The Huron Expositor, 1907-12-13, Page 97�
ER 1A 13%
tWi�*bat1hom to ft th* inam and
Vnmn fbe
beOr-tWng to give -him omple justice. -:1.
(M Yfr*� AW IMIR t" iffZ16
med at -on nble ft Sat you
1? M-0
0�4; 1ft& -Oranston grogged aloud and s t"
G&A '10D R'-
Ew- F
to be Xe"e
livi& her ha is
&Wb. C01riringbet faw up
I'T r;ockon VA _11a", ta-Bend her r," ViA" F. R �E.. IV A C- E tZEX�S 30 WVZLL)
she 94d. d
V#qu Ne ent sftTy'st. every Pmal aw
&ft them wiffi -1 1
senna but ef Yalu doaft Come up somo
to, Mars, and she'll Attu se
e ."Ond tier Off I WIW6 to? Send ber
Gi*6 SoMething I ... �4. - *a@ A& take a hand shen w9jit S
. 11 - i'l , �11 I �n e Ills eyes
31ve calonma, 414 oP diet"
leasuie and 1A4&fA&
_Mve " k as A foo -drink f9r
7_ 4:, and hear, his voice and—and knbw� she
EER really ex'cel� wil
has wronged him for something lie.
F Ktraiwo honest face
C h i
afftis, rm giwnl lVio old, MM MW grown ople.
can't h0pi Think of �tbatl You know; Most A Ir any, mat
r of cozy" 10 Pe.
Svo, he laughed in blob pleasure,
M O -k 2-fterb.11 her Wt help, what -hisf8th, B
pec camic est inilk easily, bec
worry. all tbe-ome t di' auge
'didL Hull f It a �mdn like that ad0retd
er :91VO:Fbu my Ard, I
)z a pair of Fit e
ute, Nor P1
Xyzi vi*!' Zjg� WT age-,, S
me does
Lim, so lad n6, solid food -contents.
a Cranston and 0 in
I "Worri?" she IkugheiL.
-TRW What
UVJW TASLETS -WIL'nted U16'46 W -him I'd do It It
'090 4mount to? The older a man Moreover, m
Day raiem ilk is so E to contaolon that it'
K 4- BRO�TV S.
od with their -arms stretched out to the cities. But Oritarilo-
*to, rew -e get in
11fteen:powdered abd*perfumed princes,
are the finest. medi- In this We the youngerhe Is.1n 3eldqm pu hen w
I Xork ant froin an Recounts,
750 to Ifie, and -yes, it he had1athers looting
mthe, Vorld for
W4 V119011 daft ano, keeps a- C in
i=e -,wft We is*' out of Sall windows on every street cor, body at t, brew6d beer is 1 -eally —1:�rewed in I H ess of
palinted'up Purt"
Felt Boots. 11.60
n ught to'�
that worries - -bo e
Children. plea=t tho4wr,1 ftekley was�stlll Inattmthe. th m -WA mY Job! I'm not the man 4 out a�tythlnt.. un: on
X&TO 0 W %.
lost like city *agons.ti 'Oer,in prbud old Riebjhbnd. Ob, I've Lo4 you don!t look nor OU materials, and t
esi $2,150 to 16.
az� Wss 'My the way, th little 'told no for It The weight: of a hair woWd f9r the hick o? � some devft -,q the'sanie fit-to-dri# k st ate
Mr.: AUd e little U
latty, "M __ 1. , he Nras goin' to let Up onthat sphi ol-� =Yees, told me 1tow In
Felt slipr"M 5% to $1 - t6 take—u6ver.t - r -
gr4x to,- rpw. UY Tydfit has emo U100 we work On'thie.other side. You�d-.; YOU
.10),tt64, we -dofet 4 Ift-1
racket. 40 his.: He t, M me 0� do:, better send.minway�. 'My own -heart Xq Old
IdAde of, fmh Jui-ces own-Rccord,4wl reckon is. h, nelessly- in d IUM ar t
iq� talk
OP anger,
op .404,thei Wai -he ha.4 yoW11 Beer': Is N tim 1 n
1� "I have- never met
aw de.V.ifed--.� t ii meet some good Vother night'! fir th old man, or, rafter hen
and to
804001 shoes nic:�. 5oc-a boi. the real thing In
e. e4t did," said u
al iet tb at
At dr, rath nd =1 ouppos
ley, w Ith CV80 Mr. All iv Drink beer
!'fac d man forW before.. Think of it!'TherOs A'fei rpu all, be with m 4s and a t bedtime, as R6 of d
er rO�gh meet. stark: and he went to ork, Ken x6v ()barley Mason, at hoi4b, 'who will talk ftmv Ranks ipredletea from' the t0mVL
will hel'.the s h do lts,� ork better, and i
.1 tha fl +iir stood vrqtffib%v hiyw #nP a I P v ed the bo(
ing, recep�f(16n t6 of E' -(T imi wil". that Afth "A "Awom +nt
I k
Y W a- x1ri 13Y -the hour about. how he
Ortheold "althousi6wit* uted.- ,The flush remained mftd Mr. MUZer since 3fm � DU -.-,Don"t choose beer as a ttimulant, thoughi--4t does
------- you hon eki4
YP Was obliged to cdll- Delainey out for In-
Mis's Co T he 'Man ad face b oeld g
:Ek presenc e,. 14 hie about It, but It'll WOrz7 40
-PMAL TATE FORSALE aii'that morning, and )Wi suiting Pkid'1111101141, girl$h and If Dela- not Contain enou I alcohol 'for that. Use it as a food-dritlilk
get out, we 4r (n emotion pp) answered -when spoken. te. Even El ill- ney: hadift humbly abologized. *0. ripsi fer,.ypn knowo,jeft day$4. that induce JaZy St Dmachs to'! do their work i ir-ell and so bel
elm, well improved
WeRillon conta. ple and!` w,
In the to -.yor zemarked upon his stra age'. eon- mIght have twe yestexday he iet'Bob have RnotA"
been, exchanged, With tbox I
get more good out of all fio
1*0 thousand to enlarge
1waores, for, t-clase buildin ''a ush!" suddenly, iftf� them
sale che=p.V "Ixelainled I�Y'� to 4uck Recent on the 'might' ThaiVs_tbe f ash- 1118 b
e old m
"I don"t
hi oft to be sp
"He's a quar boy,"' said th
1;=1ffgood order. Apply to'J. tT. rY9, facin-'him
-with- W r'�Teato
01 8 tonable, bouquet cour�ge. The reftl arge, I saya A boy oo� that
eyes. "DoI14 eii, of �Pretend to understand thing Is whereF. a man acts like this anked fer what hePs don.
