The Huron Expositor, 1907-11-15, Page 7'OT.to n, to T) e wed to IT" 11glan w d. his big piecer, mirchine a A the eX- Oft 11V P, �1� i It 3torms & nsive sheds ft�d Olatfornli ur -c unding Z, N4 HUSAND OF 4 belonged to lilillyer and toc d direct - 4, warehouse. When a b9aQ DI CO On Was 4001% vz� V T "ED 1I IY across ad trac� a 01w" f Sul) it :`e it t e railro b( Ind the e, oompresse I there was a I scape- A t *11a x AA �',BU lull Cl *a6nt of steam; and a a w 4 rough Who! of �'l -BODIVV N I -S, : I - �hod feet as the negroes Rai ge, d t o 40 lei"' 'The 1 04 of] I ;� I 1 hs �h laolag Sur,": 'IT 18 -NOT] 'NFORT CO RMACHES. - bind and bucklo the iron th i *i truck -'Wdk Mud* ru X r". T The bale into the opeA ear. Z ft X arper MR. 'Look out thar you i trO In' wamp" itud Mppy,, 0 0OUICI Be V 41 fit lCenner yelled to a negro tio st )od too . 1. - I I I I I xree X 'r z E c near Vie deseetaing press fo satety. VATERPROOP 4 o d pity, �jaxnages on 4 piat mle ef 616�1% *0 VaLLOW r C YOU: wowt onal "Iffir stained through an4 � tb-#o gh by 'S; EVWV Clament d Rut do** hm tke W you mr1shed on It? Mike, It es aimpl� !mean poisone 9 0"renteed ring to The is constautly: kan year ydil get a eii h iAd on enou J4 aid 40saaft�& IT 9 1MRZY decayin - a-nd,'b ';il6newed. Dmd Ing eems to me a t6 fl e con - lot to a the blood, and i: every Pres f I Inhapp r, x0stamatiodd m a ftado m4ter Is ab.WKL sin, day I �to lq-?k structio.11 of 16ma mM9211111116� 10 a4ould be takez broug) tbit 00014 TO ta the blood by!' "I toP - dat fool a1gger to & wat i every gen- most ra ages lways g11A 410* le 't ValaSed oUt of:bGwe and skin. and' *arst% Kp-n—.­ rfpliedJa IV, 0. wUU it is, 'a i atber the 41 A OvercmL REAZ NETATE FOR SALLE th, telh, It one of Pared rms and', neck 4nd et th per "amo like.; a OU14 got iTNIC Was bossing th other k' "Et A& Lit f4at to _1V Strong a ali owod lood beem, uft 1E i#Ur&--4f tw� fail, -h JMat th6 orga= does a6t act ProPerly, ipiration, �.t t is M FOR 9,=.—First-Class, well 1111 �,:)n he'l' W.. deatA Is -cermun. lie git smasked-ter a Jelly.. reek cook f 4 bAe donyt buy In the township of MoRillop, containing we W Opp P tarm Ins J. taut 3,06acrest for We obean Fint-class buildings- and -1 think When there � we cdn� he�dLches,, be more careful next tfm,�.' succel SEUPY at eve *-W-bg in good order. Apply to .T. J. RYAN, it is always tound U the bowels axe I Tuxt then old1lanks oull of the the Sa IL - - nir. jime. 'MaItc-Up. 01, 2068 V Otte- 43�agular the kid weak, oi the! im Illuore" , rear door of th* -warehouoe an� L IRZJIY N 0, Iwo Vilot skin zluggiah; pwo i -now, t T'he, st er- i it SALE. -House and two Iota on East Willi Atuch,of he left. tobad yt u 64 ea 1 t 'the arrang al� lit of the Pandora fluts NE-4,iIs cop Oicked his Way across the tinder strewa Street for We. House contains 7 rooms, pa never 641'. Itt"110 Waste- Is left X the FO c 1hed tl�d - to the ILZ ati others that e 4-1 throwou. An.b at o d lial ; . -well tracks. He did not nd to the - I tructied t, +Wa14- trUs 11h 0 -"d I go mui 3i -om T6v ire so cons h J�aft for ------- TY laz C Cm. 8 0 OM 401111 a On, Cemen !Hous dis * bY I I 4idditioi t ot a n0ve:S. To J td1a floor Und ciatern c*- I steps. but climbed: on to the platform fruit trees, wood - and coal not a 01; sho is #Ld*lr -,GWrff* CaWeo Mo bA�i I is' also the es� tor co ing, the heat �ting "un& little Eov it.. 01 �hedeM All in good e ion. Apply at the 16L tucreased -h oudit Buckl and bo, 001 In his h1d8t of "bead� ass. 49 a schoolboy. r�cu TOM t the" e tv�ice an under every pot hole 1) 1 ry for., 1 "Jake, gio me a zpato "ibe, called out it gives w& I n is C b for s 119 UP �,Jzi��Covbr, meats Ilhe but she t mak novel 4:. times Tone" momwnto but . '"ROPERTYFOR SALR—the farm and to juiciness -of tli'�. i cooki ig. tr6ubl but she r ! *a they clog It r his pocket thel Iinliney. 1�4 4-- +1- �M� 4 ! L . ; k if: W do barm. IL gar a dfore .*a By s he fished it ci b like I a simply F-r p L.. limey luever seat I JVS It gives �dj an� I it t mngt hi to .1irono -tr le, t Of thO 1 jind bit the end of It not laving been disposed of by auction the h tc sot ps. 1 .1 . I ... go on #4 ff at"* a hey Camnot For fWu es. to a -iy privat 'Le and6r -s and 'oub iurify the blood. Irl P a bakc tly 2"t now be pureba ed ewle. d f "Match!" snarled Kenner.1 "bf that Poo6 perfele =iculara apply to R. uq. HAIVTS, B"ster, Sea- tect. o faill* nan let cure' es a t I platI or V: Loin you Tboy the. liver It gives i ditlicit at the s4me i*. t 0oon. bAndled match t -cold ri I es. make t3m, bowe a move zeg#larly. ust his skull" o eat i aw i are, ri to" A* said I 091ni ly, "Wnd - �orm rd b AP -At F011e -$ALE. —For Sale, Lot !9, Huron yo� 6ow 0 other range that does.? regulate the I ULeys. ITboy !n. I ol'Well, I reckou Jyll no -any- 11acker8mitb, contaids 100 acres allolear, Every dwtydo w d: s rially atr Wkew I think �Iey i seat.d ,5 d, B vril a h, ilp FRoad, I I dtice healthy skin i ztion. Thuis: &IL. ed, well fenced and YTell underdrained -good burns 0:, �M) I I x k tchi -,a. -abo I sh# - hi in in her ttie wwt,6 matter- b�dy Vray," said Hanks, d b� e him- lf:3our� local dea r does not sell the PanJ -A� J11rect 0 ton� ry tool- a to US fo F'ee Boo let- . Ind r h. Forfurtherpar- psi essenc fl and there Is licularsappl ises, or ad f seapect. Two miles from Seafort Bovril c -k-bouse, A first-class farm.in eve wood briL and'an cc ro uthor prid* and lielf on a bale of �C faii9f. why, the 0 d tak# %or pick taken out -of 'the b a6d 7 y on the prem, �dress THOMAS and nut who!* tount Governor Tel- 1u0tbfn9 to cause N eAach-es. qmal.1 plece of tobacco ra. thapocket We of e V�ry I su t Ll of the! I nd began to cliew NX 101, sodorth. 2064 be 1t -e o' I Crazy bdUt 'bei - aU! bas 1; of hi§ vest a 94 are n4y remady tbat" It Say, beat streng g�nd fare 4 il�nojr A 01 YOU do yoA think rit �t��b n�validj an hop - pupppse really cum. lie went.on, "what In90-FITABLE INVEML EMT $I - I can lend V1044 .. q money. '%ruft-&-dves" are ireah fruit latces poluis, L -money on improved quarter, the mkdi�clnal aztjon 19 the ay HU er about Al livjn 1 h �cd�k., Lydia --or any girl, a i to thit -w­­,could -4n which ly sections ot 160 fulnes , �;:to th econ6 �Yl r i bout w actin: to 107 -mm enh at from 8X per vanuni. Only first 1041 his m1nd?" Umptatiolk i r TO be the linistre" grntly Increased I way� *heat? Is he ipluffib Mist the imortgaqc4 taken. Ample security given. Torrens Allioa groder a W1 110 VRIL .1n which they am c6mbLned. �50c a e. ve.7, tratri- :aitleSysteraisperfect. From $800. be lent exec u Ilie "I was jest a-istudyin' about that my - of the Uttva ma al lon 0 -achtrc e _=farms,wortIxftom$4MtG $2,000.upyle'Tafurt2her i: 'bax; 6 for $2150. At�an druggis-W or[' straot and*�lead the B)CIety of ania selft" repi ied kenuer. 111t's c uar to sent write to. me. J. A� -YACKSON, Burris- on recelpt,of p2l�e. ter, eta., Ponoka, Albert. mniltzs1bookkeel6er In a pruxt_a_tIvbs LlndtexIo Ottawa, We.! to Inarry.s'! p Ont. i� 'I recka i,yoq fe ronto, Montred, W ipeg, 'V=,- .1 grain- war6ho�tse And eo A dou!t ei likeyou are 1410ndon To 0UV .r, Joh pn. lof ON70- 43 ACRE FARM FOR SALE -For nde. FAs half Ut 7, Goncession'9, Tuckersinith, con- Shucks� it he had It In er,. I ffigown oxac y a 0 omon 8 t CHESM@Y & 'C MBALD A ents. Seaforth. ter 9 Ole i9with the market at U42, af all the tainim M acres. -it isall.cleared but two acres; 30 op from reco.g- her! tliin,­tr;cd to lt(,er baie acres seeded do". There is a good bank barn and Mot r. Mrs. 110b sbe a all right," siniod tow you ade about him, payin' $1.05.11 vo6d frame house.. The farm is well watered and in '19 1 nizing her. ibe to,' -d she Ny­�s'try-r, M condition. It Is 6 miles froux Seaforth and one Cliansion, �s if he had forqk i the ab- 1, 'Not e ctly,lt and Ken: ier burst Into Ing to ada:,t. hcrsee to the wdys or i�ile ftm, a school, For further parUculars, #V4, down 1 Pon: A hearty latgh. `Tliat's on, the premises, or address ROLAND or all Is. surdity of her tea: m harsh 11)ut VMVIn _rn- TBDY, Egniondvil "but, Ve L, er buzband'S brt 6ou',4 *har I v as Wrong, I'll admit it, but _NN by Pis iwgrm words, nust RE le, P. Ow: 20WU fa It - It. sb I handile herl U1100L L fillml rq do Her: h t- a i d incant Nvell 1i I ly." I've tried most 01 W hat I said was jest to keep t.". I RM 7L7AR 11 -For -gale, Lot 10i Concessiou _U FOR S41 ellough, Init.eve"I lie' seemed unab'o,, -e. It don!t X 47,:Stanley, containing 100 aores� 90 acres elgar_L. making fuii of her 'country b(au", as I George fr( ra moin' a mis tal, A or More te thaniWar, fami 20 to make It bearable ��or be#- any good to 9 art out e bush. The farm is well underdreqn- always call -him to her, but I've Aever (to a youn ., felIlr & headed -a wftflr d�strqyer, t ast hy There is on the tilenee is th 0 Mrs. Cranm.ton sat p0rf(,.ctl� still; sbe I -premises . a fraine house, with wood�ked 18x20 - good -bank Crn me no toork" Coniump ion�, th" bden able to make out'how shm,, to9k 14. seou i With a redord or bad ju Igment. But )r the benefit of -em- 54 9 ned hard';y bre tthh12-,.' S112 -%v a 3 Al fore ib,4 41 'let a ody SUM, wi stabling underneath , straw she4 Sox,50, snuuany .111 more at mrtw m- Shed the i bo what's ga � me s Hillyer; quai excite t his is the� even undem0th ; pigpen and driving shed 24x= Very an -r -ors �o haTe ber nc­t rerunik; le disesso know att ment all a long.1 Why, he. is -as 1i iervous ,,bit,.tffT howlshe felt abcuta 11 -Pleuty oflgood water at both endso. I.