HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-12-20, Page 1touptt,
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ZOOM) - Antt-
rurreamit .2-Atta
I =snow immies.
nifcleBAN BROS.,
$1 a "Year in
he Ofeditmas _nurneent of the Far
ee ' Adeocate cent -au • a •
11 eness of Air.' moo. a Bares, Do-.
nti ion: Dairy 1- Commissioner, ane a
s ial illustratenarticle by khlt gen-
tleman, exitilled "Our Deere:- toidee
&eye from to-
blvery one
and rushee
- Mistimes
etie sho
anal thins
he weather is
around in. tted -
things all over'
Moat exclusive
e is right now.
SC114.1M smicatic.,
Me the blietore to the Britis Mar -
The article is an exce
eresting one. • Few people ou side of.
badness: have little idea t the
le and tare that is taken top erve
reputation • of . our dairy p vets,
to see that none but t e very
icest are -rant to tee ;Old untry
kets. The .artiele explal a the
dus operand!, and the fo lowing
tts;which we take ftene
ntereeting to our readers
, we nay say. -is an °le
who has worked his way
top of his chosen• avocet'
k 110 as many friendshi this
t he exes; therefore, will
te more interesting e to our
on is acoount. Ho eayg
ere is a good-- deer Of tr
h- statement that: a chew s. only
ha f made when it is put on th Shelf
in e curing room. This bel g the
ca it is ,important that our nadien
ch;e: should' be carefully' Medi teen
th time they are .;put into; the curing
✓ e until they-, are leaped n the
.market. -The most im rtant
pi to observe to get. the best, mitts
$ ver to allow the cheese to, come
ed to a temperature above 66 de -
Canada las made %lag -geed
ss during the past , four years
in opting_ meant to -control th tem -
pe Lure of; her dairy products from
th ma,kirte room to the oonsurn Tne
f t step in this direction wu taken
byl the dairy division of the part-
' of Agriculture for the • andel-lo In establishing -four cool
I e
very woman need
ribbons: continually
r one purpose mane-
ther. Aid -most pare
tic:Warty around thie-
holida.y season. We
hiv4, the ribbons eve
' body wants.
Wit Linen items for
.1(oliday Time.
eim =e worthy of special nien
he stock has many wee
hat give •constant service as -
touches of daintiness. No -
re gets too- many linens., and
weetiner all our gathering at
nent then -market value
New Linens.
able covers
ray Cloths
ive O'Clecks •
ide-board Covers
Damasks -
.nrers w4o
DIU season at
iir Zargams
whiIesaIc prices.,
Dress Ends
Axes Waist Ends.
g Silks
r the old homesteade-angine
ere bas been in thia vieltdty
days, trying to provide wayn
tts by which the surplus water
illage can be carried slown te
iron, as, since the recent hesTy
any or the cellars have beer
-Anniversary services will he
Sabbath, the 15th Inst.:- hl
hurcle and will be conducted
Rev. a Et. Sawere, ter! 13ructhe
Da the following evening se
per win be served in the base -
the ,conelesion of which st-
grammewill be rendered. Ade
wlll be denvered by Buds+
of Brussels, Small, of Blyth
of t'W,intnrop, and- Currie,
Recttations Will be rendered
Greig, of Seatorth, and Rev..
11, and music by Seise Dick -
Atwood, a male quartette and
E -James McGregor, of New One:
here on a visit With hive
'Themes McGregor.— Itichant
4 who bee carried on an Imre
businesS in town for the past:
th, removed with his family'
de to Edgar. near Barrie,
e goes Into the mercantile
e—The well-bred grey hound,.
to A. Strachan, was Poiret
t Frit:ley. A. T. Currie's foel
Ise got a. dose last Saturday.
eti hie- days. --A number of
of ,Brussels Loyal; Orange
tended the fueeral of the late
: Stewart, sr., at Bluevalee
Sday of this week.—A. meet -
ie directors of the East Run,
ere' Institute will be held here
day of next week for the pure
dretting oet a. programme for
lementary meetings of the In -
be held shortly.—Two- outer
4ng rinks are being got ready
tee—The measuring tee and
held by the Anglican Assoc -
St. John's church on Tues.,
eng was a success iA everY
e. The proceeds amounted to-
n.—The livery barn and oute
erge Robb was purchased this
our wen known townsman,
Galbraithwho; le -OM in
a, The purchasetprice Is said
the -neighborhood of $5,0004
a • contemplates going waste
talth should aneke an al live
nid we wish ben every woe 4
• I
a will
ell to
n and
be ail
1 •
4s- for cheese, lei, different e cachet'
ntario and Quebec in 1902, to )1. -
rate on a, eammercial basis, he en-
inges controlling their mper-
e, : As a result of this wor matey
e cheese factories' have no col
g items, ethere the temp rat*e
trolled; by''.1ce and never s a.
