HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-12-27, Page 2chant for
e Pe0
. .
d to
u-- hy more
h daily cattl
ti d if y
try to
his milk
ca. that, -het.
nietit sends a.
good laun ry soap, 2e
1E8a salmon for 250
es Corn Starch 25c
Flaunellette blankets, all sizes, at last yea
86 inch Plannellette, per var, 10e
Ladies' Hose, 2 pairs for `25c
Ken's 13 Lideinfeare lititedium weight, at
The best Cashmere Rose at 25e a pair
Youths' odd coats, sizes 32 & 33; at $1 each
CALiai:/ TB
a suit
Latest arrivals of Fall Samples, new pliterns
variety of Wools, 0118*. Tapestry% et .•
Ifigbeat prices paid for poultry. Welters and ducks, dressed° drj, picked geese,
heads off ; turkeys must be fat„ We can now handle any quantity' itt
good prices for firet elan stuffe We pay highest prices for good butyDr
maltreat eggs. Dried apples wanted, .
gar Wanteil----Good, fat, live Poultry, Rens, Phickens and( Ducks. For
/00d birds we will pay the highest prices. Live poUltly handled
twice a week, Monday and Wednesday. For dressed birds, heads
must be off ducks and geese.
'Dyesse Poultry taken in every day during the -week.
Suoceor. to
pipet -Rion is Keen,
°1iog aisles' is the business
ine," sa Mr. R. F Duck, of. Ro
-Credit. e had a string of five fir
nrizes a 0 many °tilers.
"Wlm do you think of that an
mal iv.... e eeked,1 pointing -to one
hie pri hogs. "That's a( five hu
dred poi rider, and ' it's only ni el
months •
"Thee 's a ,pretty strong competiti
at this how," he added. "-Last ye
we got irst for live hogs And fir
Lor. dreg; d. Tbis year we are iseco
In both, though I swear we have au
as, good ate as before. Of
even th Is not so bad, out 01 twent
six enfr .-
'Do y find tog raising a profitab
business " , he was asked. -
"Yes, a ell right now. Ten
sego ore meet getting rich over t,
but time have changed, ahd We rai
the ,beet breeds, too, and get mb e
money s 111 out of tire business. •
keep a t one, hundred all the Lim
and. dell d on that ' chiefly for
eicame ,the ' farm."
Beck to Sheep Raising, --
° The/els more money in,, sheep tha,
opirilon ,1 Mr. O. Turnbu.11, at Walto
any oth kind of stock," was. th
Ont., wit, ha a some Leieeeters exhibi
ed that I might him -six pilzes,
eludingwo `firsts.. "I tell you," .
said, ei ie farmers are just tumbila
over one another to getback int
the shee, business. Why, the prie
-of muttei has doubled In the last te
year : Ot sheep don't require' ba
the work that hogs or cattle or dair
work do. There" were far more shee
Iii Ootar . five- years - ago- than no
but you Ow the peke of wool wen
down, an' the priee of hoga was; .good
now' verk I is
so Incet . ramp dropped the 'sheep
Then .th market for. sheep grew a
fast the price began ..ot soar, an
body ig trying to buy hee
!lack InLo the game."
I, Sideration or 'Securing hire
1 important one for men 1
Les," he added. "Two: year
.no less than .five English
men. in. a period of nine in nths. The
were not bad tellows but they woul
never. st Fortunately 1 live ilea
mem rof Parliaanent and I emit
him 9 send no a man wheneve
. ahd get -
- - - - SEAFORTII help is
. I te other „
Nita Cintelathuisi rrOnt tire
TIO. FRIDAY, Dee. 275, 197
Too Ibluch of a Hurry.
-a days are in too much
t everything. They are
iriueh hurry to get rich. They
are in too much hurry to build up a
busincal s to get it on a solid founciae.
uett. They are In too much hurry to
*lave their children educated and sent
Out into the world to do tor theraiel--
-ves. There is a very 'great deal of
truth in the following, from the To-
ronto- News, and it will do many good
to ponder over it and profit by it.
It is alleged by those familiar with
the oider civilization- of 'Europe-- that
tbiA. whole conthient Is in too great
hurry. People in Canada, like those'
rn the Viatted State% Med no favor in
tthat progress which comes "by slow'
degrees, by, more and more." They,
'want to see results.. He who puts
his hand to the plow in this ccipotry
le anxious to cover Lour acres' a day.
