The Huron Expositor, 1908-01-17, Page 2•
deg gstrod bf OD
'off the quarter eeetion
things. snug' fo the
eaems to he 89150
while, as We are still
having lovely weather and tire cold-.
est thermometer reading we have taken.
yetwas 17 degrees -above zero, on X4*,
vemher 23eti, *hen we got. Ina 'inc
or rnay nit .!).
Goods, Groceries an
atiosattatalsolatI aeStal?Mtelettita
A u
Try on the markat. Soap, 13 bare bestk un
dry Will on hand every week &full line of ' resh
froze b, -winter might pilie, yellow pickerel, trout, white fish, gold
. .
eye =tate, laire, hernia& toily cods; also sneaked and dried fish, fi nan
hada:le, viecoee and 13Iciatere. Our fruits are the-`'freehest and fin et to
be laiid oia the market—orange, lemene, bananas, -grape fitrit and
of fresh table vegetable% California celery, lettuce cueuitiber etc.
Our new
the best E g
a yard.
Prints .and -Gine/ants are now opened up and a
make. 36 inch flannelette, regular price -14c fo
y and White Flannelette. Blankets, ail sizes,
- of Ladies' anci liaen's 'Underwear.
_Highest prices paid for first -doss farm prodnce.
Spooessor to EL
spial.WORTH, REVOZ, Jain
bad forwarded ,all our goods, hich
we had pruchaseed in the "Jaw.'on
account on:taking a better trade re,
with- the exception of coal, lu r
tiat or a -box a fradt, prunes and
a hex oZ butter. The fortner has ea
turned tup alright, but the butte -has
peemingly melted away and is still.
'keit entoirely."- After staying day
or so- to _the -Current," imakiog our
tinal purehases we un d , fo 'the-
homeatesida -61. 'miles north eras the
Saskatchewan -Revere We get' way ,
from; the town between ten nd e ven
o'clock- in the forenoon an then our
fun commericed in _real est.
and potatoes.. On Arriving at
A 1838* • 'dig t
,diTeriit we covers tha :the
had arrived alright, with thee
• Aid for County Bridges,
In accordance 'with a resolution nee.,
a at the teat session of ;the coenty
-council, a deputation waited on the
Provincial Government on Thursday
last; in an endeavor -to secure for the
oeunty a ton of. the money set
aside fmi the improvement of the high-
ways of the Province, for the puse-
eortes a erecting permanent bridges
In the &malty. The Toronto Globe of I
_Friday last asiives, the featowing ae,
couet of the interview:
With a view of obtaining assistance
the building of county bridges a1
deputation from; county wait-
-ed on ahe Roe. Reaurne, Mistieter
of Public Works, yesterday. The de -
Walton consisted- at iMr. Either,
and Kr. A. Blelop, M P. P, Warden
Currie and County Treasurer, Dr.,
Holtn-esi The deputation !pointed -oat
tbat It was impossible for - Irerone
alunty to xeceive assistance from t
the Government in connection With
its road e system, the county at Its
'EMU &larva having put the reads in
order before the scaeme under which
the Government pays one-third of the
zest of establishing a county road.
--system came into operation. During
reeTs, and 1858 the county expended
$600,000 On its roads, arid since a. fur-
ther sum of $75,000 has been laid out.
:The county also took over the toll
weds, In view of tat. fact thatthese
expenditeres had been undertaken the
depirtation staked that the Government
ohould contribute one-thtrd of the
cost of betiding county bridges. There
are in the county 111 wooden. •bridges
which should be replaced by steel.
structure% some of which will run to
a length of 500 feet, and next year the
erection of three bridges is Couterea
plated wbich alone will cost between
$40,000 and $50,000. A wooden bridge
at Goderiche which cost $27,000, should
also be replaced by one or sthel. -
The Minister promised that the re-
ireSentation of the deputation 'Should
be etmeidered. • • •
• The first team was dre, hg
of lumber and, our grover an
seconta a load of ebal and t
Well On. pulling Out S-
o the north, one erica, t
esti, 'hill% and on one- of
team With the load ,of c 1
to stop and rest, and in do ng
load began to run down hill wit
team Just carefully backing up
Of • course, tlds sort of thin
to be stoped, and stop it da
bac round sharp into a
and n arty upsetting- the hble
cern. After getting steel htene
` started up and made q te 2
Without mishap, when the titer
. M
• Homesteading in th•e Northwest
December 4th, 1907.
