HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-12-27, Page 8A wea eyer- ft at a al ew 110 you n us and inspect met stoe haveeeplenelicl valaes and clos- est privets on • et Plated ,Inives and Forks ers in caries Nickel Plated Orranb Days Nickel Plated Tea Trays Wile and Pocket ("teeny • stoc• k of Skates Hockey eke, Straps and'Pucks is the tetasit complete in town and palms loekt -Hardware, Stoves and Coal. th Successor to..114.-N.WatSan, NORTH MAIN ST.e_SEAFORTH. - Deeetalektrira, said Accident Insur- ance agent, Reel Snide and .Lear) Dealer. in firat.oliew family and maaann. taring Sawing MaOh!neir Arid Poem lagetRaymond end White Sewing littabines,, and National andia like ode Omen Separatoret / Also "swim macildne needles, oil, attaoh- mate; repairs Dna tandries for all 'With aver years optima:ft la tbe above tin:sinew jolt Oast *0111 MAUI 04 of primes JAMES WATSON, sasseaos Agent, -sind deafer In Sewing Machin sod -ney.,.. North Main skeet, Seafarer. SAitit -McMichael; re Tarawa, TbomasiRie eta; iitandard. be land; senior guard, ior guard, 'George meets the firsti of evert? -thr tun tradition atielall Ireaviag Town. -much to ,learn of Seatortl* Of Mr -s Ise, hp 'will. as page& -factory zee -witty i Thost Bell it& Stine -furniture !factory' h :Wes .out Of :emiisloy it. Mr. Langetrot weeregeet very mu -dyes not, -however, ces. now jecnialtat hope the( efoto he sia bet a ellen e, and Christmas Mete Scholars -Of - the church,. Oil, Friday ,cidect success. .Th crowded With the araends, watt War programree.. The e'• the supeteatendeti son. The 'program and all taking p selves in, a. most After the program full of b ge of lift.- Robb was teachers. •- No oee the school thari ' years been' ibrari of the bleek board John F.Stapies AGENT rOR pumps a specialty, also all kinds of Windmills. Ostlers left at Staple Bros. Barber 4hop, nut iicitooL STRATFORD, ONTARIO. Ey jiving a better course of training. than that ,siven by any other sinallar Institution in Ontario, "we have become one of theft:Wing business training who* in Canada. Our graduates are in demand as -office assittants and busineSs college teachers. Our leaurses being- the, best, oin graduates succeed. If interested in youri own welfare, write now for our ottalogue-it is free, . We have three deptirtmenta- -waronereial, shorthand and telegraphic. Winter terra Meng Amway gth. E have very pleas- ure in wishing you, one and ,all, a very Happy New Year - DAL jeweller & Optician New Term Front Jan. Eater any day for long or short course -NeW catalogue ready. Write for it if you have any idea of a college course. Address 11. SHAW, Prinelpal, Oen‘ral Business College, TORONTO Notice- I Notice is hereby given that- the'82nd annual meet- ingtif the Mcgillop Mutual Fire Insurance Coj_npanY will be held at -the Town Hall, &Moral, on rriday, Xannewl7th, 1508, atone o'clock p. m. Business-- -AeoeiWag the direetavor auditors' and treasurer's re. jporte, the election of thine directors and other hued- meesthat may be ra for the good and welfare ,..1'fav the company. The • g directors are James .8140orion.Y. George Daln and JP1In Watt, who are ,niele for re-election. . are requested to attend. JOHN H. eicereta, President. THOS. HAYS, Secrets' ry. ItSEIIEN Examine ou• r special hues of iiBuiat, Horse and. Calf Driving eciloveo - the best values on the -market. Also our stock eef stay -on Blankets is com- plete. Headquarters for Galloway, Bishop, Mongolian D o g, Goat and Imitation - Buffalo. The best made at Iovrest prices. Trunks, suit cases and valises -- special val. uee and largest assortraent. -BRODERI('K'S Noted Cheap Harness Store ,Opposite Centraeroiat Hotel, &fat ie; ardeena 'trees iintershea ;third etines is in a rospe the rie' thirst trine* ha the furni cbased at tie Wing 0 f the .s aff et t•ari legit thirty arsi h that c Celina together, there will de ide t ret th ng He Ind 11 3ohe pale ins. I Maio O'Keefe, a is =a cattle buyer, of Sea- Itansfoe Of Clinton; -a alining , dam- eettle, that O'Keefe bag t from Bans - ford. The case was triedieut the die vision Omit at Clintort, tat the aOth of September last, but 'Judgment was not ,galv3ito until a tete" aays ago. Mr 3. pit st acted; for Ma O'Keefe. Thirtieth Anuiversare.