- __1. t , QW -1 y before' rou,lwbat I!m I oing le h&d trA Xotikence., and 4n thi house and pig pen. 26acresseeded to. kikown to tb w that kind. 71,11 tell: ELs he cau be. 1 It don't wok III graet, to do, be that a-1 vray *1th all tha - proift t on his 04 balance plowed and ready for spring Tb $a It is, "I have 'never hco r(I you sa arm in every respect, o3ti three Sh&� h4s. Invited. Klt'y Dab;y 'I t that marria-%' is & first-olase f What yo� thot� t a$ -mile from. a school and two dud A half- '00 6"Iew tic= up= " - i 4, o rters of a to to pay her a visi, , and wh �n tty &Ie theii, wheoeve thar� d be a lsftwk� low llallJo treat- `lside- from Varna, where there areL three L churches dellica ffear, but I narer th UCCEErl'z rlse Rif anybo0y advisk 11M to sell, comes I'm Ing to� 66t -ber, Ito 6111 mIL, is f1ve milex f rorn, Brucefteld stition:� bw 6ftbe -her -and n r ri iftre� etc., and k. away an ed her fat The iow-mg �einarkable tures -bad g ea InAu are Wd alwaYs tutn to Georke and ax 'im, Further particulars can be bad.on the premises or by She's always -*e o�ier It h "No, slie didn't, VDswered Lydia.; Co cing pr of that Zam-Buk is addressinw ROBT. R. ROBINS01R, Vwna P. 0. M that UL dia an' -Xitty, is bluf blood hat about ever knowed Mo�tf M1100" 1,11allic I cw!tbe extent of. 11 -or fal"lle the st W 1, rful sidti care) FU bone. rn 'coach hi how t9 fact and Way be e - ant wh ever Georg ucceeds when gWloze U and mo,Ur's� pride �tbd she had lio. a, Z",`�uk s 'Id Lydig In iolikk sn' keep t. But tl e old man is L; hoine is complete velthout I Lot 24, Concession 2, sumptIOU TaD JU che will 1�q ',would say weii wis, Ino FOR SALM-For sate, 1 74 right to �rusji it; fori her own selfishl 01i r Stanley, containing 100acres.. Ninety- acres are eough ho DOS Jattled b a me ai I thI# mornW." E C z A. 25 long gars Xr. T. X, loared and in a good state of Cultivation ; _ - - - I 'e, lind *116rificed 4er own ut there are ading V th' Raw a f love. If ph 1W, -eal, Wore 0 44you 70acresof--ood hardwood bush. The farm is' The major took u pa -Vel - - - - he Is T' thb b" k mom sa: r CL de.qlre,,,. and ev6la se of her bus- haudis Were 90 wellunderdirained and well fenced. Thereiaa.two-, 11 rather,"adiialre., th6 fellayi 's -3.yo czern 5 Doctors fallod to icure VM. bi -t UMNSUR Ct of . torey brick house, with slatV roof, a farm fital resultak f at band, she. would five bec- happier. "Yes; I Iwas! In- the 6 ce jij tt now emue. , Bank barn, 40ft, ?z 8M., cement bjj?, pi fra!Akjyo 691 7 re.b 41C ein't luniphed. Ask him about it. i sw ';-U said When he got -the reportS. Two brokers g -pen, a cot Of' 00Q. 1JTQ ERS. 40',yeats suffe the co)as(-1):ousiies s !of bavin- doue, M,ML C1 4 re 1-0 ULC -iriiftighousa; There are two never -failing wells,, dam ;f - I 'f, 'was wbjeh Leovered 1jer bod r overs lier duty. I �don't Unk self sacrfl�lee e' p ing rz 1ramme of orchard and smaU fruit. This excellent,` I � '! teD himself; ht sn!t b en here wired that th ' top not& rl �0 made Jane 13cere of L'Ori wi F i 1 tL.42 and I that nobody �oWd wm is three miles trom Bruceacid and five, milei predict Ion r death. -& few weeW trial Of zun trb bld, i ad that,. has ever broizght ab6ut� bad- results -1 so Often - since his tmm OlInt6n, with gooff graVel roads. For further IL, I enALBERT D L . P e. The rought Conplete restoration. if '70 L D. ng rdml' wh , er she'd 4dvance or declim b 1. . I - +�ha vemiM8 or ftAr1V looks like !he had 130; 0 Idea of the. In the lo eth I " _�,_ w".1 vI�02 8 6 sulluredulteMrs. s while as a she, �t as he Mrs. Cranston bna !old man was a wonde vful healinig,'YOU too would CFO, P. 0 of t1iiii'v" tbed freely. Sh eternal 11tuoss 9 1 ge au -7 �Buk ob bee 1anded the telegralus to Geo r' did—, 'The like bf Zkam _06 "No, thiat's Irue," idmitt d Mrs. was all aglow as slid -bent and kisse& )b the Giest Uealer left the e -VAA .9, rOR SALEI—F4 sale Lot 5, Concession 8, seen 7rd a< That �oy is simply ice. R1 n W P i ransto "And' reall -q Ite sure Lydla gooil ulg watched his fai ATISM 13 hOSPItAls 'me L. R. S., Tuokerswith, conWning 100 acres, all C Y, I'm "ht. I i ng d6wa to tle a m ember rodBrownof.1 VIC X' major, she said.' !wonderful. Hc�'s as cool loronto andM, clear excepU8,,acres of bush. ime jand la well fenced there has iWver. be, s u Inti i ft tin- Goi d hjm5� As lucuruble. ZIRM-B under r ed and in good. qtate of cultivitiom- 'I P we In a L I've had. a very, ve - -talk 1 a barrel oT frozen Vinegat. Iles derstanding betyreea em, a, 4 it y111 satisfactory when doctorshadfallec The are 10 acrewfall vkheat and 18 acres for �pring ya. . : gE, G -rit —0h no not. onenly ou, that 'read every newspaper bearlif a i wheat qTk. is you would . . I--' ��Aa A h,w Vrn t+ I It N h Twdi a n e Itheumati Mont. Haignow crop, the man er a,� JuL 6 )k or- IV unnecessary � su a xJ stron See 'Air, Brown's swom acclaralsle L bouse with stone'cellar, a wood shed, a large -bank , 'all over major resum, 4 rea ing, and s-dbJect!" she hastenk to correct as the bountry all! kn(ws the p Z Buk Book of Prophesy for L9M Fv, tle and natural bain 80x85 aith L silo that vrould -bold 6. acres of waypia&8 'r The III z 6on 8 a the Ne, on 3 to A ch- 'we it ised his! bro "bul !thing from a ;to jizard. 'Will be' Sent YOU On corn, a nex,effailing well and V� acres of orallard rElj!;� AVS 0 N,)L,w � Y, oth, he ta, I -1 � this advert. This property iS situated. 11 miles fronr Hensall or uou&-infi roundi we iever I daughter's om. In a y grain. thaVs exported, every Upt �ixflre system. Mrs. Cranston �W �he OWD suri)rise thma, Via Ws r the best market in the country� , There is a- schdoi windInig stifts to h �jr lbolit Wa FlRkE -ADVI'CE ne '20 t,t of Lame Back and all Throat a A g CtoAs 11 is M6 sp6e* r 'be afraid of' her. It she caneV pV! �flouriif. mill thats s down on Re - 'her par I Lydia was!