Dear ExpOsi_ ter,—* •
- It has just occurred to meithat yott
may like to hear an honeeit opinion
end learn of e few of the expels-
leneee of haimesteading in the North -
,Well, is to the trash I would give -
my opinion as follows :
. let. rt jest the kind of life to
put the young man on" his mettle.
2nd. It Is undoubtedly a healthy
•and vigorous undertaking.
3rd. It is the only way in which
anyone with the necessary grit can
accomplish, in a tithe of the time that
which took %our forebears a life time;
namely,. gain a competence while,
young enough to enjoy it.
And note, hoping I shall not wearY
•yote. -I well give you a Icesuree of my
experiences of this, my Beet attempt
at homesteading, right up to :date.,
There are two of us living on my -
homestead, as bave a. chum with me
for the sake of company and- also. for
his assistance in building, etc., and we
started from Moose Jaw, Sask., on the
enorniog of October 4th, at noon, bound
,for Swift Current, to which place we
began to fall to piecee; •W
• end, we discovered at 8.30
we had reeched elk Miles was, er.
derful I Sfx miles in ten ours
only seven etops. The nex big
ness was to tie out our t ams
look around: for somewhere- o eat
sleep, when we sadly disco ered
in our hurry to leave to in
morning, we had forgotten pr
any food, for the Journey. o, c
Ing into the hay stack near wher
had stopped, we tried. to et
Mat of a night's rest. This We
found ,to be next to impossi le, a
sooner had we changed our -itio
get a ehield from the wind whic
this time was blowing truit stir
changed its course and foun us
the other direction. By 2.80 a m.
were hitching' up and getting off a
and after, travelling for,„ h ur o
espied the firSt signs of el iliza
somebody's . shack, and as i wa
real treat to get something t eat and
a hot cup of tea here; for alt h we
hadi plenty with es you, can u dere and
that it was all parceled d b xed
and we didn't then know w ere ny,
thing •was at all.
After this welcome resit e sal ed
off, once more,. bound for the ask& ch-
ewari Landing, which we t cough to
make by noon; as it is only 30 les
from Swift Current. We jo gd on.
and *ore passing- mile afte mil of
burned pra,irle, which is a !pit ght
I assure you. At last we re ched the
Landing, but, alas, it was ow ery
late, about 11.15 p. rft , anti w tlur ght
we would, do well to get a oss nd
camp on. the North side, _th reby
be. -
Ing all ready for an early start on
the monrow, Wednesday, tssli we alt
cula.ted to reach the homes ead s en
after noon. Our celcula,tion pr ed
vain, however, for we were. • usy ith
that scow_ until nearly two • 'cloc in
the morning, and very thankf at at
to get, over at all; for what with a,
gmalt load on each waggon, a b ky
team, the very dark night-- here as
,moon at all—and ,the d _fee Ing
a all of us; we had just abo t eno gh
for one i day. Anyway, after a lo of
coassiegs and a little persu ion
a black -snake, we get those • ads 'ver
the river and started for a nrall sed
shack, which has been boil just on
the river's bank here for th con n-
ience of the belated travell rs, s eh
as ourselves. We found th ck
the -
• by.
con -
Girlhood and Scott's Einte „don ar
linked together.
The giri who takes Scoffs Emul
Sion has plenty of rich, red blood; she
plump active and energetic.
• The reason is that at a period when -a girl'
digestion is weak, Scott's Emulsion
provides her with powerful nourishment i
easily digested form.
it is a food that builds and keeps up a
girl's strength.
ALL DRUGGISTS; Stito. AND $1 .00.