60; or 62. degrees in the ott st
her. Properly made ;cheese, curd
hese rooms -ate always of s oot
exhale and of better flavo th
cured in; ordinary rooms, wh
temperature goes tip to In or 76
ees in the warm weathe 11
gh shniments of cheese o but-,
carload lots are .shunted direct -
the docks by the railways.. Tee
wee usualle placed along ide f
beds; atie the unloading .is ne
longshoremen trucichig the; bo
the car to tee ship's' -0
the 'cheese shipped to the
e' in Montreal are deli-vere
freight sheds; and eiter do
werehotises cartage torn
y - of ..the teams drawing f
00chese at a load. Chile
A beautiful Silk Tie, all styles, regu-
lar 506, for
A Hanwdsorae Neck Scarf,
Artistic Suspenders (in holly box) -
Fine Linen or Silk Handkerchiefs
in artistic boxes
Colored Leather Collar and Cuff
Fancy Hose.,_ all colors
Swell Vests
Dress Gloves,. fur -lined
New Coat Shirt 1
Coat Sweater
Warm Cap,. all shapes
Fur Gauntlets
Fur Cap, all kinds
Overcoat, the- very newest styles
Suits, all styles and sizes
Fur Coat—coon, calf, wombat
House Coat
Warm Underwear
$ 2 00 •$ 1 00 $ 0
1 50 1 00 5
1 50.
500 30
:390 •2 0
250 16
300 200
125{- 100
-• 15-00 10 0
10 901' 7
120Q 9
10 00"75
50 00 30.0 2
10 00 75
200 10
And many other articles of toggery which
'have not room to mention here.
• th
t 4
Brown Jap Mink Soarff3. 4, 7 00
Brawn flap Mil* Stoles 8 00
Alaska Sable ScarfEr 12 00
Ilabella, Fox Stole 15 00
Grey Squirrel Stole • 5 00
Thibet Stole 6 00
Sable FOX Ruffs 5 00
Browkand Black Hare Stole 4 50
• 600:,
10 00
12 00-
30 00
60 00
50 00
15 00
12 00
A.stlachau Caperines
Bear Beoder Caps .
rersian Lamb Caps
Sable Muffs Alaska
Columbia Muffs, Muffs
Mink Marmot
Astrachan Jackets'
Fri. Lined Jackets
G.,- an Coats
Black Calf Coats
Fur Collared Coats
Fur Gauntlets
Astrachan Cloth Jackets
1 5 00
• 6 :Oa
12 00 -
4. 50 .
400!4 00'
1(14 bo
35 00:'
. -25 00.
10 00
vi 00
.30 60'
*40, 001
20 op!
10 oo I
• te
of, 1
'Weighing The Ch se.
:Western Ontario, and as f
ellevele, practically all the -
sold •subject . nactory ins
uality, and weights.' tested;
Ing point. The buyer or
nt is usually present :to
cheese at the car or whar
the Weight of from five to
of the cheese in each lo . To
'weights, the cheese must
half :pound up beam rnbre
weight marked' on the box.
the =cheese east of ,13ellev
rite and Quebec are sold
ontreal inspection for bot
and weights.- The Mont
ts' Produce Exchange: ern
to test the Weights of bot
and cheese in the warehou
treal. Tbe rule -tor
eph cheese or box of butte
h One quarter on aepound u
the lweight Marked on the
rge beam scale is used. It 1
a. triped, with a, swingin
MI Place the cheese or but
is ceeeled tiorn- one wareho
other by the, men who(
hing. In• the busy season
s wre "employed, with thre
ach., One Men in each ga.n
weighing and -keeps a re
weights. The other two ta
s off and place the cheese
on the 'scales and pile th
. They weigh about ten pe
e boxes or packages in each
gwa y.
ks to
en ' 90
r le et
che se
cid, n
at the
ee e
, a d
en per
wtehi khn,
e ly
Ile in
11,13 et
loy a
boxes.rlb,hpgel aupi1;trn 'LIE ing :-..
er 'ens,
se to
im n
rd. of
e e
b' t -
Anything going from this store carries style and repu-
tation with it. All goods are dependable; f everything
absolutely new.
