The Huron Expositor, 1907-09-20, Page 1L - ------------- - — IOLII FURS. ND RNISH LSDJOW$ proved Sty ar hr - Good nmings things. u evr before fro Fath - t and gra d we have al- Operdng Day an the days bthg yoUr epresent new isb ew. Lawij $35O• e SiIk, 5O� i stocks are ' »a1Y iI eollectioxi ef ther plaids,, sive Tweed the seasons wJen aour in the way ets,, StyJish tS whieh en ifl ever,. esu tfDTJLONL ad—Ur fg veneered wthrItk be aic aery1ca ber€(v tO !IY afl D attn the iye- at )3russels. Gerry arrlyed •hoine last week tromi a YI�t- at Port W1UIam.—W o se PeteD Wax a1� again after a tok€ 01 s Ja Ba11a21tyi cLaug'i11i are awal Xrienda at Inrkip 2Ifl -Mrs (Dr.) Clelland, 01 and Mra CanbU, rer& here oii 8 ytIth (Dr) Holmes.—& ormer weli known jnall fetropUtaa Baik he7 znarriage cn o Mt Ent1y M aowIz. Pr}nea Edwartl I 1I nake thetz' bomB M fellah 1a t irne—Dr Grr rne frprn hI trlp tt* th irdayieveg.—� IL Niew Mexico ig reneW ces th tawn She Straeha —flT as bi empoye WIO e aid S� for the p$4 eared 1* Lp10u fr, Emba1?nz& AociatiOft met in rmtG ia t HigMandez regI Iiarnllton na beetn - fail fair ad ccmert aind 43 sQt:rAr RIArf ' Dis'pk Furs cind CIoth z ng a ing th:c Cor ofa NwC Frid 1 1at wa a ti h tc$y i Cava t1rp Th oGca1lon •w o Orbuaii c1u!ro 'Wh1C1I the,. rct g On. th oce p�Th oi 9thrp ayre FT1d&y bebi fI7 ftiwek, tI w .athr wa dolfg L€tnd.: e, a190 w ve the p eedthgs throug ttLe 'at 1ea1ng eer. chu1rchJ Is 1oge1' e the pk'eaent o e iiernetnt Js biocks air tlzo pr ef '1te brick. The - ftttd1 ttp iora abb ictuir ,00rn and the be fhn -hed. lIn- tb mat •mde rnwnner. The ethgre: ation are irnder vide t aiid 0 eIfice Hwrid w tie- 0 cdng're was. whtte tbe ine. '0 WL.Ch he j e 0'. OC w1 0 ' t e Our display of new Fall Fus and O1t very attractive that we want every inan and om oi visitor m Seaforth to see it. To buy or no o jio differenoe to us. We want you to oome i. artinent of onr stote is brixnfnl oi bright, fresi frain the hands of the niost noted manufaOturrs newness ready for your inspeotion, admiration r will greet jou at every turn. We'ro rroud of our toek and we ivant you to see it. ig 1880. resident makes very de es right - uturnn rij4oim, sjilendid e extend a speciat int'itation our Lady Friends Bieh Je1 Fwrs—Ban1dsomo Jvw 1 11 Coas Beautift2 .Fur Lined Coats — 1zth' Jackets - 2he Dependabie Rind-- Thfs. . Pa 8tyle of For Men Probably takes firs our �vercoa ftm1i irnmediate seasoti. coat moat worr, n and Most A.4!n! .8y Mos' ,1. eY T) L€€S CU(IT!D • It has an individaafi.by ali its own. that is always right. The faorios and Jrirnm inake an �verooat of eiegance that any man 7, 1O, ,12 up to !t [g uiar a AFOIE, F ' ID Y, EPTEIBER 2i1 ?r Rtnna fei f*rneiy 1 8 oupi� 01 urch rtg1me IUed oc1oek. cIog linvtted to • 8. 4'IW GyenIoc fle, aIe th,tedJ hat 0ti1ck 01 Gry, 4arly angregatkm we .pre wrth aape eoee' w ma4fly 01 thiei!r old f retIr8d fromI the ehiir* rs Oovcn1ock 1 thadi j veri k p]!aced her at11 la4vui at the 01 th iregatn for 'heir eveiIiug entrtat nn*.. Itt 1 wndea1 plaee �r alnI affair pf khitt The tb1e8 we 3preadJ derne&t,b 'the iad 01 t1i treee aiid iad been bou.n- Uully pv1ded u'ti er ocesL yIaind aind wr quicI17 8LIrrOufld ed IIy th nmltitijde y the time aJl had •eu.cceecled' 111 atfeJ!ng the thner lor, wbb eaug • iiTceiy. thjtiie time ut11 i1t dIa• trWri, e :re1den4e o fr iaper. r. a Mi. ;thber�o the nt U1I43 arn.y r2eted ienda A1 they •IetUtr dal 14n •0hucb; u - the Iay lthe thie ew gwtIon are the g4od ,ie• .epeoIa11y bie flr8t reallly d c$n tbat cay lttu.1. be at- .1arge, thid u!t were l•o •. iiterestrtg erected a- ircb 11diug. igu!red! C0Iflfl.t istrueture .wfll basemeint th . echool wnd �d-torIUtfl WflI- aproved and Iadlea 01 . the :aklng tbc I*,o- e luiads fYr tht iseate piUpIt, her uxin1shths. .. The bulldlng, cornpietecl.. wlfl .e one 01 he omplete azid. comortab1e .1ucb In th1 pairt d . the couintry 11 etaind a fitng emibiem. ot Iat!ai zeal and 1bera11ty oZttie ation. •The crr etone whicth £itithgty 11d ot Friday. le 01 matle, andi 1r plaeed pj . tbe t walI o the rbheaat cor- ttte i bears on j't 'boId rater tbe . year in Vhe erected. or1iia1 ersnic1n'y 1ay1g the wa • eoniienceJ abot. 2.80. The' .ev. Mr. C- flclateth Phe poeeed1Lnga were - tIie sthglng the one huln- psalrn atter! whh pa.yer ,wag •The a1rrriian t1 in aeat a44r - referred t th h1tory 01 the igr;: at1i airid cmiati14ed the pIe on thla �coaain r wblcb ther d semlbled The cotregat1ont was tabI ' undr the a1orate of the 1 1oln,a Thothn. a wa I11 rgainized lby tbe Presbytry oa - ust 1tJ 18-75, ifrVth a member- h1p .' 