HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-11-08, Page 6pr ,ioyi&. b s. e . 'r $3.500. In Redd ,tho year - soldtad -Sa Brunnee rice, Of= Sn g in hig st nd by One centre fin teh, 'wel bewas ' and nQui evorkt on _the b litting th gth. --Chas. V hzeitteleed unictueidotienitendothrea$suceest others. bei way- yeti win -rutty, freedom from acidity. eslettabieuess-nainat's ed by meg, moiled by feeseat about half tat piece of bestnueorteel er tit _W urday t to 460,00 . ielladen ble was id -k- f the ors s, er th f 11 s, is a know t or Ern remit Man.. died ening last, after a. lin ering I ne m heart trouble, 1 He was I Year. 1 James Thorne, recen ly sen enc d a year it the Regina jail, O r b asnr, Made his es pe hit% w rki a field adjoirdng the p lam, b t n captured. Four little• both; and! ne litt e 1 o had been: stealing articles f• shack in =Portsge' la Prairie, we a victed at the police c urn a fl $5.76, each. The magi trate a SO tee that each defende. t be w in ti. Fire which broke on in a. sta le ed by Levi Beck, Y kton, as troyect the building 3,Ith th two horses, one cow and wel e gums. Tne financial lloss fa alto ,000. It is I, sulapectedi tat- the f started I by an ince diary. F&1 wheat is turning out el district ielbutery, to • hilt° ta. J. •G. A ` CampbeEl hay g a eld of thirty nushele to the a a E. Wydmeyer terent -eight o t e 0. Wm. ' Leslie has a large cr P spring wheat which shows fi 0 ple. Farmers there arp greatly e - ed at the threshin r sul s. Dr. A. M. Strobel, f tonwa k into his mouth lby stk& so e bolic acid, but ;diecove ed hls er r ore he s elloWede it. A bot e f ver all was standing by an th s at once took, sanew at rel evi g pain. He has , a very sore out, will recover. 1 • A threshing separator belong g o D A. Bernier. -stoat eigh miles ou o Plum Coutee, was bur ed .on Mo . Tho basis is about' $ 00, wh ch s c erect by insurance. his Is e • d naachine which has •een de tro In that district this as re A twelve year - old la lex Id . A . s of a fa,rtner living ne r Stnewel , It tle rifle. The mal 1Mann shot let ge tyn 1 a t es And. :he .14d inn and t t en times before it fel e Wo Is that the anima .di not s rin the plucky little ' fel w . and: to: sd traTBRIN. max Om% iv. ..1104fte ntvaio neva.M1° Jena.% trearsea. to axed obith ebonalatertet DemtiStr Csffine And Ventdial one Inter east Sentertlit e or the, Ontario an Honorary intanhez tbe Itiodieal Mweelation *f the OnteriO Veterinary College. rat s kliseemem of ell Domeetio Animals by the most modern princi- Jee. Deatistry and Vita Nevir a laity. Office opposite Dick's . Main street. Seetfortht All re left at the hotel will eetei've atntion. Might 106-119 offtime. 1171-52 ,e 8, tattits. UMW S.11111LORAN„, Iftsrister, Wicker, Notary Pub - Ile. obi. Money to loan. In Seaforth litecAlem itritleyn and Saturdays. Of- thes open even week day. Over Plekaren store, Main street, Sea - forth. 1984 ° & !MTS. Barrieb3r. •Salicitor." 'Conveyancer ludd zrottay Public. Solicitor for Domhnon Itank.,,,-Office-In rear W the Dominion Bank, Seaforth. Stoney to loan. 1285 11. 13111T. Barrinter, Solicitor Conveyancer and Notary Public. (ince apnea -ire Weer Year's drag store, Main. street, Peaforth. 