�'seated :)efore the ft 4�, L hut -Y g On the opposite corner of the faMi. For furt re, he We&uonl _Ivey�Quafewoftheiailmeh's ns in a few hours- fie. Be sur, i w ei ad for I Ir. Wood a Miy sh --in facl, eveiy detail Zam�l -,ut curw htrb. but It You aTO SUffelix 9 ticulara apply to J. 0. WOOD, Hensall P. a beautif ibui idal t hair hanging ticularly for George Bul I-jUnt of the rise al'and to yout �case to us. Ma) k Xorway Pil , 3. we Ini -ito you to am a t4' every - lo e ver her shapely t .1; Melope ­Advkc." Address to Zal i - met 18% humbugged. dn �ing el. A mixed at home, or 2076-tt Dmi be os a doesn't know d, If she -should- 'concernin! ;wheat in Ameilea 3r noes Tom I d made realize that she VALS drifting In. thn* Vhar. else. I acknowle e I #as ex- Vuk Tor�onto, and.we Will give yf a -7 X sion 2, Stanley, 100 acres, 10 acres bush, pri OtE tc laple Shade Farm, Lot 20, Go thougfit I'd see n. Price 25 the two. ad= 0fr!ce. ( wr readers to cut, timber Miss Lei ia Tlob�rr no, �oL d Ont... you- a good Are, dE aro, Mrs. raniton direction she would pull herse f up." cited Just now watc gfii IlVell, I'm glad she's Zzjn�_Buk is 5o cents a. box. at all drug cipally 'inn e, sib ntena;nce one I some rock elm building 01 George di col UILU. ro t'r, 30.y loarn soil, suitable for grain, grass, or Dr. NY aod's- Nor. that sen dutt change Sth 3. writes 1: h6 said gently, way Fine 84riv o 1roat: tr10 ables i Anixed larming. Large frame at -able, room for 28 91ftex gin ma, said the major as his eye fell to thol it ed a, said, bead of cattle and horsM floor, pig pen 't 7f h,, .'ye,� Its mill right, inafa b ; he, Jest -sorter lau also dr1K ss frame house In, Air. Hill - taking nun us thing ce remedwsl SIA paper and began search, for a re- . iWell, thar's one =d ben house. Burn 4W- 6 ; first oW thank you'j" Lydis rpturned witk a nris, parlor, dining must th . noth tak 31 the lilice "I didWt a_40in! -you any M. 36; kitchen 20_x26; 9 bedro( as a trxembered paragralph. thJUX yer, this strain aIWt smile. room and kitchen ; cellar 26-36. wood shed, orchard, iof it. no� out %'bottle of Vhen do iho was a fool." good, an!, as fur as 1111� conce'rned, I Pro well -of good water at house, also at barn, never- Mrs,, Cranston hesltOed. Ctm. ti I- it in the ho, Me failing surface spring. All seeded to grass except I I I - ----- you look for Kitty t �., coine?" S. Le aisked. reckon we'd better -try to, unlog.d." 20 acres. which is nearly all plowed and ready for slffint� OMPL. 4; Clinton CaAPTPR XIL "Good Lord,. he said that, did bell' IGNORE b,n old Spavin SpH One quarter of a mile to schoc Next week, toward the end ink, �h .0 stay ov r for 141INNER was at the cotton com. "You bet, an?. the old M4 station and elevator 3J miles. Raie chance for in mammR. She* wanted got whiter terding- purchasers as owner is unible, to work and w4ythlng. '13.0- ivishes to retire- Apply on the premises or address the guard ball. U hen she'll be ready press the next morning watch: more excited ef 0% JAMES MAHAFFY, Clinton P, O_ 2081 -tf the' gaAg, of negro hands member, it ii jest with 1you, :G-eorge, for a r6sf iere." Cure 'he said. 'Tell, mR. positi-te, would you Mrs. Crinston p [nched Lydlas' fire compress and load several carj LE 5 I alary-$7 to -&--lained witha Jack sell right now if 11AR31 FOR SA -For sale Lot 9, Concession 7, it wa� yote deal r aining 100 acres. roddened cheek carewingly. "bon't London Rml, Stanley, cont ------- t oness with XendaUls All -,leared- with the exception of seven acres of bush Wanted—Brakemen and I iremen siso a mouth. you miss 41 those thini v, dearest George hung his head 4 mWuts lkle .rn al to his eeoh, inaple, ets- There -is on tl;e place sold the ani go�a I 'a frame house with kitchen and woodshed, stone foun- "Not onq b la! gave then he said: 'Yes, Mr. laillypr, a alify you by mail. Cou�se sitn-o�e, It, ma:. =I d We teach and qu "y. "In for ai A IwOMANS ORLIDEAU you leave it to me; I've! hunti on J eat After ei or_ weg�s good cement cellar ; hard and soft water, one her. moth& her e3esl-rustIn-c"I VW I fill-Itu. TACUCAI a­,�d thorough. ten VOV. 2nd. 16_c_ =the house and one at the barn. Good baink willin! I to. . It may 6 guarantee to assist getting yo A#4 a0ham- ad long as rm OWdy wl fmc remcily for "ra, 78 x 40, with cement floor iris stabling, also, im. fact, Somet,.1mes I'm jiid a DREADS DOCTOR'PS QUESTIONS �Ighejrt but I n on -any railWaY in CAWA. --ver without it' ptementhoua,� 24 x 30, and fmme pig house. A19011 ed of all. Iwent thiough since I r6alize climb- to $1,50 or eveii st step is writing for o booVtt. %ares -of orebud. -Tbis is an excellent farm in first- to resk IV iTheu, tb* old dontt want k J. VXSDIM. class shape. Also a lot of wire. fence has recently the beatio of thlr f4 1, vig(% 011�1 lif'D Thoumnds Wrka to Mrs# PlnkharnD Lyn"o th f underdraining done lately." It is e Ins. Mott can A%ss., and Receive Viduable Ad,;�Ico Absolul, :.man� shot arouild the oMce like P_ dog TIRE DOMMON _PJU LWJ nd,a lot o mountJ3 r. E! remedy used -by two here in tely Confidenfld and Free. PONDENCE SCH00t, 'the London Road, P, =Be and a half from -In7 fer Osh ( ffer CORRES piut It .1 Itu o n; Clur S llop- after its tall, 'wh bQtUe-6 for So. Ur have a Witter time on Prineft Dept. Drucefield. Will be sold reasonably, either writh or ry I! tell 'FOU, old lake orde�� eed the like. �A itise On The Hom" Apply on the premises or address - Iter'ovet these !ad and nere can be no more terrible inever s 4i I -vdthout crop Ing helter I tive, refined OFF Brucefield P.,O. JAMES PETRIE. 2067-tf is CoMplet with a maGhin- tk. to a delicate; WOMRA man, thar's seme!n, at 0e, bottom 01 ,,-ou many a dollar ff of fields, thaA'l ever "4 vying wi ot =7 UVW16- Pa ct lense% than to be ob to answer certa$ ery for th ahudfa t, d fa thisIt, 'y for a free. copy. -is in of :11U er girls Or thq,,' d and acied upon. RMS FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -Lot 14, 4nost dancel re to her private I sk Hanks. Ion, and South Half 14, 4th Conces- thne Vors tho ger I "What' are they. -now. FA on and n I a Sill. , I qu"ons in P man Willi a lei: of boys� 3rd.Conmss' We invita Ui to t '11 even when I ions an; w1k L KENDALL CO., 27 when I aughed 11 some- �"They wasu!t in the �d mma," Lydia -on, in the Township'of Hullett, are offeied for sale all in grass ex see a lens ground gh., Oh, ma by her yei, and man When t.�, lildren Cou or C. �s. VERmou torenL TheycousistofMaCres, tboi4 of, y asb med of haviuil come through," -r, U -S _A. cPt.1.#C.resin bush. A good two-storey frame Our methods' co, i, 06USt timei I'm,*& W'full use, good bank barn, 60 x 70. with power mill, a, and optich n. done all that when -W, en"- "Both of lem stmek oly upi own fer give theta that old reliable retnedy that never fars to et xe dr1ring shed, Sox 50, and Etheep house, 20 x-36. The SO They &drilled welland "When*bat, darlin T1 Mis. Oran. the.telegraph offlee lie &,ace is well watered by a spring, OP re compress 01 E'S TION On eri THE TA _B" CO. a, thar ver. It is situated al- miles from Clinton and T ton!s UpO we ed, her eyes 3ii was too anxious to wait fer a messen POEPAIRA if, wd�adapted for stock 6r grain.. Also Lot 12 on E S n the speaking the reports ger boy to brin U It 0 f Axed hal� � fearfully ro the Oth Conee of 100 acres, twilve SIa V C -blr Bob's ,-rea bush, the reit seeded cTown - A never failing 237 D �,mjaj Zt. Lolad no (Ow. counteman;ee. comes George now, lolag These Wind 'IM Bale windmill for pumping many of God's ee 'im?-an! f1914t ritak r s Cou '017 with the IV hen th -ar store --s spring a1r so ere Wk -P and on ever aee Hill - (arms uill be sold together or separatel is the old man. Did you will be It Or shells I if pover- -tg terms to slut the purchaser. If not sold.will be in t It creatures here 0 coug S up --Olds rented. R. J. MILLER'L box 25, Clinton. 2046-tf Nurs, e &'Mot 11171!i.,�i.14;11�: IV* yer walk like that? Let's go over to --and heals inflamm a- tr I o rise, ry I Lng to and sery 9 row 0 the office an! meet lem." A bro4c4k1 tubes, .0solutely pure s+d TA le sunshine I fe. tion in thmat an into the t�e pablia in- tha stave FARM FOR SALR-The undersign, 9� ACRE coral *=dad Kenner anks st�od der the t4ink I could be P F 8or alilhdren. 25c druggists or from Used If and H 'Is& for the last 35 yews� 100 0 offers for, sale that -most desirable 0op- r. per Cecify, h P �botfle. At I iw I awning in front of tj ie w lx6house erty 'k-nown Big Lat a, Concession 1 Township of Dr. P....�-. Dy could oulk help thosC& people in soine s v 9 in sayin:Lr tnat Wa There are, on the prem. Ali V - e, Elanshard, Peith County. make wheil George and the merd,1111t ar- W-ATION DRUG & CHEMI At CO. UmItod LONDON, QvL 31 if AgE 'the best cast and steel -brick house 2 tch: 1. want to teacla them, to eucour- Aes, a good � 2 x 24, Nvith kitchen atti W -4y. rco"L 16.X 2(j. both il�l good repaiy a large bank barn, e in tbe It 4egra- rived, They all went into offlee all"() -them,', not to belleiv marker, to -day. underneath; one on the 7ox 10, - clan cemeint. silo, 12 x 37, and virh good stone stabling Resomi the, I) Felil y I together. other useful dation. Mamma, just the otterlda first -0 t- L. E. ,are the hmkh Coivem., buildings. T11A farm is well watered, both in fron old woman 1IIngN from rz/71 M_ "You think Jacobs C04 are the 41 ium saw an AWL �W W AR -k zknd in Oe rear and _iSL adapted both for ain ii,d rewit 0 - d in sli J e'i vagon best to deftl with, then?V the'old mau INV IM -1 te of offtivation, 44 A wagon,at the gatet a IRE took ral$ing and is in a high sta proprie - continue to'suffer �ather than to "Urd, !my boy. T which is ell known from tile fact that the rd 1Y)MM& Was her daughter, p6orly dr -sel, but was saying eag�rly' J rM."A Natio 60 TaUT phy0III. We V ees an gaff 1 -9 or has resided thereon for nearly fifty yeats, being to examinations which I icould4ot stand ,h her features were finely'. dr wE, and I ef we slipped up nQW` one of the most successfulfarmers in the township. cians propOSe In order to inte gentlOr hurch and e th a irtat it 'we must trade wfUllsoll&partle 0 siaeak to Ifle disease; aj is is the reason Itis centrsaly located, being near both c Saul wheu I stopped t id th " I school, and within ean, reach of agood market. bs & Co. is all right,0 put For a prin- 'Jaco urher particulars address JOHN SUTHERLAND, 940 looked at m� as ii why so many P icians W to CuTe ago .1 . 