-The 00th ane Methodiet church, was held oft - Christ - was knell *the proceecli ifs were of in' interesting nature. Rev George Bug - gin, who was pastor. in charge at the brief ' history -of the congregationti Messrs. '. John area jam Beattie, who are the, only members f the taustee& beaed of that time left, alao gave ad- addressSs. Mr , Leather aria . was un- able to attend *tying ' 0 illness. Let. ters were also read ar rn ' several tot - mer 'teeters and .61d embers of - the. congregation. Rev D. ogers, the pre- sent pitator, was la charge, 'of the ser - busy, day in to nave than throng some resemblance day. peope were the crowd, The Stewart Bros., clo In fact this sea very eatisfactory nese, although ma plain of.. dull tra.d tributed tie cert enterpriee: of Sea the large establis manse and varied our merchants e. are noted. As g 'Varied a selection the stores of Sea the city . establis prices are loWer. have caught on t a.ccordingly.- Hen the Su irst sehool merits tally en air was s.es and t acqui reditabl WaS tidies f The day s esby wait a, taker P. ed ver S eta ba 'ket tae 0101 che rge ery lei - the ool an the embere;,/3 wit day s rflOre a/ lie ti has he SU as d Robb, a essore, and been 113 t e aturday and t usiness . Main o a fa here fro chants II Imo in the day an so far last places street or a far orofite n fir the lastor ually has tee w y of y other .tonins This ay b in ext int t tits d the stocks carrie for tt bleb. can- be rth as he aub these fa the Prom Friends . positor; Mr. Peter fort, Sask., an ol all the grain dee up. The winter very Mild not eno ing end although affects us sonie to eat, drink andf meal for any ald favor us 'with a all the cotiplinien firmer resident o have taken The and would -not 11 as it tells Me of et Huron but I 'change in the, na Well we' have ha the craps were g was gooa. Ne a weather and ha frost. I have a berries In my ga time. large, fall in my garden oat • Home Again. - of McKillop, neat last week from t he bad spent most a homestead; each looking atter the theee *properties. with him, reniain where win !pro ter. Mr Aitche located 80 miles that, at the piese is now gradea an ruenhtg past hie He says that life 'land is as good a but- this!' year the frozen and he !say how many of the. fee- frosted grain, market alai! it is to- get machines they havei .A , set Altebesori was, ha getehis erne crus The neatest dector The frieads of th went all this dist teed whea they g fennel he! was not .not Undettake the return home the f their friend tit m in Saskatooti and tbere with him t weakenea by the the docatte there thing for him and' ing day. This is hardships which- t newer parts are' e comes akteg towns venienoes of wain tibiae eal4 Term s an foun 11 MO le see is an throng ption to , The Aikenhe d, of Exposi or eve re so fa has still h ve en wear an an call. ishing positok to de the goo see a, of a very d and t having had s nd en, at WTI on aye ale n full b 1 aliwa or 37 witho Old ry the a good . e we eery reeler ar s too, get II Ore Ora ace nd by of did of ubt ell. Gen si nia at - the ims by hey as in of the act of re- ittle ys- if eze eon gh- cy the ay OU ars lks eat ar, her pen ny sr- ent nd ses John Altch on, of the sammer son hay take up in the 1. Ise eke a son, who as ably sp a the is ep sierties are m_ Sas a;tooei a t time, the at - is e3c eted be is not 11 SUDL. the any m arts. he wheat was die ew sett rs wit get they a ler one vett her for cm thresh the ain er near where Mr the rn ,sfortu to ea in a mac ne. nee for this tor to his place ey sargeo, end WA ease. Tiey ha to ,y -mile and ke when t ey az. ed poor fellow vraa so could n t do Y- a sampl Of he d when a Tai y are buil am, 1- ry -civil' ation re y reach and ey- of the abater Christmas :Visitors. Christmas -visitors in' t elsewhere, we notioed Wm. Btine, Hamilton; Minnie Beet, Zurich ; rie ; Miss Belle Bali Miss Mary Gillespie, Arcbibald and Fred Ph London e Wm. Johns Herbert tifoirisona =NV Scott, *Loadon ; George Dr. Killoran, Toronto; New York ; Georgeond ers and -Win. McDougal - *Among the wee not given the following: •Alf Peters, of Toronto ; Miss ank Scott Bare ronto; Bert cal, ' Stratford he Misses Kidd, Thomas Smith- , Jr.; from ,New er hot and' !will re urn opening or sea eel on the Jan I Stor Co and Mirror Casei Mankato Seta Collar and tuff Boxes Handkerchief Boxes jeneel (hales Persee, Hand Bags-, Music,itolls Ladies' and Genth' Card Cases Bill Books mid Coin Pursee tOigar and Cig.arette Cases Meereleatim Pipes and Cigar Holders Gold Mounted ;r,ier Pipes Tobacco Pooches in Teal seal an aliigator Aiabellit and Living Cigars at 75c box ''Good Feed Wheat in stook Seaforth Wing Co. , Robe Eschanged.