24 •wit ha Iice. 1nerea{ec1i t 16 The erectkffl t 'fl3e ptesen!t cbiurc was ccnimenced1 the sa.ine year aid t'ie 1rnUng was end wnd dedi- irnted yy- Bev Dr CaVar1l o Kox 0I1e- aftez'. wltoml the c4Jngrga- tIO .' a caied • on Ieceinber 26th,, 1875. • .r the 24 who fcrqed the Tc)ar ter rners 01 the co egaUon 17 1 o InOw suyiinThee -re Mrar drew Goye1n1oeI Mr and Mi Jath H1fleu Mr db31rt Calder, d G • ..: e Nebitt. PJe repor't 01 Ithe �jui was then rad 'b7 the eh.ir- man Th st seatr was con$ed 01 -si thbers O tftese Me?�ra • 1 • vetnloek Wn. Grleve, and 1L (1)o. a have deceased! and DavId 0anpeU ha removed1 and the e- nainIg • wo Mesers. 1 James Hilien Rbe t Calder ar2l still rnember, lth Alex. Quth!1L1, R�bert Gov - A chthald Somry.fleajndidani ompoe Vhs weeent sessIoi. - -- - t 01 . the SabIw achool was r$d 4y • r.T.DodIs aa'td I9ttoWed .that tI1 qhoo . was establlahed 'uiader the patr1ate 01 Rev.. Mr.( Tkibmsoia Mr. Anrer - e'veniock bMn the tlrst sup. • erI4tteide t and after( :jj dqwth the du.1Iesj w e assumed fby. M'r. Dodds who ias faith!uily aia4l eff1c1entLyfi1- ed th' i.sIti&i u'n1tll ti presenttime. Tha 4ep. t ot the. Lady ChUw.1 Wrkrs 1' ai read' ftr Mrs.JG.Grieve. mis oe1ty ha a mmbersbp 01 52 atit I dthg a sp1endd wark 1n the • egrgation. Ttvese reorLs and other ted wth The woik 01 tlie crc e eosIted Iin the Ibox whih was piaeed Ijn the t3orner tane. I'n ad1- tlotfr o 'thes th9 oha1rznan read a 1Is the dther daptt itn1tiaIn,g th 'v rlou.s cburct pae± aLnd pr1od- Ias, the etty dally pers, ha *a1 paier the citrret coIis 01 the.. raJm Vher. docu.maats lwhih may e Iintre ttxg to tutute gpnera.ttoms waen the. shaiI be re-ppeied. .W ever hat inay' be it Is m1n7 wbo witneged1 111 be on hand - eni read, a th ehdtn.g .. •rs Adtew Goven th o1.est ajnd' rzxvt ac th -'s gegatianE had! H$1i n1oc •thaink or ter f Iylrs. Govenloek wJ1c polt-c% i*r the toe CaIde preeetnted her ary . iver. trowel whi bed. Btii ttr. • Cald* wexe meirtbera (01 Caa chure both (st11I r1v1Iged1 - art it only in e89I1Ek. but . 10 th ehe '(,rork . o the co ,aJrt fr tha:proceedth. B1gk(1g an the bem audlence was - the 41.d churo.b near r1i.s (ocin fUIed alnd t 1-y inber who were n1kek Diqk T1ace • fr ths It's t'e it .want.:d. ed - n 18 p With tlis store it iaiway quality flrst and then the possible price at whch the garment oau be s$d. pleased to show yotL 1 * *11 1.11111 *11*111 NEW . FAIL 4341'S • • A very natty lot to ohoose from. artd aomething;to suit every faoe and fit evor All ho: ... 25c 50c 75c ........1. The G1IEIG CLOTI.JUF East Side Mam Street, oie door South Dorninion Bank,. - • :. -, SEAFQRT. ffighest rioe for Butter tuid Egg a coat •bino.to reoiate. loweat e'll be styles th -. 1aylng the c a( c ducted to t u.rpose, acco a1nderen M of Sea1(rth,wl - in' the -active tn wark aJn( d. the- H th4y hadJ done 80 O?taJt Mt. Iil1n rea 11101 likely- tat thee - proced- to eec then or ne w�rk na'y as cine 01 :lve member !bee glventhe orner etone.n 'the p1attsrn-1 npalnied . Johni B. Qiov- io acted fo'rjF.is duties pert1n- Ir: herai ation tsr Lmr3 er in se1ect1ng alnd p1eaiaidt a MI addres4 to a10 was de-. d Ifr. Bobort tth the 3tkn h wais suitib1y Hilien wnd Mr. 01 tbe t1r3 es- aind thaIare � -take he wrk 01 the nitection with ggwtion. PhIg s was 1o3ed by dlctlon. hon invlted to • y-.. Thia edlftce re was & good- • unab1 rc atrt mtsIoki. Tne - ctiurjh raa- neIy orateit wlth f1awexs or the occaa- • aI4m alnd. Its prettty ppea-rance thade e inio�t lcd hat wa3 A piiy to • dIca(rd It. }owever with. 