HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-12-27, Page 1Miligninneseesei— [las OR11, ,F IDAY . DEC arybody toositi. as: i$l Tailorin and ready/amide o The Late M:.:Tarte. .i .Enron County Model -Schools. The Boaid of Examiners for t The' death of Hot.J - Tarte, e ., County of Huron met in the publ o moisterW n of Public ks the Laur- school, Seaforth, • December 24th, ler Administration, w i ch ink on finish the work of the Model Seho ' l SH ?Wednesday of last ek, removes'onn examination. The session just otos who for many years' was a conspicu- is expected to be the last, therefo ous and; somewhat picturesque person- there was ct large attendance at bo ality in Canadian poli leaf life. Model Schools, At Goderich eth Mrs.ante, the .sdn; o` a habitant fare were thirty-seven attended the s mer, sl educated ithe Bar, and, MOA and one wrote on the finale t like -many other you g French -Cana, Clinton there were ..forty four in a diens, he mingled jou naltsm with the tendztnce. The papers were conside 'practice, of the law. s his journalise- ed fair. To pass candidates had t tic aptitudes made is services ap- make 00% of the total and 75% f r pear valuable to the ri erva ti % e mane honors. -The pass mark was 750 an 1 agers of icluebec, the purchased Le the honor mark. 937. The model class Caliadien ead put it oder his editor- this year have maintained the reput el. control:° After ser ing four years tion of the - county' Model schools, f as a member of the Quebec Legisia s. good work, a large number receiving tive- Asse �'a1bly, he . en erect the House hollers. of Oormndns in 1891 s member for HONORS Montmpre cy, with th avowed pur- Carling, Winnihred Carne, Coro G. Carling, Murtha V pose of f hang an a quiry into eery m Lillian J. .11M. 27, 1907. r that the Buyt: is eagly sennet goy Santa Ce •like and pie tide your tr ehiMuteetre u ae come to -day, e selectiong` for gement n Plenty .hy. to cozener ous other thixga dor Women. neckwear 4 Gloves oliars Voile • Shawls` sista 4- Golfers Satchels Mufflers Handkerchiefs: Hats Dight Gowns • Underwear ..E G. .$kPiece Good = Cloth Jackets • Top Slirta Underskirts. • '?Err Coats tre Stoles .moots e Ties Ruffe a Muffs 4. Caps tree selected lag goods :ata, Table panes and .r oad R' ompaneas money. employ- of the corn six tears, and acl business. He wan. -s if, and the present • great surprise_ T1 . `before the magistrate ted in the meantime Out on $509 bail. s Notes- ane of the most notes worid, died at his ✓ Scotland, on Tues Bri: tol, Methodist yvlile, was instantly morning, by being -hound T. H. and Be • just east of Jersey 3ritoi was driving, '£ the approach of the was dentoralised,an tartly killed. arta the oldest prate ca the world, died eel me in St. John, New: 34; Last August Dre the 70th anniversary` the medical protein-- °LEon Edinburgh 114- h he was a seniors rrdial greetings ands teal Association p n addres -.iia Christlae pack your stocking, from to prosperity And your Christmas joy be bright [ as berries on thee wreatl `� o ' top, fu . ay_ hristm love be_ like - the Christmas tl t ` May `every heart beat time to the music of bells May s the old be young again—that you seventy or more may you feel once a when you wept down stairs in the 'd Santa had been down the chimney I May our customers, old friends: and new— the 'hearty handclasp of this Store, —evergre the Christ fifty: ain as you wring to s very one— th A Merry, Mcrry Che SLuIasT And thanks I Thanks I , fa .akii this our. best Christ May it be Your Best Christmas al f Ily as y, ltd if el 0 .Seiting Salo. Contiro..4. And we still offer to the public a large all sortznent of the very choicest qpalities in Suits Fancy Vests Ittain Coats Dress Shirts. Ties Gloves frostery- Suspenders -11111eres Furs Underwear Shirts Collars Pajama,s NiOit Robes m*ifters Scars Sweters Woiren's Fu All the above goods must positively be so d out within the next few weelp3 at hatev r price they -will bring. Come along wi h what cash you can