-Will the Saskatchewan robe from the Q on Christmas night and left his the one he took and geb his. save fttrtlier costs: Highest -cash price paid for al -niink, coon, muak rat, fox an Henderson, Commeroial Hotel, of June nth says : The bil Crocker, at the Grand this wee good one, both from an en tional point of view. The troll ponies, donkeys and mules go t 'moderate pricer). arbY who took a new eeta's note Stables own, kindly returrt, y SO doing he' will = 20894 hinds of raw fursi skunk:, George Li Orth.- 20094 The Verona) -*midi la an exceptionahyi cif 4ealned. horses, = rough a pro raunne that differs greatly from those sunder exhi inasmuch as the animals go th itgh an altogether original routine of acts. The nundls march, play musical instruments, and act irate dramas, and in many other ways ehow a degre of mental develop..., irtent that is considered little bort of marvellous, , While the intelligent perform ew of theanost dif.1 they devote the greater part o . the entertainutenC to a series of absolutely ori nal novelties. The donkey comedians do their wor with great regard for laughter and applausa ese clever animals appear In the Seaforth 0 era House for two rights and one matinee, D er 80 and 31; 1907.! Matinee on Tuesday afternoon. Prices for evening,; adults 25e, 850 and 50e ; ehildr n, 15c. Prices for1 meetbiee---Adults 25c, children De. gesal House for Sale or Rentt-iror sale or rent, com- fortable frame house on Jame street, in Seaford]. Every eonviailence in good rep It' and pleasantly lo- cated. Good stable on the at, Apply to jam Local Briefs. -Me Ar ur Forbes and Mr. and Mrs James F bese of Michi- gan, are spending the, Christmas sea- son with their parents , Mr. and Mrs Mes,srs. Forbes, hold risible ;posi- titichigan:-Mr Donald Omits, of Exe- ter, was in town on Saturday • lad, calling on old friends.--taise Norma Dickson aria -Miss - a Cowan are home from Toronto, the Chilatme,s vacation. -Mr W. Gov -rdock, of Chic- ago, is visiting his p rents, Mr. and Mrs. 3 R. Govenlock North Main street. -Our butchers d splendid dia. plays of Christmas m ts this year. - A meeting of BrItannia Masonic Lodge ,will be held this, Fri ay night, St. John's Night, When t e officers for the coming year will be instelled.- Junction, has been een aged by the Collegiate Institute Bo rcil as teacher Of , modern' anguages na history, as successor to Miss St le, at a salary of $800. -Mrs D. J. al Callum Mid lib- ci to.-Mre Tr. G. Willis is spending- the Christmas vacation wit her narenta in Detroit. -The Rev-. E. N. Shaw and wife, of Lyons circuit, tormeely of the eecipients ef hand,. lime gifts at a surprise Tarty held, • • -their circuit. Mrs. Shaw was present d with a heinde some carelage- rug and Mr. Sliteve with ;stone/ nurse, of New , ork, is bete on a lake to her -parents Mr. and Mrs We E' Southgate.- re. Leach, tif days with her parents Mr. and lire - S. Barton -Mies Nellie Devereux, mil - /liner. Of -Ottawa, is ho le for the hol-' idaye.-eMr Norman It man. of Re- gina, epent 'the Christm s holidays here' with _friends being t, . • guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. Y. McLean -Walter Gregg Stewart; second son of Rev. Dr Stew- art, of Clinton, died in the hospital in Toronto on Saturday. He bad beeti on the brain. He, was, a bright, profile tieing young man, 19- years of age, and- ids early death s a severe = bee :reayement to his. pars ts 'snit -friends. .-The municipal berth ations will be enirig next. -Mr Alex. Lamont has re- turned trete Parry So nd to spend the . Martin and Mr.