HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1908-01-03, Page 31"1- • :1e ' . . - • 'I I ___7•PFM-71k • _ RURON 'EXPOSITOR *11•••••..10, ezetrettentaetenateenttente tetenere 1.e ete 9r, gr"Pr,t. PaYs siPecial attenth SAWN GS 111111111111111 Rittg,tisepk• ..,1 Our L—Remrt t getIckg, sec - 11, Iratre to th nienthr Ot. eeernben based, on. Eaten nee, .; :--tuality and weeklyexam thins. The hlame,e are In tier oftitteg t y *glop. ilt ' Win. aylor. let LV-Josie'EalhfielsOh.=Greta eThitiatbf11sch. Wfllie CArrephen, Todman,.. Adolph ..Radotir.' Oline, Greeta Said*" oar, Agnes Chiteette''Ps Senior 11-eeHarerty .Taylee;- Our,wrnaam jenelsom lort _ Part, - SentoreaStuay st paid 4 hues one needs somethin mate and znaintzurt &th for the daily of duties. ere is nothing better an Ai --r Porter, the y and' nierit of -which been attested by ists, physicians and ts_ at the great exhilo-- s. (1...94D0 „.„ bdn O= kas torte g.0 tt..fte rt and Nemo PiiIs art paw -ton of womm sata ealg th set_ th* share of miery. :nervousness and palpitation, „eis.ar, and fainang sports, vb.:lb eel* is a. general collnpeo ei the ay -41W lee" and Nerve Ms tweet ame atea? teeart and make be& mesa', create new red blood armee Impart tat, ones of bizay047 1.st ttott result c re.**ea -- . Donohue, Cala, Ont.a-eiagelser year 1 -VMS troubled with Aserfreislaw art trouble - 1 decided to Ora =ea _Nerve Pals a trial, and leftelk ixeta fteemd I completely erstreak intrmaewl them to my fricieW nts pm• box or three boxes for lila: "or The T. Kilburn Co., Limited EXPERTS the most complete la ntdaeture91 fine Wiser yes need help, don* atagee of our free ce olabsts have made time of its doh* by rr for many yarststii up-tc-dats optetnerrAfra re and. safe, an1 steeped** the ytene - 4 tie unlock the, seeretacct siesit and waste matt= frau Ow give tons and vitailV*e 13set stinal tract, curing C..ezewitivaW aladlt,Che BM:mmas, Denier's Togn, Feel Breat.% Zstaziw and Water Breeke Wodstook, write= - Alia enyealef have ed. 74141 - Liver Pills for * netenbM' think wo cannot do vrittu* Are the only plis we eves or five bfettiee ILA; or iirwt on reeeelipt a - tec�, tiraiee*: Taeatte LONDONL ONTAIUtit treatralerit of disase* men a specialty. OU NEED s, ubbrs,. ear, &e, Una pest. prices you will e. Highest price& forttp stoe ERT CLARKE, chant, CONSTAN Bite:AGIT for 1907 GOVENLOOK Ber* P10. WAN, Councillor, ar0$ DWELL, Counatior, BMW O. . ount:Alter, Nintthro. 4 Councillor, Beechwodill. MURDIE, Clerk, .Winthrl 11, Treasurer, Beare • HANNON, 3. P., Sara Yfirithrop 0. 1 - I ; I 11 -golt-skut. O.A.XTLE—Severt ersteolisis young butte, A from iMported coWs for eale at moier- ee pefetealtncl on easy terms ; good young ewe Mial beifeie also, for sle. interesteelaro codi.a117 b. vit• AO 'aspect the herd: Faroe adjohis Own long leatie telephone te form. Write lor catalogue. . 19.84 OMER WEEP ANDBRORTHORN CATTLE IJ O1 SAT -The undersigned has for We sew- orobredLeiceeter Sheep and -Durhm Cattle eaf both, emcee-. Aeldrets EgmondvilloP. Oa -or apply at !arta Mill Road, 51010.m/h. IZOBERT OKAA.et. VMS 44 ONS. _ _ 137241 affoRTORNS.---Choice heed bulls and %melee of different ages feule, bout two &mete Wee - arena Price:3- reaonable. 'ed now headed by ountybrouns" (5690.0). tie is- got by tbe' beet ootelelired iniported atook on both aide, glosaydie KA bcolor, and well set on &orb iega Tenni!. :-- aegistd. COWS $S insured ; .others on application taVisiteis welcome. JOHN =Ell latea-1- P. O. 'Nand Station. a 11986 -t1 -101t S-ALE—fifty acres of laud in heft - he north half of Lot 13, on the 12thconceit on.lit is Welt watered by a living apting making itI wellatited for pastar, -Will he sold, on easy terms. -epply toitlffOMAR SWPSON, Lot la Con- ession:101 Maillop or to 13k 2-31, Stratford,' Ont. 208241 PERT! FOR SALE. — For eale ab BOboro, Moliillop, eight aeree *Hand, ou whicb is good brie& limeee just been rebuilt, and. /heated by turnace ; ,good 4biet and implement house; also good hen house and °macre fenced off with poultry netting: This is a mostalesirable property fee a re tirstIionner, orlor fralt or poultry farm. It is only • niJea from Reaorth. Apply on the Femises -or oddrets Seoforth P.. O. JOHN 2080,tf IIIPORX.ANT NOTIOES. EsVY SHRP.