The Huron Expositor, 1907-09-20, Page 4M '71 7 7 S A SEPTE Imew a - lt*d nw tler-3 wra V ly vof. 7*0 %14"- utem cat trio Sig w9rAft —Onil NWOR -W, '0 9r#lnC &Mob T#aV0&4i,:'laat -oO Asteen*d towma-l' MOO vo )F icit A, Ym, 041-e IkA -,4w .64 - 7 mr. same* jzom i without to6d or mant ut -4 i r -r. -Jaknilewn- vwkwed ltv� 7 ac -;j theo I:Jvxymb - T. Y Ora WAXI and wait r ea; Anhoup 416 won ad- . J es t6:,� t tw .4 ore Witt d47% it 81th eelOmated *f W b-0- 4� iiutft later bo- N 4 a -- . I -- f0t M TA 1 4- fk* vi%wir - i, ears# Mr. TbTA Fas' ionable. root Fall. Me. Aod�, I ja - quite eased 0 Jodi- -had tiW 'ch(or ghdre !S h 1P tlte.—Mlo Minnie 33 -81 -bridge lum me-, e0c > -eat mxde a, al W eighti am and two. the `bo IaO tht v -1 ar vied, fattle. hiiiied foom 9, ASK to ber brot1wral 7 b pip W, no 11 danghtfto waLs 't'deputy-cowAy 0.1 0 un it �91n.l the pAst six weelro we have been bisy Mir. III& R 13 14, mid Wa 9' aft e S. 7. kc6ptionally at'711krnlotalk Uariftoba.n�Wss Floirew�e D -Am-glic -11�'�c mWIJ 'm or H !'Lqyal Or UrM9 I � I ating UP 84 -aster - lbrlllip�at 0 %ad 1,010viar writer N-qrtheott of this ttowmj h4; 4 Old 19. 17 19' 19 20 2 1- aignments of new Fall Footwear,. -and 'to ay -out 811ock a� vax�k active pdxt tv -the ereott w, A -pot Uj He till -is 'a, professibnal fturw PrSOUL 0-.2L ve 27 the firat�thurdfj L ar Pre�cbier. from m very, -p�,ett 0,41P ada ed Call e. ked 2*2 23 2-4 �26 26 8 -Wingha 11 .19 'a S� ,,v weddtia'g took La �jr at - 1,A, wrts fro0i +ho unLvierfelty X; Ria*Aospital.—We ldregrdt thatil Y complet The Atkyles, While sho -change t L IM ic t e� Is a, pvospo� Ot of our ham 4vml qlialfty is up dt d; :%ne0m; Y[frorn Icilo d- b t�xactivei R 'to ... -built )Aftr 'WhOVia the C� i P� gtdoi, - ut home o' :Xr, 'Mid: VU kin Y, 29-- .30 U1 st seaXon, Are -.graceful and attzactivie, -to dWbabd o*fng to a milinbefe- of: usual high' standarl -Patent Leathers, I Gun -did ep t4 0 .. .... tilow Wt. W*[yU fr. m,t-. y4d, of Stkpht d, on -Wi�dgeadwy In! 'thtology. At .'Ta;r -afty, I nt al C14 selpi. -And rioadl RUA b -on' NNW ADVERTMM19191t1r., ated with b- In eo I k4biter," I 1,iorral -here in every popular styleii; And nn vvhere %vilk[ y6L, work-, Imoo it,: :(,�Aj bse li,, �en 'Y quing- inatriculati0f, Je capure-4 t'he Aluloo Box Calfs are 9t, the iteanheir�J# tribir se'dbin& - It fh ft that w --d wtV3, =rried scholirahtp jn Ift; 1110; U - �AUft'rR01111aYl, Of- tW 1;i*" "Olt r W. M Is e coz, d yegiri, i r,. o dw6ll, A. oTbal er 011.12, a better or more com &wort tallow-wurkrve= [d C Al. ment�, The fic flolwing p- to 0 Mi- ohad sixteev turkeye killed one,�` -knovm� 4W K6i6;sFboIa:rsnt well The figure betwatin -th% Parer W1 4wriloOr Rio -w Odd; r" fteotly. The flock� 10t on'to the 01 is 16f i tf*ra. Ybung TackietsWith. The ,Ola ff. h* Alpeo been -da �rix' makes are among our recent arrivals ithods after panh '7M, _c do th 'Yeam Of cf�roh M-17 1 1. per go which e e� id, -1b d -1his V as blretornied by -R( v. A. th ad, motes the VW ot the pa 'k, triavk abd warie� rux:; Into by'. pu� 0 d, G0*11-11in( ce ot,,,& f(w in-. —T1Ia fdll advertimment ia four e ow rw lbos pu:r thN'Vrwsln J#9 19 1)8'!rt oif a. le FALL SHOE!$ FORW 10m, tte'r th -L-Ur- T. M C h tug; -Ur;3.-' M, dwell 'tho -AgWdatedl C 4Great- Clothing M. I texs and, two vited friends.' I Sr. andl u1i on the Offige, Ot ch tood' L - Atmatrok!s hd 6� weet of '3 -Xnrtery-PoppleAtoxv�& G6rdhiei rjr �Other 447. It was th � -)raIlw&7 - traeld aod "win 'move -it The .5,$ $3.50ij)e�l pair. Empress Shoe, a geat assorbmeipitat SM f trIp to( dot Nnd, -dt�,,Vo property, - nea;r - tb The Sdvereign Tictodi Shoei-Aichardson, & Man -Ata, 5 Form Opening 0 thL1 ftomi an, Itudi I migrant, Who qama to 'We, f atheeto Shoe with cushion siblos, -at S3.50'per par. e we of scho-al llanw-R,, sowett fi:" -tX. Ed. Pai wa*�, a�..forrner Gwew. to Cahada -Dorralle 'r 'Wow R list, 1906, ib - tha Ok.—Word, lhaA 1 mei-ved from' The Glatilusboro, -nd $3 per pair. y Sh6eat 12.50 a 1h Pik. tot "k-1. ailw4y- ifled w Ith, - akeCree 'd whe, wmIt to It Ow ThA Peerless Shoe at $2 and $2.5D per piir. Hdh 66Y tztf (low Idient K J �W + Prie 01 tha DorMnlotj mta fdin*1 openklg of i the n, pronizent m hi Nottee-J. A. Ilson 5 OV1factating cOnceM, 'in wnd­1 t ire ir ti 4mink to mbt1her died five' i�, zhIstak: ton leaving otta 1 d in A, -4a% ce eft d. Ulos Viols wa a after her. arrival.—Z' PAU 8 FOR ME 01101pbli andi'God6d6h.