an on Inmusic. Me to uhdftk t1ke aktoce P. ed She& t t eker
ar, No. 3 'old Me
1 f f mern is of Court Sun tralt specialist, who. hopw to t
the 'Pro8ent, legislative ter day the, te of -her her sight.
-was receive ,
any L there peride t Order -of I loresters, Farquhar, death. She just An the prime -of 7 wMiamsy who lived in- town,
n with b6li wlveS, i ad sweedieartswas Ship, wanted a mat. 'Y"hen I gLiDt
ffl,!1n9t 11kily be . Inew legiSlatiO BA11 ford
WQr0anhood, WI
'on Frld*, eV_ nh ehig but 23 yeat % of a
Impariince, although the sesslon Is held the hall cieft np ge. there I found him sick in )8d
I k( IY- to be, -as lively !as a -small n - ��uajry 240, and was a very ti , waS of quiet but loving dispost- Surnmer Work In th* Barly of tl-
- -" 9 d night I cut some the. I fii�
but rare T tb
6 b�e afiair. �Otsters were there on an A0�0. whose Tare Ule wais VMS*, ordhard and the next: A
con 1paet or �'Itjon
'Tor �mako It. The felt more more asi you came 1h day we of IMAS
htdp, a
In. ab &nee, iLnd cooked to the Xing,'s 111eighbovs came to hel- _Ve iKon
lei $tire whi touch her. In lier hAwno Old Morris Boy,]
cl or [By An
I 1!h Will, be most �jjnxjoWly taste. kri excellent prograrrinja Os j had the hay all cut. WM, laans. j
ted by, L be a and,the public'is turn d, inem' she leaves a;,i bright, -n*rniory' of her After I had helped to take in sonje I a
im r =rn V�rs'of Court Star lad& tine farm, we iced� Iwell
d ays, ook forward to the of the crops at my home, I hired
a alwws. , annual sulp- useWness, The remains were brought
for tho� redlstribtl�lon of the con- with stocked and well- Mled h �s orchardr--& I
d, Per. home for In*ment. a man who had the contract of lo had in: it
se cles. Et Is a e rees
all Mr. Robett, Dowfis, sr, died on ging. Mss wayi- 'd b A te
n (he Premier has, 'ting df the Londes nir e ever seen.
d .—ThiE9 annual mee Lug an ;hed Olt MM., ---
ba;ttbally stated th� he I January 27th� at the residence- of his- town line L-Iiii� to. 4% M In W110 li
will be no borp creamery was held an t 6th WilUams? -1 hired
gerrmandejr . d that the ejay ch&nges, _of Janj4ary. : The. report of the secre- son, Rlchard,�: In Myth. "ffe suffered a Prairift�there was no ed -about five miles from. 1 9
be th( . Ae rendered, necessary for wing to time ago, and This a
tary tr�asurer showed,. that IvaraaYtIc istroke ame man built the had two other men; 0,11LO of tbeseiva=,�
n the dry's6ason the mak, though he feeovered auffictently to atBlyth. 1twasmade-of hewnA ed Scott,
!e was spull afid I seemed rAlier 4w. at'; the.
I hO additibn of 'seven, 1w eight . new the 'get around, was.the real cause of ments and
0 empany had run Into considerable W^Y I approaches wor14 his hands wereso Saft hle -w-oft
"d� to re-uiAte. 911 town- debt, the directors and secretary :hid his death. was In his I 5th Yew -There were eight or t�n men in the kid glorves, for in thoSd day they
and his V. r predeceamd 41m four gang, and whiin we had Anished thj� m
1111 1 In unkil 9,11ties - that a" now dt- 'PaId all claim up to dAte. a:nd � the o bind=Tnachiner.*Z-'� e the i �Olcl 1 %-1
WeL - 'o
was born In' L U a ear 'Unton, andreli 1fAjmstjj&ng 0,w6r. $Pi 11, tb
But -66 shaMholders ft -elected them. aridauth-, Years w. Ae
M4 d., I the, old work, we
ihese an be e6 war - came to can -when, called
k country and
orized th'em. to run the fimtorY, charlealwounsmMs, ow th6 They grew - 'I t 1 011 t e likht I
70un# man and s tied, U Z 0"1!