1327 t Botta-mum. Barrister, Solieitor, Convey:- 1mm' Notary Ekkliel ter for the iiiartastsm Bank of Commerce. hitoney to loan. Fernis for !tale. Of - give in Scott's Block, Hain street, Ireaforth. DICKINSON & GABROW. ilarrieterta Soliettore, etc.. Gede- Plebe Ontario. B. L. Dickenaon, Chas. 4rw, L. O. B ' '18334f DENTISTRY. -makes serv happy -makes s t o , look fres/31cl n and beau ° polished. -makes stove polishing cost less, too, because - -Stove lasts longer,' is the its price, and is the can buy at any p tie ste lil WelAnderty, of the RI ge, nor erson,IstE144., hadivo, tb ns of b ed on t odnesday .111 ht last h been burning 'etre* ilea . d th day, and, • at night. th . wind u =end f ire& the building, -The co tanned abut 1,600 bush1s of ' ' will oheina big los, . espe e ' year wtile, priceso high; ' Tdp to the ;resent time . the Governreent hast pur hasedi riled' ito the public.. se ift 0vince, 1,410 flags 'to e flo dance with the flag . olicy o ernment. Of these rias 160. e. tine§ costing ,.$ 6 ea la • an ander were smaller o, es - ewhere. about $3 ea.chi Over ' 200 . teachers a semble onton last : week, at he anus vention of the North Al erta T ach Association. The as entblag hole, is composed of biight, ler able looking young m n and wo- in whom Northern lberta can h- repose the traitig 4 the j ven- populatioal. . , . • Wm. Smith, .drifer, for local er factory, was ant in boat ompainion. an CrecentI lake,. la -Pealrie, vvhen . he eached i - gun and - ew it tovi de hi , . h neezele. - e Weapon, ais in leer discha gett and th charg e d his gam betweexi the elbow h shoulder.. It maybe ecedse, •utate- the arm. Charles F. Bunnel, of .Win finished his threshing in his pringfield. His wheat which plenslid satitele went 2 bustie acre.' The barley. aye aged t els, ut the white pet whic home oonstimption, we e not he b ley yield', yet o fine .B4 Z. HODGINS. Graduate of Royal College of Den- tal Surgeous of Ontario. Suoieesaor to Dr. Twaddle. Offiee-Over ddbungte gray, store, Main street, . Neal -era: _ MEDICAL. _DR. JOHN Mee-INNIS. Offize and: residence Vintoria Ste forth, Phone 73., ABif NA je BURROWS. Ofinno- andfle-A dence-Goderich rest. of the Methodist e.hierabe forth, Phone No. 48", Oortoner neer the ooanty, of Baron, 1388 DRS. SCOTT & MACKAY. thederioh street, opposite Metho- Met. ohare, Seaforth. g. G. Scott, graduate of Vitoria laid Ann Arbor, and member of the 4sitario College or Physiciens and cone. Corone.t. for the nensitY arm. hiaokay, honor graduate of ityi University, gold medalist of .aity Medical College. Member of f.itee *allege of Physicians and, Sur - aeons, Ontario. 14n. DR. EL HUGH ROSS, ear,aduate of MAY-en:say of Toronto Maoulty of Medicine, member of Oloe lege of Physizians and Sam -eons of Ontario et pat: gra,duate uouesee in intleago 'Clinical Sohool, of Chicago; Ronal Ophthalmic Hospital, London, *Ragland University College Hos- nital, London, England. • Office-. Over Stewart Bros.' etore, Main St., Meafortie. P.hone No. 5. Night calls Snowered from reeidenos, Ylotoria *treed, Seaforth. • 11190 .A.UCTIONEERS. • THOMAS BROWN. A/ceased auctioneer for the 000n - idea of Huron and Perth. Orders naft et A. M. Campbell's implement arterooras, Seaforth, or en the xpesitor Offize, will receive prompt ittentien, Satisfaction guaranteed or *barge. 1708-tf • WAMES G. liffoldICHAEL. Esteemed auctioneer for the soon - ft of Huron. &dee attended to in ono part of the county. at moderate sates and satisfaction guaranteed. prders left at *the Seaforth post office, or on Lot 2 --Ctoneeselegx 2, will reoeive prompt. at- tention.