HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-09-27, Page 37; 7--9- 4- - 4� -A Z T_N_t1L__'4`1-k; 7- 2� % Z V r low Y M11-1009 My fichool -teacher resldtig In, �WaterjoG eon haxtmeO to with t; :0 da ilk s -=dIt =?is ims AllegeA to "i 1W order- to pro - 0 'Wig farm effftts 'or Pa vidle fOr the trio. -y-S _13"ID - -a- t" -girl tu=e4, btm; down Tb� Id Da�. I clOtIM It Ift. he W good er, V itthil ki is th6 ae She t looking iiought he would te, t -4 y only answered the advertlee- ken �ft t -9 i4ant for a Joke m7wa7. T it 6* Then yo (0) 0 istaction or yoUr oney b 1 64 St bO In' Zo altem- ativei* for the ould be V% gi)IU7 11 but td, aecept the verdict and Sat ack a very b ofidi n. Xow d �b '1877. �certa n n �,w -What -'Mosts" a:gainat tilm. the deal w"'declaTed off withtte ------ tT h A 1 4.01 i Fly to tAke, Mae lo, I ld ym . alsi, a- 43' V.- reef then- -take Aye, 'S Sam- —30114, Baxt-Qr, of Killaraer. Wn o later- eat aid 4 "Ume i.i 6. Ur. d -Nn fiki, 82 ,yearo of age, tomTrittea sul- _�A R OW: be lmdv 3ro qu ; U d b Lily t 4011 M6 -at the home of 11�ls mv, Rid rd, �t" Duff Clab-11 hE -at bMA,s thO 1tjWr afternom y dbqot- been� org&nj New 8tore So() jt -ed m :X�mv&ft wlt1il. Mllowlnff� ftft, Paid 1440bA d6cto Me ka c nsalf yo ur ow tog ht"elf with! a very, trade firearin It ap ga -.0, 11. 1 Zo what he will sayf� ObOUCAIS manutactUred lb rri% captatn;� m. R* TOWS21* C10 Wh Ir. AM0fdj + U0 titted, a, rifle cartridge tlrn* For vtand old f irbily inoh0110W New "oods ge 72� Wg; filer ce tar is the at Ixes qla I r doctor ould t n + fitted this eapm hitto a -b"rd and y Or b ael: we He 0 a bolding it to hie 'bead micceeded goat oeth, 2�y_. 4, 18711" an A "I M or I. M 001W618 ADS H - r ve idge ty �7 ale . in, piew HaMle, 01scoes, -Whlteftb,- Mackerel and bol,516 regular �y (Ilachaxging the cartr e eaonftl 10 E: oour r r are very bat are extra Qod, 1oFfA d 17tug In a; rrout. These mme d f e, was foui the, 't ped for ;;;t quallty� little Ii-illdft used' by -his SOV an a Pon ax + blae3canitth shop, with Mo head badly bjs� t Val �rnau.!b�tweel% A far� ;iu u ahatter6d,."NO cauo;- 1,9 gAmigned for + Lt*w, Celery, Carrots, lie ER COMPLAI a as, At me�et Ift. 8 On 1816ro�se if JF eta, Par HUR VIG()R- the deed-'dther, tb=- that the old inan M)Lvpand Turnips al" ft han& "UE CURB' -was hardlly reoponsible for his ac- + ad-, J)y fairy ub, the f011 w oft er re el-' 0, Ry PEGM + EAT — col uvr t10111A bel-nir In hie dotage. Kted M T. pre F ir, buy nothin h Mda. Lt; M. 'We have no secrets I + Mr- the, beat quality �n t; H -i Srnith�,,. kaiidLamhin this department. We have th 0 formu I&& of &U our PH I j + + '&dan rumet apd ti- + V1 L E; R Mdra! little lives are lalt durint fte pht (tied at' 01 [,aul S o Mrs Z. U aff S rxreaumt, Bwon alwwa- �d the W1611t room a Ime mat 'A iril 17 h. 'Deceased i hot weather, mon!thathan, at any oth- + miner time of the'. 7-earj4Id1'tn sunlMer So fies,hi 14 h: i 4& w mub her of ( -1 A.rrayi. - Vieft, t VMID MEAM— �eax V�Lth manths litte ohes arej the victims of WLt1hV er imn,_ r. r a Id cns_ nd Colonel La.