7PRO-Pft!�Y FOR SAIM4ha lana and to*n Tli6n fier Voice'
AL _Ttltyi; 116st when folks was braorin, an Ifift- AlAft! B erves
8 In k� inef a 4� 1 bank �on "Int jest the sa:,� no!f &er
6 w nis pro � � I I I - U." Zt:uj I
swd.4410ss- "'ShOW:'hie
Bul id ;n
Osed Of 400tionf-the ropqed
z0bl-a_*�g been d4P Peruy, I '%- think T.understand- as Mad Its the dev—as tnad as the very n, to—
aw' be-puzel I 5d. V private
ban it
sale. For further' haPPene, L' I' mean Kenner. "I kin see, thro ugh pit y appetisin
'Whyl, 3fts. fffllyee
Wbe're a kk,, I Ontario beer is not only deltdous], aa -d ref reshi.
ZrIdars aPP1Y to F- R&TS, Barrister, &a. top idickex'S 'when It Is m�elrtioned in his e7"
204&tf when thitrls'a knothole inj But: WOre Wide open In astonisbmenti" because brewed of t)ure malt and'hons anlyf; bu 4 besildes, I
-reseum . NIM-- Cranstgn, I believe you �Wbat
i. that was'as far asi iMe cottft bu`3 -er'
-U-MEM FOR, SAJ,1,,_FDr.,W% Ut -19, would% commit bimself. are you talkin' about
have beeft. trying to keqp God from do, ,
Quee'a Qualfty shoes - ' ?" I the power that -hops possess 6 repair nerive J�asies is kept in
Ju. _Road,, Tackeramith, contains 100 acresal ing- a b" "TalkW about? 41m ZKenner, do y4q I
H dear- eautiful piec Work so that 1part
P Anoea for i men. Zw&le and "Vell underdrained ; good bam to,tell me these brews. That is What inakes beer so cularly g
�ou 'can- do an �ugly 4lie�hldeobs ex- mean
b house- A firpt-ciamiarm in evelty that you, the biggest _kSk Your 4WnL
"TER, XIX. topt � to the sight of marrow. squint owl for women to dri Xt
TWOruffe9ftemseaforM For further par- *4 90581per In Darley, den,t 'kn n c regrularl r. .
CH -doctor wul
in of the link, whicli kvkl-- n the Pr—er4sesi or adaress TintomAs -
ey.ea.pe9ple, I mity be' tti Malt -U0`0 Hanks has gone, and donertz
he "WLM, .101'. $Qorth . �t ked
evy * N th eir arrival f Lt h o i n e th at moi u. :
OX -1 Y ge _14g groo, he thinks of beer 'or your �ousellold.
ord shan,_ but. V
mentally for not espou$tng. the govern "XV Rt the fast Of Its, Mrs. Mlyer.wl
Ing,the -two girls separated It
-:11 soon- "vp- it
:1* 1PROMABLE UNVESTMENETS. r can ydia ge 1 �w'ha+ TPTY� attnti
� a 1"6 "Vell, he simply got that little tin.
lend tha hall T, or's calls h"*
7 ey onimproved quarter sections of -HO I - il' -.1 - - *---" I .