000 44000.0400404,041,401,
lynx Ma
do that repared,
iooch,tor; WO
jut but aB o cheep _peons
meet .co in 'a day'ssnaarc when
lynx epoke, and Jumped!. at theh fall- e .now ,which, however, has all
time and by the Lime we atrivedti gone now I might - mention .that
bae c�sit here the othor teeth ter wise I where we are located now the water
tchie ,• We t had vory lltUe brea,th isoillY to 4,17,di a halt tidies away
-left to r with:. No, I am not .over -1 and as: it' is froten solid we are -able
ton pf 1 ices a pets, -thank you I, to fetebit in sacks which are much
:Aft sue Soothin exper erica at -more convenielast for us 'be handle, al-
rieEL u earthly :lieu in the orriing," 'though,- of Patine, it taisee --it out a
ly .til , o'dlack, very - li tie •time our °cad neap ae trifle heavier. There-
, spent , in alaap : and after e catch -:le otew a coal pit - being -Opened on the
Ing ' two • •r the.' Mine who Were- so rnorth side of the SaskatelieWart river
re leea t ti- the/ finally' made off, we - about , ten rattail west of the lending,
et teti -o ce !more. , , ' 1 . which' promisesa good yield of good
fters t availing. for What. seemed 9,71. burning mak: anait persqrualy had the
Int rmini lei distance. we diecosvered pleasiite of drawing the 'first load out
tha eyre' ' ear gdduSt,illginao'rostb
touch shaithtelike Orwaittohfan mine toit.
ifte i andof taking -the firs. t
to scoiser. 'where we -had got .-The ' fire •I mentioned al3ove, after
*et ouridi a '7101/1341. ' A' woman,. burning for IT days, has again turned
ns fano , 56 miles from any , 1 ere and north and Is .goingas 'merrily as ever
ha sly a d .0rd-era, of gaol' Istliff are some 32 7 or 12 -miles east of us, but
ploueere , made, Who :informed us,. a.- we, are ell well Me guarded, now. '
mong ot r : things,. that she had not1, We 'are- now talking of some grand
peen 'a Mber- of . her, sex or nearly lreProveniente uP here. •A 'bridge a-
• t ' e -miles fr it oue destines. railwar through the, Waltzes ' within
' 4'e, and ' else that we . were still- cross the river instead of the ferry, a
to and it WAS .a,lre cly neatly dark. twc; years,. which I think quite fees
Oa we god again and after .doing Dale, -seeing that the relined company,
wit t 8 &Inside a ieosesd three is driving from Lacombe and alooee •
mi s dectdect to Stop and "chance \Jaw as hard as .poseible, .and new ,at
t d We - d!CL.- We unloaded' our T. office on or township which, al-
, wa on ea • at last an de up our first •though it only at present contains
be on 1 e :homestead, in the empty two shacks, is all entered and filed
a on. h, but It was - sweet; it was or. Other townships are Tjast as full.
gre t an • wa did It i sties, too. Woll, But . still,rather than any of your
ne t mi ning, rather late:, ,perbacet, readers should considerthese* little
we unioa ed all around, and -,then the hardships any' drawback-, I will gay
tea ster had to start s back With -one this, that it is - more- than welcome,
tea tie on behind and- I tett you 1 this hardship, for without something
did not nvy him h1 journey—not a to --liven • the -monotony, one would die had golie., Of ennui; and . it •is .only the trouble
the two of us; of trifles after all . and, such thhigs
ho. ettea ers, had._ to, really make . the homestead all the more i
cat:d: ev
ti•hved *et awaceihi ptrtri Uckle- to go we
But I Would tell any able bodied, .
ota three miles beets worth having, 'As a friend - once ree I
usly mentioned Marked to me genie time ago, "The
In• uest f breed and abet, Which we Government bete 160 acres of -prairie
. weso its w
abi to borrow alright.; but our against a ten donee' bill that a man
te somewhat dampened when can't live en- a homestead three years'
we were told, that the place Which we -
without starving or freeziog to death"
des 'Abed to them as *here we had 1'. But
elienil haete`onloaded and jaleo that willing man, who feels that way in -
about ' two pilee frena Where
the had to. haul, thetr water
two clined, that .the Government loses the
bet °Very time If a. man puts hie
es an that we should! have some
' ' to shoulder to th e*heel, grinds his teeth
thi g lik three and A half Milesand says in dead earnest--" Git there
and carry it et that, alai .vie or bust I " which has been, right
fet li o
are With any ,animaase=and our heap. through,' and stillcontinues to be,
est neigb ors do not COMO by as to the, motto No. 1 of
fet h the suPple. Afit/ils perry in -
for Atkin .we -started back- and . made -
a ig stu t at -building our. shack. At
th game time one, of us was trying to
reta e' bred.' Oh, 11: was really great.