1 '004 as tile Kenner. "They are as E, Kjr;�torl P. 0. 29N-tf feniale disease. ors Rt:0 cess, Ohi mamma, that sor Of thill" UL thousan4a banl.%" in con- Dysp S cuts me. I have not � �one al rthing to This is also the r(ason why In sle*twn modern shucks," Z:x 11 oven and ARAIR, FOR $ALF-­L0f, 15, Concession 2 ; Lot P I �Mpl so deserve that, and I I PO r thing, what has upon thousande of women am corro.- "Some banks Mutt "th NaAy trUstees aa4 executors they can exert, se ail supervifrion ;nn, -roomy F15, Concession 3 ; S. J Lot 14, Concession 1, ppoilding with'Airs. Pink -ham, d-uu - ;� up, George. Nothl g but to _gh sai lyer. "Look 'e Conebssion,j,, Huron Ro94 Survey, �OaCU,eheSq, she in store for her! With prhly gUSTSIL- and S 3, Lot 15, d Hil have thed r ti�ae fullyoc UrieA over the Xnaulgemont of itbe 1),ax, thorau ill -law of Lydia E, Pinkham at commercial mang Is' Township of Tuakersmith, County of Huron, contain y .2 fti -dles of the tbriv- fall into e sort of her ot her is see what their ODDSV PatROII, $�Iasa, To her can confide eve their ow.2 business aff, They e*tes t aad price within thff inXV) aorez�, -situated within tivo n �h George opened an ei�orinous, green- oinmift A to our 11g, town of Seaforth, one of the best markets in 'leading." in over the find it d1ficult to spaie the time Lbss b f Mope tit@� detail of their i i e N, Pan d f rmo in r ran I of everyone. - Coasider This farm was awarded the gold �ed A �rs. Cran- ' tained from _f covered book on the des*, Our intimate asgo�1%46n with "That's all true', Agre gy t6rn Ontario ge, em 0- -he farm competition. of IM. The farms gn '--at �:no 11-w1e, for a moment and! neces, to attend to Oe inanifold points, and eaU for ia- -axedal in.0 S�lt euni, Mra� pages turne 1. "They there are different graftes of experli the Huron zm� Uag Uld have been all pastured for the past ten years and stont "bui t ng female d 4C I farming. Rpysi el&% d would now be in excellent shape for genera pin Vi from three uUndre -to five detailt In I oaziectio* *ith 1he soclety, tiud we caiilt awit tbi t cou- kham ie sick women more are quoted and; credi or Vh; �ropei adwinistraflo4 of the Soil good cluy lown-two-storey brick dwelling house i Al be said. p Savings, Co. gives us' S" ditidn. en the �� eaker'j A fa 2e be- ivisely than the loca I physician. hundred thous, 06nd kitohen writh brick woodshed -hot air fumue- I q . e all r! said -curing for our :19state tone tells es m hard and Vitchen-fine grou And I tro es came niore r1gId, h r Mn. Pinkbam helt: -0h, yes, they Ar tates e 2tripted to thi of pro L. L rgreens and CiAar hedges -orchard ere t* wia Moiltreuil of efery dent they I 4brubbery, evei Delle. E Kenner. "You'll get olmd- vroflu.Bla soft water in nds - witill and Read ' how cod 0 the tentative.', "And the inixiw S J has a message A it and north -good a r1sin g fro f the t so, T -hi 9� Coiopany the best e=3 of s With spruce Nvindbreak on weE -30auesofhardwoodbuah,.. uard- Latoure 5 t., �uelec, Que, agree to pay. Don't think in you ents. M1 Rh� Ll e1% elements,! my dear," she out Dear I&TS. L imIcharn for busy trustees anal executors. X -w I I _R barns with stone stabling t4e Hanks?" investm IFOIRT 1, tuapleand beech ell watered witIx spring creek in woul"ivide pro- B oo(L edly, "sometimes produces sad com- 9 nnd river, . Will sell alt4ogether or owe _Q oi e jiMited �md "I sallbred for el mon-ft with what h ders. "I We wil relieve tne�nXof the Correspon&4 allie Clocto I agged his :8 OUR ..U,%L which 6-aused grelat Ranks shr, wrty No better property in the County of Huron. 6, ber how � El plications. You rem rs called pro A ifl!Hty and detai� Seaforth. .2026-tf he re - resp st 5C ffix T. DICKSON, WrK. L. Lothawus, bene�tft ber in weakness over My Systern, with faiUt dout kuow a, thing aboilt -Von pzr�mptly Bu] lTduj%, Ont, Dunwood� married N ANT NOTIONS. kepi growing weaker a�d it Was my 'I billeve killed dizzy SPel sponded slowly, "but ef 4exlngtoi, and that act'41117 i -weaker. seieral ;!A'cines wh1oh 11670 n . e OHN, BEATT.1E. ft. u ' a happy, t.11ey <.qai cure my trouble, b1fit deal I would." - 39 OR ei Ion 0 her father an ined. would nders&;ned will rent his far f ed Kenner, a term of a number 1U y1othing was of the le ist benefit.until I tri�d 'Te u would", la ve to a tenant for Late Division Court Cler1c, has of prop , not bee a Or home?" . I . So Yo 1� 1i oc k BI Lydia E mpou who never rem met an'oceasion WO serious Cork", "That was awfill, Siniply'l W W eonq= of 210-acreff Olt :zrties for sale or to rent, among which is a goo -i dix cultivation and in good 10 rapidly t F oomtortable house on Jarvis Street, Seatorth, large PinUmnils Vegetable Co, ta 10 ! 1 1 .; 4 -did -illis helped me "I o d know the apply at onw- an a zteub marked -Lydia. 'Yoa kno* I -lanks. Mns and partictdar enough to accommodate a, good sized familJr ; 2 lots. 911 htxT(lJy believe my g)od fortune. I wo for a stab at I Joseph 1'. 0 1W gIV4 Could B4 arce- �y wor4, aW ilow the'r 3 Will oe sold on reasonable terms and, possession lave 0 otore the t�70 Inonths Afterl*ard. And I. gladily paid $25, 00 for that first b sort 01 Socks th( ell as 14001n 01-4 sold. Also rooms to let and a 11% th for it.started me on I bLe road to health, i saw yore 'AV to sell on teeih wa$ filled before reasonable- terms- Irsurance affect Gum I s L011MONs ONTARIO. made on satisfac- seve, re he I a& most bf.staveripe, thimbles aral the W, ed, debts collected and loans five bottles duredm.-. gra 5nomica clean, lall *, and see, low en. id, ro ust health, an ut it at all," i regulating ard and be convinced. Late DiyWion . Court Office, Sea- esss; art Iflor my sp] d I b4d any doubts i1boL safe and ddMl)le,- Jory security at reasonable 'rates C, okadh heat conveying, certuinly r ommen the Vegetable Coln - as ne waz comfort ana 0%va 201841f pound in glowi s to all my friatids said Ha4ks, "I'd attael� a' sit -,,ht MdK*' HOUS11's -to Let; Alr draft lop I ax 6 Ms. They add 1 .4% ng e& orders by nabl to d mY P material UE it is deserving of 1111 o' ladin!. emmuto al retall. WM- ous ork. &fter and acquaintances, to the t Two good h ouws, bo h largr4 enough A d, wholest GH -1 I !i tre#.t, . f**_ LL t:rly oetn _e or es of C-0 P S, the praise I n Ve I I . wo be# ca The undersi J be at the It0j'al Hotel, $treet,' Manul=turer. that bag da- and'Sutu 01 e oat J. Lewis Thomas 14 +.,hA t I To be Oon, *Iuid. Q..T-.fu 'em Ise aoh In allal Tt W80 04e Oil I - . . I " . I —Y I a Dy Cm U 'Architecb,itc Late Dominion De ezA LUUY rea OM. Co Civil Engineer- Ida '0' MOrP Tie r, uptil DeCenl r 1, to rnmm i !on Copp Oonsultin�� Engineer lo rst tau elrra that no medidne in the world equ,"Is, _WsS Baker, Mite -bell, has been from I to 5 dd Itrtment Public' Works. nend r A ra t t stiom They ap- taxes. This houW has a larplitab willbe Lydia R Pinkham's Vegetable W4- 4 OUN Me.11 DoInted trin ci and 0 '1 unicipat or Uounty work. Eleotrio Rail r6ad8 d ti t tbre cipal of tho Sudbury pub- 11 IL &N, given onNoveraber 16 - r restorin- women's health� =144 JOIL, 11 13BATITIML Sewerage orWaterworks 8) stems. Wharym Bridges Forn Ut WOMC n.0 yellov box pound fo UC sch(K Collector. 2OW 4 udl tb I at a wary �ot $00. yi Re enforced Corieretf_� rue= 292W. LONDON -.05T. Ar J -4 L -1 .3 � - � I I I . - .- .: t, P , , I _­-, I—— , _1 _­­ , __J -TT �,.l 7 71_ L 5. 