• 1882-tf S. PRIMPS Licensed auctioneer for the ooun- See of littron and.,. Perth. Being a • . ;practical •farmer -and thoroughly Innderstanding the vatu.e of farm. Itock and implements, places me in better _position to realize good prioes. )0hargs4 moderate. Satia- taction guaranteed or no pay,. Ail eerders left at Hannan pest offibe ea at Lot Z3, 6101100491-tim 2, )lay, Will he promptly attended ;to. 1709-tf Don't a Coug IT CAN HAVE RESULT. IT TJEJE THROAT. OR BOTH" AF DR. WOOD'S NO • SYRUP IS THE YOU NEED, It is without an equal Coughs', Cottle, Bronchi Pain in the Cheat, Cough, Quinsy and an Throat and Lungs. A single dose of Dr. Pine Syrup will stop the throat, and if the cough come settled on, the I properties of the Name proclaim its great virtueri7i calloi. Norway Ping b eradicating the bad effecte, an eat use of the remedy cann about a completeoure. St Do not be humbugged and insist on having Dr. pat up ia a yellow wra0 trees the trade mark, and Mrs. Henry Seabrook, Iles) writes: "I have used Dr. INV Pine Syrup in our famfly f r th -years and I consider it tjhe -known for the cure of coldn all my children and myself.' f heajt in Cant bins hea an an th th wer Eh tin soda with ort - for • by en a ipe ar V06., S •ir a • qua ual A sad eve t took pia, e near th Deer river, east of I nisfail Al a. Mrs..D vies, , wile if a ros us farmer in that di triet, en the yarci to assist the children i rng some cattle. ;Among them wa 11, just lately purchael-d, and h ed- and -feeed her, Fe ring the hull might be savage, s. D vie away, andt;after gang few ace down, expiring instantiLy, ere um from heart disease. There is every indicati n thai th at Chalk Sask., wIl be vi ite Another 1.1 famine is wl te al convent s have no e in $ k odel cars that arrive e qu ckl tied, the coal belng- d livere 1 lots to those who ave o der It is belleveil that tlio- fareer fairly well supplied' but In ow ly all -the coal t1ns 4re e pty now that 'the wheat s ippin ha ted' there Is not tnuch chanc o adequate sup'1y ofcoaft ! bein de 3rand .Trunk Rai Systenj. Railway Time Tahiti Trains leave Sestorth folio*: 10.55 is. al. For tflnton, Goder.oh Ving Kincardine. 12.46 a. m. For Metal] and GderIch tug p, ni; dirionre.Olinton„ Magmas:I on 10.45 g. m ' For Clinton and erl . 6.35 and 7.52 For Stratford, Guel hp a. m. • °dills, North Ba n poi Belleville- and Pe arbor a east. 82 pi m. For Stratford, Gu 11, treat and tonth ea or, ('Itt, %V St tg" Pe eon 6.88 p. m. For Stra ford, Gq, igh d rrne e London. Huron a 01170 Realm - London, depart,. Centralia- .., •• •• • atarrh• And Deafness I Can be Cured. CONVINOE T01/, 'we will sena you, post fre e 71.26o tube of Kara's Australian Catarrh Rem- edy', on ten days trial. If benefited, send us the money. We know our remedy has no equal in curing chronic Nasal Catarrh, -.Deafness and Cold in the Head. Write to.day. Zae F. R. HAW CO., Limited, Department 0 - COD. QUEEN & VICTORIA STS TORONTO 0 •Ili` as ma an ••• ..,..-,- Kippen...... •••••• •• d ituie 1 area cm, 0 30 El 40 a gee '0.08 10.16 1 10 80 10. 0 tiondesboyo _ 1.18 Bl ,,1! 27 fialgrav 1.. ea VirilighlkIR 11111,78 A • 51 1 41 OtORO *Ingham, depart...0o • • on,- 6.40 A.11. Belgrovo-614 • Myth- 7.08 teondesboto...• I • •41 0.1. dr 7.16 4 Minton-. • • •• 4.•,••• 750 •• 8.12 100Pen-,. 7 Hansen.... - Mgr ••• as 2 an 4•01 a. so OW 48 6 Ocatralia. •••.•:••••.,.