*1ey amd Beet. 116%dCheese, jBologna and New arrhoea, boleras *' tif aatnq, + Paulab te P, ng, tbat 4'13rigadta Cb]Q Gem. teiy ah(T dtoaidh tr adhoo an r to: mbleo. These come jl:� 5 1011 ening th e- IbA. oath valel t iguddenly -and wiihout wWratn;g�, and l0ael t Vlaft MiNtuar 4gracLery department is o�mplete. Aiways a roedlialzo is not om liand -to an0 Lond a' She 11 down stais LN g1v In titt. lby IMMOMAM ew 6ture?t vecifm for X) f iccide she b 01 is t B Me De zed M Ifte Bj w eamn, sbu 4 t X016 WaM sho p of Old 3�ondo e the sholt dela:y a and I ractur& 'her ribs� one, ot them Ifevejr in t ineW dpath, _Durin�W 010 lhdt weafton jA fba history mw -s le QMM Col. tus BR0803 bi months RaWs Own Tableta- should- :C1 pain in E Alid yo U Catbpdrali UAdoij, 04t + tb.EL + a 11 e- W- ibe kept In! everry hom whej56 Is Ma -em Morbus 0jMMER0 BLOCK PHONE 96 lbeeo, bwv �rapreasivesaihy- I ViT of! the Sm Sicknez, �C!UM_ 4hip; marked fb�e &lebr -ORTH 8:1i�ltin-cvenf .0-0 tow the _T­aleta wIllpre'venitr VA0=-.C)1an_d aSUU 'd the services of Diocese, 0 3e you cat. Libles owel 'troiables. Or lffAhe tro A totEaal popuwaj XM. M87. %M&WBX a Ml aetem!be'r 17 �h, at r ecti come es, tit Im. of M lit. rL A baseb�all clab `a4l the Rev. A. F. .1 V. PM ts =d V&ble in its _-20ML whel -medicine will brft the child through U0 Dr. wea affir U has Oesn f"i*ed a)r, of Land-ot, Big w al Oat x1ppe Ir �;ritj% the owi�vv of.fiqe)rs: A., qcts� we- Marvilloust azd ift ia ioo(Yr and pr eAcher W. the o6iaaa.lon. Sow, Q�0., sa", "I eatmot 'Speak Eli Ble, mCptaltf; Its, tr*gu:"r -The oer-amoni s were m0ked *fth a, too, Qn1j. a Ba;Ws 0 ,=a 7nl--,a to tak,�&� WOULD VERY OFT a _S Wn. Tab�lst. + G. 1376why, k et ar. + quA dignity =4, impres0- veness that One of' my 611dren! had� . severe at - r=. stAty for CUD C m hem very: hot&bl4. �ft Palul tack *I djarrhoea, whidn tile Ta*ets FAINT, L de tx + AWAY SA th, 1877. was crowded to itreh36 Jim% Vmptl:7 cured." Soldl.by medicim + dealers r- 'by maJI ait 2S celftts a boi L. Wh6at quolte4 on Sea - Val: I -niarkt -alt tbt -$1.80.'i ous W1111rame MdicM Co + T-11-SY wve dalqv� Atilt n to ;h%r Ls:Loidshikv + Mo.. t 'Mo.. t 0. t Contra f c r, he, hew blietr"blodlOt 'to fo t t Measure.i Brockville, Ont. The B14hop, .th6 chlurb Sa�foq has �boen awarded to. in b4a et Ing, A- ImacK ay &,Y( Of- Iftothere and sliotefs, ai mes= FloWen to�r six-, oe ge of PeAh !ams. �T AMD WERVE -love and syrrip Soo. a1111y and bride in, yoll. + I fm -d itr much Pleasure: to 'James Crowmc of Cromarty, T __4Jral;:, Dfic Air, P frow St. + from I h f ell off* the ta!ble of 9, t1freliK Mr. ff at, the twol lotla, fact + 4d Dr. FdwiaWs Ex -ma- so viftm; ng on Mh9land. 't-thpaut%'_ �Lanadn` Can- btoke his d bo* Y= God4M 1 John. etreeAs amid ad- ada .;Di I;Mdoa the other da and Md LNeM ID& amd fron o T as a gMI)d ewe -1 to W amYftbg t#ei residence of Mr. T hwt I ra Ohd daughter -]yr. and Mrs. Larga of Ustoy!rel, DO" W, f Or the M= of $550. Mr. bibeese �t Hrcti. MY Uave !retu=ed frord + A Iffy 1 -Me ban the *1 WO vW 7eak =d dowar bw driel itteh, eating a. lbric ea- pmence Wer� -will isbow trou: Inwe Chicago where the doctor was aittending the + very �ad with lk sad a jy_- eyery dAy d �10 --en worodv f mine, the. Pita perty. thbAT. any bm k wadd hunt away. iu fad my nd hiM. T alao- Ug%4 U Mr. W.