- Ile.rry irns, of 'Chic- ago, are visiting thei grandmother Dodds, John street. ,,,, , 3. Hughes and ‘ master Harold speut istmas with his weather, Mrs. Joh laiighee' and Mrs. Roach --Miss Wel a Stevens who has been, attending th Clinton Model . school during the past term, is apentle ing a few days with ef ends in town. Miss Stevens bas bee engaged :in a ' echool near Blyth for he ocimitig yeart -Mre. Andrew Little, -of tdcpregor. Manitoba, arrived here on Mehdetylast and will spend the -win er at the home Harpurhey.-Mr and 1 a.. John Mc- Donald, at 'Walton, s • ent Christmas with Mits. McDonald's parents, Mr and Huron Road East.- , I essrs George Smithers, Fred Hainm t, H. Oughton, Geo. Webb, Thos Smi hers, and* sev- eral other men, whe a a- working for Edge .& Gutteridge, in the neighbor- hood of Party Sictund, are home tor Clitistmas.-Mr and 'Mr . Pang/nen, of Hall, the home 'of th latter's MO - :tiler, Mrs. P Case. -Mi s t.alveltire Dare Limoges') brown Derby, Coalport and Japanese China, Beautiful Japanese Baskets from. 25 up EbohY Mirrors, Hair, Hat and Cloth. ' Brushes Perfunie in Dainty Boxes ,Toye, Dolls, etc., in great variety e Come -in and see us, whether C ABERHART. ti. DRUGGIST Agent for Sheopie Remedies, hot water bottles, fountain syringes,'Cooks' • Cotten --Root and 'Woods' Phospleedine. mas holideys in town, under the 'met sloes, preached in the Soaferth churc last Sunday marning, emit in the Eat mendville church in the evening, and for tithe need, both 'from a, religione and national standpoint, of Trovidirl$ religious ordinances for the pe,orle et.- the- new street. Dr aieltareii s digit trict extends Irani Gleebec to the YUit aoh. He was for 14 years in the paele is quite conversaat with the contlitioa and neede of every - district in MS enost of theme -We a,re sorry to teazle that tar. Alex Davide:at is again lea rdisposect-Mx Wan. McDougall, of Are bed. for several weeks, is not prOs greasing heaithward as rapidly as hia lesplat of North Main 'street met wita was carrying a dish of - boiling water When it tell scalding her- lieet.-Christe weather, although bitiatry, wag plea ant and the sleighing good. Our zit zens as a rule,: spent the day in sa... cial enJoyment and in curling vela skating , at the ;ink. There were sere vices in St. Thomas' and St Jameia abarchee in the mor! ing.--Mr Andre* n▪ ey & 'Archibald., was mairied in T: rrato on Christmas day to Mies bil Roberts, youngest daughter of Mrs. lit Si Roberts, of Seaforth The youag coaple have hosts of friends here who will join The Expoeitor in most cor- dial congratulations. --liar and MrS. $. Dickson, jr, are spending a few daaa be towh before leavIng. for their home in Fort atitekatchewan.-Mr ' W. V.• Hays, 'Miss Hays, and Mr. Hector Ilene of Goderich, spent Christmas with *. and Mits. R Si Hays.t-Mr. A. Stewatt, of. the Seeforth Milling Compaey, 4 - 'turned from Fort William- to spend Christmas here wlth his family:s- aWatded 5th prize tor White Rock cockerel at Guelph Show. This was _Inadvertently omitted; from the lad laat Week. -Mr Thos. Fowler, of the Bell Engine Co., is horne from tete • • Matriinohlal.-Mr Samuel A. Dick- son. barrister. of Fort Saskatchewate and SOn of Ur. S Dickson, postmaster, • Seaforth, was united in marriage, to Miss Evelyn H. Ward, in Hamilton, on Thursday of -last week. The Ha Jiton SpectatOr makes the following reference to the Interesting event ; "A very .pretty wedtling took place last night at the home of Mr. and Mre Alfred Ward, when -their second dauglee ter, Evelyn Hannah, was united -in marriage to Samuel Archibald Dick- son, of Edmonton, Alte., only sail Of Mr. ahd Mrs Samuel Dickson, of Sea - forth. The ceremony was per-tor/ilea by Rev. T, 3. Mansell, of Duedae, assisted by Rev. Richardr :Whiting,. a Centenary church, liandlton. The bride was given away by- her lather. She wore ivory crepe de chene, eta ' and filet lace. She was attended by her sister, Miss Alice al. Ward, its Maid, of hothor, and by Mats Rae Dick. eon, of Seaforth: and Miss H. Illvelyh Armstrong, of Montreal, as, bridesmaida. They all wee dainty gowns' of &Wen cloth, and carried large - boeuets of ptnk Killarney melee The groom w supported byt P. If Yeates, while H. Ward and George W Ballard act ed as ushers. A cbteeh telegrams of congratulations were reeetved by tate hapey couple. After, a- Short trip, afe Mr. and Mrs Dickaan will return -0 Hamilton, before leaving' for* the : home in Edmonton, `Alta.'