It may not be as well done as tit he
had plowed Ginty three, but he gets
Tesults—of a kind. The gospel of
is preached to the ehilci at
school. .He is urged to keep up with
the class. He- is expected to pass
every iexamination, . and if he does so
lie is ready for Iligh School before
his eleventh birthd,e.y. Misdirected
enthusiasts in some counties have even
orovideO medals for the younger Portia
who have "passed the entrance." So
long as ,of haste obtains
la the schools so long will home work
be regarded as a necessity. No educe-
Vionist of standing will a.drnit that it
Is wise for a young boy or girl to,
ettedy More than isiz hours a day.- Yet'
In the majority of 'Ontario sabots,
teachers ere setting mdgbdta tasks for
thehr pupils,- and compleining if those
tasks are neglected ei Here Is a ease
where educational -theory and' teaching
practice should be hien:ionized. If to
borne work were provided -the progress
ot the children might be slower, a
_wholly desirable thing. because of
the Gospel of Hurrylip eases have
been looftere 18 Ontario where a young
man bas received the degree of bach-
elor Or. Arts it twenty-one years and
meafteal:: degree at twenty -the. His
as been. 'attainhog. knowledge, instead
-of gettingan eateoti.ou. He has no
time to know blmself or to find
sef. Midnight Olt has been his pore
tion -Since he entered the third book
ease in public school. 'work -IS
obsoloW, thinevessary, and onnatural,
It should be abolished 'so that the
children would have time to play, to
grow and to sleep, freed from' haunt-
ing worries about seven times nine
and the /east OtVunon
Giant " Currency," " Bobs,"
and "Stag Chewing Tobacolm in
big Dings. Quality a8.ways the sanie.
Guelph Shore.
A correspeocient gives ithe folio ng
interviews on farming Subjects Moll
he rebeivett from exhitatore at the
recent Provincial Fat Stock Sboq at
Farmers attending thel recent in-
ter Fair alt Guelph and Who have one
extensively into the -raising' 'of gh-
class - livestock, are all ;agreed • that
there is much more money in rasing
the best stock than. in raising the 'm -
mon class, whether ht cattle, ho or
sheep, l'hey all state that they get
'better retura tor the feed, alit/ care
given to the stock and that th is -
a; great deal more pleasure in ra. sing
a -first-class ,animal of any, kind han
the ordinary kind, and l'ihat pre nts
the work from being a drudgery -
Mi. John Lowe-, Elora,:bad b
warded a .first prize I Or a - fiat
young Angus steer .° This, is =only ray
second ,year exhibiting- hem" ihe aid,
°but the Judge -told nee that this
aniindi in another year should fit
to go to the Iliternationai Stock $ ow
at .Chleago. I got e special prize for
this steer also, as being! the bes in
the eciuntv of Wellington.
"1 ara satisfied there is gooney
in raising the very best' stock," he
continued. "01 course, you. have to
:.pay good attention to the busineSsr but
if you have a taste for it you d n't
mind the work."
Took $700 Prizes.
Mr. J. .A Govenlock, of For st, had
some prize Herefords. Ofhsere a
herd of forty of them," he attide " his
fall I ,neade $700 in- prizes at the.• all
fairs, but the expenses of exhibi Ing
took about $850. This money 'st
gency IS touching us a, little," h-dd-
ed. "The -last three *sales I in de
brought notes instead of cash, tv- ich
shows that that article is a bit
scarce." .
Among other 'prizes, Mr. Govefil ek
captured first at both Toronto nd
lactndon laat fall, arid is confident, t at
between prize-money%nd sales of t or-
oughbred stock, he can inAke
money than out of any other bra
of farming.
Mr. Dyraent'a Ayr,shires.
, Not so with Mr. N. tiyment,' ho
lives near Dundee, an whose inol a -
tion led hitt) into the dairy- busiti as.
He had some extra fine thoroughb e
Ayrshires hi the dairy cattle coin U-
tica', and they were wearing their' rib-
bons-. of „secured 76 prizes last' fall,"
he said, Modestly. "Of these, 37 ye re
firets, _I think the 'dairy 'business -
bring Oust as godd returns as sn
line of farming if it is managed rig t
ty," he added. "1 used to kep:sny
kind of cow that was a good 11 r.
Then I tried an Ayrshire- andfoi4nti
It set goo! that I gradually got id
of the others, and now rny whole h+rd
of forty cattle are all eieerslehees."
