HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1908-01-03, Page 2a „Tr= e Bars good laundry soap, 25c cans R on for 25c -packagas,Oorn Starch 25c 36 inch Ladies' to ankets, all sizes, at laBt Year's •annenette, per yard, 10c ose, 2 pairs for 25c nderwear, medium weight, at $1 a s best Cashmere Hose at 256 a pair ttths' odd coat, sizes 32 & 83 at $1 each P=S- att4t arrivals of Fall Samples, now patt - variety of Wools; 11111-01/8) T813E454781 ete, ilighest prieee paid for poultry, ' chickens snd ducks, dressed dry ickdd geese, heads. off; turkeys must be fat. We an now -handle' any= clue tity at od prices for Drat' olas$ stOr. We pay highest prides for gooc butter and fresla eggs. 'Dried apples *anted. szir Wanted--,Tood, fat, live Poultry, Ilene, Chickens and Du good birtiii we will pay the ,highest prices. "Ave ponArY, twice a week Monday and Wednesday.- For .dressed 'bird must he of ducks watt geese-. pree d Poultay taken in every -day during the NV oak./ prices it . For nulled heads Successor to 'El a. GUNN SEAT' RIM CORNO STORE IthAFORTH, PRIDAt. Jan. re, 190et - . Publitt 93ilirotkstna Bribes. -. I- - - 1Erneler thee alecive theading Mei Toronto Zen mentions some cif,the expenditure Of the Dointnian GOVernmentritelitoli It says, "eat be clutracterisedir.only as bribes betne'dett ter influence eontatittie veielm intii0 Gerternmerit -favor," mut gl.Yea the following e u 1es. Man theeteand chillers is a» opra.ted. Ora public butidinkin Renfrew -ea -town /while ,huRding in Renfrew, a town with & popelation of three thousand; In &twice, With. a- „population. of two thousand Ax hundredthe samei airt proerlation P. made, while in- Park - bill, with at population of -one thous - WI& five htindredt five thousand dol-. lar -s is voted." - We can frequentty agree with the _emtentions and criticisro$ a otir con- temporary but on this oceaSieu we tldnk it entirely astray. If the Gev- ernment neVer Zees anything worse than provide buildings in suchplaoea as the abavk in which to fittingly and efficiently transact the public iliusinessi, it will not be difficult] to absolve them from blame. The .GOve ernments or both partieg have long - recognized the necessity of erovi4ing 'and equipping buildings in the larger, cities in which to transact the public business and all recognize the core rectnese of tlie system. But why draw . the line at the cities? Our good con- teraeorary Must not einect to have everything Centred in Toronto. Tlieree a.renether places just as deserving and a great deal more needful: Many �f - the smaller towns, sech as those nam- ed by our Pontemptatary, are miser- ably equipped for the discharge .of the necessarY public business sucb as the postoffice and the custeles. The eitiople of these places are surely en- titled, to as !good servfee, proportione, ately, as are the 'peel -pie of the Mies, and wee thi,nit- it is greatly to the creclie of the !Government that they are making inOrteion for the -effielent and eatisfactiory perfornaance of this serviceA Per: doing this they should be praised and not blamed. Most, if not all of the buildings that have been 'erected in sech places are an orna-* rnent to the ;respective towns and en -- able the effipiels who occupy them to give a much -more- efficient eervice to the people than they could %the old ram ehaekle building's which they formerly oceupled, and Which were neither otriainental nor useful. Nree hope the Government will be able to -continue this good and useful work /Mtn they telly cover the ground and. , tiiey „. will reeceive thecoznnc.ndatjon. a. the - "leineelle clesigte _theeadirerset'erite Ileisms of our contemporarye and such as it ,Who- are frequenti ' veryalaard set for a grievance as is the case in this inataneet The Ruebtie Bpi lifoatpeople