7, T J: _71, J- T NOV I -W-01 1E( uj� EXP $ 01 17 Now.. I 1AL. 'OT.to n, to T) e wed to IT" 11glan w d. his big piecer, mirchine a A the eX- Oft 11V P, �1� i It 3torms & nsive sheds ft�d Olatfornli ur -c unding Z, N4 HUSAND OF 4 belonged to lilillyer and toc d direct - 4, warehouse. When a b9aQ DI CO On Was 4001% vz� V T "ED 1I IY across ad trac� a 01w" f Sul) it :`e it t e railro b( Ind the e, oompresse I there was a I scape- A t *11a x AA �',BU lull Cl *a6nt of steam; and a a w 4 rough Who! of �'l -BODIVV N I -S, : I - �hod feet as the negroes Rai ge, d t o 40 lei"' 'The 1 04 of] I ;� I 1 hs �h laolag Sur,": 'IT 18 -NOT] 'NFORT CO RMACHES. - bind and bucklo the iron th i *i truck -'Wdk Mud* ru X r". T The bale into the opeA ear. Z ft X arper MR. 'Look out thar you i trO In' wamp" itud Mppy,, 0 0OUICI Be V 41 fit lCenner yelled to a negro tio st )od too . 1. - I I I I I xree X 'r z E c near Vie deseetaing press fo satety. VATERPROOP 4 o d pity, �jaxnages on 4 piat mle ef 616�1% *0 VaLLOW r C YOU: wowt onal "Iffir stained through an4 � tb-#o gh by 'S; EVWV Clament d Rut do** hm tke W you mr1shed on It? Mike, It es aimpl� !mean poisone 9 0"renteed ring to The is constautly: kan year ydil get a eii h iAd on enou J4 aid 40saaft�& IT 9 1MRZY decayin - a-nd,'b ';il6newed. Dmd Ing eems to me a t6 fl e con - lot to a the blood, and i: every Pres f I Inhapp r, x0stamatiodd m a ftado m4ter Is ab.WKL sin, day I �to lq-?k structio.11 of 16ma mM9211111116� 10 a4ould be takez broug) tbit 00014 TO ta the blood by!' "I toP - dat fool a1gger to & wat i every gen- most ra ages lways g11A 410* le 't ValaSed oUt of:bGwe and skin. and' *arst% Kp-n—.­ rfpliedJa IV, 0. wUU it is, 'a i atber the 41 A OvercmL REAZ NETATE FOR SALLE th, telh, It one of Pared rms and', neck 4nd et th per "amo like.; a OU14 got iTNIC Was bossing th other k' "Et A& Lit f4at to _1V Strong a ali owod lood beem, uft 1E i#Ur&--4f tw� fail, -h JMat th6 orga= does a6t act ProPerly, ipiration, �.t t is M FOR 9,=.—First-Class, well 1111 �,:)n he'l' W.. deatA Is -cermun. lie git smasked-ter a Jelly.. reek cook f 4 bAe donyt buy In the township of MoRillop, containing we W Opp P tarm Ins J. taut 3,06acrest for We obean Fint-class buildings- and -1 think When there � we cdn� he�dLches,, be more careful next tfm,�.' succel SEUPY at eve *-W-bg in good order. Apply to .T. J. RYAN, it is always tound U the bowels axe I Tuxt then old1lanks oull of the the Sa IL - - nir. jime. 'MaItc-Up. 01, 2068 V Otte- 43�agular the kid weak, oi the! im Illuore" , rear door of th* -warehouoe an� L IRZJIY N 0, Iwo Vilot skin zluggiah; pwo i -now, t T'he, st er- i it SALE. -House and two Iota on East Willi Atuch,of he left. tobad yt u 64 ea 1 t 'the arrang al� lit of the Pandora fluts NE-4,iIs cop Oicked his Way across the tinder strewa Street for We. House contains 7 rooms, pa never 641'. Itt"110 Waste- Is left X the FO c 1hed tl�d - to the ILZ ati others that e 4-1 throwou. An.b at o d lial ; . -well tracks. He did not nd to the - I tructied t, +Wa14- trUs 11h 0 -"d I go mui 3i -om T6v ire so cons h J�aft for ------- TY laz C Cm. 8 0 OM 401111 a On, Cemen !Hous dis * bY I I 4idditioi t ot a n0ve:S. To J td1a floor Und ciatern c*- I steps. but climbed: on to the platform fruit trees, wood - and coal not a 01; sho is #Ld*lr -,GWrff* CaWeo Mo bA�i I is' also the es� tor co ing, the heat �ting "un& little Eov it.. 01 �hedeM All in good e ion. Apply at the 16L tucreased -h oudit Buckl and bo, 001 In his h1d8t of "bead� ass. 49 a schoolboy. r�cu TOM t the" e tv�ice an under every pot hole 1) 1 ry for., 1 "Jake, gio me a zpato "ibe, called out it gives w& I n is C b for s 119 UP �,Jzi��Covbr, meats Ilhe but she t mak novel 4:. times Tone" momwnto but . '"ROPERTYFOR SALR—the farm and to juiciness -of tli'�. i cooki ig. tr6ubl but she r ! *a they clog It r his pocket thel Iinliney. 1�4 4-- +1- �M� 4 ! L . ; k if: W do barm. IL gar a dfore .*a By s he fished it ci b like I a simply F-r p L.. limey luever seat I JVS It gives �dj an� I it t mngt hi to .1irono -tr le, t Of thO 1 jind bit the end of It not laving been disposed of by auction the h tc sot ps. 1 .1 . I ... go on #4 ff at"* a hey Camnot For fWu es. to a -iy privat 'Le and6r -s and 'oub iurify the blood. Irl P a bakc tly 2"t now be pureba ed ewle. d f "Match!" snarled Kenner.1 "bf that Poo6 perfele =iculara apply to R. uq. HAIVTS, B"ster, Sea- tect. o faill* nan let cure' es a t I platI or V: Loin you Tboy the. liver It gives i ditlicit at the s4me i*. t 0oon. bAndled match t -cold ri I es. make t3m, bowe a move zeg#larly. ust his skull" o eat i aw i are, ri to" A* said I 091ni ly, "Wnd - �orm rd b AP -At F011e -$ALE. —For Sale, Lot !9, Huron yo� 6ow 0 other range that does.? regulate the I ULeys. ITboy !n. I ol'Well, I reckou Jyll no -any- 11acker8mitb, contaids 100 acres allolear, Every dwtydo w d: s rially atr Wkew I think �Iey i seat.d ,5 d, B vril a h, ilp FRoad, I I dtice healthy skin i ztion. Thuis: &IL. ed, well fenced and YTell underdrained -good burns 0:, �M) I I x k tchi -,a. -abo I sh# - hi in in her ttie wwt,6 matter- b�dy Vray," said Hanks, d b� e him- lf:3our� local dea r does not sell the PanJ -A� J11rect 0 ton� ry tool- a to US fo F'ee Boo let- . Ind r h. Forfurtherpar- psi essenc fl and there Is licularsappl ises, or ad f seapect. Two miles from Seafort Bovril c -k-bouse, A first-class farm.in eve wood briL and'an cc ro uthor prid* and lielf on a bale of �C faii9f. why, the 0 d tak# %or pick taken out -of 'the b a6d 7 y on the prem, �dress THOMAS and nut who!* tount Governor Tel- 1u0tbfn9 to cause N eAach-es. qmal.1 plece of tobacco ra. thapocket We of e V�ry I su t Ll of the! I nd began to cliew NX 101, sodorth. 2064 be 1t -e o' I Crazy bdUt 'bei - aU! bas 1; of hi§ vest a 94 are n4y remady tbat" It Say, beat streng g�nd fare 4 il�nojr A 01 YOU do yoA think rit �t��b n�validj an hop - pupppse really cum. lie went.on, "what In90-FITABLE INVEML EMT $I - I can lend V1044 .. q money. '%ruft-&-dves" are ireah fruit latces poluis, L -money on improved quarter, the mkdi�clnal aztjon 19 the ay HU er about Al livjn 1 h �cd�k., Lydia --or any girl, a i to thit -w­­,could -4n which ly sections ot 160 fulnes , �;:to th econ6 �Yl r i bout w actin: to 107 -mm enh at from 8X per vanuni. Only first 1041 his m1nd?" Umptatiolk i r TO be the linistre" grntly Increased I way� *heat? Is he ipluffib Mist the imortgaqc4 taken. Ample security given. Torrens Allioa groder a W1 110 VRIL .1n which they am c6mbLned. �50c a e. ve.7, tratri- :aitleSysteraisperfect. From $800. be lent exec u Ilie "I was jest a-istudyin' about that my - of the Uttva ma al lon 0 -achtrc e _=farms,wortIxftom$4MtG $2,000.upyle'Tafurt2her i: 'bax; 6 for $2150. At�an druggis-W or[' straot and*�lead the B)CIety of ania selft" repi ied kenuer. 111t's c uar to sent write to. me. J. A� -YACKSON, Burris- on recelpt,of p2l�e. ter, eta., Ponoka, Albert. mniltzs1bookkeel6er In a pruxt_a_tIvbs LlndtexIo Ottawa, We.! to Inarry.s'! p Ont. i� 'I recka i,yoq fe ronto, Montred, W ipeg, 'V=,- .1 grain- war6ho�tse And eo A dou!t ei likeyou are 1410ndon To 0UV .r, Joh pn. lof ON70- 43 ACRE FARM FOR SALE -For nde. FAs half Ut 7, Goncession'9, Tuckersinith, con- Shucks� it he had It In er,. I ffigown oxac y a 0 omon 8 t CHESM@Y & 'C MBALD A ents. Seaforth. ter 9 Ole i9with the market at U42, af all the tainim M acres. -it isall.cleared but two acres; 30 op from reco.g- her! tliin,­tr;cd to lt(,er baie acres seeded do". There is a good bank barn and Mot r. Mrs. 110b sbe a all right," siniod tow you ade about him, payin' $1.05.11 vo6d frame house.. The farm is well watered and in '19 1 nizing her. ibe to,' -d she Ny­�s'try-r, M condition. It Is 6 miles froux Seaforth and one Cliansion, �s if he had forqk i the ab- 1, 'Not e ctly,lt and Ken: ier burst Into Ing to ada:,t. hcrsee to the wdys or i�ile ftm, a school, For further parUculars, #V4, down 1 Pon: A hearty latgh. `Tliat's on, the premises, or address ROLAND or all Is. surdity of her tea: m harsh 11)ut VMVIn _rn- TBDY, Egniondvil "but, Ve L, er buzband'S brt 6ou',4 *har I v as Wrong, I'll admit it, but _NN by Pis iwgrm words, nust RE le, P. Ow: 20WU fa It - It. sb I handile herl U1100L L fillml rq do Her: h t- a i d incant Nvell 1i I ly." I've tried most 01 W hat I said was jest to keep t.". I RM 7L7AR 11 -For -gale, Lot 10i Concessiou _U FOR S41 ellough, Init.eve"I lie' seemed unab'o,, -e. It don!t X 47,:Stanley, containing 100 aores� 90 acres elgar_L. making fuii of her 'country b(au", as I George fr( ra moin' a mis tal, A or More te thaniWar, fami 20 to make It bearable ��or be#- any good to 9 art out e bush. The farm is well underdreqn- always call -him to her, but I've Aever (to a youn ., felIlr & headed -a wftflr d�strqyer, t ast hy There is on the tilenee is th 0 Mrs. Cranm.ton sat p0rf(,.ctl� still; sbe I -premises . a fraine house, with wood�ked 18x20 - good -bank Crn me no toork" Coniump ion�, th" bden able to make out'how shm,, to9k 14. seou i With a redord or bad ju Igment. But )r the benefit of -em- 54 9 ned hard';y bre tthh12-,.' S112 -%v a 3 Al fore ib,4 41 'let a ody SUM, wi stabling underneath , straw she4 Sox,50, snuuany .111 more at mrtw m- Shed the i bo what's ga � me s Hillyer; quai excite t his is the� even undem0th ; pigpen and driving shed 24x= Very an -r -ors �o haTe ber nc­t rerunik; le disesso know att ment all a long.1 Why, he. is -as 1i iervous ,,bit,.tffT howlshe felt abcuta 11 -Pleuty oflgood water at both endso. I.