t quite a gL
td �ks� to ni�`ke a blk change. in there- in' Bayfield Riverk H4"e We re in
or r,6nt:: I -or liquidate the, colmpainy as Inodellea and then
tatloo and t� bia�t thio holpies ot best th Rly ..could - to � pay the �debt. The GoderIch. MO, there learned tie bisek- and enlarg6d !he saw mM and �repaij- as lertjfter. mid hey Wh
I L - - e&vy
dfretcors have adv�jtjft(j the Uctory ng, ano ptterwards 7w.ved tq ed the dam th
e spiles ;;a in -crops of fall wheat and ek
Man 7 lAgIslatlye, aspirants, thip
Auburn be opened out a bjatk.� 1 work were
and ther articles belonging about 12 feet long and it I worked attwo or thiee ar
all; tQ it who
smith. and m V
.addit I to: M4 redletributiola ches thick ahitrpenfx�-' cradling, bin&wg -dmvr 1"ji . L- -� -- -W
14%, . for. sale -or rent. shop, VhIch- hC '. The Ing i
jneafiUre 4dj law garried on e Z - K were and Ut
reform is ind ho owed out on.
d 1%1- & , A - - thi-, grain, and le"
d Me- 11onsall 01�servkr of Wt. *eek 10MMA years. - He ret� rej trow Obune edge ryon!k +10
i� to
Xs. 'a W1410TI
She sast:Mp,
;Sion 1; 01, 0
L unconsp-*106
ed silo wiffl:
�Spftp the
is satj I
have been;
Aive have a
;CY deal wit h
,nd the 1pq�i
altliough ti
Voer" have,
cOa's as ih-
on the w6l
ents #P ,
Lj Of
k T. at they
to business aniu.� went to yintial , to Uve* utted into oub back another haVe i
k Incubators, but At lhs& I J
legal;1jWhir�ery 0ans: about your -ald- -come
matcha lumber.
and' gough -hae- - J6 hen * wbieb 4MIV 80MO St Yeu* ago, but etar Rd busi- other like
F I howe"Ps .1 fftrted d8tock Ana Of
Ben 'RX -
69 Ulere -91FELM wDlen he kept up Ueorge. Tutuior4�rne comv&cto�, on- oxelving- there
laot'wo6k, Utched'out 10 chicks,.ftom ne W,
8 to rurAl ii esp: X11ea" algo and ilas lived was a good and as we
aze Tibia. -is a.` renwkabje, sh6w- never wardrobei Which had ered utic
c Worked after
be* Ho was & qt let, aokj�- OtLM it ham usw in the past Uere
P"- ed- Ing but, that, �vjent it, one bettor since. the regular h wee".
acientious nm* who made me ly. W&rM soeme
by bringifig out h�r flock d e"i for me, as I was awuj?,- I had Iny ih-st sh&ie by a diwk� T= -
two daw
Xbout the Ofte or'Xt. earlier thail'the regular Uwe. On . the friOn4s, and *AW - highlY reef Bete4 by' tomed to work from daylight to dark. ber, bit* as the 4Y M= An
-M to ifout, a, who(6 fie came in "itact. Ho After this Mr. Fitton en.
h a* MOW'hg after the �electlon F"d flew -4, b
at Witne0s which all I with to " the negra had to come;ejose
k a.. red 04 from -�ils stable with the famitY of four c a; M: M
t teaver, Uild bridges and culverts for
I as Inde ie adent in golitics Whitehead, connected With the
�dul as any
bui- 0,
word NcLean," one sift Ifto iVio- ome.1 �Met it
)P- and teU,, the t,.th b falo aad, Goderich raUW
as tiry." ft L the -6ttl hl'a' eanstMCL morks -63-vi it WVM 0 eined- Beira -T,-W
er.. T 1=7 bav6
k Cbunty� cmin '01 be Mencw I
I _H4er% hoymver, tbriiu � h, 'a. I**, Corners; tus
It its t (387 nd[ag ot the hadt thing; to '�b with the Ply-
't'ut the Sta C114 at t r Jan Suit, We had solne trouble geftjng OU14 t -cause whew C
-V 0111 il m In the Dominim 'Umth We vuq'�wee. uary imlion.1tpampti a rft;,�' with the 8 age CIM tri I
Y tio—ft ,ob- pavy. and as it was the MID n-ev We W*ft he arri"d- they get. � Al iud took
-AN weading. occaywd 4t thef Jecting ta=we�abfte sm6king IL
Ates 4ve aguln go" IF ths &M-ir-* I Aeadea to go 40 Bran'
Mcne and Mrs. I J,*n WIllets. do with then% and *e aUtode
toy In the Pedftvj' uncl: w4B emotm. ham
t bye -el. and work in the hwirest Itelds, way to aft'awora for
Turnbei+y, Gh Wednesday, january Marjkret Kellbek t. wife
a Const.t, en 22nd.- - Was, the otcagah -of the Mr- FUlt011 wantedme -to stalyr we met the Te-loar%k
A .=ar- OUIA.-Col, S*t. &e4 in Peg. him. but6 as -his te
Quelm rm did not wait me,` er of the Tane- t
and amth Huron. on- r1age df Their elde�t ftughter. Mim- on - Mcmday She � V24 fe is I sUmted fc;r Ej&n
tfo.rci wit ILSA to get off.