have beard' f de great Quebec Bridget W1dCII coi11apsedij :a few weeks ago and which was eeptotied' to be one of the most marveilkyus feats engineering skill of thee ere:seat age. It may be Interesting to our readers W know that 'there are 're more his4 teele sites in Canada, than thai Of this 111 fated Quebec bridge. •I s. a utment on the one side, is close t th mouth of the fatuous Chandiete Which descetisied Atieoldie army i erneed- cessfuI- expedition against -tilebee in 1776, while that: on the thei 1 ebe- tween the historic settlements of Sit- lery aaul Cap Reuse. In t Cove, Sillery; M. de Male nnouve: and Mademoiselle Mance spent 1h1r 4:first Canadian winter With the ole AS& in- tended to found Montreal: At SillerY ont to Cove the Jesuit Fathers w re assemble and instract th _Algonquin and Montegnals Indians w o- vrere de- sirous of becoming Christiene. 1 It was fronl that spot - t•hit the neophytes 'carried the faith to the very, depths Of the forest It was he e tiat the missionaries congregated b for - start- ing with the joyous mess ge tQr the, country of the Hurons, for th- shores of the Miseissippi, or for he frozen regions of Iludsoe's i Ba . Thence went Father P. Driiiiiettesi, tbd bearer of words of peace teei beh if of the, Christiana of &lieu t 1h tl1e Abe- naquis of Kennebec, and t t1e Pur- itanSof Boston. Veer tin safoe; nlia-i Sion of Sillery, Friar Liegoi w $ Mas- sacred by the troquoise wi id t Father Poncet was carried 1 ,aw 'y poor captive by these barbarou ,tr bes. It was also at Cap: Rouge th t Jacques Cartier eetablished his qua, ter, ;close to the water'a edge, during the, second whiter be spent le Ca,nad , and was succeeded in the same spot by ber- vat-, at the head of his eph ,me col- ony. Near the mouth of tit Ch udiere, on the opposite -shore of the rive, stood the tents of the Alien q s the Etchemins, and the Souriqu is diens, when they camS from the sh s ,of New lthigant by way of tin audlere to smoke . the calumet of p ac with „their French allies. SeafiraiNSWagoOripreggtlare! Thirty Elections in Ni In an address in South evenings ago, Hen. Jiitm Minister. of Custoras, for t e ion: directed attention to t Ing sidierificant fact. BC sa "Since th,e general "electi there had been 39 bye-ele of- these the Conservatives nine, and the Literals 30. 0. ork a few • Peteesen,* mine d; of 1904 tions„ and ad carried Al3 tense ): ps110430.44000040462444 Most people know that if they hav! been sick they need Scott'a Erna/T- alon to bring back health and strengt But the strongest point about Scott' Erna/J.10n is that you don't have to sick to get results from it. It keeps up the athlete's strength, puts fa on thin people, makes a fretful baby happy brings color to a pale girl's cheeks, and pre vents coughs, colds and consumption. ' Food in concentrated form for sick an ello young and old, rich and poor. And it contains no drugs and no alco ALL DRUGGISTS; 50c. ' AND n, 0 U-pott tle lyiiii,whIcy - .$,' OntL�, . Sask eietpe-hlt*rlitritt' %%Plinth!' :BLit, wan d, Alberta. i four t , beate a iii t in the t the ' bullet "etrilting the _ .. - _ i. pieSet t tient e The 'floinaierratives �n,antnml In. tbeebead. Iterequired' twee' .Coleeli s,teri but : as ' an refftmt • to ' rOrff. 