- 9. ir"a Y 'has 1 purchaiiie W,,gt d two love a4d, Oy we� f1ml + aw %AM a -my 5&CI Awkr "Id that Somethiii I WOUN neM]l J. A. Stewavt Whb, hao beev .1010 U10 of JOW istre-et and, for CMMTM a -ad am 40" out of the faint, It was throq& for the past five lyams IV. Dawson IkUhds erecting Ibitick 'Tp_ ce Naniiobe, aakd Nqrth. eat Notes CIty, yukm, was recently visitiae el- + 11" im YO W- tmvsnffi' ints t"t I w" !%as r + Ula* um's Heart and -The crop of oats the peotten- ativea ju MItchQ1. fter tskin thrft Nmen 'Mr. D. D.jW-ilirM!Jhw3 parch"edi t1wry. farm at StOmey M afil �ff he -The aittie ight 7ear old, eoia ot f eet (ft Maim, vt6r's dt'fronv Mr. ii� If te eg. i 7ears. -1 am &d to rekte it has bTmu a number brick best for f Mr. A� 0. Wood of the. St. Marys deo ihd int 0 erectig, w y"n since I - d, De�k, Alberta, Limter Argust! died- recently -af ter a ehort 111� I had a faffiting g -Slfox P I - I '' I I -The Re pelt tind i8tars. t A101" s planing foi- tba whitor(s ne6s from peritonitis. ly mim have a -headiclie. Too i� Compainly I i THE 1"ORTED Hr. G. E. -Jac gob- haiv comihanced Of wood8 a iohea. 33 :yea;r1a df age ap1d a, fortnerrealdent um* eamnat b* wdd M* once us6t work, and w. put,300 rnev. in t he -Mr.1 -wim. Waters a. mLlq tile drection, of aUrick, residence ad- -%�-HoLTC"d XAm Fdb, for Lu me,� discara evw-y At amieetlug A tb,-- t Z ho dta; jthe otlir day, Mioh 50 hospital T(yro 0 ladt week IV St. 0 U le. -s -dale Stalljon have effecte-d* per&4 wx-3 f tu- of Str a�tford , died wi The size of r stock o" rrol gres-s Dzr I C-1, Me 50 =U per box or 3 bmu lov itwiA 011 retth 4 6.4. Tisd&7 erewnr la:st, a eOoluptloni tX for selling cider, con a, Wavier -M, Jaarnies Smitti. fdrmerly "PrW- 45� at au deale* or The T. Iflibuim Black -b Nlras passed, uwme�tlnj. an tji,9 dilapi 1 1. -1 1 'u -i's and' Overcoats, giv ng tre U A Colors, 106 dated pereentaV aicohol t an, Is allow- c1pal of Hamlet wVrd.sdhD9 ka, Stralt- 0o4 Umited, Teroht% Oat. cWditidn of the 9t and 25c Uns 1 186 eafdetb, and em, *appointed� Inspector 'of V�Iic schools ibw tha:t cilty, to sa-c at 9 661 tA1 fod, 'has b selection in every *ze, to boe r DICK, onv-Mr to�!*Id a, Tn6e6 stwtioalhouse, f oJr some mcm tht' with a ceed J. R. Stewa�rt, who 'Woes to Maj - 0 TEL FOR SALE. At the soml- a. nual ek. ing bf the suffering Itated Isis week. istou. in th Suo s fot, had It arnpa yo ge" Y or ot 0 Seafdral m6c4amin rultute Mies- I fW-r Q11ORTHORM RUM FOR SAtE.---:The unde Is - T? to k_x 1 The. operatjoi" was( ver r Fiaccessful, %Y -law 1j% to bei oubmittec TH �d last - the .40110M.In I- -signed offers for sale on Lot 27, Con. 8, Hibbe r PIT Off 18' dobrig Eq well as can the Mitchell lraftpa�rzro . to igr=t a tha Stock and Mr. Boyd '16months old, alsa 4 bull calves 6 months old. . The Dk. learx of` $10 000 to � thg woollen. mill bull, Ptince oi Banff, (imp.); 2 ball fts T*�140mt ex F1 vice prelsidmt, . pectod al -8; VereO, ibove staok will,be sold reasonable for cah or tim e -Pouring coa. 4,11 In, 9. �stove 6ompany of that twvm ft beder that & Y L 6easurer, tv. Campell; i 6yetary., to u the buyer. Visitors welaome. DAN -f -D HILL, th) can expl oded. alt S6ftn thoy ma;y make trieceas*1 &dditions to the '011 In st&a R. 0. 