"on Phan gal, Dom.May,
�orought to ft'em $X to 107 room with g graT 106, K, on I er Is -morning, after sedbig that coupit! some7n' or- otlier.
rr mmum. Only first
AmPseerhny given.- Torrena kom Loulsvi BEER in * tem which coierg I vl rter an s. t; an4l, in tiz practise of botaria
_W 51alaren is learnbac,- face, and Miss 00sbJr' tur ain Into -1 lie ether and reading -their throbbin Mrs. S_
VT - 1 9 le, out o" tyl brewers. implicoo beverages =aie uiidei mosil on$ fro*&- orrov Lrio barley Me best in
-with X� 3:1M b1stm is Perfect- - From MZ up can be lent . - �J
lVarlor ito, the warld) ralt, 'hope and purt e water.
ith U 9,OW to For further 'take oft her prt9i'lcan see it. only one way." WardIA' school last night an'
On farms ivorth from
n a buggy to 'Springtow,
1"The.sQu of a convietill- groane 1k1ra. The COUACH have -had the 0"culars write to me. T..A..JA�CKSOX Barris- go;
0 Cranston'Joined- her Imidif tk ly. V� dl d
Ur. ete-,. POROkk Alberta,- I
,as ima-ved t, tbe- con 4-1 wo,in th country preacher to marry em.,,
e summet.bouse and a ston. "Never-,-Aeverl Lydia wl I
mmerly occ�vled by Good Lord, Mrs. Hilly
YOU comIngi" she said, eager. er!"
FIT Fol� 9ALE,—Forpla, Ut 941, an(i north ot*#o It- She respects our feelings
sh-Ppi It tho ght "Thafs. what he done," went
of Lot 24 Croncession 4, Tudixersarith, con- u I'd give: Lydia a ebance `5111 14uch. You'- say sh)a doesn't yet ve— on Mrs.
e a paratus put in first-
es-. 20 ac�zes ln� birl. - The farm it; in a
taining 150 aer go upttairs for I am crazy to
T 'bullu- WM maka g—ood stkti�t of OWtivation, A bank'batn hekr Hoe tbat she"ji In love,wltb him?" lyer. "They,spent the night $Lt file
fitted up -with stoohe wall and cement flooirsi wX46 Wello. did Ight sleeper, reAe -fa�t
the Tme a her's house, tuck 'br
.Ace fbr Mg pen Un_ hat you have to say P�Tot � yet, but shePs �-,a eaL i
straw, z4bed, 8ft2t with ben ho se nd To just try a oded flouri
ve 3 -f Y� the paragon back to Darley. Theyve' put
Theyha. -1sahPAfaf1nt-, derneath , drivinT abed, 80xl8 ; a good IvZinehouse� meet -'.,Cranston Somebody will throw
i of tbx-ee ceR )ermallellt at the JQhnston House. Mr s.
-s PIA0d liM, Mtehen "d oodshed ; two never -failing wells. U-Iss Cosby,— rubbed her ld a' gio- 6 1 !W
ater in her fae, and she'll open e and see for
I so law bveakim bettezr�' p owing is. I 'fit : :)Ugan went up and
Zle I iftoot done, and"in good slia down from hei wrist toward me Tuns �eyes, I fan Jon and the ma- _1seed whar B(
"Otheryear's crop� W111 sell On term& Pe for . V . �c
The Methodist Sunday y that
iad registered %. 0. Iffunks and Lad.* i t M- a k -e
sesMon may be had by middle of' March. For fur- of her slender fingers. "Ke�t h1bS4 - were to begin to utge- her marriage
sk very mccessful eUt4ft%-_ r
E less' oul -,&nl that chit of gas
Vening. Do— thtr particulam aupLy on the premises, or addr iss . by a lame, majority, f assi ire ybu.' We Governor Telfare, thatish$4, rub hei a HITERI and tastier
,t -Nonda e- -AOBMT BRO n.- Mx,�.J 0
Y bort dresses h ly -below the kneel OFF1
ftl;"Pie wa4ked right into his den. You� sche 0 and -wonder If she bad a night- ard C W_
very lement weether
-VARM FOR &AM read Bi cult1_31—
rs. -Duga while she was mar good attendance 4-nd'thij� -For sale, Lot 10, ConcessJon worked, Mrs. Cranston. A 'She wouldn't, -driving home.
s so n as -,i�e �1111 It says
7, Stanley c6ntaning 100 acres,. 90 acrei el
-ed to $58. The ch -71d-'
punt - * missed the town I tol I a took her bandL It was as cold as lee, 0 Ome in as pll6r balance G� The 1AM is well underdrealin major up oldn'. old Ranks c
t -am -me
L, In Re prog� d fenced, There is, on the premises r. good that yo;u said be might beow. Als but her face- wa Ls a squash an' axed.i
a on fre. - I had spent f the -V bad Az
ouse, and-.'she.ordered the f1he whol- ret. The clerk told 11m no -that the e morning sheerin at
stabling underneath, strawshM 3Ox5O,.