1111.4t.,,40 • finish the antinili Thie e'betels "tvent the city' end e° ntY ! lYnte was e monster,. measuring about. l .. -, - . -S. John, New Brunswick Thee: the- I six_ -.feet isbin- . OE . to tira and ha _ Cone' yativeat carried litondon; .ah the ttueks. an inell In length. -NOthi but Liber 1,S, wean .North ,-I3ruce; :_•ao.;-- nerve tin - •• trying ordeal and ithee -iitat they ere absolutely even. Per aps, „Sistentee _ Ms dog saved young liforeal the rye:Lives-- ! -might telitine . bat- house fro *I _it terrible death. the rats had Angered defeat th the • ieelethe Mp.er was severely, injured • '. . - s , ee tu 1 .of, MrtieVetyllleet Wh6 eeren -g i , -While lea )0 I re ' a steer' tie the slaughter - Lab anidate for ore Of ithe Si, . licouse. - At ,John Cairn's farm, a few inert eent . that -claim : - were tettllo ed„ miles soul* of 0 -Bethune, i Seek: The. thee he Ablation itiets-taittiPlYa dif- - .antilial lieCarna Infuriated and -„dashing ' fern ' iet -otrie 'seat • In,. -three ye re, ethe 'huteltie to the, ground it trampled - which •meant atthat tate- that the upon him,* severelye injuring- his knee. lAber is would be out -ofepower 90 Iiittte for the timely assistance rendered years le (Laughter and Applausth e ) As - by, e en with -Mole Mt. 'Officer a Ma ler of feet,: hansitererethe Co er- would have beenOrd' to . death.: ,AS it vativ !taarezie not entitled to claim . hat- is. he considerably crtepted, the in - the -, turn.. of Mr. Vertille ineent the . itired jimb being -.swollen to tWlee logs fe a'Llberet seat:: for in e ery its natural eize,_ - ' et. , • no Menet)vote brought on by the -.One b edredearid thirty-four Chin- -Ope, tion in the Heuee, Mr. Ne - Ale esti , paegie ' through tWinhipeg . eweet, bed. ted "With the 'government. It bound . the other * morning.' They were, theft •- the Liberals"; claimed one ein. - destined, t • their homes he .Asia, Where ie: t el Year -ea -at the 'same rat of they will spend the Chinese New Yet**, . Pre don the i Conservatives . w id . which .cfls. a few.weeks " later than . by e by -be out of. :the. Hous* 'a toe i that _ of .the i Occident. ' le the . patty. geth ' (Laughter and -Apelaese ) It there t were' .tWO trafortunate Chinese, _ was O small test of the contid tece . who' Were found . le. the United States , of th country i.n the Government hat l .withOut tie propel. papees, and who at tit end: of-. eleven -years' of ad in- t joined - tbet westbound party much a- istrat ,;"" with bye. -elections gaing-,-on,-::•galtst- -th it will, -.-The - guar.& stated in al parts, e the ee Stood - - to -day i that the eported .Chtnese had beee probe y a 'stronger .nositien than t ey, -found only -after e long: search. In slid en they took office, - the baggage tar there were the bodies of :two d ad Chinesei _who - had made .. ame,.....e.ateeteeee e , - . . iff oba, and North ..lettost ,N tea .Ithr!,.,)Otivis-hilo.n.be .butrhipeairillitfecht• tuz...that they -41 eedestroyethethe.tven story ir me _The 11 tle daughter cr Alexander etore - coupled bye Chas,. -Hornitz, re - Jones of ettdow- Lee Manitoba: who ehant at Setkirk, Manitoba, one ev xt.- . - ' - . - ' • ' : ' . -had: a,- ye _narrow -escape from death, in tre eetly, - _ ' "i _ -_ . , -• - -- - - - td- . t- - -! though e ting- prepare lye, is still e ---J.1 Higginbotham, of Woodewo th ' ; - et, livir.ig. .- T e -screams of - the child tee brought t e: mother Who -endeavored- 14"3. to clear '.the childlit Mouth of the burn - at 1 lug lye. It is thought -that: very little w$ :' . if .any, a swallowed; . or death would ettitt , have .,res - tad.' The Mouth and ;lips teite were fearfully ',burned. Hopes . are en- tertained- 7,7: -tertgined- the :girrs- recovery. Great 1 ;k4 4' 4- difficulty- met - with in getting any' ne totttlahme t- down the swollen throat. r,-, . e -There , wait great excitement in Asquith. Sask., the other 'night over nsei - et , the gran 7 'oongestion. The situation was 'same, hat relieved by the receipt of about -I wear :eneptlets. - The news sobn spread, among: the:farmers and the T7 -:eelevators 'Were quickly . filled again. , The ox I. -*ensileda large number of ' cars for e- he Asquith-. elevators. -Sev- enty farmers Witte had gathered in the -town -rug edefor the cars as -soon, as eared, the town, each. arntsmall Sack of whetaktand to = a cut as -a: Sign of pes- ._general sternped,e feelowed. g of the train in which has 'few latter the explo eultin the. acti toba, •while . pita of sulta the ?chased the fine house ;buil elk& by .3i, Helliwell,' having removed tto Griswol gasoline tank -under the bar estern Hotel, Saskatoon, :Sit d ;the _other day, and the blaze- would__ have des tro ole building, hut for the pro of the bartenders. lea Bugg, of -Glendale,. g 4s-.)3110, through the right tinting in the Riding tiounta a 'removed to the Neepttetia niotan as rossible. PreOh nigef, was gurnmoned - ni and hopes to be ahis toE in end bend. . , _ ssaint . Lotiyel„ -a young art, arived from France,. met - ith aceident near ;Whiteiwoed,her day. He Seek - gen out, or Ia. eleigh. by the mune.. ed.. wipe was -itraer a the trete en the trii_O-s,, caught. Louvel threw it the :charge his body. -.The: session, t Mang who was 014.Y 17 Years ot the eto te„cl: (!q117,- halt, hour. after thee are taking time by - the fore police wet* called in to et:intro]. the there were,many ,disputes over ethe , e' of -the itarmere a Bethune.: poesessione Of - the cars, and mounted ; emery settlers when the • cars were neprenaring their lend Ler the seeding. Among the =Taber, 1121Jecrian7R'erv.ttl.,teheele-7Paiot°neersr. , settler Dean 799,; .reseceenn-thiyar. r°17111he :k.'raild, - has of -Delora, e, Manitoba, died at his g one newt a fat the leade recei acci agei lock epr A. • break weet her tent —3 timer Porta, was hotel Sente acco I additi mises coMpl up -to - install gra,tu depar west, -A "nett over One their ed du Beth- any, not /-0 at C triet- W. R some bers the. '0 tO $7. --F giVen home Teeently in his . 83rd year. He. rs otteetiripte oteirnsdi, *tlioarta.olfar-Degeiceen4 'came to Ott Deloraine in 1879 and liv- ed en„ his ihomestead until a few year nfrozen.: - ' --. active tar- n .P.. 'McDonald, one, of am old iiet_aig41, wheenrhe- l'etlredr !min • Ming and lemoved into the town. Since of the plains, who is lea ing e la Prairie with Mrs. Me cine eccaleteindegtotala n)tranibeet°baofheprohmasinebneetnpilehl-- reside in 33irigsh colorn Ise ven a banquet at the ia hie lie offices.; 'He was. reeve fit Deloraine y his many friends, ., awl re....., for _several years and acteil Len the same capecity in ,Winchester. In. 1892 he with a gold locket and eh in, ran for the local Legislature' and has faded by an address. e Hudson's Bay company's been, ever- --since its Inception the Etna. alterations- te their 're -7 imPresuraidaennkO!conatheparaProy:vincitte,e1 Mutual Hall t Portage la Prahle are OW dent of the. Deloraine 'Agricultural e including heating and pie 13 - complete outfit of the F society .fori a number of years. - ate fixt.ures has also ofin- -Fire broke out fn the premises of the riliarney . guide the other morn - d. The company are to be ic re- ; leg and I completely destroyed the ted on having one of the f est': _building ati.# • en,tal store buildino „in h plant, The origin oethe at Pottage la Prairie. he fhe is not* known,theestaff did not eaf and dumb coil& resident at . ele:evrey-ththi:gleffapipearee eAtilto2 obiecloaelki, rwighttetn. rnSaostsk"d'iasrteressirinlugngleodeciurrn eg -eelef, i Thmemionosste, iiths ,,athseer.lo,puusbllosTert.,0 aWfur. his rning they awoke to find t at nfant, child had been mot books, accounts„ files and subscription, Ing the night,. in. some ma r- lists being bureed. 