COME rtior
Bast Side Main Street, one door South of the
Dominion Bank,
Highest price for Butter ana BOB
The Beltway Service
the early spring anti late f
se- are usuatly saippee in
caps, and in the summer
eat many refrigerator ca
:The Department of Agri
the Dominion gives assist
pro iding -refrigerator ear
che se by paying $A per car to
a 1 ited number :of cats Oil t
ter t railway lines running.int
tre . The railway companies
the cars at the request of- th
per ;
A out one-fifth of the chee e
cel e in Montreal diming the s
m ths are brought in by boat f
por on the Bay ;of Quinte a e
per Se Leeerence, Ottawa Riv a
Rtd au camel, Richelieu and
uen y ,River.
In The Montreal Wiarehous s.
• on
e d
rovr 1
• N arty the cheese warehou s in
M treat are situated west of c ill
et t on St. Piul, William an Ki g
st ts, which, on a besy day, 1-
m blocked with drays load th
che se and butter. The thee
deli ,ered from the. drays in he
Wit houses by rolling them alori sea 11
gen Ways or chutes hung 011t 07 te'the
sidewalks. AP the cheese roll 1 to the
weathouse, a mad calls off the eight
ma ked on each box to a der who
kee s a record of the weights, •reeds
and the number of cheese in ea • let.
T'h man who, calls off the eights
als piles the cheese five or six high,
and they are then trucked to di ferrt
sec..on of the warehouse. e-
ce1e and store from twenty to t
eig t thoesand boxes "of, cheese p r y
or bout one hundred. and we ty
tho sane - boxes per week, r qu es
lar warehouses, and no small a o ret
of xecutive ability on the part 'the
ehe se merchants of Montreal. It is
onl by having an almost perfe sys-
tem of handling the cheese ins de of
the WarVhouse that this is acco
e ay by day without any ap arent
btu er 'tor friction.
addition to receiving them s there
is e very important work of I spec -
ti Each, firm lue one man wit dens
Practically all. the inspectimi worn on
cbeeee, so that it may be said . that
UP 00 Logan at consi erable risk, got into
-cuing other children. Chief Fireman
all the cheese received in inoe.treat are
tuspseted by about twenty-five Men;
and probably about th=e -quarters of
the thew,. by six or seven men. some
of these k Inspectors have had experience
In making s cheese, but most of them
have gotten their training In the ware-
aotises, 'and, although they :cannot tell
whet, May cause defects in the cheese,
they are experts at discovering detects
wince ,is, alter all, the Mein - pent
front, the buyer's ;side, :
eitaiebouge Inspection and Codpering.
' The hispector classifies the.cheese as
he examines them, making' caeeful
notes regarding the quality of each
lot, and Alla report is kept on file. If
en the cheese :he examined in each
lot are found of good quality, the
'wh le lot is passed. If only tine cheese .
in he !number is found defeotite the
def etive ones may be picked• out, and
full price' Paid 101' the balance* itr-etlk -Jeweter
(Joh n • Bulger,
- - SeefOrtil
ally, If more than one cheese is found -
ggustily in the number exalt- Mateinge Licenses issued.
ed sensible price to pay
F an Umbrella,. Some people
might think that too much, but
lutes because they don't appre-
. Mate what high quality, stands
r in umbrellas. You may never
ave thotreht of coining here for
umbreffa, still they make a,
very suitable Christmas gift,
pecially when the person seems
have nearly everything they
ri ed. Gold filled mad solid silver
li:eaded, with fine silk and wool
n1Pd selvage edge cover.
Engraving free. I
.1 the b nmhig co pertinent and ectov-
ered tie thild, b t it had died of ,uffo-
, cation,in the smoke. The frantic Moth -
i er wee with ditneulty restrainederom
1 rustling into the fire.
I —Fire destroyed the Elliott Mamie
' facturing CoMpany's box /actor, , on
., p
Ricbmond streeti West Toronto s ort-
ly after one o'c ock on Sunaay I °th-
ing, together With three* dwelling
houses atiSoinings mid a pertion of tbe
'St, Andrew's church Institute, on Nel-
son street, in the rear. The total loss
wile amount to nearly $176,000.
—Alex. Alkensst a welleknown Barton
farmer, drove over the edge of ; the
mountain, near the Barton reservoir,
Hamilton, some time Thursday night..
'The next mornies. the dead bone was
found on the mountain side. He hen
fallen thirty feet, and his neck was
caught in the :spokes of one 4 the
buggy wheels, and; he wae eboked to.
