HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-09-27, Page 8W t L4 7- Lt E, M Trr B- E .T -r lg oi' Otto the a0d 1," VO-Ilf V dy in tlio blic *bbbl istaff iria de Ura. .10 ppoin to t777774 'E nT ;V duo pts eae­- the Wt VE U4 W 111wrik- kes 40"— z i ta 0 JU11 Amri atenr ALE_ ;e .0. 19hild A to P. whlo r0tA 10".— s .0916 per Anfiiitxi. Mil MA oe wr U "W 1 bm' l'i cita WN week -we eqrAm',icp ot --the e0al of XV -d and'will -ma ke` n or e our stobk of 9 - j. &Z 7b" d" Uredue" &'Inew ;1007 - - . & 040b. -4 of - by ulke nolt seen or' fie Poi Faney Clifna, previous 60 11 0 mj*i$ 7 to Mov- th it 0111 ing to blOr new store, -'we will Living in Be drth ot neOzby, nows fttthl all I Rie- ttint 41 0, We 110.1 T -heir son Fred dl6d', in urng er a 't, OAV P"Vlo*- evenk.1 910. tore h" thi 1.4utation, of beingone of tb bes 2& -pdr' -cent. 'We Therii are a gres inany sheds WAtlm g and Wnd 104% 0. 7WHVj:, .'Of it -, if TIM Alr Idt ko*, land, -,,:u Z,6111 !r0u111it,''i. -thb 604 ppod dr. g9od shwents in the c )unty and out - WildiuRs that will Ibl" My alsD -have, the bWane 1.1 ZOO In siaveraa montWh equi e, h -Stock aj­ the '--Dkyjg need or loubo kwoft Dill 'JnL town `VtsW'ftg new rwf -e t)ie Ihj . or", 7 1 .2 beig that the sty es how aTe absolute! all ow-- We h&ve ar 11 re. anoWfites. Our VW 'and ry. 25c 1 frl of 1- 8 6 11'6 . -" I we4r garments- are I ierfecIt m k6d low 6'read 107 till th% %A -potaitol 4d ­J-A .' ' e .4 that tl fl* the ftir ire 141 below whole.saletrice in L oder B tag logo .,Wei are selIln ly pade and accluate" B1 e&T it out, We dw. a wItIN jold, SWortit frioAds., 9 -VaIr thl w, i . -are al BrantTofd deg facto tliat prices' every way satis ry The Tlotinielatte worth l2c -for se a yard the low T ThaAk 0ff6r10&-­R­R J"k he IV et p)ipt eonaistent with the igh pali Iloof Ing is durable, economical -ofterling -m-etias, of 10 dr, 44 hirting k1 15e S r 1W tibs ad tb ; everytbing We rbell ii' juarau:eed t( tq nc y a ial GLADMAX & STAMURY,, Bardsters, E(easall d. CAR ana- auxjlj,%ry of tb# 1)welgm, ot tbo tottonades, - 20c f6r,15e T . u )e exactly as represeted. exawine it. wicei peresquare MjMd1=9Xy miety WIWI :Corsets,.%ockuhigs, and table Oilcloth e,, ay#, Thuad4yp and Saturday]% ties. Marred _,16 ,Wo0dj§t(kek ;R%he Wood- at EVapQra or. iyour own price. L, iAlfttavorai 14A A* ples, Wanted. at the J ensalll ajftjehl go Cf Joynt, Proprietft' r4saith&r thare w 'e FrkQt­P;r.%e 0do George e it0Z.450 last fiaeiis. thla foll.0190ft'g-referei we to- COmein"Wewillsave.youmo Y W*Tj IX at,iml interesting 'a qct of "o undersigneO, has his clifiar inIll ready for ope and eggs take C meeting. -Te gresident, Im w, tM n%&'rT1,%ge Of Butter n as t, & W4 and wi g rid Monday, Wednesda:k and Priday W1, presided nd a w. 1IF. thrjughout the season. John Eld,6r, HensO. sloa -work were. g1v tov*,: IWA vrefty-lhbw weddlo euPy uiiso- 1jilliner Openings. -,On Friday and Saturday., Sen. 27 and 28, and following days. Every lady in- SrS ble, Heanburg, an acenesdoy mlor Coal i bit GIGIST for Thresh or. anc J. Weisiniller, Hensall. 2 "1 -1 It 19"' jam palt-, vi SaveTal mudc4l. and IRE' jftdd eyjee O roRHAI it 9 SEA. ORTH -y -=U -street) let", *WT. thein *Ov, Gdorke, atrJUMW.