'He estimates his arents being deaf the noise eirr. ih°1dIsadittgSeve,2;580,00w; ninesirhallibeer', W$5h001.0 ;grlith: ade by' the little victim etti toss is about $500. This Is the see_ ouise them, ' leaving the land titles' off it - mItil time the Guide has been burned e-. out within seven years. Mir. Monteith arY, Alta" to accept. the ourt Jud'ohip• at Lethbrid 8" is already rnaking preparations - to . and, winter was given ..a ha de.: start again angewainitt Et.s soon as he _ can old -headed cane by the Them - the staff. The 'business of ice bait increased from $4, 00 000. e minutes after he had b n injectipti of anti -toxin. Ohrlstreas Gifts. Judging from experlenee, Ottawa en. postal ahtliorities say that the Mum- tEhyre Eyre.. eladresn'tascall hotel athteRoprstoLernriet7s *.of. Chlistm" _ cial stringency has not affected the giving. At the *general ost office in .Ottawa the day before mkttostethei an, collapeed and :expired al. mas it wis stated that the a ly th with --A Kill& to pr eve o to t licheagir. many sing r wife sentati :ieces ling ste.ntly. A few hoer previa by ,had taken .a long ine young companions. arge number of the citizens ey ansembled to bid fare- ell got efo far and Ws. J. T.- Whyte on their. _departure. from Killer up 'their residence in Win se Of mail- metter recelYettle and ha died ik .rrittenteg'c't, Ithe tiptiftimnst we..Gtekeawt aBsatitilrhaele; of been *parti bulky and the staff - behind' in 'handling and de - • 1 livering it that mails from Canadian oy points , were, practically untouehed. A = • heavy ono*, storm interfered somewhat. enator ' Young occueied he with, the. delivery, but with the best Short speeches were madeby weatheruanotbT eniaditedealtitin,thewithhalf t usual.hastah/ rominent citizens; all_ -es--eo gret that the. doctor and his matter received. The 'experienc - of ere leaving - and ,,wishing them 'Ottavee'in MIS respect has been the .1n their new home. A pre. eltiferience of 'pretty much every city, n was made from the citizens' town andLvIllage, in Ontario. the form of a silver • tea set. -Andrew McComb, .a railWaty labor- -er, su osed te be from hear -Mad, stone,... Manitoba) 'died at Lanigan, -.,in' Saskat hewan, -under -suspicious . clr- cumsti ces. Poisoning by wood alco- hol is - -entioned as the cause of death.' county, seriously injuring six - men, M'cOem had very little' ineteee on Tem et:thSm are not expected to re- hirn, di had not been drinking ret cover; While the Others e.re Painfully cantly : lIt appeared to - be in gOodt Wore& ' although not very serleuely. health, thoeigh verti meetly until a I How any 4ticaPed - Instant death is a,, miracle. W. Won. llixon. of Delaware, couple of hours before his deathei When lie became violently sickd rnehi$C hie I threshing engine to the : hen unconscious. - • . - tart& a yri4. ' Henry Woods, to -buzz" -On December 15111, the new IC x woOd. The eaw was placed in the Presbyterian church in Strathcona Was Mornings and it was delcided to saw dedica.tecl by Rey. Dr. DtiVal, of - 'ly -wood after dinner About two o'clock Trinity eetireh, Wlnnipegj who prea a- the men tett the heuse and began ed the dedicatian eernio s. The n le making 'Pr4earittiOns to saw. Mr.. Nix. pitureh as an acoommod tion for o er eon" end itis hired mane Kr. Arthur 1800 . p le and was . filled to RS t- Porte, - began getting up steam. A *Mt pecity. It is a beautiful- ed gold efire was put into the fire -box, brick rueture which: ittae cost t e and the men began to chat until 1_ ; s ‘jIngre tion about $25,000. It ha% . steam was ' up. Just as they were ell eiutif location: in. - thi,s the it 1- -standing around the engine, the exe ersitycity of the Province of Alber plosion toolplacewithout the slight- --Ha ey -Morehouse, a boy heel e est weatnin . The impact threw the }YearI* -1,11. Jackulett, who:lives with s f ' age "bed . a most .exciti g _met to the ground. As they lay there yl gni ixt . noethmerotedhaoguswie wthasaciaintottnus t- eurnetOriheschlocauso, th;oursteeatamoverandthehmot, awmaiitdp.r ei Ing them fearfully. Kr. Jos. Poole ing its with a .22 calibre ' was out e the line or the - steam, husbani on a claim in. the Nut Moil but still soe i bt the liot water reach - fain di trict, bad her feet' badly fr & i I ed him : i 6 although hie scalds are 6 t , ph ,getting lost in the bu hi not -so se ius as the others, they Mrs. ekulett getting lonely, t e; are indeed painful enough. Not `it husben being away, she decided 0 scrap ofthe boiler xemalitts. Frage , *Visit h neighbor, Mts. MeGinnie, d ments or it were fount many 'hundreds in so - ng took the wrong trail. of yards in the so me of thace'- e , 9 trail a 16 .