---,Anton Lindsay, of Faraday, in the
of Money thro
C ifornia, bank.
gh the failure of
. A. Mcleirn h e been appointed
town clerk of Goderice.
— W00. Moere, of tWright, Mane
has ed to his h ine Benmillert
ogge Lyon, of , liondeabore,
has his fifty term to his
neig bee, Mr. Fairse eke, for, WOO.
es melte, iltop; has been
1*-seceti gageN bey. Inthoerr te"t i Si)aflazrY4h7rel
I *
. D vitt Lin ho bas been - '
homestead ng near teekiwin, Alta.,
returned o , his horn in Clinton last
wee1. ..
--- rat. Berme of 'Greet who has
been., at eyfiminste soak., home.
Hie broth r ;(nearge. „
Wee. for the winter
-- e e..,. uel nab!,
I. remain in the
h -tin-hose enter
tain enm the ,Ta On Church, Mor -
1 ris, rill - hetet on Montlae evening*
: representaen
Medi : the whole lot is rejected, and a ' eteretetteeeeneeteetreertee -tern- 1 northern part: of „Meetings county, was . Deceniber arti•
r. F Ge,. Warm
.. .
lower rice pate for them. ' ' -
., crossing a small. body of water known tiv-nes r a ems.° wh
gang of men baseme ts of - the warebonses, Inspect- as Ravin Lake on the ice, when he '
Everywarehouse -hes., a
are Pet into cold; storage or sent to 'basis the cheese.' 11 18 then put in- New' Me
; for e pering the cheese before they ed, an weights tested upon the same broke
'tile atearneenes for export. . In- some to the told chambers, where the tem -
The bitter is delivered at the docks coOnv etrhee
cases; every cheese is taken out of the perature is :kept at from 10 to 20 de- .
box end, new scale -lininde put on ; ..grees.- ' he great bulk of Canadian foe tie
scarcely itiey of the cheese shipped elle. creame
are as
in the
ject; t Montreal inspection terve the
Probabt about one lune of the boxeS-
are put in eotton sticks whenexported.
by - the i cartage companies, and is us-,
u ally Put on ',Itoare ship at ones: and;
put in the ' Id chambent, where the
temperature 1 kept at from 10 to SO
degrent . In additon to the iced -car
inspect ss -e stag on -vino inspectors
are e ployed, who carefully twateh.
the handling- of the butter and cheese
dischar d from the river boats when
deltve d at the. docks, ane while be-
ing pe , on board the stealmships. A eel -
tailed eleport_ is made on tbe- munition
_of the i cheese- boxes ; and the Cheese,
il the ;hater boxes are sacked or not
sacked, Mei temperature of the butter
.upon rival* at the docks and when
it Is p ., on board, where tbe godds are
stored n board ship, and whether in
cold storage, (mei air; or ordinary stor-
age. *cording :thermometers are plac-
ed wit the careens in 'all ,the steanet
o the -purpose of .securing a
US record of. the temperate=
out 'the t voyage;
•boxeS eilleived down.- even with the
cheese. This has all to be done in
the w ieouses. .All the broken boxes
are eit roped, repaired or replaced,
and tit caters nailed, and in many
cases, here the weights of the cheese
have b n mit en the boxes vvith a
pencil t‘ the factoret Olen are nee
.matke with ii, stencil or rubber stamp
before they are sent to the steamship.
_The ni doing this work can spot de.
feats 1 the atevard appearance of the
cheese very 'quickly, such . as soft
cheese, very eddy cheese, ' and crack!.
ed end . Some of the large firma em-
ploy f in ten to twenty men during
the -lie y tetuten of e this work. They
are us ly ender the supervision of
the he d -warehouse man, who, tries
_many'. e ;the ;cheese els they are being
-coopere I . All the eheese for expert
are . oak ed to the docks, and are un-
loaded n the sheds -close to the ship's
gangly.. .., . .
• ding the, Ocean , Liners.
, . .
The ontreal harbor extends about
four es along ;the river front, but
practically all.' the cheese and . butter
Is load di inside of eemile. ' Large steel
end ge ent sheds( are being built on
the docs in which the ships' -cargoes
are eis hawed; and -loaded from. The
folio g steamship companies carry
dairy p oduce Oa the different ports in
Great Britain: - The- Allan Line to
Liverpool, :-London and Glasgow; the
Dominion. Line, to Liverpool and Bris-
tol, the O. P. R Line to Lendon, Liv-
erpool and; Bristol; tbe Thompson
Line to London, Leith and Aberdeen;
the Donaldson Line, to Glasgow; the
Manch ter Line to Manchester; .the
Head e to Dublin and Belfast, the
Leylan Line, to Hull, Liverpool and
Newcas le -on -Tyne. - .