—Four sheep strayed into the remises of Thomas Stples, Lot 1, Concession 10, 'Lille* Owner can ha.ve i3tul by :Ayilltfr ex- pense. . 2086x5 OR SALE.—A good frame barn 40 x 60. For ful, particulars apply to CHARLES GORMLEY Lot 23, Concession 7, Hibber, or St. Columbaa P. V - 2089x3 AIV FILINO.—Saw tiling done well or no py, KY and on short hoiee. HUGH WILLIAMS, one• door West of Feanondville Cemetery. 2080-1 HORTLIORN BULLS FOR. SALE. --The under* eigaed offere for sale on Lot 27, Con. 8, Hibberts -the Stock bull, Prince of Banff ; four onntt bulls fit for service. The above stock will be sehl reasonable for cash or time to snit the buyer.. Visitots weleom. DAVID TT.T, Staffer P. O. 2065-tf getTIt,A 21 HEIFER—Came into the prezniees cif 1'.1 the undersigned, Lot 3, Concession 4, AfeEil- • about :November, a two-yeareold heifer, The owner can have the same by proving property and paying. charges. JOR"Pll GIVLIN, Beechwood. 2089-3 CATTLE WANTED: -2 -The undersigned is prepared to take in n mnber.of cattle to feed for • the :Older. Good stabling and plenty of water. Farm Is two and a half miles south of Zurich, in the town- -skip of Hay. For partioulare apply cin the farm or address E.. BRODEIU, Wept,. . 2089-2 'DUL CALVES FOR SALE.e.---Per sale three good Shorthorn letill'ettives ranging from, 10 to 16 months. All red in color and from the eatrya.best and most fashionable mains. , Two are from ha - ported "Trumpeter" and the other from imported 44 Golden Emir" Apply on Lot 21, Concession Tnekersmith, or Seaforth P. G. A.-nd 3. BROAD - OOT. • - • 20384! . B. lICI.EAS adustable, radiating dust VY and fireproof stovepipe thimbles are the lat- est in that line, econoraiml, clean, safe and durable, as well as being a heat conveying, regulating .ard verikibitiag apparatus. They add comfort and save eoc enee in fuel. Best-materil wed. Ordersby mil nromptly filled, wholesale or retaiL WM. B. MelellIN„ Rensall„ Oat, Manufaeturer. 20444! ix ACRE FAF.ill FOR _SAT.E.-.For sale, Bag half Lot 7, Concession 9, Tackersmith, eon- taining- 50 acres. It is all cleared but two acres; 30 acres seeded down. There ie a good bank ham and good frame house. The fariri is well watered and in good °audition. it -la 6 trilles from Seaforth and one mile from a school, For further particulaxs, apply on the preuaises, or address ROLAND or ALEX.. KENNED, Egmondville 1'. 0. 20664f LIVERY BUSIINESQ FOR SALE For sale, a -first close livery business in Seaforth. Geod rigs all in fast °lase conditioo, and good horses. Good business done. Proprietor going west. .20K AKYRItrWBROS. NE1VVANTED'' ' - throughout United States and onnria to in every locality , advertise oar goods, taating up show cards ntrees, fences., bridges, and all conspicuous places ; iftributing small advertising matter. Commission or salary sso a; month and expenses $3.50 a day. EbeadY einl36- leittent- to good reliable- men. We lay out your work for ROIL Nd arperience needed. Write for particulate. SAO MEDICINAL ca., London, Ontario, Canada Great Clearing Sale now going on at the Seeorth Tea Store. will sell for the next 15 days air kinds of choice roceries, provisions, china, crockery and glasware at greatly reduced prices. - I have 6 very heavy stok, and wish to clear out $2,000 worth of goods within the next 15 days. My stock is all new and fresh and will sell for cash at prices that cannot be replaced at the present time Iv mate Thoe. 040 III— gill's Bad- Charette. Pant -ad- rne Tay - Hendrick, Mabel Wilon. Part I Ju lora-Enitly Bedw," ;..Tellette .0harette —Helen Sparks," teacher. Su4rise Every bpi of OCao Cream Sodas y o find a new deli le hi` mks. When you want give your ap RsuIs tea Perfe d= en—you win ese tY 91 PerfectionrianiSolas L 1 clluiveuiediren great success, and, rentedy for- Spas, etc. „ A.ecept no sub tat for k. 