Miss Doij, and &a_ lrs�me botow-with Woodshed 18x20 ; good bank barn
56, wi giah clot
waiell RE DE
most admirably. 9 very%
en underneath ; pig pen and driving sbed 24x32. d Yip'a to say that be C[Aie
)rldegroom had tol
carriage t'liere. have one:41lin to 1119 we came to -the 11ttle-1aw of-
ej 9
Pnty Gf good water at both ends p fof the farm, also ask. you, - Mrs., vas. not at home to any callers, W ef
in the house and.pig pen. - 25 acres seeded to grass, Oran -Kil ty wit .8, Aces and stores and t1te clerks coming
the balance plowtd ind ready for spring crop. Thhr, smiling--f"what are the rates 0 b I t was about business'they:wa-ated, to
wva"it on us without their. coats-aiRd
first -01W fam in . every-respeaL, Tt is thme ee PIM t An theres go(d "IMM
lieparations are being In this town?" to his head sales-
ofamile from a schooland tvioand &_liak, reft�r Pem
approached the warehouse I
ft '%ates- of -board?"' exclalmd 'Did you ever? Is It
from Vamaj where there are three churches, ppearance and an t the atbre.
entertainment in Se. ;Zji;h;& at Ate dingy
Oranston.* "What on
f.'albbert,_ to take is Wool
s0m, ete-, And is five miles from Brucefle
pz� earth do Oy wonder his dAddYouldWt set
ticulan can be had on the o�by
r e, -ening.. December 19th� FmAher 101d. her I 41ldn't see how she could
v V -now that for?" In business.? The wust big head on
ar want to L
addreWnj RQBT. E. ROBINSON, �MM) will coix3istt chiefly of stand to live In such i town.
2080-tf I "rm going to pay :my board In4� On the Oarth is the sort that young boys has
Ira 1home he looked up- at me. and
'RAT "R 9AM-For swe Lot ft Concessilon 2, -to
0e they.tuink they. can starf In'
rm ith you," said the gir 1, wt
he prog-mm axe Miss Mai -
F nniurr
-tk Among those who
lesser$. Hays an4 Sta*y, eoutsiinini serlousp Joe 16- said- 'You may as Well quit rui Blic -1
ter; A' '5 xi0G;2rW&_ Xlt�etvacresare _ess. "-knoyot InvLted.,me 'alsin' a family. Bob couldn't stand
-cleared di d state of cultivation - there.
are whieh irection dA tbC mob e. ere 0 Darley, down, Kitty. I have found
qpiA And. down -b t - help you )ut f yor erity, I reckon. 'Mrs.'Dugan_say(#
an mag "Z
be Misses Scott, I-AeMeA_ 10 acres at rood =dw -. bush� The tarno la - oolt. SP
e . 0 UF- mess, nd I- have washed y bands of more real and n ility of ebar- sc iiutrime: t� _�he White i�s
ell underdaiwd and well fenced. Therais a -two- Ls tbit; the do lere worm rs; 4,4tyles haii dismIssed. school fo combine 6-e r' hite -tuem
--tor-ey brick house with slato roof, a. flat -ohm farm WherL. you 9111
elt Asited with f r1endE; at- ere7f� acter here than 4 any city I ever vis- " P
. the wh; er rest ol the week aW Is W41
Aousa- Bank barn, 401t, x Wt., cement silo, pig -pen 9le business. I'm out of it f r
-11,.ed.'- Ther and delicate flav r of 0 strong
10 - : _ - - you Are, Ur
L, week" -Mx. eorge � e ..01 whea.
ss�yed if now oint. D6 you, un herhands
Arfringbouse; There are two never -falling w6irs -redd -he b ders nd?! g. Cranston', out -the campus on
tht- Misfortune to get S7__d0n,1;, b . 9 The first
It seems that arli a wheaf,
ndan acre of orchard ad small fruit. -this acQlZi Was 'peirpisl Antt "Oh, Kitt thing a woman begins t6 d
be erlo,,, 0 feet in the air.
farm is three milles fror-a Bracefleld and -ave 7 mlles do ii i falling in, love. is . to ju I siiy ualifles of M tob'
from Clinton, with 4goodgmvel roads. Fortarther E'�Iie laid her hands oili� ills her .1 was put it Mrs, Styles' -care- b�
�ay recerttly� but he i
1% nOVr Varticul=Mpl. on thel remise&oraddres&AL_8=T xuc." she urged, "is I ted- 'choice, and :yourr'dau
.vat agaln.-Xr� and Mrs. th s the sp t i, Out of,it, tell 113-T4 g4ter can Justify owe kin o'- been, An! theld lady,dougt For all home bakin 46 xr, milled on! 66
Cliplym Imotf . ; - I
P. 0�
i bmvifed thek sons Illiss," 101ald ITrP it'41 h,r"ff me a JuQ6 on 41% n spring
0 to do about
betch." it, the gtM,*pullin. what shWs
-V_ARU'FM SAM -c-ouillig up. 'Th ng co -al . I g Ed the othf glove. ere 19 one thing th I hmt Compare
-Y come and -For sale Lot 5, Concession 3 ..e iffil at Will M4ke ome secret about who an' what ther W ,can with a
rejodice, won't work- for aiiybody that don't ote
41 t
caking up lt&eh�- abode. i 1, R� S., Tuckersmith, containing 160 acres, all down t'., --t after o esita e," said Mrs,,Cranston, look- is anyway. Mrs.,Styles is afeard
elear except 8 acres -of bush, Qrhe land is well fdroced e. fair. Why didn't -you� tell re Jils. BLENDIED FI -OUR.