Charlotte A.. to -Mr. &yblri rjtcjj,� - at floneer.born Pe 14 only
6e 91
tt4e persona;li�y of rth,06�, in 1842. clents in my pocket,
Howtek.' The ceremony pft-A*16, -As the iffixtanc;"d *hon t4e a
qIr. I "I'Lilt (C An decid ft, I -went ffirlst. to
X&AV14 U so Pervading ed V Re*.'A. L. Rusillell, -of �W-ro at the nt I I norahmuoli in Imear on ,
vete UUMe 14, me, .1 j9pved 8t46 jU& -y im
rel -7-
garpurh6 W6, I& r
servattv" Would'. haye at' six! p. m,. The' brIde. wao Nb tow I TO& 'Mith tG 8 gCM&
I I AWAN2- Uther bou Z
n". ght Mitret, WCOW, -d a - t UOW Mton Thired 'k**
slight chanceig � of suoceliamprft1f -in a beautiful brown 6ostume, ar ift� 90- a 1ju
they Ave;-�' uit wiwt his been sentenbe
h6e talfour 4d -there fdri the in- ht In
the nftthe In tho j[n
�hw-i detinItli, attraouve Vdicy. Thar celved nany tokbus! -of afteem in Clentral in i *ho Atift W hLa speink to Vok li4
-.g jpurney
1VMY of, presents. After a. tastettAlly graiVated, *Wait xyh' W Froin ther'a I Went
thi fe' neim Man0heSt4j1-. 0it
howevet, to a -nUord. There wwo
nO �*t '3brede Vre;" -*edftg OuPper, Mr. -and -T-hii badt6f" a Pow- W my thei* I I
p6ople on the ros4 so I Was not Able raeb Mr. Sutton and -h h
It IM to
pany.�� Tweed, to get a ride from'an
potches- ubOut which h9rdli tVV0 M*S. Fitch left for theIr hmm. Vear d4 C&n mar &�- i
do some more road
the imme 1prondnen't- among thelfi Ddmak*-� alter I ilia
oftwed, by bni�vi±91091M. -In Me- lo* WitelieU I overtod, old
an �WohiOd at 21111mchim
a, There 10 OhO PrQT11111elit see- -The death davurred in rAnjonton doe. sixteen "I& swvy, *41A aimaah- *ho I "CePtized a local h .1 stippped one uig)t
hoi me on MY
of un�a�i 17th tormer resildent, 4 an4 not a�:V.haie wIrA,6k* was Lqt bom Morris. As 1 c9uld Fwwes
tj -Iws Is &W. ttm he
,o Ray a:nd St4tj6n bmd.T. ft In TWeed. �. Tbb bw*snyls
f4 pulil 6 00uld, I wA;n:W to fus on' br6tb*r, vu jit. work
ewn%�ftof public the pArWft V Juniei, Ching. w6 0 the � cid' - . I - I I I .0
but b* would not his fQ1 H.
fle he&r tit VM ^ Yezy . a tb
A% "and 1 bft'e 'Ching. `bf b-%4 - "Urlthii i0kyo, the I lit at IL w`e.-e'-begj='njg t,0' so he 40MInoul, M
n �At Oeetka wbi had beeri Ih.W,mt' thm .-weekls. or, ty- IOWA sorist, th Brockville, as 'W�
lyin -1
Cb 5,Uch, *Iewe''a" down in & 16noe
0orner and 0 ton. The -work
nmw T V fever. He Vl�s thought to bave dangfteduly 14 with loal0aw. At thi lo rope of twisted rm".
When some of flhi,466 dc Q
lm:- bee- wo -4-1
A taken off hi$ boj und this
U getting - bett* . btit pneurodnia set tme of the r'ec�ftt vaccination schodt CF, �beilmg as thickais
VY ate
d -way be I aM to advocate almost v)rid: the end owne very q addhis feet 'and
In uickly. Bla'-phildren the bay ww otme of sub.- arc aaw6si ]on
ever, thing, , b t to be quite devoid of had been in -the VMt -25 h1k. deets. ond 06POeared to be re dring in a air of grass _g, The weathdr bad te
slip and wet, and the O=UiL U. -
Ching was. a man 'highly reslected by nIC81Y until $=day night. we lad to ;� do J - - - - - -
the were Meg easier on his IeU biis the teaming were
C #Wretlt P 'ey' In' a4ditWa to 'hat all Whd � )meW bjM. nUaV V sirildno X
Me rnaTled Mim symptorns- de d. It is t t that leather b6ot6.
the wler au other illsmputAble in- Loadman. of Ray townshtrh and she, thrpUgli playl, We were 4-1 AIE
In his father' grew- -We journeyed together as -far as into the m4d..
