The Huron Expositor, 1908-02-07, Page 1aim A X- 40JYE A M ROS. i Publishers "'EAF S lip ORTH� FRIDAY FEBRUARY 191118s, $1 a year hm three' off them with! bullets. Hun- of $10 be ---A-e to purthaw --r- Zouxcm. :ecutle comrinittee. pe le joined ly I Think oF gra�nt dreds 'Of the peo i, the pur- Va"d by *mrs- Irwin. and ff9ke11, You Can", fiowe-,'� around the coiurt house; tba n at ""Wo no if6ense for pedlar. be gra4ted to suit and the o of the band of as- Tailor! -Aty co�mcll f1w 1909 'Met 'in that each Teachers' Inatitut-Oba grant- Ta WU he' uthers, f Turnberry; tbapt u s -is were m 6 PAIROners. the court Aouse. Ga4erleh, on T�qes­ d $96 as usW. $1,00 ble, made -to the to omefimo pasil, and d �tven 0 0 8, 0, &son unty For s as been an re -in "7 -of- last week. The -mai&ers were rK�)ved by Messrs. UcBwaw rtugal, and A englneer,.. bat action on the lncroa�se much Po I leal st Pori 'h W all ment with Me, clerk In the -DoMe, t1int 'ac Qa*ed ImUtuW tu lary be- left to the June the a6itrary ac ts ofUe kin ty be-, given 6 grAot of W. e )ode that we of: b1z s& -g iiad led the Coun z1hlyst(luld ever be meeting; that uo action be- taken In tic) a strong fe. g of 1 reRab4:'camBmj, secoftdedi by JaO, .136th sent to the executtv& 60=11�JhSei d bi Dr. lrii4ft I mthing -Move which has ivaindo, teal�, Wen the prim- wan and"El- bought elsewhere. referenm to the increase b� 4 te rml- Mwkine Oat Robert, K4jean, 'reeve Moyed by Measrs. Meg— 'le Crime. of J?Alor Griffin; tbat. any pc- :be'Varden for' 1908. -.,, No 11ott, that Judge Solt be a trustee -of ar ai�y cause of tWis Godarich nts The king's setond so the infant or organIzattons -eno recelv8 gr ftr nownstions were, received and "erich Collegiate, Institute for, the finsAcill -Manudi, bas been proclaimed king., JD=A 3: rTOMIDI from this county subralt a .-Sent to educatlou Thre �after he xpliatiou of 'the. Proper iiett three, Years sn't le. cs to pay by buyin- stateirefit to te county alid, that Wo time. 10, UaLean wao declarodi Warden ommittee. -away froin home. The Vhaw hiqlerk Prepare . by-law lh accordance -NAVA" Tile re ere xeift ewer designs pmt of the awnwitt40 to con Th Iherewith, to be submitted to the eaun- Tho swftd tr14 �of Thaw tor of- of- aWr the good roads I' q4estton, was bov -a After taking the dedlaxatign we offer� er or'; Wb ell at the June session. the raurd of Snt cted * ed -Ayrtbing like as con- At* has -w1 ele a fim ne There 1 Mving owlerred, -IkueSts wrecel�d for grants of Education Committee. brought t lo z- R wM b ed tho 'Immbeam ft venient wservice. ury bered tilat at, t 10 a that honor cm him. -$Soo -to tho 'Goderich 1 and -Wingham YOU ha'dle the goods before The education eoramitteee re sfter 'has Wn disagreed anO t 20 prh hospltals, nd the Clinton and in the led i- the deoutattion $500 t i7e'-to take them, It . y mended that as rovided his �Aiit�d fo:-Interview he 0'Atarlp- Gov- bwpttal. you esift b6'.5URK of what cation reguiatlons, public school vOLd second tri wldcb t U06 war- bi- it in V Act ot 1.1w 9 THURSDAY.' yon a 9 g till you. see it. ecyntinuatfur dJuation exarai i- ernmedt respec Mt bw re class gr.4 atlon!s be eld _at tbo sao _p irme and The, Jary saue ee MZ4 b*hw4y improvement was r��d and a on motion t Messrs. MeDermid and t gullty az the ptisonerlwas �cousldere4 i -given by iox-Warden jaq�ffie, the request of School I sverbal Xt was, nepectors 'places as the high school entran0a ex- to be iwano wl�ea i-eas the CuTrier. and', County drer Robb, and' Tom, n. regard to Public, tions, and that ths CGUAtY Gball. s we siAl Utah killed his vbcthnft� Vor these rbi,u0n imit that amina w t to. th;s ions Ine report. W46 OP-01al school and continawtion examinati - howe results in istren9th ot this V'erdlettAbi JadgO Com- buying at as much beiax the expense of such examinations the .edacWon cammltb66- that the caadidates .