HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-12-27, Page 77-7, _T 77 ME DECI-M Lin MIRE R er- thitt;1 -,*as a -oird Coitreder- -Wen that. . paper
"M aw o mum cate at the lanip, be put tb& ttfts was Baer down quick.An' got up an7 went out- ohan! side. I Went to the door an! heard lim had #flr,�h Its h AZE-M FOR bops, ,cholioe ler. 1W 8 how -Trabue' was, an' when bave the opportunity. to o iiit 8 rte wdif Jake aid or S 61 ed fr6in se -
of The id to mon W
m Mok
cun, ell, -say V�dl and e Xuch helpfut In_ barl malt she, "You do Wk Uke a non a i roman 11 -1 -OV R 1, L Jali,e told 'im he wttsn't no bettler lie as, as the clerv% Not only It *Wnc ng, waterl could trust au! ef -XuIll give w � your -tie- an' nerr- rap-alst AMIr z"ona._ but itt,their -dally N. HARBE come back. In the house p. lifft wah e lutmok Jkldw wor-d-Ithat thilt won't'go no furder I'll the, kitchen ous, an! IUt night he hardly. slept at 4hey can -teach us tho better ay of Alan a "Mhe 'nd at any-hino- 'I'M � I tu alL Do you know of any Important i Ca re 13bitled M V41k MA]W, ru r The txatnple,of the Rev. Mr, as Ck" 7uhs I deain-s he's had with Trabue, bre�wery ts ecoziomist the moneybacic JW=d, of Hanover, Is. one to bw-4 folo #4 YOU. IN, "r Itt, says she. Ge -to en*ure proper 0 orge Wwe4 In -every home 4n can w. L es"OV4 40 'Not'only t1mt.1 Mg .1, but F] I cross I -- (LONUON) 1"46 'D . A I VO" rXo, I do not, r.%, Hillyer, George ha ndfi g. That is to the arduous dutlez,� IncideziUy "y_heart.' repAed. '11ean't uuden;iand, It."' ly bit parlab, tho- revbrend gentlemom gffi all a 111, sorter thought at fust- that it was it Ahik a 5, wom- 64 rl.-
last is equal to the fill suffered severely with live r trouble from becaIse him aW Trabue is about the indi We Ate a 001119LA az� W, _rM so rry. I bave to 4 st mpassed same age, Atcompanled with. conslUpatiou: but'_�Id' rath ar the an' it sorter made 'Im re- -own O"A E R Xit, A I Oft"tion. ftt he quickly touna Co. -- 11 . thim bave k:, B n;ne, tbough it 11111M single soc I know what ect� on the end we all have to come to. 11oxt &M Truitt 9i AW, and In a letter, tells bow. reA odsa to the 1w rehouse, r -in -golh! to tbll yqu. want to tell - You George, Mr. Hillyer's t, costs consumers only about half as mu�.h as i a 1PO Aed say llrmit-a_tiv�w wely to -show how muel I ap w3late yer �-Ild I Ida, YOU . melate trouble bas made Ilm more, nfeard to *udb, as I -am toubled with Uver Ai th what you did on that tlanta die than most inen-me o� that sort r the 1z" -Wor ff. some Idn iseein to dread the end, like they think continu to mise ag oa 61j, a, Ipm SL41h�,, f dotto The4she swallowed once or tW si t6m Of totto look -IW- me'ta,the eye an" plutful. some special punishment is In store fer across 'As fer as I'm concerned, I dou!t but ft were mkkw to as leau flag. ItIbung everywhere,
ftFTuIt_&_tt"W" -we ma" Of fruit the yardi she �sMdv 'Mir. Truitt was, "Whar ILTO �_yo -er applati ed and et nev4�r ea h sV& on the rAtim Mid valuable tonics--�and 'forin. 'Bettin' In , ilt s' was nei d -th ummer house t"Other believe Mr. 11111yer Ill be punished at -as gerly.- 4"11 hIssed. was beautiful to look upon the ideal combluation for the treat- night an' hear4- Go-ve=* i ir'Telft zo in- all.� HeIs suffered ten times too much r YOU su* home fer - 7ou or peace, patriotIsm and none owl -of BillauxnezN Conatipittlon. e.,. Buckley, e, 11m glad- 'd g 'Unowed -a 61n t Youm already." prospe The Boutherners woul glad -glad -you' done what you done. r that, evening H411yer took Headache and aft! Late is, 1 g9t O I'lold I w have admittea this and Yet thdre was GeOOe,into his congdence as they were td &ak Goyemor.Telfare wi a yl my In& and MA TrObles. Op a box afeard afea Much of the left -over food you now another 6 beauty d�A,Ter to their weary house aw as -fat6i's healthl Is e tba4l smoking on the lawn together.