'd forgj�t
ten. Members with one daughter an4 -one am, sur. h and had tV
ouses the Verr Wild OG
becarrie, affffec with Stratford, where our - ro&ds diveM4
vib sleep on beds of bo
-tl e Ub vivo him. u our meals
eral a . rnnv&4t hai 94 1 �,
oV To suffer. Poison. as New Hamburg- wlh� his dest4nation" covidsted d
f vM charg(5- which i1h0epractical- -The. Clinton New 'Bra, of -1alat we and of tea. hreiiiaA i� a —
eV v -Mlw Hannah Lantz. of I espeleA,, Woodstock: mme. reached! ffsh, boiled vm
Won- trove
I agicinst them and driv- Says: 4'001. Hoare; of tbe7 Grave, about 16 Y" of age, took a doeq WOOdStock safely and tmdged dur-' goA. but h&ring no change wage,
t lem - from 4 tfice, sn&j Influ Read, north, believes In what Is known of Paris gree# the ot I
exi - - ht thrdugh ik
once. but her ni it" and ingthe
a- V tired of it, At I
as as- " intensive, fatinin.g.9 and- Is of the died soon afto�r, not lonl; theold OxfordroaL t we ftniqNW
tfi who 1211 v ) Inade t accusations vylthstau that I I
"Was there was
ut t isT
)WM an
�hd*e abo beer beein opinion that f0mers �must necialize everything work pe
)Win And through P00sible. was by the tillie- 11 became verY hungry, but as jny 'home to keep me btu"S
I W Y-'-
itj:alf -the P6c Me have Oil wn faith' in if they expect to.mjketxme�,. As:' doptors. who-"
an *ere, called in Gave inoney w" all gone I was reduced to and went li�ck to o it SV
th�� urity ar d statesman xperIment,- hO last year. had Beven her young W4. - The girl m t to gg*ng. I pa ho a ho
P stdi), or the ad te4 ased use fter use mY travells I worked f no-
leader of - the I loVerhmen(aind his ch' h4t she had put th Y poison MY ww unkind to i&6. an
_1: is ejnin�dntly desirable thousand 'aAs of fruit done, up at the the doctors t th6 attempt -to work y
.ExeteT canillng faztoryiL and lie Is holl$- In her tea. . Xe reason is krx for to ask fok food. At I
05t J�oVa
set, ow- ever, - af- I -think I was ludkior
that the Opr,�Alon should be a stirong Ing the same fbir the jijarWts of the her act. -ter this sort of th had gone LOU for Who
Ing. 0 "ong S e
M3--Va`uCh.stzoiger-tha'* it 1 -9 -now corrilng spring and- frummer. ITe er- -With a sh�rpqojnted steel drill in &longtime I became dqiperate. atillivel. 1,
'both In numbers and Personnel. presses hfins�jf- Wr. Andrew by, one, lood.
Vat as satisfied that tile his stomach, f
th:,.4 material 6 "e �ms to i)�,, locking and -returns will be'up-tohts exTectations, of windsws best . kawn, eld Is
tbla T�-OPle aPPw1r to bl� dis�e(t Growing amuch mom exte ive range moving '911ilgerly, wc
to ns a u - and -w ring
11 ha#i ax
beo with, the rult than anyone else' Wt f. Whi in a
0&tY in ipower untl Of f In this Acin- what hair -'L -pen no 0 wl@�,T BOUND DFj 0 j 9) 19
MUCh,better aRiditions are f0WX4 on AY, he Is In a very favorable position deritIsVS c 4 for 07,
A small drill u so
the other side," for an experlment.ot thLg kind." boring into diseased, tooth be
—Thore -passed av�ay on Saturday, detached, and forelt could, be caught
Mr. Jan.. 25th, at . the, r1pe old ag�7 -of 74 bad slipped dbW
AIntin Dismissed. n Mr. Bow1by's ibroat,
kbout two V�.E YeaMq, Williaim 0. E1116tt, at his h6ma and !presumabl-$, into h14 stoma, wher� DE,& -R Sia
eks-ago.MT. N. M. Can- Dayffeld R4*d, Gloderich townshlb. He It now repose% The doctors njay ust
tin, :he,well known prorir'letor
Of St. bad been suffering from several all- the -1 x-rays locate the dr.11.