"You're lietthtg: a. pretto goo pr ce
for the reporber lateke .-
" Yes. 1 get about thirty pej cefrit.
more than I did five, Vara ogee ,b t
of course,. feed and labor has gone up
Just as much."_ 1- • •
"Don't jou. Italie some Witten ty
these days in getting satisfactero hdp
for tending your !well " was ask
A Boston schoolboy was tau,
weak and sickly.'
His arms were soft and flabby;
lie didn't have a strong muscle in his
entire body.
The physician who had attended
the family for thirty year prescribed
To feel that boy's arm you
would think he was apprenticed to a
I nee
the other
Beth, w
Downey, ,
dairy bug
We keep
tortes go
and we
butter in
°I -18,s
fermi " t
e Oh, ar
frame. I
Just hires
getS him
from Do
ought to
to give 1
the iame
live stoc
" don'
lave yeare
good I" s
Erin tow
I3r and
Ing." •
" Wha
Moat to
as to ex
"Oh, s
them :tha
when the
they are
and don't
-Or not."
alrymen In, Perth.
se heavt on tae -live 'stow
Perthecourity las some o
llowse said: lifr. ,Thanalci Me
hails from 'the township
few miles from Hon. Mr
helm: 'We're all in the
ness over there, .he added.
the cheese and butter tw-
it 12 months of the year,
. • as - 'good a ;Market .for
tratford'as there is in To,
. Monteith ai pretty good
e reporter inquired.
• he • hase but he never
ant think he ever did. He
a men at a, good selary and
o run it," ealei the man
ey • • . .
A. 0 is all right, but they
sire horses there too, so as
truction regarding them in
as regarding the other
knew of a farm soldunder
• thisf. county in the last
Now isn't .-thait, petty
d Mr. Henry -Duffield, of
hip: "That shOws that the
e beenmaking mallet* late-
r* off all their debts.
Itte gets to be worth
bout Organization. -
a you think of the move -
t the, farmers organized so
-Otronger •political in -
he reporter. Inquired.'
kp, 'there aren't enough of
e educated enough to do
thait way, and besides
t free of their mortgages,
independent as you please,
are whether school keeps
en and Missions.
The ess men. of Toronto have
taken holi of the 'Scheme for the
raising a million dollars in
that city triissionary purposes in
earnest. ohne meetings are held
weekly in asey Mil. At one of
these, tlye Premier Whitney pre-
Sidedi an
bell Whit
me a
able 'speec
message 01
lieutenant -I
be , present
ore in: ha ng r. Whitney, in the
=ate. He ditnowledged a sttbscriia,
Hen of $T, Ohduring• 'the day from a
gentleman d his family; and thought
the -time', most' opportune in ten
yetirs to a t such a movement. • Gcid
had *died halt in the mad race for
maid -ng ey, and 'Many would be
thankful t t Clod had pulled them up.
He had b reading the newapapers,
and 'saw • ere Accounts • of ritilway
-khega coal 'kings, sliver kings,' linoi-
„her- ipviood kings, --electric
power kin football king, baseball
of the, Atm, kings of
pleasure, i gs 01 th o hunt, kings of
golP,tirhigs of the nice course, until
he thought he city was wholly, given
td idolatry.
Thera w nol leek, 91 money, in the
teuAtrY, f in two, Bank statements
last Week.. found one had -07,000v,
aoef on de tkInd: uo. other $28,0001,-i
F000,000. Th Bak returns for the Do-
minion sho ed .$700,000,010 deposits. .
et if 74CYLI to some of • these e people
evIelo :have good deal of the devil in.
them; And, othing else, although they
sit 18 the ont seats iat 'the Churches,
they 'WM 7 to you that It is the
time for t widows' mite. They never
finish the erse—which was all her
DO ou know how many auto-
mallets t are in Toronto t *There
is $2,260,0 inoeated in 'autornobilee
ale 1—kic g up eech a dust.
(liaughter) t Is the most unchristian
Diem of l . motion there is. (Re-
newed lau 'ter). It Makes Me tired to
hear th dear. goad, unchristian
friends tal of the, widow's mite.” de-
cla,rea the aker.