*ho 'Propose writ- COMIX aftnement I the h �.rN 4dvmnt&ge o you as t6 us,, mitted itw to] (*I man alad mot6l Oat s Keller was sent to :9111DW 'and Mt- notlfY the. VA;tteawan state boapital bw tba CAW- on oved by, Messrs. ing at said �examln ler t4 foilo*4ng. were, appointed jgwe�n that, & t o school inspectors before'Jruw Ist and gran - f $15 be made to inal Inssuo and 'he wa at once trans-' ommittm. to strike the standing; purchase, flowers for t1anting arou:nd every ap;lleatlon shall be�accompanld titut on where ferro to that he committew �.- m6millan, Lam�nt,, ir;wi o- tuat the examiners n, the wart bouse. by -a, fee of si-6 ctatl,4n- I'Wdl, n6t only protect.you for Ike cold day a' of this *jut ep-a rLd e in sy hs*� John Bulger, ow Is, The ex that after sMe -and Stothers.-Carried. for the county �iball obn8lzt' of the Moved -by Messrs. Mosgrave and4r- will, Un- brlef �Yei�—but it wM serve. you well for to A, I ar 9A -McMillan 4ad Baille goved b:� Messrs. win *that W. Carruthers, of TuberrY, Jeweller, Seaforth county inspectors and twp- qualfied re be re mave der some M d fe s ineans to the lWyer a. n-viig of 25 50, P A wice 18 tha un t%elaoVs elected by the Teachers' In- )r Ce t tfiis �;w 611 :takO StePs to COM'.. be g license oasylum and ln� due course 'he axted a. pedlar's' f the p be hatutwof it, ehould,ik t with t - ac stitute of East 'Huron nd mind, H44 he pW to every kdividual Who is, 0 liberated as of, soa 1highwaya, by assigning and 'Institute of West Hu- ?jai. i f�rthe, ftdprovemehb� a -ad wiv by MQxed by Messrso Govenlock and of. public the TeaeheW oisor of a goocl wam jur cost -or jacket. been backed b by lesO if� r assuming *rtaln, bighwaStOf the Rawls tlia:t we as & council wish to on;. that the public school InerectOrs d. and the con- -all Axbut County as - a county zoad syA era, an. rpent at E�a-5 field sbalt make the neee."aary be been a, poor main, Ike w0uld, lu ebow�-our aprreclation of the extra axrange ractor Waks 'now at'woirk.. H4 advised in, ability, ba�e been electrocuted clud- prob that the Clerk work dne, by the engin0or In conn6c` Ut some anans orneut too made with s f -examinations, long befor 'year by tlo� town of WnE ham for lowering the 11 jut the electing of iexamluers.; that EN tri�Msarer and 9ftaxa. ment or these U afeMillan luad Dallier be a' committee' tion with bridge work last the a,shwood -untou school sectl(mbe to. draft a�, by -la* - for 'the P u1pos e-,- tO 'gftut g bim �$100 for lot 'year and dge West- *ator in the dam while the new brl H�rwn X,Aberals- his be sub d to this council at its p -ibat hiii saJaz7 be ncreased to $1 000 -mount i bigh sc'hool entrance - -examination nrt pawor 1, being to.,thel vention est Hawn IAb- erected. 3rdbris There W opportunity for every ona to doub16 the, p sent se nd for lxig; that the council ro- X the W that In fte, De,.� Centre 'to era tim. op year it, tfio future. t __the r $8,678,60 bad been issuea. since Gadqrlch on VZIdav bard -earned dollar. clal committee' of tht whole. These resolutions were sent _0 quest the u1nister o;, Bdcation Oember. for th e nominating a candl- L-11 ciitsider the matter' --ot, ad- lye committee. sond atficle s 001au execut nt copies e � the statute op ng a Con ty owd system and The Treasix-er's Statement. and regulation -A of 1908, for eachsehool, -date t ��y tpe Libefal standard at The House of: Refup oummitteels re- I t, the next P. en immlinir tbo -he statement 4t the 00UhtV trftsur- zeWon; that.J. 11. Cam�erbn of. ri r , Druz bighWas to be included -a !