-� throw out can he tuhied -into dell- -a beautv for which they had wbar W*Ut;1- s_ I memory- I tried u "George, I'm In a sight ol trouble," 1. aofildhlt do. more* but best cious dishes by the aditlon of his glancli oit Ge)rge a exp ht f fought grimly and lost. "And Its, the old thing. You tbit bUht to, sho OM er little Bovril. he said. e o Mr. f the Loid ent with Mrs. Cranston, Lydia and Kitty Cos- L do re d ine an- remember I told you Trabue was pay- 'DucWey; but he misun It gives warmed-over meats tha visiting the Dunleighs, a Vir- by Were n1illitted that- okoak Wo _0" JU, on ugb w"I Urs. -Hambright a pens! med, I W] es in Peatlitre MW 106liege. All, disetwe of- 114ho Wit that?" Qeoro aclidmed, ginla faintly who1lyed In one of the ML lt:gives body and Arength to soup3, me?" t. George Ef -1 t best hou estree ter. __ I aCP !L19 ow,t_`,1416,i qyrei I'iftl "And Kea, I remember that," George said. ft d&m 9 M-611late of: Ontario conce 111W to drap 4iff juiciness of the original cooking. thro and gravim Mptily &ttenae& to' AM- e 00ted I'd 6 Buckley was in the city, but be bad
Q "'Well, Trabue is mighty low, and it -to the wort- of In- it gives a delicious, piquant gon Ty. on do, Trultt'rl' flavor e. 0 to attend 'he was'to, die, George, an explanation M at: 421d 0% George, nP 1 got aw- b -broker who ID )a a Suit. or to icold meat and hashm pecting; the books of a was tying b Im ener. Y, his Ily soft ter. ler. -She would have,to be made. Shed have to ea, Ing -t Id me her d cotton -her -ryin' Te -you wM find B handled considerable grain an Ift4*01 &&bm+ bl. Zvery day owil a help f be told that her, allowance wasn't eom- Rymile, SP eilal 0 Xruit had set his heart on a i i
ml for the Darle house. Iled em. I an fare,' n! th and $A economy in your kitchen. 4 at. -She was af rd since he 'Ing from the governihet, aW, maybe Mr. M10- it 6 4 ;T .��_and 0
-The br ter, i ITY Stone, was a P ff* R amf , T,.� leaTingut He sp9k of it *Othing. contains the essence, flavor upbraid me aiY Impoverish youn- nan of high social staudipg In father. had heart disease, t0j"'run con-' -Rovri IL If It' b4d b a ordinary b and nutrient -bubstance of the very elf lers - -0atirlo' o,. pay all o It back Oh,
trag tois wish6s. She Said she was 4he'd UR SAUAL Wies Wat. Atlanta, and he bad -formed a strong accuraw tune for the s' Henoamy-1 gM&UWt*�6f tbW arrangemeni- that etti d --It gives itrength and ign Dox"y S beit beef. a n go afeard the disappfixitment ud actually � George, I'm awfully miserable! I 001146S.. I i hment to the invalid, and help- friendshl p fo 'George and extended the ptem -and ax i a fine Ryrie Bn enouns r 15 talk attisfictorily. But. �dod kill Ilm, I"(WhIt know wb t to s4y. went to to Trabue in private, but h6 plate
me fidness. and economy to the cook. hospitall y6f.tlhe best club in I �rrying pur Som. Jewelled nx N me % r Mt 06 Ontario- Veterinary Maneffo. in, ehQwI In IM I tried to think ol 60mw 6nifortize, Ithe doctor woWt let a soul see "Im. guatantee- rU7y I ba4 aW I George," he said, under his breath, 'Of W e -m- atio i )6 ISO e Idet A1( wt, an! so I Jest coi ie o b4 Alt good grocers 9WI BOVRIL to his f -lends, but George refra-1111ed bCrL th* t X b6 _n1t Je most'm4oru Ef io him And offer�d to Introduce hum c� bi ef he� lid uculWin left� ler thar at the gate. Phe jord. "If Mrs.'Hambri,ght was to th a l4k gold Riled, row Up from accQpting. He -was too fine a S ypi THE OSE is III does- a sight ol things t1 at a be d e to me at this late day -bowed 'society for 25 yeas. an! Say wl .en my r1m Umee OMP"to Disk' yol man to fegl at ease In.general gu tew QeOrge,.my. boy�'_�,ou as she Is w1th age andas nigh as she I #� not 'give -1 our ken,'but why he6 n sk women agrate. and inoth tja� m Wh he L . . . . 1. I . i