-rAloncd led to a ChSt1 d dent. The major portion ofit was , eback nd from there on she took a lifted clear 1 over an orchard, and fell urvey ine thinking it was the roas, en the oth r -eide. • The orchard is nd soon 10St In the bush. $ riddled with flying- splinters. The aokul t was found next clay,by- so e front wheat:rare all that remain Jlndians in, an exhausted - conditi , tact, ated_th are the only tnonurAente eying andered in the cold all Ig t of theiold engine. The big ;mar wheel's Ite brought into Invermay s were lifted bodily and hurled two or Oh a possible and was sent to t a . t'hreet hundrect ft back into the ot‘k. mkt hospital. It is believet1 a char. The wrepit was meet complete., illamilifoornimemmareasar* A Threshing Explosion. A - threshing 'engine exploded a -few days ago it the tacra ot Kr. Henry Woods', Delaware township„ -Middlesex PUT Bar, etc. thocolate Sticks, Croqu. e, et es, nos are very &boo s, ;Tux COWAN Co. mina d, TORONTO OU Read ;It is just pessihie you have not yet) gotlhat winter suit .or over coat. If Wallis -the case, it is tim to invest. It is only a ' short step toward winter and ti e chill winds and frost will 'nip you up Just as sure as winte4 is the fact that our clothes are the beskelothes—fit, finish, we ring qualities and price— that Can b,got. • - ! • , . OUR MOTTO IS : The besf.clothes at the lowest pric Fr, quality considered. you. Try it this time. the bot policy for us and the best Bilyisarsi? .4:Fau Til SREAD IS THE STAPP OF LIFE' , and ibis more vital that it ohould be good than any other food. WHITE CLOVER BREAD is made of the highest quality of flour and other ingredients, and IVI4k is used instead of water. These are combined by the highest baker's skill, and the 11:esult is the PERFECT LOAF. Its crt!ist is light and crisp, its tiexture fine and even. it is Ilealthful, nourishing, digeitible, and TASTES COOD. Do not a y longer be content with the old dry crumbly' bread mad of cheap Rout and ,water', but insist on having; The Best Bread That. Carl. Be Nide., MADE BY ICH BROS., ()TICE' All partie,s indebted to the late James Canning f Dublin, are ijqueeted to pay their bills at the Wes- tern Bank,blin, oti or before Jan. 4th, 1008. After that 4late th will] be placed in the hands of our solieitors, Deet Ss Thompson, of Alitcholl, for collec- tion. This is the big, new can of stOv-e, polish that is 44411 -ting so.ma.ny hong- keepOre, emks and inais,- It shibes cptickas a whik. And : the shine .staars, alsj black. 'Won't 210 Matter how gets- — It is ways ready for me, just as good for Grattm, 'Svejs and Imo - work; as it is for Stovw, e best stove the Tilogt of it or money. Insist on iiavi BMUS' 11110WLIDGE & " EVE LASING PI1811" iiretv.wao essentials to eneeess. °TT TOADNTO. on% And prepare fdtrfirst-clees bushiest; positions =eh es are open to o students. Thiadrcde of our students are going into positions every 3,ear. Let tui train you for- o_ e. We will do it nght. Winter term opens Jan. Sth I Write for catalogue and sde wherein we excel ordin brailitess colleger. title of college . Corner Yo ge'and Alexander Streets. V• J. ELLIOTT', Principa J. Lewis Thomas Mil Engineer, Architect,etc Late Dominica De ertment Publio Work& 'Consulting Engineer fo Mituwipal or ; County work. Electric Rail roads 3eiverage er Waterworks Systems, Whariee. ;Bridges le mimed coact& PRONIC2t220, Way. L0NDON1 Gar, I JOSEPH CANNING 1.EnctproRs FRANK IlsCONNRTI, • WA NTP D AT °Nen on salt aty and expenses. • One good man in each /meaty ;with rig er capable of 1-msidliztg 'hones to adVertise awl introduce our guaranteed Stock and. 