-T rovin4al-elecOon. Repre The Tift.-Of Edtao r in- 3 i port.ree ommending that the roqott of tatlyes tr6an i207 all �of the, divis- W. u h ed the t6tal recd#ti for 1901 sdis, a,jid R J. Fleming, of Ex Iii: isladh ji'02*ms and that- the sal(1690c- - Dr, R. Br 00 smi h ber . ri e in or S ow t p nt d ions Ju the T d4nS VA4* pragegt "A meet In the Chinaber thei in to (bo. $112,968.10 wid the tiA* OX-PoOlAr apTointd County imodel school exam- Is iftoing your way. Are you readv to pi&' -up our: hArp. fx = the Ra cmidifee jinutes wasr read and considered tile mee"Y4 was most!eUttuslustlo. now at. 7.90 Items 'hat t' foueWing 40gleglatein.- -in mnmittee and passed. #uro, $168X7.69-, The 'prilicip.1 jjinii t e tratlon brloit - dmfnis o. caj noron, - the pixseat� iw- On of Messrs4' McMilUn aind. FRIDAY. �t exponditll-, re: A s.titL-te truistees be R. S. J. Ralwtapd, for Tmentative' VU 49sinf lAimnt M�ssrs. Laze and,33aille werO Justicer $7,233 .24 -, ga&; $,21,294.23; ITA-.", The report ot the executive commit- &N-olutd -14adltors of tb&- riminal ochool r.umagWe-,m -, $2,714,08; sch0019, Cljuton-.W. F. Vanstond. -for Wing- -in hfich, lw�ne, thahkifig the Liberals tee was- taken p. The M -ort wao a- $2,1,941.83;. & I§Mott � and - Judgs justice .- js�cd6unts.-Ca;irled. �Ma pal 'government, $5, bAm,- and W. mende(t by striking out the grant of their ' 't support -�md theIr nom- Moved b� Mesm. Hrris an& 1WIle' b 12,484-56 fo #as illowing r4%ds ridges,: $ dt for m tbJs oom Worth �$50 to the consumptive, sanitarium at sion be said to �tbat this I coune I build a bridge over U60 40f ammmts be pald th A C Gmv.,eikhtu-zt;,& license was granted to e crowft the 07reeae Collected' wl�$ fm'P(d IOU a awuut �Of businOwllp-&- the1-4AWtl*d T1-vQr �wbere­ It late Instituteg loss APAX a to d6dUne re-now'Anstloa. -,W. Carru,thers, and the Increase in the son <ni Pralle istroet In .Wroxe �er, ae jg;ilor�j Wary, was� fixed at $100 in- !'The oolhmitte, allointed to Cotter J�. T. C4rile,. -dt aWt W"v;nwbv by -lar NIM 9j lm� Winty Of provi Vier _r%juats ded ior In The report. sP &mnd- .4n'tbe �matter of the adOptlOh of a64; C�hltol �,e Wilen lot t? read amd bridge coannit- i4,80; that Wffigbam h gent to w,reportied tba;t they C.j 4X, ed was adopt6d. daunty, road sysOn addition- aP-d $4& tee. 'The reports'tof the finance, edul fiid decided id further to Sane ses- Goderldh were ��ted vn4 sulbae.- 4egmiar $55 to $65 Canadian Coon. Coatilor, to,. alve & grant of �$l 600 Myed b� xessr�s. Leckle. iijd Frarber al - grant'- to be, -given at on the otim ot tie. dare^ kaiular $28 to $30 iffisokCalf costs for I 21 mat the Ks'dT this coundU - is due tion, .qwha, and county r.,Toorty that' the claim of quently. 6 '04 Of the. WRE Mao the =aalmbus read 'and adopted. w dele composed- ot ex-Wlaeen �06MMlttees were be pail, Mr. Fro4cgoot 0 the Stratford Collegiate Inmeu -e 30 tG $85 Brown Wombai. I 0- 23 tl Otw R $ Currie, iessurer Volmeip, Clerk Lam li but that those of to $35 Blook Gallow4y costs, f6,. �0.0r) inters CC the provineW I*g­ read and bridge committee and. More- be not, d amd the Mshv- -P�"t Llb"31e! addreaem- and me d Ligtowel Reow $30 -mpng them bekW Messrs. doptL returned too for cor- 6r -tbe colwty� and tbat:,we port of the special boomittee orfi good the meeting, a