- bir�d and: that Her" r Xeter la -Wkut,044-�Mim% st, t(166rich helby chi ramd'Itapt alad Canlada 4ndt If,' wi G do --G. A. Y'M, 11 airraugs !having 'a building. buond thls� seksoin, Ckx de EnVileace $1116 6 Thirrodif of hust of that city, �Tho weddft oo, Malone, Jr. 5 lat the place jo,!H&Ve omo ob) pay M;Y, sidenov9 be- The Slater Shoe.' Box Calf mad Dongol. Kid at 1per P 4 "Yegm from tbib- -turZ10101 -o! U1161* fl I age glo fewer than' twelve, re in r tesidm"e of the e. ather Jbick -wad. iget ime a, goodt ire- o1borAe. ban Job I Will bilk IU4, cottrael OT coAstruction'—w4lile TheSlater Shoe in Patent Colt -at $5 pej psi t Siworth Cider Mill -J. MoNaara 5 air. Iva Smillie 5 _ would like; one at aL'bar, er tat 'the �T 7be Sover7ei $4, $440 and $5 per p sodon thq 'River OP ating a joint land From ever' k ii fpi Shoe at ends -of the blde and- 1 --00 Mr- Weddbj groom f 'the. qWW U�e anks e6pie jo t traw driver -Or a 0 -a' condnetom Co.a n -All, Pred. �Wella 'hiad1bis Jeftl Our Sovereign Box Calf Shoe,'*jth wet -proof soles: at 50, makes an P araink day sh e. Tr -y, this store fo -your and. Mrs.. re i a opend tW6 Of x tra; cw1mot, Thkiwsiver, Cider Mill Ready -4. Elder 8, Teacher U 13ro*a 5 -exc Ud a ew diye, ago ad tho tio. -sta tj tand d ;badly lnju�dj 1h 0 101111 C110 NWIll le M­Cket isloiiall alm., I efore ad W6 tyart to telebrat h1s -no -a) b wood. uld IbMea of. tbsL thirdt and fouTth Forn1wrial4r&ae�4. we work On a, Arm, an& thW could de- f event. �Sci IgTeat- was I( rownc g9ro were brokeir While the see - I . 4 BrM 8 duet 't Pas frorn my -pd- AL fb*er was badly lacerated. It 1U, . ud Sao U Smith tj lker aed 88 rears, 'but nVt fis More than. -827.50 dwdst A Clad Sweep.—Mr. Hery thef'r 'T timsportalticin "ha ­1-ar do dep&,r e "erich ShDw--.$! the passenSer rt 1(nAni 4esider t -of t, old and the fXre charged, :b�y the Dominion, Sii IM of the Olt F to ts- AiUmmt; toa,yro 'Ouffic die� arm ebis- hercli qf ShorthOrps at IWV- I f ad "eses, o' '0=v bited t tot t, ek.' �Dec eaee a; ice �m eril maithe his d 1� ot S *,as thi Dorf cars e coWt �dUiag 'W.en he, eentJ7. 18 tdi cM Parlor as _1bo a to this Do- ion! Ekbiitiov ajt Sher - em Notfftg r�f, hi"gedtland an G - Ion' DePOtment Pf Agriculturd, re- 4ok, Quebec Frovine -I t wee aa r7, Web, a dii r tft, It e me for the tratas wra 47� - A uguat reports for.. w 0, cessful, wfvnWg c tile fola legunip to C9&adk­he, bean P widwed:ai continlw� deeltne, sue JOAPGRTIT FRWAYO, -1907. 'h�d w4, lea- izes: Seconq' for: senior,. was of th)a best - av 19 jt�o voya weel�s, okid! fodr,yewre. jp�j the, quaot" 411rVig pir a - of,,,,�sevev -at and 2nd r for R . fro6i th6 previo.us bu.t ealf ; I -or bull term Three., sepwrate trl. .!.W65. later lie, ba:d1 a 14�ftlous trip to God- Juni iii0ith. -Tho d hit *111 affect not f ist' for Shortijorcr iirAldh cow.. quied to provide ac Irt. W-on!t Work. &�Ioq n I Ich, c6ri� flom*Uantreal to'Harn- FAAOR71 of ttie, aPples, Tbut to Sri for Junior liearit-Ug at & SC 0 777 bry 'stage -t 'field.' Tespohistble* a.9nig with (SUESSOR TO U. WILL Wh4e: the 'two (I at- wad rfor �*Ulnlor ]helf er 9, -TiOrcifto U-Trialbo , dtherf,' verY #tgh ift V 2nd Ist je� lio of - which ca;raq direct, f .0111 eel 'h 'Y'd tb�ence 'or I -")p boaijo winds for", 41,0M t. Wa the ual quwn- for ibreeders' herd- Alf of $Ol agen' '&aJoIrtlt t Long itWra, I; fok the "Empress -and IN was W" mcgathim: algo appohlted! 9, Vening a u's 3rde for, erd t in �Chtit�anv to Gk4bridif-iby boat. dr�p#.*� ea I," of Itfie, cotreispidia- oca elt'; It a Ift-d' '2nd for two valumis b -T., the oAtarlo' 06yer' ft"t train' alTved iZ4 Ila t.WA1ker died 6am ago, and the' womeii, and the "Slater and Wal for n,. )m G k denta ate',. -the damage Inthe m"O cOw,� Mr.. Smith competeda�t men. R*Wtr td aftqUA dreds of citizeuq.-Ud am ni� iled tr� *4W tut VhIldren, t a ame hTee Whia wn4- three id,�ugh- Lake Ur aUg. �e . t with mJdt of the laing depot'to welcowsL the ti o1ri 0 ere &Te %mnectioo wllft� Xrie' M00 edalserva,� wivnera, at the Tdrogto JMxhi. w Taeafty, acM one'. of tbb and.ableman U14-yor.7 auid, Couhtill&m, B W *4,of d 3 —Wkigiiam t( Wa. m ner, has been transferred damage will be' nearer 20 bit and severQi new and Citizente of -on Liqudi.uC6�" -.bwness bf-Toroht6 -Tile -competitoi.,,% J4d9e8 00 he&YX d4tims, to the sw ne b eps to secu're''! lbereter farN nVent the teo6rcf lb" Inn(d bls "IX*t-r 'Tbe.yeport, ai- Were, In thAllge- -of the' c* 161 ati at 'W a his du Per dArikwie atMe. Th6 be, juade dhok-mal that those front this viclatty, , a, aftend- ndas t ntered esolut r--4 jr."h,-�d h Ir �dwfinjg -If af fe Ife chd of the basterds ot Short- —Mr. as., the m& - of the,:ltqiLaor, Uclehse law#, The ties them one oinly exerted- every effort Ito :: - Sam# .611U" Whid - ct the apple ed; the Uxeter abow, ow Vue;sday, were, o though iolera!bly lem�*bjy. T- ko wao 3usl�y, avre, reduciqvg trh' owrrte� - . e. roispeotgri fog peara. fWlins In CIrada. XT6 0 Gray; of tbo .Xeot ]Dad' and! fortune - or necemrY accommoidatim i, a ff f- -a He shipped Us cat- - Al X, `v "ng ielftv hild ladt week so ago; when dr