-The bove lines have 62 vessels satin
ing re ularly between Montreal and
British ports. Forty of these steaMers
..ter, an f.24 have cool air ch mbers for
are equ pped with cold ster7e for, but -
cheese. li, addition to these, the'C.-, P
R.,.Lin- has two steamers sailing reg-
ularly robe Quebec to Liverpool -which
are eq peed with both cold storage
for but er and cool air -•charnbers for
cheese. At each ship there is a man
who roes any chesase.boxes that may
.be bro between the warehouse and
the docks before they are put Ion. beard.
The cheewe are put, on beard ire plat-
form ii ts. These -consist• of a plank
platfor - large enough to -place tnree
cheese ii. three rows side by side-; the
cheese re piled two deeps making 18
cheese each load. A rope net is
cn•a.vve net and over the boxes ;to
hold tii m in place until lowered iiito
the schi 's hold. (The cheese are loaded
on. thes platforms in the sheds and are
drawn p the gangways and lowered to
the eaby the ship's derricks. On
board .tie ship the cheese are starve
either i cool -air chambers, where the
temperature is from 35* to 45 degrees,
or in ,c) dina,ry storage,' where the tem-
peratur is from 55 t� 65 degrees. '
eamery Butter Trade.
The na,dian creamery-. butter ex-
port trede hap been very light- in
1901 The reason for o this is evidently
due to manY- of 'the creameries in the -
peoviece of Quebec changing from but-
terrea,king to cheegema,king, on ac-
count or the high price of cheese and
to the decided increase in the borne
consuth teen of. butter. •One of . the
wealcuf ures eef ,our Canadian cream-
ery bu er trade' Is the indifferent
manner le which the butter , is cared
for at tbe treamerieS. many of our
• creanierY maeagers scarcely realize, the
importance of getting the butter at. a
low . temperature -immediately after it
imade1.S.to preserve its keeping quali-
ties. Te Dairy and_ Cold Stcnage Conn
missien r's Branch,. at Ottawa, have,
for a riember of years arranged for a
weekly land biweekly iced car service
for buter on about sixty different
eoutee n the railways in Ontario- and
Quebec running into Montreal. • This
ateaneternent • provides cold Storage
transportation for pradtically all the
creamery butter shipped by rail to
efontral during the summer months.
' - Watahing The Railways. .
Three men are erapeetred by the
Government as trevelling inspectors,
who report to the Dairy and Cold Stor-
age -Commissioner on the operation of
the' iced cheese and butter cats on the -
different' routes, ,to see that a sane
*tit quantity- of ice • is used and that
the cars *e kept in a clean and r, pro-
per condition for carrying cheese and
butter, In Montreal 'there are three
ether men employed to examine and re-
port upon the condition of the 'butter
. and the ears upon a.rrival in Montreal.
There- is still room- for improvement
in the iced car service. Yet, in most
cases,. the _temperature of the. butter
ween tit. arrives in M-ontreal is lower
than it waf,-- at the. shipping points.
Butter is sometimes shipped to Mon-
treal tne the river boats, and often ar-
rives In a heated condition. Thinprac-
tice should not be adopted wbere it is
•at -all possible to get the butter ship-
ped in the refrigerator cars.
The butter is carted from the freight
sheds and river docks ;to tbe ware.-
house,r where it is unloaded in.to the
butter for -export is packed 9, eine
quare :style of bon holding 56 —On Saturdner a young man nerried
d. No print butter is -, xported.
Occasionally 112 po.uyi kims _nlittaYan, Gre4ternne,dacjeoohrenpanistone,d faronmothechr gythaeurtrag
tel Duart, a neighboring village. When
the :got to the home of Dr. Green,
Roy's ether, Roy got out and his la-
the* get in, ane he and Johnson drove
on to Johnson's house. 'When they
arrived there Dr. Green was horrified
to find Johnson dead.' It is said he suf-
brough and was drowned. Res-
rne time later .found his cap
Ice, but the Ixely was not re-
-till next morning. His cries
p were heard` three-quarters of
A a
The te
the ntritieh' ports, and a detailed re -
pert returned to the Deity and, Vold
S torage Corinhissioner's office, Ottawa,
and axle neglect in handling dairy pro-
duce isi at Once reported to the respon-
sible Tartlet. Thus a complete re -
core is secured of the condition of
the g as they are delivered to and
from t
of this
or creel
Teacing The Blame.