't}i decgra- I4ZIs( rernoved it. Shos stgns 01 wear -. - latslde end oatalde whicb,JuSti- Xi he aetl�i! 01 'thd eolngregation tn d1inig the new anil more elegant confortaib1e edffl1ce., Here a very estthig prOgraa'me wais 1gven ating 01 congrata1altory addr- y the eve'xa1 clergy1nelr preaent Ecv. 1r. McNalb, 01 .Walton; Rev. Mr. Mr. Mr. .B. : - 01 EgmolndvLlla; Rev. le ot Lcside8lxro, aind Rev. t 01 Bruseel8, alao Mr. 1 M. P., tor South -Hurlon; Mr. W. - Kerr oI BrieIa aind M. Y. - McL-airi ot Seaforth. The chalrman a180 stated th.w1. he had 'recelved a Iett-r tron :r Arch.tbald. H1210p M. - P. . 8tatlung h!a regreL .at his iria- bilit to b pre9ent and enclo&ng a- - ‚; entrLbut!In. The rnu3tcal amrne was giv the cbotr, MIi Siipscir2 as ceomr ndly d1- Oui Men's 1 Watch 19QL ,Ve niike a PeCia1 study 01 thc wttch busiuess and by the- mmer we ie11 in a vear have a chance to know which is reliahle. 'We buy onr 7 BROS., pwusiiers a Tear in Ath'ance. ner ; Mn.iden',i 13lu1,, 3 iliherer. %Tn Fshcr ; Go]d- eu Rwi,..ti, 1' Treubner, i) 11auh ; th-it.nrio, F Treubnr \Vealty, Cariing 3c..s., F 1..rt.h Duohes Oldc•nburg, 11 U'.ieto ; Craubr3', carlinr Bros.: Reeominendcl, cab.shec apple, N b Uurdon; - Cr.tb appie, iLrs E Ilai&t-. Pears — Winte.r I'ear', A McPhersnn Fk-mih l3eauty, A Elcot, Mri ; Duchiss of An- joniine, John Gui, .Th.i Crich, sr.; Burs Glnirgeau. A kPhernn ; Clrpp's Irvorise, .A Ekoat, E ecir Bell Lucra.t.ivo, A DL!avit ; Sheldon, Tho Brock, ur., r)r Amo ; En -qt, 1)eurre, A 1)avtt ; Louiii Bonnk de Jev.5ey, Carling Dros., Thos Brock, sr.; Bur eu de Anjoii, Garing Bros., 11, ILieks ; 13az-titt, .Mrs Wick- - - . wire, Carlin Bros. meris wttcn from the i1giu 1 1'1ums--Wnshm1on, ,T T Mergain, A Elcoat ; I- peopie as a rdlitbie tmie- 1 perial Gnge, A Elcc'M ; Dn:ues i'nrph, ess Thy. kLLpeI, Lnd e wau nL it to c'c" trc (11' eusLozners asa good Ser- Ros & Taylor Co.; AbIlnclLTICC, Carliig Bros., Rbt vcea,jle vateh, in a ruckel 13o11 .Pond's Seedlin, H Hueton, Mrs 3 White scrcw case, stem wlncl ard rn1l Duke, !{os Taylor Co., Stephea Powcll 1 - - ,, ikss Sccdling, Carhn J3ros., Dr. Arno i3rausha. set. '. e il._(._. Ross & Taylor Go. 5. ?owell ; Rciii G1aude, A El- and. lower price&1. watches, .t. hut this one we specially Grape-Ccncord, M -s. McPhe•�i, - . Delaware, ? Hoarth ; Rogers' No. 1, N D Ilurdon; ID 1 . c. • - Rogers' No. 19, A MuPhorson ; Rog-rs' No. 1, U .Hneston ; any other variet.y, 0 M -mon, T Smtlle. 1'eaehc' - Early Crawford, Bios.; Lte Crawford, (3 Sbrocder ; any other variety, Weeks Bros., Ross & Taylor Go. Miscellaneous-Canneci frnit., E Rou(uer, .T Deul:er euliection of honey, 3 ilabe.-er,A Mci'hwron ; honay in eoinb, F Abbott, .3 3J'L,rur ; honcy m jar, A Mo- Phersou, .3 ilaberer ; hone nak wines, Mr' ,lnnCS Tom, Mk. N Tom ; bottled pkkks, Mrs Mcrhcrson, J Deaker ; cainied vegetables, 3 Decker, Mra Me- sbade01 evetrtg ha& 11en ' John • BuIgr nlnd as tia ytithtul mon forth ly 8UffiCiel1t tij '±rnish 'the nece4sary vewes ser, - - - iUuin1natix the ound were brght- Marrlage LLoeie 1ssued 11 ltghtedl 'by Ohlnese 4iind c$ther lau- ______________ _______________ t811n0 tha't. wiet ,darkneiss st in • the place looked( a1noat like airy lalnd while the. evenl*g was juist warrn nou1gn to nake ptVtlng ouIde 3 -addit1out was wals scree 0 rr.oat snjo7aJb]e. .A IarL also mado to tho au.dlc con1bg 01 mai Y0Ufl were inot ptsent in Hero agatn a'n 'exoolien'. mueical' ram.mo was 'g1vein the I.rodiagen baind bein.g- pi-es&nt anU laevaral ex.- eellent rnuslcai 1ectlonz and speehes t!IlIng up a. programnie wnich wa just qulte eough and n ton rnuch. Iu addIt1on to -se1eetlt13 cn •the.graim- ophzie by Rev. 'Mr. 'M N the inue- lca1 se1eetkxn were gi lowth.g: S&o MIs solo i1'rs. I,teredIth: ucO by 'th In- peop1e wbo te affer1o4Yn. en- by t fol- elen Be4ttte; lo. • Mr. Jobn Seotti; solo Boiy 1 .Wll1 s andi a. quar- t�Vte eatit1ed urj5e Hily Cit'y."