I ure . yon, net forgetting .1:0 men-, Tt.H.IBIUMATISM.
ti thatj the wind was_ blowing half
a 1 ale atj that - tithe, However, in due
t we • inislied our shack, and. moved
Int • it, off theralrle. then , , we
sta ted, off, in the 'middle of hthe af-
ter 'oon, - o find lwhere the spring Wes,
an , our knewnedge of ,this belog rather
im ,erfeet, it Was -stand Wn by the time
we ;fauna it, and on •o -way beck We
go ;lost, yes, really Idat, for We walie
de cli also t on that prairie until mide
ni ht,, an . only, by eonstantly strik-
in out ingly, and calling the dog .
f m oneI to the .othe , and following
its guidance, did fwe t length discov-
er lour trail, and the we were about
tw3 and a ciusrter Ales, from • -the
shELek, which we reaihed in .the still
sm 11 hours or4Sundas morning. Oh,
it is. fine feteai, g• w ter in a boilerbetlween' you, an carr ng a pall each
in he other heed. Sti we were borne,
ancl that was sornethlig to feet thank-
ful for, as the creel tes 'howl in a
very friendly Manner all night long,
ald we didn't fancy the idea of site
tins; on thepailstill daylight. I as-
_ , .
Ilre, you. .TblE.i. . quant ty of Water, . t
ma',- add, only last bout tWo days,
ar so we had the t Ip -about three
t es„ a week. !After vs had been on
tha spot about three weeks, we saw
o . first visitor, who proved to be
so eerie rrom still fa ther .north, on
his -way down to to . n to buy more
pro isionso and as he s etill well, fix-, condition. I contintied the pills , for
ed in the i matter of . ores, &es, . we three' months, and at the end - of this'
ma e arrangements wi h -him to draw time the swelling had disappeared,
our shack •up exit° Ito proper :location every pain and ache ha.d• left me, and
as soon as he .eonve lently Could. do I felt better in every way. I was
so. 1 Two or three day after this we completelir cured, and once more able
ha I. to fe ch that ter tched Water a- to go about my work with eaee. Dr.
gal and the till) w s beginning to • Williarns' Ph* Pills ere . certainly
Pal I 'aeon us.. • So, by di/#, of I 8;11We,
tre 'We," vve ' mariaged t to tat sap a
worthy of all the Praise I can give
b w to bout the. b ter. 'on ; just a ,
, Thousands write giving Just as
w.. 'en c' te , on wood n- wheels " with '
tvo 1, den 4 le. 'ate., .' an o' strong proof of . the value of Dr. Wile.
08.6 on: we took our eek's ifsalhiriP'-
'611-- Ow °C.' hams' Pink Pills—mot only as a cure -
- --'s" ' ,- ------- for rheurhatisme but as a cure for
wit us. While ! we ' e getting. a- '
bou thrcr g,h -this las part 1 4 the
bus nessi e. noticed - at we took -to
be star • elotet corning down from
the north, ° and -started ° to get - back
hip e,- In 11 haste; but imagine %IT
COD 'terhat on when wS founds after
tra ening carcely. a q *ter title mile,
tha . what we had taken for &Atom
wa what had., turned out tad be the
tar est, _ dost and , most destructive
.'pra rie -fl s • for the r st four years;
and that: t was bearing right down
ups 11.16, s we, , were travelling, east,
fan ed by a strong ti rth-west.wind4
We hurri d on, . tryin to make the
'she, , u,n, - we were o -choked with
the l -smoke that we could net see a
hundred y/,(1 6 ahead' - us, and had.
it's decide to turn ba k -to the spring
wt. n we s ave
. through t iknolte a line
of ire . ftly three-quarters ofa- mile
In ength, nd • with -fla-mesI otlAte eight
feet high, for the gras was very long
Ind: d all tong this stretch or prairie.