2065-tf avU Jdhiniton waslatain red I Each Week Untd cFarlagdls hft% 8 miles'soijAhi we'st their premleas. 0 n, new 'Rill b1braxiao, M. T_ i If 1-rou v k Notice. -up-wards of 35 CATTLE -Seven first-class young tee" Mr, Cra .4 aAd M60 8. W.. 06� Nedbltt7 �T-110 IM81111., lits wife -91chael Ready for lbadly J.)yearff a, resident of d, died wo 114, 2 from imported cows, for sale at mod er- yev, old. girl were Stratfori ENLOGK AROMEALftj Paps� ate prices and on easy terms *, good y4ung Abows and The� u4epalled n heitus alEo for saler. An inWested are cordially in- -3 eW. dence In, that. heerft ctio the fit, the extra, ne McFarl4nd willi die, Vat the last week at ht ele#ance, t R. L den. Deauty Or the patterns and the cle verness bf the Wake of t] i( !B� X Idd, M. Y..), f Itedto inupedtth� herd. Farmadjoinq townitang ly r cLe� Ifo agid glrl ma. The ouse city., Deceased 'waa 57 f age *d i ffm. 111 1 4 Progt 416%uca telephone to farm. Write for, cat1110!1,16. ess Brand 8 Us.' Mr. d jburried-, aind for a nuhlber of eave waig en�- U� T D. dhaht sea�_, oontents were -2. Sin M-, kketer. t ;e, lWrge�t farmers in p imoo, and isignalmiwn e of 0 Of layed'as a traO f�rtfr, has SpId, Olt 11 conces Of Wb6WM Cab fd 1�&�! to -day, 'Its Toseph, by the Grand Trunk Railwxy. 'UcKfflop, to ji, 'Mar Mur�ay for Giontri, of In, Head, Saok. was widely knowa In trio -elty -10"T""TT" AND 10F., SAL,!'�­The undersigned has for We sev- IE "c R you, oi�ly knew erM Th6rdbred 1 17,00& ao Mrs=ce COMPM eleeater Sheep ind Durham Cattle es oi ularly amoldg rallro d men. He Waa Y Glenn ias nd less t h a! a _�61 both sexm.-- Address-Egm6adviller. 0., orapply land, elther oro let a member of the V,� M. B. A.- t6r, 26 a ssel pped himself Ir rt yeam - five -ouYvive. IM & t4oxs. IMM retaWng their shape, the sustani �ial sta borix las eabdrth, May, 18, 1877. The W,ea atial prope St., farm,, Mill Road, Tackesmith. ROBERT 0M&A triug bili ty of these suits, AND tSOLATED- To* Over 50 ine, out on 1�h ano this year 'he 8X- A family of ting dwlling hou�dr. are pedta to.take off a. yield of at :least -The =rriage took Vlace onTuea- ERTY ONLY IQ_NURED. f the linings. t R erected iu,'Seaforthl this,ispring. 150,900, 8 LE ­4or sale, the noted thora- bushels of wheat. day September 100f, of Miss DoTothy . . . . . . d fatal accident oc- hef excessive cost of Switz dt Pollo Angus Bull; brood. __�OwVg to t_ or B. A., omigest daixgNter of Ako a,'good driving '134 morth, ion, in foal to, U-ord, and -k vill. work either *00d, a nurdbvr of Porta;g la, Prairie Mr. and M- m_ Ilenry Swetzer Mitc Haron, V, to d g 6f 104A week,� to 0� I 'e� 'or r�ve` -ohange'of f ael ell roadl amilf liev. Georgo W. Spa Knew ;9: �frdDabl eitherfor cash or on time - A If %---ou 01a V 1!hamas Rraser, b fur rear old.daughter, iuf ind�strles are trl,yWig 9, y Mr Thoms jj��ted - a and� ;all' th arAlls and. the eleetric lk�g A., B� St. Maryoj hO acKmop. ROBERT Rolla tl�d. Some lbotys, 'had P. 0- Thoinaii A P eaf041 2OU-tf 'r lb That, eveFy'siiit is s6id ty� d P, 0. 0 tile nfar '-kfrJ Holland's ad. un -1: c0d,, pany are nGW, us1ngjFq.nmyIvxhiw ceremmy was rmed' Rev. L under ouble g coal. it is, bRev. and ourselves -of patisfaction or ney back." females of in Aje( a "by anly PPI�4wi, a 'that other Ba:rtlett of Woi�dhs , as0ked your M 'i HORTHORMS.