eneWe tements 'P $30 to ta io'.. '1109 R 5 Nyidabv Costk­ 24 islAture f were read and a for. heartily tbiMk them aU for the. able Muls rectlag; that the it class Ve or 4 an aiiie our . =tler t1W Ubvd by- Messrs. Salkel D 11,� -ebools receive the fa eonsIder- Stephen, Liberal ca;nfildska f9r South Atiular, $28 to $35. far -lined' -pad far 0011 r m 20 pregeiitation f ClaIM" -tic aft(m that the concrete - arch built - by - th4 Of the the Le&10 --r that the rus- Huron I -or itu -0, vd 'Mr. 900 Y�ilr -Subscrip the Uberal 'Candidaito per,mint. -irxylor atd 1907 IS -this year nimu.' townships o -f 11ullett and. Goderich on FUR CAPS, GAUNTLETS AND COLLAR X e ndedi. Expositor -the F voa-, tbi* 6 t& each the bo�ndary. Una in To Tht for Nest Evrou f1w M-06, lei ant, of $20- bif mad coviloittee. of ver 20 feet and tb* It bei assurne4 -TOMS. Agricult#a1aUd IfOrticultursl SOCIety' The s lttea;; recommend- pecial cdjnm tb�lq L YeW t m4d Yi*ntalned by the county In- ta- e*h1bit-tons r, vAnd ths ed Chat the Council coneo In the About 14 'have e $25 e gr�nted tO eatt FArn%r8' 16stl­ A ood Many su bat_ by tition fmm the Wunty of 311d- T& P. Sw4z r a -forme ty Ife$M- 'W*t,%u ain do all subscri F. their tute It the ooNn -ReterrOd to the v renew the ir ' bscri dleSoxj, �CeVeqtiftg AdV y o 'ptition boy, w reter iG0&t0 oe them t vortlk g, of this rX g to -k that the special, meetin I live, cot ver his t holue, _qw1tw. . but -ba to rom b th Lieutenant Governor In C&=dl' igwid. y LMeem. bb6lKay -and Mcmil- coapoll-to be held ion Febrgar� 25th.. Ile do com I Ransbod -be trUW" at to 1.C90sidOr betw"n A sin ainend the municipal act so as the -good roads question be, itar makes Albert94 a -new town -oil the F. -pose. so he about half giate Institute. held -in 1Nikftftrtb.-Carr1e atirr6 y little', dif f erence, t�o t that a b urd an aj:on mu- d. Clinton -as at present -too, say MeMM Irwin and V by blessrs, EWHe &d Kaw- individual, but 9W 1 Co7p,ortiWA FAmon Jac JIN: inakes , a er g eu. tfiit -41 briftes that wen county dvidXuZ Larcomlie is gi-6-vbt th 1W,. V. V&ustone be tri as ior to 1906 be still retalne4 00=ty or Americans very & tWin 419h sChQ&- brid' deld of diffei -ence o a pu rfah- mostly 140khsl oo 4Med re- fe Web". one of er, when he ha".9 a f -Tile county praTerty �c -he had atound Astrachan f -90 .-C - F foreignem F*gular $40 Black or $95 00 f2loved Messrs. Elliott- -and, - ."county bridgeis ng dif- best farniing Be q1tions to be After -law *on Irml them scw;tered all-pver. Teirted that they had ela mined t fol E n, t W. L. Entott be trustee awhig a; by f 7wil ioh ad4 m uch to the ed Wa foren uty bund. our town� 00 coalegiate institute. thel AAT.Otntllnent f W. McQuill%n. Of t wu bullffings md f P ace. ot Goderlth be 1 f --hroKer,.; !- if YOU Uve. not' renewed, of -the Tw, Wj�wgnbiih, and d, -them ish -e -E ell kpt. ffOW Watson and Taylor, W)est AU in- good nd w 40 fineL black curl for 27 00 3foved by Messrs. 'auditws, woul. 0 as sa then roxerter, as. county d you kindly, do o as They recommended that the -clorle-a � he ease whf-n I tee of eaforth within a wileof that R. $. ITA -a � be trus soon poisible. -im-proyt Tainting 'the t�.Piwe Model Faim room be by -for, the i he 50 Bokaran,Lamb 35. 00. towu� It M1 ()olieglat� Institute. is reop 4eaj) PIM 4ucted si flarly 37,50- f ir anfT by put gr <m a burlap our K*Ved Milne and Shearer, t Tu"day in June. nea55 Or— i4med,lor skirting, the walls o the d and he ts, be made -to Con- tr to '36 00 that usglow In, entire cost 011 grajnt, yspgpt ables, 1ruit 615 Fur.