spire, and see what two dere it can perform. COME Emmy AND COME OP The. GREW EN East Side Main Street, one door Sout of ti* Dominion Bank, 1 Ilighest price for Butter and liott,Jessie Scott Feat', Clark, Mary E. tain,- charges of 'corm tion that.had Ilenderson, Pearl E. Jamieson, Esther E, been mads .against ; Hector Lane= Kellerman, Ethel Si Keys, Rata . rbri axil 1 trbom the Thompson was expel the C+dnse the. ge:n ed, the La ter Cabine` Publi9 Werks, and w ncfrgta iYLC envy, LYl L' . of -- e " t" M. e Mitoheli, crus M. 31cQuarr:g, Stella G. former 'resigned from the Murray, r�a,t,} F, Neth r� , fella J. Ministry, : ve;tives we Tied -, d the' latter' i'zntl and, Edna L. show, Bath House. • - en' " son, . -sic u I Tom, Jean O. e a deice ted at: oassie, " l! ane Bean, Samuel 1896 he renter- Dean. Orlando Jefferson, Geo. H. as Minister .gg: lkiannin NYilliant Matheson, Wm. A. tcann, Harold Welsh, Nixon during that :Nilson, Thos. G. luentialj.i-r_i se-' PASS In strattcyn the,-Armetrong,Ida Armstrong, Jennie C uebec Carter, Jennie Coward. Margaret • h led' u ' t0 hiS Cluff, Olive E. Dalton, Alice •' p Deyell, Lillian M. Diehl, Erma A. ilfrid's Cabin-` Fraser,.hiarion Glenn, Vera Jane Griffin Laura put Il;izri back i . Hetherington, Lizzie . life,. ,Correa-�' g e Mayme� B Laidlaw, Johnsto!1inn a P. of the inci - Mo hereon Erse McMane, Jessie 13. Of Hon. Mr ; Phillipa,- E. Myrtle Polly, Mary re Closely than" Sort, Mary E.. .sherritt, Lydia 8herritt, "Minnie E. Smith, Maggie ' rld , Laurier on Bre' enc, 'elda L Taylor, Edea V. England from Thomson, Gertrude M. Zimmer, Tillie Mal,.Confer_ence: Barker, F. Chester Breen, Wm. Geo. time curia suppc Of xceptionally fort the new ad of the Provin he incidents whi retirement`, from Sir •• et, a retirement whit practically into prieat pendent writes : Non dentsin the later Tarte was watched m when, he met Sir Wi the latter'e return t attending the first Col It was during Sir • 1ftid's stay in London that cables totof his seriousl indlepos tion, and Hon. Mr Tarte, then Minister cabesPablic parks, tried to make the of his i pportunity and- hurried- about the • co l try, advocating'F a policy' oo higher pro 'ectiOn. At the time many looked u ' on ` Hon. 4[r Fielding as the most litely successor to Sir Wilfrid if the la ter .were fore - ed to retina from pa tics, bvtt , Hoon,' Mr. Tarte 'thought he could get the people with him as the Canadian man- ufacturers at the ti , were crying for higher protection. r Tarbe's ace tion implied what he t ought Sir Wil- ifrid's condition would favor - bim to do, and on this ac Dunt 'political friends rather lookedor 'a touch of 'pertness in the meetin: between the two. There was nothi co! the kind, 1 and both principals ilingly `'played their parts and to - the surprise` of all Sir •Wildri& did not ev n pretend that ,he - knew anything of . hat had been going. Dant in iris absen e • Shortly af- terwards, however, Hon Mr Tarte an- nounced his withdrewai from the Cab- inet, Sir Wilfrid insists g that hehadnot loan anyright as 'a minister to go aboutadvocating a p lacy of higher protection pvhen the ` Ca inet of which not committed policy. At as certainly a ir. Tarte was vitt', and novo younger than whtl ' his • old etly passed a - :,d a somewhat andvery bit :osed to him, ariiamenc and an r of . c nsi= rka$le energy, n the depart d control. Old orks De- ✓ ad a chief didthis pa- r V he was a themselves that time ember had to any sue ir Wilfrid very sick mars, :while full of energy and act Sir Wilfrid -seems even he was ten years ago, ally, Mr. Tarte, has q way. Although , Mn. Tarte h varied political career, terly- attacked those o he had 'maw friends in oat of it. He was a erable courage and rem which made itself 'felt ment over !which he h ,officialp oa the Public wbo woradi so hard litical journalist when .he was c tiled to a Cabinet position at the time of the change of governme t ie 1896. He wag nearly always In is acom at 7 rectly und r his conk 1 to be there at that h too. And this despite. In the House lock the night dictated eome ater, after the fact, th t he bad sa ae late as cone er two cn before, 'and had perhaps letters as late as elev He was azi omnivorou often read ain hour or t dismissing his secretari . Called Him the -Lit le ellow." When Mr. 