He cane ed with a request for a
$1,5,t00e m
°oit •tricingsit! de.tra-e the expenses
,0 h -
for Missionaries.-
ife expressed the con -
all that was necessary
gospel universal was for
undertake the enterprise.
great Cluietian mission -
but there wit*: a,ton.times
de .their @order, among
uld neve be reached, if
reach theme Atleast 27,e
addressee were &live*,
.-H. Blake and Mr. Cam*, 1
the :starter of the move- I
s. Hon. Mr.elalalie bore a
gentlethen Made remark- I
cordial good will from the
or, who ivas unable W
and expressed his pleaoe
• Campbell
viction tha
tci make t
tlie church
Theo, had
Ary kale
greater 04
those heiho
they -
20G,000 peoplei and
Nvirdite--Of,_ adyearsoptin'eta 5o00,600
texander ti!Elhods,,-, asked for student
Oletnteers to rise In, the.audiencaaeot
yeti rows stood up on the ground floor
frot' seats. T'hese noting merle and
women could- be persuaded to go to
%ndlla And China for ainctunts witteh 1
ould not attract- them: -to ousinese
terpriees, iSo ma they had the
$heapest lebor in _the World at their
Was It not polleible or Moeda to
give 2,000 potoplei Air this purpose,.
Ontario's Mineral Output
1 The output of the mines and mineral
Work of Ontario, according to th o 'Oust
Isued report of _the Bureau of Mines
for 1906, haa a total ,value of
888.: an increase otter 190 of
087, or about 25 per cent. In view of
, the large oblate 'in advance taken in
- 1905 this vault, etates ' th,e report,
' which hag • been carefully compiledun-
' der the supervialon of 'Mr. T W. Gibe
sone Deputy Minister of Mines, and
goatlike a imass of information, and
1 cannRt be regarded aeother than I zeds-
. `i'f ,tactorye The larger aggregate of value
or MI6, IS attributed in a large degree
to the increase oprices which has
been somewhat general throughout the
e list Of _products. lihiring 1906 -there was
aid,- in watts in sonoeetion with min-
. -1 g enterprises :$6,048,328 as - corapar-
, e,11 with $682,658. The orincipe,1 In
T crease of value in 'output is in silver,
' Wbicti shows an advance of $2,316,409.i
Portlandt cement shows An Iner4age of
597,563, niekel, $484,485 ; .00pper, $27I-
0; pressed brick, $108,795; ditountliiiiif, •
80;- iced; $84,500; iroti ore, $73,128;
pg Iron. $644,720; oanernon brick, $219,-
$109,984; natural gas, $216,970, The
only substantial decree is in the prces
, dOction of petroleurn, which has fallen
off $186,999 in value. The total value
.0r gold produced was $66,193. •
r reoemOoeeeeeet.
The Horse Industry
- - A subject which attracted probably
more interest than any other in the
lecture room at the Winter Pair in
- Guelph, recently was the horse Indio
I try. •
The intereet arousedwas not wholly
dile to the growing , appreciation of
the importane of the horse industry;
it was larg lei tbe result of the: an-
nouncethenti made in Advance, of an
intention to Secure from thos-e in at.
tenclance an expression of opinhan fa,v-
<>table to the inaruguration of a system
ot inseeetiori and licensing of stal-
The final decision arrived st by the
meeting ine this- matter may he thus
summa,r1ze4: ,
il—All litallions shall be inspected.
12—That (hie inspection ehall ..be by
a ! county - inspector or inspectors ao-e
'pointed by the Governmeot. '
3—That licensei shall /be granted
to those Stallions' whiciatineasure up to
a -certain stamiard.
—That a, Oure bred 'stalliOn, to se-
a i licen must cooform to the
. •
st dard, of &on:nation for the 'breed
th t it reke entso, and shall be -free
from hereditary unsoundness
5--Stallions - which measure up to
this condition are to receive a Beene°
known as elates 1. . .
—Tb.at for three years grade' .stal-
li s knoivn to be good sires, of good
formation and free from heredi-
tary ensoundoess, be granted a license
to be known as Grade 2.
7—Tbat .the ,license fee shall be $10,
and theA the surplus derived from this
source shall o to the encouragement
of ' spring hore phOws. .
—That no person ehall be allowed
to accept a fee for service by any etale
lio4i unless a license has been taken
ou for. the
9—That ali Iprinted' matter advortis-
ing" a stallion shall include , a copy of
the certificateissued to Min. h
10—That "Bel:wheeling'? under the
gereraUy acce ted meaning of the word:
be not encour ged, and at some leg-
1s1tion be pat
sed. to regulate it.