-Lilied- sable trim in r", tlnustldn�class schools.' hangling lunp. T-ut & most .91, f toee whiedh ki ads- ai for.. not to exeoqd 44. mink and ma#an 601h X 60 Noed.by -Messrs.. Shearer and Hein- Gobd.,Roiads Deputo4tid'A. *tIon 4 a comty $100. the el e, N lighW 90 tho apswi - -lot � Onrto, M It thV De- jmd i9e. Brussels ted a4 and :B4, otock, that - J. J The 'committee aproln ftmd sys that *b:lpct In' by electric .11 t and =` respect tem an I with FUR RU"S, 1WROWS, HU".9, COLLARS 4 md 11A.PER S and R. Flemming, Exetr, be'Lalp lwtiucted their Committee, colu- The r<�ad im bridge committee rs- cember session to wait im the Onta- -Vie* d �ome.!,Uev and We ba -vie at 33 pe3� Cent. off. a governmeAt with reference to par- 0400peCt of bA e ee ing _tV ,Pointed on.the boexcl at county Holmes, Clerk Lane, tornmended that the 4mder �of A eat Upation in th16L Good Road 9 Tpro_ Inm. MCWUan and, Baffle to lNetherapdon, of Allsa Tait, for 'the runni 6h cur streets -in the nelsu- �by Messrs. Kellerman Mild 1doved ted they. bad met in of Concrete works on brld-g% about the bU&-"-ff nwt hool e aR made a high, ischool ot Bayfield and- WInghLm bridge be enerW1 stores. stores employ section No. 16 W bad.met members of the Government. W-mmitted re;jwed dra by�- These' I exan-Anaion Centre . for 1908. priation. resor mselves r on th the 'extett the tbA*e brid d 'Llnion'se Webbi, that the DalshW00 Godeerichi rnre et&, and �mfleage, to be jud�pted an4- to Mort. 130utb Of Lacombe. There* axe tbreei;tge d Hensall bridge, north acceptedat $5,000 for loy� The' Ministers expressed the laws, etc.t agd T�oported aS follows: ibout a d6zee-lerks, *hih gives you ot t the *hder o* Hill all idea MovejI by Messrs.. Govenlock. anklA-, at tbe, dratt by-I&ws be laid n the rewmmended Aha gz iia�lsfled. that they badmadp mont,.,tb*t W. .0 fitche rag, two I-urnibire 11, be acceepted for &-pe two g�oeer 5r sto 1 Mol ut ai:case for exceptional treatment, Ir C04 :,ot fu I eL amen# abI6 for rtbj consider flan 'at two nus Alpab but he act would bavQ to b t iflor one special meeting f the Council to b-- for 1908' ed before anything could be done, and it Lind famishing re I bak. -Ava& and. J.�- U. Caamm. 00 Wussel's the superstracture of NrIngham bridge storesi LtY ek901therS They fo that an, a"h stc- MrA M- S OPS ues th bold In Seafortl -on T ft7. the 25 41 Wat- Moved by Messrs. Gibbing an are such Ciock$ culvert Nyould be cheaper- tor �a ory milliiie In py -store, paper* advised tbgt the council 'prep t 2 haA. P. Q� mdry.. a CH'Atom 04 y ot Februm Y, a the sk two 1 -her of I the ro;osed -- County but. -,her jsmewy S1)000 worth.. of Men's Ovdroots at 33.pDrqnt oon, amendment to the act as- would cover the bridge and win therefte abandbn -tbe 4 -we pb -nd 1p"tiond. suPorztructurO. 3A0 of F. ti�t t and submit t#e 11V the matter of storeg. bank Moffa& -. 49-'Wafortho be ap- this special cme, ajiei�, to be AR Boys' Ovibrcoats at'ha L I[Pticep pointed ther. county boar4 of ex- sa I 3neI as early as pos Ible yotom be 430 r �Wroxeter * bridge, It mis racaltmendl- or-te AM a in and (ML the 141)�U&Wq: lines bt town- Sob, dfL 30 M I M -q ! eer bssrs. F�- ed "that the engin er two )*er T&O t1iree Rav These motions were smt to the eda- er' And P] -1 -XWgr1DTe 1, stables, two -Nd..., t.. lum- -$7 50 0miners. *1mesville Bxldge- s:, Ashfiel I$2,600 worth of 1&6n's Fine Suits, -'at e The H -plade and ut orne, 20, miles; 001 2&4 The committee nted at the De -,erWh Cat appol Cdb report at the June don. 1,000 worth Of IfeWs Suits, at � each Ion miles - ThO COf - ber