contalmi one !reammmhUtlov W 14 Both, t -ect17 fr6ml Toronto. land. -had,, the Woom: Moodie, of the L004on Ra:d'. hi aging oucceeded. in d4,*t!g el' a. he. eVrly 'a ad laltex-, 1 ,peaa, 9,1 tie dtt I a 16i -and s� )ri ut -to �eateh' of special gaftvfal Interext ifttb1d&'iof TIW,.t119A cbU itil' '"t tha chlef 'as �he cormercial Jeach dop,. the M K,4 Bruce Boebmitiv has, a driv- it J tich from start to, flnW1 :as g M sewe ratuthed this,' We6k - n r. good' by tht) he -ad W-1 en 6 becanae frigW. i aftd. Urcis- �*111 e - I �- II- �-th 187 "1 1 "alt ened to dragal 1, WarantcK, Conmissidner Starr very 4 ecute ev&-Y vio — - he Liquor Ing, hdrige, WhIeX bough; twenty rom the ef- Me 9110 art 0, ShA-Pe, not 0316 havIV9. (received aa im ankle, V e itoigri MIS& con The, -offictal pirt ot th nlu6U as a iscratch m, tho long jo cau throw, d%of Inilthofaces feCts Of ha the it - pe. of most of the eot - -drivera In. this vi- his room. iaufflelMt? ."lla Die, e.vl —Aim B, Cook -and mrs. is )ieechA. 5 ton. cemIng �bi'winew th;rodghoutfika Fro- the af tevmo�=- d a** -clatty.—Mr. Mi= Scott� our vaterka. A. E. Hillskillwooe a we -;Also alsk th LfeeWw - Inispecl or to Tkcsl the 010derldh ex- �merchsz be d1u4soclated with DoUtics. It-, nighit.; The addresses link th afte, IX L cur t, is. ObOt mre In the ma-rket MlssourL haive be an the gu Vrosecute, all- ih Ikee e,% ..,WbJ6 011' AXKA�,U. Vince p Thur lests 17f eA that- Mr. -',WhVbney, WfTe - _ 41ven in, the Ifob Or A�k -a VIID 417 last '165 tickots IYUying -all ff* t&= age twill The remniber*j ort sold . at this dtalW � al proclucei.. f bait XcAllisbr, of thi5 v LH .—birs. b. ther I am at, we a k.the �nd hiLd the V a hae itist received direct from the mamoac, R. Otto 0' Se 0 11 excellent 'assortmen offeiv wrii$ I,$ payWC 'tho top Zbftl% cLean, 01f nith, returned Te- a. 611 t of L4W Yj4dee ifie C. -P svifggr e I ft commts*ofiers tw Weather appeared MM Promlsldg that tuh rg, a *boa r k 1opposiU64, Vr&MLqe(* thalt If sheds- tal etc." Dr. MfLakM,, OIL They are the greake ve had ttgUiVE cently* fr )in ]Md he' WM& &r ct ell -a I oat doubl. WUJ -Ue� botel--keabdrs: 1 refum or :019nber would ha* e -be st values you ha H601 esi r, Nvhre she t1i 0 Wb,vr WbL(y A her ax i W11 'been VIM u power he woWd, at once, the "rece-pticift cornnitittee, of e vi comply the. 0hanize of seeing, Come and inspecu them at PA 'The Utef'Mrs. AikWhesd.—Deep and strictly-, I Te t&�s ed.'It 1.0 t h t 9 -191iter, Xv-s. R. IL coub for. the[ 0 11 antt': t 9�t a, that dw stuceie, *regret vo felt Int this corn- 'Brereton sev er.- d Weeks and'j" d. -reimqv6 the dasing.astem - from pol ell -piresIWL and' i9teed "it -'f lit! A r visited tow FrrweZ1k­Bidbert Bailey, of , t tie atgr- Inulai. gat for ty 't the jrrday ladt On 1%raing f IVOR - and politcal lnfluencm�,. he giveta bY Col. UdDonile-,Utni if -The many frinds 'YL -of thla Irfe'Mes tiom, be provi 1 d. to —Tha re- Ivi I Bank Gdderlft to boxi-titor thjj �qn Guelph: jtp Mlni of Mrs. J=Ays AlkeldheacT. stwArt, younge'st do etlm . r 11 to, -qL4 Md IS bbing I si—Utsm Alice Tippet bLaa been WX -P bMd N*t dgW solicitor for ttLd,� of the dei6di of Mr. has entirely fallect to ilemser th mr to 'dence' 'Gut f c0a, or pain't.— iL 'a two W68kfe `f1jDIid8;y at I nb on L the 2n4. 00beee e Ch took eel art, wile is in 0,1111calpf bIROV40C the flel by a, n""r t W Amt1y, the 0 tik if. . I OMM g- —TAe S60tt lion Of Stan. hospital Toren to Vill be pleased to Llitheike a Dwah-wood, Mrs. 291 Mius, Ross' of Parli. On. Sh5 IretUraled 'AJ<gr aln. a S�- -3 :-respect Cominits" tdn Wm. K �0, Septenber 11th, hill evisit with Mra. I Jdho SLrrdl- ted y Mrs..,W*Jr of London, Y roed. 64 And In 'thi learn he a Bell � 'Of: W ise- mp ylplf ti idomer. Sta:rr onl�y corrdborat(49 whit- of the Go4 on- g -a Very eek�— Id&. �hxt tleok sufferer f,& several Wends, , f the S Taylor, ct prety, i veatl' MISS Lottiel Burt of Abed'tell, Da- has been o.'M fol a mber of week elise known to -be true. WhW Mir., Nicholas Stire, claimied-Wiss (Aintibri, to i4awo awling riendshipsr -thel Rev. Jo0eph Elliott" f lthouiebi olvelry peradm ko a.—Mr. Wllsow Ejaglagm, of A:ber- st be p ed to learn thatshe is now iniprovin 'a remecW for r1e& Durthlg the at d'a-ugli tr of. �A10113 Iren- in, T111H vicwty.�: L BenUeft D nA1kW!fW.ad1 �Iyftddee C, Wt Well, Cotmipsiciaer Sta;rr 1- in 7c deen akota,, Is GLtelVfj -'and L'GW ase 9Dt*:YeRr9 Tkoas Xtje�e. jo(riOlt Lro � -. I 9 ol ely, 110-4:1bride.- The Inte atinc ha's lr8tum)dd e everal from;tvere 1:ror MU eu mamo was mcEw Observzr t 1140, r the G0vffM.meftt GUelp'li 'MUOICa.1 L' 'an ext, 3nded visit en. r n. i hich � took *ace 9w) ]Six With frl�andsr til Writo . St.'Cath- d(*: Fatr last week.