-A yery'!h-app y T IS SEASON WE b fi0ed m the talt er-w XAtE We have a flne grade of coal *as ,=Itod IT, ma;r . ..... ... loice at lthareside-ace Of Mr. and s dst' wad pleasure Of the! 00 tedlok for thMhere use at a do olf-I.The' 949,hW; 'y Cluff to 04 rer7 , Ut er- tO lbekt Sep -4 EVEN MORE THAN TRE Off-WIMg F di. eyhve amounte V JwnOs Ford, of St on JMO" f 1rTj 0 ojdff 'P"tty ! bU*k1'e, J0 froj#., Ajno6h1er ithe _:en the U! -CrS'UAL 9UPERB SHU it pays to have good th' we ber 11 -tit, t high! mon, W W. 1.4 h p thig purpose, -Try it. al aum of $944 At 41 W ot, the- -f4t Oha," with a siAllor lbr m of tczleior le I third -daughterl-Larraine, was,-united''liv ING OF va0b of ieW In w edding t had a, Dr6ttr, trin ming, marlaffe to -Wi j6hkV Caldwell, a, tho pwnvant. -a mual xlb= thaded win' A lucker farmer. oQ I log, M q* t go ON for, vei In tryJ aig tq a y, evon vcll, uning on the Us ioa% Tals! perform teren ed .10t, the w6n1berms cat e E-rurod Old- ta-thbr,,. a tlid Rev. R. H. 1haw, Actor Rev. A. doing, %f Exeter, tundeA esnAu & Ar antition,on F um''a cduirw tfia;t -Ia impogoi:bke, ,we i must The IMM' Ch chibald, 2reo- itell. labollit'; ill the: pretty'bats, hat of Milli aery and r" V. of Old St. ull roft ved tKe oere I ' BE aTch, Of rgreen ont '10;,pr I uot fi*gat -to speak about tilt-, Win_ 01 michm, 'Aft - in; w6ddjvg 11yreiWa%, if q1 f In the presenee Of 9PAFORTH, be Boys! Alssociaim ed Mr. R Floodl, hono. pre n dos.; hely wise alays taflefully, uplaek and Cdilored Dr ths )NAM9. couple, left *1 tb 12151 guests.-, -TND lxdde Hardware, Stoves'and Coal. with aibeantital dresse ; ixt seernea better tb=- usual was a tire I" whilte organdle. 'potato, b0fdre taking UV ilks and ognition of hIs -,servlce, t tratn, antl `61ther two 8, The two smaRer windows ed wi . lace amd,. Insertion, carl.% Golods" vets: clatlow In- fbo Va e o o! t' McFaml store dewrye apecW 'members tpW W 9,: lab Wmaet, of *Ate icarnaltions, Will Of the doade lin &fdrth, 1, The 4de, w o6p one toi Y4 memot Vhs. K Nell , 4%4 ;aIlso a: Fur of every k'n d JpFeSenta;Uon mwt po ulaz ed the parlor leaning on; Itho address was read woud t t r s 9 * - f oon, I ti wft James loung good, sploy clif thej'prevallnffsty .ed W. ,filed 1 fill Of faher, to Ithe stralos of we dl March Pa,41's- dburch dh4r rot, m7,,b 1, . hatighIl, he t k Successor to W. K Watson rioter, formerly of 014 1)la-7e4 6y, Dos e ts, kirts, Vai ts ly', -,01 lfl:rg& lit to wej1 dhoom, aihd he Te d 1 belb"k a; voical AV of 11moce 7'hats galdl caldw01.11 sil of -the gro&&., happy mwalner, =d the. Diplattit Te- . good Interp drdnary -4bility. ;he. w a, 4- eretatlion of'tell pre-Ro WORTH MAIN ST SEAFORTH. -trt. feeling tfe-11rW The follow- Thak werfi-ruza:ttended, exclellt1by Xim Ffi*, 109 and Aciddent Insuir- vailtialt, 'ot yl*. Desona - a ce of the bride, as Vowr jzg aefil thit s' were th", Im'dbe .3 way pyrr d t I", any El A, Folrdil, hel int the -clity. Th" r ance agent, RW Estate: and 1A&V takfto .1 14 A; 0C tha presootwticlial i1i tee:k P er ;gfrl, and 'Master Charlie Ford; a 130 g. -On -y tvrdg; f t rnoon, he f th, w of be lorldo an ring beaxer,4 IJ. T" G Young 111aWL. 4 gel fintdass family sud M&noae lot fl of Cluf 1& 1". U1114 t log and's -congraulatibno lbeing- Over. OU 'ro- Mctlw.: 'The W tor, the do0h Soole,' af4d K-milneth 1W4 ;Agiep - Maebines; -Uu ladie4, tot*%Lanimt were i &wIng and Cresin the gel 1 esteem W w1v d1l, tl e p4red to t4e- dining roorm where a Wm ikel. green I wiere tuous edpamtom vir. - ed off on, the The, W Ink 'bV=h1p, of SUMP 1800, and -bas d was( W own 11 the oat an "p4rtak= of, plagnifticeh 'Ldispl4y an I played az A='-sted. XewRaymmd and WbIts Sewin keefily =d -and over 500. t, of !6aQ te aftemoon was isp VMS - g. the I emveioe, a and Nwtlensl Tint (joubles W, s; Neil and Miss After WhildH the7o=g Vne 411111aw omm 11 pmtem em que trm jolit, AV is T 'ArL'lg W- re istagtlgl AV trat Tavellpre. The e roiole took the eve0i V "stern, exe 11 r- iLt ht the dol Wn& polhts eaot-. The brides msinw- repahs- and smikies for an gior' la: id, AUs, nwbg miehimi needlution.'S"Iseh-L tickted iotil the abinal. iGret WAP3oh, were tw C Miasi IA*i .k !by at wp_ W. onrrville, G. e time."' attez clo" B.Wa"y "goWn WaB OfL U&Vy ,bj L 1 kfiver ' 'whihing IM grldtb rl the, g machinew :Wain-^ Miss Kidd and miss c. R. agent - IW. tr1romed w1tki allk, and Witil over 26- yeom expedenes In the aboye oh 'D off I - ra. llarye ithe: - nVa -Odue -a from the Ifts. H. 5;;nf;;g M oingleiff Miss we auk walist wilat bat tv teN RePIC -tio effien, DCw t r -The Ladi& Ou Id of St, Thomas, as ot m0ael ts a= rest askmed of prilow bme or., Hw*,ou .1 a Harvest Suppm in tb a Sobiooj RMT g Reftvx -, ntk were, teceti Imay, Mrs. Wint. Ar In Vie. lbride ecl! %Wyl handsoMe Loading Fus hion Centm. Our own W01 x*ht, a .4001n. 00 ay evening, 043tol er Ist. SuPPer' ved' b ladies durivg the at- ' q!aare dwilbg and saWaction. road, east,, to etrxAt Also Mad the. !31 f Dnli 5 Sp. m. 'Ad Wo i, 26c. ne4i gift to rved Atftmom "d a; miotsb time- proftees ly till of the 1hats we Bell, hence t Thdmpow, McKillop, 0 D ftolt 9, -j beef tes, bovrils, - fj ash ho, ne-m4de was a handsome gold 10 LiA iW workmanshT -18 suporlovand the -pric,6s, lo a, cht y all prreOellt- The boa- WELtdh td the flowell l., JAMES WATSOK Thomas Quigley, Be xx Detr 'it; ta eters At Strauser's Ran a 10 on, 1jea j*L deltit. jMr 2q76.2 or X Y. me ean, b th r -ceij t, atrid td t1k rlvg., ej; ,,goltj ffiioftd, M re.. Ja es fort be4W an the t6v rage. amratm Altank and daill In &W1109 Machlbe e -T#O; ladies, 'have dM -Nam Nola GIM14 Semolih. Pierce, mr*:J. J. Wle4r,p tin 'a to be ab -ept 4' the Vrlzp--j. 989 OVID W valut t ex( xCKe0i ia, 'of .Ddh 280 2076-1 an *jaed[ ft e boiWlWg thig to Chtcag&: ' -Mr: 30astairdly Ottrtage.-A micWt daotar& and Eggs, forlwbich Ses",vt ana Xoq-4 Reh kIE Want .good, fresh Butter a" to' be! congratWated oj i the 13 1 =d, distrassing outrage, was per - id J&ro. e ita t Qoeq 11, be paid either 11 cailt or: trade. suce WYgth, to ChICW; Mir a I W8 Of 'fbiaht t0urntalneh't On patrolilte 'here co. Friday. evening last rth. 200 'Moclivi attomoon At most HARKE SS Dodds, McKillopt, to Chi, k4 S. MR priva sale ow a -young woimw liawned Mairgie We art a i nply pre roduce o ft e for Sale V I pareq to p n Very g4mP 'was plalyed etweeiN tho I Vok it PObtartsm, SiIiafdrtf4 A: M I of sehold Uni includffig- sew. Rii)iwn. seem -3 V! Mao Brown, Wo M L tb a" t froph short molloe, HATS. in" accordance *t ourmnutakeor ginuixte Rubbei Trimmed Mr. and Mrs. ThobwiP in new- 1111ants - kitbhen range, titSt t I dies' at w -ho resides In Seafortli, had en, a fe, Ora fu itu , clittirs lounges, W -Ay of &It za- tot =1'amftt Wells yearzteighbor about them. wer, to. Oan se at 'Asld4ce. Hamem Itis the best valuv !a Chnada. Ask to Grand Raptlds ; - i , 'skipped Iby Mil: V14 made i the Mr,- id d X S.- n- vi0ltar for a6wa timo tw Tegidence any bQL sold i one week. John Kale; Seaforth. h t'of'thef -0 vtleview 'T can C& mpbqli, Egmondville,l t of'mr. tions on 3TYLES -XOkTV 19 EXHI rt Must Modre(In thidill'agO. Mrs. d ped- b Mr, 'r Travellers, - War .1 " trophy - aad- iskl. MOrd thappeneff - to be from, home at Bous-Trazike. Suit Casa- HUM. Othe Mrs. Fl 20763a kilng theiz or., toL uffaj to Bra v- J.- M. Blest the lawe'li, Flush, and Wool Rugs, Etc. M11139 Wben ,otiietBeattle%Mcteayc aregetting-lbe , . Of couTse after -th4 time amd albmitstx. o7clock Mr. eGrL Wi1th&te%ot,throwni n llltlaa snap.li 'a jqftkimnj oclo pith, bl"WtOtIr stock before purchasing UeGrL -a OWM otj 'VIE a X --Oil* not -expect, to Mo.dre2had OCe"aB101f t*,gO- P't Ms.1j; c r -andf See is ndxt.rnomb. attie Brtoo." eaforth, 1but thoy, certaJnly played! well, to.. theltr boms -in, Cleve d MrR d 2076.1 am; errand, leavig Mialst Brown, in the Ityl fheir. hoi, 3 nd duck C OPPOMV9. hop'se slone. -When be returned he A CRED11 ABLE IDI[SkAY OF EXI LUS - Mrs. Rmssel. MeNP:ught Wanie di"'O' tors on pants a lo.thing. And Vwrpr v en t&eij Iff. -Brodirickw Thd "Wre, alter pla 'Ylhg 1ra ends, 4tood. art IV adissop, Sask Bell 'a, 9 y work. ,A to Caulfieli 1, Burns leatered. the 'howAe V9 way of the k1tehI,- dnes & lit ton St., 'est, Urouto. W704.' OPPOSM CONNIEUL&L HOTFJ,, hm 1pog ind; Teturn- T: lbia Ns 9 .17 to, 11- M favor t f-blet 'tziftlen-Aao s1VE FALL DRESS OOODS.