Joselh, in this County, ��was arrested ments for -,"e "time, "d undierwent _The far,
in G3derIch alid taken �,o Tmonto to mets Of Saskatchem an will Andosed is Wo I
$1.00, for which 0 send t
. pleas
stane his an OPeratioln, but wa� too -far advameed require to be. alded, by t th,
trial, On the charges q; ob- In years to tully he D. iminion bottles -of "Balgam of Mr." IM
tain"'i recover. He was. a, Government t6l! the extent of five rrill- lt seems difficult 'to
ig money 'under fal]se pretonses its
lion bush�ls
-1 perjury. 1rhe charge hale fellow, well Met, he haA 0 wheat, two milliOrt equal as'a cough'wedioine.
re was Pe or- warm frlen4s, making more wherever and( a quarter Of oats, aind 20Q;000, bush,
IT one zZabiL GAllajii�r, A Toronto hb went. A quIet. pi�aceable citizen, els of bailey
la ar with'whom W, Cantin had- 6he whom, all r Itor seled. The quantity
effpectied, it Is with of seed. that t5. -needled
s of
6 e financial dealings. W, Cantlu-ap- erta. Is
A d7 before � aglstrate� Dennison at Borrow, that WO chronicle his death. 1,200,000 bash.E wheat, 1,200,,000'
He waig b&n In Fermanagh, rreland, bushels
Of oat and 200,000 bushels of
on !§Ermral occasions, his case e,1nd came , td this country sorne 18 barley. 6stion Is made that
ha Ing for varlius Tha`- s
reasolas, b�(M 'Post- The above is a of many a 7h w do not
m d2l to day., I rallwaY cOmpanies carry I t freo
.p 6� I fro Years -FL90 with his family. Shortly the sample letters, and, althou
mr, on t -Oame LIT, atter be settled on thie� fa,,,m in Gode- from Fort WfUlarn to points in think it right to publish name of u�
the writer Wi ission't Te let ier shows
lacA jind was rich township, where he, hai resided Territories whiire ft. Is 'needed. that om claim for the superiority of BI ligi
fin EL11 y dISr.008e(k of Af ter' he - Fir over ot cou ,h medl-
am of
e vile ice of Ga, aring the since. Ire leaves a widow and elglit. '—A verry sald fatality OPcalred at ciaes, is not without 004 reason het
aghet, C au.tin's secu-s- childreTi. 9
e magistr
er, tl to dIS d tho charge —Thej financial statetnp- New Rjehmon(f, Quebec� a te, v, days
'at of the
Of ol taining r Rib- 4go, by, whlch� four 11,4% weile lost i
ey d'
tense and tbe,ch false PM-: bert and usb0ime, �Mdtu&l Vire Insur- Shortly after One aclock t rest-
arge of�per 4- -1- IT z
n by the 1OWo Jury W Mnce Company for.the past Tear sho*x I dence' of Andrew Carapb-sU, 11 1, 74, ATI *r
nt� *Crown At- the +� 1, '[1 -&- .4 * edl
ever umi
lheP4 i
mr of I
M, --
d r wrd
prit. es r4mata sumdy,
Is IZO to Zk'. im
kket 9q4ietjb-dtp6-
to rAoreu, i
W- d, - ta
10114ep", ad ro�
MM -4:
1 4
M"i 1"I to I*
-15"- Vk vy 0 r, Look fire no, ho, I - ---
e- I a
tor ae . Th ' m trate administered a ' it
eltidn., flnanclauy and' otherwIze.
Sov The. -M- well as 'hit, daughter -I a .2
e- k0lbuke 0 0allQ04%. TO" gecj
uld thli Nayllls: calnywiY commenced the-7ftr-h-Ith a A aud.her-t�vo thil
man dren, r aj -�d Te�- FIMT D09R MATH OF
a -*Add 'have bsla�tce of $6,645.81 In th6 tMasury, spectively tw- 6 i lean and
an four tbs.
111fin ; clean - be
foro brIcKing A64 c1dRect aibalance of -$9,464.39. perished in t1w, ft-nw. jThe origin
EMC In bito. ow*t.,i Tft -
$0� ru
The ""9MMM4t$ f,*
-for jW ; nknevrn. Toim K ONTI�"To.
rebuke -Vas that!jt was =dia eft 7ftr sn�qiiA- ot The fire is',
-M vrlffle Vvd todsM iz aut for'GendIVU bahy Ost�ages, ExVrM
ly' am q0nebell was 1�,hls'barA vben jho,fira Ag
1-110. $ I