'Tarte firs en ered upen his duties he- had all he zeal of a neve minister who is ginning work after the overthrow of a government and everyone was look d Upon with •selt innoeents The 'slit le fellow," as he ie affectioliaielY te ed ;An the de. partmeht, was aeret th re, end evera- where. One never kne *hen the door wap liable to op quickly, and the form' ot the new cidef would dance-" in. Some of t clerks lived In mortal terror of him for be 'had a reputation whether de yea or not, of being ready to fire anyone on a minute's notice if he bought there only a few in number, and the rear just got to work..and e cciuntry got' better returns for the salaries paid than under mast ad stratorpo The axe did not fall Oil V !inlay, and those , who did go w sprinCipally- those who itribibed -too freely of that which inebriates as II as stirined Disliked 'Liquor an Tabacco. And just here hangs tale, or rathe er several, of them. Tarte-wan e man of strong prejudic ...Two things which he hated most hernently were alcoholic liquors and tobacco, and ling" purcoses, -end th latter at all,' were sure to meet with e disapproval - al. :He liked a glass • elaret self at his meals, but ne er drank wbat he termed "jawbone " liquors, and he did dislike, vsitb every atom of soul haws. Several amusing incidents are told eoncerning this ab orrence, The year after he b came Minister, e said an attaebe' or the department, a 7 fellaw came in one da with a letter in his pocket after a b. He was certabe to get it, for he had sufficient pull. He handed Afr the letter. The Minister took it, nd instead at epening it, held it to his nose and sniffed it Then he t k a Jump 'in the air, -melted bie a Ms, and said, reheat, had to admit t used .tbe "root '104 41e4 didn't ie Obi I Curran, Victor Campbell, Archie IL Dodds, Melvin Kilpatrick, Edwin Lyon, Emmanuel Mair, Knox Mason, Roy II. McKenziet'lle6tor 3eKity, Ross R, .1IcKenzie, Wire. Robt. Morrow, Wm. 0. Oliver, William Tosliff, Alfred L. Stothers, Bailie W. Smyth, 'Wm. J. Triebrer, Wm. L. Weir, Wm. -Wilfred Young, Harvey. The following are under age and will not receiv their certificates till theyare eighteen. Deyell, Lillian M. ' Dalton, Alice A, Henderson, Pearl E. Sberritt, Lydia I3, Smith, Maggie Tiplady, Evelyn C. Tom, Jean Barker, Chester Fear, Mary E. Phillips, Emma Myrtle Kellermann, Ethel M. McPherson. Ena Pentland, Edna L. McKay, Ross R. Swann, Harold The following have non-professional attending. Curran, Victor Cluff, Olive E. Hetherington, Lizzie A. Keys, Mayme J. Fraser, Marion Lyon, Emmanuel Griffin, Laura Mcblayne, J. Evelyn Johnston, Jean Sherritt, Minnie E. Polly, Mary Weir, Wm'. Wilfred The fellowing wrote on the final for renewals an will obtain one year and a half ; Harden), L.,-, Million, Carrie ' Howanti, Winona Martin, Mildred Clark, Elsie M. 1Vhite, iCora Parsons, Marie . Huron Notes. -Over $5,000- was p,aid in taxes in Clinton, on Saturday, December 14th. -Mr. George Cottle, of Clinton, has, sold his house ana lot to -Mr. Jeonea McNeil for $600. -Mr. and; Mrs George Mote and son, of Manitoba, are visiting friends in the neighborhood of Crediton. -Miss Gera. Sherriff,- of Winghain, has been re-engaged as teacher in the schota at Malone, Hastings minty, -Robert Docker, of Grey toaenship, bad a sale recently, prior to hitt go- ing to New Ontario, whtch 'netted him 0800s • -Mr. John McKay, of Grey township, who spent the past nine months at Earl Grey, Sask., is home again for the winter. -The Robinson farm on the Hurtful roan, just west of Clinton,- was eold, by auction, L. Paisley being the pur- chaser ,att $5,870. --Miss Jean P. MacPheresen, of Olin - tons has gone to Boston Where she will take' a bourse