yards, & nee hotels, one fiqrog 15s4yj 28 miles; Howicle, cembet session to view the ter - dam. -raing -at ihe ­"n9harn' bridge d by Mesm. Parks and' store ad .4 n&ess amber of r Lh, of 1�oy-87 Suits,- at each Hf K. Price of bridge reported that the pres6ntbridge 36, Hullett, WKIllop, ke ; mor4d, 500 wor mater of mttoin ge was left to the engineer to deal with. estate 6fflees., -On ti�ap#1trzaA side mid, that hol -n -'s . ad Leckie, of 007, woodon ne, erected In 1896, 10 128,1 Stanley, .26. Stephen, Takern $1 MCL�a 10, bridge we h� f. oW100 OW Pants, at 50 baldly -out ot po�- in* the rnaiter lei. the Nd mesville The 560 worth 500 feet longi and s - U lon�dtb� it; Turt berry, 20 . aborne, 28' for, b.ori)6,wing $20,000. on dbentures to recolamended that the rDad 4nd tridge Metheftij I b4a 4re ittion. on account f ther Piers settling 10ast lmwanosl, 20;',West Waw&noS, the rlyer� be'd at L 8 U"r JV4e build bridges, -be left In 4beyalnoer un that g =00 form the oain'tttee examl-ne, the locallty;b6fma, tro thau thi ud h Z thus , 6110WIAg 20. TUat the coftty the Tune session d t to tbo thur& which imill selat-abOut The til tbis council has conidereA the a* this"point le not good. It. has,' there. itr"k lines of proposed ty 6y ar ter of al�suraing 0. SyAerft of Colun council n Y=e,, ecommended that Presib-yrteiians e n 7-% e ce oommittee. fbire, thought that some difficulty iroiad system.* JAU& Shore Road, Iding &$14,40W or 12A- ads. t t6 tinain roM Ja�tield t alp roads. Amberley; V) Worth- Hill & om., af Ifitchelli rhave the uze: n and, Mosgrove, would. be met in getti 9 0,00d fbuli- bf the old *oDden WA 7ur (i Mood by Mensis-Irwi DUnl0$1 Via Car- at WIngham t yea�r. Mheh we Instructea to preWare datift, for coinciete, w"onrk for 9i zew erii Gravel ­ underw from -4j, for purposes, -ot erec, tbat.tbo clerk be It -8 ][VU- the neW _agi =d Rom= �CathGll was found tEt at a point 'low, 'to Lack V; (8) Carlow V14 man- mg - t bridge. brld �rhatL the,en. Ahurches.!' new z6hodl, which VAM iand UO 'printed for distribution 500 gawr "& consolidated by about 100 r 'frodn 'to Wkitechurch; (4) London make the n be coiAp Ue Arab of March. -lawar of ods the old birdge, a. thester, recoMynended fec ry agreements All th6 be-st makes ofgooa wooi feet �mould' Moad, -from the southern bo=dPxY _Ietea bout t Y 'CQ=C1.--&nt to, executive bildge.not more than 800 With the bridge contr tors. is one df the t� �st and 40 �WAI 199an the river and lead to good, solid JUborne, U4Vthffly VIM CantOD Mth -speaks wbil fo - wif. our to -esti- coinmit Is to t mqlh� q=1dtteq banks on either side. They found that and-Wingh=,.. - the bounftrY,of HIM - The a ort --of the. town- ftrttgars Mug 4Lud 'I Irovm Prinoe i�aated we have a ta re t on by. erecting a. bridge. at tWs Point tfie, Ton and. Bruce, in Turnbsrfl b"utiful IA -e A;b6ut -nine mliles West I)kecember4 I �(6) Nor Slain, INT e3eZ, vlUe, brldg% reaid and distance to 061mesville would be III- th Gravel ]EtoO# g King arlos.' of, Pomqgal and the owhere f rom aU lek to 'lice ed creased tout ImIt a mile, bitt-theY rt�rth to W;r0xdter, *and easterly alon , e oad and brl4ge, wmfnitteO. eve]? our Prow -140 th. sent to Wn;41der.ed better looincesdons� � id -Crown Prince were asm Anated in ihe Wars sum1her a D'NES - it would provide a A 9,_ Mv I v amp, i ing Fleece -linea- -Shirts' DAY. o P rW I on Sat &4 I : I 0--, � ur ]a,. : d Dr riqad pind that the country and adjoining east boandar-�r line; -(6) Huron RM . T* :i rnd, ht. �ort u? ,a, III' the r Bummer r�..soro i Isrovi- ce, with. -200, A Drawers On re�umfzg bwless tba striking townsbips would save'nWney by hav- Qoder�idh to Dubft; (7) Tiawaship boun- the�exceptlan Df B-auff.