( .A rec1tatIox was abso y iIee1y ;iven -by MIs MalggIe MCLa h1itr. Adcfres'. sas were a1cgIv y - . .Lr. haw Mr B 13 GU(M ,(and H •Ke PhI� eveinl n -rtUnmen wws ott-en iip u!nder ti1e usplces o the la.cliea 01 tb ioreg tkin and they dld 'VheIr part well they a1way do and left iotbFnJg idione tot tbe cmfort a'ndi etjtatn. ent1 01 thalr 1zrnmz0us 1 uelst�.. The jroceedIeg Iro lstart 'bo 1 In- ls1h w -ere pleaisagit and in every way sucoetu1 aaid must 1 : ve lbeer ex- ceedg1y grat1yj!Ig ts w?rtthy aind ea1ous patbr d is jeLe 'wad sijhlle arkIig wn'ther ad'aiiee etep - iinl th 1tttthy 01 tfhe egega- tlon na7 'be taklem as wn auguy ot the ucce and harzn. .y w.hich will Tat1 thetT' £utur frog ess. It 1hop- ed t 'hays the ehutcb eonp1ete' and ead7 lox' occu.paicy....j. -fore tte new ytar warded alt Vhs prlzes ia thts elass ex- cept 8rd lor yearliavg he$ier JiIcb went t4 3th N. Rtc1iffe and 2nd fr u11 cali, which wnt t A. Smitllie. . Jer80y.—Dest cow, tiot kw4, T. Brock, sr..; cn year old bter, T. Thock, sr.; heffer. calf, T. Bock, 3r. T. BrYck, er. • Gracles.—.kged. cow a two eai old helIex', T. Shaptoii & Son at and 2nd, L Biston; one 7ear o1U heller4- .WIn. Westcot't1, T. Sha.ptcYn & Seik 2nd alrid 8rd; 'helter: calt, A. IeOat, Jos. $elniYr. Butcbers' Cattle,—Two ear old eter, T. Siiapton & Son, 1t nd d, YJ'.. R'uge11; ct er o1d steer. T. RusaeU, P. Hauch .Wrn. estc�bt; tat ew or theI1er, XL &nith, T. Bus- sel; teer calt, A. flcoat, T. hptYn Judges—Jo3. .Atkisn Theibrstntth; L. Carneroln Midi W, 3 SHEFP. ScYutMoW1ns—MCIntC9h Broe took' alt p'rtzeB iin thts C1e2s SPtrQW—. Dunkin took • alt prIas thl this c1sa. L1oo)ais—Aged ram, Georei Pen- ha1e; ie1ln ra Ge Pen- ha1e and Pa'ul Mage, 1mb, G. Peln!hale ist wnd 2nd; aedI ewe, G. Petha1e, P. Made; slieatltng ewe, G. Penbale ist wnd1 2nd; ewe 1aiiTlt, P. Madge, G. Peha1e; shea'r1ng ewe, G. Peffhaie, P. Madge . Ieoester—Aged ram, 3. ta7 iist wnd 2nd; sbeai-1I'ng Nrain, B. B.ell lst alnd 2hd; ran 1amb 3. Ra'y4, £ El- ccat; aged ewe, R. Bell, Ra7; hr1i1ng ewe, B. Bell, 3. Ray; ewe lamb, 3. Ra7, A. EIeoat; pen J. Ray • R. Bell. - TRE EXER SHOW. - Fat Sheap—Fat ewe, P. G • 'Phe - Exeter Falt S.bow was hedj • -Speclal—DcYrset borned iheep, S Ou.d- the eapaelou8 g-rqtrnds 2n that tcIwn, on 1old iast, - Thesda o -cotn real .show. day. Ou were onee .rnre-fayor tsr 01 weather, . as da.y eu1d inot b desi' twanty years isee E*ter OEais ;had wet day tor 1t-ehor. As a quelnCe tbe socet 2as . pr�sjerd, and - alwalar put* • up , good: 1i»w. Thts year wa &,o e4ception. The crowd was large, the thaotjcjrnm- erou, -aind the( ihow as laily up to Vhs staindard. Tiere wee in01 qutte sO may rea ae arb ual1y eeen at Exeter, Ibuit 11 th e1asse were. weli [11ed', aind{ eomptitIon In sev- eral oIasees was yery( keem. I'n cat- tia, sheep andi swiie th fllne shw, athouh t was atot io keen a.s There were severaF a*eeps b7 Inli- o lindoor de- Lp to tite bet 01 qualit1yand eipLs arnount-' addttlon 1t a 01. 1ioii i'e- e to11owI'g Perha1e. • • - - 01 the oiety, • zn1cr�. y att& Theeday Juge—J T Gl'baon, fldertoii e, fbeth- tb.e PIGS. - Yorksb.ire—Charles lrarvey took alt ore de11gIttu.l the ir1es th thls class. d it i uet' Berkhtre—LawsOtni Broa. too alt .3 1 prI'es in' tbts elass except tor- eow 01 1907, 13. Douglas takbng ist WTId - - Tanwrth—D. Douglas to'ok aU ths ptIes th ths Ic1as e.xcept 3rd in youing ow Which -went to Lawoa OL Pige tr Packtng.—Best tbreE, tihas. Harvey D. Douglas. TG wa a ver,y LO petitiAfl e have seen, rIdual -exkiJibitor. T. partxa were fully sta11idar. both l pobit quant1t. The Igalte re his th 1, eact 1ts. P1 ed to $617 aind large nenbersh1: celved t1iree tick- 1'HE BIZB1 ILIST. • HORSES Heay Draught.—Bro foal, .Win. Oke;Wm. 8rd ; tai, S ki1er, 3 Oampbell; three year.- - eid1tng, T. Br0ck, Alex 7ea old Ilily or 1geldi dfltfe, 3. Thrt0n, R. 13 old Ilily or .ge1'1ig, 3. Dever, James Dearhlg Dixxn& Son. Jn DI Naulght. •• - - - Agrlcuitliral.--BrOod 1 paLZTled -by foa1 John Duincan, Alex. Butha B1reh, J. 11 Dulnca,n, ye oId tlUy �r - gei1 c11le, .W'm'. WItzel; 1 iiy1 cu'r geldllng, W 2nd B. E1stone one y geldlng, George Moir 1 E1*rth7; teain, JohLi • Gnera1 Purpose.