- __1. t , QW -1 y before' rou,lwbat I!m I oing le h&d trA Xotikence., and 4n thi house and pig pen. 26acresseeded to. kikown to tb w that kind. 71,11 tell: ELs he cau be. 1 It don't wok III graet, to do, be that a-1 vray *1th all tha - proift t on his 04 balance plowed and ready for spring Tb $a It is, "I have 'never hco r(I you sa arm in every respect, o3ti three Sh&� h4s. Invited. Klt'y Dab;y 'I t that marria-%' is & first-olase f What yo� thot� t a$ -mile from. a school and two dud A half- '00 6"Iew tic= up= " - i 4, o rters of a to to pay her a visi, , and wh �n tty &Ie theii, wheoeve thar� d be a lsftwk� low llallJo treat- `lside- from Varna, where there areL three L churches dellica ffear, but I narer th UCCEErl'z rlse Rif anybo0y advisk 11M to sell, comes I'm Ing to� 66t -ber, Ito 6111 mIL, is f1ve milex f rorn, Brucefteld stition:� bw 6ftbe -her -and n r ri iftre� etc., and k. away an ed her fat The iow-mg �einarkable tures -bad g ea InAu are Wd alwaYs tutn to Georke and ax 'im, Further particulars can be bad.on the premises or by She's always -*e o�ier It h "No, slie didn't, VDswered Lydia.; Co cing pr of that Zam-Buk is addressinw ROBT. R. ROBINS01R, Vwna P. 0. M that UL dia an' -Xitty, is bluf blood hat about ever knowed Mo�tf M1100" 1,11allic I cw!tbe extent of. 11 -or fal"lle the st W 1, rful sidti care) FU bone. rn 'coach hi how t9 fact and Way be e - ant wh ever Georg ucceeds when gWloze U and mo,Ur's� pride �tbd she had lio. a, Z",`�uk s 'Id Lydig In iolikk sn' keep t. But tl e old man is L; hoine is complete velthout I Lot 24, Concession 2, sumptIOU TaD JU che will 1�q ',would say weii wis, Ino FOR SALM-For sate, 1 74 right to �rusji it; fori her own selfishl 01i r Stanley, containing 100acres.. Ninety- acres are eough ho DOS Jattled b a me ai I thI# mornW." E C z A. 25 long gars Xr. T. X, loared and in a good state of Cultivation ; _ - - - I 'e, lind *116rificed 4er own ut there are ading V th' Raw a f love. If ph 1W, -eal, Wore 0 44you 70acresof--ood hardwood bush. The farm is' The major took u pa -Vel - - - - he Is T' thb b" k mom sa: r CL de.qlre,,,. and ev6la se of her bus- haudis Were 90 wellunderdirained and well fenced. Thereiaa.two-, 11 rather,"adiialre., th6 fellayi 's -3.yo czern 5 Doctors fallod to icure VM. bi -t UMNSUR Ct of . torey brick house, with slatV roof, a farm fital resultak f at band, she. would five bec- happier. "Yes; I Iwas! In- the 6 ce jij tt now emue. , Bank barn, 40ft, ?z 8M., cement bjj?, pi fra!Akjyo 691 7 re.b 41C ein't luniphed. Ask him about it. i sw ';-U said When he got -the reportS. Two brokers g -pen, a cot Of' 00Q. 1JTQ ERS. 40',yeats suffe the co)as(-1):ousiies s !of bavin- doue, M,ML C1 4 re 1-0 ULC -iriiftighousa; There are two never -failing wells,, dam ;f - I 'f, 'was wbjeh Leovered 1jer bod r overs lier duty. I �don't Unk self sacrfl�lee e' p ing rz 1ramme of orchard and smaU fruit. This excellent,` I � '! teD himself; ht sn!t b en here wired that th ' top not& rl �0 made Jane 13cere of L'Ori wi F i 1 tL.42 and I that nobody �oWd wm is three miles trom Bruceacid and five, milei predict Ion r death. -& few weeW trial Of zun trb bld, i ad that,. has ever broizght ab6ut� bad- results -1 so Often - since his tmm OlInt6n, with gooff graVel roads. For further IL, I enALBERT D L . P e. The rought Conplete restoration. if '70 L D. ng rdml' wh , er she'd 4dvance or declim b 1. . I - +�ha vemiM8 or ftAr1V looks like !he had 130; 0 Idea of the. In the lo eth I " _�,_ w".1 vI�02 8 6 sulluredulteMrs. s while as a she, �t as he Mrs. Cranston bna !old man was a wonde vful healinig,'YOU too would CFO, P. 0 of t1iiii'v" tbed freely. Sh eternal 11tuoss 9 1 ge au -7 �Buk ob bee 1anded the telegralus to Geo r' did—, 'The like bf Zkam _06 "No, thiat's Irue," idmitt d Mrs. was all aglow as slid -bent and kisse& )b the Giest Uealer left the e -VAA .9, rOR SALEI—F4 sale Lot 5, Concession 8, seen 7rd a< That �oy is simply ice. R1 n W P i ransto "And' reall -q Ite sure Lydla gooil ulg watched his fai ATISM 13 hOSPItAls 'me L. R. S., Tuokerswith, conWning 100 acres, all C Y, I'm "ht. I i ng d6wa to tle a m ember rodBrownof.1 VIC X' major, she said.' !wonderful. Hc�'s as cool loronto andM, clear excepU8,,acres of bush. ime jand la well fenced there has iWver. be, s u Inti i ft tin- Goi d hjm5� As lucuruble. ZIRM-B under r ed and in good. qtate of cultivitiom- 'I P we In a L I've had. a very, ve - -talk 1 a barrel oT frozen Vinegat. Iles derstanding betyreea em, a, 4 it y111 satisfactory when doctorshadfallec The are 10 acrewfall vkheat and 18 acres for �pring ya. . : gE, G -rit —0h no not. onenly ou, that 'read every newspaper bearlif a i wheat qTk. is you would . . I--' ��Aa A h,w Vrn t+ I It N h Twdi a n e Itheumati Mont. Haignow crop, the man er a,� JuL 6 )k or- IV unnecessary � su a xJ stron See 'Air, Brown's swom acclaralsle L bouse with stone'cellar, a wood shed, a large -bank , 'all over major resum, 4 rea ing, and s-dbJect!" she hastenk to correct as the bountry all! kn(ws the p Z Buk Book of Prophesy for L9M Fv, tle and natural bain 80x85 aith L silo that vrould -bold 6. acres of waypia&8 'r The III z 6on 8 a the Ne, on 3 to A ch- 'we it ised his! bro "bul !thing from a ;to jizard. 'Will be' Sent YOU On corn, a nex,effailing well and V� acres of orallard rElj!;� AVS 0 N,)L,w � Y, oth, he ta, I -1 � this advert. This property iS situated. 11 miles fronr Hensall or uou&-infi roundi we iever I daughter's om. In a y grain. thaVs exported, every Upt �ixflre system. Mrs. Cranston �W �he OWD suri)rise thma, Via Ws r the best market in the country� , There is a- schdoi windInig stifts to h �jr lbolit Wa FlRkE -ADVI'CE ne '20 t,t of Lame Back and all Throat a A g CtoAs 11 is M6 sp6e* r 'be afraid of' her. It she caneV pV! �flouriif. mill thats s down on Re - 'her par I Lydia was!