of tri'iining in the Massachusetts State Hospital. -:eirs. Norman Fair and son, of Clin- ton, have ''gotne to Lockport, N. Y, to spend the winter with the former's brother, Mr. Gregg Irwin rich Model. school, was presented bY ' the pupils, at the close' of the term, -mita Edina Manning, of ttle public school staff, Clinton, has been torced to resign, oveing to the ill health ciV -The annual Christmas festival in connection with the Crediton Evanel pike' church was held on Christmas', eve, when an excellent programme was given. •,---Principal Her tley, ; of the Clinton Model school was recently presented with a handsonae case sof pearl handled knives and, forks by 'the :Model school -Mr. john Nichol, ,o Wingham, has purchased from Mr. Wan Carr, the brick residence and twelve acres of land In the town plot, near the Wing - ham ceroetery. -aMilitary orders announce the es - lament of a provisional school of Inetruction for infantry officers at Goderich, to commenoe January 7th, min to continue six weeks. -Mrs. Joseph Knight, who for 35 died recently at the home of berdaugh- tert Mrs. Nit tere Binder, at elleayt 111 -Miss M. Benn, vaho bas been en- gaged as teacher in the Iningsbridge Scheer, has severed her connection with tbe school there, and- is goino to take -Mr. George Andrew, of has established a fine system of wa,t- erworks through ale barn, which 'will be a great convenience. Mr ' Andrew believes in having overythieg up to -Wm. McDowell, of Westfietd, aad tbe misfortune to loose a valuable horse a few days ago. This is the • third ham to- dee in that neighbore hood witbin the past few weeks. Eat- ing frozen grass is thought to be the cause of death. -Ma. James Van Nover, of West Salem, Ohio, and his daughter, are vis- iting in. Clinton. They came to see Mr. Thomas Jacksott, sr , who is -just recovering from a severe illnese. Mr Van Nover leas not been in Ontario elate 1868. _ -The beim cd tar. and Mrs . Ster- ling, Goderich tawnship, was the scene, of a pretty wedding on altadnesday, last week 'when' -the latter's sister. POP NOP.bila TAW la IlleaPi Around $5.00 s nos, teresting and impressive aeremony was performed by Rev. Mr Mann, of Lis- towel, assisted by Rev. Mr Menicar. - A -The Methodist churph in Mitchell which during the sum er was tiler- , Is a good sensible price to pay oughly renovated and d eorated and in which a new' $4,000 ergan hae been installed, Was re -Opened 011 Wednes- day of lest week by a grand organ re- cital given by Mr. Arthur Blakeley, of Toronto, assisted by 3. Parnell eiter- tletta erbag was held at the hatne for an Umbrella. Some people . might think tlaat too much, bit that's because they don't appre- ciate what high quality stands for in umbrellas. You may never have thought of coming here far an 'umbrella, still they make very suitable Christmas gift, especially when the peeson seems te have nearly everything they need. G -old filled and solid site headed, with fine silk and -wo I and selvage edge cover. Engraving free. John Bulger, SeafOrt Marriage Licenses Issued. riage to Mr. Robert Cole, son of Mr and Mrs. Peter Cole The ceremon was performed by Rev. tir Snowden in the presence of a number of friende of ;the contracting parties. -The Goderich board of health insi tend making a thorough job of' vac- eination; special constables are make ing a house to house census of those to vaccinate those who have not ae ye are to be followed- up by the doctor -One evening recently the bible clae et the Crediton Methodist church spen a pleasant social. evening in the base ment of the church. A -good grogra, was providen and during the eveniu Mr. Holland', the teacher, who is leaving, was presented with a mantle clock and an appropriate address, -Tbe little grandson of Mr. James Handford, of the LoOten road, nea week. The littIe boy, Who had under- gone an operation last summer, came up with his :parentst ana Mrs Wm. Foster, to attend the funeral at Mrs. Hataford, and was taken ill and never recovered. -Mrs. Peter