happy opea"Jon
and ud&6draine'd *ndin good state of cultivation. a pluiub cowaid but. a mo Ing up with a steely stare. . "Her fa- will buiat up the institution. :M
-Buckley was a regular Aj)ollb i i: 'a th
The are 10 acres fall -vvheat and.18, acres for spring fif ty bloodthirsty Mel wt-uld ka
hy a fee I bf taft. er's heart Is set- on her marrying
gan says
a&es foremost cJtU, en erOp, the'rema;ud�,r is pasture. Th6re is a new frame business suit? Why,� I never feli In it will help the school- r_o*
ov�rnor Te Ifare, and the ma�OV3 at folks will Bend ther scrub gaii.
ian,znadewhezr leader off, house with stone wood abed, a large bank. zi,-,y boy that's been 10. de a pe� 61' 1-111 y mas be Look for this U�a diemark. barn 3ft85, -with ast wou I m lite as did ith him , I a Silo Vn I hold 6 acres of li:s 41fe. They, 1 riglit on is
)Pcosition, that t never g well and bar to on
he proff corn, a failin of orobitd. romantic," crackdd, - soft or. sometb Lng, g1t lem marrie off lift every bag o barrel is situn Sall, heels,. an" he seed e Bur V� Leard it ot the war -
a country would not re- 1. r Lss from- Pen Ickle, but I sijqaply'stood and stared ht Win, ehouse?'
the b rot mar t in the con 1ere is a, whol ift, - I t. I I I - of flour you buy.
e -br
aff it -would "They hadn't when I left about twen�
W prove it open docr an! mmade ak"
on. the opposite corner of the farm, For further parm- (400 unable to pay. a thing- tbi sen-
maed eye, or rathat ticulars, apply to J. 0. WOOD, hei isailP_ 0, i%re let 'Im in an' Pen stood r1ght iago, Alta. Hillyer."
sible. Besides, we were all up 3et- �ex- CIAL I LABEL
2(rt6-tf on that sill biar a' dare& drie' `m, i -LZ "Well, I woWt stop. yo n E
locket, were the Liberals, cited to dedth, anV- - u. I see Mrs. Take o other.
hands of the helm of the - ------- to pass 'im. He had:.-. un, bi t I ey
Olt SAM�Ilaple Shade Far i, Lot 29, Conces tillman leanin' over the fence without
L, at Ottawa, requires -no "Excited!" gasped Airs, crans 013.
ld lii' ground 'm- sausag
F r�n 2, Stanley, ICO acres,10.11 sh, prin COU al t. 1 r bonnet or shawl in this wind. V11 go
K acres bu -2 to its f mfilment to trav- eipalV maple, some rock elm! building timber "W-hy, what abou? One man "cocked a revo Ter, an'. �ecirge ease 'er up, I kno' e e6eh&
soil, suitable for grain,
y view ther elegant dweil- rich clay lodm 'lob, about that White Cap affa Ir down io ps,
2g hetird it an� yelled- oa an! aa � iiu
roxming. Large frame stable, r for Ma de in Onit,
'on E, tell it to yore gang."
the and thir- bead ofeattl there last night
. e and homes. also drive floor, -pigpen tio shoot lim-'whie h, stood in 1hq You nevev hen rd if 4.
etsions of Hibbert an A. few minutes after 1�-Lenndr had ex -
and hen house. Barn 46i'50', firt chvqs� fram�e hoiise,
or it The major hi
and nat the least ambuir 9-6x36; kitelfren 20.xW; 8 bedr Ug4t, an' bemeAned 1 fer cow rd nted hat it was'
'loded his information At the offidepld
only, some.'drunken m -%Ydi
ountIqUit rD es,
)eautiftd and commodions. room and kitchen ; cellar M86, wood shed, orchard,, all he could think of. 1; P anks came in. He was pale, and
well of good water at house, also at barn, neverw : 11 his
on the of tl�,�y hail f pfxsonal friends of Mr. Bucl ley's, when
�xce -in' the respect
failing sneace spring. All seeded to rass ( pt grit, . �r looked as dryas old paichment,
Tuakersmitli. It ig W acres, which is nearly &.11 plowed and ready for it was -)h, only a. little t ing like a'
shamed the gang, an'; they lef ti. E- lit
k to the banders, and the crop� One quarter of a mite to fmhool; Cliin�on I ut he was eating roasted. peanuts,
1,.1,, an st ding In a
L.,q great, tall god of a man st
sration and levator 31 miles, Ra -re chance fo thar's; a hero, Miss. You yo�nk
regarded by some ta Ing the busLs with -steady. prong -
be- -era as owner is un-ible to work and" --tudy al)out leaders of great bat" es door darin- a mob of -Ong to
tending purchas L fift. st] 31ke fin. er nails. He sat down
�the,y know of. Long ni%y vishes w retire. Apply on the -premises or address _g with
btit I'm old Pass in 6fter the man they ere pursu-
'Lreaii nd family y� e AH"TY, fl.,at at�, this.Anl- that diut a word and dropped a handful of
JAMES ST Chnton R. 0. 2081 -tf t'dicr, an, what Georg2� done ing-! fiThe man in the door ith the re-
��y the f ruits&f their in- )JUlls into the stove.