wlrl'w_�Mw 4, 1"t -A MtrM so early aft�r his father's Al words inoth like that un suffer is mo -elu,l I kin ae. -Id never git over If, I tell HIS sup go iran left at tbo bdt*l w M- i is to God pUed Stone un lerstood this and did not press -to you -Was est! rh4:1 a sn IW c count fer. 1 reekon he ki his bldsl- lap up all ad to say about "Im' that T Attmsmt Iftut, "u's 20- youT-never!" And throwing his halt a Zra rx's 3i �o�en faced, -------- those thirigs, upon him. �As nigh Heli got Us San& 'ness, but It, C' - a as I come to dotn!,bust- jalv" &t the o0o& 7142 ard would, onfilets wit m notions 'ws i smoked cigar away, Hillyer Strode off fmntAndbi y see you've got'some stunning gir" 1711 3 like rips In the. darkness. bis gizzard !In 'any man er as at tb bOad o' this ness. It �u=led me right sharp, fer I W! p your way." Stone- :remarked As. Y whirlin' universer I'd not cit. men like IMOWe the gat ha marry on her A It at r a Geor t d n r I OU, re s4tis led.7 mind, ttle I e , a ze s oo ea TMG'AJL "Yes saic Telfare lord -it over bet . I or folks- -but an'. Kenner came up dressed George f at, at a, desk In tlie.,corner of Mo atisfled, 1 GO)rge Bill was jest the i I knowed Jt1n Kenner,% i; the gate, Jim h6 extcnde� li id, -lian u u k, aW- the thigg-fer !er. Finally the rooi i 11check Ing up" th . books. ply, and hts I d7mpped (in for RyM BRO, *1 th� made the his best suit, a -flower. in his button- "It's reported down here that our gov- feller may be so p 8 the Ufficulty. Tou know, a ste glac -there wi ts no bloodsl ed. erfect Inbi Lway, -t i 44Y gal bole. "I reckon you thinic I'm a purty that way every chance E Pub- emor runs up .11111yer. 'told me WbatL'bb did that beIo" aetoolly PleRS13! to Lan om. IM6 Hortense den sometimes has thing goin' to see gals ex. my time OP he zewp! Itbaw 134-1,38Yoae day In,:At -p ssIO133. 01 -all., -ha* tr4 i In, Telfare . kegular horrorl',of 'a. goody, goody Zel- zddays� Aud o life," he said, with a sheepish lauglt "Yes, ey
ght" Buckley an, aT-* all rl -find Sonie way out of mrtroulb 10s, -other .;ln ght I'am us con- er,' an! I'seed she thou bed jest es- aj be stuck thar to he opened the gate. swered b efly. I NTO than Ibloodlied." kna U "I was wQ;iderIvg if I ought o- to tetment�,, I w rd futher be a-com-i vaped beW -a preacher -by
or,% main a Ul "th nigger aW split rails In the bellW- bir' 'toll Hortense somet yss Cranston, I under- God "knows 1-ag wl you I WlthL gals'be- operator in glancing eadthan' was not coln' bIng about stand,11.rhn on Stone; _'�"rva hftrd may I that"' said �[illyar u sun rait be thb'sort"ct a swvemok .ieause -he was Eifeard of 'em. 'I let Mrs. ke,board and t ,darkpast,11' Georg� laughed. elingly, and. I her speak about the family know it 9MT!dmof Iked o I o et" vloVi*d "I wl you 'would blacken my record
iL IL IMT& mra I the 1 c6n tiderable item turnel and f . office. -that man� ig. RW he k.UOW
Dugan in ow, rack an' I e - un� n-th aid a severe strain on warTutor, "U t that hain't all.- I "done, sa Shed. biie vi fi, s&e waft so tickl�d he tra In Virgil Ia. Shea visiting th D CUSOLENE 'ANUSEMC TABUIS a llttle,� returned Kenner. "T effi Pffimei Beacon leighs, and I guess; I'll meet her while �ffeotj'ft, reMeft for� Trult *, 1eaul g against' Georges 'des JnI a c me over, an'. I P t Witiloui another Word itt turnea ,She got 1�er -pew W O hk�,-Mzs. Myer says Hortense doesn! DOMMiUSM. JE"k sj��. W]n Ze catalogue tells more i Do�wftfm bo*. 'Off W -=P1 Ing ShE exactly tWe to the goody goody, Xh6ls - hera. You know her, of courser, and I mk, eplshli- and left _JhC offlce.�-- Geeor gat a wo- -,we tuck-ebairs nigh Hortense, an' T AlrS I cou