-9 06 6 London, 10 00 A. a 6 red! there. A -shocking,and d about a mil altona. It apipea the name of king wth . g, was brl bags to Ke •fakal a 'est that ens!, ., Burn ging a los nay, and Il jug in 'front of Ola wagoi gave a Jolt, t tun te man under s,• wi1ch imed1ateiy the 1 heavy loacted over Ithe an's- bodY. tw ty i4inutes 1 aft A cident Ke a Bat who ' thre dI of ming ee's h rowin starte agon e liv the H. Ne'tivton, e Of Se kirk, ted t is &taw': one b shel a • of a new variety sot • ttato 'Wee :Macgregor." -1.Mr. Ne d from that bushel a d a ;43 ter y-threebushels ted a s po atoetid are an exc tient Ing very .white and 1 oury, n skin and shale* in eye.. very few small ohes und in eitheananority bang of a goo en size. Prof. Rutherfo et, of Hobe: !Agricultural Gal ge, t • aine potato aver ged ba ei ti the titre On tee c - Palineratt.n. and Kin GORKG NORTH. • PR88. ' ' Pass Palmerston - - . • • • 7.55 -p.m. 12.6.7 Ethel._ .• - ars OM AN 8.41 . 1.84 Brussels., - .... 8.51 1.44 Bluevale....• - .- 9.08 1.66 Wingham•• •• • • - 9.15 2.08 Glnie Scum. 'Pass. Pass WInglmm.„, ,, _ ,,,,. Blaeyalb_ _, • . _ 6,48 a.ro 5,05 6.52 • 11.10 Br meta- •••• •• 7.05 11.26 Etnel.. 7.1611.87 8.05 128) J. Lewis Tho Civil Engineer, Architect,ete Late parteleat 3.*ubli0 Works. Consul ' Municipal Or County work. Eieot Sewerage or Waterworks Systems, Wha Rewt eld28.i. 0r00d ConCrw et;e- Pal2220ii. .6 4 6 1 a .1a to A si t, Sea °ache ened he b bu ens . 9 ad 2 a, e erable da,ma fires, in the o' north of a and chit Morelia her; horn y the bello e Isa ask en wh , an Ing hap nay nde wa, hin al Use see t ass d a- 4 CC an, call re ha alt ook an er th av th te 62 eg been . on e lake dis toone Mrs ere a lee n the fir - were a f the trig! barn. The j haise the • barn, t hoise, a ed. s foil ystan gr Rain barn Id hey were b far r ' ported i are Ian, hay ; Ole, t, fift Acre 8, grain; 8, barn,. hay I and LOUIS -:Ve . -Dem:earl IL Bogs. , E. Dolph! Co the ws- vig 111 alt, and 4t oreteste 6 86.9 9 TERRIBLY CEAC 61•63463113...3 ./tUk Healed Theln. Ove and over :again. the val am- ok - for chapped and laces has Peen demonstrated of 'Portlezelf, adds her miy rand says t 'My -bands ore •aid. cracked that I.cote1s11 ear weter. When 1 tided twheild smart and bane scalded them. I eeetned to get 'elief from eolith -them until I tried Zane hem O th ha. abl ut o -0- t e balm succeeded when al di felled. It .closed the big ave me ease, soothed the infl ion, and in a very short time y hands completely." Made that are chapped may 1e re - tore d to the smoothness ot heal h by dictate application of Zata-B The 'value of Zeta -Bak, either, as a rotective }OW a, corrective, canna be verestima,ted. A box should e on very dressing table. Zarn-Buk heals sores, cures eckerna, kin erUptions, .uicers, ringwod'm,j itch, arber's rash, blood Poison, bad4 leg, altrheum, abrasions, abscesses, cuts, Urns* scald, and all skin inJurie and lout. s. Of .all stores and dru gists 60 er:ts, or froth Z9M-Buk 0o, T- onto, Jr.or price.' 8 boxes for $1. 5. bur hacks Were Hint e of ehed s. testi- so t put do ELS it quite ng I Buis, else acks. ma- ealed I JS. Perilous Outing, Am* Mrs 1.11 McIntoch, of Woof tock, h. e'e again after a six re nthe rospeeting. expedition through the d highlands- of Northern Ontar o, in rapany with Ids brother, Mr. . A. ant° h, of Cobalt. Messrs. 