�'seated :)efore the ft 4�, L hut -Y g On the opposite corner of the faMi. For furt re, he We&uonl _Ivey�Quafewoftheiailmeh's ns in a few hours- fie. Be sur, i w ei ad for I Ir. Wood a Miy sh --in facl, eveiy detail Zam�l -,ut curw htrb. but It You aTO SUffelix 9 ticulara apply to J. 0. WOOD, Hensall P. a beautif ibui idal t hair hanging ticularly for George Bul I-jUnt of the rise al'and to yout �case to us. Ma) k Xorway Pil , 3. we Ini -ito you to am a t4' every - lo e ver her shapely t .1; Melope ­Advkc." Address to Zal i - met 18% humbugged. dn �ing el. A mixed at home, or 2076-tt Dmi be os a doesn't know d, If she -should- 'concernin! ;wheat in Ameilea 3r noes Tom I d made realize that she VALS drifting In. thn* Vhar. else. I acknowle e I #as ex- Vuk Tor�onto, and.we Will give yf a -7 X sion 2, Stanley, 100 acres, 10 acres bush, pri OtE tc laple Shade Farm, Lot 20, Go thougfit I'd see n. Price 25 the two. ad= 0fr!ce. ( wr readers to cut, timber Miss Lei ia Tlob�rr no, �oL d Ont... you- a good Are, dE aro, Mrs. raniton direction she would pull herse f up." cited Just now watc gfii IlVell, I'm glad she's Zzjn�_Buk is 5o cents a. box. at all drug cipally 'inn e, sib ntena;nce one I some rock elm building 01 George di col UILU. ro t'r, 30.y loarn soil, suitable for grain, grass, or Dr. NY aod's- Nor. that sen dutt change Sth 3. writes 1: h6 said gently, way Fine 84riv o 1roat: tr10 ables i Anixed larming. Large frame at -able, room for 28 91ftex gin ma, said the major as his eye fell to thol it ed a, said, bead of cattle and horsM floor, pig pen 't 7f h,, .'ye,� Its mill right, inafa b ; he, Jest -sorter lau also dr1K ss frame house In, Air. Hill - taking nun us thing ce remedwsl SIA paper and began search, for a re- . iWell, thar's one =d ben house. Burn 4W- 6 ; first oW thank you'j" Lydis rpturned witk a nris, parlor, dining must th . noth tak 31 the lilice "I didWt a_40in! -you any M. 36; kitchen 20_x26; 9 bedro( as a trxembered paragralph. thJUX yer, this strain aIWt smile. room and kitchen ; cellar 26-36. wood shed, orchard, iof it. no� out %'bottle of Vhen do iho was a fool." good, an!, as fur as 1111� conce'rned, I Pro well -of good water at house, also at barn, never- Mrs,, Cranston hesltOed. Ctm. ti I- it in the ho, Me failing surface spring. All seeded to grass except I I I - ----- you look for Kitty t �., coine?" S. Le aisked. reckon we'd better -try to, unlog.d." 20 acres. which is nearly all plowed and ready for slffint� OMPL. 4; Clinton CaAPTPR XIL "Good Lord,. he said that, did bell' IGNORE b,n old Spavin SpH One quarter of a mile to schoc Next week, toward the end ink, �h .0 stay ov r for 141INNER was at the cotton com. "You bet, an?. the old M4 station and elevator 3J miles. Raie chance for in mammR. She* wanted got whiter terding- purchasers as owner is unible, to work and w4ythlng. '13.0- ivishes to retire- Apply on the premises or address the guard ball. U hen she'll be ready press the next morning watch: more excited ef 0% JAMES MAHAFFY, Clinton P, O_ 2081 -tf the' gaAg, of negro hands member, it ii jest with 1you, :G-eorge, for a r6sf iere." Cure 'he said. 'Tell, mR. positi-te, would you Mrs. Crinston p [nched Lydlas' fire compress and load several carj LE 5 I alary-$7 to -&--lained witha Jack sell right now if 11AR31 FOR SA -For sale Lot 9, Concession 7, it wa� yote deal r aining 100 acres. roddened cheek carewingly. "bon't London Rml, Stanley, cont ------- t oness with XendaUls All -,leared- with the exception of seven acres of bush Wanted—Brakemen and I iremen siso a mouth. you miss 41 those thini v, dearest George hung his head 4 mWuts lkle .rn al to his eeoh, inaple, ets- There -is on tl;e place sold the ani go�a I 'a frame house with kitchen and woodshed, stone foun- "Not onq b la! gave then he said: 'Yes, Mr. laillypr, a alify you by mail. Cou�se sitn-o�e, It, ma:. =I d We teach and qu "y. "In for ai A IwOMANS ORLIDEAU you leave it to me; I've! hunti on J eat After ei or_ weg�s good cement cellar ; hard and soft water, one her. moth& her e3esl-rustIn-c"I VW I fill-Itu. TACUCAI a­,�d thorough. ten VOV. 2nd. 16_c_ =the house and one at the barn. Good baink willin! I to. . It may 6 guarantee to assist getting yo A#4 a0ham- ad long as rm OWdy wl fmc remcily for "ra, 78 x 40, with cement floor iris stabling, also, im. fact, Somet,.1mes I'm jiid a DREADS DOCTOR'PS QUESTIONS �Ighejrt but I n on -any railWaY in CAWA. --ver without it' ptementhoua,� 24 x 30, and fmme pig house. A19011 ed of all. Iwent thiough since I r6alize climb- to $1,50 or eveii st step is writing for o booVtt. %ares -of orebud. -Tbis is an excellent farm in first- to resk IV iTheu, tb* old dontt want k J. VXSDIM. class shape. Also a lot of wire. fence has recently the beatio of thlr f4 1, vig(% 011�1 lif'D Thoumnds Wrka to Mrs# PlnkharnD Lyn"o th f underdraining done lately." It is e Ins. Mott can A%ss., and Receive Viduable Ad,;�Ico Absolul, :.man� shot arouild the oMce like P_ dog TIRE DOMMON _PJU LWJ nd,a lot o mountJ3 r. E! remedy used -by two here in tely Confidenfld and Free. PONDENCE SCH00t, 'the London Road, P, =Be and a half from -In7 fer Osh ( ffer CORRES piut It .1 Itu o n; Clur S llop- after its tall, 'wh bQtUe-6 for So. Ur have a Witter time on Prineft Dept. Drucefield. Will be sold reasonably, either writh or ry I! tell 'FOU, old lake orde�� eed the like. �A itise On The Hom" Apply on the premises or address - Iter'ovet these !ad and nere can be no more terrible inever s 4i I -vdthout crop Ing helter I tive, refined OFF Brucefield P.,O. JAMES PETRIE. 2067-tf is CoMplet with a maGhin- tk. to a delicate; WOMRA man, thar's seme!n, at 0e, bottom 01 ,,-ou many a dollar ff of fields, thaA'l ever "4 vying wi ot =7 UVW16- Pa ct lense% than to be ob to answer certa$ ery for th ahudfa t, d fa thisIt, 'y for a free. copy. -is in of :11U er girls Or thq,,' d and acied upon. RMS FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -Lot 14, 4nost dancel re to her private I sk Hanks. Ion, and South Half 14, 4th Conces- thne Vors tho ger I "What' are they. -now. FA on and n I a Sill. , I qu"ons in P man Willi a lei: of boys� 3rd.Conmss' We invita Ui to t '11 even when I ions an; w1k L KENDALL CO., 27 when I aughed 11 some- �"They wasu!t in the �d mma," Lydia -on, in the Township'of Hullett, are offeied for sale all in grass ex see a lens ground gh., Oh, ma by her yei, and man When t.�, lildren Cou or C. �s. VERmou torenL TheycousistofMaCres, tboi4 of, y asb med of haviuil come through," -r, U -S _A. cPt.1.#C.resin bush. A good two-storey frame Our methods' co, i, 06USt timei I'm,*& W'full use, good bank barn, 60 x 70. with power mill, a, and optich n. done all that when -W, en"- "Both of lem stmek oly upi own fer give theta that old reliable retnedy that never fars to et xe dr1ring shed, Sox 50, and Etheep house, 20 x-36. The SO They &drilled welland "When*bat, darlin T1 Mis. Oran. the.telegraph offlee lie &,ace is well watered by a spring, OP re compress 01 E'S TION On eri THE TA _B" CO. a, thar ver. It is situated al- miles from Clinton and T ton!s UpO we ed, her eyes 3ii was too anxious to wait fer a messen POEPAIRA if, wd�adapted for stock 6r grain.. Also Lot 12 on E S n the speaking the reports ger boy to brin U It 0 f Axed hal� � fearfully ro the Oth Conee of 100 acres, twilve SIa V C -blr Bob's ,-rea bush, the reit seeded cTown - A never failing 237 D �,mjaj Zt. Lolad no (Ow. counteman;ee. comes George now, lolag These Wind 'IM Bale windmill for pumping many of God's ee 'im?-an! f1914t ritak r s Cou '017 with the IV hen th -ar store --s spring a1r so ere Wk -P and on ever aee Hill - (arms uill be sold together or separatel is the old man. Did you will be It Or shells I if pover- -tg terms to slut the purchaser. If not sold.will be in t It creatures here 0 coug S up --Olds rented. R. J. MILLER'L box 25, Clinton. 2046-tf Nurs, e &'Mot 11171!i.,�i.14;11�: IV* yer walk like that? Let's go over to --and heals inflamm a- tr I o rise, ry I Lng to and sery 9 row 0 the office an! meet lem." A bro4c4k1 tubes, .0solutely pure s+d TA le sunshine I fe. tion in thmat an into the t�e pablia in- tha stave FARM FOR SALR-The undersign, 9� ACRE coral *=dad Kenner anks st�od der the t4ink I could be P F 8or alilhdren. 25c druggists or from Used If and H 'Is& for the last 35 yews� 100 0 offers for, sale that -most desirable 0op- r. per Cecify, h P �botfle. At I iw I awning in front of tj ie w lx6house erty 'k-nown Big Lat a, Concession 1 Township of Dr. P....�-. Dy could oulk help thosC& people in soine s v 9 in sayin:Lr tnat Wa There are, on the prem. Ali V - e, Elanshard, Peith County. make wheil George and the merd,1111t ar- W-ATION DRUG & CHEMI At CO. UmItod LONDON, QvL 31 if AgE 'the best cast and steel -brick house 2 tch: 1. want to teacla them, to eucour- Aes, a good � 2 x 24, Nvith kitchen atti W -4y. rco"L 16.X 2(j. both il�l good repaiy a large bank barn, e in tbe It 4egra- rived, They all went into offlee all"() -them,', not to belleiv marker, to -day. underneath; one on the 7ox 10, - clan cemeint. silo, 12 x 37, and virh good stone stabling Resomi the, I) Felil y I together. other useful dation. Mamma, just the otterlda first -0 t- L. E. ,are the hmkh Coivem., buildings. T11A farm is well watered, both in fron old woman 1IIngN from rz/71 M_ "You think Jacobs C04 are the 41 ium saw an AWL �W W AR -k zknd in Oe rear and _iSL adapted both for ain ii,d rewit 0 - d in sli J e'i vagon best to deftl with, then?V the'old mau INV IM -1 te of offtivation, 44 A wagon,at the gatet a IRE took ral$ing and is in a high sta proprie - continue to'suffer �ather than to "Urd, !my boy. T which is ell known from tile fact that the rd 1Y)MM& Was her daughter, p6orly dr -sel, but was saying eag�rly' J rM."A Natio 60 TaUT phy0III. We V ees an gaff 1 -9 or has resided thereon for nearly fifty yeats, being to examinations which I icould4ot stand ,h her features were finely'. dr wE, and I ef we slipped up nQW` one of the most successfulfarmers in the township. cians propOSe In order to inte gentlOr hurch and e th a irtat it 'we must trade wfUllsoll&partle 0 siaeak to Ifle disease; aj is is the reason Itis centrsaly located, being near both c Saul wheu I stopped t id th " I school, and within ean, reach of agood market. bs & Co. is all right,0 put For a prin- 'Jaco urher particulars address JOHN SUTHERLAND, 940 looked at m� as ii why so many P icians W to CuTe ago .1 . 