Jus a m merit of ,Intittcision. the ere
:per! iice was sonew to both of , us,
neit er of us ever 'having seen such a
f '
fire before and then a were hunting
for matches, but, alas, we were with-
out any. at all, and. so e dropped the
.ba •w and ren for our lives, although,
of °ors% it was Of . o tree ad run
awe,' but having gain d the ft* and
-cop r air; we filled ! ur lungs, an
sta tett- back full til or the Line of
fire and! right OD lhpugh the fire,
belt and the flames,' W ich must have
'bee -about - ten._ to- tw lye feet wide,
and then, L, aln, thank ul .td say, we
ever safe, personallY t at is.; bet wbat
-ef he shack? - Well, . ter looking a-
d rather dazedly, 'perhaps; for atttrirterittri=smesseetterterertrma-ttesetaiesse-
few minutes, we rush d off towards. '
and hased
the shank, for we co ld aee another This world is a big pitt
tire etVaY to the west of 'us, and our plenty of room and thousands of •op-
alet, k lay out there, t ()ugh we could I portunities for those who are worthy
not see it for 'smoke. t 'last !we got •and -prepared. .You make, yourself
wit in seeing. distanee, and then we'• . worthy and the .
could sten " the supe se no dringert
but putting •
down _iwil t Was left of
the water, just leu,she - like triad for
our home, and, thank goodness, we
dis • .ered that elthou the fire had
bu ed rig t up to it; he little earth
we d turned. up roan it with a pick
and hovel had saved it:from catching.
Aft -r reaseurtrig ourssel es that; every-
thi g in and around the place was
safe, we went back to fetch the half -
la d • barrow and what rerhatned of
the water and the washing-, Which was
.1./Tdeed very, little, and - on shelving
baci took one or two e apshotS of the
.fire A day I or two alter .. 'this our
e libor shifted the hack for ns, and
• • ' I
A 1-10MESTE0ADE11.
illyery Perm of the Disease Yields
to This Mood Budding
• It is easy to make the statement
that a medicine will cure -rhea/a:tete
ism, but the rheumatic sufferer must
have "-nom than mere statements—lee
must have both reasons and proof,
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure all
forms of rhatimatism. Here is the
reason: Rheumatism Is a disease. of
the blood.' awry dose of Dr. Wilie
Bares' Pink Pills actually make new,
recta, ,red blood. -- This new blood
drives out the poisonous acid, loosens
the aching joints, and rheumatism is
banished. Thousands have testified
to the truth of these statements, and
here is further fresh proof. Mr.
&led Nrefitighta of St. Jerome, Bu.e.,
SEeys: "'For many years 1 was a vic-
tim of rheumatism, and was almost a
cripple. My work, made It necessary
for me to be on my feet a good bit
of the day, . but my liras became so
swollen and the pain so agonizing
tlrat I woe „forced to stop work. I
tried remedy after remedy, but noth-
ing gave me relief, and I began. to
think I would never get better. "At
hest I was persuaded to try Dr. Wile
lams' Pink • Pills. In • less , thin a'
month I noted a alight change -in my
all the aihnents finding their root In
bad blood, such as anaemia, iaeart
paltitation,h indigestion, kidney trou-
ble; headache and b,ackaehe, disorder-
ed nerves; etc. ' Dr. Williams! Pink
Pills are. Sold' by .medipine dealers or
by mail at 50 cents a box- or six
boxes ,for. $2.50, from The Dr. Woe
lianas' Medicine , Cos, Broi4vulIe,• Ont.
gathering of about sixty young
people of l'ullaiton, south, was held
on December 81st at the home of Mr.
Cop.tad Thiel, sr., to bid farewell to
MHz Mabel Thiel, who accompanies her
father, MrjohneThiel, tte his Artier',
pan home. The music singing and
garner amus,ed. the guests till morning
when they departed to , their homes
feeling grateful to Mr. and Mrs.
el and, family for the good time
Y had tnjoyed..