'Write for f ee book --"Treatise on the Or. 2.1, KENDALL CO:, E e our -Nor e eidth Spaeth ure— - eouereiabIe cure fo all Bone D* Swelling leamene .4'A= OR CittfeiMa 3 pavin Cur -with It an ;awqellent P• er, • 1Innsay. Ix a bottle -6 pyiof our great orse." - 26 FOS, Vennstf.,1131. Mone•y t Imeitd At Lowest gates •n F rm Mo1,tgage Apply to J. L Koran, Seafort. 2086-26 E YOU UPTUREM El. OUR PRICES 10 lbs. sulphur, 25c; 10 lbs. salts, 25c;. relied oats, 8 lbs. for 25o; 10 lbs. corn meal, 25c; 3 lbs. new currants, 250 ; 8 lbs. new raisins, 25e;- 3 lbs. best prunes, 25c; 4 lbs. dates, 25e ; 2 lbs.,' roasted coffee, 25c'maple syrup, 250 per quart; (there N'aptha, sdap, 25c; el bars Comfort soap, 2.5c. ; 6 bars Bee Hive soap, 25c; 2 cans salinon, 25c; 6 boxes sardines, 25o; 2 lbs. of clover hitt, 25e. Freeh butter, eggs,chese and'Ingersoll cream cheese always in Mock. Cereals of all kinds, cured meats, bologna, pork sgusage and Labrador herring ; syrups and black etrap, best flour, aples, turnips and potatoes; Oartadian and American eoahoile also a new stock of sohina, crockery, glassware and. lamps All at reduced prices. A. G AULT, Seaforth OP. Logs Wanted The undersigned is prepared to pay the- highest toh- -price for an unlimited quantity of first-class Soft Ehn, Rock Elm, Basswood, Maple, •Beeh, Ash; Hemlock and Oak Logs, delivered at the Sealorth Saw and Stave Mill. To be cut in oven length, ex- cept soft elm ; soft. elm to be cut 11, 13 and 16 feet. WM also buy Bassweod Heading Bolte, 40 inohes tong, at $3.50 per cord deltvered. Will, also buy tim- ber by measureineht or by bulit'in bush. Special at- atennteteiotin. paid toustolo swing. -Satisfaction glY/r. 2086-18 W. AMENT, Seaforth. Me F. rKA Caada's Great COR. QUEEN & VICTORIA On Irrosses, Asdominal Suporters, Suspensor- ties,Blastie Stockings, Shoulder Braces, and all kinds of RUBBER GOOD. We are the 'igest dealers in Sic rtoora Supplies in Ca add. ;Write for -0 logae. Our rrlcee a 60 per cent 1 ijer th any other hoi se. • A.cidress N CO., L Mite t Medicine Ri use 'ERE TORO THE AND OREAORANUTY --- WAILK RO OF { \.... , -... , I, I I. I a. 40 Att QUALITIES FISH- B ' POMME SUCKE make it First Choic or the men WhO KTIOW - EVERY GAR tictir GUARANTEED ; IF YOUR orrice* IS ., Dor .07.f/ I BRAND, DOYT CACIIINDE POUR MIND MN Ger men' OR .S ORDoeR AND PR/CE 7 Ilra.50 DIACA' o* vim* e........0A, Ca MU:kip 46G • - HA Art) I./. 41,0140. I , r " THI -I IT— o ge's owd —the baking sowier that the best Bread—ithe whitest --the lightest Cak P you eversew." "Order a can N•etf—so y be sure to lia.v S . GEO for your next b . iirriteibrfe4 co» of ur neat C National Drug ?c hernical c Canada 1;imr .; Montreal eke§ chits trytt: u wili GUIS t. Dublin. The Latekriss was again - cast overoar v wolat -readied here of the -d Lent --Lareter of Hilbert, peacefully twee en Dec Deeased- was of a bright disposition arid was belo whothadthe plesure' of Although in talltng heal time she bore Tier: suff great patiendee Until at angel of • death bore her betterelamd. lea -fes t ioe beeldes: eist.rearthig ;$0,teepla t heme letet, ;Ms, M. . Cylie an 111ellyi both oft- Hibbert, - extendd; the' heartfelt ' s the; conmunittr. sa giOnra liage when ath of -Vis ho ',emend. mber 12th.. rid amiable ed •by all eeting her. for sorrier Ings with length the away' to a' ma% her V ler, one and two Mr. Ja. o Whoox 10 nipathy of Blake. Our Sehc.i.