—A morti z mpre il 0 wler.e f Irst a- ov a, a to] cup. Ibi Of n w fall fabri-cs tl on will For oa heater -with the,- Icitchen table heneive ext , tion 3e, a stead, bureau.. by iseelm Seafarth Engleh-wrti Ife* bnit I; board or good loung and stdnd,, half ozen dining roo Local Briefo.-- ,Mr. ames amobellg ovortumeid. And other, evidences of a hairs, a kitchen now show w as seldomij if over before, offeri Sea ChuxchtXot6s.--70m , 81unday tyeat ig Adeboard,' a bbilm and other stz uggle. He lieard groma In anot 8 i6f "deaboro, the *etdiao and. very forth womei and .69 are decided y'low last, tM members -of to X Wat. boop, Goderioh Str e App't the pri, - It Brilt ah1p of HUI-. ti0i WE JEAGN TELEGRAPHY 2076-1 efflellenf clerk of thiw-tow:' er part of thiahouse ardoh invelAigglj for the valus thev rivresent. We here u Thona; lettj was in, town -show dal. -.Kr lodge aten.ded St. chil in' on f ther be found' the *young, WOD4 .3 -of 28 -La If you have 0, eb 10 6fil. US vl'j tea Ina%, ti r a few selliug.. ns1. Heavy, 3cotch a. bol whim of spee. serwon, % aB row, fi el a king while it lasts. and Pringle or., of f rat-, lying on thel floor bol a becroomt 4 hn ini ink d I ye Ill 4 preached to, by the N, =e Broa., 864forth. 2076-1 ­ 14d, iiveria JO town! on Friday. --lift, and in scloue atale. From.. A -Cheviot Sit Hugs,, vary Otylish weave, thi yard, brethret an 11MOM Mimi T.' j3orri Dix: Girl 1 a] house F. L. W11118 torg Reiv.. an a good - rl to do gene surroun ng c c Uao moved thta- e rom *. 0 Xf W, gf, In or 3; wages. A had:bom vice iol.04- Vre re.-Idere b Mr.- 8 A at the Car block- tot the store cent- StO Jftceo e. irrng6ed that s' he h1411 By and eat Music Pupils;- I iis Picard, wh.6 lifts- been Wqo], Mr. . Moif NQO, Sp tbl t i tonois, the td, 75c. 1. rench ettatian, andL go -Via, the- alQr -MRATFORI), ONTARIP. Middl Ne t 17 dccui ted y We Talbot- Mr. - Tal- as6ulted a4)d it otice tP t wa d?n, t ish,thme speial lines, the yar DO -Sunday will -!be fjower m4ay bot talks of gobig 'to t4odon. almn procuked medical Assistance., I M 'ef up atia fti for instnict4D in voice 4e bave tbree,departments-Coy=ercial, Short.- ;s I with 4 rdo, late Of Lon We eMployL the -A 4- 1 po 8eq, Wh Tv:rtans, 'all wo Tel I egra 3 r"bjteriani church Bell rIe Imp . n7: of Ca' folmd that tho Woman, 'bad been 75cot M rte 'all 'Wo kmadanit hy. beat teachers f phil C6 a, t as just oompleted Ing gervice will Ispe 417. for, -i I moderi -Apply at resic' a o. Teim ence o y caubire. Ourcoutses are thorough o id oi, cannectin a:r_ t 101y omtraged and It was eidefit the -yard, DO 5. Pinanij Cloths, goods ir gTe r tical, d struggle Against an e al worthy students to positions. dbildr.M of Goderle a.. s _j, angorneht the Swida, WIth ohahadt -made 9. the MaKillop an joRR &mand, theoAd. Me, 70c. nd Telephone Assoclat =whowishtogeta niunsy-,miild g education j. Hendersoth. Of DfSel wj he# assailant. Her clothes weiebad- shoiald get the best., Writefor our new -catalogue 10-n, oze sudgvtpartioiflin. This is the best time.of year to 'the- e0rvlreig IV the Met at 0 9yaltem; ;ftends rom DuhAw to St, 17 1"tarm And sha waa otherwise Ibrulo. even go Beeachwood.13ennewela., 'Me- InJured. Her heck was black -M next Simday morning, en d luxabWall FLLIOTT KeTACHLAN and wi n Address thei seli(foll t Aenf =Xlew-1661c houi a .04 a TRr bu. raL -h 41ae -ad 16Iiba dhokieff 'by the vll- rae an4 McKillop. The te from 01 ra117 at 2.30 P. m, w6t A large M011119, (I hes clofet, Uth koom lam bar f aob was scratched adritts- Qn. aday, Cie- lin, to aqn7 of