Lographe;'s Course and "Yes are friends," George said: Wds'. Tat" ef Dew-Alene Duclil, -imeiiiasi ed..by a chap, W to bear me en- realiza.; -Dugan begun. You'd 'a' thought she :preach sort *I -aluab]6 infort7nation simply. &OAea of A Pperrv. I a _M wd my `oot into somaln' eh xt! had come to f Im- - the. as- on the courthouse stand swearin' spout youId think I was a sight wussn YM got, tMM In, 100 Iq V!t�& �otnas of the Busines& 1W 38 fter I Ian d' in town ro 'Tve never seen her," said the CQ]Qle jest a I Id; soldij;es recital. He a, recalling In'a umdor case, sbe was so serious.. 1 *railly am. Oh, Trve been a few gaitz brokerl but judging from M,dation. Bonelt", L eMnvoyanoer 0 her picture, owhi here, but YoOL *a:sn!,: aboi She -led up to It as gradual as P-- man in my time, but I haIWt bad! It's a �f our graduates is not MUM " d 'LyA d n.ianner as she NIA*W: PubUe. _P*t<s Ia's abp6arance an she'must be ood, looking. Howevell, Then, as I _�ad. :R..Oth W to do y ArIv& a school ol fish upstream intok a God!s fact, though, that a heap ol wom- n 4treot caliie lnt�'the parlor that evening,with On* C promiscd Mal flower in herhand. an!' tell about that. The Pictures meizl*r6d th6t'l hadL 1327 71 the net I think she give everlbody In In t -be n(wspavei-s'are always bad. Im A r LIXGE J Cram on to 1 come � in 'an, gfvf everentjy, Darlej i slap or a dab In passin'. Fl- "God bless heiV1, he" saM "In the newspapers?" said George, in estimte On ; M�VinI several hund1r WE E Ri VE LT. "She wa right, then, tri ring to show pally she said it was- the men that Sousitor, GMV S I . surrise.
aCres 01 tan bark on son�e o' his moun- her contempt for Telfare's conduct, laid lo an" that ever'body thought or, lap f taiu . land, I weni dolvn.thar.' He's "Why I Yes; Irs in both the p a of Gammmdree. nd I was brute enough to misjudge was so steady- -that as- regular the Gaasiim Bank today, _�ong with an account 0, 90 i 11 to kant M81=8 for sc-16. of- inan, They rot mro her." d)vus on the sly. 'Now, thaes'that LOM , 0 receptlo�,, the goveimor is iving to h4r aim in Soot -es In 9t,M4 a b1g, chair In the sett&.roorc, an' ]b Ion Block, Me g, sUni shanked Kenner,' said she, her arty at the wife an! daught ar#'nussin! him lilt and mansion toniglit. BUT ,eIT I 06H M. A S 91MOUS
*wbrth. CA"TER X] 'IV. flappjii`, out the sheet she was hem- 'h _Ei�S 8 I D innocent; If- a to b, i awfully swell. I'm not go- a bat y. - Bu-� e vani ed to see me, min'. 'Folk. a thinks GLE OTER4
they made ii�ejcwne in. HIS gal Is THINK the Lord. ha4 a hand me, he's the terriblest ffirt in In& In fact, e and I don!t get on. I I
but, Ia you knowthat--a In nuttin' me : ieX+. door to The truth 19.1 belong to a little club of )PNEUM -144 mor-ZcHrm beauty, George --lout tates. He buys cotton all over F seven s IM -a -m. Mrs'. Dugan," sm'd Mrs. Hill- ou-n Amerricaus'that tried to snow % t 9 9 CON- eah, ontark. -2 never seed a bod y Be em as m- ich w -ch the country an' has a gal in every town him un r in Me Inst election, but we 01 - T� 'as *V�r ge at * evening ried io ver a s., ek 4P) 9SO] i. as she yer to Georg hia lifts., her daddy. 4h6loves every h 0, bliQ after supper., "When my sperits sink got left You are off thar,' said 1. 'I know ay down to zero I go out in the yard the rivg. He USC4 to be civil -to m ver i, ba --o Id a DENTMMY old, A bite- h, iad Wb enever b better'n' that. He's one man that don" H# had.'too big a pull with' it -71. ones by a ape 11 61 MO ghi a I tu I n': give 16r a chance to come over an' but he snarls like a possuna when We e'd ly tut i k M care fer women.-