—Dr. G. W. Woods! ;Rzd Legialatum td -entirely diveist xcellent mueic. hea air 'elock,- *Ae pier!4*med ity Rev I She was a sister of Ur� MalcolM M4a. spent sev daY -- "s dr. 4XI10PS andr Niaa a.—Rev. and -4�ondon reconty;, 'twr XcLeain, wh Kris- and Rev. J. Hinde attended the recep-, Ewen, a,1W 'or, - thb. 2.nd <�oneie"IW, Of takingin the e upi-tion of the( �Wite x therneelves of all control of.the traff p"toj(!9j: the chaTc the of Cookerille aM140tr. d 1) caMo 11P tictf.'Vivex, to the Blebol) of -Ldndon St She was -auftst wdethyand relatives. of . 41 a im1b er of L 1116 �wnd that Ahrea salaried commWslou3 rived the -pre-cedtf e! 1, IM At to tebead Uie Dix idas-.1blu va.tom wed- at Lmdon this we6k.—Th�- evaporkato -neat God arich, h- Buchanan -c. 'mad In' the truest wnsp S 'en spendin th ni Z3. iDetwit exmil—ftitobff'. af I - a,.at r exem W*4 tbhe dlog, are plairy wo e h the conclusion-, the, dere opendin "10 of 9 IL weeks,. cor, ir nenced, tM v1ba Appointed by the Goveraqvq; e j,fr A e week wad Mi. -Whid- of the t aad bipth, tiy, precept and Pub weel -6r so dthe disposal the -Y �;mpmffy. repatr to thle; 'bridi6's me, renewing friends a in, fr' ham i this, vicin- ill%. "has a g�obd[ 19aff eWlgyed. i n ho-shll he-given'eatire contrel�of excuTplc"si on- Lake, frtrroh� rZI eXkMple did wU. her part U9 leave 4e liens ��e, the 'k.oW 3, �oupletecelved; M -UPLem! w 'family of St. formerly Misa, 0a in alid . betber tb= Jdbb found. it ibbertr cLaren;?.ii proved me -of. the to4 leatti wishes �Ar' after AlIc6 Duilddasr:�:.--X C&tharLU819, the wdrld- th&'traffic the licenslag of thos'e im all David,"qhrlsjie� and, let: her n thel0s. the -Mabbe-1 Dr ug r( 'f r t A l - iad, bor memoo, will, tie long und. 1pv in London recent. tractions fori itl%lel visltoTs,.. OTd Hlbbett,j were call- jut to -leave, ;WeStmbtft1yr ly A� P ffhall­evg-age� It it. Also t tat land t6wins. all ��(Y 3 ic of X: v S�Ivpttr- Mr. 61*1 Dow, of D' e ffib recipi- J09:6A Mr. -. G. Waghoi?4 0 On ous irepa4t. � T% bride, was, (Rev.) 13 wad f4Tn Ingly eWrldbed inot alone Py the 06mmit-albners have, eAtIre -Theibanqui6t IV tbb,ev" g wasival, day of t merners f her owv family 'but, by ifteld, hav een v isftfng re1&t1-V,4es hdM U-14 �jM o e ikit X)f- A l a7 of 1hhAdebmeU9e. his i'week, were the lafit to leave Nwlft�s all control t)t the provincial -at thet RrltidN ti H. -a. privileged to -enjoir ber. Mbert Ro ss...etarnd -this week AU !Orr. Mt. tuir 6&d c(isily Y -eddin!g 'gif t�. '-The Yman"S AiOndB,�bxi -Wednesday ev- G. who wft 1 -A dlntr�lgr(Yombefti d a in -re ::: . - p1eae*it1Y.18'pen11t in'� e1ning' of last eek a, retuvi'114 Imma on Saturdai.— - from Hy W -J lerle h otmven1ng was mon or anualptanee.,She leaves arfaWA'Y' e had been and Local Inspectors. and offiderp. nill spending Mi A, a. ery pretts B t Sic 'has treen-eecard few days or 80. I elitS 'weddkis w Wns aind two daughteira, the 19 -few tov the. 1 01 Ne te�r that Owamlsslciar Starr's social and U6 as Odle: rMiZed a the home "th, AD cert beld 'hero' howL —A -very prett'. we.ddthg. re. kild eldEit of *hold to n1wrrIed avdrealdes e�;; p Jdfuettow wh' thLJ a would prove worse and liatige � t . Mi el voirilic Tocalistj In Mault-dba, apd, the -:youngeot. kt -death of Mr. James In' d-, y*,�&V-.-z� crowded to Its ca C r. wad 4111�ht�� Ito !h�jrt last We took !ace of X, Ai T ' eWC. Wroposed car ]Aott, of . Glioderldh, )ar 5th� their it ov -Thutsday y f ning, Septent the few 701mg 4. estimable daugh- Takonto; 'MISS Away McLeod dhainplon following izt$ -mxka dangerous than. the d Wlgdh� Was- a le n!gtbly or 6, �,t te hoinye, ol Lbilal i waw 'umlt4d. ilr' Hi*bl'amd - djmoer 6f Lodon, and - oth- as to his life Will- ksease It 1 Chay. G. Koebtzow., and, fh&, V etmlt� . W wr-100 towelts fit tin 'hlen� (ioUbt be -of I-- -W, 11 Jae was lj� d0g� to( rem.y.. Ii- tbe�,I- I Iso Beattice Mrrlage to Mri George' -Dtftdas, a or thilgh cias artists est to his many ly - aaYd -eldquently ireeisop nded W I r ter of MT1 801 born Aepte- at and ris. Mi, el well known and properous, ounig Lfg;r_: W for - pattledt in Scotial id; in 1ptiu* 4knii:0h 1)14daL it Woi�laj be a jga.bver iSlonji6t t e: ti E4n, P t. F -d-1 reien 6*ver; 'of �on,�:-an Mr. kOK1110p. At 4 solock, thip clo 3&g noviemimt Y, reou-, The towtff was beantlf4llj� f " o mud IGADiAN & STANDURY, Barrlsberx� Mo., at Hensall co U gTk.%b�d to Ilt .rery RrIMAry principlea. of dii�dc 7at e I ipmodg, of - the )etrott a, Bwnk ride leamtr* on. the Arm (if her fath- ippreelated by th; merdhatnite ed' of to sible G '6mmaint.L bunting: V11, of r 'the parlor, 4has b 6en, Tutsda�s, Thursda and Satui1ays. 1=9otf 61mls XA-L ng I the ir?hes� 'Droh - s. ov In- te4er laecoind- place all 1 nifed, ar, entered *here tile dis zieft r - _01,ML bmh -fttinned during thef thad te eva- ftekersoatbIl and I 0StrotJ1 Stephen, inI CY their places at AplOs Wanted ut the Rensall Evaporitor. High- itha � fc uple-to looked U best. nmr!rI%g6- F R Mr. w0ald bet placing dag-arouEr-Pbw- The'dy was -ator Is- ruMing after which It will eat wariket pnice paid. George Joynbi Hay, m- *ng a I "Ift W 1011i ter' IV th t4e altar mod ofe whic f �Wbo tit 50 d, y a of Ir esence Una ide Ilk,47 lbe irertamed.