—Bo fcial, JIm Bowc1tfe, m John Rowclitfe, A krnwn.; three year oiI Ilily or gel-d- bg John Delbrtdge, i. Roeder; two year �ld Ilily or geldbig, not klnown, Wri1r. Kerinick, Roeder; cYie year old Ilily or geldling, R. Bircit, Wm. Ke1nitk, E. Roeder; team, Ale±. Bu - mars, and eivilck 2n1 a.nd Duincan, John old 1 t1y or Turnibull; two ng, John' -Bat- Irdh; ne year - Dearing, .Win, team, Wm. nholrn, . Mc - mare, iambeU, ian; loa 7m. Ok's; thg, .W. ;wo 7ei Oke 1 alr oldi 11 et and 2 Decker. d marc t known - Hwrper, 3. R. ,R. three Bw- old t and !y or Ld, H. foal, !not chainan, A. 3., IWbert jr. • • • Jdges—Peter McGre NeIL McLaehia11t, Atlsa Ociur�, Lncain. Criage;—Br�od rna: H. ,Elworthy, D. Seb 4.i.c. '.mai. r.l an, J t(ecker, 0r, BrucIt1eld; Dralg, and John e, Wm. Wond. .ell.;. foal, fIl1 -.i. Diplorna—Pen! ot aflLibreed IL Deg - las 0. Harvey, Lawsn Br0. Judge—BItThard Dejbrldge fllxethr.- - POULPBY. l'liereon. Judie -H E Huston, Exeter. GRAIN AND SEEI)S. White fnll whcat, .1 K V,'i, 31 llrethonr ; rrd a1l 'rhcat,, : Brethour, .3 K ; spr;ig wleat, .1 K Wie. 31 Iretliour ; 6 rc.n'd harley, .1 11 Wi'e, Brcthoiir ; 3 rowe-d harlvv, J IC Wise, M Brethour large oats, .3 11 Wi.ti;coin1nou oats, .1 K 3'ise, 31 Brethour ; black OLtS, :tt Brethour, J K Wic ; tim- othy ccd. .1 11 Wise, 31 i3rethour ; fiax ec'I. .1 IC 31 I3ret-hour ; nicrahanlu's ficuur, 1Iarvey Bros.; white beane, Miss E Ferguson. 31 Brethou- : clover ,ced, .3 liarbouru, 31. Bret -hour eolleetion grain i' .3 K Wie, M J3rethour ; eris'iage corn, .1 0 Al- lisoii, Win Ker,iick spelts, .3 K Wi,c-, 31 Breth- our ; large pc -as, .3 K \\'isc, 31 l3relhour suaafl CaS, 31 J3rethour, .3 K Wiie. Jucl-ge--- •'n I-larciing, 11eter. VEGETABLES. I'oLat-oes---Beauty of He1no, 0 Selirooder ; Peari of Savoy, Thos Broek, ji, Tho Brock, sr. Enpire State, J ehroeder, Thos Brock, sr.; Becl Ekphcnt, - -.r_ t,... r..t ..-- 1 til late i the (evening. The Tres-dit be ,glvem xt we • Meto1st Diatrlct eathig. The September fi!naflCIal meetin' lor Vhs thodit onurhaa hi dieli dlstiet, was heId. lr Onta street atrh, 0Itntm, on T11eda.1 taat wesk, R0v4 Itfr Ha.em, eJ31a mai. nrs1i. • Misonary meeUngs were lelt ros ly to 1cciI e:r1.-a7igement, 'wlth the e ceptic'n ot Seaorth., which is to held oa Decextoer 8th, with 0.- 13 Durraait, HoImesviUe; D. RogC1' 131yth; A. E. Jnc, Dungannon; C R. Dux?MIt, Bor.mlller December 8th, D. Rogers, Aubur.n; Noventhe.-1*tb., G. 11. Hazt, W.alton; ]Jc-oember lSth, 13; Rogeirs. 111 reter'ence to EducaUonal neot'- i!flgi, they were lelt to local arr,ng- rncnts, axi Proh.tbition, Temperance, and Moral Reform. Rey. IL MlIIiard a'nd Mr. 3. H. }&11 Ilan, wlth the cha1rrnan ot the di- trlct, wl3re appoLitsd a cornmlttec to visit wel.k circulta, with a v1ev '01 lncr2-aBi:flg their c.pproriatiorL oj n-tiinisterial support. A corrrmii'nication was receiv d troim thc secttax-y ot the Union Chirch Reliel FU.III, slaUng 'UL'e arnount t� ho raised. by eaeh eircuit in the cli srIct in orde.r to wind up th& Indbtednea ot theFlxnd. 11 was rosolved to accc; the reeQlmnelidatton, and ask the - quarter1 boarda to aecuiesc and en:- deavOr a lar. as poesible to rais'e the ainou.nta leyied thfs confre1ice 'year. The lollowiing rc-solutton- waa paea- ed: .Whcreaa, tlie a'nnuai Contetenc has very heartlly parsed a. reso1atton endcrs1ng the forward min'vement af tite Educatio'nal Society, which in'ca.ns- an -enlarged Income, be it teo1ved .1. I,ueaur ; ..z,a,,:lL i, 'nu 'wi4uu1 , .,, , that w'e, tli0 rnmber's 01 the distriet Rural New Yorkrrq (3 Sehroeder, Thos Broek, er.; meetbTg, - 111117 appr-sclatii' g the wo'rk Lnylet3 ssDgnnn, hene ot this sxiety, nrore to do our bca Anderiion. 0 Manson; fall ahbage, 1. Day. r. • L t) lacreaie t1i 1 und in ha.rmony w1t Vhs reqwist ot 'the -secretary 01 Edu- catkrn. • The toliowing resolution wa pCe- ed unaniniousl'y In can-s1deratk ol the distinet !benetit's to. be dcrtT: ed lr.nW the acloptloin of the Loca 1. Day ji-.; blood heets, Q Auderson, 1 Cott)o ; globe beets, (4 Andrson -Thos Srnale ; sugar bects, y ]ow, .3 De'_ring tarigo1cls, 11 Sanders, .3 1)ecker, W Kcrriek giobe inangolds, L Da sr., R S'lvders, L Day jr.; jntcrmediates, W Kerniek, R Sanders, Wm Forci ; c-arly horn earruts, T Smak., A Dvitt.; NnLes CiLrrOts, (3 Anderson, L Day jr.; long orange or red carrot -s, 3 Cottie, 0 Sehrocder ; whitc or yeflow hall earros, (i Sehrceder, J Deckcr;sveet corn, .3 Dearing, W I3awden ; fndlan corn, Wm Bawden, J Dearing ; water rneloiis, D Hugh; pu;r.pkins, 0 Anderson, It Sanders; niusk melous. R Sandert., 1' Hogart.h ; Sweed turnips; .1 Decker, E