liar service tot inspection Is
ed 'the ports in Britain.
partitive ot the butter is Again
pon delivery on the dock at
Ing, on Saturday' night, - on ton, ;of at
string of freight care en the evening
train ulling out from Stratford for
Ocideri h, when he was struck a t-erritie
-blow; y an over head bridge, and was
knock unconscious, falling on top of ee...e.,
the ca He was not disfeovered until 'nun'
Sebrin4ville was , . reached. His skell
was badly traetueetle ri,liejctr
..-4-ittUglitag ani joking, Lawrence
Gowland, the yoeng murderer "Miss
Georgina Briewnt of Killarney, Man., A' -manhel
walked to the _scaffold on the morn- etAk a
ga,tioes ot
Ing of ms execution, He had dienley-
the - ev.
ed animated demeanor since the
in 1 ce
cess to
—T e ne lgrave Met
bath acii I intend h
-flua1 :Caristnene mit.
-Fore§ eine Hell, Bel
tmas 1 nigh ;December
s. • , Pettit
; ;repeal
' pneume
te, and
roem heat troubee
e Smith, a Grand Think
n, of Stratford, while Welk-
tesa le grocery :
-ejas oos let in Clinton
visiti g le- parents.- 1 ,
— obert Elliott, Goderith, bits:
comp eted - Ins shipree Of. apples for i
this seaso a hating enciferr in thee
eeig borh d ot 25,00 ;barrels of truite
1 hi
— fete • son of Rev. Dr. -Stewart,
ot ci; fiton underwent an operation for!
turho con the brain, in Veronto last
week anti though nt mit ot'denger,;
is„ tre rovi g.
— TS. arnes Fair, r, ef 'Clinton
has one to Edmontt Alta,wheel;
she tends remainin for the whiter,
with 1 her daughter, rt R. , Meer
D008, di
— m. Cuslc, ot arrived home
trom a atayof three onths at S
ton, Miss Anni w10 went wi
her br er, is rem tang in :w
ni -
itolin—tf axles Stec who ;has been
the thering h einese in Cretli-
' years, h ' bonglit e sintie
lar b neas
in -Behr' 'gviltes end has
that pia
th Mehl , ;eldest tiaugh-
eti id dflol rr e a% yaueil,NInindg°°4ham'et.'
a =MAI to gr. Gustav - -
, of ?rem California.
eratine of Pie j;oint toagree
esubunt a. d Smiths Hill,
- 0 Nic i, ee _ Caren,
t7:w, S '11 n .134 "-.6.
relleir Sa; nt
nnient in ' the
ee on Chris-
it be,
e ite°rf aNed to 14:1-Hrt
Oth -coricesn
unges.t -Only
a liteeleind
. ,
d willsed,
anterons of
and ai
the, Mi. higan Central. Rallwa,y lad
aid all its employees In Ontario
York, Indiana and Illinois in
n money, totalling $300;000.
—Oh 9, Porteeus, a; farmer, who
lives alone, five and a half miles from
M1i1brok, near Peterboro, • Was held
up on ursday night by a man with a,
e steamshipsand; as a result six-sbooter, who demanded his moneys
Ally. 'He cut the girl's throat
own because the rejected biz
s wbile they were alone in her
'e farmhouse. He recovered
. -
23 yeare Of age, and came from
two years ago.
the first time In its higtory,
in Ne
policy, v. very greet Improve-
s been brought about In recent
n the heindling of Caum4ian
roducts from tile curing r�om
ery to the consumers In. Great
--Ns, igetion was closed o
land c al on. Saturday.
--See, rae smallpox cases , ave been
discovened in Handltoe and the auth-
orities ; are tearing an outbreak.
—8nOiw fell to the depth of over nine
in Toronto. on SundaY. The
as preceded- by a heavy , rain
the Nei -
will b
• --niunge McDopald, of Peterboro, was
-presented with a pair of witite glove's'
at the ',opening ofi the. sessions, there
beinglice prisoners.