these poinigi for. with bob and cold watt p randl* broorti. An tol 3rd, at elg;ht Ole nL, R re 'thm', adauteal conversation. wIll be adi-aind for a tim it was dorwhitfut *OM Aw tod fu x Dr. -11ur o4dres I rnal. and ho forelec ol, 11' W r the !, "byterl: c Eby, Mm F, P. Galts, Goderich. treet we0t. 076-tf -of VaZC Coid its anfctililephonc Canary Irds forl sale"', 7tc, ten -6 a. -Mr. and Mrs. 4ams Hui- wb*h01r Or Vot sliV would 'recover.: IWIN cent Waintit an - hawn tjr h I MT. Cah7, Ouver, B. C., who Oent .41ty Crown Attorney Seager to Coltjhty, CoIng Wedding the ikr tary - 4 ill table -nal Be ( some weeke wre with: Mr. Gundry fromi Gode- - - - - - - -ere here A= Monday investigit- d N a;uv Whbs3 d4j cti: 113 -tal co- Saidder Di ath.* e sincere 10 AT mot r nd other' friends,* 't I for w oc asions. he -for all Ow Of friten,114 will The ext In the :,mAt4ter, hom W Fx1da; ast.-Mrs:. Wilkl- Islon, 'OparA004-2,oylt all -chur aftd, '.Cfr- 'but at flie time of r sem Im m the t Of Mwnroee, of tliftla-tawn, in tkfg the IbruU bal not been, d1sR, gatl%4,1; ia for to mjm J of )Woodstock, soeta at, few d 7.6 !re - &ted i, Presents. the. I- d. Ne. ',irl -there was a7ad cc 'the vefre fflicti64 thid 1hws I bef allen. 6enitly with ber stgter., Mr. i A. moral waists ft6ffl t Oc to $7 de Akmi twl th t1k 0 his e lt, da ugh - our country. 3D I6 ea, -Mr. and Mr§. A. Ir. lchl one as%Jlwnt aadi she would, re- purpo e eVeCLt tOOR PlaCe anAe, of . Stratford, ejen't Sund otherAggido hi S 41 jt tft, -?&'Aj7,L a cogtile him-, were she to 4ft 'him qj- Skirts from $1 75 to $10 W elll ess you wi ave to Sociii-tiej I, I Ito, -h,' Coibouirg ion, TuL day ev nin. M. y is 1 4 to oft Izel e , 9 last, the bonw of Mr, McL. th04gh ldheI Is hot 9*1e. to desari)4 to $5 buy a pres t for the, wedding hdp jo the "rk thajt jl j lbein Girls' cloth a ts;-$1.50 onei a;ter a ver - brief Illneo3. Wt Te- Miss Rae. was fdri a few. days isit, W. It - is ftald this to Um hlrd time next week. n't it ane' of the by Cfhur dhes add ext(stlog t ,tjejg, nialtas 'were 'brought It Tinderskirts U*. fall xa-ago f omelonW4 ne%. Ing her, lbrdther, gra'R. rj. Mr, Moora's ftose basr beevr In-vaded t worst jobs you ever tackled.? iib jj I I YOU in and day levenlng,, and internaen takes The Barbara Ktrkn aftv X10310 1 qd recently. A s1tort timia Wro whft*Mr. We No ad! iow fee, place tl s, Friday, m. orn will W114 their Annual th.'azk-dqff ring ow d it ever 4cur to prices. thtdf versatile speaker. tic 9 a;,t 30 a. and Mrs. Mcibre were Away from ftm Makei cial stud y of a spe emet the wedding pr6i4ent business.. a, cal MUM, a,% tile 01 I-Oal, m,., to at. ameW 6 er Y. She ww3 meetwg toll Frko y eyonfugg 0c ober Ow Xhellr 'return 'they found. the ii6ase 1 p Sundwy Idrig epomes6ing !younc % o khan 4tij. )tra. (Imildg. MAW In- entered and several draw,- This I t#9! ksgivi t' servicleg 25 kea rs and death Is a Vormicisa, W pream efore the waist in stock 'M' both We are always on the look out Apelcia Lt ieft" r1fled'. Only a few dayi 'b T g bat e -her early for th. hk), q at fur-, 3 some Ing new, oriond and WIll bef S- . id. lur'78t. Vhk m ' -dIlUrch, very severe lbereavenvemt to tile, fam- lough amd v1siting, in Kip aove harrated, wh1le; tne -up-to-dMe. 0 pen, ill ad- alatrage SMK'and.LAWN raterial. ur stock is always -and the chu!rdh will -lye dei 7ated with' Ili wtid friends. Appe-Adieftlis w the regs meet boups was left OlDeg for inspection. e in the ihgWm. A. (Ten- vacalat for a, few rain- Price bf L orament $135,10 gralu'and dthar "iruito Of Itt .8 arveitt-.' cause of deat1% azid 'rahe Ifigil be 11 In who wrote oar Senior c ieref, ufe", *h9l:11 M1199 EhRlovw happened to vue you to pay us a visit. - Come. &tPr it 9& heard, lsom, and look around. We feel only "ce Exam, Part I. at ' Seafortih, Colleklate e person walk- Price of Silk girment, $P.00 3%, DeatIT Of Rdbart bu L-Robeit Institute, md vVI)b3e name, by ome 0 con-fident thht­ffere is here just IVc Around upstairs and fir, a. few m1ni 4-000 Tuilo utes. 