LtA fe n talk. No; I never go over ar. All Igot meet no Ho ct't forget an Injury. n ex le iie his med Wel � a a I of Royal Gahlege of Den- pa I � I ell that to the maroous,- Mrik Pu- I a L 0 ot throu with b m startj).� 1 to do -Is to bitter see me, a 1 she's on m6 Did yo ver sea him?" when gan sneered. Then she reeled off a We Erne'll talk arad -George. `He�s bft.:n r w a 0".r A. off, I ut shel foll red me 6ut on tn a like a duck on a June bu,,. y s, Office she said Bob HanW wife told lerb6ut Xaba streas yore head off, but she'll -help 7_oU Out up our ay often?' law She -7'ant(d to ax me, e sai z a 46 4 y 4. 'a be Jim Kenner � aV a *Jaalo P"de -%;M �J � 9 4 :. I
of -a tigh�,whenever you give 'er the 'lob, Of course; I d forgotten. They AM ef I rallly'0 t her pa loo ed'bad. lasfthL 4-,- -1 .0 oug, 9 ers had made, that they W" g"� say- he's not been havinng exactl ivibli: Me aif her O"fell Zsrup She s aid she �was afea rd the d rw] tog to kiss a certain Vrhether -or no. I pin y M."TNAU. keept iV back � som �!nl , r was b d Aa Hortense as fine as split silk Vother smooth Miling up -at Darley either, but to ta day. She said the gal was IdW6r 96% W- tftaes an' badnl diagnbsed e You know, im Kenner's jest It looks a little I& -e he's making more in ths r. hEaGINNIS. way,,, an' they all tot a4lii4k at liar, headway. now."' toothing vm- eased -'er all I could, I&ughJl? ab"t crazy to pay his attentions-, an! right, I sistent cou 14 but that when jim "t, thimuo IM Satin. ;gh- c0=11 Tasidenee .0 How Is that?" asked Buckley, his i., at h.c r fearq tell she sorter got in a she holds off an' won't let WSW v i#t arA v= with ler she had th6 backacho aW w4i blood runninz cold. his heat sinking. t -in a roundabod I made up my mind six months ag Asthma and 1,
good humor.'aw el� It -he was the wust. shed ever s", I ng. way, 'fore she 'I- now ed v�bat was nI that rd make a inatch out O, that ma- "Why, the receptiozi, you know.- Tho '-mmedyt m 74 1%uR1PV'% wds a-watchIRI Hortense *ut O' the cer- lWas a " Ittle lite -ohe!z gMmg In, dlon!t aztural, tie an to OW -2 f trip to. Atlanla! terial, but' beyond gittin' Jim to foller foot, I led t ner ol my eye. Shezgot st w hite aW Oft= 2801-gi a P
p tc ? you thin 0 But I may be dead wrong. ftmshinig I all over creation an' her to faIrly then red e ft1t #f tfie XLebaOiA ohlarolu a me but� sh kept ler mars open. maent aw i
_n She m want to make that- fridnd f nnom No. 40* "Heavens,'Truftt, you didn't tell ber I don't know all Mrs. Dugan -didn't herz, "we M, 'Ji,'t it -Jn O=t -do that Miss CosUy, baTe �a good
sic in eorge cried. say, ut 'was -when she gumption &Z the *V1Mt7i% *�f ENUMIG that? b the best thing bat -9 time, and the generil eun of glrla t s1YES; 1 bad to, George," said Cho cId taken in time itv ilk 1proarmt f zko ddinary iToman could make consider It , sheet -
I would t tsgo, M I man WOA that s wit te gra#44 s averteO. "Soine say shes RN
his vye 'any- Impression on a man.o' that stamP. lose a chance Ukt, that. Why,'!-Va to Ebysician &nd Suraton. Ocaduate ot tbinkin'.�' �aar ,it that ma beeaEe' to the poor mffi rer #6= ihis 11W an, r soed Hortense sOrter bite ler.1115 all' bo,the eld '-of the reunion. Well, malady. Unive"Ity. IAkto of Rechester ef event er �,an` 1. 4. SHOUL11EAD, M'SS SOWALM'S LETTER Otralghten up jike si4e- was Makin, a vmiwr ot cousp ot her sick daddy wauls h "Not a ard's been 8aid a -bout m4rMW be's, We1CL'Me to his 910-7; it WOWt to "a &* Imy Hospit'd el I let Womin never be ilaltisfi lid ge.