-Choice. bred bulls and the chud wen't B. A St. Maiya.' Alter different, ages for sale, bout two dozen to geleo� lage fue-1 cohmnlers will follow suit7. H. A. Graliam, j� i4 i iiie and lie Pla; fell into 4w. Prices, reasonable. Ilerd now headed bYl' Wb :3dn;g -Fire destr 37,ed thee 1buildki.w- the cvtemolnY a. daint luchaosi was -t obe or' 'the served.i Mr. ,and, Mrs. Spar -1 n G-A'6�Mey� _oanWVaAaff"1 (5M . ). He ig, got by the best am b dly b0od of Pet '.Mpe" 410 Ro jn�g� are !0�chbred imported stock oft both sides, glossydatk d Wiinthropq Getwgo 1) arly al the graduateff of 'Victorls! Universlit. They led; W wu e of, I Sask.,. the knew -'color, and well set on short legs. Terms L If you oialy T,0]1]X 3,., _Sig. L .8 me -bousebola end ef fe �,tl: wereb d, but t1ket expeft to sail for China, WWW't the st6ft and'Imp Me 1'�W -in the bu A- Irte after year. caAWng tbh E asd -k Thoi& 11��* B7 the pawg hite in or los�, to $2,600, with aur VWtorw welcome, jq1jX ELDElk Hensaill P. 0. a of *drk. Of the thousands of man who 6re wea P1.0gress 404 0nday n;rKZd cows 85 insured; otbers oi -to Nvere saVed. The of Ootdbe!r to on�lgage mlsslon4T7' �10t. M. La;psl Us mien r irlioa IT, Clothing year. ingete is n4t rnerel.� ustralia, and ing V -ed' -loft annual 0onventiou of ,�Pvitff ness of every mercUtan handl j ils clot] Ling 10 00i", ; ha B. XaLe=, Hippen '44 'CBS. . , I I 11,000. The tire t In a, MY fore tho eyes &d 91riff.out Ed -V rard. as 14 IMPORTANT XOTI _tm� . Is I t MIXI (bv the use, Of n !the eamse lelunkn6vin. 6dftty� teaderEt wa4 beld In the Col- s. with ut Win. Cash, of 1110 died ac- dded leglate linstitube t Statforci­ on if MOESTER SHEEP FOR BAIN, - For sale a we View r th pyO ikll tariit tto, he Sr lust., to' the'Ed.1inmitM: voters' list fil Ahb Thu*sda lat with a fai Riumber� 'kiiew over 1j000 - re tb 0i AGENTS. natmes a em o which Calif DM ion t you only Smith, Harlook �JU number of Leicester' shearling, ewes, ewe f rMa or Be rain ar\., Df cease& &,q 21 E. Ninok-t� Apply orr.ors.ofre from J�mbs and ram.lambs. All. first-class stock T iie Ust bat comi- tachers In a0endwnce.. IV the ievfti- ty*hd fev onabline us, Wth past, 7ear. as ,arth -Tameff Rammawm Oh Ut 20, Quioes6in 5, years 'of age. J"%D52 e j. W in ihe li"n 9 of In g an at-hk*n1 was held,' vftch Viras All the above fac�s k. RMCE Seaforth. atta Piet at -and, to die INU is comr largely Addeases were 'Ur 0 chef Printers, head4d buyer, you Would buy, Frogr0s Br"d C ...... ea ea.: Murdie and Goo. einaG C U'r May 25. pleted- t W' E xpeeted th there: will gIvIn by 'Mr. T. W. Fergumov, Mr. �W. in ference to With b co, 0 LET ­The undersigned will rent, hiii, rum on Tthe lake Shore. toa,;ood tenant for a term of d.a;rd, c the 'v cgter& Iry in, Mr. Bothwell, undi'Mr. Mal-colrd THE Jdhtzv Sod e about �4,00 on - last.: coraially Ini ",Ms of. 210 acres of good list a13 -edmpx. -44 to less thaO S,00_0 In MacBeth of, Mil-verton.. , Mr. POth­ I fted t# inspect our- a x�k* dled. very ad lellily ont esd bran You b 'idy 'I E ''SPEC, eary der cultivation and in od con- 9he was 4pi Ire6tly 4 Aer i u3ual ve aW excellent d1scd0§e on ys halre the goods ELt, the ;3&ck' of i -our stl��` 0,7 r �OrSL 00 ZI 42 t�: d arti 3ulare app& at 100. 