Rocder, Wni Kernick ; any variety turnips, J Day i-., 13 Dy jr.; cauliower, L Day jr., G Aiiderson ; red ouions, 0 Birney, 3 Gottle ; white or yellow orions, 0 Bii-ny, .1 Cottle ; tomatoes, L Day sr., T Snialo ; cciery, 14 Day ar., 0 Andc-rson ; citrons, J Dearing, R Sanders; parlinips, 'W Kerniek, J Oottle ; Hubbard sqiash, 1 Day sr., G Anclerson ; table squash, 0 Anderson, R Saiiders aollection of egetab1es, (3 Anderson, L Day jr. Specials, vegetable 0 der, T Suiale ; vege. table sqish, L Day jr.; vege' Je niniro-, [4 Day sr. Jndge-Atnos Doupe, Kirlst-oi,. DAUIY PR01)UCT. Fivelb. butter, .3 Jacke]i, .T iiohon, W Tlerniek, .3 Dc-eker ; ten Ibs. butt.er, R Kidd, 1? MeTatg-art, .3 Deck-er pound rolls, in pi-ints, 5 pounde, 3 Hnrton, It Kidd, Rcv Mr Fear, P Mc'L'aggart. Specir.I-ueat- )v arraned plat -e of 'nutter for tabia use, .J iicrton,R K'idd, 1" Hoge.rth ; chcese, przvate niake, 1 11 l%'ise. MANUFACTU1tES. Dornestie cloLh, 3iies lirethour; flannel. :LI1 WOOl, .3 K Wise ; hoine inade horse blunket,Mss Ilrcthour. M Brethonr ; domest;io cottoii war,), woolien wcft. Mise Bretbour ; se' ing machuis, 5 3iaitin, isI aiid Cnd ; organ, 8 3iart1; s(uffcd birds, tiifed sinc'c last yar, A MePherc'u ; barrel 01 flne .1t, D Mill hjrrel of saI for packiiig purpos.', 1) Mill ; factory 1,lankets, .3 A Stcwart ; tvrcedr, ,inv zuahe, .1 A Stewart ; ainglc harnes, \Vn Beer ; douhie 1mrnes, P l":,;nc ; Ir.dies' boots, 0 Marsoz ; g.iit' boois, 0 Mr_nson ; Curcd hain, ?iiss Dinan, Dr Swec- ; col- Ieetinn tailors' goode uid furnie'nings, ,J 4S. Stcwart, let and nd ; iuillkery, .3 A Steat., :.t and ud groceries, .3 4 Stewarr, lst anci 2;d ; boots aijd .3 A Stewarr, let and 2nd ; r'ari)tntar wok, Ross & Taylor Go.; hakers' hrad, E A Yoilick, lel and 2nd ; ii.ancl nade eool or shoe, 0 3Ta'iaon. Jndges---J 0 ,loiies arid W Trevit-1., Eetci. rnm ARTS.. Oil palnting, londseape1 Wm Esiery, R ieks oiI painting, figure, 3.1r F Wikwire, N D Hnrdou; oil parnt!ng frtut r fiowers Mos Wickwwe Byron Hicke; water oolor, 1andeape, N 1) Hnrdon, .3 G b orest, wct,er color, figure, also fralt and floers, and also Ruron eonnty eenery,.3 ‚0Forst; pyro- graph, 3(3 Forcet, J A Stewart; orayon sr pastelto, Goldsn remi11ed Hamburgs W Ca.:- 1 R Kudd, Msss Dignau, pencl sketeh, 0 Ht3y'ood, cl Hou.dans teri ai nd, ebieke W. Calrter, Qeo irwbi, Misceilaneoua-G Anderson took all the prirea WhIte Orested bla.ck Po1and ch1eis G tlus claes IrwIin, Orphlrrtons 13 takths it FLOWEILS amd Bnd, elncks ( Ma.non, IT.rvey John C3ottule took all the zes in ths dlass - ---- - .---- .t..i,--. - GUT FLOWEES. m WLsL(. .L15UJLlL1 '.LW.fl • .4. Hieks let auid Znd; wMte Legborns 1 Petunlas. Jolni Oottle; drornmondl, .3 Cottle, Rev - - Fear; glndiolas, Dr Am�S, Geo lcLc&1 ; zennise, .3 rose eomb, W Oa.rter, chleka, W jottIe 0 MeLeod basket eut fioers, Dr Arnos, Oarter, ibutf IegJnais, L B88'- anuuais, .3 Cottle, Dr Ano, dahhas, standard, John lile - • dis1n T .. . Oottle; dablias,boquet Oeo McLeod; pansios, Di- - $ Ainos, G Sehroeder , Gernian neters, sock colleUaon lbiack n*itircas, - G. .W. Irwin;ehIeks, yrbenas, .3 Oottle, Dr Anxs; eingl&psbunias,.3 H. ±J.LCICS .LS1 a4nn nu; UYtF 1 ''" w -r F Judgeg-Dr Browrnng and W D Weeks, E%eter. 'vYJ WJW4 -'4,-.'-'J ' '2!.' '" i __ WO'.K (1 1hoVl i t-tV11T(t( 1 1 ,.. ' gcarpeb,cotton,MrsJTom.JKWIse;hooked whlte W721n.doUtes, W. Wfr, re ivat Mise Johns John Mole aewed rag reat, Hieke, chicJw, B Hicke, 13 B.owclrtf Mrsa 3 Torn, , arn iiat, itt's Wolla'ii gildon v'yatidottee, B. k*9,ywocfll; liea.vy soek, 3Iiss Brethour, Mrs 1' TrueJner; 1150 ,,, ,-s aji ,nn1, MrWollard cotton stoekins. Mirs E Fer. CIUC1$, IJ. XWWU1k1J., UUt W ies'wool'mitbs, Mies N ¶IOIU, .3 E E Hywood, 11Iit brama Carllrtg L,e' ilk nntes Mrs Wollard inen s wool Br08.; da.ric ibr . W. Irwbn oin. M1sPerguson meia'swoo1goves,Mm hnrred t1vmjnth roek CarbrBrwi • .1 E j;1;t ;bks, Cariiijij V WISO - Hoearth: (.,flP..t1OIJ tuttod couriterpa'ic-, .3 Hogarth, Mies let aInd 2nd ; wh.tte pIyrnor.h rockB. Brcthonr; dilk quilt, Mys Woliarcl. Miss Ferguson G. .W. Irwl(n let a.nd 2nd ; balI rock; ec,ttor c'ilt, 0 Northcott -o, T.iv'de Johns; cloth qnilt 13. RowclIffe, G. W- IrWI1n; chlcks, 13. iIii(I aIoog cabin quiit1 M.i,i Toin, Mre Tain; wo1 RowclItte, Haryey Bros;; irult twh- 1!na. G.. .W. ir.win; chicks. G. 1 win: 1angshans. G.. .W. Irwir , uuaiu , J4i iLLL -'...3, --,..