& resolution. "d after Mrs, Dugan b. I -he IDLr. WoOft U.0MV Physidana and Survons In AD Parts of CAns" Lydia U. Pinkham s betwixt lem.11 last long; he will neier tit ag n. u got t marry a thing ke at,-believin' he gone bome she around like she was t *pin 001ce,-Over HamiltW5 stcn-fth ViretaW Compmad Has Effected Sim4a "You thinkot?" said George tense- Plin6 ftn TMIved &t ott.ice. Stdba WI., was honorpble bri ve like Ii ek 4adi 1, y Cures. out 0, J, ud rather have doubts about a man i int all. at once. You kw -,r a ell Pan to know positive that be's a an- ffie mazrk an! like someb el e- I knQ� No an.will Idnder count on a man's el "No;-beIll], never be able to pay the Mr. WM. Many wondierfal cures 4;f female Mo wom DRS. 800TER MAMAM, would thank any to tell daugh-' i(.,_ L In pants. Hortense in that away, an',, reord aw'feed bh M, an" Jest drift, It 11 06 Cy Alta- , wrA," 1 1 U are continually condog to light wb Jq expense Df another campaign. Ile ruin Itario F a &"doriob 0-Tastg OnMcaita MAtU01- ter o' mine S�ech i'th. ng, an� eft Iii. without lookin' '&head. - _wf sh4�'s shore whRt I'm worldn! on her x1ght settled on 1,�.ng bought two bovies
nowl I have been broueht about by. Lydia E. t ed what'llrde law practice he had ;I-T�twav Pi" 8 but it 4tat Dhaj4k qaaboitb. it was my duty." Pink�ffi VegeWble an(] ol' his admiration sWd a he: ap o; times Waight We calMd the 'hold -!W plan. Dr. when h ent Into politics, and now 44 milled - I I 11 -- I one! to Owe Me. George bit his lip ind stilk d an ruther have !On at arm!x length than to 10fhe 'bold-lut plan?" George echoed i�4 a no's a Dankau, fw fe 11m, ur G. &*tk, gzaAaztO ot claimetion -64 Irril atio it, but be met t hts woide 91 rin be cookin' an' scrubb r.- A bankrupt.71 George exclaime'di. #A &U deala 11- rice Ann Arbor. aml MMI*k Of tt old, man's Io6k presei y with a stea# brats. That's whar Hortense Nvas n.t. "Yes,,,the 'hold-In7' answered Re Awlege of Pboltap= and "Why, I thought he had unlimited- 11You see, ef I was to tell he- ineans." stare. a ew married men aw nor.
tor, thei MWLY _Sbe's knowed he asko "What did she ay, Truitt d had noticed how plumb erazy-theY was right� out that my past record was as "In it ig's laughed Stone. q. lffaaksy,- abced- th&r wivet after the honeymoon blaek as a stack of black cats she'd not "I am -m dth the cashier of a gmAnate 2nally. I Almate Moni �Uy_ Wtyi univ&zftyl I ardl gow," said �Trullt. in believe It but,when she coiner; right EO 4:as OV'er. But nothin! ain't smooth el Ir this world, an' wby shoul arried lite certain )ank in this town and I had fe*rm, M_ ortgaser. ty, Medical -Wilegea "Her face'�pt th Uest c or I d)m' at, me an! me ov all mannner W It stralk it that Telfare!s go up the last At Lwast M &Llege or Una Sam,- ke devIlment I slmpl-v hoU in or ch men, an' widle I waa talkin! able ke An tfien" Hortense. Apply to �J. L K1110ran, Seafdrth.
bit of cc [lateral he can raise for mone Truitt, go. o subJect. A man cayn!t never make 'Go on, go On, Mr. it. the hates to,- 66, called a old maid. W6 he can't; repay. Why, he� bad to beg thi a iv hies bad by W11W hel a3e r1ght In the Paiddle o' famad thir to, cut my tale off, Hortense jest come oivau believe M HUGH ROM f. the bank, for a little, raise to give this nP'k1v M wlien lie is"aw Mo he kin.make Ier be- I Or= to. shed jest laugh Out a er I er in out- Ilat: thet evenW' an' sald,,� 70 Do ou know, I suspected -cepti of �Unlvvh"7 cf. Grad �a' ol herlit but E r'. Kenner you mgy -felllm he lleye.hea z0*4 by tho same precem he a ; , TOP was trying to maV for of QW- with, that white. money. 10OU, you was Out -the bill e7A*t- oamd' PQXU 4C kept'sayin' 'Go pp. go 0DIT'aw- 10OU Thefihold-in! ratket Mi 'is Pbysioiaxn .. k% '&1nW An' while May I ask if thLU Miss a e greAnate, souraw t �ldnU wait*ter me t 'Woman I skeh X My"- pi Pi ;jT111X gatarlo, � paw she Je cou home'la4t ThursdaY nigh they had the !Y4 ' t W heirtm U A� �men I finally I 00001 i tfielrsei4a cit through pptrlor to Me an! Mr.'11111- that ahe likes wbat she'doet C, his 0 Thar, I soa HOrteulo ON Ot "She's n only said Buckleyr * r fttd to continue the iconversatf6n iet UU1 LOU&M lim by one, # A. Royal oph. UZ to Whar I ydr set on the front veranda. Jim Ken stkiid.- reluctan 'UAP1*rWty MD1100 5 e a disease, es