—It is stated in Ottawa-- that Hon.
nittom is to retie from pol.
tegether, and will T010Se re -
ion in Bnanclon. ,
. Belleghen, the 20 year ele
• Empress' of 'Ireland sailing
gland last week took - a record
as maa to Canada of over 4,000
s re ted 'Una the rate 01in-
n ptcn)
tb.e ost Office Savings Bank
raise from 3 per centto
✓ cent.
son of John Belleghen, met his death
by 'bele* struck by a falling tree at
7. B. !Kelley's -lumber 'camp, in Har-
vey tdiimship.
tion b
tory .a
in T
200 pe
richest 'residents of Brantford, He was
a breitner of the 'late Chief Justice E.
B. Wood, a one-time celebrated
He 'amassed, his large means
mostly en the lumber businees.
—Abeut II. o'clock Saturday morn -
inn th horse hitched to the steam
and 'e
died i
left in I hotels' by guests, be awarding
W. N. !Tompkins, 'of Oketoke, $109 In
his sue
was t
total loss, from the destrue-
fire .cif the Elliott box fat. -
id several adjoining- buildings
to 1Sunday, is a190,000. About
pie will be- thrown out of ern -
t as a result of these fires
death Is announced of Mr.
oad, one Of tbe. oldest and
delivery wagon in Walkerton
ght and ran away. John •Isien-
old man of about 70, was
over by the frightened beast
tattled such injuries that he
the hospital six hours later.
edam by Justice Harvey at
lays down the principle that
rs are responsible for goods
t against the Royal Hotel, tor
' etion for se fur coat which
--en from a cloak room.
o bundreds tons of hay, awned
by tbe ll Hortop 1Kf1tilag Company were
destreyea in the fire in Toronto on
Saturday night. The hay was stored
hi a P R shed, *Inca was also de-.
etroyen together with one box cars
which, 'with a number of -ethers, stood
1.1130r1 the siding neer the shed. The
cars cnntained _hay and lumber. . and
the famous note mese, begun by no remarks were occasioned. It is said
AlbertWilson :against ten wen -known td be the first instance in the Donne. -
ferment, of Oxford County, the Supreme ion of the enforcement ef this Tele.
Court of Canada has banded out ; Wailers a wealthy middle aged • paise a
were. 4 nab
judgmeint allowing tbe appeal of the ,man, who went to Victoria, . Naftet, a,
farmer t against the decision of a, low- :some time ago from Californiti, was also EgtleCti
. The fanners thus fleetly win 'found amongethick brusbworid in Bea- vemb r 8t
t ,arnount .cei.estioK is not I.con TI111 Park the other mornings deed. -1 Airs.
end, o - his retusal, was shot four
trees in the aead. He is in a • serious
—In errder !curb ternigration from
-Great 'Britain dnring the winter sea --
son, and put a further .cheekt upon peo-
ple coMing to Canada when there; is e.,
probability -of work "not being teethe
comings, agents In England ben been
instrticted to notify Intending • (nine
grante that no Adult; will be elipeved
16th not February, uniese he , 460
to land: in Cad e between now a$ the
in his pocket e -Pedro the latter date
to April -1st the amount mut ; be See,
The oity exception Is. in. tbe 'cue of
those Who are eorning out to 'friendS,
and have work pro-videcl tor th
—Feet ef Ea.st Zorra, Oxford c nty,
the . dietriet surrounding Golspie, hase
for sortie. months, been troubled aby a
fierce pack of dogs, Which werried
sheep end lambs, and even yoling.catil%
and killed large numbers of theme On
Wednettlay a nig collie ;female was
shot in its lair, in bonder with
its twe cubs, by Thonees Itedhead and
it is believed that this does away
with tlie leader of the pack. The doge
put UP: e fierce fight, and it was
only alter much trouble that .tbey Were
shot. They fouebt like wolves.
—On; Wednesday eight; while ,aer.
and . M*s. F. Hewitt, of Cobalt, were
absent from their hosee, the house
took fire, ann their two little ebil-
dren, inner etnn Evelyn, aged respect-
ively three and five years, we a-
sleep -in each other's arms in bed. The
house Was a. beard one, sheeted iwith
tar paper, and burned very tseldly.
Willing hands worked herolvany in
great danger, but one of the children
was tieed before= being carried to tWne
;jehnsten's itouses near by, and the
other died shortly after reaching the
home. '
snow and ice, exposed. for nays rand
—Haying tramped 200 miles tbreeb
nights to inclement weather; sle ping
in traiomen's huts, Harry Ellis,
31 years, eame to Termite bet
Moth feet were severely frozen -
were se swollen that he had been
forced to cut his boots to relieve the
pressure. He did not know tbe feet
were frozen and delayed having that'll
attended to. Then be went to
Michaelts Hospital, where he is
cared for. He has a brother I
city. His walk' was made in sear h ef
work, as he was destitute.