1 '004 as tile Kenner. "They are as E, Kjr;�torl P. 0. 29N-tf feniale disease. ors Rt:0 cess, Ohi mamma, that sor Of thill" UL thousan4a banl.%" in con- Dysp S cuts me. I have not � �one al rthing to This is also the r(ason why In sle*twn modern shucks," Z:x 11 oven and ARAIR, FOR $ALF-­L0f, 15, Concession 2 ; Lot P I �Mpl so deserve that, and I I PO r thing, what has upon thousande of women am corro.- "Some banks Mutt "th NaAy trUstees aa4 executors they can exert, se ail supervifrion ;nn, -roomy F15, Concession 3 ; S. J Lot 14, Concession 1, ppoilding with'Airs. Pink -ham, d-uu - ;� up, George. Nothl g but to _gh sai lyer. "Look 'e Conebssion,j,, Huron Ro94 Survey, �OaCU,eheSq, she in store for her! With prhly gUSTSIL- and S 3, Lot 15, d Hil have thed r ti�ae fullyoc UrieA over the Xnaulgemont of itbe 1),ax, thorau ill -law of Lydia E, Pinkham at commercial mang Is' Township of Tuakersmith, County of Huron, contain y .2 fti -dles of the tbriv- fall into e sort of her ot her is see what their ODDSV PatROII, $�Iasa, To her can confide eve their ow.2 business aff, They e*tes t aad price within thff inXV) aorez�, -situated within tivo n �h George opened an ei�orinous, green- oinmift A to our 11g, town of Seaforth, one of the best markets in 'leading." in over the find it d1ficult to spaie the time Lbss b f Mope tit@� detail of their i i e N, Pan d f rmo in r ran I of everyone. - Coasider This farm was awarded the gold �ed A �rs. Cran- ' tained from _f covered book on the des*, Our intimate asgo�1%46n with "That's all true', Agre gy t6rn Ontario ge, em 0- -he farm competition. of IM. The farms gn '--at �:no 11-w1e, for a moment and! neces, to attend to Oe inanifold points, and eaU for ia- -axedal in.0 S�lt euni, Mra� pages turne 1. "They there are different graftes of experli the Huron zm� Uag Uld have been all pastured for the past ten years and stont "bui t ng female d 4C I farming. Rpysi el&% d would now be in excellent shape for genera pin Vi from three uUndre -to five detailt In I oaziectio* *ith 1he soclety, tiud we caiilt awit tbi t cou- kham ie sick women more are quoted and; credi or Vh; �ropei adwinistraflo4 of the Soil good cluy lown-two-storey brick dwelling house i Al be said. p Savings, Co. gives us' S" ditidn. en the �� eaker'j A fa 2e be- ivisely than the loca I physician. hundred thous, 06nd kitohen writh brick woodshed -hot air fumue- I q . e all r! said -curing for our :19state tone tells es m hard and Vitchen-fine grou And I tro es came niore r1gId, h r Mn. Pinkbam helt: -0h, yes, they Ar tates e 2tripted to thi of pro L. L rgreens and CiAar hedges -orchard ere t* wia Moiltreuil of efery dent they I 4brubbery, evei Delle. E Kenner. "You'll get olmd- vroflu.Bla soft water in nds - witill and Read ' how cod 0 the tentative.', "And the inixiw S J has a message A it and north -good a r1sin g fro f the t so, T -hi 9� Coiopany the best e=3 of s With spruce Nvindbreak on weE -30auesofhardwoodbuah,.. uard- Latoure 5 t., �uelec, Que, agree to pay. Don't think in you ents. M1 Rh� Ll e1% elements,! my dear," she out Dear I&TS. L imIcharn for busy trustees anal executors. X -w I I _R barns with stone stabling t4e Hanks?" investm IFOIRT 1, tuapleand beech ell watered witIx spring creek in woul"ivide pro- B oo(L edly, "sometimes produces sad com- 9 nnd river, . Will sell alt4ogether or owe _Q oi e jiMited �md "I sallbred for el mon-ft with what h ders. "I We wil relieve tne�nXof the Correspon&4 allie Clocto I agged his :8 OUR ..U,%L which 6-aused grelat Ranks shr, wrty No better property in the County of Huron. 6, ber how � El plications. You rem rs called pro A ifl!Hty and detai� Seaforth. .2026-tf he re - resp st 5C ffix T. DICKSON, WrK. L. Lothawus, bene�tft ber in weakness over My Systern, with faiUt dout kuow a, thing aboilt -Von pzr�mptly Bu] lTduj%, Ont, Dunwood� married N ANT NOTIONS. kepi growing weaker a�d it Was my 'I billeve killed dizzy SPel sponded slowly, "but ef 4exlngtoi, and that act'41117 i -weaker. seieral ;!A'cines wh1oh 11670 n . e OHN, BEATT.1E. ft. u ' a happy, t.11ey <.qai cure my trouble, b1fit deal I would." - 39 OR ei Ion 0 her father an ined. would nders&;ned will rent his far f ed Kenner, a term of a number 1U y1othing was of the le ist benefit.until I tri�d 'Te u would", la ve to a tenant for Late Division Court Cler1c, has of prop , not bee a Or home?" . I . So Yo 1� 1i oc k BI Lydia E mpou who never rem met an'oceasion WO serious Cork", "That was awfill, Siniply'l W W eonq= of 210-acreff Olt :zrties for sale or to rent, among which is a goo -i dix cultivation and in good 10 rapidly t F oomtortable house on Jarvis Street, Seatorth, large PinUmnils Vegetable Co, ta 10 ! 1 1 .; 4 -did -illis helped me "I o d know the apply at onw- an a zteub marked -Lydia. 'Yoa kno* I -lanks. Mns and partictdar enough to accommodate a, good sized familJr ; 2 lots. 911 htxT(lJy believe my g)od fortune. I wo for a stab at I Joseph 1'. 0 1W gIV4 Could B4 arce- �y wor4, aW ilow the'r 3 Will oe sold on reasonable terms and, possession lave 0 otore the t�70 Inonths Afterl*ard. And I. gladily paid $25, 00 for that first b sort 01 Socks th( ell as 14001n 01-4 sold. Also rooms to let and a 11% th for it.started me on I bLe road to health, i saw yore 'AV to sell on teeih wa$ filled before reasonable- terms- Irsurance affect Gum I s L011MONs ONTARIO. made on satisfac- seve, re he I a& most bf.staveripe, thimbles aral the W, ed, debts collected and loans five bottles duredm.-. gra 5nomica clean, lall *, and see, low en. id, ro ust health, an ut it at all," i regulating ard and be convinced. Late DiyWion . Court Office, Sea- esss; art Iflor my sp] d I b4d any doubts i1boL safe and ddMl)le,- Jory security at reasonable 'rates C, okadh heat conveying, certuinly r ommen the Vegetable Coln - as ne waz comfort ana 0%va 201841f pound in glowi s to all my friatids said Ha4ks, "I'd attael� a' sit -,,ht MdK*' HOUS11's -to Let; Alr draft lop I ax 6 Ms. They add 1 .4% ng e& orders by nabl to d mY P material UE it is deserving of 1111 o' ladin!. emmuto al retall. WM- ous ork. &fter and acquaintances, to the t Two good h ouws, bo h largr4 enough A d, wholest GH -1 I !i tre#.t, . f**_ LL t:rly oetn _e or es of C-0 P S, the praise I n Ve I I . wo be# ca The undersi J be at the It0j'al Hotel, $treet,' Manul=turer. that bag da- and'Sutu 01 e oat J. Lewis Thomas 14 +.,hA t I To be Oon, *Iuid. Q..T-.fu 'em Ise aoh In allal Tt W80 04e Oil I - . . I " . I —Y I a Dy Cm U 'Architecb,itc Late Dominion De ezA LUUY rea OM. Co Civil Engineer- Ida '0' MOrP Tie r, uptil DeCenl r 1, to rnmm i !on Copp Oonsultin�� Engineer lo rst tau elrra that no medidne in the world equ,"Is, _WsS Baker, Mite -bell, has been from I to 5 dd Itrtment Public' Works. nend r A ra t t stiom They ap- taxes. This houW has a larplitab willbe Lydia R Pinkham's Vegetable W4- 4 OUN Me.11 DoInted trin ci and 0 '1 unicipat or Uounty work. Eleotrio Rail r6ad8 d ti t tbre cipal of tho Sudbury pub- 11 IL &N, given onNoveraber 16 - r restorin- women's health� =144 JOIL, 11 13BATITIML Sewerage orWaterworks 8) stems. Wharym Bridges Forn Ut WOMC n.0 yellov box pound fo UC sch(K Collector. 2OW 4 udl tb I at a wary �ot $00. yi Re enforced Corieretf_� rue= 292W. LONDON -.05T. Ar J -4 L -1 .3 � - � I I I . - .- .: t, P , , I _­-, I—— , _1 _­­ , __J