49 --almost seems ur. hl a' she Jest -hollert ner hain't no.-slovch. He kept ler ybrg�dal George, shes a ddoy,'et I straps out 6T, si further, "and her; father Is fairly well * some of d Finkham 'ev 4& say It. Sbels jest the drM__ s n r iffly, Mr. -Truitt. 11 ithe- !4�ico j - - P : IgLughin, all enint at M4 tales, an' woman I've oft!# L d yet, if Melit iu 'No, you didn't cwrnich is d to be the
=r Otowart -BZW 9t0M.:]fi1n St-- ch is jlyf�m -to; nick. * 10fti i p&060 you do- that to -th � go veraor ol Georgi -of !on, JUM, e out�after hed gone she AlW274 MILUted. f an ina Wt ppeal to you,. ad wa� when she com 'Perhos," said Stone, milly liver. 'It c . . . . . . 0 I V EO 0 *mtortb. tmW my boy.!' Ily abb6lut6i of ta told tainly ant A ie said be was the most agre6abl A
JaborIA I er � I. e man VOW regUIRA t�e bo splendid new stock sAmwered from r%d*m*%.,V, -'Thi b for daft ut ber." as a regal of t bowels is d Seatorth. ' , I . Orewnt am' , as d st. She fol -V I lot w4rd's been said "That Must b@ IV George repliea,' OL Uughedt 1*4 ahl6i 10 twen ypars. moder s6id' V the orhe'd ever met.' N CHAPTER XXV1. # absol to meelciint6thelfrolit-gsLte, You -nay- Ae liwrn b6tvdiCt Pem, but F11 la -t of May, health. tht iy shcald 0 T *as the f and the� and he !lased the convreation by 9101- eAs an nAd -Advised thousands of sage of a 49
think shes purti:--woman b talil et talk'to "or about �er thh9w 0 - rim'' Ing to,% rorlL - I urty'fo ou as 1103 401 owe now ef I don't, Seems likis annual r�unlon of the Confed- never be n e�le �okej s.1 er SP Ahishe Ps 'Is answeted,at the h v ran$ htfal W" eaill, el4te - ete ' was being held BY tii I b1i task n wa -devilin' Wto her 1PfUri1bdvic&-. folks is under the did.,then. 1''The [I � . - itud be- �ould baVeangtat a train for job 111 Atlanta. It was the gala Lle- Mthodist church� wN. _ie& like. $26 3 pa tavTer Trabue, Darley, but he felt a stran LAX liere lately- ThRr's ge, hm Every t9wn and Ilk e slie dlniL A41, "Tor(into, Out.' writes r;the year. al repre-, ol 0 d his cloth- cuJ&-Ig or v e s wceqk�, audlou to , v tM 600n- peaches Id They aa;�'hels isiok. George m%rbfA M[nellnettion to leave. have so
1)iiiiii, �kfiam:- In4hi south see Its offict -Poo of Harm a HkW to me,, E. khiL&s Vegi.; V*ed t) big, hot6l, � eba r Bucklej,'I may lo6k light hearted bUt Ege
oft at t -and its - mal4s� of honer. Water ,bum, and ox 0 Ut; 'her Mid mY ar h &*edfielbir female weA- re got a sig4t to trouble.me. I worry lug &nd vrent down1o, the omwdod p"i'd ftgot an poft#vesr #no boWs -were -crowded and the streets Ur. Trultt,-I belleva �1 am ',with whldh 11ave bcon ttou-bled forL. :� � Then she ofdi' about Mr. Hillyer mighty nigh con- d1alas i tow, but' ibe 'Very gk"ty an In 'I W, i tit Incongruous ulti- 0 3ft� A. P. Office, will I - had and pain ye=., VU trust y u wit a secrqt� 9 W. bo S*d 'with an J# trust y I stant." *vM hand Irritated.k1m. He had no * wriw 4terU91111 fttisf"U�94 9 penlo�6 W, hich- affeew.. eneral h "�*earlhg badges of ribbon. South- e yeaft to tell, you �OM4 10 A spriu&,_ 'Was 40 a Of Suppose you do," answered Buck- con. fMt -heir wives a �etlte for wbet �was Wore Idm. All * -as' It, grateyi - f -V fdrni r on as sm$m0Tals and t __pd daugh- troubled r ad ItiAl my form at hoduches. I tried 011 were dons. q tola ei 'In,ifty �ley, meeting her glance sympathetic Xfound tables, Wert say 0