—The Stratford Ministerial Associa-
tioji held their first meeting_of the
yeilr On Monday, January 6th, in the
parlors of KIIOX church. Luncheon
was served to the ministers and their
wives by the Ladies' Aid. In addition
to the ministers. of the city Rev. and
Mrs. rfacLarenr of Shakespeare, Rev.
I. H. and Mrs. Woods, of Tavistock,
and Rev. and Mrs. J. G. Litt, of Seb-
Ingvilie, were present. Atter lunch -
on a review of Dr. Dawson's latest
books, " A Prophet in Babylon" and.
"Prayer, a Forgotten geeret," by the
president, Rev. 3. 1'. Geri:ie. An in-
terestingi discussion followed. A reso-
lution of condolence with Rev. S. M.
Hauch was reeved` by the Assocation.
can qualify you. Come now and give
us an -opportunity of showing you
how we prepare young men and wom-
en for lives of usefulness, Our cat-
alogue gives fun particulars. Write
for one.
"iodation- of college . .
Corner Yonge and Alexander Streets.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
but "of the wron
can make the H
the wrong kind
Ogilvie's R
harc spring whea
that grinds fine
pastry that are
light and crisp—
the wheat fields,
irill not„
c goOd
You may
cOok, but
duce ligh
baking urd
ise bethe k
' ,SOinthe
try alone
. —
kind 0 wheat any
t kind of bread o
f flour.
yal Household Flo
—a wheat that is ri
nd white, and pro
holesome and no
s a flour that be
not in the mills.
Your gr
sell. you
, Household
he knows
•:pleased cu
Ogilvie Fl
of itse1f pro-
be a ellent
osunntr pro.o-
w o some
nd emits
• is kria.efroin
in Inu it ent,
uces hieM and
as well as
o be aodin
cer pre.ers to
gilve's Royal
Fioir because
.e value of a
CO., lid.
It costs as much to k ep a lame ho
as it apes a hawse i Iharness — and the
crippIe;brings nbthing lit. Yon can't afford
to support idle stock. t's why you srl't
afford to be without
Kendalis Spav
It t4k.ess away the paii and stiffeess -front Stzaix
the soreneis out of Strained Muscles Mid Tendo
Soft Benches and Swellings. Used for two gene.
reatanaa affraaana o
dalia Spavfn cure for a Bon
fi I Kt
tending, which lias entirelyy cured, the lameness
he swelling. Anotner bottle of the Spavin
Sold by dealers ev0.y. where.
The Ecorse.'" -Yoe will find a
CO.4 ENOSE11.040 11L,1.111„
•Complete the care."
a "oottle or for fl.5.
famous , took---" Treatise On
DIC Or J. riErtiOALt.
A Reguiar Family f3octor
If father has a bad cougli-Linother pant in the
chest—if the children are nelined toibe "otoupy"
—one bottle will do for
Bole's Prep ration of
Friar's Cou h Etal$am
is a pre*iption that has ben curing omen'colds,
sore throatehoareeness, °upend bronchlitis,for roc) yaars.
The best 2SC tough ure in the woriL Insist that you
Itibeilt11.2= Dittia 4 CHEIVIIC L COOP CANADA, warren;
dealer giveit
I• 39
thing so fine a
Mapi Buds
They are n excellent co fection.
KCi:�colte, etc,
Sold, ev rywhere in Canadafr
Seed, of this
auttful Santa Rota Poppy
vett absolutely fre
re }To -
or Me
A large gro er of Popp: s says "Your
'Santa Rosa' is an exceptionally fine mix-
ture of Shirley orpieip by far the best' we seen." We will give Jthsolittely Atr a
package of thescads to every pekon who
will Oend for on new hand.. Italy li:ustratad
17,08 tataltizu If you p ;ger, you may
have a paLLsage • f our Cant1 ion Gem Turnip
or Canada's Pr de Tato recd in placc of
the poppies.
Witetoay rid =tie your choice.
Dairch LinteT Se4d Coe, Ltd.