237 Dun S(.�!Loa A 1906. well; ga, for alwa I &W i4it, i . and . .,y �as atto 6 t6 r DANM, 83MMEC, St. p, E 0 198,-tt It I - - w e scence�i chaTles ar #Md, w e us 91 1 C. rnent�. bousehold dat ej3, When was sud- t of Mak inak, Man.. WN3 �found Teacher 11 while Mr. McEreth'ir stib- j! wes dead�, oh, the f WW of A lit 11 at Ii aid Mougla-8, *be r0 ject wds "Frolil a- Sdhdol T�M R&OHER, WANTED -Applications will be re- ftity strlckeT with - ceived by the undersigned a o� October 15th, 'had Viewpoint." for teacher for School See io o.2, been- u 0.11a aur- lfappy-eveht took place ut the LbJect td falling 11tis, AMI salary. Experienced teacher err Duti ceXbrated i on hi dk3 rdyan -n T SHO' *rqedical asildstm arriv- anger, U Iq betoref -he vKes Onpi, Yyed. Th decea,§ea id Its D' * i Lea 'ng 'Prices 5 GOOT-1 to-vommenae after New Year's. J I., BROWN, bik a sei7,u!re 1had fall 4. face bbmo of Mr., and Mrs. 'David W ZeCretoA7-Treaourer, Seaforth, Out. 2O75x4 &,Sea" COMM '0-" Seato -t. There as ev In tile rUsh, dyinij Irma I�Mff � tion, St. MaTyq oV Tuesday, September Srd,. been in the, ry.4= AW 'V"M T terms. rqvV ["In, town. andf-19. ;p)od pr Re leaves: a, idow a014 two c�c��ren. *hen the age, couple eelebraed their -arlous a =spected the rwl .0 RENT. -To rent on r ut of at iletic up b3 allId! bolrMS0 Ta s *#v accident g. Mr. aind We. so ILL AD IDA IMUL lot 7, concessign 2, Hullett, containing 100- . . . . . . . —What proved ai a goldem weddin Our t able. There n -my have acres, 874eleared and the. rest in K�od bush.* It is a f u!rni ffied� happe�ked he 6ffiet d).y to A. Walks Mr. and'. MTS. Jarnea Wlkes ou neuralgia, sciatica, rbewns- AM �ilaas farm with 90 buildings and be -side a' idekIt Jay if, od Ke" -S & 1@1 Ott, !iralril so sd convenient to Seatofth Of! Ad ms, 8 6b 10 aw oftice and famiky and, other -relatives, were I Perhape you did no kra* Itis al Balf-eld, 'havij i6s6=dEid'.1ea*" a:[ W. LIVIvf fo�he, ;s6n �h Battleford. pr6g6fit to do 'bW*r It4 thent on the kets that two trip� a: day can be 01M . *A -.,A- - A he' a] ie i, r 4nd Clinton mar T -one in, I alf )o( id ruddy e nuTalber of, 'heavi redttar 31m; ratil og decaaloov -of the. fiftieth. avnIv4nrsa;T7 of 'A- made to either place it desire(L Ap=,tle 4ask. Hie t I'm; r=1 0 h V!re I - them elVg thp Cohsoll at an, oat odt :ixei main. xEtreet, �tit he theti wedding da;y. A! boulotf I sympt O!a t ouble kept on frow coinplexion, h 1-thl, Of' 4111M atol bg M099111v kes or addren FRANCIS XETTLE, th ar lldated Bank u tre E 01 sores, eato rth, a t, iabout 20.74-tf aitid, JohUl was badly e rn b t4 y -ok. Twont�i efitches ter Which turbances of the blotches' pim� and s qe Amd paof wxi; onjoyed by ths company aL_ NA6r Apo face there was gravel or ntent!A* ulcel*s,. tcown" xrere requ,1rd Mr. alks was preanited Is Now domplete, 'and co tj frequen iw 4itensej - leig 3e or sorae, such siga of kk1W B. MoLEXYS adjustable, radiating dust in �ejw laftr wouh4 with a ,gold -beaded cluM sud 'his Pgrt- tu. tes thel' largest 'col][ectlo 1%T1%nd fireprogf stovepipe thimbles are the lab- Am s dr; r] mn., etc. 9.9 tAle -LgIlint) qs�Td 314. absces aull sps, erysi in that, ime. eeqnomical, clean, safe and durable __UAPt. Crandail, of Port H7 m, x p., a iner in lite witfil ao �beautlful gold and new� nip -to -date sti thatihas ever been 4�4 dn�y Pills shoud be UkM a -beat conveying, regulating ar3, cle ul Ast., put now s6ttlema it and; port on 'the ea;st jyrooch. B6tif are Int �excellent'bealth Every 0 if pends on rgal U4aj�InC),. 