? Mo. Dicke. son's large -circle et frieeds in alai his old home, will unite with The. Ette lations and beet Wishes: A Double Surptise. -! There Were pleasant and happy -dotage in the school in section -.No. 4, ma Fritlay laet the closing day for the Cliristmes cation. Mr eMcCia,vin, the: teacher, Ott surpriee tor the peels aa. areeenting each :with a bag' of candles, nuts, ete. additicei they had 'a, stood 'and * etc., by the pupils This= was a sues - prize for the !pupae, but they had one in store for their teacherS when thea presented him with a 'arse containing a nice sum of metney. . During hie stay here Mr. McGa,vin teas proved and a most estimable young man, Ptah ular aliae with pupils, ' trustees aria parents and it is with the greatest regret they lose him. But ,!wherever hit goes be will be followed ay the vera sbeeesttkinivi. shes of every per4on in the months with his many friende MS vicinity. We are pleased to see tha# he never forgets this burg. - Mar Walsh, of Sea.forth, visited' - her else ten, Mrs. E Flannery aed Mrs. Pt Curtin, daring the 'past Weela-laral David' Crawford Li visit,r4 her broe Mete Mr: Jehn Shea -The '; Messrs. Je tabiaelhuitsti a correspandeat came to hand tee la or insertion week, but WM a Annual Sheeting Match. -.-The senile 21'; Brintnelle 18.4 BrIntnelit *-1,6 1311 Notes.-Missi Walsh sad Miele. Plan gaests of Mit end Mrs Joseph Mc Sunday with 'Jars. Jtimes-: Shea -Mie with tar, and 'Mee atfe Evans las week. • Stanley. Farm SoIdr-eliat 'Ames lifahatly lesed of *hie -tam, on the 2nd con cer -teat, three. end- a belt miles, fro Clintien, to Mr. Charles Kelton! -Me yeers peat With Notenali. Carte Of Tuckeramith. The Utah oantain 100 acres,- and the- price -paid _was $5 600. Mr Mahaffy talka of going Egmonelville to reside. Bluevale. • THE CHURCH OPENING. Sunda and Monday were eventful days the history of the Bluevale Presb terian church, when the services an ceremonies in connection with tat opening of the church, building too lace. The work of prepavation ha een going on for many months an theaast stroke was not finished amt I the labor was rewarded by the restil and many comments, were heard o the pleasing appearance and comfo t of th,e 'The church Wit$ pee ed by great oongregations at all titre of th.e Sunday servicesa Rev. W. JeMartin, of Zion church, Brantfo was the spea,ker at the morning a evening services. _ He made ve pleasing impression by .his fine pre pression, and the practical nature ef his discourses. His morning subject was the dedication of the churela the service of God. • He reminded hos hearers that the building of t church:was for one purpose -the glo of God -and no other aim should theirs on its dedica,tion, In the eve ing he spoke on our duty to the pe ples which are in need of the gospe for oi-Ir home and foreign missto -work. The afternoon service was ao ducted by Rev. Mr. Wishart, B. A of Melville church, Breisseis. He is forceful speaker and his theme w the shortness °inf.! and the certain of death. Re pointed out the nece sity of activity and usefulness dui% the short span of life allotted to The clutch choir, with Miss Jess Moffatt as organist - did excelle t work throughout. the day. The day s collections amounted to $145. --- The new church is a 'neat structu e of red briek 011 a foundation of o neer& blocks, flanked by buttresse with trimrainge of cement, and d cove, 54x88 feet The entrance is on the Found. level, and from the low vestibule the stairwaySlead eith side to the mairi Boor where the ass tprium is reached through anoth vestibule. The auditorium has a m in pale blue, dark green and gilt on a, terra cotta ground. The walls are f stuceo, while the choir alcove is plast- ered in hard finish. The wood wor pulpit andepews are of ash in oil isle. The Roman vvinderws are glaz a in electroplated cathedral glass, a d the pulpit furniture :is upholstered • 'brown leather. The basement, whi is entered from the lower