Kerr died last week in the Clinton laespital, after a abort illness. Deceased was born in Bay- field 50 years ago, and was the eldest daughter of the late Frederick Ahrens.. Fed many years Mr. and Mrs Kerr have been respected residents ot Clin- ton. The -former and four children bin a -pros- perous farmer of the second cencession of the town- ship of Culroep, is reported to bave eenunitted suicide host week by shoot- ing himself through the head. No motive can be assigned by the family for his man ant. He was ot a melan- cholic nature, and it is -supposed that while in a depreased state of mind he decided to take his (MIL life. He le, survived by a wife and family, twot -George Salmon, aged 14, WAP kaled the other day at Raymond, Ale berta. The horse which he waS a -Rev. R Whiting preached to his driving became tangled in the harneee former congregation in the Methodist and fell en the driver. church, Mitchell, on a recent Sunday. -Robert Conant, a farmer from San- -Ser. James Anderson, of St Marys, wich, received serious injuries in a who has been tor some months in the runaway accident at Chatham last Frt.- west visiting friends, has returned day. He was thrown from his rig and home. several. fibs on his right siae were -Mr. Patrick DeCaursey, of the 10th fractured. concession of Logan, diece la.st week, -Mr. N McDougall, B. A., of Pe - and Mr. John troaden, M As, oLaifilSsr'nlaberent;a7; has been appointed inseectee of pub: - lie achocas for West Lambton. -Last Friday night 25 Chinese ladies passed taroiigh Montreal in bond, vie They had ciente trom Ne* York, and were going home to epend the New Year in the Celestial Kingdom. -Romeo Archambaelt, a young mai who camt to Winnipeg recently from aired by tailing from a toboggan en the slide the other evening and died the next day. lacClelland,died at Grand Val- ley on Sunday from the effects ot burns, caused by falling down staire With a lighted lama the evening prea vious. Deceitoed was in her 50th year aod mixers esteemed in the locality. -Mrs. McTavish, wife of Rev MoTayish, D.' So, pester of Central Presbyterian Chnrch, Toronto, passe away &today morning In Balti Hi:heated, After months of suffering, from mincer. -Norman Swartz, was blatantly kill* ed in a 'runaway accident et Osage, from a load_ of haa. He heeame tangled in the lines and was dragged 'under the wheels. He lesaaati a wife and two cliihicen. -One ot the oldest and most bi land conaty, James Kemp Huycke, of Cobourg, passed, away at bie late resident*, -Warkworth last Thursday, in bis 82nd -year. —Because til -A father whipped hial for MeNeally, a 12 year °In boy at Bete erboro, left home on Tuesday and bas not since been zeen, although his parents and the pollee haw- made dil- igent search tor the missing lad.: , -There are local option campaigne on in 96 municipalities throughouttha Province, and repeal contests in In 'those munieipalitles thert are 273 licenses. A teature of the cairn/14n la that V of these municipalitle.a none trying local option are tncerporated er of the Sella& of Mining, Kingstoa, died on Taursday Jag. She hadbeett married two years, and had just rea turned from Germany, where ber hue - band had taken a hest graduate course. She was a daughter of Joseidi David Marshall, of lefitchell, Was mg,' Franklin, of Winnipeg. ging a hole for 'a telephone pole his -The home of MT. .931ii Mrs James crowbar broke and one piece new up Cathrea Sidenham township, near and bit him halow the eye -making a Walter's Falls, was the scene of a long gash down to.the lip. The wound a tireigleariencindoewnt,moasurnainrgelte efdeawthIttal:!if Vas. dressed by Dr. Armstrong, but he I thee their yotIngest child, a little girl of eighteen months. Mr and Mrs. Cath - Tea, had killed and prepared, a titian- tatity of fowl for market that MOrn- ing, and bail used a .paper torch to Inge the bira after they had been plucked. Their aptly eurviving child, a boy hrol and a half. years, _watched etjalleallatt, swat