—On :Suncla„y night last, Rev. . L.
Go/Ion, of the • First Congregational
Church, Witinipeg, formerly ot the
Bond Street Cong•regational, of To-
ronto, insisted on every le,dy in Ills
congregation removing her heti be-
fore the -eervice began. It was an -
'flounced last week. The church 1 was
crowded, and -as the minister appear.
ed in the pulpit the ladies began to
murmur and remove their bot
Four ladies, wearthg especially
Ing creations of the Gainsborough
refused to comely with the order
tun -
• t
In hr ie
Bald our bildreet
ten month- -one
eneen milli, , ot
Mon of Gey, has
wherehe *ill make
be o cepiell -with a
plem t eetency. Mr.
his rut to Young
Morr township.
t Scott,
eers 1a;t Walvano
nesde D ember lit
67 ' years. Deceased
Gueie , d was se
when; he ame to the
he li. ed he died.
a a Mrs. Ev
atid Mrs. Hugh R.
sels, recently went t
the eera, of Mrs.
Evan mother, who
-nese f three• weeks.
ed irky. DOI
e pretty we
ae th residence of M
Bru of rioch, r
daughter, Mies Minni
ed in ma te Mr
ney, a pro per -ow and
farmer ot imybrook,
tie, Be grave, was
eler man.
-eJ ne *dens, re
Robe II gins pass
sudde ; Weduesd
at he 0 in ere&
illnes he age of
death Pained
an - 4 neigh
was -o. The =
to yes he eemeter
Mr. a
fethen on
to Del: C.
The cercrr
John MeN
only he 1
ceive ma
field rien
prese ts
—A I very
at tiyo ho
hill, eif H
week, wb.
C. R.
—Alter successful
tber, Mr. omas i
farmerof ertch,
typhoid tever, Dr. M
one on Toronto's you
ers, eontractea the
on Friday. The you
Godertch October
sponse to telegram
was ill, an he was
parent's bedside tin
assured. e was pre
to Toronto, when he w
best edit I men in
were call in attend
to save
on Fri
sister of
bed to t
at her
1 ho
, at
o lo
on Friday,
• att ded.
ss na terhi
ne 0. _John
VW len at
y was
II, and
. Dr. afid
and th
, teled to
pretty we
e of Coun
lett, on
his da
came the bride of Mrs
er, of bate line. The
y s perfor d ti'y tie Rev.
Gun e, of Clint in th mese
a large numb ot friends of
ra ting partie Mr, en Mrs'.
hav,taken up use -keeping on
s• fine far on - the base
tit pion-
-on Ned -
the age or
iwaS born near
ten yearaF old
arm, on which
and son John,
ott, Brus-
Zorra, to attend
Bruce, Ms.
ed, meter nen ill -
Me :Bruce paese
ding; took place
•anti Mrs. Alex_
I , --when their
1, was unit-
' rd Chem-
spected young,
Rev. 3.3,
!the offleiating
of the Isle
y nuite
cember 4th,
ter a been
nati. Iry her
y a good friend
377110M to know
auto were laid
:the Stb con-
tnnerat being
eanghter on
of Bay -
e home of her
December 'Ilth,
inton; Iowa.
d by Rev.
tneseed- by
de of thebride
Brown =-
from Bay -
r -e array of
heir popuiartty.
ng took plate
ter Ben. Churc-
esday of- last
miss Dot
er co
out, a
canes ping catried to the privy wane% and another in the forehead, and a 82
;—An1 infant of Mr. Nathaniel Smiths calibre revolver was clasped in the
ef Miry Sound,. was asleep in a back man's right hand. Ile had been reiS-
T00m pstairs when the place took -sing for a week, and tram anpearan-
fire, -a d could -not be viached by the of the body he seems to have 'Med
Inmate, the stairs being oil fire and bimself about six days ago. Wailer is
some me having been taken in res- :said- to be lot a consittemble a- tool;
y large to allow of tic There was a, wound in the abdomen dang 1
practice 5.
The ;
resting his fat
°els a t
1rei viritratha
3 1
ge$t practitione
eae.e and died
1 teh:leeen ttiw,y went re -
that hviserfyather.
to retu:nio
rn 111. The
but they
and he
unS Mmeallpd,
is now
fDer artall-
ersity of
lished his
-lis was
ilas, e
their nqtbr,
in with tpho1
fear the
froni t
d had oni es
hat city, wh
hes meg