-The folio ng Is the Decemitet report of [Union School No. Stanly; 'IV—Isabel Ma on, Pearl Zapfe, Flossie -Cepling. Brennerrnan, John. Benne man, „Mikle Kennel. llaat.A.nnie Brenne mn, Pearl McBride, Emma Bechler. lib—ophia Oesch, Edmund Oesch, Joh A. Meyers - Part II—Nancy 13rennerIne. , Rey Md - Bride, Clara Zape. Par. . Finlay, Clarence Hall, .1 eno Oeseh. .be following • shows t le • _relative standing of the putebe o ti e entrance class based on a test .xa i nation giv- en at the close , a the ter. : Thoznae .Sherritt 75 per cent., Mary Douglas 58 71loper bnt., Isabel Manson, 4 pe r cnt., -Godon Manson 63. per e/it, Albert Keys 59 per cent, Mary Douglas 58 pee cent., Myrtle efeYere 9 per cent. .Pearl Zap fe 47 per cent., lethel Zapfe 45 per cent. Number on r*11 -63, aver- age for year 40. Would he parents kindly -See to it that th ir children are kept more regularly and ./nore punctually 'during the caning year they have been during -the past one.— . S. Howard, teacher. .„ BelgrAY13, Ntes.—A vey nice ;Oh stmas en- tertainmnt was given in the Forest- ers' Hall, here, on Chrrtmae night, by ` the ehqdren, of the Me hodist Sab- bath ecbool. There was large at- tendaace, a splendid prog amme, and the little delighted their auoI- &nee, doing -credit to the slves, and their inetructers.—Word as received Ilene last week of the dea h of Dalton James Seagel, cousin of t e late Mrs. McMurray. Re died at tee SOD, on the tug Ottawa.. He w burled at Settee, On . December 14th.—The offi- cers elect of L. -0. L, NO. 462,' are: W. Master Robert McOre • D. M., A. Pingle ; chaplain, Robt. weris ; re- cording secretary, Bert{Watson. fi- nancial secretary, P Shoebottom ; treasurer,- Wm. Bryiais • jleetuer, W. Little; committee, J. W4ttson, Wm. Johnen, R. McMurray, IUex. Leishre man, J. Armstrcing, I. Tyler, T. Sbee. bottom; 0. T., H. Lishman. Morris. , The CouncIL—he coun 11 net ac- cording to statete, in the ouncil rbom, Morris, on December 16tiil The Mera- bers were all present, t e ree the chair. Mr. Thos. Ber ard a,p ed, requesting that a dr 171 bg on 'boundary opposite lo 19, on 6th concession line, said about twenty rods in len Oen of Messrs. McCutche the request of Mr. Bern ever, to be dealt with b of 1968. On motion of M bell and Taylor, the ta aanomtin,e to $. tiler. Canteteretaxes a $2.02, .were reniitteth counts were passed for e- yment. The following , deputy retu • ng officers and- poll clerks were expo teci to take the votes in case a poi be required at the corning rnunicip 1 elections: Division No. 1, Wra. C. Laidlaw and D. Laidlaw; No. 2, G . F. McCall and Jaanes Kern.aghen ; o. 3, S. Ir- vine and Robt. McCrea; No. 4, Thos. Miller and Wm. Thueil No, 5, Robt. Garnies and. Win. Garniss; No. 6, Man • ollonston and James Peac ek. By-laws No. 11 andne.2 were iea and 'panted. The Cou011 then adarned. —W. CLARK, Cfrk. In ear- ade the drain to lae Ji. On mo - n and Shaw, rd was laid the council ars. Ceanpa es of Wm. S, ;and Ar - minting to umber of . ac - Morris. e* • Notes.—Andrew Miller, 5th lite, is home ficen the West wh re he spent several militias. He 1ik di the coun- try and may go back xt spring.— John Litt16, had a SueceS.ful wood be recently, and gave the -roung people dXIlete 9.t night. All_ the. ---The pulls of the t• ion t No. 3, Morris, :pre teacher, Miss Kerr, wit gold' braclet and manic companiede by a cornett dress before the cleteing for the holidys. Miss hiForderich next year.-- ise Mabel McCall, ot M estd upon, at the Wes Torntb, for apeendieltis Mend's hope She will s aa a good chool in ee- ented their a handsome set, se- enta a9- the school err teaches a,st Saturday rls, was op- -, -ern hospital, Her! many 'regain her lost: health and be pern itted to re- turn to her lsome.—Miss Murdie was tre-engaged as teacher f the school in section No. -8, for 198. She will, however, take the first alt off, and Mies. Moses will supely ot her, Miss ItIardie taking up her vr k again af- ter the3 summer holidays The salary will be ' $500.