1 "Jim be said sufldeoly to X4nnor,
�ir new -'house. 'VAR5 LZX� SALE�For sale Lot 9, Concession 7, night wasl the bra' st thin- I ever volver and the blazint, eyes
A: London Road, Stanley, containing 100 acres. George Buckley,' and the I
seed or heard Icli of.", ittle, drie
All �31eared with the exception of seven acreael busu, 1wbat #d1d you ever do about that ac.
eech, ample, eto. There is gn the -place, a good "We tbou,,,,;ht Major �Cranstoii up- man be, was offering a life for. 11 Cbunt Bill Has1111 was aLowily you?"
nefoun- was no relation to him 111 tt'iban*he lit
rairne house uith kitcloen and ivoodshed, sto tere," Mss Co�by xpla' ined -W. h& i 'Ti I got it yet"Ll said Kenner, throiWins lat* 1. ceffmrl bard and sof tster, one
could not -be congenidl with. " I
4; 10 Co� arn. e� haVe be' 01 knowing smile around The room.
Good- bawk t u ig
wellt t e t=d one at the,b itt had gone. en 16
oarn; 7 -,40, with -cement floor.,in stabling, also im-
"Kitty, you surprise me, a
4.11 oj�,er to Mrs-
wn for him.".
jplempnthcrisa-� 24 v 130, and frame pit.-hotise. Alsoll !"Well, ef you'll discount It enbugb to ften the reason why one J -'apid
Very is not Cranston.
ALerms of hiis is an ecellent farm in first-, George accompanied them -to 1�11 buy it. I've accountai it gets re work I L thiodl$
Ike it interesting thfough x i:o praia &6,, there is as
olaa zb,i_*,ve. t so a lot of wire fence has recently ge, "You'll be mo ed be 't
ri thiiin ]I,. re than surpri. e up wl
and heIP4�d qw, in lest t thei but
up and a lot of underdraining done lately... Itis In a ece an me than ano thereby T11P- methOd w4
ipsiltloated on the.1ondon Road, a iuile and a half from flusheffand - embarrass'( d. Lvdi I ,v il fore this tbing is over with, if I'm any IsIn, an!, I want the Ian aains witil
earmning n enviable reputation for I Prac- ;Ice r�e-r-
Brucefield. � Will lie sold- reasonably, either ivi th or-, qul(.,t ai;d thoilghtful. judge, of human 'n make a deal," said Y101
natute," - tty Idngil- "I reckon we k, r
quicknes� and clevgrness, is simply
4k without crop. Ap anises or address Ot r la ge, filmstra ata o
p1v on the pre "N�Zhy, C"anston 011 EYe bat-
.- 2007-tt -You must come up 'Lind see u 4 on iped a sin e -�antag a of every
Niagara falls ft 'a dugoul er as he w e 11 a es ects we teac i'
40 Oecaus
tling with N , deta� I the vanow s
Soon,'" she -said. "I want YOU to. f Ir -om his facile mouth wit-li his long short rae� hod possible.
-R TO RKN-T-Lot 14 on howg the Lntage of
ARMS FOR SALE 0 r -when you are t�ylng to keep t�,-o e07 I d4 "I reckon you heard that Bob .5imply amazing h6w f ew -know and s
3rd Concession, and Pouth Iralf 14,4th Con'
ces, ple like L.*dia. and that -the Busb iess Edumtoxs. ssoc atio
601.1, in t Afflett, --re 6iffered for sale nuckle k to -thee- a �hort ( A
ho Township of 1. i n, 01111 11111111 h9d taken to Waself a be Many arithmetical asi---�how
.y turned bac PmeetTl
ji o simple arithm -,tic ques. e m=d for bur grad uatesexceed usb. A 400d two - storey 1rme gry witb himself, the . r1li. A d. Or to� rent. M�r cons st. of 150iores, all in grass ex- from. admirin g' each other, e ecially
�eppt It acree n b The group hung on th 'old man's re- fow can
-ad, accwAt6, y. he S
woman Sle . Hanks crushe(I another peanut in tic a ipply.
L I J1 that
driving ohed, 30 x 50, an ' d Mwep ho=ej, �O x 86. The proceeded to describe min
I - -,-, ?
ihn'M, gact, airk barn, 50 i 0. with power mill, a r en- Lt' Lydia or any re. Y then s ral
enz.-VAng pertaining to- ihe P
11 9 hand and raised the best part of It
Place is -.vatered by pdnX, a drilled well and P
hitd tken place in tfie offl. e. A- times
the river. It is 34 miles from C1 inton and
situar�d I t his lips, rOIR BUS
ix yvell adapted fortock & grain. Also Let. 12, on 0h, what ag 1�Jmltde of, M. M SS -
her -voice would clog and her e Fes flJ11 can see it onIty one -way.