'straltige =;w camel down and bu-11 , idled at hid rl, Sidehce; . oft k"ry Openings. -Millinery open- 4 rror, was thot, reported Among , the-, Tam the article yon wiR require. min t the epal*. Jaines street, hal Seafaeffi, Ti esdp; Inge, bowlWg tournamien And fair. successful candidates by Oil his -,bsXd'a a Mim of ­`maniey wad We always have a ful1line, of Wed- 4horning, After havingbm onflned to days wadp a VrettyAbuIsy -week f . -us jnent,.Uhl Ir6celved his. lcertifle4e,- two watches. The gkrl creamed, eAd X. PoIx, f 'gavle the alaM at, 4 the rascal 'Wrew. ding Rings in 10k, 14'k and 18k. !big IbeT f0e." twci molatla - saN ed all. Indeed 1t, does- vot: mem any" 'Mr, 0. ormer, vollougiall1vt 11n: re If you need oner, buy hereR nol-- krticulr d :92. 'tltae;sInce we were thInkh Ig and talk- 'the.Bank of Comimeae here, ibt'ww the,'ImMey,and the,%,04-chej on the WAS out simplT 'ths' >wea:r istyles; Ixpect. It is. hag boM of the bri=66' at flol amd fled, 1 le ro- Ing 0bout Oprjnlg AS WOrth Xj RRTA-CrE LICENSES ISSUED kfg ie wl :are all so uor that time' Ponoka, AlWta.- for the; past. cciuple R)r10ft,The coliftell are puttlwg on Fur Fa bust cWTAtjtut1jn,`In6i4e4 t (n a- Iyanc- ibecOs -the aigiia bf 1 :h e w," fliteg tat ime 9. en bqut: h. ; Bat leford, !$ask. Vantag atter aj 1*t4l and W611 n =t 8: the large hati with their the fbirmth at 8tvt et, frOW M rallwa;j track to Dr, r RudhalTanlg locki7-Mrs. .W -m Elder - an a 0 in LILVIng cled '9 - Ye Ah rate 0.- ji l f, W ^ e d ELg4r Of a Tiiintlt7- of tradhad t9tone on MAI called crowns ordlnar, sized 'i rom,' WIM Ocipp 14 X*geiraoll, spent 11fd/. 'Mr. born 461 There in b fur6 eal Via- is , a well kno fact tb:tt f rat selections al- Dunip a c e 19 ter -1 In M pxpectei$4 to look buIrledorelfie be Iting We Aw4litor. zi. ia Or-, A10wed lis a raspberry stock - thle Otla; id, iv 1820. ,In .111850 97, f Oaha 'a- di- re tiends gointj fbe!re ahortly week with a good abowlag of fruit ways b e st. ' e poiflvelyi,, show a large v C&M_ out qf style However, foristich' Ae aad they A -LY' to 4ulte unusual for the last elk D -t took cdInfort, for h !I)iair It, f ais rectly to , , It. an 1erurrib of. . ugh -will spelad the win, wit of 9d well so] ted be obtained any- -up lot 22, conce"slon, . 2, CKnICP4 the thiar_e: are L I,, the 4&u.jhte(r.,R-The: Schtibe t Synip jo jy weOR JW . gepterfiber.-Miso ler Optician ery; many large hati -Sturgeon; t9 `,guatautee vlue and Jewel where here L fiUd S' fa:rm lay Which tha greater 114 rt'of -'his smalier chlb j. are just ao sty;llali and- Clb *O'Lageo,Qi4a; tti$ apear(d In, VMA vltAttilg in Dacknow this wftiK, foi arti, e is er ter,'Ildb1cirk. was in, Blytif Ws week priceaaf ower is store's ft I Ukl up -tits' are Mia* Mary Hakirk, daughter of ff4j. saitisfacti6n't customers 1 r every JJARDNO BLOCK SEAFORTH Ufa was spent. A 0110whi. Ih turbans, . loqu" a;rid ob Tlue!sdaly event",; homestead he -retuivied, d the homb salla Thirl Ity-ths lar. hats illiare, vad Ware eete4 11M a; fair. sized 4,adl- rs -absolutely the low - I in -the f ol V , a, 'Attkadlifg the alrra Da-rrdtt, il Wheire he Wks nVar r land, led to Janet IsORO moe, co6ioldierinj tfie- disagredxble estI,, -when q talities arealike. Get furs, from us -in, ack h191#- The ecimpaVy' Was am of cor.- g her nWtherg IfIrs.; &D d rotell av4D ZQ, efter rsgroU. Russell, amd In 1851 the yoting ouple 'bligh crown And -lodg dro Chaham, IB violtin uatton ther tur i6d np a-th fron, bas-' sidoralble"ineirit, and, apwnt from lack ;-Mtm Helm S-Wao bw ca,= Oat -to ft-ght toeffie't tb , amo US of 1 Ife mi the. . f airro .,,v rhid thei a' d4ort fback iid broad is deg. heae of variety. thle. pro gran*ne was e9joy- been-spendig the past week Yanto with her at3br.