—A ver successful Christmas entertainment _was held at 'Sunshine church on Wed esday even- ing, December 18th. The pastr, Rev. G. -W.11.1v.ers; encupied the char: A good 'programme was gl en by the children; assisted by loc i 1 talent aii friends frern Brussels. fter Santa Claus .had distributed th 'presents to the young and old, Mr. D. Alolee' . and Miss M. L. ,Kerr w re each pre- sented with a ciimplimen ary and ae prOpriate- address, accomp nied in each case b'y a beautiful lea sr' eult -case. 'Both respndied in suttab e terms, -ex- pressing the pleasure they had ex-. petienced in assisting th the *Jerk ef, the church at ffunshi e. The peo-• ceedi sameuated to $2.10. --Me. H. D. • Shiley, teaehbr of tbe s hod In" sec- ,' tion No. 6, ),forris, held a Very suc- ir is Fq Long peed your hair; nourish it; live it something to live on, then it will stop falling, and Will grow long and heavy. Ayees Flair Vigor is the only genuine hair -food you can buy. It gives new life to the hair -bulbs. You save what lair you have, and get %ore, cleanAnd it keeps the scalp lean and healthy. The beat MUCK oils "Sold for over sixty years." 1&d�by 3, C. Arir 00., Lowe% MU* A4110 raaurifsettirers ot yersDfiLs. CHERRY PECTOAL. re. afterwards, and for purose but to role and have time with them. Now, these of the facts of the ease, and 'cite be testified to by a score of wita n::es s, and certainly never was In- Ititied by the wetter ti give of.fence. calling, them their sons and daugh-: tp,don. at, if you wish to deal. So th simplY echoed. their Virn On-. t oft stern justice and fair' play be- itsreen the first and third parties of correspondeace, you will have to c4rrt again. , Yours truly, CORRESPONDENT. ( Sat% a -on or your Ion 3••••••••••••ft..., Note. -With this explanation it Is qkut evident that no offense 'was in de, find we are sure the agr1evet1 Orty- will accept it in the mine idnd- pir1t that it IS given, while we Miry Sold ' cheerfully exhonerate our cOrrespondent from any intentional vinong-dOing in the matter. --LED. Sta,11 School Report.—The following is the cember monthly repolt ot school ction No. 14, Stanley. The narnes e 1t order o1 merit: Fifth Clas— . M. Fisher, G. E. Stephenson, Rena eBeth. Senior Fourth -3. emmel' • hd jones are eual, Oda MeBeath, anet -.Logau. Junior P9 urth— Hannah Insdale, Ida RathweThe Third—H. A. Blither .0. .c.' Jones, Wt V. Maeath. tPu°r- tt'it ilie' li H athwell, W. 0... IdeBea,th. Junior i Second n . ood, Ida ceteful shot conCert -on he Tuesday afternoon previous to . the vacatien. ' cnd.T. N. Hood, L. E. Wasroan. Ptents and ftlenda oe the children 'iie best spellers in, themonthlY slid- tendee in large alimbere, eo that ling inktches ere : Fifth—.ggie Gem-. the sehool ' was' Well 'filled. Rev. G. - niel l. Fourth—Janet' Logan. Third— . Rivers, of 13elgrave, acted as the llan_ Fisher. Senior .Second --- Joins cliafrmwn. end a splendid programme a m sic,: recitations, dialogues =dread,- :r° 1 asking Was carried out. Miss - M. -1.Kerr taught a couple �t classes in a pleaning manner. 'The children took • their parts well, sho-whg they had 'ben welt traind_ by their Laehe. Art -dal about accoMmedation. We might Attlee' ls leaving the school t° aidt what are -the essentials that we - k take charge of the Cranbrosk school slitute the necessary provision for sup - b* petits presented hire with a eep- p ying the Tublic need and to fill the stake in the shape of a handsome goldtheuteemeate al the Gentateneets in ' g; aeoempanied by a cotnelimentary ping 'a public liouee for accome dress. . odatio. Now, each: person would ood. Junior Second—L4wrenee Was- an.—W. D. johnetone Teachr. , Accommodation, Dear Expoeitor, cc We 'hear a great line that Oast as it would meet Zurich. eir individual tastes or ,natures,and December Wedding.