141nt tosh ft eijvilizatton ion March _1st last. heir Object was to stake . rn era elate, •and in this, though great a.rd-. p w endured, they were ver SUC- 99fil1 Seventeen. ClejtrIS •were s ked d in these lie some very rich b s of lver and gold. The essrs. McIntosh left Lator ord hich s some miles from Cobalt and ent canoe up the Montreal Iver • Fre erick House, a Hudson. Bay ctory They then took the .A Mbi d kt e rivers up to the H dson ay ropany's post, Moose Fa ory, Jee es Bey. The Mesars. McI tosh ere ithout guides and the ex- rienc s In !prospecting were u 1 que d v led. During their entire Jatay 1 the woods only seventeen da s ol 1...d ether greeted thnno The limate of that portion o the. °Tin 6 of Ontario, they descri1 as •ther wet and -dismal, owing, per- ps, t the ' great amount of er- t. kes 'Ind treasna. The count a- dne Phrts the Indian's are st In lands in minerals and timber In eir primeval state. Moose emdi ther f • g gathe are very plentiful. Mr.AvicIntosh thinks !that that part -Ontario never ke ar Ing c untrY. The 'country is rough and .i'ountathous and wholly unsulte for a" icul urea ;purposes. „ ti Te Anth‘r ' I Copyr,firht, , Substitat ,, _ till WILL N. HARBEN, of "Abner Daniel," "The Land 411 Abe Chanylna Sun," "The North Walk Mystery," Etc. I _ .790S, by Barge? & Bra ' (Continued from Page Seven. i -etc an' sorter= hew to the line. -T en, tin, ate o' the clerks that San Ord :: ed. to let do purty much as he llked is startin* to light: a cigar behind s ow case, an' Bob yanked 'tin up eo. I - eyn't nave no smokin' in the honse, J .' he said politely. 'We sell lim- e, icker aa' gunpowder, an' have to be crefuL Besides, it, don't look right d rin' business hours, an' ef we wa 1,90 k tch fire an' burn out we'd want to CI!lect i6ur insurance without bein' ac- e sed o carelessness.'" Hillyer said, his amused glance o the ace of his wife, "I believe Bob's g in' tc do all right My daddy Used ti think I was dead lazy beca'se I Si dn't like to chop sproute In the laid - d i od August as well as I did to play b 11 twice as hard, but the sprouts Was s fun an' the ball game mine. This h re's Bob's fun, an' the only way to a ount -to a hid o' beans is to enjoy witat yo're at. You think yo'rea model bnsines, man, Hanks, but thar's ae e*.tech fun at the job you have, as playin' poker with a full hand. Y u'd g 1 to sleep sellin' supplies on timeler a lybodr1 but yoreself, but yo're iide awake as it is. The truth is, you n Iver tr ed to find out whar Bob's talent lay." auk drew himself up. He had not s lied uring his visit, a.nd he reefely m de ohcessions. He did both row ther iheeplshly. Well, I've come over to tell you •laat I goi " to take up that note," he opa. Wh t.note is that?" Why, the one Bob give you. I rc-c- I'ni able to stand the -the resk as 11 as you are." Well", and Hillyer smiled again at hi wife, "I think you've get a lo o' 1 to Ome tell me a thing like t at. \Vlien did I ever ask you to give a g d 14n to me?" I think so myself," joined in rs. /I Vet-, Who had caught her husba d's dr ft. 1 Why, Mr. Hillyer was jest In Vot er day that it was mighty- gh ossi le to put money out Titha it be fh an' draw any sort ,o' in er- es , an' 13ob's got a good payin' sh b sines .11 ank shrugged his shoulders. I all smile had vanished; he loo ed ohewd. 4. I r thon I'll have to giveBob the - neer, ea, an' tell 'im to pay it ff. II on't want lim to be owin' a ybo y." Oh, hat's entirely a dikter nt at- te ' s iled the merchant "13 ut ou ki bett I ain't a-goin' to trantler ny no e w thout knowin' how It w ld s myi customer." n' that's within' moreni f rin II . Hillyer as Hanks rose a d s rt - ed to iekve. I he n xt morning at the w reho se H nk teemed somewhat pre cup pd. Pr gen y in a lull in business and Oli- ve satiori he turned to Hilly*. . I in; toned that note, to Bob t s rn n - in' at b ea.kfast, an' what yoi rec on he aid Huh!" ow do I know?" replied ch nt. -- ankg opened, the door of * 'gar his hand, and beg fo1 a c el of fire. "It sorter the 'fin,' birth Xied rath n Wanted vato er do you thiuk. 