'poultry specialties. No experieam neceszar3/; 'Ise lay out your work for you. $25 a week and expenses. Position permanent, Write W. A.14 stenufacwaing Co., i,onden, oat ou Policies APO Unique That is soniething to think aboutin connection with the policiesi we can offer you. No ter system yet de- vised a cords better or more comp!elte protection for your old at than our IDEAL BONDS. Our _new RESERVE DIVI- DEND POLICIES furnish ENDOWMENTS at ordinary LIFE RTS, Veryonneeds to create and strength for And of -duties. -There is twill tha.n an Me or puzity and merit has been at chemists, physic experts * the gr itions. - thing tam ally - gt bet ttheer of which by nsf and at a '"fri=110C ate pce ant en eral TherobrO Ittsfat ii107.0;, bothist--esoxfA.s,.s.Add_ umn: Lek vted 'Lei inspect the ttnt figeS reaS .11_5 .0liEiT1 ick heuse,1 ; a -pal bu ,nbn$o an Thi.515A • rnier,'orior; -les froni Seale -eildrassSealartli P. SUFfERIN find Igo Mt -th s.astorad, by this use M i lb u at and Thu pt generation b&vaase,.. than their share omit is nervousness and rftweek, ' andfa. efilbertite Newt Ifaid Nerve- Ms o4 rat -others theta is a to-si on verve*, situserhan fles heart and mate strong *4 illeigar, create - setaelee.sed. baguet that sense of lyetItM the * Mrreglatue, otos° s. I;),. "Pot a vt..-r a year was troutP ass rid het trouble. - I urn andsa-vo Pills'ea'A using -fiv+ hann 1 found 14,:s- nom let* always reconunOd them to my *end*.' es for *LW ibraittgi Prima ZOI oents per box or -thresh° all dealers or, The Wails= Torontni!Ont, 4.Y $.11L1! premises of 1‘ thym penses.1 t and um f•thott. door west -of lEginor - noranoirs sbined 'bons ; O' • iu)li.lkit for rj?piq i_ tIte lop, About 4▪ :44 viol •evisr 4 -so tnc th parring,eher4es. -TTLE j . to take; . Gati stall d • 1,"or P41010; Who have the most c 1 for the manufacture a Dominion. lf your .we need hi take advantage of our Our specialists have e correction of its sir study for many ada's most up -td -data o THE TAIT-BROW ETES= 5 237 Dentate Street e We have a TWENTY-YEAR NDOWMENT MAN upon which only Sl4TEEN PAYMENTS are i made, 4id the payments are not higher than the twenty year entowment prensiurns of the leading American com- panies. Write to us a pecial policies. INT out ese Insurance Company Lo dons Canada, 11, R „BMX, Ale% - • . _ • acres - good frame t'.41611 cell& tattle frOuti 4 tui the 'p24_ KrssEin 'Laois Por sale, z firSt,•;" God rigs alin ke Good truhine tlt ILBU XAmi Pi are milk sure and la reigelstarof the,system. 1'4 ttlksygenray unlock the Sometime -4 away all *Asti:kw:4 waste film ayetana, and _give tone whole intestinal ta.se titan, Sit* Headaolust *Coated Toinente, elett, Heartburn., al:a we 9gdeni, W • hnsbiowl and envaelf hard need lure& IetxreLiver Fil fr a yeara, Fe think we caliaot them :The ey are the Prim 26 ces,th or five at a 41esiersnttfrftt T. Main= 03,„ Ont, D PIN prow = Skagektlik. iltiotstreleal treaun woman a YOU - NE D _ uerwea,r, M. - At the cheapest prices, ru from me. ,Highest 1r1cLs duce. , 4 (3- ' ROBERT Gera erchant, Iirmat to Xtrra.15eiAleripn , anus *VIM McK Gre proviso glasSw prx ! praries, reaeted 6 bars ftve soi,1 boxes si honey. arid -awe Pleats, 4 'ahead e strap, potahaee -coal oil 1; eroelterte, JOHN 21. COVEN Winth P. O.* e, IALEX.Plat..°8', Coune AJAIMe. 'YOWAN, Connel or P.0.. ' JOHN tteD0Wpienf�rth , P. O. fl JAifetaRYAN, Colwell P. Oe I CRA p.WL MURDIE, - P.. 0.,,. O. .ROLLA.- ND, oodomoNP. sOH. Amo i ;Winthrop.