—A eery pretty t at would be, on the other hand, 11 se wedding was clebra.ted at the Sthae- worse than, -useless to others. h ine of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas John- Eut what we want to get at is to son, Zurich, on December 23rd, at have tall that is needed and all that high noon., when their eldest &meta tii inquired by law for the public tete Adeline, was united in marriage Ituse, soi that no person -could ob.- td Dr. E. W. Stoskopf. The ceremony jot to anything; and no person could performed by Rev. gr. Maas, pas-• . demand more by law than we have the Evaugeileal Lutheran Provided for their accommodation. Now arch, in the presence •of only the 41 I can eked adcording to the British mediate relatives of . the contracting nstitution as given In the Britenica ?8, ies.. The wedding march was tlay- 1 board and lodging for both d! "Man an by Miss Susie -Johnson, sister of in, and sanitary equipment and con- e bride. After congratulations, -the Ition. -When may I ask the clues- pdcliqg inarty proceeded to the din, 1 tOre does the law,. either British or thig mm, 'which .was beautifully dece l Oanadian, demand the box to be at - orated with evergreens and holly, and, *Wiled to the taVeril. It It does not, where, a 'sumptuous dinner was served. 14 it otit rather an excrescence attached. The bride looked pretty in pearl grey tO the iniblic house that is no use tit t ffeta ten -vied with all. over Eng- .tbe tilace' as far as: real detnanO; and, 1 il. h Point lace, and carrying a, bo- ii E plain nglish, it is not what I q et of bridal reses. The bridesinaid, ink .nor what ;some one else thinks, Iviiss Matilda, sister of the bride, was hat we ahead contider, but what is ssecl in pale blue taffeta. Mr. ie.tt tor the public'. and best for the orge .Stositopf, of Mitchell, brother ' tion, that is what tve want to get o the grrom, acted as groomsman. • t ; .te get beyond the narrow selfisb,. T e present froro the groom tothe es of either money or custom of the id e was e gold crescent set with ast, and i be, Informed according to the ethysts and pearls. To the brides- •r -ad philanthreipic spirit; • The Com - aid a ring set with pearls and dia.- ercial Travellers' Association com- e/n(1 chips, ahd from the bride to Odin of the lack of accentmodation, e, groomsman a -gold tounte,In pen,: ext not the tack ef the bar, but of e happy eouple left oh the evening ard and lodgings, and in some places t alai tor- Detroit, Grand .Rapids, Howe he sanitary condition of the houses. ard City and other pints. The ix- w e bar we could do without, but no visitor with their many friends ex- tune person Will say that we could do t nd congratulations. - 1 r1thont board and lodgings in an hotel. e ehoul& have the best; our lives - Turnberry. :.. spend on, that but not- on the bar. ¶Iiere are few of us farmers willing 'Another Pioneer - Goit.—It Is our f try's, fast of forty days, six hours Painful duty this week to chronicle Vill be quite long enougb for some the demise of another of the first set- it us therefore; every locality should tiers, In the person. of Alexander His- oe that the place, village -or town, is lv, of the first concession of Pure- tanishect with accommodation for the berry, who departed, tbis life at his ublie, as we have mentioned and that rsidence, On Friday morning, Decem- 0 .what is urgently demanded. ;.- t a er 13th, at the advanced age of 79 .. fk................-...;.; ears. He bad been in failing healt11 eTborne, 33ecemer, b, 1907.. some time, but. was able to be e- mit until Suoday afternoon, the 8th ' tete Late Mat rong,—In loving st., when he was suddenly taken' ' emery ot the late John Strong, who St 14i, and from which he never retot- ted in London on Friday, Dieeem- d. Deceased came from the 'parish per 20th, '1907., tormerly of Tucker-, f Marbbttlel near Clifton, Roxbole ihnith, age. 40 years and six months ; ughshire, Sctland. In 1853 he Sai - (11 from Liverpool to CeteaTaft Alter alle. 11.