• ... iV- Ir- holes, Mr' Wollnrci, Mrs Tola ; t.able nintS ?iliss 31 • i1- Brooks, Mr Wickwire ; doyli&, Mrs lllewett, Dr - . - . - •. . . .- Swpet nlltow shaIne. John Decker ; fnncy bag, Mi.s ver grey dorkl!n� ana CfllCl(5, . •W Brnoks, MiRJ Browh ; Jaundry bn, Mis Ferguson; IrwIi lst and 2nd; b. b. rec game, pin cushion, Miss Tom Mrs .3 Wknt.e ; ofa pillow, not known, G. W. Irwiti; any otii.er Missi3rown, Mrs Wiekwire, Oarling Broe; whisk v.rIetv rve. G W Irw[l'i b1k holder, Mrs 30 St-arhury, Miss Brethuur; faney riov- - ' - ' ' eIGy, ilIss Tom, Mis Brook ; knituted allpuers Mr8 red gaine bantams, 5. BafikervLlle, - E. Wollard, J K WI',e; nrochcted '1ipoers, Mis Brocks ScaelI ; chtcks, 5. Bwskerville ; duck- Mrs Wailard ; child's dress, CarIhj Bros, Mr -s North - wing ba-ntarn's, G. Maritha1; eh111s, Q cottc ; Isies', undercthirig, hand maile, Mise - ' • • - - irooks , lasies n.-ulern.othing. iaehine ,irnde, 31sC Y1arsLw.L1 , .ain.'y uLlLer va.rLei.3 oan- Blewett ; night slurt, Mise Bi-ethour, Mise }'erguson; tams, aind cnieka, W. uarter let ami child's couen atghan, Mies Dignan ; tea cosy, Miss Znd; silvsr apangli'd h.a,rnburgs, and Tom, Mis fllewctt; Iur,eb searf, Mrs Knight, Car- & 1. w c' i • hng Eros ; hand&ccrchiefs, Mies Brooks, Mrs. Biewetit; - 1.. • J. 17 1 £ ease for handkerchief&, Mrs White, Mrs Blewett ;ern- ptincillcd nantburgs and chicks,.W. broidered centre piece, Mrui Woilard, Mks Brown Carter lat aind 2-ncl; .golden spa-ngled entre piece, Gar&ing Bros, Mi,s Brown ; bir wait, itunbui-gs, .W. Cater; biack ham- hnre'. W. Carter lst aind r.d; s'iver £.,1 ;j: idotte, 3. Si; 1 h1cks patri wdd; irecl ne turk nointeroohet Jaee, Mise i3roolcs; eroe. :ridge wyanddVte, :E• H03' iace,MFcrgsOflMibsTOfl1BtttflbUrik; capa, .WIn. Bawden ; aljio MrsJ 3hiller, Mrs Knightu; i3razilian laes, Mrs Wol- e\rs voung and old ; bre- 1 1,..- 4L.. flr.v..r, - fattirw Th Thr 5.eat, : heavv .Wn. niaa-t geeae, Wtm Carter cicks, W. geld- a.rter, 1' EogartkL, Pekitn duek, G 1111g, 3 Hielop, E W.1per, .k Ears- W Irwitn, B Sandrs, Mcc G W krne, twO year old 11ly or g1dbig, Irwltn, W Ba.*dn, Boun duck, Win Elli�tt, D Schl'iell, Jonn Hsy, W Oarter lat aind Znd, ciick, W Bc1r, jr,; col1ectin1 plgeon*, G. Mar- hsJ1, '] Brek Jr. ; Be1gia1ni rabblti% G arsha11, Karv BrXs, lop-eafed rabbitg,J Siior, G Mar,3ha11 , a'iy otIl- er -varlety 01 rabbits, -Wrn. Carter 8. BlaokweU ; gtztinea 'pige, W. Garer. Judge,—W. McLeod, Londn. jr. olne 'ear o1d Ilily or igeld Schnell, John Deibrtd-e; teanv, Watiker, J. Bently, Bowe & Atli slungle crr1age, A1 0ayton, Cudnx5, Wni. Bachal$iairi. BcIadst's3.—BrOod nare, 3. jr., T. NFcsyth, W J. pecker, Jt-, TN.Fo den; three ear old A. Daymain; tw 7-- ,ge11II1g, A. Elcoat, Batider; cxn year ol 1tg, H. Elwcirthy, A. • e1 team, kThlni Dec ree, EgMi. Bro 3. MeNaiiht�u, 3. ]r • mati; lady drlyer, • McNe1, Mis Ba.wd�n. ge-BdI WI • Bav'dem; an7 oVher variety duaka, T. •g, 13. CLias. 1nscyti; dward ecker, Bawd; foal yyth, .WB8W- Ily or dlug, r 014 tflly or Ew11, E. flily it 'geld- leoat, •wr, Wit- jr., 3. Far- n:le roadater, I1OBT1CU149U1LU' I'R0DU0Ti. Apples --Winter apples, F Treubner ; fall ippies, 1" Treuhiier, N J) rturdon ; wir.ter applss any -ariety, E Roeder, Mrs F Truehner fall appIc', any variet, E Roeder; Greanings, P McThggart, F Truebner Norihern Spiei, E Itoeder, 1" Tniebner ; Roxboro Ru.sets, 'Wla Fieber, R YelIcw ; Iwiiis, 1) Haugh, U .T,.ru'. - 'eidfleh1 Seek-uo-Fnrther, A Dayman nd, - W. Chap- Fihe&-, (3 Sehroeder; Oraveneteins, H Elilott, M1!s iiueston :Pippins, A Elcoab ; Co1viri3, E 1loeder, 11 Jonc's; Kirigof Totnpkins, 1P.oeder, 1' MeTaggart; Mexanders, W Fiher. Mrn F Ti-eubner; Oanadian Refer, M Brcthonr; RiLston Pipp!ns, D IweiiflP, 31 &ilter: Wagnars, 31 Sa1ti-, F Treub- ner; Grimes (3 ripins, F. Tre ubner, Mx -a F Treub. •OtIi or'ts 1r41 tit opsr4 *11ccesstd 31 tO ex the bi'euru hrwork,3fmWl&Itt,MisSBrOwn ; fine' thrc-ad work, Mrs MiIler, Mr White