WA1110 G. MOMIeff" deplu!'ueOets tq� vi�ed to 'our an 06 ily. holding gay reciep Warly ng, Ut BU, *hen It ome #awes of young peopls is vening 10 r0 glW - t I Iblo. - I un d that a few e -nds Wer ell- Maeused auotionwa, 'foz Uw oom- womes folk but , y was welcom ; ha e 0
ricE short in s, thore*as- no Uxci� of female worry about him beca'se he haln't the north -S well Otwx- -rhO musi� of a 2" ercheeks ie . A friendindiacd s '1111, =d ty, of auron. Won attowdw to -in t toa&d to i�eople. from no, Sftw*th -with me, Her We wea a Wally returned open to s ftM Vw raUmda, %%e air 90 aw I&S - wouh he.. went on. "You oln
and in very �ne � , short iin �b M the
a that the 33rd annual ineet )`ny, Part of t, he *W"ty, sk "6"Wata took me -in! the Ike she had- know thaes one matter that we never *a - ftora the south. Shouts fill they H #ts r -
rates anA safisfac?tion' gu&rauteed- yself a perfectlywell wo, 4 appre- h a& when the carriage of n ex-Confed- P -nee 25 = boxes :he if ay Township Farmers afear� i Isft, at tb..s. Se4fortfU' it-dolW. X told '.1 ot to bo' �d -health and b eg to amiure you mention betwixt us, an' 1 jest aye to- at W Imt er passed through the stroot, ra or ma&d 3-ornp,%njr, wRL be held at tUe 790( 4MO offic for $1. I I she -d In - alein., i for T,scn�a_ gU&S 0 e3day. January 14th, M91, most, grateffil to at how he feels, in his differeut P 1r-4 me, &V ` "Dixie. , 'M 6 n. t Ta or in 2. tha . UM ]An*** a direct dn r!ceip off d THU T. an. tention. 188Z�tf won't W Of are con- way hotels , ng rind- maimed, stood on tile street ecei vie Dime- 11 believ P i 2U ban s played 0 �in uU11st t. Nin 1160drA PrOwIpt t- stopped� 1W ayF she# ing such a wonderful r6me ly for moods. Now, I'm bothered over -the' for asurer'a reporta; election of Mi�n arc, narrA 14
P_r budnew as nimy be nece&- ;!01 -ON ikiter all. YOU The testimonials whici we he's hetlia! *out Trabue's sick *=as and In the bars aild nd r elfam of the Cbmpany. AU Ver then I T.AAPkeox to.tAill ales to pity iEmu- ORMSTIAN STADE, FISQ. stantly publishing from gratefd women ness.. Why.should he it excited over W war stories and sang tile 1), LRER. Semtary, 203S.v& d a doubt the power of that.? But he is. When we fust heard c bolm a Lleonmd auetlor~ or tbig "un, establis4l beyon 4t- gobert E. Lee and Stonewall J0. xt-- W" Ve 'COm- it he dIdnIt -seem to p�Ly no more at- Id %w of Ruron an�t Pewth, Reing a Lydia R Pikhaln's etab mm Ail was mirth and od feelinl 6*U e to hfin wbus MA "M to- tention to It than if the report'had been t I, e I r, 1) s. arriage pound to conquef female dise -4Wbwftx tbo M*UM 09 * ting, Wood Work. Wromd the public buildingS. Practiftl farmor Rua thoroughly, Women SUffering !rO]XL an)r fOrM Of CA" 11 . 4 law iliftTk�Lvdizg tbo Tahm of -f am about any other -citizen, but all at' law, wbLk the only Obgs ko ng anid Thomas em are ed to promp -PW YOGIC aiA female wea3m invit tly uftis and carriaf, s floated thu Ainer lRe Inting.
For idmts nm while he was redi' the dvo-' 41�&" W VMV. viewe#ts, Plafte me in o jp&tlou to- -weallim _good communicate with Mri. PinkbAm, at *cb,etc Lite DomWonDe n 4::�.XL is W Co, 3M X -a- if*, w&Mth m" J* kAp 00 Mng zesame i lulohndaW)s Qtd 48&T14 The lind IOU May Lynn-, Mass. She &*a nothing in retarn t� MIN ft Alwats BRO on Ming 0; my old forhertdvice. ItimiCbsolut ftetiov 'garpteed or no lisy. All ely ftee, and Stnt ff Systems. WharvM BridglEg to th Prove to 00 P*9Q ALI it&vs Uft 4t U6604 A - offiso Dews t"-, tow *M *0 00"M 64 Uft ousands of *omen b be S&UAWU*a i anateed. �Pffom�_222% than gold. IVM a -t- xk* mi .1k uv� W�_ more PrOP49" I 69"twe of 2079 Ic LONDON -1 Om ct,
.S A I