°111 °-le loved cine's ix weeks' journey he carne to Me- Gillivray township, Middlesex count, emaining there for about two years, fter which he came north . to the ueents Bush ,and settled on the farm. i Turnberry, then a, forest, where he ontinned to reside till the time of Is death. At tht time there was ao pen road Into the ;settlement, being Ile bush for five miles north of Sea - nth. the ;surrounding town e and tril- 1 ges were as yet unkreewn, and When our or other necessaries were re- uired, they had -to go to Ilarpurhey or their). a distance often made on as there were no horses in the - county in those early days. As may e sulteosed, the deceased, along with ethers' in those days, was subject to the severest hard'ships, Yet, along with is life partner, who ere. -deceased hitry ight years, they endured all with heerfulness, and succeeded lncol- lcting a competency for themselves e t their family. He will be greatly t'pissed by the family for his kind' ad - lee and fatherly love. He was a eon- istant Presbyterian in. religion. Ife ayes behind tot mourn the loss of a worthy father, one eon and f hre daugh- ters. The funeral service, was con- ducted. at the home on the.. following ondey by Rev. L. Perrin, taking for is text Mark 7-37, "He bs,th done 11 things well." The remains were terred in the Wroxeter cemterY, eat_ 1,(4 &Fe 17.17: .:t 7 :: -.,...rtc -1- s .0..tto tut ,c...• on tan dr)s*Lri \ C:Oen fIttra :irod 1I11 I ......Or I 1, ---- fr.,:j.". 72:01.(1oviaLtrcrl IT,. 1. ,--t.c • Mud. ertilE 1 1 ... Come qt3E` rfire3.. me a we will send yea tt of ST-ItBNS aetsTree, Itletra2L. Free tneney. bene. knew Our , • =Till chronic fness anti Cold in the :net. ,TSCO.,1411A1•to3d ,foVictoriAStreet,A, with, Can. nen c • Chiselhurst. The Explanation,—Mr. Editor, — Itt ritIsh justice the judgeand jury ever decide against anyone, with - t first getting all the evidence ob- ainable for and against him or her, ut the judge that sits In the Edi- Oriel- Sanctum of The Expositer has this one occasion, 'at least, after the 'first breath cif one who had no eason to' -be offended, like the no- oriotts outlaw bands _f the ; United tates, decided to shoot or hang first, and let . the evld'etice come after. Sir, by yotli =Net remarks you have come pelted one to reproduce the article omlained- of, ev-en. at -the risk of 1 giving further a,nnoyance, for the pur- pose of -proving that it was not false, ° cowardly, or given for the purpose of Offending. The article 10, 'that certain peoele invited their Sons and daugh- ters to come and rejdoe with them up, On taking up their abode in their new houseo the occasion was celebrated by feed of taffy. The term, "Sons and Daughters," Was given the visitors by the lady of the house. --She claimed there .20 het -sns and daughters, indi- vidually, collectively, - in private arid tn public, and the claim was assent - d to by the visitors, both in the house and On the streets. I STO not knots Whether they were invited or not, but at any rate they 41e assembled there tin that particular 'oecatioe, • stet on robbe, you have gone from the home that you gladdened, Gone from the llght and the `cheer ; *One froni the ones that loved you, Gone from the faces so dear. nder the clay we have laid you, Hallowed a thamber of rest; hut aro the dear eyes, and feuded hanes of toil ore your breast. one, and our home is so4onely, r i Gone, and our hearts are so sad ; one,' from the paths that you brightened 11 Alwaysso happy and Write .. 