-Ifr. had r felt and lk cove d. iA ilabk able, The b6A feature was( he vio- James; -A, 7oubg P 8*10U-W jy cur- VrO W. Here they lived,, jere tbeir tome Ur thla styl w1aws dU a tred 411 p1wins - Act W.1 Bell 1h4s 'been W Clinton during the At 4. gooGd salaxy J fo DIWaits 6hildreaf grew to raahboo -r d womax -. in McPaulgs shbw roclop, ftr bl. -' is mam FaIr. of tho firm of Fair B Vaet-w'"k cMuftltlng wiffli Dr. Gub.0 -!Z every graduate of the "gorditag Ilia health 'hood. .13at with adyghaing leading Color this iseasxi. it 'was idllars, of, Clinton, a!nO econd son 'WhIcIt' lava not they WlZed tis. ack poilzv d spri and of the late Tamea Fair, db6d' ai his' biam good -for somo time. We 'bbpe, Centr l Bsness, CoRege. take 11fia and trimmed -with bl bov ever, eow to Bed him In the en- eieven jewre Ago izaime 4nto 4: The . aatifal ostrich pl,unv. Bf twtva okne. In thAt own, -on Monday., I He du -Mr. Joymilzt of 'We uloua- Spoil Xperience pwoves thispos- bD MJOY the trutta of a=ntidl -es Are alro Among the leidig leaves a *IdOw andf- mt chlld--- Mr. . Charles Gates has returned' to a4d 'upr t, in iihad4s, a little green and p&#e is -Rdbert Bep, of tbiv -13all 'aigin & er 4any thne. Thoroughly lho wrablet Va logr -all!hls dealkttg, Mr, also showm There to a; s reat c ibice, TUrfther Ompawy. left ofil'Mionda Heialeall.-Mr. Gloorge Joynt Itapo reloV- M a4l, main, 5, f foal ,ters, bual ip to he (V free. Write Tqu=ml a I I W w held In, the bighest eg,tee of trimmin a-wilr big amnlu].A nesm tr ened 1 s evaporator wnd is In a, pois& ribbon 0 the. 1 of strohg OpItidli ad in it Bind, flowliar . . . . . . ezn, Prdyinaeot-Mr.' aa4 Mr. Go th U t1oft. to;'handle nure Apples than evero W. H. $11AW, Principal, Corner Yon%ja,,0id 110a 7ar4 Streets, all topics, takin inter -R, r0oft -and' r r .ornlnk igloirleii are 'thie,. 'und he . M16jes Maud and i Laara C Ook, of Wroxeit. e of 1tdh011,,'sV' Wer 'here ftrIng the past week est W the Akfadsf! the *orld, nd at' fa.,VV. te, X, large picture 'lot b _mt i guhdtj; here, the Mro Chh an' 19a"t" Of Mr. I_d _rjee Cold, vlttiqg teir daughtr, Wr6j. Cbmel.; the 'sanr- time ',I compairilm., pslwo or lbl gray. felt ha di a w., ea(th FA F L Y X 1L Cook lea hi -i t0aded mid M ' ite Their son' was also 'here -at -1,et I& Myer aspi ed for -pu.N.; Of last W. jWOM, C; rj F. Tor. Of ea- the vae time And purcha*d Mr, Tiff -, great., Was amTrt and iretty. : A 0 w n, ad' b M John F a DUIP108 lie, pWtloti j Of My. kind-. I Vqpperl'dru w uidneMnd Intendis est pleavuxe was it"Ns Udm!,c! d Vivo la!r94 felt - of, a, at" 1 or ist, 11 le in fOrth. wift first Ufthe 2.1.2 pace . . . . . se greatest Plekard's Wl''" a profuR* $2'000" IV IS f Idl&: Of eleven t Ing possession books were Us tak*j In fift wurse of a .e . I week Wul- -AGI= FOR of' ght Ueolts, I'l, 2.8 3-4., 2A and f ew, *eeks.--Mr. amex 1.og= return- 4%th -wMel; mettrzed -this Tory inter 904 na was a m= ot wa.144r ai r al story et floweir in phaded of strai part lbwvy one woul With.a Ocid bellt Icyr ) ,jathe.i br6Wt11. d ordi Wily, 2.0814. Betweew Mattle Clamery and 61 tXM0 the weRt 19jA week'wbere %a The re. Arev.-We are plwwd a had beell-i T191thic fdri the pWit, ine for, somw, 3W VVII11 IGAGO A matics. In, 'Mr._ Tarrilball was in P. -1080 fr. pjWMer4§ Queen of Woodeliffe Belle Cfi%mery Le td Old CH MOTEL C rosette 11 this nor, a life-lotg Liberal, and- In. relt 16a, ed These ke of Velyet, 'rilb- Seabortil win Celt. qilftei a bit of tWo niMths.