8j()jjjZj I 'ITO They ada comfor and ig, aqo plentsof mort hea;My, in one $tore.. it is impor ftntilsongA ppara s. t and save for TV side of Last MdMitain; lake, In Sask- �&nd ore Ihg rpol not'long ago, congrat-ulationo. lina was of �ythiug expense in fuel. treal material used. Orders by the blood for Pree d v valitr, ag,then the iddfia-Yas aknda lilliecV:a ana, t at u filled, wholesale or retail. WM. R A. 'happy I buy yolir Hat W10re en, the blood is vim, the blood prope' Itcun, 'ley but geantily 96064- M. anli Mrs. Waks Gran4 0I&Man. I t e eCoicc ifs 14rge and nsall, Ont., Manufacturer. ix: leet. e 'reptile Pat sbent hy all. No j rr -10XV S( as a cause V lush off and ca a impure. d� of. the -Saiva eE6 tight,, il Tttfti t6q, p� acky mariner � camo from nea�ri WhUb ov r fifty -ery �Ype or blide f -is wate� all flos& GOOD ORANGE FOR A NICE HOME. — A J�; a:n a. foa 'g )arvicul, 4r shape of liat !I - very desirabl residential property on East )j ral c ly produces Arm) t 'Us ­2vwyl, to 0 ad blo r home - in Ful - A blood puriflei- mor, :e lbaffled Mm. A w yeaxa ag4? maki Ih fly jathers up in 1 1. ended the Irtoh latil &boat eL go blood is for sale cheap and on easy bloo( . A despatch frord LondM,.- Mi 9-nd, from a, lthil,, spil el yeam 4 1� tha body. and dated . �ge_pt�ilNbe!r' VOWS; i& le a tile kin of the wheaj 'th ' -came to live In St.-Karks. A bi a 12a, )ted to it. terms. Th�re are tw'o Iota and n eight -roomed 19truliggle. I t kk 19 6y Of the right, 32owe with. stone cellar undei the whole building. Mo it, to icontai, '47 ManyF *of thd-old frietlids In the distrier, 7( ur Ml make a we rnace and hard and soft 'Water in the kit- irdf - ati Ito in whihing them; =7 uWqP . erene, t I fe�l it my dutY tO Asy U Of the sx� ATTA) al tille4! tr0, Is -madf 0kiqM.,, 10 i - A;F AbQ & tu &,nd it I - WOM#a all pikel d un Ichen and all in first-class repair. Apply at THE B Cal 0 erp hair. r.baut DGAvla. xm=-r XU681TOR Or, FIM, Seaforth. 20724.16' -yea:r of 'health' eind �1�9ppincissb -Mir staltl= q;hW a, bunciv of, a IftEr. Tohn, -One of FullartoWabeat knownreW, liq farow M to 00neralT -on S4tur Att I dre dful 'pains ar- morn VW t�, bad I coidd not stocip Conce persion . of Skle,6ph BOOM, WhC Eel of -a larmier 'Aiving Iden won 2 It pital an Mon - M. used twa boxe -wher a.. he I it 6n�Wrlk th Oar Xidkle SA*k. In tratford I 16j Concession 3 14, )oucessionLi, THE KING HAT ZARIM FOR SALE.—Lot15, ft Londda foir Liverpooli- Aindersm,l wl threo �Jaek urod-Road 8 T. Md 8 J Lot 15, urvey, B 11 On ce; Allen, X1 c wr apletely cured., M9W TOwwblp of 1 and da:j Septetiber 9th. 114, war. stTicheLl, �ickersmith, County of Huron, contain stea;m-er Virgin W,i chil ev, j all fboy the thriv- Ing M aere�, situated withiii tkv6 miles of 4.ran, COMMa h 'BY -3 150 oisons and in w hich citr; the vot 51 1��Xex tl�etd� on Uhe head. with don t with pax-alyslai-on Stoid Sol)- 1.3 Made It om the fineat 41ish. far, own of Seaforth, one of the beat markets in Wes- ;�wbich neutrauzes the 030 P er wlb em teni let amd wrlhoved, to tb� i Ontario. This farm was awarded tl ahz r� 'of this all 'That indi iduality of stryle h t 01 1 . 