0, how shall we live here without you, Hoe reach the end of the day; Shadows and darkness have fallen, Thiele o'er the deolateay, • rather youluree entered the IllaUSIOW3 of Glory-, Safe forever with God; alking in. the highways of Heaven, TWitere your dear itife and baby have trod. Free from all rare and sorrow, Pure from the g gaining ofsin; Aile after great tribulation, Glachhe fair city to win. Welled there with your Saviour, Ceased from all toil and care; ever again to be burdened, Never a beartaohe to bear. how glad we wait till we meet you, How shall we yearn for the dayl• lrheu forth from the.gloom and the darkness, We too hall be called awy. Farewell then dear brotheta We hope to meet you ae-in, that far-off land ofglory., Where there is noeigh or pain. From the sorrowing Mother ond Siebr. • * ',. —Seven young Scotch WOhlert, WhO errised 113. New York last week, on the inchor Line steamship Oalifornia,tound t before the ship was half a day roin Glasgow that they were all bound or America on similar, missions. The BM iri every ease Is Scotch, and has een In America for some time, say - fag up his namey to bring the girl a- oss first-ca.bin, and marry her In a annir befitting a vrell-to-o Amer'- . n. - . The young women formed a ride's club on the trip, and promised ele another to write and tell about he wedding. —The death Is anriounted of Rev. fWalter Rose Taylor, D. D., a Kelvin - 1Ide United Free Church, Glasgow, cotland. Rey. Dr Taylor was, next 'o Dr. Rainey, the principal leader In ,he movement which resulted in the nion of the Free and Presby- erlan churches and he firactleally or- ganized the first General ASSeiNbly Ce. he united curches. Hie work In or - anteing and looking after the inter- ts of the united churches after the ecision Of the House of Lordswas robably responsible-- for the break - own Of his health about two yeats go. He was born in Thurso, Calth- hese, in. 1831; and waS a son of the nanse, his father, tue late Bey. Dr. Taylor of Thurso, -bhig at the time bf - his death one a the oldest Free urcli • ministers in Seotland.- .. Back." • IIN1906110~ ogo...44.144301.03MIMERNitaseels Combination of unusual ciiit'c ims,ances. ave prIesente4 - themselves this ear whiz u orce s to give our annual uary SOe more price inducement th •i The cheapness of prices, quoted bel make you suspect their quality if y know the store. One month from close our business year. It is ou haVe our stock of counter wearables water mark, and the prices below ur that object in view. 10•MIC•Slatimagmsw Nouttmtretuevattsmtaastglatillinial, ..asAivactIkwaseg...ssarozvase. w might (I'd not aywe dire to he low with AromerratorarsamorourraterooromwArorroorseormr*- adies" fur -lined coats, Hamster line adies!; fur -lined coats, rat line adge Astrachan coats, elegan adies* Bokaran Lamb coats, adies1 Belkaran Lamb coats, (.5 $30.0 '39O -4 ri, 22400 msh ,afart 8 4oliar3. 34.90 14 i. 5 to, 12- 5 to 129 3 to 26 02' to 2 2 to ,26 2 to.. 56 en's, Black Dog Cots fen's black Yake *C9ats Men's Black Calf Coats en's Dyed Wombat' Coats ti{en's Wallaby Coats Alert's Galloway Coats Men's Coon Coats (beauties) Progress Overcoats, .0•11/.381100.1111' Think of it ! A Progress Brand 0 erc f Fine Black Melton or Invisible Stripe, made and iine4 a4 all Progress Brand Overcoats are—that isIthe very bes —1 regular price $12.50, Jamaary price $75 Men's. Grey Frieze Dress Overcots,1 velvet cllar, substantiality lined and m de !of good stubborn cloth, regular price $11, Jin. !price - 96615116:0011, ee _ N. UnOerwear 25 per Our reputation for selling- reliable u well established that it is not nee much about the quality, as the lines known from ocean to oeen., The pri of interest, and. when we say any pi4 wear in. the !stdre at 5 per cent, know this attire's methods well eno that it will be hire as advert wear is so ty to say audit.) are • the point f under- count, you gh to know Heavy Reductions in H Owing to the Open winter our stoo a little heavier than we care to see We have givei them a "move ou in the shape of a 20 per cent. di entire stock. B.—The above are o. y a few of fir many big savin is just ason,, cut m prices potMt on tne vaiting you here.: „:. • _ e .1 • • - - —