vestibule, divided into school -room, vestry, libr- aty and kitchen, which contains it e Kelsey furnace. The Ladies' Aid ie vided. the lamps, the carpet and t pulpit furniture, The choir purch ed the Kern organ., the Westmins Guild paid for the windows. and t e Sunday School bought the -school room furniture„ --The first sod was turned II the middle of June, and the eorn stone was laid on August 13, work proareseed well under the supe vision of the building committee, Maxwell, John McNaughton, Geor e McDonald, James Moffatt, John Mu dell, Robert Black and R. N. Du Mr. Robert Maxwell. yeas building, vector. The architect -wag W. was the contractor aeld the sub -co tractors hicluded ; 'Ulnas Pipe, le) Wilton as Gillespie,'Brusaels, m work ; William Fox, Wee:trete aintinge Valley City Seating- C des, pulpit ande?ews ; S. Bennet Winghana. wood work. W sh Eliferyrui body Success arel ness Dtring ithe New Year e I Briefseethe anneal' Sabbath sch held. on Friday- iiiitening last, Vhe tendanca 'was large and the illustrat lectuzia by Bev. Xr Moffatt was MU enjoyed. The proceeds >amounted o •over $34.--MIss Bella Thompson, this. village, who is an efficient and what recently maned as teacher f Not 14 =school, Hay, to . accept a a Won No. 10 sal:tool, gay, at an a ed. by her puells with a handsome ng. ror and jewel ease, accompanied by very, kindly address, expressive the high eateem in which she NV friends in Highgate.-Mais Mar t Sparks, of Blake, who has been Detroit for some time, acting as aurae, was In the village last wee renewing aequaintances.-Mr S. Ma tin, of *Dauphin, Manitoba, is visitin has been leader of Carmel elturch chit for a, 'number of years, has reggae and Miss Hart has a,ccepted .the -roe tion on trial for three months.—M ana Mrs. Pearson and ' Miss Nibore, London, are spending the Christma 'holidays here vvith friends. -Mies ith ticEweri, teacher, is home for th holidays,* James Todd, of Bad Ax Michigan, is visiting his uncle, Geo. Toad -The Messrs. licAlliste McEwen and Geiger, wit deal stuclenta are borne frOm Toronto, on vacation. Mr. and Mrs Moorebaase, of 'Regina Miclidgan, ere -spending Christmas wit their relatives and friends in Hen sall and yleinity.-Mrs L. Harold, aringlutun was in the village this week January January 3rd January 4th will be special days for clearance of odds and ends For this winter's best bargains in ow that about to pkasure to many cus precjation patronage granted' us the past ye throughout year our fa the public 'be even -Elie ear -43f the liberi h t has bei ssur4nce o se We shall si ed policy o but goods quality, an maintain p est level uch Yoar, as ha our custo inducemen high class prices ina low, with either sty Our speeia never force this respect wink Woman a Cloth Jac us a itt dopirtnrn er ndic, or qu SA ea, elt so Come to °till. Edmonton, where he had been during the sammer and fall, working at Ids trade as a masone:-Mr G. C. Petty Was in London this Week. -Mr R. Cade more ltaa Secured seaeral contracts, al- ready , for the serina trade, one of them tring for Mr. Bernard Thou -rem, et our village, for a nice additi or front to his present' dwelling. - ed home frOne a pleasant 'visit With relatives.-Mzs MeMartin, of Barrie, is visiting, her mdthereeMiss Bessie !tire euhartl is home train Londoe for the Christmas holidays. -Mrs Jolnuet of Guelph, 1,,s visiting her mother. Mra. fr• iends in Math and' Auburn.-Mesers R. W) Murray, of Toeonto; Georgei of Seney, Iowa, and Teomesi of Owen Sound, are here visiting taeir -father, Mr. James Murray, who, in his 91st yeare is graduelly growing weaker, lama ceiefined to bed all the time. • endea the marriage of their daughter, &spate, tte Mr. n_ Cole, 'oat Godericla tortship, last ;Wednesday. The wel- ter* plaza at the -horne of tele *a y Mende areund here tarts, .1toblualen, under the ntal ehased James via/ hold home oit yrs. ,r Thursday nexts' .A their plans 'or they inten .the n set t has inove from W who had Krs. Isaac her home. -.1 - last week. Mitebela f Toro rote or undas Seaforth !from thel dies Mee a SUSS , starting u of Poll bas r4urete ef Harris friends he Lowes and don, Ma Mrs. B parents- , yisitin Mrs. John t present ting