'ex tal, Dec6ased 9' eou a h%t ie- 1 jUnitea I rraw pi in t he t %)i ie gold lbeikin) a, cam0aign Which is, toi ai. lieu C fftedal in the farm competition of 1888 The farms - 640reg the vi extimid 6v& Coada, and tbg up W a r ring IV W�o Lwsikf 0MIng bAvebeen all pastured for the pitst ten, years and Important flui at alte EL kaffe. -it Is' be\ murder Is healib for. reveal k7,ears and 1h Would now be in excellent shape for general farming. e lg� ants, Is 45 d no e For sale by rug �p Directory for 190 im—two-stdreyrick dwelling hous d to 1 5 clay loa and V� �en 4 -all aj� 'he. descrfb �e ap-, a:m of 92 r d 4A c k An- 6m, tio to with brick wmdshed—hot air furnace— 19, - - - - - - - - NAmA A a at a I Pos� derponn ulla:& C- GV N. L. 0 r, FACT*. h -d and soft water In kitchen—fine grounds with at, tIrpe sm� i NOL F xrd with hi PO' Pearfd to bV qWte an. '6ea fflh��bbary, eyergreens. and �cedar hedges --orchard Ino -hiis ae4 Prora -the h� t The. om=r whoi b4t a �ynuth-, He� scian becaMe With spruce windbreak on west and north orse 4or I dhe ba ddae one it tW farmers, f Fal- ne stabling -3D acres ofhardwood bush, good 'ALMA showsrem r I IMM with sto Itand beeeh—well watered with spring creek ruess ize,- as foillowis -and expects td.�_Ibe She be Urtmi said was called upot 'ae proa ljoves -it 7" VOW- c- -2, prom-ififtt pat I Municipal; at - Will seR altogether or would divi lip wat iinm I D MLL, =nven UDIES' iihor, OV No better property in the County of Huron. 004461, dear ld gt� k of bloo(I. T. JEACKSObT, Seaforth. a0d. �'! *Vel 76ur a on-' z filled the otficqp of co=- GWAN, Go 1110r, rallroa tar 'ho bamde4f the reporb�lra a�,. d to take S-T E f A s"T OW, Counefflor, 1-d deputy reeve amd reeve of: the COLLEGE ile re is the Maite's lbusweab, Aw D& -,O adve.41%laf I will. r&, en p P -*Y Lt"re -elly more ile 0�45ga tive as ctofe mTda6 th'a fut I a tOwIrAlp of Fullg:rtm se -rid wos for a, p,.,p C b w YA MUSIO PUPILS a mmber of TF the lana�cew *r- I'le"t &,1-6 of I Wblin district am' Or of iyeaTs YAN, Council i ST�. -TROAUS. than ove;r ov M4 oldi I Imqualitles w1lo !g466rtiaed for' a, w' fe. M1 an ea3t- ter --dagaity 'couliell.. 'He was vn� of ONT. -tho �Aft% S Ea '�o -ctors of. the Hfbbert Emd� Us - J L Story Holmes ii prepared to take -a number of mites �6f th# tho *v, ha leaked' i� out fh L MM Ift t3rrah ent . 'd1ed ed for CouservAto*r mpila, Meyers system foi�beginnera,,,g a 0 Me by. b� coi fteernin wpil­�todo young farmer lboriqi.N�FIrO if, Catnpa�O-y for 16 ex , tions. udt6 0 m T. R. Thompson% 'near Methodist Phy T Ir 'Terv, Pive 0 Of Gaid. Who W to 'Yea, -His f the 1� d )LLAN TORM "M d to Pd li-A (Alur* where ap 8 may be sent. 0,M! , ' - -7 two e0ne -Bul or aild E -up ti -,en aa C Al. plication I EC for y1tj Orb etritbrink bbi vae 1kat spring on 1711110411all e4m'\H9 Is aukvt�ed b W vrosided tt a ratm. It Is E aid tile nu a [Poinaz trip. MIMA01 20734 1 Jimes�m Wallarn both 6f FuRxiton-, t Pill W rt Rros __F