1111111;er hook bis head, * plea x- pressiort his face. 110 made o ply, but nuer apoke "Th boy don't int d to ax. you no edds he said, ' Isiory in his epee AJ ol exterior tractive, well kep through° Cranston There ltettanY was a re and 5oras In appear walls hun gilt fram It was ratddle of to her roo IA .42111APTER XL B CRANSTON' lived n fashioned, roomy hose at e end of Oda widest and lo g - street Darley afforded. Tbe the house was not ve t- ougb it stood. on a al$io11s, lawn, but it was equ pped with fine old furnitu e e had brought from Vir e, rare pieces hf soy in. - tile big parlor, a piano bleb of the days of Washi gt n, and chairs quite as a dent nee. On the w 'te plastered family portraits in en4slive e Sunday night aboutie ovember. Lydia had rt1r1ed and. tbe major' Wile re di g a newspaper in the lamplight be ore a cheerful Ilhe In the altfing room whnn Mrs. Cran ton came in from the parler. "Wen, on may be ea fined, Major Cranston, she said, "but m not" "Oh, y4u are noti at's ropg now?" 1e put his pap down a4id! looked up !at her infra/rine y, • "Well, I don't like tbe- way Ly a 111 doing at 11," replied the lady. 'INVI:tet' she done now?' The major spoke wi lust a little irritation, or he was in erested in the political nea. be bad be reading, "She bas't doneanythin o' trouble," flowered Oirs.anse she only ould do and be a in RV:11M d I wouldn't 'ea e. but h ' as differe is can be." "Why, In sure the chil seems wen enough to me," grumbled the major. "Well esfongJ51 She's the pietu ,e ef health. Bitit are you blind? Can't you see an in before your hose? o 't you rerne ber how she ered whet ve -moved a y from Mehra ted., and all the visits be promised. Kitty Cosby a d the other airle back there Then y remember how she mope4 about nrst nontl down here, and the fun she -made if t1is place and the people. 1 Bilt tow 1ook ft her. She's tickled to da.h over eve thiug here. What do yu think It x�ans, sir?" "Oh, sh was sick and tired of thill only socia set up there," said the Ma- jor, "and 4hIs simple, healthy life here in the rnoitntalns agrees Wth.her, s lit -ublagsbtev,sitshietop lyiansd inever what a god appetite. or a pl sant "Oh, do !dry up!" Mr. 3ransto4 sat down by him. "Yon are an blind as, 11 ".Don" nnault vette csenichtid." bat Don'tyou know Iodhe never was that way till George Buckley got to coming here and brining her bookS and papers !and going out with hen" ' "Stop!" Cranston's brew Was clouded over. "Dosi't insult yeur awn ,child." 1' He stood up, his abort legs quivering with exeitement "Do you thittc ra let that men come here -he, a sea ot a convicted11 tbief-if 1 dreamed-Wky, I'd shoot the top of his head off if he dared ---.hl"! , "There is Ilse use waking up the.Serv4. ants out in !the yard," add /fro. Crani ston in a tOne modtilated to that ahs wanted hire to use "We don't Waat any bloodshed; What we want is cionat mon sense. A den't think there is Much danger se fr. Girls will often allow, themselves to enjoy the admiration 0 ruen they edould not dream. of rahrryd r ing, andL:die has too mach faMily pride to tb,t , k -et encouraging hire to Eh,' any serious i' extent, but it :is well to • take time the forelock- . 