It is just pod le you have not yet iot
I coat. If soch s the case, it is time to
E short step toward winter and the
nip you up. Just aa sure as winter is
• are the best cl;thes---fit, finish, wearin
that can be got
The best clothe at the lowest prices,
the best policy or us and the -best fo
• •.•
that rint
hill N,ind
he feet t
qua itie
r suit or over
It is only a
and frost will
at our clothee
and priee-1;
alityl COD idered,
ou, Fry it this time.
4i beard Will tgrri white,fr'
p the
when presen
strength- will fail.
Shal4speare knew
his *arid. He knetitr
that 4dvanced yeat
showing in a man
lessen his efffat ve
ness. While you are
young/you should
think of the days to
c o m• It may be
comparativeli easy
to earn mone* now.,
Lt won't be s� e
A small Dart of your
savin$s put aside and
invested in one of otir
" •Reserve Dind
Policies" will make_
your old age a me of
comfort and safety
instead of a tn e of
r details to
liver is the larmt gland
ia to tako ft*L21 the blood
ktr72 When th% Uv
biflamed ittannat furnish We
causing theacte become boundan
symptom ere A feeling a funes
the right aide, r.nd thooting pak
Ter.icn• pairbttireert the shottl
of the skin and eye.", bowels ixi
1004-04, bad teete in the morning
ere pleseani and -easy to take, 4o
weaken or sicken, never fail in th
are by far the safest and qiicke
all diseazert or disorders of the liv
Price 251 cello, or 5 bati for $1.03,
all dealers or nutiled direct o receiptIo
price by The T. Milburn T4Trlitsm._
Toronto, Ont.
in the 14ms
gular, 'ease*
etc. I
Then co
made for
_eye defept
We havepi
who Gana
fitting each particular CSSI44
are ground in our own labo
personal a: Melon,
Appointme madebytiall, or
- ,EsKtimapz
• 237 Dundee St. Le
e to London and eve a
O that win- corr, a all y
no, matter how dompl'
onto in all part of Canada
at our skill and accuracy is
d tbe leans
_there are t
They wake
mg and feel
lvhen they
,They have 1a diz sensation
the heart palpitates; they
and nervous, weak and wo
the lighteshhousehold duti
day seem to be a drag and a
are the very remedy that
tired out Sickly women
theth-the'bleasinge of good th.
They give .eound, restful tame'
the nervaaaa stre-ngthen the &art,
make riett ;blood, Mrs. C. MeDm
Fortafe la Petairleo Mete, viees: "I
troubled w-ith shortness of breath
tation of the heamt arid weak
got four -boxes of Milburn's] Heart
aierve Ansa and after taking them I
completely , cured.
Price 50 tents per box or
$1.25, all dealers or the
WM 00., lamitid, Toronto,
.Gioves\Runber ,
derwear, eac.,
At the che pest prices, yo
• from ne. Highest pri
es forpic
eral %Merchant, 00141 STA:Ng
Dulls, II from
'prices and on!
elfers also :for ,mc
vitea ins-oet, th
etiesuce telOpherte
EC. porg,y..:efxr
j.ij Po
eral Th rated Lei
et both sexes. Asi
at ham, SIM noal
TERS Zs some =
A Priees vett
brad -in.
Wier ca:41
the north hrL',
at well suited for !
s term&.4)$yth
good hrie4 hotrie,
a friraane
good hen horts
netting. 111.s is•; 3
V..r.ld farmer, or fel
24 miles frolof-!ettfe.
0 intradive
cality,,I ;Int ft
rited Sofa Pilh
cuter& ' E.
signed nAers
,young bulls' At Tor
-se s
Pan have t
• It m
months. Ah rti .
ae most fassluonal
" Golden E. • 3
211114keelni, ,
A------h-a-under4iz.: 1i.'
about the 7
.....y.p:kii.d.: „de.
wil he la&
Pot -sate, lrst
Good riga all in Co,
Goiod bneioeas dot]
Our piaci
you will
piecee or
or phon
• the top
The Au unl 1
13ociety, will he
dfty Januer
the purpose et
urer's-rep-orte t
for the coatin
busirs2t. ear
quegt&-. GEf'
allowDrs, Pr