mots,. "doll tett Perth Items. ris, tenor eolaist at -A very plea,sant gat one evening last week of Mr. Ed Fuller, of easion being the presentation of an ad- dress and also a beautitul eable muff to Miss Jordan, who hes taught the school for the past six yeare, and wno is leaving to tea,ch a sclueol near Staffa. -Mr. Ed•-'11raleignieof !St. Marys, did well with his black Orchingten chick- ens at the Winter Fair at Guelph aud captured twelve prizes with his eix birds. l'he prizes were three first's, one firth, three specials for best col- ored cockerels, two -specials for best colored pullet and silver etip for four best hens -Messrs. D 'Douglas & Son, of Wil- low Grove, were very successful ex- hibitors at the Guelph ,Fgt Stock Show. In the regular classes they succeeded in ca.rreing off five ont of six pose- sible firsts, and five out of six sec- onds, and several thirds and fourths. Taey also won 'several first, seconds and third& in the bacon, and graae classes, winning in all 22 prizes on an exbibit of 26 hogs. --The counfy treasurer at Stretford recently received a cheque from the provincial treasurer for $12,504.20,- one- third of the a.mount expended on eosin eonetruction • by the county of Perth since thetaaaption of the Good Roads by-law. Thtf3 sum is taken from the one million dollars whieh the provin- cial Government has laid aside, offer- ing a refund of ione-taird, the amount expended :under ''the goon roads aye- terni -The Toronto Cattle Market privil- eges went to Mn R 3. Hunter far $42,500. -Miss Jean Johnson, of Wiarton, had her aern badly fractured in a printing' press in The Canadian office in that faund last Saturday. -James Peterson, proprietor of Pet- erson's iron worke, Winnipeg, had his skull fractured the other daY the bursting of an emery wheel, I -Miss, Mary Finlayson, Post Roe& Cornwall townsbip, dropped dead 'the other day while preparing to drive te Cornwall. She was 72 years old -Joseph Bois shot „hineselis. on his claim 45 miles from Letellier, Mae - the other night. It is mot known as to whether it was accident or suicide. -Mrs. Fullerton, of Cobalt, gave birth to a boy while coming to TO - rant° on the train last Friday. Mottle er and- ehild were removed to the Gene 67th year, 44 leaves a tvi4cfw• -Mrs. Jobei Boss, wao lids been a. resident of Stratford for over forty years, died lent week aged 84 yea.rs. It is just a year since Mr. Ross' death -One day last week Joseph Doherty, son of Mr. Patrick Doherty, of Logan, vehile playing at school„ felt and broke -Mr. Charles Osborne, of Einaa, who sold his 50 a,erea to Thomas liewbigg- In& has purchaeed Mr. :Wm Porter - field's farm on lot lit, concession 4. • -s-Mr. James Beattie, Avonbank, had part -of his thumb cut off by a cir- cular saw the other day vrhile assist - inn at te wood, bee. -Mr. A Stevensen, English master at the Stratford Collegiate Institute, has resigned to, accept the chair oft lecturer on Methods in English, in Queen's reativersity. -A coniplimentary banquet was giv- en at the Hicks House, Mitchell, one evening recently, to Mr. A. Dunbar, who is giving up his law 'practice there aad- going to Guelph. - „neer, Albert, De Jardine, who has been an tbe Merchtintsaaank in Mitch- ell tor nearly three aears,has been ap- pointed to the accountautship of the Merchants Bank In Parkdale. -Rev. MacDonald, of the To- ronto Globe, preacbed anniversary ze- molls in Knox- church, 'Stratford, on Sueuteet, December 15th and addressed a masta meetings of mett at the city hall be the afternoon. -The new Anglican chuich In Mil- verton was opened recently by Ilishop Williams. The congr,egation le, sawmill one but the church aehleit cost $4,000 is nearly ell pain for. -Rev. 3 T. Kerrin, of Jamestown, former aastor of Trinity churcb, Mitchell, and oecapied Me old euip# Mr, John -Lawrence, 12th concession ot Elma, had the misfortune to have of his arms broken by the cat gettin a little nervous and ugly,and jammed him againet the wall with -the above result. -Rev. j