-Hr. and Mrs. G. F. Scott, jill MULIAB wal kd-,broaghtr lie to ft, 1 ha 4.0me of his ftolither, Ale der, but I stw-* -her liol t strict Emd. ei boh, -6[lk'P -A: la;fga felt hat In. Me-, lety Oroah Cho seas c. Mr. and Urn. Are Visiting Mr -S.' fttherland, Hef fer tbrough j inessi. ttmd.;' Fa311 6 had a froirt 'I, from P%-t1m%71vaU1a,. who Mrs. Scott's slater. -Mr. ial Ole time of Writing 33ad arri*ed, epalrMg FUM.PS. a Tresbytertaif dhwdh, al Ayy triinmingotchokir Watw- Ifthryeat JestivAl will !be held-TOW11111119 In shades of !blue- and ol V11 t Wbaliao 'had the Coiram-ercial hotel Mom VartieWa:ro will bd men next 4-d evenin In St. FA Xs 16hdreh speoialty,, also a, I I Ing the, e6mf6cm. in, the d1h, 'r 6 wit d j -os e. wpre tob theJr, wedding, tour, sped a k.-Ifr. Jatoleo 19, of Sea- 'ke at thia 'Wme of leas d `tdr a couple of - TeaTo, has de- ee 'great r6gularlty Wliev AM 1h a It ­per of elvet and Added i coupla of wee Ind -of Windmills,.- mitted - Bef to- the,,OLTJ of the., hat. A :ha 9t Mhos. Wo!rd', "Egnimilvill r. Xcitim, tided to discontinue Uitel keepingliere ii Wd t*rMRrJ7- Uex $all, waa -Rty., jW. -E-. Etjr-'tf k' cirii - the e ft it -and h9A O'Keefe Than :1 bad h10 ft. A a sale of la tM to the "7- IvW1111 Ardlile W 9 Of browni IP I WedAesday lost ft yMa;ge rm wtue ac - the rrq*67te lala con Ili, sea-: Pick sidencie ' 00 aZd 'o 14 The T06tDr Of 'his Mrniture and hotel effeet's.-KWO qua;Intaneem-341m Bensiet. V qdbart I - Orden left at 0tyl- Goderldh 0t, Imiroveat bY P. f0ft1i'-W- VU=1bt11j i atri )er of t" chou-i hot f9k1k. A very treet ea, the 'Eg4 4%t. of'painiti,and! cither altoa- D611t Diksong of 'RxeWrv , Wails beeh Jv 'bondw ledtiug TeWTIvea Xr. jho. 'Staple Bros. Orifte 0 Flexalrd i 'Of bia's bilee i ( , - the Barber Shop* amdvilre- Igfe 1131 g mail 1-Mse-Ora Hudson, who trinundd f0ty the in= .0 felt W.. If, Box: aaidt Mr. 1 ttpe1n;1&g the pot weiak here wifli bier ita 3 2073-tf seaforth. tedtf regw- 7, PbBitiotit!! f chieffperator at yUh6blat is tor tho paist J-ftr at 11bbol of shai! es of the bert 'box were at, c : 'G L )ffxetler last- ftfur­ "Iatives.-Mr, 3 onic- of t --!Il* tvi-opa, tain it' part the, Ph't !n* era ugir tand, I Veleph -one 'Yet and Ity vWVA4 relatives to the( timal - of bb; -is te I Imei3s kevOlIng me -at fo. -said -'up *A9 Twu day, atwdwir fte funeral 4 SETO- 116e B11th Wild v1pin WON 11:oapol is woxaft bew JOE 'Visit- bef e% W am a Childroals twTylce W. tile t 11. ThM, hr thIV eata 11ohmedl teevre o1steri Mrs. JVNnl ilienbale-i-At 91 I It, R*tfirowhaa Dift regalai at-Njfda Tit L ab was E W r6tuim-ed,t hAt M telts, A tl &ban C T Ilorl e Show Di recto 19 Tffwtbv -Of tbW tovW OMM011 Iteld tufted. accom Carmel eftireu ow Sw1bbatU JILO Other pahled 4mig pt be- ry sdrVices. Ire'. -was &IV ta, taIltes io account of ;MY attlaw apd, ',rim3nD with,, velvet- Md yi go ichl 11W 'dol -evening l"t, the lvo- Ifts., been Suipong of -Erin.-mim 14a d*("W Vill he diewr2ke4 W, the el ma, -Y 1lowe; '5 edh4q '7 t ncoo Id -not 9 M de by a u4i iber OJ -gill ',tWg 1h OW&AWO aud the d1k ODOUIXIL, of Fail shm this vicinity will be held on the f9j. toleiralte tffe use, of alechol c jqtjMu--- of Ike 104 d that were --ery -v &r,4 licit4i wex hL4tmbtecT td tae tlib he., Peart Ib vkd --r pa*m%.--.The rel. tOr G -Aawin (- dates: W deport her an Brussels, Oct. 3 and 4 Sab laxts -In z 10jrm, 6 4 -s ed)by able hde0d1 In UCPSul's a. of, 11-gh cessary logal W tattTift and friends of hir, oilim'Thow- UY IT t we, rvi gage X-irkton, Oct. 3 and 4 ba felt bad 16ng 'joop; of i' ldbn Diek to jymital r—lomtl Blaket 46TO this his a!ged' pa fter, one da, igi tei. 'Mr.. ! t (U-tlae Me 12itimest4--of 4e= Al b I*id IV t Zxyfleld,".;et=d 2nd. James Melmt,0111 1 Of MCE:1 -0 :c In Ila matter -ottw WP U-u Vill. a 6 -whi, !Mgret td lea z% of 'his the 1K6thdd* &N ath, whe! ClAe iblack ribbohil over, t, all] -a; the to" A