—Laz rrop the[ handa vVedding zv$ It so that a good manv y" Sualft morn The imderdgned bAshist for opela- temenibered by w1l ho, to �k: ag.L r atirs the an dhhs preached, in' tkLe an reWoimllbe The lqr e, wbd was ed march was play ej Pd bi Uli�a Amhle Fer- J MAIrL 77 othe in- tion and will $i7-nd ilwndiii;y, WedneWsy and Edday Whit k4filOn'. -Little Alice Knedh1tal acted mg, Kei�,hod 01=118191iotlei2i I a net I 'Id ta1JTy1'ftg Re Mir Ai laer WU re4y ohow V-317 Xf these -c d' War comfor port46t gNepp in U, I W as 3fflavfied to min . ...... f0wer IgIrl. Rev. WILIO no throughoub tfi4 -A. John Elder, Utingaff. twere wAde reS P0W*41e to tte GDvern- 0, Was i atte led- by Miss L llain. 3 of service in, �st, AiadrewW- Mc -et- mr, a le pre&eeas! lull hIM: biro -of the Ne, 1 lbeiing. froinj -home. N -ext Sun --lim the matter of the in- in 111i aticin woula not 1 b, a y day Ram" e anent the alta Vag vir-tillawilly ir-� C0,0kSvllle, the�-kvlaw 1ft, , r4gi )n the Aleceas ,1IT this Itzow, Wilk), e6unty. a �1.w -train Ic f gram f and I m" -here on Fridayiftemoou A Presb GOdefr1eh for GU61phl'-480kit 12�30 a -lar, and-'eairried M rag The per ormed v6d from What 10 ff�ow, aLs the Frid eVenhg. d I! the cA17 In the or -will. qui6st, held tic 8 it Pie- yperian, ad in ore 12 prettily yQ cr mvqAty assisted ty Revs. be a Ttitaity. dh;urclf. JU, W� ev - lasf, conducted by the coroner, Dr, former, &Y 1 d, � car wtedi ond Ores& e Oh It' ilik an In e Aod bei ig a c ose readei he Up a g power would, atill 1b; under Me jYM:!MtX W r6. wilabyrotis aisrs.. MCN. 601Q�at-; Inig there Will b -,e vic tU otie Browning', -of Exeter, and the County Was very intellig., I s C 4, b4l e Ifni 60 , litical Influence. if th�r'were made eer aind clewrl-y' �mh gonel - iub Huroxt �A costly owe� the- ov6r fh& 'colilpaiy on InClepeMde-nt Of the GoTeftnlelllt N t K-et'hadtot 'and- Pre ehu t14s. Crown Attorney of Godericb, to in- ed is ts, afta r 3 5 1­ tfie grocim' are est emed AYterian. r sses M -q. L a e14 P._ Z f r Lf I 11bride d about'jfty of tle i med rI ex 0 a tlg 0 the -cause of the death of. Inyested with-, full poe!m to -do ag quire into e wellent u - -h forwardiiesA _ and'- -The eighty aerelaIrM qril� J�b 161, their- W -b Rte' !rel4tivefy and friends i d the Con- Stq�'% at )34WIeldl far, arer offered iil­ pleased, they woW, a- Oda -in, the the late Mr. ames Stewart the ftd� 8 g, -be m �ore concession of Goerich �Vvi no hi well t than Imumn if theyxesldted the tenip- pi tactth'g PartiftWs9eftyblbd around )f the jury, after &�r�g all the 11delity ta eing very in h, ornitted fr1offn' t1ft6 prInted, -prize 11194 aus5b r (10 tw.­ 0 01oLd ed He, had 1060119 t the Dyke- �b state .�ladM table. he�e i1i partoak of a ii evidence, was that t death traits tatione which wonlcl beseit. tittam on ea:rtyr 5--Xiss, Aft Rotfatt of -Loi.-Idon, 'alt --oldea =d there by �aucticin other d r. rotElb -1gUeRt Of MI�Ss Clxra; Erwtn. W'as sl -p he age o luncheon�. Mrs.- Thomas Sim. - reached t t —Mr, i --- eams -and, wai woul, d, e none� to A large and Well rc�4i Ose r, aswrted- arra7 of useful - wnd call them td accorwVt­ They Middleton tre�ve, !,aa the p �The C. P.; R will b IK' a im son NMS her 'sister in. London last' remairkably ict!) *ana With gl hiaL, e F14her haal retu=i6d to Wwt- would at $3 260.? olla�r dock at F'rt William, d greent.9 �tejotified. to ethe �6ateem bwn,* more despotic and corrupt.thay. In, erli after spe�fdnig part of 11ts week.—A-number from here attndiod faculties Well priamE er J)a 800 a week the Pair in 193feter laA.- a' Od in Ifeumll, f )K many years -and d Vanil pl-01ne day I 'at ba�skes A It tile 'f Wedt In) d� hl�pin;g ft which this jo�mg Couple. -were held' caum 1hord. on l'uesday id Go. r rn e -were Mhipped frptn -c Cmispilbiou-S arniong the num-ber. Ruis, of Duluth ing "nWdY would not wor�c. It would not the world. wa's and Sister, MUS and falxbly- known' wiff r. - and Mrs. Jdhn. &Aid' a] -M Baker, of by� the dt UiiS je� b!61n oUr Streeta he tolerated-. -b'r he . people for ocie la:rge eas cWr glyen y pir, Rate - Bouthro of Exeter, visited be vAery Of which thelAYrido was friendshere over SabbmthKrs.- im-oh-th. he Conimlasjoingrz AgInew, of Clinton, UE v e , m-. Itheir g Aden The at Mem- Constance. 0. re lie -a vM figure 'The 6 -IghLt tumed from lix- weeksv I rl to Al Le '*,eddit, S6P iTiber 9th.' Large young I �Otlple�= A.L:UcDonell and i�18ter-in-laiw. -Miss funeral s d n the <ab Xt theiX� m A ie.t' i home ali We ng ea.