Cutter. sorae 30 years ago. a preacher on the SI. Marys and NISSOUrl district, died at the holm of his daughter, in Eimithville, a 'short' time ago. Deceased was one of the, pioneer ministers of the Methodist' -One afternoon last week while Mr. will be permenentjy disfigured. • -A very interesting event Wok ple.ce at the residence of Mr. and Mrs .1 rIsher, Pleasant Home Farm, con-- cessian Elma, an Wednesday, Deo ter, Mat* A., was united in inaria rea went t to do thee milaing, he actions of e' ;morning. &inuring' a roll of pepe he lit it at the fire in elothing, ch was soon flameee the the mo 's !return she was horri- fied to tin ei daughter 'eliffering from terrib barns about tlie .body, wbere the haw was thickest. The little one ed half an hoar. The bOy, who as the innocent pause of the sister's death, is, of course, too Piling to u c,erstand the nature of hie. actions Muc eyinpathy fel, in the aeighborhoo for the berea, ,ed par - of that township. Friday of 10. James C -ow, mie of the eldest and best known citteeas, at anis for Many Years a prorni of -s fieial of the 1 Inland Revenue Depart-. tet ef (Zeta lea at the time •of his saperannuae Omit twelve years age. ceived in M atreal of the wheat yield in the Peace IRieer country, 80,0 miles north of Edmonton, the total being Peece River °ening, Fort Brick, and see Bay Co pany *1.50 busbel; Mid it will be ground at qe• Cora- PanSr's mill t Vermillion.' isseln view the meat declaim of the SuCkenee Court uplee,Iding: (the or-, . pelling the nd Trunk Rail. y 0o. to gi.ve le third Class fair acco mode,. den at tene peany per mile on at leapt one tra r day each be- tween Tortes d Mon'treal, the tome patty is no eying to Pak:element Mg the dates eharter width the eider wa battled. ei-Oornellus airlor, of St. Thomas wee the vict at et a eery zaahous, if not fatal, a ',dent Abe_ other morning. fell into -the. le baelneneds. Hist head and neck kn keel against theeside of the sewer an ilnis!.head. twisted ; 4i.roun4,. Ite• was picke mit of- the eewea In en uncenscams 'Condition. It is; feared th4 some oa 1 th:e bones of hie- neck areibroken Si that he cannot *rovers aleng with Dusty Br.., ,isf St sore veins e geed bearing. extartz 27 miles north- ' Engelhart on tile Tem- freaa the. e -As-say Ceara, Bele levelle, tbat e pie sent earl assay senk on the ations can eon - Healed during ale .winter, taRayrriond,1 n Alberta, is sa to be Inge, -and- bee e .populatiott et 240 the. youngest 1, owe of its eize a Cane. ad*. In 1908 I'. he itevensite vtae, la bare prairie, Now it -cOntains 500 reeitlences. spree of the largeet ratehlug end tate ' thee :Maly one of !its kind in anada .. west' of the Great1Lakes. 'Title ry reeksents an inaestment Of Q, and One been in! operation 'tot bree, yeates, In 1004 this' taetory ellead It., - 90(V tons of b eta and reanueenturea here during e -tier; Miss eadrnan Lorne Prin. all of strittka, and Eva Cam gone on a ho wjt C. ,:Wishart waa le on Sunday non with the' ` of th new nominations' ne No *rig officetee own formee t several llendenartera tbly Heine on eday Teat' e hall en day eve. =ling factory for Bleasela. A number our I Enter see ion No. 11, place, wee c Friday aftern eataer, Miss: Sparks. trhe stewed their st in their; by turning ou n , snob large as to test the ca . malty of the tic tee, its utmoet, et t would bet diftte cult to sae wa ch re the b ed at the su , the ent the .teacher. ,_ ramm lite ed of 89 Inn* ers, iuding . recitations, dialogues, ebortleaval- if elves proved e great eare the! trnest have ert lied oh her an I deal of extra labor, but the u of the entert/nineht, combined 1 with the evident pi asuee afforded bott Tie- t pile and earents wee; no doubt; corn.- pensation tor the Work undertaken and so euecessfulle carried out. At the conolusion of the 4ntertearaneat !-Paiaas " were distribUtiett the childetai, and tbe National A.hthem. Mos Speaks has. done good taithful wwk , in. this !Wool, and ivill be' pleased te leave , just sou the h