We"em of,Businexe E411catare
he.tho- I I I
th ht-7-P*bat if deplorable.; h2lp- "I don't care what he does," he sa!d.
e ah Conemsion, of :1oo acres, twelve u r, J. W. I rF.41_mRVzLT,
to overflowin-.. "And the -beauty
-res bush, the rest seed(A down, A never ailing lesti ass!" Of It h th Is failing. Ireally believe If she t told you all you'd make a fool of Leadov�
was," she ended, "Ihat the h o, of it all
sPring with the'windwill for pu ag. These
Inpil He -had Just seated limself should not obey his Wishes -if -she I
fArr"s will be sold together or separately and on t S. s I I , an! now I reckon you see I was
was n2
txrins to suit the. purchaser. -If not bold %0l be doslIc wben i6ft TrUid 11 ad enQu,�ih to th6 people were to do such a dastardly thing as to rl bt Ile was staringi accusingly at
h who Were sobbing put his pral,-zes." marry1his Buckley,'it would kill him." "Yo -ted it," he blurted
e sidd, 01.enner bAs offcr Imlyer. u star
Ine - job: at th 'Lydia heard all. that!" said Mrs.- ."That situation way t4nuence her," o�t "Tbar ain't one boy in ONE
6 compie'As, anO
Goods. ACRE FARM FOR SALE. -The undersign -
Cranston.' admitted the Virginia girl. "A woman jj' that H, n keep from ittlia" the big
10.0 0 offerfor sale that moot de�irble prop. "W61111--Geore looke tip fro7l 11 bis DU
known as Lot 6, Concesssion I Towiiship of t 01: �'Yes, she heard it all. Ycu have al- will often marry a man she doesif t I li� nsibilitles put on''
work, with' a ftown-" hat's ad with sech respo
;`lanshard, Perth County. Thereare.on the prem- -ways thoaght she was proud and love to ratify those she does. But if all of a sudden, but I hain't a-carin! as une
i-,kes,-a good brick house:�2 x 24, Avith khohen attach- ok
h-aghty and. cold. - uh! She elted Ly a does marty Governor Telfare, 11; reckon you know how to git yore
'I:helr eyes met, Mid Irruittl§ C."I 0 1:1
stiailing undeimeafh; one "I rt rry al� ideal turnid. Out 0 e. ows
ifirst-class cement silo, 12 x and other ueful Me Zround. He
in �love with him. to Ibis home and down to her grftve
11 over " nd ran aut at the eyyy e She Ell '11 c- of another -man in- 4'6 back. doesn*t Ix-rio)v she's 'mildingg. The farni is well ivatered, both in. front t1oor, m t Ve ing enner oi the bteI. don't know tbit this means
and'itt the r(mr and Li adapted both for gn-ain- i d She doesn't comprehend it an:V more :evOn if she lives to give her husband solu
e George ma.a est I Le
sWak raising and is in a hi-feb state of (,,ultivtion, ruin," said 11111yer In his 9wn
than a baby compt.ehends life. )_Tefo'� grIndchildren' But oh, Mrs. Cranston,
d I nse. 'Isom 1 4
11 known fro the fact that. the Profriet- said to T-K-enner, "T wo ild't 'a' d,),Lv fe cot faith in
p��py love -will
residedtheieon formarly fifty ising lowed. us outside to..apologiz.-just I *ish it could be otherwise. I wish, i ]B�b yet. A boy full 0
oire the most rn�xs in 'the township. U�- f �-r 'tile -W'Orkl,
I led to . . . . . . . think of that -apologize! Be I iih all my heart, that I coula walk s metimes act reeldess, but it may end
it ift eentmlly located, being, near both church and -"You didnt ad. -old boy,"
-inlToduced hiysAf. I do*n. this minute and call that Mi nout
and within ensy reach of.agood market. For - . ..- . I a
lauh it off I
aid George, c0aiffig up, With a -nifle
r. right."
gr6her ulars addrees JOHN SV'rk1ERLMqD
had to. Lydia -was acting as if she and tell him -Pd come torgive Lydia
worried about A. ion I I t this juncture Bob :aanks himself I
-tsid tt �ues- to Pim, to have iind to hold forever.. a were in a dream. She was i BREAD P_ ST -APP
-Cutters W�ls Makin ew 11 e in. He wore his'best clothes
hardly k -C of ARX.4 FOR SALE.-Lot'li, Nneesgion 2, Lot-' ns bout the exact spot Wb e he Ano.when the divine fire blazed up in
F1;5, Cmicession 3 -, S. 4 Lot 14, CoAcession l. to me." a] d his boots had been freshly polish- of%
had stood, as r#verently-, Mrs.-Cra.-n- his! manly' fa'c'e I'd like to kiss hira
AndS 4 LoL 16, Concession i, Huron Road'. Survey, NN : e( His glance, a rather frank one,
Towniz-hip of Tuckersixtith, Ooujity ot Kiiiroii, contain -for the grave and assure him I was not a spy Work -
MW a Said eff and it is- ino Vito that it
-facto 90 a
1 0 a girl looking'
er". situated wibbla two miles of the thriv- of relie.f ,I pner thought, rested 'dubiously, oia
ur twn of Seaforth, one oZ ;,hti best market.s in Wes- of a soldier lover.,, 'Then the fat [ler of. Ingl agaillist him, but his friend. The should . be! than -tny