—Wfiss DdreeV Dever, 6 11 -her Jer am. faithful 9 on event 0 tra on' the f S I ce w,,d s I b - of In VIC 14andon.Lfbilowed iby _Di)uell, spent A couple f days in of his brot Roler of Tuckersmith "W..er re UiM cQuId- but the people couU ndt e te renewI49 acquaintancers'herie. t ek.__O r nifflinef on ThUrSatty =40 bP er, to of Lolldqn las we ur S are -je Jbe' 11eve- it. 'y would at had am- unplealixiat ont 6e t ber E piresent, to offer, oot;grWtuIaUo;a- "to 'host'lof frie:ads Jr. A. KcAllioter to thet,gue p —Mr. D. "4it of.': CligL.Con, The A. Pd. the 'best e e c ckear of Mcl�atosfi. Mr. McAllister h' come P�target, &r Suspicion ot -wdrithly b of -Ice as I� all bu�ily eugagei e Also ohwergi Mee bLe to I p;keparing fbr their Mh and was ,good will.- d' her day, He was drIT as r 0 Mit Fall openings, Miss Smith in her own T ea:r thiD I �-R. L.-BordoiP closed U3 Ontzriiii prvisperity were rred in the 'Nad' distrust and the hard �hey tried f rom, all 1 "turned! from the wedt.—Ulasi )1. the ieuiai-6s. n ein. tov,% hiki .,vn- antom.id, at 131661ybet( Sgulay if ter nodn' *h -)D wish f6je, tim w heal t�, happimas m�*h esshtmr�. -so suddiehly that 'to da thalr day t1l Ja t a ;061 ni&s Miss Fleming at J -, W. 'Weis- prroaperl ty ean', ,of Detroit, visited lfter millinery- rooms ; Miss Bruce at Ran- Lsal.'Unioii Cemeb 31- md at once re. rnedr to TW)iroUtd. Her acad their n home. WEDDING.—A -v event oc thty would ive and Che r)we sus- fright amd thr".-Yr *e rj� oi Li I-ef t Saturd nQ _A for eMfg- D,1 Uillwh' -last week.-a�A miller's and Miss Bartlett i%t J. W. curred at the resi nee' of Mr.' -el0p. they wouldl engender, 'Evemy &IYY Narth Eel and irl, la!r,,10 hurytbe"r fr0n� Landesbora atte6d, OX of the lbulggy. w over a day at. Mrs.. He as' MAO "L the est. He w 1 [l. latop, Ortwiem!s.—Mrs. Fi�rgqaon, of Avon - 0P tinent6f the- public Service W.m. Webber, Xorth Riclii�,Dna but qf0t SeFflouisly EX ter4, services 'her" fta.daly bank, is visiting her son, Dr. Fe$�gu­ Street on Wed Ile Se h The M tbire�dh Wure W,4nnipag, aind ien conftue on o4mit n, -disposed,: -it pr te !be Teraalv under the control, of —While at wr�. Cole Is. in -e p t 'daughtek J00,100i LUrrie, o! Vaind ' ver,. an, 'th T1ames Wad -h gone yfi. tfI Peedif J�rlefs.—Kr. son.—Dr. CaWthorpe, of Thamesfc& I 1th, ;t h' PKes0atatlyte. ThIs ift the very essonice toVMsfhIp, met Otl 'bef at iVand Uth ancy pleagwat afted tho peo wKh1 a C Chi the coast. HL's I etb of vwt * with! 'hVr.- Cooper Forrest spent ai couple of 'da -heit t th r chpawl, re- da. -y, U�.r. M C. Dalef haii 'rietumed, ifter1ai visi ed friends here lat *eek.—Mr. *f our Eryatem ot.Go*ernmitnt and the Benjamin SL, s riage to Xr.. ciden t througlT the N owr est.—Mr. ftoinais d, S.' Jludso,� of 4 trw fh6 oriventio a Of Rwftail, we r -of Rensall. Waj3 aja fflwrtho�m I - , chinAD, when 'he �fell- min', Manitdbaf IPIOUS the DdrrAtil Ar Lias Perk med by Mr. ton JMihibition.—Mr. and Mrs.- versaxy 'Service,—T& antive- L ons �vbE Under stril Ini,,! vfie 'ottiaw thur vleturned on Fri ceremony uTe frdt6 that tem no, atter how W tn Ilia Wk neWs Chrtstian- L -em re she visite her siateri Smith head- am 1�ntlic '!returndd f row an sxrr tdrvices i -6 kilitia -. B. M. toler&0 any depart-' He was! 4*1 a, plaitforrm, s! bbl nell bt in London' last ek.—Mra. 3 iThe Woodstock,. form4rl People would alut e IC Slight, and th would- lber foo-1-helh- if aist perQn0ek Union, 110.1d, at. Winipeg last Enoch'Follick, havei Whdf.L fowl qUp "held. an 4 -el of mistle, tri scalp waw.d, and ouatatntn� Wr(so .1 ': pok, 'Iffqp�.' Th. M140 Green extended tr med with weddin,4 b ig, in fhe �fir- they did, Per Shaw, —Mr. ana . Mrp. cavin. We MUSt, herefore, look 'ellp western In connection witIl the Coo�nettpnee Newell attended- the exhibi tivs l the tion in ence Of lmme&a e rela for, Mome other rembdy tham�­ithat pro- —Mary Crystai�, city, an bmiciraty mbr iber, Stites and NOrt weot.--�Pev- A. Methdidist t-huk6h. - IaMt Sand nd Loud6n' last week.—Rey. and A&s.' cont t* The bride was Wife a17 Joseph CjStdr;� of lot sioinary servieba at Vowifty evenlng,, w!re df-cied sue- Doherty and Mr. GX. Petty -went to re� rac it parti( 3 To'sed, 1by Mr Stigrr eth * he eivied -1hearty a,�plause wh -oar c(Milucted, le terdbi a to Me �statedi )that he t] i x4t wornen ii# ould &7 Cho Weather W London to fiekar the' Rt, Rev. Arthur et of 9 te t Evoiy person asImItt the ueff Idenc 9 Aila (161g IgAsit iesak, carrying a 'bon - Grey, ffied'L 0�ftl Moada;y, e"Iglveni thej to vote. Ire thog:ht iBaker, of All.,sa 47. �Rev.'.-Mr. On Sund a;3 u rw e id limning, 04 'of the Pre-qmt SY181tera- It la elear. that 8th, from tll�. effect of. 