- Weav�, vieces of -odd Sin is and econd son was s htly I L 400 and$ Q 'the Q omnmltt�e presented their. �nor,t,wblch line, from Blyth corporation east- wounded but exciq ax- regu 9r 3 Ing the bridge erected at this point. dxtrY ust I!e- au ideal, fall ia�hd winter, the 11eii kl�-ea Extr h e 8 00, tor line ot- me- hurt. The Roya had I I was adopted, standing CommittOes. Lward to 'a es never saw U It fwze- up werAD rer Ki and that In ibe interval, the turned to In e Mng­ Wool Sax,'ioadium WDight, for The following. &p1:llca6tbW9 � Uap the about the lft�* Of N16168mber and tlyfe ative-Leckie, D.' Smith, Gib- ective fownshitiS Will 'taU L alt villa vieo-s& ]ViWay celved T�r- (*duty ft�t heavy ribbed St 2 0 met by thousads T019,& got -as 01 id6kings . 0 i . 811atiors Owen xec 4 of the To5p, L L, Bovs for�� nsan ; T. - s. Ash� bings, Ileinstock, Petty. Special - I ree'v.' L -8, 2ooth -a� a floor, in Gelgw, it considerthe matter -of designating ur sitation.they were in some pi*eii we had dust a co, 'black ana colored Csishme'r' Peter arer, Webb, . G. M. Elliott, ,lines to mak of people and immediately entered an upler v �!oi field; L!. -L. WrYA111, e (out the balance ot iiilb-- W� haive hadvD*r ucE*;,n. Finmee-Dr. Milne, Wa, son, u ,carriage ana were bel4g driven of incho, dee). Cantelomi; c1laucyn; R.' . floldne, %e- �r.age in -their rEspectie munletTaties; One , . I - I, I - little $now it, but, I there are Some were attack thl-63 D' d 2 osgrove, Sa ld, Kellerman. C that tber repn tatlyles lucor- tZ th IGmenlock seagmth; A. G Ike E luba Of frupalacewhen -n cutters and I 1-i 0 at t, tion -Dr, 1rw1n$j Dr. Milne, Park$, Bo- ed behind by six #n ar 1;hs td be seen eve- 40kerg�nlih;- Wk J' Koffa L villages -Will Con- op Sralle; �pomted tomw d timers$'aythis is their 100 T ,-r.-G6ven1ock. Road� wid 'Brid biue#, who poured a vo of bullets Ii. Robson. Clinton J C. b14 ,ewer the maitte of deilgaing th& lead- here no snow,und nioe l'op Shirts at - Lz6-L=tmf Stotfieri. Frager., �1e royal party. usual whater 100 Heavyl lieni�dj W. S. Mckerchers MCNill, ig streets- the itli 0, vJe,W of Ini- into I thermometer upon bright su y Stonemai!a. L � The Kink, and Crown Prince, est Wk Xbpamve., Oounty Property - - J K t tt�e by-law refer ttin q b�low zero. W& W. aeavy Flinnel Shirts att 9 0 11 tWxoxetei MCQuillano out that P*t -whom the attaick was directed were h.! 007enlock, Kellerman, Ing 3Kunttr, Fancy �zingr, to livea wan(W i streets. I Sweaterej .'men's and c Aty Derinid, McKay_ 9qualizaUOUL.-�Whoile ach shofthre' times ad they Wa ys) -I it or tile positionf cou 41 ve Committee. nbt think Of S61 to Ontario to U ff examiners- were �o received from J, Y3. council. Wardeils d6mmittee­Li60it# onlylongenough to be icarried to the f ike Z W4 I liv ag I biR ew yeaTs t. Thee. arine imeeiial nearby," where they prussols, - and --L C- %ffle, - Stothe -h. folks. Camerozi rs, McMillan. oonimittee. reported re, a Wp we to see all t e 10 ts, - exp!r - I I I I T gr�n o. t1li AgrltdL e& Haw- "oomn*ndlnj th, Ming, Sieter. tural and Sor tural &Cie. that AlMostat the fli%t i�hot the ties or memorials and ae6wintis kinss TA71q. 600 Capios of he vonSaid4ted by-laws fell back on the easWl -4 -Rev. Itoberb T -D. D.0 . -number , Of d to the -Pro- Dr. SmlWs *port. of the were -:re6elved and referre of the county 7rince old -nd prominent be printed and distri- the same moment t�e ICrown I a 00militttem. Bruce, Smith. Prdvinelal e supplied �waz -seen t16- half ris ' d then eink Pjwbyterlan -church, died at his home i� M. to.1W per Dr. R. W'. buted; that - ea ch member b an lavmg I with a . copy (t in Guelp4 n Wid4y last.