1i—That th eormation- of local
horse sboWs be encouraged, and - that
tings be heldin con-
pring horse shows in
edocational m
neetion, with
each. cc/Linty.
Value o
Horse Inthistry.
?fr.oteith, Provincia,C-Mln-
ister of Agriculture "sal& that the to-
tal Value 'of horses_ in the Province
is $74,000,800, zvnd the tirmusa,sales a-
mount •• to Sven and one-half ;mil-,
As showing the need -of Some
* sure to lin rove the general stan,
darl of borsoq. in the Woyincee -.Mr.
ceiteith 'said that of all those stand-
ing for -service only 60 per cent. are
registered as -Pure bred: 6 per 'Cent.
of those registered its pure bred axe
not; serviceably sound; 28 per cent of
the l grades 'in ense eae sound, and 6
Per cent. of t el, grades .are not -ser-
viceably acenid
—The wareleciuse and, elevator of the
Westero Canada. FlourMilis Company,
situated at V.. da, Sask., were burn-
ed to the g one day last wee14
In addition to the loss of the build-
htge there was over 8,000 bushels cif
*eat stored in the destroyed buiLi-
Inge and this Will also be a total. loss.
The origin tbe fire is unknowei,
A, Noted Aethority Gives Directions To
Prepare Simple, Yet Remarke,ble
Home Mixtures.
Itt! well known authority on Rheuma-
tism .gives 00 readers. of a large
NOW tYork., daily paper the bellowing
valuahle, _yet 'I simple and liarrnlees
prescription, wtdch any one Can easity
presiare at home
.-Ii_luici.;E-Ictra# Dandelion, -one-half
ounce; Compound ICargon, one ounce
.Conipoond Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
ounces.takrelaspso oh anlifiiilg av;teellr lenacah mo t et laed
l, andan
at bed time.
1 He -states that tbe ingredients can
be obtained _frOm any good- preecrIC-
then, pharmacy, tat sinall .eiest, and be -
Mg of vegetable extraction. are harm-
less ..to take.
This pleasantmixture, if taken reg-
ularly:for a le*" days, is said to over-
come almost any ease of Rheumatism.
The pain and owelling, if any, dimin-
ishes with each dose,, until permanent
results are obtained, and without in -
'during the stoniaclo (While there are
many so-callede Rheumatism Remedies,
patent. medicines, etc., some of which
I do give relief, few really give perma-
reent results, and the above will, no
doubt be greatly appreciated: by many
sufferers here at this time.
Inquiry at the drug stores of this
neighborhood 'elicits the information
that these. druger-are harmless and can
be bought aeparatelyeer the druggiste
ere: will n1 the prescription for our
(elders if askedl_ far.. (
OT six people in a thousand (Sid those six
have either diabetes or gouty tendencies)
can get anything but real good from the use
of good beer with their meals. Because
that kind of beer (and no other kind is brewed in Ontari
benefits the whole body of the normal adult,—enriches
the b ood, vitalizes the stomach_ makes /kidneys and
liver active, builds flesh and betters nerves. I
s Not A Mere Tonic
Good beer, drank with meals and at bedtime, is not merely a
tonic4for a tonic simply gots one part of the system to work
better for a while, by stimulating its activity, while beer, rightly
used, 4oes the whole system permanent good.
Seer Builds Iii, Thin Folks
That IS why good beer is such a notable Ilesh-builder, and why
It Is sp effective in changing the too -white blood of aenernic
peoplelinto the red, strong, healthy blood of the vigorous. It
has qu lities that are very valuable to women, especially. It is
. distinc ly NOT an intoxicant, 'nor a hurtful stimulant. Ask
your doctor ifbeer- wouldn't begood for you as ,an item of
daily cSet. ‘ 1
. , I
*BEER is
b-eers. i
-the world)
term Which *rivers lager. ales, _porter and *tot; and h the DraeSse of Ontario
beveragila made under moat bytiestie eoaditioas front n barley -(the host it
t, hops, :tad pare water.