sereen work, Mrs Blewett, Mrs Woliard ; braid work, Mrs Gregory, Ivrs White ; wooi erochet- work, Mise Broake ; under - waist, F I3ogurh, Miss Brooks ; Norweglan embroid- ery, MrsJ Dacker jr., Mrs Milier ; bead work, Mise Gregory. Mies Fcrgusori ; erors stiteh, Dr Sweet-, Mrs Wollard ; enbroidery on silk, atin or wool, Mrs WolIard, Mis Brecho'ir ; cottou un&broidei-y, Mr4 Wol!ard, Carlirig Bros; cut work, Mra Wtckwirc, Miss Brooks ; pp1iql1e einhroidery, Miss Gregory, Mrs WolIard ; ribhoi embroidery, Muse Erethour Mou!lt Mdlick work Mre Wol!ard, Mrs Wickwire ; 0riethl embroudery, Mrs Wollard ; (.,ueen .me darn- ing, Mrs \Yollard, 3ii Brethour ; woi-k bv .womcn over 70, Wickwire, Mis Blewett ; haud ewirig. Mis Blewett Mis Fisher, Mrs Tom ; colleetion ladies' work, Mrs Biewelt, Mis McPherson, Mis Northeotte; largest eollectioa Idies' sork, MLn Ton, Mis Tom hand painted sofa piiio';, Miss L)inan, Mies North- cot.te ; speeials, sofa pillow, E hetidy ; iueert eni- broidery, Cathng I3rcs. Jud»es-Mrs E Dougles, Ecetcr; Mise .3 Baflan- tyue, 'arq'ha ; Mrs A 1Iat,ings, Eieter. CHILDitias'c W0K. rrned stoekings, D Hugh; erochet. work in wool, 7. KictIl ; pa!I1tin1, iu D fturdo3 ; beat dressed doll, doll's c1othe and. iancy pin caehion, D linugi. The pdg o�itta wers well fIiiod d eent was 1"wiy o'.ti- 1 .WC ii01 £ it 'UI-' 1 Mid tha aityi 1»ealittee id1ere it is i eny&neIng 'us thalt it i1 eroreed, though w d -- or .gre,t regret 01 t1e tku'ee-1tths m$ jirity ddimad ax1st, makhag it d fIcult tot scure 'the paae ot t la -w lIn' o mlflnties whtch are en on1ttc to the hquor trft1 dst, we desire 110 expr es In the Loea Ojtio. Uly cenimeni j t t pfrt eur peop1e -hi th- in 1tituexich; enaLgnis na' In futu. Ibe earied on. - Tus l4lowllng are tbe ints 11 are exptctd td be aiged Itoward t eyera,1 1 ftkin4s pectfle& 1 cirurchesl � Uhe tirealt:— - Thion Super- Clureb 555131* Relief ation 1 1oc1eri<lL orth et $2 80 $U7 Goderieb, ictoraa st 1425 80 Clmton, Wes1ey 1000 05 Ohntori, Oxatario t 1786 08 Seafortli 10,00 83 Holmesvflie BIyth1. Dnnganioi NiIe Benmiflr Auburn. Wa1tn Londesi*rO Bayfieldl Varn. 12.35 57 14.25 70 14.25 66 12. i1 1L40 40 81- i0.2 42 15.81 74 10.4 41 1.35 80 —An avent probaDly uniquc jIl WC orn Cainad.t occtrrred n Edinon whtn tfle .wite 01 Dr. Robertaon. Ih.at cicj, prese'ntc-d him with ru.plets, two hoys and iytr -giris. of them a.r !Ivkg and ''eU.. Tbe are now elght chllth'en In the 1am11 inc1udth. two pairs ot twin.a-. —C1ariCo, the 11 yeaJ old cn Jaines Hazae', ot 5trathzoy, cit w it pecaiiar aceidsit last .Wedneada - Id hand.ing sorne mo'rtey he put a 2t. ceunt p1eie in his mouth w.titcb -tuck in hLs throat. Dr. Bcrday r;5qii - ly ca11el aind relieved tite llttis low ot tUs uif-3rLtgs. --TIi.o writ sxrcterbig a. new elec t the Erockville ccinstituency i.i of the r.;ignatian Hon. lIr. iocai hou.� The day, th: wlU taka itii... - —Bob gIneer coIIlsic.ri on tbe .Wab: Cayuga, on Friday mornag. ;were �i a. light cngine. OvtLng tog, thriy cUd inot se'e that they oyertabng a treLght. ThQ-. et was t wn clI tho track and cars -- -. dera!ied arud da.miaged. —Bu. 13edfard, ot TharnevUiC, a son p1 G.eorge Bedc-rd, tbiresher, re- caived fatal in3uries lr�rn whith tie died 1ou hour� atterward last Thuts- day mon1ng. Th/3 thrc-hthg outllt - was pr'ceedtng along tiie )ighwa7 near tite iorav1antown road. fleea -ed was - r1dig on Vhs rear 01 the tra tion engine, W1n E1t enly th'e 11 wfteeI :1,i,, wnd hittk ed cansc -rtdLng qr igiria eac y -ear o:ic —The - sioners- .WLnchei.t (etrlke n 'that o aind u.i. charg rn1m( big ol work el criine p.t nature rt GaJ.amof1ij-Ie4 wais iue th .�t tion day 1l1e4 f bit., *d.tt prae Eillott d g BI1Xrd !e ever re 1ytht. 1wue LLth opite *d I aad uu*?1 !4eport p1 the u1ya1 0TflTfl taekeete Kthg auri r, �ontc$ 1at pr1ztg operatorE were overwotr ta.ld itt adttiou to de at The tnie 1 Vhs ea,y e Mul t 1eg. 'oi ornSff at . I thts kind i 'te nwi- a, law, as tt ;1t., itt regM'di to Theiss b the comnr5 reomnte th laws appl ot to 0- 01 comm cnn rop* obtatied b teigra'p3 -oer- tOrr 0.1 1C1&i� 1138 to co'r te1ephon3s copati1e !4!lIe tab1 latb p1 1k nt 01 a. ruaieziV cmp1o7 ee tO tt1 4