'ot 0 ig, took 'Ur,,Fearls ideal and three. very,--pratitable '�s;ndj ilngram, Bishop of Old London, who the arm a, �jie ered the" Ur - hat -rrmhly a4va a'gev -would ac cue a iDke' b. ak v it lum mvivedli its day. it is lyatsi. ttiplt tat tho Imia - street chde.h.— 1h9JIrAUg:1serv1ce9 we're colKiduoted 'preached in St. Paurs church Tuesday. lor to tb' T f A 11vZ 1?8e nl%tl Pro- pa:ra 6Y voritism, partiality Dfteased waa; 61 earps .-�o tho iatittm I fial th,14 0 , strah a of the- AD Uide. H2 '11fle, 'breeder of -fa,� petv lee Mr. JldtW IFN.6mer: liaff retarned from a Mr. JidhPT LR, Clarke of New-'-Yok, �:-Mrs. W. -33. AlcImau has r6turned to xilarch jVlayed b V#1p to the North6st.. Ut; age, aind I U.ad IlLved.'kr Gi- was - igirantedi to romft. v =d Wrru 1B.6t the quedtion is: _ptlon. F xrme r an d 'It dv. D. Rdg I for over thIrty, lye —11-r. Andrew 14cott of Bay. lkrn,�. oky's tile rota in' Itob�,- 8ra nott ore, of Reafor. Ui. her home, after being away a number forth of oom� 'Glong sister 4 re weawwre willL da. Half riva:kk, g ovel ed to; -the rflv that In, Saskatch-, oria*j and ening and Xr,- Ragerg, Mist 1A ake Itis, place V No half a ta'an and. dau Clxfte delivered exedliett ' f weeks visit' I Ives and friends. lati6jas bei rrep measures ghter surtiv 3 Air Line. 'tracks on 4p to flyq Ing re at air Mr.- John. qft A -gust 26th, a *ed g �WA th6 F14ge i mr Bayham, w 'hi a 6waon have been tried again. and again and d tfW wh�at Jac -sof, Was *in London diningroom, wherethe tables aclertinized. )by Rev. C. X -1�ya P rOM1003 well—UrD. Prtadhed a, verT ImpresiAve. ',alad awailted ' thenL ifta-re fatled.L -Aar Thf) Expositor bas ley, at A of 1 Wk �g hto son, with 'a see- -N, J. Cla;rke, !moth vr of Mri. Miller J. Stru OtIve I in- ast week attending the exhibitilan. — with good - thi St. SAIn's chuireh P art Artlidi. hi agon -folio bad n%r- serm0n.W the afthrnoon. ll e little daughter of Air. Robt. Por- -EVeryLoue 1 'home 'In Berkeleyj the ervice rfield, who was -very ill,is recoverin -themselves t -Y efteettye, re- Mr. Alfr 0; a wem well atodded and- Mon. was spent tregiiently said the OW -White, died it hor done jsuaoie to OCT A. McLeam, m0iagefl iql Tow� escape the) ther Tha' Cal'Ifornia, on � AUiust 26th.- Dfteaaed greatly -med-F isA0 sweep the eaftre licensing the 13amk of 14amil-ton, Ca�ki6 appreciated. A10 h-, the )aicely.�Xr. W. Ho arth and chfiT. in mutic 'an so fatfief's tearn;i hal liafel-Y, bait N�ras 65 yewi-4 ial Nonverqe�iifter �Itl Ift sYstem out of exlet=-ce a one f ell Of was well weather. was a little: uInfivorable for 'en were in London ast Thursday.— which the happ, lef t was� married, to Miss Laurel Cijrb<�Iul j, West bound, Ni bad� freight atmek known fin a vl fow od the -�*O f aus drii - 'swoop- And in- Reu thereof let 0 ity, haNing lived the 1 supper wh:d eliteietatin n r. G. T. McKay and staff ha*e re- -or Wont evening t la Ina for the s60'and daughter_ of,, Mrs.. Vr-M. -the � wagov in� CI ge of the lbkXy a;rid Ita Farq :!, . q I intg I n n d po good Govern ment take the Whole liquorbdar 11)6uld, -of Goderh The � ci mtraOtl6g amwhe ier,. prior Kb�ilday evening, the thu!rdfi wa unled work on the Methodist church east. numerpus none t 3o, g P 8 were d It. The boly esebped alad one. to ig oing. Calif la. Deah was' cr6*ded 9M4, all- ell3d 'Q,e� heds.—Mr. K. White, Who was in e Costly h to*] 7Z -ndiiai. Let Parties were lbotit iormer I enits of 'ho, out of the 4ad ws tt yed the M -s 3 th I use -howlng tho4ig to $1001; kxes& Into their, own ha, them ibe the -sole =d only miellitm Wfin;ghwrm hrowml out caused by. ot. the brailn.— Inamsely...After, partaking 'of flie 'esteem wereign Bank here for some time, betw -in the yming colople een- -manufacturer and consarner an 1had td The k ed. P —A verY- al 4r. Davis 1t,,rd.1n0r tao hals been, f*V. Vul)por lug -the ibalsement Ith;A Crowd A performed his duties in a pleasing vrere heldL 00 tov oa at the Govern-m�6nt eata!blsh store3 ednventio -,helc e 0 CmUervalWm 00fi na. r4a"ger of -to hear t.& p Ing �actory since fillet the a11ditorlurd ,a was - : -t- in' 'i ob nec I n ed'Mr. A,. H. Dotcvain tot'. me 109 at a Its Incorporation andMr. gr4i mme. - Abmt - eight 'for the sale Gf liquor whorever. re- witli the fallme,*Lol�g of g X Zia `81 lt* W a n O'clock i .. ion qired, place these iatores Lmder the u're; 'but decided taot to I * ose Swiders lhaM illb�lct, 6 OPP lbean, apppled. n his.. Clarke took the Plaftorm nd. for Mthodist d RIO e�, ant G.�'V.- Grifigm,, phei tvr& k, And'i catntml of salarled. Government off bo wee.k-, Re*. H. W e;w M n ter- place.