Each; bison* -
light -
ade: 1?y siy
golden] roasett
SO ifresh
fithd - new?
d light n ey
e 7104 doh
Yon get efetj
when 7= ta
ether it is a fresh Bruise, Cut or Strain—or an old Spavin, Splint,
e or Swellino—you can cure your home with
Logs Wanted
The undersignetl
red to y
cash price for an (wan ity
Soft Elm, BookEla,-Basswood, Maple
Remicok and Oak' Log,delivered 1.tt,'
Sawland Stove MW. To be out in Oven
oefat soft elm ; soft 04 to t.4 cut11, 18itud
'Will also buy voksAstood Bewiing },eit
long. at *-50 per mei delivered. .3
ber by roessuremenwt O.r by hmulsklinTb,1 siaortho
tention pki ato custom sawing. SaMfaUoo gnu
Thos. Castles, of Newark, N.J., bought a horse—lattted with
f.ipavite—for $10. He cured every sign el lameness with
Spavin Cure—wOn five races with the horse—then sold the animal tebis
former owner for $1,008.00.
Wzr.s.rnoTon, 2041, t05..
"I have found your Spavin Cure a "le 1-1 fine remedy for
all sorts of lameness in horses 4end I am never without at.
Get Kendall's Spavin Cure—the remedy used by two
nations for two generations. $1. a bottle -6 for S.
book—"Treatise On The
—will save you many a dollar il
carefully read and acted upon.
Write today for a free espy.
D. S. J. KENDA L CO.,, 27
0111801116 FALUN -1., V OUT/ WW1,
The resit of selling fine goods,
greatly increased
(Via.pl* I...state Label)
has no superior. It is absolutely 'pure, very nutri.
tious and very econo ical.
Are You Rea y
or the H1.
it is just possible you haveinot yet got that winter ault or over
coat. If such is the oases it is tune toi invest. it is only a
short step toward winter and the 4hill wihda and frost will
nip you up. Just as sure as winter is the fact that our clothes
are the hest clothes—fit, finish, wearin4` oualitiee and price—
that can be got.
The hest clothes at the lowest prices, quality considered. I's
the best policy for us and the hest for you. Try it this time.
more eital that it
be good than any
other food.
WHITE CLOVER BREAD is made of the higheSt quality
of flour and other ingredients, and Milk i used instead of
water. These are combined by the highest baker's *kill, and
the result is the PERFECT -LOAF. Its crust is light and crisp
its texture fine and even. It is healthful, nontishing,
digestible, and TASTES COOL Do not any longer be content
with the old ery crumbly bread made of chen. flour and
water, but insist on having
' The Best -Bread That Can Be Made*
-mAou BY
Are a Biennia for
orders nrising !row s run
tion of the heare oeneree
as Palpitation- of the Ileart
.Prostration, Nerrougness# TattPleall`
Faint and DizsyS ellsy4 , VS.00
etc. They tlre ceplaiky 40
. women troubled vsrith men.
Frlee 5011 cents per box,
, Ali dealers, or
Tnn lirtnumi
Toronto, Out.
ral Thou& w
is Though a mime
instosteut ot
Then Yen gave Sick
f Your
*IN mike eaVei here headeetteelno*dear
voitothor lask, *eivottr.:sposmciii.k.
binecat.isulna by removing the
Stoma iiabbard.
kew AnlaisCepilialt1 :=44-1/
Aelt-ithearlaehee, was tired
able Ss we& Isow
• oaa sereelesSiess of it., end loan
eiteellers raar..otne. Ybu
Mak eat othwe *old hoo.wi tlfee
Wheariaii ISiskik/ a Burdeek Blood ..itters.
Mitts, Gloves, Rubbe
derweaF, eze..
At the cheapest prices, you
from me. Highest, pric
General liferchant,1 CON
Moey to
Private funds to loan on farsi
oarreat rates. Apply at Lot 51,
A A WI= Errafeaold-P, 0.
2 Po,r.4
— rims nod on 4,
-Her8 Iso rkLr
weliThorobred Lti=
ef Wane:711% Ad
at Tann, atutro=..
Wk and
&be stump or Ira
tiaaled before tea'r
esnont-ts. All tied
Stud must fasbinualL
rted "Trumpeter .
Golden Ecuirl!' A
' nekerareillii or
, ROOT. -
M. B.
VY and etreproof
tight that -line ecoit
as wen. a.s -
ex ense an fuel
e bodse
en tbe
tlood.rigs all
Good business
there w,11
• Now Ls Ithe
Robt. Smith
ley, Seaforth
o. g-ao.
liniten. •
If yete
out te H
f thief
to,thoSe w