hi father's face,
s fer -the wo Id fill other fo
4Zol 011talio. Thi faryli was awarded the gold the rescued boy came out an I w�nt ll dea� fellow thougght�he-had made him- facture all 4D
'They told in
e at the hotel that you
medil hi rhe farni competidon of 1W. The farms 1-111 bet he was madl' s.aldl. rLanner. 04
Itic �. e
lin , but the have tieen all pastured for the past tan irc on. 3eorg over...It again. I've been to self ridiculous li6fore us this mornffig, W nted to see me, fatheri"' he said. 4`If
as e MON
9 would now be in excellent shape for gezicra funmogn smoved Tile, biA always, away dq,�wn in-- h be had simply tangled himself up hard to undcr�tjhahcr known youl�-
%il g9ood (.lay loam-tivo-store brick dwel nq -L:103r's as it (St . .. I _M -y heart, LS WHI
m, lay, the- knowledge 1.3 t in r heart trings; and left them bleed- CLOVER BREAD
Ind kitrhen;wlth brielL -ivoixihed-bot alrifumace -
times as a woman. He. did'.'i; ILI, e- l e es, I called an' eft n�y eyard An-
and Milk
hard and softwater in kir.e.hen-flao gro4nds'with was only acting, but that thi iP
morning ing in his,favor.. of flouvand in,,, 7edientrl, is u' -ed, instead
evergreens and cedar hedirei-orchaid wA the Truitts carried. on 't e tbem si etpd Hanks, with a sneer,, "but I
to- Aand the . . . . . . . . was the real.thing. They 4� T31 the 11I)owt, don't!" 'Mrs* Cranston rose
with race -wind�reak on- west; and north—ood and
utlls 9 of hardwood 1%si Y61mg ladles. Lordi don't icno, hsWt in no hurry I Jest called on a 'water. 'These are co nbined b�r ibe I iigliest
With stone stabling�O uore rld .,loves a lover. I.'was asked to and.. stood frowning, q see I' can!t
-well watered wAh -pring a k butt(Te ()I
imple and beech ree which sfde his, bireaWs wo Mile matter o' business' You sorter
Leh as we ugu-. thwart that pair, but the,msalt is the PER 7ECT LOAL Its crust is Md C1418PI':
when I aw those co t on you, Kitty; buti at least, you
sell alWgether4r would divide- -pro.
and river. Wit
E f I it kdars I'll Iev(r g(k, me to promise a week ago . at ri
-he with his' g lept. hun- wi not-7you know wliat I mean?", its tex�are fi e anq healthfii
pert Z u better propdrDyin the CoirmV of lfaron, )u shing.,
-,--art RN T. DICKSON, geai-irth. - - � Cranstows, two togpther even.
of _2o-2o-'tf fotget: tydia ace.,Whi e oia b0you put In that stock 61 dry goodsr
gry, dreamy eyes that seemed full of o. I -shall hitve nothing to do with
at in y preAet intentions
Truitt 'was a-taildn',- Fan'. G.60me is r g bi It I find out th digimtiblej itud S A001L Do no any long er b e writ &it It
klckli�,' hims It permit e
aternal suffering with love f)r ber ac-' It either. way," said Mtty, with a smile. i
f rigi: t e I thou,4ht chigv Aour and
W o -it W�1!
JOHN 6 A, rn F_ t�llnd as a bat -L with the old dry cn mbly bread mad of
e r "I mu promise you that -at least, I
ually burn in th I depths� and she'
of, it, you-wasl a unmarried
et� W
TAte Division Couit Clerl.-. has a. number of prop I with her onderixig fat 1-11 thirk, I can!.1- f ater, but insi# on iaving
3niesformae-or to rent, L111011f,- M with jest yoreself ito look after
He went Into the office a few mi autes, � t llb- sucking dQg! I v anted;
Nvbleh is a geart .01 'e -an eA�
mrafortable house on JvLrv:a Boca, Seatorth, largre L t out m* hands hAd.&aw their,-
ater. George Ayas at is deak. i dry y9re board palet'by
eriough to accommodate &-od sized famity.; 2 lot,�., 1 -.0 pu CHAPTER XX.
NVill oe sold on reasonable: terim and possession giv- pen In his hand! tile ifflu tuck t4o The Bost Brew! tiat �an madt".
-11 on his now you've best quar,
st, ters,
a. ore Oads together., Love Is beautif ul al- WE. morning shortly after 'Ms lit d'ho
4sold.. Alsoi-olnst6 let and a st
ace., 111 Bob 11 anks �:ulyto tol ne got a high prked dr
nrvaidiktTe - tertirts. In.-ittrmce affect- L jV to sea ays. It was Me a glimpseof heaven DY
ir I 4A --- Au
-*d, debts con fed and loans made on ant.1stae- aWhllo aoo ed �' ! , Put hems on
1P, . m ennOr ker rulinin' round t�o:
JAW . inoralng. 4L VV aj 0 % ULM S
ory security at reasonable rates. Call and see, (x, on the main sireet of th�, V41- WAS to kiver up yore
Cotirt Office, Sea Ong woman. Me It
eorgedidnoiseein'tolt I'adm er _y4e Wlf6,1g_S A. U
forth It's idfgerent. .1 wont pitt a
and be convinced. Late DW14ou �ydla a str lage near the wkrehon�6 and �, CRICH B*1 0:
2018-d 'Iles p -qt on new wo horse dellv- ow. than ever. All Alona she
...... . . . . . ODD
pa#K4 to chat with f1tim. 'Tm still (Courinuod on Page 10.4,