—Mr. Samueli Cudrnm,6, of Har- ke IneaXlY three holfre -carried Abs ai:udi- tfrs, Mr.' Gralfam and; 'Mr. � Pug! Lteyt Qfdle, !hag Imported wo,V6. Dor-set [ac &'ndJ Fro In -Loindon,15 -geratorbee I�A q icials, afid. let th� be mde -OnlY dine 61lairmain, of the 41 �tlr et '.6 - -,will."likel be elli t#,d by . acclamation. 1' %dsbeep 'to lb4. used f4 breeding til Ired laghtng �Ir. FO�OT�mISA--L.L In sealed packages and no liquor to W, S L 17 weral t pled the chair. :Addre p p MI Umtea0l, a, fairiner liv iin!,� a- ent prite —win, 0. Tho" vv be consumed ou the premL.3*. This bath school, wiork we give by Ite eie A1X­eNiVs and Clarke Is aspletadid, entertainer. The d midd 11 would -all-Ah'ate the 61ament of pri- 4bl6ut. hine rhilm r arth of Cokbourg, wk�r a� an 111f the shl ment'. nji econd J. L. Fod, �pf Lnckmlow; W,! IL F.- aceldfttallykillel last.Saturda;yn ght lbreed 18 a ptoeMds of -the] Ompper gmd the. SItbo- It; vate proftt It would Aqee the cm- of Drr er, a3elis 11 1 chi �iclnitil- .,aAd we bath amoun-ted olm K R to �boiat While eturntrig ibm�e, from town. His. U Vq sumption of Intexlants to a. that W. Cudblore. W � -be( isuc- $1K b mini- and othes. tood-[ frigm aufd ..ra ay� In* cessful with, hemi, mported, Directfrom 4. Cav- jinu �e6rl fillimg fima the lag Y� Mr. Urnieson.- t. Brahtf ord basis with I Owor f! wad It would pla-ca the� ho�tel —A rrrat' weddivg -Mlm Nf he fa�D busloess groper on a like _0h 'Wedinesday of la lini, Who w at tend Ist aught lul tb(I wheelo'vad wavxti�r- .(�bllegi k At ate In Bruckafteld. .6 dther bus!qlesa� special! privI1&ge-,g stftte" Md- *119wrote on turers.An G residence of 'Mr. -apa MM ril ffiwiigied. :35. isec I -Word ec At sp icX1 i Y stili J�et -0 kf IBM e w c vIsItbxg- her Ti �`Z the ree :1or 1 aving- Alon Notes.—Mtgs -Gertrude McGee 'is thle would e withdrawn from- all and fa- Howria, Goderl&4 Im I I , ont Ben eXamin wa"Wa r, slved-. fias.frecelvedi woro tha tism could bo' sbbwn, to 4ione- daughteri Isalbella Gihsoa- t e Saturda',y- tvienin passed cousin. Mr.! Pliteri of. thle by - With InOn'drEr In', consignm the WhLiah of the polit Pa;�tl6s will bride of ;Henrr Stevenson' a, r4 drowntVg Ontar�o of Rev. wrot�f cw�,: r dhe McGee, -on, th Mill ciad.—Mr. James -A. largel ent just recdv-ed inell nestXla;ga�ral Palls,, Cmt I Cyril Regliaald. Jamleson-1 6w� Of the Throtigh some ov, Iha�v -a the caurWa to take up s revAorril C E - 9 per cent. H. 0 tblak k[na I f o prerse v I app p The house wxg 'decked ft' us b* kViVwn ot th-e �rece�'�'t gr at 9 01 PUT .25 W. �a ..Which -was the linke, on the London., 1r11W1 =dBi adw4te;o wr I t e M amd white'aster r Pelebrated NA .13!and alb�t �75 Igu sts of the To to; 'bnlierkty. I iaPa, -a reasion., 'tier in ef Match rA*1 n onef the'early. made the Id no Mr. Jbht� Taylor, occasiou! a very wr imnate that a week a�gc Appear. on and Saxnla; brXach,. jiminy I -a I v� UA qatv!rday.. fie, the �118t Of 18accessf-OLl idadidates.— er ib yy, and O-Wgfit to seittlZrg of -Va#t �Waw=uish, aled on, bhe. Rev. jaweg, 1 lea A. And It'li his, wifel Wilk a sacqlp THE jBEP3 VALUE IN FadT i1ri d. Thei Northt, R'�Idi -YrId&T, September Oth. -Deceased kn �vapor the ot. ator W&V total- —Miss MUlle RdbkYsan, f London, an Ptro lb- f h r. a oatliftif -trip, on t4.0 ly de d 1, 'm native of Ireland amA,can-4., —R1qUaTd L91WnYsUir wel- of t1je at prgmeh, Rv - v eart Ile it pro*nt vtslt� er. yed y Y la19t Sun- formerly of here MOM_ ada, Whieft quite to supposed Ing to ou!6 village.—Quite T"efi e on e 0ang. In 1U9 he IM*wn' wid igbly !rdSp.60ted, a numter i i3l had to seek, t was united, In' nv�mla�ge to -Eliza, Tag- deoto of Bar -it Wawanosh, igin. T from 'here attended� the Ifteter fair. inevr-V Ng- 1*ad. The iboat *,-s 9 lost a ad he pety ptopert7 wdo�r6eECCtiy p Ure e ovc fr le.l by ..and on lgart, who ffurviva*tim. -10 lost wMn. a#- td a, 'trW etad, i8aturi LW were tW&PNOM16d. The -e ifferings of thet. W. A Taylor came thto the b*f, eayA.took GIbb1e.`Cm4p=y, �,f Hamil- Saerg .Tetiimea- t Fdr the Pa*t lew their X0 hup lot 36, concession uwst�-.. Wa... Wdtd't'0eP9r1n1A' tb,z operal� W.ea trip. 18at we6k, and Mr. Se tPAURZ' Th I&V de datOrmil i ed W"i -t gde cupted' W=0411, Xnd tho following spridg 'he aLed- eiftal -cond all( to try and reach OW Vlakit. - The coinpany wrei now ne- ers pulpit ou: SAb­ YMST DOOR XORTHAOF CKAR i; 1m: ng. H6 I ;g6tiatIgg- f or :wVs -of - brought lits wife and two �dhfldrev -to �n�Aln;g It. Went out WK of Pro- bath last. Tliok fukure n -to anloolot t6j! oell,, They perty. P� tear- 10n� m,6i W 4 u In their hose were day daughterg 4d&- Mier icvw3' !rftdbl- P efte on il SFAFORM:� boW. T1 to g; Q411 baM -44vet ONTARTO, -ou it iraw r ��Whleh. t6-, ift-tot 4 new 0400141r.— WheZ the counry was new, ana set- the w&7 stepped allsdde for *8 v! 'Agent for Gendron Baby go U4 ft he wals '1013t tOFUT Hodgett has. retixfte& fro ;W -- -at E f n17 L