- He had' In all the above lines wiffl niake s Statements wor& received from the Inspect(T, reported. t the House of Be- ldiuted ta-- �baokon the seat. the cauftili in fat Vkrlog'P Collegiate letitat`PS and re- r= - will be o UCation ;CoMMltt)oe. be, In satl�factory conditton* per pet. Te ash Dr. n )W,' fgge, to tues ;Df Ontario; thid each central la- � Queen Amellejumped up and threw only been M few t, Duly terred tlie ed 61cept that 12W aurAfttftflent and men's Ixietiturto be granfk-d $19; that herself toward th Ctown Fricein a few intimate frien knew that he jailoroud the re-, The t -of the matron bave go proper dining room ot $25 �beL Made to aCWh'TM0J1- -an -apparent effort to save his life at was affing- On Sui Ld" evening h� b gr*,t 8=10 .94 10uh.' ce, on countl ulidirap 'but the Prince conducted semew At thb abmavFood t��Butter aaa i@ggs, -port . of ns as in �othar Houses idRefuge. MOM era, Institute; Ust a smut of $20 be the cost of her own. -nast3� day for a were to tile county Pro4ertY help should bq �m�loyed. It Isnelther made to the Sick Childrenli IrOSPRDI alre101Ay had ree6wed his death wound. sanitarium. 1t was 4 I M#,t- -to - depend so much an in TDronto; -no delegates be ut mfe nar- right ae Only mounted police acepmpanied gentleman. of his y -to );� out, on ------ that port. f r. Bruce Smith, re the inmates to do the work. CdmPetftt rk. - K1bg bad il�ef used s%nday he was to ed fjo bA rA to the Xational ftnitariam Asooclar the carriage, as the M. T in-!�pfttidn of 110ase of WfUgo,'was servants should be�-ewplo7ed to imTft- I de ary w The att wk came from lae he. d'ion, but, that a Aw4t at be ma, milit, cort &Ca attend Alp." reforoo: to that committee. TISO% the w9rk In the Home -and a hired to the SnitaTium at'GrSve-nburfit-, t�Atr the .9 f9tind afterwards doctors pronounce the trouble an- rear, for it wa ho "P()r be, -www to, each 1:11 -arm- that the King h9A beeh shot in the gi g and verl- T t of. the, goanty engineer kept the 7ear round to assist on pectorls, a diAtessi 4PL, GREIF d -to gr4at cc $25 the rDa:d and, bridge.. was re.fer" the fa= amd in the care of the <t $40 as so on- orus forni of heart troubli. He waa ew instlfut� - that a grant, -0 be baalc of the neck, ana it w the murderers -able to be Up Land abpOt the hon" bu made to QodeAdh alutoa and Wing- tirqly unexpected th%t The, letter -and finibeld statornent hapJU3p, rovided. th 04ing Cbunfy Engluer. ese filwpitab had emptied their earMues and re Thursday, not antici the urer was po tee ew Fast Side Xf cin Street, ope, door N074- re�efved sd sent itats. ;i�fiwrslmos& before the b ku serious, Friday marnmv Of the fta Um ,,v be pablia, haM 13� com"Afteel. The counU englueer reported that, agm to- fte wh&t was he passa an4 �qidvalant . . 01mmoll ]&c- -he had avartise oy - f t fINM , , . - ' I I i xwmy At M, 1be t during ISM, -ft" id So V D d for teTkders for 9� sn&prw PtW w@eks going on, and -had turned kan bea�,me vt into' tlie vrow. Thou the Don. He as OR& W oausdl sup gw' *.�ed­und cMtract tt Mot Aud v W9 bom "at Mariket rafflp.' _ply "a Wd At"Z&AA11 -ugty A er- 6*7 ADC tbo r&- Decmber session U 4=72n �m I ' SrWa the; ArM W 'PW at fADr bad AUo let Um Cb&YVD fQr amb patients -u pileg �014MU &WE the Oftial�t, 4U 91 rrnagil -Ireland- ard; that S -43M't,, t4Q1 OX- JXMtrfid fet Irt AWL AN&I , Imin %7- A low,