1 was against i.tdiag WM come here at a11,1 you know, ut you odd it wisuld shock .the re11g1onl folks in the place foi a to trY to tabliels ietial linen Y4ier be stood so vel1, and"- i "I'll send her oil temorrewr e the major, s111 excited, kis stoic. high sad crlckhl3g. My be COntinued.1 . . . : ;=-111rhfur t h hfcLonatanl.of W eige ham, while a guest 1 at tne .Win or Hotel, in B andoti, Manitoba, died' On Friday last. , (While eating Idinner l -he was seized Ith a coughing fit, .land !died -in a f VV. tninuteS. - I) Wisa Get at leas an even start with yourloid friend Rhe atistu this year. 'You eau head laim off youstartxight now to tine It heals and rengtbens the.Kidner so that they wilt be proof eogait attacks, when sudden wages of weatlinw come. ° 50c. a box Ott Drug Store* or by men. 90 The airlE4 te. Law* loom BO astin Mai Its the dige BOV form all Wh with a 0 Ail g a day pa -more AU IL added to dish gives eel; your mouth walee--puts you , beefy flavor', ive organs exth ar is not a me the essence, =u arts the ga. t more nutriti extract. It tance and fl tired out, try an tle BOVRIL da biscuit. 'T --• ill refresh and odrooks 60, OVRIL alwa set that it cain4t help make s ourishing. rocers se BOVRIL. I 'tkid e deli1ghtful appetite on -edge- - c juices dlowing, n front the food y ontains in con vor of prime bee, n a cup of bong Water,. strengthen you. s on hand. Th elpins ne.4 trateO me dish more pa THE MATTER Ot The patte 614 you. have un new and goo mg man can ions assortm Suits and 0 all tastes. STEWA aarn-1.1% este, es ne" tea te d h„..thh_ot_teeel. ittrx3r Fau erage tanq shows a s at a prc.In" gra Cloth Mg tricted choice of and stylish. The ily sati ed With s ts as 6_8,,Pri, ess Brafid' , icoats to,l tiai.ITIRATme o VOR , 10 ost -eact-- ch ge ter- provi le& and s6uit 11 o'rEcitS. 11 E5 so perfect. a i4inutes Chocolate, P Alaple., Almond, TUE COW child arl Pink, Ild COC N ci ice a Lemon, ut Cre cake range, malted. ainc Our Mail Orde& Will Save Y- a ete aterry brink hbrise, v acme. 1.74417ar, ZERMO .iffral ttreoii etoraatettioa _ teepee tt System Money You can buy a rat coat 1 by mail from us just as atis- facTioray as by a pe..onai • - And think o the grator value this house ves yoi itt return foryourm ney. We Wy the materials diras, from the Itemvees, painstakingly me the coats in Our own factory, a» sell thets direct to you throu our ".• owx stores. We are in the posi- 'oil to give you best e in Calada--auzi we do! •, While very dressy, our rai- coas are; first of ail, water shed- ders. We gttarantee them', rain- prff. Best serge linings are used. Coas are hand tailored. 70 AIM _ki:* fgAtl noneotenotO All ?leaved withtlf.i I.Cech, map.* nte.11 hou..vs $ritai 0, good f.1OMEO the *Wife a 40,, itk beer...see! - retied 11 Anne tet 411 e plarar.leeez pe rje .4 complete saii.Vadio, or money re 4*. We will gladly mail samples of mate als if you will sen us your address. 48 to inch lengths. $95. $8.50 $10 $12, 1$15 up to $ E P:RESS PRErAID Operati 7S6 Factories land CS in Canada BIC London our Summer is are close at We are, ever had. in and Englis manufacture so reason0 Get in bef re the sh A' mt past and t e chill L 11 days and. e you ready o them the finest,sock w ihav cot3h Twee4s, Irish Serge Worsted -the finest th s could produce and a price Le they w surpr you Neari sed:•16 x 70 x 70, vith fuct-elass ednAeOC buildings. 'The174 the roar An raising cod ell is vell resided VA the West locc _1, and witlf Outlet Kirkton P. • ARMS POR Coricf.sme t OR